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tegangan permukaan herlianah thp 2017 unsriDeskripsi lengkap
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1. Calf pa pain The question mentioned right right leg pain and and give your most most likely diagnosis to to Ex. So before I entered the station thought DT.!ut"hen DT.!ut"hen "as questioning he had only one #omplaint intermittent #laudi#ation for $ months. %ll risk fa#tors of Dvt "ere absent. %t &.'( turned to Ex told him my diagnosis "as )eripheral arterial disease. *e asked me "hat is the name of the +nding that the patient had given me and I replied that it "as intermittent #laudi#ation. $. ,undo undos# s#op opy y Same as our pra#ti#e sessions. '. Elbo Elbo" " exam examin inat atio ion n The simulator apparently gave mixed and di-erent +ndings to di-erent people ,or me it "as lateral epi#ondilitis. epi#ondilitis. "as in the middle of my /x "hen I ran ran out of time. &. SS0i )t "as depressed and had a lo" mood. uestions "ere2. It is not "orking3 Is it addi#tive3 *o" long should I take the medi#ation3 Side e-e#ts 4he didn5t have any parti#ular se in mind and he had read the lea6ets and seen many se so "as "orried.7 8. %bdomen Everything "as normal. Cou#h "as &8 degrees made it normal "ith a single pillo". 9ormal abdomen 4some people said there "as a mass: s#ar. I didn5t +nd anything.7 )t said he didn5t have any pain any"here. /urphy5s "as negative. negative. I +nished liver span "hen the bell rang. Ex asked me the +ndings. I verbali;ed "hat I had done and said the abdomen "as normal. <. enep enepun un#t #tur ure e Exa#tly like pra#ti#e sessions. =. 9%I 9%I femu femurr fra# fra#tu turre She "as a "aitress "orking night shifts. Came home in the morning and sa" the s"elling brought her #hild to the hospital. >nplanned pregnan#y birth normal partner "as not the biologi#al father. She asked "hat is going on3 Told her that her #hild is in good hands and "e are taking #are of him. She "as satis+ed and #ontinued. 4 some people mentioned that her #hild had a fra#ture. fra#ture. She a#ted sho#ked and "orried and didn5t respond to other questions "ell 7. This station had an observer. The #hild5s name "as not mentioned in the task.
?. @onorrhea There "ere tissues "ater on the table. %pparently the simulator #ried for a min for others. She didn5t #ry during my station. told her she had an infe#tion. She looked as if she "as about to #ry. I said pl be reassured it is an easily treatable infe#tion and that you "ill have to take Aust one medi#ation and one inAe#tion. She stopped her a#ting and started talking normally. *er questions "ere the same. *o" did I get this3 Bhat about my partner3 She "as "illing to bring her partner in. %dvised abt safe sex and the other instru#tions. She "as on pill. Told the di-eren#e. The only extra question "as are you going to give me the medi#ation and inAe#tion no"3 I said "e #an give you the treatment today and I or my nurse #olleague "ill help you. 4 "as not sure abt my ans"er 7 . Simman C)D Shirt "as already open. The simman "as huge. I #ould not rea#h his eyes and mouth even on tiptoe so then mentioned I "ould ideally #he#k. Turned to the Ex and sa" that he "as laughing. I didn5t give $ 4 Aust mentioned the o$ sats7as the question "as only hF and Ex and not /x. Took a spe#i+# history. 0uled out )E%CS.)t "as a smoker. %nd he said he had C)D. Did Ex. @eneral inspe#tion4)t had a feverG read out from the monitor '?.8 inspe#tion of #hest #hest expansion per#ussion and aus#ultation. %t &.'( gave my aus#ultation +ndings !:l "hee;e and #repts "ith my Dx %#ute infe#tive exa#erbation of C)D. 1(.*ypogly#emi# +ts Bhy did this happen Bhat are you going to do. *o" #an I prevent it from happening again. Bhat should I do if it does happen again. 11.Hipoma removal. )t does not "ant the H% Explained "hat is H% "e "ill do. *e "as #on#erned about pain. Then gave %dvantages of H% using the #urtain and headphones. )t "as v #oGoperative. @ave his #onsent for the pro#edure in the end. 1$.S%* @ave painkillers dimmed the ligh. patient "as +ne after that took history ruled out dd and management 4gave his diagnosis and ho" "e "ill investigate and that if it is #on+rmed "ill refer to a spe#ialist neuro surgeon "ho might do a pro#edure7. ,inished before the bell. 1'.Catheri;ation
There "as only 1 for#eps. Be had pra#ti#ed "ith &. So pi#ked the gau;e "ith my left hand and pla#ed on shaft and held. The for#eps to #lean "ith right. %nd #ontinued as usual. ,inished station "ithin '.'( min 1&.Infertility $ dd )CS and %sherman5s Simulator didn5t give any #omplaints unless spe#i+#ally asked about it. Thank you Dr. *amed for everything. %lso a spe#ial thank you to Dr. Elmira for all her help.