Hide WLE Austria Logo (no text).svgWiki Loves Earth photo contest: Upload photos of natural heritage sites in the Philippines to help Wikipedia and in fantastic pri!es" Page se#i$protected Photograph% &ro# Wikipedia' the free enc%clopedia Photographic redirects here. &or the i#age otained' see Photograph. &or other uses' see Photograph% (disa#iguation). Photograph% Large for#at ca#era lens.*pg Lens and #ounting of a large$for#at ca#era +ther na#es na#es ,cience or Art of creating creating durale durale i#ages i#ages -%pes ecording ecording light or or other electro#ag electro#agnetic netic radiation radiation /nve nventor -ho#as Wedg dgood (0122 122) ela elate ted d ,ter ,tereo eosc scop opic ic' ' &ull$ &ull$sp spec ectr tru# u#' ' Light Light fiel field' d' Elec Electr trop opho hoto togr grap aph% h%' ' Photogra#s' ,canner Photograph% is the science' art' application and practice of creating durale i#ages % recording light or other electro#agnetic radiation' either electronicall% % #eans of an i#age sensor' or che#icall% % #eans of a light$sensitive #aterial such as photographic fil#.304 -%picall%' a lens is used to focus the light reflected or e#itted fro# o*ects into a real i#age on the light$sensitive surface inside a ca#era during a ti#ed exposure. With an electronic i#age sensor' this produces an electrical charge at each pixel' hich is electronicall% processed and stored in a digital i#age file for suse5uent displa% or processing. -he result ith photographic e#ulsion is an invisile latent i#age' hich is later che#icall% developed into a visile i#age' either negative or positive depending on the purpose of the photographic #aterial and the #ethod of processing. A negative i#age on fil# is traditionall% used to photographicall% create a positive i#age on a paper ase' knon as a print' either % using an enlarger or % contact printing. Photograph% is e#plo%ed in #an% fields of science' #anufacturing (e.g.' photolithograph%)' and usiness' as ell as its #ore direct uses for art' fil# and video production' recreational purposes' ho%' and #ass co##unication. 6ontents 0 Et%#olog% 7 Histor% 7.0 Precur cursor te techno hnologi ogies 7.7 /nvent ention of of ph photogr ograph% 7.8 &il# ph photograph% 7.9 lack$and$hite 7.; 6olor 7.< =igital ph photograph% 7.> ,%nthe thesis photog tograph aph% 8 Photographic techni5ues 8.0 6a#eras 8.7 ,tereoscopic 8.8 =ualphotograph% 8.9 8.9 &ull &ull$s $spe pect ctru ru#' #' ult ultra ravi viol olet et and and inf infra rare red d 8.; Light field eld pho phot togra graph% 8.< +ther i#agi aging te techni hni5ues 9 ?odes of production 9.0 A#ateur 9.7 6o##ercial 9.8 Art
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9.9 Photo*ournalis# 9.; ,cienc ence and and fore orensic si s Incorder to print this document from Scribd, you'll ; ,ocial an and cu cultural i# i#plications first need to download it. < La > ,ee also 1 eferences Cancel Download And Print @ &urther reading @.0 /ntroduction @.7 Histor% @.8 eference orks @.9 +ther ooks 02 External links Et%#olog% -he ord photograph% as created fro# the reek roots fBtBB (photos)' genitive of fBB (phos)' (phos)' light374 light374 and BBafB (graph (graph� ) representation representation % #eans #eans of lines lines or draing'384 together #eaning draing ith light.394 ,everal people #a% have coined the sa#e ne ter# fro# these roots independentl%. Hercules &lorence' a &rench painter and inventor living in 6a#pinas' ra!il' used the &rench for# of the ord' photographie' in private notes hich a ra!ilian historian elieves ere ritten in 0189.3;4 -his clai# is idel% reported ut apparentl% has never een independentl% confir#ed as e%ond reasonale dout. 3citation needed4 -he er#an nespaper Cossische Deitung of 7; &eruar% 018@ contained an article entitled Photographie' discussing several priorit% clai#s � especiall% Henr% &ox -alots � regarding =aguerres clai# of invention.3<4 -he article is the earliest knon occurrence of the ord in pulic print. /t as signed F.?.' elieved to have een erlin astrono#er Fohann von ?aedler.3>4 6redit has traditionall% een given to ,ir Fohn Herschel oth for coining the ord and for introducing it to the pulic. His uses of it in private correspondence prior to 7; &eruar% 018@ and at his o%al ,ociet% lecture on the su*ect in London on 09 ?arch 018@ have long een a#pl% docu#ented and accepted as settled facts. 3citation needed4 -he invent inventors ors Gic� phore phore Gi� pce' pce' Henr% &ox &ox -alot -alot and Louis Louis =aguer =aguerre re see# see# not to have knon or used the ord photograph%' ut referred to their processes as Heliograph% Heliograph% (Gi� pce)' Photogenic Photogenic =raing-alo =raing-alot%pe6 t%pe6alot%pe alot%pe (-alot) and =aguerreot%pe (=aguerre).3>4 Histor% ?ain article: Histor% of photograph% ,ee also: Histor% of the ca#era Precursor technologies A ca#era oscura used for draing Photograph% is the result of co#ining several technical discoveries. Long efore the first photographs ere #ade' ancient Han 6hinese philosopher ?o =i fro# the ?ohist ,chool of Logic as the first to discover and develop the scientific principles of optics' ca#era oscura' and pinhole ca#era. Later reek #athe#aticians Aristotle and Euclid also independentl% descried a pinhole ca#era in the ;th and 9th centuries 6E.3143@4 /n the
0) discovered discovered silver chloride.3084 chloride.3084 ,hen ,hen Iuo explains the science of ca#era oscura and optical ph%sics in his scientific ork
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=rea# Pool Essa%s hile the techni5ues descried in /n al$Ha%tha#s ook of +ptics are capale of producingInpri#itive photographs using #aterials.309430;4 order to print this document from Scribd,#edieval you'll 30<4 first need to download it. =aniele araro descried a diaphrag# in 0;<<.30>4 Wilhel# Ho#erg descried ho light darkened so#e che#icals (photoche#ical effect) in 0<@9.3014 -he fiction ook And Print de la oche' descried iphantie' pulished in 0><2' Cancel % &rench Download author -iphaigne hat can e interpreted as photograph%.30>4 -he discover% of the ca#era oscura that provides an i#age of a scene dates ack to ancient 6hina. Leonardo da Cinci #entions natural ca#era oscura that are for#ed % dark caves on the edge of a sunlit valle%. A hole in the cave all ill act as a pinhole ca#era and pro*ect a laterall% reversed' upside don i#age on a piece of paper. ,o the irth of photograph% as pri#aril% concerned ith inventing #eans to capture and keep the i#age produced % the ca#era oscura. enaissance painters used the ca#era oscura hich' in fact' gives the optical rendering in color that do#inates Western Art. -he ca#era oscura literall% #eans dark cha#er in Latin. /t is a ox ith a hole in it hich allos light to go