Castles & Crusades
MISSING MONSTERS by Andrew “Drew” Wood
A selection of Monsters from Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games, converted for use with Castles & Crusades
Artwork taken from the original source material, and used without permission.
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8. 9. 10. 11.
BEHOLDER NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1 SIZE: Large HD: 5D6+40 MOVE: 10 ft AC: 20/18/13 ATTACKS: 1 (Bite) 2D6 SPECIAL: Eye Magic, Darkvision 60 ft, Anti-Magic SAVES: P+M INT: Exceptional ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Aberration TREASURE: 8 XP: 4500+10 per HP
Slow Spell Cause Serious Wound (30’ Range) “Finger of Death” Ray (24’ Range) “Anti-Magic Shell” Ray (84’ Range)
By Nature a Beholder is hateful, aggressive, and avaricious. They will usually attack immediately. If confronted by a particularly powerful party there is a 50/50 chance they will listen to negotiations- either to be bribed not to attack or to pay a ransom to not be attacked, depending on the strength of the opposing Party. They can speak their own language as well as that tongue known to lawful evil creatures.
DEMON All Demons have the following powers:
The Beholder (or Eye Tyrant/Sphere of Many Eyes) is most frequently found in an underground lair, although it infrequently will set up its base in Desolate Wildernesses location.
The globular body of this monster is supported by levitation, and it floats slowly about as it wills. Atop the spherical body are 10 eyestalks; while in its central area is a great eleventh eye and a large cavernous mouth filled with Shark-like pointed teeth.
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A Beholders body is protected by a hard Chitinous covering. The creature's eyestalks and eyes are also protected, although somewhat less so (having Armor Classes of 18 and 13 respectively). Because of its particular nature a Beholder is able to withstand the loss of its eyestalks with little or no stress or trauma, these members are not computed as part of its hit point damage potential, and lost eyestalks will eventually grow back (1 week per lost eyestalk). The body of the monster can withstand two-thirds of its total damage potential, while the great central eye can withstand one-third this total (i.e. a beholder with 45 hit points con withstand 30 hit points of damage to its body before being killed & the eleventh eye can withstand 15 points before ceasing to function). Eyestalks take from 8 to 12 Hit Points each before being lost. The body of a Beholder represents75% of potential hit area, the central eye and the eyestalks 10% each, and the 10 small eyes 5%.
Summon (1/day) either 1 other creature of equal rank (20%) or 1d4 of lower rank (30%) or 2d4 creatures of two lower ranks (50%). If all else fails any Infernals can summon Lemures. Immunity to Fire and poison; ½ Damage from cold and Acid. Telepathy with a range of 60 feet. Deepvision 60 feet. Detect Invisible, Darkness Powers listed under "SPECIAL" below are at will powers and useable one per round unless otherwise specified.
Balor (Type VI) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 SIZE: Large HD: 15 (d8) MOVE: 40-90 ft. AC: 23 ATTACKS: Vorpal Sword (1d12+1), Whip (3d6) SPECIAL: Scare, Levitate, Telekinesis, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic, Pyrotechnics, Polymorph Self, Project Image, Symbol of Fear/discord (as Spells), SR 15 (Can only be hit by magic weapons) SAVES: P, M INT: 19 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 15 XP: 1600+16 PSlONlC ABILITY: 180 Attack/Defense Modes: A, B, C, E/F, G, H
Eyes - The various eyes of a Beholder each have a different function. Typically only the central eye, plus 1-4 of those on stalks are able to function considering that the attack is coming from an arc 90' to the front of the Monster. If attacks come from 180" double the number of eyestalks able to function, and for 270" or 360" triple or quadruple the number. Attacks from above enable all 10 eyestalks to function, but the central eye cannot.
These powerful abominations are the closest of their kind to devilkind in appearance, with goat hooves, red hides, and horns upon their brows. They use weapons more often than claws, usually whips or nets to entangle foes and swords to stab and cut.
