MICROMINE 10 User Guide
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents What's new in this release of MICROMINE?........................................................................ 1 Security ................................................................................................................. 1 Generating a remote dongle update request ................................................................. 1 General.................................................................................................................. 1 Vizex..................................................................................................................... 2 3D display limits .................................................................................................... 2 Loading multiple outline files..................................................................................... 2 View tools............................................................................................................... 2 Elevation/Section Control......................................................................................... 2 Measure .............................................................................................................. 2 Query ................................................................................................................. 2 String edit tools ....................................................................................................... 3 Select ................................................................................................................. 3 Snapping ............................................................................................................. 3 Between .............................................................................................................. 3 Follow ................................................................................................................. 3 Insert Intersection Point .......................................................................................... 3 Extend String........................................................................................................ 3 Close String.......................................................................................................... 4 Curve Properties .................................................................................................... 4 String Gradient...................................................................................................... 4 Bearing and Distance .............................................................................................. 4 Edit string functions .................................................................................................. 4 Insert Points ......................................................................................................... 4 Condition String Segments ....................................................................................... 4 Condition String Angles ........................................................................................... 4 File Import.............................................................................................................. 4 Extract Unique ......................................................................................................... 5 ODBC Import and ODBC Link....................................................................................... 5 Transform Grid ........................................................................................................ 5 Drillhole Databases ................................................................................................... 5 Subblocking ............................................................................................................ 5 Create blank block model......................................................................................... 5
Table Of Contents Subblocking with Assign .......................................................................................... 5 Block Model Display .................................................................................................. 6 Mining | Underground - menu options............................................................................ 6 Centreline, Stope and Panel Design ............................................................................ 6 Generate Solids..................................................................................................... 6 Generate Solid Volumes........................................................................................... 6 Ring Design.......................................................................................................... 6 Sections and Openings ............................................................................................ 6 Mining | Opencut - menu options ................................................................................. 6 Pit Design ............................................................................................................ 6 Stockpile Design .................................................................................................... 6 Blast Pattern Design ............................................................................................... 7 Blast Volumes ....................................................................................................... 7 Interactive Grade Control Setup ................................................................................ 7 Mine Design tools ..................................................................................................... 7 Project to Elevation ................................................................................................ 7 Gradient Control .................................................................................................... 7 Insert Intersection Point .......................................................................................... 7 Polygon Boolean .................................................................................................... 7 Generate Sidewalls................................................................................................. 8 Extrude String....................................................................................................... 8 Blast Displacement................................................................................................. 8 3D Viewer............................................................................................................... 8 User defined lighting............................................................................................... 8 Wireframing ............................................................................................................ 8 Edit Strings .......................................................................................................... 8 Edit Triangles........................................................................................................ 8 Build Wireframes ................................................................................................... 8 Triangulation Methods ............................................................................................. 8 Split Strings.......................................................................................................... 9 File types ................................................................................................................ 10 Field types............................................................................................................ 11 Editor files.......................................................................................................... 14 Fields Validate.......................................................................................................... 15 Replace .................................................................................................................. 16
Table Of Contents Incrementing and replicating data ................................................................................. 17 Skip records ............................................................................................................ 17 Skip records during Copy from ..................................................................................... 18 Calculate................................................................................................................. 19 Update ................................................................................................................... 20 Generate ................................................................................................................ 21 Average.................................................................................................................. 22 Split ...................................................................................................................... 23 Join ....................................................................................................................... 24 Extracting unique values from a field ............................................................................. 25 Case sensitive ..................................................................................................... 25 Sort output......................................................................................................... 25 Numeric............................................................................................................. 25 Sorting fields in the File Editor...................................................................................... 26 Functions on the File menu.......................................................................................... 27 Modify file structure................................................................................................... 28 File Sort.................................................................................................................. 29 File Utilities ............................................................................................................. 30 File Conversions ....................................................................................................... 31 Importing data ......................................................................................................... 32 Importing data in the File Editor ................................................................................... 33 Importing text files.................................................................................................... 34 ODBC Import ........................................................................................................... 35 Importing data from Microsoft Access using ODBC ............................................................ 37 Overview.............................................................................................................. 37 The Process .......................................................................................................... 37 Importing dBase files ................................................................................................. 39 Importing DXF files.................................................................................................... 39 Import old DTM ........................................................................................................ 40 Import wireframes .................................................................................................... 41 Input types......................................................................................................... 41 Combining wireframes........................................................................................... 41 Import Block Model ................................................................................................... 42 To import a block model file: .................................................................................. 42 Importing GIS files.................................................................................................... 43
Table Of Contents Import attributes ................................................................................................. 43 Importing MAPGIS files............................................................................................... 44 MapGIS file ........................................................................................................ 44 Output .............................................................................................................. 44 Importing DEM (China Standard) files ............................................................................ 45 File path ............................................................................................................ 45 Sampling factor ................................................................................................... 45 Output .............................................................................................................. 45 Exporting data ......................................................................................................... 46 Exporting data in the File Editor.................................................................................... 47 Numeric Fields .................................................................................................... 47 Options ............................................................................................................. 47 Exporting text files .................................................................................................... 48 ODBC Export............................................................................................................ 49 Exporting dBase files ................................................................................................. 50 Exporting DXF files.................................................................................................... 51 Exporting coordinate files............................................................................................ 52 Exporting wireframes ................................................................................................. 53 Merging files ............................................................................................................ 54 Merging files from the File menu ................................................................................ 54 Merging files in the File Editor.................................................................................... 54 Merging MICROMINE files............................................................................................ 55 Merge text files from the File menu ............................................................................... 56 Merging laboratory data.............................................................................................. 58 Comma and column delimited files ................................................................................ 59 Column delimited ................................................................................................... 59 The parts of a column delimited lab file: .................................................................... 59 Comma delimited ................................................................................................... 59 Merging methods ...................................................................................................... 60 Matching sample IDs.................................................................................................. 60 Defining the location of assayed element names and data................................................... 61 Posting Row, Start Column and Column Width values......................................................... 62 Processing laboratory codes in the source file .................................................................. 63 Replacing codes in the lab file.................................................................................... 63 Managing samples below the detection limit.................................................................. 63
Table Of Contents To replace the identifier with another, in the Replace Lab Codes dialog box:....................... 63 To replace a below detection code with a detection limit value: ....................................... 63 Writing merge values to fields in the target file................................................................. 64 Using an unmerged file............................................................................................... 64 ODBC..................................................................................................................... 65 ODBC linking versus importing ..................................................................................... 66 Using linked tables ............................................................................................... 66 ODBC Link............................................................................................................... 67 Overview ........................................................................................................... 67 ODBC Import ........................................................................................................... 69 ODBC Export............................................................................................................ 71 Linking to a Microsoft Access Database........................................................................... 72 Overview ........................................................................................................... 72 Using filters ............................................................................................................. 74 Filters on the File Menu .............................................................................................. 75 Creating a Filter ..................................................................................................... 75 Subset filtered records............................................................................................. 75 Deleting filtered records ........................................................................................... 75 Filters in dialog boxes ................................................................................................ 76 Editing and saving filters .......................................................................................... 76 Selecting a filter..................................................................................................... 76 Attaching a filter in the File Editor............................................................................... 77 Attaching the Default Filter in the File Editor ................................................................. 77 Detaching a filter in the File Editor.............................................................................. 77 Creating and editing filters .......................................................................................... 78 The Use Filtered Records switch.................................................................................... 79 Using logical operators with filters................................................................................. 80 Using the AND function ............................................................................................ 80 Using the OR function.............................................................................................. 80 Using Equations ........................................................................................................ 82 File Editor ............................................................................................................... 83 Opening the File Editor ............................................................................................ 83 Creating a new file ............................................................................................... 83 Opening an existing file ......................................................................................... 83 Closing the File Editor ........................................................................................... 84
Table Of Contents The Edit File toolbar................................................................................................... 85 Validating fields in the File Editor .................................................................................. 88 Creating a check file for validation............................................................................ 88 To validate a field in the File Editor, do the following: ................................................... 88 Hiding fields in the File Editor....................................................................................... 89 Unhiding fields in the File Editor.................................................................................... 89 Ordering fields ......................................................................................................... 89 Freezing fields in the File Editor .................................................................................... 90 To unfreeze fields: ............................................................................................... 90 Colour-coding fields in the File Editor ............................................................................. 91 Attach Colour Set................................................................................................. 91 Detach Colour Set ................................................................................................ 91 Edit Colour Set.................................................................................................... 91 Sorting fields in the File Editor...................................................................................... 92 Merging MICROMINE files in the File Editor ...................................................................... 93 Merging text files in the File Editor ................................................................................ 94 Creating a new file .................................................................................................... 95 Creating a new file using a template .............................................................................. 96 Modifying a file's structure .......................................................................................... 97 Formatting numeric fields............................................................................................ 98 Entering repetitive data .............................................................................................. 98 Save ...................................................................................................................... 99 Save As .................................................................................................................. 99 Opening a file.......................................................................................................... 100 Cut....................................................................................................................... 101 To cut one or more records, or a block of cells: .......................................................... 101 Copy..................................................................................................................... 102 Paste .................................................................................................................... 102 Inserting records ..................................................................................................... 102 Undoing changes in a field or record............................................................................. 103 Deleting records ...................................................................................................... 103 Going to records ...................................................................................................... 103 Importing data in the File Editor .................................................................................. 104 Exporting data in the File Editor................................................................................... 105 Numeric Fields ................................................................................................... 105
Table Of Contents Options ............................................................................................................ 105 Incrementing field contents ........................................................................................ 106 Sorting fields in the File Editor..................................................................................... 107 Replicating field contents ........................................................................................... 108 Calculating field values in the File Editor ........................................................................ 109 Available Functions:............................................................................................. 109 Overwrite Data option ............................................................................................... 111 Setting the increment values ...................................................................................... 111 Processing multiple fields using Execute ........................................................................ 112 Execute commands ............................................................................................. 112 Running multiple file processes using Execute | One/Many ................................................. 113 Creating and attaching lookup tables ............................................................................ 114 Overview............................................................................................................. 114 Creating lookup tables ............................................................................................ 115 Creating and attaching............................................................................................ 115 Compiling a lookup table............................................................................................ 116 Enable validation ................................................................................................ 116 Case sensitive .................................................................................................... 116 Accept empty cells .............................................................................................. 116 Sort menu items................................................................................................. 116 Attaching and detaching lookup tables .......................................................................... 117 Defining the contents of a lookup table.......................................................................... 118 The structure of a lookup table ............................................................................... 118 This example uses common definitions ..................................................................... 118 This example uses individual definitions.................................................................... 118 Lookup table options................................................................................................. 120 Validate lookup fields ........................................................................................... 120 Smart sub-menus ............................................................................................... 120 Beep when validation fails ..................................................................................... 120 Validate each keystroke........................................................................................ 120 Only first level compulsory .................................................................................... 120 Default field widths.............................................................................................. 120 Validation actions .................................................................................................. 120 Valid input compulsory ......................................................................................... 120 Flag (prefix) with ................................................................................................ 120
Table Of Contents Flag (replace) with .............................................................................................. 120 Finding values in fields .............................................................................................. 121 Using Find Next to repeat the Find............................................................................. 121 Replacing values in fields ........................................................................................... 122 Deleting field contents............................................................................................... 123 Preview before printing.............................................................................................. 124 Printing a file .......................................................................................................... 124 Page setup ............................................................................................................. 124 Page setup options ................................................................................................ 124 Margins ............................................................................................................ 124 Page header ...................................................................................................... 124 Field header\Field names ...................................................................................... 124 Record numbers ................................................................................................. 124 Left justify characters .......................................................................................... 124 Right justify numerics .......................................................................................... 125 Bold field names ................................................................................................. 125 Record numbers ................................................................................................. 125 From/To record # ............................................................................................... 125 Field overflow..................................................................................................... 125 Setting up the printer................................................................................................ 126 Projects ................................................................................................................. 127 Using project templates............................................................................................. 127 Opening a project .................................................................................................... 128 Creating a new project .............................................................................................. 128 Deleting a project .................................................................................................... 129 Detaching a project................................................................................................ 129 Moving a project ...................................................................................................... 130 Renaming a project .................................................................................................. 130 Attaching a project................................................................................................... 131 Project names, paths and titles ................................................................................... 131 Project name ..................................................................................................... 131 Project path....................................................................................................... 131 Project title........................................................................................................ 131 Sharing projects over a network .................................................................................. 131 Vizex and the 3D Viewer ............................................................................................ 132
Table Of Contents Using the form sets pane......................................................................................... 132 Opening the Form Sets pane.................................................................................. 132 Displaying the Form sets pane and the Object Manager together .................................... 132 Auto-hide .......................................................................................................... 133 Loading form sets.................................................................................................. 133 Loading data into the 3D Viewer ............................................................................. 134 Loading saved views in the 3D Viewer ...................................................................... 134 Loading data into Vizex ........................................................................................ 134 Loading saved views in Vizex ................................................................................. 134 Managing display objects ........................................................................................... 135 Displaying the Object Manager and the Form Sets pane together .................................... 135 Auto-hide .......................................................................................................... 136 Opening and closing the Display pane ...................................................................... 136 Changing the drawing order................................................................................... 136 Hiding a display object ......................................................................................... 136 Displaying a hidden object .................................................................................... 137 Removing a display object..................................................................................... 137 Object Properties ................................................................................................ 137 Selecting Objects ................................................................................................ 137 Unselecting objects ............................................................................................. 137 The View toolbar...................................................................................................... 138 The Visual Explorer (Vizex)......................................................................................... 141 To open Vizex .................................................................................................... 141 Editing strings and outlines ........................................................................................ 142 The Edit Strings toolbar ............................................................................................. 143 Radius.............................................................................................................. 144 Angle ............................................................................................................... 145 Direction........................................................................................................... 145 Gradient and Gradient Units .................................................................................. 145 Edit ...................................................................................................................... 146 Select .............................................................................................................. 146 Extend String..................................................................................................... 146 Insert Point ....................................................................................................... 146 Move Point ........................................................................................................ 147 Move String....................................................................................................... 147
Table Of Contents Copy String ....................................................................................................... 147 Snapping mode .................................................................................................. 147 Follow String...................................................................................................... 147 Delete Point....................................................................................................... 147 Delete String or Segment...................................................................................... 148 Reverse String ................................................................................................... 148 Join String......................................................................................................... 148 Close String....................................................................................................... 148 Edit Properties.................................................................................................... 148 Creating a display in Vizex ......................................................................................... 149 Load a Saved View .............................................................................................. 149 Load a Saved Form Set ........................................................................................ 149 Create a New Form Set ........................................................................................ 149 Setting display limits................................................................................................. 151 Orthogonal .......................................................................................................... 151 View Type ......................................................................................................... 151 Limits............................................................................................................... 151 Clip to Window ................................................................................................... 151 Transform............................................................................................................ 152 Calculations ....................................................................................................... 152 Section............................................................................................................. 152 Window Towards and Away ................................................................................... 153 3D ..................................................................................................................... 153 Calculations ....................................................................................................... 153 Projection ......................................................................................................... 153 Orientation........................................................................................................ 154 Window Towards and Away ................................................................................... 154 Forms .............................................................................................................. 155 Apply ............................................................................................................... 155 Loading and displaying drillholes.................................................................................. 156 Defining drillhole trace coordinates............................................................................... 157 Coordinates ......................................................................................................... 157 Trace Display ..................................................................................................... 157 Hole Name........................................................................................................... 157 Hole Depth .......................................................................................................... 157
Table Of Contents Collar ................................................................................................................. 158 Depth/Offsection ................................................................................................... 158 Using drillhole databases ........................................................................................... 160 Downhole Data................................................................................................... 160 Trench Data....................................................................................................... 160 Advantages of drillhole databases ........................................................................... 160 To select a drillhole database ................................................................................. 161 To create a new drillhole database .......................................................................... 161 Including hatching in the drillhole display....................................................................... 162 Hatch Coordinates ................................................................................................. 162 Hatch Display ....................................................................................................... 162 Displaying events down the drillhole ............................................................................. 163 To display events along a drillhole trace: .................................................................. 163 Controlling the event label display........................................................................... 163 Colour coding drillhole events ................................................................................ 164 Controlling the symbol display for each event ............................................................ 164 Including graphs in the drillhole display ......................................................................... 165 Graph Coordinates................................................................................................. 165 Graph Display....................................................................................................... 165 Positioning the graph ........................................................................................... 165 Setting up the scalebar......................................................................................... 165 Displaying a header............................................................................................. 166 Including values in the drillhole display ......................................................................... 167 Value Coordinates ................................................................................................. 167 Value Display ....................................................................................................... 167 Defining how the labels will be displayed .................................................................. 167 Extended label features ........................................................................................ 167 Displaying a header............................................................................................. 167 Defining how the ticks will be displayed .................................................................... 168 Extended tick features.......................................................................................... 168 Loading and displaying GIS features ............................................................................. 169 GIS File............................................................................................................... 169 3D Orientation ................................................................................................... 169 Feature Display Settings ....................................................................................... 169 Line ................................................................................................................... 169
Table Of Contents Point .................................................................................................................. 170 Polygon............................................................................................................... 171 Loading and displaying points ..................................................................................... 172 Load Points........................................................................................................ 172 Symbols ........................................................................................................... 172 Scaling ............................................................................................................. 172 Pie Chart........................................................................................................... 172 Loading strings........................................................................................................ 174 String File ......................................................................................................... 174 Line Options ...................................................................................................... 174 Loading and displaying outlines ................................................................................... 175 Loading a grid file in Vizex ......................................................................................... 176 Colour coding the grid display ................................................................................ 176 Loading a block model............................................................................................... 177 OBM File ........................................................................................................... 177 Type ................................................................................................................ 177 Filter................................................................................................................ 177 Easting, Northing and RL fields............................................................................... 177 Thickness and Block Size Factor fields ...................................................................... 177 Use Hatch field................................................................................................... 177 Hatch field......................................................................................................... 177 Hatch Set.......................................................................................................... 177 Draw Style ........................................................................................................ 178 Hatch Colour Coding ............................................................................................ 178 Display block centres ........................................................................................... 178 Display labels..................................................................................................... 178 Loading a wireframe ................................................................................................. 179 Wireframes........................................................................................................ 179 DTMs ............................................................................................................... 179 Wireframe Type.................................................................................................. 179 Wireframe Name................................................................................................. 179 Draw Style ........................................................................................................ 179 Colour Coding .................................................................................................... 179 Loading a profile display in Vizex ................................................................................. 180 Loading and displaying images in Vizex ......................................................................... 180
Table Of Contents Grid Settings........................................................................................................... 181 Spacing ............................................................................................................ 181 Grid type .......................................................................................................... 181 Line type .......................................................................................................... 181 Colour.............................................................................................................. 182 Top/Right labels ................................................................................................. 182 Bottom/Left labels............................................................................................... 182 Vertical text....................................................................................................... 182 Label annotation ................................................................................................. 182 Digitiser support ...................................................................................................... 183 Vizex options .......................................................................................................... 184 General............................................................................................................... 184 Auto Load Last View ............................................................................................ 184 Background Colour .............................................................................................. 184 Clipping .............................................................................................................. 184 Plan view and Section view.................................................................................... 184 String Editing ....................................................................................................... 184 Prompt to edit properties on adding a new string........................................................ 184 Expansion Distance ............................................................................................. 184 Weeding Tolerance .............................................................................................. 184 Digitiser .............................................................................................................. 184 End Feature....................................................................................................... 184 Undo................................................................................................................ 185 Toggle Snapping ................................................................................................. 185 The 3D Viewer......................................................................................................... 186 The Decoration ..................................................................................................... 186 The Status bar ...................................................................................................... 186 The Menus and Toolbar ........................................................................................... 187 The World............................................................................................................ 187 Using lighting .......................................................................................................... 187 Viewer modes ......................................................................................................... 188 The Decoration........................................................................................................ 189 Using the Colour Editor.............................................................................................. 190
With the colour wheel..................................................................................... 190
With the colour sliders .................................................................................... 190
Table Of Contents In the scene whose colour you want to use ............................................................... 190 In the scene where you want to apply the background colour ........................................ 191 Changing the colour of a display object ......................................................................... 192 Changing the drawing style of objects ........................................................................... 193 To set the drawing and move style for objects............................................................ 193 Available drawing and move styles .......................................................................... 193 Loading, saving, and restoring 3D data ......................................................................... 195 File menu options .................................................................................................. 195 New................................................................................................................. 195 Open ............................................................................................................... 195 Close ............................................................................................................... 195 Close All ........................................................................................................... 195 Save ................................................................................................................ 195 Save As ............................................................................................................ 196 Loading a search ellipsoid .......................................................................................... 197 Input form set.................................................................................................... 197 Block Definitions ................................................................................................. 197 Colour Coding .................................................................................................... 197 Transparency ..................................................................................................... 197 Ellipsoid Location ................................................................................................ 197 Manipulating objects in the 3D display........................................................................... 198 To visually select an object:................................................................................... 198 To de-select a specific object: ................................................................................ 198 To de-select all selected objects: ............................................................................ 198 To hide an object ................................................................................................ 198 To show a hidden object ....................................................................................... 199 To remove an object............................................................................................ 199 To refresh an object ............................................................................................ 199
Using the Home button. .................................................................................. 200
Using the View All button. ............................................................................... 200
Manually, using the thumbwheels and zoom slider................................................. 200
Using the View menu...................................................................................... 200
3D Viewer environment settings .................................................................................. 201 Background colour .............................................................................................. 201 Draw style......................................................................................................... 201
Table Of Contents Move style......................................................................................................... 201 Automatically refresh source files............................................................................ 201 Show decoration ................................................................................................. 201 Selection colour .................................................................................................. 201 Construction colour ............................................................................................. 201 Tie-line colour .................................................................................................... 201 First point ......................................................................................................... 201 Mid points ......................................................................................................... 201 Last point.......................................................................................................... 201 Highlighted segment points ................................................................................... 202 Normal arrow colour ............................................................................................ 202 3D lighting ............................................................................................................. 203 Adding a light source to the scene ........................................................................... 203 Adjusting the position and intensity of a light source.................................................... 203 Location XY plane................................................................................................ 203 Location Z axis................................................................................................... 204 Intensity ........................................................................................................... 204 Direction........................................................................................................... 205 Remove All Lights ............................................................................................... 205 Show Light Icons ................................................................................................ 205 Hide Light Icons.................................................................................................. 205 Lights ON/ Lights OFF .......................................................................................... 205 Stereo Preferences ................................................................................................... 207 Stereo Modes ....................................................................................................... 207 Stereo Adjustment................................................................................................. 207 Generating printed output in the 3D Viewer .................................................................... 208 Troubleshooting the 3D display.................................................................................... 210 Loading a wireframe ................................................................................................. 212 To load a wireframe:............................................................................................ 212 To drape an image onto a wireframe: ...................................................................... 212 Georeferencing the image ..................................................................................... 213 To modify the display properties of a wireframe that's already been loaded....................... 214 Using clipping to view wireframe slices .......................................................................... 215 Overview............................................................................................................. 215 The Process ......................................................................................................... 215
Table Of Contents Using cameras ........................................................................................................ 217 To start spinning the camera ................................................................................. 217 To stop spinning the camera.................................................................................. 217
Viewing an object in plan view.......................................................................... 217
Viewing an object from a cardinal direction.......................................................... 217
Saving and restoring camera settings ........................................................................... 219 To save a viewpoint ............................................................................................... 219 To restore a viewpoint ............................................................................................ 219 Spinning ............................................................................................................. 219 Panning .............................................................................................................. 219 Dolly in and out .................................................................................................... 219 Creating a flight path ................................................................................................ 220 ADD / INSERT .................................................................................................... 220 FIRST / LAST ..................................................................................................... 220 BACK / FORWARD ............................................................................................... 220 DELETE ............................................................................................................ 220 MODIFY ............................................................................................................ 220 PLAY / STOP ...................................................................................................... 221 Displaying Images.................................................................................................... 222 Georeferencing an image ........................................................................................... 224 Georeferencing interactively..................................................................................... 224 Handling large images............................................................................................... 225 If the image is of a small size (less than 30 megabytes uncompressed)............................ 225 If the image is of a moderate size (between 30 MB and 500 MB uncompressed) ................. 225 If the image file is of a large size (greater than 500 MB uncompressed) ........................... 225 Raster image files .................................................................................................... 226 Simple Display ........................................................................................................ 227 The Process ......................................................................................................... 227 Quick Contours display .............................................................................................. 228 Overview............................................................................................................. 228 The Process ......................................................................................................... 228 Quick Contours Setup ............................................................................................... 229 Gridding method................................................................................................. 229 Max number of points (Inverse distance only) ............................................................ 229 Cell density ....................................................................................................... 229
Table Of Contents The following values for cell density will usually give acceptable results. ........................... 229 Cell height and width ........................................................................................... 230 Search radius..................................................................................................... 230 Troubleshooting Quick Contours .................................................................................. 231 Drillhole fundamentals............................................................................................... 232 The drillhole database............................................................................................. 232 How trace coordinates are obtained......................................................................... 232 Collar file ............................................................................................................... 233 Interval file............................................................................................................. 234 Sample intervals in interval files .................................................................................. 236 Compositing in interval files........................................................................................ 237 Survey file.............................................................................................................. 237 Specifying dip in drillholes.......................................................................................... 238 Specifying drillhole azimuths....................................................................................... 238 Applying an azimuth correction.................................................................................... 239 Apply to first azimuth ............................................................................................. 239 Using drillhole databases ........................................................................................... 240 Downhole Data................................................................................................... 240 Trench Data....................................................................................................... 240 Advantages of drillhole databases ........................................................................... 240 To select a drillhole database ................................................................................. 240 To create a new drillhole database .......................................................................... 241 Drillhole database properties....................................................................................... 242 To define the properties of a drillhole database containing downhole data:........................ 242 To define the properties of a drillhole database containing trench data:............................ 243 Filtering drillhole databases ........................................................................................ 244 To select an existing filter:....................................................................................... 244 To setup a new filter: ............................................................................................. 244 Filter Conditions.................................................................................................. 244 Wildcards.......................................................................................................... 244 Combine Lines.................................................................................................... 244 Equation ........................................................................................................... 244 Reverse Filter..................................................................................................... 244 Forms .............................................................................................................. 244 Deleting drillhole databases........................................................................................ 245
Table Of Contents Refreshing drillhole databases..................................................................................... 245 Update all drillhole database files ............................................................................ 245 Drillhole validation ................................................................................................... 246 What Validate checks for............................................................................................ 246 Validate checks for .............................................................................................. 246 Validating drillhole data ............................................................................................. 247 Validation options .................................................................................................... 247 Generating downhole coordinates................................................................................. 248 Overview............................................................................................................. 248 The Process ......................................................................................................... 248 Generating line coordinates ........................................................................................ 249 Overview .......................................................................................................... 249 Prerequisites...................................................................................................... 249 File type 1: Sample Points..................................................................................... 249 File type 2: Trench End Points ................................................................................ 250 The Process ......................................................................................................... 250 Generating Trench Coordinates.................................................................................... 251 Overview .......................................................................................................... 251 Validation.......................................................................................................... 251 Offsets ............................................................................................................. 251 Adjustments ...................................................................................................... 251 The Process ......................................................................................................... 251 Generating a drillhole trace ........................................................................................ 253 Overview............................................................................................................. 253 The Process ......................................................................................................... 253 Creating a Minesight file ............................................................................................ 254 Overview............................................................................................................. 254 The Process ......................................................................................................... 254 Other features ...................................................................................................... 254 Importing Minesight data ........................................................................................... 255 Overview............................................................................................................. 255 The Process ......................................................................................................... 255 Creating a drillhole display in Quick Section.................................................................... 257 Overview............................................................................................................. 257 The Process ......................................................................................................... 257
Table Of Contents Creating a drillhole display in Quick Log......................................................................... 258 Overview............................................................................................................. 258 The Process ......................................................................................................... 258 Setting up the intersection calculation...................................................................... 258 Using a drillhole list file ........................................................................................ 258 Strings .................................................................................................................. 260 The String file....................................................................................................... 260 Editing strings ......................................................................................................... 262 Overview .......................................................................................................... 262 The Process ....................................................................................................... 262 Running the function............................................................................................ 262 Setting up the display limits ....................................................................................... 263 Displaying values at points along strings........................................................................ 263 Displaying symbols at points along strings ..................................................................... 264 Adding strings ......................................................................................................... 264 Breaking a String ..................................................................................................... 265 Closing a string ....................................................................................................... 265 Deleting a string or part or point.................................................................................. 266 Delete point....................................................................................................... 266 Delete partial ..................................................................................................... 266 Delete string...................................................................................................... 266 Editing a point or string ............................................................................................. 267 Edit point .......................................................................................................... 267 Edit string ......................................................................................................... 267 Insert points in a string ............................................................................................. 268 Insert automatically............................................................................................. 268 Insert with mouse ............................................................................................... 268 Joining strings ......................................................................................................... 268 String calculations.................................................................................................... 269 Area ................................................................................................................ 269 Bearing ............................................................................................................ 269 Length ............................................................................................................. 269 Perimeter.......................................................................................................... 269 Moving a point or string............................................................................................. 270 Move a point with the mouse ................................................................................. 270
Table Of Contents Move a string with the mouse ................................................................................ 270 Querying a point...................................................................................................... 270 Other string editing functions ...................................................................................... 271 Highlight a string ................................................................................................ 271 Unhighlight strings .............................................................................................. 271 Show the start of a string...................................................................................... 271 Show the end of a string....................................................................................... 271 Reversing a string .................................................................................................... 272 Extending a string .................................................................................................... 272 Copying a string ...................................................................................................... 273 By bearing and distance ....................................................................................... 273 By differential height............................................................................................ 273 With the mouse .................................................................................................. 273 By level ............................................................................................................ 273 Saving the string file after edits................................................................................... 274 Saving new or edited strings.................................................................................. 274 Using Save As to create a new string file .................................................................. 274 Saving the highlighted strings only .......................................................................... 274 String weeding ........................................................................................................ 275 Overview .......................................................................................................... 275 The Process ....................................................................................................... 275 String clipping ......................................................................................................... 276 Overview .......................................................................................................... 276 Simple method................................................................................................... 276 Doughnut method ............................................................................................... 276 The Process ....................................................................................................... 276 String smoothing ..................................................................................................... 277 Data thinning by matching points................................................................................. 278 Undoing the function............................................................................................ 278 Digitising points and strings........................................................................................ 279 The Process ....................................................................................................... 279 Graphics Options................................................................................................... 280 Numeric (N)....................................................................................................... 280 Mode (M) .......................................................................................................... 280 Increment (I)..................................................................................................... 280
Table Of Contents Text (T)............................................................................................................ 280 Undo (U)........................................................................................................... 280 Setup Digitiser (F8) ............................................................................................. 281 Colour (C) ......................................................................................................... 281 Flag (F) ............................................................................................................ 281 Begin (B) .......................................................................................................... 281 End (E)............................................................................................................. 281 Prompt (P) ........................................................................................................ 281 Digitising profiles ..................................................................................................... 282 Overview .......................................................................................................... 282 The Process ....................................................................................................... 282 Graphics Options ................................................................................................ 283 New line (N) ...................................................................................................... 283 Undo (U)........................................................................................................... 283 Colour (C) ......................................................................................................... 283 Setup Digitiser (F8) ............................................................................................. 283 Assigning digitiser buttons ......................................................................................... 285 Digitising profiles................................................................................................... 285 New Line........................................................................................................... 285 Undo................................................................................................................ 285 Digitising points and strings ..................................................................................... 285 Numeric mode.................................................................................................... 285 Change flag value ............................................................................................... 285 Close string ....................................................................................................... 285 Undo................................................................................................................ 285 Streaming mode ................................................................................................. 285 Outlines................................................................................................................. 286 Typical applications................................................................................................ 286 Outlines files........................................................................................................... 287 Outline file naming .............................................................................................. 287 File structure ..................................................................................................... 287 Grid transformations................................................................................................. 290 Overview............................................................................................................. 290 What about GPS? ................................................................................................ 290 Grid transformation functions................................................................................. 291
Table Of Contents Choosing a transformation method............................................................................... 292 Keyboard conversions .......................................................................................... 292 File conversions.................................................................................................. 292 Geographic grid transformations.................................................................................. 293 Transforming coordinates between geographic and plane grids............................................ 293 Plane grid transformations ......................................................................................... 294 Transforming coordinates between plane grids ................................................................ 294 Datum transformation............................................................................................... 295 Overview............................................................................................................. 295 Using the Datum transformations............................................................................ 295 The Process ......................................................................................................... 295 Additional information .......................................................................................... 296 The different angle units ............................................................................................ 296 Latitude and Longitude conventions.............................................................................. 296 Understanding UTM options ........................................................................................ 297 UTM zones ............................................................................................................. 298 Understanding the Transverse Mercator options............................................................... 299 Central scale factor ............................................................................................. 299 Central meridian ................................................................................................. 299 Latitude origin.................................................................................................... 299 Grid units.......................................................................................................... 299 False Easting ..................................................................................................... 299 False Northing.................................................................................................... 299 South African Lo coordinates .................................................................................... 300 Flip X-coordinates and Flip Y-coordinates .................................................................. 300 Choosing the right spheroid........................................................................................ 301 Defining a spheroid .................................................................................................. 302 Spheroid units.................................................................................................... 302 Major semi axis .................................................................................................. 302 Flattening(1/?) ................................................................................................... 302 Delta X, Y and Z ................................................................................................. 302 Geoid-Spheroid separation (N) ............................................................................... 302 Country/Datum/Spheroid ........................................................................................... 303 Compass traverse .................................................................................................... 305 Overview .......................................................................................................... 305
Table Of Contents The Process ....................................................................................................... 305 Traverse fields......................................................................................................... 307 Calculations with a station file ..................................................................................... 308 Calculations without a station file ................................................................................. 309 Using a station file ................................................................................................... 310 Assign Outlines........................................................................................................ 311 The Process ....................................................................................................... 312 Statistics................................................................................................................ 313 Displaying the range of your data ................................................................................ 313 Distribution statistics ................................................................................................ 314 Overview .......................................................................................................... 314 When to apply distribution statistics ........................................................................... 314 The Process ....................................................................................................... 314 Graph Options.................................................................................................... 315 Analysis Options ................................................................................................. 315 Choosing the type of graph ........................................................................................ 315 Setting the display mode ........................................................................................... 315 Setting up the graph limits ......................................................................................... 316 Further display options .............................................................................................. 316 Setting up the analysis parameters .............................................................................. 317 Model colour ...................................................................................................... 317 Show populations................................................................................................ 317 Population N colour ............................................................................................. 317 3 P Ln output field ............................................................................................... 317 Write values < minimum....................................................................................... 317 Write values > maximum...................................................................................... 317 Querying the graph .................................................................................................. 318 Displaying information about the graph ......................................................................... 318 Using the tools on the Model menu............................................................................... 318 Using the 3 Parameter calculation ................................................................................ 319 Additive Constant................................................................................................ 319 Decomposing data sets.............................................................................................. 320 Overview .......................................................................................................... 320 The Process ....................................................................................................... 320 Creating colour sets using decomposition....................................................................... 322
Table Of Contents Calculating descriptive statistics for your data ................................................................. 323 Calculating Normal/Log Normal statistics ....................................................................... 323 Calculating Median/Mode statistics ............................................................................... 323 Tools .................................................................................................................... 324 GPS input............................................................................................................... 324 Overview .......................................................................................................... 324 The Process ....................................................................................................... 324 Creating a GPS output file .......................................................................................... 325 Receiving GPS data .................................................................................................. 325 Setting up the trigger................................................................................................ 325 Obtaining observations: GPS or user-triggered ............................................................... 326 When Trigger = MICROMINE.................................................................................. 326 When Trigger = GPS RECEIVER .............................................................................. 326 Entering GPS fields................................................................................................... 327 Record field ....................................................................................................... 327 Longitude field ................................................................................................... 327 Latitude field...................................................................................................... 327 Elevation field .................................................................................................... 327 Date field.......................................................................................................... 327 Time field.......................................................................................................... 327 Setting up the prompt fields ....................................................................................... 327 GPS data formats..................................................................................................... 328 RS-232/RS-422 connection ........................................................................................ 329 Instrument download................................................................................................ 330 Overview .......................................................................................................... 330 The Process ....................................................................................................... 330 Header fields .......................................................................................................... 331 Header Fields Processing....................................................................................... 331 Data fields.............................................................................................................. 332 Overview .......................................................................................................... 332 Data fields processing .......................................................................................... 332 Setup the key definitions ...................................................................................... 332 Setup up the field definitions ................................................................................. 332 Instrument Download: example 1 ................................................................................ 334 Header Field Setup .............................................................................................. 334
Table Of Contents Data Fields Setup................................................................................................ 335 Instrument Download: Example 2 ................................................................................ 337 How to use ASCII Download ....................................................................................... 339 Coding with colours, hatches and symbols...................................................................... 340 The application of colour, hatch and symbol sets ........................................................ 340 Installing a True Type font .................................................................................... 341 Numeric sets........................................................................................................... 342 Text sets................................................................................................................ 342 Overview .......................................................................................................... 342 Creating text sets ............................................................................................... 342 Selecting the field that will control colour, hatch or symbol application.................................. 343 Navigating to the colour, hatch and symbol set dialogs...................................................... 344 Colour sets and the default colour setting ...................................................................... 344 Saving colour combinations in palettes .......................................................................... 344 Selecting colour palettes....................................................................................... 344 Saving colour palettes.......................................................................................... 344 Hatching using hatch sets .......................................................................................... 345 Plotting and printing issues to do with hatches ........................................................... 345 Hatch sets and the default hatch setting ........................................................................ 346 Symbols and symbol sets........................................................................................... 346 Saving combinations of symbols in palettes .................................................................... 347 Creating a palette of symbols................................................................................. 347 Inserting a symbol .............................................................................................. 347 Deleting a symbol ............................................................................................... 347 Moving a symbol................................................................................................. 347 Mapping existing symbols to True Type symbols .............................................................. 348 Mapping custom symbols sets to True Type symbols.................................................... 348 Numeric colour/hatch/symbol sets ............................................................................... 349 Allocating a Colour/Hatch/Symbol to a Range ................................................................. 350 Allocating a colour to a range ................................................................................... 350 Allocating a hatch to a range .................................................................................... 350 Allocating a symbol to a range.................................................................................. 350 Using Assign to identify and select text codes ................................................................. 351 Using Calculate to calculate ranges............................................................................... 351 Border values.......................................................................................................... 352
Table Of Contents Changing labels ....................................................................................................... 352 Changing the label order from ascending to descending..................................................... 352 Inserting and deleting ranges...................................................................................... 353 Setting the number of decimal points used to specify a range ............................................. 353 How to use the colour ramping.................................................................................... 354 Colour allocation: Range versus spectrum ...................................................................... 354 Text sets................................................................................................................ 355 Overview .......................................................................................................... 355 Creating text sets ............................................................................................... 355 Using Assign to identify and select text codes ................................................................. 356 Auto grouping text codes ........................................................................................... 356 How auto labelling works with text codes....................................................................... 357 Using Wildcards with Text Sets.................................................................................... 357 Using Macros .......................................................................................................... 358 Toolbox ............................................................................................................ 358 Using Macro functions ............................................................................................... 359 Macro functions..................................................................................................... 359 Run Batch - RUN................................................................................................. 359 Copy file - FCOPY................................................................................................ 359 Delete file - FDELETE ........................................................................................... 359 Rename File - FRENAME ....................................................................................... 359 Delete Data - DELDATA ........................................................................................ 359 Modify Structure - MODIFY .................................................................................... 359 File Report - REPORT ........................................................................................... 359 Select Printer - PRINTER....................................................................................... 359 Substitution Table - MACSUB ................................................................................. 359 Call Macro - CALLMAC .......................................................................................... 359 Steps in running a macro ........................................................................................... 360 Setting up dialogs .................................................................................................... 360 Run Macro.............................................................................................................. 361 Toolbox ............................................................................................................ 361 Creating a Macro File ................................................................................................ 362 Start by creating a new file.................................................................................... 362 To create a new macro file with the default file structure do the following:........................ 362 To create a new macro based on an existing file follow these steps: ................................ 362
Table Of Contents You can also use an existing macro file to enter your instructions: .................................. 362 To open an existing macro file from the File menu follow these steps:.............................. 362 How to interrupt processing........................................................................................ 363 Editing a macro ....................................................................................................... 363 Saved dialogs..................................................................................................... 363 Special commands .............................................................................................. 363 Entering instructions ................................................................................................. 364 The macro file structure............................................................................................. 365 The fields in a macro file ............................................................................................ 366 Following is a list of the commands that use fields in a non standard way: .......................... 366 FUNCTION: Abort processing of the macro. .................................................................... 366 FUNCTION: Sound the computer audio tone. .................................................................. 366 FUNCTION: Draw contours. ........................................................................................ 366 FUNCTION: Plot a file. ............................................................................................... 367 FUNCTION: Traverse adjustment. ................................................................................ 367 FUNCTION: Polygonal Section models. .......................................................................... 367 Entering parameters during execution........................................................................... 367 How to handle incomplete dialogs ................................................................................ 368 For example: ..................................................................................................... 368 To continue processing ......................................................................................... 368 To stop processing altogether ................................................................................ 368 To stop processing: ............................................................................................. 368 Using replaceable parameters ..................................................................................... 369 Pass parameters ................................................................................................. 369 Substitution parameters ....................................................................................... 369 Options ................................................................................................................. 370 System environment settings...................................................................................... 371 Saving parameters in forms........................................................................................ 372 The hierarchy of saved parameters.......................................................................... 372 Defining global, local, and personal form sets ................................................................. 373 Defining personal form sets................................................................................... 373 Selecting a global form set .................................................................................... 373 Creating a global form set ..................................................................................... 373 Personal form sets ................................................................................................... 374 Forms environment settings ....................................................................................... 375
Table Of Contents Accessing forms....................................................................................................... 375 Using the forms tools ........................................................................................... 375 Saving a form set..................................................................................................... 376 If you have already opened a form set, edited it, and then want to save the changes: ......... 376 Form set properties .................................................................................................. 377 Set characteristics............................................................................................... 377 Author.............................................................................................................. 377 Files ................................................................................................................ 377 Embedded sets................................................................................................... 377 Specifying the name of the form set author ............................................................... 378 Opening a form ....................................................................................................... 378 Renaming a form set ................................................................................................ 379 Deleting form sets.................................................................................................... 379 Save a form set with a new number ............................................................................. 379 Exporting form sets .................................................................................................. 380 Exporting form sets ............................................................................................. 380 Exporting layout sets from the Plot Editor ................................................................. 380 Importing form sets.................................................................................................. 380 System parameters .................................................................................................. 381 Forms and macros.................................................................................................... 381 Setting up the digitiser .............................................................................................. 382 Using the digitiser .................................................................................................... 383 Determining the digitiser output format......................................................................... 384 Setting up the digitiser environment............................................................................. 385 Setting up display limits ............................................................................................ 385 Correlating the digitiser and display grids....................................................................... 385 Digitiser environment settings..................................................................................... 386 Colours and Fonts environment settings ........................................................................ 387 3D Viewer environment settings .................................................................................. 388 Background colour .............................................................................................. 388 Draw style......................................................................................................... 388 Move style......................................................................................................... 388 Automatically refresh source files............................................................................ 388 Selection colour .................................................................................................. 388 Construction colour ............................................................................................. 388
Table Of Contents Tie-line colour .................................................................................................... 388 First point ......................................................................................................... 388 Mid points ......................................................................................................... 388 Last point.......................................................................................................... 388 Highlighted segment points ................................................................................... 388 Normal arrow colour ............................................................................................ 388 Symbol Options ....................................................................................................... 389 Form Field colours.................................................................................................... 390 Compulsory prompt............................................................................................. 390 Table prompt ..................................................................................................... 390 Group title......................................................................................................... 390 File type ........................................................................................................... 390 List box ............................................................................................................ 390 Zoom Box colour...................................................................................................... 390 Grid line and grid annotation colour .............................................................................. 391 Line colour ........................................................................................................ 391 Font colour ........................................................................................................ 391 Text background................................................................................................. 391 Font information ................................................................................................... 391 Font................................................................................................................. 391 Font style.......................................................................................................... 391 Font size ........................................................................................................... 391 Changing the font .................................................................................................... 391 To change the font .............................................................................................. 391 To set the style .................................................................................................. 391 To select a size (in points)..................................................................................... 391 Display text font ...................................................................................................... 392 Text background................................................................................................. 392 Index .................................................................................................................... 393
MICROMINE 10 - What's New
What's new in this release of MICROMINE? This topic provides a brief outline of the new features available in MICROMINE 10.
Security The use of Crypkey software licensing has been discontinued. The MICROMINE application is now protected by a hardware device called a dongle. Two types of dongle are used by the application:
Hardlock. The Hardlock or NetHasp dongle will be gradually phased out and replaced by the Marx dongle.
Marx. The Marx dongle has been introduced with version 10. Unlike Hardlock dongles, which must be returned to a Micromine office for reprogramming, Marx dongles can be updated remotely using an activation file. In addition to a dongle, a licence file is also needed to run the application. Since this file is unique for each MICROMINE licence, it must be generated by Micromine and is not included on the MICROMINE installation CD. If you have not been provided with a licence file, please contact Micromine Sales/Support at
[email protected]. You will need to provide your MICROMINE licence ID.
Generating a remote dongle update request Use the Dongle Remote Update tab of the Licence Manager dialog to request a remote update of your Marx dongle. This may be necessary when you have purchased additional modules, the software has been upgraded, or you need to update your licence following an annual maintenance expiry.
General The Visual Explorer (Vizex) is now opened by default whenever you start MICROMINE. The MICROMINE user interface has been enhanced and provides the following new design features:
The menus and toolbars have been reorganised to allow easier interaction with other functions while working with both Vizex and the 3D Viewer.
New toolbars are available when editing display objects such as strings, outlines, wireframes, and opencut or underground mine designs.
Depending on your working environment, you can turn the display of toolbars on and off by selecting an option from the View | Toolbars menu. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar to display the toolbar selection list.
Functions such as the File Editor and the Plot Editor have their own new-look toolbars.
For backward compatibility, existing display functions incorporate the old-style toolbar.
Application toolbars can be customised using the Add Remove Buttons now provided on each toolbar and new toolbars can be created.
Toolbars can be repositioned so that they are docked along the left, right, bottom, or top of a display window, or 'floating' (positioned over the display in its own window).
The Form Sets pane (View | Form Sets) can now be used to load data in both Vizex and the 3D Viewer.
The Object Manager (View | Object Manager) can now be used to manage the display of objects in both Vizex and the 3D Viewer.
In Vizex and the 3D Viewer, the Object Manager and the Form Sets pane can be docked in the same way as toolbars. In addition, an Auto-Hide icon is provided when these windows
MICROMINE 10 - What’s New are docked to the left, right, top, or bottom of the display window. Click the Auto-Hide icon to maximize the work area and automatically hide these windows when they are not in use.
Clipping functionality has been enhanced and the drawing speed has been optimised for viewing sections in 3D.
Drillhole values are now displayed orthogonal to the trace.
The functionality provided on the Vizex toolbars has been extended to include new string editing tools for use in open cut and underground mine design. Enhanced string editing tools are listed in the following section. Tools which are more specific to open pit or underground mine design, are described as part of the Mining module.
Points can now be displayed as pie segments. The size, colour, and fill of each segment are controlled by field values. Up to eight segments can be displayed for each point. Point pie chart symbols are typically used to display geochemical plots or block model values.
Depth and offsection values can now be displayed at a specified interval along (and at either side of) the drillhole trace.
When displaying drillhole values along the trace, up to six values (from multiple fields) can now be displayed.
Vizex font and line thickness settings are now honoured by the Plot Editor.
3D display limits In Vizex, display limits can be defined (using the View | Viewpoint | Edit menu option) so that 3D objects can be viewed from different positions and angles by rotating and moving the camera, not by rotating and moving the objects, although that is what appears to happen. When adjusting the limits of the 3D display, you can now specify whether to hold the camera position (where you are looking from) and adjust the viewpoint (the focal point of the camera as determined by its orientation), or whether to hold the viewpoint and adjust the position of the camera. A new Projection setting allows you to choose between a perspective or an orthogonal camera in the 3D display. Camera position and orientation can also be set. Loading multiple outline files Multiple outline files can now be selected when loading outlines using the Display | Vizex | Outlines menu option.
View tools The following new or enhanced tools are available on the View toolbar when the Vizex display is active: Elevation/Section Control The current Elevation/Section value is displayed in an editable input box, which provides an easy way to set the start elevation of new strings, as well as providing visual feedback on the current setting. Measure Click the Measure tool to measure the distance between two or more points digitised on screen. Optionally, select the Snapping option from the drop-down menu, or press the Shift key while measuring to enable snapping mode. Query
MICROMINE 10 - What's New Click the Query tool to use the cursor to identify a point, string, outline, or any object selected in the display window. In the case of string and outline objects, perimeter length and area are reported. Perimeter/area calculations are performed by projecting the selected object in the plane of the view. It is therefore important to choose the appropriate view orientation before querying an object. Depending on the object selected, some or all of the properties can be edited.
String edit tools The following new tools are available on the Edit Strings toolbar when the Vizex display is active and an editable object is selected: Select When editing strings and outlines, multiple objects can now be selected by defining a selection rectangle. Snapping Click the Snapping button to toggle snapping mode on and off. Alternatively, you can toggle snapping on and off using the S key. To temporarily turn off snapping mode, hold the SHIFT key down as you digitise a point. Point, Line, and Grid snapping options can be selected. Between Use the Between tool to insert a point exactly half way between two specified points. Between mode can be invoked during editing to create new strings or extend existing strings, and when moving or inserting points. During interpretation, the Between tool is often used to digitise a point which is halfway between drillholes. Follow The Follow tool works differently to the snapping-related behaviour of the Follow String function and provides a simple way of copying part of a string, or an entire string, for example a wireframe profile. When you select the Follow tool and then move the mouse over an open string, the mouse snaps to the nearest vertex on that string (when Point snapping mode is current), or (if Line snapping mode is current) a point on the string which is the shortest perpendicular distance from the position of the mouse to the string. When you click the mouse, the string is followed (automatically copied) from the highlighted vertex to the end of the string. If the string is closed, then the entire string is copied. To follow a portion of a string or segment, hold down the mouse button. As you drag the mouse, the string is followed until you release the mouse button. Once the string has been copied, Follow mode is no longer active. Click the Follow tool again to repeat the process. Note: The Follow tool uses the default (last-used) snapping mode. When using the Follow tool, Point or Line snapping is applied irrespective of whether Snapping mode is turned on or not. The Follow tool does not work if the default snapping mode is Grid. Insert Intersection Point When you are digitising a new string and want to insert a point at the intersection of two other strings, click the Insert Intersection Point tool to extend the current string by snapping to the nearest string intersection. Extend String
MICROMINE 10 - What’s New Use the Extend String button to append points to one end of a string. If you select the Extend String tool, points are appended to the last point on the string. Alternatively, rightclick on the end point you want to append to and select Extend from the right-click menu. As you drag and move the appended point, a new string segment is displayed (rubberbanded). Close String Use the Close String button to close a selected (open) string. The start and end point of the string will be connected by a new segment. Curve Properties Click the Curve Properties button to extend the selected string by appending a curve to the end point. Curve radius, angle, direction, and gradient parameters can be specified. String Gradient Click the String Gradient button to set the gradient (and gradient units) when digitising strings in the display. Bearing and Distance Use the Bearing and Distance tool to specify a bearing (azimuth) and a distance for the next segment when digitising a string. The distance is measured using either the horizontal (projected onto the plan) distance, or the actual 3D distance (taking into account the elevation). Specify a gradient value and the units to be applied to the gradient value.
Edit string functions The following new functions are available when you are editing strings in the Vizex display: Insert Points Use the right-click Insert Points function to insert multiple points in a selected string or segment. If no point spacing is specified, the number of points specified will be inserted at a fixed (equidistant) interval along the string or segment. When you specify a point spacing, this can be measured using either the horizontal (projected onto the plan) distance, or the actual 3D distance (taking into account the elevation). Condition String Segments Use the right-click Condition String Segments menu option, to set the minimum and maximum separation between points. Condition String Angles Use the right-click Condition String Angles menu option, to specify a minimum angle between segments value. This value is used to truncate strings where necessary in order to eliminate very narrow angles. As a result, any wireframe generated from the string will be smoother and less irregular in shape.
File Import New import options have been added to the File menu. These are:
Import | GIS files, including point, line, and polygon data stored in a variety of third party GIS formats. Formats that can be imported include ArcView® shapefiles, Microstation® DGN files, and MapInfo® files in both TAB and MIF formats.
Import | MapGIS spatial data files containing line or point data. MapGIS is a GIS package developed by the China University of Geosciences and is widely used in China.
MICROMINE 10 - What's New
Import DEM grid files. China Standard Transfer Format grid data (DEM) files are digital cartographic/geographic grid data files produced by the China Geological Survey. The grid data is stored from north to south and from west to east, as a text file.
Extract Unique When using the File | Fields | Extract Unique function, additional key fields can now be written to the output file, along with a count (of the number of occurrences) for each unique value.
ODBC Import and ODBC Link When using the File | Import | ODBC and File | Link | ODBC functions, table and query names can now contain spaces.
Transform Grid Support for the South African Lo coordinate system, also known as the Gauss Conform Projection (an adaptation of the Transverse Mercator projection), has been added to the Transverse Mercator options provided with the Survey | Transform Grids | Geographic option.
Drillhole Databases In MICROMINE 10, the use of drillhole databases is now the preferred option when processing and displaying drillhole data.
New Dhole | Database menu options can be used to create, edit, delete, and refresh drillhole databases.
One or more, or all, of the drillhole databases in the current project can also be refreshed using the Tools | Macro Functions | Drillhole Database Refresh menu option.
Subblocking In previous versions of MICROMINE, subblocking could only be performed by subdividing model cells into virtual sub-blocks in order to calculate factors for each parent cell. Using the options provided under the Modelling | Subblocking menu, existing block models can now be:
validated, using the Validate Block Model option, to ensure that there are no overlapping blocks and that no discrepancies exist between the block model (OBM) file and the block definitions assigned to it. A check can also be made for missing compulsory field values or invalid non-numeric values.
sliced by different block definitions into a sub-blocked model so that the output model can fit into new block definitions, using the Reblock Block Model option.
added together irrespective of their sub-cell division, using the Add Two Block Models option.
optimised, using the Optimise Block Model option, in a way that sub-blocks are combined into bigger blocks within parent cells.
converted into a factored model, using the Regularise Block Model option. The process creates a block model with regular block sizes.
Create blank block model
A blank block model can also be created using the Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Blank Block Model menu option. As well as specifying block definitions and constants, the user can also specify block constraints and sub-block those blocks that are wholly or partially inside one or more wireframes, or above or below a DTM. Subblocking with Assign
MICROMINE 10 - What’s New A new subblocking option is provided for the following Assign functions:
Modelling | Assign | Outlines (Core)
Strings | DTM | Assign (Exploration and Survey modules)
Modelling | Assign | Wireframes (Wireframing module) If the target file in the assignment process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. In the case of Assign Wireframes, subblocking can be applied to those blocks that are wholly or partially inside one or more wireframes. In the case of DTM Assign, subblocking can be applied to those blocks that lie above or below the DTM.
Block Model Display Using Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Display, you can now display three values from fields in the block model file as labels in each block.
Mining | Underground - menu options Centreline, Stope and Panel Design When the Mining module is installed, the string-editing tools in the Visual Explorer (Vizex) are augmented by a comprehensive range of open pit and underground mine design tools. Centreline, Stope, and Panel designs created in Vizex, can be accessed directly from the Mining menu. Generate Solids A new Mining | Underground | Underground Solid option allows the user to generate an underground solid from an existing (typically a drive or a tunnel) string file. Generate Solid Volumes A new Mining | Underground | Underground Solid Volume option allows the user to calculate and report the volume of one or more underground solids (typically declines, shafts, and adits). If the underground solids have an SG attribute, you can also use this function to calculate tonnages for each solid. Ring Design A new Mining | Underground | Ring Design option provides for the interactive design, editing and display of underground blast hole layouts, the design of stopes, and the reporting of stope tonnage and grade. Designs suitable for any stoping method can be generated, taking into account the characteristics of the orebody and the physical limitations of drill rigs. Sections and Openings The Mining | Underground | Sections and Openings function generates rectangular mine openings in section, from string files of horizontal workings. The output is a string file in which each string represents a mine opening, with definable spacing between openings. Input files may describe floor or back surveys or both, and you can define tolerances within which openings will be generated.
Mining | Opencut - menu options Pit Design A new Mining | Opencut | Pit Design menu option provides access to string editing and pit design tools in Vizex. Stockpile Design
MICROMINE 10 - What's New A new Mining | Opencut | Stockpile Design menu option provides access to string editing and pit design tools used in Vizex. Defaults are set to generate the walls of the stockpile up and in (as opposed to up and out). Blast Pattern Design A new Mining | Opencut | Blasthole Setup menu option allows you to create a basic rectangular blast pattern. Hole spacing and an extent rectangle can be defined. Holes may be in a square or a diamond pattern, with a nominated azimuth and dip. They can also be restricted to an outline or a string, to create a non-rectangular blast pattern. To create a new blasthole design, select the Mining | Opencut | Blasthole Design | New menu option. In this case, when you click OK a new file is created using the default fields set for the form (or where no defaults exist, using the default fields for a new file set under Options | Forms). The display is set to edit mode and the Blast Design toolbar is enabled. Blast Volum es A new Mining | Opencut | Blast Volumes menu option, allows the user to calculate a blast pattern volume from a file containing string information. Interactive Grade Control Setup In Vizex, the calculation parameters and output options provided in the Grade Control Setup dialog are similar to those provided by the Mining | Opencut | Old Grade Control function. In this case, however, display limits, outlines, and other data sources used for grade control can be set interactively in the display. The options on the Mining | Opencut | Grade Control menu allow you to integrate different data types and interactively evaluate volumes, tonnages and grades within existing or new outlines. These options are also provided on the View | Toolbars | Grade Control toolbar. The Grade Add (+++), Grade Subtract (---), and Grade Exclude (xxx) tools can be used to specify whether data (within one or more selected outlines) will be included or excluded from the grade control calculation. If data is included, it can either be added to or subtracted from the calculation.
Mine Design tools Many of the opencut pit design tools have been relocated since they were first released in version 9.2. These tools can now be located on the Edit Strings toolbar or on the Mine Design toolbar. The tools on these toolbars are enabled whenever the Vizex display is active and an editable object is selected. Toolbars can be displayed (or hidden) by selecting them from the View | Toolbars menu. When the Mining module is installed, a separate Mine Design toolbar is available for selection from the View | Toolbars list. The following tools are provided: Project to Elevation Click the Project to Elevation tool to project an outline up or down based upon a specified elevation. The base string of a pit, for example, might be projected onto a DTM of the surface. Gradient Control Use the Gradient Control tool to interactively set the slope of the line when digitising a string. Insert Intersection Point When you are digitising a new string and want to insert a point at the intersection of two other strings, click the Insert Intersection Point tool to extend the current string by snapping to the nearest string intersection. Polygon Boolean
MICROMINE 10 - What’s New Use the Polygon Boolean options to combine two or more selected polygons. Union, Intersection, and Difference options are provided. The boolean operation can be applied to closed strings only, or to all strings in the display. The option of deleting original strings is also given. Generate Sidewalls Use the Generate Sidewalls button to generate a polygon enclosing the area within a specified distance of a selected string. Extrude String Use the Extrude String function to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings. Blast Displacement Click the Blast Displacement button (on the Edit Strings toolbar) to create a visual representation of an ore body prior to and after blasting. The information provided by the Blast Displacement function can be used with drill pattern and shot orientation data to help reduce dilution from mining by moving the ore block boundaries to match the blast throw.
3D Viewer
Use the View | 3D | Transparency Style menu options to specify the quality of rendering for transparent objects in the 3D display.
New viewing modes, provided on the View | 3D | Viewing Modes menu, allow you to change the camera position and alter the way that the scene is viewed.
Enhanced VRML export.
User defined lighting Using the new View | 3D | Lights | Add Spotlight and View | 3D | Lights | Add Pointlight menu options, user-defined light sources can be added to the 3D display. To modify the position and intensity of a spotlight or pointlight, you can click on the light icon with the select tool and manipulate them using a variety of dragger controls. Using other options on the Edit menu, lights can be turned on and off, the display of light icons can be turned on and off, and all lights can be removed from the display.
Wireframing An extensive range of new wireframe editing tools are provided on the Wireframe Editor toolbar. These include: Edit Strings Use the Edit Strings button to put the display into Edit Strings mode. Sometimes you will also need to edit strings in the Wireframe Editor. A good example is when you need to close off ore bodies by extending the shape of the wireframe mid-way between drillhole sections. Edit Triangles Use the Edit Triangles tool to edit the triangles in a wireframe individually. This gives you the opportunity to delete individual triangles and reconstruct the surface. Build Wireframes Use the Build Wireframes tool to put the display into Build Wireframes mode. A number of triangulation options are then enabled. Triangulation Methods
MICROMINE 10 - What's New Use the new W irefram e | Triangulation Method menu options, to choose between three triangulation methods when building a wireframe in the 3D Viewer. Split Strings A new function on the Wireframe Editor toolbar (and via the right-click Mode | Split Strings menu option) allows you to split a closed string into two strings. When the display is in Split String mode, the mouse can be used to select two vertices that will be used to split the string.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
File types Many different file formats are used by the application, each with a different file extension. File names follow Windows 95/NT/98/2000/XP rules and long file names can be used. However, if you change the file extensions from those listed below, the program will not be able to locate them in the project directory. The different file types used by the MICROMINE application, are summarised below: Extension File type .BAK Backup files. Whenever a Data File is opened, a copy of that file can be saved with an extension .BAK. This backup file is not directly accessible via the application, but it can be renamed to have an extension .DAT or .STR or .SVY etc. As part of the environment settings for the File Editor, you can choose whether to create a backup file whenever a data file is opened. This allows you to revert to the earlier version of a file. .BDB Forms files. Form sets that contain the saved parameters used in dialogs and forms are saved in .BDB (MS Access database) Forms files. These files are located in each project folder. System parameters for such things as paper sizes and environment settings, are stored in a Forms file with a .SYS extension in the application folder. .BD$ Forms undo files. .BMP Bitmap files. BMP (and DIB) files are known as "Device Independent Bitmap" files. An enhanced "DIB" file format was released with Microsoft Windows. Windows BMP and DIB files may be saved using no compression (RGB encoded) or using run length encoded compression (RLE encoded). Compression may only be used on 4 and 8 bits-per-pixel images. .DAT Data files (also with extensions, STR, SVY, SEC or STP). A Micromine Data File is an equal record length ASCII file with a header describing the format of the data records. Data files can contain any type of information since the file structure is defined by the header section.
The above is an example of a simple data file. Each record is terminated with a CR/LF. The first record is a title line of 40 characters.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions The second record indicates how many Variables (fields) there are in the file. The number is allocated a length of 4 and is left justified. The maximum number of fields is 250. For every variable there is now a descriptor record with the following definition:
Enter a short but meaningful name.
C or N (Character or Numeric) D(Date) is recognised but treated as N
W idth
Right Right
1 to 256 Enter the number of decimal places. (The width includes the decimal point and the number of decimals). 0 to 9 (always 0 if Type=C)
The line after the header is where the actual data starts. Each record is terminated with a carriage return and linefeed. The records are fixed length and match the format defined by the header. Values are left justified and spaces are used to pad to the correct width
Field types There are only two field types in a data file: Numeric (N) and Character (C). You can enter any character into either, but only numeric fields can be used in calculations. When a numeric field contains characters and it is used in a calculation, the following rules apply:
If the values in the field contain a number with following characters, the characters will be ignored. For example, 200B evaluates to 200.
If the first part of the entry in a field is not part of a number or is blank, it evaluates to zero. For example, DH001 will evaluate to zero.
Extra control over blank values and those with leading characters is provided by the options in the numeric exceptions dialog box. These are especially useful when dealing with files returned from assay labs since they often contain a mixture of character and numeric data in the fields they contain. Field values starting with a < (less than) sign are a special case. They are used to indicate values less than the detection limit. You can control the way such values are handled in Numeric Exceptions. Files with the extension SEC and STP usually contain profile (cross section) information. There are three fields. The first has a constant value for each profile. In STP files the profile numbering starts at 1 and increments, in SEC files the values are related to specific sections (suffixed by N or E, for North and East) and increment by a constant value. The last two fields are XY values defining the profile. Each profile is sorted by increasing X values. String information is stored in data files (any of the above extensions). Two fields are used to define the "stringing". We usually refer to these as the String and Join fields. It is not necessary to use both a String and a Join field - often just one of these is sufficient. Two points are part of the same string if they satisfy the following criteria:
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
They are consecutive records in the data file.
If a String field is defined, the values in the String field are identical.
If a Join field is defined, the values in the Join field are identical. However, if the Join value contains a tilde (~) then the previous point is not part of the same string, but the next point is. (has the effect of "breaking" a string).
.DAT Block Model files with extension .DAT. Block Model files are simply data files (usually extension DAT) with one record per block. Each record has the XYZ coordinates of the block centre and the XYZ dimensions of the block. The coordinate fields can have any names but the dimension fields have the same name as the related coordinate field with an underscore as a prefix (10 character names will lose the last character). So the file structure might have field names:
EAST _EAST NORTH _NORTH RL _RL Additionally there will be a number of attribute fields, as defined by the user. Typically these might include grades, SG, codes, index, factor, standard deviation, points etc. .DXF Data Interchange files. The DXF file format allows for the interchange of drawings between CAD applications (AutoCAD, Microstation etc.) and other applications. .ECW Compressed Image files. To improve performance when displaying large image files, the application converts the image to a compressed file format known as ECW. The ECW file format is widely used and supported by other packages. Georeference information is stored internally as part of the compressed file. The file can be previewed and plotted like any other image file. More information... .FLY Flight Path files. A flight path or fly-through sequence, created in the 3D Viewer, can be saved to a data file with a .FLY extension. Flight Path files can be loaded and invoked in the 3D Viewer. They can also be saved and invoked as video (.AVI) files. More information... .GRD Grid files. GRID files define a set of equally spaced grid nodes (in an XY plane) and each node has an associated Z value. It is a binary file with a format defined below. An initial header:
typedefstructgridFileHeader { double xNOfNodes;
double yNOfNodes; double xNodeDist; double yNodeDist;
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
double xMin;
double xMax; double yMin;
double yMax; double zMin;
double zMax; char
}GRD_FILE_HDR; After the header there are xNOfNodes * yNOfNodes values, each sizeof(double). A node value of -100000000.0 indicates an empty node. The first values in the file are for xMin, yMin to xMax, yMin. The next "row" is xMin, yMin + yNodeDist to xMax, yMin + yNodeDist... etc .LBN Compiled look-up tables. .LDT Look-up table source files. MDB Link files. A data file created by establishing a link to a Microsoft Access database table. ODBC Link files. A data file created by establishing a link to an ODBC data source. .OUT Outline files. .PGL (HPGL) files. A .PGL plot output file consists of a series of drawing commands in the Plotter Graphics Language created by the Plot Editor. PGL was originally defined by Hewlett Packard (Hewlett-Packard Graphics language). Most modern plotters recognize HPGL commands. .PED Plot data sets. Plot Data Sets define the lines of text that will be written in plot frames. For example, the text files TITLE.PED, CLIENT.PED and NOTES.PED might contain text that define the plot title, the name and address of a client, and notes about the mine area shown in the plot. .PEL Plot file. .PEP Most recently used plot parameters. .PLS Plot layout forms. .PRN Printer/plotter file. .PRO Project file. .RPT Report file. .REP ASCII Report. .SEC A .SEC file which defines the ground level, generated using Survey | Cross Sections | Generate. .STP A .STP file is a profile setup file created in Stacked Profiles | Setup. .STR String file (See .DAT Data files). .SVY Survey file (See .DAT Data files). .SYS Form files (See .BDB Forms files).
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions .TDB Triangulation database files. Note: We now use only the Triangulation table with an additional BLOB field (called Geometry) which stores what used to be in the Points and Triangles tables. A wireframe can contain one or more objects, each made up of a collection of triangles. The object may be closed shapes or surfaces. The information is stored in a Microsoft Access database that has three tables. One has a list of points, each with a unique ID number and an X, Y and Z coordinate. The second lists the triangles by using the point IDs of their vertices. Each triangle is assigned its own unique ID. The third table records the attributes for each wire frame object. Again each object has a unique ID and this value is referenced in the other two tables.
Although the above example shows the Point and Triangle IDs starting at 0, this is not a requirement. It is necessary for each ID to be unique and for all Point IDs, referenced in the Triangles table, to exist. .XPM A Form set saved from Execute. Editor files Extension File type @LAYOUT files. Store field translations, hidden fields, last used Execute saved set, column widths. .LK
A Lookup link file (stores absolute paths to lookup tables attached to a particular data file).
.LBN A Lookup table (a compiled LDT Lookup table source file).
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Fields Validate With validate you can compare the data in selected fields of a file against permitted values that you have set up in a check file. When you run this function, data in the chosen fields is validated against the data in your check file. A report is then generated with detailed information on the results of the validation. Your data in both the input and check files remains unchanged. You can also check numeric values against a minimum and maximum range. Another example where you can use validation is to check the lithological names you have in a file. You would then set up a check file with all allowable names, and use it to compare your entries against that check. Note: When validating drill hole data, the Hole, From and To fields you specify are used to reference errors in the report file. To check for logical sequence errors in your From and To values, use the Dhole | Validate option instead. To validate the data in a file, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Fields | Validate menu option.
In the Input section, enter the name of the file to be validated. Define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
To validate files with FROM and TO fields (e.g. Drill Holes), select DRILL HOLE from the Data type list and enter the name of the hole field and the fields containing the From and To measurements of the sample. If you want to validate any other type of data select GENERAL.
Enter the name of the Check file that contains the permitted values against which you want to compare your data.
Enter the name of the Report file where you want to store the results of the validation. The report file will only contain details of the fields that do not pass the validation. If this file does not yet exist it will be created.
In the table, type the name of the fields (from the input file) that need to be validated, the minimum and maximum values they can contain and the name of the check fields (in the check file) that contain the acceptable values. (The minimum and maximum fields may only be entered for numeric values. You can also apply a check file to numeric fields but still need to enter values in the minimum and maximum fields).
You can further restrict the validation by optionally selecting the Ignore Blanks or Case Sensitive boxes.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Replace Use this function to search for and replace specific data in one or more fields of a file. When you execute the function, it will search the selected field for the strings you defined, and replace them in the original files with the new strings. You can search for numeric values or character strings and may optionally use wildcards and relative operators. Remember, when using wildcards with fields of type CHARACTER, all data (including numbers) will be evaluated as character strings (and numbers come before characters in the program ordering). For example, you can search a field for all values that start with a or b, by entering <=b*.
From the File menu select Fields | Replace or, if you are in Fields | Update, select Replace and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Optionally define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
In the column called Field name, type the name of the field that contains the data you want to change.
In the column called Replace, type the string to search for, using wildcards if required.
In the column called With, type the new value to replace the existing string.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Incrementing and replicating data The functions available via the Fields Increment dialog allow you to perform several replicating, copying and blanking operations on one or more numeric or character fields, overwriting your original data. You can use Increment to automatically enter all data in the From and To fields of a drill hole sample. The following functions are available: Function
Writes an optional starting value to the first record and then applies a fixed increment to subsequent records.
Fills all records of a field with a constant value.
Replaces all cells of the selected field with blank.
Copy from
Copies the value of the From Field to the next record of Field Name.
Skip records By using Skip Records you can choose to bypass a specified number of records after each iteration of the function. For example, when you set skip records to 2, the function will only affect the first, fourth, seventh, etc records. The records that are skipped remain unchanged. Skip records during increment Assuming that before the operation the From field contains all zeroes, which you could easily have entered with the Increment | blank function. You then perform the Increment function on the Increment menu, using the parameters as shown. This will update every third record. Figure three shows the file after the operation.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Skip records during Copy from Assuming that the From field contains the values 1,3,5,7,9,etc and the destination all blanks. You then execute the Copy from function with the parameters as shown. This will copy every third record, after incrementing it by 5. Remember that the skipping of records is also affected by your selection of the filter and overwrite options.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Calculate This function allows you to perform a number of mathematical and trigonometric operations on all records in a field. You can perform up to ten calculations in one operation, and the results of each step can be used in the next step, by storing the results in temporary fields. (If you want to use Forms with the Calculate function, use the one under Tools | Calculate.)
Using Calculate is the only way to make a straight copy of numerical data from one field to another. To do so, just add zero to the field you want to copy, then write the result to the destination field.
You can use the Calculate functions for example to convert between Strike and Dip direction values, cut assays to a defined value and total the values down a hole while consecutive values of any variable remain unchanged.
To perform arithmetical operations on fields, follow these steps: 1.
Select the File | Fields | Calculate menu option, or, if you are in Fields | Update, select Calculate and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
In the Input columns, type the values to be used in the operation (either a constant value, the name of a field or a temporary field that was previously generated in the Result).
Select a function from the drop down list.
In the Result column type in the name of a field where the result of the operation is to be stored. A temporary field is indicated by #0 to #9. The final result must be an existing field in the file.
Select the Overwrite box if you want existing data in the Result field to be overwritten with the new values.
Click the numeric exceptions button. This brings up a new dialog box where you can specify how non-numeric values are handled.
Choose the format used for Latitude and Longitude values. Available options are:
DDD.MMSS for degrees minutes seconds.
DD.DDDD for decimal degrees.
DDDMM.MMMM for degrees and decimal minutes.
Choose the format for Date values.
10. Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Update With this option you can combine the Replace, Increment and Calculate functions which are also available separately under the File | Fields menu. When you run this function, the operations you select are executed in the order they are specified in the dialog box. For more information, refer to the descriptions for each individual function. To use the update function, do the following:
Select the File | Fields | Update menu option.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Select the Overwrite data box if you want existing data in the Result field to be overwritten with the new values.
Select the check box next to the functions you want to perform. The More button will be enabled.
Click the More button and enter the required details in the new dialog box. Then click Close to return to the update dialog box.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Generate With the generate function you can assign a specific text string or a numeric value to ranges of data. It can be used to group similar data into blocks for easier manipulation. When you run this function, the values in a reference field are checked to see if they fall within the certain range (for numeric fields), or if they are equal to a specific text string (for character fields). For those that do, the value from the associated result attribute is copied to the Result field; others get the value from the Default result field. You can use Generate with symbols, to automatically assign symbol numbers based on the data in your file. For example, you can assign symbol number 10, in a separate field, to all records with a gold grade of 0 - 2 grams. All those between 2 and 5 grams are given the value 25, etc. When you ensure that the numbers you assign correspond to actual symbol numbers, you can then plot the grades using symbols instead of the actual grades. You can also use the Generate function if you want to generate some meaningful text from the numbers in your file. You can enter text strings of up to 60 characters. To use the generate function, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Fields | Generate menu option.
From the Method list select the type of file to work with; either Parameters, colour set or hatch set. Parameters works with any value while Colour set and Hatch set only work with colour and hatch sets respectively.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Optionally define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the name of the field that is to be checked (the Reference field). For Colour and Hatch sets the reference field is called Colour field or Hatch field respectively.
Enter the name of the field where the result is to be stored (the Result field).
Enter the value to be placed in the result for fields that do not pass the check (Default result).
For Colour or Hatch set enter the number of a set in the Colour Set or Hatch Set field. For the parameters method type in attributes for one or more fields to be checked:
Type a value in the Result column of the table. This will be placed in the Result field of the file for fields that contain the defined values.
For numeric fields type in Minimum, Maximum or both.
For character fields type in text, using wildcards if required.
Select the Overwrite data box if you want this function to overwrite existing data.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Average With the Average function you can calculate a simple or weighted average of up to eight fields. You can do the weighing using values in other fields or by using constants you specify. You can use Averaging for instance when you have drill samples that were assayed to a different accuracy. For example, the initial assays of your gold samples could have been done roughly, to find the approximate gold value. The samples of a promising area may then be submitted to a different analytical technique. When you subsequently average all the assay results, you may want to attach more weight to the ones that were analyzed more accurately. To use the Average function, follow these steps:
Select the File | Fields | Average menu option.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Optionally define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Type in the name of an existing field where you want to store the result.
If you want existing data in the result field to be overwritten, select the Overwrite Data box.
Type in all the fields you want to average with optional weights. Leaving the weight field blank applies a weight of one
Click the Numeric Exceptions button. This brings up a new dialog box where you can specify how non-numeric values should be handled.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Split With this function you can split the data from a field into multiple parts, and place each component in a new field of the same record. When you run the split function, the selected components are copied to other fields, while the source field remains unchanged. You can use this on both numeric and text data. The point at which data is separated is determined by a number of characters or by a delimiter in the source field. Virtually any combination of characters can be used as a delimiter.
This function is useful for splitting a drill hole sample identifier into its components. A drill hole sample identifier such as 96DDH1170-4 could have been used to identify the year of drilling, the drill hole identifier, from and to distances. This could be separated into four fields containing 96, DDH117, 0 and 4 so that drill hole logs can be constructed.
You can also use Split to copy alphanumeric data from one field to another. In that case, enter only one field name for the destination field. Note that this is the only way to do a straight copy of character type data. Numeric data can also be copied via the Calculate function.
If you want to split fields, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Fields | Split menu option.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Optionally apply a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
In the Field to split prompt, type in the name of the field that you want to split.
In the group called Split fields, type in the names of the fields where you want the split data to be stored.
Specify the position of the split by typing in a value in either the Length or Delimiter field.
Select the Overwrite box if required. When selected, the results will overwrite any existing values in the destination fields.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Join With the Join function you can combine the values of up to six fields into a single field. It is the reverse of the Split operation. Numeric and character variables can be combined, spaces can be removed and delimiters can be inserted between the component fields. This can be useful for display purposes, where the resultant field is then treated as a single entity. If you want to join several fields, follow these steps:
Select the File | Fields | Join menu option.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. Optionally select a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter up to six fields that are to be joined together. You must enter at least two fields.
Enter the name of the field that is to contain the result. If it does not exist it will be created, in which case you need to define its size (WIDTH), number of decimal places and the type (character or numeric).
If you want to remove spaces from the source fields select Strip Spaces.
To include a delimiter between the fields select the delimiter box and enter the value of the delimiter in the box that becomes highlighted.
If you want to overwrite any data that is already in the result field, select the Overwrite data box.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Extracting unique values from a field This function will find all unique values in a field and write them to an output file. To use it: 1.
Select the File | Fields | Extract Unique menu option.
Enter the name of the file containing the values in Input File.
In Extraction field, enter the name of the field you need to extract unique values from.
Optionally, select up to 2 key fields which will be written to the output file.
Enter a name for the output file. This file will be created when you run the function.
Click OK to run the function. Unique values will be written to the output file together with a count (the number of occurrences) for each unique value.
Case sensitive When you select Case sensitive, character case will be considered when uniqueness is tested. For example, when you select this option Cnz and CNZ will be considered unique. Sort output Select Sort output when you need to sort the output in alphabetical order (numbers will precede letters). Num eric Select Numeric (ignore leading characters) when you want to find the unique numeric component of values with a character prefix.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Sorting fields in the File Editor Use the Sort function to sort the contents of one or more fields into ascending or descending order. Enter the field in the file on which the sort will be based. All the records in the file will be sorted using this field when the function is run. More than one field can be used in a sort. In this case, the contents of the file will be sorted on the first field, then on the subsequent fields in the order they have been defined. Sort will operate on the file in the active window. To use the Sort function do the following: 1.
Select Edit | Tools | Sort from the menu. The Simple Sort dialog will open.
Move the cursor to Field 1 and enter the field name.
Choose either ASCENDING or DESCENDING from the drop down list.
Continue entering field names and setting the sort order for each.
Click the OK button and the data file will be sorted. The new sort order will be permanently displayed.
Note: Sorting the contents of a file will speed up many processes. Alphanumeric strings are sorted from left to right. Numeric values are placed before alphabetic strings. Numbers are treated as a numeric value rather than a character string. In an ascending sort, 98AB will be placed before 213B. Upper case characters are placed before lower case. Blank spaces will be sorted to the beginning of the file if sorting by Ascending order. They will be placed at the end of the file if sorting by Descending order.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Functions on the File menu Some File functions provided on the main menu, are also available on the Tools menu in the File Editor, where they can be used with Forms. However, functions like File | Sort, and the merge functions under File | Merge, can be used with macros, which makes them easier to use with multiple files. Function
Changes the structure of a file.
Use these functions to perform File Maintenance and obtain File Information.
Converts one file type to another.
Explore Current Project
Select this option when you want to open the project folder in Windows Explorer™.
Imports data from an external file.
Transforms a program file into a text file.
Merges selected records from one file into another file.
Joins files with the same structure.
Sorts records in ascending or descending order.
Creates and manages filters.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Modify file structure One of the strengths of this application is that file structure can be changed even when the file contains data. The Modify Structure function allows you to change the structure of a file by adding and deleting fields, or by changing their characteristics using full screen editing facilities. When you run this function the structure of the file is displayed. You can then modify field characteristics, delete fields and insert new fields at any location. Modifying a file structure this way works the same way as the Modify on the File menu of the File editor. The same editing facilities are available as in the Edit and Options menus in the File editor. You can also use this function to justify text files that were imported in column delimited format. Such files are written to the program as they existed, without left justification of the fields. And they may contain more decimal places than are defined for the file in this program. You can use this option to rewrite decimal places and left justify all fields. To change the structure of a file, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Modify menu option. A folder is displayed.
Select the name of the file whose structure you want to modify, and click OK. This opens the Edit screen.
You can use all the functions in the editor in the normal way to insert or edit fields. The existing file structure is summarised on the right side of the screen.
When you exit from editing the structure, you are asked to format numeric fields. Selecting Yes will rewrite numeric fields with the number of decimal places you defined in the editor. You will also have the option to left justify the values in all fields.
Click OK and the file structure will be modified.
Note: You can also modify the file structure (of most file types) by pressing F6 with the cursor over the File name prompt. If you want to modify the file structure via a macro, use the Modify Structure function on the Tools | Macro Functions menu.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
File Sort Use the File | Sort function to sort records using one or more fields as the keys, and store the result in the same or a different file. You can sort records in any combination of ascending or descending order. To sort the records in a file, follow these steps: 1.
Select the File | Sort menu option.
In the File Sort dialog, enter (or double-click to select) the names of the source and output files. If the output file does not exist it will be created.
Type in the fields to be used as sort keys and select the sort sequence (ascending or descending).
Click OK.
Note: Given the sequential nature of string data, be careful when sorting strings. Make sure that there is a field in the file that you can use to Unsort.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
File Utilities Use the File | Utilities function to manage your files and their contents. The utilities provided (via the Mode drop-down list) fall into two broad categories: those used to perform File Maintenance, and those used to obtain File Information. Note that with some functions (like Delete) you can use the standard Windows method (using the Shift or Ctrl keys with the mouse) to tag several files and then apply Delete on all of the files at once. The following utilities are provided:
Copying files
Deleting files
Renaming files
Fixing files
Append File
Displaying file information
File View
MinMax of File Contents
Descriptive Statistics
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
File Conversions The File Conversions function enables you to change your file from one type to another, for example from a STRING file to an OUTLINE file. Some conversions merely involve copying files, such as DATA to STRING, while others can have extra information assigned. The fields that are copied depend on the types of files you are working with. For example, when converting to SECTION type files, only three fields will be copied. Therefore data may not be converted to and from some types. Conversions from SECTION to OUTLINE type files are very useful in displaying topographic profiles or pit outlines on drill cross sections and longitudinal sections. SECTION to PROFILES conversions can be used to create three dimensional representations of topographic profiles. To convert a file from one type to another, follow these steps: 1.
Select the File | Conversions menu option.
Enter the name and type of the file to be converted and apply an optional a filter. The source file will always remain unaltered.
Enter the name and type for the destination file. You can choose an existing file which will then be overwritten, or create a new one.
Enter additional information as required. Appropriate fields and buttons will be enabled depending on the type of conversion.
In Model type in a polygonal model name, and for Geology/Design # type the file to be converted.
In Stacked profile type in a single character suffix for the profile name.
Section to outline uses the section coordinate as the name for each outline to be created. Make sure you include the numeric suffix as part of the name of the first outline file. This suffix will be automatically incremented for other files.
The two Field Names buttons bring up dialog boxes where you enter field names containing coordinates, outline names and attributes.
Click OK to start the conversion process.
For more information about the different file types used by the application, refer to the File types topic. Any file type that can be selected in the File Conversions dialog can be converted to any other file type with the following exceptions: 1. You can convert FROM but cannot convert TO the following file types:
Only a SECTION file can be converted to a PROFILES file.
Profile files can not be converted to file types GEOLOGY, DESIGN and OUTLINE.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing data With the import function you can copy the contents of external files into a file in the program. You would generally use it to import complete files. This function is similar to the simple import on the File | Tools menu. However, it has several more options; it works with files that are not opened in the file editor, and it can be used with macros. You can import (or append) these types of files:
Old DTMs
Block models
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing data in the File Editor Import allows you to import data from external files. Import is best used when the source data has fields with widely varying widths or if you want to import more than ten fields of data at once. More often, you will want to merge external data with matching data in a data file in the program. For example, merging assay samples with field location. With Merge you do not have to import all the fields in the source file nor are you committed to the field order in the source file. To import: 1.
Open or Create a file.
Select Edit | Tools | Import from the menu.
Enter the name and location of the file of interest in Import file path. If you double click (F3), the Windows™ Select File dialog box will open. Use this to select an external file. Once you have selected a file, you can right double click (F4) to view its contents. This is limited to the specified file types.
Choose the File format from the drop down list.
If DELIMITED is selected, enter the ASCII value of the delimiter.
(Optional) If you intend to overwrite data in the current file (into which the data will be imported) select Overwrite.
Click the OK button. A message box appears listing the name of the file being imported and the name of the target file. Click the OK button if these are correct. If not, press ESC to interrupt the processing.
If the importation proceeds successfully you will be informed when the process is completed. If an error occurs the process will be interrupted and an appropriate error message displayed. Note: When data is stored in exponential notation e.g. 0.12340000E3, import the number then convert it back to normal notation i.e. 123.4 by multiplying it by 1 using Edit | Tools | Calculate. If you import data from the same source often, use a Form to save the entries in the Import dialog for later use.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing text files Use this function if you want to import a text file into the program. A text file contains standard ASCII characters. Fields can be in columns, or delimited by a space, tab or any user-defined character (usually a comma). When you run this function, the source file is appended to the end of the destination file, or it can overwrite it. To import a text file:
Select the File | Import | Text.
Type the full pathname of the source file or double-click and browse the system.
The first and last lines in a text file often contain labels and header information. If you want to exclude this, type in the number of lines you want to ignore in Start of file and End of file.
Determine how fields in the import file are delimited by pressing F4 with the cursor on the Text file path. Then select a corresponding Text file format.
If a character ‘delimited’ file is used, type in the delimiter.
For a file that is not column delimited, the source and target fields can be put in a different sequence by clicking the Delimited Fields button. The Delimited Fields dialog that appears has two columns; the number refers to the field order in the source file, the Output column refers to target file fields.
Enter the name and type of the output file.
Click OK. If the destination file already exists, you will have the option to overwrite it or to append the imported data at the end.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC Import To use the ODBC Import function, do the following: 1.
Make sure you have defined the data source using the Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) option under the Windows Control Panel.
Note: The procedure to install a new driver and link one or more data sources may be different depending on the version of Windows you are running. For detailed instructions see your Microsoft user guide. 2.
Select File | Import | ODBC from the main menu.
Click the Select Data Source button.
Select the File Data Source or Machine Data Source tab.
Double-click on the name of the data source that contains the information you want to import. You must install suitable ODBC drivers before the ODBC Import will work. Do this in the Windows Control Panel.
Navigate to and select the database, file or spreadsheet you want to import and click OK.
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Enter the name of the target file in the Import ODBC dialog box. The imported data will be saved in this file. If the file exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it.
Specify how the target file will be structured. There are three options:
Determine structure. If this option is selected, the function will read the contents of the source table to determine the most appropriate width and format for each field in the target file.
Use database structure. If this option is selected, the function will base the structure of the target file on the structure of the source table.
Use current structure. If this option is selected, the function will use the current structure of the target file. Note: This option will be disabled if the target file does not exist (i.e. you are creating a new file).
In the case of the Determine structure and Use database structure options, if the target file exists (i.e. you are not creating a new file) a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file which have the same Name, Width and Precision.
In the case of the Use current structure option, a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file with the same Name.
If all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file, you will be prompted whether to append or overwrite data to the file.
If one or more fields cannot be mapped (the target file and the source table are incompatible) you will be prompted to overwrite the target file. Click YES to continue the import. Click NO to abort the import process.
Note: Some data types, such as LongVarChar, Memo, Image and Binary data types, cannot be converted to a format that is compatible with Micromine file formats. Click on the following link for a list of compatible data types and default widths and precisions used during the import process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions 10. To preview the results of the import, select Preview and enter the number or records you want to see. Click Import and the Preview dialog will open. In this dialog you can see a sample of the records in the table from which you are importing. You can also change the structure of the table that will be created. 11. To import all the fields in the table select the Select all check box. Otherwise select one or more fields from the list. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys and the mouse pointer to select multiple fields. Remember that field names can be up to 10 characters in length. Longer names will be truncated during the import process. 12. You can append an SQL clause to allow filtering or ordering of the imported data. For example, WHERE Hole_ID = 'DH4'. 13. Click Import to complete the process. A message will appear when the import is complete.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing data from Microsoft Access using ODBC Overview This function lets you import data directly from a table in a Microsoft Access database. The advantage this function has over the general ODBC functions is the data source requirements are managed by the program. The difference between this function and MDB Link is that data is actually transferred from the external database to the program. Once it is in the program the data can be changed and saved.
The Process 1.
Select File | Import | MDB from the main menu.
Click Select MDB file.
Navigate to and select the Access database you want to import (for example, prospect1.mdb ) and click OK.
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Enter the name of the target file. This is the file where the data will be imported into.
To import all the fields in the table select the Select all check box. Otherwise select one or more fields from the list. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys and the mouse pointer to select multiple fields. Remember that field names can be up to a maximum 10 characters in length: longer names will be truncated during the import process.
Specify how the target file will be structured. There are three options:
Determine structure. If this option is selected, the function will read the contents of the source table to determine the most appropriate width and format for each field in the target file.
Use database structure. If this option is selected, the function will base the structure of the target file on the structure of the source table.
Use current structure. If this option is selected, the function will use the current structure of the target file. Note: This option will be disabled if the target file does not exist (i.e. you are creating a new file). In the case of the Determine structure and Use database structure options, if the target file exists (i.e. you are not creating a new file) a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file which have the same Name, Width and Precision. In the case of the Use current structure option, a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file with the same Name. If all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file, you will be prompted whether to append or overwrite data to the file. If one or more fields cannot be mapped (the target file and the source table are incompatible) you will be prompted to overwrite the target file. Click YES to continue the import. Click NO to abort the import process.
Note: Some data types, such as Memo, Image and Binary data types, cannot be converted to a format that is compatible with Micromine file formats. Click on the following link for a list of compatible data types and default widths and precisions used during the import process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions 8.
To preview the results of the import, select Preview and enter the number or records you want to see. Click Import and the Preview dialog will open. In this dialog you can see a sample of the records in the table from which you are importing. You can also change the structure of the table that will be created by the application.
Click OK in the Preview dialog.
10. Click Import in the Import MDB dialog to complete the process. When the import is complete a message will report the number of records that have been successfully imported.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing dBase files Use this function to import data from a dBase file into the program. It can import files in the dBaseIII format. To use this function select File | Export | dBase. All fields in the dBase file will be imported. However, you can limit the number of records that will be imported to a “block”. Do this by entering the number of the numbers of the first and last records in the block. The dBase file will generally have a dbf extension and can be in any location accessible to your computer. Click the ellipsis button beside the Input Path response to open the Select File dialog. You must enter a name for the output file. This will be created by the Import function.
Importing DXF files Use this function to import data from a DXF file into the application. The DXF file format is used to allow the interchange of drawings between CAD packages. The application works with text and line data independently, so when you run this function, the application will extract information from the DXF file and create separate files for them. When you import the linework of the DXF file, you can exclude specific layers and objects. Circles and arcs are imported as line segments. You must then define an angle increment (in degrees) for the number of chords used to represent the arc. To import a DXF file: 1.
Select the File | Import | DXF.
Enter the name of the DXF file to be imported.
Type the layers to be imported (the default, identified by *, is all). Layer numbers are separated by commas, for example 1,2,5.
Type in new X, Y and Z factors or use the defaults of 1.0. You can use these to compensate for any exaggerated scales in the DXF file.
To import linework or text data select the appropriate check box. The More button opposite will be enabled.
Click the More button and specify the output file and the destination fields. For Linework select the objects you want to import.