through and create an i#age onto the piece of paper. /nvention of photograph% Earliest knon surviving heliographic engraving' 017;' printed fro# a #etal plate #ade % % Gic� phore phore Gi� pce.30@4 pce.30@4 -he -he plate plate as exposed exposed under under an ordin ordinar% ar% engrav engraving ing and copied it % photographic #eans. -his as a step toards the first per#anent photograph taken ith a ca#era. Around the %ear 0122' ritish inventor -ho#as Wedgood #ade the first knon atte#pt to capture the i#age in a ca#era oscura % #eans of a light$sensitive sustance. He used paper or hite leather treated ith silver nitrate. Although he succeeded in capturing the shados of o*ects placed on the surface in direct sunlight' and even #ade shado copies of paintings on glass' it as reported in 0127 that the i#ages for#ed % #eans of a ca#era oscura have een found too faint to produce' in an% #oderate ti#e' an effect upon the nitrate of silver. -he shado i#ages eventuall% darkened all over.3724 -he first per#anent photoetching as an i#age produced in 0177 % the &rench inventor inventor Gic Gic� phore phore Gi� pce' pce' ut it as destr destro%ed o%ed in in a later atte#p atte#pt t to #ake print prints s fro# it.30@4 it.30@4 Gi� pce as successful successful again again in 017;. /n 017< or 017>' 017>' he #ade the Cie Cie fro# the Windo at Le ras' the earliest surviving photograph fro# nature (i.e.' of the i#age of a real$orld scene' as for#ed in a ca#era oscura % a lens).3704
Cie fro# the Windo at Le ras' 017< or 017>' the earliest surviving ca#era photograph ecause Gi� pces ca#era ca#era photographs photographs re5uired re5uired an extre#el% extre#el% long exposure exposure (at least least eight hours and proal% several da%s)' he sought to greatl% i#prove his itu#en process or replace it ith one that as #ore practical. /n partnership ith Louis =aguerre' he orked out post$exposure processing #ethods that produced visuall% superior results and replaced the itu#en ith a #ore light$sensitive resin' ut hours of exposure in the ca#era ere still re5uired. With an e%e to eventual co##ercial exploitation' the partners opted for total secrec%. Gi�pce died in 0188 0188 and =aguerre =aguerre then redirected redirected the experi#ents experi#ents toard toard the light$ light$ sensitive sensitive silver halides' halides' hich Gi Gi� pce had aandoned aandoned #an% %ears %ears earlier earlier ecause of his inailit% to #ake the i#ages he captured ith the# light$fast and per#anent. =aguerres efforts cul#inated in hat ould later e na#ed the daguerreot%pe process. -he -he essential ele#ents ele#ents� a silver$plated silver$plated surface sensiti!ed sensiti!ed % iodine iodine vapor' developed developed % #ercur% vapor' vapor' and fixed fixed ith hot saturated saturated salt salt ater� ere in place
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in 018>. -he re5uired exposure ti#e as #easured in #inutes instead of hours. =aguerre took the earliest confir#ed a person In order to print thisphotograph document fromof Scribd, you'll in 0181 hile capturing a vie of a Paris street: unlike the other pedestrian and horse$dran traffic on first need to download it. the us% oulevard' hich appears deserted' one #an having his oots polished stood sufficientl% still throughout the several$#inutes$long exposure to e visile. -he existence of =aguerres process as pulicl% announced' ithout details' on > Download And Print Fanuar% 018@. -he nes createdCancel an international sensation. &rance soon agreed to pa% =aguerre a pension in exchange for the right to present his invention to the orld as the gift of &rance' hich occurred hen co#plete orking instructions ere unveiled on 0@ August 018@. /n that sa#e %ear' A#erican photographer oert 6ornelius is credited ith taking the earliest surviving photographic self$ portrait.
A latticed indo in Lacock Ae%' England' photographed % Willia# &ox -alot in 018;. ,hon here in positive for#' this #a% e the oldest extant photographic negative #ade in a ca#era. /n ra!il' Hercules &lorence had apparentl% started orking out a silver$salt$ased paper process in 0187' later na#ing it Photographie. ?eanhile' a ritish inventor' Willia# &ox -alot' had succeeded in #aking crude ut reasonal% light$fast silver i#ages on paper as earl% as 0189 ut had kept his ork secret. After reading aout =aguerres invention in Fanuar% 018@' -alot pulished his hitherto secret #ethod and set aout i#proving on it. At first' like other pre$daguerreot%pe processes' -alots paper$ased photograph% t%picall% re5uired hours$long exposures in the ca#era' ut in 0192 he created the calot%pe process' hich used the che#ical develop#ent of a latent i#age to greatl% reduce the exposure needed and co#pete ith the daguerreot%pe. /n oth its original and calot%pe for#s' -alots process' unlike =aguerres' created a translucent negative hich could e used to print #ultiple positive copiesJ this is the asis of #ost #odern che#ical photograph% up to the present da%' as =aguerreot%pes could onl% e replicated % rephotographing the# ith a ca#era.3774 -alots fa#ous tin% paper negative of the +riel indo in Lacock Ae%' one of a nu#er of ca#era photographs he #ade in the su##er of 018;' #a% e the oldest ca#era negative in existence.3784 3794 ritish che#ist Fohn Herschel #ade #an% contriutions to the ne field. He invented the c%anot%pe process' later fa#iliar as the lueprint. He as the first to use the ter#s photograph%' negative and positive. He had discovered in 010@ that sodiu# thiosulphate as a solvent of silver halides' and in 018@ he infor#ed -alot (and' indirectl%' =aguerre) that it could e used to fix silver$halide$ased photographs and #ake the# co#pletel% light$fast. He #ade the first glass negative in late 018@. /n the ?arch 01;0 issue of -he 6he#ist' &rederick ,cott Archer pulished his et plate collodion process. /t eca#e the #ost idel% used photographic #ediu# until the gelatin dr% plate' introduced in the 01>2s' eventuall% replaced it. -here are three susets to the collodion processJ the A#rot%pe (a positive i#age on glass)' the &errot%pe or -int%pe (a positive i#age on #etal) and the glass negative' hich as used to #ake positive prints on alu#en or salted paper. ?an% advances in photographic glass plates and printing ere #ade during the rest of the 0@th centur%. /n 01@0' ariel Lipp#ann introduced a process for #aking natural$color photographs ased on the optical pheno#enon of the interference of light aves. His scientificall% elegant and i#portant ut ulti#atel% i#practical invention earned hi# the Goel Pri!e in Ph%sics in 0@21. lass plates ere the #ediu# for #ost original ca#era photograph% fro# the late 01;2s until the general introduction of flexile plastic fil#s during the 01@2s.