Functions of the Beholders Eyes are as Follows –
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 SIZE: Medium HD: 6 (d8) MOVE: 30 ft., 50 ft. (fly) AC: 20 ATTACKS: 2 Claws (1d3)
Charm Person Spell Charm monster spell Sleep spell Telekinesis 2,500 GP Weight Transmute Flesh to Stone Ray (18’ Range) Disintegrate Ray (12’ Range) Fear (As a Wand)
SPECIAL: Energy Drain (1 level), Polymorph Self, Etherialness, Charm Person, Claraudience, Suggestion (as Spells), SR 14 (Can only be hit by magic weapons) SAVES: M INT: 17 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 6 XP: 650+6 PSlONlC ABILITY: 200 Attack/Defense Modes: D/G, I
SIZE: Large HD: 12 (d8) MOVE: 30 ft. AC: 27 (22 coils) ATTACKS: Constrict (1d6+1) or 6 Weapons SPECIAL: Scare, Levitate, Telekinesis, Comprehend Languages, Polymorph Self, Pyrotechnics, Project Image, Symbol of Fear/discord (as Spells), SR 16 (Can only be hit by magic weapons) SAVES: P, M INT: 18 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 12 XP: 1400+12 PSlONlC ABILITY: 100 Attack/Defense Modes: A, E/F, G, H
Succubi are demons that appear as beautiful humans with horns and bat wingss. As they are shapeshifters they can take on any gender; though the females are referred to as Succubi and the males Incubi. The are the physical manifestation of the dark side of passion and use seduction to get close to their prey.
Marilith are a chaotic combination of snake and humanoid, with the coils of a large serpent below their waists and a green-skinned humanoid body. This body, while human in appearance, is larger than most humans and has six arms; all of which can attack with claws or handheld weapons. Some are spellcasters, and rise high in arcane and unholy magics.
Glabrezu (Type III) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 SIZE: Large HD: 11 (d8) MOVE: 40 ft. AC: 24 ATTACKS: 2 Pincer (2d6), 2 Claw (1d3), Bite (1d4+1) SPECIAL: Scare, Levitate, Telekinesis, Pyrotechnics, Polymorph Self (as Spells), SR 12 SAVES: P INT: 16 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 11 XP: 800+10 PSlONlC ABILITY: 100 Attack/Defense Modes: E/F
Nalfeshnee (Type IV) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 SIZE: Large HD: 11 (d8) MOVE: 30-50 ft. AC: 22 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (1d4), Bite (2d4) SPECIAL: Scare, Levitate, Telekinesis, Detect Magic, Comprehend Languages, Dispel Magic, Polymorph Self, Project Image, Symbol of Fear/discord (as Spells), SR 13 (Can only be hit by magic weapons) SAVES: P INT: 13 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 11 XP: 1000+11 PSlONlC ABILITY: 150 Attack/Defense Modes: A, C, E/F, G, H
Glabrezu are massive creatures appearing as a cross between a ogre and a dog, with both parts emitting the odor of decay. Four arms emerge from its rotting torso, with claws that strive to rend and tear all before it.
Hezrou (Type II) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 SIZE: Large HD: 10 (d8) MOVE: 30 ft. AC: 23 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (1d4), Bite (4d4) SPECIAL: Scare, Levitate, Telekinesis (as Spells), SR 11 SAVES: P INT: 14 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 9 XP: 750+8 PSlONlC ABILITY: 100 Attack/Defense Modes: E/F, G
A horrid creature that combines the worst aspects of a carniverous ape and a wild boar. It has tiny batwings that emerge from its back, and despite their size can carry the hairy horrors through the air with ease.
Vrock (Type I) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6 SIZE: Large HD: 9 (d8) MOVE: 30 ft., 50 ft. (fly) AC: 20 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (1d4), Bite (1d8) SPECIAL: Telekinesis (as spell), SR 10 SAVES: P INT: 3 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: 8 XP: 500+5 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
These denizens of the second circle appear as huge demonic Troglodytes and relish carnage and destruction. They use stealth to approach their prey, which is easy on this Typhonic circle), but when battle begins they fight with mad bloodlust and to the death.
Marilith (Type V) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-6
This avian monstrosity appears to be a tall, cadaverously thin mix of vulture and man, with claws and filthy visage. Its feathers and fur are spotted and mangy, leaving white leprous skin visible in patches across its form.