Click OK.
Note: The application supports the AutoCad DXF standard. Other applications may create DXF files that do not comply with this standard. You may not be able to import those files.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Import old DTM The file format used in DTM functions, has changed from earlier versions. DTMs are now stored in the wireframe format used by Micromine applications. The methods used to create and contour the DTMs are the same. Only the way the data is stored has changed. The switch to a wireframe format, means that DTMs can be treated in exactly the same way as other wireframes. Any existing DTMs with the old (*.tri) triangulation file format, will be converted automatically to the new format. However, the Import | Old DTM menu option has been included just in case you need to convert a DTM from the old format to the new. Do the following:
Select File | Import | Old DTM from the main menu.
Enter the name of the old DTM file.
Enter the name and type of the DTM (wireframe) that will be created.
If necessary, specify metadata and attributes for the wireframe.
Click OK to run the function.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Import wireframes Use the Import Wireframes function to import one of four types of file, from which a wireframe (and its associated triangulation database file), can be constructed. In addition to importing wireframe data, this function has other uses. For example, you might want to reposition a wireframe by moving it 500m to the East, or apply a grid transformation to the points in a wireframe. In such cases you can export the wireframe, process the exported file, and then convert it back to a wireframe using File | Import Wireframes. To import a wireframe: 1.
Select File | Import | W ireframe from the main menu.
Choose the type of wireframe you want to import.
If you selected MICROMINE as the input file type, specify the names of the Triangles and Points files. See "Input types" below.
If you selected DXF as the input file type, the Import to a single wireframe option is enabled. This gives you the opportunity to merge two or more wireframes into a single entity. See "Combining wireframes" below.
Enter a wireframe type (F3) and enter a name for the wireframe that will be created.
Click OK to run the function.
Input types
The function is expecting a DXF file with a 3DFACE entity.
When you set the input type to VULCAN, the function is expecting a file with the extension *.00t.
To import ASCII data you need a file containing point records containing X, Y and Z coordinates and triangle records describing the triangles.
When you set the input type to MICROMINE, the function is expecting two files. The first, a triangles file, must contain records with identifiers for the three points in each triangle. The second, a points file, contains the X, Y and Z coordinates for each point. In each case you must define the names of the fields in those files.
Combining wireframes When you set the input type to DXF, the prompt, Import to a single wireframe, is enabled. This gives you the opportunity to merge two or more wireframes into a single entity. A example of where this feature can be used is when you have DTMs (wireframes) defining the upper and lower surface of a seam saved as a wireframe set. If you export the wireframe set to a DXF file and then import that DXF file with Import to a single wireframe selected, the two surfaces of the seam will be contained in a single wireframe. Later, in the Wireframing function, you can close the upper and lower surfaces of the seam. Using the Validate function in Wireframing is a convenient way of doing this because it recognises and selects open faces in a wireframe. Once the open surfaces of the wireframe are selected, you can join them to form a closed surface.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Import Block Model Import Block Model will import the following Block Model file formats: MINEMAX
This option has been replaced by the Mining | Pit Optimisation | MineMax Planner / Scheduler to MM option.
When you set the input type to DATAMINE or GEMCOM, the function is expecting a text-based block model file which was exported from DATAMINE or GEMCOM. In both cases, the text file will usually have a .TXT file extension. When you set the input type to SURPAC, the function is expecting a text file with a .STR or a .OBS extension.
Note: Binary files cannot be imported using this function. To import a block m odel file:
Select the Input File Type.
Enter the Text file path or click the ellipse button to Browse to the location of the input file.
Select the Output File Type.
Enter the output file name or double-click to select a file from the current project.
To begin the import process, click the Run button.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing GIS files Select the File | Import | GIS menu option to import point, line, and point data stored in a variety of third party GIS formats. The formats that can be imported include ArcView® shapefiles, Microstation® DGN files, and MapInfo® files in both TAB and MIF formats. Depending on the file format, one or more feature types (Points, Lines, or Polygons) as well as an annotation layer, may be imported. ArcGIS (.SHP) Shapefiles, for example, contain data of a single feature type, whereas Microstation Design (.DGN) files will typically comprise several (text, point, line, and polygon) feature types. These layers are identified in the output file via a mandatory LAYER field. You can use the Layer field in subsequent file operations to filter data for a particular feature type.
Import attributes Select this option to import attributes (i.e. descriptions and other metadata) as well as spatial (line, point, or polygon) features. ArcGIS (.SHP) shapefiles, for example, store attributes in a separate dBASE (.DBF) file. Other file formats, such as Microstation Design (.DGN) files, have an attribute layer in the same file.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing MAPGIS files Select the File | Import | MAPGIS | Lines or the File | Import | MAPGIS | Points menu option to import data from a MAPGIS line (.WAL) or point (.WAT) file.
MapGIS file Navigate to the location of the .WAT and .WAL file(s) you want to import. Output Specify an output file. The type of file you select should be compatible with the type of features (points or lines) being imported.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing DEM (China Standard) files Select the File | Import | DEM menu option to import a Digital Elevation Model (China Standard Transfer Format) data file.
File path Navigate to the location of the .DEM file(s) you want to import. Sam pling factor DEM files are often large in size. To ease the import process, it may be necessary to specify a sampling factor in order to extract a subsample of features while maintaining a regular grid pattern of points. A sampling factor of 5, for example, would mean that every fifth point in the input file is imported. In the case of a 500 by 500 point grid, the resulting input file would be a 100 by 100 grid of points. Output Specify an output file. The type of file you select should be compatible with the type of features being imported.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting data The functions under File | Export allow you to export data to external files in several formats, including exports to Text, AutoCAD DXF, and ODBC files, or as coordinates for a survey instrument. See also Exporting data in the File Editor. You can export these types of files:
Survey coordinate files
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting data in the File Editor Select the Edit | Tools | Export menu option to export a data file for use in another application. See also Exporting data. In the Export to Text File dialog, do the following: 1.
Browse to the location of the file you want to export.
Num eric Fields 2.
Enter the character that will be used to replace non-numeric field values.
Enter the character that will be used to replace blank field values.
If the COLUMN FORMAT text file format is selected, select the Left-justify option if you want numeric fields to be left-justified in the output file.
Options 5.
Choose the format of the output text file from the drop down list. The following formats are supported:
COLUMN FORMAT - ASCII data organised into columns.
DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited using some ASCII character.
TAB DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by TABs.
SPACE DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by spaces.
COMMA DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by commas.
Note: Delimiters are ASCII characters used to separate one data field from the next. A comma is often used as a delimiter. 6.
If the DELIMITED text file format is selected, enter the ASCII character to be used as a separator between adjacent field values.
If you have chosen a delimited (TAB, SPACE, COMMA , or ASCII character) text file format, enter the character to appear before and after each character field value. The double quote (") is most commonly used.
If you have chosen a delimited (TAB, SPACE, COMMA , or ASCII character) text file format, enter the character to appear before and after each numeric field value.
Select the Write field names to first record option to write field names to the first line of the output file. Field names will be enclosed in quotes and separated using the same delimiter used to write data records to the output file.
10. Select the Export View option to export the fields in the order they are displayed in the editor. Hidden fields will not be exported. Select the Export File option to export the fields in the order they are defined by the file structure. Hidden fields will be included in the export process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting text files Use this function to export data from the program to a text file in a variety of formats, including text dump, comma delimited, tab delimited, space delimited, other delimiter and spreadsheet. You can also write the field names from the file in the program to the text file, in which case they will be enclosed in double quote. To export data as a text file do the following:
Select the File | Export | Text menu option.
Enter the name for the source file and apply an optional filter.
Type the replacement for non-numeric or blank characters found in numeric fields. If left blank the file is exported as it is in the source file.
If you want to left-justify numeric fields select the appropriate box (this only applies to a file format of Other; the default is right-justified).
Type the full pathname for the output file.
Select one of the formats described above as the export file format for the destination file.
Where required, type the character to be used as the delimiter, and type in how character and numeric values will be enclosed.
If you also want to copy the names of the fields to the text file, select the Write Field Names box.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC Export To use the Export ODBC function, do the following: 1.
Make sure you have defined the data source using ODBC32 in the Windows Control Panel.
Select File | Export | ODBC from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing the source data.
Select the Select all check box to export all fields or select one or more fields from the list. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys with the mouse to select which fields to export.
Select where the data will be exported to by selecting a data source. To do this, click the Select Data Source button and double-click on the name of a data source in the list.
Navigate to and select the database, file or spreadsheet you want to export to and click OK.
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Click Export to complete the process.
A message will appear when the export is complete.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting dBase files Use this function when you need to export a MICROMINE file in dBase format. You can write the file to any folder accessible to your computer.
Select Files | Export | dBase from the main menu.
You must enter the names of the input and output files. The output file can be sent to any accessible folder. Click the select file button to navigate to a suitable location, and then select and existing file or enter the name of a new file.
You are not obliged to export all the fields in the file when you export it. You can control which fields are exported by either inclusion or exclusion.
To exclude fields, set Output fields to EXCLUDE and then enter (F3) the names of the fields that will not be exported in the table.
To include fields, set Output fields to INCLUDE and enter the names of the fields that will be exported.
To export all fields, set Output fields to ALL.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting DXF files Use this function if you want to convert Point and Line information from a file in the program to a DXF file (DXF is an acronym for Drawing Exchange File). When you run this function, your data will be exported to a file in DXF format. This enables you to use plots in various CAD packages. To export data in DXF format, follow these steps: 1.
From the File menu select Export | DXF.
Click the arrow next to Data Type and select whether to export line work (strings) or points.
The Input group defines the file that will be exported. Enter the name of the file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
If you want to export 3D information, enter the names for the fields that contain the Northings, Eastings and RL. When you want to export 2D information, the RL field is not required. Instead you must type in a constant Z-value for the Z-plane parameter. The Default value is 0.0.
Type the names of the fields containing Join and String information.
Type the value for the Wildcode. This must be a value occurring in the String field.
From the Symbol list select a symbol that is to be displayed at each point.
Enter the name of the field which will control colour coding and the colour set number. If you do not apply colour coding to the data, it will be written in the default colour, which you can select by double-clicking the box next to Default Colour.
If you want to define different layers in the DXF file according to the values in a specific field, select the Layers check box and then type the name of a field, or double-click and select from the list. If you want to put everything on a single layer, leave the Layers check box blank and just enter the name for the layer.
10. To export text or attributes select the appropriate check box. Click the More button and type the required information describing how the text will be exported or which attributes to export. 11. Type the full path name for the output DXF file. You can double-click to browse. 12. Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting coordinate files Use this function to export files in the special format required by survey instruments (The only format currently supported is GEODIMETER). To export data in the GEODIMETER format, do the following:
Select the File | Export | Coordinates menu option.
Enter the name of the source file and apply an optional filter.
Type in the fields containing Point, East, North and RL information.
Type the full path name of the output file.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting wireframes Export Wireframes takes a wireframe or a wireframe set as input, and outputs a wireframe in DXF, ASCII, Vulcan, MDB or Micromine format. Do the following: 1.
Select File | Export | Wireframe from the main menu.
If you want to export a number of wireframes at one time, select Set and then enter the name of the set. To export an individual wireframe, enter the name of the wireframe type, and then enter the name of the wireframe you want to work with. Selecting wireframes by set and by type.
Choose the type of output file from the Type list.
If you selected MICROMINE as the output file type, specify the names of the (Triangles and Points) files which will contain the wireframe triangle definitions. Each record represents a triangle by listing the Point IDs (as defined in the Points file) for the three vertices.
Enter the number of decimal places that will be used for the point coordinates in the wireframe in Precision.
If you selected DXF as the output file type and are exporting a wireframe set, select the Export to single layer option to write all the wireframes in the set to the same layer in the DXF file, effectively combining them into a single wireframe. By default, each wireframe is written to a separate layer in the DXF output file.
Click OK to complete the process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging files Merging files from the File menu Using the Merge function you can transfer selected data from a MICROMINE data file, or an ASCII text file into another file. When you run this function, the data from selected fields will be copied from the source to the target file. You can select records based on up to three matching keys (and you can further refine the selection by applying a filter). Instead of transferring data between records with matching keys, you can also specify a value that you want written into one or two fields, for those records. This can be used to indicate the records that have been successfully merged or can contain a date, a prospect number or some other piece of information. Alternatively, you can append all source file data to the end of the target file. This is typically used to merge data from an assay laboratory file into an existing file in the program. In that case the sample numbers could be used as the key to match records between the two files. Input can come from either a text file (Merge text), from a comma-delimited or columndelimited laboratory file (Merge Lab Data), or from another file in the program (Merge MM). The Merge Text and Merge MM functions work like the options on the File | Tools menu in the File Editor. However, if you want to use macros with it, you must use the one here. Another difference is that in this merge, your choice to match key fields as numeric or characters applies to all keys, while in the File Editor it applies to individual keys.
Merging files in the File Editor Merge takes data from source Text or a MICROMINE Data File and writes it to fields in a target file based on one or two matching key fields. Typically it is used for such tasks as merging data from a laboratory assay file into an existing file. In such a case the sample number would be used as the key. Text (ASCII) files must be column delimited. The function will not work with comma or tab delimited files. If the file containing the data you require for the merge is not column delimited, import it into the program and use the File | Merge |Text function. Whether you are merging a text file or a MICROMINE data file, the target file is always the file open in the active window of the File Editor.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging MICROM INE files This function is like Merge Text. It has the same options, except that the source is not a text file, but any other file in the program.. 1.
Select the File | Merge | MM menu option.
In the Merge files dialog, enter the name and type of the source and target files, and define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
You can either append source records to the target file or merge them into it. If you want to append the records, select Append. If you want to merge them select Use Key Fields, and then define the Key Fields and Merge Fields (note that your selection is reflected in the change of the box on the right of the Target filename).
If you want to use keys, you must also select an option from the Match list to define how to handle multiple occurrences of the same key.
Select the Flag merged records option to write a user defined value, to a field in the Target file, for all records modified by the merge process. Click the More button, then fill out the dialog box that opens.
If you want to copy all unmerged or duplicate records in a separate file, enter the file names in the Output section.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merge text files from the File menu Use this function to merge data from an external text file into a file in the program. In this function, fields in the text file are identified by their start position and length. You can determine these by opening the file using F4.
Select the File | Merge | Text menu option.
In the Merge Text Files dialog, enter the path of the source file. You can optionally ignore records, which contain header information, not data. To open the source text file press F4 or right double-click with the cursor over the file name or the Start and Length field prompts.
Enter the name of the target file, and define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
If you only want to append the source data to the end of the target file, select Append Data. If you want to merge source data into the target file select Use Key Fields (note that your selection is reflected in the change of the box on the right of the Target filename). In that case you also need to define the keys and merge fields by clicking the Key Fields and Merge Fields buttons. You can then define the keys on which to base the merge, and the fields to be merged. You must then also select if you want keys to be matched based on the entire field (Character), or just the numeric part of the field (Numeric).
If you are merging data based on key fields, select an option from the Match list. If the same key appears several times, specify whether to merge only the first occurrence, all of them, or only if the identical keys are contiguous in the target file.
Select the Flag merged records option to write a user defined value, to a field in the Target file, for all records modified by the merge process. Click the More button, then fill out the dialog box that opens.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions 7.
If you want to keep a separate log of all unmerged or duplicate records, optionally enter the names of files (in the section called Output), where you want to store those records.
Click OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging laboratory data Use the Merge Lab Data function to simplify and automate the process of getting laboratory data into the program. This function can:
Merge or append data from lab files into files in the program.
Automatically create a target file in the program with the contents of the lab file.
Work with both comma delimited and column delimited files.
Accommodate lab files with up to 130 fields. Assays marked as falling below the detection limits can be replaced with a standard code or, if the detection limit is in the lab file, with the detection limit.
Replace laboratory codes with ones that are standard in your company.
Note: Only the sample field is used as the matching key. This is the difference between this and other merge functions.
To Merge Lab Data, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Merge | Lab Data menu option.
Enter the path/name of the laboratory file. Left double-click to open the dialog box from where you can navigate to the file containing the sample data.
Select Comma delimited or Column delimited according to the lab file type. If you need to check its contents, right-click (F4) with the cursor in the Lab file path response.
Select the method you will use to merge the data. If you select Append, the program will add the records from the lab file to the end of the target file. If you select Use Sample field, the program will use matching sample numbers in the source and target files to control the merge. If you select Create new target file, the function creates a file in the program with the same fields.
If you have selected Use sample field as the merge method, define how the sample numbers will be matched between the lab and target files.
Define where the function will find the Assayed element names and the Data values in the lab file.
Enter the name of the target file. Specify the file type and the name of the sample field in that file. Adjust the field mapping between the lab and target files.
Normally a target file will be created in the office or field before (or soon after) the samples are taken. The sample numbers and the coordinates where the samples were taken are recorded in this file. Alternatively, you can select the Create new target file option to automatically generate a data file with all the fields in the lab file. This is useful when you need to get the data into the program for further processing. 8.
Click OK to run the function.
You can also:
Define how the function will deal with laboratory codes and when samples results are below the detection limit.
Overwrite values already in the target file.
Define values and the field to which they will be written in the target file when the merge for that record is successful.
Specify a file where unmerged records will be written.
Use Autofill to match the fields in the lab and target files.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Comma and column delimited files Column delimited Column delimited data fields are arranged in vertical columns with fixed widths. The width of each column is specified in characters. In the case of laboratory sample files, samples for each element are saved in separate columns. Because the columns have fixed widths, they can be defined by entering the point where the column for a sample starts (in number of characters) and the width of the column (also in number of characters). The parts of a column delimited lab file:
Comma delimited In comma delimited data files the comma (,) character is used to separate the fields of data. Whenever the program finds a comma as it processes the lab file, it treats data to the left of the comma as one field and that to the right as another.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging methods Three merging processes can be applied using Merge Lab Data. You can merge by:
Appending - the contents of the lab file are appended to the end of an existing target file.
Matching sample identifiers - this method is applied when you select Use sample field.
Creating an entirely new target file as part of the process.
Matching sample IDs As samples are taken in the field they are identified (numbered or labelled) and the location recorded. The samples are then shipped to the laboratory for testing. At the same time, a data file is created or imported from Field Marshal™. This will typically contain the sample identifiers and location where each sample was collected. Once the laboratory has completed testing, they will return a lab file containing records with sample numbers and the associated assays. Merge Lab Data can match the sample identifiers in the lab file to those in the data file. When a match is found, the assays are written to the correct record in the data file. Sample identifiers can be matched in two ways:
Numeric match.
Character match.
When you select Numeric match, the first numeric component of the sample numbers must match before a record will be imported. That is, if a sample identifier in the lab file was AA100 and the sample identifier in the data file was AB100, the assays would be merged into this record in the data file. When you select Character match, the entire identifier in the source file must match that in the target file, before the records will be merged. That is, AA100 will not be matched to AB100. In either case you must specify the point where the column containing the sample number is located (in number of characters). The program automatically calculates the column width. Generally it will be the first column in the lab file.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Defining the location of assayed element names and data Merge Lab Data attempts to isolate each “column” of data in the lab file. To do this it requires a minimum of information. That is:
For Assayed Element Names it requires Row and Start column numbers.
For Data it requires a Row number.
You must enter these values. The function treats a space or spaces as the end of one column and the beginning of the next. Also, a constant column width is assumed for both assayed element names and data. This is derived by subtracting the column width found for the first assayed element name from the column width found for the second assayed element name. The significance of these rules is that if any of the assayed element names are made up of two words, the function will need some help. That is, you will need to enter a column width. The following illustration shows a fragment of a lab data file. It shows how to obtain the parameters for the Assayed Element Names and the Data prompts. Because the assayed element names are made up of two words, a column width is required.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Posting Row, Start Column and Column Width values To make it easier to obtain values for parameters in the Sample number, Assayed Element Names and Data groups, the built in text viewer has a Post data function. To use the built in text viewer, you must select it in Records | Editor. To use this feature, right-click with the cursor in one of the responses from which you require values. For example, to find Row and Start column values for the assayed element names, right– click with the cursor in the Start column prompt in the Assayed Element Names group. Once the text viewer opens: 1.
Highlight the text and spaces that make up a column on the correct row.
Click the Post data button in the toolbar of the text viewer.
The start column and column width values of the highlighted text will be posted in the correct prompts.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Processing laboratory codes in the source file Replacing codes in the lab file Occasionally the lab file will contain identifiers (often text codes) which indicate some sort of assay process or event. For example: Not Sampled (NS). The identifiers used to indicate these events depend on the laboratory. From your organization’s point of view, it is desirable to maintain a single set of identifiers. To assist in this process Merge Lab Data includes a facility where you can map the identifiers used by a lab to those used in your organization. When you run Merge Lab Data, the lab identifiers are automatically replaced with those you define. To map identifiers: 1.
Select Replace lab codes and click the More button opposite.
Enter the lab identifiers in the Lab Code column of the table.
Enter the replacement identifiers in the Replace With column.
Click Close to return to the main form.
Managing samples below the detection limit Samples that fall below the detection limit of the assay method present a special case. When this occurs, the lab file will write an identifier in the field (e.g. BDL). There are two ways of dealing with sample results that fall below the detection limit. You can:
Replace the identifier indicating this condition with one preferred by your organization.
You can write the detection limit, specified in the lab file for that assay, to the field.
To replace the identifier with another, in the Replace Lab Codes dialog box: 1.
Select Replace lab code in the Below Detection group.
Select W rite text.
Enter the code used by the lab to identify the sample result was below the detection limit.
Enter the replacement code in the Replace with prompt.
To replace a below detection code with a detection limit value: The detection limit for an assay type is usually recorded in the column header for that field. When the program finds a code indicating the sample result was below the detection limit it:
Takes the below detection value from the column header.
It prepends a “<” character.
It then writes it in the field.
Do the following in the Replace Lab Codes dialog box: 1.
Select Replace lab code in the Below Detection group.
Select W rite
Enter the row number on which the detection limits are recorded.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Writing merge values to fields in the target file You have the option of writing two values to the target file when a record is merged successfully. Some people write the name of the laboratory and the date on which they merged the data. Others use it to indicate that the record was successfully merged from a particular file. To write merge values to the target file: 1.
Select the field in the target file where the merge value will be written.
Enter the merge value.
Using an unmerged file When you enter a file name in the unmerged file and run Merge Lab Data, any records from the Lab file that are not successfully merged will be recorded in this file. It will also contain the header information from the Lab file. The program creates the file as part of the process. To view the contents of the file, position the cursor in the unmerged file response and right-click.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC ODBC is an interface that allows applications to access data in Database Management Systems (DBMS) using Structured Query Language (SQL). ODBC relies on you adding database drivers (ODBC drivers) to link the application to your choice of DBMS. An ODBC driver is a dynamic link library (*.dll) that applications can use to interface with a data source. Different database management systems (DBMS), like Oracle, can require different drivers. Once the correct drivers are installed, the process of connecting to an external DBMS is generally straightforward. Most of the problems that people experience with ODBC are due to incorrect installation of the ODBC drivers. The following ODBC functions are provided:
ODBC Import Import data from an external data source into the application.
ODBC Export Export data from the application to an external data source.
ODBC Link Link to an external data source using ODBC. The data is accessible to the application. You can not edit the data or modify the table structure, however, you can control which fields are imported and their names, types, length and precision. This is the ideal approach when you want to ensure you will always be dealing with a current data set.
MDB Import Import data directly from a Microsoft Access database using ODBC.
MDB Link Link to a Microsoft Access table using ODBC. This function is the same as ODBC Link with the exception that it is faster.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC linking versus importing You can either import data from, or link to, a DBMS using ODBC. When you import data from a DBMS, a connection is not maintained with the data source. If data is changed at the source (the DBMS), the imported data set will not be updated by the application. When you link to a DBMS using ODBC, the link can be easily maintained. If data is changed at the source (the DBMS), you can quickly update the link to reflect those changes. This is the advantage linking has over importing. Using linked tables To the user, linked tables appear exactly the same as any other table or data file displayed in the application. The only differences are:
When you want to open a linked table, the File Type must be set to ODBCLINK.
The data is read-only. You cannot update the data within the application.
F4 - Edit and F6 - Modify are not accessible in the menu that opens when you right click with the cursor in a File response.
You cannot use the FIX and APPEND options in the File Utilities.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC Link Overview Using ODBC link you can establish a link to a table in an external database. Once you have established the link, the data in the corresponding data file will only be refreshed when you rightclick and select the Reload ODBC link option when you load the file into a form. Alternatively, you can select the ODBC Link Update option under the Tools | Macro Functions menu to run a macro to refresh some or all of the ODBC links you have established. The files containing data from the linked source will work in the same way as any other project file, with the exception that you cannot change their contents. When you establish the link to a table in the external DBMS, you can:
Specify how the linked file will be structured.
Preview the table that will be linked and change the characteristics of the fields in the target file.
Control which fields will be included in the link.
The link is stored in the current project as a special type of file. The most common application of ODBC Link is where data is contained in a central repository such as a company DBMS. To create an ODBC Link: 1.
Select File | Link | ODBC from the main menu.
Click the Select Data Source button.
Select the data source by clicking on the File Data Source or Machine Data Source tabs and then double-clicking on one of the specific data sources in the list.
For example, if the data is stored in a Paradox database, and you are using a machine data source, double-click on the Paradox Files entry in the list of data source names.
Navigate to and select the database containing the table to which you will link. For example, prospect1.db .
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Enter the name of the linked file. This is the data file used to store and access the data.
Either select the Select all check box or hold the Ctrl key down and click on the fields you want to include in the process.
Specify how the linked file will be structured. There are two options:
Determine structure. If this option is selected, the function will read the contents of the source table to determine the most appropriate width and format for each field in the linked file.
Use database structure. If this option is selected, the function will base the structure of the linked file on the structure of the source table. If the linked file exists (i.e. you are not creating a new file) a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected from the source table can be mapped to fields in the linked file which have the same Name, Width and Precision.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions If one or more fields cannot be mapped (the linked file and the source table are incompatible) you will be prompted to overwrite the linked file using the structure of the source table. Click YES to continue the link process. Click NO to abort the process. Note: Some data types, such as Memo, Image and Binary data types, cannot be converted to a format that is compatible with Micromine file formats. Click on the following link for a list of compatible data types and default widths and precisions used during the link process. 10. To preview the results of the link, select Preview and enter the number of records you want to see. Click Create and the Preview dialog will open. In this dialog you can see a sample of the records in the table to which you are linking. You can also change the structure of the table that will be created. 11. Click OK in the Preview dialog and a message confirming the link has been established will appear. 12. Click Create in the ODBC Link dialog to complete the process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC Import To use the ODBC Import function, do the following: 1.
Make sure you have defined the data source using the Administrative Tools | Data Sources (ODBC) option under the Windows Control Panel.
Note: The procedure to install a new driver and link one or more data sources may be different depending on the version of Windows you are running. For detailed instructions see your Microsoft user guide. 2.
Select File | Import | ODBC from the main menu.
Click the Select Data Source button.
Select the File Data Source or Machine Data Source tab.
Double-click on the name of the data source that contains the information you want to import. You must install suitable ODBC drivers before the ODBC Import will work. Do this in the Windows Control Panel.
Navigate to and select the database, file or spreadsheet you want to import and click OK.
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Enter the name of the target file in the Import ODBC dialog box. The imported data will be saved in this file. If the file exists, you will be asked if you want to overwrite it.
Specify how the target file will be structured. There are three options:
Determine structure. If this option is selected, the function will read the contents of the source table to determine the most appropriate width and format for each field in the target file.
Use database structure. If this option is selected, the function will base the structure of the target file on the structure of the source table.
Use current structure. If this option is selected, the function will use the current structure of the target file. Note: This option will be disabled if the target file does not exist (i.e. you are creating a new file).
In the case of the Determine structure and Use database structure options, if the target file exists (i.e. you are not creating a new file) a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file which have the same Name, Width and Precision.
In the case of the Use current structure option, a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file with the same Name.
If all of the fields selected for import can be mapped to fields in the target file, you will be prompted whether to append or overwrite data to the file.
If one or more fields cannot be mapped (the target file and the source table are incompatible) you will be prompted to overwrite the target file. Click YES to continue the import. Click NO to abort the import process.
Note: Some data types, such as LongVarChar, Memo, Image and Binary data types, cannot be converted to a format that is compatible with Micromine file formats. Click on the following link for a list of compatible data types and default widths and precisions used during the import process. 10. To preview the results of the import, select Preview and enter the number or records you want to see. Click Import and the Preview dialog will open. In this dialog you can see a
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions sample of the records in the table from which you are importing. You can also change the structure of the table that will be created. 11. To import all the fields in the table select the Select all check box. Otherwise select one or more fields from the list. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys and the mouse pointer to select multiple fields. Remember that field names can be up to 10 characters in length. Longer names will be truncated during the import process. 12. You can append an SQL clause to allow filtering or ordering of the imported data. For example, WHERE Hole_ID = 'DH4'. 13. Click Import to complete the process. A message will appear when the import is complete.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
ODBC Export To use the Export ODBC function, do the following: 1.
Make sure you have defined the data source using ODBC32 in the Windows Control Panel.
Select File | Export | ODBC from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing the source data.
Select the Select all check box to export all fields or select one or more fields from the list. Use the Ctrl and Shift keys with the mouse to select which fields to export.
Select where the data will be exported to by selecting a data source. To do this, click the Select Data Source button and double-click on the name of a data source in the list.
Navigate to and select the database, file or spreadsheet you want to export to and click OK.
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Click Export to complete the process.
A message will appear when the export is complete.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Linking to a Microsoft Access Database Overview Using MDB link you can establish a link to a table in an external MS Access database. Once you have established the link, the data in the corresponding data file will only be refreshed when you right-click and select the Reload MDB link option when you specify the file as an input in a form. Alternatively, select the MDB Link Update option under the Tools | Macro Functions menu to run a macro to refresh some or all of the MDB links you have established. A file containing data from a linked source will work in the same way as any other project file, with the exception that you cannot change its contents. When you establish the link to a table in the external MS Access Database you can:
Specify how the linked file will be structured.
Preview the table that will be linked and change the characteristics of the fields in the target file.
Control which fields will be included in the link.
The link is stored in the current project as a special type of file. The most common application of MDB Link is where data is contained in a central repository such as a company DBMS. To link to a Microsoft Access database: 1.
Select File | Link | MDB from the main menu.
Click the Select Database button.
Navigate to and select the database containing the table to which you will link. For example, prospect1.db .
In the Select Table dialog, select the table you want to link to, and then click OK. Use the radio buttons to control which tables will appear. Choose: All tables, Compound, User or Single.
Enter the name of the linked file. This is the file that will be used to store and access the linked data.
Either select the Select all check box or hold the Ctrl key down and click on the fields you want to include in the process.
Specify how the linked file will be structured. There are two options:
Determine structure. If this option is selected, the function will read the contents of the source table to determine the most appropriate width and format for each field in the linked file.
Use database structure. If this option is selected, the function will base the structure of the linked file on the structure of the source table. If the linked file exists (i.e. you are not creating a new file) a check is made to ensure that all of the fields selected from the source table can be mapped to fields in the linked file which have the same Name, Width and Precision. If one or more fields cannot be mapped (the linked file and the source table are incompatible) you will be prompted to overwrite the linked file using the structure of the source table. Click YES to continue the link process. Click NO to abort the process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Note: Some data types, such as Memo, Image and Binary data types, cannot be converted to a format that is compatible with Micromine file formats. Click on the following link for a list of compatible data types and default widths and precisions used during the link process. 10. To preview the results of the link, select Preview and enter the number of records you want to see. Click Create and the Preview dialog will open. In this dialog you can see a sample of the records in the table to which you are linking. You can also change the structure of the table that will be created in the application. 11. Click OK in the Preview dialog and a message confirming the link has been established will appear. 12. Click Create in the MDB Link dialog to complete the process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Using filters Filters enable you to quickly isolate data sets of interest. These can then be displayed, or used in calculations, by other functions. For example, you may wish to look at all the gold values greater than half a gram. In this case you would set up a filter to look at the field containing gold grades (in the file) and only show those records in which the value is greater than or equal to half a gram. There are several ways of applying filters in the program.
From any of the data processing and display function dialogs that contain a Filter check box e.g. Drillhole Validation, Grid Transformation etc.
By selecting an option from the Filter menu in the File Editor.
By selecting an option from the File | Filter menu.
In the first case, you can either recall an existing filter or design a new one. When you design a filter, you assign it a number between 1 and 999. To recall an existing filter you must select the Filter check box and enter the filter number in the prompt adjacent to the Filter check box. If you want to design a new filter or modify one that exists, right double-click (F4) with the cursor in the Filter field and the Set Filter dialog will open. In the second case, you design and attach filters while working in the File Editor. When a filter is attached, the letter F will appear in the filter box on the status bar. All records, that do not pass the filter conditions, will be shown in a different colour. By selecting Use Filtered Records in the Filter menu, most tools and functions in the Editor will operate only on the filtered records. In the last case, you can create a new filter using all of the facilities described for the first two cases. However, you can also subset filtered records and save the records that pass the filter, in a separate file. Another option allows you to delete records from a file that match a filter. Note: You can also design more complex filters involving multiple fields. For example, you may wish to show those gold grades greater than half a gramme in a particular rock type. In this case, set the filter to show the gold grades greater than or equal to half a gramme and the rock type equal to whatever the text string is that defines a particular rock type (e.g. Qtz).
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Filters on the File M enu Items on the File | Filter menu provide options to create new filters, delete filtered records from a file and generate a new file from an existing one based on a set of filter conditions. Unlike the options mentioned earlier, these functions are available without having to open a file first. They can also be used with macros.
Creating a Filter Use the Filter Create function when you want to create or delete file filters. It works in the same way and has the same options as the Edit Filter function in the File Editor. However, this function can be used with a macro. To define a filter using the create function, do the following: 1.
Select the File | Filter | Create menu option. The filter dialog is displayed.
Enter the name of the file you want to work with. The last used file is automatically displayed.
Enter other options as required.
Subset filtered records The Subset function enables you to generate new files from selected records of an existing file. The records from a source file are selected based on a predefined filter and then written to a new output file. You can optionally create a second file containing all the records that do not pass the filter. To use the Subset function, follow these steps: 1.
Select the File | Filter | Subset menu option. The Filter Subset dialog box is displayed.
In the Input group enter the name of the file you want to subset. Enter the Filter Number you want to apply. To see a list of available filters double-click, or to set up a new filter right-click. Note that there is no filter check box; when you use the Subset function the use of a filter is compulsory.
In the Output group type the name of the file that is to contain the records that pass the filter. If the file exists it will be overwritten.
If you want a separate file containing the records that do not pass the filter, enter the file name in the section called Exceptions. If this file exists it will be overwritten.
Click OK.
Note: Be sure to use a naming convention that indicates that a subset file has been created. Subset files are work files and can be recreated. No data should be entered in them.
Deleting filtered records This function allows you to delete records that pass a predefined filter. This function immediately deletes the selected records. If you want to view the records in the file, to ensure the filter takes the correct ones, right-click with the cursor over the file name and then select edit. To delete filtered records: 1.
Select the File | Filter | Delete menu option.
Enter the name of the file.
Enter the number of the filter you want to apply.
Click OK. The records that match the filter are deleted from the original file.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Filters in dialog boxes Throughout the program there are numerous instances where you will see a check box called Filter with a response box to the right. This provides access to the filter function. Ticking the filter will immediately activate the filter shown in the response box. If you enter a value of 0 (zero) in the response box, the current setup of the filter form will be used.
Editing and saving filters You can alter the default filter, or create and save a new filter by moving to the Filter response field and right-clicking with the mouse or pressing F4. This opens the filter dialog box. You can then specify the filter conditions you need. When you exit the filter dialog box, after saving a filter, the number of the saved filter will be shown in the response box. However, if you exit without having created a new filter, the prompt will remain blank.
Selecting a filter If you wish to use an existing filter you can move to the filter response box and double click the mouse or press F3. A selection box will appear and you can select the filter from the list.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
The following options allow you to attach and detach filters in the File Editor:
Attaching a filter in the File Editor The Attach Filter function allows you to select a previously saved filter and attach it to a file which is open in the File Editor. Once you attach a filter, it remains attached to the file until you detach it. This is important in all dialogs where you have to specify a filename. If you want to see if the correct (or any) filter is attached, display the file data by right-clicking the filename and then select Edit. When a filter is attached to a file in the File Editor, the letter F is placed in the status bar at the bottom of the screen in the third box from the right. Those records that do not pass the filter are shown in dark blue. To attach a filter to the current file in the File Editor, do the following: 1.
Select Filter | Attach Filter (or F3).
Highlight the filter you intend applying.
Click the Select button.
Attaching the Default Filter in the File Editor Use the Attach Default Filter option to attach the Default Filter to the current file in the File Editor. The Default Filter is the set of conditions that were last used (but not necessarily with the current file). The Default Filter is a global option, there is only one. Whenever you use or edit a filter, it becomes the Default Filter. To see the current Default Filter, select the Filter | Edit Filter option. A dialog is displayed which defines the current Default Filter. A default filter is not saved, it is for use in the current session only. Attaching a default filter is very seldom used. You should always check its conditions before you attach it. Select the Filter | Attach Default Filter option (or SHIFT+F3) to attach the Default Filter to the current file. An error message will appear if this filter refers to fields that do not exist in the current file.
Detaching a filter in the File Editor Select the Filter | Detach Filter menu option (or SHIFT+F4) to detach the current filter from the file. Selecting this option will change any records which were coloured dark blue (did not pass the filter) back to their normal colour.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Creating and editing filters Filters are used to create subsets of your data. They are constructed by setting conditions that control which data is used from a data set. Filters are used in conjunction with many functions in the program. You can access the Filter Editor dialog in the following ways:
By selecting the Filter check box which is shown on many dialogs, and then right-clicking (F4) with the cursor in the prompt field.
By selecting Filter | Edit Filter from the File Editor menu. You can access the File Editor by selecting Open from the File menu. You can also access the File Editor from many dialogs by right-clicking with the cursor over the filename prompt and then selecting Edit.
By selecting File | Filter | Create from the File menu.
To setup a new filter: 1.
Access the Filter Editor dialog box.
Note that the name of the current (or the last used) file is automatically written in the Filter form. Enter another file name if required.
(Optional) To apply more than one condition, use Boolean operators. These define how the Lines of Filter conditions are to be combined. If you use AND or OR, then the same Boolean operator applies to all lines. To mix AND and OR operations select Equation, build the filter conditions and then combine the lines in the Equations field (the conditions are referenced by their line number). When using the Equation field, you enter the OR and AND commands using the characters | (pipe) and & (ampersand).
(Optional) To limit the range of records on which the filter will operate, make entries in From record/To record. When left blank, the filter is applied to all records.
For each of the required conditions, enter a Field on which the condition will operate, select an operator from the drop down list and enter a value to be used in the operation.
If you want to treat fields as numeric values, select the Numeric box. In that case only the numeric prefix of mixed alpha numeric strings is used. If you leave the prompt blank, then any values are considered to be of type Character. When a numeric field is used, characters that follow a number are ignored e.g. 200B evaluates to 200. And if the first part of an entry in the field is not a number, e.g. DH001, or is blank, it evaluates to 0.
Sometimes it is easier to define a set of conditions for the records you do NOT want to use. Selecting Reverse filter? Will include records NOT defined by the filter conditions.
Once you have defined the filter, save it using the Forms button. If you do not save the filter in a Form, it will only remain available until it is overwritten by a new set of filter conditions.
Click OK.
If the filter definition was accessed from the File Editor, the filter will automatically be applied to the current file. In a form, select the filter by left double-clicking (F3). Alternatively, clear the response field to apply the default (currently defined) filter to the file. Note: Wildcards can be used when defining values in filters. Filter 0 is a special case. It uses the current conditions set in the Filter form. To apply filter 0, close the Filter form and run whatever function (e.g. Grid Transformation) you are currently working in.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Tip: If you have entered the number of a suitable or partially suitable filter in the Filter prompt of a form, you can edit its characteristics and save it with a new name.
The Use Filtered Records switch When you select the Filter | Use Filtered Records menu option (Ctrl+F4), most of the functions in the editor will only work with filtered records. Note: This menu option will only be enabled when a filter has been attached to the current file. The Use Filtered Records option affects the following options:
Up and Down Arrow keys jump between filtered records only.
Save As saves the filtered records to another file.
Print prints the records that match the filter.
Delete deletes the records that match the filter.
Find and Replace options only work on the filtered records.
Add, Replicate and Execute | Many only work on the filtered records.
Skip Records only counts filtered records.
Merge, Calculate, Validate and Descriptive Stats only work on the filtered records.
When the Use Filtered Records option is selected, a tick is placed next to the letter F in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. You can turn off the Use Filtered Records option at any time by selecting Filter | Use Filtered Records (or by pressing Ctrl+F4) again.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Using logical operators with filters Boolean and logic operators allow you to combine the conditions you define on separate lines into complex statements. The Boolean operators you can use are AND and OR. You can also use them in any combination, by using the EQUATION option. If AND is selected, the filter would read Condition 1 AND Condition 2 AND Condition 3 etc. If OR is selected the filter would read Condition 1 OR Condition 2 OR Condition 3 etc.
Using the AND function The AND function is typically used with numeric ranges. Use it if you want to select the records that pass all the conditions you defined; that is, a record is only selected if it passes each condition. For example, suppose you have a field called AU containing gold values, and another field CU containing copper values. If you only want to work with the samples where the value is 10 g/t or higher for gold AND 10 ppm or higher for copper, fill in the conditions as follows: AU >= 10 CU >= 10 Then check the AND box in the Combine Lines section to indicate that both conditions have to be met.
Another example is if you want to use all the data in a range of 10,000 to 10,020 North, Condition 1 would be set to >10,000 North and Condition 2 would be set to <10,020 North. This will be read as - data greater than 10,000 and data less than 10,020.
Using the OR function The OR function is typically used with character type fields, for example, you want all the drill holes with the prefix RC OR all the drill holes with the prefix BY to be included. Use the OR operator to select the records that pass any of the conditions. If a record passes any single one, several or all conditions, it will be selected. For example, suppose you have a field called AU containing gold values, and another field CU containing copper values. If you want to select those records where the value is above 10 g/t for gold OR above 10 ppm for copper, fill in the conditions as follows:
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions AU > 10 CU > 10 Then check the OR box in the Combine Lines section to indicate that either (or both) conditions are sufficient.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Using Equations If you want to use both AND and OR operators in the same test, you must use an equation. If you enter an equation the Combine switch is disabled. For example, suppose you have a field called AU containing gold values, a field CU containing copper values and a field called TO containing depths. To select those records that have values above 10 (for either gold OR copper) AND that fall in the top 5 meters of the drillhole, fill in the following conditions on the first three lines of the Filter Conditions section: AU >= 10 CU >= 10 TO <= 5 Enter the following in the Equation field: (1|2)&3 Then check the Equation box. The conditions entered in lines 1 to 3 are now combined according to the Equation. Note that the numbers refer to the lines where you specified the conditions and the operator are: | OR & AND
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
File Editor The File Editor is used to create and maintain data files. It includes many powerful features. In addition to the editing facilities found in many databases, the File Editor includes a tool kit optimised for geological and field data entry. In the File Editor you can:
Edit, verify and view files in display windows. Multiple files can be open simultaneously.
Automate data entry.
Copy, rename or append one or more files.
Merge data from other files in the program or from ASCII files.
Sort on multiple fields.
Filter contents of data files.
Import and Export data in a variety of formats.
Perform global, partial and individual alterations on record fields.
Calculations between fields.
Colour code fields by assigning a colour set.
Opening the File Editor The File Editor window is displayed whenever you create a new file, or open an existing file. Creating a new file If you are working with the application for the first time, or you are working in a new project, you will need to create new files. Select File | New or click the File New button on the main toolbar to create a new file.
Opening an existing file To open an existing file, select File | Open or click the File Open button on the main toolbar.
The File Selection dialog will default to those files in the current project. If you wish, you can navigate to the files in another project folder. When you create a new file or open an existing file, a File Editor window is displayed. When the File Editor is open, additional Edit, Filter, Format and Records submenus are provided on the main menu. When you open more than one file, each file occupies its own editor window with its own toolbar. For more information about the options that can be applied to the File Editor window, refer to the File Editor options topic. For more information about the options provided on the toolbar, refer to the File Editor toolbar topic.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Closing the File Editor To close an individual file, click the Close button at the top-right of the editor window, or select the File | Close menu option.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
The Edit File toolbar The following options are provided on the Edit File toolbar.
Note: The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, will determine what buttons are displayed.
Click the Save button (or select File | Save) to save any changes you have made in the editor window. This button will be disabled unless changes have been made to the file. Click the Print Preview button to view (and optionally print) the contents of the file displayed in the editor window. Click the Cut button to cut the selected data to the Windows clipboard.
Click the Copy button to copy the selected data to the Windows clipboard.
Click the Paste button to paste data (which was placed in the windows clipboard using Cut or Copy) into the selected field. Click the Undo button (or Ctrl-Z) to undo the last edit. The Undo function records the edits made in the editor window and will undo those edits in reverse order. Following an Undo, click the Redo button (or Ctrl-Y) to re-apply the last edit performed in the editor window. Click the Insert Records tool (Ctrl-I, or select the Records | Insert Records menu option) to insert one or more blank records into the file. Records are inserted above the currently selected record. Click the Delete Records tool (Ctrl-D, or select the Records | Delete Records menu option) to remove one or more records from a file. Click the Find button to search the open file for the occurrence of a value in the selected (highlighted) field. In the Find dialog, you can set the direction of the search, limit the search to a block of selected records, and specify whether or not a case-sensitive search is required. Click the Find Next button to search for the next occurrence of a search value previously defined using the Find tool. Click the Filter button to attach a filter that will be applied to the selected (highlighted) field.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Click the Hide Fields tool (or select the Format | Hide Fields menu option) to hide the currently selected (highlighted) column or field. Use the Hide function to limit the display to those fields which are of interest. You can unhide hidden fields by selecting the Format | Unhide Fields menu option. Use the Increment One and Increment Many tools (or select an option from the Records | Increment menu) to increment field values in successive records of a file. Add can operate on both numeric and alphanumeric (character) fields.
Click the Define Increment button to define the increment value used by the Increment One and Increment Many functions. Use the Replicate One and Replicate Many tools (Or select an option from the Records | Replicate menu) to copy the contents of a field to the same field in successive records.
Click the Toggle Overwrite button (or select the Records | Overwrite Data menu option) to choose whether or not to overwrite field contents when using the Increment Many and Replicate Many tools. If Overwrite mode is enabled, a tick will appear alongside the Records | Overwrite Data menu option, and the Add and Replicate Many commands will overwrite the existing contents of fields. If Overwrite mode is not enabled, the Add Many and Replicate Many commands will not change the values in subsequent fields. Use the Im port tool (or select the Edit | Tools | Import menu option) to import data from external files. File Import is best used when the source data has fields with widely varying widths, or if you want to import more than ten fields of data at once. Use the Export tool (or select the Edit | Tools | Export menu option) to export the open file as a delimited text file. Click the Merge Menu button (or select an option on the Edit | Tools | Merge menu) to merge data from a MICROMINE data file or a text file. Use the Sort tool (or select the Edit | Tools | Sort menu option) to sort the contents of one or more fields into ascending or descending order. Enter the field in the file on which the sort will be based. All the records in the file will be sorted using this field when the function is run. More than one field can be used in a sort. In this case, the contents of the file will be sorted on the first field, then on the subsequent fields in the order they have been defined. Click the Validate button (or select the Edit | Tools | Validate menu option) to compare the values in a selected field against a list of permitted values entered in a check file.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Click the Calculate button (or select the Edit | Tools | Calculate menu option) to apply a calculation to the selected field. The result of the calculation for each record will be stored in a new field in the file. The application will automatically create the result field if it does not already exist. Click the Close button to close the File Editor window.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Validating fields in the File Editor Once data has been collected and saved to a data file, the contents of each field can be validated. The Tools | Validate function compares the values in selected fields against a list of permitted values entered in a check file. The check file must be created before this function can be run. Creating a check file for validation A check file contains the reference values to be used by the Validate function. It need only have one field. For example, if you are checking the geology codes of a file then the check file could contain a field called Codes. Within this field would be all the correct geology codes such as Mbpxq, Uclylm, Fhebx, etc. Wildcards cannot be used. Note: Check files can be modified at any time. There is no limit to the length or number of fields nor is it necessary for the field names in the check file to match those in the file. Also, the same field in the check file can be used to check any number of fields in the file. To validate a field in the File Editor, do the following:
Position the highlight in the field you want to validate at the top of the file in the active widow.
Select Edit | Tools | Validate and the Validate Values form will appear.
Enter the name of the check file and the name of the check field in that file.
If you have selected Mark error, enter the name of the Error field in the file.
Select whether you want the validation to ignore blanks and be case sensitive.
Click OK to run the function. Continue the same process, changing (if necessary) the Check field each time you move the highlight to another field in the open file.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Hiding fields in the File Editor Hide field allows you to hide the column (field) where the highlight is currently located. Use this to simplify the data display so only the fields of interest appear. It also enables you to reduce the width of the display so all fields of interest can be viewed without having to scroll to the left or right. To hide fields, do the following: 1.
Position the highlight in the field you wish to hide.
Select the Format | Hide Fields menu option or press Ctrl+Shift+H. The field will disappear from view.
To display all fields:
Select Format | Unhide Fields and click Unhide All. Alternatively, you can select the fields you want to unhide.
Note: The number of hidden fields will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the screen. For example, Fld:15/17(20) means the highlight is in field 15 of the 17 visible fields and there are 20 fields in the file. That is, three fields are hidden.
Unhiding fields in the File Editor To unhide individual fields: 1.
Select Format | Unhide Fields.
Select which fields you want to display in the list that appears.
Click Close.
To unhide all fields: 1.
Select Format | Unhide Fields.
Click Unhide All.
Click Close.
Ordering fields Use Order fields to control the order in which fields (columns) will be displayed. Order fields does not alter the order in which data is stored in the file, only how it is displayed. To change the order in which fields are displayed: 1.
Select Format | Order Fields.
Position the cursor over the field you want to appear first in the display and double-click.
Continue doing this to all the fields that you want to display in the order in which you want to display them.
Click OK to return to the file window. Only the fields added to the New list will be displayed.
To return the fields to their original order, click the Reset button and then OK.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Freezing fields in the File Editor To lock the display of one or more fields in the File Editor window, do the following: 1.
Select the Format | Freeze Fields menu option.
Enter the number of contiguous fields to freeze. This is the number of fields displayed from left to right in the editor window.
Note: If the fields you want to freeze are non-contiguous, you must first make them contiguous by changing the display order in the editor window using the Format | Order Fields option.. When you freeze a field, a copy of the field is displayed. As you scroll horizontally in the editor window, the frozen field remains anchored at the left-hand side of the editor window. To unfreeze fields: Select the Format |Freeze Fields option again and change the Number of Fields value. To unfreeze all fields set the value as zero.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Colour-coding fields in the File Editor Use the Form at | Colour Sets menu options to colour code the column (field values) where the highlight is currently located. Attach Colour Set To assign an existing colour set to a column (field) in the file editor, do the following: 1.
Click to highlight the column or field you wish to colour code.
Select the Format | Colour Sets | Attach menu option.
Select an existing colour set from the displayed selection list. The colour set is applied to the column you selected.
Detach Colour Set To remove a colour set which has previously been attached to a column in the File Editor, do the following: 1.
Click to highlight a colour coded field.
Select the Format | Colour Sets | Detach menu option.
Edit Colour Set To edit a colour set which has previously been attached to a column in the editor, do the following: 1.
Click to highlight a colour coded field.
Select Colour Sets | Edit from the popup menu. The Edit Colour Sets dialog will be displayed.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Sorting fields in the File Editor Use the Sort function to sort the contents of one or more fields into ascending or descending order. Enter the field in the file on which the sort will be based. All the records in the file will be sorted using this field when the function is run. More than one field can be used in a sort. In this case, the contents of the file will be sorted on the first field, then on the subsequent fields in the order they have been defined. Sort will operate on the file in the active window. To use the Sort function do the following: 1.
Select Edit | Tools | Sort from the menu. The Simple Sort dialog will open.
Move the cursor to Field 1 and enter the field name.
Choose either ASCENDING or DESCENDING from the drop down list.
Continue entering field names and setting the sort order for each.
Click the OK button and the data file will be sorted. The new sort order will be permanently displayed.
Note: Sorting the contents of a file will speed up many processes. Alphanumeric strings are sorted from left to right. Numeric values are placed before alphabetic strings. Numbers are treated as a numeric value rather than a character string. In an ascending sort, 98AB will be placed before 213B. Upper case characters are placed before lower case. Blank spaces will be sorted to the beginning of the file if sorting by Ascending order. They will be placed at the end of the file if sorting by Descending order.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging MICROM INE files in the File Editor Do the following: 1.
Open a new or existing file as the target file.
Select the Edit | Tools | Merge | MM menu option.
Enter the source file name and type. If you double click (F3), the Windows™ Select File dialog box will open. Use this to select an external file. Once you have selected a file, you can right double click (F4) to view its contents.
Select Append data if all the information from the source file is to be written to new records at the end of the target file. Now go to step 6.
Select Use key fields to enable data to be written to existing records in the target file when the contents of keys, defined for both the source and target files, match. Enter the first key field (in the source file) in Source and the name of the first Target key field (in the destination file) and set whether they are NUMERIC or CHARACTER fields in Match.
Repeat the previous step for the second key field if necessary.
(Optional) Select Clear target field to delete existing data in the target field or select Overwrite target field to overwrite existing data in the target field.
Select the Merge Fields button and define the column number (Start) and the length of the source file fields to be merged. For each of the fields in the source file, select a corresponding target field in the destination file.
Click the Merge button and the merge will proceed. Message boxes can appear requesting confirmation to proceed depending on conditions set in the dialog box and the nature of the source file. Answer Yes or No according to your requirements.
Merging MICROMINE files from the File menu
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Merging text files in the File Editor With the Merge Text function you do not have to import all the fields in the source file, nor are you committed to the field order of the source file. Merging is the preferred technique when importing lab assay data, etc. Do the following: 1.
Open a new or existing file as the target file.
Select the Edit | Tools | Merge | Text menu option.
Enter the full path of the text file name, that is, the data source. If you double-click (F3), the Windows™ Select File dialog box will open. Use this to select an external file. Once you have selected a file, you can press F4 or right double-click (with the cursor over the file name, Start field or Length prompts) to view its contents.
(Optional) If the data of interest is preceded by header information, enter the number of lines to ignore.
Select Append data if all the information from the source file is to be written to new records at the end of the target file. Now go to step 7.
Select Use key fields to enable data to be written to existing records in the target file when the contents of keys, defined in both the source and target files, match. For the source file, enter the column number of the first key field in Start and its Length in characters. Enter the name of the first Target key field and choose either NUMERIC or CHARACTER in Match (according to the data type).
Repeat the previous step for the second key field if it exists.
(Optional) Select Clear target field to delete existing data in the target field or select Overwrite target field to overwrite data in the target field.
Click the Merge Fields button. Define the column number (Start) and length of other source file fields to be merged. For each of the fields in the source file, select a corresponding target field in the destination file.
10. Click the Merge button and the merge will proceed. Message boxes may appear requesting confirmation to proceed depending on conditions set in the dialog box and the nature of the source file. Answer Yes or No according to your requirements.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Creating a new file Using File | New you can create a file with an entirely new structure or use the structure of an existing file. Using the structure of an existing file as a template saves time and promotes consistency both within a project and from project to project. When you use a file as a template, it is also possible to copy the data in that file. You also use File | New to create the files on which lookup tables are based (*.LDT files). Do the following: 1.
Select File | New.
In the New File dialog box, type in the name for the new file, choose a Type, and enter its Title. If you choose LOOKUP Type (to create a lookup table) the Levels prompt will be enabled. Define the number of nesting levels you require in the lookup table.
Clear the Use template check box.
Click the OK button and a window called Create (a structure) opens. The program checks if a file with the same name already exists. If this is the case, it asks whether you wish to overwrite it or not.
Type in the names and field parameters for each field (up to 250) in the new file.
Once each field has been specified, select Close.
Click the Yes button in the dialog box asking the question, ‘Create file FILENAME.EXT ?’. The new file will be opened in the File Editor and you can begin entering data.
To abort the entire process click the No button. Tip: Another method to achieve the same result is to copy a file, modify its structure, then remove all records.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Creating a new file using a template To promote consistency and to save time, you can create a file using an existing file structure as a template. In Field Marshal this file structure can be obtained from the current working folder or another folder. The template can be in the current project, another project, or from a path you specify. Do the following: 1.
Select File | New.
In the New file dialog box, enter the name of the new file, select a Type, and then enter a Title.
Select Use template. Click the Templates button and the Templates dialog box will appear.
Select the Current project option if you want to select a file from the current project as a template. If Current project is not selected, you can select another project by doubleclicking in the Project response box below. When you select a file (Step 5), the File Selection dialog will default to the current (or selected) project folder.
Double-click in the File response box to select the file you want to use as a template.
Select Copy data if you want an identical copy of the template file, structure and data.
Close the Templates dialog box.
Click OK. The new file will be opened in the File Editor and you can begin entering data. The program creates the new file using the template specified.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Modifying a file's structure You can modify a file by altering the field names, types, widths or the number of decimal places. You can also add or insert new fields, and delete existing fields. To modify a file, do the following: 1.
Select File | Modify from the main menu or from the Editor menu, and then select the file to modify. If the file you want to modify is already open, you only need to select File | Modify from the menu. If you are in a dialog and have selected a file, position the cursor in the File response and right-click. Then select Modify (F6) from the menu.
In the table defining the file structure you can:
Edit the name of the fields (FIELD_NAME), the field types (TYPE (C/N)), the field widths (WIDTH), and the number of decimal places (DECIMALS).
Insert and delete fields from the file. Select Edit | Insert or Edit | Delete from the menu.
The columns headed OLD_NAME, T, W and D are displayed for information and can control what, if any, data will be written to the new field. 3.
Select Close on the menu bar. The Modify File dialog box appears. Select Format numeric fields and Left justify fields if required. Click the Yes button to accept your changes, No to abort the entire operation, or Cancel if you want to make further modifications.
A progress indicator appears in the status bar of the window as the program performs the modifications to the file.
Note: When you add new fields using Modify, no data will be lost from the file. If you delete a field that contains data, that data will be lost. If you do so inadvertently, use Undo to return the file to its earlier state. You can set the number of undo levels in Options | Editor. Alternatively you can revert to the back-up version of the file kept in the project or current working folder. A backup will only be created if you have selected Create backup on file open? in Options | Editor. The columns headed OLD_NAME, T, W and D are for information but can also control what, if any, data will be written to the field. Indeed an alternative way to copy a column of data is to copy and paste the field in the structure and then rename the "pasted" field. Because the OLD_NAME is that of the original field, the data is written to the new field.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Formatting numeric fields Select this check box to format all data in the numeric fields using the number of decimal places specified for each field. When you select it, you can choose the formatting method from: Round off or Truncate. If you select Round off and the number of decimals is 2, values such as 3.14, 4.5, 13, 7.528 and 6.135 are formatted respectively as follows: 3.14, 4.50, 13.00, 7.53 and 6.14. The program rounds up. If you select Truncate and the number of decimals is 2, values such as 3.14, 4.5, 13, 7.528 and 6.135 are formatted respectively as follows: 3.14, 4.50, 13.00, 7.52 and 6.13. Note: This means that you can enter values such as 13.00 by simply pressing 1 and 3 and than use File | Modify to format all the numeric fields as required. This presents some danger in that if the number of decimals specified in the structure is smaller than the number of decimals present in a field, the decimals in excess are removed.
Entering repetitive data When modifying a file structure you can change field names, type, width or decimals, adding or deleting fields. You can also:
Enter a constant value to a newly defined field.
Increment the numeric component of a newly defined field in successive records.
These tasks are often performed at the same time other field modifications are made. To enter a constant value (character or numeric) to a selected field in every record of a file, enter the value in the START column opposite the selected field (and 0 for the increment). After processing the modifications, the value appears in the selected field in all the records of the file. To increment the value entered in the START column in successive records, enter the increment or decrement (a negative value) in the INCREMENT column. Beginning with the value in the START column, the increment is added to the first numeric characters found successively record by record. For example if for a field called HOLE, DDH0001 is the value in the START column and 1 the value in the INCREMENT, the HOLE field will contain DDH0001, DDH0002, DDH0003, etc after modification. Note: Only integer values can be incremented in character fields. If decimals are required the field type must be changed to numeric.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Save Use this command to save the file currently open in the File Editor. If you have multiple files open, only the current (uppermost) file will be saved. The Save command is only enabled when you make changes to a file.
Save As Use the Save As command to create a copy of a file with a different name. Do the following: 1.
Select File | Save As from the menu in the File Editor.
Enter the name of the new file without extension and select a Type in the Save File As dialog box.
Click the Save file button. The new file is created in the current project and replaces the current file in the file display window.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Opening a file To open a file: 1.
Select File | Open from the menu or click the Open File button.
The current project (folder) will be displayed by default at the top of the Open File dialog. Files belonging to the current project or folder will be displayed in the file list.
Click on the ellipsis button to navigate to another folder. Note you can navigate to any folder, not just a project folder.
If necessary, use the Files of type list to control which files are displayed in the file list. The various file types are differentiated by file extension. For example, DATA files have the extension DAT. Once you choose a file type, searches are limited to files with that extension. For example, if you select DATA as the file type and you double click (or press F3) with the cursor in the associated file prompt, only data files (*.DAT) appear. If the focus is on the file list, you can start typing the file name and the lists will scroll to the name with the closest match.
Select the file of interest and click the Open (OK) button. The file will be displayed.
Click Cancel to abort the operation. Notes:
The wildcard * is automatically entered in the File name response. This wildcard means any file - so all files in the folder (project) will be displayed. You can also use the ? wildcard in file names. For example, entering ASSAY??.DAT will display ASSAY01.DAT, ASSAY02.DAT, ASSAY03.DAT, and so on.
To open a file when you are in a dialog box, position the cursor in a File prompt and rightclick. Select View (F8) or Edit (F4) from the menu that appears.
When you open a file in Field Marshal the working folder is displayed (the working folder is set to be the last folder that you opened).
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Cut Use the Cut command to remove the following to the Windows® clipboard:
An entire record or a block of records
A field or a block of fields from one or more records
From there it can be pasted to another location in the file or into another file. To cut one or m ore records, or a block of cells: 1.
Select the range of records or fields you want to cut. To select an entire record, click the button containing the record number on its left. You can also drag the cursor across all the fields in the record. In the first instance the entire record will be deleted. In the second, only the fields will be deleted (the records remains but now has blank values). To select several records, drag the mouse up or down. Alternatively press Shift+Up arrow or Shift+Down arrow. To select a field, click the cursor in it. To select fields in several records, click the cursor in the first field and with the mouse button down, drag the cursor to the adjacent corner of the block of fields you want to remove.
Select Edit | Cut or press Ctrl+X. If you select one or more records the records will be deleted from the data file. You will be given the opportunity to cancel the operation.
Tip: If you find you have cut records in error click the Undo button on the toolbar immediately. The records or fields will be returned to their original positions - as long as you have not moved the highlight in the meantime. Note: Information in hidden fields will not be copied.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Copy Use the Copy command to copy a record or block of records and place it in the Windows® Clipboard. From the clipboard the record or block of records can be pasted to another location in the file or into another file. To copy one or more records or fields in a record: 1.
To select one record, click on the record number or on the first or last field, and then drag the mouse to the left or the right. You can also press Shift+Up arrow or Shift+Down arrow to select a block of fields in more than one record.
Select Edit | Copy or press Ctrl+C. A message will appear confirming the record(s) have been copied to the clipboard.
Note: Information in hidden fields will not be copied.
Paste Once records or blocks of fields (cells) are copied or cut to the clipboard, you can use the Paste command to insert them elsewhere in the same file or in another file. To paste records: 1.
Always select the cell at the top left corner of the block of data to be replaced. Complete records are inserted but blocks of data will overwrite existing information.
Select Edit | Paste or press Ctrl+V to insert the fields or records.
Note: You can copy records or blocks of cells from other applications such as Excel and paste them into the application.
Inserting records Use the Insert command to insert one or more blank records into a file. To insert records:
Position the highlight in the record that will follow the blank record. The highlight can be on any field in that record.
Select Records | Insert Records or press Ctrl+I to open the Insert Record dialog box.
Enter the number of blank records to insert.
Click the OK button.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Undoing changes in a field or record Use Edit | Undo, press Ctrl+Z or click the undo button on the toolbar to return the contents of a field, block of fields or records to their previous state. Editing errors are easily recovered using this command. Note: You can set the number of undo levels in Options | Editor.
Deleting records Use the Delete command to remove one or more records from a file. To delete records: 1.
Move the highlight onto the first (and possibly only) record you want to delete. The highlight can be on any field in that record. Drag the mouse or hold down the Shift key and click to select multiple (contiguous) records for deletion.
Select Records | Delete Records or press Ctrl+D to open the Delete Record dialog box.
Enter the number of records to delete. The default is one.
Click the OK button. A warning will be displayed before records are deleted.
Going to records Use the Goto command to move the highlight on a record in the file. This enables you to move quickly through a file given that you know the record number of the destination. To go to a record: 1.
Select Edit | Goto.
Enter a line (record) number.
Click the OK button.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Importing data in the File Editor Import allows you to import data from external files. Import is best used when the source data has fields with widely varying widths or if you want to import more than ten fields of data at once. More often, you will want to merge external data with matching data in a data file in the program. For example, merging assay samples with field location. With Merge you do not have to import all the fields in the source file nor are you committed to the field order in the source file. To import: 1.
Open or Create a file.
Select Edit | Tools | Import from the menu.
Enter the name and location of the file of interest in Import file path. If you double click (F3), the Windows™ Select File dialog box will open. Use this to select an external file. Once you have selected a file, you can right double click (F4) to view its contents. This is limited to the specified file types.
Choose the File format from the drop down list.
If DELIMITED is selected, enter the ASCII value of the delimiter.
(Optional) If you intend to overwrite data in the current file (into which the data will be imported) select Overwrite.
Click the OK button. A message box appears listing the name of the file being imported and the name of the target file. Click the OK button if these are correct. If not, press ESC to interrupt the processing.
If the importation proceeds successfully you will be informed when the process is completed. If an error occurs the process will be interrupted and an appropriate error message displayed. Note: When data is stored in exponential notation e.g. 0.12340000E3, import the number then convert it back to normal notation i.e. 123.4 by multiplying it by 1 using Edit | Tools | Calculate. If you import data from the same source often, use a Form to save the entries in the Import dialog for later use.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Exporting data in the File Editor Select the Edit | Tools | Export menu option to export a data file for use in another application. See also Exporting data. In the Export to Text File dialog, do the following: 1.
Browse to the location of the file you want to export.
Num eric Fields 2.
Enter the character that will be used to replace non-numeric field values.
Enter the character that will be used to replace blank field values.
If the COLUMN FORMAT text file format is selected, select the Left-justify option if you want numeric fields to be left-justified in the output file.
Options 5.
Choose the format of the output text file from the drop down list. The following formats are supported:
COLUMN FORMAT - ASCII data organised into columns.
DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited using some ASCII character.
TAB DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by TABs.
SPACE DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by spaces.
COMMA DELIMITED - ASCII data delimited by commas.
Note: Delimiters are ASCII characters used to separate one data field from the next. A comma is often used as a delimiter. 6.
If the DELIMITED text file format is selected, enter the ASCII character to be used as a separator between adjacent field values.
If you have chosen a delimited (TAB, SPACE, COMMA , or ASCII character) text file format, enter the character to appear before and after each character field value. The double quote (") is most commonly used.
If you have chosen a delimited (TAB, SPACE, COMMA , or ASCII character) text file format, enter the character to appear before and after each numeric field value.
Select the Write field names to first record option to write field names to the first line of the output file. Field names will be enclosed in quotes and separated using the same delimiter used to write data records to the output file.
10. Select the Export View option to export the fields in the order they are displayed in the editor. Hidden fields will not be exported. Select the Export File option to export the fields in the order they are defined by the file structure. Hidden fields will be included in the export process.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Incrementing field contents Use the Increment functions in the Records menu to increment field values in successive records of a file. Increment can operate on both numeric and alphanumeric (character) fields. For example, if the value in the highlighted NORTH field (in an open file) is 20230.328, selecting the Increment | One command will move to the same field in the next record down and insert the value 20231.328. When applied to a character field containing DH-123, the next field will be set to DH-124. That is, the numeric part of the field is incremented and the alpha part is replicated. To automatically write to multiple records in the same field, use the Increment | Many command. Do the following: 1.
Enter a value in a field of an open file. You can also increment existing values.
Select Records | Increm ent to enter the increment value (default is 1).
Select Records | Overwrite Data.
Select the Records | Increm ent | One or Records | Increm ent | Many. If you select Increment | One, the increment will be added to the value in the same field in the next record.
If you select Increment | Many, enter the number of increments you require in Number of times to increment, then click OK.
The function will place values, each incremented by the specified amount, in the number of fields specified. The operation will begin from the current field. Note:
You can limit the fields to which the replication will apply by selecting them.
When Increment is applied to a field that has no numbers, the value in the first field will be replicated.
Only the first set of numbers will be incremented where the contents of the field comprise two or more sets of numbers separated by characters.
The All records from current position check box in the Increment Many dialog is useful when you need to change many records.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Sorting fields in the File Editor Use the Sort function to sort the contents of one or more fields into ascending or descending order. Enter the field in the file on which the sort will be based. All the records in the file will be sorted using this field when the function is run. More than one field can be used in a sort. In this case, the contents of the file will be sorted on the first field, then on the subsequent fields in the order they have been defined. Sort will operate on the file in the active window. To use the Sort function do the following: 1.
Select Edit | Tools | Sort from the menu. The Simple Sort dialog will open.
Move the cursor to Field 1 and enter the field name.
Choose either ASCENDING or DESCENDING from the drop down list.
Continue entering field names and setting the sort order for each.
Click the OK button and the data file will be sorted. The new sort order will be permanently displayed.
Note: Sorting the contents of a file will speed up many processes. Alphanumeric strings are sorted from left to right. Numeric values are placed before alphabetic strings. Numbers are treated as a numeric value rather than a character string. In an ascending sort, 98AB will be placed before 213B. Upper case characters are placed before lower case. Blank spaces will be sorted to the beginning of the file if sorting by Ascending order. They will be placed at the end of the file if sorting by Descending order.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Replicating field contents Use the Replicate functions to copy the contents of a field to the same field in successive records. For example, if the value in a NORTH field of a record is 20230, selecting the Replicate | One command will copy that value to the same field in the next record. If you want to copy a value to many fields in the same column, use Replicate many. Do the following: 1.
Enter a value in a field in the file.
Select Records | Overwrite Data.
Select Records | Replicate | Many.
Enter the Number of times to replicate and click OK.
The program will place the same value in the number of fields specified.
If there are records existing in the file, select the All records from current position check box in the Replicate fields dialog box to copy a value to all records in the file.
You can limit the fields to which the replication will apply by selecting them.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Calculating field values in the File Editor A broad range of functions are provided for field calculations. The result of the calculation for each record are stored in a new field in the open file. The program will automatically create the result field if it does not already exist. To calculate, do the following: 1.
Make sure you have a file open and have set up a field where the results of the calculations will be entered. If you have more than one file open, the calculation will be performed on the file in the active window.
Select the Edit | Tools | Calculate menu option.
Move the cursor to the first Input and either enter a constant, a numeric value or a field name.
Move the cursor to the second Input on the same row and enter a constant, a numeric value or a field name in the same way.
Move to Function and choose a function from the drop-down list (SEE BELOW).
(Optional) Continue on to the second, third, fourth and fifth rows of the calculation table, repeating the above.
(Optional) Select numeric exceptions if required. Select the More button and make the necessary entries.
(Optional) Choose the way in which Angular units will be returned from the drop down list. Options are Degrees, Minutes and Seconds or Decimal Degrees.
Finally, click OK and the calculations will be performed. This may take some time depending on the complexity of the calculation. A progress indicator will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the page.
Available Functions: In addition to the common math functions, special functions useful for the management of earth science field data have been included. Special attention has been given to making global changes on data in a file. If you make incorrect entries in the calculator fields the program will prompt for an entry of the right type. The available functions are listed in alphabetical order below. Click on the underlined text for details. Absolute value Accumulate Add angle Antilog base 10 Antilog base e Arccosine Arcsine Arctangent At change
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
At change increment Average Carry Cosine Cut highs to Date -> Numeric D.DDD -> DMS Delta east Delta north Divide by DMS -> D.DDD Greater of Lesser of Log base 10 Log base e Minus Missing line Multiply by Numeric -> Date Plus Raise to power Random Round (decimals) Round (significant) Sine Square Square root Subtract angle Tangent
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Overwrite Data option When the Records | Overwrite Data option is selected (a tick will appear beside the menu option), the Increment Many and Replicate Many commands will overwrite the existing contents of fields. When the Records | Overwrite Data option is not selected, the Increment Many and Replicate Many commands will not change the values in subsequent fields.
Setting the increment values Use the Records | Increment = command to set the increment value used by the Records | Increment | One and Records | Increment | Many functions. Do the following: 1.
Select the Increment command and the Increment Value dialog box will appear.
Enter an increment value in Increment current value by.
Click the OK button.
The default value is 1.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Processing multiple fields using Execute The Execute Parameters function enables you to use the Add, Replicate, Blank and Copy From commands on multiple fields at the same time. It also allows you to Hide and Show fields. The configuration can be saved so that it can be re-used at a later date. Do the following: 1.
Select Records | Execute | Parameters to open the Execute Parameters form.
Highlight each of the entries in the entry in the Field status list and define an action by clicking on the appropriate button (e.g. Copy). For further information on each of the actions in the dialog box click on Related Topics.
Click the OK button.
Return to the Options menu and select Execute | One/Many.
If you have selected Execute | Many, enter the number of times the actions entered in the Execute Parameters dialog will be performed.
Execute commands Replicate
When you run Execute, any fields set to replicate in the Execute Parameters form will be will be set to be the same as the value in the first record.
When you run Execute, the fields set to BLANK in the Execute Parameters form will be cleared.
Increm ent
When you run Execute the fields set to INCREMENT in the Execute Parameters form will be incremented by the value set in the Increment Field Value dialog box. The increment will affect the numeric part of a field.
When you run Execute, the fields set to COPY in the Execute Parameters form will be given the same value as that in the same field in the preceding record. An increment can be specified at the same time.
When you run Execute, no changes will be made to the fields set to IGNORE in the Execute Parameters form.
Any fields set to HIDE in the Execute Parameters form will not appear in the file display window. Other Execute operations can be performed on the hidden field.
Any fields set to SHOW in the Execute Parameters form, will be displayed in the file display window.
For more information, refer to the 'Running multiple file processes using Execute | One/Many' topic.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Running multiple file processes using Execute | One/M any Execute carries out the actions defined for each field in the Execute dialog box and updates the records accordingly (if Records | Overwrite Data is selected). If records are selected, only they will be updated, otherwise Execute updates a specified number of records, or all records from the highlight to the end of the file. Notes:
When Overwrite data is not active, Execute only updates blank fields.
If you select Execute | Many you will be prompted to enter the number of executions. In the same dialog box you can also select All records from current position.
Execute affects all fields except those marked as IGNORE in Execute.
The entry in Skip Records will apply when you run Execute. You are not allowed to set a negative skip value.
If the current record is the last record in the file, new records will be appended.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Creating and attaching lookup tables Overview A lookup table is a data entry tool that enters codes into a field or validates data as you enter it form the keyboard. Lookup tables are used to enter and validate codes describing lithology, structural styles, grain size, rock colour and so on. To use a lookup table you attach it to the field where you want to enter a set of codes. In their final form lookup tables appear as menus when attached to a field in a file. The example shows how a lookup table is displayed:
Lookup tables are a good way of ensuring consistent data is entered in a file. The same lookup table can be used in many files and can be distributed to other computers. Potentially, you can create lookup tables for an entire site. Doing so will ensure all codes entered in the field will be from the same sets. There are two main types of lookup table, those with codes that are common to all levels and those that have individual codes for each level. The files to which lookup tables are attached can be locked. This means that the lookup tables cannot be detached and the structure of the file cannot be changed. By distributing locked files with lookup tables attached, you can ensure that field data entry staff can only use the correct sets of codes and cannot change file structures. Locked files can be password protected. To create a lookup table you must create a lookup file. Lookup files have the type LOOKUP and are given the file extension LDT (e.g. LITHOLOGY.LDT). Once you have entered codes and corresponding descriptions in the lookup file, you must compile it into a lookup table. The lookup table can then be attached to a field in a file and will be displayed as a menu with sub-menus. To enter a code into a field you traverse the lookup table menu and sub-menus selecting a portion of the final code at each level. As you move to each menu level the portion of the code it contains is concatenated with that of the previous level. When you reach a sub-menu from which you cannot open another, press Enter and the code will be entered in the field. You can use many lookup tables in a single file and there is no restriction on the number of lookup tables you can create. Once you have attached a lookup table to a file, you can begin entering data immediately.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions Depending on which options you select, the lookup table can also be used to validate entries when you make them. If you only plan to enter codes using the lookup table menu, you cannot enter an invalid code. If you combine keyboard and menu entry you should use validation.
Creating lookup tables To create a new lookup table: 1.
Select File | New from the menu.
Set Type to LOOKUP.
Select Define nesting levels and then enter the number of levels. This defines the levels in the lookup hierarchy. If you select Use template, it is not necessary to enter the number of levels in the hierarchy. The file structure is defined by the template file. 3.
Make entries for the other parameters.
Click OK to continue.
Note: When you use Define nesting levels, the field names are hard coded to Code n and Desc n (where n is the nesting level). The width of the fields is defined in Options | Lookup Tables.
Creating and attaching To create and attach a lookup table: 1.
Define the contents of the lookup table using the editor.
Compile the lookup table.
Attach the lookup table to a field in a file.
Set the validation and file locking options.
Note: Do not delete the lookup table source files (*.LDT). You will often need to edit or extend them. Also, you can only use a lookup table compiled with the same version of software. This is important when you are creating a set of lookup tables and then distributing them to other computers on site.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Compiling a lookup table Once you have entered the codes and descriptions in the lookup table, you must compile it for use in the application. The compilation process converts the lookup table into a binary file with a special index. To compile the lookup table: 1.
With the focus on the file containing the lookup table (and LDT file), select File | Compile from the menu. A dialog containing validation options will appear.
If you want to create a validating lookup table, select Enable validation and the other options you require. These are described below.
Click the Compile button to complete the process.
Enable validation When you select this option, a lookup table capable of validating codes is created. The Validate lookup fields in Options | Lookup Tables must be selected before the validation will be applied. Non-validating lookup tables are much smaller than validating lookup tables particularly when the lookup file has many options and uses common definitions. Case sensitive When you select this option the case of the letters you enter as codes will be checked. That is, entering BAS is not the same as entering Bas or bas. Accept empty cells When you select this option the fields in the file into which you are entering codes can be left blank. If you don’t select it, you must enter a code in each cell in a field. Sort menu item s When you select this option, the items in the menus that display the lookup table are sorted alphabetically. Otherwise they will appear in the same order as they occur in the lookup table.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Attaching and detaching lookup tables One of the features of lookup tables is that they can be locked to a file. When a lookup table is locked to a file it cannot be detached. To attach a lookup table: 1.
Position the cursor in the field to which the lookup table is attached.
Select Format | Lookup Tables | Attach from the menu.
To detach a lookup table: 1.
Position the cursor in the field to which the lookup table is attached.
Select Format | Lookup Tables | Detach from the menu.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Defining the contents of a lookup table A pair of fields is required for each level in the lookup hierarchy. The first field in each pair must contain the lookup codes and the second, the corresponding description. It is not compulsory to enter a description, but the field must be present. The fields in the lookup table can have any name or width. You can set default field widths for the code and description fields in the Lookup Table Options dialog. The field order is important because it reflects the menu structure that will be created. The first pair of fields will appear as the first level in the menu, the next pair as the second level in the menu, and so on. The structure of a lookup table There are essentially two types of lookup table:
Those that use common definitions.
Those that use individual definitions.
This example uses common definitions
In this type of lookup table the codes in a subsequent level are accessible from all the codes in the preceding level. This example uses individual definitions
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
In this type of lookup table the codes in a subsequent level are only accessible from an individual code on the preceding level. That is, they are arranged in a tree structure. The null code - ! When you enter an exclamation mark in place of a code, only the description will be displayed. Nothing from the menu level will be written to the cell. This means that you can use the first menu level to show group headings for the data in the lookup table.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Lookup table options Select Options | Editor from the main menu to invoke the Editor Options dialog. Note: you must close all files to get to the Options menu. The following lookup table options are provided: Validate lookup fields Select this option when you want to validate codes. as you enter them. Smart sub-m enus When you select this option and enter values via the keyboard, the lookup menus will open one layer beneath the code you have entered. For example, suppose you were classifying material as Cainozoic+Laterite (Cz+l) in a field to which a validation table is attached. The code Cz occurs in the top level of the lookup menu and the l (for laterite) is in the second menu level. If you have selected Smart sub-menus, type Cz in the field, and then click the look-up menu button. Because you have already entered the Cz that occurs in the top menu level, the next menu level, where the l for laterite occurs, will open. The top-level menu will not be shown because you have already entered a valid code. Beep when validation fails This option is only enabled when you have selected Validate lookup fields. When you select this option and have enter an incorrect validation code, the computer will emit a beep. Validate each keystroke Select this option when you want to validate codes as you enter them. Only first level compulsory When you select this option, entering a code from the first level of the lookup menu is enough to satisfy the validation requirements. Codes from all subsequent levels are optional. Also you can double-click on a menu item (Enter) to write the codes from the currently displayed menus to the cell (rather than invoking the next sub-menu). Default field widths Enter the default widths of the Code and Description fields here. When you create a new lookup table (and LDT file) these are the field widths that will be used by default. You can always modify these values when you are creating the lookup table. Generally it is better to keep the field widths as small as possible to limit the overall width of the menus when they are displayed.
Validation actions These options control the program's response when you try to enter an invalid code in a field to which a validation table is attached. Valid input compulsory When you select this option and make an invalid entry, a warning message will be displayed. You will not be able to leave the cell until you have corrected the entry. Flag (prefix) with When you select this option invalid entries will be prefixed with the value you enter in the adjacent response. Flag (replace) with When you select this option invalid entries will be replaced with the value you enter in the adjacent response.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Finding values in fields Use Find to locate the first occurrence of a specified value or string in a file. To Find a value or search string, do the following: 1.
Select Edit | Find from the editor menu or press Ctrl+F.
Set the direction of the search to UP, DOWN, ALL or SELECTION. SELECTION is enabled if you have selected a block of cells.
If a case-sensitive search is required, select Match case. Case refers to whether the letters that make up the search string are in ‘UPPER CASE’ or ‘lower case’. For example, Rc001 is considered to be different from RC001 if Match case is selected.
Enter the value of the search string in Find what. Use wildcards to generalize the search if necessary.
Click the Find Next button.
To return to a search you performed in the current session, choose it from the history list attached to Find what.
To generalize the search to all fields, select Search all fields.
Select Close dialog on find if you want to close the dialog when the function locates a match. You can select Edit | Find Next from the menu to repeat the search.
The program performs the search up or down from the record containing the highlight.
Using Find Next to repeat the Find Use the Find Next command to locate the next occurrence of the value or search string defined in the Find dialog box. Selecting Edit | Find Next or pressing Ctrl+Alt+F runs the previous search again.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Replacing values in fields Use Replace to locate the first occurrence of a specified value or search string in a file and replace it with a value you specify. To Replace a value or search string, do the following: 1.
Select Edit | Replace from the menu in the editor.
Set the direction of the search to UP, DOWN, ALL or SELECTION. SELECTION is enabled if you have selected a block of cells.
If a case-sensitive search is required, select Match case. Case refers to whether the letters that make up the search string are in ‘UPPER CASE’ or ‘lower case’. For example, Rc001 is considered to be different from RC001 if Match case is selected. 3.
Enter the value of the search string in Find what. (Optional) Use wildcards to generalize the search if necessary.
Enter the replacement string in Replace with.
Click the Run button. Confirm it is your intention to replace the record by clicking on the Yes button. If you click on the No button, the search will continue to the next instance of the search string. Clicking on Cancel will abort the operation and clicking on All will replace all instances of the search string.
For more information, refer to the 'Partial string replacements' topic.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Deleting field contents The Find and Replace commands include an option to locate the occurrences of a value or a search string and delete the record containing such a value or string. To delete a target record, do the following: 1.
Move the highlight onto the field containing the value or search string to find.
Select Edit | Find and the Search and Replace dialog box will appear.
Choose DELETE from the Mode list.
Choose the direction of the search; either UP or DOWN.
To make the search case sensitive, select the Case sensitive check box. Case refers to whether the letters that make up the search string are in UPPER CASE or lower case. For example, Rc001 is considered different from RC001 if Case sensitive is selected. 5.
Enter the value or the search string in Search for. (Optional) Use wildcards to generalize the search if necessary.
Click the Run button. Confirm it is your intention to delete the record by clicking on the Yes button. If you click on the No button, the search will continue to the next instance of the search string. Clicking on Cancel will abort the operation and clicking on All will delete all instances of the search string.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Preview before printing Select File | Print Preview to check what the printed data will look like on the page before commencing printing.
Printing a file To print the contents of a file: 1.
Define the page setup.
Select the window in which the file you want to print is displayed.
From the File Editor, select the File | Print menu option. The Windows Print dialog box will appear.
Click the OK button to proceed.
For more information about Print dialog box options, refer to the Windows documentation.
Page setup Use the entries in this dialog box to control how a printout will appear. Do the following: 1.
Select File | Page Setup while in the Editor.
Enter the Margin sizes in millimetres and define the range of records you want to print.
Define suitable Format Options.
Click the OK button.
Select File | Print, or press CTRL+P, to print the current file. Use the Properties button in the Print dialog to confirm or change the current printer and paper settings.
Hidden fields are not printed and the displayed order of the fields is maintained.
If you apply a filter and select Use filtered records, only records passing the filter conditions will be printed.
Page setup options Margins Enter values for the Top, Bottom, Left and Right margins. The Margin dimensions are defined in millimetres. Page header Select Page header if you want the file title printed at the top of each page. Field header\Field names Select Field header if you want the field names (e.g. NORTH, CU_PPM, etc.) printed at the top of each page. Record numbers Select this option when you want record numbers to be included in the print-out. Left justify characters
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions Select this option when you want the contents of character type fields left justified. Right justify numerics Select this option when you want the contents of numeric fields right justified. Bold field names Select Bold field names if you want the field headers to be printed in bold font. This option is enabled when you select Field header. Record numbers Select Record numbers if you require the record numbers printed beside each record. From /To record # Define the first and last record to be printed to restrict the printout to a specific group of records. If you leave From record # blank, printing will start from record 1. If you leave To record # blank, printing will continue to the last record. Field overflow When you select Field overflow and a field is wider than the space available on the current page, it is automatically shifted to the next page. If this occurs, the page numbers will be suffixed with a, b, c, etc. When you clear Field overflow and a field is wider than a complete page, the contents will be truncated.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Setting up the printer Windows™ must be ‘told’ what printer is connected to your computer or network before printing can occur. In Windows, all devices producing printed or plotted output can be installed in the same dialog box. You can access this dialog box via the Control Panel or the Print Manager. Refer to your Windows documentation for details. Use the Setup option if you need to do any of the following:
Use a printer other than the one set as the default.
Change the page orientation from portrait to landscape or vice-versa.
Change the paper size or the paper source.
Access some of the advanced printing options.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Projects Projects are used to contain data from a particular area such as a mine or an exploration prospect. They provide a convenient way of organising the data associated with a job. Data files can be transferred from project to project as required. Where a mine has multiple pits, each pit’s data will normally be held in a separate project. In computer terms, a project is simply a folder on the hard disk. When you create a new project a new folder is automatically created. The program places no limits to the number of projects that can be created. The program provides a number of tools to enable projects to be selected, created, deleted, moved, renamed, and attached. These are found under the File | Projects menu. Open List the current projects on the system. You can then select the project you intend to work with. The name of the current project will appear in the title bar. New Create a new project. This option brings up a form which prompts for project name, project path, project title. Delete Delete or Detach an existing project. This can delete all the files in the selected project or delete the project name only, not the data files. Move Move a project to another location on your disk drive or network. Rename Change the name of the project. The new name will appear in the title bar and in the Project Select dialog box. This actually changes the name of the folder where the project files are stored. Attach Attach an existing folder, that already contains data files, to be a new project. A project that has been Detached (using the Delete option) can be accessed at a later date, by using the Attach option.
Using project templates It is possible to nominate a template project if one exists. If this is done, filled in dialog forms will be copied from the template project to the new project. There is also an option to copy file structures from an existing project to the new project.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Opening a project Use this function to open an existing project. Do the following: 1.
Select File | Project | Open. The Open Project dialog box appears.
Select the project name that you want to set as the current project.
Click OK, or double-click on the project name. The project will be loaded and operations can commence. The Project Name and Title appear on the Title bar.
Note: If only a single project is available it will be automatically selected and this utility will be disabled. Tip: If you have more than one project, you can set up the system to automatically load the project you last worked on. You do this on the System dialog on the Options menu. If you do not set this option, and you have multiple projects, you must select one (using the steps mentioned above) each time you start the program.
Creating a new project Use this function to create the folder and data file structures for a new project. The name of the new project will be added to the list of available projects shown in the New Project dialog box. The new project will be automatically loaded and its name displayed on the title bar. To create a new project: 1.
Select File | Project | New. The New Project dialog appears.
Enter the Project name, Project path and Project title.
Click OK. The project will be created and operations can commence.
The message ‘Project name: PROJNAME already exists’ indicates a sub-folder named PROJNAME exists on the Project path. Enter a new project name. Note: A project folder may be duplicated but it may not be on the same path. A project name must follow Windows file naming conventions. MICROMINE supports the use of long file names. File names cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Deleting a project Use the Delete function to remove all files from the selected project sub-folder and the sub-folder itself. To delete a project and all its associated files and sub-folder: 1.
Select File | Project | Delete. The Delete Project dialog appears, listing all existing projects.
Clear the Detach only? check box.
Select the project to delete.
Click OK. A dialog appears with the question: ‘Delete project?: PROJNAME’
Click OK to complete the operation. Click Cancel to abort the operation.
Note: IF A PROJECT IS DELETED ACCIDENTALLY IT CANNOT BE RECOVERED USING THE APPLICATION. Use the Recycle Bin to restore accidentally deleted files.
Detaching a project Detaching a project means the project name is removed from the list of available projects in the program, but the project folder, and the files it contains, are left intact. To detach a project and all its associated files and sub-folder: 1.
Select File | Project | Detach . The Detach Project dialog appears, listing all existing projects.
Select the Detach only? check box.
Select the project to detach.
Click OK. A dialog appears with the question: ‘Detach project?: PROJNAME’
Click OK to complete the operation. Click Cancel to abort the operation.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Moving a project The Move option, on the Project menu, allows you to move a project sub-folder and its files to a new location on your hard disk or network. Use this function if projects increase in size beyond the capacity of local storage, or to archive projects no longer in frequent use. The old sub-folder is deleted and a new sub-folder is created. The project retains its original project name. To move a project: 1.
Select File | Project | Move. The Move Project dialog box appears.
Select the project name from the list box.
Enter the New project path and New project title.
Click OK to move the project, or Cancel to abort the entire operation.
The Move function checks that there is sufficient disk space for the project to fit on the new drive. If insufficient space is available an error message is displayed. The file PROJECT.PRO in the program folder is automatically updated by this program. A project may be relocated using DOS commands outside the program. If this is done, you need to edit the PROJECT.PRO file manually to identify the new drive and path.
Renaming a project This menu option changes the name and title of a project. It will not change the location of a project, and the project path will remain the same. A new name must follow the DOS conventions for naming files. To rename a project: 1.
Select File | Project | Rename. The Rename Project dialog box appears.
Select the project you wish to rename from the Project name list box.
Enter the new project name and title.
Click OK and the project will be renamed. Selecting Cancel will abort the entire operation.
If it is the current project you are renaming, the Open Project dialog box appears, so that you can tell the program which project to load next, now that you have renamed the loaded one.
MICROMINE Core – File & Field Functions
Attaching a project Attaching a project is similar to creating a new project, except that you will be using an existing sub-folder instead of creating a new one. For example, a previous project may have been detached, but the files and the associated sub-folder still remain on your hard disk. Before you can use these data files in the program they have to be attached as a project. To Attach a project: 1.
Select File | Project | Attach. The Attach Project dialog box appears.
Enter the Project name, the Project path and Project title. The Project path is the path of the files that have been detached.
Click OK and the project will be attached. Click Cancel to abort the entire operation.
