Optical Mineralogy

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Notiuni de baza in mineralogie. Geologie. Izotropie, anizotropie. Clivaj, habitus, pleocroism, opacitate, relief, incluziuni, polarizare, unghi de extinctie, unghi de orientare, birefringent…Descripción completa

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minera…Deskripsi lengkap

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minera…Descripción completa

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minera…Full description

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minera…Descripción completa

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minerals and ...Full description

The third edition of Introduction to Optical Mineralogy provides comprehensive coverage of the optical properties of minerals. It describes in detail more than 125 common rock-forming minera…Full description

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