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Outline a foreigner in britain
Outline a foreigner in britain
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(with Mark, English friend, both studied Salamanca Univ.)
+Contradictions +Contradictions about ritain ! "eo"le ! hair CHAPTER 1 “Traditional “Traditional London” (with #ablo, S"anish friend) + #ubs
+ $fternoon tea + %ew &ear's &ear's Eve at rafalgar rafalgar Suare +he *lobe ! meets Mike, Mike, lighting designer designer CHAPTER 2 “Cosmoolitan “Cosmoolitan London” (with #ablo
+ondon's ethnic diversit diversit - Muslim woman, underground +ood - /ndian ood ! disa""ointment +Chinatown +Caribbean Carnival - %. 0. (with Mike) +lack a1i ! 2Cockne3 CHAPTER ! “"or#” (meets 4ohn, $merican friend from Chicago)
+ ri" b train ! Scottish ad suggests 5 2*reen *uest 0ouse3 +0istorical cit ! *eorge 6/ said7 +6ikings8 a""earance9 :erce, strong and brave ! longboats + 4orvik 6iking Centre +&ork Minster- *othic catedral ! stained glass ;indows +he Castle Museum ! ghosts7 CHAPTER $ “O%&ord” (with i
+=1ford Universit ! Magdalen Colledge +the Scholastica Massacre + Ma all > Ma Morning (sunrise) CHAPTER ' “A Co(ntr) C*ristmas” (with %icola Caswell, a friend from Universit and her famil)
+=ld entle car ! entle ?rivers Club ! Christmas reunion + raditional meal on Christmas ?a +Chistmas Eve ! Midnight Mass ! Carol +Midnight ! leave "resents in "illow cases +Morning ! o"en "resents (@ for $ntonio)
+ ;alk in the snow +Christmas ?inner ! Menu- Crackers CHAPTER “Cardi,” (with *areth, friend since childhood, and $ngharad, *areth' s cousin)
+ *areth As wedding ! Castell Coch ! ?isne +meets $ngharad- invitation to dine out ! ove s"oon +;indsurf e1"erience +6isit to the Boal %ational Eisteddfod (cultural festival) ! lasted das ! all "oems and sons in ;elsh ! "ride in their ;elsh language CHAPTER -
“Corn.all” (meets Bichard, a local man)
+ ;riting Com"etition in a maga
+irst visit ! ouise cheered both teams (Manchester United "laed $rsenal) +ram to =ld raFord- 6isit to the museum (nickname the usb abes, then he Bed ?evils) ! and a tour around the stadium (erguson stand, tunnel leading the the football :eld and the "laers' the dressing rooms) +ouise likes football and music ! nightclub ! ueue ! dance until G am + Stadium ! a real match (Manchester "laed iver"ool @>H) ! the highlight of his visit +ouise has a brick with her name on it, in the "avement outside the stadium +a boat tour along the canal ! im"ortant /ndustrial Bevolution ! bIcame run down ! now renovated +visit the M=S/ (Museum of Science and /ndustr ( :rst ritish aero"lane with 79 theUnderground Sewage Sstem 9 Manchester's Sanitation (diFerent toilets) CHAPTER 3 “Edin4(r5*” (visits Martin, a friend, he came to S"ain on an E1change with a Scottish school for @ weeks ! "o"ular in the classroom)
+J ears later in $ugust ! Edinburgh +Edinburgh /nternational estival ( classical music, o"era, theatre and comed) ! he ringeunoKcial festival (clowns, mime actors in disguise, acrobats, gmnasts, musicians, circuses, in the streets) - leaLets
+;alk around the =ld Cit ! 0igh Street 2the Boal Mile3 +Edinburgh Castle (museum and arm base) ! tin room8 Mar 2ueen of the Scots3 gave birth a bo ! 0e bIcame Ding 4ames 6/ of Scotland and Ding 4ames / of England( the Union of the Crowns) +St *iles Cathedral ! listened to a choir singing 6erdi's Beuiem +#rincess Street *ardens ! a "icnic with Martin and his Latmates $lison and #aul while the were watching a circus+heatre ! Bowan $tkinson (Mr ean) - met him at $%%EBM$%'S #U , $ntonio asked him for his autogra"h CHAPTER 16 “0or o& 7otland” (with Martin and friends)
+$ countr of mountains, lakes and islands (nearl NN islands, onl OO "o"ulated, around JN bigger than PkmG +?unkeld ! 0ighland *ames8 com"etitions of Scottish games like ossing the Caber ! clothes ("ublic, com"etitors) +Dilts (Scottish men's skirts) and artan (thes"ecial "attern in the material that kilts are made from), smbols of Scottish %ationalism ! ormerl each famil clan had its own "attern (coloured suares) +6illage ittle market ! local "roducts ( hone , Qam, cakes, biscuits) and 0$**/ES (the shee"'s stomach and inside it is the lungs, liver and heart of a lamb with onion) +*ram"ian Mountains ! cam"ing and visit to the och %ess where %essie the monster lives +turn right at /nverness to visit C$;?=B C$SE ! ord Cawdor (legend, dream about building a new castle7donke7bag with gold7. ree7.cellar7.) +0ogmana (%ew &ear's Eve) in the house ofMartin's "arents. ! Scottish have a big "art, the sta at home and listen ig en bells on the radio, then the stand in a circle holding hands and sing a traditional Scottish song8 $uld ang Sne ! $nother tradition8 a man with black hair must bring three "resents8 +some coal8 for the house to be alwas warm +a bottle of whisk8 for the famil to have alwas something to drink +a bag of salt8 for the famil to have alwas something to eat
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