Attaching a project will save data duplication and facilitate database management. You can also use this facility to access files created in other software packages. By attaching the folder containing such files, you are getting the program to recognize that the data is part of a project.
Project names, paths and titles Project name The Project name does not have to be the same as the name of the folder in which the project is located. The project name will appear in the list of available projects in the File | Project | Open option. Project path The Project path contains the entire folder path beginning at the root folder including all sub-folders. For example the Project path could be C:\FILES\MINES\BURKE. When creating a project, the last folder, defined in the path, must not exist. It will be created by the program. Project title The Project title is a short description that is more meaningful than just the Project name. It can be up to 50 characters long. The project title is included in all project documentation.
Sharing projects over a network Projects can be shared by different users linked by a network. By attaching the projects in their own setup, network users can access the project files on remote drives directly from their own workstation. This avoids duplication of work and waste of storage space, and ensures that modifications to data files can be tracked; and that every user on the network has access to the latest version of the project. When you attach a project, a project file is automatically created in the program folder, so that the program can find the attached project. Note: On a network, access to data files is restricted to one user at a time.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Vizex and the 3D Viewer Using the form sets pane The Form Sets pane can now be used to load data in both Vizex and the 3D Viewer.
Opening the Form Sets pane To open the Form Sets pane select the View | Form Sets menu option, or click the Form Sets button on the main toolbar. When the Form Sets pane is open, the Form Sets button is highlighted on the main toolbar. You can easily turn the Form Sets pane on and off using this button.
When you click and highlight the Form Sets button, the Form Sets pane is displayed. The Form Sets pane is a dockable window which is docked (by default) to the left of the application window. When you click and highlight the Form Sets button, the Form Sets pane is displayed.You can dock the Form Sets pane window to the right, top, or bottom of the application window, or move it to an undocked position over the display. To dock a window, you position the cursor over the title bar of the window and drag and drop it with the mouse. Before you release the mouse button, an outline is displayed which previews the new position and extent of the window. Displaying the Form sets pane and the Object Manager together To display the Form Sets pane in the same window as the Object Manager, drag the Form Sets pane onto the Object Manager pane (or vice-versa). Before you release the mouse button, an outline showing the position and extents of a tabbed window is displayed. To toggle between the Form Sets pane and the Object Manager pane, select the tabs at the bottom of the window.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Auto-hide When the Form Sets pane has been docked to the left, right, top, or bottom of the display, click the Auto-Hide icon to maximize the work area and automatically hide the Form Sets pane when it is not in use. The Form Sets pane is hidden and a tab is displayed instead. The tab is positioned to the left, right, top, or bottom of the display, depending on where the Form sets pane was docked:
Click the Form Sets tab whenever you want to display the Form Sets pane. To disable the Auto-hide feature, click the Auto-hide icon again: Note how the icon is displayed horizontally when the Auto-hide feature is enabled.
Loading form sets Form Set Types are listed in the Form Sets pane. These are the data objects (points, strings, outlines, wireframes etc.) you want to display. For each form set type, you can load a saved form set, modify existing attributes, or define new attributes and save them as a form set. In the Form Sets pane, double-click on a form set type to create a new form set. Enter new attributes in the displayed form. Note: When you open a form, the attributes selected during the previous Load operation are displayed by default.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer To Load a form set, click on the Plus sign (+) next to a Form Set Type to expand the list of saved form sets. You can then double-click on a Form Set to load it. When you load a form set, it is added to the display and shown as a display object in the Object Manager. Alternatively, with a form set selected in the tree, choose from the following options on the rightclick menu:
Load. Load the form set into the display.
Open. Open the form to review or modify parameters before loading the form set into the display.
Save As. Copy the form set under a new name.
Delete. Delete the form set from the Project.
Rename. Rename the form set.
Properties. Change the properties of the form set.
Loading data into the 3D Viewer Use the Display | 3D menu options to load data into the 3D Viewer. Alternatively, double-click on a form set type when the 3D Viewer display is active. Loading saved views in the 3D Viewer Select the File | Open menu option to open a copy of the 3D world that you previously saved with the File | Save or File | Save As menu options. The world including the objects it contains, and the camera preferences you have set will be restored. For more information, refer to the Loading, saving, and restoring 3D data topic. Loading data into Vizex Use the Display | Vizex menu options to load data into Vizex. Alternatively, double-click on a form set type when the Vizex display is active. Loading saved views in Vizex When the Vizex display is active, the form sets you load can themselves be saved as a form set. This higher level set defines a Saved View of your data. To save your current display and form set settings as a Saved View, click the File | Save menu option . See also the Auto Load Last View setting. The first node in the form sets tree is the Saved Views node. Click on the Plus sign (+) to expand the list of Saved Views. You can double-click on a Saved View to load it. Alternatively, with the Saved Views node selected in the tree, choose from the following options on the right-click menu:
Load. Close the existing Open View and Load the Saved View.
Add. Append a Saved View to the existing Open View.
Save As. Copy the Saved View under a new name.
Delete. Delete the Saved View from the Project.
Rename. Rename the Saved View.
Properties. Change the properties of the Saved View.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Managing display objects Use the Object Manager to change the drawing order of your display layers and turn display layers on and off. The Object Manager is a table of contents which shows the display layers you have added, either by loading form sets in Vizex, or by loading objects in the 3D Viewer. To open the Object Manager select the View | Object Manager menu option, or click the Object Manager button on the main toolbar.
When the Object Manager (Display pane) is open, the Object Manager button is highlighted on the main toolbar. You can easily turn the Object Manager on and off using this button. The Object Manager is a dockable window which is docked (by default) at the left of the application window.
You can dock this window to the left, right, top, or bottom of the application window, or move it to an undocked position over the display:
To dock a window, you position the cursor over the title bar of the window and drag and drop it with the mouse. Before you release the mouse button, an outline is displayed which previews the new position (and the extent) of the window. Displaying the Object Manager and the Form Sets pane together To display the Object Manager Display pane in the same window as the Form sets pane, drag the Display pane onto the Form sets pane (or vice-versa). Before you release the mouse button, an outline showing the position (and extent) of a tabbed window is displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
To toggle between the Display pane and the Form sets pane, select the tabs at the bottom of the window. Auto-hide When the Display pane has been docked to the left, right, top, or bottom of the display, click the Auto-Hide icon to maximize the work area and automatically hide the Display pane when it is not in use:
The Display pane is hidden and a tab is displayed instead:
The tab is positioned to the left, right, top, or bottom of the display, depending on where the Display pane was docked. Click the Display tab whenever you want to display the Display pane. To disable the Auto-hide feature, click the Auto-hide icon again:
Note how the icon is displayed horizontally when the Auto-hide feature is enabled. Opening and closing the Display pane The Display pane can be toggled on and off using the Object Manager button on the View toolbar.
Alternatively, you can open the Display pane by selecting View | Object Manager from the menu. To close the Display pane, click the Close button in the top right-hand corner of the Display pane. Changing the drawing order To change the drawing order, click on a display object in the Display pane and drag and drop it to a new position in the tree. Hiding a display object When displaying multiple data layers it is sometimes useful to temporarily turn off or hide a layer (without removing it permanently from the display). This gives you a better view of the objects you are interested in. To hide a display object (or layer) simply uncheck the checkbox alongside the object name in the Display pane.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer The object is removed from the graphic display. Displaying a hidden object To display an object, simply select (check) the checkbox alongside the object name in the Display pane. The object is added to the graphic display. Whether the object is visible or not will depend on the current display limits. Rem oving a display object When you remove an object it is removed from the display and is permanently deleted from the Display pane. Note that the form set you used to load the display object is still available for selection in the Form Sets tab. To remove an object: 1.
Select the object you want to remove by clicking on it in the Display pane.
Press the Delete key. Alternatively, you can select the Edit | Remove menu option or rightclick on the object and select Remove from the right-click menu.
The object is removed from the graphic display and the Display pane. Object Properties To display object properties: 1.
Select an object by clicking on it in the Display pane.
Select the Edit | Properties menu option or right-click on the object and select Properties from the right-click menu. Alternatively, you can double-click on an object in the Display pane or in the graphic display.
Selecting Objects Select an object by clicking on it in the Display pane. Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple objects. Note: You need to select an editable display object before you can use the Edit Strings toolbar. If a noneditable object is selected, then the edit string functions are disabled. You can also select an object by clicking on it in the display. The selected object is framed within a dashed border. Unselecting objects To unselect an object, click in an empty part of the Display pane, or in an empty part of the graphic display.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
The View toolbar The following buttons and tools are provided on the View toolbar.
Unless it has been closed during a previous session, the View toolbar will be displayed by default whenever you open the Vizex or the 3D Viewer display. If the View toolbar is not displayed, select the View | Toolbars | View menu option. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select View from the list of toolbar options. Which tools are enabled (and the behaviour of some tools) will change, depending on the current display mode. The 3D Viewer has its own selector, navigation, and zoom tools. For more information, refer to the Manipulating objects in the 3D display topic. The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, will also determine what buttons are displayed. In Vizex, the Select tool can be used to select an object in the display. To select multiple objects, hold down the SHIFT or CTRL keys as you select them with the mouse. Note: In Vizex or the 3D Viewer, you can select an object by clicking on it in the Object Manager. You need to select an editable display object before you can use the Edit Strings toolbar. If a non-editable object is selected, then the Edit button will be disabled.
In Vizex, the Zoom tool can be used to define a zoom box or a single click will zoom with the new centre at the cursor location. Holding down the CTRL key allows the user to zoom out. If a zoom box is used, the display zooms to fit the current display into the zoom box. There are also Undo zoom and redo zoom buttons. In Vizex, the Pan tool can be used to drag the display in the direction you move the cursor. When the CTRL key is held down, you can use the Pan tool to zoom in and out. Drag the cursor down to zoom in. Drag the cursor up to zoom out. When the Shift key is held down, you can use the Pan tool to rotate display objects in 3D. Note however, that not all display objects will display correctly in 3D. In Vizex, click the Section tool to interactively define a section line in Plan. To ensure the section is orthogonal, hold down the CTRL key as you digitise the section start and end points. Note: This tool will behave the same as the Pan tool if the display is already in Section View.
In Vizex, click the Query tool to use the cursor to identify a point, string, outline, or any object selected in the display window.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
outline, or any object selected in the display window. Properties of the object will be displayed in a separate dockable window. If no object is selected, then no properties will be displayed. In the case of string and outline objects, perimeter length and area are reported. Note: These perimeter/area calculations are performed by projecting the selected object in the plane of the view. It is therefore important to choose the appropriate view orientation before querying an object. Depending on the object selected, some or all of the properties can be edited:
In Vizex, click the Measure tool to measure the distance between two or more points digitised on screen.
Optionally, select the Snapping option from the drop-down menu, or press the Shift key while measuring to enable snapping mode. In Vizex, click the Edit button to put the display into edit mode. When the display is in edit mode, you can edit the vertices of a selected string or outline object. Edit tools applicable to open pit and underground mine design (including ring design and blasthole design) are provided on separate toolbars. Use the View | Toolbars menu to select from a list of available toolbars. You can customise existing toolbars and create your own toolbars. In Vizex or the 3D Viewer, click the Display Lim its button to set the limits of the graphic display. Use the Display Limits dialog to define Orthogonal, Transform, or 3D display settings. In Vizex or the 3D Viewer, click the View All tool to zoom to the full extents of the displayed objects. Alternatively, select the View | Viewpoint | View All menu option. In Vizex, click the Undo Zoom button to undo the previous zoom or section.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
In Vizex, following an Undo Zoom, click the Redo Zoom button to re-apply the last zoom operation.
In Vizex or the 3D Viewer, select from the PLAN, LOOKING UP, LOOKING EAST, LOOKING WEST, LOOKING NORTH, LOOKING SOUTH buttons to define an orthogonal view of your data. To define a non-orthogonal view of your data, you can use the Section tool. Note: These and other viewpoint options are available when you right-click in the display and select Display Limits from the right-click menu. Alternatively, you can select View | Viewpoint | Edit from the main menu.
The current Elevation/Section value is displayed in an editable input box, which provides an easy way to set the start elevation of new strings, as well as providing visual feedback on the current setting.
When the Enable Clipping button is selected (Clip to Window is selected in the Display Limits dialog), you can use the NEXT SECTION and PREVIOUS SECTION buttons to move from the current section to the next or the previous regularly spaced section. They are particularly useful when creating and displaying models of the seams in a deposit. Click the Grid Settings button to invoke the Grid Settings dialog.
Click the 3D Viewer button to open the 3D Viewer window. Note: If the Form Sets Pane and the Object Manager are currently open, they will remain open alongside the 3D Viewer window. You cannot use these panes to load and display objects in the 3D Viewer display. To continue working with the Form Sets pane and the Object Manager, you can tile the 3D Viewer display window alongside the Vizex display window.
Click the Plot button to invoke the dialog to generate a plot file. Note: Plot and Plot Editor options are also available via the Plot menu.
Click the Close button to close the Vizex display environment and return to the main application menu. Click the Help button to display context-level help. Use the help cursor to click on the active dialog to invoke a popup help hint.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
The Visual Explorer (Vizex) To open Vizex The Visual Explorer (Vizex) is now opened by default whenever you start MICROMINE. In addition, the application menus have been reorganised to allow easier interaction with other functions while working with Vizex and the 3D Viewer. If Vizex is not open, select an option from the Display | Vizex menu, or click the Vizex button on the main toolbar.
Vizex is a fully interactive and multi-layered display environment.
Use the Form Sets pane to display your data by loading multiple form sets.
Use the Object Manager to create a multi-layered display by selecting and arranging your display objects.
Use the Edit Strings toolbar to edit strings and outlines in the display. To speed up the editing process, display layers can be easily turned on and off. Toolbars applicable to opencut and underground mine design, including ring design and blasthole pattern design, are also available.
Datasets can be viewed simultaneously in plan and section by selecting the Window | New Window menu option. You can also open an Editor by selecting the File | Open menu option. Fields in the editor (for example, grade values) can be colour-coded to match the colour-coding applied to objects in the display.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Editing strings and outlines In Vizex, when you select an editable display object (either in the Object Manager, or in the display) the Edit button on the View toolbar is enabled. If nothing is selected, or a non-editable object is selected, then the Edit button is disabled.
The View toolbar is used to set display characteristics and navigate the Vizex display. You can also access other MICROMINE functions such as the Plot Editor and the 3D Viewer. When you click the Edit button, you are putting the Vizex display into edit mode. Use the tools provided on the Edit Strings toolbar to edit and create strings and outlines in the display. If the Edit Strings toolbar is not displayed, select the View | Toolbars | Edit Strings menu option. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Edit Strings from the list of available toolbars.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
The Edit Strings toolbar When an editable object is selected in the display, the Edit Strings toolbar can be invoked by clicking the Edit button on the View toolbar.
Alternatively, right click on an editable object in the Object Manager and select Edit from the rightclick menu. The following buttons and tools are provided on the Edit Strings toolbar:
Which tools are enabled will depend on the current display mode and the type of object(s) selected. The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, will also determine what buttons are displayed. If the Edit Strings toolbar is not displayed, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Edit Strings from the list of toolbar options. Click the New String tool to begin digitising a new string in the display window. Click the Toggle Insert button to toggle Insert Point mode on and off. To temporarily turn off insert mode, hold the SHIFT key down as you digitise a point. Click the Snapping button to toggle snapping mode on and off. Alternatively, you can toggle snapping on and off using the S key. To temporarily turn off snapping mode, hold the SHIFT key down as you digitise a point. Point, Line, and Grid snapping options can be selected. Use the Between tool to insert a point exactly half way between two specified points. Between mode can be invoked during editing to create new strings or extend existing strings, and when moving or inserting points. During interpretation, for example, the Between tool can be used to digitise a point which is halfway between drillholes. The Follow tool works differently to the snapping-related behaviour of the Follow String function and provides a simple way of copying part of a string, or an entire string, for example a wireframe profile. When you select the Follow tool and then move the mouse over an open string, the mouse snaps to the nearest vertex on that string (when Point snapping mode is current), or (if Line snapping mode is current) a point on the string which is the shortest perpendicular distance from the position of the mouse to the string. When you click the mouse, the string is followed (automatically copied) from the highlighted vertex to the end of the string. If the string is closed, then the entire string is copied. To follow a portion of a string or segment, hold down the mouse button. As you drag the mouse, the string is followed until you release the mouse button. Once the string has been copied, Follow mode is no longer active. Click the Follow tool again to repeat the process.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Note: The Follow tool uses the default (last-used) snapping mode. When using the Follow tool, Point or Line snapping is applied irrespective of whether Snapping mode is turned on or not. The Follow tool does not work if the default snapping mode is Grid.
When you are digitising a new string and want to insert a point at the intersection of two other strings, click the Insert Intersection Point tool to extend the current string by snapping to the nearest string intersection. Use the Extend String button to append points to one end of a string. If you select the Extend String tool, points are appended to the last point on the string. Alternatively, right-click on the end point you want to append to and select Extend from the right-click menu. As you drag and move the appended point, a new string segment is displayed (rubber-banded). Use the Close String button to close a selected (open) string. The start and end point of the string will be connected by a new segment. Click the Expand String tool to expand the current string in an inwards or outwards direction based upon the Expansion Distance you have defined in the String Editor tab of the Vizex options dialog. Click the Create DTM from strings tool to generate a surface DTM based upon the current outline. Click the Drape on W irefram e tool to drape the currently selected string vertically on a wireframe in the graphic display. Click the Smooth String tool to control the degree of smoothing of the contours in the graphic display, inserting a regular spread of points and removing any unnecessary sharp corners. Click the Weed String tool to make contour strings more manageable by reducing the number of points. Set the amount of point reduction by applying a weed tolerance value. The weed tolerance value can also be applied in the String Editor tab of the Options | Vizex dialog. The default weed tolerance is 0.1. To resolve crossover strings, you can use the Fix Crossover tool to automatically detect and resolve them. Where there is an acute angle between consecutive segments on a selected string, the points on those segments are highlighted in pink. A cross-over will generally occur as a result of this defect when the next string is generated. Click the Curve Properties button to extend the selected string by appending a curve to the end point. In the Curve Properties dialog enter the following information: Radius The radius of the curve.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Angle The angle of the curve, as measured from the string end point and in the direction specified (below). Direction By default the curve will be drawn in a clockwise direction. Turn off the default selection if you want the curve to be drawn in an anticlockwise direction. Gradient and Gradient Units The gradient of the curve and how the gradient is measured. Click the String Gradient button to set the gradient (and gradient units) when digitising strings in the display. Use the Bearing and Distance tool to specify a bearing (azimuth) and a distance for the next segment when digitising a string. The distance is measured using either the horizontal (projected onto the plan) distance, or the actual 3D distance (taking into account the elevation). Specify a gradient value and the units to be applied to the gradient value. Click the Blast Displacement button to create a visual representation of an ore body prior to and after blasting. The information provided by the Blast Displacement function can be used with drill pattern and shot orientation data to help minimise ore displacement and dilution during future blasting. Click the Use Digitiser tool to put the display into Digitiser mode and optionally setup for digitising. When in Digitiser mode, click this button to display the Digitiser Setup dialog.
To edit mine design strings and outlines, including ring and blasthole pattern designs, refer to the Mining section of this guide.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Edit Click the Edit button to put the Vizex display into edit mode. Note: This button will be disabled if nothing is selected, or a non-editable object is selected. To enable the Edit button, you must select an editable display object (either in the Object Manager or in the display window). Select Select an object by clicking on it in the Object Manager. Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple objects. You can also select an object by clicking on it in the display:
Click the Select tool on the View toolbar.
Click on a string or outline to select it for editing.
Hold down the SHIFT key to select more than one string or outline at a time.
The points on the last string you select are highlighted as solid black squares. The points on the string(s) you selected previously are highlighted as clear or outline squares.
Note: You can only edit one string at a time. You can not edit a string when multiple strings are selected. All you can do is move or copy them. If you hold down the CTRL key and click on another string when only one string is selected, a Join String operation is performed.
Pressing DELETE will delete what is currently selected. Clicking on a blank space will cancel the current selection.
The following functions work on the selected string or outline: Extend String Use the Extend String function to append points to one end of a string. Right-click on the end point you want to append to and select Extend from the right-click menu. As you drag and move the appended point, a new string segment is displayed (rubber-banded).
Note: If new points are added to the start of the string, an automatic Reverse String operation is performed before the new points are appended. If you select the Extend String tool (on the Edit Strings toolbar) points are appended to the last point on the string. Insert Point To insert a point on a string, position the cursor on the string and hold down the SHIFT key. The cursor will change to a crosshair cursor.
Click on the string to insert a new point, then drag the point to a new location.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Alternatively you can use the Toggle Insert button on the Edit Strings toolbar to toggle insert mode on and off. Note: You can also insert multiple points by selecting Insert Points from the right-click menu. Move Point To move a point, simply click on the point and hold the mouse button down. The cursor will change to an open square surrounded by four arrowheads.
Drag the point to a new location. Move String To move a string, simply click on a string segment and hold the mouse button down. The cursor shape changes to four arrows. Drag the string to a new location.
Note: You can also move a string by selecting Move String from the right-click menu. Copy String To copy a string, press the CTRL key while the mouse is over a string segment. The cursor shape changes to four arrows with a plus (+) sign.
Dragging the cursor will move a copy of the selected string. Snapping m ode To turn on snapping mode press the S key or click the Snapping tool on the Edit Strings toolbar.
When you click and release the mouse button in the graphic display, the cursor position will snap to the nearest point of the selected object in the Display Pane. If no object is selected in the Object Manager, then the cursor position will snap to the nearest point of the currently edited object. To temporarily turn off snapping mode, press the Shift key down as you digitise a point. Follow String If Snapping mode is turned on, you can follow a string by holding down the mouse button and dragging around the graphic display.
Click the right mouse button whenever you want to insert a point. When you complete the string, points will be inserted and will snap to the nearest points of the selected or currently edited object in the display. Delete Point To delete a point, press the CTRL key while you click on a point. The cursor shape changes to a cross.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Click the mouse to delete the point. Alternatively, you can right-click on a point and select Delete Point from the right-click menu. Delete String or Segment To delete a string or string segment, click on the string to select it. The points of the string will be highlighted. Press the Delete key or right-click and select Delete String or Delete Segment from the right-click menu. Reverse String With a string selected, right-click and select the Reverse String option from the right-click menu. Select this option to reverse the order of the points in a string. Join String To join two strings together: With one string already selected in the display, press CTRL and click on another string to select it. A new segment is added so that the nearest end points of the two strings are joined together. If the results of a join are not what you expect, click the Undo button. You may need to move the end points you wish to connect closer together or extend one string by adding a point close to the other string before attempting the join again. Close String With a string selected, right-click and select the Close String option from the right-click menu. The start and end point of the string will be connected by a new segment. Edit Properties Double-click on a string, outline or point object to display and edit object properties. If multiple objects are selected you can still edit their properties. To edit mine design strings and outlines, including ring and blasthole pattern designs, refer to the Mining section of this guide.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Creating a display in Vizex If Vizex is not already open, or you want to open a new instance of Vizex, select an option from the Display | Vizex menu or click the Vizex button on the main toolbar.
To create a display, do one of the following: Load a Saved View To load a previously saved view, select Display | Vizex | Saved View from the menu or click the plus sign (+) next to the Saved Views node of the form sets tree to expand the list of saved form sets. Double-click on a Saved View to load it in the Form Sets pane. Load a Saved Form Set To Load a form set, click on the Plus sign (+) next to a Form Set Type to expand the list of saved form sets. You can then double-click on a Form Set to load it. The following types of object can be loaded using the Form Sets pane or the Display | Vizex menu:
Strings are used to show features such as roads, rivers, contours or tenement boundaries.
Profiles are used to display two-dimensional data ordered by position, such as grid geochemical assays.
Grid Files are generated by the Contour functions.
The following object types can be combined to create a Drillholes Display:
Drillhole Trace
Drillhole Hatch
Drillhole Events
Drillhole Graph
Drillhole Value
Points. Display point data such as soil samples or chip samples.
Outlines are used to highlight areas of interest, such as geological and tenement boundaries. Outlines can be generated based on polygonal models and ore bodies created using the modelling functions in MICROMINE.
Images. You can import various bit-mapped images, for example, an aerial photograph of the area you are displaying.
Pit Design. Use string editing and pit design functions to digitise a pit outline and apply constraints to the pit design process. To aid the design process, you can display ore strings, block models, topographic contours, or Whittle output in the background.
Wireframes. You can display wireframes created using the wireframing functions in MICROMINE.
Block Model. You can display block models created using the modelling functions in MICROMINE.
GIS Features. You can display data stored in a variety of third party GIS formats.
Create a New Form Set
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer In the Form Sets Pane, double-click on a form set type and enter new attributes in the displayed form. When you load form sets, they are added to the display and shown as display objects in the Object Manager. You can turn the display of objects on and off using the selection checkboxes next to each object. You can modify the order in which your objects or layers are displayed by dragging and dropping them in the Object Manager. This will change the drawing order of the objects in the active display. The extent of the first object you display will set the initial extent of the display. If you have previously set the display extent using the Display Limits menu option, that extent will be overwritten. Note: To zoom to the full extent of all display objects, you can select the View | Viewpoint | View All menu option, or click the View All button on the main toolbar.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Setting display limits To set the limits of the Vizex or 3D Viewer display, right-click in the display and select Display Limits from the right-click menu. Alternatively, you can select View | Viewpoint | Edit from the main menu or click the Display Limits button on the View toolbar.
The Display Limits dialog is displayed. You can define Orthogonal, Transform or 3D display settings. Which settings are applied, will depend on which tab is active when you click the OK button.
Orthogonal Use the Orthogonal tab to define an orthogonal view of your data. Traditionally, the term orthogonal is used to describe the orientation of a section view, looking North, South, East, or West. View Type You can view your data in plan and section using one or more windows. Select an option, for example, LOOKING NORTH or EAST, to determine the section line. The View Type you select will be applied to the current (active) window. Most drillhole sections are viewed from the south (a North section, i.e. looking North) or the East (a West section, i.e. looking West). Both of these views will have the X axis coordinates of the display increasing from left to right across the screen and any plotted (scaled) output will reflect this. In some locations, sections are viewed from the North or the West. In these cases the maximum X coordinate is on the left of the screen or plotted output. When generating sections looking South or East, the plot will have a -ve X scale. This forces the plotted output to have the maximum X coordinates on the left hand side of the plot. Do not delete the -ve sign. If you do, the plot will be rotated laterally (mirror imaged). Note: You can also switch View Type using the display orientation buttons on the main toolbar. Limits You can view your data using different extents of display limits. The Limits you define will be applied to the current (active) window. When you choose LOOKING EAST or WEST, the North min/max and the East section prompts are enabled. When you choose LOOKING NORTH or SOUTH, the East min/max prompts and the North section prompts are enabled. In both cases the RL min/max will be enabled. When you choose PLAN the North min/max, East min/max and Starting RL prompts are enabled. Clip to W indow Select the Clip to window option to restrict the display to a window which is defined using measurements towards and away from the current RL value. In plan view, Window towards is a measurement taken from the nominated level towards the viewer. Window away is a measurement taken from the nominated level away from the viewer. In the case of sections, Window towards is a measurement taken from the section line towards the viewer. Window away is a measurement taken from the section line away from the viewer.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Transform Use the Transform tab to set the display limits of a Transform Section. You can define a transform section to display data as vertical sections at an angle to the orthogonal grid. Calculations Select the Hold A Fixed option to recalculate end point B based upon the values you enter for end point A and the bearing and length. Select the Hold mid point fixed option to recalculate end points A and B based upon the values you enter for the mid point, bearing and length. Section Enter the coordinates , bearing and length that define the section line. If East(A), North(A), East(B) or North(B) is changed: Bearing will be calculated as the bearing from A to B. Length will be calculated as the distance between A and B. If Bearing or Length is changed: If Hold A fixed is selected, B will be recalculated to be bearing and length from A [ B = A + bearing * length ] If Hold mid point fixed is selected, A and B are both recalculated so that the point midway between A and B stays the same. [ midPt = (A + B)/2 A = midPt - bearing * length/2
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer B = midPt + bearing * length/2 ] Window Towards and Away The values you enter in Window towards and Window away define the width and position of the data corridor (the “thickness” of the slice). In the case of sections, Window towards is a measurement taken from the section line towards the viewer. Window away is a measurement taken from the section line away from the viewer. A preview of the section line is displayed in the preview pane based on the parameters you have entered.
To define the transform section you must specify a section line and define the window either side of that line. Data that falls within this corridor will be displayed.
3D Use the 3D tab to view the limits of the display in 3D. Calculations 3D objects can be viewed from different positions and angles by rotating and moving the camera, not by rotating and moving the objects, although that is what appears to happen. When you select an object and rotate it, you are actually moving the camera through the space. When adjusting the 3D display, specify whether to hold the camera position (where you are looking from) and adjust the viewpoint (the focal point of the camera as determined by its orientation), or whether to hold the viewpoint and adjust the position of the camera. Projection Two cameras are available for use with the 3D display: a perspective and an orthogonal camera. Use the Projection setting to switch between them. The perspective camera emulates the human eye, that is, objects that are further away appear smaller. This is the most commonly used camera.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer The orthogonal camera, on the other hand, produces parallel projections and thus does not create a distortion with distance. Use it when it is important to get an exact idea of measurements, which would be distorted with the perspective camera. Orientation Use the settings displayed under Orientation to set the camera position and orientation. Cam era X,Y,Z parameters can be set to reposition the camera when you want to view an object from a different angle or position. Viewpoint X,Y,Z parameters are used to look at an object from a cardinal direction. These settings determine the orientation of the camera. Distance and Field of View settings apply when using a perspective camera. Setting a distance is equivalent to 'dollying' the camera in and out. The Field of View is specified in degrees from 1.0 to 140.0 (default 45.0). The camera position is not changed, but its angle is widened or narrowed. Inclination, Azimuth, and Roll define the orientation of the camera. Changes made to these parameters will the affect the viewpoint X, Y and Z and vice versa. Window Towards and Away The values you enter in Window towards and Window away define the width and position of the data corridor (the “thickness” of the slice). In the case of sections, Window towards is a measurement taken from the section line towards the viewer. Window away is a measurement taken from the section line away from the viewer. In plan view, Window towards is a measurement taken from the nominated level towards the viewer. Window away is a measurement taken from the nominated level away from the viewer.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Form s Click the Forms button to save your display limits as a form set, or set your display limits using a previously saved form set. Apply Click the Apply button to apply the display limits you have defined to the current (active) window in the display.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading and displaying drillholes In Vizex you can display drillholes in plan and section. Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Trace from the menu. Alternatively, double-click the Drillhole Trace form set type in the Form Sets pane. When you create a drillhole display in Vizex you must:
Define the trace coordinates on which the display is based.
Define the characteristics of the trace display.
You can also:
Use drillhole databases and set their properties.
Include hatching in the drillhole display.
Display events down the drillhole.
Include graphs in the drillhole display.
Include values in the drillhole display.
To setup a section view, right-click in the display and select Display Limits from the right-click menu. Alternatively, you can select View | Viewpoint | Edit from the main menu. You can define an orthogonal view of your data, define a transform section, or define a 3D view. The values you enter, in Window Towards and Window Away in the Transform tab, control what will be included in each section.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Defining drillhole trace coordinates Trace coordinates are generated automatically when you specify a Drillhole Database. The database contains the collar and (optionally) survey data needed to generate the trace. Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Trace from the menu or double-click the Drillhole Trace form set type in the Form Sets pane. The Drillhole Trace dialog consists of the following tabs:
Coordinates In the Coordinates tab: 1.
Enter the name of the Drillhole Database or double-click to select from a list of Drillhole Databases stored for the current project.
Alternatively, you can right click and select the Select option from the right-click menu. You can also Edit the properties of an existing Drillhole Database or create a New Drillhole Database. Refer to the Drillhole Database topic for more details.
Optionally select a filter to define a collar filter to selectively control which drillholes will be displayed.
Trace Display In the Trace Display panel: Control how the trace will appear. Do the following: 1.
Specify the thickness of the line used to draw the trace.
Optionally colour code the trace using field values. Click on the Colour Coding button to specify an interval file and the fields to be used to colour the trace.
Hole Name In the Hole Name tab: 1.
Optionally select the Show Hole Name option to display the Hole Name.
Specify a colour set or assign the default colour to be used to colour code the Hole Name annotation.
Specify a location and position for the Hole name annotation either at the TOP or BOTTOM of the trace with a position based on an AUTO setting, CENTRED, or based on an entered DIRECTION.
If the position of the Hole Name annotation is based on a DIRECTION, enter a bearing.
Specify a font to be used for the Hole Name annotation.
Hole Depth In the Hole Depth tab: 1.
Optionally select the Show Hole Depth option to display the Hole Depth.
Specify a colour to be used to colour code the Hole Depth annotation.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer 3.
In the Annotation input box, enter any additional text to be displayed with the Hole Depth value.
Enter the number of decimal places to be applied to the Hole Depth value.
Specify a colour to be used for the depth tick mark.
Specify a font to be used for the Hole Depth annotation.
Collar In the Collar tab: 1.
Select the Show Collar option if you want to display drillhole collars. The name of the collar file is retrieved from the drillhole database specified in the Coordinates tab and cannot be changed.
Enter the name of the field that contains values which will control the display colour. The colour set, that is associated with this field, maps colours to text strings or numeric ranges. For each record in the file, the display colour is determined by the value in this field.
Double click (F3) to select the set that will be used to control the display colour. The colour set maps colours to text strings or numeric ranges. This determines the colour for each value in the colour field. Right click (F4) to create or edit a colour set. If you do not nominate a colour set, the default colour will be used.
Enter the name of the field (in the file) containing the data that will control which symbol is displayed. The symbol set, that is associated with this field, maps symbols to text strings or numeric ranges. For each record in the file, the symbol is determined by the value in this field.
Double click (F3) to select the set that will be used to control the symbol that will be displayed. The symbol set maps symbols to text strings or numeric ranges. This determines a symbol for each value in the chosen (mapped) field. Right click (F4) to create or edit a symbol set. If you do not nominate a symbol set, the default symbol will be used.
Enter the name of the field containing symbol angle values (0-360°). A value of 0 will display the symbol in its natural orientation. A value of 90 will display the symbol rotated 90° in the clockwise direction.
Enter the default angle, in degrees, that will be applied to symbols at points where there is no entry in the symbol angle field.
Enter the name of the field containing the factor that will be used to control symbol size.
Enter a size factor for labels and symbols. This will be used when there is no entry in the Size field for that point. The default is 1.0.
Depth/Offsection In the Depth/Offsection tab:
Select the Show Depth/Offsection option if you want to display depth and offsection values.
Enter the downhole interval at which to display offsection and depth values. Use grid units.
Choose which side of the trace the values or graphs will be displayed.
For each interval, specify whether to display depth or offsection values, or both. Specify an offset distance that will be used to display the annotation and optionally double-click the font icon to set font characteristics.
Enter a factor to control the length of all ticks. The default is 1.0. This factor changes the size of the tick on the display.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer 6.
Enter the offset, measured from the trace, at which the tick will be displayed. It must be entered in grid units.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Using drillhole databases Downhole Data Traditionally, 'Downhole' or 'Drillhole' data refers to data contained in three types of file: Collar, Survey and Interval. These are the files commonly used by the drillhole functions to display and manage drillhole data.
Collar file The Collar file contains the location, in Northing, Easting, and RL coordinates of each drillhole collar. If there are no surveys, the drillholes are vertical. Collar files sometimes contain additional information such as Prospect and Drill Date. The collar file also contains the hole name, total depth an, optionally, the dip and azimuth of the hole at the collar. If collar survey information is not provided in the collar or survey file, the holes are assumed to be vertical.
Survey file (Optional) The Survey file contains the downhole surveys for each drillhole. It is required when there are changes in azimuth and/or dip down the length of the hole.
Interval file The Interval file contains information such as assays or lithology for successive intervals down each hole. Usually assay and geology data are kept in separate files though they are similar in form.
The data contained in these files can now be defined as part of a drillhole database. Data contained in collar and (optionally) survey files can be added to the database and (external) interval and event files can be associated with the drillhole database. Trench Data A drillhole database can be used to generate 'trench' trace coordinates as well as 'downhole' trace coordinates. If you select the Trench Database option when creating a drillhole database, data contained in a survey file (containing the location values that define the positions of each trench) needs to be defined as part of the database. Trench assay files are similar to drillhole assay files, and can also be associated with the drillhole database. Advantages of drillhole databases The use of a drillhole database offers several advantages:
Once the relationship between collar, survey and interval files has been defined for a drillhole database, the Drillhole functions in MICROMINE need only reference one database, rather than several external (collar, survey, and interval) files.
The drillhole trace need only be generated once. When a drillhole database is opened, trace coordinates are generated automatically and held in memory. This improves the speed of any functions that access the drillhole database.
Since a database is being used to store and manage the association between collar, survey and interval files, the same database can be used to store associated metadata and display settings.
When using the Drillhole functions, you need to specify the database to be used to define trace coordinates. By right-clicking in the drillhole database input box, you can select an existing drillhole database, edit the properties of an existing drillhole database, or create a new drillhole database, specifying which collar, survey and interval files will be used to create it.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer To select a drillhole database Double-click in the file input box to display the Open Drillhole Database dialog. Alternatively, rightclick in the file input box and choose Select database from the right-click menu. Drillhole databases stored for the current project are displayed. Select a database and click the Open button. To create a new drillhole database Right-click in the file input box and choose New database from the right-click menu. The following dialog is displayed:
You can create a Drillhole or a Trench database. Enter a name for the new database and click the Create button. A dialog is displayed which allows you to define Drillhole Database Properties. Drillhole database properties can also be modified using the Edit database, View database, Add interval files, and Add event files options on the right-click menu. In the case of the View option, properties are read-only and can not be changed. From the right-click menu, you can also Delete or Refresh the currently selected drillhole database.
Tip: You can also refresh a drillhole database using the Tools | Macro Functions | Drillhole Database Refresh menu option
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Including hatching in the drillhole display Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Hatch from the menu or double-click the Drillhole Hatch form set type in the Form Sets pane. The Drillhole Hatch dialog consists of the following tabs:
Hatch Coordinates In the Hatch Coordinates tab: 1.
Enter the name of the Drillhole Database or double-click to select from a list of Drillhole Databases stored for the current project.
Alternatively, you can right click and select the Select option from the right-click menu. You can also Edit the properties of an existing Drillhole Database or create a New Drillhole Database. Refer to the Drillhole Database topic for more details.
Enter the name of the interval file containing the values you want to classify.
Optionally select a filter to define a collar filter to selectively control which drillholes will be displayed.
Optionally apply a colour coding to the hatching
Hatch Display In the Hatch Display tab of the Load Drillhole Hatch dialog you can define how the hatching will be displayed 1.
Specify a Hatch field. The Hatch field contains the data that will be displayed as a hatch pattern beside the trace.
Select or define a hatch set for the hatching.
The hatch can be displayed on the LEFT or RIGHT of the drillhole trace. Use Side to determine its location. The Offset distance controls how far the hatch is from the drillhole trace. Enter a value in grid units.
You can setup borders around the hatching. If the hatching is butted up against the drillhole trace, choose 3 SIDES. This will ensure that the drillhole trace is not overwritten. If the hatching is entirely separate from the drillhole trace, choose 4 SIDES to enclose it completely.
Note: you can also apply hatching to graphs displayed alongside the drillhole trace.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Displaying events down the drillhole Events denote points down drillholes where something of interest has happened. For example, you may want to show the point where oxidation stops. Events can be displayed with colour coded labels. You can also display symbols where each event occurs. A typical event file is shown in the illustration. Notice that it is unlike assay files in that it does not have From/To intervals. The depth at which an event occurs is recorded in a Depth field.
You can use an assay file as an event file if you use either the From or To intervals to define the depth of an event. To display events along a drillhole trace: 1.
Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Events from the menu or double-click the Drillhole Events form set type in the Form Sets pane to open the Drillhole Events dialog.
Enter the name of the Drillhole Database or double-click to select from a list of Drillhole Databases stored for the current project.
Alternatively, you can right click and select the Select option from the right-click menu. You can also Edit the properties of an existing Drillhole Database or create a New Drillhole Database. Refer to the Drillhole Database topic for more details.
Optionally select a filter to define a collar filter to selectively control which drillholes will be displayed.
Enter the name of the event file containing the events you want to display.
The Display field contains the values or text that will be displayed at the location of the event e.g. LOX. The function uses the Depth field to position the event display along the drillhole trace.
Define how the labels and symbols will be displayed at each event.
Controlling the event label display Choose the label text position - either the left or right side of the trace. Define the distance, in grid units, that the label will be offset from the trace. The distance is measured from the character nearest the trace. The default is one. You can also select a font to be used for the display text.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Colour coding drillhole events Unless you select or create a colour set, the default colour will be used. Controlling the sym bol display for each event If you intend displaying different symbols at each events down the trace, your events file must have a field containing symbol numbers. Enter the name of this field in the Symbol field prompt. To assign values to a symbol field based on the contents of another field in the events file, use File | Fields | Generate. By default, the symbol will be positioned on the trace. Any offset you enter will move it away from the trace to the same side as the label. You need to consider the relative positions of the symbol and the label. Incorrect positioning will lead to the symbol obscuring the text of the event label. You can also control the angle and size of the symbols by entering field names in the appropriate prompts. The defaults are 0° and 1 respectively. Note that the values in these fields can be assigned in the same way as the symbol numbers.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Including graphs in the drillhole display Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Graph from the menu or double-click the Drillhole Graph form set type in the Form Sets pane. The Drillhole Graph dialog consists of the following tabs:
Graph Coordinates The entries you make in the Graph Coordinates tab will determine what data is graphed: 1.
Enter the name of the Drillhole Database or double-click to select from a list of Drillhole Databases stored for the current project.
Alternatively, you can use the Select Database option from the right-click menu. You can also Edit the properties of an existing Drillhole Database or create a New Drillhole Database. Refer to the Drillhole Database topic for more details. 2.
Optionally select a filter to define a collar filter to selectively control which drillholes will be displayed.
You can display graphs of interval data or events. Events occur at specific depths down the drillhole. Choose the type of graph from the Graph list.
Double-click (F3) to select an associated file containing the data you want to display beside the drillholes and the names of the Graph field in that file. The Graph field must contain the data that will be displayed on the graph beside the trace. If you are displaying graphs of events, you need to enter the name of the field containing the depth at which the events occur.
Optionally apply a colour coding based on values in the Graph field.
Select a graph MODE. You can use values directly from the graph field of the input file or you can take natural logs of the data before it is displayed. To use the graph values as they occur, choose NORMAL from the Mode list. Choose NATURAL LOG to convert the values before they are displayed.
Use the cutoff value and/or scale factor (if required) to control the graph limit. They are applied to the data from the graph field. The cutoff value sets a limit to the extent of the graphs. The scale factor is a multiplier that can be used to reduce (scale factor < 1.0) or increase (scale factor > 1.0) the extent of the graphs.
Graph Display The entries you make in the Graph Display tab will determine how the graph will appear. 1.
Select a Graph type option.
When your choice of graph includes points, you can define a point size factor. The default is 1. Enter a value greater than 0.0 and less that 1.0 to decrease the size of the point and a value greater than 1.0 to increase it. Changes to symbol size will be displayed.
Positioning the graph 3.
The graph can appear on either side of the drillhole trace. Choose this from the Side list. Enter an offset to move the graph away from the trace. This must be specified in grid units.
Setting up the scalebar 4.
If you want to display scalebars with the graphs, select Scalebar. Define the minimum and maximum values that will appear on the graph and number of ticks that will be between them. Select a font to be used to display scalebar values. The scalebar will extend from the bottom of the hole. If the bottom of the hole does not occur on the section, the scalebar is displayed where the hole exits the section.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Note that you can also select the colour of the baseline of the graph. If you do not enter an offset for the graph, the baseline will overwrite the trace and trace information be lost. Displaying a header
The name of the field from where the graph data is obtained can be displayed as a header beside the scalebar. You can select the colour in which this will be displayed. To exclude it from the display, select the NULL colour.
Select a suitable hatch pattern to be applied to the graph.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Including values in the drillhole display Select Display | Vizex | Drillhole | Value from the menu or double-click the Drillhole Value form set type in the Form Sets pane. The Drillhole Value dialog consists of the following tabs:
Value Coordinates The entries you make in the Value Coordinates tab will determine what values are displayed: 1.
Enter the name of the Drillhole Database or double-click to select from a list of Drillhole Databases stored for the current project.
Alternatively, use the Select Database option from the right-click menu. You can also Edit the properties of an existing Drillhole Database or create a New Drillhole Database. Refer to the Drillhole Database topic for more details. 2.
Optionally select a filter to define a collar filter to selectively control which drillholes will be displayed.
Double-click (F3) to select an associated interval file containing the values you want to display.
Double-click (F3) in one or more of the Label fields to specify which values will be displayed. Up to six values can be displayed.
Optionally apply a colour coding based on the values in each Label field.
Value Display The entries you make in the Value Display tab will determine how the values will be displayed along the drillhole trace. Defining how the labels will be displayed 1.
Values can be displayed on the LEFT or RIGHT of the drillhole trace. Use Side to determine their location.
The Offset distance controls how far the data is from the drillhole trace. Enter a value in grid units. It is measured from the edge of the trace.
Optionally, specify a delimiter (i.e. a comma or colon) to be used to delimit the display values selected in the Value Coordinates tab.
If you have specified a delimiter, optionally specify a display colour for the delimiter.
Specify a font to be used to display the values.
Extended label features Normally left justification is applied to the character values and right justification to numeric values. Ideally you will position character values on the right hand side of the drillhole trace and numeric values on the left. However, this may not always be suitable. In such cases, you can enter a width, in character units, that will define a “column” in which the values will be displayed. The justification will then be applied within the bounds of the column. Note that the default width of the “column” is that of the field in the file from where the values are obtained. Displaying a header
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Select the Display header option to display a header for each label field specified in the Value Coordinates tab. If the Display header option is selected, a default colour can be applied, or a custom colour can be selected. Defining how the ticks will be displayed Ticks are small line segments that extend perpendicular to the trace. They relate trace information to a point on the trace. 1.
Select Use value colour when you want the bottom tick for any interval and the top tick of the first interval to be drawn using the same colour as the label. If all ticks are to be the same colour, clear this check box and select the Tick colour.
Select Display all ticks if you want all sample intervals to be shown, even if they do not contain data. Ticks will be drawn for all intervals defined in the nominated file. When Display all ticks is cleared, ticks will only be drawn for intervals with a value in the Value field (i.e. the field is not blank). Normally this option is not selected and only the ticks that define intervals with data are shown.
Extended tick features You can define the tick offset distance in grid units. By default the ticks will be joined to the trace. The size factor you apply to the ticks will be applied both in the display and in the plot.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading and displaying GIS features The Display | Vizex | GIS menu option allows you to load and display data stored in a variety of third party GIS formats.
GIS File Use the GIS File tab to select the GIS file to be loaded. The formats that can be loaded include ArcView® shapefiles, Microstation® DGN files, and MapInfo® files in both TAB and MIF formats. When you select a file format, one or more feature types (Points, Lines, or Polygons) will be automatically selected in the Display Features group box. The selected feature types will depend on the format and content of the GIS file. For example, ArcView shapefiles only contain data of a single feature type, whereas Microstation DGN files will usually comprise several (text, point, line, and polygon) feature types. Note: To display a text annotation layer, you must select the Points feature type. Once a file has been selected, you can restrict what will be displayed by using the checkbox options in the Display Features group box. AutoCAD DXF files are not supported. To load AutoCAD DXF files, use the File | Import | DXF menu option to import the file as a string file. You can then display it using the Display | Vizex | Strings option. 3D Orientation Specify the 3D orientation of the display object (i.e. PLAN, LOOKING WEST or LOOKING NORTH). Specifying the orientation allows you to display otherwise two-dimensional data in cross section or long section. This is especially useful if, for example, you have received geological sections that were produced in a 2D GIS package. If you wish to apply clipping to the data (by specifying values for Window Towards and Window Away on the Display Limits dialog), or view the data in 3D, you must also define a Z-plane for the GIS file. Specifying this value allows Vizex to position the data in its correct 3D location. If you are using true 3D data, you can instead set the Use Z values from file option. Feature Display Settings When you have selected a file and the type of features to display, you can set their display characteristics using the Line, Point, and Polygon tabs. The options in these tabs will only be enabled if the appropriate feature type has been selected in the GIS File tab.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer In the Line tab:
Choose a suitable line type.
To colour code the lines, choose the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the lines, they will be displayed in the default colour.
Point In the Point tab:
In the Symbol group, select an option from the Point Shape selection box. Shape options are SYMBOL, CROSS, TRIANGLE, SQUARE and CIRCLE. If you choose the SYMBOL point shape, double-click the Point symbol prompt to choose a symbol. You can source symbols from any TrueType or OpenType font.
In the Symbol Scaling group, optionally enter a default symbol size factor. Values less than 1.0 will decrease the symbol size and values greater than 1.0 will increase it.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer 3.
Optionally select the Scale Symbols option and choose the name of a Scaling Field that will control the size of the shapes.
Optionally set the Display Mode to Natural Log Transform.
Select a Scaling Method.
In the Colour Coding group, choose the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the symbols, they will be displayed in the default colour.
In the Text group, choose the name of the Display field containing point annotation values. If you leave Display field empty, only the chosen symbol will be displayed. Select a font to be used to display the text annotation.
Position the point annotation. Annotation can be located at one of twelve positions around the point. Double-click (F3) to open the dialog box from where you can select a suitable position.
Polygon In the Polygon tab:
In the Colour Coding group, double-click the Default Hatch prompt to choose a default hatch pattern.
Optionally specify a Hatch field. The Hatch field contains data values that can be used to determine what hatch pattern is displayed for each polygon.
Select or define the hatch set that will be used to control the hatching. The hatch set maps hatch patterns to text strings or numeric ranges. This determines the hatch pattern for each value in the hatch field. Right-click (or F4) to create or edit a hatch set.
Select the appropriate options and click the Foreground and Background More buttons to set the hatch foreground and background colours. Enter the name of the field that contains values which will control the foreground/background hatch colour. The colour set, that is associated with this field, maps colours to text strings or numeric ranges. For each record in the file, the foreground/background hatch colour is determined by the value in this field.
If you wish to label your polygons, choose the name of the Display field and select a display font.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading and displaying points Select Display | Vizex | Points from the menu or double-click the Points form set type in the Form Sets pane. In the Points dialog, do the following: Load Points 1.
Enter the name of the file containing the point data. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed.
Enter the names of the Easting and Northing and Z fields in the file.
Symbols 3.
Select an option from the Shape selection box. If SYMBOLS is selected, enter the name of a field containing values that will control which symbol is displayed. Optionally apply a symbol set, define a default symbol and enter the name of a field containing symbol angle values. Other shape options are CROSS, TRIANGLE, SQUARE and CIRCLE.
To annotate each point, enter the name of the field containing the annotation values in Display field. If you leave Display field empty, only the chosen symbol will be displayed. Select a font to be used to display the text annotation. Position the point annotation. Annotation can be located at one of twelve positions around the point. Double-click (F3) to open the dialog box from where you can select a suitable position.
To colour code the symbols and annotation, enter the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the symbols, they will be displayed in the default colour.
Scaling 6.
Enter a default symbol size factor. Values less than 1.0 will decrease the symbol size and values greater than 1.0 will increase it.
Enter the name of the field that will control the size of the shapes in Scaling field.
Optionally set the Display Mode to Natural Log Transform.
Select a Scaling Method.
Note: In MICROMINE, you can create new sets of symbols. Before a symbol set is available for use, you must enter its name in Options | Symbols. It then becomes the current set. Pie Chart 10. In the Pie Chart tab, optionally select the Show pie chart option to specify settings that will be used to display the points as pie segments, in which the size, colour and fill of each segment can be controlled by field values. Up to eight segments may be displayed for each point. Typical uses are for the display of geochemical plots and block model values. You can determine pie segment size by selecting one of three scaling methods: specifying a scaling factor; specifying ranges; or by normalisation. 11. Enter (or double-click to select) the name of each field whose value you want to represent as a pie segment. 12. Double click (F3) on the Hatch buttons to select patterns. If you choose the FACTOR scaling method, you can optionally enter any or all of the following for each field:
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Enter a Minimum radius value to set a limit on the size of the pies that can be displayed. If the radius is less than the Minimum radius, then the Minimum radius is used.
A Base Value, below which no segment will be shown.
A Scaling Factor used to multiply the values for the field. If there is a base value specified, it will be subtracted before the multiplication. Negative values are treated as zero.
A Cutoff Value. Any value greater that the cutoff will be shown at this size.
If you choose the NORMALISED option:
Enter a percentage value to define the minimum display radius. This will be applied to the minimum value.
Enter a percentage value to define the maximum display radius. This will be applied to the maximum value.
If you choose the RANGES option:
Enter the radius for the pie segment. This will be applied to values falling in the corresponding ranges (%). A value is not required in each response. The program treats a blank as the last value until a new radius is defined. To suppress the display for any value, enter 0.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading strings You can load and display strings to show the true ground profile along the course of a section, roads, rivers, contours, tenement boundaries, or some other surface of interest. Select Display | Vizex | Strings from the menu or double-click the Strings form set type in the Form Sets pane. In the Load Strings dialog, do the following: String File 1.
Enter the name of the file (or double-click in the file input box to select a file) containing string data. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed.
To create a new string file, right-click in the file input box and select New from the right-click menu. 2.
Enter the names of the Easting, Northing and RL fields in the file.
Enter the names of the String and Join fields.
Line Options
Choose a suitable line type.
To colour code the lines, enter the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the lines, they will be displayed in the default colour.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading and displaying outlines You can display outlines to highlight areas of interest, such as geological and tenement boundaries. Using the modelling functions in MICROMINE, outlines can be generated based on polygonal models and ore bodies. Select Display | Vizex | Outlines from the menu or double-click the Outlines form set type in the Form Sets pane. In the Load Outlines dialog, do the following: 1.
Enter or select a file (or multiple files) containing outline data. One or more outline files can be selected in the File Selection window after double-clicking in the file input box. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed. If any point in a string passes the filter, the entire string will be displayed.
To create a new outline file, enter the name of a new file in the file input box. Click OK and follow the prompts to create a new file. 2.
Specify the orientation of the data in the outline file (i.e. PLAN, LOOKING WEST or LOOKING NORTH). The orientation you select here will determine what View Type you select when viewing the outline data with other display objects.
Enter 'Restrictions' to restrict the outlines that will be displayed by selecting the NAME or CODE field in the Select by list and entering a corresponding identifier (field value).
If you want to apply settings in the Hatch field of the outline file so that a fill pattern is applied to the displayed outlines, select the Fill option.
Finally, select the attributes you want to display. Values from the fields you select will be appended as one string. If an attribute is selected, then the Font pane will be enabled. Double click on the Font pane to select a font for the text annotation.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a grid file in Vizex To load and display a contour grid file created in one of the contouring functions, select Display | Vizex | Grid File from the menu or double-click the Grid File form set type in the Form Sets Pane. In the Load Grid File dialog, do the following: 1.
Enter the name of the grid file.
Specify the orientation of the grid (i.e. PLAN, LOOKING WEST or LOOKING NORTH). The orientation you select here will determine what View Type you select when viewing the grid with other display objects.
Select a colour set and a default colour.
Colour coding the grid display To create a colour set, double-click in the Colour set prompt. This will open the Numeric colour set dialog box. You can define a numeric colour set to control the colouring of the contour grid. Colours are assigned to each cell according to the cell value estimated by the contouring algorithm (when the grid file was created). The Assign and Calculate functions work for (binary) grid files. When you use Assign, make sure you select GRID as the file type. The Value prompt will be disabled and the cell values used for the ranges.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a block model In Vizex you can load and display a 3D block model. Typically, block models can be used as a background layer to define the area of interest, for example, during pit design. By default, the blocks you see in the graphic display are restricted to those blocks that intersect with the current RL. Be aware that if you change the Block Size Factor and the current RL of the display falls between the blocks you have defined, you may not see anything in the display. Either change the Block Size Factor or change the RL value in the display limits. In the graphic display, you can change the orientation of the model by selecting one of the View Type options from the View toolbar. You can also hold down the SHIFT key and use the PAN tool to rotate the model in 3D. Select Display | Vizex | Block Model from the menu or double-click the Block Model form set type in the Form Sets Pane. The following tabs are provided in the Load Block Model dialog:
Load Block Model Use the Load Block Model tab to select and define the display characteristics of a block model file. OBM File Enter the name of the block model file you want to display. Type Select the type of the file from the drop-down list. Filter Select the Filter check box if you want to apply a filter to the data in the file. Enter a filter number in the adjacent response. Double click (F3) to see a list of existing filters. Right click (F4) to open the dialog box where you can create a new filter. Easting, Northing and RL fields Enter the name of the fields in the file in which the Easting, Northing, and Reduced Level (RL or Elevation) coordinates are stored. In the X, Y, Z coordinate system, these are the X, Y and Z directions respectively. Thickness and Block Size Factor fields Enter the name of the fields containing Thickness values and a Size Factor which defines the size of the blocks of the model. Tip: You can double-click in the input boxes to select from the list of fields in the file.
Hatching Use the Hatching tab to apply a hatching to the block model display. Use Hatch field Select this option to make the hatch pattern dependent on the values in one of the fields in the file. If this option is clear, then a single hatch pattern will be used. Hatch field Enter the name of the field (in the file) containing the data that will control the hatching. The hatch set, that is associated with this field, maps hatch patterns to text strings or numeric ranges. For each record in the file, the hatch pattern that will be used is determined by the value in this field. Hatch Set
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Enter the number (1-999) of a hatch file. If the hatching is attached to a numeric field, the number refers to a numeric hatch set. If the hatching is attached to a character field, the number refers to a text hatch set. Double-click on the hatch icon [X] to define the fill pattern (TrueType Font or TTF) to be used for the hatch. Draw Style Select a Draw Style option. The block model can be shaded or displayed as a 2D slice. When you select the 2D slice option, a cross-section through the block model is displayed. Note: The cross-section is displayed in the orthogonal plane which is closest to the plane of the current view. However, if the current view is a transform section, then the actual plane of the view will be shown. Hatch Colour Coding Select these options to control the colour of the hatch pattern by using a colour set. The colours you select will be used instead of the foreground and/or background colours in the hatch pattern definition. Select an option and click the More buttons to select a colour field and colour set.
Labels Use the Labels tab to add labels to the block model display. Display block centres You can display crosses at the block centres. The crosses can be colour coded according to the values in a field in the block model file. Display labels Up to three labels, values from the block model file, can be displayed in each block. Separate colour sets can be applied to each field. You can also adjust the font characteristics and orientation of the labels.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a wireframe You can load and display a wireframe or a DTM created using the Wireframing and DTM functions, in Vizex or the 3D Viewer. However, wireframes can not currently be edited in the Vizex display. Wireframes The term "Wireframe" is a generic term used to describe a three-dimensional mesh and is a term frequently applied to both surfaces and solids. In some computer packages, the term "wireframe " is limited to defining only a closed shape or a solid. In MICROMINE, the term "wireframe can be applied to a surface or a solid. But the term "DTM" relates specifically to a surface. DTMs Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are a specific type of wireframe that have become widely used in mining. The Delauney Triangulation, is one method used by MICROMINE to construct better surface representation by carefully selection how points are joined as triangles. In MICROMINE, the term "wireframe can be applied to a surface or a solid. But the term "DTM" relates specifically to a surface. Select Display | Vizex | Wireframe from the menu or double-click the Wireframes form set type in the Form Sets pane when the Vizex display is active. In the Load Wireframe dialog, do the following: Wireframe Type Select one of the wireframe types in the current project by double-clicking in the Wireframe Type input box. A wireframe type is a name used to categorise a wireframe. All wireframes, no matter what the type, are the same - collections of triangles, attributes and metadata. Because you will require different wireframe attributes, according to the sort of feature they describe, wireframe types are a means of organising data. There are several pre-defined wireframe types. Together these will cover most of the natural features you will meet. Wireframe types are contained in a project. Wireframe Nam e Having selected a wireframe type, double-click in the Wireframe name input box. Select the name of the wireframe you want to display. Draw Style Select a Draw Style option. The wireframe can be shaded, drawn as lines, or displayed as a 2D slice. When you select the 2D slice option, a cross-section through the wireframe is displayed in the plane of the current view. Note: The 3D Shaded draw style can't be plotted. When plotted it is drawn as 3D lines. Colour Coding Click the Colour coding checkbox if you want to apply a colour set. Colour sets are one of the most important ways of making it easy to differentiate between values, regions and other objects in the display. The tools you use to create colour sets in MICROMINE are particularly powerful. Because colour sets are saved as form sets they can be used anywhere in a project and can even be exported to other projects.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a profile display in Vizex Select Display | Vizex | Profile from the menu or double-click the Profile form set type in the Form Sets Pane. In the Load Profiles dialog, do the following: 1.
Enter the name of the file that contains the profile data and the name of the profile field. The profile field could be one of the coordinate fields (e.g. Northing) or a field specially created for the purpose (in the given examples North or Profile).
Enter the names of the fields containing the Easting and Northing coordinates.
Select the Profile Direction. If the Easting value for each profile is (approximately) constant, select Easting. Otherwise, select Northing.
Enter a Profile tolerance.
Enter the name of the Display field for each profile. This is the field containing the data that will be graphed.
Define the display parameters for each profile.
Loading and displaying images in Vizex By loading and displaying images with other mining or exploration data, you can develop relationships between the data and the terrain where it was gathered. Note: Only raster images can be loaded. To load data in vector format, use the Display | Vizex | GIS function. Select Display | Vizex | Image from the menu or double-click the Image form set type in the Form Sets pane.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Grid Settings To display a grid in the current display window, select the View | Grid Settings menu option or click the Display Grid button on the View toolbar.
The Grid Settings dialog is displayed.
Spacing Select the Auto spacing option or enter values to define the spacing between gridlines on the East (X), North (Y), and RL (Z) axis. The style of grid line is determined by your choice of grid type. If Grid type is set to NONE then these prompts will not be enabled. Depending on the range of your data, the Auto spacing option will apply an appropriate spacing (1,2 or 5 to some power of 10) to draw between 5 and 10 grid lines in the specified (East, North or RL) direction. Grid type Choose the type of grid to display.
FULL draws lines from one side of the paper to the other.
CROSSES draws ticks around the plot border and crosses wherever grid lines intersect.
TICKS draws ticks around the plot border.
Line type This option will only be enabled if you chose a FULL grid type. Line type options are:
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Colour Specify the colour to be applied to Easting, Northing and RL lines or ticks and labels. Note if a CROSSES grid type is selected, then crosses are coloured using the colour assigned to vertical lines. Top/Right labels Select this option to display label annotation along the top edge of the display or along the right edge of the display. Bottom/Left labels Select this option to display label annotation along the bottom edge of the display or along the left edge of the display. Vertical text By default, label text is displayed horizontally. To display label text vertically, select this option. Label annotation Specify the label text to be displayed for each grid spacing. The text you enter here will be appended to the spacing value.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Digitiser support When you use any of the digitising functions in MICROMINE, you must establish the relationship between the grid of the digitiser tablet and the grid on your display. A digitiser tablet has its own internal grid, and the cursor of the digitiser can detect its location on this grid. So that the system can convert the coordinates on the digitiser grid to display coordinates, you must first assign coordinates to two or more reference points. To setup the digitiser in Vizex: 1.
Select the Use Digitiser tool on the Edit Strings toolbar and click Yes when the message "Do you want to set-up the digitiser" appears.
Alternatively, select the Setup Digitiser tool (enabled if the display is already in Digitising mode).
The Digitiser Setup dialog is displayed:
If the X and Y scales are equal, type in the coordinates of two points on the display. If not, you will have to type in the coordinates of three points. The coordinates you enter (Easting and Northing, Easting and RL, Northing and RL) will depend on the orientation of the current view.
Click the Forms button to select and open a form set.
Click the Tools button to define colour and hatch sets and modify plot, colour and font environment settings.
Click Run to digitise the defined points. Once these points have been digitised, you will be asked to digitise a check point to confirm the setup.
Note: If you change the viewpoint of the Vizex display, the digitiser settings will not change. You can use this to view your digitising in an alternative orientation. For example, you might want to check a cross-section by viewing it in 3D as you work. However, you must repeat the Digitiser Setup process each time you want to change the orientation of the data you are digitising. Once the digitiser is setup, to create a new string and start digitising, simply click the first point with the appropriate digitiser button.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Vizex options Use the Options | Vizex menu option to apply editing and display default settings. The following tabs are provided:
General Auto Load Last View Select the Auto Load Last View option to load the Default Saved View at the end of each Vizex session. The form sets you load in the Form Sets Pane can themselves be saved as a form set. This higher level set defines a Saved View of your data. Tip: To save your current display and form set settings as a Saved View, click the File | Save menu option . For more information refer to the Form Sets Pane topic. Background Colour This setting will determine what background colour is applied to the display when Vizex starts up.
Clipping Plan view and Section view Specify Default Clipping Values which will be applied when the Last Saved View is loaded. For more information about the Clip to window options that can be applied to plan and section views, refer to the Display Limits topic. Note: When you modify clipping values using the Display Limits dialog, your default settings are not changed.
String Editing Prompt to edit properties on adding a new string Select this option to display an Edit Properties dialog whenever a new string is added to the display. Expansion Distance When editing strings and outlines, use this setting to determine the distance to be used when expanding string contours using the String Expand String tool. Note: This setting does not apply when the display is in Pit Design mode. Instead refer to the Pit Constraints topic.
Weeding Tolerance When editing strings and outlines, use this setting to determine the tolerance to be used with the String Weeding tool.
For more information about string editing functions and tools, refer to the Edit Strings topic.
Digitiser In the Digitiser tab, define the behaviour of the digitiser buttons. Any button that is not assigned here will add a point to the current string, or create a new string and add a first point. End Feature Enter the code of the digitiser button which will be used to finish the current feature.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Undo Enter the code of the digitiser button which will be used to undo the last point or last edit. Toggle Snapping In Digitiser mode you can choose whether to snap to other points in the display. Enter the code of the digitiser button which will be used to toggle snapping mode on and off.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
The 3D Viewer The 3D Viewer enables you to analyze your data visually. It is an excellent tool to interpret large amounts of data quickly. The 3D Viewer module is interactive - not only can you view data - you can study it from different viewpoints and perspectives. You can use any field to represent the Z axis (usually height), and thus display 2D data in a 3D environment. For example, use assay values from sample data to represent as Z values which can then be colour coded. The module is implemented using the Open GL and Open Inventor software libraries. The main features of the 3D Viewer user interface are summarised below:
The 3D workspace To run the 3D Viewer functions, select 3D | Viewer from the main program menu. The screen in 3D Viewer consists of the following components:
The Decoration The toolbars positioned along the left, right and bottom sides of the screen are collectively known as the Decoration: They provide access to some of the most frequently used functions in the 3D Viewer program. Use the controls (buttons, sliders and wheels) on these toolbars to manipulate objects in the work area.
The Status bar Positioned along the bottom of the screen, this is the standard status bar that is also available below the main program screen. It shows error messages and useful information on the currently selected option.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer As you move the cursor over a button on the toolbar, the status bar displays a brief description of that button’s function. Clipping status is indicated in a box in the lower right of the status bar. When clipping is enabled, the current section will be displayed. Otherwise it will indicate that clipping is disabled.
The Menus and Toolbar The items that appear on the menus are either commands or sub-menus containing more items. Some functionality is available on both the menus and the toolbar. Tools common to all MICROMINE display functions are available on the toolbar.
The World The black area enclosed by the toolbars is known as the World: any objects you want to view must first be loaded into this space.
Using lighting Using light is an important part of working in 3D: without some sort of light source your objects will show as black patches, or not at all. Ambient lighting (the default lighting) is defined by the Headlight position and settings you define using the View | 3D | Lights | Headlight menu option. The headlight is a directional light that follows the camera. Use the lighting options under the View | 3D | Lights menu to experiment by adding spot and point light sources to, and removing light sources from, the scene. A scene may contain multiple light sources, each with different characteristics.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Viewer modes Viewer modes, provided on the View | 3D | Viewing Mode menu, allow you to change the camera position and alter the way that the scene is viewed. When the View tool is selected in the decoration, the following cursors are displayed for each mode: The Examiner viewer mode uses a virtual trackball to view the data. By default, the 3D Viewer opens in Examiner viewer mode. The Fly-through viewer mode moves the camera through space with the camera in a constant up position. The horizontal line displayed near the bottom of the scene is a relative speed indicator. The red bar indicates actual velocity, while the cyan bar indicates target velocity.
The Walk-through viewer mode moves the camera in a plane.
The Plane viewer mode constrains the camera to move only parallel to the view plane. Additional buttons are added to the decoration, so that the camera can be set in each of the major (X, Y, Z) planes.
Note: When using the Fly-through, Walk-through and Plane viewer modes, select the appropriate draw style and move style options in order to optimize the scene redraw speed.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
The Decoration The zoom slider control, thumbwheels and tool buttons positioned along the left, right and bottom of the 3D Viewer display window are collectively known as the Decoration. Use the Decoration to manipulate objects in the world. In MICROMINE version 10, the equivalent of many of these tools are now provided on the View toolbar. You can choose to hide or show the decoration whenever the 3D Viewer is opened. To do this, select Options | 3D Viewer Environment and select/unselect the Show decoration option. Note that you can also turn the decoration on and off by selecting the View | 3D | Decoration menu option. The bar at the right-hand side of the Decoration contains View buttons. These buttons (also available on the View toolbar) enable you to switch between different operating modes, set (or return to) the home position, change the camera lens (width and projection type), and change the centre of rotation. Note that if your display window is too small, not all buttons may be visible. The bars along the bottom and left-hand side of the Decoration show a number of thumbwheels and a slide ruler. The RotX and RotY wheels, for example, allow you to rotate the camera around the screen’s X axis or Y axis.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Using the Colour Editor To access the Colour Editor, select the View | 3D | Background Colour menu option. If you want to change the background colour, do so after loading the objects you want to display. The background colour is changed to the default when you use the Open or Load commands.
Selecting a colour There are two ways to select a colour:
With the colour wheel
The colour wheel has a small rectangular marker on it that you can drag to select the colour you want. By default the marker is positioned in the centre, indicating pure white.
With the colour sliders
Use the colour sliders to directly manipulate the individual components that make up an RGB or HSV colour system. Click Sliders on the colour menu and select the sliders you want.
RGB is an additive system, using combinations of red, green and blue.
HSV represents a colour system based on hue, saturation and value (or brightness).
The colour you select appears in the left-hand colour box: this is the new colour that will be used. The previously selected colour is displayed in the right-hand box. Use the arrows underneath to switch the colours between the boxes. By default, the background is dynamically updated with the new colour. If you want to experiment with colours before applying them to the world, select Edit and enable the Manual option. In that case the colour you select is only applied to the colour box: you have to click the Accept button to apply the colour to the item you are working with (to return to dynamically updating colour changes, select Edit and enable the Continuous option). When using the continuous mode, make sure that the colour intensity is sufficiently high (slider moved to the right, value close to 1.0). If not, the changes you make to colours in the editor may not appear to dynamically update the item in the world.
Adjusting the colour intensity The intensity of a colour is indicated by a value between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0 being the brightest. To adjust the intensity select Value on the Sliders menu: a slider appears, called V (or Inten), and a value indicator. As you move the slider, the value indicator changes dynamically to reflect the new intensity. Note that most colours appear very dark unless you set the intensity above 0.5.
Copying colours between scenes You can use the colour editor to copy a colour and intensity between two scenes, for example to give the background in different scenes exactly the same colour. To do this: In the scene whose colour you want to use
Select the Edit | Background Colour menu option. This activates the colour editor.
Select the Edit | Copy menu option. This copies the background colour of the current scene to the windows clipboard.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer In the scene where you want to apply the background colour 3.
Select the Edit | Background Colour menu option. This activates the colour editor.
Select the Edit | Paste menu option. This applies the colour and intensity from the clipboard to the current scene.
To set the default colour for the background, exit the 3D Viewer and select the Options | Colours & Fonts menu option. The default background colour takes effect the next time you enter the 3D Viewer.
To help you select a colour, the colours on the wheel are normally shown at their brightest. Therefore, when you change the intensity, the colour you select on the wheel is not a true representation of what the colour will look like. The W YSIWYG option adjusts the brightness on the colour wheel to the same the intensity as the colour background, that is, as set via the intensity slider. When WYSIWYG is disabled, the colour wheel is always shown at maximum intensity. This makes it easier to select a colour since the differences between colours are more pronounced. With WYSIWYG enabled, the colours on the colour wheel have the same intensity as that selected on the intensity slider: this gives you an exact idea of the colour that will be used.
To keep the colour editor as the top-most window on your screen, enable the Always on top option. This can be useful when you need to change colours often.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Changing the colour of a display object To change the colour of a display object: 1.
Select the object you want to change by using the Selector tool or the Object Manager.
Select the Edit | Properties menu option.
A dialog is shown with the original parameters that were used to load the object. Change the colour set or default colour as required.
To change the colour and brightness of the background you can use the colour editor (by default the background is black). Note: To change the colours of items in the display, you can also makes changes in Options | 3D Environment. These settings will be used whenever you run the 3D Viewer.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Changing the drawing style of objects The 3D Viewer enables you to display and move objects in different ways, including full texture, wireframe, points and others. The purpose of this is to allow a clearer view of hidden features. You can set a drawing style for a stationary camera and a different style for when the camera moves. Move styles that correspond to (or which are different to) the selected drawing style can be selected in order to optimize the screen redraw process. Which combination of styles you select will depend on the size and complexity of the objects in the display The drawing and move style you select for use with a moving camera comes into effect when the scene changes, that is, whenever the camera’s orientation or position changes (whether it is rotated or moved). As soon as the movement stops, the object is re-drawn in its original style. Note: The options you select affects all objects in the world, including the rotation axes (when enabled). To set the drawing and move style for objects 1.
Right-click anywhere in the scene.
Select View | 3D | Draw Style from the menu.
Select the item you want from the list of Move options.
Available drawing and move styles
As is
As Is is the default for a still camera. Objects are drawn the way they are, for example sections will be drawn as lines, while a DTM appears as a solid object. Move As Is will move and redraw all object as they are. For complex displays, this option may produce a slow redraw speed.
No texture
When No texture is selected, objects are displayed without applying any special surface textures. When Move No texture is selected, objects are moved and redrawn without applying any special surface textures.
Hidden line
When Hidden Line is selected, objects are drawn as wireframes, but only the front faces are shown. When Move Hidden Line is selected, objects are moved and redrawn as wireframes, but only the front faces are shown.
Low resolution
When Low resolution is selected, objects are displayed at the lowest available resolution. When Low Resolution is selected, objects are moved and redrawn at the lowest available resolution.
When Wireframe is selected, objects are drawn as as wireframes: that is, all lines created by curves in the object are visible. This is different from hidden lines, where the lines appear to make up planes that hide some of the lines. When Move Wireframe is selected, objects are moved and redrawn as wireframes.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer When Points is selected, objects are displayed as points, but only the front faces are shown. When Move Points is selected, objects are moved and redrawn as points, but only the front faces are shown.
Bounding box
When Bounding Box is selected, objects are replaced with the bounding box that surrounds them. Each object will have its own box. The bounding boxes for objects are white, so make sure the background colour for the scene is slightly darker or they will not be visible. The rotation axes have there own (red) bounding box. When Move Bounding Box is selected, the bounding box that surrounds each object is moved and redrawn.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading, saving, and restoring 3D data You can load many types of data into the 3D Viewer, the only prerequisite being that they contain fields with X, Y and Z coordinates. You can use different fields as the Z coordinate, including RL, ore grades, etc.; except for OBM data where you must specify an RL field. There are two ways to load data into the world:
Use the Display | 3D menu to load data into the 3D Viewer. The objects you can load are generated in other MICROMINE functions. These include wireframes (DTMs), polygonal models, block models, strings, outlines, stacked sections and drillholes.
Using the File menu. Using the File | Open menu option does two things: It opens a copy of the world that you previously saved with the Save or Save As option. This restores the world including the objects it contained, the preferences you have set , etc. It also restores the viewpoint, that is, the camera position and orientation current at the time the world was saved.
File menu options New Each time you start the 3D Viewer, an empty world in which to load your objects is created. The application also enables you to work in several worlds concurrently: for each one you need to open a separate window. Use the New option on the File menu to open a new window, with an empty world. (To open a duplicate of a currently active world, use the W indow | New W indow menu option). Open Use the File | Open menu option to open a previously saved world (objects, background, etc.) and viewpoint. This replaces any objects and settings that may currently be in the world. Only use this option with files that were previously saved using the Save or Save As options. Note that the viewpoint, at the moment you save the world (using the Save or Save As options), can be restored independently from the world, by selecting View | Restore Viewpoint. This allows you to use the same viewpoint in several worlds, so you can view different objects from the same position and orientation. Close Use this option to close all windows associated with the currently active file. That is, when you have multiple windows open, with the same file in each, this function will close them all. If only one window is open then you will also exit from the 3D Viewer program and return to the main program. A Close option is also available on the toolbar. Note that the objects you have in the world are not automatically saved when you close the window. Close All Use this option to close all open windows, exit the 3D Viewer program and return to the main program. Save The Save option does two things:
It saves the currently active world, including the objects in the world and any settings you made (for example changes you made to the background colour). This information is saved in your current project folder in a file with extension .iv.
It saves the current viewpoint. This information is saved in a Form with the same name and extension as the file where the world is saved.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Note that the current viewpoint may be different from the Home position, which is not saved when selecting Save or Save As. Save As The Save As option works similar to Save: Use it to save the currently active world to a new file. The 3D Viewer can save a scene in three different formats:
Inventor files (extension .iv) This is the usual format in which to save the objects that are in the world. It is a standard format that allows you to exchange your files with other applications that use OpenInventor. To open a world in 3D Viewer it must have been saved in this format.
VRML files (extension .wrl) VRML stands for Virtual Reality Modelling Language and refers to file format adopted for virtual worlds on the Internet. Data (both individual objects or complete scenes) saved in this format can be rendered on the World Wide Web (depending on the Web browser you use and the version of VRML it supports. 3D Viewer uses VRML version 1.0 files).
Bitm ap files (extension .BMP) This saves the scene as a windows bitmap file. You can then send it to the printer, use it in reports, or paste it into other applications.
Note that a scene saved as a bitmap file cannot be re-opened in the 3D Viewer.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a search ellipsoid In the 3D Viewer, select the Display | 3D | Search Ellipsoid option to specify the characteristics of a data search ellipsoid.
Input form set Specify a form set containing the parameters of the data search ellipsoid you wish to load. Typically, data search parameters will have been defined when running Modelling | 3D Block (Kriging or IDW) estimation. Alternatively, you can right-click in the Data Search input box and define your own data search parameters. In this case, you might load a wireframe as a visual reference before specifying parameters. Block Definitions To ensure that your search ellipsoid fits within the same space, click the Block Definitions button to define the dimensions of the modelled area. Colour Coding Specify colours for the display of the ellipsoid, ellipsoid sectors, and the block model. Transparency Use the slider bar to determine the transparency of the ellipsoid and ellipsoid sectors. The Min end of the scale is opaque, while the Max end is clear. Ellipsoid Location The Ellipsoid (Easting, Northing, RL) location is specified as an index relative to the number of blocks in the East, North and RL direction. See Block Definitions (above).
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Manipulating objects in the 3D display You view objects in the 3D Viewer from different positions and angles by rotating and moving the camera, not by manipulating the objects, although that is what appears to happen. When you select an object and rotate it, you are actually moving the camera through the space. This becomes clear when the rotation axes are displayed, or when you have multiple objects in the world, everything moves together.
Click the Object Manager button to toggle the display of the Object Manager pane on and off. Use the Object Manager to change the drawing order of your display layers and turn display layers on and off.
Selecting objects Using the options on the Display | 3D menu, you can load multiple data files (consecutively) into the world. When more than one object is present, you must select the one you want to work with. When an object is selected, it appears inside a black rectangle with green handles, called the bounding box. To select multiple objects hold the Ctrl key while performing one of the actions mentioned below. To visually select an object: Use the selector tool and click on the object you want. To select an object by name: 1.
Select View | Object Manager or click the Object Manager button. A dialog appears listing the type and filename of all objects in the world (if there is only one object in the world, it is automatically selected).
Select the object you want.
Click OK.
To de-select a specific object: Use the selector tool and click on the object while holding down the Ctrl key: the bounding box disappears. To de-select all selected objects: Do either of the following:
Use the selector tool and click anywhere in the scene away from objects: the bounding box disappears.
Showing, hiding and removing objects When working with multiple objects it is sometimes useful to temporarily hide some of them (without removing them from the world) to give you a better view of the objects you are interested in. You can use the Object Manager to temporarily hide and show objects, or to permanently remove them from the world. Other options allow you to refresh an object and to modify object properties. To hide an object
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
All display objects are listed in the Object Manager. Simply unselect the checkbox for the object you want to hide. Alternatively, select the object in the display and select Hide from the right-click menu.
The object is hidden from view, but is still available in the world. Any operation you perform (like moving the camera) still affects the hidden object. To show a hidden object
All hidden display objects are shown as unselected in the Object Manager. Simply select the checkbox for the object you want to show.
Note that if you moved the camera while the object was hidden, it may have moved out of the scene and not be visible when you select the Show option. To remove an object When you remove an object it is permanently deleted from the world. Note that the original file you used to Load data in the world remains unchanged.
All display objects are listed in the Object Manager. Select the object you want to remove (either in the display or in the object manager) and select the Edit | Rem ove menu option, or right-click on the selected object and select Remove from the right-click menu.
To delete all objects, select the Remove All option instead of Remove.
To refresh an object There may be times when you have an object in the world whose data you want to edit (using the File | Open DB option) and then reload while keeping the current settings of viewpoint, lighting, etc. The quickest way to do that is to use the refresh option: it reloads the latest version of a file, replacing the one currently in the world, without affecting the viewpoint. To refresh an object:
Select the object you want to refresh.
Right-click on the object (in the display or in the Object Manager) and select the Refresh menu option.
Modifying object properties After an object is loaded you can still modify its properties by using the Properties option on the Edit menu. Use this option to change any of the parameters you entered during the initial LOAD (to modify the data in the file and then reload it, the best way is to use the Refresh option). For example:
Adjust the Z values.
Change the colour of the object.
Alter the line width, point size or block size factor.
To change object properties: 1.
Select the object whose properties you want to change.
Select the Edit | Properties menu option or right-click on the object (in the display or in the Object Manager) and select the Properties menu option. The original dialog that was used to load the object is displayed.
Make changes as required and click OK.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Bringing objects into view Loading several objects with different coordinates may separate them to such an extent as to place some of them out of view. Or, after moving an object around the world it may end up too far, or too close. There are several ways to bring objects back into view:
Using the Home button. Click the Home button to return the camera to its home position. This generally brings objects back into view, unless you changed the home position using Set Home.
Using the View All button.
Click the View All button (or select the View | Viewpoint | View All menu option) to bring all objects that are in the world, into view on the screen. This moves the camera closer or further away, but does not affect the angle at which objects are shown.
Manually, using the thumbwheels and zoom slider. If you know where the objects are, you can use the thumbwheels and slider to manually position the camera.
Using the View menu. Use the View | Viewpoint | View Selection menu option to position the selected object in the centre of the screen. This repositions the camera, without changing the angle at which the object is viewed. For this option you first need to select the object, in the Object Manager or using the selector tool (so that it is enclosed by the bounding box).
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
3D Viewer environment settings Background colour Double-click the box next to Background colour and select a colour you want to use as the default background in the 3D Viewer. This will take effect the next time you open the 3D Viewer from the Display menu. Note that once you are in the Viewer you can temporarily change the background colour at any moment. Draw style Choose the default setting for the drawing style from this list. Each time the display is redrawn in the 3D Viewer, this is the method that will be applied. For example, if you want to see the triangles that make up a DTM, choose WIREFRAME. You can also change this option in the 3D Viewer by right-clicking in the display, choosing Draw Style from the menu, and then making a further selection in the uppermost group in the menu that appears. Move style Choose the default setting for the movement method from this list. Each time you begin moving an object in the 3D Viewer, this is the method that will be applied. For example, if you are moving very large and complex objects that take some time to redraw, it may be better to set this option to BOUNDING BOX. This way, you will be able to move the object quickly. You can also change this option in the 3D Viewer by right-clicking in the display, choosing Draw Style from the menu, and then making a further selection from the middle group in the menu that appears. Automatically refresh source files If you have:
Saved a 3D display as an Open Inventor file (*.iv) and then loaded it.
Made changes in the 3D Viewer.
Have selected this option.
the changes will be written back to the Open Inventor file. Show decoration Select/unselect the Show decoration option to show or hide the decoration whenever the 3D Viewer is opened. Note that you can also turn the decoration on and off by selecting the View | 3D | Decoration menu option. Selection colour Select the colour that will be applied to objects you select in the display. Construction colour Select the colour that will be applied to the faces of wireframes when you are editing. Tie-line colour Select the colour in which tie-lines will be displayed. First point Select the colour in which the first points in strings will be displayed. Mid points Select the colour in which mid-points in strings will be displayed. Last point Select the colour in which the last points in strings will be displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Highlighted segment points Select the colour in which the points at each end of a highlighted segment will be displayed. Norm al arrow colour Select the colour in which the normal arrow will be displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
3D lighting Use the lighting options under the View | 3D | Lights menu to experiment by adding spot and point light sources to, and removing light sources from, the scene. A scene may contain multiple light sources, each with different characteristics. Ambient lighting (the default lighting) is defined by the Headlight position and settings you define using the View | 3D | Lights | Headlight menu option. Note: The number of light sources used will impact on scene rendering time. Adding a light source to the scene Select View | 3D | Lights | Add Spotlight or View | 3D | Lights | Add Pointlight to add a spotlight or a pointlight to the scene. Like a star, a Pointlight radiates light equally in all directions from a given location in 3D space.
A Spotlight illuminates from a point in space along a primary direction. Like a theatrical spotlight, its illumination is a cone of light diverging from the light's position.
Adjusting the position and intensity of a light source To modify the position and intensity of a spotlight or pointlight, you can click on the light icon with the select tool and manipulate them using a variety of dragger controls. Location XY plane Click on the ball of the spotlight or pointlight icon and drag the mouse to change the location of the light along the X and Y plane:
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Location Z axis Click on the handles on the ball of a spotlight or pointlight icon and drag the mouse to change the location of the light along the Z axis:
Intensity Click on the shuttle of a spotlight icon (only) to adjust the cone of light that is thrown by the spotlight. This defines the cut-off angle, i.e. the angle, in radians, outside of which the light intensity is zero.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Direction Click on the pointer or the tail of a spotlight icon (only) to adjust the direction of the spotlight:
Note: You cannot adjust the intensity or direction of a pointlight. While the intensity of a spotlight is defined by the rate at which the light intensity drops off from its primary direction, a pointlight radiates light equally in all directions from its location.
Rem ove All Lights Select this option to remove all lights added to the scene. Show Light Icons If spotlights or pointlights have been added to the scene, select this option to reveal their location and direction. Hide Light Icons If spotlights or pointlights have been added to the scene, select this option to hide the display of light icons. Lights ON/ Lights OFF
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Select these options to toggle the use of Spotlights and Pointlights on and off, without removing them from the scene. If Lights OFF is selected, no light sources are displayed and the colour and transparency of each object is displayed in ambient light.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Stereo Preferences Select the View | 3D | Stereo option to view your display objects in real-time stereo 3D. The Stereo Preferences dialog is displayed.
Select a stereo viewing mode and if necessary, adjust the view with the sliders.
Stereo Modes The following modes can be selected:
Red/Cyan Stereo (coloured viewing glasses are required)
Blue/Yellow Stereo (coloured viewing glasses are required)
Green/Magenta Stereo (coloured viewing glasses are required)
Horizontal Half Filled (not recommended as distortion of the object occurs)
Horizontal Half
Vertical Half Filled (not recommended as distortion of the object occurs)
Vertical Half (side-by-side stereo)
The following modes require specialised viewing equipment:
Raw Stereo (Open GL)
SSDI Stereo
Horizontal Interlace (Fast)
Vertical Interlace (Fast)
Horizontal Interlace (Best)
Vertical Interlace (Best)
Stereo Adjustment
If necessary, select the Reverse left and right views option to exchange the views.
If necessary. adjust the Zero parallax balance and the Cameras offset settings using the sliders.
When you are happy with the settings, close the Stereo Preferences dialog box.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Generating printed output in the 3D Viewer Use the following options to generate a printed copy of the 3D display:
Creating a 3D plot
Click the Plot button on the View toolbar (or select the Plot | Generate menu option to generate MICROMINE plot files (*.PEL) in the 3D Viewer and Wireframing. The output written to a MICROMINE plot file is in vector format. If a raster image is displayed, and you want to include it in the plot, you must select the Print as JPEG option. When this option is selected, the function creates a plot file and a JPEG image file. The plot file contains a reference to the image file. The paper size and layout options can be specified for the plot file. When you create a JPEG image, you can set the background colour and choose a resolution for the file. The image will be produced in 24bit colour. Note that a 300dpi image will be around 7MB in size. For screen display 72dpi is generally fine. To produce bitmaps suitable for advertising material and inclusion in reports, 300dpi is generally a good resolution. To generate a 3D plot: 1.
Select Tools | 3D Plot from the menu in the 3D Viewer or the Wireframing module.
To create a JPEG image, select Print as JPEG, then select a background colour and resolution.
To create a MICROMINE plot file, clear Print as JPEG, and select a paper size and layout.
Click OK to create the file.
If you have chosen to create an image with a very high resolution, it may take a few moments to create.
Creating a BMP file You can create good quality BMP files in the 3D Viewer or Wireframing and use them in reports and presentations. To do this:
Create a display in the 3D Viewer or Wireframing.
Select File | Save from the menu.
Enter the name of the new file and choose BMP Files (*.bmp) from the Save as Type list.
Click Save to continue.
Creating VRML output You can create VRML output from the Wireframing and 3D Viewer functions. This is powerful feature that enables you to display three-dimensional models in a web browser that supports this type of data. This means that you can create a 3D model and "publish" it on your company intranet or on the Internet. If the other party is not connected to the Internet, or if there are privacy concerns, you can send the VRML model to them, and they can run it locally. VRML files have a .wrl extension.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer To create a VRML image file:
Create a display in the 3D Viewer or Wireframing.
Select File | Save from the menu.
Enter the name of the new file and choose VRML Files (*.wrl) from the Save as Type list.
Click Save to continue.
Copying a scene to the clipboard You can capture the current scene and place a copy of it on the Windows clipboard for use with other applications. You do so by using the PrintScreen button on your keyboard. Note the PrintScreen option copies the entire screen, not just the current scene or work area. To copy the current screen do the following: 1.
Position the camera the way you want.
Press the PrintScreen key. This captures your current screen and places a copy on the clipboard.
You can insert the screen image into a graphics program for further editing (usually with an Edit | Paste menu option). The saved image can then be inserted into a document.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Troubleshooting the 3D display
When I load data into the world nothing is displayed This can be due to several reasons. The object is out of the scene: click the Home button on the toolbar (on the right-hand side), re-position it using the Dolly thumbwheel or zoom in using the Zoom slider (orthogonal view only). Find out if the data is indeed loaded (but not displayed) or not loaded at all: Select View | Object Manager. The Object Manager displays a list of objects in the world. If the object is not present in the Object Manager, it has either not been loaded, or it has been removed. Check that the object is not hidden. When a checkbox is not selected in the Object Manager, that object is hidden. Check that the object is not hidden inside another object: Select the object you have lost: this will draw the bounding box around the object. Make sure the lost object is within viewing range: Select View | Viewpoint | View Selection from the menu. Right-click in the scene (away from objects) and select Points or Wireframe from the Draw Style menu: all objects are now shown transparently, with your lost object surrounded by the bounding box. Check that the object is not obscured by another object. Change the display order or hide other objects temporarily by unselecting the appropriate checkboxes. To quickly change the display order, use the mouse to drag an object to a new position in the display list. Make sure the object is not displayed in the same colour as the background. When you load data using the Load menu you must specify the colour in which you want to display the object. Try changing the background colour (select Edit | Properties from the main menu, or right-click on the object and select Properties).
I cannot move close to an object To move towards or away from an object you must use the Zoom Slider (in orthogonal view), not the dolly wheel.
I loaded several objects but can see only one
One of the objects may be out of view. Use the View All button to bring all objects into the viewing area.
The second object may be hidden by the first one: rotate or move the object in view. If the second object you loaded contains the same data and the same coordinates as the first (that is, it is the same data file, loaded with the same command from the Display | 3D menu), it will take up the same space in the world: it will appear to have overwritten the first one (however, both objects are present, as you can see by selecting View | Object Manager.
To make sure the files you load show as separate objects, change the coordinates of one of them. The easiest way to do this is by adjusting the Z values when you load the second object.
