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Postmodernism in English Literature
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this is some lessons from my English Literature classes, i think it is rather useful to those who learn English as a 2nd language like meFull description
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Postmodernism in English Literature
English Literature MCQs by Sajjad Hiader
1. Who is the writer of ‘Decamerone’ a collection of novels having 100 tales a. Dante b. Petrarch c. Boccaccio d. Aristo 2. Alice Walker is known for a. Racism b. Activism c. Optimism d. Pessimism 3. “My Son the Fanatic” is a short story written by a Pakistani Writer a. Hanif Kureishi b. Sharmeen Chunaye c. Ahmad Ali d. Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi 4. Plato attacked poetry on _________ grounds. a. Moral b. Emotional c. Intellectual d. All 5. Plato linked poetry to Painting while Aristotle linked it to a. Nature b. Drawing c. Music d. Love 6. The author of “Republic” is a. Aristotle b. Plato c. Socrates d. Huxley 7. According to Aristotle, the important aspect of tragedy is a. Character Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 1
b. Dialogue c. Plot d. Conflict 8. Change in the fortune of the hero is called a. Peripety b. Reversal c. Recognition d. A and B 9. Aristotle stressed upon which unity a. Unity of action b. Unity of time c. Unity of place d. All 10. Change from ignorance to knowledge in tragedy is known as a. Recognition b. Anagnoirsis c. Both d. Peripety 11. How many essentials are of characterization according to Aristotle? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7 12.The first edition of “Lyrical Balled” contains how many poems? a. 21 b. 23 c. 25 d. 27 13. Wordsworth says that there are _______ stages in the process of poetic creation. a. 3. b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 2
14.In the first edition of Lyrical Balled Wordsworth wrote a. 15 poems b. 17 poems c. 19 poems d. 20 poems 15. In the first edition of Lyrical Balled Coleridge wrote a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 10 16.The first critic who differentiated between primary and secondary imagination is a. Wordsworth b. Coleridge c. Arnold d. T.S. Eliot 17. T.S. Eliot won Nobel Prize in a. 1945 b. 1948 c. 1950 d. 1955 18. Among University Wits following did not contribute to Drama a. Greene b. Peele c. Lily d. Lodge and Nash 19.18th century can be called the age of________ because it was very popular in that era. a. Satire b. Irony c. Humor d. Imagery 20. Dickens is the novelist of common people while________ is the novelist of upper cleass people in Victorian era. a. Hardy Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 3
b. George Eliot c. Thackeray d. Emile Bronte 21.Rossetti, Swinburne and Morris are the writer of a. Aesthetic Movement b. Imperialism c. Pre-Raphaelite Movement d. Naturalism 22. Wordsworth was made Poet Laureate after the death of Southey in a. 1843 b. 1845 c. 1849 d. 1850 23. “Westminster Bridge” and “To Milton” by Wordsworth are a. Odes b. Sonnets c. Epics d. Balled 24. Shelly published a pamphlet because of which he was dismissed from Oxford. Name of pamphlet is a. Socialism b. Atheism c. Love and Sex d. The necessity of Atheism 25. Shelly died at the age of 30. He was died of a. Cholera b. Tuberculosis c. Drowning d. Hanging 26. Shelly’s epitaph was composed by a. Keats b. Byron c. Dickens d. Leigh Hunt Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 4
27. “The Revolt of Islam” is written by a. Hanif Kureshi b. Ahmad Ali c. P.B. Shelly d. Muhammad Hanif 28. The full name of Byron was a. Lord William Byron b. Lord James Byron c. Lord George Gordon Byron d. Lord White Byron 29. Which of the following is Charles Dickens Work a. Pickwick Papers b. David Copper Field c. Great Expectations d. All 30. After Wordsworth, Who became Poet Laureate? a. Shelly b. Yeats c. Browning d. Tennyson 31.Which of the following works of Tennyson was published anonymously a. The Princes b. In Memoriam c. Maud d. The Lotus Eaters 32. Rabi Ben Ezra and Fra Lippo Lippi are written by a. Tennyson b. Browning c. Eliot d. Keats 33. Heroic verse is mostly used for a. Lyrics b. Epics c. Ballads Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 5
d. Odes 34. The chief fault in Browning’s poetry is its a. Obscurity b. Too much literary terms c. Bad meter d. Meaninglessness 35. Which is not the work of Ruskin a. Modern Painters b. Unto the Last c. Das Kapital d. Practerita 36. Which of the following is John’s Ruskin’s Work? a. The Seven Lamp of Architecture b. The Crown of the Wild Olive c. The Stones of Venice d. All 37. Who earned fame as a public speaker? a. Ibsen b. Oscar Wild c. G.B. Shaw d. Becket 38. G.B. Shaw was awarded Noble Prize in a. 1919 b. 1921 c. 1925 d. Could not get Nobel prize 39. “Apple Cart”, “Pygmalion”,” Man and Superman”, “Heartbreak House” are the works of a. Oscar Wild b. G.B Shaw c. Samuel Becket d. Harold Pinter 40. Which one of the following is Yeats’ poem? a. Among the School Children b. Queen Mob Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 6
c. Child Herald d. Oliver Twist 41.Waiting for Godot has been translated more than____ languages. a. 10. b. 15 c. 20 d. 25 42. D.H. Lawrence was arrested on suspicion of being a. Involved in murder b. Involved robbery c. A spy for the British d. Involved in smuggling 43. “Twilight in Italy” was written by a. Ahmad Ali b. D.H. Lawrence c. James Joyce d. Woolf 44. “Ash Wednesday” and A cooking Egg are written by a. George Eliot b. T.S. Eliot c. Wolf d. James Joyce 45. The Wasteland consists of a. 430 lines b. 432 lines c. 433 lines d. 434 lines 46. Who is the writer of Rodrick Random? a. Richardson b. Fielding c. Smollett d. Hardy 47. Yeats was the member of a. British Parliament b. Irish National Assembly Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 7
c. Irish Senate d. British House of Lords 48. The art of biography and auto biography became popular in a. 17th century b. 18th century c. 19th century d. 20th century 49. “Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart” Wordsworth wrote this line for a. Shakespeare b. Milton c. Donne d. Marlow 50. How many formative elements does a tragedy have? a. 4 b. 5 c. 6 d. 7
Sajjad Haider (SSE English) Head Teacher GES MC Eid Gah Gojra, 03138962618, 03215261899 Page 8