Appeal No. _______/2016 (Under §53T of the Competition At! 2002" _______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ #ohemian $a%addi &ea'e
...Appellant No. 1
$a%addi )ederation of #ohemia
...Appellant No. 2
&mino+ ,port+
...-e+pondent No. 1
...-e+pondent No. 2
_______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ Cl%%ed ith Appeal No.______/2016 (Under §53T of the Competition At! 2002" _______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ #ooT%e
&mino+ ,port+
...-e+pondent No. 1
_______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______
Cl%%ed ith Appeal No._____/2016
(Under §53T of the Competition At! 2002" _______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ -odida+
*. #ohemian $a%addi &ea'e
...-e+pondent No. 1
...-e+pondent No. 2
_______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ Cl%%ed ith Appeal No._______/2016 No._______/2016 (Under §53T of the Competition At! 2002" _______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______ ,port+
#ohemian $a%addi &ea'e
...-e+pondent No. 1
$a%addi )ederation of #ohemia
...-e+pondent No. 2
_______________________ __________________________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ __________________ ______
emorandm filed on %ehalf of &mino+ ,port+! ,port+! -odida+. Con+el appearin' on %ehalf of &mino+ ,port+! ,port+! -odida+.
TABLE OF CONTENTS N ) AUT-T,........................................... .................................................................. .............................................. ..........................................*ii ...................*ii &,T ) A##-ATN,............................................. .................................................................... .............................................. ........................................7i .................7i ,TATNT ) 8U-,CTN.................................................................................................7i* ,TATNT ) )ACT,..............................................................................................................7* ,,U, )- C CN,-ATN............................................ .................................................................... ............................................... .............................7*iii ......7*iii ,UA-9 ) A-:UNT, .....................................................................................................7i7 -TTN ,U#,,N,............................................. .................................................................... .............................................. .......................................... ................... 1 .
#$& A, &AT §4 ) T C;TTN ACT T - ,;CT ,;CT T T C&U,
#-ACA,TN: A:-NT .....................................................................................................1 A. #$& , A N NT-;-, U N- §2( §2(" ) T ACT.......................................................1 #. #$& , N A ;,TN ) NANC N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T............................1 .
A-$T )- T )- T #-ACA,TN: -:T, ) ;-AT ;-),,NA& $ A#A A#A
&A:U, N #A , T -&ANT A-$T .............................................................2 .
#$& , NANT N T NT) -&ANT A-$T.........................................5
C. T ACTN, ) #$& C N,TTUT A N A#U, ) NANT ;,TN.....................< .
#$& A, ;, U N)A- CNTN, N T ,A& ) #-ACA,TN: - :T, N)A- C :T,
T &UNU, ,;-T,........................................... .................................................................. .............................................. ......................................< ...............< .
#$& A, :-ANT ;-)-NTA& T-ATNT T A #A.....................=
&UNU, ,;-T, A, NT &AT §4 ) T C;TTN ACT T - ,;CT ,;CT
T T NT-NT #-ACA,TN: - :T, :T,...............................................................................>
;a'e ? 3
A. T A-$T )- NT-NT #-ACA,TN: A N T&,N #-ACA,TN: )- ;A-T ) T ,A - &ANT &ANT A-$T..............................................................................> #. &UNU, A, NT &AT §4(2"(" ) T ACT.................................................10 C. N ) T , A,,U TAT T A-$T, )- T T&,N A N NT-NT #-ACA,TN: ) $ A#A A#A ATC, A- ))-NT - &ANT &ANT A-$T,! T ACTN, ) &UNU, ,N@T AUNT T A#U, A, ;- §4(2"(" §4(2"(" ) T ACT......10 .
&UNU, , NT NANT N T A-$T )- T T T&,N
#-ACA,TN: ) $ A#A .................................................................. ...............................10 ........10 A#A ATC,........................................... . #$& A, &AT §4 ) T C;TTN ACT T - ,;CT ,;CT T T -CAN,N: A:-NT .................................................................................................13 A. #$& , N A NANT ;,TN N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T..................................13 .
T - &ANT &ANT A-$T N T, CA, , T A-$T )- -CAN,N:
- :T, :T, )- #$&....................................... #$&.............................................................. .................................................................... ............................................. ..13 .
#$& , N A NANT ;,TN N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T................................15
#. T ACTN, ) #$& C N,TTUT AN A#U, ) NANT ;,TN N T - &ANT .................................................................... .............................................. ..........................................1< ...................1< &ANT A-$T............................................. . T A:-NT #TN #$& A N CU:A- &AT, §3 ) T C;TTN ACT........................................... .................................................................. .............................................. .............................................. ......................................20 ...............20 A. T A:-NT , A -TCA& - ,T-ANT ,T-ANT U N- §3(4" §3(4" ) T ACT....................20 #. T C&U, ,U;;&9 A:-NT CAU,, AAC N T A-$T......................21 .
T -CAN,N: A:-NT CAU,, A N:AT ;ACT N T A-$T 22
;a'e ? 4
#9 T A::-AATN: ))CT,............................................ ................................................................... ...........................................25 ....................25 .
$)# A N #$& A A &AT §4 ) T C;TTN ACT T - ,;CT ,;CT T
;&A9- C CNT-ACT,.............................................. ..................................................................... .............................................. ............................................2< .....................2< A. $)# A N #$& ) A&& U N- T T A#T ) T ACT...............................................2< .
NUA&&9 NUA&&9! $)# AN #$& A- NT-;-,,...................................................2<
$)# AN #$& A- A :-U;...................................................................................2=
#. $)# AN #$& A- NANT N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T......................................2> .
T - &ANT -:AN,N: ;-AT ;-),,NA& &ANT A-$T , T A-$T )-
$ A#A .................................................................. ...........................................2> ....................2> A#A &A:U, N #A........................................... .
$)# A N #$& A- NANT N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T..................................31
C. #$& A N $)# A NANT ;,TN........................................32 A A#U, T- .
ACTN, ) #$& A N $)# C N,TTUT A#U, ) NANC U N- §4(2"( §4(2"(C"
) T ACT.............................................. ..................................................................... ............................................... .................................................33 .........................33 .
T - :U&ATN, :U&ATN, A- ,;-;-TNAT T T NTN #8CT ...........33
. CC#@, -- , ,U& # U;& T A CN)&CT ) NT-,T #TN $)# AN #$&....................................... #$&.............................................................. .............................................. .......................................................34 ................................34 . T C;AT@, C,N T ;UT T C;N,ATN C&A, U N- A A#9ANC , NT A&......................................... ................................................................ .............................................. ...............................................................35 ........................................35 A. A&& T CNTN, NTN U N- §53N §53N ) T ACT A A #N )U&)&& ................................................................................................................35 .
,;-T, , A N NT-;-, U N- §2( §2(" ) T ACT.........................................36
;a'e ? 5
T C&A A, A-,N UT ) T -- ) C;AT N A N A;;A& A:AN,T
T )NN: ) T C,,N.................................................................................36 .
,;-T, A, ,U))- A &,, A, A - ,U&T ,U&T ) T A#U, ) NANT
;,TN #9 #$& A N $)#................................... $)#.......................................................... ........................................................36 .................................36 #. T &:,&AT NTNT ) §53N , , TAT A - ,T-CTN ,T-CTN N T C&A )- C;N,ATN! U-N: T ;NNC9 ) A;;A& ) T N)-N:NT C,N! A, NT NTN............................................................................................................3< ;-A9- .............................................. ..................................................................... .............................................. .............................................. ......................................... .................. 3>
;a'e ? 6
1. Competition At! 1>>=.................................. 1>>=......................................................... .............................................. ..................................... .......................3= .........3= 2. Competition At! 2002.................................. 2002......................................................... ..............................................................pa++im .......................................pa++im 3. Con+mer -i'ht+ At! 2015................................. 2015........................................................ ......................................................... .................................. .... 3=
#. T-AT,, 1. TreatB on the )ntionin' )ntionin' of the the ropean ropean Union....................................... Union.............................................................. ....................... =
C. - :U&ATN, :U&ATN,
1. EU Exemption Regulation 330/2010 330/2010................. ........................................ .............................................. ..........................................22 ...................22 2. Recital 7, Regulation 1/2003.................... 1/2003........................................... ............................................... ...................................................3< ...........................3<
. NAN CA,,
1. Ar+hiBa Ar+hiBa -ail nfra+trtre nfra+trtre &imited &imited *. *. ini+trB ini+trB of -ailaB -ailaB++ (o-"! Ca+e no. no. 12/2011 12/2011 (CC"..................................................................................................................................1= 2. Atomo%ile Atomo%ile++ ealer+ A++oiation A++oiation!! athra+ *. :lo%al :lo%al Atomo Atomo%ile+ %ile+ &td! Ca+e no. 33/201 33/2011 1 (CC"............................................ (CC"................................................................... .............................................. ............................................. .................................. ............ 21! 22 3. #elaire ner+ ner+ A++oiatio A++oiation n *. &) &td.! &td.! Ca+e no. 1>/2010 1>/2010 (CC"....... (CC"............ .............. .................. ..........=! .=! 14 4. #iDaB ;oddar ;oddar *. Coal ndia &td. Ca+e no. 5>/2013 5>/2013 (CC"....... (CC"............ .......... .......... ............... ................... ................... ...........= .= 5. Con+mer nline )ondation *. Tata Tata ,EB! ,EB! Ca+e no. 02/200> (CC"..................................23 (CC"..................................23 6. hanraD hanraD ;illaB *. oEeB ndia! ndia! Ca+e no. <3/201 <3/2011 1 (CC".......... (CC"..................2! ........2! >! 2=! 2=! 2>! 30! 31! 34 <. )a+t aB aB Tran+m Tran+mi++ion i++ion ;*t. ;*t. &td. *. *. $an+an $an+an Ne+ ;*t. &td! &td! Appeal Appeal no. 16/2012 16/2012 (C;AT (C;AT"............................................. ".................................................................... ................................................................ ......................................... 14! 1=! 20 =. :$# i Teh Teh &en+e+ &en+e+ ;*t. &td. *. *. Tran+ Tran+ition+ ition+ ptial ptial ndia ;*t. ;*t. &td.! Ca+e no. no. 01/2010 01/2010 (CC"............................................ (CC"................................................................... .............................................. ............................................. .................................. ............ 1
>. emant ,harma ,harma *. *. Union Union of ndia! ndia! ;(C" ;(C" no. 5<<0/201 5<<0/2011 1 (elhi (elhi i'h Cort".. Cort"....... ............ .........2= ..2= 10. T edia &imited *. ,per Ca++ette+ nd+trie+ &imited! Ca+e no. no. 40/2011 40/2011 (CC".........1= (CC"...... ...1= 11. 8aE Commniation+ ;*t. &td. *. *. ,n iret T T ;*t. &td.! Ca+e no. =/200> (CC"..........13 (CC"......... .13 12. $apoor :la++ ;*t. &td. *. ,hott ,hott :la++ ndia ;*t. &td.! Appeal no. 45/2012 (C;A (C;AT". 6! =! 1=! 23! 25 13. ahara+htra ,tate ;oer :eneration CompanB &td. *. *. ahanadi Coalfield+ &td.! Ca+e no. 3/2012 (CC"............................................................. (CC"............................................................................................................... .................................................. .11 14. C ,toE 7han'e &td. *. *. N, ndia ndia &td! Ca+e no. 13/200> (CC"..............................< 15. ohammad Ali $han *. Commi++ion f ealth ealth Ta7! Ta7! A- 1>>< ,C 1<65 (,C"...............3< 16. National n+rane Co. &td. *+. &a7mi Narain ht! ht! 200< (4" ,CA& 36 (,C"F............ (,C"F....... ......3< .3< 1<. ;ee*eear edial A'enie+ *. *. All All ndia r'aniGation of Chemi+t+ and r''i+t+! r''i+t+! Ca+e no. 30/2011 (CC"............................................... (CC"...................................................................... ...................................................... ............................... .........1=! ......... 1=! 26 1=. ;rint+ ndia *. ,prin'er ndia ;*t. &td.! Ca+e no. 16/2010 (CC"............................... (CC"............................... .........2 ......... 2 1>. ,ara%h TripathB TripathB *. :reat a+tern ner'B Corporation &td.! &td.! Ca+e no. 63/2014 (CC".....1< 20. ,ham+her $ataria *. onda ,eil Car+ ndia &td. And r+.! Ca+e no. 3/2011 3/2011 (CC"....6! (CC"... .6! 1=! 20! 21! 32 21. ,onam ,harma *. Apple n.! Ca+e no. 24/2011 24/2011 (CC"......................................................22 (CC"......................................................22 22. ,'anthi ,re+h $mar *. *. 8a'dee+han! (2002" (2002" 2 ,CC 420 (,C"............................ (,C".......................................3< ...........3< 23. ,n+hine ;itre+ *. *. ro+ nternational edia! Ca+e no. 52/2010 52/2010 (CC".......................... 21 24. ,render ,in'h #armi *. #CC! #CC! Ca+e no. 61/2010 (CC"......3! (CC"...... 3! 4! 11! 24! 25! 25! 2=! 2>! 30! 31 25. Tata Tata n'ineerin' and &oomoti*e Co &td (Telo" (Telo" *. The The -e'i+trar of -e+triti*e Trade A'reement! 1><< A- ><3 (,C".............................................................. (,C".........................................................................................21 ...........................21
. U-;AN CA,, 1. A$H Chemie Chemie # *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 1>>1 1>>1 C- I335> (C8"....... (C8"............ .......... .......... .......... .............. ................16 .......16 2. Atlanti Atlanti Container Container &ine A# A# *. Commi++ion Commi++ion!! 2003 CC- I32<5 I32<5 (:eneral (:eneral Cort"............16 ;a'e ? =
