Describes the solution to the caseDescripción completa
Case study on the New Heritage Doll Company
InvestigaciónDescripción completa
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Harvard case - New Heritage Doll.
Evaluation Of Heritage Doll company's two projects through detrerminng IRR and Payback Period
New Heritage Doll Company
The report contain detailed analysis of Harvard Publishing Case, New Heritage Doll Company, Capital Budgeting. It include NPV analysis of both option with and without Terminal Growth and IRR wit...Full description
New heritage doll capital budgeting excel file
Descripción: 1. Establezca y compare los casos de negocios para cada una de las dos proyecciones consideradas por Emily Harris en su evaluación. ¿Cuál de estas proyecciones la considera más convincente? 2....
Descripción: Finanzas MBA
Finanzas MBA
Para dar a conocer las medidas de control de la alta gerencia conoceremos algunos aspectos fundamentales del caso para poder explicar de forma sencilla las medidas de control.
Para dar a conocer las medidas de control de la alta gerencia conoceremos algunos aspectos fundamentales del caso para poder explicar de forma sencilla las medidas de control.
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New Heritage Doll Company Overview Ingrid Beckwith founded New Heritage Doll Company in 198! "he company wa# known for producing doll# with a uni$ue #tory line and a whole#ome theme to help kid# develop an imagination% a# well a# learn more a&out the hi#tory of the 'merican culture! "he theme wa# hugely #ucce##ful and &y ())9 New Heritage doll company had a&out *) +mployee# and generated (* million# in revenue and (, million in operating profit#! "hey had - operating divi#ion# namely production% retailing and licen#ing! "he production divi# divi#ion ion manufac manufactur tured ed the doll# doll# and doll# doll# acce##o acce##orie rie#! #! .a/ori .a/ority ty of the manufa manufactu cturin ring g wa# out#ourced to '#ia! "he retailing divi#ion con#i#ted of an online weite% a mail0order paper catalog catalog and a network of retail retail #tore#! "he profit# generated generated &y the - divi#ion# divi#ion# i# a# #ummaried #ummaried &elow2 3roduction 4etailing 5icen#ing Operating 4evenue 1( 19) (*! Operating 3rofit# ,! *!8 1*! 6In .illion#7 In eptem&er ()1)% +mily Harri# wa# con#idering &etween a few pro/ect propo#al# for the upcoming company# &udgeting #e##ion! "here were two main pro/ect# that #tood out &a#ed on their potential to #trengthen the company# innovative pro/ect line# and drive future growth! Howeve Howeverr there there were were #ome #ome concern concern## a&out a&out the &udgeti &udgeting ng con#tr con#train ain## they they would would put on the company and could even re#ult in &oth the propo#al &eing turned down! he had to pick one of the#e pro/ect# and come up with a compelling ca#e to make the propo#al #tick over other department#!
Inve#tment opportunitie#2 "he following are the two0inve#tment opportunity availa&le for the New Heritage Doll Company2 Match my doll clothing line expansion: .atch my clothing line con#i#ted of a couple of clothing and acce##orie# for the #ummer! It wa# hugely popular &ecau#e of the cele&rity kid# who were #een wearing them! .arcy .c'dam#% the &rand manger of the line hoped to ca#h in on it# #ucce## &y e:panding the clothing line to include clothe# and acce##orie# of all #ea#on#! 3ro#2 •
"he method wa# already te#ted and hugely popular! "he new line would &ring in at lea#t
the #ame profit margin if not more! "here wa# a familiarity with the working of the pro/ect and the company had e:perience
with the implementation of a part of the pro/ect! ;ould ;ould help reduce the #ea#onality of the New Heritage# earning#!
Due to the fickle nature of young kid# fa#hion #en#e% the new line had to &e launched
$uickly and there wa# no time to wa#te! It wa# al#o a gam&le% a# no one knew how long thi# particular pro/ect would fetch gain# for New Heritage!
