Celebration Series
Inspire Inspire the the desire to aspire. “ The revised edition of the Celebration Series® has been selected with great care, and comprises the most comprehensive graded series of basic piano repertoire available.” Marvin Blickenstaff, Board President Frances Clark Center for Keyboard Pedagogy
Celebration Series Perspectives®
Student Workbooks
Level 1 to 10
Preparatory to Level 8
✔ ✔
In traditional and contemporary contemporary styles. Companion books to the Piano Repertoire Repertoire books
In addition to technique building, the Etudes pieces can be used for recitals, competitions, or for enjoyment
✔ ✔
Companion books to the Piano Repertoire Repertoire books Discovery learning through t hrough a variety of activities
Hands-on writing and creative exercises to encourage musical appreciation
Answer Book for Student Workbooks
Compact Discs
An indispensable indispensable companion to the Student Workbooks (Preparatory to 8)
Preparatory to Level 10
Reliable and representative interpretations of every selection in the Piano Repertoire and Piano Etudes books. Etudes books.
A useful, convenient, and time saving resource for teachers and parents
An invaluable resource resource for style-appropr style-appropriate iate performance practice
Handbook for Teachers ✔ Written
by three of of North America’s America’s leading piano pedagogues— Cathy Albergo, Albergo, Reid Alexander, Alexander, and Marvin Blickenstaff ✔ Provides a detailed discussion of all of the pieces in the Piano Repertoire Repertoire and Piano Etudes books Etudes books
Celebration Series Perspectives®
Student Workbooks
Level 1 to 10
Preparatory to Level 8
✔ ✔
In traditional and contemporary contemporary styles. Companion books to the Piano Repertoire Repertoire books
In addition to technique building, the Etudes pieces can be used for recitals, competitions, or for enjoyment
✔ ✔
Companion books to the Piano Repertoire Repertoire books Discovery learning through t hrough a variety of activities
Hands-on writing and creative exercises to encourage musical appreciation
Answer Book for Student Workbooks
Compact Discs
An indispensable indispensable companion to the Student Workbooks (Preparatory to 8)
Preparatory to Level 10
Reliable and representative interpretations of every selection in the Piano Repertoire and Piano Etudes books. Etudes books.
A useful, convenient, and time saving resource for teachers and parents
An invaluable resource resource for style-appropr style-appropriate iate performance practice
Handbook for Teachers ✔ Written
by three of of North America’s America’s leading piano pedagogues— Cathy Albergo, Albergo, Reid Alexander, Alexander, and Marvin Blickenstaff ✔ Provides a detailed discussion of all of the pieces in the Piano Repertoire Repertoire and Piano Etudes books Etudes books
Contents Contents
Celebration Series Perspectives ® Introduction to
Celebration Series Perspectives®
Handbook for Teachers Preparatory Level
Piano Repertoire
Student Workbook
Level 1
Handbook for Teachers Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes
Level 2
Student Workbook Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes Student Workbook Level 3
Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes Student Workbook Handbook for Teachers Level 4
Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes
Level 5
Student Workbook Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes Student Workbook
Minuetto, op. 37, lesson 2 Jumping Jacks Polka, op. 39, no. 2 The Tired Turtle Express Sparklers Olie the Goalie The Tired Turtle Express Sparklers Sparklers Arioso in F Major Mist Gremlins Where Did the Sun Sun Go? Sur le pont d’Avignon Study in C Major, op. 17, no. 6 Celebration Mist Entrée in A Minor Madrigal Penguins Jazz Invention No. 1 Jazz Invention No. 2 Scherzo, op. 39, no. 12 Study in A Minor Entrée in A Minor Madrigal Harlequinade Sonatina in G Major (First Movement) Echoes of November Play Witches and Wizards Wizards The Village Band Sonatina in G Major: First Movem vement Witches and Wizards Wizards March in D Major, BWV Anh. 122 Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI:9 (Third Movement: Scherzo) Dreamcatcher The Wild Horseman, op. 68, no. 8 Nocturne The Wagtail, op. 100, no. 11 Bike Ride Dreamcatcher Gigue in D Major Sonatina in A Minor, Minor, op. 214, no. 4 Scamp The Lake, op. 42, no. 9 Skipping Rope Supernova Sonatina in A Minor, Minor, op. 214, no. 4
Hook, J. Markow, Markow, A. Kabalevsky, D. Donkin, C. Niamath, L. Chatman, S. Donkin, C. Niamath, L. Niamath, L. Türk, D.G. Poole, C. Paterson, L. Markow, Markow, A. arr. P. Gallant Le Couppey, F. Crosby, A. Poole, C. Anon. Bonis, M. Niamath, L. Gallant, P. Gallant, P. Kabalevsky, D. Kadosa, P. Anon. Bonis, M. Krebs, J.L. attr. L. van Beethoven Chatman, S. Bartók, B. Donkin, C. Carroll, W. attr. L. van Beethoven Donkin, C. Bach, C.P.E. Haydn, F.J. Crosby, A. Schumann, R. Sheftel, P. Burgmüller, J.F. Reubart, D. Crosby, A. Kirnberger, J.P. Gurlitt, C. Norton, C. Rowley, A. Gnesina, Y.F. Telfer, N. Gurlitt, C.
3 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 13 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 14 14 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 16
Celebration Series Perspectives ® Level 6
Piano Repertoire
Little Prelude in E Minor BWV 941 Sonata in A Minor Winter Scene Valse miniature op. 10, no. 10 Dance The Gear Wheels of a Watch Valse miniature op. 10, no. 10 Little Prelude in E Minor BWV 941 Suite No. 8 in G Major, HWV 441(Fourth Movement: Aria) Sonatina in C Major, op. 36, no. 3 (First Movement)
Bach, J.S. Cimarosa, D. Gillock, W.L. Rebikov, V.I. Shostakovich, D. Nakada, Y. Rebikov, V.I. Bach, J.S. Handel, G.F. Clementi, M.
18 18 18 19 19 19 19 18 20 20
Chatman, S.
Sérénade sur l’eau
Ibert, J.
Feelin’ Good
Bonsor, B.
Piano Etudes
Mechanical Toy Elegie, op. 77, no. 2
Previn, A. Hofmann, H.
20 20
Student Workbook Piano Repertoire
Katherine Invention No. 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 Sonatina in A Major, op. 59, no. 1 (Second Movement)
Chatman, S. Bach, J.S. Kuhlau, F.
21 22 22
Prelude, op. 43, no. 1
Glière, R.
Petite litanies de Jésus / Little Litanies of Jesus
Grovlez, G.
Jazz Exercise No. 2
Peterson, O.
Piano Etudes
Jane’s Song Toccatina, op. 95, no. 12
Norton, C. Takács, J.
