NAME:__________________________________________ NAME:__________________________________________
1. The mezzanine floor in the bahay na bato. a. Alcoba b. Latrina c. Entresuelo
SCHOOL:______________ SCHOOL:______________
d. Volad Voladaa
. Found in the ground floor of the bahay na bato, it is where the carriages and saint’s floats are usually kept. a. !atio b.Entr"#$"lo c.%ara&" d. Zaguan '. This is the cistern found underneath the azotea. a. (")a b. Alibe Alibe c. Calado
d. ($lan*
+. !t is the first all steel building in the "hilippines. a. Manila Hot"l b. #an #an #e #eba bast stia ian n $hur $hurch ch c. Int" Int"nd nd"n "nci ciaa b$il b$ildi din* n* d. !&il !&ili, i,,i ,in" n" Nor) Nor)al al Sc&o Sc&ool ol -. %sed food storage in the &ahay na bato is the '''' a. (")a b. an**"ra c. (ispensa
d. Fali*
/. The Apayao )ouse *+orthern strain is known as '''' a. Siro0 b. &inuron c. Fa$ d. 0ala,a2 3. The -aranao royal house, an ancestral house of the datu and his family is called the ''' a. Torogan b. in$ron c. 4ala 4ala d. 5$bo 6. The decoratie clearstory found aboe the the windows in the bahay na bato is the '' a. $alado b. V"ntanilla c. %ilir c. V"ntana 7. . The &ontoc )ouse of the southern strain is call ed'''' a. Siro0 b. in$ron c. Fayu Fa yu d. 0ala,a2 18. $ooking area in the bahay /ubo a. (a,o*an b. 0ili 0i lirr
c. Cocina
d. Entr"#$"lo
11.The only #uriing structure of the 1234 war in the !ntramuros is the a. #an #an agus agusti tin n $hur $hurch ch b. San S"ba#tian S"ba#tian C&$rc& c. Int" Int"nd nd"n "nci ciaa b$il b$ildi din* n* d. !&ili,,in" Nor)al Sc&ool 1. !t is the enclosed courtyard open to the sky and adacent to the zaguan of the bahay na bato a. A9ot"a b . "atio c. Atri$) d. an**$"ra 1'. The flat, open terrace open to the toilet, bath and kitchen areas and also used as a laundry5drying space and serice area fro the serants. a . Azotea b. !atio c. Atri$) Atri$) d. an**$"ra 1+. Architect of !glesia ni $risto a. F"li," M"ndo9a b. $an Na0,il
c. $arlos #antos 6iola
d. To)a# To)a# Ma,$a
1-. First 7egistered Architect Architect in the "hilippines a. To)a# Ar*$"ll"# b. $an Na0,il
c. $an Arr"llano
d. Tomas -apua
1/. English architect and engineer, a leading representatie of )igh Tech architecture. )is proects include )/ and #hanghai &ank, )ongkong, the $arre d’Art 0allery, +imes, the 7eichstag, &erlin and the 0reat $ourt, 8ondon. a. #ir +orman Foster b. Ric&ard $c0)in#t"r F$ll"r c. T&"o ;an (o"#b$r* d. Rob"rt V"nt$ri 13. #wiss architect actie in France, one of the most influential architects and theorists of the 9:th $entury. )is works include 6illa #aoye, "oissy; the %nite d;)abitation, -arseille; and the "ilgrimage $hurch, 7onchamp. a. $harles Edouard