Seek mode does not work When you activate Seek mode the crosshairs are displayed, but clicking on an object does not have any effect. For Seek to be effective you must click the crosshairs cursor on a visible part of the object, not just the area covered by the object. For example, when you have several sections displayed, you must click exactly on a section line. The Seek function is also affected by the drawing style you select (View | 3D | Draw
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer Style or from the right-click menu). For example, if you selected Drawing style Points then you must click exactly on a point, even though the object may show as solid under normal conditions (that is, in drawing style As Is).
When I change colour in the colour editor nothing happens When you use the colour editor in Manual mode, your changes do not take effect until you click the Accept button. When you use Continuous mode, make sure the colour intensity is set sufficiently high. Otherwise colours may change on the sliders, but not appear to update the scene.
The rotation axes are not shown To display the rotation axes you must be in Viewer mode. Select the View | 3D | Rotation Axes menu option to toggle the display of roattion axes on and off. The Rotation Axes are enabled when a check mark appears next to that menu option. If no check mark is present, click on that menu option to toggle the switch. The axes may be hidden inside an object: right-click in the world and select Draw Style Wireframe to make objects transparent.
Moving wireframes from project to project When you install MICROMINE, several generic wireframe types will be installed in the template folder. Each time you create a new project these will be copied to the project folder. These generic wireframe types contain user-defined attributes that will be suitable for most applications. There is nothing to stop you preparing a wireframe in one project and then copying it to another. The only thing you should be aware of is that you will overwrite the generic outline of that type. If you want a new wireframe type to become automatically part of all future projects you create, copy it to the TEMPLATES folder under the MM folder. Files in this folder are automatically copied to the project folder when you create a new project.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Loading a wireframe This option loads a wireframe or a DTM (digital terrain model) into the 3D world. A DTM file is a binary file that defines a ground surface. You can create a DTM file from any file containing X, Y and Z coordinates. Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) are a specific type of wireframe that have become widely used in mining. The Delauney Triangulation is one method used by MICROMINE to construct better surface representation by carefully selecting how points are joined as triangles. In MICROMINE, the term "wireframe can be applied to a surface or a solid. But the term "DTM" relates specifically to a surface. The term "Wireframe" is a generic term used to describe a three-dimensional mesh and is a term frequently applied to both surfaces and solids. In some computer packages, the term "wireframe " is limited to defining only a closed shape or a solid. In MICROMINE, the term "wireframe can be applied to a surface or a solid. But the term "DTM" relates specifically to a surface. To load a wireframe: 1.
Select the Display | 3D | Wireframe menu option. The Load Wireframe dialog will appear.
Enter the name of the wireframe.
(Optional) Enter the number of a suitable colour set that will be used to control the colour of the DTM.
(Optional) Select the Default colour in which the object is to be displayed. This will be used when you have not defined a colour set.
(Optional) To adjust the Z values, select the Adjust Z values? check box, click the More button and complete the dialog box.
Click OK. The data from the DTM file is displayed, in plan view, in the 3D world.
To drape an image onto a wireframe:
Select the Display | 3D | Wireframe menu option.
Double-click the Type edit box and choose "DTM" from the list that appears.
Double-click the Name edit box and choose a name from the list of previously saved DTM's that appears.
Check (turn on) the Drape image? option and click the More button.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Click the browse button [...] next to the image file prompt and navigate to your image.
Note: The Multi Band Images button will only be enabled if the image type you select falls into this category. If this button is enabled, you can control the allocation of spectral bands to display colours. For example, a common geological application of Landsat satellite imagery is to allocate the red, green, and blue display colours to spectral bands 7, 4, and 1. 6.
Entering a number between -1000 and 1000 to control the intensity of the image. Use this feature to exaggerate or subdue the image on your display. Zero is the default value. Increase the value towards 1000 to whiten the image. Decrease the value towards -1000 to darken the image.
Check the Define georeference? option to georeference the image: Specify the orientation of the image (ie PLAN, LOOKING WEST or LOOKING NORTH). The orientation you select will depend on the orientation of the DTM.
Georeferencing the image Whenever you specify an image file (in Step 5), MICROMINE will attempt to georeference that image by searching for known georeferencing data. Depending on the image file format,
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer this spatial data may be present as a separate header file or may be embedded within the image itself. Note: Georeferencing an image within MICROMINE simply means providing that image with a spatial reference so that it can be overlain with other data. This process does not rectify or warp the image, so if it is distorted in any way or rotated from a north-up orientation, you must preprocess it with image processing software before displaying it in MICROMINE. MICROMINE will search for georeferencing data in the following sequence (and will stop searching at the first valid header that it finds):
MapInfo TAB file
ArcView World File
ER Mapper Header (ERS) file (associated with ECW files and occasionally with BIL files)
GeoTIFF internal tag (only found in a GeoTIFF image file)
ECW internal header (only found in an ECW or OVR file)
ESRI HDR file (associated with BIL, BSQ, and BIP files)
With the exception of the GeoTIFF and ECW headers, which are embedded within the image files, the remaining georeferencing files must always be in the same folder and have the same name as the associated image file, with the appropriate file extension. For example, the filename.HDR header file will georeference the filename.BIL image file, and so on. To override the default header assignment, select another option from the Load Georeference drop-down list. Only the options available for the selected file will be displayed. To apply the new parameters to the image, click the Load button. The X and Y reference coordinates for the top left corner of the image, and the X and Y pixel sizes (in grid units), will be displayed. If an overriding header is not available, you can easily create your own World File to provide the necessary information. Note: In MICROMINE, the X and Y reference coordinates always refer to the top-left corner of the image. However, ArcView World Files and ESRI .HDR files reference the centre of the top-left pixel, so the reference coordinates will appear to differ from the contents of the files. This is not an error, but simply represents an on-the-fly conversion from one georeferencing system to another. If the image has no associated spatial data, you can either georeference the image interactively by clicking the Georeference Image button, or alternatively by keying in the image's georeferencing parameters if they are known. 8.
Click Close to close the Image dialog and then click OK to load the wireframe.
To m odify the display properties of a wirefram e that's already been loaded 1.
Select the wireframe object (either in the Object Manager or using the selector tool in the display).
Select the Edit | Properties menu option. Alternatively, right-click on the wireframe object and select Properties from the right-click menu.
The dialog that was used initially to load the wireframe will be displayed. You can make any required changes here.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Using clipping to view wireframe slices Overview The Clipping function allows you to view sections or "slices" of a wireframe. This is very useful feature, especially when you want to have a look inside a wireframe To set-up the Clipping function you must enter parameters that define the location, number and spacing of the sections. These are the same parameters you use to define the sections in a polygonal model. The only difference is that the parameters you enter in Clipping, control how the slices will be displayed on the screen, not how a model will be formed. You can define regular, irregular and transform sections in the same way as in Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Setup.
The Process 1.
Select View | Clipping | Define from the main menu or click the Clipping Planes button on the View toolbar.
Choose the type of section that you want to display.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer If you choose one of the Irregular options (with the (I) prefix), enter the name of the control file. The control file must contain specific information organised in a certain way. If you choose one of the Regular options (with the (R) prefix), enter the coordinate at which the first section will be displayed, the spacing between sections, and the data corridor on either side of the section coordinate. If you choose to display a transform section , enter the Reference point and Bearing parameters. 3.
The values you enter in the Section towards and Away prompts define how many sections are displayed in the body of the wireframe.
Click OK when you have defined the clipping characteristics. They will be applied to the display immediately.
Controlling the Clipping display You can switch Clipping on and off by clicking the Enable Clipping button on the toolbar.
You can also right-click while clipping is enabled and, from the menu that appears:
Select sections.
Define clipping parameters.
Move from section to section using Next and Prev.
Disable the clipping function.
You can also click on the Clipping information box on the status bar (right-hand end) to select a list of available clipping planes.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Using cameras Two cameras are available for use with the program: a perspective and an orthogonal camera. Use the Projection button on the decoration to switch between them.
The perspective camera emulates the human eye, that is, objects that are further away appear smaller. This is the most commonly used camera. The orthogonal camera on the other hand produces parallel projections and thus does not create a distortion with distance. Use it when it is important to get an exact idea of measurements, which would be distorted with the perspective camera.
Animation Animation is always enabled. To start spinning the camera
Select the View tool.
Click on the object and drag it in the direction you want to move.
Release the mouse button while still briefly moving the mouse: as if throwing the object away. The camera starts spinning. To control the velocity of movement, adjust the speed with which you move and release the mouse.
To stop spinning the camera Click the mouse in the scene or press the Esc key.
How to position the camera Once you have an object in the world you can view it from different positions and angles. The program has predefined options that you can use to quickly position the camera for plan view or to look in any of the cardinal directions. You can also move the camera in any other direction, either manually using the mouse or with the thumbwheels.
Viewing an object in plan view
To look at an object in plan view, select the View | Viewpoint | Plan View menu option. This is the default view when loading a new object.
Viewing an object from a cardinal direction
To look at an object from a cardinal direction select the direction you want from the View | Viewpoint menu: the menu disappears and the camera is immediately positioned in the selected orientation. To view an object from any other angle or position, you re-position the camera, not the object itself. When you move the camera, everything in the world moves together: all the objects, the light source, etc.
Moving the camera Use the thumbwheels to rotate the camera around the screen’s X and Y axes or use the mouse to interactively move the camera. With the mouse you can move the camera:
around the rotation axes,
along a plane,
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
in any other direction and angle you want.
Rotating with the Rotx and Roty wheels Use the Rot X and Rot Y wheels to rotate the camera around the screen’s X and Y axes. Note that these are different from Rotation axes that are shown when selecting the View | 3D | Rotation Axes menu option. To rotate around the screen axes click and drag the Rotx and Roty wheels to rotate around the respective axes.
Manually rotating around the rotation axes To move the camera manually, do the following: 1.
(Optional) If you have multiple objects in the work you may want to highlight the one you are interested in: click the selector tool and click the object you want to study.
(Optional) To display the rotation axes select View | 3D | Rotation Axes. Note that you can reposition the Rotation axes by using the Seek button on the Decoration.
Select the View tool on the Decoration.
Click the object (or anywhere in the scene) and drag the camera to the position you want. Notice how all objects (including the rotation axes) move together.
To move the camera manually, you must be in Viewer mode. To change to Viewer mode do one of the following:
click the View button on the Decoration,
select Viewing on the View | 3D menu,
press Esc to toggle or hold the Alt key down to change temporarily.
The cursor changes to a hand icon. You can then rotate the camera around the Rotation axes.
Moving the camera along a plane Instead of rotating the camera, you can move it along a plane. The plane in which you move depends on the view you have chosen. To move the camera in a plane do the following:
(Optional) If you have multiple objects in the work you may want to highlight the one you are interested in: click the selector tool and click the object you want to study.
Select the View tool on the Decoration.
Click the object, while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key, and drag it to the position you want. Note that the rotation axes remain stationary.
When you select View | Viewpoint | Plan View, your movements are in the X-Y plane, with the orientation showing a constant Z value (the blue rotation axis shows towards you).
When you select View | Viewpoint | Looking North or South, your movements are in the X-Z plane, showing a constant Y value (the green rotation axis shows towards you).
When you select View | Viewpoint | Looking East or West, your movements are in the Y-Z plane, showing a constant X value (the red rotation axis shows towards you).
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer These are views along the main coordinate planes. To move in any other plane, manually rotate the camera the way you want, and then use the Ctrl key and mouse as described above.
Saving and restoring camera settings To save a viewpoint Position the camera the way you want. 1.
Select the View | Viewpoint | Save menu option.
In the dialog that appears enter a number and title for the form (the first available form number is automatically displayed).
Click OK.
To restore a viewpoint 1.
Select the View | Viewpoint | Restore menu option.
A list appears with all available form sets.
Highlight the form containing the camera settings you want and click OK.
The camera position and orientation are applied to the world and the scene adjusted accordingly.
Spinning Click and drag the cursor over an object to move it around the rotation axes (you can see the rotation axes by selecting Rotation Axes from the View menu).
Panning Click and drag the cursor over an object, while holding down the Ctrl or Shift key (the hand icon changes to a right pointing hand). This moves the camera in a plane: up, down, left and right. Note that the rotation axes do not move when you do this.
Dolly in and out Move the cursor up and down the screen, while holding both the Ctrl and Shift keys (the hand icon now has the index finger pointing upwards). While in perspective view this has the same effect as the Dolly wheel: it moves the camera closer or further away from objects. In orthogonal view it has the same effect as using the Zoom wheel.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer
Creating a flight path The tools needed to create and modify a flight path are provided on the Flight Path menu (when the 3D Viewer display is active) and on the Flight Path Control Panel. The Flight Path Control Panel is displayed along the top of the 3D Viewer display when you open a new or existing flight path. The Flight Path Control Panel consists of three functional areas:
Control Buttons Use the tools provided by the 3D Viewer Decoration to manipulate the display. Use the buttons on the Flight Path Control Panel to create a fly-through sequence by recording a series of viewpoints.
ADD / INSERT Click the ADD or INSERT buttons to record the current scene as a viewpoint. After recording a viewpoint, this is displayed as the current viewpoint to the right of the Viewpoint Slider Bar on the control panel. Click ADD to add a new viewpoint AFTER the current viewpoint. Click INSERT to insert a new viewpoint BEFORE the current viewpoint. FIRST / LAST Click FIRST to move to the viewpoint which is sequentially first in the flight path. Click LAST to move to the viewpoint which is sequentially last. Alternatively you can click at either end of the Viewpoint Slider Bar to move to the first or last viewpoint. BACK / FORWARD Click BACK to move backwards from the current viewpoint. Click FORWARD to move forward from the current viewpoint. You can use these buttons to step through the flight path in both directions. Note: Currently, you can only PLAY the flight path in a forward direction. DELETE Click DELETE to remove the current viewpoint from the flight path. MODIFY Click MODIFY to change the current viewpoint. The scene which is current in the 3D display will become the current viewpoint.
MICROMINE Core – Vizex and the 3D Viewer PLAY / STOP Click PLAY to run the flight path once you have manipulated the display and added viewpoints. The speed of the fly-through is determined by the Timer Inputs you enter in the Flight Path Control Panel. When you run the flight path, the 3D Viewer will move the current camera position between each viewpoint and interpolate between each viewpoint to give a smooth animation of the displayed object. You can STOP the fly-through at any time by pressing the STOP button. The current viewpoint will be the viewpoint which was current when the STOP button was pressed.
Current viewpoint display and viewpoint slider bar As you insert or add viewpoints to the flight path, each viewpoint is displayed as a marker on the Viewpoint Slider Bar. The last viewpoint added or inserted is displayed as the current viewpoint to the right of the slider bar. If you select a viewpoint by clicking on the slider bar, that viewpoint becomes the current viewpoint and the 3D display changes accordingly.
Timer Inputs Use the Timer inputs to specify the velocity (slow - fast) to be used when running the flythrough. The speed or time factor you enter can be applied between EACH VIEWPOINT or across the TOTAL FLIGHT PATH.
You can also create a flight path from a string file using the 3D | String to Flight Path menu option.
MICROMINE Core – Displaying images
Displaying Images By displaying images with other mining or exploration data, you can develop relationships between the data and the terrain where it was gathered. Note that only raster images can be used. To display an image: 1.
Specify the name and path of the image file. To navigate to the location of the file, press F3 or click the Browse (...) button to the right of the File input box.
Use the image preview function if necessary (right-click or F4 with the cursor in the File prompt).
Note: The Multiband Images button will only be enabled if the image type you select falls into this category. If this button is enabled, you can control the allocation of spectral bands to display colours. For example, a common geological application of Landsat satellite imagery is to allocate the red, green, and blue display colours to spectral bands 7, 4, and 1. A selection of the common raster image files is supported. If you have a raster image in an unsupported format, use one of the many excellent third party graphics conversions programs such as Hijaak® from IMSI Software to convert the file into a compatible format. 3.
Enter a number between -1000 and +1000 to control the intensity of the image.
To georeference the image, make sure the Define georeference option is selected. Georeferencing an image within MICROMINE simply means providing that image with a spatial reference so that it can be overlain with other data. MICROMINE will not rectify the image. If the image is distorted, or otherwise rotated from north upwards, you must use a third-party application to rectify it. Whenever you specify an image file (in Step 1), MICROMINE will attempt to georeference that image by searching for known georeferencing data. Depending on the image file format, this spatial data may be present as a separate header file or may be embedded within the image itself. MICROMINE will search for georeferencing data in the following sequence, and will stop searching at the first valid header that it finds:
MapInfo TAB file
ArcView World file
ER Mapper Header (ERS) file (associated with ECW files and occasionally with BIL files)
GeoTIFF internal tag (only found in a GeoTIFF image file)
ECW internal header (only found in a compressed ECW or OVR file)
ESRI HDR file (associated with BIL, BSQ, and BIP files) With the exception of the GeoTIFF and ECW headers, which are embedded within the image files, header files must always be in the same folder and have the same name as the associated image file, with the appropriate file extension. For example, the myfilename.HDR header file will georeference the myfilename.BIL image file.
To override the default header assignment, select another option from the Load Georeference drop-down list. Only the options available for the selected file will be displayed. To apply the new parameters to the image, click the Load button. The X and Y reference coordinates for the top left corner of the image, and the X and Y pixel sizes (in grid units), will be displayed. If an overriding header is not available, you can easily create your own World File to provide the necessary information.
Note: In MICROMINE, the X and Y reference coordinates always refer to the top-left corner of the image. However, ArcView World Files and ESRI HDR files reference the centre of the top-left pixel, so the
MICROMINE Core – Displaying images reference coordinates will appear to differ from the contents of the files. This is not an error, but simply represents an on-the-fly conversion from one georeferencing system to another. 6.
If the image has no associated spatial data, you can either georeference the image interactively by clicking the Georeference Image button, or alternatively by keying in the image's georeferencing parameters if they are known.
Finally, specify the orientation of the image (PLAN, LOOKING NORTH, or LOOKING WEST) and nominate the Section value to correctly position the image in three-dimensional space.
MICROMINE Core – Displaying images
Georeferencing an image You can georeference an image in three ways:
Click Georeference Image and interactively define the coordinates of two points that you can recognize in the image and whose coordinates you know.
Select a georeferencing header file that contains the coordinates needed to spatially position the image. If an appropriate header is not available, but the georeferencing parameters are known, you can create a World file to permanently store the parameters.
Enter the X and Y reference coordinates for the top left corner of the image and the X and Y size of each image pixel (in grid units). This enables you to relate the image to your project's coordinate grid. In many cases the X and Y pixel size will be the same.
Georeferencing interactively To use this method: 1.
Click Georeference Image.
Position the pointer over the first point with known coordinates and click. Enter the Easting and Northing of that point. You can use Zoom to help locate the known point.
Move the cursor to the second point and do the same. The georeferenced coordinates of the cursor appear in the title bar.
Click Close. The coordinates and pixel size will automatically appear in the Georeference group and a World File will be written to the folder containing the image.
MICROMINE Core – Displaying images
Handling large images A number of methods may be used by MICROMINE to improve performance when displaying large images. This may involve modifying the original image file, or using the original image file to create and display a compressed image file. The exact process used will depend on the format and, to a lesser extent, the complexity of the original image file, but in general the following stages will apply: If the image is of a small size (less than 30 megabytes uncompressed) MICROMINE will attempt to open the image without conversion. If the image is of a moderate size (between 30 MB and 500 MB uncompressed) MICROMINE will attempt to produce a secondary file in a compressed file format known as ECW. The ECW file format is widely used and supported by other packages. During the conversion process, the original image file is copied, compressed, and renamed, using the original filename appended with an .ECW file extension. An image file named image.tif, for example, will be copied and saved as a compressed file named image.tif.ecw. Georeference information is stored internally as part of the compressed file. The file can be previewed and plotted like any other image file. If the image file is of a large size (greater than 500 MB uncompressed) For JPEG, GIF, BIL, BIP, and BSQ image files, MICROMINE will generate a special kind of compressed file called an overview file. In this case, the new file is created using the original filename and extension, but is appended with an .OVR file extension. As well as containing georeference information, this file contains overview information that allows the image to be manipulated more quickly (using pan and zoom etc.) in the display. In the special case of a TIF image file, MICROMINE will write the overview information back into the original image file itself. This industry-standard practice is commonly referred to as 'building pyramids' for the image. Overview information created within MICROMINE, is fully compatible with other applications that support image pyramids. If the file is flagged as read-only (for example when reading directly from a CD-ROM), the overview information will not be created and the image display will be very slow. Note: BMP, TGA, RAS, and CMP image files greater than 500 MB cannot be displayed in MICROMINE.
MICROMINE Core – Displaying images
Raster image files Raster files are bit-mapped images, that is, images defined as a matrix of pixels. Several different file formats can be displayed. For more information about each supported file format, click on the underlined link. File Extension BMP JIF/JPG TIFF BIL, BIP, BSQ
Description Windows bitmap JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) Tagged Image File Format Binary grid formats supporting multi-band images. Used by many GIS and Image Processing packages.
Uncompressed, band interleaved by line (.BIL), band interleaved by pixel (.BIP), and band sequential (.BSQ) image data.
Highly compressed format developed by Compuserve®.
SUN raster file
Truevision TARGA
Lead Tools file format
ER Mapper Enhanced Compression Wavelet format
While every effort has been made to support the most common raster image file formats, you may come across a format which cannot be displayed. In this case, use an image conversion tool (such as Hijaak™ Pro) to convert the image to a supported file format.
This help topic refers only to raster image files. Unlike raster image files, vector data files define spatial or geographic features (shapes, lines and points) which are stored as an ordered sequence of coordinates. Common CAD vector file extensions include DXF and DGN. ArcView Shapefiles and MapInfo TAB files are common GIS vector file formats.
To display data stored in CAD and GIS vector file formats, refer to the Vizex | Load GIS features function. You can also import AutoCad DXF files and display them as MICROMINE data files.
MICROMINE Core – Simple Display & Quick Contours Display
Simple Display The Simple Display enables you to display any data that have X and Y coordinates. It is often used for preliminary evaluation of exploration data. When you run the function, each point in the data set will be displayed as a small cross. A numeric or text value associated with that point can be displayed immediately beside it. In addition, these can be colour coded according to the values in another field of the data set. A typical data set will contain spatial coordinates, such as Eastings and Northings, that define a series of points. For each of these points there will be one or more measured values. Though you will often be displaying the data in plan, you are not restricted to that view. Nor are you restricted to using spatial coordinates for the axes of the display. The following are some examples of how you can use Simple Display.
Sample distribution
Assays versus depth
Relationship between 3 elements
You can also use Simple Display to create a Collar Location Plan. Typically you would display the hole name (e.g. DH0010) beside the cross. Those who want to display the drillhole collars using a circle should use Display | Complex | Single. Only the cross is available in Simple Display. Displaying data Displaying data as coordinates
The Process 1.
Select Display | Simple from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the name of the field containing the display data.
If you want to display text or a numeric value beside each cross, enter the name of the field containing the data you want to display. Choose the angle at which the numeric value or text will be displayed.
Define the display limits.
If you want to colour code the display points, enter the name of the field which will control the colour coding and the colour set number. If you do not apply colour coding to the data, it will be displayed in the default colour.
If you want to display outlines with your data, select the form containing the predefined Outline set.
Click OK to run the function. The display window will open and the points and associated values will be displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Simple Display & Quick Contours Display
Quick Contours display Overview Use Quick Contours to generate contour line and grid displays. In addition to displaying contours, this function can also create grid, survey, string and data files. These can be used as inputs to other functions such as Vizex, and in the case of grid files, as input to the Quick Contours display (to avoid regenerating the display each time you want to see the data). Quick Contours requires a file containing X, Y and Z data points as input. Typical data sets include: the surface of the Earth; the thickness of a rock unit; the salinity of an estuary; soil geochemical samples; magnetic or gravity profiling; drilling results; topographic surveys. Two contouring algorithms are provided: inverse distance and minimum curvature. In most circumstances, applying one of these should give a good representation of the surface that best fits the data. Data can be displayed as contour lines, a colour coded grid or both. You can also control the linetype, colour, and annotation of the contour lines. The contour grid or contour lines can be:
Saved to an output file for use with other functions (e.g. the grid and string displays in Vizex).
Output as a plot file.
Saved as a BMP file or pasted to the Windows clipboard.
Note: The contouring algorithms work by generating a grid of values calculated from surrounding values. This will result in a surface which does not precisely honour the original data points. This should be remembered when using this function for contouring topographic or other surfaces with a well known form. When dealing with geophysical and geochemical data this does not pose problems, as the real form of the surface being contoured is never precisely known. If you wish to create contours that precisely follow a set of points, use the DTM contouring function.
The Process 1.
Select Display | Quick Contours from the menu.
Enter the name of the file that contains the data you wish to contour. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed. You can select a contour grid file (*.GRD) as the input if you wish to display a data set you gridded previously.
Enter the name of the field containing the data to be contoured in Contour field.
Enter the names of the fields that define the X and Y axes of the display. Enter suitable minimum and maximum values for each. If you want to display grid lines, select one of the grid types and define the X and Y grid spacing.
Click Contour Setup and define the gridding method and parameters.
Use the Display mode to define how the contours will appear. The choices are Grid, Lines, or both.
Enter the name and choose the type of output file.
Click OK to run the function.
Note: If no contours appear refer to: Contours: problems when creating.
MICROMINE Core – Simple Display & Quick Contours Display
Quick Contours Setup Gridding method Gridding is the process of creating a numerical array from unevenly spaced data. The entire area is divided up into a regular pattern – a grid. Because the samples (data points) are usually not regularly spaced, values are estimated for "grid points” using the surrounding samples. This process results in a surface which does not necessarily honour the original data points. Remember this when contouring topographic or other surfaces. When dealing with geophysical and geochemical data this does not pose problems, as surface being contoured is never precisely known. If you wish to create contours that precisely follow a set of points, use the DTM contouring function in MICROMINE. Three gridding algorithms are available in Quick Contour:
Inverse distance
Inverse distance + Minimum curvature
Minimum curvature
Max number of points (Inverse distance only) Enter the maximum number of points that will be used in the contouring function when it calculates a grid point estimate. The default value is eight. This means that the algorithm will only use the eight points nearest to the centre of each grid cell when estimating values. If there are less than eight points in search area then all points will be used. Increasing the number of points will smooth the contoured surface particularly if the raw data points are densely spaced. It will also slow down the contouring process. Reducing the maximum number of points can result in poorly estimated grid points, particularly if values in the search differ markedly. There is seldom any advantage in using more than 25 points to estimate a cell value. Cell density Cell density determines the number of grid cells used when estimating the contour surface. Changing the Cell density will update the Cell width and Cell height parameters. As a general rule, increasing the grid density will improve the shape of the surface so that it better describes the underlying data. However, high grid density, particularly when displaying contour lines, may result in jagged lines as the program attempts to draw the lines through many rapid changes in grid point values. When displaying contour grids use a high grid density as smaller grid cells will appear to give a better surface. The following values for cell density will usually give acceptable results. Grid density Cell density Low 25 x 25 Medium 50 x 50 High 100 x 100 Very High 200 x 200 Extremely high 500 x 500
MICROMINE Core – Simple Display & Quick Contours Display When determining a value for the cell density a good starting point is to use the average spacing between data points. Once you have contours, you may then want to use a cell size of about half of the average spacing between data points. For example, if a data set represented soil samples collected on a 25 x 50 m grid over an area of 1km x 1km, a good starting cell density would be about 30. (That is, as average data spacing is about 35m, therefore 1,000m/35m is about 30). As cell density is increased the time taken to grid the surface will also increase. Doubling the cell density will take four times as long to grid.
Cell height and width The cell height and width parameters record the X and Y dimensions of the each cell. They are controlled by the Cell density parameter and the X and Y range of the input data. These values cannot be edited. Search radius This defines the radius of the circular search area around each grid cell. The grid points are estimated using the values that fall within this area. If the search area is too small, there may be grid points with no value. If the search area is too large, the contour grid will contain cells with estimates based on one point at the limit of the search. This can result in contours being extended into areas that should not have contour values. As a general guide set the search radius about one and a half times the cell size. If for example the cell size was 30m in width and 40m in height a good search radius would be 50 meters.
MICROMINE Core – Simple Display & Quick Contours Display
Troubleshooting Quick Contours The most common problem to occur when attempting to run the Quick Contours function, is that no contours appear on screen. If this happens, check that:
The colour file relates to the data and the default colour is not set to X, otherwise neither data points nor contours will be displayed.
The contour minimum and maximum relate to the data ranges covered by the data. If this is not the case the data points may well be displayed, assuming that either a default colour has been chosen or the colour set is correct, but no contours will be shown.
Minimum and maximum values for both X and Y are not set outside the X and Y limits of the data, resulting in no data being displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Drillhole fundamentals The purpose of this section is to describe the data requirements for the drillhole functions in the program. That is, what data you must supply and the format it must be in. We recommend that you read the following section before making field observations. Adhering to the guidelines that follow will ensure trouble-free operation of the program’s drillhole tools. When data obtained in the field and from assay laboratories is not in a suitable format, you can import it into the File Editor or use the ODBC function. Once it is in the program File Editor, you can use the tools specifically designed to manipulate field data in a database.
The drillhole database From the user's point of view the term 'Drillhole Database' refers to three file types: Collar, Survey and Interval. These are the files used by the drillhole functions to display and manage drillhole data. Each contains records that describe aspects of drillholes. Collar file The Collar file contains the location, in Northing, Easting, and RL coordinates of each drillhole collar. If there are no surveys, the drillholes are vertical. Collar files sometimes contain additional information such as Prospect and Drill Date. The collar file also contains the hole name, total depth an, optionally, the dip and azimuth of the hole at the collar. If collar survey information is not provided in the collar or survey file, the holes are assumed to be vertical. Survey file (Optional) The Survey file contains the downhole surveys for each drillhole. It is required when there are changes in azimuth and/or dip down the length of the hole. Interval file The Interval file contains information such as assays or lithology for successive intervals down each hole. Usually assay and geology data are kept in separate files though they are similar in form. Each of these files has a field defining the hole name. This is the key field which links the files. This field is usually called HOLE, HOLE_ID, or something along those lines. It is essential that the hole names are defined in exactly the same way in all three files. In all the examples in this section the name HOLE is used. How trace coordinates are obtained How the program obtains the trace coordinates to draw the drillhole trace depends on the drillhole function you are using. Most calculate trace coordinates “on the fly”. That is, you must define a collar and (optional) survey file for the function. Each time you run the function it calculates the trace coordinates. The alternative method is to use a (trace) coordinate file. You can generate a trace coordinate file in Dhole | Generate | Drillhole Trace. This function also requires a collar and (optional) survey file. Because the function using the coordinate file does not have to calculate the coordinates each time you run it, this method is faster. You must use a coordinate file in Quick Section, Quick Log and the drillhole displays in Multiview. When you are using a trace coordinate file and add new drillholes to the drillhole database, you must run Downhole Trace again to update the Coordinate file and the associated index file. The same applies when you modify existing hole data.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Collar file The Collar file is made up of records that describe the location of the drillhole collars and the depth of each drillhole. The Collar file is made up of records containing:
A name for each drillhole.
The location of each drillhole collar in Northing, Easting and RL coordinates.
The depth of each drillhole.
The data in the Collar file is obtained from the field geologist or surveyor's notebook. This could be supplied as hand written notes, a text file, or if you are using Field Marshal, a file directly compatible with the application.
Each drillhole should only be entered once in the Collar file (one record per hole). This means that the hole field must contain unique values. If your drillhole data includes holes with multiple surveys, you must have a Survey file. The surveyed azimuth and dip at the collar can be in either the Collar file, the Survey file, or it can be in both. In the latter case the survey in the Survey file takes precedence. Where the drillhole direction is defined by a single survey, the azimuth and dip can be stored in the Collar file and a Survey file omitted. Where the Collar file does not include azimuth and dip information and a Survey file is not used, the drillholes are assumed to be vertical. If wedged diamond drillholes are being logged, each wedge should be handled as a separate hole. The wedge collar position can be made the same as the parent hole or it can be located at the three dimensional coordinate of the wedge. The way you distribute azimuth, dip and other data between the Collar and Survey files will ultimately depend on your requirements. However, one method you could follow is:
Keep all collar surveys in the Collar file.
If there are multiple surveys for some or all of the holes, record these in a Survey file.
Refer to vertical holes in the Collar file with azimuth of 0 and dip of -90°.
This method allows mixed vertical, single survey and multiple survey holes all to be retained in the one Collar file.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Interval file An Interval file contains information collected at intervals down a drillhole. Typically this is lithological or assay data. The minimum contents of each record in an Interval file are:
The name of the drillhole.
An interval defined by From and To fields. These represent the distance from the hole collar to the start and end of the interval.
Information about each From/To interval, such as a sample number, assay value, lithology, etc.
This is a basic interval file containing assay data. The sample interval is set to 1m.
Downhole data can have many forms depending on what is being sampled or measured. As a general principle, data with different sample intervals should be kept in separate files. For example, assay and lithological information are normally kept separately. Assay data is usually supplied from the assay laboratory as a column delimited ASCII file. The assays in this file have a sample number. By matching the sample number in the assay file with the same field in the incomplete Interval file, you can merge the assay values into the Interval file. Do this using the Merge tool in the File Editor (Select Tools | Merge | Text from the File Editor menu). The interval file in the next illustration contains lithological data. In this case the user wants to calculate the 3D coordinates of each sample interval so has created Northing, Easting and RL fields.
All holes in the Interval file must have a reference in the Collar file. The total depth of a drillhole is defined in the Collar file. Any samples in the Interval file below this depth will cause an error. All information for a drillhole must be in consecutive records and sorted in order of increasing depth.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Note that a drillhole does not need to have intervals defined along the complete depth (i.e. from 0 to total depth). You only need intervals where you have actual lithological observations or samples.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Sample intervals in interval files When you are entering sample intervals, remember the following. The downhole depths of consecutive sample intervals must have increasing values. The From/To intervals (enclosed) in the example are out of order. The interval 2.00 - 3.00 should precede the 3.00 - 4.00 interval.
Missing intervals are acceptable but samples must not overlap. That is, for every hole, the From value must be greater than (or equal to) the To value of the previous sample. The example shows overlapping intervals. Sample intervals can be uneven. That is, the difference between the From and To does not need to be the same for each sample interval in a hole.
If several types of sampled information are recorded over different intervals (ie. different From and To values), separate interval files should be used, one for each type of information. If the sampling is continuous, then the From interval should equal the previous To. The following example, while valid, indicates there is a 0.01m unsampled length between each interval.
It is not necessary to have continuous From/To information in interval files. Absence of intervals or presence of long intervals has no effect on the accuracy of the interval coordinates or display of downhole data.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Compositing in interval files Sometimes samples taken at 1m intervals are composited to larger intervals. Assay intervals that warrant further attention are then assayed at 1m spacing. In this situation it is often tempting to record both the longer interval and the 1m intervals. The program will not accept both. Only the 1m samples should be retained since they provide more information than the longer composites. If you intend to plot the composites, they should be kept in a separate file. In the portion of the Interval file shown, the record for the 5m interval enclosed in the rectangle should not be included. It will invalidate sample continuity. This will be flagged as an error by the drillhole functions.
Survey file The Survey file is made up of records containing a collar survey and other downhole surveys for each drillhole. A separate record is required for each survey. It will contain:
The name of the drillhole.
The depth at which the survey was made.
The azimuth and dip at that depth.
The collar survey for any drillhole can be recorded in either the Collar file or the Survey file. If it is in both, the values in the Survey file are used. All surveys for a drillhole must be in consecutive records, sorted in order of increasing depth. All survey depths must be less than or equal to the total depth of the hole and greater than or equal to zero. The total depth of each hole is defined in the associated Collar file. A hole that does not have azimuth or dip values in either the Collar or Survey files is assumed to be vertical. When constructing a file that contains mixed reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling information, where some holes have single surveys and others have multiple surveys
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions (recommended), place the collar orientation in the drillhole Collar file and subsequent surveys in the Survey file. Occasionally, you will have two groups of azimuth data each referred to different Norths, for example, grid North and magnetic North. You can adjust the azimuths in one group to match those in the other by entering an azimuth correction value. This can be done in the Validate, Downhole Coordinates and Downhole Trace functions.
Specifying dip in drillholes Dip is measured from the horizontal. Angles below the horizontal are expressed as negative values.
Specifying drillhole azimuths Drillhole azimuths are conventional bearings, expressed in degrees with zero being North for the grid system being used. When entered in the collar file and no downhole survey file is defined, the program applies this azimuth to the entire hole. If an azimuth is not defined in the collar file, and a survey file is not defined either, the hole is assumed to be vertical. If a downhole survey file is defined, it will be used instead of the azimuth in the collar file. Any other bearings will also be taken from the downhole survey file.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Applying an azimuth correction You can enter an azimuth correction when you:
Validate the drillhole data.
Calculate downhole coordinates.
Generate a trace coordinate file.
Use one of the drillhole functions where the trace coordinates are calculated each time you run the function.
The correction occurs to the values output to the Interval or (trace) Coordinate files. This is useful when the survey azimuths are recorded in terms of magnetic North with a known deviation from grid North. For example, the survey azimuths may be recorded in terms of magnetic north with a known deviation from grid north. A suitable correction can be applied here. This entry requires a number in the range 0-360°. Positive values are added to existing values, negative values are subtracted. Adjustments that result in either negative azimuths or values greater than 360 are recognised and used correctly by the program.
Apply to first azimuth Selecting this option will cause the azimuth correction to be applied to the first azimuth and all subsequent azimuths. Where drillhole collar surveys have an azimuth taken in terms of grid north and subsequent downhole azimuths are taken in terms of magnetic bearings, do not apply the azimuth correction to the first azimuth.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Using drillhole databases Downhole Data Traditionally, 'Downhole' or 'Drillhole' data refers to data contained in three types of file: Collar, Survey and Interval. These are the files commonly used by the drillhole functions to display and manage drillhole data.
Collar file The Collar file contains the location, in Northing, Easting, and RL coordinates of each drillhole collar. If there are no surveys, the drillholes are vertical. Collar files sometimes contain additional information such as Prospect and Drill Date. The collar file also contains the hole name, total depth an, optionally, the dip and azimuth of the hole at the collar. If collar survey information is not provided in the collar or survey file, the holes are assumed to be vertical.
Survey file (Optional) The Survey file contains the downhole surveys for each drillhole. It is required when there are changes in azimuth and/or dip down the length of the hole.
Interval file The Interval file contains information such as assays or lithology for successive intervals down each hole. Usually assay and geology data are kept in separate files though they are similar in form.
The data contained in these files can now be defined as part of a drillhole database. Data contained in collar and (optionally) survey files can be added to the database and (external) interval and event files can be associated with the drillhole database. Trench Data A drillhole database can be used to generate 'trench' trace coordinates as well as 'downhole' trace coordinates. If you select the Trench Database option when creating a drillhole database, data contained in a survey file (containing the location values that define the positions of each trench) needs to be defined as part of the database. Trench assay files are similar to drillhole assay files, and can also be associated with the drillhole database. Advantages of drillhole databases The use of a drillhole database offers several advantages:
Once the relationship between collar, survey and interval files has been defined for a drillhole database, the Drillhole functions in MICROMINE need only reference one database, rather than several external (collar, survey, and interval) files.
The drillhole trace need only be generated once. When a drillhole database is opened, trace coordinates are generated automatically and held in memory. This improves the speed of any functions that access the drillhole database.
Since a database is being used to store and manage the association between collar, survey and interval files, the same database can be used to store associated metadata and display settings.
When using the Drillhole functions, you need to specify the database to be used to define trace coordinates. By right-clicking in the drillhole database input box, you can select an existing drillhole database, edit the properties of an existing drillhole database, or create a new drillhole database, specifying which collar, survey and interval files will be used to create it. To select a drillhole database 240
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions Double-click in the file input box to display the Open Drillhole Database dialog. Alternatively, rightclick in the file input box and choose Select database from the right-click menu. Drillhole databases stored for the current project are displayed. Select a database and click the Open button. To create a new drillhole database Right-click in the file input box and choose New database from the right-click menu. The following dialog is displayed:
You can create a Drillhole or a Trench database. Enter a name for the new database and click the Create button. A dialog is displayed which allows you to define Drillhole Database Properties. Drillhole database properties can also be modified using the Edit database, View database, Add interval files, and Add event files options on the right-click menu. In the case of the View option, properties are read-only and can not be changed. From the right-click menu, you can also Delete or Refresh the currently selected drillhole database.
Tip: You can also refresh a drillhole database using the Tools | Macro Functions | Drillhole Database Refresh menu option
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Drillhole database properties Use the Drillhole Database Properties dialog to specify what data will be stored and how trace coordinates will be generated.
If 'Downhole data' is being used, then data in a collar file and (optionally) a survey file will be imported and used to generate trace coordinates. External interval and event files can also be associated with the database. The fields in these files can be used to classify and colour code the trace display. If 'Trench data' is being used, then data in a trench survey file will be imported and used to generate trace coordinates. External assay files can also be associated with the database. To define the properties of a drillhole database containing downhole data: 1.
Specify a Collar file and enter field settings and optionally apply a collar filter in the Define Collar File pane. The Hole Field 1 field should be a field containing unique hole identifier values. The Hole Field 2 and Hole Field 3 fields can be used when you want to group or classify drillholes using some other non-unique identifier. This can be useful when specifying a filter, for example, to limit the drillhole display to those holes within a particular survey section.
Optionally apply an Azimuth Correction.
Specify the Trace Accuracy to be applied when generating the trace.
The slider bar represents the maximum value the calculated trace is allowed to vary from the true (mathematical) trace. The LOW setting allows the calculated trace to vary by up to 1 metre from the true trace, while the HIGH setting allows the calculated trace to vary up to 5 centimetres from the true trace. A higher trace accuracy will give a more accurate representation of the hole, but this may impact on performance when running the Drillhole functions, particularly when displaying the trace.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions 4.
If survey data is to be used to generate the drillhole trace and the Downhole surveys? checkbox is selected, enter Survey file and field settings in the Define Surveys pane.
Click on the Interval files button to display a list of the interval files currently associated with the database. You can add or remove items from the list, or modify interval file and field settings.
Click on the Event files button to display a list of the event files currently associated with the database. You can add or remove items from the list, or modify event file and field settings.
To define the properties of a drillhole database containing trench data: 1.
Specify a Trench Survey file and enter field settings and optionally apply a filter in the Define Trenches pane.
Click on the Interval files button to display a list of the interval files currently associated with the database. You can add or remove items from the list, or modify interval file and field settings.
Click on the Event files button to display a list of the event files currently associated with the database. You can add or remove items from the list, or modify event file and field settings.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Filtering drillhole databases When generating trace coordinates using a Drillhole Database you can apply a filter to limit what data is displayed. A database filter works in much the same way as the filters that operate on MICROMINE files.
To select an existing filter: 1.
Select the Filter checkbox and double-click in the Filter input box.
A list of saved form sets is displayed. Select a numbered form set which contains your filter parameters and click the Select button.
The number of the form set you selected is displayed in the Filter input box. The parameters of the filter you selected will be applied when you run the current function.
Tip: If you have entered the number of a suitable or partially suitable filter in the Filter prompt of a form, you can edit its characteristics and save it with a new name.
To setup a new filter: Filter Conditions Define the lines that make up the Filter. For each line: 1.
From the drop-down list, select a field on which the condition will operate.
Choose a suitable comparison operator (>, >=, <, <=, =) from the list.
Enter a field value that will be used with the comparison operator to filter records in the database.
Wildcards The use of wildcards is limited to the single character substitution (?) and multiple character substitution (*) wildcards. Combine Lines (Optional) To apply more than one condition, use Boolean operators. These define how the Lines of Filter conditions are to be combined. If you use AND or OR, then the same Boolean operator is applied to all lines. For more information refer to the Using Logical Operators with Filters topic. Equation To mix AND and OR operations select Equation, build the filter conditions and then combine the lines in the Equations field (the conditions are referenced by their line number). When using the Equation field, you enter the OR and AND commands using the characters | (pipe) and & (ampersand). For more information refer to the Using Equations topic. Reverse Filter Sometimes it is easier to define a set of conditions for the records you do NOT want to use. Selecting Reverse filter? Will include records NOT defined by the filter conditions. Form s Once you have defined the filter, save it using the Forms button. If you do not save the filter in a Form, it will be overwritten the next time a new set of filter conditions are applied. Note: Wildcards can be used when defining values in filters.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Deleting drillhole databases To delete a Drillhole Database 1.
Select the Dhole | Database | Delete menu option.
Select the type (Drillhole or Trench) of database to delete.
Select a database from the displayed list and click the Delete button.
You will be prompted to confirm (or cancel) the deletion of the database.
Refreshing drillhole databases When a drillhole database is created, the data needed to generate the trace is obtained from a specified collar file and (optionally) a survey file. The Tools | Macro Functions | Drillhole Database Refresh option allows one or more drillhole databases (in the current project) to be updated so that the drillhole trace can be regenerated to reflect changes to the source collar and survey files.
Update all drillhole database files Select this option when you want to update all of the drillhole databases in the current project. Alternatively, double-click in each of the file input boxes to select the databases you want to update.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Drillhole validation Before using the other drillhole functions you should validate your drillhole data. Resolving data when you enter new drillhole information, will help to ensure trouble-free operation. Note that if you do not validate your drillhole data, other drillhole functions will produce error messages whenever inconsistencies are found. Validation uses the following files:
Collar file
Interval file
Drillhole Survey file (Optional)
What Validate checks for The following checks are made when you run Validate. The validation checks can be extended by making selections in the Options dialog box (Click the Options button). Validate checks for
Ordered sample intervals. Sample intervals can be uneven, that is the difference between the From and the To does not need to be the same for each sample interval in a hole. There can also be missing intervals.
Intervals continuing below the total depth specified for the drillhole. The total depth of a drillhole is defined in the collar file. Any samples in the interval file below this depth indicate an inconsistency. The minimum depth of a survey is 0 and the maximum is defined by the total depth in the collar file.
Continuous surveys down a drillhole. The depths of successive surveys must increase down a hole.
Surveys above the top of the hole and below the bottom of the hole. The program requires that the downhole depths of consecutive sample intervals have increasing values. Missing intervals are acceptable but samples must not overlap. That is, for every hole, the From value must be greater than or equal to the previous To value. If any errors and inconsistencies are found, they will be included in the Report file. You must specify a name for this file.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Validating drillhole data To validate drillhole data, do the following: 1.
Select Dhole | Validate from the menu.
Enter the names of the Collar, (Optional) Survey and Interval files, and the names of the fields in these files.
Click Options and set any of the validation options you require. Use these to extend the scope of the validation checks.
Enter a Report file name. Error messages generated during the validation process are written in this file. Read this file for details on any errors.
Click OK and a series of status messages will appear as Validate processes the drillhole files. If an error is detected, an appropriate message will be displayed.
After the run is complete, correct any errors and re–run Validate. Continue this process until your drillhole data is error free. Note that correcting one error may lead to the detection of another.
Validation options In addition to the mandatory checks described in What Validate checks for, you can apply more extensive checks on the drillhole data. To apply these checks you must make selections in the Options dialog box. Click on the Options button in Validate to open it.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Generating downhole coordinates Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. Using Downhole Coordinates does two things:
Calculates the coordinates of each sample centre in an interval file and writes those values to Northing, Easting and RL fields in that file.
Divides the sample intervals in an interval file (Splits intervals).
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Downhole Coordinates.
Enter the names of the Collar, Interval, and (optionally) the Survey file. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed. Click the Collar Fields button
Enter the names of the fields in each of these files by clicking on the corresponding buttons (e.g. Collar Fields, Interval Fields and Survey Fields. If the required fields do not exist in the Interval file you must modify it to include them (F6 or right-click and select Modify).
Click OK and a series of status messages will appear as Downhole Coordinates processes the drillhole files. If an error is detected a message describing the error will be shown. Otherwise the coordinate file will be created.
If you select the Insert missing intervals checkbox, Downhole Coordinates will insert records for those downhole intervals not already in the Interval file. The Split lengths to option allows you to split long sample intervals into smaller intervals. More details... To help locate errors in the drillhole database, you can use a report file. To do this, enter a name in the Report file prompt. Errors and inconsistencies located in the Collar, Survey or Interval files will be recorded in this file. Right-click (F4) to open the file after running the process. If you need to alter the drillhole azimuths enter the correction values in Azimuth correction. If the correction is required for the first azimuth (usually the collar), select Apply to first azimuth. By entering a trace interval you can set this parameter to a value other than the default (10). Tip: If you add drillholes to your drillhole database, use a filter on the collar file so Downhole Coordinates will only check and calculate coordinates for the new holes. This will result in considerable time saving especially if the interval file is large.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Generating line coordinates Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. This function calculates three dimensional coordinates for samples at regular intervals along straight lines and writes them to an output file. A sample number is allocated to each interval based on the sample number at the starting point of the line. A fragment of a typical output file is shown:
In this case the Nominal spacing was set to 1. Typical applications of this function are pit grade control trenches and sample drilling. Prerequisites The program requires a file containing two records for each line each containing the:
Start, centre or finish of the line.
Northing, Easting and optional RL for that point.
The sample number for the record.
If the interval or bearing varies along each line, two records are required for each segment. Sample numbers for each line or segment must be consecutive but need not be so throughout the file. Sample numbers can start from either end of any line or segment and can contain alpha prefix characters. (N.B. The automatic incrementing facility only operates on numeric characters.) An example of the type of file required is shown:
Two types of trench sample files can be used for input: Sample Points and Trench End Points. File type 1: Sam ple Points Use this type of file when the input coordinates represent point samples. Examples are regularly spaced geochemical samples or blast hole locations. You can also use these files for continuous trench or channel samples where the input coordinates represent the start, centre or end points of both the start and end samples.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions The Sample Points option will calculate 2-D (or 3-D) coordinates if Northing and Easting (and RL) data is supplied. The program apportions the distance between two points on each line or segment by the number of samples. To do this it calculates the numeric difference in the sample numbers. If the start position of the first and last sample is recorded in the input file, the program will calculate the start positions of all the intermediate samples, not the midpoints. File type 2: Trench End Points Use this type of file when the input coordinates represent the start of the first sample and the end of the last sample. That is, where samples have a length rather than a point location. Typical applications are pit floor sampling trenches or channel samples, where the start and end of each trench is surveyed. This option determines the number of samples from the consecutive sample numbers. It then calculates coordinates of the midpoints for each sample by apportioning the distance between the end points.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Line Coordinates from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter field names for the Northing, Easting, RL, Sample and Line ID fields. The numeric portion of the Sample field will be incremented by the nominal spacing in the output file. The Line ID field must contain a unique identifier for each line or line segment.
Enter values for the Nominal spacing and Tolerance. These can be used to check the accuracy of the input data. The Nominal spacing defines the interval at which 3D coordinates are expected to be calculated. How to use Tolerance is best described by an example. The tolerance is the amount by which the actual distance may vary from the theoretical distance before an error will be flagged. That is, if there were 100 samples one metre long and the Tolerance was set to 0.02 metres, the actual start and end point separation must be within 100 X 0.02 = 2 metres of the theoretical distance. If not, an error message will be issued and the calculation for that line aborted.
Choose SAMPLE POINTS or TRENCH END POINTS for the Data type depending on the survey method used to obtain the data in the input file.
Enter the name of your Output file and optionally, a Report file. Any errors generated by the function will be written to the report file.
Click OK to run the function.
Note: When calculating trench data, setup a simple input file using (say) ten samples on each of two different lines and run the function. This will determine the effect of different surveyed locations and parameter selections on the output. Use Display | Simple Display to observe results.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Generating Trench Coordinates Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. Generate Trench Coordinates validates the trench survey and assay data and creates a trench control file. This contains the 3D coordinate of the centre of each sample. Sample boundaries do not need to correspond to fixed points in a trench. The program will “wrap” samples around corners and angles. The function requires a trench survey file and an assay file as input. The characteristics of the input files: trench survey and assay, are described in the prerequisites topic. An example of the trench file generated by this function is:
Validation When you run Trench Coordinates, it validates the input data. You should only generate 3D coordinates once the input data is correct (Write 3D coordinates? must be selected before 3D coordinates will be generated). When you are validating the input data, you should use a report file for any errors. For a report file to be generated, you must enter a name in the Report file response. In general, the validation rules for trenches are the same as those for drillholes. Note that the validation options can be selected for more rigorous checks. Offsets Any number of points, including the reference point, may be offset. Offsets are required when a point in the trench can not be defined for the Distance, Azimuth and Dip fields. For example, when the trenches are full of water or have collapsing walls. In such cases the Distance, Azimuth and Dip fields define the position of the offset point from the last point in the trench. The Vertical offset, Horizontal offset and the Azimuth offset prompts define the bearing FROM the offset point TO the actual trench point. Adjustm ents In some cases the total length of the trench calculated using the sum of the slope distances will vary from the total length of the trench defined by the maximum To value. If this difference exceeds the tolerance you enter, an adjusted From-To value will be written into the nominated fields in the Assay file. You must create these fields. If you select Adjust From and To values, the program automatically creates the fields: FROM_ADJ and TO_ADJ and writes the adjusted values to them. The adjustments are prorated over the entire length. Typically, you will use this function to create surface trench files that can be used with Display | Trench Display. However, it works equally well for underground channel samples that follow drive walls, and for face sampling. Tip: It is recommended that you select both the Print report and Write 3D coordinates fields, this will create a report file listing any errors.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Trench Coordinates from the main menu.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Enter the name of the Trench survey file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the names of the required fields in the Trench survey file.
(Optional) If the Trench survey file contains points offset from the actual survey points, enter values in Vertical offset, Horizontal offset and Azimuth offset to define the bearing FROM the offset point TO the last (real) trench point.
Enter the name of the Assay file and enter the names of the required fields.
(Optional) If you need to adjust the last From-To value when the length of the trenches as defined in the Trench Survey file is different from that defined by the last To values in the Assay file: select Adjust From and To values and enter a Tolerance. The fields, FROM_ADJ and TO_ADJ will be created in the Assay file and the adjusted values written to them. If you do not select Adjust From and To values, enter a Tolerance and the names of the fields where the adjusted values will be written.
(Optional) Select the additional Validation options where necessary.
Enter the names of the Trench and Report filenames.
Select Write 3D coordinates and click OK to run the function.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Generating a drillhole trace Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Dhole | Generate | Drillhole Trace function creates a coordinate file that is used to control the display of drillholes in plan and section. It contains the 3D coordinates of the trace of the drillhole and the depths for those coordinates.
A trace coordinate file is required for Quick Sections, Quick Log and the drillhole functions in Multiview and Vizex. Other drillhole functions calculate the drillhole trace coordinates “on the fly” and do not require a trace coordinate file. The coordinate file can also be manually updated to include information on trench samples. (Trench samples are not normally included with drillholes as they may exhibit abrupt changes in direction which the normal drillhole functions are not designed to handle). To include information on trench samples, first calculate the coordinates of points of inflection of the trench using the Compass traverse function in the Survey menu. Then enter the coordinates of the points of inflection and the along trench distance in the coordinate file.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Drillhole Trace from the Dhole menu.
Enter the names of the Collar, Survey and Coordinate files. If you are adding new drillholes to the (trace) Coordinate file, create a filter so that calculations are only carried out on the new entries.
Enter the names of the required fields in the Collar, Survey and Coordinate Fields dialog boxes. Note that if the Coordinate file does not exist it will be created automatically. However, you still must enter the names of the fields for the file.
If an azimuth correction is required, enter the correction value and select Apply to first azimuth if necessary.
Enter the Trace interval (in metres).
Enter a name for the new file.
Click OK to generate the coordinate file.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Creating a Minesight file Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. This function creates a MineSight file by combining MICROMINE collar and interval files. If the drillholes have been surveyed, data from the survey file can also be included in the process. The advantage of this function is that you can transfer information from MICROMINE to MineSight in a single operation. Create MineSight File also validates the drillhole data and reports any inconsistencies in the input files. The MineSight file will contain an identifier, 3D coordinates and any numeric assay information for each drillhole. Character fields in the MICROMINE interval file are ignored. This is a fragment of a MineSight file generated by this process.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Create MineSight File from the main menu.
Enter the names of the collar, (optional) survey and interval files. If required, use a filter to selectively process records in the collar file.
Enter the names of the fields in each input file. The function requires you to specify the Hole, From and To fields in the interval file. You can also select which other numeric fields will be included in the MineSight file. Do this by selecting them all or clicking over single field names.
Enter the name of the MineSight file that will be created and a report file.
Click OK to run the function.
Other features Applying azimuth corrections
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Importing Minesight data Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. You can use this function to extract values from a MineSight spearing file and write them to an interval file. The function requires a MineSight spearing file containing drillhole identifiers, depths and codes. The hole identifiers are used as the key field in the import process. If the intervals (From-To) specified in the two files do not match, the code value with the largest overlap in the corresponding interval will be used. For example:
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Generate | Import Minesight from the main menu.
Enter the name of the MineSight file containing the interval information you require. This file does not need to be in the current project. If you double-click in the response, you can navigate to the file.
Enter the name of the Interval file into which values from the MineSight file will be written.
Enter names for the Hole, From and To, and Code fields in the interval file.
If a code field does not exist in the interval file, it will be created automatically. If there is already a code field and it contains values you want to overwrite, select Overwrite data. Existing values that are not overwritten in this process will remain in the interval file.
Enter the name for the report file that will be generated by this function.
Click OK to run the function.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
To select single, non-contiguous fields, hold the Ctrl key down and click over the field names. To select multiple, contiguous fields, hold the Shift key down, click on the first and last of the fields. All will be selected.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Creating a drillhole display in Quick Section Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Dhole | Quick Section displayshows drillhole information on sections orthogonal to the grid (i.e. along either a North or East line) and in plan view. You can:
Display drillhole traces as single coloured lines, as colour coded lines or as hatch patterns.
Display values and graphs beside the drillhole trace.
Display horizons, such as the ground profile or water table, using the String option.
The drillhole display is defined by selecting the viewing direction (North, South, East, West or Plan) and entering the grid value representing the section or level. To display drillhole sections in Quick Section, Multiview and Vizex, you need a trace coordinate file. See Drillhole Trace. If you want to display complex traces, and data and graphs beside the trace, you will need additional interval files that contain lithology and assay information. Tip: If the drillholes are drilled at an angle to the grid, you can use Display | Vizex or Dhole | Transform Section to view them. You can also use Survey | Transform Grid (Plane) to generate a grid with the holes orthogonal to the grid.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Quick Section from the menu.
Enter the name of the trace coordinate file and the names of fields in that file. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed.
Choose a View, then enter the section or level value. Note that the prompt name will change between Section and Level according to the View setting. Sections require a grid value e.g. 20150, and levels an elevation.
Set the display limits. These, in conjunction with the section or level value, control which drillholes will be displayed. The exception here is if a Drillhole list file or a Collar filter is defined. In these cases the: a) the contents of the drillhole list file, b) the filter, and c) the section/level specification, determine what will be displayed.
Use Hole Annotation to define the colours of the drillhole labels and related information.
If you want the drillhole trace to be displayed, choose a type and colour. If you select LINE/Hatch, define the appearance of the trace in the Line Hatch Setup dialog box.
Depending on your requirements, use one or more of the Drillhole Display Options to add additional information to the display.
Click OK to run the display.
You can use a drillhole list file to control which drillholes will appear in the display. To do this, you must firstly create the file. Once you have a drillhole list file, select the check box, click the More button, and then enter the required field names in the Drillhole List File dialog box. A collar filter is another way of controlling which drillholes will appear in the display. The collar filter operates on the collar file. You must create the filter or, if you have already created it, enter the filter number.
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions
Creating a drillhole display in Quick Log Overview Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. Using Quick Log you can display detailed downhole information about a single drillhole. You can also use it to determine grades and thickness of up to six assay fields in an interval file. To use this function you need the following files:
Collar file.
(Optional) Interval files containing assays and geology.
To calculate and display intersections, you need an interval file with one or more fields containing assay values. You can display values, graphs and a downhole reference scale, positioning these elements on the screen according to your requirements. Calculating grade intersections is an interactive process done in the display.
The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Quick Log from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Collar file that contains the drillhole(s) of interest. Click the Collar Fields button and enter the required collar file field names in the dialog box that appears.
Enter the X range of the display. This is an arbitrary value used to describe the horizontal dimension of the display e.g. 100. Use it to position the drillhole trace, reference scale and other display elements. Enter the Trace X location trace with respect to the X range of the display. For example, if you set the X range to 100 and want the drillhole trace to appear in the middle of the display, enter 50 for the Trace X location.
Enter the hole identifier of the drillhole you want to display in Hole ID. This must be one of the holes in the collar file. The nominated hole will be the first displayed when you run Quick Log.
Use Hole Annotation to define the colours of the drillhole labels and related information
(Optional) To display a downhole reference scale, select the check box. Click the More button, then define the location of the downhole reference scale, its colour, and labels.
(Optional) To display the drillhole trace, choose its type and colour. If you select LINE/HATCH, click the Line/Hatch Setup button and define the appearance of the trace in the Trace Display Setup dialog box.
(Optional) Use one or more of the Drillhole Display Options to add further information to the display.
Select Display from the menu to run Quick Log.
Setting up the intersection calculation Intersections lets you investigate the grade and thickness of up to five assay fields (interactively). To use the intersections option in the Quick Log display, select the Calculate intersections check box. Click the More button and enter the name of the file containing the data for the intersection calculations. Also enter the names of the appropriate fields in this file. Using a drillhole list file
MICROMINE Core – Drillhole functions You can use a drillhole list file to control which drillholes will be displayed and the order in which they will appear. Once you have created a Drillhole list file, select the Drillhole list file check box and click the More button opposite. Enter the List file name and the name of the Hole field in that file.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Strings The String file In a String file, one or two 'stringing' variable fields (Join and String) are used to determine which points form a string. A String file without a stringing variable field is treated as one long string with all points joined. The actual field names can be anything at all (they will be entered as the relevant field names in the string function dialog boxes). The following is a simplified example of part of a string file containing Easting, Northing and Join fields. Points with the same Join value make up a string.
The first five points form one string and the next three points form another. If the String field is used as well, both the String and Join values must be the same to cause adjacent points to be joined. This gives added flexibility. In the following very simple example, Feature can be assigned as the String field and FNO (feature number) as the Join field. FNO can then be used to define separate strings that have the same Feature name.
The above would produce something like the following:
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Without the Join field, the strings would look like this:
Two special features of the String and Join fields can be used:
In the String field, a definable 'wildcode' value forces a connection from the previous point to the next point regardless of the String value in those points.
In the Join field, inclusion of a tilde (~) anywhere in the value forces a break in the string so that the point will never be joined to the previous string.
A string file may contain any data that defines points, such as Eastings, Northings and RLs.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Editing strings Overview With this function you can display or plot strings, with the option of on-screen editing. When editing is enabled you can interactively change values, create new points and strings, separate or join strings and calculate areas, lengths, bearings and distances. A background reference file may be displayed at the same time, controlled by its own set of parameters. The background file cannot be edited. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Edit from the main menu.
Choose the display method (DISPLAY ONLY or EDIT).
Choose the type of input file and enter its name.
Click on Display Limits , then enter the parameters that control the display.
Check the Display 1? , Display 2? and Symbols? boxes if you want to show point data and symbols, and click the relevant More button(s) so you can enter the parameters.
Enter the names of the Join field, and optionally the name of the String field and a wildcode value. If you enter only a String field name, a message is displayed saying that it has been changed to the Join field, to improve editing options.
Click on Linework to enter the parameters controlling the lines displayed (default is solid black lines).
(Optional) To display a background file, select the check box then click on More to bring up the Background File dialog box.
(Optional) Repeat steps 3 to 7 for the background file.
10. Run the function. Running the function If you chose DISPLAY ONLY, the strings are displayed and the usual options are available on the menu bar. Running with the EDIT option adds an Edit menu, with many available facilities as described in the following sections. All these actions start from the String Display/Edit screen that appears when you run the function. Permanent changes are not made to the file until you save it.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Setting up the display limits Display Setup in Strings is similar to that used in many other places in the program. However, there are some additional settings you may need to use.
To apply a scaling factor, select the X=Y check box and enter an approximate value. If your graphics card gives non-equal scales for X and Y, you can correct it by typing in X and Y factors. If you do this, use the same factors for all subsequent displays regardless of the approximate scale factor. If you do not select this check box, the scales are set by the X and Y ranges.
For the background file (if used), the Display Setup dialog box requires only the Easting and Northing field names and optionally an RL field name. Ranges and scales are as set for the input file.
Displaying values at points along strings You can display the values of one or two fields at each point on the strings display (this applies to both the input file and the background file): 1.
Select the Display 1? or Display 2? check box and click More to bring up the Display dialog box.
Enter the name of the field whose values you want to display.
Choose the position for the displayed value, relative to the point.
Choose the orientation of the value (it may be horizontal, vertical or 45°).
Type in the number of decimal places to show.
Enter the name of the colour field and type in the colour set.
Double click on the default colour, then select a new colour and click Select.
Click on Close.
Repeat the above for Display 2? to display the values in another field.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Displaying symbols at points along strings In addition to values, you can also display symbols at each point on a string. To do this: 1.
Select the Symbols? check box and click on More to bring up the Symbols dialog box.
Enter the Symbol field name. This must contain symbol numbers. You can generate values for this field using Files | Variables | Generate.
Select the Default symbol box to select the default symbol. This will be used for all points where a symbol has not been assigned.
Enter the Symbol size file name and type in the Default angle value.
Enter a symbol angle field name to have the symbol angle controlled by data in the field. Type in a default angle.
Colour Code the symbols if required. The Default colour will be applied to all values not covered by the colour set.
Click on Close.
Adding strings You can interactively add a new string to a file by entering a Join field name and clicking at each point on the new string. Do the following:
Select Edit | Add from the main menu.
Type in a Join field value and/or a String field value.
Move the cursor to the starting point of the new string and click.
Repeat for each successive point on the string. A new segment will be drawn from the previous point.
After clicking on the end point, click the right mouse button.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Breaking a String You can interactively break a string at a selected point: 1.
Select Edit | Break from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the link you want to break and click. The link to be removed will be highlighted.
Click Yes in the dialog box to make the break.
The string will now have a break inserted (the program puts a tilde [~] in the Join field of the point on the ending side of the break).
Closing a string This option closes a selected string: 1.
Select Edit | Close from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the string you want to close and click.
The program will now draw a straight line between the ends of the string.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Deleting a string or part or point You can choose to delete a point, part of a string, or a whole string. Delete point To delete a point: 1.
Select Edit | Delete | Points from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the point you want to delete and click.
Click Yes in the dialog box to confirm the deletion.
The program deletes the point but maintains the string by drawing a segment between the adjacent points if the removed point was not at an end. Delete partial To delete part of a string: 1.
Select Edit | Delete | Partial from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the starting point of the segment to delete and click.
Put the cursor over the ending point and click.
Click Yes in the dialog box to confirm the deletion.
The program deletes the segment. Delete string To delete a whole string: 1.
Select Edit | Delete | String from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the string you want to delete and click.
Click Yes in the dialog box to confirm the deletion.
The program deletes the string.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Editing a point or string This function lets you edit a point or a string. Edit point To edit a point: 1.
Select Edit | Edit | Point from the main menu.
Put the cursor over the point to be edited and click.
Type in the new X and Y coordinates.
(Optional) Enter a new Join field value and/or String field value.
Click OK.
The program redraws the string to incorporate the new point. It may be outside the current display boundaries. Edit string To edit a string: 1.
Select Edit | Edit | String from the main menu.
Put the cursor over any point of the string to be edited and click.
Enter a new Join and/or String field value and click OK.
The program redraws the string as required.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Insert points in a string You can insert points between existing points in a string, either automatically or by using the mouse. Insert autom atically To insert points automatically: 1.
Select Edit | Insert | Auto from the main menu.
Place the cursor over the segment on a string at which you want to insert points and click. The segment will be highlighted.
Click Yes to confirm the action.
Type in the number of points to be inserted and click OK.
Insert with mouse To insert points with the mouse: 1.
Select Edit | Insert | Mouse from the main menu.
Place the cursor over the segment of a string at which you want to insert points and click. The segment will be highlighted.
Click Yes to confirm the action.
Click at the position of each point you want to insert (they may be outside the segment), then right click.
The program redraws the segment to include the inserted points.
Joining strings When you join strings, the end of the first is joined to the beginning of the second. This means that the String and Join values in the second string are made the same as those in the first string. You have the opportunity to reverse a string. To join strings: 1.
Select Edit | Join from the main menu.
Click on the two strings to be joined - they will be highlighted.
Click Yes or No when asked if you want to reverse a string’s direction.
The program draws a segment linking the strings.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
String calculations This function performs calculations on specified strings, related to area, bearing, distance, length and perimeter. Area This option automatically closes strings for area calculations but does not change the string in the file. To calculate an area: 1.
Select Edit | Calculate | Area from the main menu.
Move the cursor over a point on the string whose area you want to calculate and click.
A screen message now presents the area in coordinate units. Bearing You enter two points and the program calculates:
Azimuth and vertical angle in DDD.MMSS format.
Horizontal, vertical and slope distances.
There is no correction for the Earth's curvature. To calculate bearings: 1.
Select Edit | Calculate | Bearing from the main menu.
Move the cursor to the first point and click.
Move the cursor to the second point and click.
A screen message now gives the calculation results. Length You can determine the string distance between two selected points on the same string: 1.
Select Edit | Calculate | Length from the main menu.
Move the cursor to the starting point and click.
Move the cursor to the ending point and click.
A screen message now gives the calculation results. Perimeter You can select up to 49 points to form an area. The program closes the area and displays the perimeter. 1.
Select Edit | Calculate | Perimeter from the main menu.
Move the cursor to each of the points you want on the perimeter and click.
Press Enter to close the area.
A screen message now gives the perimeter.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Moving a point or string You can move a point or a string by dragging it with the mouse. Move a point with the m ouse 1.
Select Edit | Move | Point from the main menu.
Move the cursor to the point you want to move and click.
Move the cursor to the new position of the point and click.
The program now moves the point and redraws the string as needed. Move a string with the mouse 1.
Select Edit | Move | String from the main menu.
Move the cursor over the string you want to move and click on a point.
Move the cursor to the new position of the point and click.
The program now moves the string so that the point is at the new location.
Querying a point This function displays information about the selected point. 1.
Select Edit | Query from the main menu.
Move the cursor to the point you want to query and click.
A screen message shows the record number, coordinates and the String and Join field values.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Other string editing functions This function provides options to highlight/un-highlight strings and show the start or end of a string in a blue box. Highlight a string To highlight a string: 1.
Select Edit | Other | Highlight from the main menu.
Move the cursor to the string you want to highlight and click.
The string is now represented by a thick line. Unhighlight strings To remove all the highlights:
Select Edit | Other | Unhighlight from the main menu.
The highlights will all be removed. Show the start of a string To show the start of a string: 1.
Select Edit | Other | Start from the main menu.
Move the cursor over the string and click.
The selected string will be highlighted and its start enclosed in a blue box. Show the end of a string To show the end of a string: 1.
Select Edit | Other | End from the main menu.
Move the cursor over the string and click.
The selected string will be highlighted and its end enclosed in a blue box.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Reversing a string Use this function to reverse the direction of a string: 1.
Select Edit | Reverse from the main menu.
Place the cursor over the string to be reversed and click.
Click Yes in the dialog box to confirm the reversal.
Extending a string You can extend an existing string, but only from its end (although you can use the Reverse function if you want to extend in the other direction). Proceed as follows:
Select Edit | Extend from the main menu.
Click on the string to be extended. If the end is not visible, a dialog box asks if you want to extend from the start.
Click on the first point to extend to. Repeat for as many points as you require, then right click.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Copying a string You can copy a whole string to a new position, specified in one of four ways as detailed below. By bearing and distance 1.
Select Edit | Copy | Bearing from the main menu.
Move the cursor over a point on the string to be moved and click.
Type in a bearing and distance and click OK.
The string will now be duplicated at the new position. By differential height RL values must be present in the file to use this function. 1.
Select Edit | Copy | Diff Height from the main menu.
Move the cursor over a point on the string to be moved and click.
Type in the bearing, distance and differential height and click OK.
The string will now be duplicated at the new position. With the mouse 1.
Select Edit | Copy | Mouse from the main menu.
Move the cursor over the string to be moved and click on a point.
Move the cursor to the new position and click.
The string will now be duplicated at the new position. By level RL values must be present in the file to use this function. 1.
Select Edit | Copy | Level from the main menu.
Move the cursor over the string to be moved and click on a point.
Type in the level and click OK.
The string will now be duplicated at the new level.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Saving the string file after edits There are three ways of saving strings. Saving new or edited strings 1.
Select Save | Save from the display menu.
Using Save As to create a new string file 1.
Select Save | Save As from the display menu.
Navigate to the folder where you want to save the string.
Enter a filename and choose a file type from the list.
Click Save to continue.
Saving the highlighted strings only This function enables you save only the strings you have highlighted in the display.
Select Save | Highlighted from the display menu.
Navigate to the folder where you want to save the string.
Enter a filename and choose a file type from the list.
Click Save to continue.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
String weeding Overview String weeding is a process that reduces the number of data points in a String file by eliminating those that fall within a specified tolerance when a line is drawn through them from the points on either side. An XY tolerance factor is defined, forming a ‘gate’. The function starts by drawing a line between point 1 and point 3 and applying the gate to point 2. If point 2 lies within the gate, the line is then drawn between point 1 and point 4, and the gate applied to points 2 and 3. If both the intermediate points are within the gate, the process is repeated between points 1 and 5 (making points 2, 3 and 4 intermediate). This continues until an intermediate point falls outside the gate. At that stage, the point previously extended to becomes point 2 and the intermediate points (all of which fell within the gate) are deleted. The process then starts again from the new point 2. Eventually the whole string will have been processed and written to an output file. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Utilities | W eeding from the main menu.
Choose the type of input file and select or type in its name.
Enter the X and Y field names and type in the required XY tolerance. This is the allowable distance from the new line to any given point, measured at 90 degrees to the line.
(Optional) If the strings do not represent constant Z values, type in the Z field name and the required Z tolerance. This applies a three-dimensional gate.
Enter whichever apply out of String field, Wildcode and Join field.
Choose the type of output file and select or type in its name.
(Optional) If you applied a filter, type in the Join field for the output file. This guards against two input file strings becoming part of one output string due to the action of the filter.
You can assess the effect of weeding by displaying the weeded and unweeded files together (using Strings | Edit), with one as a background file in a different colour. The function is also useful for removing duplicated values in a digitised string file when the button has been accidentally clicked twice.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
String clipping Overview String clipping lets you isolate strings that are inside or outside a given outline. You can also isolate strings that lie outside one outline and inside another (i.e. inside the annulus of a doughnut). These two methods are termed simple and doughnut respectively. The outlines are displayed, but there is no graphical display of the clipping process. Simple method The inputs are a file containing the strings, and an Outline file. The outputs consist of two files, one containing the strings that fall within the outline and one containing the strings that fall outside it. New strings are generated at the points that strings cross the boundary. You can choose to generate only one output file if you are interested only in either those inside or those outside. Doughnut method The inputs are a file containing the strings, and one or two Outline files that provide the inner and outer outlines of the doughnut. The output comprises one file containing the strings that fall within the annulus. New strings are generated at the points that strings cross the boundaries. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Utilities | Clipping from the main menu.
Choose the type of the input file and enter its name.
Enter the names of the X and Y fields, plus the name of the Z field if it does not have a constant value.
Enter the String field and/or Join field names, and the Wildcode if used.
Select the output method (SIMPLE or DOUGHNUT) and click More.
Enter the required information and click Close.
Run the function.
A screen message indicates the progress of string clipping.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
String smoothing This function fits a B-spline curve to the original data in a file containing string information and generates a set of points that define the curve, writing these to an output file. A typical operation results in about six new points for every original point. You can control how closely the curve fits the original data via a 'tension' parameter. The first and last points of the string will be unchanged, but it is unlikely that the exact values of any of the original intermediate points will appear in the output file even when the maximum tension is used. It may be useful to weed the resultant file to reduce the number of points, and perhaps smooth it again if required. Proceed as follows to use String Smoothing: 1.
Select Strings | Utilities | Smoothing from the main menu.
Choose the input file type and enter its name.
Enter the X and Y field names.
(Optional) Enter the Z field name. If you include a Z field, the output file contains an approximate linear interpolation for this variable.
Enter the String and/or Join field names. Type in a wildcode value if used.
Type in a tension value. The tension may be from 1 to 9, with 7, 8 or 9 usually giving the best results.
Choose the output file type and select or type in its name. If you typed in a new output file name, its fields will have the same names as the corresponding fields in the input file, so no more information is required. If you selected an existing output file, you need to enter its field names.
Run the function.
A message will indicate the progress of the smoothing.
MICROMINE Core – String functions
Data thinning by matching points This function adjusts X and Y coordinates in a data or outline file so that those within a specified tolerance of each other are assigned the same coordinates. The number of points is therefore reduced. In operation, the function creates a temporary indexed file with the points sorted on X and Y fields. The point with the lowest value is then made the centre of an imaginary circle with a radius defined by the tolerance factor. Any other points within this circle are given the same coordinates as the centre point and ignored. The next highest X value is then taken and the sequence continues until the whole file has been processed. Do the following to use the Match Points function: 1.
Select Strings | Utilities | Match Points from the main menu.
Do one of the following:
If you are processing an outline file, select Outline and enter the file name, or
If you are processing a file, choose its type and select or enter the file name. Enter the X and Y field names.
Type in the required tolerance value.
(Optional) Enter a report file name. Note that a report file can be used to 'undo' the function later if necessary.
Run the function.
When the processing is complete, a message reports how many points were adjusted. Undoing the function If you chose to generate a report file and you want to undo the process:
Add a record number field that has values incrementing by 1 (starting at 1) to the file.
Convert the report file to a DAT file.
Merge the X and Y fields from the DAT file into the file, using the record number as the key field.
MICROMINE Core – Digitising
Digitising points and strings Use this option to digitise strings, points and outlines. Background files may be displayed. Buttons may be assigned to perform different functions. Digitising can be in point or string mode, and numeric variables can be set to increment, decrement or remain constant. A stringing variable can be automatically updated on closing a shape. Any MICROMINE file can be used, but all the required variables must exist. STRING and JOIN fields can be used for one or two variable stringing as required. Names of these fields must also appear in the Numeric field, Text field, or Flag field responses if these are defined. That is, the names in STRING field and JOIN field must fill two of the three possible stringing fields. The Process To Digitise strings and points, do the following: 1.
Select a display mode. When display mode is set as POINT, the String field and Join field inputs are disabled. The points you digitise will be displayed separately and will not be joined.
Note: If the String field and the Join field are selected to receive constant values and the Display mode is set to STRING, the points will be joined according to the values in those fields. 2.
When display mode is set as STRING, points with consecutive values in the String field and the Join field will be connected with a line.
Enter the name of the input file. Any MICROMINE file can be used, but all necessary fields must exist.
If Display mode is set to STRING, enter the name of the String field in the file. This field contains values that define whether data points will be joined by a line. Values in each field in successive records must be the same before the points will be strung.
If Display mode is set to STRING, optionally enter the name of the Join field in the file. This field contains values that define whether data points will be joined by a line i.e. strung. If successive records have the same value in this field and no String field is defined a line will join the points. If a String field is defined then values in each field in successive records must be the same before the points will be strung.
Click the Display limits button to open the dialog where you can define the limits of what will be displayed in the X, Y and Z directions. The labelling used for each dimension will vary depending on context. You can also define the type of grid and spacings between the grid lines.
In Tolerance, enter the minimum separation distance between successively entered points. This is the tolerance (in distance units) used by the digitiser. This setting is commonly used when the digitiser is in streaming or continuous mode.
Note: If not set here, the value entered in the Tolerance response field in the Options | Digitiser options dialog will be used. That value is in digitiser units rather than in distance units. 8.
Double click (F3) to select a colour used to draw digitised points and strings.
Select the Background file? option and click the More button opposite when you want to display strings in the display background. Define the source and appearance of the background strings in the dialog box that opens. Note this can be any file, including the file currently being digitised.
10. Select the Assign buttons? option, click the More button opposite, then fill out the dialog box that opens when you want to assign non-default actions to the cursor buttons. Enter the Code and Description adjacent to the appropriate action. Not all actions require a code and description. A description can be a button colour or text written on the button.
MICROMINE Core – Digitising 11. In the Text Field group, select the name of the field to contain text strings. Set an Initial field value as the default value. 12. If Write button code is not selected, then Initial value will be written to the file. If Write button code is selected, then Initial value is invalid and the code of the button pressed is written to the Text field. This field is commonly used as a stringing field (ie the STRING or JOIN field). 13. In the Incrementing Fields group, select the name of the Point field. This field stores the number of points added consecutively from the initial value or the last value in the file. In Initial value, enter the starting value of the field. This value is incremented by 1. 14. In Flag field, select the name of the field to contain a flag value and a starting value for that field. This is commonly a stringing field that is incremented by one for each new string. If digitising strings or outlines, you can select the Auto update flag value? option to increment the flag field value when a new string or shape is started. 15. In the Numeric Fields group, select the name of the field containing numeric values. Use this to assign a numeric value to points you are digitising. It is often used when digitising sample points. Enter a starting value for the Numeric field. In Numeric mode, select the method by which values in the Numeric field will be incremented. There are three options: INCREMENT. The Default increment is added to the initial value or last value in the file. DECREMENT. The Default increment is subtracted from the initial value or last value in the file. CONSTANT. The value remains constant. The numeric mode can be changed interactively using the Edit | Mode menu option when the Digitising display is open. 16. In Default increment, enter the value added or subtracted to/from the numeric field if Increment or Decrement is selected in Numeric mode. 17. In the Prompt Fields group, enter the names of existing fields to receive data from the keyboard. When you press a button, the program prompts you to enter text. This is written to the file.
Graphics Options When run, the program displays the background file if one has been selected. If the MICROMINE file already contains data, the values from the last record are displayed. Coordinates of the last point entered (Last X, Y) and Button Assignments are displayed to the right of the display window. Information relating to options and selections made via the Edit menu are also displayed. Options on the Edit menu are also available as keyboard shortcuts (shown in brackets): Num eric (N) Change the value of Next Number. Mode (M) Toggles through the mode of the Numeric variable. Increment (I) Changes the increment values of the numeric variable. Text (T) Change the value of next text. Undo (U)
MICROMINE Core – Digitising Delete the last point in the file. Setup Digitiser (F8) Sets up the digitiser. Use after plan is changed on the tablet. Colour (C) Changes the colour of the Current Colour. Next points and strings will be in this colour. Flag (F) Increments the Flag Value. This is the normal method of starting a new string. Begin (B) Marks the next point as the beginning of a closed string. When a string is started it is automatically the start of a closed string, pressing End closes the last point of the string to the first point. To have the program close to other than the first point, digitise points not in the closed string then press B, the next point will be recognised as the closing point. After the remainder of the closed string is digitised, pressing E closes the string onto the closing point. End (E) Close the string onto either the first point in the current string or to the closing point. SEE Begin. Prompt (P) Enter up to four prompt values for the next point added to the file. This feature can be useful if you need to enter irregular information (for example, random sample numbers) as you digitise. This option will be disabled if no prompt variables were specified in the parameter form. Refer to the 'Digitising' topic, for more information about setting up the digitiser and digitiser environment settings .
MICROMINE Core – Digitising
Digitising profiles Overview This function enables you to digitise a series of readings taken along one or more paths (strings). It is typically used to transfer profiles plotted onto large sheets (often A0 size) into digital form. One typical application is to transfer airborne magnetometer readings from plots into digital form. The function requires a file containing one or more strings as input. Each string must have a name by which it can be identified. In the example shown, the strings are called Line1, Line2 and so on.
The strings in the input file represent the path along which readings were taken, for example, flight lines. The function produces an output file with a field for the profile names and X, Y and Z fields. The Z field contains the readings taken at points along the paths. You must enter a file name and suitable field names for the output file. Generally this information can be digitised from the plan. There are two parameters you can use to control how the digitised points will be processed before they are entered in the output file:
Base value
Z factor
Together these parameters are used to convert the digitised points from the scale of the plot to real world units such as teslas.
Output Value = Y measurement x Z factor + Base value Where:
The y measurement is the difference between the base value and the profile at the point of measurement and in plot units (generally metres but can be anything).
Z factor is a conversion factor to translate the y measurement into real world units.
Base value is the value, in real units such as teslas, on the profile baseline.
You can choose to display the paths (strings) along which the readings were taken. If you decide to display them you can control the appearance of the lines and whether or not the line names will be displayed. The Process To digitise profiles, do the following:
Select a Line file. The Line file contains strings that define data line locations. Select the field containing line identification values.
Click the Display Limits button to open the dialog where you can define the limits of what will be displayed in the X, Y and Z directions. The labelling used for each dimension will vary depending on context. You can also define the type of grid and spacings between the grid lines.
MICROMINE Core – Digitising 3.
Select the Background file? option and click the More button opposite when you want to display strings in the display background. Define the source and appearance of the background strings in the dialog box that opens. Note this can be any file, including the file currently being digitised.
Select the Display lines? option when you want to display flight lines.
In the Line Display group, specify the linetype, symbol and colour settings to be applied to the displayed lines.
In the Profiles group, specify a base value and a Z value. SEE descriptions above. Enter a Tolerance value. This is the minimum separation distance between successively entered points. These are the tolerance units used by the digitiser.
Select the Assign buttons? option when you want to assign non-default actions to the cursor buttons. You can define the button codes for two functions, New line and Undo. It is convenient to do so since you would otherwise be obliged to return to the computer each time you started a new line or need to undo an entry. Click the More button and enter the button code for the New line and Undo functions.
Specify an Output file. This file will contain the digitised data. The Profile Name field contains the line identifiers. These must match the line identifiers in the Line Name field of the Line file.
The Z field receives the value being digitised. It requires an associated Z factor specified in the Profiles input group. The value written to the Z field is the calculated distance multiplied by the Z factor.
Graphics Options When run, the program displays lines in the line file and any background file, if either has been set. Coordinates of the last point entered (Last N, E, Z), the name of the current profile, the current colour and Button Assignments are displayed to the right of the display window. Options on the Edit menu are also available as keyboard shortcuts (shown in brackets): New line (N) Start a new line. Enter the line ID to digitise. The program will automatically increment the last numeric value as a default. Undo (U) Delete the last point digitised. Colour (C) Toggle through the available colours. Setup Digitiser (F8) Switch to the digitiser setup screen. Notes: Background files and button assignments are available. The program calculates a Z value perpendicular to a segment of a location line. In certain circumstances where lines are extremely crooked, pressing a button will not enter a data point. This happens when the cursor is not perpendicular to any part of the line trace, which is always when the line trace forms an obtuse angle. In cases of an acute angle, where the cursor is perpendicular to two or more segments, the Z value will be calculated perpendicular to the first segment. Positive and negative values will be calculated. Consider a line segment from P1 to P2. When looking from P1 to P2, if the X coordinate of P1 is less than or equal to the X coordinate of P2, values to the left of the line will be positive, values to the right will be negative. When looking from
MICROMINE Core – Digitising P1 to P2, if the X coordinate of P1 is greater than the X coordinate of P2, values to the left of the line will be negative, values to the right will be positive.
MICROMINE Core – Digitising
Assigning digitiser buttons Use the Assign Buttons option to assign non-default actions to the cursor buttons when digitising points, strings or profiles. Use this option only with cursors that have more than one button. Enter the Code and Description adjacent to the appropriate action. Not all actions require a code and description. A description can be a button colour or text written on the button.
Digitising profiles You can define the button codes for two functions, New line and Undo. It is convenient to do so since you would otherwise be obliged to return to the computer each time you started a new line or need to undo an entry. New Line Enter the code that will be used to generate a new line. Undo Enter the code that will be used to delete the last point digitised.
Digitising points and strings You can define the button codes to set numeric variables and define Close String and Undo functions. Num eric mode Numeric variables can be set to increment, decrement or remain constant. Change flag value If the Auto update flag value? option is not set in the parameter form, you can assign a button to increment the flag field value (typically when a new string is started) using the Change Flag Value option. Close string Enter the code that will be used to close a string. Undo Enter the code that will be used to delete the last point digitised. Streaming m ode If you have installed a WinTab digitiser, you can set the digitising mode to streaming (continuous) mode. Choose whether to always use streaming mode when the button is depressed or toggle the button to turn streaming mode on and off.
MICROMINE Core – Outlines
Outlines An outline is an irregular shape that encloses something of interest. Outlines are created by digitising with the mouse. You can create them in the Drillhole Displays, Vizex, Multiview and Contours. The commands used to create outlines become available when you select Outlines from the Display menus in each of these functions. In outlines, a digitiser puck functions in exactly the same way as a mouse. When you create an outline, the points that define it have X and Y coordinates with the same orientation as the current display. Each point also has a Z value. In most case this is 0, but when you create an outline in a drillhole section display, it will have Z values equal to the section coordinate (e.g. 10,000 for a section at 10,000N). Outlines are projected on to the viewing plane defined by the underlying display. That is, if you are using a plan view display in Multiview or Contour the outline you use will also be in plan view. If in section view, the outlines will be in the same sectional view. If a display has a defined Z value, the outlines you digitise will generally have that same Z value. Section displays have a Z value defined by the Section specification e.g. 10,000N. Outlines are stored in outline files. These have the extension .OUT. Each outline has a series of attributes that can be used to:
Group outlines together
Define the way outlines will be displayed
Typical applications You can use outlines to:
Highlight areas of interest, such as geological boundaries, and show them on a display or plot.
Flag data within a user defined region. The outline defines the region. Assigning it to a data file, will mark points located inside the outline. Segregating populations is one example of how this can be used.
Calculate areas and grades. Doing this on a sequence of sections will provide an initial grade estimate calculation.
Note: You can use Polygonal Section Estimate | Generate Outlines and Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Outlines from Wireframes in the Modelling menu, to generate outlines based on polygonal models and ore bodies.
MICROMINE Core – Outlines
Outlines files Note: Outline files can use any valid Windows file name. However, if you want to use outlines with functions such as Modelling | Polygonal Section, outline file naming conventions apply. Outline file nam ing Outline files may have any name up to eight alphanumeric characters long. It must follow DOS naming conventions and cannot contain spaces, full stops, commas, colons or the following characters, ‘, /, \, [, ], |, <, >, +, =, *, ?, !. All outline files are automatically given the extension *.OUT. Historically, outlines were divided into three classes, Geology Model, Geology and Design, and were differentiated by name: Geology model outline file names These have the form GEOLXnnn.OUT; where X is a letter (A-Z) and nnn is a number (1-999). For example: GEOLA7.OUT is the seventh outline file for Geology Model A. Geology outline file names These have the form GEOLnnn.OUT; where nnn is a number (1-999). For example: GEOL7.OUT. Design outline file nam es These have the form DESGNnnn.OUT; where nnn is a number (1-999). For example: DESGN380.OUT. File structure Outline files define a set of polygonal shapes (outlines). Each shape has a number of properties, which are defined below.
The above is an example of a simple outline file. Each record is terminated with a CR/LF. The first record is a title line of 40 characters. The second record indicates how many outlines are stored in the file. This has a maximum value of 1000. For every outline there is now a descriptor record. Originally these records had a length of 51 (finishing after the "12" and "7" in the above example). This older style format is still read by the application, and is automatically converted to the format defined above, which now includes RGB colour and hatch information. The 2 delimiters that appear in each record ( ) are ASCII character 20. The definition for the first 61 characters is as follows:
MICROMINE Core – Outlines
NAME must be unique
COLOUR is the "DOS" colour - a value between 0 and 15
POINTS = Number of points in the outline. The first point is NOT repeated. POINTS has a maximum value of 2000. The total number of points in this header section should equal the number of records that follow the header.
If GRADE or SG are not defined this is filled with spaces.
HATCH is a number between 1 and 15 indicating the fill pattern to be used when the outline is displayed.
COLOUR is the representation of the true RGB colour and may be missing in older files. (Place cursor over Old and New colours in Colour Selection box to see help bubble with this value)
The following values are defined after column 61 and are space separated. The record is padded out with spaces to a length of 163.