23 23
Student Workbook
Prelude, op. 43, no. 1 Sonata in F Minor, L 187 / K 481 Fantasia in D Minor, K 397 (385g)
Glière, R. Scarlatti, D. Mozart, W.A.
22 24 24
Decadent Sentimental Song
Manzano, M.
Impromptu, op. 142, no. 2
Schubert, F.
Ocean Vista
Henderson, R.W.
Romance sans paroles, op. 17, no. 3
Fauré, G.
Piano Etudes
Scherzo, op. 19, no. 2 Study in E Minor, book 1, no. 2
Gade, N. Cramer, J.B.
24 24
Piano Repertoire
Prelude and Fugue in E Flat Major, BWV 876 Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:33
Bach, J.S. Haydn, F.J.
26 26
Nocturne in F sharp Major, op. 15, no. 2
Chopin, F.
Arabesque No. 1
Debussy, C.
Rondó sobre temas infantiles argentinos / Rondo on Argentine Children’s Folk Tunes Bagatelle, op. 6, no. 5 By the Mountain Torrent, op. 37, no. 2
Ginastera, A.
Bartók, B. Hofmann, H.
27 27
Piano Etudes Student Workbook Handbook for Teachers Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Piano Repertoire
Piano Repertoire
Piano Etudes Student Workbooks Repertoire List
28 29
Introduction to Celebration Series Perspectives®
Celebration Series Perspectives ® ke nstaf f g o, R eid A lexa nder, a nd Mar vi n B lic ber l y A h Cat y b s cher Tea r o ok f dbo A n excerpt f rom t he Han ® se nt compositio ns especia l ly s uited pre ks boo s ude es Et tiv ec rsp Pe s Celebration Serie tec h niq ue a nd m usica lit y re le va nt t he ng ldi ui b r o f ® its n i ng ki ctives is breat hta Celebration Series Perspe h le ve l. St udent W orkbooks a nd eac of ire erto rep he t to rd boa y vie w of ke y to 8 ), as scope, prese nti ng a ka leidoscopic o ver espo ndi ng Ans wer Book (Preparator corr he t no Pia d ade r g he T es. series, m usic f rom t he last f o ur ce nt uri o utsta ndi ng recordi ng s of t he e ntire t he as l l we to y ntar e lem e y l e nt of Re pertoire boo ks e ncompass ear b le to assist i n t he st ud y a nd e n jo ym la vai a are y l l u ef car a es pris ad va nced le ve ls. T he repertoire com itio n, t his compre he nsi ve Handbook add n I c. usi m he t l, ica lass C ue, q aro se lected g ro upi ng of pieces f rom t he B in va l ua b le pedag og ica l reso urce. n a is s cher Tea r o f o Pian . ods st y le peri R oma ntic, 20t h-, a nd 21st-ce nt ur y
There are eleven levels in Celebration Series Perspectives® Preparatory Level: appropriate for students who have completed one to two years of study Levels 1, 2, and 3: late elementary through early intermediate Levels 4, 5, and 6: intermediate through late intermediate Levels 7 and 8: late intermediate to early advanced Levels 9 and 10: advanced recital repertoire • • • • •
Piano Repertoire
Preparatory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Piano Etudes
Student Workbooks
Compact Discs
Teacher Resources
Handbook for Answer Book Teachers for Student Workbooks
Piano Repertoire The pieces in each Piano Repertoire book (except Preparatory) are divided into several lists, according to stylistic period. Level Levels 1–2
List A Baroque and Classical Repertoire
List B 20th- and 21st- century Repertoire
List C Inventions
Levels 3–5 Level 6
Baroque Repertoire
Level 7
Baroque Repertoire
Classical and Classicalstyle Repertoire Classical and Classicalstyle Repertoire Classical Repertoire
Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire Romantic and 20th-century Repertoire Romantic and 20th-century Repertoire
Level 8
Baroque Repertoire
Classical Repertoire
Romantic Repertoire
Level 9
Baroque Repertoire
Classical Repertoire
Romantic Repertoire
Level 10
Works of J.S. Bach
Classical Sonatas
Romantic Repertoire
Baroque Repertoire
List D
List E
Post-Romantic and 20thcentury Repertoire Post-Romantic, 20th-, and 21st-century Repertoire Post-Romantic and Early 20th Century Repertoire
20th-century Repertoire
Introduction to Celebration Series Perspectives®
Piano Etudes
Answer Book for Student Workbooks
The ten Piano Etudes books contain numerous etude-like selections and some character pieces that address specific technical challenges.
The Answer Book for Student Workbooks is an indispensable companion to the Student Workbooks. Teachers and parents will find the Answer Book to be a useful, convenient, and time-saving resource.
Each piece has a technical focus that is described in the table of contents, and can be used as preparation for similar compositions in the Repertoire books. Each level includes works that can be used effectively as technique builders, recital or competition pieces, and for enjoyment.
Student Workbooks The nine Student Workbooks in Celebration Series Perspectives® are companion volumes to the Piano Repertoire books for the Preparatory Level through Level 8. They are written for the student, using language and music terminology appropriate for students at each level. For each piece, the student’s interest and intellect are engaged through an approach of discovery learning: relevant historical and theoretical discussion and hands-on writing and creative activities lead the student to an understanding of the ess ence of the music. The discussions cover a wide range of topics, including: biography and style form and analysis harmony and texture rhythmic preparation dynamics and articulation ornamentation •
Compact Discs The recordings offer representative interpretations of the complete works from the Piano Repertoire (Preparatory Level through Level 10) and Piano Etudes (Levels 1 through 10) of Celebration Series Perspectives®. The recordings may be used by students as a reli able reference and inspiration for a polished performance. Teachers will find these professional recordings an invaluable resource for style-period performance practice.
Handbook for Teachers The Handbook for Teachers is a comprehensive teaching aid that draws together the Piano Repertoire and Piano Etudes books, the Student Workbooks, and the recordings, and organizes t he material for optimum use in the teaching studio. In addition to a detailed discussion of each composition in the Piano Repertoire and Piano Etudes books, the Handbook for Teachers also includes suggestions for presenting and teaching Celebration Series Perspectives ® from start to finish.
• • • • •
The Student Workbooks may be incorporated into the lesson or used for at-home enrichment study. Recognizing different learning styles, the authors have included a variety of activities—aural, visual, and kinesthetic.
“Celebration Series Perspectives® offers a thoughtfully chosen, attractive grouping of piano works for students of all types. The accompanying Handbook for Teachers and Student Workbooks are creative and informative, providing insights and approaches that will help deepen a student’s understanding about music and about practicing. Celebration Series Perspectives® is a resource that no piano teacher should be without!”