that contained ??@ dwelli ngs in only acres of land. hat is the structure that supposed to be located in -arseillesB a. An*0or 4at b. %nite d’ )abitation c. Habitat /3 d. Ca#a Mila 8. An English Architect who prepared plan for 8ondon i.e., #t. "eter Cs and #t. "aul $athedral; "roposed a +etwork of Aenues connecting the main features of 8ondon. a. R"n9o !iano b. Ric&ard Ro*"r# c. #ir $hristopher ren d. S$lli;an 1. Architecture of 7einforced concrete, iron and glass a. Futurism b. Con#tr$cti;i#)
c. E<,r"##ioni#)
d. Str$ct$rali#)
. A description of Architecture that sympathizes with the enironment. "rairie (esign * blending with the enironment a. F$t$ri#) b. Drganicism c. E<,r"##ioni#) d. M"taboli#) '. !nented &ent "lywood a. F"li< Cand"la
b. Marc"l r"$"r
c. Alar Aalto
+. $oncrete engineer who popularize Thin #hell structures a. Feli $andela b. Marc"l r"$"r c. Al;ar Aalto
d. L" Corb$#i"r
d. L" Corb$#i"r
-. Dne of his "hilosophies is = #traight line belongs to man while cure line belong to 0od> a. Antonio 0audi b. L" Corb$#i"r c. 4alt"r %ro,i$# d. Adol= Loo# /. )is answer to pre5fabricate construction materials is the C(omino #ystem of $onstruction’ a. 8e $orbusier b Antonio %a$di c. 4alt"r %ro,i$# d. Rob"rt Maillard 3. $reator of 7einforced $oncrete Architecture. An architecture in which all the elements of the reinforced concrete structure remain isible, eternally and internally. a. Auguste "erret b. !i"r L$i*i N"r;i c. F"li< Cand"la d. Al;ar Aalto. 6. Founder of C-etabolism’
a. T&" !rairi" Ho$#"
b. T&" 5a$=)ann Ho$#"
c . The 7obie )ouse
d. T&" Tali"#"n Ho$#"
I(ENTIFY THE STRUCTURES $)D!$E#I TD7!! Z!00%7AT A+/D7 AT "A0D(A "A!58D% TD7A+A #T%"A 0D"%7A-
'1. _____________________
''. _______________
'. _____________________
'+. _____________________
'/. _____________________
'-. _____________________
'3. _____________________
1. The mezzanine floor in the bahay na bato. a. Alcoba b. Latrina c. Entresuelo
d. Volada
. Fo$nd in t&" *ro$nd =loor o= t&" ba&a na bato> it i# 2&"r" t&" carria*"# and #aint?# =loat# ar" $#$all 0",t. a. !atio b.Entr"#$"lo c.%ara&" d. Zaguan '. T&i# i# t&" ci#t"rn =o$nd $nd"rn"at& t&" a9ot"a. a. (")a b.Alibe c. Calado
d. ($lan*
+. It i# t&" =ir#t all #t""l b$ildin* in t&" !&ili,,in"#. ". Manila Hot"l f. #an #ebastian $hurch *. Int"nd"ncia b$ildin* &. !&ili,,in" Nor)al Sc&ool -. U#"d =ood #tora*" in t&" a&a na bato i# t&" ____ a. (")a b. an**"ra c. (ispensa
d. Fali*
/. T&" A,aao Ho$#" @Nort&"rn #train i# 0no2n a# ____ a. Siro0 b. &inuron c. Fa$
d. 0ala,a2
3. T&" Maranao roal &o$#"> an anc"#tral &o$#" o= t&" dat$ and &i# =a)il i# call"d t&" ___ a. Torogan b. in$ron c. 4ala d. 5$bo 6. T&" d"corati;" cl"ar#tor =o$nd abo;" t&" t&" 2indo2# in t&" ba&a na bato i# t&" __ a. $alado b. V"ntanilla c. %ilir c. V"ntana 7. . T&" ontoc Ho$#" o= t&" #o$t&"rn #train i# call"d____ a. Siro0 b. in$ron c. Fayu
d. 0ala,a2
18. Coo0in* ar"a in t&" ba&a 5$bo a. (a,o*an b. 0ilir
d. Entr"#$"lo
c. Cocina