ASCII character 20 ()
Foreground colour
COLOUR REF written as integer
Background colour
COLOUR REF written as integer
Border colour
COLOUR REF written as integer
0 or 1 depending on whether foreground colour used as border colour
Line Type
0,1 and 2 are Solid (see Note); 3=Dot; 4=Dash
Line Thickness
Thickness in pixels
Hatch pattern size
Hatch pattern is TTF– this number is font size (in Points)
MICROMINE Core – Outlines
Hatch pattern
The “character” number of the pattern in the TTF file
TTF file
The name of the TTF file (prefixed by )
Note: Line Thickness is used when outlines are drawn in a general display function. Line Type is used to control the line thickness in the Plot Editor (0=THIN, 1=MEDIUM, 2=THICK). The actual thickness associated with these 3 types is defined in the Paper Size properties. Following the descriptor header come the point records. The format is:
It is not possible to tell, from the outline file, what cardinal directions X, Y and Z represent. In general outline files will contain information in either Plan, East section or North section. For Plan X=East, Y=North and Z=RL. For East section X=North, Y=RL and Z=East. For North section X=East, Y=RL and Z=North. Z is given a value of 0.000 if it is not known.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Grid transformations Overview We usually use an X and Y value to describe the position of a point on the earth's surface (we will ignore the Z component for the moment). By themselves, these two numbers are meaningless unless we mathematically define the location of our reference grid. There are two fundamental types of coordinates:
Geographic Coordinates In a geographic coordinate system the X and Y values are known as longitudes and latitudes. The units of measurement are degrees and the reference surface is known as a spheroid. Longitude is the angle East or West of the meridian passing through Greenwich, and Latitude is the angle North or South of the equator. A spheroid is a mathematical surface that best represents the shape of the earth. It is a sphere flattened at the poles, and is sometimes referred to as an ellipsoid. Unfortunately the earth is not a perfect spheroid. It can be defined as any one of a number of undulating "equipotential" surfaces. By equipotential we mean the force of gravity is the same at every point. This is the surface representing mean sea level; it is known as the geoid. Many different spheroids have been used to approximate the earth's surface. Each country or continent has used a spheroid that provides a "best fit" in their region. Clarke, Bessel and Australian National are some examples. The same point on the earth will have different Latitude and Longitude values depending on the reference spheroid being used. Even the same spheroid can be shifted, relative to the earth's centre. The reference systems for geographic coordinates are known as Geodetic Datums. The reference systems for geographic coordinates are known as Geodetic Datums. There are quite a number of recognised datums. Some examples are: AGD66 and AGD84.
Plane Coordinates In a plane coordinate system the X and Y values are known as East and North. These coordinates are the projection of a spheroid onto a flat surface. In a plane coordinate system – where a spheroid has been projected onto a flat surface – the X and Y values are known as East and North. To represent a curved surface on a flat piece of paper involves some compromises in scaling, direction and area. There are many map projections available, but the most common is Transverse Mercator (TM). One of the properties of a TM projection is that the scale is constant along any north-south grid line. A variety of the Transverse Mercator projection called Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), is a uniform world-wide projection that has gained great acceptance as a standard for national mapping systems. One thing common to all plane coordinate systems is the definition of an origin point. This is the location where both the East and North value are zero. Sometimes the projection defines a false easting and northing. These are values added to all coordinates to ensure that they are always positive values. There are also times when an arbitrary local grid is used. For example, it is common in mineral exploration to align a grid parallel to the strike of the ore body.
What about GPS? GPS stand for Global Positioning System. Hand-held GPS receivers use data that is broadcast from orbiting satellites to calculate the antenna location. The position is calculated in latitudes and longitudes in terms of the WGS84 datum. This datum uses the WGS84 spheroid, which is the mathematical surface that most closely approximates the geoid. Most GPS receivers have the ability to display positions in terms of several datums and projections. However data downloaded from a GPS is generally the raw WGS84 latitude and longitude.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations Grid transformation functions All Micromine applications include three sets of grid transformation functions:
Plane - Using the Plane grid transformation you can convert coordinates from one grid to another. Usually you will want to convert from a local grid to a national grid such as AMG, or vice-versa.
Geographic - The Geographic function enables you to convert from plane coordinates to latitudes and longitudes in a given spheroid and vice-versa.
Datum - With the Datum transformation you can convert from latitudes and longitudes expressed in terms of the WGS84 spheroid to either a local datum or to Eastings and Northings in UTM form.
The table that follows contains a series of tasks earth scientists will often perform. Use it to navigate to the transformation function you require. Function to use/ Transformation Setting*
W ant
Lat/Longs in terms of WGS84. Source: GPS download.
Eastings and Northings in terms of a UTM projection e.g. AMG.
Transform Grid | Datum
Lat/Longs in terms of a Local Datum. Source: Digitised from a map.
Eastings and Northings in terms of a UTM projection e.g. AMG.
Transform Grid | Geographic
Local mine grid coordinates. Source: Survey.
Eastings and Northings in terms of a UTM projection e.g. AMG.
Transform Grid | Plane
WGS84 to Local UTM
Geographic to Grid
Eastings and Northings in terms Latitudes and Longitudes in of local UTM (AMG). terms of local datum. Source: Any of above or a map.
Transform Grid | Geographic
Eastings and Northings in terms Latitudes and Longitudes in of local UTM (AMG). terms of WGS84. Source: Any of above or a map.
Transform Grid | Datum
*where there is a choice.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Choosing a transformation method You can use the function in two ways:
Transform single coordinates by entering them at the keyboard (see Keyboard conversions).
Transform a set of coordinates in a file (see File conversions).
Keyboard conversions To transform coordinates by entering them from the keyboard: 1.
Set the conversion parameters as described in the conversion procedure.
Set the Input to KEYBOARD.
Click the Keyboard Calculation button.
Enter the coordinates of the point in the system for which you have values.
Click Calculate. The values will appear in the panel opposite.
File conversions When you set the output type to FILE, you must tell the function which fields contain the source data and which will take coordinates resulting from the calculation - the target fields. If there aren't already target fields in the coordinate file, you will have to create them. To transform coordinates in a file:
Make sure you have created fields for the calculated values.
Set the conversion parameters as described in the conversion procedure.
Set the Input to FILE.
Click the File Setup button.
Enter the name of the fields containing the values that will be converted.
Return to the main form.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Geographic grid transformations The Geographic transformation tools in the program enable you to convert latitudes and longitudes to Transverse Mercator grid coordinates and vice versa. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a special case where the following parameters are fixed: the Central Scale Factor is 0.9996; the Latitude Origin is the equator (0); the False Easting is 500,000m; the False Northing is 0 in the northern hemisphere and 10,000,000m in the southern hemisphere; the Central Meridian is one of 60 predefined values which depend on the longitude. Use the plane grid transformation functions to convert coordinates between rectangular grids where coordinates are expressed in terms of Easting and Northing in both grid systems.
Transforming coordinates between geographic and plane grids To perform a geographic grid transformation for a single point: 1.
Select Survey | Transform Grid (geographic).
Choose the Transformation you require.
Choose the Angle units in which the Latitude and Longitude are defined. Note that the program requires latitude in the Southern hemisphere to be negative values.
Select either the UTM Auto Setup, UTM, or Transverse Mercator option. In the case of UTM Auto Setup, the UTM zone and hemisphere is determined based upon the latitude and longitude of the data. Note: Unlike lat/longs, UTM coordinates cannot be automatically linked to a particular UTM zone. Therefore, when performing a Grid to Geographic transformation, the UTM Auto Setup option is disabled. In the case of UTM and Transverse Mercator, click the corresponding More button to enter the characteristics of the UTM or Transverse Mercator projection.
Choose the Spheroid (to be used for the transformation) from the drop down list. Note: It is essential that the Latitudes and Longitudes you will convert are expressed in terms of this spheroid. See Country/Datum/Spheroid.
Set the input to FILE or KEYBOARD.
If you have set the input to FILE, click OK to start the transformation.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Plane grid transformations Use Transform Grid | Plane to transform Easting and Northing coordinates in one plane grid system to another plane grid system. The function assumes the scale is constant for both grids. This is appropriate where the area of interest is relatively small; up to the area covered by a 1:250,000 map sheet. Over larger areas the curvature of the earth must be taken into account. In this case it is more appropriate to record spatial data using latitude and longitude. Two conversion methods are available:
Two common points - you must know the coordinates of two points in both grid systems.
Bearing correction/scale - you must know the coordinates of one point in both grid systems, the angle between the North directions of the grids, and any difference in scale.
Input to the function can be from either the keyboard or a file. Use Keyboard to transform the coordinates of a few points. Use File to transform all the points in a file.
Transforming coordinates between plane grids To perform a grid to grid transformation, do the following: 1.
Select Survey | Transform grid (plane).
Choose the Transformation method according to the information you have at hand. If you know the coordinates of two points in both grid systems, choose 2 COMMON POINTS. If you know the coordinates of one point in both grid systems, the angle between the North directions of each grid, and the difference in scale between the grid systems (defined as a ratio), choose BRG CORRN/SCALE.
Choose either A TO B or B TO A to set the direction of the transformation.
Set the input to FILE or KEYBOARD. When you select KEYBOARD, you will calculate a single set of coordinates in the Keyboard Calculation dialog box.
If you have selected 2 COMMON POINTS, enter the name of each grid and the coordinates, (Easting and Northing) of two known points in each grid system. If you have selected BRG CORRN/SCALE, enter the name of each grid, the Easting and Northing coordinates of a known point in both grid systems and the angle between the North directions of the grids.
If you have set Input to FILE, click OK to start the transformation. The program will write the transformed coordinates to the nominated fields in the output file.
Tip: It is good practice to set-up each grid transformation as a saved form. Transformations can then be performed quickly without having to re-enter the transformation parameters.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Datum transformation Overview You can do three things with this function:
Convert geographic coordinates expressed in terms of the WGS84 spheroid, into coordinates in a regional spheroid.
Convert coordinates expressed in terms of a regional spheroid, into WGS84 form.
Convert from WGS84 coordinates to local grid coordinates in a UTM projection.
In all cases you can convert a single set of coordinates or an entire file. The function uses the Molodensky formulae. By checking if there is an entry in the Height field or prompt, it can recognize whether it needs to use Abridged Molodensky or Standard Molodensky. Note
Some GPS receivers display in many formats but output from the communications port in WGS84 format only.
Always check your GPS settings after the device has been serviced and when you change the batteries.
Using the Datum transformations When using the Datum transformation function, you must select the type of transformation you want to perform. When you choose the following options: WGS84 to Local Geodetic Datum The function will convert latitudes and longitudes from the WGS84 spheroid to latitudes and longitudes in a local spheroid. Local Geodetic Datum to W GS84 The function will convert latitudes and longitudes from a local spheroid to latitudes and longitudes in the WGS84 spheroid. WGS84 to Local UTM Projection The function will convert latitudes and longitudes from the WGS84 spheroid to Eastings and Northings in a local UTM projection. WGS84 to Local UTM Projection (Auto) The process is similar to the WGS84 to Local UTM Projection mode. The difference is that the function uses the latitude in each record in the input file to define the hemisphere, and the latitude and longitude in each record to determine the UTM zone to which the coordinates belong. If the coordinates in the input file occur in more than one UTM zone, you may not want to use the automatic transformation, that is, you may want to force the zone and hemisphere by setting these parameters in the UTM Setup dialog (select WGS84 to Local UTM Projection).
The Process 1.
select Survey | Grid Transform | Datum from the main menu.
Choose the type and direction of the transformation from the Transformation list.
Set the Input to FILE or KEYBOARD.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations 4.
Set the correct formats for the input and output angles. Generally the angle format for WGS84 is DDDMM.MMMM, for example, 04522.0500 is read as 45° 22.05'.
Select a region, for example Australia, for the local spheroid. Your selection will control which options will appear in the Local geodetic system list.
Choose a local geodetic system.
To adjust the spheroid parameters for local conditions, alter the values in Delta* X, Y and Z.
To correct for the elevation difference between the geoid and the local spheroid, you can enter an elevation in Geoid-Spheroid separation (N)*. This can be a positive or a negative value.
If you are doing a file conversion, click OK to run the function.
* National mapping authorities usually publish maps with contours showing the correct values for these parameters in your region.
Additional information
The different angle units Select the format that is used for latitude and longitude values.
DDD.MMSS is degrees minutes and seconds. This is the most commonly used format. A longitude value of 123° 7' 54.648'' is written as 123.0754648.
DDD.DDDD is degrees and decimals of a degree. A longitude value of 123° 7' 54.648'' is written as 123.1318467.
DDDMM.MMM is degrees, minutes and decimals of a minute. Many GPS recorders output data in this format. A longitude value of 123° 7' 54.648'' is written as 12317.9108.
Latitude and Longitude conventions The grid transformation functions require latitudes in the southern hemisphere to be in negative values. Longitudes West of the Greenwich meridian must be negative values.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Understanding UTM options Select UTM options to enable the More button. Enter the UTM zone and select the hemisphere in which the transformation is being done. Note the UTM projection is based on zones which are spaced at 6° intervals around the globe starting from 180°. This results in 60 zones which cover the world. The central meridian of each zone is at 6 degree intervals starting 3° east of 180°. In the Southern hemisphere the UTM projection uses a false origin of 500,000 East, 10,000,000 North. In the Northern hemisphere the UTM projection uses a false origin of 500,000 East, 0 North. If you are doing a grid transformation using a projection that does not follow the definition set out above, it is not a UTM conversion. Use the Transverse Mercator options to specify the correct transformation.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
UTM zones Enter the UTM zone number in which you are performing the transformation. For the UTM projection, the earth is divided in to 60 zones each of extending 6° in longitude and 3° either side of the central meridian. The zone numbering starts at 180° (the dateline) and continues round the earth in the easterly direction. The program requires Longitudes West of the Greenwich meridian, to be negative values.
Central Meridian
Central Meridian
Central Meridian
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Understanding the Transverse M ercator options Select Transverse Mercator Options to enable the More button. Click More to open the Transverse Mercator dialog. The prompts in this dialog define the geographic origin of the Transverse Mercator coordinates.
Central scale factor Enter the grid scale factor at the central meridian. This is normally a value equal to, or slightly less than 1. Central meridian The central meridian is the longitude of the grid origin. The central meridian should always be entered in DDD.MMSS (degrees minutes and seconds) format. A longitude value of 123 degrees 7 minutes 54.6 seconds would be written as 123.07546. West longitudes are negative values. Latitude origin This is the latitude of the grid origin. Latitudes in the southern hemisphere are negative values. Grid units Select the grid units: metres, yards or feet. False Easting Enter the Easting value assigned to the grid origin. The ‘true’ Easting value at the origin is 0 (by definition); however, it is common practice to make the Easting origin a large positive value. This ensures that Easting coordinates are all positive. For the UTM projection this is 500,000. False Northing Enter the Northing value assigned to the grid origin. The ‘true’ Northing value at the origin is 0 (by definition); however it is common practice to make the Northing origin a positive value larger than the false Easting. This ensures that coordinates are all positive values and with an Easting always smaller than the Northing.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations For the UTM projection this is 10,000,000 in the Southern hemisphere and 0 in the northern hemisphere.
South African Lo coordinates The South African Lo coordinate system, also known as the Gauss Conform Projection (an adaptation of the Transverse Mercator projection), is used for the computation of the plane YLo, XLo co-ordinates when... Flip X-coordinates and Flip Y-coordinates Select the Flip-X and Flip-Y coordinates checkboxes to ensure that........
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Choosing the right spheroid The earth’s shape is an undulating surface. A small area of the earth’s surface can be approximated by a mathematically defined spheroid. The best fitting spheroid in one region, is not necessarily the best fit in another. Consequently, different countries have selected different reference spheroids as the basis for their regional UTM projection. A datum is an adopted coordinate set based on a specific spheroid. The geographical latitude and longitude of a surface location depends on the spheroid and coordinate datum to which it is referred. Make sure that you choose the correct spheroid for the transformation you are performing. See Country/Datum/Spheroid for a list of countries/areas and the spheroids and datums used for each. Note this list is not exhaustive. You should check the spheroid in use with the local official survey or other government organisations - particularly where measurements relate to lease boundaries. If you need to define your own spheroid, select User Defined from the list and open the Spheroid Definition form. Note: Although most raw readings of latitude and longitude derived from a GPS receiver are related to the WGS 1984 spheroid, this spheroid is not generally used as a reference for a UTM grid.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Defining a spheroid Once you select a spheroid, values for the Major semi axis, Flattening (1/?) and Spheroid units are automatically entered in the Spheroid Definition dialog box. If you select User Defined, you must enter values for these parameters so that the program can perform the transformation calculations. It is very rare to have to define a spheroid. Spheroid units This is automatically set to the appropriate units for the selected spheroid unless you are defining a new spheroid. In the latter case you can set the spheroid units to metres, yards or feet. Major semi axis This describes the long axis of the spheroid. It is automatically entered if the spheroid is set to any of those listed. If you are defining a new spheroid you must enter a value. Flattening(1/?) The value required here is actually the inverse flattening. However it is common practice to refer to the flattening for example 1/298.25, by simply 298.25. Typical values range between 297 and 301. 298.25 is the flattening for the Australian spheroid. Flattening (f) is related to the eccentricity of the spheroid and defines the oblateness of the spheroid, or the ratio between the semi-major axis (a) and semi-minor axis (b). The mathematical relationship is defined by the formula:
This value is automatically entered (and can’t be modified) if the spheroid is set to any of those listed. If you are defining a new spheroid you must enter a value. Some references to spheroid values do not quote the flattening, rather they quote the eccentricity of the spheroid. The eccentricity is related to the flattening by the following formula.
The following parameters are not present in all the grid transformation functions Delta X, Y and Z In addition to the major semi axis and the flattening, you may also be able to specify Delta X, Y and Z values. These values will correct the spheroid for local conditions. Normally the national mapping authority publishes contour maps showing suitable Delta values for the region in which you are working. Geoid-Spheroid separation (N) This defines the separation (elevation) between the Geoid and Spheroid. This can be a positive or negative number that you should enter in the spheroid units. Normally the national mapping authority publishes contour maps showing suitable Geoid-Spheroid separation values for the region in which you are working.
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Country/Datum/Spheroid Use the table below to choose the appropriate spheroid for use in the Geographic grid transformation. Note that this list is not exhaustive, and confirmation should be obtained from the local authorities that the spheroid listed is still current. SD = Special Datums - MGRS related.
North Am. 1927 Alaska & Canada
Clarke 1866
South America (Corrego Alegre)
Australian Geodetic
GRS 67
Borneo (SE)
Gunung Segara
South America (Chua Astro)
British Columbia
North Am. 1927 Alaska & Canada
Clarke 1866
North Am. 1927 CONUS
Clarke 1866
South America (Campo Inchauspe)
South America (Campo Inchauspe)
Eire 1965
Ireland 1965
Mod. Airy
Ordnance Survey GB 1936
Clarke 1880
European 1950
War Office
Guam 1963
Clarke 1866
South America (Campo Inchauspe)
Hjorsey 1955
Bukit Rimpah
Ireland 1965
Mod. Airy
SD - Tokyo Special
North Am. 1927 CONUS
Clarke 1866
SD - Indian Special Everest
MICROMINE Core – Grid Transformations
Arc 1950
Clarke 1880
Liberia 1964
Clarke 1880
Tananarive Obsv. 1925
Keratu 1948
Mod. Everest
Timbalai 1948
Old Hawaiian, Maui
North Am. 1927 CONUS
Clarke 1866
Clarke 1880
New Zealand
Geodetic Datum 1949
Clarke 1880
European 1950
Old Hawaiian, Oahu
Old Hawaiian, Kauai
North Am. 1927 Alaska & Canada
Clarke 1866
Prov. Sth. America 1956
Sth. America (Campo Inchauspe)
Clarke 1866
SD - Luzon Special
Clarke 1866
North Am. 1927 Alaska & Canada
Clarke 1866
Ordnance Survey GB 1936
European 1950
Clarke 1880
North Am. 1927 CONUS
Clarke 1866
SD - Indian Special Everest
South America (Yacare)
North Am. 1927 CONUS
Clarke 1866
Ordnance Survey GB 1936
Arc 1950
Clarke 1880
Arc 1950
Clarke 1880
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
Compass traverse Overview Field exploration surveys are normally carried out by traversing from a known point across country, with a tape and compass or similar instrumentation. The angles and distances between turning points on the traverse are recorded and then used to calculate the coordinates of the turning points. Such traverses may also include shots (bearings and distances) to points to the side of the main traverse line, these are called radial points. Compass Traverse works with any sets of measurements that have:
Horizontal angles measured from north.
Vertical angles to record the inclination or declination to an observed point.
Slope (or horizontal) distances.
The compass traverse function takes input from a file containing compass traverse data and calculates the coordinates (and optionally RLs) of each point. It also calculates the accumulated distance, with the option of flagging points as being off the main traverse. Multiple traverses can be processed in one file. There are two modes:
If you do not use a station file, the traverse file must contain coordinates (and RL if used) for the starting point of each traverse.
If you use a station file, the starting point of a traverse may be referenced to a station (or the coordinates may be specified). Also, a point in one traverse may be used to calculate a new station for use in a subsequent traverse, and will be added to the station file. If a station is specified for a closing point, you can choose to calculate the misclose and optionally adjust the traverse.
The Process 1.
Select Survey | Compass Traverse from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Traverse (input) file. This may contain multiple traverses identified by values in a field.
Click on Traverse Fields and enter the field names.
(Optional) Check the Use a Station file? box if you want to reference stations from the traverse file.
(Optional) Check the Calculate Z values? box if your traverse file contains inclinations and you want to calculate RLs. If so, the tape distances will be read as slope distances and converted to horizontal distances for the calculation of coordinates.
(Optional) If you checked the Calculate Z values? box, choose the Zero vertical. ZENITH means that 90º or 270º is horizontal; <90º or >270º is an elevation and >90º or <270º is a depression. HORIZONTAL means that 0º is horizontal, positive values are elevations and negative values are depressions.
Choose the angle units.
(Optional) Enter a magnetic correction value. This should be the angle between true and magnetic North.
Run the function. If you chose to adjust traverses, a dialog box will appear for each fixed point (other than the first point of a traverse) showing the misclose, as in the following example:
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
Traverse fields Traverse Fields are the fields in the file that contain the surveyed observations. Click the Traverse Fields button and enter the field information as follows:
The Traverse field should contain values that identify individual traverses. For a trench traverse, it could be the trench name. The Traverse field is only needed if records of more than one traverse are stored in the file or if there are radial points on a single traverse.
The Station field is enabled only if you checked the Use a Station file? box.
The Off traverse flag is an optional value that can appear in the Traverse field. It indicates that the point is off the main traverse, and its distance will not be counted in the accumulated distance. The Direction field should contain bearings, measured clockwise from North.
The Inclination field is enabled if you chose to calculate Z values. It should contain inclination values which are interpreted according to your choice of Zero vertical. Inclination measurements are also required to reduce slope distances to horizontal distances.
The Tape distance field contains the measured distances to points. If you are calculating Z values, the distances will be treated as slope distances and used to calculate horizontal distances for the coordinates.
The Accumulated distance field will be added if not present in the Traverse file. It will contain the accumulated tape distances for each traverse.
Easting and Northing fields hold the calculated coordinate values. The RL field is enable if you are calculating Z values and holds the calculated RL for each point.
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
Calculations with a station file When you use a station file, a traverse starting point may be specified as a name in the Station field of the Traverse file, and will use the coordinates of that station in the station file. If you want to use one of the calculated points in a traverse as the starting point in a different traverse later in the file, you can put a name in the Station field for that point, and the corresponding name in the Station field for the new starting point. The function can then add the calculated point to the station file, and use it as a station for the later traverse. This is shown in the next illustration.
An optional report file may be generated, showing the calculated coordinates. A traverse containing a station name that is in the station file may be adjusted. In that case, the coordinates are adjusted by spreading the misclose according to distance weighting and the new adjusted values written to the traverse file. If a report file is specified, the adjustment details will be written to it as shown in the next illustration. Two fixed points are shown and were present in the station file when the function was run. Both miscloses have been adjusted.
Calculations without a station file
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
Calculations without a station file In this case, coordinates (and optionally RLs) are calculated and written to the traverse file, together with the accumulated distance. A value in the Traverse field can be used to signal a point that is not on the main traverse, and whose distance will not be added to the accumulated total. The following illustration shows a traverse file after processing, with one traverse and part of a second.
Calculations with a station file
MICROMINE Core – Compass Traverse
Using a station file When you choose to use a station file, a number of other entries become enabled, as follows:
(Optional) Check the Add new points to Station file? box if your traverse file contains station names that identify points to be used for subsequent traverses, but which are not in the station file. The calculated values for these points will be written to the station file.
(Optional) Check the Adjust traverses? box if you want to adjust traverses. Only those traverses that have a fixed (station) point, other than the first point, will be offered for adjustment. When you run the function, a dialog box will show the misclose for each of these points in turn, and you can decide whether to adjust. Adjusted points are written to the traverse file.
Enter the name of the Station file and click Station Fields to enter the field names. The RL field will be enabled only if you choose to calculate Z values.
(Optional) Enter a Report file name. Calculated coordinates (and RLs if applicable) will be written to this file. If you adjust coordinates, the adjustments will also be written.
MICROMINE Core – Assign Outlines
Assign Outlines Using Modelling | Assign | Outlines, you can write selected attributes from an outline to the points that are within that outline in an associated data file. The function works by determining if points occur within the outline you select. If so, it writes one or more of the outline attributes, such as name, code or SG, to fields in the records for those points. You can apply this function widely in MICROMINE - anywhere you need to identify points inside an irregular boundary. It differs from the Polygonal Section Estimate | Assign function in two ways: a) you don't need a polygonal model and b) outline and data files with any names can be used as inputs. Most MICROMINE users prefer to use Assign | Outlines or Modelling | Model Report | Mining Block Grades for assigning tasks. If you need to restrict an outline file you are using in the assigning process to a particular range of Z values in the data file, apply a filter. While this function is not used for modelling as such, it can be used to define points that are passed to the Block Modelling function.
Once you have assigned outline attributes to separate fields in the underlying data file, other functions can use the data file as input with filters on the selected attributes controlling which data are passed. In Assign Outlines you can :
Select outlines by their name or code.
Write any of the outline attributes, Name, Code, Colour, Hatch, Grade, SG, or a Value, to a field in the associated data file.
There must be one or more fields in the data files to receive the assigned attributes. See Outlines for details on how they are used. Subsequent topics (after Outlines) include useful information on the coding techniques used with outlines. When you run Assign Outlines it creates a report file. This report is useful when you want to understand what has happened in the target file and to check that the process has been successful.
MICROMINE Core – Assign outlines The functions provided with the Core module, allow you to make informed decisions by converting raw mining and geological data into meaningful information. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Assign | Outlines from the main menu.
Enter the name of the data file and the names of the fields containing the coordinate values.
Select an Assign Strategy. Exact Assign uses a mathematical algorithm to determine whether or not a point is inside or outside an outline. Fast Assign represents the outline area as a set of very small rectangles (all having the same size). It then checks to see if the rectangle, that includes the point, is part of this set. When the outline boundary is complex, this method can speed up the processing without significantly compromising accuracy.
Enter the name of the outline file.
Select Clear target field and Overwrite data depending on the result you want to obtain. How to apply them is described in more detail in Using Overwrite data and Clear target fields.
Enter the assignment criteria in the Outline Details dialog box. See Defining the Assignment Criteria.
If the target file in this process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. Select the Sub block option to specify the parameters for subblocking.
Enter the name of the Report file.
Click OK to run the process. As the process runs the screen will show coloured representations of the outlines.
10. Check the report file.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Statistics Displaying the range of your data This function enables you to check the minimum and maximum values for all numeric fields in a file. 1.
Select Stats | Show Data Ranges from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file of interest.
Select whether you want to see the normal or natural logs of the data. Remember that natural logs will be calculated and displayed for all numeric fields including those containing coordinates.
Define how you want to handle non-numeric values in the source file. Do this in the Numeric Exceptions dialog box.
Run the function by clicking OK. The program will calculate values and these will be displayed in a window.
Show Data ranges produces exactly the same results as MinMax, with the exception that you cannot calculate the natural log of values using MinMax.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Distribution statistics Overview Distribution Statistics calculates and displays distribution statistics for any numeric field in a file. You can display histograms, cumulative frequency curves or probability plots using actual values or Ln (Natural Log) transformed values.
When to apply distribution statistics Most statistical work is done using normal distributions. This allows the use of classical statistical techniques to make predictions about a population from a set of sample data. Classical statistics is based on the concept of a normal distribution which can be defined by a mean and standard deviation. The normal distribution approach works well with data that is not highly skewed. That is, the data is not significantly biased (appearing at one end or the other) on a histogram type graph. Even where data is moderately skewed, the mean of repeated samples drawn from the population will be normally distributed (central limits theorem). This property allows such distributions to be subjected to classical statistical tests. Much data that is collected and subjected to statistical analysis is normally distributed. However, geological data, particularly ore grades, frequently show distributions which depart significantly from the normal distribution. It has been found that in many cases the Ln (Natural logarithm) of the values is normally distributed. This is called a log-normal distribution. Data likely to be Log-normally distributed is characterised by a large number of observations at some low value and a long tail of higher values. The highest values may be many orders of magnitude higher than the low values. For example, the average gold grade in a mineralised zone may be 2.5 g/t but there may be a continuous range of values up to grades in the order of 1,000 g/t. Data which is nearly log-normal can often be transformed into log-normal data by the use of an additive constant. This is added to all values before conversion to Ln (Natural Log). It will have a much greater effect on low values than on high values. (e.g. if the additive constant is 2, adding this to a value of 0.05 will produce a relatively much larger increase in value than adding it to a value of 555.) The use of an additive constant is particularly useful when handling data such as gold grades which may have many values near or below the detection limit. These values tend to distort the lower end of the data distribution. The Process Select Stats | Distribution to open the Distribution stats form.
Enter the name of the file containing the data you want to graph.
Enter the name of the field containing the data of interest in Graph field.
If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed.
Setup the way the function will deal with characters, blanks and data prefixed with a < sign in the Numeric Exceptions dialog box.
Choose the type of graph: HISTO, CUM FREQ or PROB (histogram, cumulative frequency curve or probability plot) from the Graph mode list. This can be changed from the menu in the Stats display.
Choose NORMAL or NATURAL-LOG from the Display mode list. This controls whether raw data or the natural logs of the raw data are displayed. If you select NATURAL LOG, your options in the Display Limits dialog box are limited to those for NORMAL data.
Enter the Graph Limits to control the extent of what will be displayed. The prompts in this dialog enable you to control: the minimum and maximum values that will be graphed; the bin sizes; the size of the first bin; etc.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics 8.
Run the function and the selected graph will appear in the display window. There may be a short delay before the display appears, depending on the amount of data to process. A progress bar will be shown at the bottom of the screen.
Graph Options Using the Graph Options you can display a lot more information. This includes displaying the standard deviation, a normal curve, colouring the graphs, etc. These options are divided into those for the Histogram/Cumulative Frequency charts, and those for the Probability charts. Analysis Options Click on the Analysis button if:
You intend decomposing the data into its constituent populations in the display.
Want to calculate a 3 parameter Log-normal fit for log-normally distributed data in the display.
Using the prompts in this dialog you can control whether or not the different populations of a data set will be shown. If you choose to display the populations you can define the colour used to display each. Further controls are also available.
Choosing the type of graph Choose the type of graph you require from the drop down list. You can swap modes in the Graph Display window by selecting Mode and choosing one of the options. These options are: HISTOGRAM Displays a bar graph. The width of each bar is equal to the bin size you set. The height of each bar is proportional to the number of values in each bin. CUM FREQ Displays a line graph showing the number of observations expected to be smaller than (to the left of) any specified value. PROB PLOT From the X axis you can read the probability of observations smaller than the specific value defined on the Y axis. Note: The probability plot uses a non-uniform scale that starts with a probability of 0.01 and goes to a probability of 0.9999. On this graph, if the Display mode is set to normal, a normal distribution will appear as a straight line. If Display Mode is set to Ln, normal the graph will be straight of the data is Ln normally distributed.
Setting the display mode Choose the Display mode from the drop down list. The available options are:
NORMAL When NORMAL is chosen for the Display mode, the actual values in the Graph field are used subject to the settings in Numeric exceptions.
NATURAL LOG When NATURAL LOG is chosen, the values in the Graph field are converted into their natural logarithm. In this case the minimum data value specified by the graph minimum must be greater than zero as the Ln of zero is - infinity.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Setting up the graph limits Click on the Graph Limits button to set the limits of the data displayed on the graph. The dialog box is divided into two parts. The prompts in the second part below apply to Ln (Natural Log) values, and will only be available if display mode has been set to NATURAL LOG (Ln).
Further display options Click on the Graph Options button to control the way in which histograms and probability plots are displayed. The histogram options are also used when displaying cumulative frequency curves.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Setting up the analysis parameters Click the Analysis button to open the dialog box where you set colours for the various modelling options you can use in the stats display. The Model menu has two functions:
3 Parameter - used to fit a 3 parameter log-normal model to Ln (Natural Log) transformed data.
Decompose - if it is suspected that the graph represents samples drawn from several populations, decompose the data into a number of normal or log-normal data sets.
Model colour Select the colour in which a 3 parameter log-normal curve (only available if the data is transformed to Natural Log or a composite curve defining mixed normal or log-normal populations is shown). Show populations Distribution stats enables you to decompose data drawn from mixed populations into its component populations. This is done by selecting Model after the graph has been drawn. Select this check box if you intend to show graphs representing each of the decomposed populations. The graphs representing each of the populations will be shown as dashed lines. If this information is shown on a probability plot the graphs of the individual populations may appear to be at a considerable distance from the graph of the data. This is not necessarily incorrect. The measure of how well the decomposed data fits the original data is not the position of the constituent populations on the graph, it is the shape of the model data. Measures of the goodness of fit are given by the Chi square value and the associated degrees of freedom and P values. Population N colour Select colours in which each of a data set’s component populations will be displayed. 3 P Ln output field To further transform Ln (Natural Log) data into a data set which fits a 3 parameter Log-normal model by calculating an additive constant, you can write the corrected values ie. the original value plus the additive constant back to a field in the original file. Enter the name of the field to which the raw data plus the additive constant will be written. This option is only available when the Display mode is set to Ln (Natural Log). Write values < minimum Select this check box if you have set the graph minimum very close to 0 and want to correct for raw data values which have a value of 0. When not selected, only those raw data values greater than the graph minimum will be added to the additive constant and written to the 3 P Ln output field. Values below the graph minimum will be ignored by the calculation and the results field will be left blank for those records. This option is only enabled if the 3 P Ln output field is defined. Write values > maximum Select this check box if you have set the graph maximum very close to the maximum raw data values and want to correct for raw data values which have a value up to the real maximum of the data. When not selected, only those raw data values which are less than the graph maximum will be added to the additive constant and written to the 3 P Ln output field. Values above the graph maximum will be ignored by the calculation and the results field will be left blank for those records. This option is only available if the 3 P Ln output field is defined.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Note: The range of data values defined by the graph minimum and graph maximum are the values used in the 3 parameter calculation. If this data set has a distribution significantly different from the distribution of the full data set, it may not be appropriate to select this check box.
Querying the graph Query allows you to point and click on any part of the graph to get information on the bin size, the minimum and maximum values, and number of values in the bin. To query the graph: 1.
Select Query from the graph display menu. The Histogram Query dialog box will open. Each of the parameters are described below.
Bin The number of the bin
Min value The smallest value in the bin
Max value The largest value in the bin
Centroid The central value in the bin,
Points in bin The number of samples in the bin
Move the mouse pointer to the item of interest on the graph and click. Values will appear for each of the parameters in the dialog box.
When you have finished querying the graph Close the dialog box.
Displaying information about the graph When you select Info, a message box containing information about the displayed graph will appear. Minimum value
Maximum value
Ln mean
Ln std deviation
3rd highest
Geometric mean
4th highest
Sichel’s t estimator
Sichel’s V
Standard deviation
Sichel’s gamma
Using the tools on the Model menu There are two options: 3 parameter and Decompose. The 3 parameter option is only available if the Display mode is set to Ln (Natural Log).
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Using the 3 Parameter calculation 3 Parameter is only available if the graph type is set to Ln. Using this function you can generate an additive constant which will remove bias from a near log-normal sample. Additive Constant
The additive constant is the amount needed to normalise (log-normalise) the data set. After running the calculation, the additive constant is shown together with a series of measures of how well the modified data fits the log-normal population using chi square, degrees of freedom, a P value and an RMS value. When 3 Parameter is selected, a message box will appear on screen while the function processes the data. Once the calculations are complete, another message box, headed 3 Parameter Log normal will appear, and the modelled data will be shown on the graph. The 3 Parameter message box shows a table with columns for both original and new values of: Minimum value, Maximum value, Ln mean, Ln std deviation, Geometric mean, Sichel’s t estimator, Sichel’s V and Sichel’s gamma. For further information on the values shown in the Descriptive stats group click on the underlined text. Minimum value Maximum value Ln mean Ln Std deviation Geometric mean Sichel’s t estimator Sichel’s V Sichel’s gamma To provide a measure of how well the data fits a 3 parameter log-normal curve, a series of measurements which provide information on the fit of the modelled data is given. For further information on these quality measurements click on the underlined text. Chi2 DF P RMS Additive constant The dialog box also has two special options: a minimise button at the top right of the title bar and a write button. For more information click on the following link: Write
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Decomposing data sets Overview Decomposition attempts to reveal the underlying populations of data when the sample under investigation is composed of data drawn from a series of normally or log-normally distributed populations. A set of data drawn from a normally distributed population will take on the shape of a straight line on a probability plot. (If drawn from a log-normal distribution it will form a straight line on a Ln (Natural Log) transformed probability plot, simply called log probability plot.) For example, if soil samples have been collected across different rock types, the data distribution would typically be influenced by the rock types. A probability plot of such a data set may show several straight line regions separated by points of inflection (curved sections). The same sorts of features can been seen in data from a structurally controlled deposit. In this type of deposit mineralisation has typically taken place along the line of fault. The mineralised material may then have been re-mobilised and further concentrated along cross cutting faults. The end of one population and the beginning of another will be seen as a “breakpoint” in the data. Typically the break points will be appear as notches or kinks on the probability plot. The above discussion describes the way data will appear in a probability plot. The decompose option is also available when the graph is a histogram or a cumulative frequency curve. By selecting Mode and changing from Probability plot to Histogram or CumFreq, you can see how the same features are shown in these graph types. The Process 1.
In the Distribution stats display select the Model | Decom pose menu option. In the dialog box that appears select the number of components you want to decompose the graph into. Click Close to continue.
Click on each breakpoint, that is, the points between populations. You must decide where these are.
The Decompose dialog box will appear and a line representing the decomposed data is drawn on the graph. If you selected Show populations in the Analysis dialog box, the graphs of the individual populations will also be shown.
For each of the populations, the mean, standard deviation and percentage will appear in a separate prompt. These can be edited since often, when a pick of a population is made using the notch points in the lower half of the probability plot, the mean will be overestimated. (In the upper half it will be under-estimated.)
If you adjust the mean values and select Run, the decomposition line on the graph will be moved to show the resulting alteration of the mean. At the same time the values for the Chi-square will be updated. The aim is to get a Chi-square value that is very close to the number of degrees of freedom. The P value should be a minimum at this point.
Each time you make changes to the entries in the decomposition dialog box click the Run button.
Notes: You can also change the number of factors used by the decomposition function by selecting the check boxes in the factors column. If you increase the number of factors you will have to enter new values for mean, SD (standard deviation) and percentage of the new factors. To see the effect of changing the various parameters controlling the decomposed model you can minimise the Decompose dialog box. You can set up a colour set based on the decomposition of the data by clicking the Colour Set button. You can also optimize the decomposition of the data by clicking the Optimize button.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics At the same time the decomposed line is shown on the graph, there will (optionally) be a number of other lines shown which represent the plot that would be made by populations having the means and standard deviations calculated for the different constituents of the decomposed data. On a probability plot, the lines for these different populations will be scattered over the plot. Each of the different population lines shows the likelihood of finding a sample of any other value shown on the probability plot - given that the data comes from a distribution (normally or Log-normally distributed) with that mean and standard deviation. Viewing the same data on a histogram will show a better (apparent) correlation with the points on the graph.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Creating colour sets using decomposition The histogram decomposition function allows you to create a colour set based on breaks on a probability plot or histogram display. Such breaks may define a high likelihood that data is from a particular population or may simply represent significant changes in the data, for example, from a background data set to anomalous data set. Using a colour set produced in the histogram display and using that colour set to control the colours of data in other displays will help you detect anomalous data concentrations. To create a colour set: 1.
Click the Colour set button in the Decomposition dialog box and the Generate Colour Set dialog box will open.
Enter the Colour set number and Colour set name in the fields provided. The program will warn you if a colour set using that number already exists. You will have the option to overwrite the existing set.
The contents of the Min and Max fields in the Colour set definition group are calculated by the decomposition function and represent the break points on the underlying graph. Select a colour for each range unless you have already done so under Show populations (in the Analysis dialog box).
Click OK.
The colour file can then be used to colour code data in any of the displays. The resulting colour scheme will enable you to examine any spatial differences between different parts of the data range. Tip: An alternative way of doing this is to use the auto colour set option. This option allows you to specify a series of percentile bins and the colour to be associated with each of these. For example, data above the 95th percentile may be considered to anomalous. This could all be defined as one colour while data in range 50-95 percentile could be given another colour and file data in the bottom 50 percentile range can then given a further colour. The same colour file can be used in the contouring function and would highlight anomalous regions of the surface being investigated. Note: It is not essential that your chosen breakpoints separate distinguishable populations. You could use a colour-coded probability plot value.
MICROMINE Core – Statistics
Calculating descriptive statistics for your data Use this function to calculate statistics for any numeric field in a file and optionally write them to another file. Two modes are available:
Normal/Log normal
Median/Mode calculates the mean, median, mean and integer mode values for any field in a file. It also presents percentiles corresponding to the 1 st, 2nd, and 3rd standard deviations in the form p percentile: q. That is, p% of the distribution lies below the value q.
Calculating Normal/Log Normal statistics To calculate Normal\Ln Normal statistics: 1.
Select Stats | Descriptive | Normal\Ln from the main menu.
Enter the name of the source file and the names of the fields for which you require statistics.
Specify a Minimum, a Maximum, and a Cut value for each field if necessary. If you enter a value in Minimum, all values below it will be excluded from the calculation. The same applies to values greater than an entry in Maximum. Values greater than your entry in Cut value will be reduced to that entry before the calculation is made.
Click OK to run the function. The calculated statistics will be displayed on screen. For a permanent record of the calculation, enter a file name in Output file.
Note that the calculation is limited to fifteen numeric fields in the source file.
Calculating M edian/Mode statistics To calculate Median/Mode statistics: 1.
Select Stats | Descriptive | Median\Mode to open the dialog box where you can do these calculations.
Enter the name of the source file and the name of the field for which you require the statistics.
Specify minimum and maximum values and a cut value for the field. If you enter a value in Minimum, all values below it will be excluded from the calculation. The same applies to values greater than an entry in Maximum. All values greater than your entry for Cut value will be reduced to that entry before the calculation is made.
Click OK to run the function. The statistics will be displayed on screen. For a permanent record of the calculation, enter a file name in Output file.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Tools GPS input Overview Using GPS Input you can connect a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to a computer running the program. The GPS receiver can then send positional information to a file in the program. Earth scientists will use this tool for field data collection. As samples are collected, their location can be immediately entered with high accuracy. Notes, pertinent to that location, can be recorded together with the GPS derived position. Before beginning this operation you must create a suitable file in which the GPS position, time information, and your data will be entered. The Process Plug the GPS receiver into the serial port of your computer. Make sure the device is turned on and operating in the correct mode. Refer to the GPS manual for correct cabling and connection to the serial (RS232) port of the PC. To set up the GPS Input do the following:
Choose the Data format the GPS will output from GGA, GLL and RMC. Your choice will depend on the setting made for the GPS receiver. GGA has the best accuracy as it can be differentially corrected in real time.
Choose the Trigger from the program or GPS RECEIVER. If you choose the program, you will determine when a position record is downloaded from the GPS receiver. If you choose GPS RECEIVER, a new position record will be saved to the output file every time the receiver generates one. Normally you will use the program to trigger a new record.
Enter the serial port settings so that they match those set for the GPS receiver. Ensure that the port is the same as the one to which the GPS is physically connected (e.g. COM1) and the baud rate, parity, word length, stop bits and handshaking all have the same settings as the serial output from the GPS receiver.
Enter a name for the file where the GPS measurements will be stored and choose the type of file from DATA, SURVEY or STRING.
Click the Prompt Fields button and make entries in this dialog box according to your requirements.
Click the GPS Fields button and enter the names of the fields, in the file, in which the GPS data and field observations will be saved.
Enter the number for the first record in Start record. This can be any integer greater than 0 and will be incremented automatically.
Once you have filled in the form, select Run and the Receive GPS Data dialog box will appear. See Receiving GPS data for information on how this is used.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Creating a GPS output file The position information received from the GPS and the observations you make at each position are stored in the specified file. The file must have suitable fields for the information. The fields defined to receive the GPS input will record I (number), I, I, I and I, or a subset of these. These are entered in the GPS Fields dialog box when you set up the GPS Input function. The Prompt Fields are used to save your field observations. Before entering Prompt Field names you must determine what observations you will be making. Once this is known you can set up the file structure. Having setup the file, enter the field names in the Prompt Fields dialog box.
Receiving GPS data The Receive GPS Data dialog box appears when the Run button is activated in the GPS Input form. This is the ‘work’ box in which you will take positions from the GPS receiver and enter field data applicable to those positions. This dialog box is divided into two parts: Prompts and GPS Data. All the fields you defined in the Prompt Fields dialog box will appear in the Prompts list. The most recent position information from the GPS receiver will appear in the GPS Data group. The default value for each of the Prompts you defined will appear in the Value column of the Prompts table. Either type new values or leave the default values in these prompts before taking a position reading. Depending on your choice for Trigger, you will take readings by User Triggered Observations or by GPS Triggered Observations.
Setting up the trigger Choose either the program or GPS RECEIVER. When you choose the program, the GPS Input function waits until the Trigger GPS button in the program is activated (in the Receive GPS Data dialog box) before a position is taken and recorded. If you choose GPS RECEIVER, you must activate the button on the GPS receiver, to output the current position to the serial port. The program takes this reading.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Obtaining observations: GPS or user-triggered When Trigger = MICROMINE To write a position/observation record in the output file, do the following: 1.
Activate the Run button in the GPS Input dialog form to open the Receive GPS Data dialog box.
Enter your measurements/observations in the Value column of the Prompts table if necessary (entries can be automated).
Activate the Trigger button. The reported position and your entries in the Prompts table will be written to the file.
When Trigger = GPS RECEIVER To write positions to the output file, do the following:
Activate the Run button in the GPS Input dialog form to open the Receive GPS Data dialog box.
Enter your measurements/observations in the Value column of the Prompts table. If necessary, entries can be automated.
Activate the GPS and press the button on the GPS which outputs the current position to the serial port, to download a position. The reported position and your entries in the Prompts table will be written to the file.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Entering GPS fields Open the GPS fields dialog box and enter the names of the fields in the file you have created for GPS Input. These include: Record field Enter the name of the field in the file in which record numbers will be recorded. Longitude field Enter the name of the field in the file that contains the longitude information. Western longitudes are negative values. Latitude field Enter the name of the field in the file in that contains the latitude information. Latitudes in the Southern hemisphere are negative numbers. Elevation field (Optional) Enter the field name in the file where the elevation information will be recorded. Date field Enter the name of the date field in the file in which the date will be recorded. Time field Enter the name of the field in the file in which the time data will be stored. Time will be recorded in 24 hour format.
Setting up the prompt fields Click the Prompt Fields button to open this dialog box. Each record in the file, in which the GPS Input function will write data, will contain both Prompt Fields (user fields) and fields in which the GPS position information is stored. The Prompt Fields are where the field geologist’s observations are entered. They appear in the Prompts table when you run the GPS Input function. To set up each of the Prompt Fields, do the following: 1.
Move the cursor to the Field column and enter the name of the field for the first prompt.
Choose the Mode of input that will be used for that field.
(Optional) Depending on your selection for Mode, make suitable entries in Increment Value and Default Value. The program will record the Default Value in the entered field. In the case of Increment value, enter the amount by which the value in the same field of the previous record will be incremented, before being entered in the current record.
Continue making entries for each of the Prompt Fields in the file as required. Activate the Close button to complete the operation.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
GPS data formats Choose one of GGA, GLL or RMC from the drop down list. These options represent some of the different data formats GPS receivers are capable of generating. The data formats output by GPS receivers are known as NMEA formats (more correctly these are called NMEA 0183 message formats). There is a wide variety of these in order to accommodate the different positioning tasks for which GPS receivers are used. For details on the data formats of each of these options click on the underlined text: GGA, GLL RMC. The most useful format is GGA. This gives Latitude, Longitude, Elevation and can also output data subjected to differential correction. Normal observations made with a GPS receiver may be in error by up to 100 metres (although most of the time the error is closer to 25 metres). This is due to random errors deliberately introduced by the USAF (which controls the GPS system - NAVSTAR) and other sources of error such as refraction of the signals in the atmosphere. To reduce such errors, a system called differential GPS is used. Differential GPS uses two GPS receivers and a data link (radio) between them. One receiver is positioned at a known point and monitors the errors in the satellite signals. Corrections to eliminate these errors are then transmitted to the other GPS receiver (at the unknown location). These corrections are applied to provide an accurate (generally within a metre) position for the remote GPS receiver. Note: The program must be ‘aware’ of the NMEA format the GPS receiver will output. GPS Input will not work unless the setting made in GPS Input is the same as that made for the GPS receiver.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
RS-232/RS-422 connection Some GPS units are only equipped with an RS-422 serial port, that is, no provision is made for RS232. This obstacle can be overcome either by purchasing an RS-232 to RS-422 converter and placing this in-line or by purchasing (from the GPS supplier) a cable as described below. Before proceeding, ask the GPS supplier for the preferred method for your model. Note that when using RS-422, the XON/XOFF handshaking is often required for flow control because there is often no provision made for hardware control. In most (but not all) cases, an RS-422 port can be connected to an RS-232 port given that the wiring is correct. Always refer to the manual supplied with your GPS receiver before making any connections. The following table shows the connections that may be used: Computer End (RS232)
GPS End (RS-422)
Receive data
Transmit -ve
Signal ground
Signal ground
Signal ground
Receive +ve
Transmit data
Receive -ve
Test the connection thoroughly before proceeding on a field trip where you will be relying on the GPS/Computer interface. Micromine takes no responsibility for damage caused by applying the connections described in the table above. RS-422 to RS-232 converters are available as commercial devices from a variety of manufacturers. Contact Micromine for more information.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Instrument download Overview Instrument Download does two things:
It enables you to collect data directly from instruments such as gravity meters and magnetometers. Such field instruments are connected to the serial port of a computer on which the program is running (the instruments must be capable of serial communications).
It enables you to load and process a text file generated by such an instrument. You will use this approach when the instrument has a data logging facility and you receive the data on disk. In this case, data will have been downloaded from a magnetic tape or memory card (or other media) and saved as a text file on disk.
Instrument Download has been designed for maximum flexibility. Both column formatted and keyed data are accommodated. Header and data fields can be separated. Select Instrument Download from the Tools menu and the Instrument Download dialog form will open. Note: The procedures in this section assume that you have created a file in the program. This is the file in which you will save the data of interest from the instrument. The Process Do the following: 1.
Determine the source of the input data by choosing one of the options in Import method. Choose SERIAL PORT, if you are downloading directly from an instrument, or TEXT FILE if you are reading the data from a file.
If you have selected SERIAL PORT, click on Serial Port and enter the serial port settings so they match those of the connected instrument. Ensure that the selected port is connected to the instrument. Check that the baud rate, parity, word length, stop bits and handshaking all have the same settings as the instrument. Enter a Request string if required. Consult the instrument manual for details.
If you have chosen TEXT FILE as the Input Method, enter the path and name of the file containing the raw data in Input file path.
Enter the Output file path. This is the name and path of a file in which the raw data, as received from the instrument, will be saved. It is recommended that you save the raw data for later processing.
Enter the name of the file in which the data from the instrument will be saved in the program. Choose the Type of file it will be.
Setup the Header processing rules. These define the way in which the incoming data from the serial port or ASCII file will be processed in the Header Fields dialog box. You will only need to do this if you know the data is preceded by a header.
Setup the Data processing rules. These define the way in which the incoming data from the serial port or ASCII file will be processed in the Data Fields dialog box.
Run the function.
Tip: Once the download process is working correctly, save the setup as a Form and include the device name in the title.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Header fields Overview Using the Header Fields dialog box, parts or all of the header information can be imported into a file used by the program. These are saved to nominated fields in the file you have created for the instrument data. Header information usually contains field names, line numbers, time/date stamps, instrument names and equipment locations. This information, or parts of it, may be repeated throughout the data stream. Header information can be column formatted or tagged with a key. A key is some character string, determined by the equipment manufacturer, to identify a certain piece of header data (a tag). A common example of a key and header data occurs every time you enter your name on a form in a bank. The header key is the field NAME; the header data is your name. Header Fields Processing To process Header fields: 1.
Click the Header fields button to open the Header Fields dialog box.
Identify the header data of interest using the instrument manufacturer’s documentation and your knowledge of the file structure. You can open the input file by positioning the cursor in any of the fields in the dialog and right-clicking (F4).
Enter the number of columns that precedes the key in Key Start. This is the number of columns from the start of a line. For example, a value of 5 will mean that the key in the instrumentation file starts at column 5 (five characters in - a space is included as a character).
Enter the key as a character string in Key String. The program will look for this key (in the incoming data) at the location entered in Key Start.
Enter the location of the header data of interest, measured in columns, in Data Start. That is, enter the column offset in the instrument file at which the header text of interest starts.
Enter the length of the header data, measured in columns, in the Data Length prompt. That is, the number of characters that will be imported whenever a key string is found.
Enter the name of the field where the header data will be stored in Target Field. This nominates the field in the file you will have created to save the specific instrument data you require.
Note: By repeating this process, up to 10 items of header data (all with different keys) can be imported into a file.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Data fields Overview Click the Data Fields button to open the Data Fields dialog box. By making appropriate entries in this dialog box, you can extract only the data you require from the entire data set (output by the connected instrument or a Text file). The Data Fields dialog box is split into two parts. The upper part is used to enter Key Definitions and the lower part is where the data fields are defined. Use the Key Definition table to define the type, start position and length of up to three keys. These keys define the conditions that must be met before Instrument Download will accept that row of data as a valid observation. Valid data will be imported into the file. The available key types are: NUMERIC The data key must contain numeric data range in the range 0 - 9 (plus/minus). BLANK Only blank spaces will be accepted as being a key. USER The corresponding Key Value field in the Field Definition table is enabled. You must then enter an alpha/numeric string which will identify a row as being required data. The Field Definition table is used to specify the start position (column) of the data and its length (in columns). If, in the Key Definition table, you have specified that the key values are user defined, you can enter Key values that must precede the required data. The start positions and lengths of the Key values are defined in the Key Definition table. Data fields processing Click the Data Fields button in the Instrument Download dialog form and the Data Fields dialog box will open. Setup the key definitions To define the data keys do the following: 1.
In the Key Definition group, enter the number of columns to the start of the key in Start.
Enter the length of the key (in columns) into Length.
Choose the Type of the data key from the drop down list. The options are NUMERIC, BLANK and USER. If you choose NUMERIC, the data key must contain numeric data range 0 - 9 (plus/minus). If you choose BLANK, only blank spaces will be accepted as being a key. If you choose USER, the corresponding Key Value field in the Field Definition table is enabled. You must enter the alpha/numeric string which will identify a row as being required data.
Repeat these steps for up to three keys. In most cases one will be sufficient.
Setup up the field definitions Use the Field Definitions table to define the start and length of each data item in the input file/stream and the field in the file used by the program in which the data will be stored. To define the data fields, do the following (with the Data Fields dialog box open):
Enter the column at which the data of interest begins in the field headed Start.
Enter the maximum number of columns the data can occupy in the field headed Length. By calculating this value carefully you can deliberately omit information such as coordinate and unit suffixes, for example N, E.
MICROMINE Core – Tools 3.
If you have set any of the key definitions to USER, enter suitable key strings in the Key Value fields. Data is only inserted in the file when the keys indicate that a row is in fact data and not header or other information.
Enter the name of the destination field in the Field response.
Continue making entries in the rows of the Field Definition table as necessary.
Tip : You can open the input file by positioning the cursor in any of the fields in the dialog and right-clicking (F4).
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Instrument Dow nload: example 1 The following is example output from a gravity meter. Typical settings in the Header and Data Field dialog forms are shown: Note: The format of this data has been altered to suit Help. Do not use this data to calculate field widths if downloading data from similar instruments. Maximize the Help window to see the entire table. In example output, the header information is contained in the first 10 lines and the data in lines 1322.
SCINTREX V2.1 AUTOGRAV / Cycling Mode R3.0 Cycle Time: 150 Ser No: 2133. Line: 1. Grid: 2. Job: 12. Date: 93/01/26 Operator: 0. GREF.: 0. mGals Tilt x sensit.: 269.6 GCAL.1: 6853.778 Tilt y sensit.: 301.1 GCAL.2: -96.84 Deg.Latitude: 43.7 TEMPCO.: -0.1348 mGal/mK Deg.Longitude: 79.6 Drift const.: 0.45 GMT Difference: 5.hr Drift Correction Start Time: 15:08:33 Cal.after x samples: 12 Date: 92/12/17 On-Line Tilt Corrected = "*" -----------------------------------------------------------------------Station Grav. ER. Tilt x Tilt y Temp. E.T.C. Dur # Rej Time 10. 5524.81 0.005 -2. 4. 0.01 0.012 120 0 14:11:34 11. 5524.80 0.005 -2. 4. 0.01 0.012 120 0 14:14:05 12. 5524.81 0.004 -2. 4. 0.00 0.012 120 0 14:16:36 13. 5524.81?1.076 -2. 4. 0.00 0.012 120 0 14:19:07 14. 5524.80 0.005 -2. 4. 0.00 0.013 120 0 14:21:38 15. 5524.81 0.004 -2. 4. 0.00 0.013 120 0 14:24:09 16. 5524.80 0.004 -2. 4. 0.00 0.013 120 0 14:26:40 17. 5524.81 0.005 -2. 4. 0.00 0.013 120 0 14:29:11 18. 5524.81 0.005 -2. 4. 0.00 0.013 120 0 14:31:42 19. 5524.79 0.003 -2. 4. 0.00 120 0 14:34:32 Header Field Setup The header information required is the Cycle time, line and grid number, job number and the date of collection. The Target Fields have been named CYCLE, LINE, GRID, JOB and DATE. The keys used for this data in the file header are Cycle Time, Line, Grid, Job and Time. (See the header field.) Enter these in the String column of the Header Fields table. The values in Data Start indicate the columns in which the appropriate piece of information starts and the Data Length indicates the length of the data. The Target Fields contain the names of the fields in the file that will receive the header data. The Header Fields dialog form should resemble that in the following illustration when all the required information is entered.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Data Fields Setup The data to be imported is: Station, Gravity, Tilt X, Tilt Y, Temp. and Dur. All the lines that contain this information start with three blank spaces so the key definition is set to:
Start in column 1
Have a length of three columns and
Have a type of BLANK.
Whenever this key is found, the data defined in the start and length columns of the field definition table will be placed in the fields of the file defined opposite. The Data Fields dialog form should resemble that in the following illustration.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Click on Example 1 file to see how the resulting file should look.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Instrument Dow nload: Example 2 The following example shows the output from an EM instrument. Note: The format of this data has been altered to suit Help. Do not use this data to calculate field widths if downloading data from similar instruments. Maximize the Help window to see the entire table.
SCINTREX V2.0 EM Genie R1.1 Fr.2/Fr.1: 112 / 37 Hz Ser No: 507252. Line: 17600.E Grid: 1. Job: 4126. Date: 90/10/09 Operator: 3123. -----------------------------------------------------------------------Station % Ratio Ampl.2 Ampl.1 RSD.2 RSD.1 Dur/Rej Tilt Sep Time 8175.N 8.5 4773.94 4399.37 0.0 0.1 6/ 0 0 100. 14:14:17 8200.N 9.7 4020.38 3666.30 0.0 0.0 6/ 0 0 100. 14:12:36 8225.N 8.9 3612.81 3316.49 0.0 0.4 6/ 0 0 100. 14:10:56 8250.N 9.4 2955.36 2701.36 0.0 0.1 6/ 0 0 100. 14:08:58 8275.N 8.8 2585.11 2376.85 0.0 0.1 6/ 0 0 100. 14:07:11 8300.N 8.0 2286.51 2116.86 0.0 0.0 6/ 0 0 100. 14:05:24 8325.N 8.7 2025.43 1863.75 0.0 0.1 6/ 0 0 100. 14:03:31 8350.N 7.8 1816.29 1685.23 0.0 0.2 6/ 0 0 100. 14:01:35 8375.N 8.0 1573.76 1457.02 0.1 0.4 6/ 0 0 100. 13:59:49 8400.N 6.5 1403.34 1317.64 0.0 0.1 6/ 0 0 100. 13:58:07
The Header Fields table is constructed as shown in the following illustration.
Note the data for Line is deliberately truncated to exclude the notation E. This is because it is being stored in the field called East in the file.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
The key definition for the data fields is simply one blank space at the start of the line, since only data records have a blank at the start of the line. In the data fields the information in the column headed station is also truncated to exclude the notation N as this data is directed to the Northing field in the file. Click on Example 2 file to see how the resulting file should look. The file has been re-formatted to show the North and East fields with one decimal place.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
How to use ASCII Download The ASCII Download function allows you to download data from devices such as data recorders and digitisers, display the data on the screen and save it in a file. A common application is with digitisers, to confirm that the PC and the digitiser can communicate, and to examine the format of the message sent by the digitiser. The device must be connected to the serial port of your PC. The ASCII Download dialog box lists a number of communications options that you can modify to match those of the device you want to receive data from (for example a digitiser). Enter the same values you used on the digitiser. All values must match exactly. To use the ASCII Download function, follow these steps: 1.
From the Tools menu select ASCII Download.
Choose the name of the serial port. Make sure the digitiser is connected to this port. Most often COM2 is used.
For that serial port, choose :
The baud rate. This controls the speed at which data is transferred.
The parity. This determines the method used to check for errors during transmission.
The Word length. This is the length of each data packet in the transmission.
The number of Stop bits used. This is the number of digits used to control communication.
Choose the Handshaking method. This determines the communications protocol used by the two units. The methods supported by the program are mentioned below.
Enter the Output file name. This is the file where data received from the digitiser will be stored while you are using the ASCII Download function. You can enter any name for the file. If the file already exists, you will be asked if you wish to overwrite it. If you select No, you have the option to enter another file name.
Click OK. ASCII Download is now ready to receive a message.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Coding with colours, hatches and symbols The following topics cover colour coding, hatching and symbols. These functions are covered together because of the similarities in the way that they are applied. Since most processes for colour coding, hatching and symbols are the same, only colour coding is mentioned in the detailed descriptions. When you need to apply different processes for hatching or symbols, it will be explicitly stated. Colour, hatch and symbol sets enable you to code values, points, symbols, and hatching and lines. Colour, hatch and symbol coding is applied according to the values of a field in a file. The application of colour, hatch and symbol sets Colours, hatches and symbols can be used in most displays. They enable you to differentiate changing values in the datasets used to build displays. A drillhole section is a good example of where colours, hatching and symbols can be used. For example, in a single display, you might:
Use a different collar symbol depending on the prefix of the hole ID (DDH*, RC*, RAB* etc.).
Colour code assays according to their value.
Use different hatch patterns to display downhole lithology.
Where you create colour, hatch and symbol sets When you open a colour, hatch or symbol set dialog, you can do two things:
Edit an existing set. Any changes you make will be automatically saved.
Create an entirely new set.
You can open the colour, hatch and symbol set dialogs in two ways:
From a dialog form where you can create a display. This is the most common method.
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From the Tools menu e.g. Tools | Colour sets | Text.
In both cases you will be returned to where you started when you close the dialog where you create or edit the set. The advantage of opening the dialog where you create a colour, hatch or symbol set from a dialog form, is that it will be “aware” of the file you are using to create the display, and the field you are using to control the coding. This means that when you use the tools to automate some of the tasks associated with these functions (e.g. Assign), they will automatically use the names of the file and field with which you are working. There are two types of colour, hatch or symbol set:
Numeric sets.
Text sets.
Note: It is important to remember that sets of colour codes, hatches and symbols are saved in forms. Installing a True Type font The install program will automatically add several True Type fonts to your system. These have been developed at Micromine and can be used by the Hatch and Symbol functions. However, the application can use any TTF™. If you want to add a True Type font to your computer, see the Windows Help accessible from the Start menu. Click the Index tab and enter font. Then select Font, adding to your computer.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Numeric sets You can create numeric sets for colours, hatches and symbols. They are used to allocate colours, hatches and symbols to data divided into numeric ranges. Numeric sets are associated with numeric data fields such as those containing assay values. To create a numeric set, you divide your data into a series of ranges (bins) and allocate a colour, hatch or symbol to each. You can use the Calculate and Assign functions to simplify this task.
Text sets Overview You can create text sets for colours, hatches and symbols. They are used to allocate colours, hatches and symbols to text codes, for example, lithology codes. These text codes must be present in one of the fields of the file with which you are working. You can either use the Assign tool to extract text codes automatically or you can enter them manually. Text sets are always associated with character fields. Creating text sets The following processes describe the steps you will need to take when you are creating text sets. To define a colour, hatch or symbol text set:
Open the colour text set dialog box.
Enter or select the text codes you want to use. Remember that you can use Assign to find all the text codes in the nominated field. You can then select and group these codes into the combinations you require. Use commas to separate text codes in the same row of the text column.
Either use the automatically generated labels or edit them further to suit your requirements. The text that appears in the Label column can be used in the legend frame of a plot.
Allocate a colour, hatch or symbol to each text code.
Click OK and give the text set a title. Click OK again to save the text set.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Selecting the field that will control colour, hatch or symbol application You can use either the display field or another field to control how the display data is colour coded. For example, you may be collecting surface material and sampling it for Nickel and Copper. You could construct a display using the Nickel assay values to control the size of a symbol and the Copper values to control the symbol colour. This way the relationship between the two elements can be easily seen.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Navigating to the colour, hatch and symbol set dialogs You can launch the colour set dialogs in three ways:
From a dialog form where you can create a display. This is the most common method.
From the Tools menu e.g. Tools | Colour sets | Text.
From the File Editor popup menu e.g. Colour Sets | Edit.
In each case you will be returned to where you started when you close the colour set dialog. The advantage of navigating to a colour set dialog from a dialog form, is that the colour set dialog is “aware” of the file you are using to create the display and the field you are using to control the colour coding. This means that when you use the tools to automate some of the tasks (e.g. Assign), they will default to the names of the file and field with which you are working.
Colour sets and the default colour setting The Default colour prompts are located by the other Colour set prompts in a dialog box. To display your data in a single colour, clear the Colour set response and select an appropriate Default colour. The Default colour prompt is always positioned immediately after the Colour set parameters.
Saving colour combinations in palettes To save effort and promote consistency, you can reuse palettes of colours that you have already created. In addition to the palettes you might save, several predefined palettes are supplied with the program. These are retained in the program folder and hence are available to all projects. Selecting colour palettes To select a palette: 1.
Open the colour set dialog box in the normal way.
Click on the Select button.
Select a palette set from the list in the dialog that appears.
Saving colour palettes To save a palette of colours:
Create the palette in the main dialog form.
Click Save, and enter a file name. This is the file that will appear in the selection list.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Hatching using hatch sets Hatches are applied using True Type™ fonts (TTF). There are many advantages associated with implementing hatching as True Type fonts. They include:
The hatches can be scaled and rotated.
The foreground and background colours of a hatch can be controlled.
The colour and line type of the hatch border can be controlled. This is the line that will be drawn around a hatched area such as an outline.
Because True Type fonts are standard in Windows, they are very easy to install.
Note that unlike colour and symbol sets, you cannot save palettes of hatches.
Note: If a suitable hatch is not available in the standard hatch sets provided with the program, you can obtain it from Micromine Pty. Ltd. or a third party. In the dialog where you can select a hatch pattern, the first two hatches are always NO FILL and SOLID no matter which font is selected. NO FILL is used when you do not want to use any fill pattern. When you select NO FILL, Background colour and Font size are disabled though you still have control over the border colour. NO FILL is analogous to the NULL colour in colour sets. The SOLID hatch pattern fills the enclosed area completely with a solid fill. Plotting and printing issues to do with hatches Because True Type fonts are being used, output is restricted to Windows printer drivers (Print Manager). PGL files will only include the hatch border. Some printers will not print the TTF hatching if the hatched polygon is too complex. In such cases set Print text as graphics in the printer options. If you send a plot containing hatches to another computer where the fonts containing those hatches are not installed, the results will be unpredictable.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Hatch sets and the default hatch setting You can define a default hatch pattern when you define a hatch set. The default is required for numeric sets since it is used to hatch missing intervals down a drillhole. To define the default hatch setting for a hatch set, double-click on the box labelled Default in the lower right corner of the dialog box, and then select a hatch from the dialog that appears.
Symbols and symbol sets Like hatches, symbols are also supplied as True Type™ fonts and have the same advantages. Symbols are similar to colours in that they can both be saved in a palette. Palettes are a convenience that let you define groups of symbols from many fonts and keep them in one place. When you create a symbol set, you select symbols from a symbol palette. You can create as many symbol palettes as you like. A file called default.sym is the symbol palette supplied as part of the distribution. It contains symbols from the Symbol font (also supplied as part of the distribution). When you create a display or a plot using, the program takes the font name and index (the position of the symbol in the font) from the symbol palette. If you have given the symbol a name and defined a rotation, it also obtains these from the palette. Note: If you send a plot containing symbols to another computer where the fonts containing those symbols are not installed the result will be difficult to predict.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Saving combinations of symbols in palettes As well as the true type symbol fonts provided with the program, there are a number of other readily available industry fonts. The symbols contained in different fonts can be collated in a symbol palette. This means that you can display symbols with a common theme but from different sources. There is no practical limit on the number of palettes that you create nor is there any limit on the number of symbols in each palette. Note: If a font containing symbols you have included in a palette is removed from the computer, those symbols will not be available until the font is re-installed. Creating a palette of symbols To create a palette of symbols: 1.
Select Tools | Symbol Sets | Numeric (or Text) from the main menu. If you are in a display dialog box, right-click in the Symbol set response.
Double-click on one of the Symbol responses (the column of squares between the Value and Label columns).
Click New in the Palette group. Any symbols in the palette will be cleared.
Click the Add button. The Select Symbol dialog box will be displayed.
Choose the font containing the symbol you require and then click Add. It will be added to the palette.
Continue this process until you have added all the symbols you require.
If you want to select multiple symbols use the Ctrl and Shift keys in conjunction with the mouse just as you would select multiple files in Explorer.
Add a description to each symbol in the palette. This description will appear in the Label column of the symbol set. It will subsequently be included in a plot legend just as with hatch and colour set labels.
You can also define a default rotation for the symbol (clockwise, in degrees). Any subsequent rotations applied to the symbol will be in addition to this default.
10. Click Save. This will save the current palette (the name of the current palette is displayed in the top left corner of the dialog). Using Save As you can save the current palette to any location on the local hard drive or network. Inserting a sym bol It is possible to insert a symbol (or group of symbols) into the current palette. To do this you must choose a symbol and then return to the Select Symbol dialog. Select the symbol immediately after the location of the symbol you are inserting and then click the Insert button. Deleting a symbol You can delete one or more symbols from a palette by selecting them (Ctrl+click to select several symbols), and then click the Delete button or press Delete on the keyboard. Moving a symbol A palette of symbols may contain several symbols you use frequently. For convenience you may want to group these frequently used symbols in the first column or row of the symbol palette. To do this, click over each of the symbols and drag them to the desired location.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Mapping existing symbols to True Type symbols The way that symbols are handled has changed from earlier versions. This version of the software includes a special upgrade program which processes all the dialog forms where you can select a symbol.
The update program manages the upgrade from the old symbols to the new symbols for all users that did not create and use their own symbols. The first fifteen symbols in the (True Type) symbol font are the same as the first fifteen symbols in the standard set of symbols that came with earlier versions. Mapping custom symbols sets to True Type symbols If you did create custom symbols using an earlier version of the software, you may need to take an extra step to make sure that they are mapped correctly. A symbol mapping function can be used to map the old style symbols to the new True Type symbols. Mapping can be applied to all projects, or on a project by project basis. Also, you can save a symbol map as a form set and apply it that way. To open the dialog where you can map old symbols to True Type symbols, select Options | Symbols from the main menu.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Numeric colour/hatch/symbol sets The following processes describe the steps you will need to take to create numeric colour, hatch and symbol sets.
To define a numeric set: 1.
Open the Edit Colour Sets set dialog form or a dialog box, or by selecting Tools | Colour sets | Numeric from the main menu. Take similar steps when you are creating a numeric hatch or symbol set.
Decide on the number of ranges (bins) into which you will divide the data and then enter values that define the limit of each range in the Value column. The ranges you define will appear in the Label column. You can either use the automatically generated labels or edit them further. The contents of the Labels column are for use in the legend frame of a plot.
Alternatively, use the Calculate and Assign tools to divide your data into suitable ranges.
Allocate a colour, hatch or symbol for each range.
Click OK and save the ranges as a form set.
You can clear all values from the colour set by clicking the Clear button. Clicking the New button clears the current values and prompts for Save As info - in other words it creates a new blank set.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Allocating a Colour/Hatch/Symbol to a Range Allocating a colour to a range Once you have entered, assigned or calculated ranges, you can give them a colour. Do this by double-clicking with the cursor over the colour prompt associated with the range.
Then select a colour.
Allocating a hatch to a range Once you have entered, assigned or calculated numeric ranges, you can allocate a hatch to each. Do this by double-clicking with the cursor over the hatch prompt associated with the numeric range.
Then select a hatch pattern.
Allocating a symbol to a range Once you have entered, assigned or calculated numeric ranges, you can allocate a symbol to each. Do this by double-clicking with the cursor over the symbol response associated with the range.
Then select a symbol.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Using Assign to identify and select text codes The Assign function used with colour text sets is different from that used with numeric sets. It includes and can group the text codes in the order you want them to appear in a legend. Do the following: 1.
Click Assign in one of the text set dialog boxes.
Select OK. Assign will locate all the text codes in the nominated field and list them in the Found column of the dialog that appears.
If there is a large number of text codes in the file you may need to group them. You can do this manually or automatically.
To include a code in the text set, highlight it, then click the arrow button. To remove a code from the text set, highlight it, then click the arrow pointing in the other direction.
Transfer all the codes you require from the Found list to the Text list and click OK. The codes will appear in the Text list of the Colour text set dialog.
If you want to group codes on the same line of the text set, select Group and click the arrow button. The highlighted code will be moved to the highlighted line in the Label list. Grouped codes will be given the same colour. You can reposition a code in the list using the Move Up and Move down buttons. When you use Assign, you are not obliged to use all the codes it finds.
Using Calculate to calculate ranges Calculate differs from Assign in that the Min/Max values of a file are not used. Instead in Calculate you specify First and Last values to define the range of values that will be used. To use Calculate: 1.
Click Calculate in the numeric colour sets dialog box.
Enter the lower and upper range limits in First and Last. These will be the values at the extents of the colour range set.
Enter the number of ranges into which the data will be divided.
Click OK to continue.
Allocate a colour to each range.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Border values The Asc/Desc button reverses the order of the colour set. This is useful when you have a preference for the order in which the values will appear in a plot legend. Values occurring on range borders will take the colour defined for the first range.
Changing labels The program automatically generates range labels when you make entries in the Value column of the Numeric sets dialog form. These have the following standard forms: nn.nn to mm.mm, <=nn.nn , >>mm.mm.
Changing the label order from ascending to descending When you want to change the range order from ascending to descending, click the Asc/Desc button. This allows you to reverse the order in which the colour ranges will appear in the legend on a plot.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Inserting and deleting ranges You can insert a new range between two that already exist. 1.
Position the cursor in the Value prompt that will become the upper limit of the new range.
Click the Insert button.
A new range will be inserted in the position before the cursor. Note that the program automatically splits the range you are dividing into two equal size ranges. To delete a range, position the cursor in the entry in the Value column and click Delete. The range will be removed and one that followed moved into its place. The range values will be automatically adjusted.
Setting the number of decimal points used to specify a range You can set the number of decimal points used in the labels by entering a suitable value in the Decimals prompt. Do this before you enter or calculate range values.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
How to use the colour ramping Colour ramping automatically generates graduated colours between two colours. 1.
Select colours for the values at each end of the colour ramp.
Select the check boxes opposite those values.
Click the Colour Ramp button. The colours between those you selected as the extremes will take graduated values.
Only one “colour ramp” can be created at a time. That is, all check boxes between one end of a ramp and the other must be selected. However, by creating them in succession, you can define more than one colour ramp for a colour set. To define colour ramps with very smooth transitions from one range to the next, select Spectrum. If you are using a pen plotter, only select Standard Colours. Tip: Colour ramping and Spectrum should not be used when you intend creating a plot with a pen plotter.
Colour allocation: Range versus spectrum Use Spectrum when you want to create a colour set with very smooth transitions. Each range and its associated colour is divided into eight sub-ranges to create a spectrum. The result is that values falling into one of the sub-ranges are allocated the appropriate “sub-colour”. Tip: Use this feature when you are creating a contour grid map and want the colour transitions between cells to be very smooth.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Text sets Overview You can create text sets for colours, hatches and symbols. They are used to allocate colours, hatches and symbols to text codes, for example, lithology codes. These text codes must be present in one of the fields of the file with which you are working. You can either use the Assign tool to extract text codes automatically or you can enter them manually. Text sets are always associated with character fields. Creating text sets The following processes describe the steps you will need to take when you are creating text sets. To define a colour, hatch or symbol text set: 1.
Open the colour text set dialog box.
Enter or select the text codes you want to use. Remember that you can use Assign to find all the text codes in the nominated field. You can then select and group these codes into the combinations you require. Use commas to separate text codes in the same row of the text column.
Either use the automatically generated labels or edit them further to suit your requirements. The text that appears in the Label column can be used in the legend frame of a plot.
Allocate a colour, hatch or symbol to each text code.
Click OK and give the text set a title. Click OK again to save the text set.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
Using Assign to identify and select text codes The Assign function used with colour text sets is different from that used with numeric sets. It includes and can group the text codes in the order you want them to appear in a legend. Do the following: 1.
Click Assign in one of the text set dialog boxes.
Select OK. Assign will locate all the text codes in the nominated field and list them in the Found column of the dialog that appears.
If there is a large number of text codes in the file you may need to group them. You can do this manually or automatically.
To include a code in the text set, highlight it, then click the arrow button. To remove a code from the text set, highlight it, then click the arrow pointing in the other direction.
Transfer all the codes you require from the Found list to the Text list and click OK. The codes will appear in the Text list of the Colour text set dialog.
If you want to group codes on the same line of the text set, select Group and click the arrow button. The highlighted code will be moved to the highlighted line in the Label list. Grouped codes will be given the same colour. You can reposition a code in the list using the Move Up and Move down buttons. When you use Assign, you are not obliged to use all the codes it finds.
Auto grouping text codes To auto group text codes:
Click on Auto Group and enter the number of characters that will be used to group the codes. For example, if you enter 2, all codes that begin with the same two characters will be grouped together in the Found list.
Click OK and the codes will be grouped on that basis.
You can then transfer the codes into the Text list for use in the text set.
MICROMINE Core – Tools
How auto labelling works with text codes Automatic labelling in the text set dialogs works in the following way:
If a Label response is blank and you make an entry in the Text column, the Label response will automatically reflect the entry.
Making a change in the Text column will not affect the Label column.
To make an entry in the Label column the same as the corresponding entry in the Text column, double-click in the Label column.
Using Wildcards with Text Sets Wildcards can also be applied to the text codes to control which codes are included. The colour text sets example that follows demonstrate the correct and incorrect use of wildcards.
In this case Agn will be allocated a colour while all remaining codes beginning with Ag will be given the next colour. This is a good way of differentiating a single code from others that are similar.
In this example wildcards are used incorrectly. Agn will be given the same colour as all of the other codes beginning with Ag.
This happens because the program processes the text set from top to bottom. This should be remembered when using the Asc/Desc function. Note: Operations involving hatch sets are virtually identical to those with colour sets. For this reason a separate explanation is not given.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Using M acros A macro is a list of instructions you prepare that allow the system to perform a sequence of commands without further input. Once a macro is set up, you can run it repeatedly without intervention. You can include any function that appears on a menu as an instruction in a macro. For a list of macro processes as they appear on the main menu see Macro processes. Use macros to perform tasks such as:
Speed up repetitive tasks e.g. generating plot files, assigning outlines and calculating ore estimates.
Automate complex tasks by combining multiple commands.
Help with regular report generation.
Plot a series of files.
Toolbox The MICROMINE Toolbox provides a way to run processes that are not available as a single function. The Toolbox project contains a set of macros that can be used to manipulate data in any of your working projects. You invoke a Toolbox process by opening the Toolbox project and then running the appropriate macro.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Using M acro functions There are some functions on the system that you cannot save in a form in the normal way. For example Utilities on the File menu. You can still use these in macros by selecting them from the Macro Functions on the Tools menu. Macro functions allow you to create a form for functions that are not normally associated with a form. To use any of the macro functions: 1.
Select the function you require from the Tools | Macro Functions menu. A dialog is displayed.
Complete the dialog and save it in a forms.
You can now create a macro file as normal and run it. Note that you can use replaceable parameters with macro functions. See Using replaceable parameters.
Macro functions The headings below list the name of the functions in the Tools | Macro Functions menu. The macro names as they will appear in the Process column of the macro instruction table are listed beside them. Run Batch - RUN Use this command to run a batch file or another program from within a program. Copy file - FCOPY Same as in File | Utilities. Delete file - FDELETE Same as in File | Utilities . Rename File - FRENAME Same as in File | Utilities . Delete Data - DELDATA Same as in File | Utilities . Modify Structure - MODIFY Same as the File | Modify function. File Report - REPORT Use this function to send a file to the default printer. Select Printer - PRINTER Use this function to change a printer/plotter and its parameters within a macro. Substitution Table - MACSUB Use this function to define a form set of substitution values that can then be substituted in macro instructions. Call Macro - CALLMAC This function is used in a macro file to call a macro in a form (Nesting). The macro you pass to CALLMAC will run. When it is complete, the main macro will continue. Only one level of nesting is possible. That is, the macro in the form you pass to CALLMAC cannot contain another macro.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Steps in running a macro Using macros is a three step process: 1.
Prepare all dialog boxes that will be accessed by the macro and save them.
Create a macro file containing instructions to call those dialogs.
Run the macro and check its output.
Setting up dialogs Before you can run a macro you must set up all the dialogs that will be called by the macro and save them in forms. Procedure: 1.
Select the required menu item and prepare the dialog box to produce the appropriate display or process. If possible, test it by running it manually.
If you want to execute the dialog repeatedly, with different values, insert replaceable parameters in the prompt fields that are to be changed. These will then be replaced with actual values when the dialog is called from the macro. See Using replaceable parameters. You can enter some parameters while the macro is executing. See Entering parameters during execution.
Save the dialog (including the replaceable parameters) in a form with a number and a name. For details on how to use forms see Forms.
Some functions do not normally have a form associated with them. You can still use these in macros by using Macro functions.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Run Macro Running a macro means executing the commands stored in the macro file. You do not run the macro file itself, but call the file from the Run Macro dialog.
You can include up to 42 macro files in the one run (with each file containing several instructions). This allows you to create smaller files, which are easier to test, and then combine them to create complex operations. You can also skip the first entries in the list and execute from a certain step onwards. To run your macro, follow these steps: 1.
Select Macros | Run from the Tools menu.
Enter the names of all the macro files you want to execute. They will be processed in the order you enter them.
Select the Start button to indicate the file at which you want to begin. All the files before it will be ignored.
Enter the name for the report file where you want to store the results of this run. A new file will automatically be created with the extension MOF. You should check this file after the macro has run, to see if there were any problems during the execution.
To minimise the Run Macro dialog to an icon during the execution of the macro, select Run minimised?
Click Run and the macros will be processed.
The run will commence at the first instruction in the macro file adjacent to the selected the Start At button. However, if you want to start the process part way through a macro file, you can enter a value in the Start process prompt. The number you enter in Start process corresponds to the number of a record in the first macro file that will be used in the run. If you enter a number that is greater than the number of instructions (records) in the start macro file, the entire process will begin from the next macro file. If the process is interrupted, the number of the next instruction to be executed will be displayed in the Start process response. The process will recommence from that point. Toolbox The Toolbox project provides a way to run processes that are not available as a single function and comprises a set of macros that can be used to manipulate data in any of your working projects. You invoke a Toolbox process by opening the Toolbox project and then running the appropriate macro. 361
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Creating a Macro File A macro file contains instructions that call the forms you saved earlier. It can also contain some special commands. Start by creating a new file. All macro files have a similar structure; not all fields are required. However, the fields that are present must be in a specific order, which you should not change. Use the functions on the Macro menu, not the Files menu, to create the correct structure for you. You can create the default structure for a macro file (which contains all the required fields), or use a template to copy the structure (and optionally the data) from an existing file. To create a new macro file with the default file structure do the following: 1.
Select the Tools | Macros | New menu option.
Enter a filename and optional title (up to 40 characters).
Clear the Use template check box and click OK. A file of type MACRO is created.
To create a new macro based on an existing file follow these steps: 1.
Select the Tools | Macros | New menu option.
Enter a filename and optional title.
Select the Use template check box and click the templates button.
Complete the entries as required. If you also want to copy the data, select Copy data ?.
Click Close and then OK. The program now creates a file with the same structure as the template you selected.
You can also use an existing m acro file to enter your instructions: 1.
Select the Tools | Macros | Open menu option.
Select an option from the Mode box.
Select the file and click Open, or double-click on the file name in the selection box.
To open an existing m acro file from the File menu follow these steps: 1.
Select the File | Open menu option.
Select the MACRO Type.
Select an option from the Mode box.
Select the file and click OK, or double-click on the file name in the selection box.
The file structure that is created has fields that are used differently depending on the instruction you use. For a description of the fields in a standard macro file see The macro file structure. For details on the available commands see Editing a macro. After the file is opened, the first field is selected and waiting for your input. For information on how to enter data into the fields see Editing a macro.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
How to interrupt processing Once the macro starts, the number of the process currently executing is displayed at the top of the screen. When you run the macro minimised, this message is not displayed, but can be seen by moving the cursor over the minimised icon on the bottom of the screen. You can permanently halt processing at any time by pressing the Escape key. When processing is finished (successfully or not) you will be returned to the Run Macro window. The Start Process box will indicate the next step to be executed. If the execution was successful, this will be reset to one. If you want to see if there were any errors during the execution, right-click on the report file. The report lists all the processes in each macro file that was executed, indicating if there was a problem.
Editing a macro You can enter two types of instructions in a macro file:
dialogs previously saved in a form.
Special commands.
Saved dialogs These are the most common instructions. Any function available in the program can operate as a macro. However, if you want to perform some file operations (like import/export, validate, calculate, etc.) you must do so using the dialogs on the main file menu; macros cannot be used in the file editor. You may enter instructions in the macro file in any order; they will be executed one at a time in the order you entered them. All the necessary information for each instruction must be entered in a single record in the macro file. Special commands Some instructions are available that do not refer to a saved dialog. You will generally use these to control the processing of the macro itself, for example ABORT, or to ensure readability, like COMMENT. ABORT Terminates the macro when an error occurs. BEEP Sounds the computer speaker. COMMENT Includes a comment line in the macro (see use of { and }). PLOTDEF Enables you to call a form with Plot file Defaults. You can access the Plot file Defaults by clicking the Edit Defaults button, which is shown whenever you generate a plot file ! Behaves like a comment. You can also use it to ‘hide’ an instruction. {...} Same as a comment but ‘hides’ all records including those on which the braces are located. Used to “comment out” several instructions.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Entering instructions When you open a macro file, or create a new one, all the file editing facilities of the File Editor are available. However, there are some important differences in how you can use the F3 and F4 function keys. These are discussed below. You enter the instructions you want to perform in the Process field and then complete the other fields, which depend on the Process you selected. You can either type in the Process or press the F3 key. The F3 key gives you access to the Process code of each function that appears on a menu in the system. When you press F3 with the cursor over the Process field, a flyout menu appears with the same menu items as the menu line on the main menu of the program.
Some entries have an arrow beside them. They are menus themselves. When you move the cursor over an item with an arrow, a further menu appears.
Entries that have no arrow, represent the function of the corresponding dialog.
To enter a process code: 1.
Make sure the cursor is on the Process field.
Press F3 and move the cursor over the menus until you get to the item you want.
Click to select the menu item. The appropriate process code is automatically entered in the Process field.
You must set up the dialogs that you want the macro to call. If you have not already done so, you can do it here (after you complete the process field), by pressing F4 on any field. This brings up the dialog corresponding to the function you entered in the Process field. When you have completed the dialog, remember to save it in a forms. Once you complete the Process field, you can continue with the other fields.
Move the cursor to the Form field.
Enter the number of the form where the dialog is saved. You can also press F3, which will display a list of the available forms.
Complete the other fields as required. These are described in The macro file structure.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
The macro file structure When you create a new macro file using the default structure, it will contain all the fields mentioned below. They are used differently depending on the instruction that you enter, and not all are required for each instruction. The Process field is compulsory. All other fields are optional depending on the instruction you want to execute. Because the system determines the purpose of each field by its position, not by its name, you may give the fields any name you want. However, the fields that are present must be specified in the correct order; that is, if you need to include the BMP field, it must be the fourth field in the macro file. Note that some commands use fields in a non-standard way. For example, when using the ABORT command the Form field should not contain the number of a form set, but either YES or NO to indicate whether the macro should abort or not when errors occur. For a list of macro processes as they appear on the main menu see Macro processes. For a list of the commands that use fields in a non standard way see The fields in a macro file.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
The fields in a macro file Process This is the name of the instruction you want to perform either a dialog or a command. Form This is the number of the form that contains a saved dialog. For certain commands this field is used to define data other than the form number. PLT file The name or number of a plot file. If the instruction outputs a plot file, type the filename here. When you enter a number between 0 and 999, the name is created from the first five characters of the process code, and the number appended. A number not between 0 to 999 will be treated as text and will be used as the file name. BMP file The name or number of a bitmap file to which you can dump the screen. This is similar to the Display | Dump option that is available on the menu of all dialogs. When you enter a number, the filename is formed in the same way as for PLT files. Append ROP Define if you want to append a report, a plot or other output file. To append a report type R; to append a plot file type P. To append any other output file type O. You can use these in any combination, for example RO, POR, etc. Par This field is used by some macro instructions to pass values that are not mentioned in a dialog. %1 to % 15 Up to fifteen replaceable parameters. These must correspond to the parameters you entered in the dialogs. Some commands use fields differently from the way described above.
Following is a list of the commands that use fields in a non standard way: Items in [brackets] are optional. Where you can choose from several parameters, these are separated by a slash.
FUNCTION: Abort processing of the macro. Process Form ABORT YES/NO Enter YES or NO in the Form field to indicate if the macro should abort when an error occurs.
FUNCTION: Sound the computer audio tone. Process Form BEEP Number In the Form field enter the number of times that you want to sound the computer’s audio tone.
FUNCTION: Draw contours. Process Form Plot File BMP File Append-ROP PAR CONTDISP
When you run the Display Contours function manually (that is, not via a macro), you will be asked if you want to reload (min/max, grid spacing) values. When running a macro, this is not done. Placing a “yes” in the Par field will force these values to be reloaded when you have substituted the grid file name with a replaceable parameter.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
FUNCTION: Plot a file. Process Form Plot File BMP File Append-ROP PAR PLOT
In the Plot File field enter the output file name. In the Append field optionally enter the letter P to indicate that a DXF file is to be displayed in paper units. In the Par field enter the media type to use (default is SINGLE).
FUNCTION: Traverse adjustment. Process Form Plot File BMP File Append-ROP PAR TRAVERSE
first-bearing, closing-bearing
In the PAR field enter the initial reference bearing and the closing reference bearing, separated by commas or spaces.
FUNCTION: Polygonal Section models. Process Form Plot File BMP File Append-ROP PAR DHMNSEC
In the PAR field, enter the name of the model (A – Z) you want to load.
Entering parameters during execution When you are setting up the dialogs that you want to call from a macro, you may not have all the information at hand to complete each entry. For example, when you are preparing the dialogs and macros in preparation for a field trip, you may not have all the data until you are on-site. However, you can still set up the dialogs and macro files. In the prompts that you do not want to complete, type in a question mark. When you execute the macro file later, execution will pause whenever a question mark is encountered. The dialog is then displayed allowing you to enter the missing values. See How to handle incomplete dialogs.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
How to handle incomplete dialogs The processing of macros will also pause when a dialog contains a question mark in any of the prompt fields. This allows you to enter information which you may not have had access to when you prepared the dialogs. See Entering parameters during execution. When the system halts, the dialog containing the question mark is displayed and the cursor positioned on the prompt requiring an entry. If the dialog was accessed from another dialog then that is also displayed. For example: If you set up a macro for a Drillhole section display, but don’t know one of the display limits, you can enter a question mark for it. When the program halts, both the Drill hole dialog and the Display Limits dialog are displayed. To continue processing 1.
Replace the question mark with an appropriate value. The program will not continue unless the question mark is replaced. At the same time you can also change any of the other prompts. They will be used during the current process, but are not saved to the form.
