R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Student Guide
D49195GC10 Edition 1.0 October 2008 D56577
– Volume
Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
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Primary Author Mildred Wang
Contributing Authors Clara Jaeckel, Robert Farrington, Bill Sawyer, Melody Yang
Technical Contributors and Reviewers Leta Davis, Sunil Ghosh, Donna Johnson, Roman Kratochvil, Gary Lemmons, Biju Mohan, Gursat Olgun, Venkata Vengala, Barbara Waddoups, Roger Wigenstam, Maxine Zasowski
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Copyright © 1996, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
This document contains proprietary information and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. You may copy and print this document solely for your own use in an Oracle training course. The document may not be modified or altered in any way. Except where your use constitutes "fair use" under copyright law, you may not use, share, download, upload, copy, print, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, post, transmit, or distribute this document in whole or in part without the express authorization of Oracle. The information contained in this document is subject t o change without notice. If you find any problems in the document, please report them in writing to: Oracle University, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, California 94065 USA. This document is not warranted to be error-free. If this documentation is delivered to the United States Government or anyone using the documentation on behalf of the United States Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS
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Primary Author Mildred Wang
Contributing Authors Clara Jaeckel, Robert Farrington, Bill Sawyer, Melody Yang
Technical Contributors and Reviewers Leta Davis, Sunil Ghosh, Donna Johnson, Roman Kratochvil, Gary Lemmons, Biju Mohan, Gursat Olgun, Venkata Vengala, Barbara Waddoups, Roger Wigenstam, Maxine Zasowski
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Table of Contents Introductio Introduction n ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .........................1...........1-1 1 Introduction Introduction .......................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ .........................1...........1-3 3 Course Objectives.............. Objectives............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ...........................1 .............1-4 -4 Overview Overview .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...........................1 .............1-5 -5 Oracle Applications Applications System Administration Administration ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ...............1-6 .1-6 Oracle Workflow Component........................................................................................................................1-7 Oracle Applications Flexfields Component...................................................................................................1-8 Additional Additional Material........ Material...................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ..................1-9 ...1-9 Introduction to Oracle Applications Security ..................... .......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ..................... .......... ........... ........... .........2-1 Introduction to Oracle Applications Security ..................... .......... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..........2-3 2-3 Objectives Objectives ........................... ......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................2 .............2-4 -4 Successive Layers of Access Control ..................... .......... ...................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... .................... ............2-5 ..2-5 Increasing Increasing Flexibility Flexibility and Scalability Scalability ........................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................2 .............2-6 -6 Function Function Security............. Security........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. ...............2-8 .2-8 Data Security Security ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. ....................2-9 ......2-9 Oracle User Management Layers of Access Control.....................................................................................2-11 Role Based Access Control (RBAC).............................................................................................................2-12 Delegated Delegated Administration............... Administration............................. ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...............2-14 .2-14 Registration Registration Processes Processes ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....................2-1 ......2-16 6 Self Service Service and Approvals Approvals ........................... ......................................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ...........................2 .............2-18 -18 Summary........... Summary......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ............................ ........................... ................2-19 ..2-19 Function Function Security................ Security............................. ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ........................... ................3-1 ..3-1 Function Function Security............. Security........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................. ...............3-3 .3-3 Objectives Objectives ........................... ......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................3 .............3-4 -4 Overview of Function Security......................................................................................................................3-5 Defining Defining a New Application Application User ........................... ......................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ..................3-7 ....3-7 Custom Applications Applications ........................... ......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... .......................... ........................... .........................3...........3-8 8 Defining Defining an Application Application ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ..................3-9 ....3-9 Registering Registering an Oracle ID .......................... ........................................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................3-10 ....3-10 Data Groups..................... Groups.................................. ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................. ............................ ........................... ................3-11 ..3-11 Securing Securing Functions Functions ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... .........................3...........3-13 13 Defining Defining a Menu............................ Menu.......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ............................ ............................. ...............3-14 .3-14 Identifying Existing Menu Structures................ Structures..... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .................... ................... .................3-16 .......3-16 Menu Guidelines Guidelines ............................ .......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ...........................3 .............3-17 -17 Creating Creating a Menu .......................... ........................................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ........................... ............................ ..................3-18 ...3-18 Modifying Modifying an Existing Existing Menu Definition Definition .......................... ....................................... ........................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ......................3........3-20 20 Navigator Menus ...................... ........... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ..................... ..................... ...................... ...................... ..................... ..........3-21 3-21 The Menu Viewer........................... Viewer......................................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ............................3 .............3-22 -22 Viewing Node Properties in the Menu Viewer..............................................................................................3-23 Adding a Custom Form Function Function ............................ .......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... .................3-24 ....3-24 Using Responsibili Responsibilities ties ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ....................3-2 ......3-25 5 Responsibili Responsibility ty Components..................... Components................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................3-27 ....3-27 Defining a New Responsibility......................................................................................................................3-28 Responsibility Responsibility Creation Creation Process Process .......................... ........................................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... .....................3........3-29 29 Defining a New Responsibility......................................................................................................................3-30 Excluding Excluding Functions Functions and Menus ........................... ......................................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ............................ ..................3-31 ....3-31 Summary........... Summary......................... ............................ ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................. ............................ ........................... ................3-32 ..3-32 Introduction to Data Security.........................................................................................................................4-1 Introduction to Data Security.........................................................................................................................4-3 Objectives Objectives ........................... ......................................... ........................... ........................... ............................ ............................ ........................... ........................... ............................ ...........................4 .............4-4 -4 Introduction to Data Security.........................................................................................................................4-5 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents i
Data Security Components - Objects.............................................................................................................4-7 Grants ............................................................................................................................................................4-8 Permissions and Permission Sets...................................................................................................................4-9 Data Security Policies....................................................................................................................................4-10 Example of a Data Security Policy................................................................................................................4-11 Summary........................................................................................................................................................4-12 Introduction to Oracle User Management ....................................................................................................5-1 Introduction to Oracle User Management .....................................................................................................5-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................5-4 What Is Oracle User Management? ...............................................................................................................5-5 Access Control Model ...................................................................................................................................5-6 Successive Layers of Access Control ............................................................................................................5-7 Increased Flexibility and Scalability..............................................................................................................5-8 Function Security...........................................................................................................................................5-9 Responsibilities..............................................................................................................................................5-10 Data Security .................................................................................................................................................5-11 Role Based Access Control (RBAC).............................................................................................................5-12 Delegated Administration..............................................................................................................................5-13 Delegating to Proxy Users.............................................................................................................................5-15 Provisioning Services ....................................................................................................................................5-16 Self-Service and Approvals ...........................................................................................................................5-18 Login Assistance ...........................................................................................................................................5-19 Summary........................................................................................................................................................5-20 Implementing Oracle User Management.......................................................................................................6-1 Implementing Oracle User Management.......................................................................................................6-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................6-4 Implementing Oracle User Management.......................................................................................................6-5 Steps for Implementing Oracle User Management........................................................................................6-6 Configuring and Testing Oracle User Management ......................................................................................6-9 Introduction to Roles .....................................................................................................................................6-10 Examples of Roles.........................................................................................................................................6-11 Defining Roles: Data Security Policies .........................................................................................................6-12 Defining Roles: Assigning a Single Responsibility and All Its Functions to a Role.....................................6-13 Assigning a Single Responsibility to a Role and Granting Specific Functions to a Role..............................6-14 Defining Roles: Assigning Multiple Responsibilities to a Role ....................................................................6-15 Role Inheritance Hierarchies .........................................................................................................................6-16 Role Categories .............................................................................................................................................6-17 Assigning Permissions to Roles.....................................................................................................................6-18 Advantages of Roles Over Responsibilities...................................................................................................6-20 Phase II: Define Roles ...................................................................................................................................6-22 Steps for Creating Roles: Define a Role Category ........................................................................................6-23 Steps for Creating Roles: Create a Role within the Role Category ...............................................................6-24 Steps for Creating Roles: Place Role in Role Inheritance Hierarchy.............................................................6-25 Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Permissions to Roles.................................................................................6-26 Steps for Creating Roles: Assign Role to a New Person ...............................................................................6-27 Steps for Creating Roles: Test Role as Customer Administrator...................................................................6-28 Delegated Administration..............................................................................................................................6-29 What Is Delegated Administration?...............................................................................................................6-30 User Administration Privileges......................................................................................................................6-31 User Administration Privileges (cont.) ..........................................................................................................6-32 Role Administration Privileges......................................................................................................................6-33 Seeded Permissions for User Administration ................................................................................................6-34 Managing Roles with Role Administration ...................................................................................................6-35 Seeded Permissions for Role Administration ................................................................................................6-36 Organization Administration Privileges ........................................................................................................6-37 Seeded Permissions for Organization Administration...................................................................................6-38 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents ii
Delegated Administration vs. Traditional System Administration................................................................6-39 Phase III: Setting Up Delegated Administration ...........................................................................................6-40 Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration: Set Up User Administration for a Role ........................6-41 Steps for Implementing Delegated Administration .......................................................................................6-42 Registration Processes ...................................................................................................................................6-45 Registration Processes: Core Components ....................................................................................................6-47 Self-Service Account Requests......................................................................................................................6-48 Requests for Additional Access.....................................................................................................................6-49 Account Creation by Administrators .............................................................................................................6-50 Phase IV: Creating Registration Processes....................................................................................................6-51 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Provide Required Description Information................................6-52 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Runtime Execution Information.......................................6-54 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Enter Eligibility Information......................................................6-55 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Register Subscriptions to Business Events ................................6-56 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Optionally Set Profile Options...................................................6-57 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Optionally Set Login Page UI Attributes...................................6-59 Steps for Creating Registration Processes: Test as Customer Administrator ................................................6-61 Managing Proxy Users ..................................................................................................................................6-62 Self-Service Features.....................................................................................................................................6-64 Login Assistance ...........................................................................................................................................6-66 Summary........................................................................................................................................................6-67 Profile Options .................................................................................................................................................7-1 Managing Profile Options..............................................................................................................................7-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................7-4 Personal Profile Values .................................................................................................................................7-5 System Profile Options - Profile Hierarchy Types ........................................................................................7-6 Profile Hierarchy Levels - Security ...............................................................................................................7-7 Profile Hierarchy Levels – Organization.......................................................................................................7-8 Profile Hierarchy Levels - Server ..................................................................................................................7-9 System Profile Options..................................................................................................................................7-10 Using User Profile Values as Defaults .........................................................................................................7-11 Profile Categories ..........................................................................................................................................7-12 Auditing Related Profile Options ..................................................................................................................7-13 Currency-Related Options .............................................................................................................................7-15 Flexfield-Related Options..............................................................................................................................7-16 Online Reporting-Related Options ................................................................................................................7-18 Personal Output Viewer Options...................................................................................................................7-19 User-Related Concurrent Request Profile Options ........................................................................................7-20 Security Signon Profile Options....................................................................................................................7-22 Summary........................................................................................................................................................7-24 Auditing System Resources.............................................................................................................................8-1 Auditing System Resources...........................................................................................................................8-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................8-4 Auditing Oracle Applications........................................................................................................................8-5 Auditing User Activity ..................................................................................................................................8-6 Signon Audit Profile Option..........................................................................................................................8-7 Signon Audit Reports ....................................................................................................................................8-8 Signon Audit Forms Report...........................................................................................................................8-9 Signon Audit Concurrent Requests Report....................................................................................................8-10 Signon Audit Responsibilities Report............................................................................................................8-11 Signon Audit Unsuccessful Logins Report....................................................................................................8-12 Signon Audit Users Report............................................................................................................................8-13 Purge Audit Records......................................................................................................................................8-14 Monitor Users Window .................................................................................................................................8-15 Auditing Database Changes...........................................................................................................................8-16 Steps for Setting Up AuditTrail .....................................................................................................................8-17 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents iii
Identify Tables and Columns to Audit...........................................................................................................8-18 Create an Audit Group...................................................................................................................................8-19 Audit Tables Window....................................................................................................................................8-20 Identifying the Schema to be Audited ...........................................................................................................8-21 Enabling Audit Processing ............................................................................................................................8-22 Audit Shadow Tables.....................................................................................................................................8-23 Shadow Table Views.....................................................................................................................................8-24 Summary........................................................................................................................................................8-25 Managing Printers...........................................................................................................................................9-1 Managing Printers..........................................................................................................................................9-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................9-4 Oracle Print Definition Components .............................................................................................................9-5 Relationships of the Printer Components ......................................................................................................9-7 Formatting Information .................................................................................................................................9-8 Defining Printers............................................................................................................................................9-10 Finding Existing Printer Types......................................................................................................................9-11 Registering a New Printer..............................................................................................................................9-12 Defining a New Printer Type.........................................................................................................................9-13 Printing with Pasta.........................................................................................................................................9-14 Setup for Basic Printing with Pasta ...............................................................................................................9-15 The pasta.cfg file ...........................................................................................................................................9-16 Modifying an Existing Printer Type to Use Pasta .........................................................................................9-17 Generating Other Formats using the Preprocessing Option...........................................................................9-19 Using Pasta with XML Publisher ..................................................................................................................9-20 Other Customization Materials for Oracle Applications Printing..................................................................9-22 Summary........................................................................................................................................................9-23 Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager..............................................................................................10-1 Introduction to Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) ..................................................................................10-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................10-4 What is Oracle Applications Manager? .........................................................................................................10-5 Benefits of Oracle Applications Manager......................................................................................................10-6 Oracle Applications Manager Integrates with … ..........................................................................................10-7 Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite.........................................................................10-9 Navigation in OAM .......................................................................................................................................10-10 Applications Dashboard ................................................................................................................................10-11 Site Map.........................................................................................................................................................10-13 Administration...............................................................................................................................................10-14 Monitoring.....................................................................................................................................................10-15 Maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................10-16 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................10-17 Setting Up Oracle Applications Manager......................................................................................................10-18 Summary........................................................................................................................................................10-19 System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager...................................................................................11-1 System Monitoring in Oracle Applications Manager ....................................................................................11-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................11-4 System Status Overview................................................................................................................................11-5 System Status – Configuration Changes........................................................................................................11-7 System Status – Web Components Status .....................................................................................................11-8 System Status – System Alerts ......................................................................................................................11-10 System Status – User Initiated Alerts ............................................................................................................11-12 Performance...................................................................................................................................................11-13 Critical Activities...........................................................................................................................................11-15 Critical Activities Setup.................................................................................................................................11-16 System Alerts, Metrics, Logs.........................................................................................................................11-17 Database Initialization (init.ora) Parameters..................................................................................................11-19 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents iv
Business Flows ..............................................................................................................................................11-20 Monitoring Oracle E-Business Suite Security ...............................................................................................11-22 Monitoring E-Business Suite Security Setup - Diagnostic Tests...................................................................11-24 Applications Dashboard - Security................................................................................................................11-25 Database Status Details .................................................................................................................................11-26 Application Services......................................................................................................................................11-27 Monitoring Forms..........................................................................................................................................11-28 Forms Runaway Processes ............................................................................................................................11-29 Forms Sessions ..............................................................................................................................................11-31 Forms Runtime Processes..............................................................................................................................11-33 Host Management..........................................................................................................................................11-35 Host Management - Status.............................................................................................................................11-37 Host Management - Configuration ................................................................................................................11-38 Setting Up Oracle Applications Manager......................................................................................................11-39 Dashboard Configuration and Alerting Setup................................................................................................11-40 Setting Up Dashboard Configuration and Alerting .......................................................................................11-41 OracleMetaLink Credentials Setup................................................................................................................11-43 Knowledge Base Setup..................................................................................................................................11-44 Concurrent Requests Setup............................................................................................................................11-45 Signon Audit Setup........................................................................................................................................11-46 Summary........................................................................................................................................................11-47 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting with Oracle Applications Manager .......................................................12-1 Oracle Applications Manager - Diagnostics and Troubleshooting ................................................................12-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................12-4 Diagnostics and Troubleshooting in Oracle Applications Manager ..............................................................12-5 Applications Dashboard - Diagnostics ..........................................................................................................12-7 Troubleshooting Wizards...............................................................................................................................12-9 Concurrent Manager Recovery Wizard .........................................................................................................12-11 Service Infrastructure Wizard........................................................................................................................12-13 Generic Collection Service (GCS) and Forms Monitoring Wizard ...............................................................12-14 CP Signature..................................................................................................................................................12-15 Dashboard Collection Wizard........................................................................................................................12-17 Support Cart...................................................................................................................................................12-18 Summary........................................................................................................................................................12-20 Managing Concurrent Programs and Reports .............................................................................................13-1 Managing Concurrent Requests.....................................................................................................................13-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................13-4 Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Managers ............................................................................................13-6 Business Needs for Concurrent Processing ...................................................................................................13-7 Business Needs for Standard Request Submission........................................................................................13-8 Definitions .....................................................................................................................................................13-9 Submit Request Flow.....................................................................................................................................13-11 Submit a New Request ..................................................................................................................................13-12 Using the Parameters Window ......................................................................................................................13-13 Defining a Submission Schedule ...................................................................................................................13-14 Defining Completion Options........................................................................................................................13-16 Request ID .....................................................................................................................................................13-17 Reprinting a Report .......................................................................................................................................13-18 Use the Requests Window to View and Change Requests ............................................................................13-19 How to Use the Requests Window ................................................................................................................13-20 Using the Requests Window..........................................................................................................................13-21 Viewer Options Window...............................................................................................................................13-23 Canceling a Request ......................................................................................................................................13-24 Holding a Request .........................................................................................................................................13-25 Changing Request Options ............................................................................................................................13-26 Four Phases of a Concurrent Request............................................................................................................13-27 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents v