11.T&" onl S$r;i;in* #tr$ct$r" o= t&" 17+- 2ar in t&" Intra)$ro# i# t&" d. #an agustin $hurch ". San S"ba#tian C&$rc& =. Int"nd"ncia b$ildin* d. !&ili,,in" Nor)al Sc&ool 1. It i# t&" "nclo#"d co$rtard o,"n to t&" #0 and adBac"nt to t&" 9a*$an o= t&" ba&a na bato a. A9ot"a c. Atri$) d. an**$"ra b. "atio 1'. T&" =lat> o,"n t"rrac" o,"n to t&" toil"t> bat& and 0itc&"n ar"a# and al#o $#"d a# a la$ndrdrin* #,ac" and #"r;ic" ar"a =ro t&" #"r;ant#. b. !atio c. Atri$) d. an**$"ra a. Azotea 1+. Arc&it"ct o= I*l"#ia ni Cri#to a. F"li," M"ndo9a
b. $an Na0,il
1-. Fir#t R"*i#t"r"d Arc&it"ct in t&" !&ili,,in"# a. To)a# Ar*$"ll"# b. $an Na0,il
c. $arlos #antos 6iola
d. To)a# Ma,$a
c. $an Arr"llano
d. Tomas -apua
1/. En*li#& arc&it"ct and "n*in""r> a l"adin* r",r"#"ntati;" o= Hi*& T"c& arc&it"ct$r". Hi# ,roB"ct# incl$d" H5 and S&an*&ai an0> Hon*0on*> t&" Carr" d?Art %all"r> Ni)"#> t&" R"icta*> "rlin and t&" %r"at Co$rt> London. e. #ir +orman Foster =. Ric&ard $c0)in#t"r F$ll"r *. T&"o ;an (o"#b$r* &. Rob"rt V"nt$ri 13. S2i## arc&it"ct acti;" in Franc"> on" o= t&" )o#t in=l$"ntial arc&it"ct# and t&"ori#t# o= t&" 8t& C"nt$r. Hi# 2or0# incl$d" Villa Sa;o"> !oi##D t&" Unit" dDHabitation> Mar#"ill"D and t&" !il*ri)a*" C&$rc&> Ronc&a),. e. $harles Edouard o#tonD an0 o= C&ina> Hon*0on*D and t&" !ra)id at t&" Lo$;"r> !ari#. e. !- "ei =. C"#ar !"lli *. 5"n Y"an* &. R"n9o !iano 17. 8e $orbusier planned a high density building that was a =super building> that contained ??@ dwelli ngs in only acres of land. hat is the structure that supposed to be located in -arseillesB a. An*0or 4at c. Habitat /3 d. Ca#a Mila b. %nite d’ )abitation 8. An English Architect who prepared plan for 8ondon i.e., #t. "eter Cs and #t. "aul $athedral; "roposed a +etwork of Aenues connecting the main features of 8ondon. a. R"n9o !iano b. Ric&ard Ro*"r# c. #ir $hristopher ren d. S$lli;an 1. Arc&it"ct$r" o= R"in=orc"d concr"t"> iron and *la## a. Futurism b. Con#tr$cti;i#)
c. E<,r"##ioni#)
d. Str$ct$rali#)
. A d"#cri,tion o= Arc&it"ct$r" t&at #),at&i9"# 2it& t&" "n;iron)"nt. !rairi" ("#i*n @ bl"ndin* 2it& t&" "n;iron)"nt a. F$t$ri#) b. Drganicism c. E<,r"##ioni#) d. M"taboli#) '. In;"nt"d &ent "lywood a. F"li< Cand"la
b. Marc"l r"$"r
c. Alar Aalto
+. Concr"t" "n*in""r 2&o ,o,$lari9" Thin #hell #tr$ct$r"# b. Marc"l r"$"r c. Al;ar Aalto a. Feli $andela
d. L" Corb$#i"r
d. L" Corb$#i"r
-. On" o= &i# !&ilo#o,&i"# i# Strai*&t lin" b"lon*# to )an 2&il" c$r;" lin" b"lon* to %od a. Antonio 0audi b. L" Corb$#i"r c. 4alt"r %ro,i$# d. Adol= Loo# /. Hi# an#2"r to ,r"=abricat" con#tr$ction )at"rial# i# t&" C(omino #ystem of $onstruction’ a. 8e $orbusier b Antonio %a$di c. 4alt"r %ro,i$# d. Rob"rt Maillard 3. Cr"ator o= 7einforced $oncrete Architecture . An arc&it"ct$r" in 2&ic& all t&" "l")"nt# o= t&" r"in=orc"d concr"t" #tr$ct$r" r")ain ;i#ibl"> "
a. T&" !rairi" Ho$#"
b. T&" 5a$=)ann Ho$#"
c. The 7obie )ouse
d. T&" Tali"#"n Ho$#"