3. ##/#oo+eB ##/#oo+eB and aEe+ aEe+JJ nterim ea+re+! ea+re+! 1>=< 1>=< 8 (& 2=6" 2=6" 36 (C"....... (C".................6 ..........6!! 12! 1< 4. C# *. C&T C&T K ;# (TelemarE (TelemarEetin'" etin'"!! 1>=5 C- 3261 (C8"....... (C8"............ .............. ................... ...................1= .........1= 5. elimiti+ elimiti+ *. ennin'er ennin'er #ra A: 1>>1 C- I>35 (C8"......... (C8".............. .......... .......... .......... ............... ................... ...........21 ..21 6. 7pedia 7pedia n. *. Atori AtoritL tL de la onrrene! onrrene! Ca+e CI226/11 CI226/11 (C8"... (C8"........ .............. ................... ...................22 .........22 <. :rop CanalM/-T& CanalM/-T&/:C/ /:C/8 8!! Ca+e No. C;/.24=3 C;/.24=3 (C"....... (C"............ .......... .......... .............. ................... ............3 ..3 =. ilti AEtien' AEtien'e+ell+h e+ell+haft aft *. Commi++io Commi++ion! n! 1>>1 C- I143> (:eneral (:eneral Cort"....... Cort"............ ............16 .......16 >. offmannI& offmannI&aa -ohe K Co. A: A: *. Commi++i Commi++ion! on! 1><> 1><> C- 461 (C8"..................5! (C8"..................5! 11! 11! 15 10. 'in $a++are'i+ter A# *. Commi++ion! 1><> C- 1=6> (C8"................................14! (C8"................................14! 1< 11. , ealth :m% * NC ealth :m% K Co. $:! Ca+e CI41=/01 (C"..................... (C".....................1> 1> 12. ri+h ,'ar *. Commi++ion 1>>> C- I2>6> (C8"........................................................1= (C8"........................................................1= 13. 8oint ,ellin' of Commerial -i'ht+ of U)A Champion+ &ea'e! Ca+e C; C.2I 3<.3>= (C"............................................ (C"................................................................... .............................................. ...................................................3! ............................3! 4 14. 8oint ,ellin' of edia -i'ht+ -i'ht+ of the :erman #nde+li'a! #nde+li'a! Ca+e C;/C.2/3<.214 C;/C.2/3<.214 (C"..3 15. 8oint ,ellin' of edia -i'ht+ to the )A )A ;remier &ea'e! Ca+e C;/CI2/3=.1<3 (C". 3! 4! 15! 30 16. eaIedina and aDen *. *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 2006O C- I6>>1 (C8"................... .....33!2< 1<. ihelin *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 1>=3O C- 3461 (C8".................................... (C8"............................................................33 ........................33 1=. iro+oft Corporation *. Commi++ion! Ca+e TI201/04 TI201/04 (Cort of )ir+t n+tane"..............1> 1>. oto+BEleti+tiEi mo+pondia llado+ llado+ N; (T" (T" * lliniEo imo+io! Ca+e CI4>/0< (C8"............................................ (C8"................................................................... .............................................. ............................................. .................................. ............ 34! 2> 20. Ne+tle/;errier! 8 1>>2 (& 356" 1 (C".................................................... (C"........................................................................... ..........................14 ...14 21. Ne+orp / Telepi! Telepi! Ca+e No. C;/. 2=<6 2=<6 (C"................................... (C"...................................................... .......................4 ....4 22. Nn'e++er *. Commi++ion Commi++ion 1>=2 C- 2015 (C8".................................. (C8".............................................................25 ...........................25 23. +ar/#ronner 1>>=O C- I<<>1 (C8"........................... (C8".................................................. .........................................1=! ..................1=! 1> 24. ,ea Container+ *. *. ,tena ,ealinE I nterim ea+re+! 1>>4 8 (& 15"= 15"= (C".................. (C"............. .......1= ..1=
;a'e ? >
25. ,oiete TehniPe TehniPe iniere *. a+hinenda a+hinenda Ulm! 1>66 C- 33< (C8".........................25 (C8".........................25 26. United #rand+ Co. *. *. Commi++ion! 1><= 1><= C- 20< (C8".......................... (C8"............................................. ................... 5! 11 2<. olE *. e er*aeEe! 1>6>O C- 2>5 (C8"................................................ (C8".................................................................. ........................22 ......22 2=. a alra*e lra*e and $oh $oh v. Union Cycliste Internationale! Internationale! 1><4O C- 1405 (C8".................2< 2>. oter+ oter+ *. Al'emene -aad *an de Nederland+e rde *an Ad*oaten! Ad*oaten! Ca+e CI3 0>/>> (C8"..................................................................................................................................33
). U.,. CA,, 1. #oard of Trade Trade of the CitB of Chia'o Chia'o *. *. U,! 246 246 U, 231 (U,,C".... (U,,C"......... .......... .............. ................... ...........25 .25 2. Continental T. T... *. :T ,Bl*ania! 433 U.,. 36 (1><<" (U,,C"........................................21 (U,,C"........................................21 3. )ord otor+ *. U, 335 U.,. 303 (1>4=" (U,,C"..... (U,,C".......... .......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ............... .................... .................25 .......25 4. ,tandard ,tandard il Co. of Ne 8er+eB *. U, 221 U.,. U.,. 1 (1>11" (1>11" (U,,C"....... (U,,C"........... ......... .......... .......... ............ ..........25 ...25 5. U.,. ealthare ealthare *. ealth ealth ,ore! 61 U,& 25>5 (Cort (Cort of Appeal+".... Appeal+"......... .......... ........... ...............24 .........24 6. U.,. *. iro+oft! 253 253 ).3d ).3d 34 (Cort of Appeal+".................................. Appeal+"..................................................... ..........................23 .......23
:. T- C CA,, 1. Ne+ &td. *. *. A+trali A+tralian an -'%B )oot% )oot%all all &ea'e &td.! &td.! (1>>6" (1>>6" 64 )C- 44< ()ederal ()ederal Cort of A+tralia".................................... A+tralia"........................................................... .............................................. .............................................. ..................................3! ...........3! 14
. #$, 1. A. -oB! C ;TTN &A N NA (2nd edn.! 2014".......................................................24 2. C. 8one+! ;-AT N)-CNT ) A NTT-U,T &A N U! U$ AN U,A (1>>>".... (1>>>"......3= ..3= 3. ). iDEman iDEman+! +! and ). TBt+h TBt+hae*er ae*er!! -TCA& A:-NT, N U C;TTN &A (2nd edn.! 2011"......................... 2011"................................................ .............................................. ...............................................................2! ........................................2! 14 4. -. hi hi+h +h and and . . #aile #aileB B! C;TTN &A (=th edn.! 2015"......................................3
1. Commission Notice on agreements o minor importance !"e #inimis$! #inimis$! 8 C 36=/0< ........................................... .................................................................. .............................................. ....................................................13! .............................13! 14! 22! 35 2. Commission Notice on t%e "einition o Relevant #ar&et ! 8 1>>< (C 3<2"..............13! 14 3. Commission Notice 'u(lis%e) 'ursuant to *rticle 1+!3$ o Council Regulation No 17 ! 17 ! 8 2001/C 16>/03.................................. 16>/03......................................................... .............................................. .............................................. .................................... .............35 35 4. European Commission Commission -ui)elines on .ertical .ertical Restraints! Restraints! .8. 2010 (C 130" 1.. 23! 24! 25! 26 5. -ui)ance on *rticle 102 Enorcement 'riorities in *pplying *rticle 2 EC reaty reaty to *(usive Exclusionary Con)uct (y "ominant "ominant Un)erta&ings! Un)erta&ings ! 8 200> (C 45"< 5! 11! 11! 16! 1< (1>>6"....1>
;a'e ? 11
Appreia%le Ad*er+e ffet on Competition
#ohemian lBmpi A++oiation
#ohemian $a%addi &ea'e
Competition Commi++ion of #ohemia
Competition Commi++ion of ndia
Competition Appellate Tri%nal
iretor :eneral
ropean Commi++ion
ropean Cort of 8+tie
ropean Union
$a%addi federation of #ohemia
$a%addi ,per &ea'e
&mino+ ,port+
r'ani+ation for onomi CoIoperation and
e*elopment ;ri*ate
read ith
,oth A+ian $a%addi )ederation
,preme Cort of ndia
;a'e ? 12
,mall %t ,i'nifiant K NonITran+itorB nrea+e in
;rie TreatB on the )ntionin' of the ropean Union
The At
The Competition At!2002
United ,tate+
,preme Cort of the United ,tate+
;a'e ? 13
The Appellant+ ha*e approahed thi+ onora%le Cort nder §53T of the Competition At! 2002. The -e+pondent+! &mino+ &mino+ ,port+ and ,port+ hm%lB +%mit +%mit to the Dri+dition of thi+ onora%le Cort.
The Appellant ha+ approahed thi+ onora%le Cort nder §53T of the Competition At! 2002. The -e+pondent! &mino+ ,port+! hm%lB +%mit+ to the Dri+dition of thi+ onora%le Cort.
The Appellant! -odida+ ha+ approahed thi+ onora%le Cort nder §53T of the Competition At! 2002.
The Appellant! ,port+ ha+ approahed thi+ onora%le Cort nder §53T of the Competition At! 2002
;a'e ? 14
$)# i+ a re'i+tered +oietB and the National )ederation for $a%addi in #ohemia! affiliated to ,A$). t i+ the ape7 %odB of +tate a++oiation+ that all Ea%addi plaBer+ are affiliated to! and +elet+ plaBer+ for the national team. $)# and ,A$) annoned the lanh of #$&! a profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e in A'+t A'+t 2015. ,port+ i+ a +port+ hannel and promoter for $,&! a pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e. $,&@ $,&@+ fir+t +ea+on a+ a on+idera%le +e++. +e+ +. t+ +eond +ea+on + ea+on a+ held in No*em%er 2015 and a+ not a %i' +e++. n ,eptem%er 2015! $)# p%li+hed a li+t of +antioned and n+antioned e*ent+! $,& %ein' an n+antioned e*ent. Under ne a'reement+ +i'ned %eteen $)#@+ mem%er a++oiation+ and the plaBer+! di+iplinarB ation old %e taEen a'ain+t plaBer+ for partiipatin' in n+antioned e*ent+ and failin' to attend ompl+orB national amp+. a mp+. A ompl+orB national amp for +eletion to a hampion+hip a+ to %e held on the +ame date+ a+ the +eond +ea+on of $,&. e+pite repre+entation+! the date+ ere not han'ed. ,ome national plaBer+ and Dnior plaBer+ terminated their ontrat ith $,& after the annonement of the re'lation+. ,port+ filed an information alle'in' a%+e of dominane re+ltin' in denial of marEet ae++. The :@+ report reorded $)# a+ dominant in the marEet for ondtin' and 'o*ernin' national and international Ea%addi in #ohemia! and that #$& had a%+ed it+ dominant po+ition. CC# direted $)# and #$& to ea+e and de+i+t from ontinin' ith re+triti*e la+e+ and ordered the di+inte'ration di+inte 'ration of $)# and #$& to a*oid onflit of intere+t. C;A C;AT rled that the latter order a+ e7e++i*e and +et it a+ide. ;a'e ? 15
&mino+ ,port+ a+ aarded the e7l+i*e international a+ ell a+ #ohemian %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+. Under the %roada+tin' a'reement! #$& re+er*ed the ri'ht to nilaterallB alter the a'reement. Another %idder! edia #ohemia filed a petition +tatin' that it +hold %e 'ranted the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ a+ it i+ the national %roada+ter and a freeItoIair hannel! ha*in' a ider reah. #$& then aarded the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ for telea+t in #ohemia to edia #ohemia for a on+ideration amont one third of the amont paid %B &mino+. &mino+ ,port+ filed an nformation alle'in' a%+e of dominane in nilaterallB modifBin' the a'reement. The : fond #$& 'iltB of a%+e of dominane %B impo+in' nfair ondition+. The CC# pheld the findin' and ordered a time la' of 15 minte+ in edia #ohemia@+ +treamin' %ehind the e*ent+ a+ tele*i+ed %B % B &mino+. C;AT C;AT too pheld CC#@+ order in thi+ re'ard. THE INTERNET BROADCASTIN) R I)HTS I)HTS
#ooT%e! #ooT%e! an online *ideo +treamin' + treamin' e%+ite! approahed &mino+ for internet %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+! +ine &mino+ ha+ the ri'ht to frther lien+e the media ri'ht+ to anBone on anB medim. &mino+@+ aeptane a+ +%Det to term+ inldin' paBment of a nonIrefnda%le +eritB %B #ooT%e! paBment of 40R re*ene proeed+! telea+t ith a time la' of 15 minte+ and &mino+@+ ri'ht to aard internet %roada+t ri'ht+ to another operator. #ooT%e #ooT%e ref+ed to aept. &mino+ then ad*erti+ed that #$& mathe+ old %e telea+t on it+ on online platform and mo%ile appliation! free of har'e! and ith a la' of 5 minte+ from the T %roada+t. #ooT%e filed an nformation a'ain+t &mino+ for a%+e of dominane in the marEet for %roada+t of #$& mathe+. mathe+. The : did not find &mino+ &mino+ dominant. CC# pheld :@+ ;a'e ? 16
findin'+ in the matter. C;AT di+mi++ed #ooT%e@+ appeal on the 'rond+ of &mino+ not %ein' dominant in the marEet for %roada+tin' +port+. THE MERCHANDISIN) A)REEMENT
Co'ar! an international manfatrer of TI+hirt+ TI+hirt+ and ap+! and the international +pon+or of ,A$)! a+ aarded the e7l+i*e merhandi+in' ri'ht+ for all franhi+ee+ for the openin' +ea+on of #$&. The merhandi+in' a'reement ontained an atomati reneal la+e for one Bear at a premim paBment of 20R o*er the rrent prie. ne of the franhi+ee+ fra nhi+ee+ had prote+ted in *ain a'ain+t #$&@+ #$&@+ ri'ht to aard merhandi+in' ri'ht+ and the atoIreneal la+e. )rther! the )ranhi+ee A'reement a+ fond to ha*e a lentitled #$& to e7pel anB franhi+ee on 'rond+ of mi+ondt. -odida+! a #ohemian manfatrer of TI+hirt+ TI+hirt+ and ap+! filed an information alle'in' all e'in' that the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar i+ antiIompetiti*e. The CC# direted #$& to eliminate the atoIreneal la+e and held the e7i+tin' ontrat to %e in *iolation of §3 and 4 of of the At. The C;A C;AT rled that the proIompetiti*e effet+ of the e7l+i*e merhandi+in' ontrat otei'hed the antiIompetiti*e effet+. THE COMPENSATION CLAIM
n %ehalf of $,&! ,port+ filed an appliation nder §53N of the At laimin' ompen+ation. The C;AT C;AT pt the appliation nder a%eBane a%e Bane till the aforementioned appeal+ are deided. ,port+ ontended that the ondition+ nder the +etion ere met and appealed a'ain+t the C;AT@+ dei+ion. All the a%o*e appeal+ are no %efore the ,preme Cort of #ohemia.
;a'e ? 1<
hether hether #$& ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 §4 of the the At At ith re+pet to the 7l+i*e 7l+i*e #roada+ti #roada+tin' n'
A'reement %eteen #$& and &mino+ ,port+. hether hether $)# And #$& ha*e *iolated *iolated §4 of the At At ith re+pet to the plaBer plaBer ontrat+.
hether hether &mino+ &mino+ ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 of the At ith re+pet to the the nternet nternet #roada+tin' -i'ht+
hether hether #$& ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 of the At ith re+pet re+pet to the the erhandi+in erhandi+in' '
A'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar hether hether the a'reement a'reement %eteen %eteen #$& and Co'ar Co'ar *iolated *iolated §3 of the the At At
APPEAL IV 1. hether hether the C;A C;AT@+ dei+ion dei+ion to pt the the ompen+ation ompen+ation laim+ laim+ nder a%eBane a%eBane i+
;a'e ? 1=
§4 of the At prohi%it an enterpri+e from a%+in' it+ dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet. #$& i+ a firm en'a'ed in eonomi ati*itB! th+ i+ an enterpri+e. The marEet for the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+ i+ the rele*ant marEet in the in+tant a+e. Thi+ i+ %ea+e Ea%addi i+ not +%+titta%le ith anB other +port or anB other entertainment pro'ramme+. )rther! the international and national Ea%addi mathe+ annot %e +%+titted ith pri*ate profe++ional lea'e+! oin' to it+ harateri+ti differene+. #$& i+ dominant in the rele*ant marEet %ea+e it an operate independentlB of the ompetiti*e marEet fore+ and an affet the marEet! ompetitor+ in it+ fa*or. #$& ha+ a%+ed it+ po+ition %B impo+in' nfair ondition+ ondition+ on &mino+ and %B 'i*in' preferential treatment to edia #ohemia. II.
