Salah satu materi dari mata kuliah Sosiologi Desain, dengan pembahasan tentang Power dan bagaimana relasinya dengan kehidupan sosial maupun desain komunikasi visualFull description
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Throughout history military power has been paramount and economic power a luxury. This has slowly changed to the point that the two roles have been reversed. Japan, China and even the United…Full description
Health for life series. Workouts for forearmsFull description
Descripción: Simulacion en power world
espero q sirva herramienta direccional powerdrive
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Diktat Zen Power (reiki, vajra, gTummo Master)Full description
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Descripción: modding
Transformer basics, construction (very detailed) and aplicationFull description
Speaking with authority, clarity and convictionFull description
Dr Belgrano Seminario - Neuroeducación y su Impacto en el AulaDescripción completa
Whether in infrastructure systems, industry or households, transformers always play a key role in the reliable transmission and distribution of power. The construction, rated power, volta…Descripción completa
power plant,boilers,types of boilers
Mi objetivo con este libro es compartir contigo un gran número de importantes técnicas que yo he encontrado muy útiles para crear una nueva realidad. En El Poder de la Mente en el Siglo XX…Descripción completa
Descripción: Testing power swing with Omicron
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Afunje – Which one of my friends call call African Curry, Curry, is what some people call the love potion, they are quite easy to prepare, but most Afunje(s) are administered inside the food. Afunje actually means what is iven to eat, so it is ta!en inside. "his sort of charm is used on someone you are close to inmost cases your lover or whoever for your own personal reasons. "his is used to secure your love or increase the love your fellow has for you or to ma!e him # her stay with you forever or even to have total control over your lover (yes$). Afunje is ood. %ome of the inredients include finer nails, toe nails, hair from the head, arm pit and the private part etc. An incantation from from an afunje formula formula oes thus& '!ana wo won !o!o mowo tifi dojo !u ni '!ana 'se won !o!o mese tifi dojo !uni marlene ebert& "ranslation& "ranslation& "he finer nails stic!s to the finer till the day of death "he toe nails stic! to the toes till the day of death. "hen you end it with* so so and so must stic! with me forever. forever. Afunje is ood and itit is reat power, power, do do not misuse it. it. A person that is iven iven afunje could become a fool for you or ma!e him act li!e one+s servant or slave and will nod at very word you spea! to him, some of them are so terrible that it could even turn the person into an imbecile, so be careful. marlene ebert& %ome believe that Afunje(s) are the most powerful love formulas around, and would say yes -cos it+s the most direct way of a dministerin your charm and it mies with the fellow+s system fast. /ut would also say that there are other formulas that are just as powerful.