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Although the convenience of the fil# greatl% populari!ed a#ateur photograph%' earl% fil#s ere so#ehat #ore Inexpensive of #arkedl% loer order to print and this document from Scribd, you'lloptical 5ualit% than their glass plate e5uivalents' and until the late 0@02s the% ere not availale in the first need to download it. large for#ats preferred % #ost professional photographers' so the ne #ediu# did not i##ediatel% or co#pletel% replace the old. ecause of the superior di#ensional stailit% of glass' the use of plates for so#e scientific applications' such as Cancel Download Printniche field of laser astrophotograph%' continued into the 0@@2s' and And in the holograph%' it has persisted into the 7202s. &il# photograph% ?ain article: Photographic fil# Undeveloped Arista lack$and$hite fil#' /,+ 07;77� Hurter and =riffield egan pioneering ork on the light sensitivit% of photographic e#ulsions in 01><. -heir ork enaled the first 5uantitative #easure of fil# speed to e devised. -he first flexile photographic roll fil# as #arketed % eorge East#an in 011;' ut this original fil# as actuall% a coating on a paper ase. As part of the processing' the i#age$earing la%er as stripped fro# the paper and transferred to a hardened gelatin support. -he first transparent plastic roll fil# folloed in 011@. /t as #ade fro# highl% fla##ale nitrocellulose (celluloid)' no usuall% called nitrate fil#. Although cellulose acetate or safet% fil# had een introduced % Iodak in 0@21' 37;4 at first it found onl% a fe special applications as an alternative to the ha!ardous nitrate fil#' hich had the advantages of eing consideral% tougher' slightl% #ore transparent' and cheaper. -he changeover as not co#pleted for K$ra% fil#s until 0@88' and although safet% fil# as ala%s used for 0< ## and 1 ## ho#e #ovies' nitrate fil# re#ained standard for theatrical 8; ## #otion pictures until it as finall% discontinued in 0@;0. &il#s re#ained the do#inant for# of photograph% until the earl% 70st centur% hen advances in digital photograph% dre consu#ers to digital for#ats.37<4 Although #odern photograph% is do#inated % digital users' fil# continues to e used % enthusiasts and professional photographers. -he distinctive look of fil# ased photographs co#pared to digital i#ages is likel% due to a co#ination of factors' including: (0) differences in spectral and tonal sensitivit% (,$shaped densit%$to$ exposure (H= curve) ith fil# vs. linear response curve for digital 66= sensors) 37>4 (7) resolution and (8) continuit% of tone.3714 lack$and$hite ?ain article: ?onochro#e photograph% A photographic darkroo# ith safelight +riginall%' all photograph% as #onochro#e' or lack$and$hite. Even after color fil# as readil% availale' lack$and$hite photograph% continued to do#inate for decades' due to its loer cost and its classic photographic look. -he tones and contrast eteen light and dark areas define lack$and$hite photograph%.37@4 /t is i#portant to note that #onochro#atic pictures are not necessaril% co#posed of pure lacks' hites' and inter#ediate shades of gra% ut can involve shades of one particular hue depending on the process. -he c%anot%pe process' for exa#ple' produces an i#age co#posed of lue tones. -he alu#en print process first used #ore than 0>2 %ears ago' produces ronish tones. ?an% photographers continue to produce so#e #onochro#e i#ages' so#eti#es ecause of the estalished archival per#anence of ell$processed silver$halide$ased #aterials. ,o#e full$color digital i#ages are processed using a variet% of techni5ues to create lack$and$hite results' and so#e #anufacturers produce
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digital ca#eras that exclusivel% shoot #onochro#e. ?onochro#e printing or electronic displa% can e usedtoto certain photographs taken in color hich In order printsalvage this document from Scribd, you'll are unsatisfactor% in their original for#J so#eti#es hen presented as lack$and$ first need to download it. hite or single$color$toned i#ages the% are found to e #ore effective. Although color photograph% has long predo#inated' #onochro#e i#ages are still produced' #ostl% for artistic reasons. Al#ost all digital ca#eras have an option to shoot in Cancel Download And Print #onochro#e' and al#ost all i#age editing softare can co#ine or selectivel% discard color channels to produce a #onochro#e i#age fro# one shot in color. 6olor ?ain article: 6olor photograph% -he first color photograph #ade % the three$color #ethod suggested % Fa#es 6lerk ?axell in 01;;' taken in 01<0 % -ho#as ,utton. -he su*ect is a colored' tartan patterned rion. 6olor photograph% as explored eginning in the 0192s. Earl% experi#ents in color re5uired extre#el% long exposures (hours or da%s for ca#era i#ages) and could not fix the photograph to prevent the color fro# 5uickl% fading hen exposed to hite light. -he first per#anent color photograph as taken in 01<0 using the three$color$ separation principle first pulished % ,cottish ph%sicist Fa#es 6lerk ?axell in 01;;.38243804 -he foundation of virtuall% all practical color processes' ?axells idea as to take three separate lack$and$hite photographs through red' green and lue filters.38243804 -his provides the photographer ith the three asic channels re5uired to recreate a color i#age. -ransparent prints of the i#ages could e pro*ected through si#ilar color filters and superi#posed on the pro*ection screen' an additive #ethod of color reproduction. A color print on paper could e produced % superi#posing caron prints of the three i#ages #ade in their co#ple#entar% colors' a sutractive #ethod of color reproduction pioneered % Louis =ucos du Hauron in the late 01<2s.
6olor photograph% as possile long efore Iodachro#e' as this 0@28 portrait % ,arah Angelina Acland de#onstrates' ut in its earliest %ears' the need for special e5uip#ent' long exposures' and co#plicated printing processes #ade it extre#el% rare. ussian photographer ,ergei ?ikhailovich Prokudin$orskii #ade extensive use of this color separation techni5ue' e#plo%ing a special ca#era hich successivel% exposed the three color$filtered i#ages on different parts of an olong plate. ecause his exposures ere not si#ultaneous' unstead% su*ects exhiited color fringes or' if rapidl% #oving through the scene' appeared as rightl% colored ghosts in the resulting pro*ected or printed i#ages. /#ple#entation of color photograph% as hindered % the li#ited sensitivit% of earl% photographic #aterials' hich ere #ostl% sensitive to lue' onl% slightl% sensitive to green' and virtuall% insensitive to red. -he discover% of d%e sensiti!ation % photoche#ist Her#ann Cogel in 01>8 suddenl% #ade it possile to add sensitivit% to green' %ello and even red. /#proved color sensiti!ers and ongoing i#prove#ents in the overall sensitivit% of e#ulsions steadil% reduced the once$prohiitive long exposure ti#es re5uired for color' ringing it ever closer to co##ercial viailit%. Autochro#e' the first co##erciall% successful color process' as introduced % the Lu#i�re rothers rothers in 0@2>. Autochro#e Autochro#e plates plates incorporated incorporated a #osaic #osaic color filter filter la%er #ade of d%ed grains of potato starch' hich alloed the three color co#ponents to e recorded as ad*acent #icroscopic i#age frag#ents. After an Autochro#e plate as reversal processed to produce a positive transparenc%' the starch grains served to illu#inate each frag#ent ith the correct color and the