Dr. David Sharpe
Senior Adjudicator, College of Adjudicators
Handbook for Teachers Written by three of North America’s leading piano pedagogues—Cathy Albergo, Reid Alexander, and Marvin Blickenstaff—the Handbook for Teachers is a comprehensive teaching resource that provides a detailed discussion of all of t he pieces in the Piano Repertoire and Piano Etudes books. Teachers will also appreciate: sequencing by difficulty of pieces in each level useful and insightful practice suggestions thorough score exploration for each piece creative activities for students • • • •
Preparatory Level Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Preparatory Level Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Sparklers Linda Niamath Key: C sharp major
Meter: 8
Form: binary
Imagine Canada Day, the Fourth of July, or any festive holiday celebration where children and adults enjoy sparklers. These fireworks are bright and flashy and they burn quickly. The sound goal of this piece is a legato but steady RH melody over a crisp and clear staccato LH ostinato pattern with vibrant dynamic contrasts. Ask your student to keep the tempo steady from start to finish. Presentation •
Label the key and form. Ask your student to play the LH in m. 1. What is the LH chord? [C sharp major] Which notes of the C sharp five-finger pattern are played in the cluster? [all but E sharp] Explore the RH melody. Does it stay within the C sharp major five-finger pattern? [yes] Shadow-play HS on the closed keyboard cover, focusing on fingering and touch (legato vs. staccato)
Practice Assignment •
Encourage your student to warm up with the C sharp major five-finger pattern. Practice HT in four-measure units, first slowly and then gradually faster as you become more secure. Find the four-measure question (mm. 1–4) and the answer (mm. 5–8).
From the Handbook for Teachers
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Witches and Wizards Christine Donkin Picture a dark and stormy night with winds swirling as witches and wizards glide through the air. This piece can be quickly learned and memorized (almost magically!) if practiced in sections. Have your student block and discover the patterns of each section. Encourage memorization of the sections as they are practiced. Witch no. 1 appears in mm. 1–4: Block the LH D minor chords and RH 3rds in mm. 1–2. Discover the RH switch in m. 3 to notes previously played by the LH. Identify the five-finger pattern formed by the LH descending notes in mm. 3–5. [G minor] • • •
Witch no. 2 appears in mm. 5–8: Name the key of this section. [G minor] Measures 5–6 are a transposition of mm. 1–2. Describe what happens in mm. 7–8. [ascending broken chords] •
Wizard no. 1 arrives in mm. 9–14: Find the crossed-hand patterns. The RH plays a repeated G minor fragment for five measures followed by a descending scale pattern. What function does the descending scale pattern serve? [it facilitates the return to D minor] Notice that both LH voices use the notes C sharp, D, and E, but in reverse order! [the lower notes ascend; the upper notes descend] • •
Witch no. 1 returns in mm. 15–18: Is this appearance the same as mm. 1–4? [yes] •
Wizard no. 2 arrives in mm. 19–21 to conclude the piece: Why is this section a wizard and not a witch? [it is a variant of the crossed-hand pattern presented by Wizard no. 1] A descending scale passage effectively ends the piece in D minor. •
Emphasize the 8 time signature by feeling two beats per measure using the accents and crossed-hand notes to mark the beats. Your student will need to listen for steady, even eighth notes as you gradually increase the tempo to reflect the spirit of this piece. Follow the mf and p dynamics, the accents, and the poco rit. along with the pedal to help the audience hear the contrasts of these witches and wizards! From the Handbook for Teachers
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level 6
Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Little Prelude in E Minor, BWV 941 Johann Sebastian Bach This Little Prelude was originally from a manuscript collection of six preludes assembled by the German organist Johann Peter Kellner (1705–1772). The BWV numbers are 939–943 and 999. The latter, 999, was a prelude originally composed for lute and transcribed for keyboard. This composition has two main points for discussion with your student: the opening arpeggiated figure which occurs throughout • the continual suspensions and resolutions present in the upper soprano and alto voices •
Suspensions are extremely expressive moments and it may help to imagine singers or instruments holding the sound. Help your student locate the suspensions [mm. 3–4, 4–5, 5–6, 6–7, and 7–8] including the double suspension in mm. 5–6. [alto and soprano moving together!] Find each occurrence of the RH broken arpeggio figure from m. 1 including inversions and transpositions. [LH m. 3, LH m. 5 (inverted), LH m. 7 (transposed to G major)] As the initial presentation of this figure in m. 1 begins with a rest, remember in subsequent presentations to separate the arpeggio figure from preceding downbeat eighth notes.
The mid-point of this prelude cadences in the relative key of G major. [m. 11] How did Bach reach G major? The F natural in m. 7 begins the process by setting up the dominant 7th [G7] of C. [C major is IV in G], which begins the traditional cadence of IV–V7–I in G at mm. 10–11. Explore how the musical material in the second half of the prelude. [mm. 11–22] relates to m. 1: • • •
Melodic fragments are often preceded by a rest. Arpeggio fragments or related zigzag shapes are still used. The opening RH melody appears in the bass [m. 20] to end the piece.
Note Bach’s use of the Picardy 3rd (G sharp) in the final measure.
The following practice steps will be helpful: • As two- or three-voice counterpoint is used throughout, it will help to play individual voices and then pairs of voices, perhaps in the form of a student-teacher duet. • Block harmonies when possible, noting the harmonic movement. In most measures there is only one chord. • To practice the demanding rhythm of m. 21, tap a duple vs. triple rhythm HT. Next, divide the upper two voices between the hands.
From the Handbook for Teachers
Level 6 Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level 8 Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level 8 Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level � Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level �� Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Level �� Celebration Series Perspectives ®
Student Workbooks
Built on the principles of discovery learning, the Student Workbooks accompany the Piano Repertoire books and offer students an engaging and thorough learning experience. Activities include hands-on writing and creative exercises, historical and theoretical discussions, and opportunities to reinforce music terminology. The Student Workbooks address a wide range of topics including: biography and style form and analysis harmony and texture rhythmic preparation dynamics and articulation ornamentation
Benefits for the Student and Teacher For the Student •
Interest and intellect are engaged through a discovery learning approach. Relevant historical and theoretical discussions use language and music terminology appropriate for each level. Hands-on writing and creative experiences deepen the student’s understanding of music.
• • • • • •
For the Teacher •
• •
Exercises may be incorporated into the lesson or used for at-home enrichment study. Practice tips will motivate students. The Workbooks act as a teaching aid by highlighting potential problem areas in each piece and offering innovative solutions.