Pending Phase................................................................................................................................................13-28 Running Phase...............................................................................................................................................13-29 Completed Phase ...........................................................................................................................................13-30 Inactive Phase................................................................................................................................................13-31 System Administrator Monitoring Privileges ................................................................................................13-32 Review Log Files...........................................................................................................................................13-33 Managing Log Files and Tables ....................................................................................................................13-34 Purge Request Results ...................................................................................................................................13-35 Grouping Concurrent Programs and Requests...............................................................................................13-36 Creating a Request Group..............................................................................................................................13-38 Using a Request Group with a Code..............................................................................................................13-39 Submitting Requests: Form Compared with Responsibility..........................................................................13-40 Implementing a Coded Request Group..........................................................................................................13-41 Customization Example.................................................................................................................................13-42 Creating the New Form Function ..................................................................................................................13-43 Passable Request Parameters.........................................................................................................................13-44 Adding the Function to the Menu..................................................................................................................13-45 Defining a Request Set ..................................................................................................................................13-46 Request Set Stages.........................................................................................................................................13-47 Stage Status ...................................................................................................................................................13-48 Linking of Stages...........................................................................................................................................13-50 Defining Request Sets Step 1: Enter Request Set Name ...............................................................................13-51 Defining Request Sets Step 2: Define a Stage...............................................................................................13-53 Defining Request Sets Step 3: Enter Requests for Stage...............................................................................13-54 Defining Request Sets Step 4: Enter Request Parameter...............................................................................13-55 Defining Request Sets Step 5: Link Stages ...................................................................................................13-56 Submitting a Request Set...............................................................................................................................13-57 User Request Set Privileges...........................................................................................................................13-58 System Administrator Request Set Privileges ...............................................................................................13-59 Summary........................................................................................................................................................13-60 Administering Concurrent Managers............................................................................................................14-1 Administering Concurrent Managers.............................................................................................................14-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................14-4 Concurrent Requests, Programs, and Processes ............................................................................................14-5 Overview of Concurrent Processing..............................................................................................................14-6 Generic Service Management (GSM)............................................................................................................14-7 Defining a Concurrent Manager ....................................................................................................................14-8 Defining Work Shifts.....................................................................................................................................14-10 Balancing Process Workload Over Time.......................................................................................................14-11 Work Shift Hierarchy ....................................................................................................................................14-12 Concurrent Managers Window: Program Libraries.......................................................................................14-13 Assigning Workshifts to a Manager ..............................................................................................................14-14 Specializing a Concurrent Manager...............................................................................................................14-15 Specializing a Concurrent Manager: Combined Rules..................................................................................14-16 Specialization Rules ......................................................................................................................................14-17 Action Types .................................................................................................................................................14-18 Combining Multiple Actions Within Rules ...................................................................................................14-19 Concurrent Request Types.............................................................................................................................14-20 Using Request Types.....................................................................................................................................14-21 Conflicts Domains.........................................................................................................................................14-22 Processing Conflicts Domains.......................................................................................................................14-24 Control Functions of Concurrent Managers ..................................................................................................14-25 Internal Monitor and ICM .............................................................................................................................14-27 Defining a Transaction Manager ...................................................................................................................14-28 Viewing Log and Output Files ......................................................................................................................14-29 Managing Parallel Concurrent Processing.....................................................................................................14-30 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents vi
Summary........................................................................................................................................................14-32 Introduction to Oracle Workflow ..................................................................................................................15-1 Introduction to Oracle Workflow ..................................................................................................................15-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................15-4 Enabling E-Business......................................................................................................................................15-5 Inter-Enterprise Business Processes ..............................................................................................................15-6 Traditional Workflow ....................................................................................................................................15-7 Workflow-Driven Business Processes...........................................................................................................15-8 Sample Workflow Process.............................................................................................................................15-10 Event-Based Workflow .................................................................................................................................15-11 Subscription-Based Processing......................................................................................................................15-12 System Integration with Oracle Workflow....................................................................................................15-13 Business Process-Based Integration ..............................................................................................................15-14 Supported System Integration Types.............................................................................................................15-15 Designing Applications for Change...............................................................................................................15-16 Designing Applications for Integration .........................................................................................................15-19 Oracle Workflow in Oracle E-Business Suite ...............................................................................................15-21 Summary........................................................................................................................................................15-22 Oracle Workflow Components.......................................................................................................................16-1 Oracle Workflow Components......................................................................................................................16-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................16-4 Oracle Workflow Architecture ......................................................................................................................16-5 Oracle Workflow Components......................................................................................................................16-9 Workflow Engine ..........................................................................................................................................16-10 Workflow Processes ......................................................................................................................................16-11 Supported Process Constructs........................................................................................................................16-13 Oracle Workflow Builder..............................................................................................................................16-17 Business Event System Architecture.............................................................................................................16-18 Business Event System Components.............................................................................................................16-19 Advanced Queuing, an Enabling Technology ...............................................................................................16-20 Oracle Database Communication Alternatives..............................................................................................16-21 Accessing Oracle Workflow Web Pages .......................................................................................................16-23 Oracle Workflow Home Pages......................................................................................................................16-24 Notification System .......................................................................................................................................16-25 Worklist Web Pages ......................................................................................................................................16-26 E-Mail Notifications......................................................................................................................................16-27 Directory Services .........................................................................................................................................16-28 Status Monitor Web Pages.............................................................................................................................16-29 Workflow Definitions Loader........................................................................................................................16-30 Workflow XML Loader.................................................................................................................................16-31 Workflow Manager........................................................................................................................................16-32 Service Components......................................................................................................................................16-33 Oracle Workflow Documentation..................................................................................................................16-34 Review Questions..........................................................................................................................................16-36 Summary........................................................................................................................................................16-37 Setting Up Oracle Workflow ..........................................................................................................................17-1 Setting Up Oracle Workflow .........................................................................................................................17-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................17-4 Required Setup Steps.....................................................................................................................................17-5 Step 1 Setting Global Workflow Preferences ................................................................................................17-6 Step 2 Setting Up an Oracle Workflow Directory Service ............................................................................17-9 Step 3 Running Background Engines ............................................................................................................17-13 Step 4 Configuring the Business Event System.............................................................................................17-16 Step 4 Event Message Communication .........................................................................................................17-17 Step 4 Setting Up Database Links and Queues..............................................................................................17-18 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Step 4 Checking Database Parameters...........................................................................................................17-19 Step 4 Scheduling Agent Listeners................................................................................................................17-20 Step 4 Scheduling Propagation......................................................................................................................17-23 Step 4 Synchronizing License Statuses .........................................................................................................17-27 Step 4 Cleaning Up the WF_CONTROL Queue...........................................................................................17-28 Step 4 Tuning Performance ...........................................................................................................................17-29 Step 4 Specifying the BPEL Server...............................................................................................................17-31 Optional Setup Steps .....................................................................................................................................17-32 Optional Step 1 Partitioning Workflow Tables .............................................................................................17-34 Optional Step 2 Setting Up Additional Languages........................................................................................17-36 Optional Step 3 Implementing Notification Mailers .....................................................................................17-38 Optional Step 4 Customizing Message Templates ........................................................................................17-41 Optional Step 5 Adding Worklist Functions to User Responsibilities...........................................................17-44 Optional Step 6 Setting the Notification Reassign Mode ..............................................................................17-46 Optional Step 7 Setting Up Notification Handling Options ..........................................................................17-47 Optional Step 8 Setting Up for Electronic Signatures ...................................................................................17-49 Optional Step 9 Customizing the Workflow Web Page Logo .......................................................................17-51 Optional Step 10 Adding Custom Icons ........................................................................................................17-52 Version Compatibility ...................................................................................................................................17-53 Review Questions..........................................................................................................................................17-54 Summary........................................................................................................................................................17-56 Overview of Flexfields.....................................................................................................................................18-1 Overview of Flexfields ..................................................................................................................................18-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................18-4 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................18-5 Customizing Oracle Applications..................................................................................................................18-6 Flexfield Structures and Flexfield Segments .................................................................................................18-7 Segment Prompts and Value Descriptions.....................................................................................................18-8 Validating Input Using Value Sets ................................................................................................................18-9 Key and Descriptive Flexfields .....................................................................................................................18-10 Key Flexfields ...............................................................................................................................................18-11 Intelligent Keys .............................................................................................................................................18-12 Key Flexfield Example: Accounting Flexfield..............................................................................................18-14 Oracle Applications Key Flexfields...............................................................................................................18-15 Descriptive Flexfields....................................................................................................................................18-16 Using Reference Fields..................................................................................................................................18-17 Using Different Contexts: Asset Category Flexfield .....................................................................................18-18 Oracle Applications Descriptive Flexfields (Partial).....................................................................................18-19 Standard Request Submission (SRS) and Flexfields .....................................................................................18-20 Benefits of Flexfields.....................................................................................................................................18-21 Storing Flexfield Data Internally ...................................................................................................................18-22 Implementing a Flexfield Steps....................................................................................................................18-23 Summary........................................................................................................................................................18-24 Using Value Sets...............................................................................................................................................19-1 Using Value Sets ...........................................................................................................................................19-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................19-4 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................19-5 Validating Input Using Value Sets ................................................................................................................19-6 Planning a Value Set......................................................................................................................................19-7 Types of Value Sets.......................................................................................................................................19-8 Validation Type None ...................................................................................................................................19-10 Independent Value Sets .................................................................................................................................19-11 Dependent Value Sets....................................................................................................................................19-12 Table-Validated Value Sets ...........................................................................................................................19-13 Specialized Validation Types ........................................................................................................................19-14 Translatable Independent Value Sets.............................................................................................................19-15 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Translatable Dependent Value Sets ...............................................................................................................19-16 Validation Types: Summary ..........................................................................................................................19-17 Planning Value Sets.......................................................................................................................................19-18 Value Set Attributes.......................................................................................................................................19-19 Planning Format Validation...........................................................................................................................19-20 Format Types and Options.............................................................................................................................19-21 Char and Number Format Editing .................................................................................................................19-22 Time, Standard Date, and Standard DateTime Format Editing .....................................................................19-23 Format Interaction .........................................................................................................................................19-24 Formatting Requirements for Translatable Value Sets .................................................................................19-25 Planning Validation Strategy.........................................................................................................................19-26 Planning Value Sets and Their Values ..........................................................................................................19-28 Planning Dependent Value Sets.....................................................................................................................19-29 Defining Value Sets.......................................................................................................................................19-30 Predefined Value Sets....................................................................................................................................19-31 Using Existing Value Sets .............................................................................................................................19-32 Value Set Usage by Key Flexfields ...............................................................................................................19-33 Value Set Usage by Descriptive Flexfields ...................................................................................................19-35 Defining a New Value Set .............................................................................................................................19-36 Defining a Dependent or Translatable Dependent Value Set ........................................................................19-37 Selecting a Value Set for Value Definition ...................................................................................................19-38 Defining Values for a Dependent or Translatable Dependent Value Set.......................................................19-39 Defining Values for a Value Set....................................................................................................................19-40 Modifying Value Definitions.........................................................................................................................19-41 Value Hierarchies ..........................................................................................................................................19-42 Defining Value Hierarchies and Qualifiers....................................................................................................19-44 Summary........................................................................................................................................................19-45 Defining Descriptive Flexfields.......................................................................................................................20-1 Defining Descriptive Flexfields.....................................................................................................................20-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................20-4 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................20-5 Planning a Descriptive Flexfield ...................................................................................................................20-6 Using Descriptive Flexfields .........................................................................................................................20-8 Typical Descriptive Flexfield Information ....................................................................................................20-9 Some Oracle Applications Descriptive Flexfields.........................................................................................20-10 Identifying a Descriptive Flexfield................................................................................................................20-11 Determining the Descriptive Flexfield Name ................................................................................................20-12 Determining Available Resources .................................................................................................................20-14 Planning Questions........................................................................................................................................20-15 Identifying Your Information ........................................................................................................................20-16 Grouping Information By Usage ...................................................................................................................20-17 Isolate Common Information.........................................................................................................................20-18 Determine Different Contexts........................................................................................................................20-19 Descriptive Flexfield Components ................................................................................................................20-20 Global Segments............................................................................................................................................20-21 Context-Sensitive Segments ..........................................................................................................................20-22 Distinguishing Between Contexts..................................................................................................................20-23 Reference and Context Fields........................................................................................................................20-24 Using Reference Fields..................................................................................................................................20-25 Identifying Referenceable Columns ..............................................................................................................20-26 Using Context Fields .....................................................................................................................................20-27 Synchronizing the Context Field Value with the Reference Field Value ......................................................20-28 Planning Flexfields: Global Segments Only..................................................................................................20-30 Planning Flexfields: Context Segments Only ...............................................................................................20-31 Planning Flexfields: Global and Context Fields ............................................................................................20-32 Specifying the Flexfield Attributes................................................................................................................20-33 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents ix
Specifying the Context Field Information .....................................................................................................20-34 Specifying the Segment Attributes ................................................................................................................20-36 Storing Descriptive Flexfield Segments ........................................................................................................20-37 Descriptive Flexfield Application Tables ......................................................................................................20-38 Specifying the Segment Detail Attributes .....................................................................................................20-40 Specifying Default Values.............................................................................................................................20-43 Defining a Descriptive Flexfield ...................................................................................................................20-45 Defining Value Sets.......................................................................................................................................20-46 Locating the Flexfield Definition ..................................................................................................................20-47 Defining the Flexfield Header Attributes ......................................................................................................20-48 Defining Segment Attributes .........................................................................................................................20-49 Specifying Validation and Field Sizes...........................................................................................................20-50 Freezing and Compiling the Definition .........................................................................................................20-51 Defining Context Field Information ..............................................................................................................20-52 Defining Context-Sensitive Segments ...........................................................................................................20-54 Defining Values for a Value Set....................................................................................................................20-55 Summary........................................................................................................................................................20-56 Defining Key Flexfields ...................................................................................................................................21-1 Defining Key Flexfields ................................................................................................................................21-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................21-4 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................21-6 Intelligent Keys .............................................................................................................................................21-8 Key Flexfields' Dual Purpose ........................................................................................................................21-9 Oracle Applications Key Flexfields...............................................................................................................21-10 Implementing Key Flexfields ........................................................................................................................21-11 Key Flexfield Structures................................................................................................................................21-12 Code Combinations .......................................................................................................................................21-13 Storing Code Combinations...........................................................................................................................21-14 Key Flexfield Application Tables..................................................................................................................21-15 Key Flexfield Qualifiers ................................................................................................................................21-16 Types of Qualifiers ........................................................................................................................................21-17 Flexfield Qualifiers........................................................................................................................................21-18 Segment Qualifiers ........................................................................................................................................21-20 Other Key Flexfield Options .........................................................................................................................21-21 Allowing Dynamic Insertion .........................................................................................................................21-22 Cross-Validating Values................................................................................................................................21-23 Using Shorthand Aliases ...............................................................................................................................21-24 Securing Value Set Access ............................................................................................................................21-25 Designing the Key Flexfield Layout..............................................................................................................21-26 Designing Segments ......................................................................................................................................21-27 Specifying Default Values.............................................................................................................................21-28 Planning Decisions ........................................................................................................................................21-30 Planning Key Flexfield Values......................................................................................................................21-32 Definition Procedure......................................................................................................................................21-33 Defining Value Sets.......................................................................................................................................21-34 Accessing the Key Flexfield Definition.........................................................................................................21-35 Specifying Flexfield Behavior.......................................................................................................................21-36 Defining Segment Attributes .........................................................................................................................21-37 Defining Validation and Size Attributes........................................................................................................21-38 Defining Flexfield Qualifiers.........................................................................................................................21-39 Freezing and Compiling the Definition .........................................................................................................21-40 Defining Value Set Values ............................................................................................................................21-41 Defining Segment Qualifiers .........................................................................................................................21-42 Cross-Validating Values................................................................................................................................21-43 Cross-Validation Rule Syntax .......................................................................................................................21-44 Data Type Specifications and Cross-Validation Rules..................................................................................21-45 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents x