§4 of the At prohi%it an enterpri+e from a%+in' it+ dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet. The marEet for internet %roada+tin' and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' annot %e identified a+ di+tint rele*ant marEet+. TheB form part of the +ame marEet. Thi+ i+ %ea+e the+e to prodt+ are +%+titta%le a+ there i+ no +i'nifiant +ithin' o+t. Th+! &mino+ &mino+ oldn@t ha*e *iolated §4(2"(e" of the At a+ there i+ a preliminarB rePirement to di+tint marEet+. n anB e*ent! e*en if it i+ a++med that the marEet for the internet %roada+tin' and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' of Ea%addi mathe+ are di+tint marEet! lmino+ ha+ +till not *iolated §4(2"(e" of the At. Thi+ i+ %ea+e &mino+ i+ not dominant in the marEet for the tele*i+ion
;a'e ? 1>
%roada+tin' of $a%aadi mathe+ a+ it annot operate independentlB of the pre*ailin' ompetiti*e marEet fore+. III.
§4(1" of the At +tate+ that no enterpri+e or 'rop +hall a%+e it+ dominant po+ition. #$& i+ an enterpri+e nder the At. All prodt+ that are +%+titta%le from a on+mer@+ (end +er" point of *ie are part of the +ame marEet. The end +er+ +er+ in thi+ a+e are the *ieer+ of #$& ho %B the merhandi+e. ApplBin' the ,,N; Te+t! Te+t! it i+ fond that for the ore fan+! #$& i+ not +%+titta%le ith other Ea%addi lea'e+ or other +port+. Therefore the rele*ant marEet i+ the marEet for the merhandi+in' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+. #$& i+ dominant in thi+ marEet %ea+e it i+ the onlB one ho ha+ the poer to 'i*e 'i*e aaB the+e ri'ht+! therefore ha+ a monopolB in the marEet. t operated independentlB of ompetiti*e fore+ %B 'i*in' aaB the ri'ht+ ithot a tender. #$& old al+o affet the marEet and ompetitor+ in it+ fa*or. #$& a%+ed thi+ dominant po+ition %B denBin' marEet ae++ to ompetitor+ and on+mer+. t denied ompetitor+ the e++ential failitB and a+ed forelo+re in the don+tream marEet. There i+ al+o lo++ in on+mer elfare. Therefore it i+ +%mitted that #$& *iolated §4 of the At. IV. IV.
A'reement+ ithin the pr*ie of §3(4" of the At old %e in ontra*ention of 3(1" onlB if theB are liEelB liEel B to a+e AAC. The a'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar fall+ ithin the pr*ie of the At At %ea+e theB are %oth enterpri+e+ operatin' in different marEet+ and the a'reement i+ a *ertial re+traint. The a'reement a+e+ AAC %ea+e #$& ha+ a maDoritB +hare in the rele*ant marEet. AdditionallB the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement ith the atoI
;a'e ? 20
reneal la+e a+e+ AAC %ea+e it a+e+ marEet forelo+re and entrB %arrier+ for ne entrant+. t al+o dri*e+ e7i+tin' ompetition ot of the marEet. n the other hand! the a'reement doe+ not a+e anB po+iti*e effet+ %ea+e! it rede+ onter*ailin' %Bin' poer of on+mer+ in the don+tream marEet! a+in' lo++ in on+mer on+mer elfare. enial of e++ential failitB hamper+ prodtion and di+tri%tion of ompetitor+! and doe+ not help in de*elopment of the marEet. *erall! the a'reement a+e+ AAC in the marEet. Therefore it i+ +%mitted that! the a'reement i+ *oid nder §3 of the At. V .
§4(1" of the At +tate+ that no enterpri+e or 'rop +hall a%+e it+ dominant po+ition. ,ine $)# i+ en'a'ed in ati*itie+ relatin' to the pro*i+ion of +er*ie+ of entertainment! it i+ an enterpri+e nder the At. #$& i+ al+o an enterpri+e. $)# and #$& are a 'rop +ine $)# i+ in a po+ition to ontrol the mana'ement of #$&. $)# and #$& fall nder the am%it of the At. The rele*ant marEet i+ the marEet for or'aniGin' pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+ in #ohemia! +ine national and international Ea%addi mathe+! and pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+ are not +%+titta%le. The 'eo'raphi marEet i+ national in +ope. $)#@+ re'latorB monopolB allo+ it to operate independentlB of ompetiti*e fore+ in the marEet. #$& and $)# an affet ompetitor+ and on+mer+ in the marEet! therefore theB hold a dominant po+ition. $)#@+ re'lation+ re+lted in a denial of marEet ae++ nder §4(2"(". )rther! the re'lation+ are di+proportionate to the intended o%Deti*e and ere applied di+proportionatelB. Th+ $)# and #$& a%+ed their dominane. The order of CC# +hold %e pheld to a*oid onflit of intere+t %eteen $)#@+ ommerial and re'latorB role+.
;a'e ? 21
§53N(1" pro*ide+ the ondition+ nder hih an appliation to the C;AT C;AT to adDdiate a laim for ompen+ation an %e filed %B a per+on or enterpri+e! from the findin'+ of the ommi++ion or the order+ of C;AT C;AT in an appeal a'ain+t anB findin' of Commi++ion. AdditionallB! the enterpri+e +hold ha*e +ffered +ome lo++ or dama'e a+ a re+lt of anB ontra*ention+ of the pro*i+ion+ of Chapter of the At %B the a%+i*e enterpri+e. t i+ +%mitted that all the+e ondition+ are met %ea+e ,port+ i+ an enterpri+e! the appeal ari+e+ ot of an order of the C;AT C;AT and ,port+ ha+ +ffered lo++ de to the ondt of #$& and $)#. )rther! looEin' looEin' at the le'i+lati*e intent of the pro*i+ion and omparin' it to U$ U$ la! there i+ no intended re+trition on filin' a laim for ompen+ation drin' the pendenB of the appeal of the infrin'ement dei+ion. &a+tlB! a +taB order old a+e hard+hip on the partie+ %ea+e of the nertaintB a%ot the len'th of the appeal proeedin'+. Therefore Therefore it i+ +%mitted that! C;AT@+ dei+ion i+ not *alid.
;a'e ? 22
1. The §4(1" of the At +tate+ that no enterpri+e or 'rop +hall a%+e a%+e it+ dominant po+ition.1 The C;AT@+ dei+ion that #$& ha+ *iolated §4 of the At +hold %e pheld %ea+e irst, #$& i+ an enterpri+e nder §2(h" of the At. 0A1. econ)ly! econ)ly! #$& i+ in a po+ition of dominane in the rele*ant marEet 0B1. 4astly, the 4astly, the ation+ of #$& amont to a%+e nder §4(2"(a" of the At 0C1.
A #$& , A N NT-;-, U N- §2( §2(" ) T ACT 2. ;ro*i+ion+ ;ro*i+ion+ of of §4 of the the At At are onlB applia%le applia%le to an enterpr enterpri+e i+e or a 'rop 'rop..2 An enterpri+e mean+ a per+on ho en'a'e+ in an eonomi ati*itB! here ati*itB inlde+ profe++ion or opation.3 #$& i+ a profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e annoned %B $)# in a++oiation ith ,A$).4 t pro*ide+ +er*ie+ relatin' to entertainment! and it+ ati*itie+ inlde re*ene 'eneratin' ati*itie+ +h a+ ation of franhi+e+! merhandi+e and tiEet+ +ale+.5 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that #$& Palifie+ a+ an enterpri+e nder the At. 8. #$& , N A ;,TN ) NANC N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T
1 §4(1"! Competition At! 2002. 2 §4(1"! Competition At! 2002. 3 §2(h"! Competition At! 2002. 4 ;ropo+ition! Q=! &ine 1I2. 5 Clarifiation+! S14. ;a'e ? 1
Mar2e ar2ett 3or 3or t4e bro broa56a! 56a!ti ti 7 ri74t i74t!! o3 8riv 8riva ate 8ro 8ro3e!!i e!!io oa9 a9 *aba *aba5 55i 9ea7:e! i Bo4e;ia i! t4e re9evat ;ar2et.
3. The a+ertainme a+ertainment nt of the rele*ant rele*ant marEet marEet i+ e++ential e++ential for for analB+in' analB+in' a a+e of of a%+e of dominane.6 The dominant po+ition of an enterpri+e or a 'rop ha+ to %e e+ta%li+hed ithin the identified rele*ant marEet. marEet.< hen determinin' hat on+titte+ the rele*ant marEet! de re'ard m+t %e 'i*en to %oth the rele*ant prodt a+ ell a+ 'eo'raphi marEet. =
4. All tho+e prod prodt+ t+ or +er*ie+ +er*ie+ hih are re'arded re'arded a+ interhan' interhan'ea%le ea%le or +%+titt +%+titta%le a%le %B the on+mer form part of the +ame rele*ant prodt marEet. > -ele*ant prodt marEet i+ primarilB determined %B 'a'in' prodt prodt +%+titta%ilitB from a on+mer@+ per+peti*e. 10 The Commi++ion ha+ to taEe on+mer preferene+ into on+ideration for the determination of the rele*ant prodt marEet. 11 t i+ +%mitted that the ltimate *ieer+ of a +portin' e*ent are the on+mer+ of the end prodt! hih in thi+ a+e i+ the +portin' e*ent. 12 Th+! in the in+tant a+e! the *ieer+ of the #$& +hold %e on+idered a+ the on+mer+.
6 ;rint+ ndia *. ,prin'er ndia ;*t. &td.! Ca+e 16/2010! Q> (CC". < 7planation 2! §4(2"! Competition At! 2002. = §1>(5"! Competition At! 2002. > §2(t"! Competition At! 2002. 10 ). iDEman+! and ). TBt+hae*er! -TCA& A:-NT, N U C;TTN &A! 106! (2 nd edn.! 2011". 11 §1>(<"("! Competition At! 2002. 12 hanraD ;illaB ;illa B *. oEeB ndia! Ca+e No. <3/2011! <3/2011! Q10.>.< (CC" hereinafter! oEeB ndiaO. ;a'e ? 2
5. ,port+ ,port+ %roada+tin' %roada+tin' ri'ht+ ri'ht+ on+titte on+titte a di+tint di+tint field from from the %roada+tin %roada+tin' ' ri'ht of other other tele*i+ion pro'ramme+.13 t i+ al+o e+ta%li+hed that the marEet for +port %roada+tin' ri'ht+ o'ht to %e +%di*ided into +eparate prodt marEet+. 14 :lo%allB! ompetition athoritie+ ha*e identified +eparate marEet+ for the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of different +port+ +h a+ riEet!15 foot%all!16 et. The ore rod@ or fan+ of a partilar +port i.e. on+mer+! old ne*er find another +port +%+titta%le for that +port. 1< Th+! the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ ri'ht+ of one +port are not a +%+titte for the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of other +port+. The ompetition athoritie+ frther di*ided the marEet for the %roada+tin' of a partilar +port into to different marEet+. 1= n 5CCI 1+! CC +tated that there are inherent differene+ %eteen international/fir+t la++ riEetin' e*ent+ and pri*ate profe++ional riEet lea'e+! +h a+ the nationalitB of the plaBer+! o%Deti*e+ of the e*ent et. Therefore! it identified a +eparate mar&et mar&et or t%e organisation o private proessional cric&et leagues in In)ia.V In)ia .V20 ,imilarlB! in Ne6scorp in Ne6scorp 21! the CC identified the rele*ant marEet a+ t%e t%e mar&et or (roa)casting rig%ts o oot(all events 13 :rop CanalM/-T CanalM/ -T&/:C/8 &/:C/8!! Ca+e C;/.24=3! Q12 (C" hereinafter! CanalO. 14 Canal! supra Canal! supra note 13! Q12F 8oint ,ellin' of edia -i'ht+ to the )A ;remier &ea'e! Ca+e C;/CI2/3=.1<3! Q22 (C" hereinafter )A;&OF )A;&OF 8oint ,ellin' of Commerial -i'ht+ of U)A Champion+ &ea'e! Ca+e C; C.2I 3<.3>=! Q5< (C" ( C" hereinafter! U)AO. 15 ,render ,in'h #armi *. #CC! Ca+e No. 61/2010! Q=.3= (CC" hereinafter! #CCO. 16 Canal! supra Canal! supra note 13! Q21F )A;&! supra )A;&! supra note 14! Q22F U)A! supra U)A! supra note 14! Q63F 8oint ,ellin' of edia -i'ht+ of the :erman #nde+li'a! Ca+e Ca+ e C;/C.2/3<.214! Q41 (C". 1< Ne+ &td. *. A+tralian A+tralian -'%B )oot%all &ea'e &td.! (1>>6" 64 )C- 44 #CC! supra #CC! supra note note 15! Q=.3=. ;a'e ? 3
t%at ta&e place every e very year, 6%ere 6%ere national teams participateV. participateV. n UE*22! the C held that there a+ a +eparate mar&et mar&et or t%e acuisition an) resale o oot(all (roa)casting rig%ts o events t%at are playe) regularly t%roug%out every year V
6. ,imilarlB ,imilarlB!! the *ieer+ *ieer+ of the Ea%addi Ea%addi ill ill not +%+titte +%+titte it ith ith anB other other +portin' +portin' e*ent. e*ent. )rther! the international Ea%addi mathe+ annot %e +%+titted for pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+. ene! it i+ +%mitted that mar&et mar&et or t%e (roa)casting o t%e private proessional &a(a))i &a(a))i leagues8 +hold +hold %e identified a+ the rele*ant prodt marEet.
<. The relevant geograp%ic mar&et @23 +hold al+o %e taEen into on+ideration to identifB the rele*ant marEet.24 The CC# +hold paB de re'ard to the fator+ +h a+ lan'a'e! lan'a'e !25 on+mer preferene!26 et.! hile identifBin' the rele*ant 'eo'raphi marEet. The 'eo'raphi marEet for the aPi+ition of media ri'ht+ i+ +allB defined on the %a+i+ of national or lin'i+ti riteria! and i+ therefore national in +ope. +ope.2< Thi+ i+ primarilB de to the differene+ in the re'latorB re'ime+! lan'a'e %arrier+ and other ondition+ of ompetition pre*ailin' in
20 #CC! supra #CC! supra note note 15! Q=.3=. 21 Ne+orp / Telepi! Ca+e C;/. 2=<6! Q52 (C". 22 U)A! supra U)A! supra note 14! Q56. 23 §2(+"! Competition At! 2002. 24 §1>(5"! Competition At! 2002. 25 §1>(6"(f"! Competition At! 2002. 26 §1>(6"('"! Competition At! 2002. 2< )A;&! supra )A;&! supra note 14! Q23F #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q=.3=. ;a'e ? 4
the different nation+.2= )rther! different tender+ ha*e %een alled for the national %roada+t and the re+t of the orld@ %roada+t of #$& mathe+.2> Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that #ohemia +hold %e identified a+ the rele*ant 'eo'raphi marEet.