Press the Escape button (or click Continue). Processing continues. If there are anymore question marks, the system will pause at the next one.
To stop processing altogether Your action depends on which dialog is displayed:
A dialog that represents a function. That is, a dialog that corresponds to the process code you entered in the macro file. For example Multiview. To stop processing, press the Cancel button.
A dialog that is accessed from another dialog. For example, the Display Limits dialog in Multiview.
To stop processing:
Leave the question mark and press Escape or Continue. You return to the next higher dialog. In the example above of Display limits, the Display limits dialog disappears and only the Multiview dialog remains.
Press Cancel.
MICROMINE Core – Macros
Using replaceable parameters If you want to execute the same dialog with different input, you can save several forms, and call each one with a macro instruction. However there is a more efficient way; replaceable parameters. Replaceable parameters enable you to setup a dialog once and then use it repeatedly in a macro with different input parameters. For example, the section coordinate when you are generating multiple sections. You can take two different approaches depending on what you want to achieve:
Pass parameters.
Substitution parameters.
Pass parameters Pass parameters operate on saved dialog forms. To use them you must setup the dialog form with the data that is to remain fixed. For each parameter you want to change, type in one of the pass parameters % 1 to %15, instead of a fixed value. When you call the dialog from the macro, the values in the corresponding Par fields (%1 to % 15) in the macro record are passed to the function. You still have to use a macro instruction for each execution of the dialog, but you only have to set up the dialog once. For example, if you want to create a series of drill section plots using Normal Sections in the Dhole menu, you need to change the Section coordinate parameter. With replaceable parameters, you set up the dialog from once. Where you would normally enter the section coordinate, type in %1. In the macro file, enter the instruction that calls the dialog, for each section. In the field called %1, enter the actual section value. Substitution parameters Substitution parameters operate on macro files. To use them you must create a table of codes and corresponding values in Tools | Macros | Substitution Table. The substitution table consists of 34 rows. It has a column of codes (@) and corresponding values (Substitution). Once you have filled out this table, save it as a form set for the MACSUB function. The substitution values defined in the MACSUB form apply to all subsequent records in the macro file - until another MACSUB function is entered. For example, in the Macro Substitutions form you could define @X1 and 10730 and @X2 as 10750 and so on for all the sections.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Options The environment settings in the program allow you to customize the appearance and operation of the program. Default values, used to fill in blank forms, are specified here. The options also define the type of plotter attached to your computer and the way the program plot files will be handled when they are output to the plotter (or a printer configured as a plotter). Environment settings can be made for: System
Select general system settings and display proportions.
Colours & Fonts
Select the default colours and fonts that will be used for various prompts, in the display and for the 3D Viewer.
File Editor
Select the font and text colour that will be used in the File Editor; define the appearance of the tables; select a default text viewer.
(Dialogue boxes) Nominate default entries for prompts common throughout the program.
Define plot defaults such as the communication parameters, colours for display and plotter, and so on. These will be saved in the plot file you create in one of the program functions.
Define your digitiser communications settings.
Select your default symbol set.
Once you have setup your working environment, further modification will normally not be required. However, if you need to change the environment settings regularly, use the Forms tool to load saved parameters sets. Even if you do not expect to use different environment settings, MICROMINE recommends that you save any changes you make to standard settings as a new form set.
MICROMINE Core – Options
System environment settings System environment settings are used to establish global default settings that will affect the operation of the program. Available options are:
Auto-load last project
Show Watermark
Send deleted files to recycle bin If this option is selected, deleted files will be sent to the WINDOWS recycle bin rather than be permanently deleted. Note that this only applies to projects on a local drive - it will not affect files on a network drive. This option is recommended.
Display Margin (% )
Zoom in by
Display X = Y
MICROMINE Core – Options
Saving parameters in forms One of the key features of the program is the ability to save the contents of dialog forms (boxes) in form sets. Form sets save the parameters in dialog forms and dialog boxes. They are used to save filters, macros, sets of outline files, and colour and hatch sets. However their use is not restricted to implementing these functions. You can use form sets to save the parameters in nearly all dialogs in the program. These parameters can then be recalled whenever you want to perform a similar task. The advantages of form sets are:
They promote reusability by enabling you to save the parameters in any functions you use often. For example, a local to national grid transformation.
They make it easy to produce consistent output. By using the same form set for a task, you can ensure the output will always be similar.
They make it easy to return to original settings. This is particularly useful when you are experimenting with different values in a function.
You can export form sets to other projects or remote systems. This helps promote reusability.
The hierarchy of saved parameters When you save the parameters in a dialog as a form set, you are also saving all the dialog boxes beneath that level for that function. The Multiview dialog form (shown in the illustration) is a good example. When you save the main Multiview dialog form as a form set, the contents of all the dialog boxes, such as those in the Display Options group are saved in that form set. References to other functions such as filters, colour sets and so on are also saved in the form set. You can see these references in the Embedded Sets tab in the form properties.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Defining global, local, and personal form sets To use personal form sets, you must define the name of the folder where the personal form sets databases will be created. To use global form sets you need to identify the folder where your system administrator has located the global form sets database. To create a global form sets database there are several options, each of which is described below. To use local form sets, you do not need to take any steps to create the database in which they will be stored. This process is performed automatically by the program. Defining personal form sets Do the following: 1.
Select Options | Form Sets from the main menu.
Select Use personal form sets.
Enter the name (a maximum of 8 characters) of your personal forms sets sub-folder and click Close. (Press F3 to select a folder.)
Return to the main menu. Note that the name of your personal form sets sub-folder will appear on the menu bar.
Once you have selected Use Personal Form sets and made the subsequent entries, a personal form set will be created for all projects you select, create or attach. When you delete a project, any personal form sets will also be deleted. Selecting a global form set Once your organization has created a global form set, you will only need to connect to it. To do this: 1.
Select Options | Form Sets from the main menu.
Select Use global form set and then navigate to folder containing the form set you require.
Click Close to continue.
Creating a global form set When you create a new global form set, you can control which form sets database the program uses. The alternatives are:
Use the empty form sets database. This is the database that is used each time you create a new project.
Use a form sets database from another project.
Copy a form sets database from another location. Not recommended for inexperienced users.
When you begin the process of creating global form sets, it may be expedient to use form sets from another project keeping those that can be used and discarding those that can’t. If you do not have access to any suitable form sets you will have to take the first alternative and create a new, empty forms sets database. To create a new global form set: 1.
Select Options | Form Sets from the main menu.
Select Use global form set and then navigate to the folder where you want to store the form set. Often this will be a network folder.
Click Close and the Create Global Form Sets dialog box will appear. Either:
MICROMINE Core – Options Select Default database files if you want to create a new, empty form sets database. Select Existing project database and choose a project from the adjacent list. Only projects that is aware of will be present in the list. To make other projects visible you can attach them (File | Project | Attach). 4.
Click Create.
Personal form sets Use this prompt to create a personal form set within a project folder. To do this: 1.
Select Options | Form Sets on the main menu.
Select the Use personal form sets? check-box.
Enter a name (a maximum of 8 characters) which will be used as the private parameter folder within the project folder. The first time the parameter files are used, this folder will be created and the current parameter files from the project folder will be copied into the new folder.
Note: If this field is blank, you can select a folder by pressing F3. From this field click the right mouse button to display a pop up menu that allows renaming and deleting of the currently selected private folder. There are no restrictions as to how many private folders a project can have. Note: ALL projects will create the current private forms folder. In the main title bar of MICROMINE, the private folder is added in square brackets after the project name. e.g. MICROMINE PROJECT: demo1 [john]
MICROMINE Core – Options
Forms environment settings The names specified here are automatically posted to the appropriate response fields in a dialog whenever a new file is selected. The program checks field names in a dialog that: a) are specified in the Forms Options and, b) relate to the selected file. If the currently defined field exists in the file, nothing is done. If the currently defined field does not exist in the file (or the response is blank), then:
If the field name defined in the Forms Options exists, that value will be automatically selected.
If there is no exact match, the first field in the file that ‘contains’ the defined name, is automatically selected. For example, if in the Forms Options the name for the Easting field is EAST and this field does not exist in the file, then the first field that has the text ‘EAST’ in its name (e.g. EASTING or AMG_EAST), will be selected.
If there is no matching field the response will be blanked.
Any fields that are left blank in the Forms Options, will be ignored when a new file is selected. If any new fields affect the display limits, these will be recalculated; as will grid spacings. Enter the name of the field, used by files in this project, that contains drillhole names.
Accessing forms How you open the forms dialog box depends on where you are in the program.
In dialog forms, select Forms from the main menu or click the Forms button on the toolbar.
In dialog boxes, click the Forms button.
Using the forms tools The processes involved with form sets are the same no matter what type of form set you are using – local, global or personal. How you open the Forms dialog box depends on where you are in the program. In dialog forms, select Forms from the main menu or click the Forms button on the toolbar. In dialog boxes, click the Forms button.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Saving a form set Once you have entered parameters in a dialog form, you can save them as a form set. How you do this depends on the circumstances. If the parameters in the dialog form are the default set, that is, you have not opened a form set since entering the dialog, then: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
Click the Save As button.
Enter a title for the form set. The program will find the first available number and enter that in the ID response.
You can change this to any number between 1 and 999 (inclusive). If the number you enter is already in use, you will be notified and given the opportunity to change it. 4.
Click OK to complete the process.
If you have already opened a form set, edited it, and then want to save the changes: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
The highlight will appear over the form set currently in use. 2.
Click the Save button. A message box will appear requesting you confirm that you want to overwrite the form set with the edited values.
You can also click the New button and the Form Sets function will allocate the next free number or enter a number you know has not been allocated. 3.
Click Yes to complete the process.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Form set properties A useful feature associated with form sets is that you can save metadata that describes the characteristics, authors, associated files and embedded sets associated with the form set. This data can be useful when you need to keep track of the contents of form sets and recent changes made to them. To open the dialog where you can edit the properties of a form, click the Properties button in the Form Set dialog box. The contents of each of the tabs in the dialog are covered in the following paragraphs. Set characteristics
Set ID
The unique identifier of the form set.
Set title
The title of the form set. Up to 250 characters in length.
Records the name of the function where the form set has been created.
Database path
Records the location of the form sets database that contains the selected form. This is particularly useful when you are using global form sets and need to check the name of the form set database.
Notes describing the form set. You can use up to 1024 characters.
Created by
Records the name of the author defined in the system settings - see Options | Form Sets.
Created date
Records the date when the form set was created
Edited by
Records the name of the author defined in the system settings - see Options | Form Sets.
Edit date
Records the date when the form set was last edited.
Lists all the files referenced by the form.
Embedded sets
ID, Title, Type
Lists all other referenced form sets for example, filters, colour sets, symbols sets.
MICROMINE Core – Options Specifying the nam e of the form set author You can define where the program will obtain the name of the form set author in the Options | Form Sets dialog. To do this: 1.
Select Options | Form Sets from the main menu.
Select one of the following options in the Properties group.
Use network logon name
When you save a form set, your logon name will be entered in the Author field.
Prompt on each save
Whenever you save a form set you will be prompted to enter your name. Use this option when there is more than one person editing form sets.
Prompt on first save
When you first save a form set you will be prompted to enter your name.
Define user name
When you select this option the Defined user name option is enabled. Enter your name in this response.
Opening a form When you open a form set, the parameters saved within it will be loaded into the open dialog box. To open a form set: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
Select the form in the list by clicking when the mouse pointer is over the name of the form you want to open.
Click the Open button.
The parameters in the form set will be loaded.
Note that you will only be able to select forms for the current dialog box.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Renaming a form set To give a form set a new name: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
Select a form in the list by clicking when the mouse pointer is over its name.
Click the Rename button.
Enter the new title.
Click OK.
Deleting form sets To delete one or more form sets: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
Select the form in the list by clicking when the mouse pointer is over the name of the form you want to delete.
To delete more than one form set, hold the Ctrl key down while clicking over their names, and then click the Delete button.
Save a form set with a new number In addition to saving a new form set, you can use Save As to save an existing form set with a new name and number. This is useful when you already have a form set in which most of the settings are correct for a given task. In this case, open the existing form set, change some parameters, and then use Save As to give it a new name and number. To do this: 1.
Click the Forms button or select Forms from the main menu.
Select the form in the list by clicking with the mouse pointer over its name.
Click the Save As button.
Enter a new title and number. Click New to automatically assign the first available number. You can change this if necessary.
Click OK to complete the process.
If you only want to change the name of the form set, use Rename.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Exporting form sets There are two ways of exporting form sets:
You can export a form set to a special file (default.set) in the program folder. From there it can easily be imported into other projects.
You can also export a form set to any folder. In this case you must give the form set a name. This is useful when the form set is not for a global application or you want to make it accessible to other users. For example, copying it to floppy disk and sending it to a remote site or system.
Exporting form sets Do the following: 1.
Select a function, for example, Dhole | Normal Section.
Select Forms from the menu.
Select the forms you want to export and then click Export.
Either accept the default.set file name and installation directory or navigate to another location and save the file as default.set or with another name.
Click OK to complete the process.
Exporting layout sets from the Plot Editor Layout sets are a special type of form set. You can use them to export an entire set of layouts from the Plot Editor.
Importing form sets Do the following: 1.
Select a function from the main menu.
Select Forms from the menu.
Click the Import button (only forms for the current function are displayed).
Either choose the default.set file or navigate to the set file you require.
Highlight the form set you want to import.
Click the Import button.
Note: The form set(s) will appear in the list of available forms. Note that imported form sets will not overwrite existing sets with the same name but different contents.
MICROMINE Core – Options
System parameters System parameters are saved for such things as paper sizes and environment settings. These are stored in the application folder in the file fldval81.bdb. The contents of the following dialog boxes are saved as system parameters. Dialog box
Accessible from
System Options
Options | System
Forms Options
Options | Forms
Form Sets Options
Options | Form Sets
Plot Options
Options | Plot
Pen Map
Options | Plot
Colours & Fonts Options
Options | Colours & Fonts
Editor Options
Options | Editor
Digitiser Options
Options | Digitiser
Symbols Setup
Options | Symbols
Paper Settings
Options | Plot
Paper Size
Plot | Plot Editor
Colour Select
Colour sets forms and Default colour prompt
When you create a new project, another form sets database file is created in the project folder. This file is also given the name fldval81.bdb and will contain the local form sets for the project.
Forms and macros Any of the functions you can perform from a dialog box can also be executed using a macro. Form sets are an intrinsic part of the macro functionality. Before you can create a macro, you must enter parameters in the functions that will be used by the macro and then save them as form sets. The macro then references the form sets and uses the parameters stored within them. Note: Local and Global form sets are numbered from 1–999. When you select a Global form set in a macro, 1000 is prepended to the form set number. When the program sees the four digit number, it knows that it is dealing with a global form set.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Setting up the digitiser There are two ways to communicate with a digitiser :
By using a WinTab driver. This software driver is supplied with most modern digitisers and offers the easiest way to get the digitiser up and running. Before you can use this driver you must install it, and then select Use WinTab driver in Options | Digitiser.
By defining transmission parameters so that the unit can communicate with your PC. This approach may be necessary with older plotters. Before proceeding, check if there is a WinTab driver available on your plotter manufacturer’s Internet site.
If you do not use a WinTab driver you must define the transmission parameters before using the digitiser, so that the unit can communicate with your PC. The following topics guide you through the steps required for the second option - to setup the transmission parameters and determine the transmission format. To establish that the digitiser works with your PC and the program, do the following : 1.
Connect the digitiser to your PC and establish communications. See Establishing communications.
Determine the exact format of the information sent by the digitiser. See Determining the output format.
Set-up the digitiser environment in the program. This involves specifying the digitiser transmission format as an input mask to the PC. See Setting up the digitiser environment.
You need only perform these steps once. Once the Digitiser is working, you must set it up in the digitising function you are using. You will probably have to do this for each digitising session. This is summarised in the following steps.
You must define the plot size, so that it can be reproduced on the screen. See Setting up display limits.
Establish a relationship between the grid system of the digitiser tablet and the one on the plot. See Correlating the digitiser and plot grids.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Using the digitiser A digitiser can be used to create strings or outlines in a display. Before you can begin using the digitiser, you must ensure that it is connected and it is correctly set-up. Digitiser set-up can be divided into two stages:
Defining the serial connection and an input mask, or selecting the WinTab driver for the digitiser.
Correlating the digitiser and the display grids.
To set-up the digitiser: 1.
Select Options | Digitiser and either define the serial connection and an input mask, or select Use WinTab driver.
Open an Outline or String menu in one of the displays and select Digitiser | Use.
The message "Do you want to setup the digitiser" will appear. This part of the setup is the process of registering points on the digitiser tablet. This process is covered in Correlating the digitiser and display grids.
Begin digitising.
Tip: Many digitisers will not work unless you turn the digitiser on before you start the computer to which it is connected.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Determining the digitiser output format Each time you press a button on the digitiser, information is sent to the PC. Depending on your digitiser this can contain:
a button code of one or two characters,
the X coordinate of four or five digits,
the Y coordinate of four or five digits,
a carriage return character,
a line feed character.
You must know the exact format of this information - the length and position of each field. Spaces must also be accounted for. This information is usually contained in the Digitiser manual. If it isn’t, you can capture it using a Terminal program like Hyper Terminal, or a communications program such as XTalk or Procomm. You can use the ASCII Download function on the Tools menu to:
confirm that the PC and digitiser can communicate.
examine the format of the message sent by the digitiser.
The ASCII Download function allows you to download a test message from the digitiser to a file on your PC, which you can then examine.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Setting up the digitiser environment Two approaches are possible.
If you have installed the WinTab driver supplied with your digitiser, select Use WinTab driver. You will be able to setup the digitiser in the display.
Once you have entered the digitiser parameters, select Options | Digitiser and enter the communications parameters (speed, parity, protocol, etc.) and the output format of the digitiser. You need only do this once. See Options | Digitiser.
Setting up display limits After you have set up the environment you must define the size of the grid that you intend to digitise, so it can be reproduced on the screen. You do this from the dialog box where you use the digitiser function.
Correlating the digitiser and display grids When you use any of the digitising functions you must establish the relationship between the grid of the digitiser tablet and the grid on your display. For more information, refer to the Correlating the digitiser in Vizex topic. A digitiser tablet has its own internal grid, and the cursor of the digitiser can detect its location on this grid. So that the system can convert the coordinates on the digitiser grid to display coordinates, you must first assign coordinates to two or more reference points. To do this: 1.
Select Digitiser | Use from the Outline or String display menu and click Yes when the message "Do you want to set-up the digitiser" appears, or select Digitiser | Setup (if it is enabled).
If the X and Y scales are equal, type in the coordinates of two points on the display. If not, you will have to type in the coordinates of three points.
Click Run.
When prompted, move the puck to the first point and click. Repeat this process for the remaining point(s).
Digitise a point as a check. Confirm that the program returns the correct point.
Begin digitising.
Note: You must repeat this process each time that you run the function where you are working.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Digitiser environment settings Do one of the following:
Select Options | Digitiser, and then select Use WinTab driver. You can begin using the digitiser immediately.
Enter the digitiser options.
The digitiser options let you set up the parameters that control communications with a digitiser. They also allow you to define the transmission format for data that is sent from a digitiser. To set up the digitiser options follow these steps:
Select the Options | Digitiser menu option.
Enter the tolerance value in digitiser units. This defines the minimum point separation distance between successively entered points. It’s particularly important when you run the digitiser in continuous mode.
Select the port to which the digitiser is connected.
Define the communications options used to transfer the data. Click the down arrow next to the fields in the group called Port Options and select the required values. The last used values are shown when you enter the dialog.
Baud rate defines the speed of the transmission.
Parity specifies the use of a check digit.
Word length defines the number of bits per character.
Stop bits specify the number of bits that delimit a transmission.
Handshaking refers to the type of protocol that is used.
If required select the Beep on box. When selected, the system will beep each time data is received from the digitiser.
Enter the Input mask.
Click Close.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Colours and Fonts environment settings Use the settings in this form to control the appearance of:
The forms, dialog and display boxes used throughout the program.
The grid lines and the characteristics of the grid labels on the display.
The characteristics of the text that appears on the display. For example, drillhole annotation. (Note that the font used in the database Editor is defined in the Files menu.)
The default background colour for the 3D Viewer (if your licence includes it).
The basic screen colours are controlled by the Windows setup.
MICROMINE Core – Options
3D Viewer environment settings Background colour Double-click the box next to Background colour and select a colour you want to use as the default background in the 3D Viewer. This will take effect the next time you open the 3D Viewer from the Display menu. Note that once you are in the Viewer you can temporarily change the background colour at any moment. Draw style Choose the default setting for the drawing style from this list. Each time the display is redrawn in the 3D Viewer, this is the method that will be applied. For example, if you want to see the triangles that make up a DTM, choose WIREFRAME. You can also change this option in the 3D Viewer by right-clicking in the display, choosing Draw Style from the menu, and then making a further selection in the uppermost group in the menu that appears. Move style Choose the default setting for the movement method from this list. Each time you begin moving an object in the 3D Viewer, this is the method that will be applied. For example, if you are moving very large and complex objects that take some time to redraw, it may be better to set this option to BOUNDING BOX. This way, you will be able to move the object quickly. Automatically refresh source files If you have:
Saved a 3D display as an Open Inventor file (*.iv) and then loaded it.
Made changes in the 3D Viewer.
Have selected this option.
the changes will be written back to the Open Inventor file. Selection colour Select the colour that will be applied to objects you select in the display. Construction colour Select the colour that will be applied to the faces of wireframes when you are editing. Tie-line colour Select the colour in which tie-lines will be displayed. First point Select the colour in which the first points in strings will be displayed. Mid points Select the colour in which mid-points in strings will be displayed. Last point Select the colour in which the last points in strings will be displayed. Highlighted segment points Select the colour in which the points at each end of a highlighted segment will be displayed. Norm al arrow colour Select the colour in which the normal arrow will be displayed.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Symbol Options If you created custom symbols using an early version of the software, you may need to take an extra step to make sure that they are mapped correctly. The current version of the software, includes a symbol mapping function. Using this function, you can map the old style symbols to the new True Type symbols. Mapping can be applied to all projects, or on a project by project basis. Also, you can save a symbol map as a form set and apply it that way. To open the dialog where you can map old symbols to True Type symbols, select Options | Symbols from the main menu.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Form Field colours Use the prompts in the Form Field group to control the characteristics of the forms in the program. Compulsory prompt Select the colour in which the compulsory prompts in forms will be displayed. Compulsory prompts must have entries before a function can be Run. It is recommended that a single obvious colour is used exclusively for these prompts. Table prompt Select the colour of the prompt that will be used in the headers to tables of prompts and responses in the program forms. Group title Forms are divided into regions each of which is described by a heading. Select the colour for heading text in this prompt. File type Select the colour in which the selection in the File type drop down list will appear. List box Select the colour in which the choice in all list boxes will appear.
Zoom Box colour Select the colour in which the outline of the zoom box (in the displays) will appear.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Grid line and grid annotation colour Make selections in this group to determine how the grid lines and grid annotation will appear in the displays. Line colour Select the colour in which the grid lines will be displayed. Font colour Select the colour in which the grid annotation will be displayed. Text background Select Transparent if you want plot detail to appear ‘behind’ the grid labels or other text on the display. Select Opaque for the grid labels or text to appear to be on an opaque background slightly larger than the label itself.
Font inform ation Font The current font used by the program for the option is displayed here. Use the Change Font option to change it. Font style The style of the current font used by the program for the option is displayed here. Use the Change Font option to change it. Font size The size of the current font used by the program for the option is displayed here. Use the Change Font option to change it.
Changing the font Use this option to change the fonts in the program. Click on the button to access the Font dialog box. The dialog box is divided into three columns, Font, Font style and Size. To change the font 1.
Move the cursor to the font column and highlight the font you require.
Click on the font name to select it.
To set the style 1.
Move the cursor to the font style column and highlight the style you require.
Click on the style to select it.
To select a size (in points) 1.
Move the cursor to the Size column and highlight the size you require.
Click on the size to select it.
MICROMINE Core – Options
Display text font Use the controls in the Display Text group to determine the characteristics of the text that is displayed as labels such as drillhole names in displays. Text background Select Transparent if you want plot detail to appear ‘behind’ the grid labels or other text on the display. Select Opaque for the grid labels or text to appear to be on an opaque background slightly larger than the label itself.
Index 3
Display Pane .............................. 131, 134
3D Viewer185, 187, 188, 192, 194, 197, 204, 206, 208, 215, 217, 218
Drillhole Databases.. 159, 238, 240, 242, 243 Drillhole Display 155, 156, 161, 162, 164, 166
Allow blank values.............................. 115 ASCII Download ................................ 337
Drillholes. 159, 230, 236, 238, 240, 242, 246, 247, 249, 251, 255, 256
Assign Outlines.................................. 309
DTM ................................................178
Attach (Lookup table) ......................... 116
Editing files........................................ 82
Bearing/distance......................... 142, 145
Beep when validation fails .................... 119
Execute | One/Many............................112
Block model...................................... 176
Calculate.............................108, 306, 307
printing .........................................123
Case sensitive ................................... 115
save as .......................................... 98
Code............................................... 119
File .................................................123
Colour sets - File Editor .........................90
File Editor25, 32, 46, 82, 87, 91, 92, 93, 103, 104, 106, 108
Column vs comma delimited files .............58 Compiling a lookup table...................... 115 Contours................................... 226, 229 Copy............................................... 101 Crypkey........................................... 130 Cut................................................. 100 D Data search ellipsoid........................... 196 Databases............. 159, 238, 240, 242, 243 Decoration ................................ 185, 188 Default field widths............................. 119
File Editor - tools Calculate .......................................108 Check file creation ....................... 14, 87 Import .....................................32, 103 Merge ........................ 53, 54, 55, 92, 93 Merging data from text file .................. 93 Merging MICROMINE files.................... 92 Sort....................................25, 91, 106 Validate.......................................... 87 Validation - performing..... 14, 87, 244, 245
Delete records................................... 102
File Editor - tools 25, 32, 87, 91, 92, 93, 103, 106, 108
Deleting a file.................................... 243
File extensions......................................9
Description....................................... 119 Detach (Lookup table)......................... 116
File functions ...................................... 26 File utilities ........................................ 29
Digitiser........................................... 182
Files ......................................... 9, 95, 99
Display functions ... 140, 185, 220, 225, 226, 230
Files - creating New file .......................................... 94
Index using templates ................................95
Combining conditions......................... 81
Files - creating ...............................94, 95
Creating and editing ..................... 74, 77
Files - data processing
Delete filter ..................................... 74
Add | One ...................................... 105
Detach filter ............................... 74, 76
Execute......................................... 111
Equations in .................................... 79
Execute | One/Many......................... 112
In dialog boxes................................. 75
Increment ..................................... 110
Logical operators .............................. 79
Overwrite Data ............................... 110
Use filtered records ........................... 78
Replicate | One/Many ....................... 107
Filters................. 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81
Files - data processing.... 105, 107, 110, 111, 112
Find ................................................120 Find midpoint ............................. 142, 145
Files - displaying Find next..........................................120 Hiding fields .....................................88 Order fields......................................88
Flag (prefix) with................................119 Flag (replace) with..............................119
Unhide fields ....................................88 Flight path ........................................218 Files - displaying..................................88 Follow function ........................... 142, 145 Files - editing Copy ............................................ 101
Form Sets131, 370, 373, 374, 375, 377, 378, 379
Cut .............................................. 100
Form Sets Pane........................... 131, 134
Delete .......................................... 102
Format numeric fields........................... 97
Delete records ................................ 122
Freeze fields....................................... 89
Entering repetitive data ......................97
Find ............................................. 120
Go to...............................................102
Find next....................................... 120
Graphic Editor ..................... 141, 142, 145
Goto............................................. 102
Grid files ..........................................175
Insert ........................................... 101
Grids, displaying ................................180
Modify ............................................96
opening ..........................................99
Hardlock ..........................................130
Paste............................................ 101
Hide field........................................... 88
Replacing values in fields................... 121
Undo ............................................ 102
Images, displaying..............................220
Files - editing 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 120, 121, 122
Import..... 32, 33, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 103, 253, 378
Files - printing............................ 123, 125
Importing files
Filters Attach filter......................................76
MDB Import................................ 36, 71 Importing files........... 31, 36, 42, 43, 44, 71
Index Increment | Many .............................. 105
unmerged file .................................. 63
Increment | One/Many ........................ 105
Writing merge values to fields in the target file.............................................. 63
Insert records ................................... 101
Merging lab data ........ 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63
L Lab data merging ..........................................57 Lab data ............................................57
Modifying a files structure...................... 96 Multiview..........................................230 N Number of nesting levels....................... 94
Lighting ........................................... 200 Logical operators
O Object Manager 3D .............................197
in filters ..........................................79 ODBC Logical operators .................................79 definition ........................................ 64 Lookup table Export....................................... 48, 70 defining contents of ......................... 117 Import ...................................... 34, 68 new ...............................................94 Import MDB..................................... 36 Lookup table ................................ 94, 117 installing.................................... 34, 68 Lookup tables linking vs importing........................... 65 attaching....................................... 116 ODBC Link ...................................... 66 compiling ...................................... 115 ODBC ................. 34, 48, 64, 65, 66, 68, 70 creating ........................................ 113 ODBC Link ................ 34, 48, 65, 66, 68, 70 detaching ...................................... 116 Only first level compulsory....................119 new ............................................. 113 Opening files ...................................... 99 options ......................................... 119 Order Fields ....................................... 88 Lookup tables ............... 113, 115, 116, 119 Outlines ...........................................174
M MDB Import........................................36 MDB Link ......................................36, 71 Merge ................................53, 54, 55, 57
Outlines, assigning .............................309 Overwrite Data ..................................110 P Page Setup .......................................123
Merging lab data Paste...............................................101 defining the location of the assayed element names and data ..................60 matching sample identifiers in the lab and target files ....................................59 merging methods ..............................59 Posting row start column and column width values..61 processing laboratory codes in the source file ..............................................62
Plotting............................................206 Print................................................123 Print Options .............................. 123, 125 Print Preview .............................. 123, 125 Print setup........................................125 Profiles ............................................179 Projects
Index Attach .......................................... 130
Sort ......................................25, 91, 106
create........................................... 127
Stereo view, 3D .................................204
Delete .......................................... 128
Moving.......................................... 129
angle ..................................... 142, 145
new ............................................. 127
between drillhole traces.............. 142, 145
on a network.................................. 130
deleting.................................. 142, 145
opening ........................................ 127
entering points......................... 142, 145
overview of.................................... 126
follow..................................... 142, 145
Project name.................................. 130
moving................................... 142, 145
Project templates ............................ 126
new ..............................................145
Rename ........................................ 129
Projects ................ 126, 127, 128, 129, 130
snapping to a point ..........................145
Quick Contour
Templates ......................................... 95
Contour Setup ................................ 227
Toolbars............................. 137, 141, 142
Quick Contour ............................ 226, 227
Quick Contour - troubleshooting ............ 229
Undo (command) ...............................102
Unhide Fields...................................... 88
Utilities for files................................... 29
Delete .......................................... 102
deleting ........................................ 122
Validate each keystroke .......................119
Goto............................................. 102
Validate file contents ............................ 87
Insert ........................................... 101
Validate lookup fields ..........................119
Records .................................... 101, 102
Validation .........................................117
Refresh ........................................... 243
Validation actions ...............................119
Replace ........................................... 121
Viewpoint .................................. 215, 218
Replicate | One/Many.......................... 107
VizEx ............. 140, 142, 148, 150, 155, 180
Save (a file)................................. 98, 272
Warning message ...............................119
Save as .............................................98
What's new..........................................1
Search ellipsoid ................................. 196
Wireframe ........................................178
Sections .......................................... 150
World, 3D .................................. 215, 218
Simple display................................... 225
Smart sub-menus .............................. 119
Zoom ..............................................388
MICROMINE Exploration
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) ...................................................................................... 1 Create................................................................................................................. 1 Create from Points ................................................................................................. 1 Volumes .............................................................................................................. 1 Contours.............................................................................................................. 1 Seam Thickness..................................................................................................... 1 Generate Z Values.................................................................................................. 1 Assign ................................................................................................................. 1 DTM->MM File....................................................................................................... 1 DTM->Faces File .................................................................................................... 1 Creating a DTM .......................................................................................................... 2 Overview ............................................................................................................. 2 The Process .......................................................................................................... 2 Creating a DTM from points in plane ................................................................................ 3 Using breaklines ......................................................................................................... 4 Using a constraint file .................................................................................................. 6 DTM Contouring.......................................................................................................... 7 Contour smoothing...................................................................................................... 8 Contour file ............................................................................................................... 9 Calculating a DTM volume ........................................................................................... 10 Overview ........................................................................................................... 10 The Process ........................................................................................................ 10 Calculating seam thickness.......................................................................................... 11 Overview ........................................................................................................... 11 The Process ........................................................................................................ 11 Generating Z values from a DTM................................................................................... 12 Overview ........................................................................................................... 12 The Process........................................................................................................ 12 Generating Z values for a Grid ..................................................................................... 13 Grid Clipping............................................................................................................ 14 Grid Assign.............................................................................................................. 15 DTM Assign ............................................................................................................. 16 Overview ........................................................................................................... 16
Table Of Contents The Process ........................................................................................................ 16 DTM file conversions ............................................................................................. 17 DTM to MM file conversion........................................................................................... 17 Overview ........................................................................................................... 17 The Process ........................................................................................................ 17 DTM to FACES file ..................................................................................................... 18 Generating cross sections ........................................................................................... 19 Overview ........................................................................................................... 19 The Process ........................................................................................................ 19 Displaying cross sections ............................................................................................ 20 Overview ........................................................................................................... 20 The Process ........................................................................................................ 20 Cross section display tools........................................................................................... 21 Goto ................................................................................................................. 21 Continuous......................................................................................................... 21 Previous ............................................................................................................ 21 Next ................................................................................................................. 21 Closing Slope options ................................................................................................. 22 Drillhole data entry.................................................................................................... 23 Overview ........................................................................................................... 23 The Process ........................................................................................................ 23 Drillhole calculations ............................................................................................. 24 Drillhole calculations .................................................................................................. 24 Drillhole Extraction ............................................................................................... 24 Drillhole Intersections ........................................................................................... 24 Drillhole True Thickness......................................................................................... 24 Drillhole POV Conversion........................................................................................ 24 Drillhole Seam Top/Bottom..................................................................................... 24 Intersection calculations ............................................................................................. 25 Overview ........................................................................................................... 25 The Process ........................................................................................................ 25 True thickness calculations .......................................................................................... 26 Overview ........................................................................................................... 26 The Process ........................................................................................................ 26 POV conversion calculations......................................................................................... 27
Table Of Contents Overview ........................................................................................................... 27 There are two types of output: ................................................................................ 27 The Process ........................................................................................................ 27 Seam top/bottom calculations ...................................................................................... 28 Overview ........................................................................................................... 28 The Process ........................................................................................................ 29 Types of drillhole extraction......................................................................................... 31 AVERAGE ........................................................................................................... 31 WTAVG.............................................................................................................. 31 MIN .................................................................................................................. 31 MAX.................................................................................................................. 31 SUBUNIT ........................................................................................................... 31 SUM ................................................................................................................. 31 Drillhole extraction calculations .................................................................................... 32 Character field output ................................................................................................ 33 FIRST................................................................................................................ 33 LAST................................................................................................................. 33 BLANK............................................................................................................... 33 Using other extraction types ........................................................................................ 34 AVERAGE ........................................................................................................... 34 WTAVG.............................................................................................................. 34 MIN .................................................................................................................. 34 MAX.................................................................................................................. 34 SUM ................................................................................................................. 34 FIRST................................................................................................................ 34 LAST................................................................................................................. 34 BLANK............................................................................................................... 34 IGNORE............................................................................................................. 34 Calculating average grades for constant lithology.............................................................. 35 Calculating final depths for each drillhole ........................................................................ 35 Calculating intervals based on constant geology ............................................................... 36 Calculating total drill lengths per drilling prospect ............................................................. 37 Drillhole compositing and merging................................................................................. 38 Downhole Compositing .......................................................................................... 38 Bench Compositing............................................................................................... 38
Table Of Contents Grade Compositing............................................................................................... 38 Interval Compositing............................................................................................. 38 Geology Compositing ............................................................................................ 38 Drillhole Merge .................................................................................................... 38 Downhole compositing ............................................................................................... 39 Overview ........................................................................................................... 39 The Process ........................................................................................................ 39 Bench Compositing.................................................................................................... 41 Overview ........................................................................................................... 41 The Process ........................................................................................................ 42 Grade Compositing.................................................................................................... 44 Overview ........................................................................................................... 44 The Process ........................................................................................................ 44 Interval Compositing.................................................................................................. 46 Overview ........................................................................................................... 46 The Process ........................................................................................................ 46 Geology Compositing ................................................................................................. 48 Overview ........................................................................................................... 48 The Process ........................................................................................................ 48 Drillhole compositing methods...................................................................................... 50 Compositing methods for numeric fields....................................................................... 50 WEIGHTED AVG................................................................................................... 50 AVERAGE ........................................................................................................... 50 FIRST................................................................................................................ 50 MIDDLE ............................................................................................................. 50 LAST................................................................................................................. 50 MIN .................................................................................................................. 51 MAX.................................................................................................................. 51 WEIGHTED SUM .................................................................................................. 51 BLANK............................................................................................................... 52 IGNORE............................................................................................................. 52 Compositing methods for character fields ..................................................................... 52 DOMINANT......................................................................................................... 52 FIRST................................................................................................................ 53 LAST................................................................................................................. 53
Table Of Contents MIDDLE ............................................................................................................. 53 BLANK............................................................................................................... 53 IGNORE............................................................................................................. 53 Merging drillhole data................................................................................................. 54 Overview ........................................................................................................... 54 The Process ........................................................................................................ 54 Matching intervals ..................................................................................................... 55 Using Overwrite target field and Clear target fields............................................................ 58 Displaying drillholes in Plan ......................................................................................... 59 Overview ........................................................................................................... 59 The Process ........................................................................................................ 59 Displaying drillholes in Normal Section ........................................................................... 60 Overview ........................................................................................................... 60 The Process ........................................................................................................ 60 Displaying drillholes in Transform Section ....................................................................... 61 The Process ........................................................................................................ 61 Displaying drillholes in Stacked Section .......................................................................... 62 Overview ........................................................................................................... 62 The Process ........................................................................................................ 62 Displaying drillholes perpendicular to the POV .................................................................. 63 The Process ........................................................................................................ 63 Creating a drillhole display in Simple Interactive ............................................................... 64 Creating a drillhole display in Complex Interactive ............................................................ 65 Overview ........................................................................................................... 65 The Process ........................................................................................................ 65 Setting up the Plan display .......................................................................................... 66 Using the Plan display.............................................................................................. 66 Setting up the Section display ...................................................................................... 67 Defining a Section in the Plan display using a mouse ....................................................... 67 Using the Section display ......................................................................................... 67 Displaying symbols.................................................................................................... 68 Symbol field and default symbol .............................................................................. 68 Symbol size field and default size............................................................................. 68 Symbol angle field and default angle......................................................................... 68 Colour coding...................................................................................................... 68
Table Of Contents Displaying tenement boundaries ................................................................................... 69 Displaying faults ....................................................................................................... 70 Displaying outcrops ................................................................................................... 71 Digitising seams in Interactive | Complex........................................................................ 72 Editing seams in Interactive | Complex........................................................................... 72 Displaying seams ...................................................................................................... 72 Displaying seams with DTM profiles ............................................................................... 73 Calculating and displaying drillhole intersections ............................................................... 74 Overview ........................................................................................................... 74 The Process ........................................................................................................ 74 Setting up the intersection calculation............................................................................ 75 OUTPUT INTERSECTION ........................................................................................ 75 ASSIGN CODE..................................................................................................... 75 OUTPUT & ASSIGN ............................................................................................... 75 DISPLAY ONLY .................................................................................................... 75 Running intersections................................................................................................. 76 Drillhole Intersections: Display Tools ............................................................................. 77 PgUp/PgDn......................................................................................................... 77 Hole.................................................................................................................. 77 Prev/Next .......................................................................................................... 77 Zoom ................................................................................................................ 77 In .................................................................................................................... 77 Out................................................................................................................... 77 Unzoom............................................................................................................. 77 Keyboard ........................................................................................................... 77 Back ................................................................................................................. 77 Drillhole Intersections: Multiple field display .................................................................... 78 Controlling how the fields will be displayed................................................................. 78 Defining which fields will be displayed ....................................................................... 78 Controlling how the field headers will appear .............................................................. 79 Choosing the side of the trace on which the fields will be displayed .................................. 79 Displaying ticks along the length of the trace .............................................................. 79 Displaying the results of intersection calculations.............................................................. 80 Displaying Strip Logs ................................................................................................. 81 Overview ........................................................................................................... 81
Table Of Contents The Process ........................................................................................................ 81 Defining hole annotation ............................................................................................. 82 Controlling what hole annotation will appear ............................................................... 82 Colour coding the hole annotation ............................................................................ 82 Positioning and sizing hole annotation ....................................................................... 82 NONE ................................................................................................................ 82 AUTO ................................................................................................................ 82 CENTRE ............................................................................................................. 82 DIRECTION ........................................................................................................ 82 Displaying collar coordinates ..................................................................................... 83 Defining the bottom of hole annotation........................................................................ 83 Collar Symbol display................................................................................................. 84 Displaying outlines .................................................................................................... 85 To display outlines: .............................................................................................. 85 To control which outlines are displayed: .................................................................... 85 Displaying the ground profile ....................................................................................... 86 Displaying depth and offsection details ........................................................................... 87 Displaying events down the drillhole .............................................................................. 88 To display events along the drillhole trace .................................................................. 88 To control the Event label display............................................................................. 88 Colour coding drillhole events ................................................................................. 88 Controlling the symbol display for each event ............................................................. 88 Displaying multiple fields ............................................................................................ 90 Controlling how the fields will be displayed................................................................. 90 Defining which fields will be displayed ....................................................................... 90 Controlling how the field headers will appear .............................................................. 90 Choosing the side of the trace on which the fields will be displayed .................................. 90 Displaying ticks along the length of the trace .............................................................. 90 Displaying the drillhole depth ....................................................................................... 92 To define the appearance of Depth labels................................................................... 92 To define the appearance of ticks that will appear at each label....................................... 92 Displaying drillhole Pierce points................................................................................... 93 Labels ............................................................................................................... 93 Decimals............................................................................................................ 93 Ticks................................................................................................................. 93
Table Of Contents Symbols ............................................................................................................ 93 Colours.............................................................................................................. 94 Drillhole reporting ..................................................................................................... 95 The Process ........................................................................................................ 95 Defining the overall appearance of the report................................................................... 96 Page Setup......................................................................................................... 96 Report Layout ..................................................................................................... 96 Justification ........................................................................................................ 96 Printer Font ........................................................................................................ 96 Displaying your data as a graph.................................................................................... 97 Displaying a General graph.......................................................................................... 97 Displaying a Spider graph ........................................................................................... 98 Overview ........................................................................................................... 98 The Process ........................................................................................................ 98 Displaying a Ternary graph......................................................................................... 100 Overview .......................................................................................................... 100 The Process ....................................................................................................... 100 Displaying a Stereonet graph ...................................................................................... 101 Complex Display (Single) ........................................................................................... 102 Overview............................................................................................................. 102 The Process ......................................................................................................... 102 Complex Display (Multiple)......................................................................................... 104 Overview............................................................................................................. 104 The Process ......................................................................................................... 104 Complex Display (Polygon)......................................................................................... 105 Overview............................................................................................................. 105 The Process ......................................................................................................... 105 Complex Display (Pie) ............................................................................................... 106 Overview............................................................................................................. 106 The Process ......................................................................................................... 106 Displaying contours .................................................................................................. 107 Overview .......................................................................................................... 107 The Process ....................................................................................................... 107 Working with contours............................................................................................... 108 Lines................................................................................................................ 108
Table Of Contents Shades............................................................................................................. 108 Blocks .............................................................................................................. 108 The above combined............................................................................................ 108 Generating a contour grid file...................................................................................... 109 Overview .......................................................................................................... 109 The Process ....................................................................................................... 109 Grid calculation methods............................................................................................ 110 Gridding methods.................................................................................................. 110 Inverse distance power (IDP)................................................................................. 110 Anisotropic IDP................................................................................................... 110 Kriging ............................................................................................................. 111 Minimum curvature ............................................................................................. 111 Nearest neighbour............................................................................................... 111 Grid search options .................................................................................................. 112 Duplicate points .................................................................................................... 112 Trend removal ...................................................................................................... 112 Preview mode ......................................................................................................... 113 Smoothing the grid................................................................................................... 114 Generating Trend Surfaces ......................................................................................... 115 Overview .......................................................................................................... 115 The Process ....................................................................................................... 115 Trend Surface output types ........................................................................................ 116 Trend Surface .................................................................................................... 116 Residuals .......................................................................................................... 116 Grid <--> MICROMINE file conversions.......................................................................... 117 Grid to MM File ................................................................................................... 117 MM File to Grid................................................................................................... 117 Grid <--> DTM file conversions ................................................................................... 118 Grid to DTM file .................................................................................................. 118 DTM to Grid file .................................................................................................. 118 Trench Display ........................................................................................................ 119 Overview .......................................................................................................... 119 The Process ....................................................................................................... 119 Selecting the orientation of the Trench display ............................................................... 120 Displaying information along the trench......................................................................... 120
Table Of Contents Length ............................................................................................................. 120 Displaying stacked profiles ......................................................................................... 121 Overview .......................................................................................................... 121 The Process ....................................................................................................... 122 Displaying stacked profiles (Setup)............................................................................... 123 Overview .......................................................................................................... 123 The Process ....................................................................................................... 123 Deleting a stacked profile........................................................................................... 124 General Statistics..................................................................................................... 125 Distribution tables .................................................................................................... 125 Sample data distribution............................................................................................ 126 Checking sample data distribution for discrete data ..................................................... 126 Checking sample data distribution for continuous data ................................................. 126 Probabilities............................................................................................................ 127 Looking up probabilities for continuous data .............................................................. 127 Looking up probabilities for discrete variables ............................................................ 127 Estimation of mean values ......................................................................................... 128
Estimate the mean of a population from a sample ................................................. 128
Compare the true means of two populations ........................................................ 128
Scattergrams .......................................................................................................... 129 Quality Control........................................................................................................ 130 The Process ....................................................................................................... 130 Using the Shewart control charts ................................................................................. 131 CUSUM (Cumulative Sum) control charts ....................................................................... 132 Geostatistics ........................................................................................................... 133 Overview .......................................................................................................... 133 The Process ....................................................................................................... 133 QQ Plots ................................................................................................................ 134 Paired Samples........................................................................................................ 135 For instance: ..................................................................................................... 135 Output File ........................................................................................................ 135 Trend Surface Analysis .............................................................................................. 137 Overview .......................................................................................................... 137 The Process ....................................................................................................... 137 Cross Validation....................................................................................................... 138
Table Of Contents Overview .......................................................................................................... 138 The Process ....................................................................................................... 138 Calculating a semi-variogram...................................................................................... 139 Overview .......................................................................................................... 139 An example of a semi-variogram: ........................................................................... 139 Semi-variogram with two components: .................................................................... 139 The Process ....................................................................................................... 140 The semi-variogram display................................................................................... 143 Defining the search directions ..................................................................................... 144 Directional semi-variograms .................................................................................. 144 Azimuth .............................................................................................................. 144 Azimuth Tolerance............................................................................................... 145 Azimuth Bandwidth ............................................................................................. 145 Dip .................................................................................................................... 145 Dip Tolerance..................................................................................................... 145 Dip Bandwidth.................................................................................................... 146 Lag .................................................................................................................... 146 Interval and Number of Intervals ............................................................................ 146 Unique ID ......................................................................................................... 147 Display mode ..................................................................................................... 147 Colour.............................................................................................................. 148 Hatch............................................................................................................... 148 Symbol............................................................................................................. 148 Direction Tolerance.............................................................................................. 148 Show semi-variograms together ............................................................................. 148 Show semi-variograms in sequence ......................................................................... 148 Align Symbol rotation to azimuth?........................................................................... 148 Include zero interval ............................................................................................ 149 Let MICROMINE calculate angles for 2nd and 3rd directions........................................... 149 Forms................................................................................................................. 149 New ................................................................................................................... 149 Modelling the data in the semi-variogram display............................................................. 150 To model the semi-variogram ................................................................................ 150 Nugget ............................................................................................................. 150 Cycle Distance.................................................................................................... 150
Table Of Contents Decay .............................................................................................................. 150 Final sill ............................................................................................................ 150 Range .............................................................................................................. 150 Sill .................................................................................................................. 150 Model Type........................................................................................................ 150 Variogram Surfaces .................................................................................................. 152 Index .................................................................................................................... 153
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) generates a mathematical model from a random set of data points that have X, Y and Z values. It uses Delauney triangulation. This creates a mesh of triangles by drawing lines between data points. The triangles are as equiangular as possible and the original data points are connected so no triangle sides are intersected by other triangles. The triangulation network is unique. In other words, the same set of triangles will be generated regardless of how the data points are sorted (in the file). Once you have created a DTM, you can calculate the Z value for any point within the bounds of the model. This enables the surface to be contoured and a volume to be calculated between the surface and a plane (or between the surface and another surface). Other contouring methods generate a grid of points with the Z values of the grid nodes calculated from the surrounding data. This has the effect of the smoothing the data. Because DTMs use the actual points in the file to define the triangles, the original data is honoured. DTMs are most commonly associated with topographic data, with Z being elevation. This will allow pit or stockpile volumes to be calculated, or contour maps to be plotted. However the Z value can also be ore grades or seam thickness and, as a result, DTMs have widespread use. They are often useful in pit optimisation and ore body estimation. The Earthworks product, Viewpoint, includes a driver to load DTM files created in MICROMINE. This allows 3D visualisation of the surface model. The following DTM functions are available: Create Create generates a DTM from a file containing points with X, Y and Z coordinates. The output file is used by the other DTM functions. The DTM may be contoured, and the contours written to a string file, as part of the create process. Create from Points Using the Create from Points function, a constraint file is defined that will clip the triangle edges. Z values in the constraint file are recalculated and these are included during the surface creation. The following functions operate on an existing DTM file: Volumes Calculates volumes between two DTMs or between one DTM and a user defined horizontal plane. Contours Contours an existing DTM. Seam Thickness Uses two existing DTMs, which define the top and bottom of a seam, to generate a new DTM which has the seam thickness as the Z value. Generate Z Values Uses an existing DTM to calculate the Z values for data points that only have X and Y coordinates. Assign Determine whether points in a file are above, below or outside the limits of the created DTM. DTM->MM File Converts a DTM file to a string file. DTM->Faces File Converts a DTM file to a file that can be used by the Autocad™ Faces command.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Creating a DTM Overview Use Create to generate a digital terrain model (in Plan, West or North Plane) from any file containing points with X, Y and Z coordinates. Two types of output file can be created.
DTM file - A binary file that defines the surface model. This file is used by the other DTM functions and cannot be edited.
Contour file - A data file containing strings that define the contour lines.
You can define breaklines to control how the triangles are formed. They can be used to prevent triangles from crossing linear features, such as ridge lines. You can also define a boundary file to limit the area for which a DTM is created. Because DTMs honour the original data points, they provide a very accurate model when the data defines where the slope of the surface changes. A topographic survey which locates ridges and valleys will produce good results. When the data is random or sparse, and the terrain is rugged, then accuracy may be affected. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | Create.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively process the records.
Enter the name for the Z field.
Select the desired Output Type and enter an Output Name to write the model data to a file.
Click the Attributes button and set the desired attributes. The default DTM colour should be set at this time.
Click the Display Limits button to bring up a dialog that lets you define the display limits.
(Optional) Select a DTM Plane from either PLAN, WEST or NORTH. This is the plane against which the DTM will be projected during construction. The default is PLAN.
(Optional) Check Show triangles? if you want to see the DTM triangles on the display.
(Optional) Check Breaklines? and click the More button opposite to define a string which controls the position of the output triangle edges.
10. (Optional) Check Constraint file? and click the More button to enter details of a file that constrains the model. 11. Check Contours? and click the More button to enter details of contour generation. 12. Click OK to run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Creating a DTM from points in plane Use the Strings | DTM | Create Plane function to create a wireframe from points in plane. A constraint file is defined which will clip the triangle edges. Z values in the constraint file are recalculated and these are included during the surface creation. To create a wireframe from points in plane: 1.
Specify the number of points in the plane, as defined by the Points file. If only 1 point is available to define the centre and rotation of the plane, you must specify a dip and dip direction. For 2 points, specify a dip. Select 3 points to define centre of rotation, dip and dip direction from the points file. If defining a horizontal surface at that RL, select the RL option.
Select the file type (usually string) and select the name of the points file.
Define the dip and dip direction for one point, modelling the DTM top Z and then base Z.
For two points define the dip.
Click the Constraint File button to define a file that will constrain the area for which the triangulated surface is calculated.
Type in the output type and name.
Specify Code, Colour, and Title attributes.
Click OK to run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Using breaklines Using the Breakline option, can prevent triangles from crossing selected strings defined in the input file. For example, triangles that intersect crest or toe lines in a pit will not be representing the actual surface properly. To ensure that this does not happen, all crest and toe strings can be defined as breaklines. To define breaklines in the DTM | Create dialog form: 1.
Select Breaklines and click the More button opposite.
Enter the names of the string fields in the input file.
The illustration below shows DTMs created from the same input file. In the example on the right triangles cannot form across the breaklines defined around the rim of the pit and the base of the pit (the breaklines are highlighted). A third breakline is shown defining the edge of the pit.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Using a constraint file If you are using a constraint file with the Grid | Clip menu option refer to the "Grid Clipping - Using a constraint file" topic. When you run DTM | Create a constraint file is created by default. This is hidden from the user. The purpose of the constraint file is to limit the area for which the DTM is created. Constraint files are rarely used. The strings in the constraint file must be convex. To use a constraint file in DTM | Create: 1.
Select Constraint file and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file and the X and Y fields within it.
When DTM | Create runs it checks to see if Constraint file is selected. When this is the case it will use the constraint file you have defined. Otherwise it will create the constraint file by default.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
DTM Contouring Contours are lines connecting points of equal Z value. When you create a DTM, a Z field is defined, and these values can now be contoured using the DTM | Contour function. The DTM is a triangular mesh with each vertex being a point in the data file that was used to create the DTM. Each vertex has an associated Z value and each triangle side defines a constant slope between two known points. So, if two vertices of the same triangle have Z values of 19m and 21m, then half way along the connecting side the Z value will be 20m. If a specific Z value “enters” a triangle by intersecting one of its sides, it must “leave” the triangle by one of the other two sides, thereby “entering” an adjacent triangle. A contour line is generated by tracking a specific Z value in this way.
The contouring function are accessible via Strings | DTM | Create and Strings | DTM | Contours. In the latter case you also need to enter the name of the DTM file to use, before completing the dialog prompts mentioned below. To complete the Contours dialog, do the following: 1.
Enter a Contour interval as a value in Z units, defining the spacing between contour lines.
Enter a Label interval you want to label contours with their Z value. The interval defines the number of contours between labels.
Enter the Contour minimum and maximum values to restrict the range of contours.
Use the slider bar to apply smoothing to the contours.
Enter a colour set number to control contour colours, and double-click Default colour to select a default colour.
Enter a Contour file name to generate an output file.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Contour smoothing If Smoothing is not applied, then the Z intercepts on the triangle sides will be connected by straight lines, often resulting in “jagged” contours. Use the slider bar to determine the degree of smoothing to be applied to the contour lines. Straight line contours will never cross, but there is no guarantee that smoothed contours will not cross.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Contour file Contours can be useful background information in other displays, such as String Edit and Vizex. This can be done by writing the contour lines to a data file. The Contour file is automatically created and has the fields X, Y, Z and JOIN. When displaying this in another function, define Z as the String field and JOIN as the Join field to ensure that the contours display correctly. Labels are not written to the Contour file.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Calculating a DTM volume Overview You can calculate the volume between an existing DTM and either a defined plane or another DTM. A boundary file can be used to limit the calculation area. When calculating the volume between two DTMs, an estimate of the calculation accuracy is calculated. The DTM files used by the Volumes function are created using the DTM | Create option, or the Build DTM tool when editing strings in Vizex. To obtain the best performance and accuracy when calculating a volume between 2 DTMs, set the more complex of the two surfaces as DTM File 1. The Process
Select Strings | DTM | Volumes.
Select the Volume definition and enter the names of the DTM file(s) and/or RL(s) required.
(Optional) Select a Boundary file to limit the calculation area.
Check Show triangle? to see a display of the volumes.
Enter the name of the Report file. This will contain the area and volume estimates.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Calculating seam thickness Overview Using two DTMs representing the top and bottom of a seam, you can generate a DTM in which the Z values represent the thickness. In addition you can generate a file that contains the thickness at each point. If you choose to generate contours, these will be displayed and may be written to a file. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | Seam Thickness.
Enter the names of the Top and Bottom DTM files.
(Optional) Check Boundary file? and click the More button to enter details of a boundary file to restrict the area.
Check Write grid to file? and enter the required grid spacing. The equally spaced grid points and Z values will be written to the Thickness file.
(Optionally) Check Contour thickness? and click the More button to enter details of contour generation, which will be based on the thickness values.
Check Show triangles? to display the results of the triangulation.
Enter a name for the DTM thickness file if you want to generate one.
Enter a name for the Thickness file . It will contain the coordinates from the input DTM files, with Z values as the thickness. It will also include the grid coordinates if you chose to include them in step 4.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Generating Z values from a DTM Overview With the Generate Z values option you can calculate the Z values for any points within the area of an existing DTM. This is a way of determining elevations for known collar locations. Your DTM file must exist and it must cover the X and Y range of the data points in the MM file. Points outside the DTM file range will not have Z values calculated. The Process
Select Strings | DTM | Generate Z values.
Enter the name of the input DTM and data files applying a filter if necessary.
Enter the name of the file.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Check the Overwrite existing Z values? box in order to replace the existing Z values. If the Overwrite check box is unchecked then it only overwrites when the existing Z value is blank.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Generating Z values for a Grid With the Generate Z values option you can calculate the Z values for any points within the area of an existing contoured grid. This is a way of determining elevations for known collar locations. Your Grid file must exist and it must cover the X and Y range of the data points in the MM file. Points outside the Grid file range will not have Z values calculated. To generate Z values, do the following: 1.
Select Strings | Grid | Generate Z values.
Enter the name of the Grid file you created in the Contours function.
Enter the name of the output file and apply a filter if necessary.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Check the Overwrite existing Z values? box in order to replace the existing Z values. If the Overwrite check box is unchecked then it only overwrites when the existing Z value is blank.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Grid Clipping With Grid Clipping you can clip the extents of a data file based on the extents of a grid. To clip to a Grid, do the following:
Select Strings | Grid | Clipping .
Enter the name of the Grid file you created in the Contours function.
Enter the name of the output file.
Click the Constraint File button to optionally constrain the clipping process based on the boundary contained in a string or outline file.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
Grid Assign With Grid Assign you can determine whether points in a data file are above, below or outside an existing grid. Each point in the data file is projected onto the grid. The Z value of the data point is compared to the Z value of the grid. The value written to the Code field for that point depends on whether the point is above, below or outside the grid. Do the following to assign points : 1.
Select Strings | Grid | Assign.
Enter the name of the grid file you created in the Contours function.
Enter the name of the MICROMINE input file. Apply a filter if necessary.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Enter the Code field name. Values indicating whether a point is above, below or outside the Grid will be written to this field.
Enter the values you want written to the code field for each of the possible assignments.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
DTM Assign Overview With Assign you can determine whether points in a data file are above, below or outside and existing DTM. As an example, you could determine which blocks from an OBM have been mined, by assigning the current pit DTM to the OBM file. Each point in the data file is projected onto the DTM. The Z value of the data point is compared to the Z value of the DTM. The value written to the Code field for that point depends on whether the point is above, below or outside the DTM. The Process
Select Strings | DTM | Assign.
Enter the name of the DTM file. If the wireframe is a solid rather than a surface, the Side of DTM prompt allows you to specify whether a TOP or BOTTOM value is to be used when comparing values with Z values in the data file.
Enter the name of the data file. Apply a filter if necessary.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Enter the Code field name. Values indicating whether a point is above, below or outside the DTM will be written to this field.
If the target file in this process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. The blocks can be decomposed into ten sub-blocks in each (X,Y,RL) direction. To do this:
Select the Subblocking method checkbox.
Select the Subbblocks or Block factor option and click the corresponding More... box.
If you selected the Block factor option, specify whether the block factor will be used to define the portion of each block that falls above or below the DTM.
Enter the values you want written to the code field for each of the possible assignments.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
DTM file conversions
DTM to MM file conversion Overview With DTM->MM you can convert a DTM file into a standard data file. One application is to run the this process on a DTM created from a drillhole collar file. The Output file can now be used by the Cross Section Generate function, so that accurate ground levels can be drawn when displaying drillhole cross sections. The output file contains strings made from the triangular mesh defined by the DTM. Each string draws as many triangle sides as possible, but does not necessarily form complete triangles. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | DTM->MM.
Enter the name of the input DTM file.
Enter the name of the Output file.
Define the X, Y, Z and String field names.
Run the function.
Exploration - Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM)
DTM to FACES file With DTM -> FACES you can create a polygon mesh (or polyface mesh) file. This file type can be used by Autocad™. The file generated is a list of command line inputs. The first line is the Autocad™ command PFACE used to generate a polyface mesh. The next group of lines describe the vertices of the triangles in X, Y, Z coordinates. Each entry has a vertex number. After the vertices have been defined the triangles are defined. The vertices are selected by their number and blank lines separate each triangle definition. With your DTM files converted you can now apply any Autocad functions to the DTM. You may wish to produce solid looking prints representing your DTM. Do the following to convert a DTM file to a Faces file:
Select Strings | DTM | DTM -> Faces file.
Enter the names of the DTM and output file.
Run the function.
Exploration - Cross Sections
Generating cross sections Overview The Cross Sections | Generate option must be used to generate specially formatted Section files that can be used as input to the other Cross Section functions. You can then:
Display Cross Section outlines.
Calculate Volumes between surfaces.
Interactively select section lines and display different surfaces.
The source file you specify must contain string data. If you are creating a number of section files for the same area, to be used later for volume calculations, ensure that you enter the same values for section spacing, start and end section. Section profiles will then correspond exactly. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Generate from the main menu.
Choose the input file type and select or type in its name.
Enter the Easting, Northing and RL field names.
Enter the name of the section (SEC) file to be generated.
In the Section Details group:
Choose the section type. If you choose LOOKING EAST, for example, the function will generate lines of constant Easting, commencing with the coordinate entered in Start Section.
Type in the values for section spacing, start section name and end section name.
Enter the String and/or Join field name, and if applicable, type in the wildcode value.
Run the function.
Screen messages show the progress as the input file is read and the section file is generated.
Exploration - Cross Sections
Displaying cross sections Overview This function displays the cross sections in a file created by the previous menu item. It can also display cross sectional areas. Depending on the choice of parameters, areas are calculated in one of three ways:
Using the current surface only, the area is defined by joining the start and end points of the section. A single input file is used.
Using the current surface and a previous surface involves two section files. The previous surface file is generally expected to extend beyond the limits of the current surface file, although the function will still operate if this is not the case, by extending lines from the first surface as described in the procedure.
Using two surface files together with a top and/or bottom RL constrains the area calculations to the portions below the top and/or above the bottom RL. The ends can be extended as for the two surface situation.
The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of the current surface file (it must be a Section file) and choose the line type.
Double click on Colour, then select a colour from the palette and click Select to apply that colour to the lines.
(Optional) If you are using a previous surface file, enter its name and choose a line type and colour as above.
(Optional) Type in the start and ending section coordinates. If you do not enter values, the program will show each section in turn for the whole file.
(Optional) Enter the top and/or bottom RLs if you are using these values, and select a colour for each. These values are applicable only if you are using a previous surface file.
Click on Display Limits and enter the data. If you do not enter limits, the scale changes for each section displayed. Otherwise, each section display will be within the limits defined here. The grid space values set the distance between grid lines.
Click on Display area? to see the area and calculation results on the screen. Closing slope options
Double click on Colour in the fill area to set the colour. Double click on Hatch to set the hatch pattern. Remember that dense hatch patterns can take a long time to plot on pen plotters.
10. Double click on Colour in the Cut area to set the colour. Double click on Hatch to set the hatch pattern. 11. If you entered Top and Bottom RL, choose whether to extend to the Top or BOTTOM, or NONE (the default). 12. Select Plot U-frame? to send U-frame data to the plot file. 13. Run the function to display the sections.
Exploration - Cross Sections
Cross section display tools In addition to the standard display tools, the following tools are available in the Cross Section display: Goto This options lets you enter the coordinate of the next section you want to view. To use it: 1.
Select Actions | Goto from the display menu.
Enter the coordinate of the section you want to view.
Click OK to continue.
Continuous Use this option when you want to step through all sections in the input file automatically. The program displays each section for a few seconds and them draws the next section in the display. It starts from the current display and continues to the last section. To use this option: 1.
Select Actions | Continuous from the display menu.
Observe each section as it is displayed.
Previous Select this item to display the previous section. Next Select this item to display the next section.
Exploration - Cross Sections
Closing Slope options If you select Display area, you can enter closing slope left and right values (between 0 and 90 degrees). These define how the current surface file will be extrapolated to define an intersection point with the second section or top/bottom RL. The value you enter represents the slope of the extrapolated line in each case. If you leave the field blank, the line extends at the same angle as the first or last line segment of the section. The following figure is an example of closing slopes.
Selecting Plot U-frame causes the U-Frame in the display to be written to the plot file. If you do not select this, only the section data will be written.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Drillhole data entry Overview Data Entry enables you to automatically enter collar location, downhole survey and assay data into collar, survey and assay files. Each time you run this function, details of another hole are added to the defined files. You must create the drillhole files before running this function. You can set default values and automatic increments for fields in any of the files. Automatic incrementing helps to reduce data entry time and eliminate errors. Alternatively, you can enter specific values in the prompts in Enter for Each Collar. These entries will override any default or automatic entries you have specified. They are typically used for exceptions. Once generated, the field data is added to the files you have generated in this function. When you need to add large numbers of drillholes, use a macro. The Process To generate drillhole data using default values and increments: 1.
Select Dhole | Data Entry from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Collar file.
Click Collar Fields, then enter the names of the required fields in the collar file. You need not specify Azimuth and Dip fields if this information is only being stored in the Survey file.
Click Default Values, then enter a field name and the default value for that field. These will be used as the base values. Increments for Easting, Northing and the Hole number can be entered in the prompts that follow.
Repeat this process for the Assay and (optional) Survey files.
Enter any starting values in the Enter for Each Collar group. Note that these will be incremented for each hole.
Click OK to write the hole data to the files.
If you want to undo your changes, click the Undo button and nominate the hole you want to delete. To enter data on a per collar basis: 1.
Do steps 1 - 5 in the procedure above. Note that you can enter default values and increments. These defaults will be overridden by the entries you make for the prompts in Enter in Each Collar group.
Click the OK button to run the function.
Note: You can choose the point from where the first is named from the First sample at list. The options are: COLLAR or PRE-COLLAR. A pre-collar is an interval of any length at the top of a drillhole, that may be treated differently than ordinary sample intervals. The pre-collar interval may or may not be sampled or logged. If you enter pre-collar depth, the program will write one record from the start of the hole to the precollar depth value before writing individual sample records at the defined sample interval. If you do not define a pre-collar depth, the COLLAR or PRE-COLLAR settings have no effect. If you choose COLLAR from the First sample at list, sample numbers, default and increment values will be written to every record in the file. If you choose PRE-COLLAR, values will be written from the precollar depth, but not to the interval from the collar of the hole to the pre-collar depth.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Drillhole calculations
Drillhole calculations Dhole | Calculations contains five sub-functions. All are concerned with the mathematical manipulation of drillhole data: Drillhole Extraction
Performs mathematical operations and record extraction on consecutive file records that have identical values in up to three defined fields. More information...
Drillhole Intersections
Calculates the length weighted average values for defined fixed intervals of a single drillhole. More information...
Drillhole True Thickness
Calculates the perpendicular thickness of a drill intersection through a formation with a defined strike and dip. More information...
Drillhole POV Conversion
Converts relative coordinates displayed by the Transform Sections and Plane of the Vein into grid coordinates and vice versa. More information...
Drillhole Seam Top/Bottom
Calculates coordinates for the top and bottom of seams or intervals with identical values in a field. More information...
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Intersection calculations Overview Dhole | Calculations | Intersection calculates length weighted averages over user defined intervals for single drillholes. When the intervals are regular, use the Dhole | Compositing. This function may also be used in a macro where a similar calculation on a number of drillholes is required. Up to ten From and To intersections can be composited. You must enter From/To values for each interval. The intervals need not be consecutive or equal, nor correspond to the actual sample intervals. Sample interval values are prorated over the portion included in the composited interval. When you run the function, the field name for which you are making the calculations and the results for each interval are displayed beside the table where you defined the From/To values. If you enter an output file name, it will be created when you run the function. It will contain the fields defined for the Intersection calculation and the length weighted averages for the calculation field. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To calculate Drillhole Intersection values: 1.
Select Dhole | Calculations | Intersection from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter field names in Hole, From, To and Calculation.
Make an entry in Cut value. Any values above this value will be equated to it by the function.
Enter numerical values in the From and To Intersection boxes (up to 10 intersections may be specified).
(Optional) Enter an output filename. This will be created when you run the function.
Click the OK button to perform the drillhole intersection calculation.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
True thickness calculations Overview Dhole | Calculations | True thickness enables you to calculate the true thickness of drillhole intersections. The formation dip and dip direction are assumed to be constant. This function requires records that have:
A drillhole identifier.
Drilled thickness as measured along the drillhole.
Intersection drillhole azimuth and intersection drillhole dip.
A field to contain the calculated true thickness value.
This is an example of a suitable input file:
The function writes the calculated value to a true thickness field in the input file. Note: The intersection, azimuth and dip values must be in the input file. They are not calculated by this function. For straight drillholes with constant values these values may be merged from a collar or survey file. For narrow intersections with changing orientation, values may be interpolated from downhole surveys. For relatively large intersections with changing orientation, it may be necessary to subdivide to shorter intervals, carry out the true thickness calculation, then combine the shorter intervals back to the original intersection. This is easily accomplished using Dhole | Calculations | Extraction. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To perform a drillhole True Thickness calculation:
Select Dhole | Calculations | True Thickness from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter field names in Hole, Drill thickness, Azimuth and Dip and True thickness. The results of the calculation will be placed in the True thickness field in the output file.
(Optional) Enter values in Azimuth correction, Formation dip correction and Formation dip boxes. These values must be -ve (down) or +ve (up). The formation dip value must be +ve (up).
Click the OK button run the function.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
POV conversion calculations Overview Dhole | Calculations | POV Conversion enables you to convert between relative coordinates and grid coordinates. Relative coordinates are used by the Plane of the Vein and Transform Section functions. You can use this function to:
Convert any coordinate system between relative and grid values.
Convert one grid system to another grid system by: displacement of any of three origin values, rotation around one or two axes, a combination of both.
A file containing a set of relative or grid coordinates is required as input. There are two types of output: OUTPUT POV COORDS - This will output coordinates relative to the defined plane, adjusted by the POV origin values (if they are defined). Assumes that the North, East and RL fields contain grid coordinates. OUTPUT GRID COORDS - This will output grid coordinates by reversing the effect of the original output POV coordinates transformation. It assumes that the North, East and RL fields contain relative coordinates created using the values entered in the Plane strike and Plane dip prompts. Coordinates will be adjusted by the POV origin values (if they are defined). Note: To maintain both sets of coordinates in one file, copy the original coordinates to different fields. The values in the North, East and RL fields will be overwritten. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To convert grid coordinates to relative coordinates, or vice-versa: 1.
Select Dhole | Calculations | POV conversion from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data defined in grid coordinates. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the names of the North, East and RL fields.
Set Conversion type: to OUTPUT POV COORDS or OUTPUT GRID COORDS depending on the direction in which you want to convert.
Define the Grid East origin and the corresponding POV East origin. Do the same for the North and RL origins.
If you are converting grid coordinates to POV coordinates, you can enter the range for which the conversion will be made.
Enter the name of the output file.
Click the OK button to perform the Drillhole POV Conversion calculation.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Seam top/bottom calculations Overview Dhole | Calculations | Seam Top/Bottom enables you to calculate the three dimensional coordinates at the top and bottom of seams or intervals in assay files. The function identifies each seam by looking for identical values in successive records of the interval file. It reads from the top of the file. The identifiers may be any combination of characters, usually codes. These must be entered manually, assigned from outlines or calculated. When the function identifies the top and bottom of any seams intersected by the drillhole, it calculates the 3D coordinates of those intersections and writes the information to the output file. A fragment of a suitable interval file:
The interval file (normally an assay file) must contain a field with identical values in successive records that identify individual seams. At a minimum you need an Interval and a Collar file. A downhole survey file can also be used where necessary. An example of the output:
You need to enter the field names for the output file. Your entries for the Top and Bottom code values determine what is written into the Code field to define the top and bottom of each seam. Typically, “T” is the code used to designate the record containing the 3D coordinates of the top of the seam and “B” for the bottom of the seam. If the top (or bottom) code value is left blank then records for the top (or bottom) of the seam are not written to the output file. That is, at least one of the code values must be defined. You can use downhole drill intersections of structures to create digital terrain models, contours, or to calculate volumes between surfaces. Note: The function identifies each seam by looking for identical values in successive records reading from the top of the file. The identifiers may be any combination of characters. Blank values are considered NULL characters and no seam will be identified.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To calculate Seam Top/Bottom Coordinates:
Select the Dhole | Calculations | Seam Top/Bottom menu option. The Drillhole Seam Top/Bottom dialog is displayed.
Select an input option.
Traditionally, 'Downhole' or 'Drillhole' data refers to data contained in three types of file: Collar, Survey and Interval. These are the files commonly used by the drillhole functions to display and manage drillhole data. The data to be used by the Seam Top/Bottom function can be defined by selecting the Drillhole Database input option.
A drillhole database may contain several interval files. Select the interval file to be used by the function.
Select the Filter checkbox if you want to apply a filter to the data in the file. Double-click in the Filter input box to select an existing filter, or right-click (F4) to define a new filter.
Enter the name of the field that will contain the Seam name (as defined in the Assay file).
Alternatively, individual collar, survey and interval data files can be specified as inputs to the function by selecting the Collar/Survey File setup option. 1.
Enter the name of the interval file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the names of the Hole, From and To fields in the interval file.
Enter the name of the field containing the values that will be used to identify Seams. This is normally a code or lithology field. When the value in this field changes a new seam is identified.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions 4.
Enter the name of the Collar file containing your data. Click the Collar fields button to define the fields that will determine the Hole, North, East, RL, Total depth, Azimuth and Dip values.
(Optional) Select the All holes vertical?. This will disable Downhole survey?. Where a survey file will be required to calculate 3D coordinates, select Downhole survey?, click on the More button, then enter data in the Survey file dialog box.
(Optional) Enter a value in Azimuth correction? To adjust the drillhole azimuths. Select Apply to the first azimuth if necessary.
Click the Close button to close the Collar/Survey Setup dialog.
Enter a name and type for the output file and the names of the fields it will contain.
Enter the name of the Code field, then define the top and bottom code value parameters (these determine the value of the top and bottom of each seam in the output file).
Click the OK button on the toolbar to run the Seam Top/Bottom calculation.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Drillhole extractions
Types of drillhole extraction Calculations are performed on all numeric fields in the file unless identified for exclusion or other operation in the Numeric exceptions field. None of the options affect From and To values. The Cut highs to value is only applied to the extraction field. If a value in a record of the extraction field is blank then that record will be ignored by all operations. The following extraction options are available: AVERAGE Calculates arithmetic averages for all numeric fields (except From/To) not excluded by the settings in Numeric exceptions?. If you define a value for Cut highs to:, it only applies to the extraction field. WTAVG Calculates length weighted averages for all numeric values not excluded by the settings in Use other extraction types?. The accumulated product is divided by the total from/to interval of the identical records to calculate the WTAVG. MIN Extracts a single record containing the minimum value of the extraction field and all numeric fields not excluded by the settings in Use other extraction types?. MAX Extracts a single record containing the maximum value of the extraction field and all numeric fields not excluded by the settings in Use other extraction types?. SUBUNIT This type of extraction will subdivide records with a from/to interval greater than your entry in sub unit interval into records with from/to intervals equal to the value entered in sub unit interval. It writes them, together with records whose from/to interval is equal to or less than the value entered in sub unit interval, to the output file. Any remaining portion of a subdivided interval will be written as a record to the output file. This type of extraction does not recalculate coordinates or duplicate any values in numeric fields but does duplicate values in character fields into the new records. If subdividing to less than 1 unit intervals, check that the from/to parameters are defined to sufficient decimal places. When selected, many parameters are inaccessible, values that are present in these fields will have no effect on the program operation. SUM Extracts to (while values in the Constant fields are identical) a single record containing the sum of values in the extraction field and all other numeric fields.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Drillhole extraction calculations With Dhole | Calculations | Extraction you can perform mathematical operations and record extraction on file records. You can:
Calculate averages and sums over irregular intervals.
Determine the average, maximum and minimum values for an extraction field while other fields remain constant.
Subdivide long intervals.
Composite values that extend over a minimum length.
You will normally use this function with a drillhole assay or geology file. The chosen extraction is performed on all numeric fields except the From and To fields. When you run Extraction, no changes are made to data in the source file, an output file is created for the modified data. A key feature of this function is its ability to perform a calculation on an extraction field while values in up to three constant fields remain identical. For example: If Constant field 1:= HOLE, Extraction field: = Au and Extraction type: = AVERAGE, the program will read a drillhole assay file and calculate the average Au value for each hole. The output file will contain one record for each drillhole and the field Au would contain the average Au for that drillhole. Note that all other numeric fields would also be averaged unless Numeric exceptions are set. This approach can be extended using more that one Constant field. For example, you may want to extract the AU average for a hole while both hole and geology remain constant (the geology field would typically contain lithology codes). In this case you would set: Constant field 1: = HOLE, Constant field 2: = GEOLOGY, Extraction field: = Au and Extraction type: = AVERAGE. You are not restricted to using one type of calculation for all fields in a file. By selecting Use other extraction types?, you can enter the names of fields in the file and apply different extractions to each. Additional functions are included here. This function can also be used for data manipulation of files that do not contain drilling information but do have at least one field with repeated values in successive records. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Character field output For character fields that are not constant fields, three options are available: FIRST Writes the character field values in the first identical record to the output file. LAST Writes the character field values in the last identical record to the output file. BLANK Enters blanks for all character field values except Constant fields. This option is not available if you choose SUBUNIT as the extraction type.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Using other extraction types By default the function will perform the same operation on all numeric fields in the file (except from/to fields). However, in some cases you need to control the type of calculation on a field by field basis. For example, you may require average North and East values and the lowest RL. Special handling of any numeric field may be selected from the following options. You can do this in the Define Extraction Types dialog box. To use this feature: 1.
Select Use other extraction type.
Click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the field to which you want to apply a special extraction.
Select the extraction type from the list.
Close the dialog box and continue.
The extraction type you selected in the main form will be used for all fields not entered in this dialog. AVERAGE Calculates the arithmetic average. WTAVG Calculates the length weighted average. MIN Extracts the minimum field value. MAX Extracts the maximum field value. SUM Totals the field values. FIRST Extracts the first field value. LAST Extracts the last field value. BLANK Leaves the field blank. IGNORE Excludes the field data from the Output file.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Calculating average grades for constant lithology To calculate the average grades for constant lithology: 1.
Enter the name of the input file. This should be an interval file.
Enter the name of the Hole ID field in Constant field 1 and the name of the lithology field in Constant field 2.
Set the Type to AVERAGE (or WTAVG).
The Character field can be FIRST or LAST.
Enter the name of the output file.
You can use the output file to place lithologies on any of the section type plots. The lithology will only appear once per homogeneous interval. This reduces the complexity of the output.
Calculating final depths for each drillhole To find final depths for each drillhole in a file you require an interval file (downhole). You then need to extract the MAXIMUM of the TO values in the file for each hole. 1.
Enter the name of the input file.
Enter the name of the hole ID field in Constant field 1.
Set the Type to MAX.
Enter the name of the output file.
Clear the other fields in the form.
Click OK to run the function.
The output file will contain a single record for each drillhole. The final depth for each drillhole will appear in the To field.
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Calculating intervals based on constant geology You can use Extraction to calculate intervals for constant geology. An suitable interval (downhole) input file is:
Note GEOLOG contains the geological information. Do the following: 1.
Enter the input file.
Enter the name of the field containing the geology information in Constant 1. In this case it is GEOLOG.
Enter the name of the From and To fields (FROM and TO in the example input file).
Set the Type to SUM (the same results can be achieved with other settings).
Enter a name for the output file.
Clear the other fields in the form.
Click OK to run the function.
The result is:
Exploration - Advanced drillhole functions
Calculating total drill lengths per drilling prospect To do this you need a collar file with a prospect field. For example:
The contents of the Depth field in the Collar file will be summed while the prospect field remains constant. 1.
Enter this as the input file.
Enter the name of the prospect field in Constant 1.
Set the extraction Type to SUM.
Enter the name for the output file.
Clear the other fields in the form.
Click OK to run the function.
The output file will contain as many records as there are prospects. The Depth field in the output file will contain the sum of the depths for each prospect. This is shown in the illustration:
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Drillhole compositing and merging Compositing is performed on interval files. There are five compositing functions as well as Drillhole Merge. Downhole Compositing Downhole Compositing composites any drillhole data to constant downhole intervals. The function takes an interval file as input and then creates an output file with the new intervals you define. More information... Bench Compositing Bench Compositing composites assay values in an interval file at regular elevation intervals. The function takes an interval file as input and generates an output file with from and to intervals that correspond to the bench elevations. More information... Grade Compositing Grade Compositing composites drillhole intervals on the basis of the grades they contain. More information... Interval Compositing Interval Compositing combines the contents of two interval files into a single output file. More information... Geology Com positing Geology Compositing reads a drillhole assay file that contains many records with identical geology codes over successive intervals. From this it creates a summary file containing a single record for each geological interval. More information... Drillhole Merge Drillhole Merge enables you to merge intervals in a source file to intervals in a target file. No computations are performed on the data in the source and target files. More information...
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Downhole compositing Overview Downhole Compositing composites any drillhole data to constant downhole intervals. The function takes an interval file as input and then creates an output file with the new intervals you define. When you run the function it can produce a report file. The report file contains information about the process such as error and warning messages. Compositing is generally applied to the entire interval file. However, you can restrict it to a range defined by RL (elevation) or downhole depth. If you restrict by:
RL - you must enter From and To elevations in terms of RL.
DEPTH - you must enter From and To values in terms of downhole depths.
If you use RLs to define the compositing range, you must specify a drillhole trace coordinate file (Dhole | Generate | Drillhole Trace) in the Calculated Fields dialog. Given this file, the function can also write the 3D downhole coordinates at each interval centre to the output file. There are a number of methods to determine the value that will be used in each interval in the output file. They can be divided into methods that can be applied to numeric fields and those that can be applied to character fields. To apply these processing methods you set a default for numeric fields and a default for character fields. For example, you might use weighted averaging for numeric fields and first for character fields. You can also select individual fields from the source file and apply different processing methods to them. The default method remains in effect for all fields other than those for which you choose a different method. As part of the process you can apply a cut value to one field. You must nominate the field and enter the value. Values greater than the cut value will be reduced to it. The cut value will be applied before the compositing is performed. You can also specify a constant field (typically Lithology) to force a new composite whenever the value in the field changes. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Compositing | Downhole from the main menu.
Enter the name of the interval file containing the data. Click the Fields button and enter the names of the fields in the interval file.
Choose the default compositing methods that will be applied to the character and numeric fields.
If you need to composite individual fields using different methods, select Other methods and then click the More button opposite. Select the fields that require individual treatment and set a compositing method for each. 4.
Enter the composite interval. For example, if the current From/To interval is 1m, you might enter a composite interval of 2.5m.
You can also define a minimum composite length. Compositing will not occur unless the new interval will equal or exceed this length. 5.
Choose the method of defining the range over which compositing will be performed from the Composite range list:
If you choose ALL, there is no need to enter range limits in From and To.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging If you choose RL, enter RL values in From and To. Make sure you also specify a drillhole trace coordinate file (in the Calculated Fields dialog) if you choose this option. If you choose DEPTH, enter depth values in From and To. When you choose RL or DEPTH, you can also select Exclude non-composited intervals. When you select this option, only those intervals that have been composited will be included in the output file. 6.
If you want to update the existing thickness field and/or the downhole coordinates at the centre of each interval in the output file, you must make entries in the Calculated Fields dialog.
To reduce high grades, enter the name of the field where these occur and a cutoff value. Grades higher than the cut value will be reduced to that value.
(Optionally) Select a constant field to force a new composite whenever the value in that field changes.
If you select Insert missing intervals, missing intervals will be added to the output file. They will commence from the top of the hole.
10. Enter the name of the output file and optionally a report file. If any errors occur during the process, they will be written to the report file. 11. Click the OK button to run the function.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Bench Compositing Overview Drillhole Bench Compositing enables you to composite assay values in an interval file at regular elevation intervals. The function takes an interval file as input and generates an output file with from and to intervals that correspond to the bench elevations. When you run the function it also produces a report file. The report file contains information about the process such as error and warning messages. Bench compositing is used to calculate average grades for future mining benches. Because irregular sampling intervals are regularised, you can also use it to create input suitable for use in block models.
As well as allowing you to composite benches using RL, you can also composite in the East and North directions. The function also allows some flexibility as to how you define the benches to which the drillholes will be composited. For example, if you were compositing along RL, you can define the upper, mid or lower RL of the max (top) bench, the bench width and the number of benches. The corresponding point on the min (bottom) bench will be calculated automatically. Alternatively, you might want to define the midpoint of the max bench and the mid point of the min bench and the bench width. In this case the number of benches will be automatically calculated.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Because this function uses RLs to define the location of the benches, you must specify a drillhole trace coordinate file (Dhole | Generate | Drillhole Trace) in the Calculated Fields dialog. The function can also write the 3D downhole coordinates at each interval centre to the output file. If there are intervals missing in the input file, the compositing process will be interrupted and will recommence after the missing intervals. There are a number of methods to determine the value that will be used in each interval in the output file. They can be divided into methods that can be applied to numeric fields and those that can be applied to character fields. To apply these processing methods you set a default for numeric fields and a default for character fields. For example, you might use weighted averaging for numeric fields and first for character fields. You can also select individual fields from the source file and apply different processing methods to each. The default method remains in effect for all fields other than those for which you choose a different method. As part of the process you can apply a cut value to one field. You must nominate the field and enter the cut value. Values greater than the cut value will be reduced to the cut value. The cut value will be applied before the compositing is performed. You can also specify a constant field (typically Lithology) to force a new composite whenever the value in the field changes. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process
Select Dhole | Compositing | Bench from the main menu.
Enter the name of the interval file containing the data and the names of the fields in that file. Click the Fields button and enter the names of the Hole, From and To fields in the interval file.
Enter the name of the trace coordinate file in the Calculated Fields dialog. Enter the names of the required fields in that file if they have not updated automatically. The function needs this file to calculate the coordinates at the centre of each interval.
If you want an updated thickness field in the output file, you must also make entries in the Calculated Fields dialog.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging 5.
To reduce high grades, enter the name of the field where these occur and a cutoff value. Grades higher than the cut value will be reduced to that value.
(Optionally) Select a constant field to force a new composite whenever the value in that field changes.
Choose the dimension on which you will composite – RL, EAST or NORTH and how you will define the benches – TOP, MIDDLE or BOTTOM. You can then enter the coordinates of the min and max benches and the bench width. Alternatively, enter the coordinate at the max bench, the number of benches and the bench width.
Choose the default compositing methods that will be applied to the character and numeric fields.
If you need to composite individual fields using different methods, select Other methods, and then click the More button opposite. Select fields in the file and set a compositing method for each. If you select Insert missing intervals, missing intervals will be added to the output file. They will commence from the top of the hole. 1.
Enter the name of the output file and optionally a report file. If any errors occur during the process, they will be written to the report file.
Click the OK button to run the function.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Grade Compositing Overview The Grade Compositing function composites drillhole intervals on the basis of the grades they contain. In the simplest case, the function works down the length of each hole. When it meets a grade above the cutoff you have specified, it begins compositing. When the grade drops below the cutoff, compositing ceases only restarting when the process meets more intervals containing values above the cutoff. When you run the function it also produces a report file. The report file contains information about the process such as error and warning messages. The compositing is performed using the grades in a field that you nominate. Values in the grade field greater than or equal to the Cutoff value will be composited. You can also specify a cut value to reduce high grades (applied to the values in the grade field before compositing is performed) and specify a constant field to force a new composite whenever the value in the field changes. Minimum length is the other compositing parameter that requires an entry. Composites will not be formed unless they equal or exceed this length. The remaining parameters to do with the compositing process can be combined with the mandatory parameters in a number of ways. There are a number of methods to determine the value that will be used in each interval in the output file. They can be divided into methods that can be applied to numeric fields and those that can be applied to character fields. To apply these processing methods you set a default for numeric fields and a default for character fields. For example, you might use weighted averaging for numeric fields and first for character fields. You can also select individual fields from the source file and apply different processing methods to each. The default method remains in effect for all fields other than those for which you choose a different method. Grade Compositing can also create a new field in the output file and write a grade or waste flag to each interval (record) according to its contents. This enables you to separate grade and waste intervals when you use the output file in other functions. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process
Select Dhole | Compositing | Grade from the main menu.
Enter the name of the interval file containing the data and the names of the fields in that file. Click the Fields button and enter the names of the Hole, From and To fields in the interval file.
If you want an updated thickness field and/or the downhole coordinates at the centre of each interval in the output file, you must make entries in the Calculated Fields dialog.
Enter a cut value to reduce high grades. For the computation (no changes will be made in the input file) the value you enter will be used in place of all values in the Grade field that exceed it.
Enter a cutoff value. This is the grade that must be equalled or exceeded before composites will be formed.
(Optionally) Select a constant field to force a new composite whenever the value in that field changes.
Specify a minimum and (optionally) a maximum length for the grade intervals. The parameters you select will depend on whether grade intervals or waste intervals, or both, are to be included in the computation.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging The simplest case is to ignore waste altogether and only composite intervals that equal or exceed a minimum length. Select the Allow Waste option to allow intervals with grade below the trigger value to be included in a grade composite. Click the More button to define where and how waste will be included in the computation. When the Composite waste intervals option is selected, you can set a maximum length for the waste intervals. 8.
Choose the default compositing methods that will be applied to the character and numeric fields. If you need to composite individual fields using different methods, select Other methods, and then click the More button opposite. Select fields in the file and set a compositing method for each.
If you select Insert missing intervals, missing intervals will be added to the output file. They will commence from the top of the hole.
10. Enter the name of the output file and optionally a report file. If any errors occur during the process, they will be written to the report file. 11. Click the OK button to run the function.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Interval Compositing Overview The Drillhole Interval Compositing function combines the contents of two interval files into a single output file. The input files are referred to as Source File A and Source File B. When you run the function it produces a new interval file and a report file. The report file contains information about the process such as error and warning messages. This function is useful when you need to combine:
Two assay files.
A lithology file and an assay file.
To combine the two input files, you can direct the function to use the intervals in Source File A, or it can use the intervals from both files. When the intervals in the two source files do not match, you must choose a method to determine the value that will be used in each interval in the output file. The available compositing methods, can divided into those that can be applied to numeric fields and those that can be applied to character fields. To apply these processing methods you set a default for numeric fields and a default for character fields. For example, you might use weighted averaging for numeric fields and first for character fields You can also select individual fields from either source file and apply different processing methods to each. The default method remains in effect for all fields other than those for which you choose a different method. If there are duplicate fields in the source files, you will need to change the names of those fields in one of the source files or exclude them by selecting one of the options in the Duplicates group (in the main Drillhole Interval Compositing dialog). Another feature of this function is that you can calculate 3D downhole coordinates when you run it. Downhole coordinates are required when you need to know the location of each interval centre such as when you are assigning or doing a resource estimate. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Compositing | Interval from the main menu.
Enter the names of each of the input files. For each of these files you must enter the name of the field containing the hole identifier, and the names of the from and to fields. Do this in the dialogs that open when you click the Fields buttons.
If you want an updated thickness field and/or the downhole coordinates at the centre of each interval in the output file, you must make entries in the Calculated Fields dialog.
Define how the output intervals will be composited. If you choose FROM A, the intervals present in the Source file A will be used in the output file.
Choose the default compositing methods that will be applied to the character and numeric fields.
If you need to composite individual fields using different methods, select Other methods, and then click the More button opposite. Select fields in the file and set a compositing method for each.