Preparing for Cross-Validation......................................................................................................................21-46 Defining Cross-Validation Rules...................................................................................................................21-47 Cross-Validation Reports ..............................................................................................................................21-48 Comparing Cross-Validation and Security Rules ..........................................................................................21-49 Using Shorthand Aliases ...............................................................................................................................21-50 Using Full and Partial Aliases .......................................................................................................................21-51 Typical Key Flexfields Using Aliases ...........................................................................................................21-52 Defining an Alias...........................................................................................................................................21-53 Defining an Alias Template...........................................................................................................................21-54 Recompiling the Flexfield Definition............................................................................................................21-55 Flexfields: Shorthand Entry Profile Option ...................................................................................................21-56 Flexfields: Show Full Value Profile Option ..................................................................................................21-57 Modifying Existing Alias Definitions............................................................................................................21-58 Securing Value Set Access ............................................................................................................................21-59 Security and Value Sets.................................................................................................................................21-60 Constructing Security Rules ..........................................................................................................................21-61 Specifying Acceptable Values.......................................................................................................................21-62 Using Multiple Clauses .................................................................................................................................21-63 Rules with Overlapping Values.....................................................................................................................21-64 Rules Without Overlapping Values...............................................................................................................21-65 Implementing Flexfield Security ...................................................................................................................21-66 Enabling Security for a Value Set .................................................................................................................21-67 Enabling Security for a Segment ...................................................................................................................21-68 Enabling Security for a Program Parameter ..................................................................................................21-70 Defining Security Rules.................................................................................................................................21-71 Assigning Security Rules...............................................................................................................................21-72 Defining Key Flexfields Summary ...............................................................................................................21-74 Using Advanced Validation Capabilities .......................................................................................................22-1 Using Advanced Validation Capabilities.......................................................................................................22-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................22-4 Overview .......................................................................................................................................................22-5 Advanced Validation Options........................................................................................................................22-6 Table-Validated Value Sets ...........................................................................................................................22-7 Defining a Table-Validated Value Set...........................................................................................................22-8 Restricting Values Retrieved from a Table....................................................................................................22-9 Limitations on Using SQL WHERE Clauses ................................................................................................22-10 Using Multiple Tables for Validation............................................................................................................22-11 Other Advanced Validation Options..............................................................................................................22-12 Using $PROFILES$ ......................................................................................................................................22-13 Using :block.field ..........................................................................................................................................22-14 Using $FLEX$...............................................................................................................................................22-15 Cascading Dependencies Using $FLEX$......................................................................................................22-16 Using Special Value Sets...............................................................................................................................22-17 Using Pair Value Sets....................................................................................................................................22-18 Summary........................................................................................................................................................22-19 Appendix - Administering Folders.................................................................................................................23-1 Appendix - Administering Folders ................................................................................................................23-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................23-4 Folders: Definition.........................................................................................................................................23-5 Administering Folders: Topics ......................................................................................................................23-6 Assigning a Default Folder to a Responsibility .............................................................................................23-7 Assigning a Default Folder to a User.............................................................................................................23-8 Assigning Ownership of a Folder ..................................................................................................................23-9 Deleting a Folder Definition..........................................................................................................................23-10 Summary........................................................................................................................................................23-11
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Appendix - Incorporating a Custom Program..............................................................................................24-1 Appendix - Incorporating a Custom Program................................................................................................24-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................24-4 Using Custom Programs in Oracle Applications...........................................................................................24-5 Assumptions for Incorporating a New Program ...........................................................................................24-6 Components of a Concurrent Program ..........................................................................................................24-7 Adding a Custom Program to Oracle Applications ......................................................................................24-8 Identifying the Executable.............................................................................................................................24-9 Creating the Concurrent Program..................................................................................................................24-11 Concurrent Program Parameters Window .....................................................................................................24-13 Associating a Program with a Request Group ...............................................................................................24-15 Submitting the Concurrent Program..............................................................................................................24-16 Summary........................................................................................................................................................24-17 Appendix - Incorporating Custom Help Files ...............................................................................................25-1 Appendix - Incorporating Custom Help Files................................................................................................25-3 Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................25-4 Customizing Help..........................................................................................................................................25-5 Oracle Applications Help System Utility ......................................................................................................25-6 Help System Utility Setup: Define Directory Paths.......................................................................................25-7 Downloading Help Files................................................................................................................................25-8 Identify Help Files for Customization ...........................................................................................................25-9 Identify the Language and Product of the Files ............................................................................................25-10 Downloading Help Files for Editing..............................................................................................................25-11 Linking Help Files.........................................................................................................................................25-12 Special Syntax versus Conventional HTML..................................................................................................25-13 Cross-Application Links................................................................................................................................25-14 Related Topics Links.....................................................................................................................................25-15 Related Topics Links Syntax.........................................................................................................................25-16 Uploading Your New or Changed Help Files................................................................................................25-17 File Upload Steps...........................................................................................................................................25-18 Updating the Search Index.............................................................................................................................25-20 Creating Reports ............................................................................................................................................25-21 Running Reports ............................................................................................................................................25-22 Customizing Help Navigation Trees..............................................................................................................25-23 Help Builder Functions..................................................................................................................................25-24 The Help Builder ...........................................................................................................................................25-25 Opening a Tree for Editing............................................................................................................................25-26 Adding New Help Files to a Tree..................................................................................................................25-27 Adding New Nodes to a Tree ........................................................................................................................25-28 For Further Information.................................................................................................................................25-29 Summary........................................................................................................................................................25-30 Guided Demonstrations and Practices...........................................................................................................26-1 Guided Demonstrations and Practices ...........................................................................................................26-3 Practice - Users..........................................................................................................................................26-4 Solution - Users .........................................................................................................................................26-5 Practice - Data Groups...............................................................................................................................26-9 Solution – Data Groups .............................................................................................................................26-10 Practice - Menus........................................................................................................................................26-12 Solution - Menus .......................................................................................................................................26-15 Practice - Query-Only Forms.....................................................................................................................26-22 Solution - Query-Only Forms....................................................................................................................26-23 Practice - Responsibilities..........................................................................................................................26-27 Solution - Responsibilities.........................................................................................................................26-29 Guided Demonstration - Data Security Policy Example............................................................................26-33 Guided Demonstration - Creating Role Categories ...................................................................................26-34 Practice - Creating a Role and Placing it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy ................................................26-35 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents xii
Solution – Creating a Role and Placing it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy...............................................26-37 Practice - Assigning Permission Sets to the Role ......................................................................................26-41 Solution – Assigning Permission Sets to the Role.....................................................................................26-43 Practice - Setting Up Delegated Administration........................................................................................26-44 Solution – Setting Up Delegated Administration ......................................................................................26-45 Practice - Testing Delegated Administration.............................................................................................26-47 Solution – Testing Delegated Administration............................................................................................26-48 Practice - Creating a Registration Process for the Role.............................................................................26-51 Solution – Creating a Registration Process for the Role............................................................................26-52 Practice - Testing the Registration Process for the Role............................................................................26-53 Solution – Testing the Registration Process for the Role ..........................................................................26-54 Practice - Profile Options...........................................................................................................................26-56 Solution - Profile Options..........................................................................................................................26-57 Practice - Auditing Resources....................................................................................................................26-59 Solution - Auditing Resources...................................................................................................................26-60 Guided Demonstration - Support Cart .......................................................................................................26-62 Practice - Scheduling Requests..................................................................................................................26-63 Solution - Scheduling Requests .................................................................................................................26-64 Practice - Request Groups .........................................................................................................................26-69 Solution - Request Groups.........................................................................................................................26-71 Practice - Coded Request Groups ..............................................................................................................26-73 Solution - Coded Request Groups .............................................................................................................26-75 Practice - Request Sets Using Wizard .......................................................................................................26-80 Solution - Request Sets Using Wizard.......................................................................................................26-81 Practice - Administering Concurrent Managers.........................................................................................26-86 Solution - Administering Concurrent Managers........................................................................................26-89 Guided Demonstration - Loading and Running a Workflow Process........................................................26-95 Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield...................................................................................................26-97 Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield .................................................................................................26-101 Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with None Validation ...............................................................26-104 Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with None Validation ..............................................................26-106 Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with Context-Sensitive Segment ..............................................26-109 Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Context-Sensitive Segment ..........................................26-112 Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Dependent Segment.......................................................26-116 Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Dependent Segment......................................................26-119 Practice - Define a Key Flexfield ..............................................................................................................26-123 Solution - Define a Key Flexfield..............................................................................................................26-127 Practice - Security Rules............................................................................................................................26-135 Solution – Security Rules ..........................................................................................................................26-137 Practice - Cross-Validation Rules..............................................................................................................26-139 Solution - Cross-Validations......................................................................................................................26-141 Practice - Shorthand Aliases......................................................................................................................26-143 Solution – Shorthand Aliases.....................................................................................................................26-144 Practice - Table Validation ........................................................................................................................26-145 Solution – Table Validation.......................................................................................................................26-146 Practice - Cascading Dependencies with $FLEX$ ....................................................................................26-148 Solution – Cascading Dependencies with $FLEX$...................................................................................26-151 Guided Demonstration - Folders................................................................................................................26-154 Practice - Incorporating Custom Programs................................................................................................26-159 Solution - Incorporating Custom Programs ...............................................................................................26-160
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents xv
Profile Before You Begin This Course You need a thorough knowledge of R12 Oracle Applications navigation. •
Prerequisites There are no prerequisites for this course. •
How This Course Is Organized This is an instructor-led course featuring lecture and hands-on exercises. Online demonstrations and written practice sessions reinforce the concepts and skills introduced.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents xvi
Related Publications Oracle Publications Title Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Security Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Configuration Oracle Applications System Administrator’s Guide – Maintenance Oracle Workflow Administrator’s Guide Additional Publications System release bulletins Installation and user’s guides read.me files International Oracle User’s Group (IOUG) articles Oracle Magazine • • • • •
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents xvii
Part Number B31451 B31453 B31454 B31431
Typographic Conventions What follows are two lists of typographical conventions that are used specifically within text or within code. Typographic Conventions Within Text Convention Uppercase
Object or Term Commands, functions, column names, table names, PL/SQL objects, schemas
Example Use the SELECT command to view information stored in the LAST_NAME column of the EMPLOYEES table.
Lowercase, italic
Filenames, syntax variables, usernames, passwords
where: role
Initial cap
Trigger and button names
Assign a When-Validate-Item trigger to the ORD block.
is the name of the role to be created.
Choose Cancel. Italic
Quotation marks
Books, names of courses and manuals, and emphasized words or phrases
For more information on the subject see Oracle SQL Reference Manual
Lesson module titles referenced within a course
This subject is covered in Lesson 3, “Working with Objects.”
Do not save save changes to the database.
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
R12 System Administrator Fundamentals Table of Contents xviii
Typographic Conventions in Code Typographic Conventions Within Code Convention Uppercase
Object or Term Example Commands, SELECT employee_id FROM employees; functions
Lowercase, italic
Syntax variables CREATE ROLE
Initial cap
Forms triggers
Form module: ORD Trigger level: S_ITEM.QUANTITY item Trigger name: When-Validate-Item . . .
Column names, table names, filenames, PL/SQL objects
. . . OG_ACTIVATE_LAYER (OG_GET_LAYER ('prod_pie_layer')) . . . SELECT last_name FROM employees;
Text that must be entered by a user
role ;
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 1
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 2
Guided Demonstrations and Practices
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 3
Practice - Users Overview You are part of the final acceptance testing committee. Specifically, you have been assigned a series of System Administration tasks that you will be implementing over the course of this final week of testing. Your task is to create an Application user that you will utilize over the course of your testing. •
Create the user
Assign responsibilities to the user
Test the user
In order to facilitate all the testing you will accomplish over this week, you will preface ALL your exercises with your initials (e.g., JSCS for Jane S.C. Smith). This will help you find the specific data you have created.
Tasks Create the User 1.
Use the information below to define your new user signon. •
User Name: YourInitialsUser (e.g., JSCSUSER)
Password: WELCOME (re-enter to verify)
Description: Your Name System Administrator
Password Expiration: 30 days
Effective Dates: Today
Effective Dates: 3 month from today
Assign Responsibilities 2.
Assign the following Responsibilities to your user. •
System Administrator
System Administration
Application Developer Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 4
Functional Administrator
Functional Developer
General Ledger Super User
Accept the defaults for for all other fields. fields. Use the Security Group "Standard" for a responsibility if none defaults in.
Test your User 4.
Sign on again using using your username with WELCOME as the password.
Change the password when prompted. You change the password password by typing the old password, password, (WELCOME), and then assigning a new password. pa ssword. You will re-type the new password to verify.
Verify all the responsibilities you defined in Step 2 are are available.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 5
Solution - Users Create the User Responsibility: Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Log in to Oracle Oracle Applications with user name “SYSADMIN” “SYSADMIN” and password “SYSADMIN”.
Select the System Administrator responsibility under the “Applications” heading of the Navigate region of the Personal Home Page.
Navigate to the Users form: (N) Security > User > Define.
Enter the fields as described in the instructions. •
User Name: YourInitialsUser (e.g., JSCSUSER)
Password: WELCOME (re-enter to verify)
Description: Your Name System Administrator
Password Expiration: 30 days
Effective Dates: Today
Effective Dates: 3 month from today
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 6
Assign Responsibilities Responsibilities 5.
Assign the following Responsibilities to your user. •
System Administrator
System Administration
Application Developer
Functional Administrator
Functional Developer
General Ledger Super User
Note: Use the Direct Responsibilities tab. The Indirect Responsibilities Responsibilities are assigned via Oracle User Management. 6.
Click the Save icon to save your work. Your completed form should look similar to the example shown in the slide.
Test your User 7.
Close the Users form. Choose File > Exit Oracle Applications to return to the home page. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 7
Return to the login page.
Use your new login and password (WELCOME) to log in again. You will be prompted to change your password. Be sure to note your user name and new password for use in later practices.
10. Verify that you have the correct Responsibilities displayed, and select the System Administrator Responsibility. (Note: Depending on your setup, the Home Page may differ from the illustration).
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 8
Practice - Data Groups Overview Now that you have a functional user, your next assignment is to create a test area for customizations. In order to do that, you will have to complete several steps. •
Register your custom application.
Associate your new application to the Standard data group.
Tasks Register your Custom Application 1.
Create your new custom application. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Application: YourInitials Custom Application
Short Name: Your Initials (e.g., JSCS)
Base Path: FND_TOP (Note: For class purposes we are using a predefined basepath. If you were defining a true custom application, this would be a unique basepath.) Description: YourInitials Custom Application
Associate Your Custom Application to the Standard Data Group 2.
Query up the Standard Data Group from the database.
Associate your custom application to the Standard data group.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 9
Solution – Data Groups Register your Custom Application Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
If not currently logged in, log in to Oracle Applications with your user.
(N) Application > Register
Enter your Application : YourInitials Custom Application (e.g., JSCS Custom Application)
Enter your Short Name: YourInitials (e.g., JSCS)
Enter the Basepath : FND_TOP
Enter your Description : YourInitials Custom Application
Save your work and close the form
Associate Your Custom Application to Standard Data Group 8.
Navigate to (N) Security > ORACLE > DataGroup.
Place your cursor in the Data Group field and query the Standard data group by selecting View from the application menu > Query By Example > Enter.
10. Enter “Standard” in the Data Group field and then execute the query by selecting View from the application menu > Query By Example > Run. 11. Ensure your cursor is in the Application field and click the New toolbar icon or select New from the File menu to add a row. 12. Select your custom application name from the list of values for the Application field. 13. Select APPS from the list of values for the Oracle ID field. 14. Save your work. Your window should look like the example shown below. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 10
Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 11
Practice - Menus Overview The committee wants you to test the Menu processes. Specifically, they want you to create a System Auditor responsibility, and to create a custom menu to assign to that responsibility. In this testing process you will implement the following. •
Create a custom menu with several functions and submenus
View your custom menu using the Menu Viewer
Create a System Auditor responsibility, and associate your new menu to that responsibility Assign the System Auditor to a new user and test the user and responsibility.
Tasks Create your Level 3 Menu Menus in Oracle Applications must be created bottom-up. Your first task is to create your lowest level menu. 1.
Create a new menu. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Menu Name: YourInitials _FLEX_SECURITY (e.g., JSCS_FLEX_SECURITY)
User Menu Name: YourInitials Flexfield Security (e.g., JSCS Flexfield Security)
Menu Type: Standard
Description : Define and Assign Flexfield Security Rules Seq
Flexfield Security Rules
Define Flex Security Rules
Assign Flexfield Security Rules
Assign Flex Security Rules
Create your Level 2 Menu 2.
Create a new menu. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 12
User Menu Name: YourInitials Responsibility (e.g., JSCS Responsibility)
Menu Type: Standard
Description : Define Responsibilities, Request Groups, and Security Rules Seq
Define Responsibilities
Define Responsibilities
Request Group
Request Groups
Define Request Groups
Flexfield Security
Define and Assign Flex Security Rules
YourInitials Flexfield Security
Create your Level 1 Menu 3.
Create a new menu. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Menu Name: YourInitials _TOP_SYSTEM_AUDITOR
User Menu Name: YourInitials Top System Auditor
Menu Type: Standard
Description : Custom System Auditor Menu Seq
User Menu – System Administrator GUI
Define and Monitor Users
Personal Profile
Profile User Values
View/Update Personal Profile Options
Standard Report Submission and View report (privileged) 4.0
Run and View Requests, Define Request Sets
Define Responsibilities, Request YourInitials Responsibility (i.e., Your Groups, Security Rules Level 2 Menu)
View your new menu in the Menu Viewer.
Create your System Auditor Responsibility 5.
Create a new responsibility. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 13
Responsibility Name : YourInitials System Auditor
Application : Application Object Library
Responsibility Key : YourInitials _SYSTEM_AUDITOR (e.g., JSCS_SYSTEM_AUDITOR)
Description : YourInitials System Auditor
Effective Date : From: Today
Effective Date : To: (leave blank)
Available From : Oracle Applications (default)
Data Group Name : Standard
Data Group Application : Application Object Library
Menu: YourInitials _TOP_SYSTEM_AUDITOR (i.e.,Your Level 1 Menu)
Request Group: (leave blank)
Create your System Auditor User 6.
Create a new user. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
User Name: YourInitials_ SYSTEM_AUDITOR
Password : WELCOME
Description : System Auditor
Responsibility : YourInitials System Auditor (use the security group "Standard")
Test the new user, new responsibility, and new menu to ensure that they are working properly.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 14
Solution - Menus Create your Level 3 Menu Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Application > Menu.
Enter the appropriate data for your Level 3 menu.
Menu Name: YourInitials _FLEX_SECURITY (e.g., JSCS_FLEX_SECURITY)
User Menu Name: YourInitials Flexfield Security (e.g., JSCS Flexfield Security)
Menu Type: Standard
Description : Define and Assign Flexfield Security Rules Seq
Flexfield Security Rules
Define Flex Security Rules
Assign Flexfield Security Rules
Assign Flex Security Rules
Save your work. You should see a note indicating that your request has been submitted to recompile your menu. Click (B) OK to acknowledge the note. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 15
Create your Level 2 Menu 5.
Click the New Record icon to create your Level 2 menu.
Enter the appropriate data for your Level 2 menu.
User Menu Name: YourInitials Responsibility (e.g., JSCS Responsibility)
Menu Type: Standard
Description : Define Responsibilities, Request Groups, and Security Rules Seq
Define Responsibilities
Define Responsibilities
Request Group
Request Groups
Define Request Groups
Flexfield Security
Define and Assign Flex Security Rules
YourInitials Flexfield Security
Save your work and click (B) OK to the note window indicating that your request has been submitted to recompile your menu in the database. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 16
Create your Level 1 Menu 8.
Click the New Record icon icon to create your Level 1 menu.
Enter the appropriate data for your Level 1 menu. •
Menu Name: YourInitials _TOP_SYSTEM_AUDITOR
User Menu Name: YourInitials Top System Auditor
Description : Custom System Auditor Menu
Menu Type: Standard Seq
Personal Profile
User Menu – System Administrator GUI
Define and Monitor Users
YourInitials Responsibility (i.e., Your Level 2 Menu)
Define Responsibilities, Request Groups, Security Rules
Profile User View/Update Personal Checked Values Profile Options Standard Report Submission and View report (privileged) 4.0
Run and View Requests, Define Request Sets
10. Save your work and click (B) OK to to the note window indicating that your request has been submitted to recompile your menu in the database. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 17
11. Click the (B) View Tree… to see your new menu in the Menu Viewer. Your menu tree should appear similar to the example shown in the slide. Close the Menu Viewer when done.
Create your System Auditor Responsibility 12. If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility. 13. Navigate to (N) Security > Responsibility > Define 14. Enter the appropriate data for your responsibility. •
Responsibility Name : YourInitials System Auditor Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 18
Application : Application Object Library Responsibility Key : YourInitials _SYSTEM_AUDITOR (e.g., JSCS_SYSTEM_AUDITOR)
Description : YourInitials System Auditor
Effective Date : From: Today
Effective Date : To: (leave blank)
Available From : Oracle Applications (default)
Data Group Name : Standard
Data Group Application : Application Object Library
Menu: YourInitials Top System Auditor (i.e.,Your Level 1 Menu)
Request Group: (leave blank)
15. Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 19
Create your System Auditor User 16. If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility. 17. Navigate to (N) Security > User > Define 18. Enter the appropriate data for your user. •
User Name: YourInitials_ SYSTEM_AUDITOR
Password : WELCOME
Description : System Auditor
Responsibility : YourInitials System Auditor
19. Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
20. Test the new user, new responsibility, and new menu to ensure that they are working properly. Exit Oracle Applications and return to your home page. 21. Click on the Exit icon to open the login screen.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 20
22. Sign on again using your new login. You will be required to change your password. Note your user name and password for future access. 23. From the home page, click on YourInitials System Auditor responsibility. 24. Verify that your Navigator menu contains the correct items. Your screen should appear similar to the example shown in the slide.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 21
Practice - Query-Only Forms Overview The committee has evaluated the System Auditor responsibility you created. The responsibility has access to create new Responsibilities and make changes to existing ones and the committee has decided the auditor should have the ability to only view responsibilities. In this test process you will do the following: Create a query-only version of the Responsibilities function
Replace the Define Responsibilities function with this query-only function on your existing System Auditor menu
Tasks Create your Query-Only Function 1.