=. n onl onl+io +ion! n! it it i+ +%mi +%mitte tted d that that the the mar&et mar&et or (roa)casting or (roa)casting rig%ts o private proessional &a(a))i leagues in 5o%emia@ 5o%emia @ i+ the rele*ant marEet. ii. ii.
B*L B* L i! 5o;i 5o;ia at t i t4e i5e i5eti ti3i 3ie5 e5 re9e re9eva vat t ;ar2 ;ar2et et
>. A+ ar'ed ar'ed a%o*e! a%o*e! the the rele*ant rele*ant marEet marEet in the in+tant in+tant a+e a+e i+ the mar&et or (roa)casting or (roa)casting rig%ts o private proessional &a(a))i leagues in 5o%emia@. 5o%emia@. t i+ +%mitted that #$& ha+ aPired a dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet! a+ per the +eond e7planation to §4 of the At! read ith §1>(4" 30.
10. ominant po+ition i+ defined defined a+ a po+ition of of +tren'th enDoBed %B an enterpri+e that ena%le+ it to operate independentlB of ompetiti*e fore+ in the rele*ant marEet. 31 Aordin' to the te+t laid don in Unite) 5ran)s 32 and 9oman and 9oman33! a firm old %e a%le to %eha*e independentlB of
2= )A;&! supra )A;&! supra note 14! Q23. 2> Clarifiation+! S1<. 30 7planation 2! §4(2" r/ §1>(4"! Competition At! 2002. 31 7planation 2! §4(2"! Competition At! 2002. 32 United #rand+ Co. *. Commi++ion! 1><= C- 20<> C- 461! Q4 (C8" hereinafter! offmannO. ;a'e ? 5
ompetiti*e fore+! if it ha+ aPired a po+ition of eonomi +tren'th. 34 Thi+ po+ition of eonomi +tren'th an %e nder+tood to %e one of +%+tantial marEet poer .35 oe*er! CC +tated that independene in the onte7t of dominane doe+ not mean a%+ene of anB other plaBer in a rele*ant marEet. marEet.36
11. t i+ +%mitted that #$& hold+ +%+tantial marEet poer in the rele*ant marEet. Thi+ i+
%ea+e there are onlB to pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+ in #ohemia i.e. $,& and #$&. $,& ha+ lo+t it+ poplaritB %ea+e of the introdtion of #$&! mi++in' plaBer+! and other fator+.3< #$& i+ the onlB Ea%addi lea'e in #ohemia hih i+ inlded in the li+t of +antioned e*ent+ %B $)#. 3= Thi+ inrea+ed the the partiipation of national national and international plaBer+ plaBer+ in #$&! maEin' it more poplar than $,&.
12. An enterpri+e i+ dominant if it i+ a%le to ontrol prie+ or re+trit the entrB of ne ompetitor+ into the rele*ant marEet.3> hile determinin' hether an enterpri+e ha+ a dominant po+ition!
34 United #rand+! supra #rand+! supra note 32! Q65. 35 -ui)ance 35 -ui)ance on *rticle 102 Enorcement 'riorities in *pplying *rticle 2 EC reaty reaty to *(usive Exclusionary Con)uct (y "ominant "ominant Un)erta&ings! Un)erta&ings ! 8 200> (C 45". 3> ##/#oo+eB and aEe+J nterim ea+re+! 1>=< 8 (& ( & 2=6" 36! Q1= (C" hereinafter! #oo+eBO. ;a'e ? 6
reation of entrB %arrier+ in the rele*ant marEet ha+ to %e taEen into on+ideration. 40 Ad*anta'e+ peliar to the dominant ompanB on+titte %arrier+ to entrB. 41
13. n the in+tant a+e! #$& i+ or'ani+ed %B $)# in a++oiation ith the ,A$).42 $)# ha+ the
+ole ri'ht to appro*e/+antion Ea%addi e*ent+ in #ohemia. #ohemia .43 Thi+ ri'ht to appro*e lea'e+ ha+ +i'nifiant impat on anB pri*ate profe++ional lea'e hih mi'ht %e propo+ed to %e or'aniGed. The appro*al of $)# i+ e++ential for ae++ to the *ital inpt+ (+tadim! li+t plaBer+" rePired to en+re the +e++fl or'aniGation of a lea'e. Thi+ peliar ad*anta'e to #$& at+ a+ an entrB %arrier in the rele*ant marEet marEet and i+ an important +ore +ore of dominane for for #$&.
+ %mitted that! oin' to $)#@+ marEet poer! ontrol o*er infra+trtre! 14. Th+! it i+ +%mitted re'latorB role! ontrol o*er plaBer+! and a%ilitB to re+trit entrB of other lea'e+! #$& i+ in a dominant po+ition in the identified rele*ant marEet. $. T ACTN, ) #$& CN,TTUT A N A#U, ) NANT ;,TN 15. t i+ +%mitted that #$& ha+ ha+ a%+ed it+ dominant po+ition aordin' to §4(2" of of the At At %ea+e irst, %ea+e irst, #$& ha+ impo+ed nfair ondition+ on the +ale of %roada+tin' ri'ht+ to &mino+ ,port+ 0i1! and secon)ly and secon)ly!! #$& ha+ 'ranted preferential treatment to edia #ohemia 0ii1. i
B*L Ha! Ha! I;8 I;8o!e5 o!e5 U3 U3a air Co Co5i 5ittio io! I T4e T4e Sa9e Sa9e O3 O3 Br Bro oa56 a56a!ti !ti7 7 Ri74 Ri74tt! To To L:;io:! S8ort!.
40 §1>(4"(h"! Competition At! 2002. 41 ,ham+her $ataria *. onda onda ,eil Car+ ndia &td. And And r+.! Ca+e No. 3/2011! Q20.5.61 Q20.5.61 (CC" hereinafter! $atariaO. 42 ;ropo+ition! Q=! &ine 2. 43 ;ropo+ition! Q10! &ine 1I2. ;a'e ? <
16. §4(2"(a" of the At At pro*ide+ that the indiret or diret impo+ition of nfair or di+riminatorB ondition+ in the prha+e or +ale of 'ood+ of +er*ie on+titte+ a%+e of dominant po+ition.44 The term nfair@ nfair @ ha+ not %een defined anBhere in the At. 45 t ha+ to %e e7amined either in the onte7t of nfairne++ in relation to +tomer+! or in relation to a ompetitor. 46
1<. n the a%+ene of proper +afe'ard+! modifiation of e7i+tin' la+e+ and inl+ion of ne ne la+e+ in term+ and ondition+ of the +heme! ithot the %Ber@+ appro*al! i+ on+idered one +ided.4< )rther! la+e+ hih let the +eller reate third partB ri'ht+ detrimental to the %Ber! ithot ithot the %Ber@+ on+ent! are nfair and lop +ided.4=
1=. n the in+tant a+e! la+e =<..A of the e7l+i*e %roada+tin' a'reement a'reement %eteen &mino+ and #$& 'i*e+ #$& the ri'ht to nilaterallB modifB an B term+ and ondition+ of the a'reement ithot the on+ent of &mino+. &mino+ .4> #$& +ed thi+ la+e to alter the mo+t fndamental ondition of the a'reement i.e. e7l+i*itB in %roada+tin'! %B 'i*in' the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ to edia #ohemia.50 Thi+ a+ detrimental to the eonomi intere+t+ of &mino+. The +%+ri%er+ to &mino+ old derea+e! a+ the +ame +er*ie+ ere %ein'
44 §4(2"(a"! Competition At! 2002. 45 C ,toE 7han'e &td. *. N, ndia &td! Ca+e No. 13/200>! Q 10.<1 (CC". 46 I) 46 I)!! Q 10.<2. 4< #iDaB ;oddar *. Coal ndia &td. Ca+e No. 5>/2013! Q5< (CC". 4= #elaire ner+ A++oiation *. &) &td.! Ca+e No. 1>/2010! Q12.=.= (CC" hereinafter! #elaireO. 4> ;ropo+ition! Q25! &ine 6. 50 ;ropo+ition! Q15! &ine 1I2. ;a'e ? =
offered %B edia #ohemia! free of o+t. 51 )rther! thi+ old ne'ati*elB affet the ad*erti+ement re*ene of &mino+. Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that #$& ha+ a%+ed it+ dominant po+ition %B impo+in' nfair ondition+ on &mino+ and nilater allB modifBin' the a'reement to the detriment of &mino+. iii.
B*L Ha! Ha! )ra )rate te5 5 Pre Pre3er 3ere etia tia99 Tr Treat;e eat;et t To Me5ia Me5ia Bo4e;i Bo4e;ia a
1>. t i+ an e+ta%li+hed po+itio po+ition n of la that! if a dominant firm applie+ di++imilar ondition+ to ePi*alent tran+ation+ ith other tradin' partie+! there%B plain' them at ompetiti*e di+ad*anta'e! it i+ on+idered an a%+e of dominant po+ition. 52 n the in+tant a+e! #$& +old the %roada+tin' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+ in #ohemia to edia #ohemia! at oneIthird of the prie at hih &mino+ ha+ prha+ed them.53 )rther! the+e ri'ht+ ere aarded ithot anB tenderin' proe++. 54 Thi+ +ho+ that #$& 'ranted preferential treatment to edia #ohemia in 'rantin' %roada+tin' ri'ht+.
20. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted that the ation+ of #$&! impo+in' impo+in' nfair ondition+ on &mino+ and 'rantin' preferential treatment to edia #ohemia! on+titte a%+e of dominant po+ition nder §4(2" of the At.
51 ;ropo+ition! Q14! &ine 6. 52 Ar. Ar. 102("! T)UF §4(2"(a"! Competition At! 2002F $apoor :la+ +! supra +! supra note 36! Q45. 53 ;ropo+ition! Q23! &ine 3I4. 54 ;ropo+ition! Q15! &ine 1I2. ;a'e ? >
21. t i+ +%mitted that &mino+ ,port+ ha+ not *iolated *iolated §4 of the At At %ea+e irst, %ea+e irst, the the marEet for internet %roada+tin' and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' form part of the +ame rele*ant marEet. econ)ly! &mino+ ha+ not *iolated §4(2"(e" of the At 0B1. *lternatively! *lternatively! e*en if it i+ 0A1! econ)ly! a++med that the marEet for Tele*i+ion and nternet %roada+tin' are to different rele*ant marEet+! the ation+ of &mino+ do not amont to a%+e a+ per §4(2"(e" of the At 0C1. A T A-$T )- NT-NT #-ACA,TN: A N T&,N #-ACA,TN: )- ;A-T ) T ,A - &ANT &ANT A-$T. 22. All tho+e prodt+ or +er*ie+ hih are re'arded a+ interhan'ea%le or +%+titta%le %B the on+mer form part of the +ame rele*ant prodt marEet. 55 The ltimate *ieer+ of the %roada+t are the on+mer+. on+mer+.56 n the in+tant a+e! it i+ +%mitted that internet %roada+tin' and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' are +%+titta%le ith eah other. To ae++ the internet %roada+t of pro'ramme+ there are no +peifi rePirement+ other than a ompter and an internet onnetion hih i+ a nee++itB in the rrent time+. The on+mer+ ill find the+e to +er*ie+ +%+titta%le %ea+e there i+ no +%+tantial +ithin' o+t in*ol*ed. )rther! the internet %roada+t of the #$& mathe+ i+ %ein' made a*aila%le free of o+t. Thi+ 'i*e+ more inenti*e to the on+mer+ to +%+titte the+e +er*ie+. Therefore! it +%mitted that the internet and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' form part of the +ame rele*ant marEet of %roada+tin'. &. &UNU, A, NT &AT §4(2"(" ) T ACT. 23. §4(2"(e" of the at prohi%it+ prohi%it+ a dominant enterpri+e from le*era'in' it+ dominant po+ition in one rele*ant marEet to enter into! or protet another rele*ant marEet .5< There i+ a preliminarB rePirement of to different rele*ant marEet+! to maEe an enterpri+e lia%le nder §4(2"(e" of 55 §2(t"! Competition At! 2002. 56 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.>.<. 5< §4(2"(e"! Competition At! 2002. ;a'e ? 10
the At. oe*er! a+ ar'ed a%o*e in the memorandm! the marEet for internet %roada+tin' and tele*i+ion %roada+tin' form part of the +ame rele*ant marEet. Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that &mino+ old not ha*e *iolated the pro*i+ion+ of §4(2"(e" of the At. . . N ) T , A,,U TAT T A-$T, )- T&,N A N NT-NT #-ACA,TN: ) $ A#A A#A ATC, A- ))-NT - &ANT &ANT A-$T,! T ACTN, ) &UNU, ,N@T AUNT T A#U, A, ;- §4(2"(" §4(2"(" ) T ACT 24. *ssuming 24. *ssuming (ut not conce)ing ! that the marEet for internet %roada+tin' of Ea%addi mathe+ and the marEet for Tele*i+ion %roada+tin' of Ea%addi mathe+ are to different rele*ant marEet+! &mino+ ha+ +till not *iolated §4(2"(e" of the At %ea+e &mino+ i+ not dominant in the marEet for the Tele*i+ion %roada+tin' of Ea%addi mathe+. i
L:;i L: ;io o:! :! I! I! Not Not Do;i Do;ia at t I I T4e T4e Mar Mar2e 2ett For For T T4e 4e Te9evi 9evi!i !io o Br Broa56 oa56a! a!ti ti7 7 O3 O3 *aba55i Mat64e!.
#'. ominant po+ition of an enterpri+e ha+ to %e deided %B +in' the 'ideline+ 'i*en nder
7planation 2 of §4(2" of the At. 5= A++e++ment of dominane of an enterpri+e ha+ to %e done on a a+eItoIa+e %a+i+! dependin' on the rele*ant marEet. marEet .5> t i+ +%mitted that irst that irst ! &mino+ doe+ not operate independentlB of the ompetiti*e fore+ pre*ailin' in the rele*ant marEet 0a1! and secon)ly and secon)ly!! &mino+ annot affet ompetitor+! on+mer+ or the rele*ant marEet in it+ fa*or 0b1. a. &mino+ &mino+ doe+ doe+ not operate operate indepe independentl ndentlB B of the the ompetiti*e ompetiti*e fore+ fore+ pre*ailin' pre*ailin' in in the rele*ant marEet.