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tin% colored points lended together in the e%e' s%nthesi!ing the color of the su*ect % the additive #ethod. Autochro#e plates ereyou'll one of several varieties of In order to print this document from Scribd, additive color screen plates and fil#s #arketed eteen the 01@2s and the 0@;2s. first need to download it. Iodachro#e' the first #odern integral tripack (or #onopack) color fil#' as introduced % Iodak in 0@8;. /t captured the three color co#ponents in a #ulti$ Download Andthe Printred$do#inated part of the la%er e#ulsion. +ne la%er as Cancel sensiti!ed to record spectru#' another la%er recorded onl% the green part and a third recorded onl% the lue. Without special fil# processing' the result ould si#pl% e three superi#posed lack$and$hite i#ages' ut co#ple#entar% c%an' #agenta' and %ello d%e i#ages ere created in those la%ers % adding color couplers during a co#plex processing procedure. Agfas si#ilarl% structured Agfacolor Geu as introduced in 0@8<. Unlike Iodachro#e' the color couplers in Agfacolor Geu ere incorporated into the e#ulsion la%ers during #anufacture' hich greatl% si#plified the processing. 6urrentl%' availale color fil#s still e#plo% a #ulti$la%er e#ulsion and the sa#e principles' #ost closel% rese#ling Agfas product. /nstant color fil#' used in a special ca#era hich %ielded a uni5ue finished color print onl% a #inute or to after the exposure' as introduced % Polaroid in 0@<8. 6olor photograph% #a% for# i#ages as positive transparencies' hich can e used in a slide pro*ector' or as color negatives intended for use in creating positive color enlarge#ents on speciall% coated paper. -he latter is no the #ost co##on for# of fil# (non$digital) color photograph% oing to the introduction of auto#ated photo printing printing e5uip#ent. e5uip#ent. After a transitio transition n period centered centered around around 0@@;� 722;' color fil# as relegated to a niche #arket % inexpensive #ulti$#egapixel digital ca#eras. &il# continues to e the preference of so#e photographers ecause of its distinctive look. =igital photograph% ?ain article: =igital photograph% ,ee also: =igital ca#era /n 0@10' ,on% unveiled the first consu#er ca#era to use a charge$coupled device for i#aging' eli#inating the need for fil#: the ,on% ?avica. While the ?avica saved i#ages to disk' the i#ages ere displa%ed on television' and the ca#era as not full% digital. /n 0@@0' Iodak unveiled the =6, 022' the first co##erciall% availale digital single lens reflex ca#era. Although its high cost precluded uses other than photo*ournalis# and professional photograph%' co##ercial digital photograph% as orn. =igital i#aging uses an electronic i#age sensor to record the i#age as a set of electronic data rather than as che#ical changes on fil#.3874 An i#portant difference eteen digital and che#ical photograph% is that che#ical photograph% resists photo #anipulation ecause it involves fil# and photographic paper' hile digital i#aging is a highl% #anipulative #ediu#. -his difference allos for a degree of i#age post$processing that is co#parativel% difficult in fil#$ased photograph% and per#its different co##unicative potentials and applications. =igital photograph% do#inates the 70st centur%. ?ore than @@M of photographs taken around the orld are through digital ca#eras' increasingl% through s#artphones. ,%nthesis photograph% ,%nthesis photograph% is part of co#puter$generated i#ager% (6/) here the shooting process is #odeled on real photograph%. -he 6/' creating digital copies of real universe' re5uires a visual representation process of these universes. ,%nthesis photograph% is the application of analog and digital photograph% in digital space. With the characteristics of the real photograph% ut not eing
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constrained % the ph%sical li#its of real orld' s%nthesis photograph% allos artists to #ove into areas e%ond grasp of real photograph%.3884 In order to printthe this document from Scribd, you'll Photographic techni5ues
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Angles such as vertical' hori!ontal' or as pictured here diagonal are considered Cancel Download And Print i#portant photographic techni5ues A large variet% of photographic techni5ues and #edia are used in the process of capturing i#ages for photograph%. -hese include the ca#eraJ stereoscop%J dualphotograph%J full$spectru#' ultraviolet and infrared #ediaJ light field photograph%J and other i#aging techni5ues. 6a#eras ?ain article: 6a#era -he ca#era is the i#age$for#ing device' and a photographic plate' photographic fil# or a silicon electronic i#age sensor is the capture #ediu#. -he respective recording #ediu# can e the plate or fil# itself' or a digital #agnetic or electronic #e#or%.3894 Photographers control the ca#era and lens to expose the light recording #aterial to the re5uired a#ount of light to for# a latent i#age (on plate or fil#) or AW file (in digital ca#eras) hich' after appropriate processing' is converted to a usale i#age. =igital ca#eras use an electronic i#age sensor ased on light$ sensitive electronics such as charge$coupled device (66=) or co#ple#entar% #etal$ oxide$se#iconductor (6?+,) technolog%. -he resulting digital i#age is stored electronicall%' ut can e reproduced on a paper. -he ca#era (or ca#era oscura) is a dark roo# or cha#er fro# hich' as far as possile' all light is excluded except the light that for#s the i#age. /t as discovered and used in the 0 | |
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An exa#ple of a dualphoto using a s#artphone appyou'll In order to print this document ased from Scribd, =ualphotograph% consists of photographing a scene fro# oth sides of a photographic first need to download it. device at once (e.g. ca#era for ack$to$ack dualphotograph%' or to netorked ca#eras for portal$plane dualphotograph%). -he dualphoto apparatus can e used to si#ultaneousl% capture oth the su*ect and the photographer' or oth sides of a Cancel And Print narrative la%er to that of geographical place at once' thus adding Download a supple#entar% a single i#age.38>4 &ull$spectru#' ultraviolet and infrared ?ain article: &ull spectru# photograph% -his i#age of the rings of ,aturn is an exa#ple of the application of ultraviolet photograph% in astrono#% Ultraviolet and infrared fil#s have een availale for #an% decades and e#plo%ed in a variet% of photographic avenues since the 0@<2s. Ge technological trends in digital photograph% have opened a ne direction in full spectru# photograph%' here careful filtering choices across the ultraviolet' visile and infrared lead to ne artistic visions. ?odified digital ca#eras can detect so#e ultraviolet' all of the visile and #uch of the near infrared spectru#' as #ost digital i#aging sensors are sensitive fro# aout 8;2 n# to 0222 n#. An off$the$shelf digital ca#era contains an infrared hot #irror filter that locks #ost of the infrared and a it of the ultraviolet that ould otherise e detected % the sensor' narroing the accepted range fro# aout 922 n# to >22 n#.3814 eplacing a hot #irror or infrared locking filter ith an infrared pass or a ide spectrall% trans#itting filter allos the ca#era to detect the ider spectru# light at greater sensitivit%. Without the hot$#irror' the red' green and lue (or c%an' %ello and #agenta) colored #icro$filters placed over the sensor ele#ents pass var%ing a#ounts of ultraviolet (lue indo) and infrared (pri#aril% red and so#ehat lesser the green and lue #icro$filters). Uses of full spectru# photograph% are for fine art photograph%' geolog%' forensics and la enforce#ent. Light field photograph% ,ee also: Light$field ca#era =igital #ethods of i#age capture and displa% processing have enaled the ne technolog% of light field photograph% (also knon as s%nthetic aperture photograph%). -his process allos focusing at various depths of field to e selected after the photograph has een captured.38@4 As explained % ?ichael &arada% in 019<' the light field is understood as ;$di#ensional' ith each point in 8$= space having attriutes of to #ore angles that define the direction of each ra% passing through that point. -hese additional vector attriutes can e captured opticall% through the use of #icrolenses at each pixel point ithin the 7$di#ensional i#age sensor. Ever% pixel of the final i#age is actuall% a selection fro# each su$arra% located under each #icrolens' as identified % a post$i#age capture focus algorith#.