Creative Exercise
Repertoire List Piano Repertoire Preparatory Piano Repertoire The Tired Turtle Express ......................... Donkin, C. Halloween Pranks ...................................... Berlin, B. Youthful Happiness................................... Türk, D.G. A 16th-Century March.......... Palmer, W./Lethco, A. An Argument .................................................. Last, J. Singin’ the Blues ......................................... Pearce, E. Jumping Jacks .......................................... Markow, A. Polka, op. 39, no. 2 ........................... Kabalevsky, D. Aeolian Lullaby ......................................... Hansen, J. Birthday Morning................................. Coulthard, J. Bouncing on My Bed .................................. Crosby, A. Minuetto, op. 37, lesson 2 ............................ Hook, J. Broken Music Box ................................. Chatman, S. Lady Moon .................................. Freeman Olson, L. The Path of the Ping-Pong Ball ................ Donkin, C. Arietta in C Major, op. 42, no. 5. ......... Clementi, M. Birding................................................... Chatman, S. Struttin’ .................................................... Norton, C. Old MacDonald Had a Farm ................ arr. B. Berlin Sakura................................................. arr. P. Gallant Chimes ....................................................... Sheftel, P. Playful Puppy......................................... Niamath, L. To Fly Like an Eagle .................................. Crosby, A. First Waltz, op. 89, no. 5 .................. Kabalevsky, D. Sad Feelings.............................................. Türk, D.G. A Carefree Fellow..................................... Türk, D.G. Starfish at Night ........................................ Crosby, A. On a Greek Island .............................. Mrozinski, M. By the Mill Pond .............................................. Last, J. Sparklers ................................................ Niamath, L. Olie the Goalie ...................................... Chatman, S. Piano Repertoire 1 Minuet in G Major ............................ attr. F.J. Haydn Andante in G Minor .......................... Telemann, G.P. Arioso in F Major..................................... Türk, D.G. Minuet in D Major, T460 ........................... Clarke, J. Minuet in C Major, op. 38, no. 4........... Hässler, J.W. Bourrée in D Minor .............................. Graupner, C. Minuet in A Minor..................................... Krieger, J. Aria in F Major, BWV Anh. 131 ................ Bach, J.C. Burlesque in G Major ....................................... Anon. Minuet in F Major, K 2 ........................ Mozart, W.A. Gremlins ................................................ Paterson, L. The Bronze Bear ........................................... Adair, Y. Dream Journey........................................ Donkin, C. Folk Song ............................................. Schnittke, A. Spooks ......................................................... Poole, C. Silly Argument ...................................... Chatman, S. Robots ....................................................... Crosby, A. A Starry Night........................................... Taranta, I. Hide and Seek ........................................ Niamath, L.
The Flea ..................................................... Bonis, M. Crafty Card Tricks .................................. Donkin, C. Duet for One ............................................ Norton, C. The Jolly Fiddler, op. 41, no. 5 ...................... Frid, G. Square Dance.......................................... Reubart, D. The Alligator ........................................... Krausas, V. “Croc” the Curmudgeon ............................. Gallant, P. Mist............................................................. Poole, C. On the Right Lines .................................... Norton, C. March, op. 39, no. 10 ........................ Kabalevsky, D. The Snake ........................................ Christopher, R. Carol in Canon ......................................... Norton, C. A Ball ................................................... Garztecka, I. Where Did the Sun Go?........................... Markow, A. Sur le pont d’Avignon / On the Bridge at Avignon ............... arr. P. Gallant She’s Like the Swallow........................... arr. D. Duke Teapot Invention...................................... Markow, A. Piano Repertoire 2 Entrée in A Minor............................................. Anon. Écossaise in G Major, WoO 23 ..... Beethoven, L. van Menuetto I in C Major......................... Mozart, W.A. Impertinence, HWV 494 ...................... Handel, G.F. Allegretto in C Major............................... Neefe, C.G. Minuet in B Minor ..................................... Krebs, J.L. Menuet en rondeau ............................... Rameau, J.P. Gavotte in C Major, op. 12, no. 2.............. Arnold, S. Minuetto II in F Minor, H 196/2............. Bach, C.P.E. A Cheerful Spirit ...................................... Türk, D.G. The Banshee’s Ball ..................................... Crosby, A. March of the Goblins .................................. Berlin, B. Skeleton Dance............................................ Telfer, N. Autumn Leaves....................................... Niamath, L. The Clock.................................................. Garscia, J. Sailing by Moonlight ........................................ Last, J. A Little Song, op. 27, no. 2 ................ Kabalevsky, D. Rag Time.................................................. Norton, C. The Mouse in the Coal Bin .......................... Poole, C. Madrigal .................................................... Bonis, M. Penguins ................................................. Niamath, L. Faraway Regions ...................................... Szelényi, I. The Silent Moon .......................................... Telfer, N. Mazurka ............................................... Berkovich, I. So Long, See You Tomorrow ..................... Nakada, Y. Turkish Bazaar................................... Mrozinski, M. The Argument ................................ McKinnon, G.A. Invention in A Minor ............................... Silvester, F. Invention in C Major ........................ Christopher, R. Moderato in C Major, op. 38, no. 5. ...... Hässler, J.W. Petit canon No. 2 .............................. Champagne, C. Canon ....................................................... Gurlitt, C. Jazz Invention No. 1.................................. Gallant, P. Jazz Invention No. 2.................................. Gallant, P.
Piano Repertoire 3 Bourrée in D Major ........................... Kirnberger, J.P. Gavotte in G Major, HWV 491 ............. Handel, G.F. Harlequinade ............................................ Krebs, J.L. Musette in D Major, BWV Anh. 126 ....attr. J.S. Bach Minuet in G Major, BWV Anh. 114 ......... Petzold, C. Hornpipe in B flat Major, Z T683. ............ Purcell, H. Andantino in A Major, op. 38, no. 31 ... Hässler, J.W. Sonatina in G Major First Movement Second Movement. .......... attr. L. van Beethoven Menuetto in F Major ........................... Mozart, W.A.
Sonatina in C Major, op. 36, no. 1 First Movement Second Movement Third Movement ............................ Clementi, M. Sonatina in C Major, op. 36, no. 20. ........ Gedike, A. Coconut Rag............................................. Norton, C.