5= 7planation 2! §4! Competition At! 2002. 5> ahara+htra ,tate ;oer :eneration CompanB &td. *. ahanadi Coalfield+ &td.! Ca+e No. 3/2012! Q22< (CC"F #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q<.3F nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note 35! Q11I12. ;a'e ? 11
26. n the in+tant a+e! the rele*ant marEet! marEet! a+ ontended %B the appellant! i+ the marEet for the T %roada+t of Ea%addi mathe+. t i+ an e+ta%li+hed priniple that a firm old %e a%le to %eha*e independentlB of ompetiti*e fore+! if it ha+ aPired a po+ition of eonomi +tren'th.60 Thi+ po+ition of eonomi +tren'th an %e nder+tood to %e one of +%+tantial marEet poer.61
2<. t i+ +%mitted that &mino+ &mino+ doe+ not ha*e ha*e +%+tantial marEet poer in the rele*ant marEet. &mino+ onlB ha+ the ri'ht+ to %roada+t #$& mathe+ in #ohemia. 62 #$& i+ a +mall part of the marEet %ea+e marEet inlde+ other lea'e+ and Ea%addi mathe+ here national team+ partiipate. 63 edia #ohemia al+o ha+ the ri'ht+ for T %roada+tin' of #$& mathe+. 64
2=. The +iGe and importane of of the ompetitor+ +hold al+o %e on+idered for determinin' dominane of an enterpri+e.65 n the in+tant a+e! the ompetitor+ of &mino+ ,port+ are edia #ohemia and ,port+. 66 edia #ohemia i+ the national %roada+ter in #ohemia and had the ide+t reah and ma7imm *ieer+hip aro++ #ohemia. 6< ,port+ i+ oned %B
60 offmann! supra offmann! supra note 33! Q4F United #rand+! supra #rand+! supra note 32! Q65. 61 nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note 35! Q10. 62 ;ropo+ition! Q14! &ine 1I2. 63 ;ropo+ition! Q6! &ine 1I2. 64 ;ropo+ition! Q15! &ine 1I2. 65 §1>(4"("! Competition At! 2002. 66 Clarifiation+! S4=. 6< ;ropo+ition! Q14! &ine 4I6. ;a'e ? 12
Tele*i+ion Tele*i+ion NetorE! hih i+ a leadin' media ho+e in #ohemia. 6= Thi+ +ho+ that the ompetitor+ of &mino+ hold an important po+ition in the marEet.
2>. Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that &mino+ &mino+ annot operate independentlB independentlB of the ompetiti*e ompetiti*e fore+ pre*alent in the rele*ant marEet. %. &mino+ annot affet ompetitor+! on+mer+ or the rele*ant marEet in it+ fa*or 30. An enterpri+e hih ha+ the a%ilitB to en'a'e in ondt that e7lde+ ompetition ompetition or pre*ent+ the entrB of neomer+ into the rele*ant marEet! an inflene the rele*ant marEet in it+ fa*or .6> A+ ar'ed a%o*e <0! &mino+ hold a *erB +mall +hare of the marEet. Therefore! anomalo+ %eha*ior of &mino+ old not ha*e anB +%+tantial effet on the marEet or ompetitor+.
31. n onl+ion! &mino+ doe+ not not hold a dominant po+ition in the the rele*ant marEet. A%+e A%+e nder §4(2"(e" of the At rePire+ the enterpri+e to ha*e a dominant po+ition in one of the to rele*ant marEet+.<1 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that &mino+ old not ha*e le*era'ed it+ po+ition to *iolate §4(2"(e" of the At. At.
6= ;ropo+ition! Q6! &ine 1I2. 6> #oo+eB! supra #oo+eB! supra note 3>! Q1=F §1>(4"(h"! Competition At! 2002. <0 emorandm! Q2<.
<1 8aE Commniation+ ;*t. &td. *. ,n iret T ;*t. &td.! Ca+e No. =/200>! Q4.4 (CC". ;a'e ? 13
#. §4(1" of the At +tate+ that no enterpri+e or 'rop +hall a%+e it+ dominant po+ition. <2 A+
ar'ed a%o*e in the memorandm! #$& i+ an enterpri+e .<3 #$& ha+ *iolated the pro*i+ion+ of the At %ea+e irst %ea+e irst ! it i+ in a dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet 0A1! and secon)ly and secon)ly!! it+ ation+ on+titte an a%+e of the dominant po+ition nder §4(2" of the At. 0B1
A #$& , N A NANT ;,TN N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T i
T4ee Re9e T4 Re9eva vat t Mar Mar2e 2ett i t4i t4i!! Ca!e Ca!e i! i! t4e t4e Mar Mar2e 2ett 3or 3or Mer Mer64 64a a5i 5i!i !i7 7 Ri7 Ri74t 4t!! 3or 3or B*L Mat64e! O9<.
33. -ele*ant marEet definition i+ nee++arB to determine hether an enterpri+e i+ in a dominant po+ition.<4 -ele*ant prodt marEet i+ primarilB determined %B 'a'in' prodt +%+titta%ilitB from a %Ber@+ per+peti*e.<5 The end +er+ of the prodt in thi+ a+e are the fan+ of the #$& mathe+ ho %B the merhandi+e! and therefore theB are the on+mer+. ,%+titta%ilitB i+ determined %B e7aminin' if to prodt+ are fntionallB interhan'ea%le ithot a +i'nifiant +ithin' o+t. <6
<2 §4(1"! Competition At! 2002. <3 emorandm! Q2. <4 Commission Notice on t%e "einition o Relevant #ar&et ! 8 1>>< (C 3<2"! Q26 hereinafter! Commi++ion NotieO. <5 iDEman+! supra iDEman+! supra note 10! at 106. <6 )a+t aB Tran+mi++ion Tran+mi++ion ;*t. &td. *. $an+an Ne+ ;*t. &td! Appeal No. 16/2012! Q23 (C;AT" hereinafter! $an+anO. ;a'e ? 14
34. The ,mall %t ,i'nifiant nrea+e in ;rie Te+t (,,N;/onopoli+t Te+t" Te+t" ha+ %een emploBed to determine +%+titta%ilitB. +%+titta%ilit B.<< n the in+tant a+e! the a++med marEet for merhandi+in' ri'ht+ for #$& i+ the +malle+t marEet. #$& entered into an a'reement ith the franhi+e+ to aard a +in'le e7l+i*e merhandi+in' ontrat on %ehalf of all the team+. <= A +mall inrea+e inrea+ e in the prie of the prodt ill not re+lt in the on+mer+ (endI+er+" mo*in' aaB! %ea+e the ore rod@ or fan+ of a partilar lea'e i.e. on+mer+! old ne*er find another +port+ lea'e +%+titta%le for that lea'e.<> Thi+ flfil+ the ,,N; Te+t! Te+t! and *erifie+ that the merhandi+in' ri'ht+ for #$& mathe+ are not +%+titta%le ith the merhandi+in' ri'ht+ of anB other +portin' lea'e. Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that the rele*ant prodt marEet i+ the marEet for merhandi+in' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+. 35. The rele*ant 'eo'raphi marEet in thi+ a+e +hold %e re+trited to territorB of #ohemia. Thi+ i+ primarilB de to the differene+ in the re'latorB re'ime+ and other ondition+ of ompetition pre*ailin' in different nation+.=0
36. n onl+ion! onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted +%mitted that the mar&et mar&et or merc%an)ising or merc%an)ising rig%ts o 5:4 matc%es in 5o%emia@ 5o%emia@ i+ the rele*ant marEet. iv. iv.
B*L B* L i! i a Do; Do;i ia att Po! Po!it itio io i i t4e t4e Re9e Re9eva vat t Mar2 Mar2et et..
<< 'in $a++are'i+ter A# *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 1><> C- 1=6>! Q10 (C8" hereinafter! 'inOF #elaire! supra #elaire! supra note 4=! Q12.30F Commi++ion Notie! supra Notie! supra note <4! Q=.6F Ne+tle/;errier! 8 1>>2 (& 356" 1! Q1< (C". <= ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 1I2. <> Ne+ &td.! supra &td.! supra note 1
3<. t i+ +%mitted that #$& i+ in a dominant dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet %ea+e irst %ea+e irst ! #$& operate+ independentlB of the ompetiti*e fore+ pre*ailin' in the rele*ant marEet 0a1! and secon)ly! secon)ly! #$& affet+ ompetitor+! on+mer+ and the rele*ant marEet in it+ fa*or 0b1. a
#$& per perate+ ate+ ndepe ndepende ndentlB ntlB of the Compe Competiti titi*e *e )ore+ )ore+ ;re*ailin ;re*ailin' ' in the -ele*ant -ele*ant arEet.
3=. arEet +hare i+ one of the the rele*ant fator+ to %e taEen into into on+ideration hen inPirin' inPirin' into hether an enterpri+e enDoB+ a dominant po+ition. =1 The C8 ha+ +tated that *erB lar'e +hare+ are in them+el*e+ +ffiient e*idene for a findin' of dominane. =2 3>. n the in+tant a+e! #$& i+ a monopoli+t monopoli+t in the rele*ant marEet! %ea+e it +i'ned an a'reement ith the franhi+e+ to 'i*e ot a +in'le Doint ontrat for the merhandi+e for #$& mathe+.=3 t on+ the omplete marEet +hare in the marEet for merhandi+in' ri'ht+ of #$& mathe+. Therefore! there i+ a pre+mption that #$& i+ in a dominant po+ition. =4 40. )rther! hile hile aardin' thi+ merhandi+in' ontrat! #$& folloed folloed no tenderin' proe++! and 'a*e Co'ar the ontrat %a+ed on nonIompetiti*e on+ideration+. =5 The ontrat al+o had an atoIreneal la+e for one Bear .=6 Thi+ pro*e+ that #$& operated independentlB of the ompetiti*e fore+ pre*ailin' in the rele*ant marEet.
=1 §1>(4"(a"! Competition At! 2002. =2 offmann! supra offmann! supra note 33! Q4. =3 ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 4I5. =4 A$H Chemie # *. Commi++ion! 1>>1 C- I335>! Q60 (C8"F ilti AEtien'e+ell+haft *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 1>>1 C- I143>! I143>! Q>2 (:eneral Cort"F Atlanti Container &ine A# *. Commi++ion! 2003 C- I32<5! Q>0< (:eneral Cort". =5 Clarifiation+! S=. =6 ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 6. ;a'e ? 16
. #$& Affet+ Affet+ Competi Competitor+! tor+! Con+me Con+mer+ r+ and the -ele*an -ele*antt arEet in it+ )a*or )a*or 41. The notion of dominane i+ linEed to the de'ree of effeti*ene++ of ompetiti*e ompetiti*e on+traint+ e7erted %B the ndertaEin' in Pe+tion! on the ompetition in the rele*ant marEet. =< n the in+tant a+e! #$& made the franhi+e+ +i'n an a'reement to 'i*e it the ri'ht+ to aard a +in'le Doint ontrat for merhandi+in' on %ehalf of all of them. == n addition to thi+! hen the franhi+e oner+ deided to prote+t! the+e prote+t+ ere not taEen into aont. => )rthermore! the forfeitre of +eritB la+e@ pre*ented the franhi+e+ from e7ten+i*elB Pe+tionin' the at+ of #$&. t al+o re+trited the franhi+e+ ri'ht of ref+al to enter into the a'reement ith #$&! le+t theB 'et e7pelled or a fine %e impo+ed on them. >0 Therefore! #$& ha+ the a%ilitB to en'a'e in ondt that e7lde+ ompetition or pre*ent+ the entrB of neomer+ into the rele*ant marEet. ene! it i+ a%le to inflene the rele*ant marEet in it+ fa*or.>1 42. n the a%+ene of onter*ailin' onter*ailin' %Ber poer! poer! there i+ a prima prima faie appearane that an enterpri+e i+ in a dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet. >2 Conter*ailin' %Bin' poer i+ in re+pet to the on+mer+ of the end prodt. n thi+ a+e! #$& a+ a monopoli+t in the marEet and the %Ber+ did not ha*e anB onter*ailin' %Bin' poer.>3 Therefore #$& i+ in a po+ition to ontrol prie+ and maEe on+mer+ dependent on them. them.>4 =< nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note 35! Q10. == ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 2. => ;ropo+ition! Q26! &ine 2. >0 ;ropo+ition! Q26! &ine 6. >1 #oo+eB! supra #oo+eB! supra note 3>! Q1=F 1>(4"(h"! Competition At! 2002. >2 ,ara%h TripathB *. :reat a+tern ner'B Corporation &td.! Ca+e No. 63/2014! Q1= (CC". >3 'in! supra 'in! supra note <4 §1>(4"(f"! Competition At! 2002. ;a'e ? 1<
43. Colleti*elB all the+e fator+ help to a++ert that #$& #$& i+ in a dominant po+ition po+ition in the identified rele*ant marEet. N. T ACTN, ) #$& C N,TTUT AN A#U, ) NANT ;,TN N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T 44. t i+ +%mitted that #$& ha+ ha+ a%+ed it+ dominant po+ition %B indl'in' indl'in' in pratie+ that re+lt in denial of marEet ae++. CC ha+ held that e7l+i*e dealin' %B a dominant enterpri+e amont+ to a re+trition on the marEet and therefore on+titte+ a%+e of it+ dominant po+ition.>5 #$& entered into an e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement ith Co'ar and al+o added an atomati atomati reneal la+e to thi+ a'reement.>6 Thi+ re+lt+ in the denial of marEet ae++ a+ other merhandi+in' firm+ ere %arred from enterin' into the marEet and manfatrin' #$& merhandi+e. 45. AdditionallB! there i+ a on+trti*e ref+al to +pplB %B #$& %ea+e of the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement ith Co'ar and the atomati reneal la+e. Thi+ re+lt+ in a%+e of dominant po+ition %B denBin' marEet marEet ae++. >< 46. )rthermore! forelo+re in a don+tream don+tream marEet re+lt+ in re+trition on +tomer+ +tomer+ and lead+ to a lo++ in on+mer elfare.>= Thi+ i+ %ea+e forelo+re re+lt+ in entrB %arrier+ in
>5 :$# i Teh &en+e+ ;*t. &td. *. Tran+ition+ Tran+ition+ ptial ndia ;*t. &td.! Ca+e No. 01/2010! Q=4.16 (CC" hereinafter! :$#OF :$#OF nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note 35! Q32. >6 ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 5I6. >< $apoor :la++! supra :la++! supra note 36! Q35F nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note note 35! Q<>F C# *. C&T K ;# (TelemarEetin'"! 1>=5 C- 3261! Q20 (C8"F ( C8"F ri+h ,'ar *. Commi++ion! 1>>> C- I2>6>! Q166 (C8". >= ;ee*eear edial A'enie+ *. All All ndia r'aniGation of Chemi+t+ and r''i+t+! Ca+e No. 30/2011! 30/2011! Q13.12.11 (CC" hereinafter! ;-O. ;a'e ? 1=
the don+tream marEet and maB al+o re+lt in e7i+tin' ompetitor+ lea*in' the marEet. >> Thi+ denie+ the on+mer from a*ailin' +er*ie+! leadin' to on+mer harm! hih i+ a form of denial of marEet ae++ to %Ber+ of the end prodt+. 100 4<. AdditionallB! the ++ential )ailitB otrine ha+ %een +ed %B U and the CC to +ho +ho a%+e %B a dominant enterpri+e! %B denBin' denBin' marEet ae++. ae++ .101 Aordin' to the Commi++ion! a failitB i+ e++ential if ithot it+ ae++ there i+! in pratie! an in+pera%le %arrier to entrB for ompetitor+ of the dominant ompanB! or if ithot it+ ae++! ompetitor+ old %e +%Det to a +erio+! permanent and ine+apa%le ompetiti*e handiap maEin' their ati*itie+ neonomi.102 n the in+tant a+e! irst a+e! irst ! the ri'ht to aard merhandi+in' ri'ht+ for #$& mathe+ onlB re+t+ ith #$& and it annot %e dpliated. 103 econ)ly, thi+ failitB i+ al+o nee++arB to enter the rele*ant marEet %ea+e there are no +%+titte+ for it.104 4astly! 4astly! e*erBone i+hin' to enter thi+ rele*ant marEet need+ the failitB %ea+e ithot the ri'ht to aard +h a ontrat! theB old not ++tain in the marEet. marEet .105 4=. )rther! to heE hether hether there i+ denial of marEet ae++! e need to taEe into aont the ontrol of the failitB %B the monopoli+t! the denial of it+ +e! and the fea+i%ilitB of pro*idin' >> T edia &imited *. ,per Ca++ette+ nd+trie+ &imited! Ca+e No. 40/2011! Q23 (CC". 100$an+an! supra 100$an+an! supra note <6! Q23. 101 $ataria! supra $ataria! supra note 41! Q3.>.1>F Ar+hiBa Ar+hiBa -ail nfra+trtre nfra +trtre &imited *. ini+trB of -ailaB+ (o-"! Ca+e No. 12/2011! 12/2011! Q<.1.=! (CC"F ,ea Container+ *. ,tena ,tena ,ealinE I nterim ea+re+! 1>>4 8 (& 15" =! Q> (C"F +ar/#ronner 1>>=O C- I<<>1! Q34 (C8" hereinafter! #ronnerO. 102 Report 102 Report (y t%e EC Commission in EC", EC", %e Essential acilities Concept ! >< (1>>6". 103 , ealth :m% * NC ealth :m% K Co. $:! Ca+e CI41=/01! Q4> (C". 104 #ronner! supra #ronner! supra note 101! Q25. 105 #ronner! supra #ronner! supra note 101! Q2<. ;a'e ? 1>
it.106 n thi+ a+e! #$& ompletelB and e7l+i*elB ontrol+ the 'i*in' aaB of merhandi+in' ri'ht+ for #$& mathe+. 10< t a+ 'enerallB fea+i%le for #$& to pro*ide thi+ failitB to the franhi+e+ %B not enterin' into the a'reement for Doint +ellin' of the ri'ht+. Th+! #$& denied the +e of thi+ e++ential failitB to other ompetitor+ in the marEet! re+tritin' their entrB. 4>. t an %e onlded that #$& ithheld the e++ential failitB needed to enter into the rele*ant marEet! th+ denBin' marEet ae++. Cmlati*elB! thi+ re+lted in the a%+e of dominant po+ition %B #$&! th+ ontra*enin' ontra*enin' §4(1" of the At. At. 10=
'$. The At prohi%it+ anB to enterpri+e+ from enterin' into an a'reement hih a+e+
appreia%le ad*er+e effet on ompetition ithin ndia. 10> t i+ +%mitted that the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement for merhandi+e of #$& mathe+ +hold %e delared *oid %ea+e irst %ea+e irst ! the a'reement i+ a *ertial re+traint a+ defined nder §3(4" of the At 0A1 and secon)ly and secon)ly!! the a'reement a+e+ AAC in the marEet 0B1.