=evices other than ca#eras can e used to record i#ages. -richo#e of Araidopsis thaliana seen via scanning electron #icroscope. Gote that i#age has een edited % adding colors to clarif% structure or to add an aesthetic effect. Heiti Paves fro# -allinn Universit% of -echnolog%. +ther i#aging techni5ues esides the ca#era' other #ethods of for#ing i#ages ith light are availale. &or
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instance' a photocop% or xerograph% #achine for#s per#anent i#ages ut uses the transfer of static electrical charges rather than photographic #ediu#' hence the In order to print this document from Scribd, you'll ter# electrophotograph%. Photogra#s are i#ages produced % the shados of o*ects first need to download it. cast on the photographic paper' ithout the use of a ca#era. +*ects can also e placed directl% on the glass of an i#age scanner to produce digital pictures.
Cancel Download And Print ?odes of production A#ateur An a#ateur photographer is one ho practices photograph% as a ho%passion and not necessaril% for profit. -he 5ualit% of so#e a#ateur ork is co#parale to that of #an% professionals and #a% e highl% speciali!ed or eclectic in choice of su*ects. A#ateur photograph% is often pre$e#inent in photographic su*ects hich have little prospect of co##ercial use or reard. A#ateur photograph% gre during the late 0@th centur% due to the populari!ation of the hand$held ca#era.3924 Goada%s it has spread idel% through social #edia and is carried out throughout different platfor#s and e5uip#ent' sitching to the use of cell phone as a ke% tool for #aking photograph% #ore accessile to ever%one.
A photograph taken % an a#ateur photographer in Leanon. /ndianapolis as a panora#a and a #odified fishe%e i#age % an a#ateur photographer ith i#age editing softare A large panora#a photo of donton /ndianapolis =onton /ndianapolis in a large panora#a i#age -he sa#e i#age of /ndianapolis distorted into a circle -he sa#e i#age ut #odified ith a fishe%e lens$st%le techni5ue into a circle 6o##ercial Exa#ple of a studio$#ade food photograph. 6o##ercial photograph% is proal% est defined as an% photograph% for hich the photographer is paid for i#ages rather than orks of art. /n this light' #one% could e paid for the su*ect of the photograph or the photograph itself. Wholesale' retail' and professional uses of photograph% ould fall under this definition. -he co##ercial photographic orld could include: Advertising photograph%: photographs #ade to illustrate and usuall% sell a service or product. -hese i#ages' such as packshots' are generall% done ith an advertising agenc%' design fir# or ith an in$house corporate design tea#. &ashion and gla#our photograph% usuall% incorporates #odels and is a for# of advertising photograph%. &ashion photograph%' like the ork featured in Harpers a!aar' e#phasi!es clothes and other productsJ gla#our e#phasi!es the #odel and od% for#. la#our photograph% is popular in advertising and #ens #aga!ines. ?odels in gla#our photograph% so#eti#es ork nude. 6oncert Photograph% focuses on capturing candid i#ages of oth the artist or and as ell as the at#osphere (including the crod). ?an% of these photographers ork freelance and are contracted through an artist or their #anage#ent to cover a specific sho. 6oncert photographs are often used to pro#ote the artist or and in addition to the venue. 6ri#e scene photograph% consists of photographing scenes of cri#e such as roeries and #urders. A lack and hite ca#era or an infrared ca#era #a% e used to capture specific details. ,till life photograph% usuall% depicts inani#ate su*ect #atter' t%picall% co##onplace o*ects hich #a% e either natural or #an$#ade. ,till life is a roader categor% for food and so#e natural photograph% and can e used for advertising purposes. &ood photograph% can e used for editorial' packaging or advertising use. &ood photograph% is si#ilar to still life photograph% ut re5uires so#e special skills. Editorial photograph% illustrates a stor% or idea ithin the context of a #aga!ine. -hese are usuall% assigned % the #aga!ine and enco#pass fashion and gla#our
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photograph% features. Photo*ournalis# can e considered suset of from editorial photograph%. Photographs In order to printa this document Scribd, you'll #ade in this context are accepted as a docu#entation of a nes stor%. first need to download it. Portrait and edding photograph%: photographs #ade and sold directl% to the end user of the i#ages. Landscape photograph% depicts locations. Cancelthe life Download And Print Wildlife photograph% de#onstrates of ani#als. Papara!!i is a for# of photo*ournalis# in hich the photographer captures candid i#ages of athletes' celerities' politicians' and other pro#inent people. Pet photograph% involves several aspects that are si#ilar to traditional studio portraits. /t can also e done in natural lighting' outside of a studio' such as in a clients ho#e. Landscape 8<2$degree panora#ic picture of the 6ha*nantor plateau in the Ataca#a =esert' 6hile. /n the center is 6erro 6ha*nantor itself. -o the right' on the plateau' is the Ataca#a Pathfinder Experi#ent (APEK) telescope ith 6erro 6hascon ehind it.3904 -he #arket for photographic services de#onstrates the aphoris# A picture is orth a thousand ords' hich has an interesting asis in the histor% of photograph%. ?aga!ines and nespapers' co#panies putting up We sites' advertising agencies and other groups pa% for photograph%. ?an% people take photographs for co##ercial purposes. +rgani!ations ith a udget and a need for photograph% have several options: the% can e#plo% a photographer directl%' organi!e a pulic co#petition' or otain rights to stock photographs. Photo stock can e procured through traditional stock giants' such as ett% /#ages or 6orisJ s#aller #icrostock agencies' such as &otoliaJ or e #arketplaces' such as 6utcaster. Art 6lassic Alfred ,tieglit! photograph' -he ,teerage shos uni5ue aesthetic of lack$ and$hite photos. =uring the 72th centur%' oth fine art photograph% and docu#entar% photograph% eca#e accepted % the English$speaking art orld and the galler% s%ste#. /n the United ,tates' a handful of photographers' including Alfred ,tieglit!' Edard ,teichen' Fohn ,!arkoski' &. Holland =a%' and Edard Weston' spent their lives advocating for photograph% as a fine art. At first' fine art photographers tried to i#itate painting st%les. -his #ove#ent is called Pictorialis#' often using soft focus for a drea#%' ro#antic look. /n reaction to that' Weston' Ansel Ada#s' and others for#ed the roup f<9 to advocate straight photograph%' the photograph as a (sharpl% focused) thing in itself and not an i#itation of so#ething else. -he aesthetics of photograph% is a #atter that continues to e discussed regularl%' especiall% in artistic circles. ?an% artists argued that photograph% as the #echanical reproduction of an i#age. /f photograph% is authenticall% art' then photograph% in the context of art ould need redefinition' such as deter#ining hat co#ponent of a photograph #akes it eautiful to the vieer. -he controvers% egan ith the the earliest earliest i#ages i#ages ritte ritten n ith lightJ lightJ Gic Gic� phore phore Gi� pce' Louis Louis =aguerr =aguerre' e' and others a#ong the ver% earliest photographers ere #et ith acclai#' ut so#e 5uestioned if their ork #et the definitions and purposes of art. 6live ell in his classic essa% Art states that onl% significant for# can distinguish art fro# hat is not art. -here #ust e so#e one 5ualit% ithout hich a ork of art cannot existJ possessing hich' in the least degree' no ork is altogether orthless. What is this 5ualit%B What 5ualit% is shared % all o*ects that provoke our aesthetic e#otionsB What 5ualit% is co##on to ,ta. ,ophia and the indos at 6hartres' ?exican sculpture' a