"he initial e:pen#e# were e#timated a# follow#2 Initial +:penditure# =pfront 4>D =pfront .arketing Inve#tment in working capital 3roperty% 3lant and +$uipment "a: +:penditure @ )!*A -() "otal
Other detail#2 "he 4>D and marketing e:penditure would &e deducti&le for ta: purpo#e# at *) corporate rate! "he =#eful life of the 3roperty% 3lant and +$uipment wa# a&out 1) year#! Depreciation charge# were &a#ed on the modified accelerated co#t recovery #y#tem allowed &y the I4! "he ri#k level of the pro/ect wa# moderate if not the #ame a# that of the ri#k level involved in the current clothing line! Capital Tax Operating Operating Present Year Expendit Expenditu Total Expenses Prot !alue Index ure re "0#0 #"50 #$%0 -#"50 "($0) "#$')&$(& "0## ##55 &5" 5'( "(()" # " '5 *$#5) 5$0&)'0(' "0#" 5'** #5" &&$ (&%)* " * 5% %%&$) *0(5)*#"( "0#( %#(" #5" #"%% 5#0)' ( ' (" '5'0) *#0#)"#$0 "0#$ %*&0 (($ #(&" 55*)' $ ' (5 &"*%) *050)%$'& "0#5 '(05 (*# #50( *0#)" 5 " #000% 5&&&)%' "0#* '&*& ('& #*"( *$&)" * )" 0* "'%5) #5'")&%0% "0#% #%5( $"# #%5( %0#)" % " &" (#0$) #5*&)(%$% "0#' #'&( $5$ #'&( %5%)" ' " ($ #55%)0'$( "0#& "0$5 $ "0$5 '#' ((5$ & 5(
(*"") *
#5$$)((5" 5(
5%(*# )'
Total Paid
('000)00* #$
Present +alue
N3@ 3re#ent alue 0 initial inve#tment @ -8)))!))?1* 6*8()7 @ ((#'0)0# Design your own doll: "hi# initiative involved in per#onaliing the doll# according to the cu#tomer# ta#te# and cu#tomiing them to the per#onal data of future owner#! "hi# would attract a lot of current and new owner# to &uy and create a new doll like them!
+liað Holt% manager for heirloom doll# wa# e:tremely e:cited a&out the pro/ect! "he cu#tomer# relation#hip with the doll would increa#e with per#onaliation! .arket re#earch al#o indicated that there wa# a lot of enthu#ia#m for thi# pro/ect among a nice group of cu#tomer# "he initial e:penditure# of the pro/ect wa# e#timated a# follow#2 Initial +:penditure# =pfront 4>D =pfront .arketing Inve#tment in working capital 3roperty% 3lant and +$uipment 'pplication development co#t# "a: +:penditure @ "otal
1))) *?1) *- 811A)!*@ (-(* 1*- 6In "hou#and#7
Pros2 •
;ould help create more #ale# a# thi# wa# a novel concept and the #ale# could &e done to
new and e:i#ting cu#tomer#! It had a moderate fi:ed co#t ratio! It #erved well for the company# motto of creating a uni$ue e:perience for the cu#tomer#!
I" wa# a ri#ky propo#ition! "he company would &e unknown territory for the company and
a lot of inve#tment would &e re$uired! It would re$uire perfection in e:ecuting the pro/ect otherwi#e it would end up in damaging New Heritage# reputation and it# relation#hip with #ome of the &e#t cu#tomer#
FINANCE-500 CASE STUDY @ &"#(0)&'$* "he net pre#ent value of the De#ign your own doll i# much higher compared to the net pre#ent value of .ake my doll clothing line! "he return on inve#tment i# con#idera&ly higher for thi# particular outcome! 'l#o &y reviewing the pro# and con# of the#e pro/ect#% we can conclude that in a longer run% the profit# received &y the de#ign your own doll line i# much higher compared to make my doll clothing line! Appendix2