The Horned Devils (Malebranche) are also covered with natural weaponry, though of spiked horns all across their bodies. Their claws and tail can rend and tear flesh quite efficiently, though some carry evil-enchanted forks to stabe and cripple enemies.
All Devils have the following powers:
NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-12 SIZE: Medium HD: 7 (d8) MOVE: 30-50 ft. AC: 19 ATTACKS: Claw (2d4), Weapon, Tenglerope SPECIAL: Poison weapon (CON save or faint 1-6 rounds), Rope of Entanglement (as spell but 1 victim), Invisibility, Polymorph Self, Pyrotechnics (as spells), SR 6 SAVES: P INT: 12 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 7 XP: 900+7 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
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Summon (1/day) either 1 other creature of equal rank (20%) or 1d4 of lower rank (30%) or 2d4 creatures of two lower ranks (50%). If all else fails any Infernals can summon Lemures. Immunity to Fire and poison; ½ Damage from cold and Acid. Telepathy with a range of 60 feet. Deepvision 60 feet. Detect Invisible, Darkness Powers listed under "SPECIAL" below are at will powers and useable one per round unless otherwise specified. Fear Aura (as the Scare spell) SPELL USE
Lemure Erinyes are the devilish equivalents of the Cubi, though their wings are raven-like in feathers and color. They are always armed with daggers and tangleropes since their favorite tactic is to entrap victims and torture at leisure.
NO. ENCOUNTERED: 5-30 SIZE: Small HD: 2 (d8) MOVE: 10 ft. AC: 13 ATTACKS: Claw (1d4) SPECIAL: Nil SAVES: P INT: 2 ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Evil TYPE: Demon TREASURE: Nil XP: 50+3 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Gelugon (Ice Devil) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-4 SIZE: Large HD: 12 (d8) MOVE: 40 ft. AC: 26 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (1d4), Spear (3d4), Bite (2d4) SPECIAL: Regenerate (1 hp/round), Spear (STR save or victim Slowed as spell), Fly, Wall of Ice, Detect Magic, Polymorph Self (as spells); Ice Storm (1/day), SR 11 (Can only be hit by magic and silver weapons) SAVES: P, M INT: 16 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 12 XP: 1600+12 PSlONlC ABILITY: 166 Attack/Defense Modes: C, D/F, G, H
Lemures, while found only in the Inferno, are not actually of demon or devil stock. These pulpy blobs are the souls of evildoers who have been sentenced to the nether realm for their crimes for eternity. They are poor fighters but can be dangerous to non Infernals if in a large enough mass.
Malebranche (Horned Devil) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-5 SIZE: Large HD: 11 (d8) MOVE: 20-50 ft. AC: 25 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (1d4), Tail (1d3) SPECIAL: Tail slap (victim loses 1 hp/round until wound is treated), Pyrotechnics, Detect Magic, (as Spell); Wall of Fire (1/day), SR 10 (Can only be hit by silver and magic weapons) SAVES: P, M INT: 15 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 11 XP: 1200+11 PSlONlC ABILITY: 113 Attack/Defense Modes: B, C/F, G. H
An Ice Devil (Gelugon) appears more as a mantis-like insect carved from ice than the usual fiends of the pit. However, their hearts are as wicked as any and more malicious than all but the Pit Fiend superiors. As with the Horned Devils, they occasionally carry weapons to attack foes (usually spears), though they are always magic and enchanted to cause cold damage to prey.
Hamatula (Barbed Devil) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 3-12 SIZE: Large HD: 9 (d8) MOVE: 30 ft. AC: 22 ATTACKS: 2 Claw (2d4), Bite (3d4) SPECIAL: Pyrotechnics, Hold Person (as spells), SR 7
SAVES: P INT: 14 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 0 XP: 800+9 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-4 SIZE: Medium (Man Sized) HD: 8d8+4 MOVE: 28 ft AC: 15 ATTACKS: 4 (Tentacle Strikes) DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1D3 SPECIAL: Mind blast, Magic Resistance (Pr+), Darkvision 90 ft SAVES: M INT: Genius ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil TYPE: Aberration TREASURE: 8 XP: 1250+8 per HP PSlONlC ABILITY: 241-340 Attack/Defense Modes: B/FGH
Barbed Devils (Hamatula) do not carry weapons, for they have no need of them. These creatures are covered with barbed spines which they use to great effect in melee combat. By hugging or throwing themselves into their enemies can cause frightful damage and pain; which the Barbed Devils revel in.
