PARANOIA - Emil Kraepelin

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Kraepelin antes del 1900Descripción completa

Tes Kraepelin adalah salah satu instrumen Psikologi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui karakter seseorang dalam beberapa aspek. Read below and do not forget to like :)

Tes Kraepelin adalah salah satu instrumen Psikologi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui karakter seseorang dalam beberapa aspek. Read below and do not forget to like :)Deskripsi lengkap

psikotes kraepelin ( tes koran )Full description

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Updated versions of the adventures Orcbusters, Clones in Space, and The People's Glorious Revolutionary Adventure. Does not include the original pre-generated player characters of any missio…Descripción completa

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Four Straight-style missions: Infohazard, Hunger, WMD, and Hot Potato. Hunger is based on The Great Leap Forward of the People's Republic of China, and places the player characters in charge…Descripción completa

fun fun fun - ultravioletFull description

Contains three Classic-style "Sector Zero" missions: Bubblegum Run, The Dinner Party, and Lightning Rod. The term "Sector Zero" is introduced as jargon for punishment duty, or a dispiriting assignm...

Updated versions of the adventures Robot Imana 665-C, The Trouble with Cockroaches, Das Bot, Vapors Don't Shoot Back, The YELLOW Clearance Black Box Blues, Send in the Clones, Me and My Shad…Descripción completa

Five short missions showcasing the different styles of play introduced in Paranoia XP: Stealth Train (Straight), Traitor Backup (Straight), Patch Job (Straight/Classic), Random Access Mission (Clas...

Contains three Classic-style "Sector Zero" missions: Bubblegum Run, The Dinner Party, and Lightning Rod. The term "Sector Zero" is introduced as jargon for punishment duty, or a dispiriting assignm...Full description