Situation: Researcher’s goal is to advance knowledge and develop the highest-quality evidence for practice, using the best method available; however they must also adhere to the dictates of ethical rules that have been developed to protect human rights 1. A problem problem statement statement is an express expression ion of the dilemma dilemma that needs needs investigati investigation on for the purpose of providing and direction. t should identif! the nature of the problem that is being addressed in the stud! and t!picall! its context and signi"cance. f the researcher #ould li$e to compare compare the coping mechanism of patients #ith chronic illness to those #ith acute illness% #hich of the follo#ing statements is &'S() a. A Stud! to *ompar *ompare e the *oping +echani +echanism sm of ,atients ,atients #ith #ith *hronic *hronic llness llness and those #ith Acute llness b. A Descriptive Stud! to *ompare the coping +echanism of ,atients #ith *hronic *hronic llness and those #ith Acute llness in (erms of Demographic Data c. A Stud! of the Di-ere Di-erences nces in the *oping *oping +echanism +echanism of ,atien ,atients ts #ith *hronic *hronic llness llness and those #ith Acute llness d. A *omparative *omparative Anal!sis Anal!sis of the *oping *oping +echanism +echanism of ,atients ,atients #ith *hronic *hronic llness llness and those #ith Acute llness Situation: !he use of massage and meditation to help decrease stress and pain have been strongly recommended based on documented testimonials . *armen/ita #ants to do a stud! on this topic% 0'-ects 0'-ects of +assage +assage and +editation on on Stress and ,ain. ,ain. (he t!pe of research that &'S( suits this topic is: a. Appl Applie ied d resea esearrch b. 2ua 2ualita litati tive ve 3esea esearrch c. &asi &asic c 3esea esearrch d. 2uan 2uanti tita tati tive ve
4. (he t!pe of resear research ch design design that does not manipula manipulate te independent independent variabl variable e is: a. 'xperimental design c. No N on5experimental design b. 2uasi5experimental design d. 2uantitative design 6. 7hich of of the follo# follo#ing ing is (38' (38' in experime experimental ntal stud!) stud!) a. (he contro controll group group receives receives the the therap! therap! being being studied. studied. b. *onditions a-ecting a-ecting the the sub9ects are left left uncontrolled to allo# generali/ation of "ndings. c. Sub9ects Sub9ects are are randoml! randoml! assigned assigned to both experimen experimental tal and control controlled led groups. groups. d. *lients #ho are li$el! li$el! to perform the best are are assigned to the experimental experimental group. group. Situation: Jin prepares for the orientation of the new sta of the research department. He plans to conduct a review of the basic concepts of research . 7hich of the follo#ing follo#ing t!pes of research research ma$es use of past events to ans#er a problem) a. 'x post facto anal!sis c. *a *ase stud! b. ;ield experiment d.
=. (he nurse resear researcher cher decided decided to use experim experimental ental design design on her stud! stud! about the e-ect e-ect of surgical operation on post operative patient> routine? ho#ever there are experimental limitations despite of its bene"ts. Nurses and hospital sta-% as #ell as patients% might be a#are of their participation participation and both groups might alter their actions accordingl! accordingl!.. 7hat can !ou call these changes made b! the participants) a. s cher>s #ill. #ill. Situation: Sampling is an essential part of the research process B. A researche researcherr $no#s that selecti selection on of sample is an importa important nt factor factor to consider consider and must be given crucial attention because it #ill serve as a portrait. A researcher should $no# that a sample is a group dra#n from: a. ,opulation b. 8niverse c. Stud! group d. 3epresentative