Create a new Form Function. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Function : YourInitials _FNDSCRSP (e.g., JSCS_FNDSCRSP)
User Function Name : Your Initials View Responsibilities
Description : View Responsibilities
Type: Form
Form: Define Responsibility
Application : Application Object Library
Parameters : QUERY_ONLY=YES
Assign your Query-Only Function to your Existing System Auditor Menu 1.
Query the YourInitials _RESPONSIBILITY menu in the Menu form. Replace the prompt, function and description for Seq 10 Define Responsibilities. Seq
Define Responsibilities
Define Responsibilities
Replace with
View Responsibilities
YourInitials View Responsibilities
View Responsibilities
Log in as your System Auditor and test your query-only form. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 22
Solution - Query-Only Forms Create your Query-Only Function Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Application > Function.
Enter the appropriate data for your new Form Function. Description tab: Function : YourInitials _ FNDSCRSP (e.g., JSCS_FNDSCRSP) User Function Name : YourInitials View Responsibilities Description : View Responsibilities − − −
Properties tab: Type: Form Maintenance Mode Support: None Context Dependence : Responsibility − − −
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 23
Form tab: Form: Define Responsibility Application : Application Object Library Parameters : QUERY_ONLY=YES − − −
Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
Assign your Query-Only Function to your Existing System Auditor Menu 5.
If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
Navigate to (N) Application > Menu.
Query the YourInitials _RESPONSIBILITY menu in the Menu form. •
Put the form in query mode by pressing F11 or by selecting (M) View > Query by Example > Enter. Enter YourInitials _RESPONSIBILITY in the Menu Name field and execute your query by pressing Ctrl-F11 or by selecting (M) View > Query by Example > Run.
Replace the prompt, function and description for Seq 10 Define Responsibilities. Seq
Define Responsibilities
Define Responsibilities
Replace with
View Responsibilities
YourInitials View Responsibilities
View Responsibilities
Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 24
10. Exit the Personal Home Page and Oracle Applications. 11. Log in as YourInitials System Auditor. 12. Your menu should be similar to the example shown in the slide.
13. Test your query-only form. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 25
Navigate to (N) View Responsibilities to open the query-only Responsibilities window. To perform a search on responsibilities, select View > Find… from the application menu to open the “Find” responsibilities window. You can query up a responsibility, for example “System Administrator”, and view the details of the selected responsibility in the read-only Responsibilities window without being able to update it.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 26
Practice - Responsibilities Overview The committee wants you to test creating a special, limited responsibility for an assistant System Administrator. The steps are as follows: •
Create a new responsibility
Modify the responsibility by excluding functions and menus from its menu
Assign the new responsibility to a new user
Assign the new responsibility to your existing user
Tasks Create New Responsibility 1.
Create a new responsibility. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Responsibility Name : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Application : Application Object Library
Responsibility Key : YourInitials _ASST_SYSADMIN (e.g., JSCS_ASST_SYSADMIN)
Description : Assistant System Administrator
Available From : Oracle Applications
Data Group: Standard
Data Group Application : Application Object Library
Menu: Navigator Menu - System Administrator GUI
Request Group: (leave blank)
Exclude Functions from Menu 2.
Modify access to certain menus and functions for your new Responsibility by excluding the items below. Menu or Function Names to exclude: •
Function, Monitor Application Users Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 27
Function, Responsibilities
Function, Web Enabled PL/SQL
Menu, ORACLE Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, AuditTrail Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Concurrent Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Profile Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Application Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Install Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Workflow Administrator
Assign Responsibility to New User 3.
In order to test this new responsibility, create a new user signon for your assistant system administrator and assign your newly created responsibility to this user. Use the information listed below. •
User Name: YourInitials_ ASSIST_SA (e.g., JSCS_ASSIST_SA)
Password: WELCOME (re-enter to verify)
Description: YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Choose the Responsibility: YourInitials Assistant System Administrator (specify security group "Standard")
Once you have defined it, sign off and back on using the new signon. Check that all the specialized responsibilities and exclusions that you intended apply to this new user.
Add Responsibility to Existing User 5.
Query your user (YourInitialsUser) you created, and add this responsibility to that user.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 28
Solution - Responsibilities Create New Responsibility Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
If not currently logged in, log in to Oracle Applications with your user.
(N) Security > Responsibility > Define.
Enter the following data for your responsibility:
Responsibility Name : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Application : Application Object Library
Responsibility Key : YourInitials _ASST_SYSADMIN
Description : Assistant System Administrator
Available From : Oracle Applications
Data Group: Standard
Data Group Application : Application Object Library
Menu: Navigator Menu – System Administrator GUI
Save your work.
Exclude Functions from Menu 5.
Navigate to the Menu Exclusions tab of the window.
Click on Type of exclusion – Function or Menu – then use the list of values to select the appropriate function or menu to exclude in the name column. Continue until all items listed are excluded. Note: For each of the responsibilities shown below, ignore the Excluded Items and Security Attributes tabbed regions. •
Function, Monitor Application Users
Function, Responsibilities
Function, Web Enabled PL/SQL
Menu, NAVSECVAL4.0 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 29
Menu, ORACLE Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, AuditTrail Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Concurrent Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Profile Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Application Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Install Menu – System Administrator GUI
Menu, Workflow Administrator
Click Save to save this responsibility.
Close the Responsibilities form.
Assign Responsibility to New User 9.
Navigate to (N) Security > User > Define
10. Use the information listed below to create your new assistant system administrator user: •
User Name: YourInitials_ ASSIST_SA (e.g., JSCS_ASSIST_SA). Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 30
Password : WELCOME (re-enter to verify).
Description : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Responsibility : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
11. Save your work. 12. Close the Users form. 13. Exit Oracle Applications and exit the home page. 14. Enter your new user name and password. You will be prompted to change your password. 15. From the home page, select YourInitials Assistant System Administrator responsibility. 16. Review the menu items for your new responsibility and verify the correct items appear.
Add Responsibility to Existing User 17. Navigate to the Users form (N) Security > User > Define.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 31
18. Put the form in query mode by pressing F11 or by selecting (M) View > Query by Example > Enter. 19. Enter the user name you created in the Name field (i.e., YourInitialsUser) and execute your query by pressing Ctrl-F11 or by selecting (M) View > Query by Example > Run. 20. Navigate to the Responsibilities tab. 21. Insert a new record by clicking the New icon on the toolbar, and select YourInitials Assistant System Administrator. 22. Save your work.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 32
Guided Demonstration - Data Security Policy Example Responsibility: User Management This guided demonstration shows a data security policy implementation and its definition.
View a Data Security Policy Implementation You must log in as the SYSADMIN user to access the User Management responsibility. 1.
Navigate to the function Roles & Role Inheritance.
Expand Roles & Responsibilities on this page.
Expand Security Administration.
Click on “Update” for the Customer Administrator role.
Click on the “User Administration privileges” link to show details for the grant defined for the set of users shown, “People in the Administrator's own Organization”.
Responsibility: Functional Developer 1.
Navigate to the Functional Developer responsibility.
In the Objects page, perform a search for the object with the code UMX_PERSON_OBJECT.
Click on the object name to view its details.
Navigate to the Object Instance Set subtab.
Click on the name “People in the Administrator’s own Organization” to view the details of this object instance set.
Note the predicate. The SQL statement queries the set of users based upon the party relationships defined in TCA (the organization).
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 33
Guided Demonstration - Creating Role Categories Login: sysadmin/sysadmin Responsibility: User Management 1.
(N) Role Categories > (B) Update
Select (B) Add Another Row in the Lookup Codes region.
Enter the required information in the Lookup Codes fields. In this case, the name is “Administration” and the description can be something about a general category for administration roles.
Save the change by selecting (B) Apply.
Click the Role Categories tab to view the newly created “Administration” role category.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 34
Practice - Creating a Role and Placing it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy Overview In this practice, you will create a new role and place it in a role inheritance hierarchy. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Setup delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so that users can request it via self service
Log on as a user and request the role
Assumptions •
Some parts of Oracle User Management have already been implemented, including the Partner Administrator and Security Administrator roles as well as the User Management responsibility and several permissions. Oracle User Management ships with seeded roles including Partner Administrator, Security Administrator, and Customer Administrator. Assume for the purposes of this course, the Customer Administrator role does not exist, and the students must create it.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 35
Tasks Assign Security Administrator Role Assign the Security Administrator Role to the “YourInitialsUser” to enable the User Management responsibility for your user.
Create a Role Within a Desired Role Category Create a customer administrator role called “YourInitials Course Administrator” within the Security Administration Role Category.
Place the Role in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy After creating your Course Administrator role, you will need to place it in a role inheritance hierarchy so that it is inherited by the Partner Administrator role and it inherits the User Management Responsibility.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 36
Solution – Creating a Role and Placing it in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy Assign the Security Administrator Role to Your User Login: sysadmin/sysadmin Responsibility: User Management 1.
(N) User Management > Users
Search User Name: YourInitialsUser (e.g., JSCSUSER)
Click (B) Go
Select the Update icon
Click (B) Assign Roles •
Search by Roles and Responsibilities: Security
Click (B) Go
Select Security Administrator
Click (B) Select
Justification : Provide a justification (e.g., job requires role)
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 37
Click (B) Apply to apply and save your work.
Logout as the sysadmin user.
Login as YourInitialsUsers (e.g., JSCSUSER), verify you have the User Management responsibility
Create a Role within a Role Category Responsibility: User Management 7.
(N) Roles & Role Inheritance > (B) Create Role Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 38
Enter the following information: Category : Security Administration Role Code: YourInitials _COURSE_ADMINISTRATOR Display Name: YourInitials Course Administrator Description : Duplicate of the Customer Administrator role for course purposes. Application : Application Object Library Date From: Leave the default date Date To: Leave Blank − − − − − − −
Click (B) Apply to save your work.
Place the Role in a Role Inheritance Hierarchy 10. Expand “All Roles, Responsibilities, and Groups” category. 11. Expand “Roles and Responsibilities” category. 12. Expand “Security Administration” category. 13. Select the Add Node icon on the “Partner Administrator” role. 14. Expand “Root Node”. 15. Expand “Security Administration” category. 16. Quick select “YourInitials Course Administrator” role. 17. Expand “Partner Administrator” role. 18. Select the Add Node icon on “YourInitials Course Administrator” role beneath the “Partner Administrator” role. 19. Enter “FND%UMX” into the Code field under the Search region, and then select (B) Go. 20. Quick select “User Management” role. 21. Verify “YourInitials Course Administrator” role inherits the User Management responsibility which is inherited by the Partner Administrator role by viewing it in the Role & Responsibility Hierarchy area.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 39
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 40
Practice - Assigning Permission Sets to the Role Overview In this practice, you will assign permission sets to your course administrator role. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Setup delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so users can make a self service request
Log on as a user and request the role
Assumptions •
Some parts of Oracle User Management have already been implemented, including the Partner Administrator and Security Administrator roles as well as the User Management responsibility and several permissions. Oracle User Management ships with seeded roles including Partner Administrator, Security Administrator, and Customer Administrator. Assume for the purposes of this course, the Customer Administrator role does not exist, and the students must create it.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 41
Tasks Assigning the User Maintenance UIs to the Course Administrator Role Grant User Maintenance UIs to “YourInitials Course Administrator” role.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 42
Solution – Assigning Permission Sets to the Role Assigning the User Maintenance UIs to the Course Administrator Role Responsibility: User Management 1.
(N) Roles & Role Inheritance.
In the Role Inheritance region, expand “Roles & Responsibilities” category.
Expand “Security Administration” category.
Click the Update icon next to “YourInitials Course Administrator” role and then click (B) Create Grant .
Enter a name and description for the grant (for example, UMX Menus) and click (B) Next.
In the Set field, enter “User Maintenance UIs”, and then click (B) Next.
Review your work
Click (B) Finish.
Click (B) OK to the confirmation message to acknowledge that the grant has been successfully created.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 43
Practice - Setting Up Delegated Administration Overview In this practice, you will set up delegated administration for your course administrator role. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Setup delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so users can make a self service request
Log on as a user and request the role
Tasks Assigning the User Maintenance UIs to the Course Administrator Role Grant User Maintenance UIs to “YourInitials Course Administrator” role.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 44
Solution – Setting Up Delegated Administration Responsibility: User Management Responsibility 1.
(N) Roles & Role Inheritance •
In the Role Inheritance region, expand “Roles & Responsibilities” category.
Expand “Security Administration” category.
Locate “YourInitials Course Administrator” role and click the Update icon.
Defining User Administration for This Role Define the users that can be managed through this role by performing the following: 3.
Click (B) Security Wizards .
Click the Run Wizard icon for "User Management: Security Administration Setup".
Verify User Administration tab is selected and click (B) Add More Rows .
In the Users field, select “People in the Administrator’s Own Organization”
In the Permissions field, select “All User Administration Privileges”
Defining Organization Administration for This Role Define the Roles that can be managed by this role by performing the following: 8.
Select Organization Administration tab and then click (B) Assign Organization Privileges .
Perform a wildcard search in the Search By Organization Privileges, select “View the Administrator’s Own Organization”
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 45
Defining Role Administration for This Role Define the Roles that can be managed through this role by performing the following: 10. Select the Role Administration tab. 11. In the Available Roles area, search for “YourInitials Course Administrator” role and place it in the Selected Roles area. Assignees of “YourInitials Course Administrator” role will be able to grant “YourInitials Course Administrator” role to other users. 12. Optionally perform a wildcard search (e.g., %Support%) on Miscellaneous in the Type field. Then select one or more roles from the search results, move them to the Select Roles area. Following is an example:
13. Click (B) Apply. The assignee of “YourInitials Course Administrator” role will be able to assign the selected roles to the users that he or she can manage. 14. Click (B) Apply.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 46
Practice - Testing Delegated Administration Overview In this practice, you will test delegated administration for your Course Administrator role. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Setup delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so that users can self service request it
Log on as a user and request the role
Tasks Assigning the Course Administrator Role to a User Query a user in the system and assign the user “ YourInitials Course Administrator” role.
View Role Capabilities by Logging on as the User to Whom the Role is Assigned Log on as the user to whom the role is assigned and view that user’s administrative capabilities.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 47
Solution – Testing Delegated Administration Assigned Accounts: Over the course of the next two practices, each workstation team will need to have individual accounts that they (and only they) use. Without this exclusivity, students will collide during the exercise. Please use the following email addresses to locate the user accounts assigned to your workstation. Number
Account Email
[email protected]
Betty Lewis
Hilman and Associates
[email protected]
Hilda Wolfschmidt
Hilman and Associates
[email protected]
Ely Alter
A.C. Network
[email protected]
Carlo Kim
A.C. Network
[email protected]
Jim Johnson
Business World
[email protected]
Bill Smith
Business World
[email protected]
Satish Turakhia
Business World
[email protected]
Stacey Kyzer
ABC Corporation Americas
[email protected]
Lydia Petersen
Ace Communications
[email protected]
Michael Robertson
Business World
[email protected]
Doug Jackson
A.C. Networks
[email protected]
Rachel Abbott
PEL Consultants, LLP
[email protected]
John Snyder
CDS, Inc.
[email protected]
Sean Whaling
Worldwide Communications
[email protected]
Vishal Tyagi
[email protected]
Bill Holly
Big 4 Rental
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 48
Assigning the Course Administrator Role to a User Responsibility: User Management 1.
(N) Users
In the Email field within the search area enter “
” and click (B) Go.
The person with your assigned email address is displayed in the result set. Click the Create User icon for this person. Note: The name displayed in the search result is a person in the system and not a user. As part of this procedure you will assign this person a user account that includes your Course Administrator role.
Choose the “Enter Manually” radio button.
Reset the user’s password by typing “welcome1” in the Password and Confirm Password fields and click (B) Submit.
Query the user again by searching for your assigned user’s email address such as ‘[email protected]’.
Click the Update icon next to the user and then click the (B) Assign Roles .
In the search window, search for “YourInitials Course Administrator” role. Select this role and click (B) Select.
Enter a justification in the Justification filed and click (B) Apply. You will see a confirmation message indicating you have successfully updated the role.
Logging on as the User to Whom the Course Administrator Role is Assigned and Viewing that User’s Administrative Capabilities 10. Log out of the system and log on as your assigned user’s address by entering the following: •
User Name: your assigned email address (such as ‘[email protected]’) Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 49
Password: welcome1
11. When prompted, reset the user’s password from “welcome1” to “welcome”. 12. You should be able to view and use the User Maintenance UIs upon logging in. Observe: The Organization field is populated with the name of the organization to which your user is associated. If your assigned user is associated with more than one organization, you will see a drop-down allowing you to select which organization’s user you want to manage. Following is an example of what you would see:
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 50
Practice - Creating a Registration Process for the Role Overview In this practice, you will create a registration process for the Customer Administrator role. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts. The company has created the Customer Administrator Role (referred to here as Course Administrator), defined its delegated administration (data security policies) and assigned it, the appropriate permission sets as well as the User Maintenance UIs. The company now wants to define a registration process for this role so users can make a self service request.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Set up delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so users can make a self service request
Log on as a user and request the role
Tasks Creating a Registration Process for Your Course Administrator Role Create a registration process and tie it to “ YourInitials Course Administrator” Role.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 51
Solution – Creating a Registration Process for the Role Enter a Description of the Registration Process Responsibility: User Management 1.
Login: YourInitialsUser
(N) Registration Processes > (B) Create Registration Process
Enter the following information and then click (B) Next: •
Role: Search for “YourInitials Course Administrator” role
Type: Additional Access (Self Service)
Note: the Registration Process Code, Display Name, and Description fields should be populated automatically based on the selected role.
Click (B) Next.
In the Notifications field, select “User Management: Additional Access Notification workflow start” and click (B) Next.
When you choose to create a registration process for existing users, you can specify a specific group of users for whom the registration process is available. For the purposes of this course, select “All Users” from Eligible Users radio list instead of choosing a specific group of users. Then click (B) Submit. You should see a confirmation message populated indicating the registration process has been successfully created.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 52
Practice - Testing the Registration Process for the Role Overview In this practice, you will test the registration process you created for the Customer Administrator role. Business Scenario: Vision Inc. is a computer systems company. The company offers its customers a full range of computer systems and office equipment. Additionally, the company offers an array of services to support its customers' products. Vision has decided to implement Oracle User Management to have a flexible and scalable system for managing access privileges and user accounts. The company wants to distribute some of its security and administrative tasks to local administrators instead of having the system administrator retain them exclusively. To accomplish this, the company will create roles for a partner administrator, a security administrator, and a customer administrator. Individuals who are assigned these roles will manage a discrete subset of the company’s users, roles, and external contacts.