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Persian ol' 6hinese carpets' iottos frescoes at Padua' and the #asterpieces of Poussin' Piero della &rancesca' and this 6e!anneB one you'll anser see#s possile � In order to print document +nl% from Scribd, significant for#. /n each' lines and colors co#ined in a particular a%' certain first need to download it. for#s and relations of for#s' stir our aesthetic e#otions.3974 +n > &eruar% 722>' ,othe%s London sold the 7220 photograph @@ 6ent // =ipt%chon Cancel Download And Print #aking it the #ost for an unprecedented N8'89<'9;< to an anon%#ous idder' expensive at the ti#e.3984 6onceptual photograph% turns a concept or idea into a photograph. Even though hat is depicted in the photographs are real o*ects' the su*ect is strictl% astract. Photo*ournalis# ?ain article: Photo*ournalis# Photo*ournalis# is a particular for# of photograph% (the collecting' editing' and presenting of nes #aterial for pulication or roadcast) that e#plo%s i#ages in order to tell a nes stor%. /t is no usuall% understood to refer onl% to still i#ages' ut in so#e cases the ter# also refers to video used in roadcast *ournalis#. Photo*ournalis# is distinguished fro# other close ranches of photograph% (e.g.' docu#entar% photograph%' social docu#entar% photograph%' street photograph% or celerit% photograph%) % co#pl%ing ith a rigid ethical fra#eork hich de#ands that the ork e oth honest and i#partial hilst telling the stor% in strictl% *ournalistic ter#s. Photo*ournalists create pictures that contriute to the nes #edia' and help co##unities connect ith one other. Photo*ournalists #ust e ell infor#ed and knoledgeale aout events happening right outside their door. -he% deliver nes in a creative for#at that is not onl% infor#ative' ut also entertaining. ,cience and forensics Wootton ridge collapse in 01<0 -he ca#era has a long and distinguished histor% as a #eans of recording scientific pheno#ena fro# the first use % =aguerre and &ox$-alot' such as astrono#ical events (eclipses for exa#ple)' s#all creatures and plants hen the ca#era as attached to the e%epiece of #icroscopes (in photo#icroscop%) and for #acro photograph% of larger speci#ens. -he ca#era also proved useful in recording cri#e scenes and the scenes of accidents' such as the Wootton ridge collapse in 01<0. -he #ethods used in anal%sing photographs for use in legal cases are collectivel% knon as forensic photograph%. 6ri#e scene photos are taken fro# three vantage point. -he vantage points are overvie' #id$range' and close$up.3994 /n 019; &rancis onalds' the Honorar% =irector of the Ie +servator%' invented the first successful ca#era to #ake continuous recordings of #eteorological and geo#agnetic para#eters. =ifferent #achines produced 07$ or 79$ hour photographic traces of the #inute$%$#inute variations of at#ospheric pressure' te#perature' hu#idit%' at#ospheric electricit%' and the three co#ponents of geo#agnetic forces. -he ca#eras ere supplied to nu#erous oservatories around the orld and so#e re#ained in use until ell into the 72th centur%.39;439<4 6harles rooke a little later developed si#ilar instru#ents for the reenich +servator%.39>4 ,cience uses i#age technolog% that has derived fro# the design of the Pin Hole ca#era. K$a% #achines are si#ilar in design to Pin Hole ca#eras ith high$grade filters and laser radiation.3914 Photograph% has eco#e ui5uitous in recording events and data in science and engineering' and at cri#e scenes or accident scenes. -he #ethod has een #uch extended % using other avelengths' such as infrared photograph% and ultraviolet photograph%' as ell as spectroscop%. -hose #ethods ere first used in the Cictorian era and i#proved #uch further since that ti#e.39@4 -he first photographed ato# as discovered in 7207 % ph%sicists at riffith
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Universit%' Australia. -he% used an electric field to trap an /on of the ele#ent' Otteriu#. -he i#age as Inrecorded 66=' an electronic order to printon thisadocument from Scribd, you'll photographic fil#.3;24
first need to download it. ,ocial and cultural i#plications Photograph% #a% e used oth to capture realit% and to produce a ork of art. While Cancel Download And Print photo #anipulation as often froned upon at first' it as eventuall% used to great extent to produce produce artistic artistic effects. effects. Gude co#position co#position 0@ fro# fro# 0@11 % Faan I� nnap. -he ?us�e de de l� l%s� e' found founded ed in in 0@1; 0@1; in Lausa Lausanne' nne' as the first first photo photograp graph% h% #useu# in Europe. -here are #an% ongoing 5uestions aout different aspects of photograph%. /n her riting +n Photograph% (0@>>)' ,usan ,ontag discusses concerns aout the o*ectivit% of photograph%. -his is a highl% deated su*ect ithin the photographic co##unit%.3;04 ,ontag argues' -o photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed. /t #eans putting ones self into a certain relation to the orld that feels like knoledge' and therefore like poer.3;74 Photographers decide hat to take a photo of' hat ele#ents to exclude and hat angle to fra#e the photo' and these factors #a% reflect a particular socio$historical context. Along these lines' it can e argued that photograph% is a su*ective for# of representation. ?odern photograph% has raised a nu#er of concerns on its effect on societ%. /n Alfred Hitchcocks ear Windo (0@;9)' the ca#era is presented as pro#oting vo%euris#. Although the ca#era is an oservation station' the act of photographing is #ore than passive oserving.3;74 -he ca#era doesnt rape or even possess' though it #a% presu#e' intrude' trespass' distort' exploit' and' at the farthest reach of #etaphor' assassinate � all activities that' unlike the sexual push and shove' can e conducted fro# a distance' and ith so#e detach#ent.3;74 =igital i#aging has raised ethical concerns ecause of the ease of #anipulating digital photographs in post$processing. ?an% photo*ournalists have declared the% ill not crop their pictures or are foridden fro# co#ining ele#ents of #ultiple photos to #ake photo#ontages' passing the# as real photographs. -oda%s technolog% has #ade i#age editing relativel% si#ple for even the novice photographer. Hoever' recent changes of in$ca#era processing allo digital fingerprinting of photos to detect ta#pering for purposes of forensic photograph%. Photograph% is one of the ne #edia for#s that changes perception and changes the structure of societ%.3;84 &urther unease has een caused around ca#eras in regards to desensiti!ation. &ears that disturing or explicit i#ages are idel% accessile to children and societ% at large have een raised. Particularl%' photos of ar and pornograph% are causing a stir. ,ontag is concerned that to photograph is to turn people into o*ects that can e s%#olicall% possessed. =esensiti!ation discussion goes hand in hand ith deates aout censored i#ages. ,ontag rites of her concern that the ailit% to censor pictures #eans the photographer has the ailit% to construct realit%.3;74 +ne of the practices through hich photograph% constitutes societ% is touris#. -ouris# and photograph% co#ine to create a tourist ga!e3;94 in hich local inhaitants are positioned and defined % the ca#era lens. Hoever' it has also een argued that there exists a reverse ga!e3;;4 through hich indigenous photographees can position the tourist photographer as a shallo consu#er of i#ages. Additionall%' photograph% has een the topic of #an% songs in popular culture.