After the Ball, op. 98, no. 13 ....... Grechaninov, A.T. The Song of Twilight ................................. Nakada, Y. The Elegant Toreador ............................ Bernstein, S. Douce amie/Sweet Friend ........................... Bonis, M. Play........................................................... Bartók, B. The Sleeping Dragon ................................... Telfer, N. Clowns, op. 39, no. 20 ...................... Kabalevsky, D. Echoes of November .............................. Chatman, S. White Sand .............................................. Norton, C. The Haunted Castle .................................... Berlin, B. Morning Prayer, op. 39, no. 1 ........ Tchaikovsky, P.I. Funny Puppy............................................. Crosby, A. Yes Sir! .................................................... Crawley, C. Piano Repertoire 4 Air in D Minor, HWV 461 .................... Handel, G.F. Fantasia in E Minor, TWV 33:21, 3rd section .................................. Telemann, G.P. March in D Major, BWV Anh. 122 ........ Bach, C.P.E. Minuet in D Minor, BWV Anh. 132 ..... attr. J.S. Bach Rigadoon in A Minor ................................. Babell, W. Allegretto in E Minor, op. 38, no. 24 ..... Hässler, J.W. Sonatina in B flat Major, op. 4, no. 8 ........ Wesley, S. Sonata in F Major, Hob. XVI:9 Third Movement: Scherzo ................ Haydn, F.J. Sonatina in G Major, op. 36, no. 2 Third Movement ............................ Clementi, M. German Song ........................................... Türk, D.G. Sonatina in F Major, op. 168, no. 1 First Movement ................................. Diabelli, A. Sonatina ................................................. Melartin, E. Dancing on the Green................................ Gurlitt, C. Dreamcatcher ........................................... Crosby, A. The Wild Horseman, op. 68, no. 8. .... Schumann, R. Nocturne .................................................... Sheftel, P. Play It Again ............................................ Norton, C. A Winter Melody...................................... Nakada, Y. Children’s Game........................................ Bartók, B.
Mélodie ................................................. Tansman, A. The Rooster Crows ....................................... Papp, L. Monkeys in the Tree ................................... Berlin, B. Happy Meeting, op. 119, no. 15... Grechaninov, A.T. Fable, op. 21, no. 3 ............................ Muczynski, R. Changing Bars.......................................... Szelényi, I. Barcarole ..................................................... Duke, D. Thinguma Jig........................................... Reubart, D. Chastushka, op. 89, no. 25 ............... Kabalevsky, D. Piano Repertoire 5 Gigue in D Major .............................. Kirnberger, J.P. Allemande in G Minor BWV 836 ............... Bach, J.S. Passepied in D Major ............................ Dieupart, C. Verso in E Minor ........................................ Zipoli, D. Fantasia in C Major TWV 33:14.......Telemann, G.P. Bourrée in G Minor ............................... Stölzel, G.H. Little Prelude in C Major BWV 939 ........... Bach, J.S. Allegretto in F Major ............................... Bach, J.C.F. Divertimento in G Major Hob. XVI:8 Third Movement Fourth Movement ............................. Haydn, F.J.
Sonatina in F Major First Movement Second Movement: Rondo attr. L. van Beethoven Sonatina in A Minor, op. 214, no. 4 First Movement Second Movement Third Movement ................................. Gurlitt, C. The Lake, op. 42, no. 9 ............................ Rowley, A.
Cha-Cha ................................................... Merath, S. Grandmother’s Song, op. 27, no. 10 ................................................... Volkmann, F.R. Waltz, op. 12, no. 2 .................................... Grieg, E. Jig .........................................................Archer, V. Little March .............................................. Kenins, T. Postlude (à la Shostakovich) op. 7, no. 6 .... Fiala, G. Star Gazing.......................................... Coulthard, J. Sounding the Accordion .............................. Takács, J. When Rivers Flowed on Mars...................... Telfer, N. Arabesque, op. 6, no. 2 ........................ Karganov, G. A Slow Waltz, op. 39, no. 23 ............ Kabalevsky, D. Jest.........................................................Bartók, B. Romance ............................................ Kuzmenko, L. Melancholy Reflections .................... Schoenmehl, M. Scamp ...................................................... Norton, C. Piano Repertoire 6 Les Carillons ..................................... Kirnberger, J.P. Burlesca in D Major .................................. Krebs, J.L. Aria .................................................. Telemann, G.P. Minuet in G Minor ................................ Stölzel, G.H. Scherzo in C Major.................................. Bach, J.C.F. Toccata in C Minor......................... de Seixas, J.A.C. Little Prelude in E Minor BWV 941 ........... Bach, J.S. Sonatina in G Major, op. 214, no. 3 First Movement ................................... Gurlitt, C.
Repertoire List Sonata in A Minor................................ Cimarosa, D. Sonatina in G Major, op. 20, no. 1 First Movement ................................ Dussek, J.L. Sonatina in E flat Major, op. 4, no. 7 ........ Wesley, S. Sonatina in D Major, op. 12, no. 1 First Movement ...................................... Hook, J. Sonata in G Major Second Movement: Romance ............. Rosetti, A. Sonatina in C Major, op. 20, no. 1 First Movement ................................... Kuhlau, F. Divertimento in G Major, Hob. XVI:G1 First Movement ................................. Haydn, F.J. Winter Scene ........................................ Gillock, W.L. Bright Orange.............................................. Starer, R. A Tale, op. 62, no. 3 ....................... Scharwenka, X. Waltz in A Minor, op. 124, no. 4. ....... Schumann, R. Song of the Cavalry, op. 27, no. 29 .... Kabalevsky, D. For Susanna Kyle ................................. Bernstein, L. Arietta, op. 12, no. 1 .................................. Grieg, E. Prayer, op. 43, no. 2 .................................. Glière, R. Cancan....................................................... Finch, D. Fantasy ....................................................... Telfer, N. On the Lake, op. 77, no. 12 ................. Hofmann, H. Valse miniature op. 10, no. 10 .............. Rebikov, V.I. Childhood–Spring ...................................... Fibich, Z. An Ancient Tale............................................. Filtz, B. Hungarian Dance......................................... Papp, L. Roundup ................................................... Previn, A. Piano Repertoire 7 Sonatina No. 4 in B flat Major Third Movement ................................. Krebs, J.L. Suite No. 8 in G Major, HWV 441 Fourth Movement: Aria .................. Handel, G.F. Suite in G Major, op. 1, no. 1 Eleventh Movement .......................... Fiocco, J.H. Solo in F Major, TWV 32:4 Second Movement: Bourrée ....... Telemann, G.P. Sonata in E Minor, Wq 62/12, H 66 Third Movement: Sarabande. .......... Bach, C.P.E. Invention No. 1 in C Major, BWV 772 ....... Bach, J.S. Passepied in D Major ........................ Kirnberger, J.P. Sonatina in C Major, op. 36, no. 3 First Movement .............................. Clementi, M. Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVII: D1 Third Movement: Finale ................... Haydn, F.J. Für Elise, WoO 59 ....................... Beethoven, L. van Sonatina in C Major, op. 55, no. 3 First Movement ................................... Kuhlau, F. Sonatina No. 5 in D Major First Movement ................................... Storace, S. Bagatelle, op. 119, no. 1 ............... Beethoven, L. van Arietta, op. 43, no. 7 .................................. Glière, R. Venetian Boat Song, op. 30, no. 6 .. Mendelssohn, F. Waltz .................................................... Rebikov, V.I. Go to Sleep! op. 77, no. 9 ..................... Hofmann, H. Waltz ................................................... Kossenko, V.