A T A:-NT , A -TCA& - ,T-ANT ,T-ANT U N- §3(4" §3(4" ) T ACT.
106 iro+oft Corporation *. Commi++ion! Ca+e TI201/04! TI201/04! Q<<>I<=4 (Cort of )ir+t n+tane". 10< ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 5I6. 10= §4(1"! Competition At! 2002. 10> §3(1"! Competition At! 2002. ;a'e ? 20
51. )or an a'reement to %e antiIompetiti*e! it need+ to %e %e amon'+t enterpri+e+ or per+on+.110 A+ A+ +tated earlier in thi+ memorandm! #$& i+ an enterpri+e. 111 )rthermore! Co'ar i+ a firm fi rm!! hih i+ en'a'ed in the ati*itB relatin' to merhandi+e manfatrin'. manfatrin'.112 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that Co'ar i+ an enterpri+e.
52. To To prodt+ form a part of to different marEet+ if theB are not +%+titta%le/fntionallB +%+titta%le/fntionallB interhan'ea%le.113 n thi+ a+e! #$& operate+ in the p+tream/primarB marEet of 'i*in' merhandi+in' r i'ht+ i'ht+ for #$& mathe+! herea+ Co'ar operate+ in the don+tream/+eondarB marEet of manfatrin' merhandi+e. The+e prodt+ are not +%+titta%le.114 53. The At At pro*ide+ pro*ide+ that exclusive exclusive supply agreementsV agreementsV115 are *ertial re+traint+. n thi+ a+e! Co'ar a+ aarded the e7l+i*e merhandi+in' ri'ht ri 'ht++ for all the team+ for the openin' +ea+on of #$&.116 54. Therefore! Therefore! it i+ + %mitted that the a'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar i+ an e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement nder §3(4" and i+ a *ertial re+traint. . T C&U, ,U;;&9 A:-NT CAU,, AAC N T A-$T
110 §3(4"! Competition At! 2002. 111 emorandm! Q2. 112 ;ropo+ition! Q1.4. 114 $an+an! supra $an+an! supra note <6! Q23. 115 7planation (%"! §3(4"! Competition At! 2002. 116 ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 5I6. ;a'e ? 21
55. A'reement+ ithin the pr*ie of §3(4" of the At old %e in ontra*ention of 3(1" onlB if theB are liEelB liEel B to a+e AAC. AAC.11< ,h a'reement+ are not per +e ille'al and there i+ no pre+mption that theB a+e AAC. AAC.11= The rle of rea+on i+ applied to a++e++ +h a'reement+.11> The liEelB proIompetiti*e and antiIompetiti*e effet+ of an a'reement are to %e e*alated on a a+e to a+e %a+i+! and onlB a net ne'ati*e impat on ompetition render+ it *oid.120
56. n thi+ re'ard! re'ard! it i+ +%mitted that that irst ! the merhandi+in' a'reement a+e a ne'ati*e impat on the marEet 0i1 and secon)ly, and secon)ly, the amelioratin' effet+ are not eno'h to onter the effet a+ed %B the a''ra*atin' effet+ 0ii1. I
T4e Mer64a5i!i7 A7ree;et Ca:!e! A Ne7ative I;8a6t O T4e Mar2et
5<. t i+ +%mitted that that #$&@+ #$&@+ a'reement ith Co'ar a+e+ AAC in the rele*ant marEet %ea+e irst %ea+e irst ! #$& ha+ a maDoritB +hare in the rele*ant marEet! 0a1 secon)ly, #$& entered into an e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement ith Co'ar! that a+e+ antiIompetiti*e effet+ 0b1 and lastly, the a'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar had an atomati reneal la+e 061. a
#$& a+ A aDori aDoritB tB ,hare ,hare n n The The -ele* -ele*ant ant arE arEet. et.
11< §3(4" r/ §1>(3"! Competition At! 2002F $ataria! supra note 41! Q20.6.11. 11= ,n+hine ;itre+ *. ro+ ro+ nternational edia! Ca+e No. 52/2010! Q5 (CC". 11> Tata Tata n'ineerin' and &oomoti*e Co &td (Telo" *. The -e'i+trar of -e+triti*e Trade A'reement! 1><< A- ><3! Q6>3 (,C". 120 $ataria! supra $ataria! supra note 41! Q20.6.33F elimiti+ *. ennin'er #ra A:! 1>>1 C- I>35! Q13 (C8"F Continental T.. *. :T ,Bl*ania! 433 U.,. 36 (1><<"! Q11 (U,,C"F Atomo%ile+ ealer+ A++oiation! athra+ *. :lo%al Atomo%ile+ Atomo%ile+ &td! Ca+e No. 33/2011! Q12.< (CC" hereinafter! Atomo%ile+O. ;a'e ? 22
5=. The marEet +hare of the +eller in the rele*ant marEet i+ rial for deidin' deidin' hether there i+ AAC in the marEet de to the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement. 121 The at of enterin' into e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement+ %B dominant plaBer+ a+e+ marEet forelo+re. 122 The e inimi+ dotrine +tate+ that here the marEet +hare held %B eah of the partie+ to the a'reement e7eed+ 15R on anB of the rele*ant marEet+ affeted %B the a'reement! it maB a+e AAC.123
5>. A+ e+ta%li+hed earlier in the memorandm! #$& i+ in a dominant dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet oin' to it+ lar'e marEet +hare. 124 ,h an enterpri+e! hen enter+ into an a'reement hih fall+ nder the *ertial re+traint+ nder §3(4"! a+e+ forelo+re of ompetition %B hinderin' entrB into the marEet. 125
60. ,h forelo+re i+ on+idered +%+tantial +%+tantial %ea+e the de'ree of marEet forelo+ed depri*e+ depri*e+ ne or e7i+tin' manfatrer+ of the a%ilitB to o%tain eonomie+ of +ale and there%B impro*e effeti*e interI%rand a+ ell a+ nonIprie ompetition. 126 t al+o depri*e+ them of the 121 ,onam ,harma *. Apple n.! Ca+e No. 24/2011! Q20 (CC"F Atomo%ile+! supra note 120! Q12.10. 122 EU 122 EU Exemption Regulation 330/2010 330/2010!! Q>. 123 Commission Notice on agreements o minor importance !"e #inimis$! #inimis$! 8 C 36=/0F 7pedia n. *. AtoritL de la onrrene! Ca+e CI226/11! Q23 (C8"F olE *. er*aeEe! 1>6>O C- 2>5! Q34 (C8". 124 emorandm! Q3>. 125 U.,. *. iro+oft! 253 ).3d 34! Q202 (Cort of Appeal+". 126 European 126 European Commission -ui)elines on .ertical .ertical Restraints! Restraints! .8. 2010 (C 130" 1! Q101 hereinafter! ertial ertial :ideline+OF Con+mer nline )ondation *. Tata Tata ,EB! Ca+e No. ;a'e ? 23
e++ential failitB nee++arB to pro+per in the marEet! %B onlB pro*idin' it to Co'ar . Co'ar .12< Therefore! the de'ree of forelo+re in the marEet i+ ma'nified.
61. #$&! de to it+ dominant po+ition in the p+tream marEet! i+ a%le a%le to inflene the don+tream/+eondarB marEet of manfatrin' merhandi+e. t+ e7l+i*e a'reement ith Co'ar reate+ entrB %arrier+ for Co'ar@+ ompetitor+ in the don+tream marEet and dri*e+ e7i+tin' ompetition ot of the marEet %B denBin' them marEet ae++. 12= ,h forelo+e al+o impede+ ri*al effiienB! entrB! entrB! e7i+tene or e7panda%ilitB! anB of hih an antiI ompetiti*elB inrea+e the poer of the forelo+in' firm+! #$& and Co'ar. d. #$& ntere ntered d nto nto An 7l+i* 7l+i*ee ,pplB ,pplB A're A'reeme ement nt ith ith Co'ar Co'ar hih hih Ca+e+ Ca+e+ AntiICompetiti*e ffet+. 62. t i+ an e+ta%li+hed priniple that e7l+i*e e7l+i*e dealin' %B a dominant dominant enterpri+e amont+ to a re+trition on the marEet and therefore a+e+ AAC. AAC.12> ther than the marEet po+ition of the +pplier! the dration of the operation of a *ertial re+traint i+ an important on+ideration in determinin' the pre+ent and ftre effet+ of forelo+re on ompetition. 130 f a partB to the a'reement i+ dominant! dration of 1 Bear i+ reo'niGed a+ a on*entional thre+hold for an a'reement to a+e AAC.131 n the in+tant a+e! #$& entered into the e7l+i*e +pplB
02/200>! Q45 (CC". 12< emorandm! Q4=. 12= $apoor :la++! supra :la++! supra note 36! Q35 (CC". 12> :$#! supra :$#! supra note >5! Q=4.16F nforement :idane! supra :idane! supra note 35! Q32. 130 U.,. ealthare *. ealth ,ore! 61 U,& 25>5! 25>5! Q26 (Cort of Appeal+". 131 ertial ertial :ideline+! supra :ideline+! supra note 126! Q133. ;a'e ? 24
a'reement ith Co'ar for the fir+t +ea+on of #$&. #$& .132 Therefore! omponded %B the dominant po+ition of #$&! thi+ a'reement a+e+ marEet forelo+re.
63. AdditionallB! #$& did not adhere to anB tenderin' proe++ hile aardin' thi+ ontrat. 133 The ompetitor+ ere not 'i*en a hane to %id for the merhandi+in' ri'ht+. 134 Thi+ re+lt+ in forelo+re of marEet and denBin' marEet ae++ to ompetitor+! dri*in' them ot of the marEet.135 e. The A'reeme A'reement nt #eteen #eteen #$& And Co'ar Co'ar ad ad An An Atoma Atomati ti -eneal -eneal Cla+e. 64. t i+ a +ettled po+ition of la that an ato reneal la+e fr+trate+ entrB into the marEet.136 AtoIrenein' ontrat+ ith +ame partB repetiti*elB to the e7l+ion of other partie+ or enterin' into lon' term a'reement+ ithot an e7l+i*itB la+e! %t ith a re+trited termination la+e! ePal+ e7l+i*itB.13< ithot ithot taEin' ompetiti*e fore+ into on+ideration! #$& a'reed to 'i*e Co'ar the merhandi+in' ontrat for the ne7t +ea+on at a 20R premim o*er the rrent +ea+on@+ prie+.13= Thi+ old reate entrB %arrier+ for ompetitor+ at the don+tream le*el. 13> The ompetitor+ are denied the hane to *ie for the merhandi+in' ri'ht+ of #$& a+in' denial of marEet ae++ and forelo+re of marEet for 132 Clarifiation+! S34. 133 Clarifiation+! S=. 134 #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q36. 135 #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q6.1. 136 Report 136 Report (y EC Commission In EC", EC", Competition Issues Relate) to ports, ;41 ; 41 (1>>6". 13< A. -oB! -o B! C;TTN &A N NA! 130 (2nd edn.! 2014" 13= ;ropo+ition! Q22! &ine 5I6. 13> ertial ertial :ideline+! supra :ideline+! supra note 126! Q1><. ;a'e ? 25
the ompetitor+.140 Thi+ al+o amplifie+ the AAC a+ed %B the e7l+i*itB and the Doint natre of the ontrat. 65. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted that the Doint natre of the a'reement! omponded omponded %B it+ e7l+i*itB and the atoIreneal la+e! a+e ad*er+e appreia%le effet+ on the ompetition. Thi+ ontri%te+ toard+ the a'reement %ein' antiIompetiti*e. v.
T4ee A;e T4 A;e9io 9iora rati ti7 7 E33 E33e6 e6t! t! Are Not Not Eo: Eo:74 74 To To Co: Co:t ter er T4 T4ee E33e E33e6t 6t Ca: Ca:!e !e5 5 B< T4e A77ravati7 E33e6t!