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La ?ain article: Photograph% and to the In order printla this document from Scribd, you'll Photograph% is oth restricted as ell as protected % the la in #an% first need to download it. *urisdictions. Protection of photographs is t%picall% achieved through the granting of cop%right or #oral rights to the photographer. /n the United ,tates' photograph% is protected as a &irst A#end#ent right and an%one is free to photograph an%thing Download Print /n the UI a recent la seen in pulic spaces as long Cancel as it is in plain And vie.3;<4 (6ounter$-erroris# Act 7221) increases the poer of the police to prevent people' even press photographers' fro# taking pictures in pulic places.3;>4 ,ee also +utline of photograph% ,cience of photograph% List of photographers /#age Editing Photola and #inila eferences ,pencer' = A (0@>8). -he &ocal =ictionar% of Photographic -echnologies. &ocal Press. p. 9;9. /,G @>1$208877>0@7. fBBB' Henr% eorge Liddell' oert ,cott' A reek$English Lexicon' on Perseus BBafB' Henr% eorge Liddell' oert ,cott' A reek$English Lexicon' on Perseus Harper' =ouglas. photograph. +nline Et%#olog% =ictionar%. oris Iosso% (7229). (7229). Hercule Hercule &lorence: &lorence: El descuri#ient descuri#iento o de la fotograf fotograf� a en rasil. /nstituto /nstituto Gacional Gacional de Antropolog Antropolog� a e Historia. Historia. /,G @<1$28$2272$K. @<1$28$2272$K. -e#plate:6ite periodical Eder' F.? (0@9;) 30@874. Histor% of Photograph%' 9th. edition 3eschichte der Photographie4. Photographie4. Ge Oork: Oork: =over Pulications' Pulications' /nc. pp. 7;1� 7;@. /,G 2$91<$78;1<$ 2$91<$78;1<$<. <. 6a#pell' Fan (722;) &il# and cine#a spectatorship: #elodra#a and #i#esis. Polit%. p. 009. /,G 2$>9;<$7@82$K Ires' oert E. (7229). roundreaking ,cientific Experi#ents' /nventions' and =iscoveries of the ?iddle Ages and the enaissance. reenood Pulishing roup. p. 72. /,G 2$808$87988$<. Alistair 6a#eron 6ro#ie' ,cience' optics' and #usic in #edieval and earl% #odern thought' p. 72; Wade' Gicholas F.J &inger' ,tanle% (7220). -he e%e as an optical instru#ent: fro# ca#era oscura oscura to Hel#holt!s Hel#holt!s perspective perspective. . Perception. Perception. 82 (02): 00;> 00;>� >>. doi:02.02<1p8702. P?/= 00>7010@. =avidson' ?ichael WJ Gational High ?agnetic &ield Laorator% at -he &lorida ,tate Universit% (0 August 7228). ?olecular Expressions: ,cience' +ptics and Oou � -i#eline � Alertus ?agnus. -he &lorida ,tate Universit%. Archived fro# the original on 82 ?arch 7202. etrieved 71 Gove#er 722@. Potonni�e' eorges (0@>8). (0@>8). -he histor% histor% of the discover% discover% of photograph photograph%. %. Arno Press. p. ;2. /,G 2$92;$29@7@$8 Allen' Gicholas P. L. (00 Gove#er 0@@8). /s the ,hroud of -urin the first recorded photograp photographB hB (P=&). -he -he ,outh African African Fournal of of Art Histor%: Histor%: 78� 87. Allen' Gicholas P. L. (0@@9). A reappraisal of late thirteenth$centur% responses to the ,hroud of of Lire%$6ha# Lire%$6ha#� r%$-urin: r%$-urin: encolpia of the the Eucharist' Eucharist' vera eikon eikon or supre#e relicB. -he ,outhern African Fournal of ?edieval and enaissance ,tudies. 9 (0) (0): : <7 <7� @9. @9. Allen' Gicholas P. L. Cerification of the Gature and 6auses of the Photo$negative /#ages on on the ,hroud ,hroud of Lire%$6ha# Lire%$6ha#� r%$-urin. r%$-urin. unisa.ac.!a unisa.ac.!a ernshei#' Hel#ut (0@1<). A concise histor% of photograph%. 6ourier =over Pulicat Pulication ions. s. pp. 8� 9. /,G 2$91<$7; 2$91<$7;071 071$9 $9 ernshei#' Hel#ut and ernshei#' Alison (0@;;) -he histor% of photograph% fro# the earliest use of the ca#era oscura in the eleventh centur% up to 0@09. +xford Universit% Press. p. 72. -he &irst Photograph � Heliograph%. etrieved 7@ ,epte#er 722@. fro# Hel#ut ernshei#s article' -he 0;2th Anniversar% of Photograph%' in Histor% of Photograph%' Photograph%' Col. /' Go. Go. 0' Fanuar% 0@>>: 0@>>: .../n 0177' 0177' Gi� pce coated a glass glass
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plate... -he sunlight passing through... -his first per#anent exa#ple... as destro%ed... so#e %ears later. In order to print this document from Scribd, you'll Litchfield' . 0@28. -o# Wedgood' the &irst Photographer: An Account of His first need to download it. Life. London' =uckorth and 6o. ,ee 6hapter K///. /ncludes the co#plete text of Hu#phr% =av%s 0127 paper' hich is the onl% knon conte#porar% record of Wedgoods experi#ents. (etrieved > ?a% 7208 via archive.org). Cancel Download And Print Hirsch' oert (0@@@). ,ei!ing the light: a histor% of photograph%. ?cra$Hill. /,G @>1$2$<@>$098<0$>. Willia# Willia# Henr% Henr% &ox -alot -alot (0122 (0122� 01>>). 01>>). 6 &eld#an' Anthon% and &ord' Peter (0@1@) ,cientists inventors. loo#sur% ooks' p. 071' /,G 01>2<82781. &ox -alot' Willia# Willia# Henr% Henr% and Fa##es' Andr Andr� (0@>8) Willia# Willia# H. &ox -alot' -alot' inventor inventor of the negative$positive process' ?ac#illan' p. @;. Histor% of Iodak' ?ilestones$chronolog%: 01>1$0@7@. kodak.co# Peres' ?ichael . (7221). -he 6oncise &ocal Enc%clopedia of Photograph%: fro# the first photo on paper to the digital revolution. urlington' ?ass.: &ocal PressElsevier. p. >;. /,G @>1$2$792$12@@1$9. H= curve of fil# vs digital. etrieved August 00' 720;. Facoson' alph E. (7222). -he &ocal ?anual of Photograph%: photographic and digital i#aging (@th ed.). oston' ?ass.: &ocal Press. /,G @>1$2$792$;0;>9$1. lack White White Photograph% Photograph%. . P,A Fournal. Fournal. >> (07): (07): 81� 92. 7200. 01<0: Fa#es 6lerk ?axells greatest %ear. Iings 6ollege London. 