As part of the implementation team, you need to perform the following tasks: •
Create a Customer Administrator role
Place this role in a role inheritance hierarchy
Set up delegated Administration for the role
Grant the User Maintenance UIs to the role
Grant the appropriate permissions for the role so that assignees can perform specific actions on the users they manage
Create a registration process for the role so that users can self service request it
Log on as a user and request the role
Tasks Testing the Registration Process for Your Course Administrator Role Test the registration process tied to “ YourInitials Course Administrator” Role.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 53
Solution – Testing the Registration Process for the Role Assigned Accounts: Please use the following email addresses to locate the user accounts assigned to your workstation. Without this exclusivity, students will collide during the exercise. No.
Account Email
[email protected]
Albert King
Business World
[email protected]
Jay Miller
Business World
[email protected]
Alec Stewart
Business World
[email protected]
Robert Wang
Business World
[email protected]
Mary Sinisi
Business World
[email protected]
Hilda Harris
Hilman and Associates
[email protected]
Eric French
Ace Communications
[email protected]
Ivy Hatfield
World of Business
[email protected]
Eric Moulds
World of Business
[email protected]
David Alite
Silicon Peak Technologies
[email protected]
Rhonda Sellers
Silicon Peak Technologies
[email protected]
Ben Lam
Silicon Peak Technologies
[email protected]
Albert Ma
Silicon Peak Technologies
Instructor: Peter Adams (show how to look up by name)
Log on as a User and Request Your Customer Administrator Role Responsibility: User Management 1.
(N) Users
Perform a search for “” in the Email field and click (B) Go.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 54
Click the Reset Password icon next to the user’s name.
Select the “Enter Manually” radio button.
Reset the password as welcome1 and click (B) Submit.
Log on as that user, resetting the password to welcome.
Click the Preferences link at the top of the page, click Access Requests link (see example below):
Click (B) Request Access .
Select the System Administration category, select “YourInitials Course Administrator” role, click (B) Add to List (which is in the “Selected Roles” list in the right-hand panel) and then click (B) Next.
10. Enter a justification for requesting this role, click (B) Next. 11. Click (B) Submit. 12. “YourInitials Course Administrator” role and the User Management responsibility should both appear in the resulting window, because “YourInitials Course Administrator” role inherits the User Management responsibility.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 55
Practice - Profile Options Overview The implementation committee wants you to test setting several personal profile options, and to examine several system profile options.
Tasks Set your Personal Profile Options 1.
Query the “Concurrent:Request Priority” profile value. Note its value, and try to update it.
Query the “Viewer: Default Font Size”. Set the value to 10 and Save it.
Query the “Printer”. Use the LOV to change or add a value and Save it.
Query the “Concurrent:Hold Requests”. Change the user value to “Yes” and Save it.
Submit the “Active Users” report. •
Click the “Options…” button, and verify that the printer you selected for the Printer profile option has defaulted in the Printer field.
Submit your request.
View your concurrent request.
Take your request off hold.
Cancel your request.
Examine your System Profile Options 6.
Use the Find System Profile Values window to find “Currency:Negative Format” at the Site level.
What is “Currency:Negative Format” for the Site? _______________
Use the Find System Profile Values window to find the “Flexfields:Shorthand Entry” profile option at the Site and User level.
What is the default value at the Site level? _______________
10. At which levels can the System Administrator change the values? _______________
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 56
Solution - Profile Options Set your Personal Profile Options Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
Navigate to (N) Profile > Personal.
Query up the profile option “Concurrent:Request Priority”. •
Note its value here: __________________ Try to update the value.
(This option cannot be updated at the user level.) 4.
Query up the profile option “Viewer: Default Font Size”. If there is no value specified, set it to 10 and click Save.
Query up the profile option “Printer”. Use the List of Values to change or add a value. Click Save.
Query up the option “Concurrent:Hold Requests”. Change the User Value to “Yes”. Click Save.
Navigate to the Submit Request screen (N) Requests > Run. •
Select the “Active Users” program. Click the “Options…” button and verify that the printer you selected for the “Printer” profile option has defaulted in the Printer field. Submit your request.
Navigate to the View Requests window (N) Requests > View. •
Your request should show a status of “On Hold”.
Take your request off hold by clicking the “Remove Hold” button.
Cancel your request by clicking the “Cancel Request” button.
Examine your System Profile Options 9.
Navigate to (N) Profile > System. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 57
10. Use the Find System Profile Values window to find “Currency:Negative Format” at the Site level. 11. What is the current setting of “Currency:Negative Format” for the Site? _______________ 12. Use the Find System Profile Values window to find the “Flexfields:Shorthand Entry” profile option at the Site and User level. 13. What is the default value at the Site level? _______________ 14. At which levels can the System Administrator change the values? _______________
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 58
Practice - Auditing Resources Overview In this test, the committee wants to look at the results of several Signon Audit reports. They would also like you to test the Monitor Users form. They have asked you to complete the following tasks. •
Run the Signon Audit reports to determine what concurrent programs were run Run the Signon Audit reports to determine what responsibilities and users have been accessed
Run the Signon Audit reports to see what forms have been accessed
Use the Monitor Users form
Tasks Run the Signon Audit Reports 1.
Run the complete set of Signon Audit Reports using the time frame of the last week.
Answer the following questions. •
Which concurrent programs were run in the last week? _______________________
Which responsibilities and users were accessed in the last week? _______________
Which forms were accessed in the last week? _______________________________
Monitor Users 3.
Access the Monitor Users form, and practice monitoring users.
If you don’t see any users in your Monitor Users form, change the profile option “Sign-On Audit Level” to “Form” at the user level. Then, sign on again to your user and recheck the Monitor Users form.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 59
Solution - Auditing Resources Run the Signon Audit Reports Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Navigate to (N) Requests > Run.
Click (B) OK to accept the default to submit a single request.
Click the List of Values icon to get a list of all reports available for you to run.
Select the “Signon Audit Concurrent Requests” report.
Enter the following in the Parameters window: •
Sort By: User Name
From Request Start Time : one week ago (use the format DD-MMM-YY)
Click (B) Submit.
Click (B) Yes to submit another request.
Select the “Signon Audit Responsibilities” report.
Enter the following in the Parameters window: •
Sort By: User Name
From Request Start Time : one week ago (use the format DD-MMM-YY)
10. Click (B) Submit. 11. Click (B) Yes to submit another request. 12. Select the “Signon Audit Forms” report. 13. Enter the following in the Parameters window: •
Sort By: Form Name
From Request Start Time : one week ago (use the format DD-MMM-YY)
14. Click (B) Submit. 15. Click (B) No. 16. Navigate to (N) Requests > View. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 60
17. View each report, and answer the following questions: •
Which concurrent programs were run in the last week? _______________________
Which responsibilities and users were accessed in the last week? _______________
Which forms were accessed in the last week? _______________________________
Monitor Users 18. Navigate to (N) Security > User > Monitor. 19. Query up your User Name and note the activity. 20. Navigate to (N) Profile > System. 21. Find the “Sign-On Audit Level” profile option at the user level for your specific signon. Change it to “FORM” or “NONE” (Note: Change the setting. This will enable you to note the differences.) 22. Save your work. 23. Sign off and on again. 24. Navigate to (N) Security > User > Monitor. 25. Review the changes of the data in the form.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 61
Guided Demonstration - Support Cart Responsibility: System Administration This demonstration illustrates the use of the Support Cart in Oracle Applications Manager, using the Hosts page as an example. Other pages can be used also. 1.
(N) Oracle Applications Manager > Site Map > Administration > Hosts (under System Configuration).
Add the page to the Support Cart using the Add to Support Cart button at the bottom of the page. Provide a description for the saved page. Click OK twice on the page that is returned.
Navigate to the Support Cart using the Support Cart global button or link.
For the Description tab, add information for the Service Request (SR) # (XXXXXXX.XXX) and a description. Click Update.
Navigate to the Applications Signature tab. Select “Product Information” in the Generic region and select the Delete button. Click Collect.
(Optional) Navigate to the Other Information Collected tab. You should see the page "oam/node/nodeList" listed. Click the icon in the View column to review the Hosts page.
Save the page using the Save Cart button on the bottom of the page. Click Save, and then give your zip file a suitable name as you save it to a local drive.
Navigate to the Other Information Collected tab. Select the "oam/node/nodeList" page and click Delete to delete the page. The Hosts page will be deleted from the table.
Click the Restore Cart button.
10. From the Restore Cart Contents page, use the Browse… button to find and select your previously-saved zip file. Click Restore. 11. The Hosts page is now back in the Support Cart. Note that “Product Information” is not included because you deleted it in an earlier step.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 62
Practice - Scheduling Requests Overview The implementation committee has asked you to test a number of scenarios for scheduling concurrent requests. The scenarios they would like to test are as follows. •
Submit a concurrent request to run once, immediately
Submit a concurrent request to run at 2 minute intervals
Submit a concurrent request to run in 1 week
Submit a concurrent request to run every day at 2 pm for just 1 week
Tasks Submit a Request to Run Once 1.
Submit the “Active Responsibilities and Users” report to run once, immediately.
Submit a Request to at Two-Minute Intervals 2.
Submit the “Active Users” report to run at two-minute intervals from the completion of the prior run.
Submit a Request to Run in One Week 3.
Submit the “Reports and Sets by Responsibility” report to run one week from today.
Submit a Request to Run Every Day at 2pm for just One Week 4.
Submit the “Work Shifts Report” to run every day at 2pm for the next one week.
View your Concurrent Requests 5.
After you have submitted all of your concurrent requests, examine the status of your requests.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 63
Solution - Scheduling Requests Submit a Request to Run Once Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Log in to Oracle Applications using the username you created earlier in the class and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Requests > Run.
Click (B) OK to accept the default “Single Request.”
Select “Active Responsibilities and Users” report from the list of values for the Name field. Your form should look similar to the following.
Click (B) Submit. Note the Request ID displayed in the Decision window.
Click (B) Yes to submit another request.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 64
Submit a Request to at 2 Minute Intervals 7.
Select “Active Users” report from the list of values for the Name field. •
Click (B) Schedule….
Select the Periodically radio button from the “Run the Job…” option group.
Enter tomorrow’s date for the End At field.
In the “Re-run every” fields, enter 2 and select Minute(s) from the list of values.
Select the “From the Completion of the prior run” radio button from the “Apply the Interval…” option group. Your Schedule screen should appear similar to the following.
Click (B) OK .
Click (B) Submit. Note the Request ID displayed in the Decision window.
Click (B) Yes to submit another request.
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Submit a Request to Run in 1 Week 10. Select “Reports and Sets by Responsibility” report from the list of values for the Name field. 11. You will be prompted for parameters. Select “Application Object Library” from the Application list of values. Select “YourInitials Course Administrator” from the Responsibilities Name list of values. − −
Click (B) OK to close the Parameters window.
Click (B) Schedule….
Select the Once radio button from the “Run the Job…” option group.
In the Run At field change the date to one week from today by using the popup calendar or by typing in the date. Click (B) OK .
12. Click (B) Submit. Note the Request ID displayed in the Decision window. 13. Click (B) Yes to submit another request.
Submit a Request to Run Every Day at 2pm for just 1 Week 14. Select “Work Shifts Report” from the list of values for the Name field. •
Click (B) Schedule….
Select the Periodically radio button from the “Run the Job…” option group.
In the Start At field keep the current date, but change the time to 2:00 PM (14:00:00) by using the popup calendar or by typing it in. In the End At field change the date to one week from today and the time to 2:00 PM (14:00:00) by using the popup calendar or by typing it in. Click (B) OK .
15. Click (B) Submit. Note the Request ID displayed in the Decision window. 16. Click (B) No to finish submitted requests.
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View your Concurrent Requests 17. (N) Requests > View. 18. Click (B) Find to view all your requests. Your form should look similar to the following.
19. Use the appropriate buttons on this form to perform each of the tasks. •
Find the “Active Responsibilities” request. The Phase should be Completed and the Status should be Normal. Select a report with Phase Completed and Status Normal (for example, the Active Responsibilities report). Click (B) Diagnostics. The Request Diagnostics window will appear. Review the entries and click (B) OK to close the window. Select a report with Phase Completed and Status Normal (for example, the Active Users report). Click (B) View Log…. The log file will appear in a separate browser window. Review the entries for the log and close the browser window. Select a report with Phase Completed and Status Normal (for example, the Active Users report). Click (B) View Output . The report will appear in a separate browser window. Review the report and close the browser window.
Additional Tasks 20. Cancel the Active Users request. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 67
Click (B) Refresh Data to verify that your display is current.
Select the “Active Users” request that is Running.
Click (B) Cancel Request .
A Decision window will warn you: “Cancelling a request cannot be undone. Continue?”
Click (B) Yes.
The Phase will be updated to Completed and the Status will be set to Cancelled.
21. Put the “Reports and Sets by Responsibility” request on hold. •
Select the “Reports and Sets by Responsibility” request. Click (B) Hold Request . The Phase of the request will be updated to Inactive and the Status will be set to On Hold. Click (B) Remove Hold to take the request off hold.
22. Reprint the Active Users report. •
Select one of the “Active Users” requests that completed with a normal status.
From the Tools menu select the “Reprint…” item.
With 1 copies selected, click (B) Apply.
You will get a confirmation page indicating that your request for reprinting existing output has been scheduled along with the Request ID information. Click (B) OK and Close window.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 68
Practice - Request Groups Overview Up until this test process, the committee has not wanted you to handle Request Groups. In this test process, you will create a new Request Group, and assign it appropriately. The steps that will be tested include the following. •
Create a new Request Group
Limit the Request Groups access to concurrent reports, programs, and sets
Assign the new Request Group to your YourInitials Assistant System Administrator (e.g., JSCS Assistant System Administrator) responsibility Test your Request Group
Tasks Create your Request Group 1.
Create a new Request Group. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Group Name: YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin Group
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Code: (leave blank)
Description : YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin Group
Requests: Type
Application Object Library
Application Object Library
Employee Listing
Period End
Assign your Request Group 2.
Assign the new Request Group to YourInitials Assistant System Administrator Responsibility.
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Test your Request Group 3.
Verify your work by selecting YourInitials Assistant System Administrator Responsibility and viewing the LOV for both Single Request and Request Set.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 70
Solution - Request Groups Create your Request Group. Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Log in to Oracle Applications using your username you created earlier in the class and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Security > Responsibility > Request.
Create a new Request Group.
Group Name: YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin Group
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Code: (leave blank)
Description : YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin Group
Requests: Type
Application Object Library
Application Object Library
Employee Listing
Period End
Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
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Close the form.
Assign your Request Group. 6.
(N) Responsibility > Define.
Query to find your YourInitials Assistant System Administrator responsibility. Choose your request group from the list of values for the Request Group Name field.
Save your work.
Test your Request Group. 9.
Exit and sign on again as your YourInitials Assistant System Administrator (e.g., JSCS_ASST_SYSADMIN)
10. (N) Requests > Run. 11. Click (B) OK to accept the default “Single Request”. 12. Note the reports that now exist in the list of available reports for you to run.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 72
Practice - Coded Request Groups Overview Now that you have completed the committee’s tests on Request Groups, they want to go into the advanced testing of a Coded Request Group. Specifically, the committee wants to test the following. •
Create a Coded Request Group
Create a new form function to call your Code Request Group
Add the new form function to an existing menu
Test your Coded Request Group
Tasks Create your Coded Request Group 1.
Create a new Coded Request Group. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Group Name: YourInitials Journal Entries
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Code: YourInitialsJE (e.g., JSCSJE)
Description : Journal Entries
Requests: Type
AR: Journal Entries Report
Create a New Form Function 2.
Create a new Form Function. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. Accept default values unless otherwise specified. Description tab: Function : YourInitials _FNDRSRUN_JOURNAL_ENTRIES User Function Name : YourInitials Journal Entries Description : Journal Entries − − −
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Properties tab: Type: Form −
Form tab: Form: Run Reports Application : Application Object Library Parameters: Enter the following three parameters in the Parameter field and each of them should be separated by a space TITLE = “YourInitials Journal Entries” REQUEST_GROUP_CODE = “YourInitialsJE” REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME = “< your application short name>” − − −
Assign your Form Function to an Existing Menu 3.
Query up your Level 1 custom menu, YourInitials _TOP_SYSTEM_AUDITOR
Add your function. Seq
Journal Entries Report
YourInitials Journal Entries
Journal Entries
Test your Coded Request Group 5.
Test that your Coded Request Group works as expected.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 74
Solution - Coded Request Groups Create your Coded Request Group Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Log in to Oracle Applications with the username that you created earlier in the class and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Security > Responsibility > Request
Create a new Coded Request Group. •
Group Name: YourInitials Journal Entries
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Code: YourInitialsJE (e.g., JSCSJE)
Description : Journal Entries
Requests: Type
AR: Journal Entries Report
Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
Close the form. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 75
Create your New Form Function 6.
(N) Application > Function.
Create a new Form Function by entering the following information: •
Description tab: Function : YourInitials _FNDRSRUN_JOURNAL_ENTRIES User Function Name : YourInitials Journal Entries Description : Journal Entries − − −
Properties tab: Type: Form −
Form tab: Form: Run Reports Parameters : Enter the following three parameters in the Parameter field and each of them should be separated by a space: TITLE = “YourInitials Journal Entries” REQUEST_GROUP_CODE = “YourInitialsJE” REQUEST_GROUP_APPL_SHORT_NAME = “< your application short name>” − −
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Hint: You can use the Edit Field… icon to open an Editor window.
Save your work. Your work should look similar to the following.
Close the form.
Assign a Form Function to an Existing Menu 10. (N) Application > Menu. 11. Query up your Level 1 custom menu, YourInitials _TOP_SYSTEM_AUDITOR 12. Add your function. Seq
Journal Entries Report
YourInitials Journal Entries
Journal Entries
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13. Save your work and click (B) OK to acknowledge note. Your work should look similar to the following.
14. Close the form.
Test your Coded Request Group 15. Exit Oracle Applications and the Personal Homepage. Sign on again as the System Auditor (i.e., YourInitials _SYSTEM_AUDITOR) to see your new function on the menu. Your request group Journal Entries Report will appear on the Navigator for this responsibility. 16. (N) Journal Entries Report. 17. Click (B) OK to accept “Single Request.” 18. When the submit request form appears, note the window title – it will be the value entered for your parameter TITLE. The title of the form defaults to the request title because it is the only request on the list.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 79
Practice - Request Sets Using Wizard Overview To wrap up the testing of concurrent reports and programs, the implementation committee wants you to test creating a Request Set with shared parameters. They want you to use the Request Set Wizard to create the Request Set with its associated programs, then modify the Request Set to add Shared Parameters. Finally, you’ll need to test your Request Set.
Tasks Create your Request Set Using Wizard 1.
Create a new Request Set using the Wizard. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Set Name: YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Set Code: (will be assigned by Wizard )
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Description : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Owner: (will be assigned by the Wizard)
Accept all of the other default values.