First Sorrow, op. 149, no. 6 ..................... Godard, B. Prelude in E Minor, op. 28, no. 4 ............. Chopin, F. A Joke........................................................ Gallant, P. Moonlight Mood ................................... Gillock, W.L. Our Little Garden .................................... Rybicki, F. Pentatonic Tune......................................... Bartók, B. Prayer of the Matador .......................... dello Joio, N. Lutin / Goblin............................................... Jaque, R. Song and Dance ........................................... Papp, L. Katherine .............................................. Chatman, S. Feelin’ Good .............................................. Bonsor, B. Sérénade sur l’eau ......................................... Ibert, J. Rondo-March, op. 60, no. 1. ............. Kabalevsky, D. Piano Repertoire 8 Invention No. 13 in A Minor, BWV 784 ..... Bach, J.S. Suite No. 1 in D Major Eighth Movement: Gigue....................Krebs, J.L. Little Prelude in D Major, BWV 925 .......... Bach, J.S. Suite No. 7 in G Minor, HWV 432 Fifth Movement: Gigue................... Handel, G.F. Fantasia in D Minor, TWV 33:2 ....... Telemann, G.P. Sonata in D Major, op. 12, no. 3 First Movement ................................... Arnold, S. Sonata in G Major, op. 49, no. 2 First Movement ...................... Beethoven, L. van Sonatina in E flat Major, op. 20 no. 6 First Movement ................................ Dussek, J.L. Sonatina in A Major, op. 59, no. 1 Second Movement ...............................Kuhlau, F. Sonata in G Major, Hob. XVI: 39 First Movement ................................. Haydn, F.J. Prelude in B Minor, op. 28, no. 6 ............. Chopin, F. Nocturne, op. 88, no. 3 ........................Hofmann, H. Andante sostenuto, op. 72, no. 2 .... Mendelssohn, F. An Important Event, op. 15, no. 6...... Schumann, R. Prelude, op. 43, no. 1 ................................. Glière, R. Chanson tr iste / A Sad Song ............ Kalinnikov, V.S. Poetic Tone Picture, op. 3, no. 1 .................. Grieg, E. Milonga del ángel .................................. Piazzolla, A. Pink ............................................................ Starer, R. Crimson ...................................................... Starer, R. Early Morning Exercises, op. 3/86, no. 2 ............................. Kabalevsky, D. Petite litanies de Jésus /Little Litanies of Jesus............................................... Grovlez, G. Roda-roda! .................................................. Pinto, O. O Moon....................................................... Louie, A. Sneaky .................................................. Chatman, S. Evening at the Village ................................ Bartók, B. The Little Shepherd ................................ Debussy, C. Jazz Exercise No. 2 ................................ Peterson, O. Jazz Exercise No. 3 ................................ Peterson, O. Etude Allegro ........................................... Nakada, Y. Mysterious Summer’s Night ................ Kuzmenko, L.
Repertoire List Piano Repertoire 9 Sinfonia No. 7 in E Minor, BWV 793 ......... Bach, J.S. Sinfonia No. 6 in E Major, BWV 792. ......... Bach, J.S. Prelude and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 847 .............................................. Bach, J.S. Le coucou (Rondeau) ............................ Daquin, L.C. Suite No. 4 in E Minor, HWV 429 Second Movement: Allemande ....... Handel, G.F. Suite no. 3 in E flat Major Tenth Movement: Gigue ..................... Krebs, J.L. Sonata in F Minor, L 187 / K 481. .......... Scarlatti, D. Sonata in D Major, L 463 / K 430 .......... Scarlatti, D. Sonata in C Minor, Wq 48 / 4, H 27 Third Movement .............................. Bach, C.P.E. Sonata in C Major, K 330 (300h) Second Movement ......................... Mozart, W.A. Fantasia in D Minor, K 397 (385g) ..... Mozart, W.A. Sonata in E Minor, Hob. XVI:34 (complete) ......................................... Haydn, F.J. Six Easy Variations on an Original Theme, WoO 77 ....... Beethoven, L. van Rondo in C Major, op. 51, no. 1 ... Beethoven, L. van Impromptu, op. 142, no. 2 ..................... Schubert, F. Schlummerlied/Slumber Song, op. 124, no. 16 ............................. Schumann, R. Nocturne in C sharp Minor, op. posth. /KK IVa 16 ........................ Chopin, F. Waltz in G flat Major, op. posth. 70, no. 1, CT 217 ..................................... Chopin, F. Notturno, op. 54, no. 4 ............................... Grieg, E. Intermezzo, op. 76, no. 7 .......................... Brahms, J. Consolation, No. 3 ........................................ Liszt, F. Song Without Words, op. 30, no. 1 ......................................... Mendelssohn, F. Romance sans paroles, op. 17, no. 3. .......... Fauré, G. Ocean Vista.................................... Henderson, R.W. Romance, op. 24, no. 9 ............................ Sibelius, J. La fille aux cheveux de lin ...................... Debussy, C. Over the Rainbow .......... Arlen, H., arr. G. Shearing Salta, Salta.................................................. Pinto, O. Decadent Sentimental Song .................. Manzano, M. Dreams, op. 88, no. 1 ....................... Kabalevsky, D. Humoreske ...................................... Shchedrin, R.K. Distant Memories ....................................... Louie, A. Merry Andrew ........................................... Takács, J. Piano Repertoire 10 Fantasia in C Minor, BWV 906 .................. Bach, J.S French Suite No. 5, BWV 816 First Movement: Allemande Seventh Movement: Gigue ................. Bach, J.S. Prelude and Fugue in E flat Major, BWV 876 ............................................... Bach, J.S Sonata in D Major, Hob. XVI:33 (complete) ......................................... Haydn, F.J. Sonata in E flat Major, K 282 (189g) (complete) ..................................... Mozart, W.A.
Sonata in E Major, op. 14, no. 1 (complete) .............................. Beethoven, L. van Intermezzo in E Minor, op. 119, no.2. ....... Brahms, J. Polonaise in C sharp Minor, op. 26, no. 1 ........................................................... Chopin, F. Nocturne in F sharp Major, op. 15, no. 2 ........................................................... Chopin, F. Moment musical, op. 94, no. 2 D 780.... Schubert, F. Liebestraum No. 3 ......................................... Liszt, F. Córdoba, op. 232, no.4 ............................ Albéniz, I. Berceuse, op. 20, no. 5 .......................... Hofmann, J. Arabesque No. 1..................................... Debussy, C. Élégie, op. 3, no. 1 ........................ Rachmaninoff, S. Barcarolle No. 4 in A flat Major, op. 44 ..... Fauré, G. Danse du meunier / The Miller’s Dance ............................ de Falla, M. The Rails, op. 16 .............................. Deshevov, V.M. Rondo, op. 84, no. 1 ................................. Bartók, B. Six Variations on “Land of the Silver Birch” ......................................... Gallant, P. Trois pièces pour la légende dorée / Three Pieces for the Golden Legend (complete) .................................Pépin, C. Strangeness of Heart ................................. Somers, H. Rondó sobre temas infantiles argentinos / Rondo on Argentine Children’s Folk Tunes ....................................................... Ginastera, A. Pas de deux ................................................ Barber, S. Toccata, op. 54 .......................................... Takács, J. Six Preludes, op. 6 Prelude No. 1 Prelude No. 6 ............................... Muczynski, R. Synergy ................................................ Gardiner, M.