Select a method of dealing with fields with the same name in the source files from the Duplicate Fields group.
Select what will be output in the Hole Output group. If you select All holes, the holes from both source files will be output. If you select Composited holes, only those holes present in both source files will be output.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging 3.
If you select Insert missing intervals, missing intervals will be added to the output file. They will commence from the top of the hole.
Enter the name of the output file and optionally a report file. If any errors occur during the process, they will be written to the report file.
Click OK to continue.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Geology Compositing Overview Geology Compositing reads a drillhole assay file that contains many records with identical geology codes over successive intervals. From this it creates a summary file containing a single record for each geological interval. This function is generally used to prepare a geology file from an assay file that contains a geological description in every record. In a geology file it is only necessary to have intervals that match the changing geology. Geology Compositing reduces the quantity of geological information that will appear in a drillhole display or plot without reducing its quality.
The coordinates for each geological interval are averaged to recalculate the interval centres. To generate exact coordinates, use Dhole | Generate | Downhole Coordinates. When you run the function, a new file with the same structure as the input file is created.
The Dhole | Calculations | Extraction option provides a more complex facility to extract data into groups based on values in up to three variables. The Process
Select Dhole | Compositing | Geology from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively process the records.
Enter the names of the Hole, From, To and Geology fields in the input file. While Hole name remains constant, the function looks for consecutive records with identical values in the Geology field.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging 4.
If you define a Thickness field in the input file, the function will calculate and enter the downhole length of each continuous interval in the output file.
Select Blanks = Missing if you want to ignore blank values in the input file. This is the recommended condition.
Enter the name of the output file.
Click OK to run the function.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Drillhole compositing methods A single compositing method can be applied to all character fields and another to all numeric fields.
Com positing methods for numeric fields WEIGHTED AVG The average of all the intervals in the source file that are included in the Output file interval, weighted according to the length included in the Output file interval. AVERAGE The average of all the intervals in the source file that are included in the Output file interval. FIRST The first interval in the Source file that includes any part of the Output file interval.
MIDDLE The value of the interval in the Source file that includes the mid point of the Output file interval. If no interval contains the mid point (missing interval), then the interval closest to the middle is chosen. If two intervals are the same distance from the mid point, or the mid point is an interval boundary, then the first of these intervals is used. LAST The last interval in the Source file that includes any part of the Output file interval.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging MIN The minimum value from the intervals in the Source file that include any part of the Output file interval. MAX The maximum value from the intervals in the Source file that include any part of the Output file interval.
WEIGHTED SUM The sum of the values from the intervals in the Source file that include any part of the Output file interval.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
BLANK The field is left blank. IGNORE The field does not appear in the output file.
Com positing methods for character fields The methods FIRST, MIDDLE and LAST operate in the same way for character fields as they do for numeric fields. DOMINANT Within the Output file interval, the sum of the lengths of each unique character value are compared, and the value with the longest sum is chosen. If several intervals have the same length, the one that occurs first will be selected.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
FIRST The value of the first interval in the Source file that includes any part of the Output file interval. LAST The value of the last interval in the Source file that includes any part of the Output file interval. MIDDLE The value of the interval in the Source file that includes the mid point of the Output file interval. If no interval contains the mid point (missing interval), then the interval closest to the middle is chosen. If two intervals are the same distance from the mid point, or the mid point is an interval boundary, then the first of these intervals is used. BLANK The field is left blank. IGNORE The field does not appear in the output file. For more information, refer to the Applying different compositing methods to individual fields topic.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Merging drillhole data Overview The Drillhole Merge function enables you to merge the values in a source interval file to and appropriate interval in the target file. No computations are performed on the data in the source and target files. If you need to do some sort of averaging on the values in these files, use one of the compositing functions. To perform the merge, the function uses the hole identifier as the key field and qualifies the match using the from and to fields in the source and target files. Each time it finds a matching record it copies values from fields in the source field to fields in the target file. It is up to you to map the fields in the source file to those in the target file. If the fields you want to merge are not present in the target file, you must create them. The function can write user defined values to up to ten fields in the target file when a record is successfully merged. There are a number of uses for this feature. One is to indicate or “flag” a successful merge. Another is to record the name of the source file from where values have been merged, for example, when merging from a number of lithology or assay files into a single assay file. This function is used when the source and target intervals are not the same. Use the Match parameter to control which interval will be merged to the target file. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Merge from the main menu.
Enter the names of the source and target files, and the names of the hole, from and to fields within them.
Click the Merge Fields button and enter the names of fields in the source file that contain data you want to merge to the target file. If you enter the name of a field in the source file and there is a field in the target file with the same name, the Target File field name will be entered automatically. To modify the structure of the target file, position the cursor in the Target File response, right-click, and then select Modify (F6) from the menu that appears.
The Match parameter controls which interval values in the source file will be merged. When the intervals in the source and target file are the same, the setting for Match is insignificant. However, when there is more than one interval in the source file for each interval in the target file, the Match parameter setting becomes significant.
Select Overwrite target fields or Clear target fields, whichever is appropriate.
Finally, if you need to flag the records that have been merged successfully, select Flag merged records and click the More button opposite. In each row of the table, select the name of a field in the target file and enter the value that will be written to that field when a record is merged successfully.
Click OK to run the function. A message box will appear indicating how many records have been successfully merged for each field in the target file.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Matching intervals
There are four ways of matching intervals in the source file to those in the target file:
Each alternative is covered in the following diagrams.
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Exploration - Drillhole compositing & merging
Using Overwrite target field and Clear target fields The settings for Overwrite target fields and Clear target fields are important, especially when you are merging data from a number of source files into a single target file. When you select Clear target fields, the fields you enter in the Target Fields column of the Merge Fields table will be purged of data. When you select Overwrite target fields, values in target fields will be overwritten when there is a successful merge on a record. That is, existing data will only be overwritten in merged fields.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillholes in Plan Overview The Dhole | Plans display function displays drillhole data in Plan view. Plans requires a drillhole collar file. You must enter an RL for the Plan view. By entering values in Window towards and away (Display Limits), you can limit the display to collars occurring in a corridor centred on the Plan RL. Trace coordinates are calculated for the Plan display using values in a collar file and an optional survey file. If the drillholes are curved, you can reduce the trace interval to ensure the display is accurate. By defining a trace file and associating a colour file with one of its fields, you can display information along the length of the trace. Usually this is an assay or geology file. A wide variety of Display Options can be used with the Plan display. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To display drillholes in Plan: 1.
Select Dhole | Plans from the main menu.
Enter a Plan RL.
Click Plan Setup and enter the extents of the display. The Window towards and Window away prompts define the data corridor that will be included in the Plan display.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval. Smaller values will display curved traces more accurately.
Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillholes in Normal Section Overview With Normal Sections you can display drillhole sections orthogonal to the grid. Trace coordinates are calculated for the section display using values in a collar file and an optional survey file. If the drillholes are curved, you can reduce the trace interval. The display limits control the extents of what will appear on the display. The values you enter in Window towards and Window away control what will be included in each section. By defining a trace file and associating a colour file with one of its fields, you can colour code the trace. This is usually done using an assay or geology file. A wide variety of Display Options can be used with the sections display. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To display Normal Sections:
Select Dhole | Norm al Sections from the main menu.
Choose the section view and enter the coordinate of the section you want to view.
Click Display Limits and enter the extents of the display. Note that your choice of view will control which of the prompts are enabled in this dialog box. The Window towards and Window away prompts define the data corridor that will be included in the section display.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval. Enter smaller values to display the curved holes more accurately. Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillholes in Transform Section With Transform Sections you can display drillhole data as vertical sections at an angle to the orthogonal grid. Validate all input files before running this function. You must have a collar file to use this function. The section line can be specified by entering:
The end points of the section.
A reference point and a bearing from that point. To define the extents of the section you must enter offsets from the reference point in each direction along the section line.
You must also enter values in Window towards and Window away to define the data corridor. Drillholes occurring in this corridor will be displayed on the section. Note: When you digitise outlines in Transform Sections, the outline coordinates will be relative to the reference point - not grid coordinates. When you plot transform sections using the Plot Editor, you can draw true East and North grid lines (along the X axis) as well as grid lines related to the reference plane. Do this in Plot | Editor |Grid |Transform. The Process To display a section at an angle to the orthogonal grid: 1.
Select Dhole | Transform Sections from the main menu.
Choose the method you will use to define the section.
Click Display Limits. Your choice of section definition controls which prompts in this dialog box are enabled. Enter values accordingly. The Window towards and Window away prompts define the data corridor that will be included in the display. Enter values in grid units.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval.
Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillholes in Stacked Section Overview Using the Drillhole Stacked Sections function you can show more than one drillhole section in a single plan display. The sections can be along Eastings or Northings and will show the collars in their correct positions. You can view the sections from any cardinal direction. Stacked Sections are particularly well suited to section displays where there are regularly spaced, shallow drillholes. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To display a Stacked Section:
Select Dhole | Stacked Sections from the main menu.
Use the Depth factor to control the height of the sections so they will “stack” in the display and plot without overlapping or being too small to be useful. Enter a value greater that 0.0. Values less than 1.0 will shrink the drillhole length and values greater than 1.0 will extend it. If you leave these prompt empty, the vertical scale of the sections will be the same as the plan scale.
Setup the display limits for the stacked section.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillholes perpendicular to the POV Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. POV displays drillholes projected onto a plane that you define. To define the plane you must enter:
A reference point. This becomes the point (0,0,0).
The strike and dip of a plane that passes through that point.
When you run the display the strike and dip will be shown in the information panel beside the drillhole display. A common application of POV displays is to show intersections through dipping tabular bodies. Note: When you digitise outlines in POV, the outline coordinates will be relative to the reference point not grid coordinates. You can convert the relative coordinates to grid coordinates using Dhole | Calculations | POV Conversion. The Process To display a section at an angle to the orthogonal grid: 1.
Select Dhole | Plane of the Vein from the main menu.
Click the POV Setup button and enter values to define the position of the reference point and the plane.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval.
Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Creating a drillhole display in Simple Interactive Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. Interactive | Simple displays simple drillhole information in plan then lets you define a section with the mouse. The section you define is then drawn. It is a quick way of drawing a transform section using a plan display as a reference. Both the section end points and bearing and distance of the selected section are displayed. The main purpose of this function is to allow you to quickly display lithology or assay values when interpreting structures. To display a simple interactive section:
Select Dhole | Interactive | Sim ple from the main menu.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval.
Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Click Section Setup and define the display limits for the Plan and Section display and the data corridor.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display. The drillholes will be displayed in Plan view.
Use the mouse to define the section that will be displayed.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Creating a drillhole display in Complex Interactive Overview You can use Interactive Sections | Complex to investigate the relationships between drillholes, surfaces and planes. It displays complex drill information, tenement boundaries, background files, faults and outcrops in plan, and can project this information onto sections. It has wide application, including:
Generating plots in both plan and section view with access to the full set of display options.
Displaying multiple surfaces, represented as DTMs, together with fault and outcrop information (section view).
Displaying background files to show data in the area of interest.
Displaying tenement files containing strings defining the limits of the tenement. In the section view these will appear as vertical lines on the display.
Interactively interpret drillholes on different sections and generate the string files required for creating DTMs and Gridded Seam models. Seam features are digitised in section as strings into separate files. It is possible to step through a data set at defined coordinate intervals, digitising common features into the same file.
Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Interactive | Complex from the main menu.
Select Show Drillholes to enable seams to be interpreted from drilling data. Once a model of the seam(s) is developed, clear Show drillholes? to remove unnecessary detail from the display. Note that when it is cleared, only the Plan and Section setup, Seams?, DTM profiles?, and Faults? prompts will be enabled.
Enter the trace definition parameters. This involves entering the name and field names of the collar file and (optionally) a survey file. You must also define the trace interval.
Enter an Azimuth correction if required.
Click Plan Setup and define the characteristics of the Plan display. Optionally specify a Background file.
Click Section Setup and define the display limits of the Section display and the data corridor.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display. The drillholes will be displayed in Plan view.
When using Interactive Drillholes to define the limits of and display stratified deposits such as a coal, use a suitable string file to describe the upper and lower bounds of each seam in the deposit. Repeat this process on subsequent sections to build an image of the seam(s) based on the drillhole data. The string file built in this process can later be used to create a DTM file.
DTM files for the seams in the deposit can be displayed in section view only.
Faults and seam outcrops use strings with dip, dip direction and (for outcrop) thickness to define these features. These can be entered directly from field data or digitised from existing maps and plans.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Setting up the Plan display To setup the Plan view: 1.
Click the Plan Setup button.
Enter the display limits.
Enter a value (in degrees) in Ortho snap. Any sections you define with bearings that lie off the cardinal directions, at angles less than this value, will be displayed as normal sections aligned to the grid. For example, if you enter a value of 3 and the section bearing (defined interactively) is 92, the section will be drawn at 90. Note: When left blank, the default value is 3.
Select Hole annotation if you want to display the hole name by each collar.
Select Show hole trace if you want to be able to see the drillhole traces in plan. Select the colour in which the traces will be displayed. If the drillholes are vertical there is no point in displaying the drillhole traces in plan view.
Using the Plan display When you run the program it displays the data first in Plan view, then in Section. The Plan view shows drillholes, any background information and tenements. It also displays the section trace as a solid line and data corridor and the window of data to be displayed in Section view. This is the section you defined in the Section Setup dialog box. In Plan view you can edit the Section parameters in the panel to the right of the display. Alternatively, you can define a Section in the display using the mouse.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Setting up the Section display The entries you make in the Section Setup dialog box control the vertical range of the sections that will be displayed, the ground colour, the thickness of the section and whether the plan view will appear. To setup the section view: 1.
Click the Section Setup button.
Clear Skip plan display when you want to display the section view immediately after running the function.
Enter the display limits.
(Optional) Select the ground surface colour. The surface appears as a string joining the drillhole collars. Select the NULL colour if you do not want to display it. DTM profiles can show the ground surface using a section through a DTM drawn on topographic information. This is more accurate if the terrain is rough or the section includes holes drilled from underground.
Define the direction and length of the section by entering the start and end points of a section or enter a single point, and a bearing and distance. You can also define a section in the plan view display by digitising the start and end points with a mouse. Define the data corridor by entering values (in grid coordinates) in Window towards and away. You can also change these in the display.
Enter values in the Window away and towards responses to define the thickness of the slice that will be shown in section. When making multiple sections, such as when defining a coal seam, the sum of these values will determine the spacing between sections selected using the +Sec and -Sec options in the section display.
Defining a Section in the Plan display using a m ouse 1.
Run Interactive | Complex. Make sure you have not selected Skip plan display in the Section Setup dialog box.
Position the cursor at the start point of the section and click.
Move the cursor to the end point of the section and click again. The solid line that describes the section will follow the cursor. The window towards and window away you defined in Section Setup parameter will be shown as dotted lines on either side of the section line.
The section parameters are displayed in the panel to the right of the plan display. You can edit these parameters to refine the section position. The direction in which you view the section will depend on the order in which you digitise the end points of the section. For example if you define a section line along line 10000 North (a North section) by positioning the first point on the left of the screen and the second on the right, the resulting section will be viewed looking North. If you define the same section by digitising the right hand point first the section display will be viewed looking south.
Using the Section display To display the Section you have just defined select Section | SecView. Drillholes, when enabled, will appear on the Section. Tenement file boundaries will appear as vertical lines. Strings, DTM surfaces, seams, faults and outcrops, if defined, will also be displayed. You can move to the next or previous Sections by selecting Section | +Sec and Section | -Sec from the menu. Use this feature when you are digitising strings in the display. These strings can be used to define the upper and lower bounds of seams.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying symbols Symbols are identified by number in a file. You define the symbol number when you create the symbol in the Symbol Editor. If you want the same symbol displayed at all points, simply define the Default symbol and Default colour and leave the other responses blank. By defining fields to control the symbol, its size, and its angle, different types of symbols can be drawn at each point. Refer to the file fragment shown below when reading the following. Symbol field and default symbol By referring to the field containing the symbol number (SYM), you can display symbols at each point. To do this, enter the name of the field where the symbol numbers are retained. If a symbol number is not specified for a record, you can select (F3) the default symbol that will appear at that point. Symbol size field and default size You can also control the size of the symbol for each point using a factor contained in a symbol size field (SIZE). The symbols will be sized in the display. If there is no symbol size specified for a record, you can enter a default value. Symbol angle field and default angle You can control the angle of the symbol for each point with a value contained in a symbol angle field (ANGLE). The angle should be a value between 0 and 360°. The symbol will be rotated clockwise from its natural position. Usually angles defining cardinal points are used in this field. If symbol angle is not specified for a record, you can enter a default value.
Colour coding By entering the name of the field that will control the colour coding and selecting (F3) or defining (F4) a colour set, you can colour code the symbols in the display. The default colour will be applied to symbols not included in the colour set.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying tenement boundaries A tenement file is used to define tenement boundaries. They appear as a string display in plan view and as vertical lines in section view. Note: for tenement boundary lines to appear in the section display you must select Show in section?. A tenement file is a string file. In the background file dialog box you can define:
The type and colour of the lines used to display the strings in the background file.
The characteristics of symbols that will be displayed at each of the data points in the string file.
Do the following: 1.
Select Tenement file and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file and the names of the fields in that file.
Enter the name of the field that will be used to define the line type. This will contain string codes. Enter string code values (including wildcards) in Solid, Dashed, Dotted and None prompts to allocate line types to the string codes in the file. If you want to draw solid lines leave this field blank.
To colour code the lines used to display tenements, enter the name of the Colour field and either select or create a colour set. Alternatively, select a default colour.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying faults You can display faults in Interactive | Complex. The program projects the intersection point of the fault and the section line onto the plane of the section. If the section is not perpendicular to the dip direction of the fault the apparent dip in the section is shown. Faults are defined as strings in standard .DAT files. You can enter the information in the Fault file directly from field observations or by digitising existing maps and plans. You can also digitise over a background data display in String Edit. A fragment from a file containing either faults or outcrop lines is shown:
A fault is defined by a series of points with information on the dip and dip direction of the fault at that point. The fault is drawn from the Easting, Northing and RL values which define the fault. In most cases the RL of the fault will be the ground elevation. A fault string can be attached to the topography or any other surface by using the Strings | DTM | Generate Z values. Faults defined by RLs which are above the ground surface will be displayed in the wrong position. Do the following:
Select Faults and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file and the names of the fields in that file.
To colour code the lines used to display faults, enter the name of the Colour field and either select or create a colour set. Alternatively, select a default colour.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying outcrops Outcrop lines are defined as strings in a file similar to the fault file. Outcrop strings should contain points defining the top surface of the unit to be projected. Do not use closed strings defining outcrop outlines or boundaries. The program draws the lithologic unit's cross section thickness from the value in the thickness field. An example of an outcrop file is shown in the illustration.
The records for outcrop strings have an additional field, thickness, which contains the true thickness of the outcrop at the point of measurement. When you run the program the thickness is shown as a line perpendicular to the apparent dip in the plane of the section. A series of dots will appear at the lower end of the thickness line if the section bearing is not 90 degrees to the dip direction. These extend either left or right from the end of the line depending on whether the angle between the dip direction and the outcrop line is more or less than 90 degrees. Do the following: 1.
Select Outcrops and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file and the names of the fields in that file.
To colour code the lines used to display faults, enter the name of the Colour field and either select or create a colour set. Alternatively, select a default colour.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Digitising seams in Interactive | Complex Seams are represented by strings. To digitise strings in the section display, you must select Section | Digitise String from the Display menu. Once selected, the Digitise Seams menu will be displayed. The Digitise String option will only be enabled if you have defined a string file in the Seams? dialog box. Any strings you create will be written to that file. In addition to seams, these strings can be used to represent the base of an oxidation zone, and hanging or foot walls.
Editing seams in Interactive | Complex The options on the Edit menu are used for drawing and changing the strings used to represent seams. These options are very similar to the tools used to edit and draw outlines. You can use the mouse or a digitiser to draw strings in the display.
Displaying seams When you are in the section display you can digitise (mouse or digitiser) the upper and lower bounds of seams. These will be saved in the file you define in the Seams dialog box. The strings can be coloured according to a Colour field, Colour file, and Default colour that you specify. This facility will typically be used to display and digitise seam boundaries and other surfaces such as footwalls, hanging walls, oxidation zone boundaries or topographic surfaces. Once these surfaces are defined on all required sections, you can use Strings | DTM | Create to make a DTM of each surface. Such surfaces can be displayed using DTM Profiles.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying seams with DTM profiles When you select DTM Profiles you can display DTM surfaces in the plane of the section. A surface is described using a single DTM file. Each seam must be identified by two DTM files, one describing the top of the seam and the other the bottom of the seam. These files can be prepared from data extracted directly from drillholes using the Dhole | Calculations | Seam top/bottom, or any other suitable function, but will typically be created from Seam files digitised in the Section display. To define which DTM profiles will be displayed: 1.
Select DTM profiles and click the More button opposite.
Enter the surface DTM file and the top and bottom DTM files for each seam.
Since the surface DTM is displayed as a single line this may only be given a colour. A single DTM file specified for one of the seams will show as a single surface. You can define up to ten seams, specifying a hatch and colour for each.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Calculating and displaying drillhole intersections Overview Using Dhole | Log | Intersections you can display individual drillholes and calculate average values for different intersection boundaries. You can also display any combination of data values, hatch patterns and graphs. The drillholes are displayed as vertical logs uncorrected for hole deviation. You can use the intersection calculation to calculate and display average grades (compositing) for up to six fields. Because the display is interactive, you can see the effect of different intersection boundaries on average values as you change the intersection boundaries. This gives you precision control over intervals. You can also write the average grades and a code to a separate file and/or to the input file containing the original assay data. The codes can be used to classify intersections. The intersection intervals can also be written to a field in the original data file. Any number of intersections may be calculated for each hole. Before you can calculate average values, you must define the fields containing assays in the input file. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To setup a Drillhole Intersections display: 1.
Select Dhole | Log | Intersections from the main menu.
Enter the name of the collar file containing the drillholes. Click the Collar Fields button and enter the names of the field in the collar file.
Enter the name of the first hole that will be displayed in the Hole ID prompt.
If you want to display a subset of the holes in the collar file enter the name of a list file. This must contain a hole filed with the names of the holes you want to display. Enter the name of the hole field in this file. A list file is any file that contains a list of the holes to be displayed.
Setup the downhole reference scale.
Select Calculate intersections and click the more button opposite. Fill out the dialog box that opens.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
When you run the function with Calculate intersections selected, the program will give you the option of appending or overwriting intersection values to the Output file. You will normally want to append. When you select overwrite, all data in the current Output file will be deleted. Note: The collar information is shown only if the top of the hole is displayed. If a section of a hole is displayed a yellow triangle appears at the top and bottom of the extreme left hand side of the screen, indicating data exists above and below the current display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Setting up the intersection calculation Select Calculate Intersections and click the More button opposite. You need to do three things in the Intersection Calculations dialog box.
Nominate the input file and the intersection fields.
Define what the output will be when you calculate an intersection.
Enter the name of the output file.
The program allows on screen compositing of the value in up to six numeric fields. Enter the names of these fields in the Intersection fields prompts. The length weighted average values, and any codes you define, can then be written to the input file, which contains the original data, and/or the Output file, which contains the result of the compositing. Alternatively it can be output to the display only. Choose one of the Run modes to control output. OUTPUT INTERSECTION To write the intersection to the output file. The thickness is output to the Thick field. Any code you enter (when prompted in the display) will be written to the Code field. ASSIGN CODE To write any code you enter (when prompted in the display) in the Code field in the input file only. Output file is disabled. OUTPUT & ASSIGN To write the intersection to the output file. Any code you enter (when prompted in the display) will be written to the Code field in the input file and the output file. DISPLAY ONLY To display the result of the calculation on screen only. When you select Gaps = missing the length of the sample of any missing value in any field over an interval is treated as NULL for averaging. When you clear it, the interval is included in the averaging and treated as if it had a value of zero.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Running intersections To calculate intersections: 1.
Make sure that you have selected Calculate Intersection in the main form.
Select Intersect from the display menu.
Position the line that appears on the screen at one boundary of the intersection and left click.
Position the line that defines the other end of the interval at the other boundary of the intersection and click. Note the averages for the six intersection fields will change as you move the cursor.
Enter the code that will be assigned to this record. You will not be prompted to enter this code if you have chosen DISPLAY as the run mode.
Note: If you digitise multiple intersections, work from the top of the hole to the bottom. Intersections must not overlap. If you digitise intersections in other than top-down order, they will be written to the output file and to the data file, but will not display (though they will not corrupt the file). You can enter intersections in any order, then sort the output file by Hole and ascending From value. All (non-overlapping) intersections will display properly. This restriction is necessary because the output file can be used as a normal drill intersections file, these cannot have overlapping or incorrectly ordered From-To values.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Drillhole Intersections: Display Tools Use the following menu options to navigate the Drillhole Intersection Display: PgUp/PgDn If part of a hole is displayed, these menu options move the display up and down the hole. Hole Select the Hole menu option and enter the name of the hole you want to display. Prev/Next Select the Prev and Next menu options to display the previous and next holes in the collar file, relative to the current hole. Zoom The initial display shows the range defined by Min depth and Max depth. The Zoom menu option offers the following options: In Select this option then define the first depth and second depth using the cursor. Out This doubles the current display range. Unzoom Returns to the range defined in the parameter screen. Keyboard Select this option and enter the minimum and maximum depth to display. Back Returns to the last display, can be used to re-display the last five views.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Drillhole Intersections: Multiple field display Using Intersect/MF you can display the contents of multiple fields or intersections beside the drillhole trace. Generally, one of the Intersect/MF options will be used for displaying multiple fields while the other is used to display the results of intersection calculations. You can display two sets of intersection calculations using separate files but only one can be interactively updated. The multi-field display is often used to display minor element assays, specific gravity measurements, structural data, fracture intensity and other information associated with major element assays. When you setup the Intersect/MF you must choose the display mode. Choose from:
INTERSECTIONS - This will display the interval, average value and code from an intersection file. You can define how the thickness of the intersection will be displayed.
MULTIFIELDS - This will display the contents of several fields (labels) in a file down the length of the drillhole. You will normally use this function to display fields in an assay file.
To display labels down the drillhole: 1.
Choose the display mode from the list.
Enter the name of the file that contains the data you want to display.
Enter the names of the Hole, From and To fields.
If you have set the display mode to INTERSECTIONS, enter the annotation that will appear beside the thickness value (e.g. the units in which it will be displayed). Define the number of decimal places that will be used for the thickness value and select the colour in which the value will be displayed.
Define the position and appearance of the labels that will be displayed and the characteristics of the field header.
Define the name and characteristics of each field that will be displayed.
(Optional) Define how ticks will be displayed beside the drillhole trace.
Controlling how the fields will be displayed The labels that you display down the drillhole trace are divided into columns. These can be separated by a single character such as a hyphen or space. Enter a character in the Delimiter prompt. You can also select the colour in which the delimiter character will be displayed. The Offset distance controls the distance of the text from the drillhole trace. Enter the offset distance in grid units. If you display ticks down the drillhole, you can also offset them from the drillhole trace. Remember to coordinate your entry for the label offset with that for the ticks. You can also apply a size factor to the labels to magnify or decrease their nominal size (set in Options | Colours & Fonts). You will not see this when you run the function. However, when you create a plot file, the size factor will be included and applied in the plot. The default colour will be applied to labels for which there is no colour set defined. Defining which fields will be displayed
Select fields from the Input file.
For each field define:
A colour set.
The Width of the column in which the data will be displayed (in characters).
The number of decimals that will be displayed for numeric data.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
The justification. Normally text is left justified and numbers are right justified.
Controlling how the field headers will appear The name of each of the fields you display will appear at the head of each column of labels. You can also select the colour in which they will be displayed and enter a size factor here. Choosing the side of the trace on which the fields will be displayed Choose either left or right from the Side list. Note that if you are displaying any other data beside the drillhole trace, you will either need to choose an empty side or use offset distances to ensure that one set of data does not overwrite another. Displaying ticks along the length of the trace In addition to field values, you can also display ticks down the length of the drillhole trace at each trace interval. To do this: 1.
Select Display all ticks?.
Select a tick colour or select Use value colour?. If you select Use value colour?, the colour applied to the nearest field values will be used for the tick.
Enter the offset distance in grid units and define the size factor for the ticks.
Note: A vertical line joining the left side of the tick marks serves to distinguish intersection displays from multi-field displays.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying the results of intersection calculations To display results of an intersection calculation:
Make sure you have setup the Calculate Intersections dialog so an output file will be created. Calculate intersections will create the Output file if it does not already exist.
Run the program, then return to the Drillhole Intersection Display dialog box.
Select one of the Intersect/MF options and click the More button opposite. Enter the name of the output file (defined in the Intersection Calculations dialog) in the Input file prompt.
Setup how the intersection value will be displayed in this dialog box.
Run the program again.
Calculate intersections in the display and save them.
Select Display | Refresh to update the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying Strip Logs Overview The Dhole | Log | Strip Log function displays single drillholes as vertical strip logs uncorrected for hole deviation. In addition to value (label), event and hatch displays, you can include up to ten graphical logs of any numeric field. Each drillhole is displayed individually. Besides a collar file, each file used in the display must have a hole identifier, FROM/TO values, and some value to display. Only numeric fields may be displayed as graphs. The data can come from different files and the FROM/TO values in these files can be different. Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. The Process To display Strip Logs: 1.
Select Dhole | Log | Strip Log from the main menu.
Enter the name of the collar file containing the drillholes. Click the Collar Fields button and enter the names of the field in the collar file.
Enter the name of the first hole that will be displayed in the Hole ID prompt.
If you want to display a subset of the holes in the collar file enter the name of a list file. This must contain a hole field with the names of the holes you want to display. Enter the name of the hole field in this file. A list file is any file that contains the identification of the holes to be displayed. Holes will be displayed in the order in which they appear in the List file.
Setup the downhole reference scale.
Setup any of the display options.
Click OK to run the display.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Defining hole annotation The hole annotation features vary according to which function you are using. The extended hole annotation features described in this topic apply to most drillhole functions. There are two ways of defining hole annotation: Default and Complex. By default hole names are displayed at the top of the hole with the label running parallel to the uppermost segment of the trace. The program gets the hole annotation from the nominated Hole field in the collar file. When you define complex hole annotation you can control:
What will be displayed - by entering any of the field names in the collar file, that is, a field name other than the one containing the Hole name.
How it will be coloured - defining a colour set.
The direction the text is facing and its size.
The coordinates at the drillhole collar.
The bottom of the hole annotation.
To define complex hole annotation, select Use complex parameters and click the More button opposite. Make entries in the dialog box that opens. Controlling what hole annotation will appear Normally you will want to display the hole name at each drillhole. However, you can enter the name of any field in the Collar file and display its contents at the collar or bottom of hole. Colour coding the hole annotation The drillhole annotation can also be colour coded. The type of colour coding will depend on the field type (C or N) of the hole annotation field. To apply colour coding, double-click with the cursor in the Colour field (F3) and select a colour set from the list that appears. Alternatively, create a new colour set by right-clicking (F4). Positioning and sizing hole annotation You can display the drillhole annotation at the top and/or the bottom of the hole. The following explanation only describes how to display annotation at the top of the hole but applies equally to the bottom of the hole. Choose one of the options from the Top location list: NONE No annotation will be displayed. AUTO The annotation will appear in the default position. This is parallel to the last segment in the drillhole trace. CENTRE The text of the drillhole annotation will appear at the top of the hole centred on the drillhole collar. It will be horizontal. DIRECTION The text of the drillhole annotation will be rotated about all drillhole collars and will depend on your entry in Top direction.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying collar coordinates To display collar coordinates: 1.
Choose CENTRE for the Top location.
Select Display Collar coordinates.
Enter the labels that will be appended to the coordinate values (e.g. E or N).
Put a space before the label if you do not want it to appear right up against the coordinate value. Enter the number of decimal places that will be used when displaying the label. If you want to suppress one of the coordinate values from the display enter an @ character in the appropriate field. For example, if you only want to display Easting and Northing coordinates, enter a @ in the RL response.
Defining the bottom of hole annotation The parameters in the Bottom Of Hole group control the appearance of the Bottom of Hole annotation. Your selection for Depth colour controls the colour in which the bottom of hole depth will appear (the value is taken from the Total Depth field in the collar file). You can define the number of decimals that will be used for the total depth value. If you specify more decimal places than are present in the collar file, the value will be padded with zeros. The default for this field is 0 - no decimal places. If you want to append text to the hole depth value, make an entry in the Annotation field (e.g. m, metres). You can also control the tick colour by making a selection for this parameter.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Collar Symbol display There are two ways of defining collar symbols: default and complex. Using the first method, you need only define a (default) colour in which the default collar symbol (the circle) will be displayed. With complex symbols, you can control:
The type of symbol that will be displayed.
A default symbol.
How the symbols will be coloured.
The angle and size of the symbols.
To define complex collar symbols, select Use complex parameters and click the More button opposite. Make entries in the dialog box that opens. By entering the name of a field in the collar file and nominating a colour set, you can control how the collar symbols will be coloured. Colour sets are often used to differentiate drillholes by type. For example, you could use red for all DDH holes, green for all RC holes and blue for all RAB holes. The Symbol field must contain values that correspond to the different symbol types. You can use the File | Fields | Generate function to enter the values in a field in the collar file. The default symbol will be applied whenever that field is empty or contains a value for which there is no symbol defined. By entering the names of fields in the Symbol angle and Symbol size prompts, you can further control how the collar symbols are applied. Default angles and sizes can be specified. When left undefined these are 0° and 1 respectively.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying outlines You can display predefined outlines from most of the dialog boxes used to generate displays. You can define up to five outline files and selectively display outlines from each. Once you have defined the outline files they must be saved as a form set. This facility also allows you to include the outlines in your macros. To display outlines: 1.
Select Display Outlines.
If you have already defined a form set containing one or more outline files, position the cursor in the response and click (F3).
Select a form set from the list that appears.
The outlines in the form set will be displayed when you run the function. To control which outlines are displayed: 1.
Select Display Outlines.
Position the cursor in the response and right-click (F4).
If you have not already done so, enter the name of an outline file.
Click the More button opposite. The Outline Options dialog will appear.
The Outline Options dialog is divided into two parts. The parameters in the upper group enable you to restrict which outlines in the file will be displayed. The parameters in the lower part control how the selected outlines will be displayed.
You can restrict which outlines are displayed by attribute, that is, by NAME or CODE. Choose one of these and then enter an identifier in the prompt opposite. All the outlines that match this identifier will be displayed. Wildcards can be used in the identifier. Enter up to five restrictions.
In the Display Options, select which values will appear at the centroid of each outline and whether or not they will be filled (with hatching).
Close the dialog box and either save an outline form set or continue entering outline file names.
Note: When you change values in an existing form set they will be automatically saved when returning to the main form. Use Forms | Save As to create a new forms set. The new form set will be automatically selected when you return to the main form.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying the ground profile There are two ways of displaying the ground profile for drillhole sections:
By allowing the program to display a string linking the collars on the section.
By entering the name of a section file. This must contain profiles on or around the sections you will be displaying.
The first option will not display changes in the topology between the drillhole collars. In this case you only need to select the default colour for the ground profile. To use a cross section file you must first create it. You can do this by creating a DTM of the terrain and using Cross Sections to create a file with X and Y coordinates on the sections you nominate. Normal Sections will look in the cross sections file and use the section coordinates nearest that entered in the Section specification. An example cross section file is shown in the illustration below.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying depth and offsection details Using the parameters in Depth/Offsection you can display:
The depth down the length of the trace.
The distance a drillhole departs from the section.
The points at which each drillhole pierce the toward, away and section planes.
The depth and offsection values can be displayed at a nominated interval and their position, size, offset can be controlled. The points where the drillholes pierce section planes can be highlighted with symbols. These can be colour coded, sized, rotated and positioned. When you display both depth and offsection values, the offsection values appear slightly above the tick and the depth values slightly below. To define these parameters: 1.
Select Depth/Offsection? and click the More button opposite.
Select which options you require from Depth, Offsection and Pierce points, and enter parameters accordingly.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying events down the drillhole Events denote points down drillholes where something of interest has happened. For example, you may want to show the point where oxidation stops. Events can be displayed with colour coded labels. You can also display symbols where each event occurs. A typical event file is shown in the illustration. Notice that it is unlike assay files in that it does not have From/To intervals. The depth at which an event occurs is recorded in a Depth field.
You can use an assay file as an event file if you use either the From or To intervals to define the depth of an event. To display events along the drillhole trace 1.
Select Events from the Display group and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the event file and the names of the depth and event fields in this file.
The event field contains the values or text that will be displayed at the location of the event e.g. LOX. The function uses the Depth field to position the event display along the drillhole trace.
Define how the labels and symbols will be displayed at each event.
To control the Event label display
Choose the label position - either the left or right of the trace.
Define the distance, in grid units, that the label will be offset from the trace. The distance is measured from the character nearest the trace. The default is one. You can also control the size of the label text by making an entry in Size factor. This factor is applied to the display font (you can define the display font in Options | Colours & Fonts). Note that the sizing will not be applied to the label in the display. However, when you create a plot file, the size factor is included. You can see the results when you preview the plot in Quick Plot or the Plot Editor.
Colour coding drillhole events Unless you select or create a colour set, the default colour will be used. Controlling the sym bol display for each event If you intend displaying different symbols at each events down the trace, your events file must have a field containing symbol numbers. Enter the name of this field in the Symbol field prompt. To assign values to a symbol field based on the contents of another field in the events file, use File | Fields | Generate.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions By default, the symbol will be positioned on the trace. Any offset you enter will move it away from the trace to the same side as the label. You need to consider the relative positions of the symbol and the label. Incorrect positioning will lead to the symbol obscuring the text of the event label. You can also control the angle and size of the symbols by entering field names in the appropriate prompts. The defaults are 0° and 1 respectively. Note that the values in these fields can be assigned in the same way as the symbol numbers.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying multiple fields Multi fields is used to display the contents of several fields (labels) in a file down the length of the drillhole. You will normally use this function to display several fields in an assay file. To display labels down the drillhole: 1.
Enter the name of the file that contains the data you want to display.
Enter the names of the Hole, From and To fields.
Define the position and appearance of the labels that will be displayed and the characteristics of the field header.
Define the name and characteristics of each field that will be displayed.
(Optional) Define how ticks will be displayed beside the drillhole trace.
Controlling how the fields will be displayed The labels that you display down the drillhole trace is divided into columns. These columns can be separated by a single character such as a hyphen or a space. Enter a character in the Delimiter prompt. You can also select the colour in which the delimiter character will be displayed. The Offset distance controls the distance of the text from the drillhole trace. Enter the offset distance in grid units. If you display ticks down the drillhole, you can also offset them from the drillhole trace. Remember to coordinate your entry for the label offset with that for the ticks. You can also apply a size factor to the labels to magnify or decrease their nominal size (set in Options | Colours & Fonts). You will not see this when you run the function. However, when you create a plot file, the size factor will be included and applied in the plot. The default colour will be applied to labels for which there is no colour set defined. Defining which fields will be displayed 1.
Select fields from the Input file.
For each field define:
A colour set.
The Width of the column in which the data will be displayed (in characters).
The number of decimals that will be displayed for numeric data.
The justification. Normally text is left justified and numbers are right justified.
To find out the field specifications for the file, select Utilities | Descriptive Stats from the menu that appears when you right click in the File response. Controlling how the field headers will appear The name of each of the fields you display will appear at the head of each column of labels. You can also select the colour in which they will be displayed and enter a size factor here. Choosing the side of the trace on which the fields will be displayed Choose either left or right from the Side list. Note that if you are displaying any other data beside the drillhole trace, you will either need to choose an empty side or use offset distances to ensure that one set of data does not overwrite another. Displaying ticks along the length of the trace In addition to field values, you can also display ticks down the length of the drillhole trace at each trace interval.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions To do this: 1.
Select Display all ticks?
Select a tick colour or select Use value colour?. If you select Use value colour?, the colour applied to the nearest field values will be used for the tick.
Enter the offset distance in grid units and define the size factor for the ticks.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying the drillhole depth You can display drillhole depth along the length of the drillhole trace. To do this: 1.
Select Depth/Offsection? and click the More button opposite.
Select Display depth in the Depth/Offsection dialog.
Define how the labels and ticks will be displayed.
To define the appearance of Depth labels 1.
Select the colour in which the depth values will be displayed.
Enter the interval, in grid units, at which the depth labels and ticks will appear. For example, enter 10 for 10m intervals.
Choose the side on which the depth labels will be displayed and enter the offset distance from the label to the drillhole trace. This distance should be entered in grid units.
Enter a size factor for the labels. The default value is 1. To halve the size of the labels, enter 0.5. To double the size of the label enter 2. Only one decimal place can be used.
To define the appearance of ticks that will appear at each label
Enter the size factor for the tick in grid units (usually metres).
Enter the distance between the tick and the drillhole trace. Once again this is entered in grid units.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Displaying drillhole Pierce points
The Pierce Points display is used to indicate the locations where the drillhole trace intersects:
The section plane.
The plane running parallel to the section, on the Window towards coordinate.
The plane running parallel to the section, on the Window towards coordinate.
You can annotate the points on each plane where the intersection occurs with:
The downhole depth at which the intersection occurs.
A symbol to make it easy to differentiate which plane is being intersected.
Labels Enter a size factor to control the size of the labels in which the depth and offsection values will be displayed. By default this is 1.0. To decrease the sizes of the label, enter a value greater than 0.0 and < 1.0. To increase the label size, enter a value greater than 1.0. Note that the label will not change size on the display; only on a plot. You can also choose which side of the trace the label will be positioned, and enter a distance (grid units) the label will be offset. Decimals Enter the number of decimal places that will be used for the Depth and Offsection labels. Ticks Enter a size factor, in grid units, to control tick size. The effects will be displayed. You can also enter the distance, again in grid units, that the ticks will be offset from the trace. Select the colour in which the ticks will be displayed. Symbols The Entry, Pierce and Exit points are the places where the drillhole intersects the window towards, section and window away planes. Each of these points can be annotated with a symbol. You can define the colour, size, angle and offset (grid units) for the symbols.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions The size factor is 1.0 by default. Enter a value greater than 0.0 and < 1.0 to decrease the size of the symbol. To increase the label size, enter a value greater than 1.0. Note that the symbol will change size on the display. Colours Select the colour in which the Depth and Offsection labels will be displayed.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Drillhole reporting Validate all the files you will use as input to this function before running it. Dhole Reporting enables you to prepare drillhole logs by selecting and formatting data from assay, collar, survey and geology files. You can prepare drillhole logs ranging from a simple listing of assay values for one drillhole to highly complex multiple hole listings with dividing lines, headers, footers and special pagination. You can also :
Substitute values from a reference file into the report headers and footers. The reference file can contain items such as tenement number, geologist details, driller details, dates or other technical data that may be required on the report. Use of a reference file is recommended.
Use pre-defined substitutions to include the project name and title.
You can define the output to be a text file or send it directly to the printer. The Process 1.
Select Dhole | Reporting from the main menu.
Click Report Setup and define the overall appearance of the report.
Choose a layout for the report. This controls whether or not Assay and Geology data are included and how they are positioned on the page.
Choose how headers and footers will be included then define their appearance.
Define how page numbering will appear.
Enter the name of a List file that contains the list of the drillholes that are to be printed.
Define the input data sources by entering the details of the collar, survey, assay and geology files.
For each of the source files, define which fields will be included in Body Layout and how they will appear in Print Style.
You can either output the report directly to a printer, or save it as a file (enter a filename in the box provided). More information...
10. Click the OK button to create your report.
Exploration - Drillhole display functions
Defining the overall appearance of the report You can define the overall appearance of the report in the Report Setup dialog box. Page Setup The number of lines per page, number of columns per page and the margin are all defined in character units. As a general rule A4 paper takes 69 lines of 10pt text. Letter size paper (8.5” x 11”) takes 60 lines of 10 pt text. One point is 1/72”. When you decide how many lines of drillhole text will be included on the page, remember that the header and footer must be added. Report Layout If you want to force a break between sequential assay and geology files, select Page break between Assays and Geology. If there aren’t many lines of data for each hole, you can select Multiple holes per page and then specify the minimum number of lines that can be on a page. When you select Tile, assay and geology files are printed on a separate adjacent page regardless of the width of the two files. When tiling is cleared, the program will attempt to print both files on a single page. Justification For each of the report elements choose the type of justification that will be applied. For example, columns containing numeric values are usually right justified and columns containing character based information, such as lithology codes, are usually left justified. Printer Font To change the font that will be used on the report, click Change Font and select the font and size you require. You are restricted to non-proportional fonts.
Exploration - Graphs
Displaying your data as a graph You can display your data as four types of graph:
A General line, bar, point or value graph showing up to ten data fields.
A Spider graph showing data from several different fields for specified groups of records. A line connects data from individual records.
A Ternary (triangular) graph of any three data fields.
A Stereonet representation of data with strike and dip values, using either Wulff or Schmidt display.
Displaying a General graph You can display data from any data file as an X - Y plot, with up to ten different fields on the Y axis. Each field can be shown in a different colour, and may be represented as a line, bar, point or value. To generate a General Graph: 1.
Select Display | Graph | General from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type. Check either linear or logarithmic for each axis and optionally enter the name of the field controlling the Y range.
Choose the type of graph. For a VALUE type you can also choose the angle at which the text will be displayed.
Enter the name of each field to be displayed on the Y axis, and double click (F3) the Colour button to select the colour of each.
Run the function to see the graph.
Exploration - Graphs
Displaying a Spider graph Overview A Spider graph shows relationships between multiple fields in successive records. This function can display up to ten fields for up to ten records at a time, showing the values for each record as a connected group of points. Each record group is shown in a different colour, associated with the sample ID. Field labels are shown on the X axis and values are plotted on the Y axis. You can interactively view next and previous record sets on the display screen. If there are widely different values, you can specify a factor by which the values will be divided. You can also normalise values by specifying a field whose values will be used to divide all the others. This makes the value for all samples the same for the normalising field, and effectively scales the other field values relative to that field. The following diagram shows the effect of normalisation; different line styles are shown for the different samples here, but on the screen they are identified by colour.
The Process To display a Spider Graph: 1.
Select Display | Graph | Spider from the main menu.
Exploration - Graphs 2.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
(Optional) Enter the name of the field containing Sample numbers. The data may be numeric or textual; it will be associated with a colour on the display.
Enter the number of samples to display in each group (maximum is 10).
Click Numeric Exceptions to enter values that should be ignored. Check the relevant boxes to ignore characters, ignore blanks and treat values prefixed with ‘<’ as half the value.
(Optional) Enter the name of the field to be used for normalising the values.
Select the type of grid.
Enter the names of the fields to display. For each field, optionally enter a factor by which the data will be divided before displaying.
Run the function to see the graph.
Exploration - Graphs
Displaying a Ternary graph Overview This function uses data from three fields to construct a triangular graph in which the position of each point is determined by the percentage of the three components.
You can display the points as symbols, with fields controlling the symbol, its size and colour. Each point can be labelled with the contents of a field (for example, to indicate the sample number or origin). A typical application is the display of oxide components of whole-rock analysis. The Process To display a Ternary Graph:
Select Display | Graph | Ternary from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Enter the names of the fields that will provide the data to be plotted. These names will be displayed at the vertices of the triangle.
Click Numeric Exceptions to enter values that should be ignored. Check the relevant boxes to ignore characters, ignore blanks and treat values prefixed with ‘<’ as half the value.
(Optional) Check the Display lines? box to show a triangular grid (that is, with grid lines parallel to each side of the triangle).
(Optional) Enter the name of the fields that control the symbol used and the size of the symbol for each point. Double click (F3) the Default symbol field to select a default symbol.
(Optional) Enter the name of the field that will be displayed as a label for each point.
(Optional) Enter the name of the field that controls symbol and label colour, and enter the Colour set to be used. Double click (F3) the Default colour button to set a default colour.
Run the function to see the graph.
Exploration - Graphs
Displaying a Stereonet graph This function uses either the Schmidt (equal area) method or Wulff (equal angle) method to display a stereonet graph of coordinated data points, using southern hemisphere projections. You can use either strike and dip or dip direction and dip data, but not both types at the same time. The choice of which to use depends on tradition, but the aim should be for consistency in the displays.
If you use strike and dip values, dips must be defined as positive for right dips and negative for left dips. If you use dip direction and dip data values, the absolute values of dips are used. Structures with a dip of 90 degrees will have their centres plotted on the stereonet boundary, meaning that a symbol may overlap the boundary. The Process To display a Stereonet Graph: 1.
Select Display | Graph | Stereonet from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Enter the name of the Dip field.
Check Dip direction field and enter the name of the dip direction field, or
Check Strike field and enter the name of the strike field.
Click Numeric Exceptions to enter values that should be ignored. Check the relevant boxes to ignore characters, ignore blanks and treat values prefixed with ‘<’ as half the value.
Check either Schmidt or Wulff to determine the type of display required.
(Optional) Enter the name of the fields that control the symbol used and the size of the symbol for each point. Double click (F3) the Default symbol field to select a default symbol.
10. (Optional) Enter the name of the field whose values will be displayed as a label for each point. 11. (Optional) Enter the name of the field that controls symbol colour, and enter the Colour set to be used. Double click (F3) the Default colour button to set a default colour. 12. Run the function to see the graph.
Exploration – Complex Display
Complex Display (Single) Overview This function produces a two-dimensional display of any point data such as geochemical sample or survey location data. You choose a data field whose value is displayed in a label attached to each point. The label position, angle, colour and size are all configurable and can be controlled by fields within the source file or assigned default settings. One field may control more than one attribute. Similarly, symbols used and their size, angle and colour can also be controlled from the source file or defaulted. You can choose not to display symbols. A typical use is to display different symbols in simple geochemical plots, along with a value. Another use is to display cultural features on topographic maps.
The Process 1.
Select Display | Complex | Single from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Enter the Display field. This will provide the value to be shown in each label.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type.
(Optional) Enter a Colour field name and enter a colour set number to use a field in the file to control label colour. Otherwise, the default label colour will be used (you can double click (F3) to select this).
(Optional) Check the Display symbols box if you want to show symbols, and click More to specify how they will be displayed.
(Optional) Check the Display labels box if you want to show labels. Enter the Label Position field name to use a field to control where the label will be shown relative to the point. The values should be in the range 1 to 15.
Double click (F3) the Default position to select one of the 15 label positions as a default.
(Optional) Enter the label Angle field name to use a field to control the angle at which the label will be displayed. If you want to change the default angle, type in a new value. The following figure shows some examples.
10. (Optional) Enter the label Size factor field name to use a field to control the size of each label in the plot file (the label size on the screen is fixed). The plot label size will be multiplied by the factor. If you want to change the default factor, type in a new value. 11. (Optional) Check the Display Outlines box and enter an outline set if you want to show outlines.
Exploration – Complex Display 12. Run the function to see the display.
Exploration – Complex Display
Complex Display (M ultiple) Overview This is similar to the single value display, except that you can show up to ten labels (or symbols) for each point, controlled by different fields. A single field can control label colour, or you can specify individual colour fields and defaults. A typical use would be for simple geochemical plots with values from several different data fields around each point. Applications include multi-element geochemical data, block model values and complete drill hole location coordinates. If you display symbols, fields or default values control the actual symbol, size, colour and angle of rotation. The same field can control more than one display attribute. To automatically create symbol numbers from values in the data file, as opposed to entering each symbol number separately, select Options | Symbols from the menu.
The Process
Select Display | Complex | Multiple from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type.
(Optional) Check the Display symbols box if you want to show symbols, and click More to specify how they will be displayed.
(Optional) Check the Display labels box if you want to show labels, and click More to specify the various fields and values. Enter a number to determine the Label Positions around the coordinate point.
(Optional) Check the Colour code labels individually? box if you do not want a single field or default to control the colour of all labels. In this case, you will be able to specify the colour set and default colour in the Display labels dialog box.
(Optional) Enter the label Colour field name to use a field to control the colour of all labels. This is available only if you did not check the box in step 6. Enter the number of the colour set to use and double click (F3) to set the default colour.
(Optional) Check the Display Outlines box and enter an outline set if you want to show outlines.
Run the function to see the display.
Exploration – Complex Display
Complex Display (Polygon) Overview This function produces a two-dimensional display of coordinate points, each represented as a polygon with a specified number of sides. The size, colour and hatching can be controlled by fields in the data file, and you can set default values for these attributes. You can choose to determine polygon size by means of a scaling factor or by specifying ranges of values and the corresponding radii. A typical use is the display of geochemical data.
The Process 1.
Select Display | Complex | Polygon from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type.
Choose the scaling method. If you choose FACTOR, enter the Base value, Scaling factor and Maximum radius. If you choose RANGES, click on the Range Values button and enter values in the dialog box.
Select Use hatch field if you want to control polygon hatching using a field in the polygon file. When you select this option, you must enter the name of the controlling field and either select or create a hatch set. If you want to control the foreground and background colours of the hatching you must select Foreground and/or Background and click the adjacent More button. In the dialog that opens, enter the name of the field in the polygon file that will control the hatch colour and select or create a colour set. If you only need to use a single hatch pattern for all the polygons, do not select Use hatch field.
(Optional) Check the Display Outlines box and enter an outline set if you want to show outlines.
Run the function to see the display.
Exploration – Complex Display
Complex Display (Pie) Overview This function produces a two-dimensional display of coordinate points, with up to eight data values shown as pie segments around each point. The size, colour and hatching can be controlled by fields in the data file, and you can set default values for these attributes. You can determine pie segment size by means of a scaling factor, by specifying ranges or by normalisation. Typical uses are for the display of geochemical plots and block model values.
The Process
Select Display | Complex | Pie from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type.
Choose the Scaling method you want to use.
Click on Define Fields to specify which fields you want to define as pie segments and enter the required values. Some of these depend on the scaling method you selected.
(Optional) Check the Display Outlines box and enter an outline set if you want to show outlines.
Run the function to see the display.
Exploration – Contours Display
Displaying contours Overview Using a grid file as source, you can create a contour display or plot file; and you can also output contours as a string file. You can control the contour line spacing, including the use of irregular intervals controlled from a separate file. In addition, you can control the type of line, colouring, labels and the application of smoothing. A contour display can also show values as shades (blocks filled with colour) or as blocks containing the values. The Process To display Contours: 1.
Select Display | Contours | Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of the grid file containing your data. When you specify a new file, a prompt asks if you want to load new values. Answer YES to have the program calculate new coordinate limits and contour interval to suit the new data, or NO to leave those settings as they are.
Click Display Limits to set the boundaries of the display, grid size and type.
Choose the Display mode.
Click on Lines to specify various parameters associated with the contour lines if you chose a LINES display.
Click on Grid to specify parameters associated with the grid and label size if you chose a SHADES or BLOCKS display.
(Optional) Check the Display data? check box and Click More to specify how to display the original data points.
(Optional) Check the Outline restrictions? box and click More to use outlines to restrict the contours shown.
(Optional) Enter an output file name and choose its type.
Exploration – Contours Display
Working with contours The source file for a contour display must contain X and Y coordinates, plus a third single value field such as height, pressure and salinity. As real-world coordinates are almost never evenly spaced, the first step is to generate a grid file in which each node of a regular grid is assigned a value that best fits the original source data. The program gives you control on the grid spacing and how the grid is determined. You can also produce a grid file from which the regional trend has been removed, or a file showing just the regional trend. Having generated a grid file, you can select the Display | Contours | Display menu option to display contours using one of the following display modes: Lines Lines: shown as regular contours between defined limits or at irregular intervals controlled by a file. The lines may be solid, dashed or dotted, and can be coloured and labelled. Shades Shades: which are filled blocks controlled by a combination of a colour set and an estimated block value. Blocks Blocks: in which each block contains the estimated value, with the colour controlled by a combination of a colour set and the estimated value. The above combined Shades + lines, or Blocks + lines.
Exploration – Contours Display
Generating a contour grid file Overview The process of generating a contour grid file is known as gridding, and the end result comprises blocks or cells containing estimated values. A large block size will be fast to compute but will produce a coarse map, while a small block size will be slower to compute but will produce higher resolution. In general, a good starting point is to make the grid spacing approximately equal to the maximum raw data point spacing. In most cases you will have to carry out some trial and error processing to determine the optimum settings of the various parameters for your particular data set. The Process This process overview lists the key steps involved in generating a contour grid file. Where necessary, more information is provided under the headings that follow. 1.
Select Display | Contours | Generate Grid from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data.
Enter the name of the Grid field whose data will be used for the calculations.
Click Grid Limits to set grid parameters.
(Optional) Check Preview mode? and click More to set preview options.
Choose the gridding method. If you chose INVDISTPOW or ANISOTROPIC IDP, type in an inverse power.
Click on Data Search and set the values.
Choose how the function should deal with Duplicate points: IGNORE, AVERAGE or take the MAXimum or MINimum value. Duplicate points are those with the same coordinates but different data values.
(Optional) Check the Use points outside grid limits? box if you want to include points outside the grid limits (but within the search ellipse).
10. (Optional) Check the Outline restrictions? box and click on More if you want to restrict the search to within specific outlines. 11. (Optional) Check the Trend removal? box and click on More if you want to eliminate regional trends from your data and optionally emphasize local anomalies. This is unavailable for the minimum curvature method and is not normally used with the kriging method. 12. (Optional) Check the Smooth grid? box and select either ONE or TWO adjoining cells. 13. Enter an output file name. 14. Run the function. If you specified Preview mode you will now see a graphical representation of the search ellipse as it collects the data at each node. If you specified trend removal, you will also see its search.
Exploration – Contours Display
Grid calculation methods Gridding m ethods The program offers a choice of five gridding methods in order to allow for different requirements and different types of data. Except for Minimum Curvature, all the methods involve the use of a search function that finds the data points around each grid node, and processes that information to give a best guess of the value to use at the node. The search function in effect moves an ellipse (which is usually a circle) from node to node and calculates the value at each by applying mathematical processing to the data points falling within the ellipse. You can graphically display the search as it is carried out.
The five gridding methods are: Inverse distance power (IDP) The weighting given to each point that falls in the search ellipse is inversely proportional to its distance from the centre raised to the value entered in Inverse power. Anisotropic IDP With this method the weighting given to each point is inversely proportional to its distance from the centre of the search ellipse divided by the distance to the perimeter of the search ellipse (in the same axis). That is, a point located on the perimeter of the search ellipse on the minor axis and one on the perimeter of the search ellipse in the major axis will be given the same weighting when the block estimate is calculated. A point half way along any axis will receive twice the distance weighting of a point on the perimeter along the same axis, (triangulation is used to calculate these distances for points that do not fall on the axes).
Exploration – Contours Display
Kriging Kriging first requires the determination of a suitable semi-variogram model using the geostatistical functions in the Stats menu. This can involve fitting a trend surface to remove drift. A search ellipse is then defined. The semi-variogram model parameters are defined separately from the data search ellipse parameters. The function uses the standard kriging algorithm to estimate block values. The Trend removal and Smooth grid options are not normally used with the Kriging method of estimation. Minimum curvature This attempts to fit curves with the least acute bends between points and produces smooth contours. There is no search ellipse used. Nearest neighbour Selects the nearest point to the node and uses its value. If there is more than one point at this distance, the values are optionally averaged or the minimum or maximum used.
Exploration – Contours Display
Grid search options Duplicate points You can select either a circle or an ellipse as the search area shape. A circle is more usual unless the data is concentrated in some way that suits an ellipse better. The search radius is definable (X and Y radii for an ellipse). In general, a good starting point is to make the radius about 1.5 to 2 times the grid spacing. In the following text, the term ellipse can mean a circle if appropriate. A search ellipse can be skewed if an examination of the raw data suggests this may improve the fit of the grid to the data. You specify the maximum number of points to use in each block. A way of avoiding too much bias caused by clustering is to force the search process to take a limited number of points from each sector of the search ellipse. You can choose to divide the ellipse into four or eight sectors (called a quadrant and octant search respectively). Sampling will be divided evenly between the sectors. Note, however, that this will sometimes cause more distant points to be taken at the expense of closer points - which may produce a worse result than a single sector search in some circumstances. As the search ellipse is centred on grid nodes, it will extend beyond the boundaries of the defined limits. You can choose to include points outside the grid that fall into the search ellipse.
Trend removal This option performs a first order, large scale trend removal. The grid file produced is the result of a mathematical operation between the data search estimate and the trend removal estimate. Trend removal is often used to emphasize local anomalies. You would not normally use this with the kriging method as that function has the option of drift removal which achieves the same purpose. Trend removal is not available with the MINIMUM CURVATURE method. The Trend Removal dialog box lets you define a search circle or ellipse in exactly the same way as for the Data search. In addition, you can choose one of three Trend grids to write to the output file:
RESIDUALS: the trend removal estimate is subtracted from the data search estimate to calculate the residual value.
ORIGINAL + RESIDUAL: the data search estimate is added to the residual, making it the trend value plus twice the residual value. TREND: the residual is subtracted from the data search estimate to give the trend estimate.
If trends are suspected in the data, rotate the ellipse to align its long axis to the trend direction. Note that this approach to trend removal is fairly simple and you should take care not to unintentionally mask an important trend in the data. The Trend Surfaces function offers a choice of first, second and third order trend surface generation and should be considered if the trend removal here is not suitable.
Exploration – Contours Display
Preview mode This slows processing, but allows you to observe the points being collected. You can make the following settings in the Preview dialog box:
Double click (F3) the colour buttons to select colours for the Input data points colour and Nearest data points colour. As the search ellipse passes over the data points, the change in colour will identify those used in the calculations.
Enter a pause time (in seconds) that the search ellipse will stop over each block. This will slow the processing more, but give you extra time to observe which points are being used. Check the Display blocks? box if you want to see the grid on the display.
Exploration – Contours Display
Smoothing the grid When you select this option, you can also choose whether to smooth using ONE or TWO adjacent blocks. In the former case, the current block’s value is made the mean of the estimates in the adjoining eight blocks, while in the latter case it is made the mean of those of the adjoining 24 blocks, as illustrated in the next diagram.
Smoothing works best with large areas that have small blocks. The results may be unexpected if you use it with large blocks in small areas.
Exploration – Contours Display
Generating Trend Surfaces Overview This function takes a grid file or MICROMINE file as its input and generates a trend surface based on the data, using a linear, quadratic or cubic equation The output file will be of the same type as the input file and may contain either the trend surface data or the residual. The choice of output results depends on whether you want to see the global trend or emphasize local anomalies. Note that this function does not itself produce a display. In the case of a MICROMINE output file, you need to use the Generate Grid function before you will be able to view the results via the Display | Contours | Display function. The Process To generate a Trend Surface: 1.
Select Display | Contours | Trend Surfaces from the main menu.
Choose the input file type (GRID or MICROMINE).
For a grid file, enter the file name.
For a MICROMINE file, do the following:
Enter the file name.
Enter the X, Y and Z fields. X and Y must be coordinates, and Z must be a single value variable.
Choose the type of Trend surface (LINEAR, QUADRATIC or CUBIC). This determines the order of the equation used for the calculation, and your choice will depend on the source data. The aim is to minimise the variance between the measured points and the trend surface. In general, higher order equations give better results but take longer to calculate.
Choose the Output format. TREND SURFACE means the output data will represent the calculated trend surface, while RESIDUALS produces the difference between the original data and the trend surface. The latter emphasises local variations.
Enter the output file name. Only a file of the same type as the input will be available.
Run the function to generate the output file.
You can display a grid file using the Display | Contours | Display function. For a MICROMINE file, you must first generate a grid file with the Display | Contours | Generate Grid function.
Exploration – Contours Display
Trend Surface output types The options of LINEAR, QUADRATIC and CUBIC describe the power of the equation that will be applied to the data. The equation selected must minimise the squared deviation (variance) of the measured points from the trend. There are two output formats from the Trend surface function: Trend Surface The coefficients of the equation (LINEAR, QUADRATIC or CUBIC) are calculated using the values in the source file. These are used to construct the surface chosen in Trend surfaces. The calculated points that describe this surface are written in the output file. Residuals The difference between the trend surface points and the measured points will be written in the output file.
Exploration – Contours Display
Grid <--> MICROMINE file conversions Use the Display | Contours | Grid <--> MM File function to convert a Grid file to a MICROMINE data file, or convert a MICROMINE data file to a Grid file. Select a conversion type. Different parameters are enabled depending on the direction of the conversion. Grid to MM File To convert a grid file to a MICROMINE data file format: 1.
Select the Grid -> MM file conversion type.
Enter the Grid input filename.
Enter the output MICROMINE filename and choose its type.
Check Output blank values? if you want a complete grid to be written to the output file even if some nodes have blank values.
Type in the number of decimal places to write into the Z field.
Run the function to generate the file.
MM File to Grid This function is generally used with files that were converted from Grid to a MICROMINE data file format. These files are manipulated as data files and then converted back to Grid format. To convert a MICROMINE data file into Grid format: 1.
Select the MM file -> Grid conversion type.
Enter the input filename.
Enter the names of the X, Y and Z fields.
Enter the output grid filename.
Run the function to generate the file.
Exploration – Contours Display
Grid <--> DTM file conversions Use the Display | Contours | Grid <--> DTM function to convert a Grid file to a DTM file, or convert a DTM file to a Grid file. Select a conversion type. Different parameters are enabled depending on the direction of the conversion. Grid to DTM file This function is often used to allow the Grid file to be displayed using the Display | Contours | Display function. To convert a Grid file into DTM format: 1.
Select the Grid -> DTM conversion type.
Enter the name of the Grid file that will be converted to a DTM.
Specify the name of the DTM file to be created. A DTM wireframe is the default output file type.
(Optional) Define additional attributes and metadata for the DTM wireframe.
Run the function to generate the file.
DTM to Grid file To convert a DTM file back into Grid format:
Select the DTM -> Grid conversion type.
Enter the name of the Grid file that will created from the DTM file.
Define the number of X cells that will be created from the triangulated surface X range.
Define the number of Y cells that will be created from the triangulated surface Y range.
Specify the name of the DTM file to be converted to a Grid file.
Run the function to generate the file.
Exploration – Trench Display
Trench Display Overview The Display | Trench display function displays trench file data in either a plan or section view. Trenches are typified by:
straight segments with angular relationships
irregular sample length
irregular sample elevation
incomplete sampling along the length.
Trenches that do not display the above characteristics can be displayed as horizontal drillholes, or as ordinary sample points. A Trench file must have been prepared using the Dhole | Generate | Trench coordinates function. This converts the bearing and distance measurements of the trench starting position and inflection points into ordered coordinates. The rapid changes in direction that can occur in trenches would normally make it difficult to display the data using one of the drillhole display functions. Trench coordinates can be calculated from points in the trench, or from points whose offset from the actual trench, both horizontally and vertically, is known. The calculation of the coordinates also allows proportional adjustments to be made to sample lengths if the total of the sample lengths differs from the length of the trench as determined by the bearing, distance and slope measurements. The Process To generate a trench display: 1.
Select Display | Trench Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Trench file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the field names for the Trench, X, Y and Z variables, then select your orientation and define the section setup for your trench display.
Optional you can define the attributes of your Trench ID and Trench symbols.
If you have selected EAST or NORTH as your orientation, and a SECTION file of the topography (or of any other data) is available, it can be displayed by selecting the appropriate section file.
Set your display characteristics by selecting the appropriate features that you want to display, then further defining each feature as appropriate.
Click the OK button to view the trench display.
Exploration – Stacked Profiles Display
Selecting the orientation of the Trench display After selecting the Trench, X, Y, and Z fields to display, select the display orientation. Define the limits of the display by setting the minimum and maximum values for these fields. If a different display orientation is selected, you must select different field names, and re-define the display limits. If you select EAST or NORTH as your orientation, and a section file of the topography or any other data has been prepared in Survey | Cross section | Generate, it can be displayed by selecting the appropriate file in the section file box.
Displaying information along the trench The headings that follow enable you to control and configure the display of data adjacent to the trench display. All measurements are made relative to the trench. Length This enables you to display the length of the trench at regular intervals. Trace The trace is the location of the trench in three dimensional space. All displays are measured from the trace. You can control which trace file, fields and colours are used to show the trace. Value #1, #2 This enables you to configure the display of data from any field in a native file adjacent to and offset from the trace. The data colour, offset, size, justification and tick characteristics are all configurable from the dialog box. Hatch #1, #2 This enables you to display and configure the hatching patterns for up to five different fields in any location. Up to fifteen different patterns are available. The width, offset from the trace, spacing, colour and border of the hatching are all configurable from the dialog box. LHS/RHS Graph This enables you to display trench histograms and graphs of normal or natural logarithms of numeric values adjacent to the trace. The type of graph you want to display, offset from the trace, the cutoff value, scale and colour are all configurable from the dialog box. If BAR or HISTOGRAM are selected and the trench has sharp angles, then the ends of the bars may overlap. Selecting one of the LINE options alleviates the overlap, there is no satisfactory way of removing bar overlaps other than moving the graphic to the other side of the trench.
Exploration – Stacked Profiles Display
Displaying stacked profiles Overview A profile is a type of display that shows all the data collected along a traverse in a graph, where the X axis represents the distance along the traverse. In these functions, several profiles can be stacked one on top of the other, effectively producing a series of sections related to one field. A stacked profile model is identified by a single character in the range A - Z. Spacing between profiles may be regular or may use irregular values determined from a control file. You can use the stacked profile functions to display profiles of the values associated with positionally ordered two dimensional data (for example, grid geochemical assays).
To give useful results, the source data needs to have a reasonably constant X or Y value along which the profiles will be stacked. (For example, a survey file of a pit may have fairly constant Northing values which can be used as the nominal baseline for the graph. If the profile is based on RLs, the display will show a series of stacked cross sections.) This value can be used to identify that profile. In the illustration below, you can see that the East values change on every row, whereas the North values remain constant for many records before they change. In this case the data was collected traveling along Northing lines, i.e. the data forms a North profile.
The first point of each profile determines the nominal Northing (or Easting) value. The profiles are plotted relative to a line which joins the points making up the baseline. In practice, there will be some variations in the ‘constant’ value (Northing in the example above) which would cause a variation in the baseline - making the graph difficult to read. You can define tolerances within which a constant value will be used. Although random data is of no use in this function, you can use as input contour files that were themselves produced from random data and that have been made into a section file using Strings | Cross section | Generate function
Exploration – Stacked Profiles Displa
The Process Use the Stacked Profile Display function to produce an orthogonal display of stacked profiles prepared using the Display | Stacked Profiles | Setup function. Ordinary data files will not work as inputs. The profiles may be shown as crosses, lines, bar graph or values. Useful applications include the display of multi-element geochemical sample data. To display a Stacked Profile: 1.
Select Display | Stacked Profiles | Display from the main menu.
Enter the identifier of the profile you want to display (in the range A to Z as specified when you set up the profile).
Enter the name of the profile setup file.
Type in the minimum, maximum and grid spacing values for the X axis.
Type in the minimum, maximum and grid spacing values for the Y axis.
Enter the names of up to three profile fields and click More to specify parameters for each.
Choose the type of display, CROSS, VALUE, LINE or BAR. The best choice depends on the type of data you are profiling.
(Optional) Check the Hidden line removal? box to hide lines that would normally appear behind other lines.
(Optional) Check the Display base line? box to show the baseline at the bottom of the first profile.
10. Run the function to display the stacked profiles.
Exploration – Stacked Profiles Display
Displaying stacked profiles (Setup) Overview This function sets up data so it can subsequently be viewed with one of the stacked profile display functions. Your input file must be capable of being sorted into X and Y coordinates, and one of those fields must have reasonably constant values. Points with similar values do not have to be grouped together as the function sorts the records. You will be able to display the profiles of up to three fields when you use the generated file in a profile display function. A descriptive file named PROFx.PAR will be produced for each profile, where ‘x’ is a letter from A to Z. The Process To set up a Stacked Profile: 1.
Select Display | Stacked Profiles | Setup from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file containing your data.
Enter the names of the X and Y fields. One of these should have fairly constant values over the range to be used, and the other will supply the profile data. It does not matter which is which.
Enter the identifier for the stacked profile (in the range A - Z). You can view the contents of the corresponding descriptive file (if it exists) by pressing F4. If the file does not exist, it will be generated when you run the function.
Choose the Type of profile:
EASTING(R) and NORTHING(R) produce regularly spaced profiles along the Easting and Northing directions respectively.
EASTING(I) and NORTHING(I) produce irregularly spaced profiles along the Easting and Northing directions respectively (controlled by values in a file).
Type in a descriptive title for the stacked profile.
Enter the name of the control file if you chose an irregular spacing type.
(Optional) Enter the name of a report file. This will record the activity of the function.
If you chose regular spacing, do the following:
Type in the value of the first section (for example, 10020.10E). It should be the most Southerly or Westerly point at which you want to start.
Type in the spacing between sections and the number of sections to include.
Type in the Search window tolerances in the Towards and Away text boxes. Baseline values falling within this range will be assigned a constant value.
Check the Assign unique? box if you do not want samples to be allocated to adjacent sections if the search window overlaps.
10. If you chose TRANSFORM, type in the spacing between sections and the number of sections to include. 11. Define the Search window by entering the Towards and Away values that determine the tolerance for baseline values. Those values that fall within this range will be treated as constant.
Exploration – Stacked Profiles Displa 12. For a TRANSFORM, do the following:
Type in the section bearing.
Type in the East origin coordinate.
Type in the North origin coordinate.
13. Run the function to generate the stacked profiles. You can now use the Stacked Profiles Display function to view the results.
Deleting a stacked profile To delete an existing stacked profile set:
Select Display | Stacked Profiles | Delete from the main menu.
Click on the profile set you want to delete.
Click Delete.
Exploration – General Statistics
General Statistics Distribution tables To get a better understanding of the distribution of values in a data set you can generate frequency and cumulative frequency tables. To do this: 1.
Enter the name of the file containing the source values. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the name of the field containing the data you want to evaluate.
Enter the minimum and maximum values that will be included in the calculation and define the bin size, that is, the interval that will be used.
Select either NORMAL or LOG NORMAL. If you select LOG NORMAL each value will be converted to its natural log form before being used in the calculation.
Enter the name of the output file. When you write the results to an existing report file that does not have the distribution table structure, the existing data in the file will be overwritten. To append the results to the end of an existing report file it must have the correct distribution table structure.
To see the results of your calculation position the cursor in the Output file response and press F4.
Exploration – General Statistics
Sample data distribution Use the Stats | Sampling functions when you want to compare the distribution of your sample data with standard distributions. The standard distributions are calculated using the same mean and standard deviation as the sample data. Distributions can be compared for both discrete and continuous data types. When you run these functions, they plot the distribution of the sample data and then draw the comparison distribution that you have selected on the same graph. A Chi2 value is reported to indicate how well the sample distribution conforms to the selected standard distribution. Checking sample data distribution for discrete data To check sample data distribution for discrete data: 1.
Select Stats | Sampling | Discrete from the main menu. Enter the name of the source data file and the field you want to analyze.
Choose the distribution to which you want to compare the sample data. Make an entry in Confidence level.
Use the Minimum and Maximum prompts to exclude sample values less than and greater than your entries (respectively).
Select Cumulative if you want to display your data as a cumulative frequency chart rather than as a frequency histogram.
Click OK to run the function. A display showing the distribution of the sample data plotted against the standard distribution will appear, along with numeric statistics and your entries for the function parameters.
Checking sample data distribution for continuous data To check sample data distribution for continuous data:
Select Stats | Sampling | Continuous from the main menu. Enter the name of the source data file and the field you want to analyze.
Choose which distribution you want to compare the sample data with and make an entry for Confidence level. The confidence level define the range of values that will include the true mean.
Use the Minimum and Maximum prompts to exclude sample values less than and greater than your entries (respectively). When working with continuous data you will need to define the number of bins the sample data will be divided into before being displayed.
Select Cumulative if you want to display your data as a cumulative frequency chart rather than as a frequency histogram.
Click OK to run the function. A display showing the distribution of the sample data plotted against the standard distribution will appear, along with a series of parameters and numeric statistics.
Exploration – General Statistics
Probabilities Use the Stats | Probabilities functions to calculate the probability that a range of values belongs to a distribution. You can evaluate both discrete and continuous data. Looking up probabilities for continuous data To look up probabilities for continuous variables: 1.
Select Stats | Probabilities | Continuous .
Choose the type of distribution from the list. The remaining prompts will be enabled accordingly. Make entries for these prompts.
Click OK to run the function.
The parameter values and the statistical output will be displayed on screen. In each display the total probability (the area enclosed by the distribution) is equal to 1.0. The range of values for the probability calculation is highlighted and the probability of this range of values belonging to the specified distribution is shown. Note: When you are interested in the extent to which the selected distribution corresponds to the distribution of values in a data file, use the Descriptive Stats function. Looking up probabilities for discrete variables To look-up probabilities for discrete variables: 1.
Select Stats | Probabilities | Discrete.
Choose the type of distribution that will be applied. The other prompts will be enabled accordingly. Make entries for these prompts.
Click OK to run the function.
The parameter values and the statistical output will be displayed on screen. In each display the total probability (the area enclosed by the distribution) is equal to 1.0. The range of values for the probability calculation is highlighted and the probability of this range of values belonging to the specified distribution is shown. Note:
For a Binomial distribution, you should enter the probability that any one event (trial) has a particular outcome. This must be a number between 0 and 1.
When checking for a Poisson distribution, you need to enter a real number to specify the average outcome of all events.
When you are interested in the extent to which the selected distribution corresponds to the distribution of values in a data file, use Descriptive Stats function.
Exploration – General Statistics
Estimation of mean values Use the Stats | Estim ation of Mean functions to:
Estimate the mean of a population from a sample 1.
Select Stats | Estim ation of Mean | Mean. Enter the name of the file containing the sample data and the field of interest in that file.
Enter a suitable confidence level and the standard deviation of the sample. Increasing the confidence level has the effect of increasing the range within which the estimated mean can fall. The estimate will be enhanced if you are able to enter a standard deviation for the parent population.
Click OK to run the function – a display will appear and a series of statistics calculated. The calculated statistics are largely self explanatory. However, note that Lo Mean and Hi Mean specify the range of values within which the true mean of the parent population is estimated to lie. When you create a report of the estimated mean you should include values of the both the Hi and Lo Mean and the confidence level.
Compare the true m eans of two populations This function enables you estimate the difference between the true means of two populations using a sample from each. 1.
Select Stats | Estim ation of Mean | Difference Between Two Means to open the dialog box for this function.
You need to enter the names of the files containing the two populations, the names of the fields where the values lie, and any known characteristics. You must also enter a value for the confidence level. Increasing the confidence level has the effect of increasing the range within which the estimated mean can fall.
Make entries according to what you know about the data sets. The following cases can apply: The standard deviations of the two populations are unknown; The standard deviations of the two populations are unknown, but they are known to be equal; Both standard deviations are known.
Click OK to run the function. A display showing a standard distribution and a series of parameters and statistics for the comparison will appear. These are largely selfexplanatory. Note that Lo Diff and Hi Diff give the estimated range of values for the difference between the means.
Both functions produce a display of parameter values and calculated statistics.
Exploration – General Statistics
Scattergrams The Stats | Scattergram s functions calculate the correlation statistics for any variables in a file. Both simple and multiple linear regressions can be calculated and displayed.
The correlation between two (jointly distributed) variables is the degree to which their values have a linear relationship. Regression curves let you use one variable to predict another variable to which it is correlated. A simple linear regression involves a single dependent and single independent variable. Multiple linear regressions assess the ability of two or more dependent variables to predict an assumed independent variable.
Calculating a simple regression
Calculating a linear regression equation with multiple x values
Interpreting the display results
Exploration – General Statistics
Quality Control The Stats | Quality Control functions help you to monitor the results of repeated assays of standard samples. Shewart and CUSUM control charts can be generated that enable you to verify whether or not a process is operating within predefined limits. Primarily, these functions are provided so that you can monitor an assay laboratory’s process, but may also be adopted for any process where there is a measurable variable which can be assumed to have a normal distribution when in a state of statistical control. Normally, standard samples are submitted to a laboratory together with a batch of samples. The assay results for the standard samples are plotted on the control chart over time. If the assay results of the standard samples exceed defined limits, this will be apparent on the control chart and you can take corrective action. Variation in quality or assays of standard samples can be attributed to two causes:
Random variation: over which little control can be exercised other than by changing the processing method.
Assignable causes: over which some control can be exercised. These include the quality of process materials, operator skills, etc.
If repeated assays of a standard sample are such that they come from a single normal distribution, having a mean within a specified range, the whole process can be said to be "in control". If variation from one or more assignable causes is present, the process is said to be "out of control". Data can be displayed on Shewart Mean, Shewart Range, or CUSUM charts. Whether you choose one of the Shewart charts or a CUSUM chart, will depend on the degree of variation you anticipate, the urgency with which you need to identify a loss of process control and the type of process you are monitoring. Both types of Shewart chart should be used in order to understand the precision and the accuracy of the sample group. For a detailed description of quality control concepts, refer to:
Wetherill G. Barrie (1982) Sampling Inspection and Quality Control, 2 nd Edition, London, Science Paperbacks, Chapman and Hall. Numerous other publications are available on this subject.
The Process The following process describes the steps you would take when monitoring the assay process for a laboratory.
Create a file with a structure that will suit your sample quality monitoring plan.
Submit your standard samples along with a batch of samples to the laboratory.
When they are returned from the laboratory, enter the assays in your file for each of the standard samples.
Decide which of the control charts you want to display. Enter parameters for that chart, then run the program to display it. You may want to run both the Shewart and CUSUM charts.
Evaluate the assay laboratory's process based the evidence.
Exploration – General Statistics
Using the Shewart control charts To setup the Shewart Mean or Range charts: 1.
Select Stats | Quality Control | Shewart Control Chart from the menu and enter the name of the file where you retain the standard sample data. Enter the name of the field where the sample values (or group means of the sample values) are retained in the Field prompt. For more information about appropriate file structures, refer to the Sample file structure and content topic.
Make entries for the parameters that control the way the sample data is handled. Enter the number of samples in each group in Group size. The program uses this to calculate a mean for each sample group. It is the mean value that is plotted. If the mean has already been calculated for each group, then set the Group size to one. In this case you must specify a Reference standard deviation.
Enter values for the Reference mean and Reference Std Dev. These can be determined in a number of ways. For a more detailed description, see the headings that follow.
Decide on a suitable Action Level and enter that. This is the percentage level beyond which a process is considered to be out of control.
Choose which chart type you want to display and click OK to display the data on the Shewart chart.
For more information, refer to the Interpreting the Shewart control chart topic.
Exploration – General Statistics
CUSUM (Cumulative Sum) control charts Changes in the mean are detected by keeping a cumulative total of deviations from a reference value. The CUSUM chart quickly shows small deviations from the reference. However it usually takes two or three observations to see a change on a CUSUM chart. CUSUM charts are good for detecting gradual changes in a process over time. To setup the CUSUM chart: 1.
Select Stats | Quality Control | CUSUM.
Enter the name of the file where you retain the standard sample data. If your sample group size is fixed, enter the name of the field where you entered the sample value. If the number of standard samples varies from time to time, enter the name of the field where the group mean is stored.
Enter the number of samples in each group in Group size. The program uses this to calculate a mean for each sample group. It is the mean value that is plotted.
Decide on a suitable Reference mean.
Enter a value for the Decision interval. This value is added to and subtracted from the reference mean to define a range. When values fall outside of this range, the process is considered to be out of control.
Click OK to run the display.
For more information, refer to the Interpreting the CUSUM chart topic.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Geostatistics Overview The Semi-variogram, Trend Surface and Cross Validation functions collectively provide the tools you need to determine values for use in the 3D Block Kriging options and OBM (Ore Body Modelling). Throughout this section no attempt is made to determine the suitability of Geostatistics as a resource estimation technique or expound geostatistical theory. You are expected to be familiar with both the geostatistical process and the vocabulary associated with this discipline. It is also essential to understand the geology and continuity of mineralisation in deposits you are studying. The Kriging modelling algorithm will always produce a result in a block model. However, applying parameters incorrectly or using inappropriate values will usually produce a result further from the correct outcome than that produced by simpler methods. The distribution of sample values should also be investigated using histograms, probability plots, and scattergrams to determine correlation between variables and possible geological patterns. The Process The general process for Geostatistics is: 1.
Investigate the data distribution in your data file.
Read in a data file.
Calculate directional semi-variograms and, if possible, fit a model.
Fit a polynomial trend surface to define drift (if necessary).
Calculate semi-variograms using residuals produced by Trend Surfaces, then fit a model.
Cross validate the semi-variogram model adjusting it if necessary.
Krig a grid of point values or blocks, or estimate the average value inside a polygon.
Exploration – Geostatistics
QQ Plots To display data using a QQ (Quantile Quantile) Plot:
Select Statistics | QQ Plots.
In this case, the two axes of the graph represent different grade ranges. For each axis, enter the name of the MM file and specify the field to be displayed. Apply a filter if necessary.
Optionally click the Numeric Exceptions button to apply numeric exceptions before the data is processed.
Enter the number of bins (Quantiles). This can be any value between 4 (25, 50, 75 and 100 %) and 100 (1 - 100 %).
Select the symbol and symbol colour to be used to display the data point. Data points are plotted at the X/Y intersection of each quantile.
Enter X and Y increment values to define the number of tick marks along each axis of the graph. Annotation is written beside each tick mark.
Select the Log Transformation? option to perform a log transformation of data values.
Specify whether lines showing equal X and Y values will be plotted. If so, using what colour.
Run the function.
Interpreting the results in the display
Exploration – Geostatistics
Paired Samples Use the Stats | Paired Samples option to set a paired distance tolerance, e.g. 2 m radius. The function outputs a file which lists all samples in drillholes which have a sample (or part of a sample) in another drillhole within the paired distance tolerance. The Paired Samples function checks each interval in each hole in the interval file against other intervals in all other holes, from that point in the interval file. This ensures there is only one entry for each paired interval. For instance: If there is a paired interval between hole AZ123 From 7 To 8 and hole BQ456 From 9 To 10, then there will not be an entry in the output file showing a pair between hole AZ123 From 7 To 8 and hole BQ456 From 9 To 10. One sample in a hole may however be paired with several samples in an adjacent hole such as hole AZ123 From 10 To 12 paired with Hole BQ456 From 15 To 16 and paired with Hole OF543 From 6 To 7. Adjacent intervals in a hole will not pair with each other but may pair with the same intervals in different holes. Such as Hole AZ123 From 6 To 7 paired with hole BQ456 From 8 To 9 and hole AZ123 From 7 To 8 paired with hole BQ456 From 8 To 9. To generate paired samples, do the following: 1.
Select Statistics | Paired Samples.
Enter the names of the input data sets.
For each data set, specify the fields to be included in the output data set.
For each data set, select the filter check box if you want to apply a filter to the data.
Enter the Pair Distance. This will be a distance which defines the maximum separation between pair points. Any samples which have a separation less than this value will be reported in the pairs table.
Enter the type of the output file or accept the default type.
Run the function.
Output File The output file will include pairs of values for each of the fields in the input files and the distance between each of the paired samples. Hole_ID (1) Easting (1) Northing (1) RL (1) Grade 1 ... Grade 10 (1) Hole_ID (2) Easting (2) Northing (2) RL (2)
Exploration – Geostatistics
Grade 1 ... Grade 10 (2) Distance
Exploration – Geostatistics
Trend Surface Analysis Overview Trend surface analysis is the mathematical process of separating sample data into its regional and local components. A trend or drift in a set of sample data implies a slow, large scale directional change in the expected value over the study area. Before such data can be modelled by standard geostatistical methods, it must be modified. The purpose of the trend surface calculation is to detect and remove trends from the sample data set. This must be done for two reasons:
Semi-variogram models are only valid when calculated using data which does not exhibit a trend.
To proceed with 3D Kriging we must provide the semi-variogram of the residual variation plus an indication of the type of trend we expect to find.
The program performs a polynomial trend surface analysis using the least squares method. It calculates a contour grid using the raw data, then fits a planar (linear), quadratic (dome or bowl), and a cubic (saddle point) surface to the contoured data. When you run the display, you can view any of these surfaces fitted to your data and choose the one that fits best. In addition to the contour display, Trend Surfaces calculates and saves to file a set of statistics that can help you decide which surface best fits your data. It also saves a data file containing the output data from the function - including residuals. The Process If you are going to display an existing Trend Surface, you can only change the limits of what is displayed, the characteristics of the contour grid, and the names of the output files. If you intend performing a new Trend Surface Analysis, the following steps apply. To calculate and display a Trend Surface for a set of analysis data: 1.
Select Stats | Trend Surface from the main menu and decide whether you want to display an existing analysis or calculate a new one.
Select the field on which the analysis will be performed and, if necessary, refine how the data in the analysis field will be used. This can include transformation of the raw data before it is processed.
Define which fields in the data file will represent the X, Y, and Z directions, and the coordinates at limits of the display. Do this in the Display Limits dialog.
(Optional) Identify any restrictions on the area for which you are calculating the trend surface using outlines. An outline can be used to control the data input to the calculation. To do this you must define the name of an outline file and identify the appropriate outlines within it.
The data used by the least squares calculation is obtained by creating a contour map. You must define the characteristics of this contour grid.
Enter names for the Stats and Data output files, then click OK to run the process. Analyze the display.
For more information, refer to The Trend Surface display topic.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Cross Validation Overview Cross Validation compares the measured value for a point with that estimated for the same location AFTER trends have been removed and a model fitted. It is a way of testing the validity of the model prior to using it for Kriging estimation. The operation is also known as “jack-knifing” although statisticians sometimes use that term for a different procedure. The difference between the estimated value and the actual value is used to calculate the standard error of the estimate and the error statistic. The program calculates the ratio of the actual error (actual value – estimated value) to the Kriging standard deviation to obtain the standard error. If the basic assumptions have been satisfied and you have chosen the correct semi-variogram model, the average error statistic should be zero and the standard deviation of the error statistic, one. When you run Cross Validation, it calculates the standard error for each point and displays it. The purpose of the Cross Validation display is to highlight data values that differ markedly from their modelled values. The Process Before doing anything else you must decide on the mode of operation. If you want to cross validate and display a data set, set Mode to Calculate/Display. Select Display Existing to run the display again with the same data. In the latter case you can select another analysis field in the data file and also create another output file. Do the following: 1.
Enter the name of the file containing the test data set and enter the name of the field on which you want to perform the analysis. The data file is normally the output file from Semivariograms.
If you need to transform the data in the analysis field before the calculation, choose the appropriate transformation (e.g. Log Normal) and enter the related parameters.
Define the local trend of the data. This pertains to the scale of estimation.
Define the model type and select one of the parameter sets you saved for that model in Semi-variograms. These can be modified if necessary.
Define the shape and direction of the search ellipsoid and identify any Outline restrictions.
Define the orientation of the display by entering coordinate field names in the X and Y field prompts. You must also define the limits of the display in each direction and the grid spacing (if you specify a Grid type).
Setup the Graphic Display parameters. This involves defining data ranges for the average error statistic and a symbol colour and size for each range.
Enter names for the Output and Statistics files.
Run Cross Validation and analyze the display.
Tip: If you need to remove the inherent display distortion imposed by the monitor (480 x 640, 600 x 800, etc.), you can select X = Y scale in Options | System.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Calculating a semi-variogram Overview The Stats | Sem i Variogram s function is used for two tasks:
The calculation and display of experimental semi-variograms using data sets comprised of measurements and their positions.
Modelling the experimental semi-variograms to obtain values for use in Cross Validation and the 3D Block Kriging functions.
Useful semi-variogram models can only be created using data without a significant trend or drift. Hence, the first step is to create experimental semi-variograms to identify any trends and possible anisotropy in the data. If there is no apparent trend in the data you can proceed with modelling the semi-variogram. If a significant trend is found, it must be quantified and removed from the data using Trend Surfaces. Once the trend has been removed, run Semi-variograms again, using the residual values calculated by Trend Surfaces, and model the semi-variogram using the trend free data. It is advisable to model a series of experimental semi-variograms for the data set, saving each for comparison. The characteristics and coefficients for each model must be saved as parameter sets for use in Cross Validation and the 3D Block Kriging functions. An example of a semi-variogram:
Sem i-variogram with two components:
Exploration – Geostatistics
The Process To calculate and model a semi-variogram: 1.
Select Stats | Semi Variograms from the main menu.