66. The re+trition+ in the a'reement ha*e to %e a++e++ed in the onte7t onte7t of the marEet to determine their net effet on ompetition. 141 The *ertial re+traint+ in the a'reement need to %e rea+ona%le for it to ha*e a po+iti*e effet on ompetition. 142 The At enmerate+ *ario+ fator+ liEe %enefit+ to the +tomer+! impro*ement in prodtion and di+tri%tion! +ientifi! tehnial and eonomi de*elopment et. to %e taEen into aont to analBGe the amelioratin' effet+ of the a'reement.143 6<. 7l+i*e +pplB a'reement+ ith atomati reneal la+e+ rede onter*ailin' %Bin' %Bin' poer of the final on+mer+ in the don+tream marEet.144 A+ ar'ed a%o*e! 145forelo+re in a don+tream marEet re+lt+ in re+trition on +tomer+ and lead+ to a lo++ in on+mer 140 #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q6.1F ,tandard il Co. of Ne 8er+eB 8er+e B *. U, U, 221 U.,. 1 (1>11"! Q6> (U,,C"F )ord otor+ *. U,! 335 U.,. 303 (1>4="! Q313 (U,,C". 141 Nn'e++er *. Commi++ion! 1>=2 C- 2015! Q=< (C8"F ,oiete TehniPe TehniPe iniere *. a+hinenda Ulm! 1>66 C- 33. 144 §1>(3"(d"I(f"! Competition At! 2002. 145 emorandm! Q46. ;a'e ? 26
elfare.146 n thi+ a+e! #$& re+trit+ the 'rantin' of merhandi+in' ri'ht+ to one manfatrer %B the Doint +ellin' a'reement. The final on+mer+ ha*e to no %B the prodt from onlB that manfatrer de to the e7l+i*e +pplB! +pplB! in+tead of ha*in' the option of mltiple manfatrer+! hih old %e the a+e if the franhi+e+ old ha*e indi*idallB 'i*en ot the ontrat+. 14< Thi+ a+e+ lo++ in on+mer elfare in+tead of %enefittin' the on+mer+! inrea+in' the AAC in the marEet. 6=. )rthermore! a+ ar'ed a%o*e! #$& denie+ it+ ompetitor+ the +e of of the e++ential failitB that it hold+! *iG. the ri'ht to 'rant a merhandi+in' ontrat for #$&. 14= n doin' +o! it re+trited entrB into the rele*ant marEet! th+ denBin' marEet ae++ and not promotin' impro*ement in prodtion and di+tri%tion failitie+ of the ompetitor+ in the don+tream marEet. 6>. Therefore! e*en if e7l+i*e ontrat+ and atoIreneal la+e+ promote tehnial de*elopment in one ompanB %B ena%lin' them to maEe lon'Iterm in*e+tment+! o*erall theB ha*e ne'ati*e effet+ on the entire ompetition. The amelioratin' effet+ are not eno'h to onter the a''ra*atin' effet+ of the e7l+i*e +pplB a'reement! and hene it ha+ net ne'ati*e impat on the ompetition. <0. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted that the a'reement %eteen #$& and Co'ar i+ a *ertial re+traint nder §3(4" of the At! and it a+e+ on+idera%le AAC on the marEet. Therefore it i+ in ontra*ention of §3(1" of the At! and nder §3(2"! +h an a'reement +hold %e delared *oid.
146 ;-! supra ;-! supra note >=! Q13.12.11. Q13.12.11. 14< ertial ertial :ideline+! supra :ideline+! supra note 126! Q103. 14= emorandm! Q4=. ;a'e ? 2<
%ea+e! irst, $)# and #$& =%. t i+ +%mitted that $)# and #$& ha*e *iolated +4 of the At %ea+e! irst, fall nder the am%it of the At 0A1. econ)ly, $)# and #$& are dominant in the rele*ant re le*ant marEet 0B1. %ir)ly, $)# and #$& ha*e a%+ed their dominant po+ition 0C1. 4astly, CC#@+ order +hold %e pheld to a*oid onflit of intere+t. 0D1
A $)# A N #$& )A&& U N- T T A#T ) T ACT i
I5ivi5:a99<, *FB a a5 B* B*L Are E Eter8ri!e!
a person en'a'ed en'a'ed in anB ati*itB! relating to t%e provision o services! services ! =#. An enterpri+e inlde+ a person of anB Eind! not inldin' anB ati*itB relatin' to the +o*erei'n fntion+ of the :o*ernment.14> ,er*ie inlde+ +er*ie of anB de+ription hih i+ made a*aila%le to potential +er+! inldin' tho+e in onnetion ith entertainment an) amusement .150 The fat that the +er*ie+ %ein' offered relate to +port+ doe+ not prelde their la++ifiation a+ an eonomi ati*itB. 151 A not for profit +tat+ doe+ not taEe a per+on ot of the defin definition ition of enterpri+e! a+ the +peifi e7eption+ ha*e %een pro*ided onlB for ati*itie+ relatin' to +o*erei'n fntion+ of the :o*ernment. 152
14> §2(h"! Competition At! 2002. 150 §2("! Competition At! 2002. 151 alra*e and $oh * * Union CBli+te nternationale! 1><4O C- 1405! Q4 (C8"F eaIedina and aDen *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 2006O C- I6>>1! Q22! 2= (C8" hereinafter! hereinafter! eaO. 152 #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q =.2<. ;a'e ? 2=
<3. n the in+tant a+e! $)#! hih i+ the National )ederation )ederation of #ohemia for $a%addi! i+ a re'i+tered +oietB. +oietB.153 t ha+ the fntion of +eletin' the national team and +per*i+in' the +tate a++oiation+.154 t Palifie+ a+ a per+on nder the At +ine it an a++oiation of per+on+! hether inorporated or not. 155 *en an ati*itB +h a+ re'lation of +port+ old PalifB a %odB a+ an enterpri+e.156 $)#@+ ati*itie+ e7tend not onlB to the re'lation of Ea%addi in #ohemia %t al+o the or'aniGation of Ea%addi e*ent+! a+ i+ e*idened from it+ lanh of #$&. Thi+ a+pet of or'aniGation in*ol*e+ re*ene 'eneratin' ati*itie+ +h a+ 'rant of media and merhandi+in' ri'ht+ hih are eonomi ati*itie+.15< Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that $)# i+ an enterpri+e nder §2(h" of the At. )rther! a+ ar'ed a%o*e!15= #$& i+ al+o an enterpri+e. vi.
*FB a a5 B* B*L Are A )ro:8
<4. A 'rop i+ defined a+ to or more enterpri+e+ here one enterpri+e! diretlB or indiretlB! indiretlB! i+ in a po+ition to ontrol the mana'ement or affair+ of the other enterpri+e. 15> A+ ar'ed a%o*e! %oth $)# and #$& are enterpri+e+. 160 $)# i+ in a po+ition to ontrol the mana'ement of
153 Clarifiation+! S4>. 154 ;ropo+ition! Q5! &ine
7planation! §5! Competition At! 2002. 160 emorandm! Q2! Q<3. ;a'e ? 2>
#$& %ea+e! the #$& :o*ernin' Conil report+ to $)#. 161 Therefore! $)# and #$& form a 'rop nder the At.
<5. A person or group ho+e group ho+e ati*itie+ on+i+t not onlB of athori+in' the or'ani+ation of +portin' e*ent+! %t al+o or'ani+in' +h e*ent+ it+elf and enterin'! in that onnetion! into anillarB ommerial ontrat+! fall+ ithin the +ope of ompetition la. 162 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that $)# and #$& fall nder the am%it of the At. ;. $)# AN #$& A- NANT N T - &ANT &ANT A-$T i
T4e Re9evat Mar2et I! T4e Mar2et 3or Or7ai!i7 Private Pro3e!!ioa9 *aba55i Lea7:e! i Bo4e;ia.
<6. -ele*ant prodt marEet mean+ a marEet ompri+in' all tho+e +er*ie+ re'arded a+ interhan'ea%le or +%+titta%le %B the on+mer! %B rea+on of harateri+ti+ and intended +e of tho+e +er*ie+.163 hile determinin' the rele*ant prodt marEet! de re'ard m+t %e 'i*en to on+mer preferene+. 164 The ltimate *ieer+ of a +portin' e*ent +hold %e on+mer+ of the end prodt! i.e. the +portin' e*ent. e*ent .165 Therefore! in the in+tant a+e marEet +hold %e defined from the *ieer+@ per+peti*e. <<. A+ ar'ed ar'ed a%o*e a%o*e!!166 +port+ on+titte a di+tint marEet from other form+ of entertainment %ea+e the+e are not +%+titta%le for the *ieer+. )rther! the *ieer+ of Ea%addi ill not not 161 ;ropo+ition! Q=! &ine 6. 162 oto+BEleti+tiEi mo+pondia llado+ N; (T" * lliniEo i mo+io! Ca+e CI4>/0(<"("! Competition At! 2002. 165 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.>.<. 166 emorandm! Q5. ;a'e ? 30
+%+titte it ith anB other +portin' e*ent. 16< in' to the differene+ %eteen national and international Ea%addi mathe+ and pri*ate profe++ional Ea%addi lea'e+! theB annot %e re'arded a+ interhan'ea%le.16= <=. <=. n 5CCI n 5CCI 1<+! CC identified the rele*ant marEet a+ mar&et mar&et or t%e organisation organisation o private proessional cric&et leagues in In)ia.V In)ia.V AdditionallB! in 9oc&ey in 9oc&ey In)ia! In)ia!1<0 CC identified the rele*ant marEet a+ mar&et mar&et or t%e organisation organisation o private proessional %oc&ey leagues in In)ia= ,imilarlB! In)ia= ,imilarlB! in the in+tant a+e! the rele*ant marEet +hold %e identified a+ the marEet for mar&et mar&et or t%e organisation organisation o private proessional &a(a))i leaguesV. leagues V. <>. hile determinin' the rele*ant 'eo'raphi 'eo'raphi marEet de re'ard +hall %e %e had to re'latorB %arrier+! loal +peifiation rePirement+ and on+mer preferene+.1<1 The 'eo'raphi marEet for the or'ani+in' of +portin' e*ent+ i+ +allB national in +ope. 1<2 t i+ rea+ona%le to a++me that the demand for #ohemian Ea%addi e*ent+ %B the ltimate on+mer+! i.e. the *ieer+! annot %e readilB +%+titted %B Ea%addi e*ent+ ot+ide of #ohemia de to fator+ +h a+ fan folloin' of #ohemian plaBer+ and team+! international %roada+tin' re'lation+! diffiltB in attendin' mathe+ a%road! et. Th+! in the in+tant a+e! the rele*ant 'eo'raphi marEet +hold %e re+trited to the territorB of #ohemia. =0. n onl+ion! onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted +%mitted that the mar&et mar&et or t%e organising o private proessional &a(a))i leagues in 5o%emiaV 5o%emia V +hold %e the rele*ant marEet.
16< emorandm! Q6. 16= emorandm! Q6. 16> #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q=.3=. 1<0 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.>.15. 1<1 §1>(6"! Competition At! 2002. 1<2 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.>.1
vii. vii.
*FB *FB A5 A5 B*L B*L Are Do;i Do;ia att I I T4e T4e Re9 Re9ev eva att Mar Mar2e 2ett
=1. t i+ +%mitted that $)# and #$& are in a dominant po+ition in the rele*ant marEet %ea+e irst ! theB an operate independentlB of the ompetiti*e fore+ pre*ailin' in the rele*ant marEet 0a1! and secon)ly and secon)ly!! theB an affet ompetitor+! on+mer+ and the rele*ant marEet in their fa*or 0b1. a
$)# And #$& Can perate perate ndepend ndependentlB entlB f f The Compet Competiti*e iti*e )ore+ )ore+ ;re*ailin ;re*ailin' ' n The The -ele*ant arEet
=2. arEet +hare i+ one of the the rele*ant fator+ to %e taEen into into on+ideration hen inPirin' inPirin' into hether an enterpri+e enDoB+ a dominant po+ition. 1<3 CC ha+ held that national +portin' federation+ ha*e a dominant po+ition in the marEet for or'ani+in' pri*ate profe++ional lea'e+! oin' to their poer+ liEe re'latorB role! ontrol o*er plaBer+ et. 1<4 ,imilarlB! in the in+tant a+e $)# enDoB+ a monopolB po+ition +ine it i+ the +eletor of the #ohemian national team and the +ole re'latorB athoritB ith re+pet to Ea%addi in #ohemia de to it+ affiliation ith ,A$) and #A. 1<5 =3. )rther! $)#@+ $)#@+ re'latorB monopolB monopolB pt+ it in a po+ition to reate entrB %arrier+ for or'ani+er+ and plaBer+. Thi+ i+ %ea+e! the appro*al of $)# i+ ritial for the or'ani+ation and +e++ of anB Ea%addi Ea%addi lea'e. Thi+ let+ it operate independentlB independentlB of the pre*ailin' ompetiti*e fore+ in the marEet and i+ an important +ore for $)#@+ dominane. f. #$& And And $)# Can Affe Affet t Competi Competitor tor+! +! Con+me Con+mer+ r+ and the -ele*an -ele*antt arEet arEet in it+ )a*or =4. The ad*anta'e+ peliar to the dominant enterpri+e on+titte %arrier+ to entrB. entrB.1<6 n the in+tant a+e! it i+ rea+ona%le to a++me that the +per*i+orB poer+ and netorE of $)# and 1<3 §1>(4"(a"! Competition At! 2002. 1<4 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.10.2F #CC! supra #CC! supra note 15! Q114. 1<5 ;ropo+ition! Q5! &ine 5I>. ;a'e ? 32
it+ mem%er a++oiation+ 'i*e #$& ommerial ad*anta'e+ o*er potential ompetitor+ in the marEet for Ea%addi e*ent+ in #ohemia ith re+pet to +eeEin' *ene+! oahe+! referee+ et. =5. )rther! all Ea%addi plaBer+ in #ohemia #ohemia ha*e ontrat+ ith +tate a++oiation+! the ape7 ape7 %odB of hih i+ $)#! maEin' the plaBer+ entirelB dependent on it. it .1<< After the annonement annonement of $)#@+ re'lation+! = plaBer+ ho had %een made to +i'n fre+h a'reement+ ith the +tate a++oiation+ terminated their preIe7i+tin' ontrat+ ith $,&.1<= hile thi+ maB or maB not not ha*e affeted the +e++ of $,&@+ $,&@+ +eond +ea+on! it i+ indiati*e of $)#@+ a%ilitB to affet ompetitor+ and on+mer+! in thi+ a+e! the plaBer+. $)# ha+ the athoritB to delare anB e*ent a+ +antioned or n+antioned and the poer to enfore di+iplinarB ation or e*en termination in a+e of plaBer partiipation in +h n+antioned e*ent+. e*ent+. Therefore a po+ition of dominane an %e +aid to e7i+t. =6. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted +%mitted that $)# an affet it+ ompetitor+ and on+mer+ in the rele*ant marEet! and hene! hold+ a dominant po+ition. S. #$& #$& A N $)# A NANT ;,TN A A#U, T- i
A6t A6tio io! O3 B*L B*L A5 A5 *F *FB Co Co!tit !tit: :te Ab: Ab:!e !e O3 O3 Do;i Do;ia a6 6ee U5 U5er +> +># #?>6 ?>6? O3 T4e A6t
=<. An enterpri+e or a 'rop an %e +aid to ha*e a%+ed it+ dominant dominant po+ition hen it indl'e+ in anB pratie that re+lt+ in denial of marEet ae++.1<> n the in+tant a+e! it i+ +%mitted that the re'lation+ i++ed %B $)# and +%+ePent a'reement+ +i'ned %B the plaBer+ ith the +tate a++oiation+ ad*er+elB affeted the ompetitor+@ a+ ell a+ plaBer+@ ae++ to the marEet. The 1<6 $ataria! supra $ataria! supra note 41! Q20.5.61. 1<< ;ropo+ition! Q5! &ine 5I6. 1<= ;ropo+ition! Q11! &ine 1I4. 1<> §4(2"("! Competition At! 2002F ihelin *. Commi++ion! Commi++ion! 1>=3O C- 3461! Q 5< (C8". ;a'e ? 33
plaBer+ old fae di+iplinarB ation or termination if theB partiipated in n+antioned e*ent+! one of hih a+ $,&! leadin' to their e7l+ion from the marEet. 1=0 Non partiipation of the plaBer+ in n+antioned e*ent+! ill not onlB affet affet their inome! %t al+o the ae++ of ompetitor+ to the Ea%addi marEet in #ohemia. Thi+ a+ itne++ed hen mltiple national plaBer+ opted ot of $,& after the annonement of the re'lation+.