Snow Games ......................................... Tsitsaros, C. Variations in A minor, op. 40, no. 2.. Kabalevsky, D.
Piano Etudes Piano Etudes 1 Etude no. 1: Relay Race ............................ George, J. Etude no. 2: Two-handed Blues................ Norton, C. Etude no. 3: Soaring ............................... Donkin, C. Etude no. 4: Study in C Major, op. 125, no. 3 ................................... Diabelli, A. Etude no. 5: Time Travel ......................... Donkin, C. Etude no. 6: Study in C Major, op. 17, no. 6................................. Le Couppey, F. Etude no. 7: Space Fleet ........................... Norton, C. Etude no. 8: Paper Tigers.......................... Gallant, P. Etude no. 9: Both Ways......................... Tansman, A. Etude no. 10: Scaly Things.................... Chatman, S. Etude no. 11: Study in G Major .......... Wohlfahrt, F. Etude no. 12: Skipping Rope, op. 89, no. 17 ............................. Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 13: Celebration ......................... Crosby, A.
Piano Etudes 2 Etude no. 1: Asteroids .............................. Norton, C. Etude no. 2: Scherzo, op. 39, no. 12 .............................. Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 3: Etude in D Minor, op. 82, no. 65 ...................................... Gurlitt, G. Etude no. 4: Baseball Practice ................ Niamath, L. Etude no. 5: Kangaroos ........................... Krausas, V. Etude no. 6: Crocodile Teeth ....................... Telfer, N. Etude no. 7: Study in F Major, op. 190, no. 27 ............................ Köhler, C.L.H. Etude no. 8: Little Lopsided Waltz ............ Gallant, P. Etude no. 9: Crazy Comics ..................... Donkin, C. Etude no. 10: Study in C Major, op. 261, no. 3 ..................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 11: Study in A Minor ................. Kadosa, P. Etude no. 12: The Wind ............................. Tan, C.H. Etude no. 13: Celebration ...................... Niamath, L. Piano Etudes 3 Etude no. 1: All Aboard! ........................ Niamath, L. Etude no. 2: Study in E flat Major, op. 139, no. 49 ................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 3: Computer Chatter .............. Donkin, C. Etude no. 4: Study in A Minor .................. Gurlitt, C. Etude no. 5: Inter-city Stomp ................... Norton, C. Etude no. 6: Arabesque, op. 100, no. 2 ............................. Burgmüller, J.F. Etude no. 7: Marionnettes .......................... Bonis, M. Etude no. 8: Study in C Major, op. 261, no. 81 ................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 9: Chinese Kites .......................... Fitch, G. Etude no. 10: The Village Band ............... Carroll, W. Etude no. 11: Witches and Wizards ........ Donkin, C. Etude no. 12: Minuet ................................ Bartók, B. Etude no. 13: Study in D Minor, op. 261, no. 53 ................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 14: Study in A Minor, op. 108, no. 5 ..................................... Schytte, L. Etude no. 15: Rush Hour ....................... Paterson, L. Etude no. 16: Bike Ride .......................... Niamath, L. Etude no. 17: The Milky Way......................Telfer, N. Piano Etudes 4 Etude no. 1: Allegro in G Major, op. 38, no. 19 .................................. Hässler, J.W. Etude no. 2: Study in B flat Major, op. 599, no. 83 ................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 3: Masquerade ....................... Niamath, L. Etude no. 4: Study in C Major, op. 176, no. 24 ............................. Duvernoy, J.B. Etude no. 5: Study in E Minor, op. 65, no. 42 ............................. Loeschhorn, A. Etude no. 6: The Avalanche, op. 45, no. 2 .......................................... Heller, S.
Repertoire List
Etude no. 7: Game ..................................... Balázs, A. Etude no. 8: Study in A Major, op. 176, no. 15 ............................. Duvernoy, J.B. Etude no. 9: The Wagtail, op. 100, no. 11 ........................... Burgmüller, J.F. Etude no. 10: Dragon Fly..................... Gillock, W.L. Etude no. 11: Blues No. 1......................... Norton, C.
Etude no. 10: Study in A flat Major, op. 139, no. 51 .................................... Czerny, C.
Etude no. 12: La toupie / The Top ............... Bonis, M. Etude no. 13: You’re Joking! .................... Crawley, C.
Etude no. 14: Pebbles in the Water................ Papp, L.
Etude no. 14: Bike Ride ........................... Reubart, D. Etude no. 15: Hotshot ........................... Chatman, S.
Piano Etudes 5 Etude no. 1: The Little Trumpeter, op. 32, no. 4 ......................................... Fuchs, R. Etude no. 2: The Merry Wanderer, op. 210, no. 29 .................................... Gurlitt, C. Etude no. 3: Prelude, op. 39, no. 19 .............................. Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 4: In Church, op. 39, no. 24 ........................... Tchaikovsky, P.I. Etude no. 5: Dragonfly Scherzo................. Crosby, A. Etude no. 6: Dance of the Dragonflies, op. 76, no. 7 ......................................... Rohde, E. Etude no. 7: The Little Fly.......................... Takács, J. Etude no. 8: Vivo ...................................... Kadosa, P. Etude no. 9: Supernova............................... Telfer, N. Etude no. 10: Study in G Major, op. 139, no. 38 ................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 11: Study in C Major, op. 32, no. 16 ..................................... Gedike, A. Etude no. 12: Sweet Sorrow, op. 100, no. 16 ........................... Burgmüller, J.F. Etude no. 13: Staccato Prelude, op. 31, no. 6 .................................... Maikapar, S. Etude no. 14: Study in G Major, op. 166, no. 7 ................................... Bertini, H.J. Etude no. 15: Skipping Rope ................ Gnesina, Y.F. Etude no. 16: Chicken Talk............. Schoenmehl, M. Piano Etudes 6 Etude no. 1: Study in C Major, op. 24, no. 10 ................................... Concone, G. Etude no. 2: Barcarole, op. 138, no. 5 ......................................... Heller, S. Etude no. 3: Dance ......................... Shostakovich, D. Etude no. 4: Good Humored, op. 194, no. 4 ........................................ Nölck, A. Etude no. 5: Toccatina, op. 27, no. 12 ............................... Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 6: Fluttering Leaves, op. 46, no. 11 ......................................... Heller, S. Etude no. 7: Game of Patience, op. 25, no. 2 .................................... Karganov, G. Etude no. 8: Song of the Brook .............. Gnesina, Y.F. Etude no. 9: The Broken Record ...... Schoenmehl, M.