Include the following programs in your request set: Users of a Responsibility, Reports and Sets by Responsibility, and Report Group Responsibilities.
Setup Shared Parameters where appropriate. Note: The Shared Parameter label simply enables you to set an initial default value for all occurrences of the same parameter so you can avoid typing the same value for every occurrence.
Test your Request Set 5.
Test your Request Set by submitting it to run through concurrent processing.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 80
Solution - Request Sets Using Wizard Create your Request Set Using Wizard Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
Log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
(N) Requests > Set.
Click (B) Request Set Wizard (DO NOT enter any other information – the Wizard will prompt you for necessary information).
Accept the following default values:
Run your set Sequentially.
Click (B) Next (this will create three stages).
Abort your set when the status of the stage ends in Error.
Click (B) Next (this will link the stages).
Enter the following: •
Set Name: YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Description : YourInitials Assistant System Administrator
Click (B) Next.
Accept the default “As Each Request in the Set Completes”.
Click (B) Next.
Select the following programs to be included in your set: •
Users of a Responsibility
Reports and Sets by Responsibility
Report Group Responsibilities
10. Click (B) Finish.
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11. Click (B) OK to acknowledge the note telling you that your request set has been created and saved. 12. Verify the Owner field has the user name of the user you are currently logged in as. 13. The window should appear similar to the following example:
Set Up Shared Parameters Review each request within the request set to identify which programs could share parameters. Notice that Application Name and Responsibility name are parameters used in multiple requests. 14. Click (B) Define Stages . •
Verify Stage 10 is selected, click (B) Requests Click (B) Parameters , create the shared parameter values by typing them into the Shared Parameter field. Seq
Shared Parameter
Application Name
Responsibility Name
15. Save your work.
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16. Close the Request Parameters window. 17. Select Stage 20, click (B) Requests •
Click (B) Parameters Note: this time select the Parameter from the List of Values Seq
Shared Parameter
Application Name
Responsibility Name
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18. Save your work. 19. Close the Request Parameters window. 20. Select Stage 30, click (B) Requests. •
Click (B) Parameters . Note: select the Parameter from the List of Values. Seq
Shared Parameter
Application Name
Report Name
Request Set Name
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21. Save your work. 22. Close the Request Set form.
Test your Request Set 23. Sign on as your YourInitials Assistant System Administrator. 24. (N) Requests > Run. 25. Select the “Request Set” option. 26. Click the list of values icon for the Request Set field and select YourInitials Assistant System Administrator. 27. Supply the required parameters by clicking in the Parameters field for each request. Verify the Shared Parameters are being shared properly. 28. Submit your request set.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 85
Practice - Administering Concurrent Managers Overview The implementation committee wants you to test several aspects of managing concurrent processing. Specifically, they want you to test the following. •
Define a work shift
Define a concurrent manager
Assign your work shift to your concurrent manager
Create specialization rules for your concurrent manager
Activate your concurrent manager
Tasks Define your Work Shifts 1.
Create a new Work Shift. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Name: YourInitials Dayshift
From: 08:00
To: 17:00
From: Monday
To: Friday
Description : Dayshift 8:00 – 5:00
Define your Concurrent Manager 2.
Create a new Concurrent Manager. Remember to put your initials at the front of your data entries to keep your data unique. •
Manager : YourInitials Specialized Manager
Enabled: (Checked)
Short Name: Your Initials _SPECIAL
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Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Description : Concurrent Manager to run reports for YourInitials
Type: Concurrent Manager
Cache Size: 1
Program Library : FNDLIBR
Assign your Work Shift to your Concurrent Manager 3.
Use the following information to assign your work shift to your concurrent manager. Workshift
Sleep Seconds
YourInitials Dayshift
Create Specialization Rules for your Concurrent Manager 4.
Use the information below to define your specialization rules for your Concurrent Manager. Include/Exclude
Exclude Your User from the Standard Concurrent Manager. A concurrent program will run in whatever concurrent manager is available, unless it has been explicitly excluded from the manager. Exclude your user from the Standard Manager by adding the following specialization rules to the Standard Manager. Include/Exclude
Activate your Concurrent Manager 6.
In the Administer Concurrent Managers window, scroll through the list of managers until you find the manager you defined.
Select your manager.
Click the “Activate” button.
The status will update to Activating.
10. Go to the View Requests window to verify that your request to activate your manager completes successfully.
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11. Go to the Submit Request window and submit the “Active Users” or “Active Responsibilities and Users” report to run once every minute for the next five minutes. 12. Go to the Administer Concurrent Managers window. Your concurrent manager will show one request pending. 13. Click on the “Requests” button to view your request in the Concurrent Requests screen. 14. Return to the Administer Concurrent Managers window and click on the “Processes” button to view the Processes window.
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Solution - Administering Concurrent Managers Define your Work Shifts Responsibility = System Administrator 1.
If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
Navigate to (N) Concurrent > Manager > WorkShifts.
From the menu, select File > New, or click the New icon on the toolbar.
Create a new Work Shift. •
Name: YourInitials Dayshift
From: 08:00
To: 17:00
From: Monday
To: Friday
Description : Dayshift 8:00 – 5:00
Save your work. The window should appear similar to the example shown.
Close the form.
Define your Concurrent Manager 7.
Navigate to (N) Concurrent > Manager > Define
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Manager : YourInitials Specialized Manager
Enabled: (Checked)
Short Name: YourInitials _SPECIAL
Application : YourInitials Custom Application
Description : Concurrent Manager to run reports for YourInitialsUser
Type: Concurrent Manager
Cache Size: 1
Program Library : FNDLIBR
Save your work. The window should appear similar to the example shown.
Assign your Work Shift to your Concurrent Manager 9.
Click the (B) Work Shifts. Workshift
Sleep Seconds
YourInitials Dayshift
10. Save your work. The window should appear similar to the example shown. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 90
11. Close the Work Shifts window.
Create Specialization Rules for your Concurrent Manager 12. In the Concurrent Managers window, click (B) Specialization Rules . Include/Exclude
13. Save your work. The window should appear similar to the example shown.
14. Close the Specialization Rules window to return to the Concurrent Managers window. 15. From the Concurrent Managers window, query up the Standard Manager.
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16. Click (B) Specialization Rules . Include/Exclude
17. Save your work. 18. Close the form.
Activate your Concurrent Manager 19. Navigate to the Administer Concurrent Managers window: (N) Concurrent > Manager > Administer. 20. In the Administer Concurrent Managers window scroll through the list of managers until you find the manager you defined. Select your manager and click (B) Activate. 21. The status will update to Activating. The window will appear similar to the example shown.
22. Go to the View Requests window (N) Requests > View to verify that your request to activate your manager completes successfully. 23. Navigate to (N) Requests > Run.
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24. Click (B) OK to accept the default of “Single Request”. 25. In the Submit Request window choose the “Active Users” or “Active Responsibilities and Users” report. 26. Click (B) Schedule. •
Choose Periodically. Leave the “Start At” time as the current time and enter five minutes from now for the “End At” time. In the “Re-run every” field select 1 and Minute(s) to run the report once a minute for the next five minutes.
27. Click (B) OK and then click (B) Submit. 28. Go to the Administer Concurrent Managers window (N) Concurrent > Manager > Administer. Your concurrent manager may show one request pending. Note: You may have to close and reopen the Administer Concurrent Managers window until you “catch” your process running.
29. Click (B) Requests to view your request in the Concurrent Requests screen. Your form will look similar to the following.
30. Close this window to return to the Administer Concurrent Managers window. 31. Click (B) Processes to view the Processes window.
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32. In the Concurrent Processes screen you see all the requests that have run in your specialized manager, the Oracle Process ID that was used to run the request, and the UNIX Process ID (in the System column).
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 94
Guided Demonstration - Loading and Running a Workflow Process 1.
Start the Oracle Workflow Builder.
From the File menu, select Open to open the sample solution file named wfvacXX_062.wft from the file system.
Display the process diagram for the sample process.
Save the workflow definition to the class database using File > Save As. Then close the data store.
Use a Web browser to connect to a Workflow administrator responsibility. Log in as a user with workflow administrator privileges.
Click the Developer Studio link. In the Search region of the Developer Studio page, enter the name of the XX Vacation Proposal workflow item type and click Go. Then, in the Results region, click the Run icon for the XX Vacation Proposal item type.
Enter a process owner, item key, user key, requestor, approver, from date, and to date. The requestor and approver should have Workflow administrator and user responsibilities assigned to them.
Click the Submit button. A confirmation message appears. Click OK.
Select the Status Monitor tab to review the process status in the Status Monitor Web pages. •
In the Search region, enter the XX Vacation Proposal item type and the item key you chose, and click Go. In the Results region, select your process and click the Activity History button to review the process activities. Click the Status Diagram button to review the graphical diagram of the status of the process.
10. Log off and log in again as the approver. You can use either a Workflow administrator responsibility or Workflow user responsibility. 11. Click the Notifications link. 12. In the Worklist, select the subject line for the Vacation Proposal notification sent by your process to open the notification message. 13. On the Notification Details page, approve or reject the proposal.
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14. Log off and log in as the requestor. To review the updated status of the process in the Status Monitor Web pages, select the Status Monitor tab. Then search for the process with the XX Vacation Proposal item type and your item key, and view the status diagram again. 15. Open the Workflow Builder again and make a change to the process diagram, such as adding a function activity by dragging and dropping the Noop function from the Standard item type into the process. Then save the definition to the class database again. 16. Repeat steps 5 through 9 to show the new version of the workflow definition in use.
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Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield Overview To perform the practices in this lesson (and the next three as well), you will need a descriptive flexfield to work on. Your instructor will assign you a descriptive flexfield that has not yet been used in the database you are accessing. You will use the same flexfield for practices throughout these four lessons. The list below assigns each team number a unique descriptive flexfield and shows the navigation path to the flexfield. The paths are accessed via the General Ledger Super User responsibility. Your instructor will inform you of which flexfield you are to configure. Team: 01 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Accounting Calendar: Periods Navigation Path: Setup > Financials > Calendars > Accounting (Periods region) − −
Team: 02 Descriptive Flexfield Title: AutoPost Criteria Navigation Path: Setup > Journal > AutoPost − −
Team: 03 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Budgetary Control Group: Rules Navigation Path: Budgets > Define > Controls (Budgetary Control Rules region) − −
Team: 04 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Conversion Rate Types Navigation Path: Setup > Currencies > Rates > Types
Team: 05 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Define Budget Organization: Organization Navigation Path: Budgets > Define > Organization
Team: 06 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Define Recurring Journal: Batch Navigation Path: Journals > Define > Recurring
Team: 07 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Journal Categories Navigation Path: Setup > Journal > Categories
Team: 08 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Journal Sources Navigation Path: Setup > Journal > Sources
Team: 09 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Open and Close Periods Navigation Path: Setup > Open/Close Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Team: 10 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Daily Rates Navigation Path: Setup > Currencies > Rates > Daily
Team: 11 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Period Types Navigation Path: Setup > Financials > Calendars > Types
Team: 12 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Summary Accounts Navigation Path: Setup > Accounts > Summary
Team: 13 − −
Descriptive Flexfield Title: Suspense Accounts Navigation Path: Setup > Accounts > Suspense
Team: 14 Descriptive Flexfield Title: AutoReversal Criteria Set Navigation: Setup > Journal > AutoReverse [select a Journal category] − −
Team: 15 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Budget Control Group: Group Navigation: Budgets > Define > Controls (main region) − −
Team: 16 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Define Recurring Journal: Formula Navigation: Journals > Define > Recurring > Lines (B) (Formula region) − −
Team: 17 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Define Recurring Journal: Journal Entry Navigation: Journals > Define > Recurring (Journal Entry region) − −
Team: 18 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Define Recurring Journal: Line Navigation: Journals > Define > Recurring > Lines (B) (Line Description region) − −
Team: 19 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Journal Authorization Limits Navigation: Setup > Employees > Limits − −
Team: 20 Descriptive Flexfield Title: Mass Maintenance Requests Navigation: Setup > Other > Mass Maintenance − −
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Scenario Descriptive flexfields use two types of segments: global and context-sensitive. In this practice, you will create a descriptive flexfield using only global segments. You will also create value sets that provide lists of values for your user. The descriptive flexfield is designed to track the following additional information about orders that have been held: •
Who held the order
The reason the order was held
The amount of time the order was held
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define three value sets. •
Define an independent value set named YourInitials _WHO_HELD. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 2. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Define an independent value set named YourInitials _WHY_HELD. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Define an independent value set named YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Enable NonHierarchical Security for the value set.
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for the descriptive flexfield assigned to you. Do not allow overrides for the context. Define three segments for the Global Data Elements context. •
Define a segment named Who Held, with a prompt of Who. Assign the segment the number 10, the column ATTRIBUTE1, and the value set YourInitials _WHO_HELD. Define a segment named Why Held, with a prompt of Why. Assign the segment the number 20, the column ATTRIBUTE2, and the value set YourInitials _WHY_HELD. Define a segment named How Long, with a prompt of Length. Assign the segment the number 30, the column ATTRIBUTE3, and the value set YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD.
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Ensure all three segments are displayed and enabled. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Define your Values 3.
After defining the value sets and segments for your flexfield, use the Segment Values window to define the values associated with each of the independent value sets.
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _WHO_HELD value set.
Helen Myers
Mien Chan
Michael Keller
Luis Galvez
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _WHY_HELD value set. Value
Further information required
Manager authorization required
Additional justification required
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD value set. Value
Less than one week
One week to one month
One month to one year
More than one year
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 7.
After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _WHO_HELD
Description : YourInitials Who Held Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 2
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _WHY_HELD
Description : YourInitials Why Held Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the third value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD
Description : YourInitials How Long Held Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
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Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Define your Structure 8.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.
Query your descriptive flexfield.
10. In the Context Field region, ensure the Displayed check box is cleared. 11. In the Context Field Values region, select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 12. Enter the following information for the three new segments: Note: Be sure to save after each segment, you may need to click (B) OK to acknowledge the Caution message before proceeding. Number
Window Prompt
Value Set
Displayed Enabled
Who Held
YourInitials _WHO_HELD
Checked Checked
Why Held
YourInitials _WHY_HELD
Checked Checked
How Long Length
ATTRIBUTE3 YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD Checked Checked
13. Save your work. 14. Close the Segments Summary window to navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 15. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. 16. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Define your Values 17. (N) Application > Validation > Values. 18. In the Find window, select YourInitials _WHO_HELD value set and click (B) Find. 19. In the Values, Effective region of the Segment Values window, define the following values:
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Helen Myers
Mien Chan
Michael Keller
Luis Galvez
20. Save your work. 21. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, then query the YourInitials _WHY_HELD value set in the Name field. 22. In the Values, Effective region, define the following values: Value
Further information required
Manager authorization required
Additional justification required
23. Save your work. 24. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, then query the YourInitials _HOW_LONG_HELD value set. 25. In the Values, Effective region, define the following values: Value
Less than one week
One week to one month
One month to one year
More than one year
26. Save your work and close the Segment Values window.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 27. After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 103
Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with None Validation Overview To perform the practices in this lesson (and the next 2 as well), you will need a descriptive flexfield to work on. In the previous lesson, you were assigned a descriptive flexfield by your instructor. Please use your assigned descriptive flexfield for this exercise. If you we re not assigned a descriptive flexfield, please reference the previous lesson, and have your instructor assign one now. This practice reinforces the concept of global segments for a descriptive flexfield and demonstrates the use of the None validation type. In this scenario, you will define a descriptive flexfield to track the following information about employees: •
The person who referred the employee
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define three value sets as follows: •
Define an independent value set named YourInitials _WHO_REFER. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Define a value set of validation type None named YourInitials _EMP_HEIGHT. Give the value set a description, a format type of Number, a maximum size of 4, and a precision of 2. Define a value set of validation type None named YourInitials _EMP_WEIGHT. Give the value set a description, a format type of Number, a maximum size of 3, a precision of 0, a minimum value of 90, and a maximum value of 999.
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for your descriptive flexfield. For the purposes of this practice, use the same descriptive flexfield you worked on previously to enter your new structure. Unfreeze the flexfield definition first in order to make changes to the structure.
Delete the segments that you defined previously, and define three new segments for the Global Data Elements context. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Define a segment named Who Referred, with a prompt of Who. Assign the segment the number 10, the column ATTRIBUTE1, and the value set YourInitials _WHO_REFER. Define a segment named Height, with a prompt of Height. Assign the segment the number 20, the column ATTRIBUTE2, and the value set YourInitials _EMP_HEIGHT. Define a segment named Weight, with a prompt of Weight. Assign the segment the number 30, the column ATTRIBUTE3, and the value set YourInitials _EMP_WEIGHT. Ensure all three segments are displayed and enabled. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Define your Values 4.
After defining the value sets and segments for your flexfield, use the Segment Values window to define the values associated with the independent value set.
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _WHO_REFER value set. Value
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 6.
After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with None Validation Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _WHO_REFER
Description : YourInitials Who Refer Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _EMP_HEIGHT
Description : YourInitials Employee Height Value Set
Format Type : Number
Maximum Size: 4
Precision : 2
Validation Type : None
Note: You cannot enable security for a value set of validation type None.
Save your work.
Enter the information for the third value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _EMP_WEIGHT
Description : YourInitials Employee Weight Value Set
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Format Type : Number
Maximum Size: 3
Precision : 0
Min Value: 90
Max Value: 700
Validation Type : None
Save your work.
Define your Structure 8.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.
Query your descriptive flexfield in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.
10. Clear the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box and click (B) OK to acknowledge caution. 11. In the Context Field Values region, select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 12. Delete the segments that you defined previously. 13. Save your work. 14. Enter the following information for the three new segments. Note: Be sure to save after each segment, you may need to click (B) OK to acknowledge the Caution message before proceeding. Number
Window Prompt
Value Set
Displayed Enabled
Who Referred
YourInitials _WHO_REFER
Checked Checked
YourInitials _EMP_HEIGHT
Checked Checked
YourInitials _EMP_WEIGHT
Checked Checked
15. Save your work. 16. Close the Segments Summary window to navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 17. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. Click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution.
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18. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Define your Values 19. (N) Application > Validation > Values. 20. In the Find window, select YourInitials _WHO_REFER value set and click (B) Find. 21. In the Values, Effective region of the Segment Values window, define the following values: Value
Executive Vice President
Senior Vice President
22. Save your work and close the Segment Values window. Click (B) OK to acknowledge message.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 23. After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 108
Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with Context-Sensitive Segment Overview To perform the practices in this lesson (and the next one as well), you will need a descriptive flexfield to work on. In the previous lesson, you were assigned a descriptive flexfield by your instructor. Please use your assigned descriptive flexfield for this exercise. If you we re not assigned a descriptive flexfield, please reference the previous lesson, and have your instructor assign one now. In this practice, you will set up a context-sensitive segment and create a table-validated value set. By using context sensitivity, you increase the number of questions you can ask without increasing the number of columns necessary in the table. In this scenario, you will track additional information for a transaction based on whether or not the transaction is a project. If it is not a project, then you do not need to capture additional information. If it is a project, then the flexfield should track the salesperson, the salesperson’s region, and the project name. To avoid some repetitive data entry, you will use a table that already exists within Oracle Applications to validate the project name.
