"OVERPOPULATION AND ITS ECONOMIC EFFECTS" A) INTRODUCTI INTR ODUCTION ON ABOUT OVERPOPUL OVERPOPULA ATION IN THE PHILIPPINES OVERPOPULATION -Every second, minute, hours, weeks... There are babies that are born. Meaning, another person to be taken care of. Another person that will use our land resources. resources. The problem is, there are too many people that compete for the wealth of our land… -Many -Many sour source ces, s, book books s and and arti articl cles es say say that that peop people le are are the the most most important natural resources a land could have. eople are the ones who develop and take care of the nature. eople are also the main users of what the nature could give. !t was "ust yesterday when it seems that people are not the problem, in fact, they are the factors that contributes to the betterment of a nation. -Today, it seems that people are coming way too fast and many already. #utt sad to say, #u say, the the reali eality ty is, is, our our nati nation on,, the the h hil ilip ippi pine nes s has has this this prob proble lem. m. $ver $verpo popu pula lati tion on is and and sh shou ould ld be ever everyo yone ne%s %s conc concer ern. n. $verpopulation is the reason why our E&$'$M( has not yet improved.
Defnition -)uman $verpopulation occurs if the number of people in a group e*ceeds the carrying capacity of a region occupied by that group. !t is e*isting when a population cannot be maintained without the rapi rapid d depl deplet etio ion n of nonnon-rrenew enewab able le resou esourrces ces or with withou outt the the degradation of the capacity of the environment to give support to the population. -$verpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. !t is possible for very sparsely populated areas to be overpopulated if the area has a meager or non-e*istent capability to sustain life
-The main reason why the hilippines is considered overpopulated is because of the mismanagement of resources. #ecause it is mismanaged, too much people are not getting their fair share of the resource, even though the actually fair share might sustain them. +o, not being able to sustain a percentage of their population means there are too many people for the working system to support, and having too many people would euate to overpopulation. !t is a comple* study so it really hard to dene overpopulation, considering resources come from all over the globe so its hard to measure "ust how many the hilippines can support. -$thers say that the biggest cause of overpopulation in the hilippines is the lack of education. eople there dont have the knowledge on how to use a contraceptives. +ince The big and powerful /oman &atholic &hurch 0which basically controls the country1 disapproves of any form of se*ual education and birth contraceptives. This e*plains the lack of se*ual education and the government constant refusal to provide free birth control for its citi2ens. OTHER CAUSES: Other causes ic!ues# 1.) Decline in the Death Rate: At the root of overpopulation is the di3erence between the overall birth rate and death rate in populations. !f the number of children born each year euals the number of adults that die, then the population will stabili2e. Talking about overpopulation shows that while there are many factors that can increase the death rate for short periods of time, the ones that increase the birth rate do so over a long period of time. The discovery of agriculture by our ancestors was one factor that provided them with the ability to sustain their nutrition without hunting. This created the rst imbalance between the two rates. 2.) Better Medical Facilities: 4ollowing this came the industrial revolution. Technological advancement was perhaps the biggest reason why the balance has been permanently disturbed. +cience was able to produce better means of producing food, which allowed families to feed more mouths. Medical science made many discoveries thanks to which they were able to defeat a whole range of diseases. !llnesses that had claimed thousands of lives till now were cured
because of the invention of vaccines. &ombining the increase in food supply with fewer means of mortality tipped the balance and became the starting point of overpopulation. 3.) More Hands to Overcome Poverty: )owever, when talking about overpopulation we should understand that there is a psychological component as well. 4or thousands of years, a very small part of the population had enough money to live in comfort. The rest faced poverty and would give birth to large families to make up for the high infant mortality rate. 4amilies that have been through poverty, natural disasters or are simply in need of more hands to work are a ma"or factor for overpopulation. As compared to earlier times, most of these e*tra children survive and consume resources that are not su5cient in nature. 4.) echnolo!ical "dvancement in Fertility reatment: 6ith latest technological advancement and more discoveries in medical science, it has become possible for couple who are unable to conceive to undergo fertility treatment methods and have their own babies. Today there are e3ective medicines which can increases the chance of conception and lead to rise in birth rate. Moreover, due to modern techniues pregnancies today are far more safer. #.) $mmi!ration: Many people prefer to move to developed countries like 7+, 78, &anada and Australia where best facilities are available in terms of medical, education, security and employment. The end result is that those people settle over there and those places become overcrowded. 9i3erence between the number of people who are leaving the country and the number of people who enter narrows down which leads to more demand for food, clothes, energy and homes. This gives rise to shortage of resources. Though the overall population remains the same, it "ust a3ects the density of population making that place simply overcrowded %.) &ac' o( Family Plannin!: Most developing nations have large number of people who are illiterate, live below the poverty line and have little or no knowledge about family planning. :etting their children married at an early age increase the chances of producing more kids. Those people are unable to understand the harmful e3ects of overpopulation and lack of ignorance prompts them to avoid family planning measures.
Eects: De$!eti% %& Natura! Res%urces: The e3ects of overpopulation are uite severe. The rst of these is the depletion of resources. The Earth can only produce a limited amount of water and food, which is falling short of the current needs. Most of the environmental damage being seen in
the last fty odd years is because of the growing number of people on the planet. They are cutting down forests, hunting wildlife in a reckless manner, causing pollution and creating a host of problems. Those engaged in talking about overpopulation have noticed that acts of violence and aggression outside of a war 2one have increased tremendously while competing for resources.