8 Fanuar% 720>. &ro# 6harles ?ackintoshs aterproof to =oll% the sheep: 98 innovations ,cotland has given the orld. -he independent. Fanuar% 7' 720<. ,chee' Feff (7207). -he =igital Gegative: a /#age Processing /n Lightroo#' 6a#era a' and Photoshop. erkele%' 6A: Peachpit Press' /,G 287018@;>@' p. >7 Paux' ?arc$+livier (0 &eruar% 7200). ,%nthesis photograph% and architecture. /#agina. ?onaco. Archived fro# the original on 7 April 720;. lossar%: =igital Photograph% evie. =previe.co#. etrieved 79 Fune 7208. Anderson' FosephJ Anderson' arara (,pring 0@@8). -he ?%th of Persistence of Cision evisited. evisited. Fournal Fournal of &il# &il# and Cideo. 9; (0): (0): 8� 07. Archived Archived fro# the original on 79 Gove#er 722@. elisle' rooke (7208). -he =i#ensional /#age: +verlaps /n ,tereoscopic' 6ine#atic' 6ine#atic' And =igital =igital =epth. &il# &il# 6riticis# 6riticis# 8>81 (80): (80): 00>� 08>. Acade#ic Acade#ic ,earch 6o#plete. We. 8 +ctoer 7208. An introduction to =ualphotograph%. ?ediu#.co# =ual.Photo pulication. -ede' =avid. /ntroduction to &ull$,pectru# and /nfrared photograph%. surrealcolor.002#.co# Gg' en (Ful% 722<) =igital Light &ield Photograph%. Ph= -hesis' ,tanford Universit% Peterson' 6. A. (7200). Ho#e Portraiture. Histor% of Photograph%. 8; (9): 8>9. doi:02.02122821>
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doi:02.022>&27>0;@0>. lit!er' Herert L.J ,tein$&erguson' IarenJ Huang' Feffre% (7221). Understanding In order to print this document from Scribd, you'll forensic digital digital i#aging. i#aging. Acade#ic #ic Press. pp. @>1$2$07$8>29;0$0. ;0$0. firstAcade need to download it. pp. 1� @. /,G @>1$2$07$8>29 lenda%' 6raig (7208). uinness ook of ecords 7209. p. 0@7. /,G @>1$0$@21198$ 0;$@. issell' I.L. (7222) Photograph% and +*ectivit%. Cancel Penguin' Download ,ontag' ,. (0@>>) (0@>>) +n Photograph%' Photograph%' Penguin' London' LondAnd on' Print pp. 8� 79' /,G 28079722@@. 28079722@@. Levinson' P. (0@@>) -he ,oft Edge: a Gatural Histor% and &uture of the /nfor#ation evolution' evolution' outledge' outledge' London London and Ge Oork' pp. pp. 8>� 91' /,G 290;0;>1;9. 290;0;>1;9. Urr%' Fohn (7227). -he tourist ga!e (7nd ed.). ,AE. /,G @>1$2$><0@$>89>$1. illespie' Alex. -ourist Photograph% and the everse a!e. Oou Have Ever% ight to Photograph -hat 6op. A#erican 6ivil Lierties Union. etrieved 720<$27$01. Fail for photographing policeB. ritish Fournal of Photograph%. 71 Fanuar% 722@. Archived fro# the original on 7> ?arch 7202. &urther reading /ntroduction Photograph%. A 6ritical /ntroduction 3Paperack4' ed. % Li! Wells' 8rd edition' London 3etc.4: outledge' 7229' /,G 2$90;$82>29$K Histor% A Ge Histo Histor% r% of Photog Photograph raph%' %' ed. % % ?ichel ?ichel &ri!ot' &ri!ot' I� ln : I� ne#ann' ne#ann' 0@@1 0@@1 &ran!$Kaver ,chlegel' =as Leen der toten =inge � ,tudien !ur #odernen ,achfoto ,achfotogra grafie fie in den den U,A 0@09 0@09� 0@8;' 0@8;' 7 � nde' nde' ,tuttgart ,tuttgarte er#an r#an%: %: Art in Life Life 0@@@' 0@@@' /,G 8$22$22992>$1. eference orks -o# Ang (7227). =ictionar% of Photograph% and =igital /#aging: -he Essential eference for the ?odern Photographer. Watson$uptill. /,G 2$10>9$8>1@$9. Hans$?ichael Ioet!le: =as Lexikon der &otografen: 0@22 is heute' ?unich: Inaur 7227' ;07 p.' /,G 8$97<$<<9>@$1 Fohn Hannav% (ed.): Enc%clopedia of Gineteenth$6entur% Photograph%' 0>8< p.' Ge Oork: outledge 722; /,G @>1$2$90;$@>78;$7 L%nne Warren (Hrsg.): Enc%clopedia of -entieth$6entur% Photograph%' 0>0@ p.' Ge Oork' GO 3et.4 : outledge' 722< -he +xford 6o#panion to the Photograph' ed. % oin Len#an' +xford Universit% Press 722; -he &ocal Enc%clopedia of Photograph%' ichard Dakia' Leslie ,troeel' &ocal Press 0@@8' /,G 2$792$;090>$8 +ther ooks Photograph% and -he Art of ,eeing % &ree#an Patterson' Ie% Porter ooks 0@1@' /,G 0$;;208$2@@$9. -he Art of Photograph%: An Approach to Personal Expression % ruce arnau#' ock% Gook 7202' /,G 0$@88@;7$<1$>. /#age 6larit%: High esolution Photograph% % Fohn . Willia#s' &ocal Press 0@@2' /,G 2$792$12288$1. External links &ind #ore aout Photograph% at Wikipedias sister pro*ects =efinitions fro# Wiktionar% ?edia fro# Wiki#edia 6o##ons Ges fro# Wikines uotations fro# Wiki5uote -exts fro# Wikisource -extooks fro# Wikiooks Learning resources fro# Wikiversit% Photograph% at 6urlie (ased on =?+D) World Histor% of Photograph% &ro# -he Histor% of Art. =aguerreot%pe to =igital: A rief Histor% of the Photographic Process &ro# the ,tate Lirar% Archives of &lorida.
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Photograph% 6hanges Ever%thing is a collection of original essa%s' stories and i#ages� contriuted contriuted % experts exper ts to fro# a spectru# spect ru# from of Scribd, professional profes sional orlds orlds and #e#ers #e#ers of In order print this document you'll the pro*ects pro*ects online audience audience� that explore explore the #an% a%s photograp photograph% h% shapes our first need to download it. culture and our lives' % the ,#ithsonian /nstitution. 3sho4 v t e Photograph% Cancel Download And Print 3sho4 v t e Cisual arts Authorit% control G=: 929;1@;$> H=,: 000>0 G=L: 22;>0@<> GI6: ph009;1; Large for#at ca#era lens.pngPhotograph% portal 6ategories: Photograph%&rench inventions+pticsAudiovisual introductions in 0177 Gavigation #enu Got logged in-alk6ontriutions6reate accountLog inArticle-alkeadCie sourceCie histor%,earch ,earch Wikipedia ?ain page 6ontents &eatured content 6urrent events ando# article =onate to Wikipedia Wikipedia store /nteraction Help Aout Wikipedia 6o##unit% portal ecent changes 6ontact page -ools What links here elated changes Upload file ,pecial pages Per#anent link Page infor#ation Wikidata ite# 6ite this page Printexport 6reate a ook =onload as P=& Printale version /n other pro*ects Wiki#edia 6o##ons Wikiooks Wiki5uote Languages BBBBBBBBB oarisch Espa�ol BBBBB BBBBBB /lokano -agalog Winara% BB 070 #ore
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