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define three value sets. •
Define an independent value set named YourInitials _SALES_REP. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Specify that the values must be uppercase only, and enable non-hierarchical security for the value set. Define an independent value set named YourInitials _LOCATION. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Specify that the values must be uppercase only, and enable non-hierarchical security for the value set. Define a table-validated value set named YourInitials _PROJECT. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 30. Enable security for the value set. Specify ARBV_CUSTOMERS in the Oracle Receivables application as the validation table. Assign the Value column the column name CUSTOMER_NUMBER, a type of VarChar2, and a size of 30. Assign the Meaning column the column name CUSTOMER_NAME, a type of VarChar2, and a size of 50.
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for your descriptive flexfield. For the purposes of this practice, use the same
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descriptive flexfield you worked on previously to enter your new structure. Unfreeze the flexfield definition first in order to make changes to the structure. 3.
For the context field, enter the prompt “Is this a project?” Specify that a value is required and context override is allowed.
Delete the segments you defined previously for the Global Data Elements context.
Define and enable a new context named Yes with the code Yes. Define three new segments for the Yes context. •
Define a segment named Sales Rep, with a prompt of Sales Rep. Assign the segment the number 10, the column ATTRIBUTE1, and the value set YourInitials _SALES_REP. Define a segment named Location, with a prompt of Location. Assign the segment the number 20, the column ATTRIBUTE2, and the value set YourInitials _LOCATION. Define a segment named Project, with a prompt of Project. Assign the segment the number 30, the column ATTRIBUTE3, and the value set YourInitials _PROJECT. Ensure all three segments are displayed and enabled.
Define and enable another new context named No with the code No.
When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Define your Values 8.
After defining the value sets and segments for your flexfield, use the Segment Values window to define the values associated with each of the independent value sets.
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _SALES_REP value set. Value
Charles L. Jefferson
Ana M. Rodriguez
Philippe A. Lebeau
10. Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _LOCATION value set. Value
New York
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Test your Descriptive Flexfield 11. After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 111
Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Context-Sensitive Segment Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _SALES_REP
Description : YourInitials Sales Rep Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Uppercase Only : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _LOCATION
Description : YourInitials Location Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Uppercase Only : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the third value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _PROJECT Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 112
Description : YourInitials Project Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 30
Validation Type : Table
Click (B) Edit Information to navigate to the Validation Table Information window.
Enter Receivables as the table application and ARBV_CUSTOMERS as the table name. Note: ARBV_CUSTOMERS will not appear in the list of values because it has not been registered as a table, but you can still use it for validation purposes.
In the Table Columns region, enter the following information: Name
10. Save your work and close the Value Set window.
Define your Structure 11. (N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments. 12. Query your descriptive flexfield in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 13. Clear the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box, click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution message. 14. In the Context Field region, enter information in the following fields: •
Prompt: Is this a project?
Required : Selected
Displayed : Selected
Synchronize with Reference Field : Leave this field unchecked.
15. In the Context Field Values region, select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 16. Delete the segments that you defined previously. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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17. Save your work. 18. Close the Segment Summary window to navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 19. In the Context Field Values region, enter the following information for the first context: Code
Description Enabled
20. Click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 21. Enter the following information for the segments: Note: Be sure to save after each segment, you may need to click (B) OK to acknowledge the Caution message before proceeding. Number
Window Prompt
Value Set
Displayed Enabled
Sales Rep Sales Rep
YourInitials _SALES_REP Checked Checked
YourInitials _LOCATION
Checked Checked
YourInitials _PROJECT
Checked Checked
22. Save your work. 23. Close the Segments Summary window to navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 24. In the Context Field Values region, enter the following information for the second context: Code
Description Enabled
25. Save your work. 26. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. Click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution message. 27. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Define your Values 28. (N) Application > Validation > Values. 29. In the Find window, select YourInitials _SALES_REP value set and click (B) Find. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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30. In the Values, Effective region of the Segment Values window, define the following values: Value
Charles L. Jefferson
Ana M. Rodriguez
Philippe A. Lebeau
31. Save your work. 32. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, then query the YourInitials _LOCATION value set in the Name field 33. In the Values, Effective region, define the following values: Value
New York
34. Save your work and close the Segment Values window.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 35. After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Practice - Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Dependent Segment Overview To perform the practices in this lesson (and the next one as well), you will need a descriptive flexfield to work on. In the previous lesson, you were assigned a descriptive flexfield by your instructor. Please use your assigned descriptive flexfield for this exercise. If you we re not assigned a descriptive flexfield, please reference the previous lesson, and have your instructor assign one now. In this practice, you will create a dependent value set to validate a descriptive flexfield segment. The descriptive flexfield will track the country and region for a salesperson. The list of values for the region segment will change depending on the country selected. Remember, when defining a dependent value set, you must perform the steps in the following order: •
Define the independent value set.
Define the dependent value set.
Define independent values.
Define dependent values.
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define two value sets. •
Define an independent value set named YourInitials _COUNTRY. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Specify that the values must be uppercase only, and enable Non-Hierarchical Security and Longlist for the value set. Define a dependent value set named YourInitials _REGION. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Specify that the values must be uppercase only, and enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Associate the dependent value set with the independent value set YourInitials _COUNTRY. Assign the dependent value set a dependent default value of YourInitials, and give the default value a description.
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Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for your descriptive flexfield. For the purposes of this practice, use the same descriptive flexfield you worked on previously to enter your new structure. Unfreeze the flexfield definition first in order to make changes to the structure.
Define two new segments for the Global Data Elements context. •
Define a segment named Country Code, with a prompt of Country. Assign the segment the number 10, the column ATTRIBUTE4, and the value set YourInitials _COUNTRY. Define a segment named Region Code, with a prompt of Region. Assign the segment the number 20, the column ATTRIBUTE5, and the value set YourInitials _REGION. Ensure both segments are displayed and enabled. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Define your Values 4.
After defining the value sets and segments for your flexfield, use the Segment Values window to define the values associated with the independent and dependent value sets.
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _COUNTRY value set.
United States
United Kingdom
Define and enable the following values in the YourInitials _REGION value set for the independent value USA. Value
Define and enable the following values in the YourInitials _REGION value set for the independent value CAN. Value
British Columbia
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Yukon Territory
Define and enable the following values in the YourInitials _REGION value set for the independent value UK. Value
Test your Descriptive Flexfields 9.
After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Solution – Define a Descriptive Flexfield with a Dependent Segment Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _COUNTRY
Description : YourInitials Country Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
List Type: Long List of Values
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Uppercase Only : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _REGION
Description : YourInitials Region Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Uppercase Only : Selected
Validation Type : Dependent
Click (B) Edit Information to navigate to the Dependent Value Set Information window.
In the Independent Value Set region, enter YourInitials _COUNTRY in the Name field. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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In the Dependent Default Value region, enter NA in the Value field and Not Specified in the Description field.
Save your work and close the Value Sets window.
Define your Structure 9.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.
10. Query your descriptive flexfield in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 11. Clear the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box, click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution message. 12. In the Context Field Values region, select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 13. Enter the following information for the two new segments: Note: Be sure to save after each segment, you may need to click (B) OK to acknowledge the Caution message before proceeding. Number
Window Prompt
Country Code
ATTRIBUTE4 YourInitials _COUNTRY Checked Checked
Region Code
Value Set
YourInitials _REGION
Displayed Enabled
Checked Checked
14. Save your work. 15. Close the Segment Summary window to navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 16. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. Click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution message. 17. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Define your Values 18. (N) Application > Validation > Values. 19. In the Find window, select YourInitials _COUNTRY value set and click (B) Find. 20. In the Values, Effective region of the Segment Values window, define the following values: Value
United States
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United Kingdom
21. Save your work. 22. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, query with YourInitials _REGION in the Dependent Value Set field field. 23. Define and enable the following values for the Independent Value USA. Value
24. Save your work. 25. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, use your down arrow to navigate to the Independent Value CAN. 26. Define and enable the following values for the Independent Value CAN. Value
British Columbia
Yukon Territory
27. Save your work 28. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, use your down arrow to navigate to the Independent Value UK. 29. Define and enable the following values for the Independent Value UK. Value
30. Save your work and close the Segment Values window.
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Test your Descriptive Flexfields 31. After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Practice - Define a Key Flexfield Overview Because many students access the system and create structures during this course, you need a way to distinguish between the structures created by you and by your classmates. Therefore, you will use your initials (e.g., JS) as a prefix wherever you need to define something. In this way, you can ensure the definitions you create are unique. Flexfield definitions can be created under many different responsibilities. However, the System Administrator responsibility has access to all functions needed to create the definitions in these practices. In this practice you will create a key flexfield structure and values for your chart of accounts. The design of the structure has already been determined. The flexfield will have four segments: a company segment, a cost center segment, an account segment, and a segment labeled Future for possible future expansion, in that order. Before you define the structure, you must first create the value sets, then create the structure, identifying the segments by their respective flexfield qualifiers. Finally, you will create the valid value s for each segment. After creating the values, test your structure by performing the first steps in the process for creating a new set of books.
Note: After saving your accounting flexfield structure, you may receive a message that the key flexfield is not compiled. There is no need to take action. The flexfield will be compiled automatically.
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define four value sets. •
Define an independent value set named YourInitials _CO. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 2. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Specify that the values should be right-justified and zerofilled. Define an independent value set named YourInitials _COST. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 3. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Specify that the values should be right-justified and zerofilled. Define an independent value set named YourInitials _ACCOUNT. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 4. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security and Longlist for the value set. Specify that the values should be right-justified and zero-filled.
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Define an independent value set named YourInitials _FUTURE. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 4. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security for the value set. Specify that the values should be right-justified and zero-filled
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Key Flexfield Segments window to define a new flexfield structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the Oracle General Ledger application. Give your structure the code YourInitials _COA, the title YourInitials Chart of Accounts, a description, and the view name YourInitials _AFF_VIEW. Enable the structure. Use a period (.) as the segment separator, specify segments should be cross-validated, and allow dynamic inserts. Define four segments for your structure. •
Define a segment named CO, with a prompt of Company. Assign the segment the number 1, the column SEGMENT1, and the value set YourInitials _CO. Ensure the segment is displayed and enabled. Enable security for the segment. Give the segment a display size of 2 and a description size of 30. Enable the Balancing Segment flexfield qualifier for the segment. Define a segment named CC, with a prompt of Cost Center. Assign the segment the number 2, the column SEGMENT2, and the value set YourInitials _COST. Ensure the segment is displayed and enabled. Enable security for the segment. Give the segment a display size of 3 and a description size of 30. Enable the Cost Center Segment flexfield qualifier for the segment. Define a segment named ACCT, with a prompt of Account. Assign the segment the number 3, the column SEGMENT3, and the value set YourInitials _ACCOUNT. Ensure the segment is displayed and enabled. Enable security for the segment. Give the segment a display size of 4 and a description size of 30. Enable the Natural Account Segment flexfield qualifier for the segment. Define a segment named RFU, with a prompt of Future Use. Assign the segment the number 4, the column SEGMENT4, and the value set YourInitials _FUTURE. Ensure the segment is displayed and enabled. Specify a default type of Constant and a default value of 0000. Enable security for the segment. Give the segment a display size of 4 and a description size of 30. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Define your Values 3.
After defining the value sets and segments for your flexfield, use the Segment Values window to define the values associated with each of the independent value sets.
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Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _CO value set. Value
Red Co.
Orange Co.
Yellow Co.
Green Co.
Blue Co.
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _COST value set. Value
Not Specified
Define and enable the following values for the YourInitials _ACCOUNT value set. Specify the account type segment qualifier for each value as shown. Value
Account Type
Cash Clearing
Accounts Payable
Travel Expense
Define and enable the following value for the YourInitials _FUTURE value set. Value
Not Specified
Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
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Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 8.
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.
In the Accounting Setups window, click Create Accounting Setup .
10. Click Next to access the Create Accounting Setups: Define Accounting Representations window. 11. Enter the following information: Name: YourInitials _COA Chart of Accounts: YourInitials Chart of Accounts Accounting Calendar: Accounting (Year) Currency: USD − − − −
12. Click Next and Finish to save your accounting structure. 13. Click Define Accounting Options in the confirmation page. 14. In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options. 15. Click Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window. 16. In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears. 17. Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work. 18. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Solution - Define a Key Flexfield Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _CO
Description : YourInitials Company Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 2
Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _COST
Description : YourInitials Cost Center Value Set
Security Type: Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 3
Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the third value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _ACCOUNT
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Description : YourInitials Account Value Set
Security Type: Non-Hierarchical Security
List Type: Enable Long List of Values
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 4
Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work.
Enter the information for the fourth value set in the following fields:
Value Set Name: YourInitials _Future
Description : YourInitials Reserved for Future Use Value Set
Security Type: Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 4
Right-justify and Zero-fill Numbers : Selected
Validation Type : Independent
Save your work and close the Value Sets window.
Define your Structure 10. (N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments. 11. Query the application General Ledger and the flexfield title Accounting Flexfield . 12. In the Structures region, insert a new record and enter the information for the flexfield structure in the following fields: •
Code: YourInitials _COA
Title: YourInitials Chart of Accounts
Description : YourInitials Chart of Accounts
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Enabled: Selected
Segment Separator : Period (.)
Cross-Validate Segments : Selected
Allow Dynamic Inserts : Selected
13. Click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 14. Enter the information for the first segment in the following fields: •
Number: 1
Name: CO
Window Prompt: Company
Column: SEGMENT1
Value Set: YourInitials _CO
Displayed : Selected
Enabled: Selected
15. Click (B) Open to navigate to the Segments window. 16. Enter the information for the first segment in the following fields: •
Security Enabled : Selected
Display Size: 2
Description Size : 30
17. Save your work. 18. Click (B) Flexfield Qualifiers to navigate to the Flexfield Qualifiers window. 19. Select the Enabled check box for the Balancing Segment flexfield qualifier. 20. Save your work. 21. Navigate back to the Segments Summary window. 22. Enter the information for the second segment in the following fields: •
Number: 2 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Name: CC
Window Prompt: Cost Center
Column: SEGMENT2
Value Set: YourInitials _COST
Displayed : Selected
Enabled: Selected
23. Click (B) Open to navigate to the Segments window. 24. Enter the information for the second segment in the following fields: •
Security Enabled : Selected
Display Size: 3
Description Size : 30
25. Save your work. 26. Click (B) Flexfield Qualifiers to navigate to the Flexfield Qualifiers window. 27. Select the Enabled check box for the Cost Center Segment flexfield qualifier. 28. Save your work. 29. Navigate back to the Segments Summary window. 30. Enter the information for the third segment in the following fields: •
Number: 3
Name: ACCT
Window Prompt: Account
Column: SEGMENT3
Value Set: YourInitials _ACCOUNT
Displayed : Selected
Enabled: Selected
31. Click (B) Open to navigate to the Segments window. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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32. Enter the information for the third segment in the following fields: •
Security Enabled : Selected
Display Size: 4
Description Size : 30
33. Save your work. 34. Click (B) Flexfield Qualifiers to navigate to the Flexfield Qualifiers window. 35. Select the Enabled check box for the Natural Account Segment flexfield qualifier. 36. Save your work. 37. Navigate back to the Segments Summary window. 38. Enter the information for the fourth segment in the following fields: •
Number: 4
Name: RFU
Window Prompt: Future Use
Column: SEGMENT4
Value Set: YourInitials _FUTURE
Displayed : Selected
Enabled: Selected
39. Click (B) Open to navigate to the Segments window. 40. Enter the information for the fourth segment in the following fields: •
Default Type : Constant
Default Value: 0000
Security Enabled : Selected
Display Size: 4
Description Size : 30
41. Save your work and close the Segments window. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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42. Close the Segment Summary window to avigate back to the Key Flexfield Segments window. 43. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. Click (B) OK to acknowledge Caution message. 44. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. You will find two notes indicating that the flexfield was compiled successfully. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Define your Values 45. (N) Application > Validation > Values. 46. In the Find window, select Value Set and find the YourInitials _CO value set. Click (B) Find. 47. In the Values, Effective region of the Segment Values window, define the following values: Value
Red Co.
Orange Co.
Yellow Co.
Green Co.
Blue Co.
48. Save your work. 49. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, then query the YourInitials _COST value set in the Name field. 50. In the Values, Effective region, define the following values: Value
Not Specified
51. Save your work. 52. In the Segment Values window, verify Value Set radio button is selected and your cursor is in the header region, then query the YourInitials _ACCOUNT value set in the Name field. 53. Define the following values: Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Values, Effective
Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers
Account Type
Cash Clearing
Accounts Payable
Travel Expense
Note: Click in the Qualifiers field in the Values, Hierarchy, Qualifiers region to display the Segment Qualifiers window and enter a value in the Account Type field. Accept the default values for the other fields in the Segment Qualifiers window.
54. Save your work. 55. In the Segment Values window, select Value Set and find the YourInitials _FUTURE value set. Click (B) Find. 56. In the Values, Effective region, define the following value: Value
Not Specified
57. Save your work and close the Value window. Click (B) OK to the note about submitting your request to compile 4 value set hierarchies.
Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 58. (N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups. 59. In the Accounting Setups window, click (B) Create Accounting Setup . 60. Click (B) Next to access the Create Accounting Setups: Define Accounting Representations window. 61. Enter the following information: Name: YourInitials _COA Chart of Accounts: YourInitials Chart of Accounts − −
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− −
Accounting Calendar: Accounting (Year) Currency: USD
62. Click (B) Next and (B) Finish to save your accounting structure. 63. Click (B) Define Accounting Options in the confirmation page. 64. In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options. 65. Click (B) Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window. 66. In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears. 67. Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work. 68. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Practice - Security Rules Overview Flexfield security rules control access to specific segment values by responsibility. These rules can be set up for any or all segments. Security rules are tied to a responsibility, which is in turn associated with users. In this practice, you will create a rule preventing users from viewing an account. You will assign the rule to the General Ledger Super User responsibility. Note: Before you can use security for a flexfield segment, you must enable security both at the value set level and at the segment level.
Tasks Define your Security Rule 1.
Use the Define Security Rules window to define a security rule for the ACCT segment of the Accounting Flexfield structure, YourInitials Chart of Accounts, that you defined in the Define a Key Flexfield lesson. Name the rule YourInitials _SR01, and give the rule a description. Enter an error message to explain the rule to users. •
Define the first security rule element to include all the possible account values, from 0000 to zzzz. Define the second security rule element to exclude the account 4110.