Osyluth (Bone Devil) NO. ENCOUNTERED: 2-8 SIZE: Large HD: 6 (d8) MOVE: 40 ft. AC: 21 ATTACKS: Hook (1d4+2), Sting (3d4) SPECIAL: Bone hook (50% chance to immobilize victim on a hit), Poison Tail (STR save or lose 1-4 STR for 10 rounds), Fly, Invisibility (as spell); Wall of Ice (1/day), SR 8 SAVES: P INT: 13 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 0 XP: 1000+6 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
Mind flayers are found only in subterranean places, as they detest sunlight. They are greatly evil and consider the bulk of humanity (and its kin) as cattle to feed upon. The mind flayer’s physical attack is by striking a victim with its four tentacles. If a tentacle hits and scores maximum (3 Points) Damage from its attack – the tentacle begins to burrow into its victims skull, and will reach the opponent’s brain in 1-4 melee rounds – drawing it forth, immediately killing its prey. The mind flayer then devours the brain. Its more feared attack mode, however, is the mind blast of psionic power. All within a 6” directional cone of 1.5 ft in diameter at the point of emanation and 2” diameter at extreme range are affected (Psionic attack on non-psionic). Mind flayers have the following psionic abilities: levitation, domination, ESP, body equilibrium, astral projection, probability travel. They perform at 7th level mastery.
Bone Devils (Osyluth) appear as eight foot skeletons with horns and fanged teeth. They have a vertebra-bone tail with a stinger that poisons victims as well as other bone-shaped weapons.
Pit Fiend NO. ENCOUNTERED: 1-2 SIZE: Large HD: 14 (d8) MOVE: 40-60 ft. AC: 30 ATTACKS: Claw (1d4+4), Bite (1d6+6) SPECIAL: Tail Constrict (2-8 damage per turn on hit), Regenerate (2 hp/round), Pyrotechnics, Wall of Fire, Detect Magic, Hold Person, Polymorph Self (as spells), SR 13 (Can only be hit by silver and magic weapons) SAVES: P, M INT: 20 ALIGNMENT: Lawful Evil TYPE: Devil TREASURE: 14 XP: 1800+14 PSlONlC ABILITY: Nil Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
If an encounter is going against a mind flayer it will immediately flee, seeking to save itself regardless of its fellows or its treasure. These monsters speak only their own arcane language and several other weird tongues- purportedly those of terrible races of things which dwell in regions of the subterranean world far deeper than mankind has ever ventured. It is also rumoured that these monsters have a city somewhere deep beneath the earth. Description: The mind flayer's skin glistens with slime. Its skin colour is a nauseous mauve, its tentacles being purplish black. A mind flayer’s eyes are dead white, no pupil being evident. The three long fingers of each hand are reddish, but the hands are mauve.
Pit Fiends are the greatest of the devils that do not rule their own circle. They serve Asmodeus as a personal bodyguard and messengers throught the Inferno. They are huge figures formed of living flame, with great horns, bat wings, and blazing weapons formed from their very essence to do battle with any who dare oppose them.
Mind Flayer The Beholder
Balor (Type VI)
Succubi Glabrezu (Type III)
Hezrou (Type II)
Vrock (Type I)
Nalfeshnee (Type IV)
Marilith (Type V)
Malebranche (Horned Devil)
Gelugon (Ice Devil)
Hamatula (Barbed Devil)
Osyluth (Bone Devil)
Pit Fiend
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System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc; A thors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original m terial by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
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Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Copyright 2004, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. Castles & Crusades: Monsters & Treasure, Copyright 2005, Troll Lord Games; Authors Robery Doyle and Stephen Chenault
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Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 2nd Printing, Copyright 2006, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, Personalized Edition, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden. Castles & Crusades: Players Handbook, 3rd Printing, Copyright 2007, Troll Lord Games; Authors Davis Chenault and Mac Golden.
Castles & Crusades
MISSING MONSTERS A selection of Monsters from Classic Fantasy Roleplaying Games, converted for use with Castles & Crusades. 8