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cours méthode bin
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mémoire de fin d'étude, réalisé par Ghita Bencheikh étudiante à l'université Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, de Fès au Maroc.
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(born n 5 Janu Januar ary y 1988 1988)) is a Mala Malays ysia ian n Mohd Mohd Aziz Azizul ulha hasn snii bin bin Awan Awang g (bor prof profes essi sion onal al trac track k cycl cyclis ist. t. Aziz Azizul ulha hasn sni, i, was was the the winne innerr of ol! ol! "e!a "e!als ls in the keirin an! #$$" sprint e%ents at the Asian &yclin &ha"pionships in April #$$8. 'e was a a bearer for Malaysian tea" at the #$$8 u""er *ly"pics in +eiin. 'e was the hihest place! Asian cyclist at the *ly"pics, -nishin eihth in the keirin. 'e is a"on #$1# on!on *ly"pics ol! "e!al prospects. /n #$$9, Azizul beca"e the o%erall winner of the 0eirin e%ent in the#$$8#$$9 2orl! &up after obtainin two ol! "e!als. Azizul beca"e the -rst Malaysian to win a "e!al at the 3&/ 4rack &yclin 2orl! &ha"pionships, when he won sil%er in the "ens sprint e%ent e%ent at the #$$9 #$$9 2orl! orl! &ha"pi &ha"pions onship hips s in 6ruszk 6ruszk7w, 7w, 6olan 6olan!. !. 'e is refer referre re! ! to as Azizul the pocket !ue to his s"all stature. pocket rocket !ue Azizul Azizul 'asni Awan was born born in unun, unun, 4erenanu erenanu,, Malaysia. Malaysia. 'e is the eihth of nine chil!ren in his fa"ily. 'e recei%e! his pri"ary e!ucation at Sekolah Kebangsaan Batu 48 in unun, an! continue! his secon!ary stu!ies at the Sekolah unun,, befor before e transfe transferr rrin in to National Menengah Menengah Kebang Kebangsaan saan Sultan Sultan Omar in unun Sport School in +ukit Jalil. Azizul bean his career after watchin his brother racin. 'e was coache! by the unun &yclin 4ea" before enterin the port chool. 'e was thankful to his late father for i%in hi" a secon! han! bicycle as a rewar! after he obtaine! A 1+ in his 6enilaian Menenah :en!ah (6M:). Azizul recei%e! three o;ers fro" M:M, cience chool, an! port chool after his 6M:. ue to his interest in cyclin, he !eci!e! to pursue his stu!ies at port chool. 'is -rst a"bition was to be a !octor, howe%er, after enterin the sport -el!, Azizul pro%e! to be successful. A"on Azizuls reatest achie%e"ent is winnin the sil%er "e!al at the #$$9 2orl! &ha"pionships in the sprint cateory an! the sil%er "e!al at the #$1$ 2orl! &ha"pionships in the keirin cateory. /n ua!.
Azizul Hasni Awang
Personal information
Full name
Mohd Azizulhasni bin Awang
5 January 1988 (age 2! "ungun# $erengganu# Malaysia
1%&8 m (5 't & in!1)
& kg (1*8 lb+ 1,%& st!
Team information
Current team Malaysia
Rier t!pe
Amateur team"s#
"ungun 0ycling $eam
Professional team"s#
ike $echnologies Australia
'eal recorhide) Competitor for Malaysia Track cycling World Championships