Assign your Security Rule 2.
Use the Assign Security Rules window to assign your security rule to the General Ledger Super User responsibility in the Oracle General Ledger application.
Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 3.
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.
In the Accounting Setups window, search by Ledger YourInitials _COA, click Go
Select Update Accounting Options .
In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options.
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Click Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window.
In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears.
Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work.
10. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Solution – Security Rules Define your Security Rule Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Security > Responsibility > ValueSet > Define.
In the Find window, select Key Flexfield and find the ACCT segment of the YourInitials Chart of Accounts structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the General Ledger application.
In the Security Rules region of the Define Security Rules window, enter information in the following fields:
Name: YourInitials _SR01
Description : YourInitials Security Rule 01
Message : YourInitials _SR01 GL responsibility cannot use account 4110.
In the Security Rule Elements region, enter following information Security Rule Elements: Type
Save your work.
Assign your Security Rule 6.
Click (B) Assign.
In the Security Rules region of the Assign Security Rules window, enter information in the following fields:
Application : General Ledger
Responsibility : General Ledger Super User
Name: YourInitials _SR01
Save your work.
Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 9.
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.
10. In the Accounting Setups window, search by Ledger YourInitials _COA, click (B) Go. 11. Select Update Accounting Options icon. 12. In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options. 13. Click (B) Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window. 14. In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears. 15. Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work. 16. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 138
Practice - Cross-Validation Rules Overview Cross-validation rules enable you to restrict users from entering certain combinations of segment value codes. In this practice, you will use the Accounting Flexfield structure you defined earlier in the Define a Key Flexfield lesson. You will create a cross-validation rule to prevent the Orange Company from using the Development cost center. Whenever you add or change cross-validation rules, you must recompile the flexfield structure to ensure your changes are reflected in the applications.
Tasks Define your Cross-Validation Rule 1.
Use the Cross-Validation Rules window to define a cross-validation rule for the Accounting Flexfield structure you defined in the Define a Key Flexfield lesson, YourInitials Chart of Accounts. Name the rule YourInitials _CVR:01, give the rule a description, and ensure the rule is enabled. Enter an error message to explain the rule to users, and specify the CO segment as the error segment.
Define your Cross-Validation Rule Elements 2.
Define two cross-validation rule elements. •
Define the first cross-validation rule element to include all the po ssible code combinations, from lowest to highest. Define the second cross-validation rule element to exclude any code combinations containing both the Orange Company and the Development cost center. After defining the cross-validation rule, recompile the flexfield structure definition.
Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 3.
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.
In the Accounting Setups window, search by Ledger YourInitials _COA, click Go
Select Update Accounting Options . Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options.
Click Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window.
In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears.
Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work.
10. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 140
Solution - Cross-Validations Define your Cross-Validation Rule Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > CrossValidation.
Query the YourInitials Chart of Accounts structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the General Ledger application.
In the Cross-Validation Rules region, enter the information for the rule in the following fields: •
Name: YourInitials _CVR:01
Description : YourInitials Cross-Validation Rule 01
Enabled: Selected
Error Message: YourInitials _CVR:01-The Orange company cannot use the Development cost center. Error Segment : CO
Define your Cross-Validation Rule Elements 4.
In the Cross-Validation Rule Elements region, enter the information: Type
00.000.0000.0000 zz.zzzz.zzzz.zzzz
02.300.0000.0000 02.300.zzzz.zzzz
Save your work.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments.
Query the YourInitials Chart of Accounts structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the General Ledger application.
Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. You will find two notes indicating that the flexfield was compiled successfully. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
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Test your Key Flexfield After defining your value sets, segments, and values, navigate to the Accounting Flexfield to test the results of your work. To view the Accounting Flexfield, you will perform the beginning steps in the process for creating your accounting structure and then view the accounting flexfield you created earlier in this practice.
Responsibility: General Ledger Super User 9.
(N) Setup > Financials > Accounting Setup Manager > Accounting Setups.
10. In the Accounting Setups window, search by Ledger YourInitials _COA, click (B) Go. 11. Select Update Accounting Options icon. 12. In the Primary Ledger region, click the Update icon for Ledger Options. 13. Click (B) Next to access the Update Ledger: Ledger Options window. 14. In the Year End Processing region, click the Search icon for the Retained Earnings Account field to display the list of values. The Accounting Flexfield appears. 15. Enter values in the Accounting Flexfield to test your work. 16. Cancel your entries and exit without saving.
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Practice - Shorthand Aliases Overview Shorthand aliases speed data entry for end users. Aliases can be used either to define a complete key flexfield combination or to create a template providing values for some segments, thus allowing the user to complete the flexfield entry. Users can determine whether to use aliases in the Flexfields: Shorthand Entry user profile option. In this prac tice, you will define both a complete shorthand alias and a partial alias template for the Accounting Flexfield structure you defined in the Define a Key Flexfield lesson.
Tasks Define your Shorthand Alias 1.
Use the Shorthand Aliases window to define shorthand aliases for the Accounting Flexfield structure, YourInitials Chart of Accounts that you defined in the Define a Key Flexfield lesson. Enable aliases for this structure, a maximum size of 15, and a prompt of Shorthand.
Define an alias named YourInitials _SA_1, give the alias a description, and specify the complete combination 03.100.1110.0000.
Define an alias named YourInitials _SA_2, give the alias a description, and specify the partial combination 04...0000.
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Solution – Shorthand Aliases Define your Shorthand Alias Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Aliases.
Query the YourInitials Chart of Accounts structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the General Ledger application.
In the Shorthand region, enter information in the following fields:
Enabled: Selected
Max Alias Size : 15
Prompt: Shorthand
In the Aliases, Descriptions region, enter information for your aliases: Alias
Alias Description
YourInitials _SA_1
Yellow Sales Cash
YourInitials _SA_2
Save your work.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Key > Segments.
Query the YourInitials Chart of Accounts structure for the Accounting Flexfield in the General Ledger application.
Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
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Practice - Table Validation Overview In this practice, you will use an application table to validate a descriptive flexfield segment. You will create a table-validated value set to validate employee numbers based on a Human Resources application table called PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. Then you will add an additional segment to the descriptive flexfield structure you defined in the Define a Descriptive Flexfield lesson to track the salesperson’s employee number.
Tasks Define your Value Set 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define a table-validated value set named YourInitials _EMP_NUM. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 30. Enable Non-Hierarchical Security and Longlist for the value set. Specify the table PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F in the Oracle Human Resources application as the validation table. Assign the Value column the column name EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 30. Assign the Meaning column the column name FULL_NAME, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 240. Restrict the value set to include only active employees by specifying the following Where/Order By clause: WHERE CURRENT_EMPLOYEE_FLAG = ‘Y’
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value set, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for your descriptive flexfield. For the purposes of this practice, use the same descriptive flexfield you worked on previously to enter your new structure. Unfreeze the flexfield definition first in order to make changes to the structure.
You can keep the two segments that you defined previously for the Global Data Elements context. Now define a new segment for the Global Data Elements context. Name the segment Employee Number, with a prompt of Employee Number. Assign the segment the number 30, the column ATTRIBUTE6, and the value set YourInitials _EMP_NUM.
Ensure the new segment is displayed and enabled. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 5.
After defining your value set and segment, navigate to your descriptive flexfield and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Solution – Table Validation Define your Value Set Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _EMP_NUM
Description : YourInitials Employee Number Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical
List Type: Long List of Values
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 30
Validation Type : Table
Click (B) Edit Information to navigate to the Validation Table Information window.
Use the lists of values in the Table Application to select Human Resources as the table application type PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F as the table name.
In the Table Columns region, use the lists of values in the following fields: Name
In the Where/Order By field, enter
Save your work.
Define your Structure 9.
(N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments.
10. Query your descriptive flexfield in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window.
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11. Clear the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. 12. In the Context Field Values region, select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 13. Keep the two segments you defined previously. 14. Enter the information for the third segment in the following fields: Number
Window Prompt
Value Set
Displayed Enabled
Employee Employee ATTRIBUTE6 YourInitials _EMP_NUM Checked Checked Number Number
15. Save your work. 16. Navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 17. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. 18. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 19. After defining your value set and segment, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstrations and Practices Chapter 26 - Page 147
Practice - Cascading Dependencies with $FLEX$ Overview In this practice, you will create a descriptive flexfield that uses cascading dependencies to validate the values entered. The flexfield will track the manufacturer, model, and color of a vehicle. The possible model values will be restricted depending on the manufacturer value, and the possible color values will be restricted depending on the model value. To set up the cascading dependencies, you will create table-validated value sets using the following tables: CAR_MAKERS MANUFACTURER_NAME MANUFACTURER_DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER_ID
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Sea Green
Sea Green
Tasks Define your Value Sets 1.
Use the Value Sets window to define three value sets. •
Define a table-validated value set named YourInitials _MFG. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 10. Enable non-hierarchical security for the value set. Specify the table CAR_MAKERS as the validation table. Assign the Value column the column name MANUFACTURER_NAME, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 10. Assign the Meaning column the column name MANUFACTURER_DESCRIPTION, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 30. Assign the ID column the column name MANUFACTURER_ID, a type of Number, and a size of 2. Define a table-validated value set named YourInitials _MODEL. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 10. Enable non-hierarchical security for the value set. Specify the table CAR_MODELS as the validation table. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Assign the Value column the column name MODEL_NAME, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 10. Assign the Meaning column the column name MODEL_DESCRIPTION, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 30. Assign the ID column the column name MODEL_ID, a type of Number, and a size of 3. Specify the following Where/Order By clause: WHERE MANUFACTURER_ID = :$FLEX$. YourInitials _MFG •
Define a table-validated value set named YourInitials _COLOR. Give the value set a description, a format type of Char, and a maximum size of 10. Enable non-hierarchical security for the value set. Specify the table CAR_COLORS as the validation table. Assign the Value column the column name COLOR_NAME, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 10. Assign the Meaning column the column name COLOR_DESCRIPTION, a type of Varchar2, and a size of 30. Assign the ID column the column name COLOR_ID, a type of Number, and a size of 4. Specify the following Where/Order By clause: WHERE MODEL_ID = :$FLEX$. YourInitials _MODEL ORDER BY COLOR_NAME
Define your Structure 2.
After defining your value sets, use the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window to define the structure for your descriptive flexfield. For the purposes of this practice, use the same descriptive flexfield that you worked on previously to enter your new structure. Unfreeze the flexfield definition first so that you can change the structure.
Delete the segments that you defined previously for the Global Data Elements context. Then define three new segments for the Global Data Elements context. •
Define a segment named Manufacturer, with a prompt of Manufacturer. Assign the segment the number 10, the column ATTRIBUTE1, and the value set YourInitials _MFG. Define a segment named Model, with a prompt of Model. Assign the segment the number 20, the column ATTRIBUTE2, and the value set YourInitials _MODEL. Define a segment named Color, with a prompt of Color. Assign the segment the number 30, the column ATTRIBUTE3, and the value set YourInitials _COLOR. Ensure that all three segments are displayed and enabled. When you finish defining the structure, freeze and compile your flexfield definition.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 4.
After defining your value sets and segments, navigate to your descriptive flexfield and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Solution – Cascading Dependencies with $FLEX$ Define your Value Sets Responsibility: System Administrator 1.
(N) Application > Validation > Set.
Enter the information for the first value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _MFG
Description : YourInitials Car Manufacturers Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 10
Validation Type : Table
Click Edit Information to navigate to the Validation Table Information window.
Enter CAR_MAKERS as the table name.
In the Table Columns region, enter the following information for the Value column: Name
Save your work.
Enter the information for the second value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _MODEL
Description : YourInitials Car Models Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 10 Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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Validation Type : Table
Click Edit Information to navigate to the Validation Table Information window.
Enter CAR_MODELS as the table name.
10. In the Table Columns region, enter the following information for the Value column: Name
11. In the Where/Order By field, enter WHERE MANUFACTURER_ID = :$FLEX$. YourInitials _MFG 12. Save your work. 13. Enter the information for the third value set in the following fields: •
Value Set Name: YourInitials _COLOR
Description : YourInitials Car Colors Value Set
Security Type : Non-Hierarchical Security
Format Type : Char
Maximum Size: 10
Validation Type : Table
14. Click Edit Information to navigate to the Validation Table Information window. 15. Enter CAR_COLORS as the table name. 16. In the Table Columns region, enter the following information for the Value column: Name
17. In the Where/Order By field, enter:
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WHERE MODEL_ID = :$FLEX$.YourInitials _MODEL ORDER BY COLOR_NAME 18. Save your work.
Define your Structure 19. (N) Application > Flexfield > Descriptive > Segments. 20. Query your descriptive flexfield in the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 21. Clear the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. 22. Select the Global Data Elements context and click (B) Segments to navigate to the Segments Summary window. 23. Delete the segments that you defined previously. 24. Save your work. 25. Enter the following information for the segments: Note: Save after each segment. Number
Window Prompt
Manufacturer Manufacturer ATTRIBUTE1
Value Set
Displayed Enabled
YourInitials _MFG
Checked Checked
YourInitials _MODEL
Checked Checked
YourInitials _COLOR
Checked Checked
26. Save your work. 27. Navigate back to the Descriptive Flexfield Segments window. 28. Select the Freeze Flexfield Definition check box. 29. Click (B) Compile to compile the flexfield definition. Click (B) OK to each note about submitting your request to generate the flexfield view.
Test your Descriptive Flexfield 30. After defining your value sets and segments, navigate to your descriptive flexfield using the General Ledger Super User responsibility and test the results of your work. When you are finished, exit without saving.
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Guided Demonstration - Folders Overview The committee wants you to test setting up and administering a Folder form. But, they are willing to do a single test. You will see the following demonstrated. •
Create the folder
Assign a default folder definition to a user
Set the profile option to control modifications of the folder by the user
Tasks 1.
Log on to Oracle Applications using the username you defined earlier, such as YourInitialsUSER.
Select General Ledger Super User responsibility and navigate to (N) Journals > Enter.
The first window you see is the Find Journals window. Note that once you create your folder and assign it to your user this window will not appear.
In the Find Journals window, enter Payables in the Source field.
Click Find.
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In the Enter Journals window, choose Folder > Save As….
In the Save Folder window, enter the following: •
Folder : YourInitials Payables Journals
Autoquery : Ask each time
Public : enable check box
Include query: enable check box
Click Show Query.
The Show Query window displays (JE_SOURCE=‘PAYABLES’). Note: you can view the query here, but you cannot change it. Click OK to close the window.
10. In the Save Folder window click OK.
11. In the Enter Journals window, the upper left corner next to the Folder icon is the name you entered for your folder. 12. Click on the Folder icon to launch the Open Folder window. Note: the other folders that are available for your selection. These appear because they are defined as Public.
13. Click Cancel. 14. Click on the Folder Tools icon on the toolbar (the second icon from the right) to launch the Folder Tools window palette. Move your cursor over each icon to view its function.
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15. Click the Show Field… icon to launch the Show Field selection window. This allows you to add any of the listed fields to the Enter Journals window display. 16. Choose “Category” from the the Show Field window if the Category column has not been added to the display in the Enter Journals window or select another value when needed and click OK . 17. Click the Save icon on the Folder Tools window, or choose Save from the Folder menu to add the Category column to your folder definition.
18. Switch Responsibilities to your System Administrator responsibility. responsibility. 19. (N) Application > Administer Folders. 20. In the Find Folders screen, select “Default folder assignments by user” and choose your user name from list of values.
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21. Click Find. 22. In the Default Folders by User User window, enter the following. •
Folder: Your Initials Payables Journals
Behavior Mode: No restrictions
23. Save your work. 24. (N) Profile > System. Copyright © Oracle Corporation, 2008. All rights reserved.
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25. In the Find System System Profile Values window enter the following. •
User: YourInitialsUser
Profile : Folders: Allow Customization
26. Click Find. 27. Set the Profile Option to disallow modification by your user. In the System Profile Profile Values screen enter “No” as the User value for the profile option.
28. Save your work. 29. Switch Responsibilities back to your General Ledger Super User. 30. (N) Journals > Enter. 31. Notice that you see see a Decision window window that says “Find all records in this folder?” folder?” This window displays because you chose “Ask each time” when you defined the folder. 32. Click Yes. 33. Notice that the Journal Journal Entries window window opens with your folder displayed. 34. Click on the Folder Tools icon on the toolbar. Note that all the modification modification icons are disabled (because you set the Folders: Allow Customization profile option to No). 35. Click on the Folder menu and notice that that the only enabled option is Open.
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Practice - Incorporating Custom Programs Overview The committee wants you to test the process for adding a custom program. In order to speed the testing, the committee has agreed to use an existing program, the Completed Concurrent Requests report, to test this functionality. In order to test this process, you will do the following. •
Create a concurrent program definition
Add the concurrent program to a request group
Add the request group to a responsibility
Test your custom program
Tasks Create your Concurrent Program Definition 1.
Given the executable program already created, you need to create a concurrent program to contain it. Query up the Completed Concurrent Requests Report program in the Concurrent Programs window and use the Copy to button to create your custom program. •
Program : YourInitials Completed Concurrent Requests
Short Name: YourInitials_ CPCRQ
Application : Application Object Library
Choose to Include Program Parameters when copying
Choose to Include Program Incompatibilities when copying
Add your Concurrent Program to a Request Group 2.
Add your concurrent program to your existing YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin request group. Once you have added it to this group, it will have already been assigned to the Your Initials Assistant System Administrator responsibility and to the YourInitials_ Assist_SA user.
Test your Concurrent Program 3.
Sign-on as the YourInitials_ Assist_SA user, and submit a concurrent request for your new report.
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Solution - Incorporating Custom Programs Responsibility: System Administrator If necessary, log in to Oracle Applications and select the System Administrator responsibility.
Create your Concurrent Program Definition 1.
Navigate to (N) Concurrent > Program > Define.
Query the Completed Concurrent Requests program.
Click the (B) Copy to…
In the Copy to window enter the following: •
Program : YourInitials Completed Concurrent Requests Report
Short Name: YourInitials_ CPCRQ (e.g., JSCS_CPCRQ)
Application : Application Object Library
Choose to Include Program Parameters when copying
Choose to Include Program Incompatibilities when copying
Click (B) OK to close the “Copy to …” window..
Save your work. Your completed form should appear similar to the example shown.
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Close the form.
Add your Concurrent Program to a Request Group 9.
Navigate to (N) Security > Responsibility > Request.
10. Query your request group YourInitials Assistant SysAdmin Group. 11. Insert a new record and the Program YourInitials Completed Concurrent Requests. 12. Save your work. Your completed form should appear similar to the example shown.
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