De'raati% %& E(ir%et: 6ith the overuse of coal, oil and natural gas, it has started producing some serious e3ects on our environment. /ise in the number of vehicles and industries have badly a3ected the uality of air. /ise in amount of &$; emissions leads to global warming. Melting of polar ice caps, changing climate patterns, rise in sea level are few of the conseuences that we might we have to face due to environment pollution.
C%*icts a +ars: $verpopulation in developing countries puts a ma"or strain on the resources it should be utili2ing for development. &on
Rise i Ue$!%,et: 6hen a country becomes overpopulated, it gives rise to unemployment as there fewer "obs to support large number of people. /ise in unemployment gives rise to crime as people will steal various items to feed their family and provide them basic amenities of life.
Hi'h C%st %& Li(i': As di3erence between demand and supply continues to e*pand due to overpopulation, it raises the prices of various commodities including food, shelter and healthcare. This means that people have to pay more to survive and feed their families. #7T T)E T)!': T)AT !+ /EA==( A44E&TE9 #( $>E/$7=AT!$' !+ $7/ E&$'$M(?
- overty means inability to secure the minimum consumption reuirements for life, health and e5ciency on account of insu5cient income or property. These reuirements include minimum human needs in respect of food, clothing, housing, education and health. -overty and ineuality in the hilippines remains a challenge. !n the past four decades, the proportion of households living below the o5cial poverty line has declined slowly and unevenly and poverty reduction has been much slow. -Economic growth has gone through boom and bust cycles, and recent episodes of moderate economic e*pansion have had limited impact on the poor. :reat ineuality across income brackets, regions, and sectors, as well as unmanaged population growth, are considered some of the key factors constraining poverty reduction e3orts. -overty remains a critical social problem that needs to be addressed. hilippines poverty line marks a per capita income of @,BC@ pesos a year.
Causes Themai nc aus esofpo v er t yi nt hec ount r yi nc l udet hef ol l owi ng: •
l o wt omo der at ee c on omi cgr o wt hf o rt h ep as t4 0y e ar s ;
I nc omedi s t r i but i on/I nequal i t y
weak nes si nempl o y mentge ner at i onandt hequal i t yofj obsgener at ed;
hi ghi nfl at i ondur i ngc r i s i sper i ods ;
hi ghl ev el sofpopul at i ongr owt h;
hi ghandper s i s t entl ev el sofi nequal i t y( i nc omesandas s et s ) ,whi c hdampent he pos i t i v ei mpac t sofec onomi cex pans i on;
r ec ur r ents hoc ksandex pos ur et or i s kssuc hasec onomi ccr i s i s ,c onfl i c t s ,nat ur al di s as t er s , and" env i r onment al pov er t y . "
Lac kofqual i t yeduc at i on
L ac ko fJ o bs
Cor r upt i on
Nat ur al Cal ami t i es
E-ects $>E/T( A44E&T+ T)E E&$'$M( #E&A7+E The e3ects of it are very visible in nature. overty causes many 4ilipinos to not pursue their education. $thers seem to be contented of their lives as poor. 6hile others seem to work by labor, the economy of the country is also a3ected in such a way that the economic activities are too domestic in nature, and decreasing the countrys ability to make a way to international economics. but mainly Mainly, the number of people living in poverty in
.) Ue$!%,et Itr%
-a lot of people in the philppines today are mostly unemployed or cannot nd work. - 7nemployment occurs when people are without work and actively seeking work. -in recent reports the philppines has the highest unemployment rate for the previous year among the @D member countries of the 0A+EA'1. 7nemployment /ate in hilippines decreased to percent in the fourth uarter of ;D@C from .D percent in the third uarter of ;D@C. 7nemployment /ate in hilippines averaged B.FD percent from @FFC until ;D@C, reaching an all time high of @G.FD percent in the rst uarter of ;DDD and a record low of percent in the fourth uarter of ;D@C. 7nemployment /ate in hilippines is reported by the 'ational +tatistics $5ce of hilippines.
-oversupply of labor force on popular careers -lack of uality graduates -inability to take on available "obs or sei2e opportunites #ut what really causes of unemployment here in the hilippines is the overpopulation of graduates. A lot of fresh college graduates are having a hard time on nding a "ob because there are only a few "ob openings. That is the reason why others would go abroad to nd "ob which they could earn money and support themselves and their family. E-ects Some of the well-known effects of unemployment on the economy are: -Unemployment financial costs The government and the nation suffer. In many countries the government has to pay the
unemployed some benefits. The greater the number of the unemployed or the longer they are without work the more money the government has to shell out. Therefore, the nation not only has to deal with the lost income and decreased production but also with additional cost. -Spending power The spending power of an unemployed person and his/her family decreases drastically and they would rather save than spend their money, which in turn affects the economy adversely. -Reduced spending power of the employed Increased taes and the insecurity about their own work may affect the spending power of the working people as well and they too may start to spend less than before thus affecting the economy and also the society in a negative manner. -Recession !ith the increase rates of unemployment other economy factors are significantly affected, such as: the income per person, health costs, "uality of health-care, standard of leaving and poverty. #ll these affect not $ust the economy but the entire systems and the society in general.
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