Etude no. 11: Study in B flat Major, op. 24, no. 5 ..................................... Concone, G. Etude no. 12: Study in E Minor, op. 29, no. 14 .................................... Bertini, H.J. Etude no. 13: Playing Ball...................... Finney, R.L. Etude no. 15: The Gear Wheels
of a Watch............................................ Nakada, Y. Piano Etudes 7 Etude no. 1: Wound Up ............................ Norton, C. Etude no. 2: Study in C Major, op. 24, no. 22 ................................... Concone, G. Etude no. 3: Mechanical Toy...................... Previn, A. Etude no. 4: Etude, op. 27, no. 3 ....... Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 5: In a Great Hurr y, op. 95, no. 3 .......................................... Takács, J. Etude no. 6: Elegie, op. 77, no. 2 .................................... Hofmann, H. Etude no. 7: Toccatina, op. 8, no. 1 ....................................... Maikapar, S. Etude no. 8: Cyclone ....................... Schoenmehl, M. Etude no. 9: Etude in C Minor, op. 29, no. 7 ........................................ Bertini, H. Etude no. 10: Dance, op. 27, no. 27................................ Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 11: Bagatelle, op. 5, no. 9 ................................... Tcherepnin, A. Etude no. 12: Study in G Major ........................................................ Swinstead, F. Etude no. 13: Spinning Top ................... Gnesina, Y.F. Piano Etudes 8 Etude no. 1: In Perpetual Motion ............... Previn, A. Etude no. 2: Etude in F Major, op. 38, no. 2 .................................. Stamaty, C.M. Etude no. 3: Etude, op. 27, no. 24................................ Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 4: Dance of the Marionettes .. Tarenghi, M. Etude no. 5: Lyric Song, op. 88, no. 7 ..Hofmann, H. Etude no. 6: The Gypsies, op. 109, no. 4 .............................. Burgmüller, J.F. Etude no. 7: Etude in D Minor, op. 45, no. 15 ......................................... Heller, S. Etude no. 8: Song of the Waterfall ................................................ Loeschhorn, C.A. Etude no. 9: Study in D Major .............. Swinstead, F. Etude no. 10: Toccatina, op. 95, no. 12 ...... Takács, J. Etude no. 11: Chromatic Etude .............. Chatman, S. Etude no. 12: Jane’s Song .......................... Norton, C. Etude no. 13: Lied, op. 42, no. 13 ...................................... Rowley, A. Etude no. 14: Classical Pop Tune .... Schoenmehl, M.
Piano Etudes 9 Etude no. 1: Study in A Major, op. 68, no. 7 ........................................ Schytte, L. Etude no. 2: Study in C Major, op. 120, no. 10 .............................. Duvernoy, J.B. Etude no. 3: To the Lute, op. 37, book 2, no. 1 ....................... Hofmann, H. Etude no. 4: Study in C Major, op. 553, no. 1 ...................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 5: La promenade en traîneau ......... Ibert, J. Etude no. 6: Study in E flat Major, op. 91, no. 17............................. Moszkowski, M. Etude no. 7: Study in A Minor, op. 61, no. 13 ...................................... Berens, H. Etude no. 8: Who’ll Win the Argument? op. 88, no. 2 ................................. Kabalevsky, D. Etude no. 9: Scherzo, op. 19, no. 2 .............. Gade, N. Etude no. 10: Study in E Minor, book 1, no. 2 ...................................... Cramer, J.B. Etude no. 11: Etude in G Major, op. 47, no. 24 ..........................................Heller, S. Etude no. 12: Bagatelle, op. 6, no. 2 ........................................... Bartók, B. Etude no. 13: Study in C Major, op. 30, no. 20 ................................... Concone, G. Piano Etudes 10 Etude no. 1: Zwiegesang, op. 52, no. 3 .............................. Moszkowski, M. Etude no. 2: Bagatelle, op. 6, no. 5 ........................................... Bartók, B. Etude no. 3: Serenade, op. 53, no. 5 .................................... Haberbier, E. Etude no. 4: Prelude in C sharp Minor, op. 81, no. 10 .............................Heller, S. Etude no. 5: When the Frog Goes Wandering .................................... Takács, J. Etude no. 6: Etude in E minor, op. 67, no. 5 ............................ Loeschhorn, C.A. Etude no. 7: By the Mountain Torrent, op. 37, no. 2 .....................Hofmann, H. Etude no. 8: La voix de l’instrument, op. 70, no. 4 ....................................... Alkan, C.V. Etude no. 9: A Trifle, op. 2, no. 12 ..................................... Lyadov, A.K. Etude no. 10: Étude-Tableau, op. 33, no. 8 ............................. Rachmaninoff, S. Etude no. 11: Gallop .............................. Tsitsaros, C. Etude no. 12: Etude in A Flat Major ........ Chopin, F. Etude no. 13: Study in A Minor, op. 740, no. 41 .................................... Czerny, C. Etude no. 14: Study in A flat Major, op. 30, no. 19 .............. Concone, G.
The Royal Conservatory Music Development Program provides a recognized national standard of success in music study through an effectively sequenced course from beginner to advanced levels. The program inspires excellence through individual student assessments and allows students to track their progress with others across the country. All students in the United States deserve the opportunity to celebrate their musical achievements nationally. Join the growing community of teachers, students, and families who are discovering the benefits of the Music Development Program as it enriches their lives! The Music Development Program offers a flexible program with comprehensive assessments that include: • Preparatory Level(s) • Levels 1–10 • Associate Diplomas in performance and pedagogy • Licentiate Diploma in performance for piano Student Certificates are awarded for the successful completion of each level. Certificates of excellence are also awarded at the local center and state levels for outstanding achievement. The Music Development Program provides comprehensive publications and tools for music and arts educators and their students, including detailed syllabi, repertoire lists, and innovative teaching resources. These resources, published by Frederick Harris Music, support teachers and students in the study of piano, flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, guitar, violin, viola, cello, double bass, and voice, as well as the academic subjects of theory, harmony, analysis, history, and pedagogy. In addition to the core materials listed above, Frederick Harris Music publishes related resources for musicianship including aural skills, sight reading, and technique. With over 100 years of experience, Frederick Harris Music publishes materials that uphold an internationally proven standard of excellence, such as the award-winning Celebration Series®. Find out more at www.MusicDevelopmentProgram.org.