this is sample matrix ppe as supporting document in hseFull description
IAS 16Full description
Personal Summary of IAS 16 PPEFull description
Full description
HSE Department PPE AUDIT CHECKLIST Auditor Name: _____ ________ _______ ________ _______ ___
______ ______
Audit Performed Performed by _____________________________ Supervisor: ______________________ CRITEREA
A. Personal Protectie Protectie E!"ipment #PPE$ #PPE$ Pro%ram Pro%ram
Have Hazard Assessment completed and documented Are PPE selection based upon Hazard Assessment Are using ANSI standard PPE Have raining completed and documented &. E'e an( )ace Protection
Are eye and face protection appropriate to t!e !azard used" Are side protectors used #!ere flying ob$ects !azards are found" C. Hea( Protection
Hard !ats used #!ere t!ere is t!e potential for !ead in$ury from falling falling ob$ects ob$ec ts Hard !ats used #!ere t!ere is a potential for !ead in$ury from e%posed electrical conductors
Are t!e Safety s!oes appropriate for protection from falling or rolling ob$ects" Are t!e Safety s!oes appropriate for protection from ob$ects piercing piercing t!e sole Are t!e Safety s!oes appropriate for protection from e%posed electrical conductors E. Han( Protection
Is !and protection appropriate to t!e !azard" ). Ot*er Relate( Relate ( Iss"es
Are appropriate PPE available available for !ot #or& 'e(g() cutting) cu tting) #elding) #elding) brazing*" brazing*" +lot!ing +lot!ing and s!oes #orn appropriate for tas&s being performed performed Are barricades used #!ere appropriate"