==. )rther! the national national amp a+ +hedled %B $)# on date+ that la+hed ith tho+e of the the alreadB annoned +eond +ea+on of $,&. Under the ne re'lation+! failre to attend national amp+ attrated penaltie+. e+pite repre+entation+! the date+ of the amp ere not han'ed.1=2 Thi+ frther re+lted in a denial of marEet ae++. viii.
T4e Re7:9atio Re7:9atio! ! Are Are Di!8r Di!8ro8or o8ortioa tioate te To T4e Ite5e5 Ite5e5 Ob@e Ob@e6tiv 6tivee
=>. The on+ePential effet+ re+triti*e of ompetition of a pratie m+t %e inherent inherent in the pr+it of the le'itimate o%Deti*e+ +o'ht to %e ahie*ed and proportionate proportionate to them. 1=3 n the in+tant a+e! a defene maB %e rai+ed that the re'lation+ impo+ed %B $)# +eeE to en+re the inte'ritB of the +port! effiient +per*i+ion! a*aila%ilitB of plaBer+ to repre+ent #ohemia internationallB! pre*ention of la+he+ ith e*ent+ of national and international +i'nifiane et. oe*er! it i+ +%mitted that the re'lation+ are di+proportionate to their intended o%Deti*e. >0. ;roportionalitB of the re'lation+ an onlB %e deided %B on+iderin' the manner in hih
1=0 ;ropo+ition! Q10! &ine 4I6. 1=1 ;ropo+ition! Q11! &ine 1I4. 1=2 ;ropo+ition! Q>! &ine 5I6. 1=3 ea! supra ea! supra note 151! Q42F oter+ *. Al'emene -aad *an de Nederland+e rde *an Ad*oaten! Ca+e CI3 0>/>>! Q>< (C8". ;a'e ? 34
re'lation+ are applied.1=4 n the in+tant a+e! the intended o%Deti*e+ an %e ahie*ed thro'h the maintenane of a +portin' alendar for Ea%addi %B $)# and other mea+re+. )rther! $)# +hedled the national amp a mp on the +ame date+ a+ $,&@+ $,&@+ +eond +ea+on! ho+e date+ ere pre*io+lB annoned.1=5 Thi+ +ho+ the di+proportionate appliation of the re'lation+ %B $)#. Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that the ation+ of $)# and #$& on+titte a%+e of dominane nder §4(2"(" of the At. -. CC#@ C#@, -- ,U& # U;& T A CN)&CT ) NT-,T #TN $)# AN #$&
%. A +B+tem of ndi+torted ompetition! a+ i+ aimed to %e e+ta%li+hed %B the At! an %e 'aranteed onlB if ePalitB of opportnitB i+ +ered %eteen the *ario+ eonomi plaBer+. To entr+t a per+on hih it+elf or'ani+e+ +port+ e*ent+! the ta+E of 'i*in' on+ent to or'ani+e +h e*ent+ plae+ that entitB at an o%*io+ ad*anta'e o*er it+ ompetitor+. 1=6 n I* n I*!! the ropean Commi++ion mandated modifiation+ to en+re that the role of )A %e limited to that of a +port+ re'lator ith no ommerial onflit+ of intere+t and that )A rle+ are not +ed to pre*ent ne ompetition. ompetition .1=< Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that! in the in+tant a+e! the order of CC# mandatin' the reation of a +eparate %odB to admini+ter #$& to a*oid onflit of intere+t %eteen $)# and #$& +hold %e pheld.
1=4 oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.12.1. 1=5 ;ropo+ition! Q>! &ine 1I6. 1=6 T! supra T! supra note 162! Q51F oEeB ndia! supra ndia! supra note 12! Q10.14.1. 1=< Commission Notice 'u(lis%e) 'ursuant to *rticle 1+!3$ o Council Regulation No 17 ! 17 ! 8 2001/C 16>/03! Q5. ;a'e ? 35
>2. C;A C;AT ha+ the poer to pa++ an order for ompen+ation ompen+ation nder §53N of the At! At! for the lo++ or dama'e a+ed to the appliant a+ a re+lt of anB ontra*ention of the pro*i+ion+ of Chapter %B anB enterpri+e. enterpri+e .1== t i+ +%mitted that the C;A C;AT +hold +hold adDdiated pon the ompen+ation appliation of ,port+ %ea+e irst, %ea+e irst, all the ondition+ mentioned nder §53N of the At ha*e %een flfilled 0A1. econ)ly, the econ)ly, the le'i+lati*e intent of §53N +ho+ that a re+trition on the laim for ompen+ation! drin' pendenB of appeal on the infrin'ement dei+ion! a+ not intended 0B1.
A A&& T CNTN, NTN U N- §53N §53N ) T ACT A #N )U&)&&. >3. §53N(1" pro*ide+ the ondition+ nder hih an appliation to the C;AT C;AT to adDdiate a laim for ompen+ation an %e filed %B a per+on or enterpri+e. 1=> t i+ +%mitted that all the ondition+ ha*e %een flfilled %ea+e! irst, %ea+e! irst, ,port+ i+ an enterpri+e 0i1. econ)ly, the econ)ly, the laim ha+ ari+en ot of the order of the C;AT C;AT in an appeal a'ain+t a findin' of the Commi++ion 4astly, ,port+ ha+ +ffered lo++ a+ a re+lt of the a%+e of dominant po+ition %B #$& 0ii1. 4astly, and $)# 0iii1. i
X S8 S8ort! I! I! A E Eter8ri!e U U5er +# +#>4? O3 O3 T4 T4e A6 A6t.
>4. §53N pro*ide+ that that an appliation for ompen+ation an %e filed onlB %B the entral or +tate 'o*ernment! a loal athoritB! an enterpri+e or anB per+on. 1>0 n the in+tant a+e! ,port+ i+ a
1== §53N! Competition At! 2002. 1=> §53N(1"! Competition At! 2002. 1>0 §53N(1"! Competition At! 2002. ;a'e ? 36
firm! hih i+ en'a'ed in the ati*itB ati*it B relatin' to the Tele*i+ion %roada+tin'.1>1 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that ,port+ i+ an enterpri+e. i. i.
T4e C9a C9ai; Ha! Ha! Ari! Ari!ee O:t O O33 T4 T4ee Or5 Or5er O3 COM COMPAT I A A A88 A88ea9 ea9 A7ai!t T4e Fi5i7 O3 T4e Co;;i!!io.
>5. The At At pro*ide+ that the laim for ompen+ation +hold ari+e from the findin'+ of the ommi++ion or the order+ of C;AT C;AT in an appeal a'ain+t anB findin' of the Commi++ion. 1>2 n the in+tant a+e! C;AT C;AT ha+ pa++ed the order ith the findin'+ f indin'+ that $)# and #$& ha*e a%+ed their dominant po+ition in relation to a'reement+ ith plaBer+. 1>3 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that the laim la im of ,port+ ha+ ari+en ot of the a%o*ementioned order of C;A C;AT. .
X S8o S8ort! Ha Ha! S:3 S:33er 3ere5 A Lo Lo!! A! A Re! Re!:9t :9t O3 T4e T4e Ab Ab:!e :!e O3 Do;i Do;ia at t Po!itio B< B*L A5 *FB.
>6. The enterpri+e filin' the laim for ompen+ation i+ rePired to +ho +ho that it ha+ +ffered +ffered +ome lo++ or dama'e a+ a re+lt of anB ontra*ention+ of the pro*i+ion+ of Chapter of the At %B the a%+i*e enterpri+e. n the in+tant a+e! the ondt of #$& and $)# in relation to the plaBer a'reement+! ha+ re+lted in the denial of marEet ae++ and marEet forelo+re for ,port+@ lea'e $,&. e to thi+! the +eond +ea+ on of $,& a+n@t a+ mh of a +e++ a+ the fir+t. )rther! +ome national team plaBer+ terminated their ontrat+ ith $,& and did not partiipate in the +eond +ea+on.1>4 Therefore! it i+ +%mitted that ,port+ +ffered lo++ and dama'e+ %ea+e of the a%+i*e ondt of #$& and $)#.
1>1 ;ropo+ition! Q12 §53N(1"! Competition At! 2002. 1>3 ;ropo+ition! Q3=! &ine 4I5. 1>4 ;ropo+ition! Q11! &ine 1I3. ;a'e ? 3<
><. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted +%mitted that all the ondition+ ondition+ nder §53N are flfilled. Therefore! C;AT i+ ron' in pttin' the laim nder a%eBane. ,. T &:,&AT NTNT ) §53N , , TAT AT A - ,T-CTN ,T-CTN N T C&A )- C;N,ATN! U-N: T ;NNC9 ) A ;;A& ) T N)-N:NT C,N! A, NT NTN >=. A +tatte i+ an edit of the &e'i+latre and in on+trin' a +tatte! it i+ nee++arB to +eeE the intention of it+ maEer .1>5 f a +tattorB pro*i+ion i+ open to more than one interpretation+! the Cort ha+ to hoo+e that interpretation hih repre+ent+ the tre intention of the &e'i+latre.1>6 Cort+ +hold looE into +imilar pro*i+ion+ enated %B other ontrie+! ith the +ame o%Deti*e+! to determine the le'i+lati*e intent. The At ha+ %een inflened %B the ropean Competition &a and U, Antitr+t &a. 1><
>>. The C 'a*e the the national ort+ the poer poer to adDdiate on the the laim+ for pri*ate enforement of the U Competition &a. &a.1>= Th+ ort+ need to looE at le'i+lation+ of the +peifi ontrie+ for pri*ate enforement of Competition &a. The +tate 'o*ernin' the ompetition la in the U$ pro*ide+ for pri*ate enforement of ompetition la nder §4> t +peifiallB %ar+ people from filin' a laim for dama'e+ drin' the period hen
1>5 ,'anthi ,re+h $mar *. 8a'dee+han! (2002" 2 ,CC 420! Q12 (,C". 1>6 National n+rane Co. &td. *+. &a7mi Narain ht! 200< (4" ,CA& 36! Q34 (,C"F ohammad Ali $han *. Commi++ion f ealth Ta7! A- 1>>< ,C 1<65! Q14 (,C". 1>< ,. 'ar! : U T C;TTN &A! ol. 1! 555 (5 th edn.! 2010". 1>= Recital 1>= Recital 7, Regulation 1/2003! 1/2003! Q21F -. hi+h and . #aileB! C;TTN &A! 320 (= th edn.! 2015". 1>> hi+h! supra hi+h! supra note note 1>=! at 340F §4>=. ;a'e ? 3=
the infrin'ement dei+ion an %e appealed. 200 oe*er! +h pro*i+ion a+ repealed from the Competition At! 1>>= in 2015. 201 Therefore! there i+ no re+trition on filin' a laim for ompen+ation drin' the pendenB of the appeal of the infrin'ement dei+ion after the remo*al of the +peifi pro*i+ion. ,imilarlB! there i+ no +h +peifi la+e in §53N of the At. Thi+ pro*e+ that the le'i+latre ne*er intended to pt anB +h re+trition on the laim for ompen+ation drin' the pendenB of the appeal on the infrin'ement dei+ion.
100. 100.
)rt )rther her!! it it i+ i+ +%m +%mit itte ted d tha thatt ++ ++pe pend ndin in' ' pro proe eed edin in'+ '+ dri drin' n' the the pen pende denB nB of appe appeal al in in
the ,preme Cort ill lead to 'reat hard+hip on the partie+! partilarlB +ine there ill %e no relia%le aB of preditin' the len'th of +h a +taB. 202 Therefore! the dei+ion of the C;A C;AT to pt the matter nder a%eBane drin' the pendenB of the appeal in the ,C i+ a'ain+t the le'i+lati*e intent of the §53 N. n onl+ion! it i+ +%mitted that! C;AT@ C;AT@++ dei+ion to pt the ompen+ation laim+ of ,port+! nder a%eBane drin' the pendenB of the appeal! i+ not *alid.
200 §5=A(<"! Competition At! 1>>= (repealed". 201 ,%+titted %B Con+mer -i'ht+ At! 2015! .15 ,h. =.1 Q4.1. 202 C. 8one+! ; -AT N)-CNT ) A NTT-U,T &A N U! U$ AN U,A! 101 (1>>>". ;a'e ? 3>
PRA(ER herefore in li'ht of the i++e+ rai+ed! ar'ment+ ad*aned and athoritie+ ited! it i+ hm%lB praBed that thi+ onora%le Cort maB %e %e plea+ed to adDd'e and delare thatJ
#$& ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 of of the Competition Competition At ith re+pet re+pet to the e7l+i*e e7l+i*e %roada+tin' a'reement.
&mino+ &mino+ ha+ ha+ not *iolate *iolated d §4 of of the Compet Competition ition At ith re+pet re+pet to the internet internet %roada+tin' ri'ht+.
#$& ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 §4 of the the Competitio Competition n At At ith re+pet to the merhandi+in' merhandi+in' a'reement.
The a'reemen a'reementt %eteen %eteen #$& #$& and Co'a Co'arr *iolate+ *iolate+ §3 §3 of the Competit Competition ion At. At.
#$& ha+ *iolated *iolated §4 §4 of the the Competition Competition At ith ith re+pet re+pet to the the plaBer plaBer ontrat+. ontrat+.
C;A C;AT@+ dei+ion dei+ion to to pt the the ompen+ation ompen+ation laim+ nder nder a%eBane a%eBane i+ not not *alid.
And pa++ anB other order that thi+ on@%le Cort maB deem fit in the intere+t+ of D+tie! ePitB and 'ood on+iene.
N #A&) ) &UNU, ,;-T,! ,;-T, AN - A, A,!
- 034 034
CUN,& )- & &UNU, ,;-T,! ,;-T, AN - A, A,.
;a'e ? 40