Select a mode. You can model a new semi-variogram from raw data or from a H Scattergram file. Alternatively, you can model data from an existing semi-variogram file as an absolute or relative semi-variogram. More information... Calculate from raw data This option allows the semi-variogram to be created form a set of raw data such as a drillhole interval file, with coordinates for each of the data points in the file. If the file contains 3D coordinates and the RL (elevation) coordinate is defined then 3D semi-variograms are created when the semi-variogram type is set to Omnidirectional or Directional. Enter the names of the Easting, Northing, and RL fields and define the direction for which semi-variograms will be calculated. Optionally enter a name for the output file and run the process. If you selected the Show semi-variograms? option, analyze and model the semivariogram display. Once a suitable model has been fitted to the semi-variogram, you can save the model parameters for use in Cross Validation and Kriging. Display semi-variogram from file This mode allows previously generated semi-variograms, which have been saved to file, to be re-displayed. Specify a file containing semi-variogram data as the input file, then click OK to run the function. Display relative semi-variogram from file This mode allows previously generated semi-variograms, which have been saved to file, to be re-displayed as relative semi-variograms. Specify a file containing semivariogram data as the input file, then click OK to run the function. Display semi-variogram from H Scattergram file
Exploration – Geostatistics This mode reads a semi-variogram pairs file (an H Scattergram file) and generates semi-variograms from this information. An H Scattergram file can be written when semi-variograms are created using the mode Calculate from raw data. The contents of the file can be modelled using Stats | Scattergrams and acceptable values flagged using Outlines | Calculate | Assign. These values can then be used to generate semi-variograms. Only values in the file with a flag in the Include field will be read when the variogram is constructed. Specify a H Scattergram file as the input file. Unlike the Display semi-variogram from file and Display relative semi-variogram from file options, you can also output a semi-variogram file and another H Scattergram file. If another H Scattergram file is specified as an output file, make sure it does not have the same name as the input file. 3.
Select a type. There are three semi-variogram types: Omnidirectional, Downhole and Directional (the default). More information...
If you intend modelling a semi-variogram that exists, enter the name of the file previously created, then click OK to run the function. If you are creating a new semi-variogram from raw data, proceed with the following steps.
Enter the names of the source data file and the data field from which the semi-variogram will be calculated. Enter the names of the Easting, Northing, and RL fields. More information... File If the mode is Calculate from raw data enter the name and type of the File containing the raw data and specify the field from which the semi-variogram will be calculated. If the mode is Display relative semi-variogram from file or Display semi-variogram from file, enter the name and type of the file containing (relative) semi-variogram data. If the mode is Display semi-variogram from H Scattergram file, enter the name and type of the file containing H Scattergram data as the input file. Filter Select the Filter check box if you want to apply a filter to the data in the file. Enter a filter number in the adjacent response. Double click (F3) to see a list of existing filters. Right click (F4) to open the dialog box to create a new filter or edit an existing filter. Easting, Northing, RL fields These fields are enabled when the Calculate from raw data mode is selected. When the semi-variogram type is set to Downhole the prompts Easting, Northing and RL become Hole, From and To respectively. Semi variogram field This field is enabled when the Calculate from raw data mode is selected. Select the field in the input file on which the semi-variogram will be based.
If necessary, refine how the data in the analysis field will be used. This can include transformation of the raw data before it is processed. More information... Numeric exceptions
Exploration – Geostatistics Click Numeric Exceptions to open a dialog box in which you can control the way nonnumeric values are handled. Non-numeric values include characters, blanks and values preceded by a less than sign (<). Transformation Select the method that will be used to process the data before it is used by the function. A number of transformations are available: None, Natural Log, Indicator and Uniform/Rank. The choice of transformation will depend on the data being modelled. Additive Constant An additive constant can be used with a natural log transformation to force data which is near log normal to take on a log normal distribution. Since the additive constant is added to all values, it has the effect of increasing the Natural log of small values relatively more than large values. In effect rotating the graph of the natural logs of the data value to the right. To investigate whether of not an additive constant may be of value use the option Stats | Distribution Stats and select Model |3 Parameter from the display menu. Cutoff value Enter the value of the indicator to be used when using an Indicator transformation. Values for potentially useful indicator values can be derived from Stats |Distribution using the Model | Decompose option from the display menu. 7.
Select the Show variance option to draw a horizontal line that shows the variance of the data set as a line across the semi-variogram display. In many cases the data set variance will be very close to the final sill of a semi-variogram model and therefore it can aid in the location of the final sill.
Define the directions for which the semi-variogram will be plotted.
Enter names for the output files, then run the process. Depending on the options you select, the semi-variogram will be displayed and output files will be created. More information... When the mode is Display semi-variogram from file, the Semi variogram file and H Scattergram file output options are disabled. Show semi-variogram? Select this option if you want to analyze and model the semi-variogram. The semivariogram display will be opened when you run the function. Semi variogram file Select this option to output the parameters used to draw the semi-variogram to a file. Since calculation of semi-variograms from large data sets is a time consuming task, it is useful to be able to calculate a set of semi-variograms and to them recall them for modelling and analysis. H Scattergram file Select this option if you want to output data for use in H_scatter plots. A file of all pairs used at each lag for each variogram and their grade values is written to the output file. Fields in the output file include ID, Lag, Value1, Value2, Include. The Include field is blank by default. The output file filtered by ID and Lag can then be displayed using the Stats | Scattergrams option. Extreme points can be excluded by drawing outlines and assigning outline codes using Outlines | Calculate | Assign.
Exploration – Geostatistics When the H_scatter file is used as input to the variogram option only records which have a value (any value) in the Include field are used to construct the variogram. 10. Analyze and model the semi-variogram display. 11. Once verified as correct, save the model parameters for use in Cross Validation and Kriging. The sem i-variogram display
Click OK to run the semi-variogram calculation. If you have chosen to display it, the semivariogram will appear with a plot of the semi-variogram values for each interval and for each direction.
The X range is determined by the product of the interval and number of intervals, plus one at each end. The Y range depends on the maximum γ (the analysis field) calculated from the data. The Y origin is 0.
γ is half the mean squared difference between the sample values.
If the data shows a trend, you must remove it using the Trend Surface function. You must then return to Semi Variograms and recalculate the semi-variogram based on the residuals calculated by Trend Surface.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Defining the search directions Before you can create experimental semi-variograms you must define which volumes will be searched for data to be used in the semi-variogram calculation. Note: Omnidirectional and Downhole semi-variogram form sets lack the directional (Azimuth and Dip) parameters described below. All other parameters are the same. Directional sem i-variograms Directional semi-variograms (the default type) are used to measure the degree of spatial continuity in a particular direction through a data set. If only East and Norh variables are defined then the directions are limited to an azimuth range of 0 to 180 degrees. If an RL (elevation) field is defined then a dip component of 90 to -90 can also be defined. If you select the Directional semi-variogram type, the Semi Variogram Directions form is displayed.
Speed buttons You can quickly populate the Directions dialog using the speed buttons which form the column headers along the top of the table. In most cases, clicking on these will generate a new set of values for each column. These values will be based on the settings in the first and last rows. If the settings in the first and last rows are the same, then the value in the first row will be used to fill in all the records for that column. If the settings in the first and last rows are different, then the first value will be incremented by a constant amount so that the last row maintains its current value. In the case of the Unique ID column, clicking the Unique ID button will generate an ID for each semi-variogram. This will be a concatenation of the values in Azimuth, Dip, Interval and Number of Intervals, with each element separated by an underscore ( _) character. In the case of the Mode Column, clicking the Mode button will apply the Display mode value in the first row to all other valid rows. Each direction you define will be plotted on the “difference versus direction” in the semi-variogram display. You can define and display up to 17 search directions. The interval value and the number of intervals need not be the same for every direction/dip combination. It is however good practice to investigate either the effect of direction using the same interval and number of intervals, or the effect of interval and number of intervals for the same direction.
Azimuth Each row in the table describes the characteristics of a directional search. For each azimuth, the dip, interval length and number of intervals must be defined. The azimuth must be a value between 0 and 360°. Only whole degrees can be entered. Angles are measured clockwise from North.
Exploration – Geostatistics Azim uth Tolerance You must also specify a tolerance for the azimuth. The tolerance will be added to and subtracted from the azimuth you specify. Data that falls within the volume defined by the tolerance will be included in the calculation. Entries with up to one decimal place can be entered.
Azim uth Bandwidth This field is used to define a distance in metres which is the maximum width of the cone or prism, as defined by the tolerance setting applied to the Azimuth of a search direction.
Dip Enter the dip for which a calculation will be made. In this case downward values are positive (+Dip = Down). The dip must be measured from the horizontal (0) in the plane of the azimuth. Only whole degrees can be entered. If an RL field is not defined then the Dip, Dip Tolerance and Bandwith options are disabled. See also Dip tolerance. Dip Tolerance You must also specify a tolerance for the dip. The tolerance will be added to and subtracted from the dip you specify. Data that falls within the volume defined by the tolerance will be included in the calculation. Entries can have up to one decimal place.
Exploration – Geostatistics
In this case Dip values are positive down and the horizontal = 0. Leave the Dip at 0 when two dimensional calculations are being performed, that is, an RL variable has not been specified. Dip Bandwidth This field is used to define a distance in metres which is the maximum width of the cone or prism, as defined by the tolerance setting applied to the Dip of a search direction. Note: When 2D semi-variograms are specified (by not defining an RL field in the Semi Variograms dialog) the Dip group will be disabled.
Lag Interval and Number of Intervals You need to define the Interval size and the number of intervals to control which values the semivariogram calculation will use. In geostatistics the Interval is called a Lag.
Exploration – Geostatistics
The Directional semi-variogram groups samples into distance intervals. Pairs of samples at distances equal to the product of the interval number and the interval, plus or minus half the interval size, are included in the calculation for a search volume. The maximum distance covered in the search for values is the product of the Interval size and the number of Intervals. Generally this distance is approximately half of the sample coordinate range for a particular direction. Unique ID Enter a unique ID for each semi-variogram. Alternatively, click the Unique ID button to generate an ID for each semi-variogram. This will be a concatenation of the values in Azimuth, Dip, Interval and Number of Intervals, with each element separated by an underscore ( _) character. Display mode Once you have entered the azimuth and dip for each search direction, you need to define how they will be displayed. Enter a suitable identifier (ID) to label the graph for each direction. The azimuth is often a suitable identifier because it allows easy differentiation in the graphical display and the output file. Any keyboard characters may be used. For each semi-variogram, select a display mode from the drop-down list. These control the way in which the graph of each semi-variogram will be displayed. Alternatively, click the Mode button to apply the value in the first row to all other valid rows. The valid display modes you can choose from are:
Exploration – Geostatistics
None The data for that azimuth will not be displayed. Useful when you want to switch a direction off temporarily to simplify the display.
Line Data for the azimuth will be plotted as a simple line graph. You can enter a symbol number when LINE is selected. The corresponding symbol will appear at each interval distance. Its size will vary proportionally to the number of pairs in that interval.
Graph The data will be displayed as a graph with two lines. The area between the lines can be hatched. To generate the lines, alternate values from interval one to the maximum calculated distance interval are connected. The intervening values are then connected back to the first interval value. This displays the difference between values in adjacent intervals (but loses information on the number of pairs in each interval).
Symbol The interval semi-variogram value for the azimuth will appear as a symbol. The symbol size is relative to the number of pairs in the interval.
Pairs The Pairs display option displays a fixed size symbol with the number of pairs written beside the symbol.
Colour For each semi-variogram, double click on the Colour button (or press F3) to display a colour palette to select from. Hatch For each semi-variogram, double click on the Hatch button (or press F3) to display a fill palette to select from. Select the hatch pattern that will be used to fill a GRAPH variogram display. Symbol For each semi-variogram, double click on the Symbol button (or press F3) to display a symbol palette to select from. Direction Tolerance Select whether a Conical or a Pyramid volume will be searched for data to be used in the semivariogram calculations. The Direction Tolerance is defined by this setting and the tolerance settings for the Azimuth and Dip of a search direction.
Show semi-variograms together Select this option to show all semi-variograms defined at one time. Show semi-variograms in sequence When this option is selected, the first semi-variogram is displayed. Select Next or Previous from the menu to show the next or previous semi-variogram. Note: You can toggle between these two display modes from the toolbar when the graphic display is open. Align Symbol rotation to azimuth? Select this option to align the angle of all symbols with the azimuth for the semi-variogram to which they apply. If a symbol rotation other than the azimuth is required a rotation can be defined when
Exploration – Geostatistics the symbol is selected. This will mean that if symbols are rotated by the azimuth the azimuth rotation is in addition to any applied when the symbol is selected. Note: This option replaces the Symbol rotation parameter used in previous versions. Include zero interval In some cases it may be useful to include the zero lag interval in the semi-variogram calculation. If this option is selected, pairs of samples in the zero interval lag are used to calculate the gamma value of the first point in the semi-variogram.
For example let's take lag distance 70m. Because MICROMINE's default setting for the lag tolerance is half the lag distance, the first lag interval is from 35 to 105m, second is from 105 to 175m and so on. In this case "zero interval" is from 0 to 35m. Let MICROMINE calculate angles for 2nd and 3rd directions Once the azimuth and dip of the main axis of anisotropy is identified, select this option to calculate angles for 2nd and 3rd directions. If 2nd direction is selected enter azimuth and dip of the main axis. Angles in Azimuth column are calculated automatically after entering values into Dip column. If 3rd direction is selected enter azimuth and dip of the main axis and dip of the second axis. Angles in Azimuth and Dip columns are calculated automatically. You can specify different values only for Tolerances, Lag Intervals and Number of Intervals. The first variogram will be in the direction of maximum continuity, the second one - perpendicular to the first variogram, and the third one - perpendicular to the first two variograms. Note: There are many cases when the studied structure has a plunge. And it is difficult to define variogram parameters correctly for the second and third directions because the plane of these directions is not orthogonal to the normal planes. Also it is much more difficult to generate a variogram “fan” for 2nd direction when doing experimental variography.
Form s Click the Forms button to save the directions you define for the semi-variogram search as a form. Alternatively, you can populate the Directions dialog using a saved form set.
New Click the New button to empty the current set of values displayed in the Directions dialog.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Modelling the data in the semi-variogram display When modelling, the primary objective is to select a model that most closely resembles the experimental semi-variogram you have created. Once you have done that, you can refine the characteristics of the model by changing its coefficients. Once satisfied with a match you save the model coefficients as a form set. You can recall and use this form set in other functions such as Cross Validation and the Kriging functions. To m odel the semi-variogram Select Model from the Semi Variograms display menu. The Semi-variogram Model dialog is displayed. 1.
For each component, define the parameters that apply to the model type for that component. Note that some semi-variogram model types allow only one component to be defined.
Nugget The Nugget value (effect) is the variance at distance zero. This is always less than the sill. The nugget effect arises because the regionalized variable is erratic over a very short distance that the semi-variogram goes from zero to the nugget effect in a distance less than the sampling interval. Cycle Distance Enter the distance between peaks and troughs in Hole Effect or Paddington Mix variogram models. Decay Enter a damping factor for Hole Effect or Paddington Mix variogram models. This is an inverse function - the smaller the factor the faster the damping. Final sill The semi-variogram (Y axis) value of the final or highest sill in multiple component variogram models. 2.
If a Directional semi-variogram is being modelled for Kriging, define the variogram direction by entering azimuth and dip values. These values are used internally to define the model's anisotropy.
Where multiple components are allowed, the number of components can be set (or updated) and the associated range, partial sill, and model type can be entered for each component.
Range Enter the range of the component of the semi-variogram model. The range is the distance where there ceases to be an identifiable relationship between sample pairs. Sill Enter the Y coordinate (semi-variogram) value of the sill for each component of the model. This is constant for a dataset. Model Type The type of model should have a general shape which resembles the experimental semivariogram. 4.
All response boxes have spin controls associated with them and these provide a quick way of adjusting the values. The controls are set up to increment the increment value (change
Exploration – Geostatistics gear) over 10 consecutive increments by a factor of 10. You can therefore use these to quickly make both fine and coarse adjustments. 5.
Once you have refined the model's characteristics, save them as a form set. This form set will then be accessible in Cross Validation and the 3D Block Kriging functions.
Types of semi-variogram model
Testing how well the semi-variogram model fits Once you have fitted a model to the data you can test the “goodness of fit”. A Noel Cressie statistic, a form of least squares prediction, is calculated for each direction and appears in the numeric display. It is calculated as the sum of the squared difference between each experimental point and the model value at the same distance. The lower the value, the better the fit. Note that the actual value is heavily dependent on the data.
Changing the semi-variogram model To change a model: 1.
Select Model from the semi-variogram display menu.
Edit the model parameters in the dialog that appears.
Close this dialog to see the results of you changes.
Note: The form set includes the model type, values for Nugget, Range and Sill and, the entries for Azimuth, Dip and Plunge if the model is anisotropic. These values can be changed later in Cross Validation and 3D Kriging.
Using an existing semi-variogram model Once you have saved a semi-variogram model as a form, you can recall it any time. To do this: 1.
Select Model in the semi-variogram display.
Select Forms and chose a saved form set and click Open to load it into the modelling dialog.
The curve for that model will appear on the display.
Exploration – Geostatistics
Variogram Surfaces Variogram surfaces are used to investigate and display potential anisotropy in the data being modelled. Once the basic data is calculated, this is contoured using a Minimum Curvature algorithm. To create a semi-variogram surface, do the following: 1.
Select Stats | Variogram Surfaces.
Specify a variogram model file produced from the Semi Variograms function. This will normally contain data covering 180 degrees of variography in one dip direction, with the same lag and number of intervals. A report file of the same name but with a .RPT extension will also have been generated by the Semi Variograms function. SEE 3.
Select the Use Normalised Gamma values option if you are using normalised gamma values rather than actual gamma values. If normalised gamma values are used then the system needs information on the global variance (this is calculated and stored in the report file generated by the variography function. When the normalised option is used the gamma values in the input file are divided by the variance to generate a value used in the display.
Use the slider bar to specify a value for the tension to be used in the gridding operation
Specify a colour set which controls the colours in the final display.
Select the Display variance contour? option to display the variance as a contour line, with control over the colour of the line. If this is used then you will need to input the semivariogram variance.
Enter the name of the output grid file.
Run the function.
Index A
Compositing methods ........................... 50
Annotation .........................................82
Constraint file
Assign ..........................................15, 16
Using for DTMs...................................6
AVERAGE ...........................................50
Constraint file.......................................6
Average grades
Contour file..........................................9
Contour grid file .................................109
Average grades ...................................35
Contours ......................... 7, 107, 108, 115
Basic stats
Grid file .........................................117
Mean............................................ 128
looking up ................................... 127
DTM ................................................2
Sample data distribution ................... 126
Basic stats...........................126, 127, 128
Cross section display tools ..................... 21
Bench Compositing..........................38, 41
Cross Sections
Closing Slope options......................... 22
Breaklines........................................... 4
Cross Sections............................... 19, 22
Cross sections, displaying...................... 20
Calculate Intersection ...........................76
Cross validation .................................138
Calculate Intersections ..........................80
CUSUM chart
process overview .............................132
average grades.................................35
using ............................................132
final depths......................................35
CUSUM chart.....................................132
intervals based on Geology ..................36
total drill lengths ...............................37
Data Entry, drillholes............................ 23
Calculating ....................................35, 36
Depth ............................................... 92
Calculations, Intersections......................25
Depth/Offsection ................................. 87
Calculations, POV.................................27
Dhole Report ............................ 63, 95, 96
Clipping .............................................14
Digitise Seams.................................... 72
Closing Slope ......................................22
Collar symbols, displaying ......................84
cross sections .................................. 20
Complex Display ............ 102, 104, 105, 106
drillhole depth.................................. 92
Complex Interactive .............................65
faults ............................................. 70
Compositing ...................39, 41, 44, 46, 48
outcrops ......................................... 71
Index outlines...........................................85
Creating ...........................................2
Stacked Section ................................62
MM file ........................................... 17
Strip Logs........................................81
to FACES file.................................... 18
symbols ..........................................68
DTM ...................... 1, 2, 3, 10, 17, 18, 118
tenement boundaries .........................69
DTM Assign........................................ 16
Displaying. 20, 62, 68, 69, 70, 71, 81, 85, 92
DTM Contours................................ 7, 8, 9
Distribution tables
DTM profiles....................................... 73
generating ..................................... 125
DTM, breaklines ....................................4
Distribution tables .............................. 125
DTM, Constraint file ...............................6
Downhole Compositing .....................38, 39
Drillhole calculations .............................24
seams............................................ 72
Drillhole depth.....................................92
Editing.............................................. 72
Drillhole display, sections.......................67
Events .............................................. 88
Drillhole Events, displaying.....................88
Extractions, drillhole............................. 32
Drillhole Extractions24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36
Drillhole Intersections .................74, 77, 78
FACES file
Drillhole Merge ....................................38
from DTM........................................ 18
Drillhole Pierce points............................93
FACES file.......................................... 18
Drillhole POV Conversion........................27
Drillhole Stacked Sections display ............62
Displaying....................................... 70
Drillhole True Thickness.........................26
Faults ............................................... 70
Final depths
Data Entry .......................................23
Calculating ...................................... 35
Displaying ..................................59, 61
Final depths ....................................... 35
POV Display .....................................63
FIRST ............................................... 50
Drillholes ............................23, 59, 61, 63
Drillholes display, Simple .......................64
General graph .................................... 97
Drillholes Merge, matching intervals .........55
Generate Grid....................................109
Drillholes reporting.....................63, 95, 96
Drillholes, merging ...............................54
Trend Surfaces................................115
Z values .................................... 12, 13
Calculating volumes ...........................10
Generating..............................12, 13, 115
Conversion from Grid file................... 118
Generating cross sections ...................... 19
Create from points.............................. 3
Geology Compositing....................... 38, 48
Index Geostatistics
Intervals based on Geology
Cross validation .............................. 138
Calculating ...................................... 36
Semi-variogram .............................. 139
Intervals based on Geology.................... 36
Trend surface analysis ...................... 137
Geostatistics ................. 133, 137, 138, 139
Log .................................................. 74
Grade Compositing..........................38, 44
Graph ............................ 97, 98, 100, 101
Grid Assign.........................................15
intervals ......................................... 55
Grid calculation methods...................... 110
Matching ........................................... 55
Grid Clipping.......................................14
MAX ................................................. 50
Grid display ...................................... 107
Mean estimating......................................128
Grid file Converting..................................... 117
Converting to DTM........................... 118
Merging drillholes ................................ 54
Grid file .................................... 117, 118
MIDDLE ............................................ 50
Grid search options ............................ 112
MIN ................................................. 50
MM file
Smoothing..................................... 114
DTM .............................................. 17
Gridding ................................... 109, 114
MM file.............................................. 17
Ground profile .....................................86
Modelling semi-variograms ...................150
Multiple fields ..................................... 90
Hole annotation...................................82
Normal Sections.................................. 60
Information along Trench
Displaying ..................................... 120 Information along Trench..................... 120
Offsection/Depth ................................. 87 Outcrops
Interactive Complex .............................65
Displaying....................................... 71
Interactive Complex display....................66
Outcrops ........................................... 71
Intersection calculation..........................75
Intersection calculations ...................25, 80
Displaying....................................... 85
Intersections..................................74, 76
Outlines ............................................ 85
Interval Compositing........................38, 46
Overwrite target field ........................... 58
Matching .........................................55
Pie, Complex Display ...........................106
Pierce Points ...................................... 93
Index Plan display ........................................66
Seams, digitizing................................. 72
Plan view, drillholes..............................59
Semi-variograms............ 139, 144, 150, 152
Semi-variograms - modelling
Vein ...............................................27
the process ....................................150
Plane ................................................27
Semi-variograms - modelling ................150
Polygons, Complex Display ................... 105
Shewart control chart
process overview .............................131
Calculations .....................................27
Shewart control chart ..........................131
POV ..................................................27
Simple Display, drillholes....................... 64
POV display, Drillholes...........................63
DTM Contours ....................................8
looking up ..................................... 127
grid ..............................................114
Probabilities...................................... 127
Smoothing.................................... 8, 114
Spider Graph...................................... 98
QQ Plot............................................ 134
Stacked Profile
Quality control
Deleting ........................................124
CUSUM chart.................................. 132
Stacked Profile............................ 123, 124
quality control functions .................... 130
Stacked Profile Display ........................121
Shewart control chart....................... 131
Stacked Sections
Quality control .....................130, 131, 132
display ........................................... 62
Stacked Sections................................. 62
Regression/Correlation ........................ 129
Sample data distribution
Regression/Correlation - calculating .....129
checking ....................................... 126 Sample quality control assay lab monitoring ........................ 130
Statistics ............................ 129, 130, 133 Stereonet graph.................................101 Strip Logs
Sample quality control......................... 130
Displaying....................................... 81
Scattergrams .................................... 129
Strip Logs.......................................... 81
Seam Thickness...................................11
Seam top/bottom.................................28 Seams
Displaying....................................... 68 Symbols............................................ 68
Displaying .......................................72
Symbols, collars display ........................ 84
Editing ............................................72
Seams..........................................28, 72
Target Fields ...................................... 58
Index Tenement boundaries
Trend Surface output types...................116
Displaying .......................................69
Trend Surfaces ........................... 115, 116
Tenement boundaries ...........................69
True thickness .................................... 26
Ternary Graph................................... 100
Thickness, Seam..................................11
Volume DTM .............................................. 10
Total drill lengths Calculating.......................................37
Volume ............................................. 10
Total drill lengths .................................37
Transform Sections...............................61
WEIGHTED AVG .................................. 50
WEIGHTED SUM.................................. 50
Orientation .................................... 120 Trench ............................................ 120
Z Z values
Trench Display .................................. 119
Generate ........................................ 12
Trench information, displaying .............. 120
Generating ...................................... 13
Trend surface analysis......................... 137
Z values....................................... 12, 13
MICROMINE Resource Estimation
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents 2D Block Estimate: An overview ..................................................................................... 1 2D Block Estimate Interpolation...................................................................................... 2 The Process .......................................................................................................... 2 Displaying the 2D model............................................................................................... 4 3D Block Estimate ....................................................................................................... 5 Creating a blank block model ......................................................................................... 7 The Process .......................................................................................................... 7 3D Block Estimate - Inverse Distance Weighting ................................................................. 8 The Process .......................................................................................................... 8 3D Block Estimate: Display............................................................................................ 9 The Process .......................................................................................................... 9 3D Block Estimate: Statistical ...................................................................................... 11 The Process ........................................................................................................ 11 3D Block Estimate: Assign Outlines ............................................................................... 12 The Process ........................................................................................................ 12 Kriging ................................................................................................................... 13 Ordinary/Universal Kriging ..................................................................................... 13 Indicator Kriging.................................................................................................. 13 Rank Kriging ....................................................................................................... 13 Multiple Indicator Kriging ....................................................................................... 14 Ordinary/Universal Kriging .......................................................................................... 15 Rank Kriging ............................................................................................................ 16 Indicator Kriging....................................................................................................... 17 For Indicator 1 cutoff: ........................................................................................... 17 For Multiple Indicator Kriging: ................................................................................. 17 Multiple Indicator Kriging ............................................................................................ 19 For Indicator 1 cutoff: ........................................................................................... 19 For Multiple Indicator Kriging: ................................................................................. 19 3D Block Index......................................................................................................... 21 Overview ........................................................................................................... 21 The Process ........................................................................................................ 21 2D Index ................................................................................................................ 22 The Process ........................................................................................................ 22
Table Of Contents Subblocking............................................................................................................. 23 Validate Block Model.................................................................................................. 24 Reblock Block Model .................................................................................................. 25 Add Two Block Models................................................................................................ 26 Optimise Block Model................................................................................................. 27 Regularise Block Model............................................................................................... 29 Mining Grade Estimates.............................................................................................. 30 Wireframe grade shells............................................................................................... 31 The Process ........................................................................................................ 31 Polygonal Section Estimate.......................................................................................... 32 Setup................................................................................................................ 32 Digitise.............................................................................................................. 32 Assign ............................................................................................................... 32 Grade Tonnage Report .......................................................................................... 32 Delete ............................................................................................................... 32 Plans from Sections .............................................................................................. 32 Generate Outlines ................................................................................................ 32 Setting up a polygonal model....................................................................................... 33 Overview ........................................................................................................... 33 The Process ........................................................................................................ 34 Deleting polygonal models........................................................................................... 35 Digitising a polygonal model ........................................................................................ 36 Overview ........................................................................................................... 36 The Process ........................................................................................................ 36 Depth/Offsection.................................................................................................. 36 Trace ................................................................................................................ 37 Display 1, 2........................................................................................................ 37 Events............................................................................................................... 37 Hatch 1, 2, 3 ...................................................................................................... 37 Graph 1, 2 ......................................................................................................... 37 Multi fields ......................................................................................................... 37 Assigning polygonal model outlines ............................................................................... 38 The Process ........................................................................................................ 38 Calculating polygonal estimates: Grade Tonnage Report ..................................................... 40 Overview ........................................................................................................... 40
Table Of Contents The Process ........................................................................................................ 40 Plans from sections ................................................................................................... 42 The Process ........................................................................................................ 42 Generate outlines...................................................................................................... 44 The Process ........................................................................................................ 44 Grades within outlines................................................................................................ 45 The Process ........................................................................................................ 46 Gridded Seam Estimate .............................................................................................. 47 Creating the material files in Gridded Seam Estimate Setup................................................. 49 The Process ........................................................................................................ 50 Creating the gridded seam model.................................................................................. 51 The Process ........................................................................................................ 52 Write number of points.......................................................................................... 52 Write standard deviation........................................................................................ 52 Write 2D index .................................................................................................... 52 Create blank OBM ................................................................................................ 52 Displaying a gridded seam model.................................................................................. 54 The Process ........................................................................................................ 54 Calculate Strip Ratio .................................................................................................. 55 The Process ........................................................................................................ 55 3 Layer Grade Report................................................................................................. 56 The Process ........................................................................................................ 56 Gridded Seam Estimate - Model Report .......................................................................... 57 The Process ........................................................................................................ 57 Gridded Seam Model to 3D OBM ................................................................................... 59 The Process ........................................................................................................ 59 3D OBM to Gridded Seam Model ................................................................................... 61 The Process ........................................................................................................ 61 The volume field .................................................................................................. 62 Index ..................................................................................................................... 63
Resource Estimation – 2D Block Estimate
2D Block Estimate: An overview The block estimate functions calculate, display and report grades, volumes and tonnages within defined areas using the block estimation technique. With this technique, you define a series of fixed size blocks. Each will be assigned values estimated using data points found in a search region around the block centre. You can apply one of several estimation methods, including Kriging, to estimate grades for each block. You can also control the block spacing, and the size and orientation of the search region. The block estimate functions can use any input data with three-dimensional coordinates. Drillhole, trench, underground or random samples are all suitable, provided they are in one file. You can apply a filter to the input file to restrict input values by grade, location, rock type or any other attribute. All ore body estimation processes create blocks that are unconstrained. Even if the search ellipse contains a single data point, a block will be written to the output file. This means that the raw output file will generally contain blocks located outside any interpreted ore outline. In order to use the Modelling | Model Report | Block Model Report function, you need to tag the blocks inside interpreted ore outlines. Use Modelling | Assign | Outlines to do this. The Assign Outlines function writes an outline attribute to a selected field in any record in a block model file with a centre inside the selected outlines. The presence of the attribute in the block estimate file, or the attribute value itself, is then used in conjunction with a Filter to limit the blocks that will be used to calculate a resource report. The presence of such an attribute in a block estimate file can also be used with a Filter to delete blocks outside any ore outline. This significantly reduces the number of blocks in a file, which in turn reduces processing time. Because it only contains ore blocks, the block model reporting functions can be used without a filter. Estimation parameters should be carefully considered. The operation of the estimation algorithms enables very sparse data to be projected over long distances. Since the same estimation algorithms are used in Display | Contours | Generate Grid, the contouring display can be used to visually check the suitability of parameters prior to running a full ore grade estimate.
Resource Estimation – 2D Block Estimate
2D Block Estimate Interpolation 2D Block Estimate | Interpolation produces block estimates for up to five numeric fields in a data file. It is used when the values in these numeric fields lie in a plane. For example, grade control samples on an ore bench or drillhole sections. The input data file must contain 3D coordinates for each point. When you run 2D Block Estimate Interpolation, the estimates are written to a new data file. You can also preview the results of the parameter settings you have made in the 2D Block Interpolation dialog. This is a useful feature when you are unfamiliar with the function or are dealing with a new dataset. You must select the two coordinate fields that are consistent with the orientation of the model. For example, with an East facing drillhole section, you would enter the name of the Easting field for the X coordinate and the name of the RL field for the Y coordinate. For a model based on surface geochemical values (plan), you would enter the East field for the X coordinate and the North field for the Y coordinate. Block estimates are calculated by positioning a data search ellipse at a grid point and using the points that fall within the ellipse. The grid points are at the centre of each block. By altering the dimensions, number of sectors and the rotation of the search ellipse (or search circle), you can control which points are used in the estimation for each block. The points used in the estimation can also be restricted to predefined outlines. The block model can be seen as a rectangular area made up of many equal size blocks. The block in the lower left-hand corner is taken as the origin and the block in the top right-hand corner is taken as the end block. You define the grid by entering X, Y and Z dimensions at the centre of an origin block and either:
The number of blocks in each dimension, or
The coordinates at the centre of the end block.
In addition, you must define the plane for which the model is being generated by entering a Z coordinate. In the East facing drillhole section example, this would be a Northing. The Z coordinate can also be used to locate the modelled blocks within a larger 3D model. You can produce estimates using one of five methods. If you index each block in the model, you can create several estimates and then merge the output files using the index field as the key. This gives you the opportunity to compare the estimates produced by the different methods. The Process
Select Modelling | 2D Block Estimate | Interpolation from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records are processed.
Click the Input Fields button and specify coordinate fields and the fields for which estimates will be calculated in Input fields 1-5.
To reduce the number of low values written to the Output file you can enter a value in Min value to file. When the grade estimate for input field 1 is below this value, no grade values will be written to any field.
Define the dimensions and number of blocks for which estimates will be calculated. For more information, refer to the Defining the block size and quantity topic.
Choose the estimation method from the list. For more information, refer to the Different estimation methods topic.
Define the characteristics of the search shape. For more information, refer to the Defining the search ellipse topic.
Resource Estimation – 2D Block Estimate 8.
Select Preview mode to visually check the modelling parameters when you run the program. This is recommended when you are modelling a new dataset. For more information, refer to the Previewing the block modelling process topic.
Click OK to run the function. If you have selected Preview, the search shape, data points and blocks will be displayed, and the estimates will be calculated in real time. These are written to the output file. If not, the preview window will not be displayed. For more information, refer to the Contents of the output file topic.
Resource Estimation – 2D Block Estimate
Displaying the 2D model 2D Block Estimate | Display generates an X-Y plot from any 2D block model file. You can display block centres, block outlines or both. Blocks can be hatched or filled with solid colour. The fill colour can be colour coded according to the contents of a field in the block model file. If you decide to hatch the blocks, you can also use one of the fields in block model file to control the hatching. You can also display crosses at the block centres. These can be colour coded according to the values in a field in the block model file. Up to three labels, values from the block model file, can be displayed in each block. Two colour coding methods can be applied to labels. The first is to apply the same colour set to all label fields. The second is to apply separate colour sets to each field. You can also adjust the size and orientation of the labels.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
3D Block Estimate Using the functions in the Modelling | 3D Block Estimate menu you can:
Generate block models.
Calculate grades for each block using surrounding values.
Calculate statistical values for each block using the values within the block.
Assign outline attributes to blocks that fall within outlines.
Generate unique index values for each block.
All data points to be used must have three-dimensional coordinates and one or more fields to be modelled. It is not necessary for each sample to contain values for all variables to be modelled. The Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) function forms a three-dimensional block model and calculates block estimates for up to five numeric fields in a data file. When you run the IDW function the block model and estimates are written to a new data file. A block model can be seen as a rectangular body made up of layers of equal size blocks. At the centre of each block is a grid point. The grid point in the lower left-hand corner of the bottom layer is taken as the origin and the grid point in the top right-hand corner is taken as the centre of the end block. You define the model by entering the X, Y and Z coordinates of the grid point at the origin and either:
The number of blocks in each dimension.
The coordinates at the centre of the end block.
How you orient the block model is up to you as long as it lies orthogonal to the grid. When you run the function it "positions" a data search ellipsoid at a grid point and then calculates an estimate using the points that fall within it. The estimate is then written to the record for that block. Grid points occur at the centroid of each block. The process continues until estimates have been calculated for all blocks. Either isotropic or anisotropic weighting can be applied to the points used in the estimation. Block indexes are an important part of the model. The program uses the block indices as the key when you merge data from different models. To do this the models must have a common block origin or the index must have been generated (using Modelling | Index | 3D Block Index) with an origin that will fit all models. Merging block models is important when combining data from different ore domains or when different qualities of estimates are combined (e.g. measured, indicated and inferred). It is possible, but uncommon, to use outlines to control which block estimates are calculated. Unless one outline shape is valid for the whole range of RL values in the model, do not use this option. A fragment of a typical output file is illustrated below. Each record defines the characteristics of a block. The block dimensions are contained in the fields with the coordinate names prefixed with an underscore. Three estimates have been calculated for each block: Au, Cut15 and SG.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate In this instance, the number of points used to calculate each block value and the standard deviation of the estimate are recorded for each record. In addition, a block index has been assigned to each block.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Creating a blank block model Select the Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Blank Block Model option to generate an empty block model file that can be supplied as input to other modelling functions. As well as specifying block definitions and constants, the user can also specify block constraints and sub-block those blocks that are wholly or partially inside one or more wireframes, or above or below a DTM. The assignment is made using the block centre. The Process 1.
Specify the name and type of the output file.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields.
Click the Block Definitions button to set the size, quantity, and dimensions of the blocks written to the output file.
Click the Add Fields button to add up to 5 new fields to the output file. These fields are often populated with values at a later stage in the modelling process using one of the assign functions. For each field:
Enter the field name and characteristics - type, width, number of decimal points (if any).
If anything is entered into the Value field, this value will be written to all records in the new field in the output file.
Optionally define how block constraints will be applied by selecting one of the following options:
Restrict blank with Wireframes
Restrict blank with DTM
Click okay to create the blank block model using the parameters you have defined.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
3D Block Estimate - Inverse Distance W eighting The Process 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Inverse Distance Weighting from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records are processed.
Click the Input Fields button and specify coordinate fields and the fields for which estimates will be calculated in Input fields 1-10.
To reduce the number of low values written to the Output file, enter a value in Min value to file. When the grade estimate for input field 1 is below this value, no grade values will be written to any field.
Define the size of the blocks (grid spacing) for which estimates will be calculated. See Defining the block size and quantity for more information. Alternatively, you can define Blocks from a file.
Choose either INVDISTPOW or ANISOTROPIC IDP as the estimation method. For more information, refer to the Different estimation methods topic.
Define the characteristics of the data search shape. For more information, refer to the Search ellipsoid parameters topic.
Enter the name of a new field that will be used to store a Count of the number of values (in the nominated Count Reference field) used to calculate estimates.
If you have specified a name for the Count field, then the Count Reference field input is enabled. Select a field from the sample or composite file (i.e. Hole_ID) which will be used as a reference counter.
10. Optionally, use the Min Count field to specify a minimum number of values to be applied to the calculation for each block. 11. Click OK to run the function. The function will begin processing the data. What is displayed, while the process is underway, depends on your choice of parameters. For more information, refer to the Working in the 3D Block Modelling display topic. When the process is complete operations will return to the main form from where you can check the output file.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
3D Block Estimate: Display The Modelling | 3D Block Estim ate | Display function displays single layers of a 3D block model at any orientation orthogonal to the grid. In effect, it enables you to "slice" a block model and view it from the East, North, or in Plan. By colour coding blocks according to the value in one of the grade fields you can make grade characteristics of the model easy to identify. There are also several ways of displaying the underlying grade values for each block. Before you display the block model, you must choose the direction from which you will view it. You must also enter a coordinate that defines the viewing plane, that is, where the model will be "sliced". Once you are in the display you can change the display orientation. To do this you must define a new Z coordinate interactively. Using the 3D Viewer you can display an entire 3D block model. This will help you to obtain a good understanding of the overall shape of the block model. When you run Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Inverse Distance Weighting what is displayed will depend on your parameter settings in the 3D Block Estimate dialog box. In general terms, estimates in each layer of blocks, starting from the lowest layer and proceeding up are calculated. The blocks may not be displayed to scale. The speed at which estimates will be calculated depends on the number of records in the input file and the block size. If you have selected Display blocks and set Display data to either NONE or CROSS, estimates will be calculated for each of the blocks in each plane of the model. If you have selected Display blocks and set Display data to VALUE, an estimate will be calculated for each block. The point values used to obtain the estimate, the distance they are from the block centre, and the estimate itself, will be displayed in the panel beside the graphical display. The block to which the estimate will be written is displayed in a different colour from those for which estimates have already been calculated. When you accept each estimate (by pressing any key), the block will be added to the display. Use this feature to visually check parameters before final modelling. Note:
Generating models with small block sizes from widespread data points may lead to inaccurate results.
Occasionally some sample points will be displayed but not have blocks calculated around them. When selecting points for modelling a level, the algorithm extends slightly beyond the RL (elevation) limits defined by the search ellipsoid. The modelling process subsequently ignores the points that do not fall within the search ellipsoid.
An ellipse dimension smaller than a block dimension causes blocks to be ignored.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of a file created in 3D Block Modelling.
Click Display Limits, and then define the extent of the display. In addition to the coordinate field names and the min and max values for each, you should enter a tolerance. This is used when you "slice" the model to view the block estimates. The tolerance defines the thickness of this slice. To avoid the slice including two layers of blocks, enter a tolerance that is slightly less than half the block dimension in the viewing direction.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate 4.
Choose the orientation of the display and then enter the coordinate of the viewing plane in the prompt that follows. This is the plane along which the model will be sliced and displayed.
Select Display block centres if you want crosses to be displayed at the centre of each block. If you display block centres, you can also select a colour set and enter a field that will control how they are colour coded.
The blocks that make up the model are displayed by default. You can control the size of the blocks in the display by entering a size factor (1.0 by default). Use this feature to reduce the area covered by the blocks to allow background information to be visible in a multilayered plot. For example, geology outlines.
There are two ways to fill the blocks in the display, solid and hatched. These options are described further in the Different block fill methods topic. Select NONE if you don’t want to fill the blocks.
You can display three values from fields in the block model file as labels in each block. A single colour set can be used for all three fields or you can apply a different colour set to each.
To superimpose outlines on the block model display, select Display Outlines. Select an outline set, choose files from within that set, and then define which outlines will be displayed. For more information, refer to the Outline Details topic. Note that these outlines will be visible when the display orientation is the same as the orientation in which they were drawn. That is, you will only see outlines digitised in Plan view when the display orientation is set to plan.
10. Click OK to run the display.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
3D Block Estimate: Statistical The Modelling | 3D Block Estim ate | Statistical function calculates mean, median and standard deviation for each block in a three-dimensional block model. It calculates these values using the data points contained in a block. If there are no values in a block, nothing will be written to the output file. The function can calculate values for one or two fields in the input file. This function is not intended for ore grade tonnage calculations. You can use it:
To make statistical comparisons between block estimates calculated using one of the modelling procedures and estimates calculated using points within each block.
For grade estimation purposes. That is, you can "grade" blocks for which there are multiple points used in the grade estimate as Measured and then merge them with grade estimates made using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW). The IDW estimated blocks can be graded as Indicated or Inferred.
The function can also write block index numbers to each record in the file. You can use these to merge data from two or more models into a common file. This makes it easy to make comparisons between the different estimation methods and the statistical calculations. Note: Before you compare different models, make sure they have the same origin and the same block size in each dimension. The output file will contain the following:
The coordinate fields.
The block dimensions.
The fields containing the statistical values. These are the fields for which you have entered names in the dialog box.
Any fields you have added.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Statistical from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records are processed.
Enter the names of the fields for which estimates will be calculated in OBM field 1 and 2.
Define the size and shape of the blocks for which estimates will be calculated. See Defining the block size and quantity for details.
Enter a name for the output file. This file will be created when you run the function.
Enter the names of the fields where the mean, standard deviation and median for the two OBM fields will be written.
Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
3D Block Estimate: Assign Outlines 3D Block Estimate | Assign Outlines looks for points that fall within outlines. When it finds a point, it writes attributes of that outline to the record for that point. A typical application is to assign outline codes from a series of Geology outline files to a 3D Block Model data file. To use Assign Outlines you need a 3D Block Model data file and a set of outline files of known orientation. Any type of outlines can be used, MODEL, GEOLOGY, DESIGN or USER. However, because there is no .PAR file for the GEOLOGY, DESIGN and USER types, you must define a start coordinate and plus and minus windows if you want to use them. You can control the range of outline files that will be used by entering their Start and End numbers. By making entries in the Outline Details dialog box, you define which outlines will be used, which attributes will be assigned from those outlines and the field in the data file to which each attribute will be assigned. When you run the function it generates a report. Refer to this report to confirm the results of the assignment process. For each outline selected in the Outline Details dialog box, the report lists what has been recorded in the target file (e.g. name, code, value) and the number of records that have been assigned. The outline name and the identifier used to select it are also listed. For more information about outlines, refer to the Outlines : general principles topic. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Assign Outlines from the main menu.
Enter the name of the 3D Block model file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records are processed.
Enter the names of the coordinate fields in the 3D Block model file.
Choose the outline type and enter the range of outline files that will be used by Assign Outlines. Your entry in Start number corresponds to the first outline file that will be used in the process. All outline files up to and including the one with the End number will be used. If the first and last number are the same, only that outline file will be assigned.
Define the orientation of the outlines. Your setting here controls the coordinate prompt that will appear in the Window group. For example, if you set the orientation to PLAN, the coordinate prompt will change to RL. Note that this option is disabled when Outline type is set to MODEL.
If you have set the outline type to GEOLOGY, MODEL or USER, you must define the data window for each outline by making entries in the window coordinate and in Window plus and Window minus. For more information, refer to the Defining the data window topic.
Make entries in the Outline Details dialog box to control which outlines will be used in the assignment process and the fields to which the outline attributes will be written.
Refer to Using Clear target field and Overwrite target field for details on how to use these parameters.
Enter a name for the report file. A summary report of the process will be written to this file.
10. Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Kriging Kriging is a geostatistical method of interpolation for estimating unknown values, from some original sample data set. It differs from other techniques such as inverse distance in that it uses the concept of spatial continuity between data. The aim is to minimise the variances of the estimates and arrive at the best data value for each unknown point. Part of the input is a semi-variogram model that fits the input data. The validity of the Kriging result depends on how well the semi-variogram models the data. This means that you should not use Kriging until you are satisfied that you have created the best possible semi-variogram model for the data, as its closeness of fit will determine the confidence you have in the kriged output. Kriging functions operate on points, blocks, or polygons defined in an outline file. Before Kriging a data set, you need to analyze the data and create a semi-variogram that will be used in the modelling process. The semi-variogram model you produce must be saved in a form set, which will then be used as an input to the Kriging function. Analysis should also include:
Investigating the distribution of sample values using histograms, probability plots, and scattergrams for correlation between variables and possible geological patterns.
Transformation of values; logarithms, indicators and rank uniform transforms.
Calculation and interpretation of experimental variograms; identification of any trend and possible anisotropies.
If necessary, studying of trend components, removal of trend and study of residuals including distribution of residuals and identification of outlines.
Modelling the semi-variogram graph. Choosing a model, specifying parameters and assessment of fit.
Cross validation of the semi-variogram model. Calculation of error statistics. Remodelling if required.
The following Kriging functions are provided under the Modelling | 3D Estimate menu: Ordinary/Universal Kriging With Ordinary Kriging, the mean of the data (contained within the search ellipse) is recalculated every time the search ellipse is repositioned on a block centroid. With Simple Kriging, a global mean is applied. Universal Kriging takes into account trends in the data, for instance, a change in the mean. The trend is modelled and included as one of the inputs to the Kriging process. For more information, refer to the "Ordinary/Universal Kriging" topic. Indicator Kriging Indicator Kriging allows you to preferentially exclude data at a defined cutoff. It estimates the probability of values being above or below the cutoff. Probability is associated with the mean of a bin to produce a weighted-average (e-type) estimate. For more information, refer to the "Indicator Kriging" topic. Rank Kriging
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate Use the Rank Kriging option for non-parameteric or distribution free statistics. Your data will be transformed so that it has a uniform distribution (where the probability of each value occurring is equal). Samples are ranked from lowest to highest. Each observation is assigned a rank. These ranks are then transformed into a percentage value against the number of samples + 1. This means a value of 75 is three-quarters of the way along the data list. Multiple Indicator Kriging Use Multiple Indicator Kriging to define a series of cutoff values and apply the same indicator method again for each cutoff. For more information, refer to the "Multiple Indicator Kriging" topic.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Ordinary/Universal Kriging To perform Ordinary or Universal Kriging do the following: 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Ordinary/Universal Kriging from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data and click the Input Fields button to specify coordinate fields and the Analysis field containing the values that will be modelled. Point or Block mode Kriging can be performed in any orientation, depending on what fields are specified as the X and Y fields (Easting and Northing for Plan view, Easting and RL for North sections, Northing and RL for East sections). The RL field is disabled if Polygon Kriging is selected (See step 6).
If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
(Optional) Select Create blank OBM? to create an empty block model.
(Optional) Select Display block? to show block outlines on the screen during processing.
Select the Kriging mode you want to perform (Point, Block or Polygon) and specify the parameters for discretisation. Discretisation is available when BLOCK or POLYGON mode are selected.
Define the blocks by creating Block definitions or by defining Blocks from a file.
(Optional) Specify outline restrictions and numeric exceptions. These will limit what is displayed.
Select how you want to display the data points (None, Cross, Value).
10. (Optional) Select the Trend, Transformation type of the model, and Additive Constant value where appropriate. 11. Specify the parameters of the semi-variogram model you are applying. Double-click to load a form set. Right-click to setup Directional parameters. To open the Semi Variogram Model dialog, right-click in the main, 2nd and 3rd direction input boxes. 12. Enter parameters to define a search ellipse. Double-click to load a form set. Right click to edit data search parameters. 13. Enter the name of a new field that will be used to store a Count of the number of values (in the nominated Count Reference field) used to calculate estimates. 14. If you have specified a name for the Count field, then the Count Reference field input is enabled. Select a field from the sample or composite file (i.e. Hole_ID) which will be used as a reference counter. 15. Optionally, use the Min Count field to specify a minimum number of values to be applied to the calculation. 16. Select output data options. 17. Enter the name of the Output file, and (optionally) add fields as required. 18. Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Rank Kriging To perform Rank Kriging do the following: 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Rank Kriging from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data and click the Input Fields button to specify coordinate fields and the Analysis field containing the values that will be modelled. Point or Block mode Kriging can be performed in any orientation, depending on what fields are specified as the X and Y fields (Easting and Northing for Plan view, Easting and RL for North sections, Northing and RL for East sections). The RL field is disabled if Polygon Kriging is selected (See step 6).
If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
(Optional) Select Create blank OBM? to create an empty block model.
(Optional) Select Display block? to show block outlines on the screen during processing.
Select the Kriging mode you want to perform (Point, Block or Polygon) and specify the parameters for discretisation. Discretisation is available when BLOCK or POLYGON mode are selected.
Define the blocks by creating Block definitions or by defining Blocks from a file.
(Optional) Specify outline restrictions and numeric exceptions. These will limit what is displayed.
Select the Trend of the model.
10. Specify the parameters of the semi-variogram model you are applying. Double-click to load a form set. Right-click to setup Directional parameters. To open the Semi Variogram Model dialog, right-click in the main, 2nd and 3rd direction input boxes. 11. Enter parameters to define a Search ellipse. Double-click to load a form set. Right click to edit data search parameters. 12. Enter the name of a new field that will be used to store a Count of the number of values (in the nominated Count Reference field) used to calculate estimates. 13. If you have specified a name for the Count field, then the Count Reference field input is enabled. Select a field from the sample or composite file (i.e. Hole_ID) which will be used as a reference counter. 14. Optionally, use the Min Count field to specify a minimum number of values to be applied to the calculation. 15. Select how you want to display the data points (None, Cross, Value). 16. Select output data options. 17. Enter the name of the Output file, and (optionally) add fields as required. 18. Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Indicator Kriging Indicator Kriging allows you to preferentially exclude data at a defined cutoff. It estimates the probability of values being above or below the cutoff. Probability is associated with the mean of a bin to produce a weighted-average (e-type) estimate. For Indicator 1 cutoff: 1.
Assign 1 or 0 to each record (in the Input file) depending on whether the value of the Analysis field is below (1) or above (0) the cutoff value.
These values are now kriged (using the associated Variogram Model) and written to a new field (Cutoff1) in the OBM file (these fields are later deleted if "Write cutoff values?" is not selected). The value written to this field is the estimated portion of the block that is below the cutoff grade (probability).
In the new field, replace any value less than 0 with 0
In the new field, replace any cutoff value greater than 1 with 1
For Multiple Indicator Kriging: 5.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the other Indicator cutoff grades.
Now check that the cutoffs (1 to n) for each record in the OBM are in ascending order (equal values are OK). An invalid sequence can occur because each cutoff may use a different variogram model. For each record: 1.
Create an upward adjusted set of cutoffs so that if Cutoff(n) is less than Cutoff(n-1) then Cutoff(n) = Cutoff(n-1).
Create a downward adjusted set of cutoffs so that if Cutoff(n-1) is greater than Cutoff(n) then Cutoff(n-1) = Cutoff(n).
Mean the upward and downward sets to calculate the final values.
Subsequent calculations (below) refer to "bins". The first bin contains all the values, from the Input file, that are lower than the first Indicator cutoff grade. The second bin contains all values between the first and second Indicator cutoff grade. The final bin contains all values above the last Indicator cutoff grade. To handle calculations for the final bin an additional (dummy) Cutoff column (Cutoff(n+1)) is generated, which will have a value of 1 for each block. To calculate the estimated value for each block, sum the products of each bin probability and the grade estimate for each bin. The bin probability is simply the difference between the probabilities of consecutive Cutoff fields. So the probability of the block's grade being in the first bin equals the value in the Cutoff(1) field. The probability of the block's grade being in the second bin equals Cutoff(2) - Cutoff(1) and the probability for the last bin equals 1 - Cutoff(n). The calculation of the grade estimate for a bin depends on the method selected for that bin: 1.
MEDIAN uses the median of all the input grades that are within the bin limits.
MEAN uses the mean of all the input grades that are within the bin limits.
LINEAR uses the mean of the Indicator cutoff grades that define the bin. The lower value for the first bin, and the higher value for the last bin, can be defined by the user in the "Grade Estimate (Tails)" group box. If not specifically defined, the first bin (Lower tail) uses 0 as its lower value and the last bin (Upper tail) uses the maximum grade value (from the Analysis field in the Input file) as its higher value.
The estimated block value is written to a field in the OBM file with the same name as the Analysis field in the Input file. To perform Indicator Kriging do the following:
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Indicator Kriging from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data and click the Input Fields button to specify coordinate fields and the Analysis field containing the values that will be modelled. Point or Block mode Kriging can be performed in any orientation, depending on what fields are specified as the X and Y fields (Easting and Northing for Plan view, Easting and RL for North sections, Northing and RL for East sections). The RL field is disabled if Polygon Kriging is selected (See step 6).
If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
(Optional) Select Create blank OBM? to create an empty block model.
(Optional) Select Display blocks? to show block outlines on the screen during processing.
Select the Kriging mode you want to perform (Point, Block or Polygon) and specify the parameters for discretisation. Discretisation is available when BLOCK or POLYGON mode are selected.
Define the blocks by creating Block definitions or by defining Blocks from a file.
(Optionally) Specify outline restrictions and numeric exceptions. These will limit what is displayed.
Select the Trend and optionally select the Nested indicator Kriging option.
10. Specify the cut off value(s) to be applied. Double-click to load a form set. Right-click to invoke the Model Values dialog. For each cut off value in the Model Values dialog, specify the parameters of the semivariogram model you want to apply. 11. Enter parameters to define a Search ellipse. Double-click to load a form set. Right click to edit data search parameters. 12. Enter the name of a new field that will be used to store a Count of the number of values (in the nominated Count Reference field) used to calculate estimates. 13. If you have specified a name for the Count field, then the Count Reference field input is enabled. Select a field from the sample or composite file (i.e. Hole_ID) which will be used as a reference counter. 14. Optionally, use the Min Count field to specify a minimum number of values to be applied to the calculation. 15. Select output data options. 16. Enter the name of the Output file, and (optionally) add fields as required. 17. Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate
Multiple Indicator Kriging Indicator Kriging allows you to preferentially exclude data at a defined cutoff. It estimates the probability of values being above or below the cutoff. Probability is associated with the mean of a bin to produce a weighted-average (e-type) estimate. For Indicator 1 cutoff: 1.
Assign 1 or 0 to each record (in the Input file) depending on whether the value of the Analysis field is below (1) or above (0) the cutoff value.
These values are now kriged (using the associated Variogram Model) and written to a new field (Cutoff1) in the OBM file (these fields are later deleted if "Write cutoff values?" is not selected). The value written to this field is the estimated portion of the block that is below the cutoff grade (probability).
In the new field, replace any value less than 0 with 0
In the new field, replace any cutoff value greater than 1 with 1
For Multiple Indicator Kriging: 5.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 for the other Indicator cutoff grades.
Now check that the cutoffs (1 to n) for each record in the OBM are in ascending order (equal values are OK). An invalid sequence can occur because each cutoff may use a different variogram model. For each record: 1.
Create an upward adjusted set of cutoffs so that if Cutoff(n) is less than Cutoff(n-1) then Cutoff(n) = Cutoff(n-1).
Create a downward adjusted set of cutoffs so that if Cutoff(n-1) is greater than Cutoff(n) then Cutoff(n-1) = Cutoff(n).
Mean the upward and downward sets to calculate the final values.
Subsequent calculations (below) refer to "bins". The first bin contains all the values, from the Input file, that are lower than the first Indicator cutoff grade. The second bin contains all values between the first and second Indicator cutoff grade. The final bin contains all values above the last Indicator cutoff grade. To handle calculations for the final bin an additional (dummy) Cutoff column (Cutoff(n+1)) is generated, which will have a value of 1 for each block. To calculate the estimated value for each block, sum the products of each bin probability and the grade estimate for each bin. The bin probability is simply the difference between the probabilities of consecutive Cutoff fields. So the probability of the block's grade being in the first bin equals the value in the Cutoff(1) field. The probability of the block's grade being in the second bin equals Cutoff(2) - Cutoff(1) and the probability for the last bin equals 1 - Cutoff(n). The calculation of the grade estimate for a bin depends on the method selected for that bin: 1.
MEDIAN uses the median of all the input grades that are within the bin limits.
MEAN uses the mean of all the input grades that are within the bin limits.
LINEAR uses the mean of the Indicator cutoff grades that define the bin. The lower value for the first bin, and the higher value for the last bin, can be defined by the user in the "Grade Estimate (Tails)" group box. If not specifically defined, the first bin (Lower tail) uses 0 as its lower value and the last bin (Upper tail) uses the maximum grade value (from the Analysis field in the Input file) as its higher value.
The estimated block value is written to a field in the OBM file with the same name as the Analysis field in the Input file. To perform Multiple Indicator Kriging do the following:
Resource Estimation – 3D Block Estimate 1.
Select Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Multiple Indicator Kriging from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data and click the Input Fields button to specify coordinate fields and the Analysis field containing the values that will be modelled. Point or Block mode Kriging can be performed in any orientation, depending on what fields are specified as the X and Y fields (Easting and Northing for Plan view, Easting and RL for North sections, Northing and RL for East sections). The RL field is disabled if Polygon Kriging is selected (See step 6).
If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
(Optional) Select Create blank OBM? to create an empty block model.
(Optional) Select Display blocks? to show block outlines on the screen during processing.
Select the Kriging mode you want to perform (Point, Block or Polygon) and specify the parameters for discretisation. Discretisation is available when BLOCK or POLYGON mode are selected.
Define the blocks by creating Block definitions or by defining Blocks from a file.
(Optional) Specify outline restrictions and numeric exceptions. These will limit what is displayed.
Select how you want to display the data points (None, Cross, Value).
10. Specify the cut off value(s) to be applied and the grade estimate method(s) to be used. Double-click to load a form set. Right-click to invoke the Model Values dialog. For each cut off value in the Model Values dialog, specify the parameters of the semivariogram model you want to apply and the grade estimate method to be used for each bin. 11. Enter parameters to define a Search ellipse. Double-click to load a form set. Right click to edit data search parameters. 12. Enter the name of a new field that will be used to store a Count of the number of values (in the nominated Count Reference field) used to calculate estimates. 13. If you have specified a name for the Count field, then the Count Reference field input is enabled. Select a field from the sample or composite file (i.e. Hole_ID) which will be used as a reference counter. 14. Optionally, use the Min Count field to specify a minimum number of values to be applied to the calculation. 15. Select output data options. 16. Enter the name of the Output file, and (optionally) add fields as required. 17. Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D & 2D Block Index
3D Block Index Overview The 3D Block Index function (Modelling | Index | 3D Block Index) adds a unique index number to each record in a data file. It is generally used to re-index block models produced in 2D and 3D Estimation and Grids and Kriging. However, it can be used whenever you need to index data points to a 3D grid. For example, to identify the sample points that fall inside particular blocks in a block model use 3D Block Index to generate a point index based on the same origin and block size as the block model. A model can have up to 9999 blocks in each direction. Numbering commences from 000100010001 - the centre of the block defined by the coordinate origin. The first four digits from the left are the index number along the Easting axis (X), the next four are the index number of the Northing axis (Y) and the last four are for the RL axis (Z). A block model and this indexing function must have the same origin point and block size before the data point index will match the block index. Using the coordinates of each data point, the function determines which block it will occupy. The index of this block is written to the nominated index field (this field will be created if it does not exist). If there is more than one data point in a block, each will get the same index number. You can use the 3D Block Index function to re-index 2D Block model files that have been appended. If 2D Block models representing different Z layers in a deposit are appended, the indexing (derived when the models were created) will only be a 2D Index. Applying a 3D Block Index will generate a unique value for each block. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Index | 3D Block Index from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required define a filter to selectively process the records.
Enter the name of the coordinate fields.
Enter a name for the field to which the block index will be written. If this field does not exist, it will be created automatically when you run the function.
Enter the coordinates of the origin of the block model you are indexing.
Enter the block size in each direction.
Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – 3D & 2D Block Index
2D Index Modelling | Index | 2D Block Index creates a unique eight-digit index number for each block in a layer in a gridded seam model.
You must enter the Easting and Northing coordinates of the origin (shown in the illustration) and the X and Y block dimensions. These must be the same as those you entered in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation if the index numbers in the data file are to correspond with the blocks created by the estimation function. The Process
Select Modelling | Index | 2D Block Index from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file.
Enter the names of the coordinate fields in that file.
Enter the name of the fields where the 2D index will be written.
Enter the coordinates at the block origin.
Enter the East and North block dimensions.
Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Subblocking In previous versions of MICROMINE, sub-blocking could only be performed by subdividing model cells into virtual sub-blocks in order to calculate factors for each parent cell. Using the options provided under the Modelling | Subblocking menu, existing block models can now be:
validated, using the Validate Block Model option, to ensure that there are no overlapping blocks and that no discrepancies exist between the block model (OBM) file and the block definitions assigned to it. A check can also be made for missing compulsory field values or invalid non-numeric values.
sliced by different block definitions into a sub-blocked model so that the output model can fit into new block definitions, using the Reblock Block Model option.
added together irrespective of their sub-cell division, using the Add Two Block Models option.
optimised, using the Optimise Block Model option, in a way that sub-blocks are combined into bigger blocks within parent cells.
converted into a factored model, using the Regularise Block Model option. The process creates a block model with regular block sizes.
A blank block model can also be created using the Modelling | 3D Block Estim ate | Blank Block Model menu option. As well as specifying block definitions and constants, the user can also specify block constraints and sub-block those blocks that are wholly or partially inside one or more wireframes, or above or below a DTM.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Validate Block Model To validate the contents of a block model (OBM) file, select the Modelling | Subblocking | Validate Block Model menu option. In the Validate Block Model dialog:
Specify an existing block model file as the input file to be validated.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields.
Click the Block Definitions button to enter (or use the Forms button to load) the block definitions you want to validate the input file against.
If you want to validate for overlapping blocks, select the Block Overlaps option. Overlapping blocks may have been inadvertently introduced during manual editing of the input file - or may exist in OBM files which are imported into MICROMINE from other third-party applications.
If you want to resolve overlapping blocks and write new block definitions to the output file, select the Resolve overlaps option. You may choose to validate without resolving overlapping blocks to determine the extent of the problem (if any). If the overlapping blocks in the report file are too numerous to be resolved manually, validate again with the Resolve overlapping blocks option selected.
Select the Block model fields option to check for numeric exceptions(missing values in compulsory fields and invalid non-numeric values).
Select the Block definition fit and the Block definition extent options to validate the input OBM file against the specified block definitions - checking that:
the blocks defined in the input file correspond with the block definitions
the extent of the input file is not greater than the extent of the block definitions
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Reblock Block Model To modify the block definitions of an existing block model, or to slice an existing block model according to a different block definition, select the Modelling | Subblocking | Reblock menu option. In the Reblock Block Model dialog:
Specify an existing block model file as the input file.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields.
Click the Block Definitions button to enter new block definitions for the input file or to modify the block size, quantity, and dimensions of the blocks written to the output file.
Click the Numeric Exceptions button to define how non-numeric values are handled. The data values in the existing block model file will be modified to reflect any changes made to the block definitions and written to the specified new output file. No averaging of numeric values will be done since no block will be combined in the output model file.
Click the Run button to run the Reblock Block Model function using the parameters you have defined.
Note: The Reblock option is often used as a prerequisite to using the Add Two Block Models function, since the block definitions used by that function must have identical block definitions.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Add Two Block Models To add two block models together by superimposing one on the other, select the Modelling | Subblocking | Add Two Block Models menu option. In the Add Two Block Models dialog: 1.
Specify two block model files as the input files.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields for each file.
Click the Block Definitions button to view the block definitions of the input file and (optionally) modify the block size, quantity, and dimensions of the blocks written to the output files. Both input block model files must have the same parent cell dimensions and the same number of cells in each (X,Y,Z) direction. The input block models may however have different numbers of sub-cells in equivalent cells, and may also have different model extents. Typically, sub-cells are created when a block model is decomposed into subblocks to improve the accuracy of an assign process. To determine whether a block model file has been subblocked, click F7 to view the Minimum and Maximum values for the coordinate fields in each file. If there is a difference between the minimum and maximum values, then the block model file contains sub-cells. When dealing with sub-cells, the following rules apply:
If neither model contains any sub-cells, then the resulting output model will contain all cells which are in the two models.
If a cell exists in one model but not in the other, then an absent value will be assigned for those values in the latter model. The resulting output model will be the same as if the two models had been added based on X, Y, Z fields using the Merge Files function.
If one of the models, model A, contains sub-cells, but model B does not, the output model will contain the sub-cells from model A and each sub-cell will be assigned field values from the corresponding cell in model B.
If both models contain sub-cells, but the sub-cells in model A are not the same as the sub-cells in model B, then the sub-cells in both models will be superimposed to create additional sub-cells in the output model. Note that if there is a significant disparity between the two files in terms of sub-cells, then the size of the output model may be significantly larger than the size of the input files.
Both models must have corresponding index values. Index values should be the same for all sub-cells within a parent cell. If the same field exists in both model A and model B, then the values in model B will be written to the output model. However, if field values are absent in model B, then the values in model A will be written to the output file. 4.
Click OK to run the Add Two Block Models function using the parameters you have defined.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Optimise Block Model Use the Modelling | Subblocking | Optimise Block Model option to reduce the number of blocks or records in an existing OBM file. The sub-cells within each parent cell will be combined to reduce the number of records in the block model file. In the Optimise Block Model dialog:
Specify an input block model file.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields.
Optionally specify an SG field and a default SG value.
Click the Numeric Exceptions button to define how non-numeric values are handled.
Click the Block Definitions button to to view the block definitions of the input file and (optionally) modify the block size, quantity, and dimensions of the blocks written to the output file.
Specify the key fields in the input file.
Key fields in the input file are used to determine which subblocks will be optimised, given that they come from the same parent cell. Only those subblocks which belong to the same parent cell and which share the same key field values can be optimised. A key field might identify which blocks sit within the same wireframe, or which blocks are situated above or below a DTM surface. 7.
Click the Run button to run the Optimise Block Model function using the parameters you have defined.
During the optimisation process, numeric values in the output file are re-calculated using a volume weighted average,and character fields are assigned a value which is the most commonly occurring (or the last encountered) value for the sub-cells being combined into larger cells.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Blocks will only be optimised if the key values match for all of the blocks.
The optimisation process cannot produce irregular (L-shaped or T-shaped) blocks.
If the input model does not have sub-cells, then the output model will be exactly the same as the input model.
Resource Estimation – Subblocking
Regularise Block Model Use the Modelling | Subblocking | Regularise Block Model option to modify the block definitions of an existing block model to create blocks of uniform dimensions per direction. In other words, this process converts a subblocked model into a factored one. In the Regularise Block Model dialog: 1.
Specify an input block model file.
Specify Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields.
Optionally specify an SG field and a default SG value.
Click the Block Definitions button to view the block definitions of the input file and (optionally) modify the block size, quantity, and dimensions of the blocks written to the output file.
Click the Numeric Exceptions button to define how non-numeric values are handled.
Specify an output file and enter the name of the block factor field. The portion of each parent block that was within subblocks will be written to this field.
Specify which numeric fields will be re-calculated using a volume weighted average value. Up to ten fields can be specified. Numeric fields which are unspecified will be assigned an accumulated value. Character fields will be assigned a value which is the most commonly occurring (or the last encountered) value for the cells being regrouped.
Click OK to run the Regularise Block Model function using the parameters you have defined.
Resource Estimation – Mining Grade Estimates
Mining Grade Estimates Select the Modelling | Model Report | Point Sample Grades option to calculate and report average grade estimates above and below given cutoff grades Select the Modelling | Model Report | Mining Block Grades option to calculate the grade tonnage estimations for a block model within a defined mining outline. Select the Modelling | Model Report | Block Model Report option to report volumes, tonnes, and grades for a series of grade ranges, for up to five fields in an input file.
Resource Estimation – Mining Grade Estimates
Wireframe grade shells The Wireframe Grade Shells function enables you to display a series of shells within an ore body. Each shell represents a grade, that is, all blocks within the shell have a grade greater than or equal to the cutoff grade the shell defines. The function requires a block model (OBM) file and a colour set based on one of the fields in that OBM file as input. The colour set defines cutoff values for each of the shells. When you run the function, it creates a series of wireframes of the type GRADE SHELLS (not mandatory). Each wireframe is given the name you define in the Name prefix response with the cutoff it represents appended. For example, a wireframe might be given the name NVG(>=30.78) where: NVG is what you entered in the Name prefix response, and >=30.78 is the upper limit of one of the ranges in the colour numeric set. The function also generates a wireframe containing all the grade shells. This is given the same name prefix to which “(All)” is appended. In the 3D Viewer or wireframing modules you can either load wireframes (Load | Wireframe) of each of the grade shells or you can load them all at once. You can also use the Transparency control in the Appearance dialog to make the inner layers more visible and the edge smoothing control in the same dialog to produce more natural looking displays. The Process 1.
Select 3D | W irefram e Grade Shells from the main menu.
Enter the name of a block model and the names of the East, North and RL fields within it.
In Cutoff field, enter the name of the field containing the values from which the grade shells will be calculated.
Select (F3) GRADE SHELLS in Output Wireframe Type. This is not a requirement, you could set it to any type of wireframe, however, using a consistent system of wireframe types makes it easy to find your work in other functions.
Enter the name prefix for the wireframes.
Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Polygonal Section Estimate The Polygonal Section Estimate functions allow the implementation and manipulation of polygonal models. A Polygonal Model is a set of slices through a dataset. The dataset is stored in a series of files and is associated with digitised outline files. The slices can be on section or plan. Polygonal models are used when digitising outlines, to display 3D pictures of geology and when calculating grade tonnage estimates. The process creates standard data files that can be used elsewhere in the program, for example, Drillhole | Normal Section. Because the relationships between the files that make up the polygonal model are known, the section can be manipulated as an entity. The files used to generate a polygonal model usually contain drillhole data. Before you can calculate resources, all records in the input file must have 3D coordinates. That is, you must calculate 3D coordinates for your data before setting up a polygonal model. You can do this in Dhole | Generate | Downhole Coords. The following functions are provided under the Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate menu: Setup This function subsets an existing downhole interval file into a series of data files – one for each section or plan in the polygonal model. Together these files form the basis of the polygonal model. More information... Digitise Once you have created a polygonal model, you can draw outlines on each section or plan. The purpose of drawing these outlines is to define the geological boundaries of the orebody you are modelling. More information... Assign Using Assign you can write the attributes of model outlines to their associated data files. The function works by determining if points occur within an outline you select. If so, it writes one or more of the outline attributes, such as name, code or SG, to a field in the records for those points. More information... Grade Tonnage Report Grade Tonnage Report calculates grade tonnage estimates for individual sections in a polygonal model. Before you can use this function you must create a polygonal model with associated outline files. More information... Delete Select this option when you want to delete a polygonal model. All data and outline files for the model will be deleted together with the appropriate GEOLx.PAR file. More information... Plans from Sections Plans From Sections produces a display showing where outlines created in the Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Digitise function intersect a plane at a Z coordinate you enter. More information... Generate Outlines Using Generate Outlines you can create a series of cross section outlines where strings intersect the sections in an existing polygonal model. More information...
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Setting up a polygonal model Overview When you run Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Setup, it subsets an existing downhole interval file into a series of data files - one for each section or plan in the polygonal model. Together these files form the basis of the polygonal model. Note that this function requires 3D coordinates for each record. The entries you make in the Setup dialog form define the characteristics of the polygonal model. The input to this function is generally a drillhole interval (assay) file containing 3D coordinates for each record (point). To generate 3D coordinates for each point in an interval file use Dhole | Generate | Downhole Coordinates. The output files generated by this function have the same structure as the source file from which they are generated. You are not restricted to defining a polygonal model along Northing or Easting lines. You can also create a model made up of a series of sections at some bearing to the orthogonal grid - know as transform models. Another alternative is to create a model made up of a series of plans. If the model is made up of sections on the orthogonal grid (Northing and Easting lines), the sections can be regularly or irregularly spaced. The "slices" or sections in plan models and transform models can only be regularly spaced. While normal section, transform section and plan models can be constructed, the following discussion is restricted to normal sections. Transform section and Plan models are only mentioned when they differ from normal section models. When you define the series of sections that will be included in the model, you must also define a search window for each. Points occurring in the volume defined by the search window, will be included in the data file for the section.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Setup from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file and the names of the fields within it. This is normally an interval (assay) file. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter a polygonal model identifier (A - Z) in the Model response box. This can be any single character from the alphabet (A-Z). This character will be used in the names of the polygonal section data and the outline files. Note that a file (GEOLGx.PAR) listing the important features of the polygonal model is created when you run the function. Right-click in the Model response box to open this file.
Define the type of model: Easting/Northing, Transform or Plan. The section in the Easting and Northing models can be irregularly spaced. While it is not a requirement to enter a title for the polygonal model, it can be useful when referring to the model in the future.
Enter the parameters for the model you have chosen (regular , irregular , transform , plan ).
Enter a name for the report file. The report file describes characteristics of the model. This file is useful when you come to check the outcome of the process.
Click OK (on the toolbar) to generate the polygonal section.
The input file to Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Setup does not have to contain data. If you use an empty file as input, a set of empty GEOLxn.DAT files are created. These can then be populated using other processes in MICROMINE or can be deleted altogether.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Generally you will do this to create the parameter file associated with a Polygonal Model (GEOLx.PAR). This file is used by a number of functions in MICROMINE which do not use the data from the GEOLxn.DAT files. These are: Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Generate Outlines, Mining | Pit Optimisation | MM to 3D and 3D to MM.
Deleting polygonal models Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Delete enables you to delete a specific polygonal model. When you select this option a list of polygonal models in the project will be displayed. Select one of these models and confirm that you want to proceed. All data and outline files for the model will be deleted together with the appropriate GEOLx.PAR file.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Digitising a polygonal model Overview Once you have created a polygonal model, you can draw outlines on each section or plan. The purpose of drawing these outlines is to define the geological boundaries of the orebody you are modelling. To help you identify the orebody, you can display downhole assays, lithology, and other data for each section or plan. These enable you to drawn outlines that accurately define the orebody. Once you have created outlines for the model you can display them in the 3D Viewer or use them in other MICROMINE functions. When digitising you do not have to use the GEOLxn.DAT files created by the Setup function. These files are only required for Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Assign and Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report. Though performance may suffer slightly, it can be more practical to use the original data file from which the model is constructed. This function can also be setup so that no background data is shown. This may be useful if you are digitising a series of outlines from paper plans using a digitiser tablet. In this case the outlines will appear on screen as they are digitised but without background data (providing the display limits cover the right coordinate range). This can speed up the digitising process. Note that if you want to "snap" outlines to drillhole coordinates in 3D space, a trace file must be specified and you must select the Outline Find/Between? option in the main form. The Process
Select Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Digitise from the menu.
Select the polygonal model you want to work on from the list that appears then click SELECT. The model type suffixes are: (R) for regular models, (I) for irregular models, (T) for transform models and (P) for plan models.
Once you have selected the model, the main digitising form will appear. Its contents will depend on the type of model you select; Plan, Section or Transform Section. The forms used here are the same as those used to define the drillhole plans, sections and transform sections. When you are displaying a transform model, the reference point coordinates and section bearing are automatically entered in the Section Setup dialog box. In Plan models, the appropriate mid-RL for the selected plan is automatically applied.
Enter a section (plan) number. When you run the function this is the section that will be displayed.
Set the display attributes according to your requirements (See below).
Click OK to run the function. If you have changed the section number, a message 'Update GEOL file names ?' is displayed. If any GEOLxn.DAT files created with the Setup function are referenced in the display, the file names will be updated to reflect the section number.
Begin digitising outlines in the display (See below).
Save the outline(s) and return to the main form.
Enter a new section or plan number and repeat steps 6 through to 8 until you have completed digitising on all sections (or plans).
Setting display attributes The following display attributes enable you to control and configure the display of data adjacent to the display: Depth/Offsection
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate This option allows you to display the depth of the model at regular intervals. Trace The trace is the location of the model in three dimensional space. All displays are measured from the trace. You can control which trace file, which fields from that file and the colours used to show the trace. Display 1, 2 This option allows you to configure the display of data from any field in a file adjacent to and offset from the trace. The data colour, offset, size, justification, tick characteristics are all configurable from the dialog box. Events This option allows you to assign labels, colours and symbols to your model. Hatch 1, 2, 3 This option allows you to display and configure the hatching patterns for up to five different fields in any location. Up to fifteen different patterns are available. The width, offset from the trace, spacing, colour, and border of the hatching are all configurable from the dialog box. Graph 1, 2 This option allows you to display histograms and graphs of normal or natural logarithms of numeric values adjacent to the trace. The type of graph you want to display, offset from the trace, the cutoff value, scale and colour are all configurable from the dialog box. If BAR or HISTOGRAM are selected and the trace has sharp angles, then the ends of the bars may overlap. Selecting one of the LINE options alleviates the overlap, there is no satisfactory way of removing bar overlaps other than moving the graphic to the other side of the trace. Multi fields This option allows you to display data for up to six different fields on your model.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Assigning polygonal model outlines Using Modelling |Polygonal Section Estimate | Assign you can write the attributes of model outlines to their associated data files. The function works by determining if points occur within an outline you select. If so, it writes one or more of the outline attributes, such as name, code or SG, to a field (or fields) in the records for those points.
You can use this function to define which data will be used in the polygonal estimate process. When you digitise over a display, you can digitise outlines for ore, geology, alteration or metallurgical boundaries etc. Generally each outline type is assigned to a separate field in the underlying data file. When calculating polygonal or block estimates, the values in the different fields can be selected using a filter. Using Assign you can:
Select outlines by their name or code.
Write any of the outline attributes, Name, Code, Colour, Hatch, Grade, SG, or a Value, to a field in the associated data file.
Write up to five fields in the data file for the section.
When you run Assign, it also creates a report file. Use this report to understand what has happened in the target file. Before using Assign, you must create the polygonal section data files and their associated outlines. There must be one or more fields in these data files to receive the assigned attributes. Make sure you add the fields that will receive the outline attributes to the assay file before creating the polygonal model. The Process
Select Modelling | Polygonal Section Estim ate | Assign from the main menu.
Enter the polygonal model identifier.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate 3.
Enter the numbers of the first and last sections you want to include in the process.
If you do not define start or end numbers, all files in the model will be processed. Enter an end number to define the file at which the processing will stop. Enter a start number only to define the file from which the processing will begin. To limit the assignment to a single outline/data file pair, enter the same number in both responses.
Select Clear target field or Overwrite data depending on the result you want to obtain.
Enter the assignment criteria in the Assign Outlines dialog box.
Once you have entered the Model identifier, press F3 to list the valid files for the model. These prompts are included so that the files being processed can be viewed or edited directly from this form. They do not determine which file is being processed. This is controlled by the entries in Start number and End number.
Click OK to run the process. As the process runs the screen will show coloured representations of the geological outlines.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Calculating polygonal estimates: Grade Tonnage Report Overview Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report calculates grade tonnage estimates for individual sections in a polygonal model. Before you can use this function you must create a polygonal model with associated outline files. Outlines restrict which data points are used in the estimation process. You can select which outlines are used by name or code. If you specify more than one criteria in the Outline Restrictions dialog box, an outline only needs to satisfy one of them to be included in the calculation. You can further control which records are used in the calculation by applying a filter. There are three methods you can use to calculate estimates:
simple averaging,
factor (usually thickness) weighting
length weighting.
There are two ways of passing grades to the function. The first is to enter the names of up to ten fields in the data file. The function will use the grade values in these fields when it calculates estimates. If grade values are missing from some of the records in the data file, you can enter default values that will be substituted when these records are processed. The second method is to use the grade attributes in the outline files. Because each outline can only have one grade attribute, this approach has only limited application. SG can be defined as a default value, or if there is a field containing SG values in the data file, you can direct the function to use the values it finds there. If SG values are missing from some of the records, you should enter a default value. This will be substituted when these records are processed. If a project has been setup to use Imperial units the prompts for SG are changed to prompts for tonnage value. Specific gravity or tonnage factors are multiplied by volume to get tonnes. If each data point has a value in the SG field, and that field is entered in the SG field response, the sample assay will be multiplied by its SG (to determine average grade). The function also generates a report file. This contains a series of records, one for each outline on a section, and a total for the section. The report file fields include:
The area of each outline.
The width of the section or plan that will be used to calculate each volume.
The SG for each outline.
The Grade(s) used in the calculations.
M_Grade(s). The contained metal for each grade, calculated as grade x tonnes (or grade x volume).
The width for normal (regular) and transform section models, and the thickness in plan view models, comes from the value you enter in the section spacing prompt in the Setup option. If the model is made up of irregular sections, the width for each section is taken from the associated control file. The function can also write grades and specific gravities back to outline files. The Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function enables you to calculate grade tonnage estimates for specified sections within a polygonal model. The Process 1.
Enter the polygonal model identifier.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate 2.
Enter the numbers of the first and last sections you want to include in the process. If you do not define start or end numbers, all files in the model will be processed.
Once you have entered the Model identifier, you can enter the names of the data and outline files that will be used in the calculation.
Enter the name of the report file. The results of the estimation will be written to this file when you run the function.
Use the Outline restrictions to control which points will be used in the estimation process.
If you intend using SG values from the data file in the calculation, enter the name of the field where they are stored. Enter a default SG - this will be used where there are values missing from the SG field. Alternatively, you can use SGs recorded as outline attributes.
Enter the name of the fields for which estimates will be calculated and the default grade that will be used for each. You can enter a Cut value for the first value in this table. Values greater than your entry are reduced to it before averaging. Alternatively, you can use grades recorded as outline attributes.
Choose the calculation method from the list.
Click OK to run the function. The outline and data points are shown on the screen as calculations proceed, colour intensity changes for points inside the outline.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Plans from sections Plans From Sections produces a display showing where outlines created in the Modelling | Polygonal Section Estim ate | Digitise function intersect a plane at a Z coordinate you enter. You are not restricted to a single plane. That is, you can define a series of planes, the first at a Z coordinate you enter and the remainder at a given interval (above in plan view and away from in section view), and then display where they intersect the model outlines. This function enables you to reinterpret geological (or other) boundaries at right angles to the original interpretation. It is particularly useful for narrow vein deposits where the initial interpretation is generally made using a sectional model. Because there may be significant variation in the geological boundary between sections, a more complete interpretation can then be made by reinterpreting the data in plan view. When a 3D block model is constrained using a set of outlines, a plan view model, with boundaries at the centre of each layer of blocks, provides a set of outlines which can be used to accurately constrain the block model. (The plan view model is derived from the original sectional model.) When you are building a wireframe model, you can obtain a more accurate wireframe using a plan view model derived from an initial sectional model than that obtained from the original sectional model. When you create a display, the intersections between the model outlines and the plane at the Z coordinate are shown as tick marks. You can also display the attributes of each outline including the outline name, code, SG and grade. If you set the Mode to FILL, a bar connecting the tick marks is displayed. You can also combine Name, Code, Grade, SG and the Fill. The order in which these values are specified will determine the order in which they are displayed. Note that tick marks showing where each outline cuts the viewing plane may not be exactly opposite one another as the outlines being sliced may be snapped to drillholes which are off section (or plan). The digitising process can be manual or automatic. AUTO generates outlines between section midpoints for each of the intersected outlines for any number of layers. It is also possible to display a background file to assist the digitising process. Before you can use this function you must have a polygonal model and at least one outline file. The Process 1.
Enter the polygonal model identifier in Model.
Choose the display orientation from the list.
Enter the display limits. East and North coordinates are used to display Normal and Transform models and either East or North and RL coordinates are used for Plan models.
Enter a Z value. This is a coordinate of the intersecting plane.
Define the number of layers. If you want more than one layer you must enter the layer spacing. Negative values add layers towards the viewer. Positive values add layers away from viewer. If you have an outline file that you want to appear in the display background, enter its name and define which outline attributes will be displayed.
Click the Outlines Display Mode button to restrict which outlines will be displayed. Outline Display Mode refers to the display of the selected outline attributes: Name, Code, SG, Grade and Fill. 1.
Choose the method by which you will select the outline from the Select By list. Select By can be set to either Name or Code.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate 2.
Enter the identifier (a string) that will be used to select the outline(s). Use wildcards to broaden the identification string so more outlines will be included in the display.
Choose the attributes that will be displayed.
Click OK to close the dialog box.
Tick marks are automatically drawn in each outline's colour, where the outline crosses the defined Z value. These cannot be suppressed. Entering F will draw a solid coloured bar between the tick marks, this is highly recommended to display continuity. Any other attribute can also be displayed by entering the appropriate letter e.g. NGF will display a solid coloured bar between tick marks with the outline name and grade displayed. 7.
Define the output you require when you run the function. If you select DIGITISE or AUTO you must enter a name for the outline file that will be created when you run the function.
Optionally display a background file to assist with visual orientation. It must be an outline file and cannot be edited.
Click OK to run the function.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Generate outlines Using Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Generate Outlines you can create a series of cross section outlines. To do this you require a string file containing strings that intersect the sections in an existing polygonal model. The cross-section outlines are appended to each outline file in the model. You can also create a set of cross section outlines using two string files (labelled Current and Previous in the dialog box). In this case, the function creates separate outlines where the two string files intersect. This method can be used to define the material mined between successive pit surveys. Before you run the function, you must enter an outline code and a prefix for the generated outline names. Each outline will be assigned a unique name and a code. If you have selected them, the outlines will also be assigned a colour and a hatch type. When you are using two string files, the generated outlines are recognised as cut or fill. By entering top and bottom RLs, you can control the vertical range within which the outlines will be generated. Straight lines are drawn at the top and bottom RLs. You can enter left and right slopes to control how an outline will be extended if it does not intersect the specified top or bottom RL. These parameters can be used to prevent miscloses when you have defined two string files and the generated outlines do not intersect on a section. They are also used to define average pit slopes when you generate an approximate pit plan from a plan outline. Generate Outlines can create outlines between two topography files. In this case the string file you enter in the Current column should contain strings with lower elevations than the string file you enter in the Previous column. Generate Outlines is often used to create a series of pit sections at a given elevation. These sections can be used to calculate stripping ratios in Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report or Modelling | Model Report | Grades Within Outlines. Once you have generated the outlines for the polygonal model, you can display them and the string file in the 3D Viewer. The Process 1.
Enter the name of a string file in the Current column. This file will typically contain pit contours.
Enter the names of the fields in the outline file.
Enter the identifier for a polygonal model.
If required, enter top and bottom RLs to control the vertical extent of the outlines. If you don't enter values, the vertical extent of the outlines will be controlled by the RLs in the string file. A typical application of top and bottom RLs is to use them to limit the vertical extent of the outlines to benches in a pit.
Enter a prefix for the name that will be assigned to each outline. Typical entries are CUT and FILL.
Click OK to run the function. As the outlines are drawn, they will be displayed momentarily giving you an indication of what the program has done.
When you are using two string files (Current and Previous), separate outlines will be created where the strings intersect. In cases where the previous and current slopes do not meet, you can define the angle at which they will be projected so that they close. For more information, refer to the Defining closing slopes topic.
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
Grades within outlines The Modelling | Model Report | Grades Within Outlines function calculates weighted grade estimates for any field in a data file. Because you are not restricted to using drillhole data with this function, it can be more widely applied than the Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report function. A series of data files can be used for input as long as their names all begin with the same prefix. For example, all file names might be prefixed with AAAA. In this case the file names will have the form : AAAAnnn.dat. The numeric component nnn, can have one to three digits. Normally the data files are two dimensional, that is, the data points all lie in the same plane. The outline files must be digitised in the same plane as the data files. Typical input for this function are drillhole data files which have been composited to a standard interval and to which additional information, such as the results of sampling trenches and costeans or test pitting, has been added.
Outlines are the means by which you can restrict which data points are used in the estimation process. You can use any set of outline files as long as they exist before you run the function.
The numeric component of their names is identical to those of the DAT file with which they are associated.
For example, a series of data files ABCD10.DAT to ABCD15.DAT can be associated with outline files: GEOLM10.OUT to GEOLM15.OUT or DESGN10.OUT to DESGN15.OUT or with GEOL10.OUT to GEOL15.OUT. For more information about outline naming conventions, refer to the outline files topic. By defining outline restrictions you can further control what values will be used in the grade estimate calculation. If you specify more than one criteria, an outline only needs to satisfy one of them to be included in the calculation. You can further control which records are used in the calculation by applying a filter. There are three methods you can use to calculate grade estimates : simple averaging, thickness weighting and length weighting. For more information, refer to the Calculation methods topic. The one additional point that must be added is that From – To weighting can only be applied to drillhole data. There are two ways of passing grades to the function. The first is to enter the names of up to ten fields in the data file. The function will use the grade values in these fields when it calculates estimates. If grade values are missing from some of the records in the data file, you can enter default values that will be substituted when these records are processed. The second method is to use the grade attributes in the outline files. Because each outline can only have one grade attribute, this approach has only limited application. SG can be defined as a default value or, if there is a field containing SG values in the data file, you can direct the function to use the values it finds there. If SG values are missing from some of the records, you should enter a default value. This will be substituted when these records are processed. If a project has been set-up to use Imperial units, the prompts for SG are changed to prompts for tonnage value. Specific gravity or tonnage factors are multiplied by volume to get tonnes or tons as required. If each data point has a value in the SG field, and that field is entered in the SG field response, the sample assay will be weighted by its SG (to determine average grade). The Grades Within Outlines function can also write grades and specific gravities back to outline files. When you run the function, it creates a report file. This file contains a series of records; one for each outline on a section and one containing totals for the section. The report file fields include:
Resource Estimation – Polygonal Section Estimate
The area of each outline.
The width of the section or plan that was used to calculate each volume.
The volume for each outline.
The SG for each outline.
The tonnage for each outline.
The average grade, for each of the grade fields, contained within the outline.
The total metal for each grade field within the outline. Metal is defined as the Grade * the tonnage.
The Process
Enter the prefix used for the data file names and the start and finish number of the files you want to use in the calculation. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records are processed.
Choose the type of outlines that will control which points (records) are included in the calculation.
The series of data files can represent EASTING SECTION, NORTH SECTION or PLAN views. However, you must identify the section type so that the outline files are correctly superimposed. Do this in the Orientation dialog box.
Use the Outline restrictions dialog to control which points will be used in the estimation process. For more information, refer to the Using outlines to restrict which points are used in the estimates topic.
Choose the method of calculation from the list. For more information, refer to the Calculation methods topic.
Click the Grade Fields button and enter the name of the fields for which grade estimates will be calculated and the default grade that will be used for each. You can enter a cut value for the first value in this table. Values greater than the value you enter will be reduced to the entry before the calculation. Alternatively, you can use grades recorded as outline attributes. For more information, refer to the Using grades recorded as outline attributes topic.
If you intend using SG values from the data file in the calculation, enter the name of the field in which they are stored. Enter the default SG - this will be used where there are values missing from the SG field. Alternatively, you can use SGs recorded as outline attributes. For more information, refer to the Using SGs recorded as outline attributes topic.
Enter the name of the report file. The results of the estimation process will be written in this file when you run the function.
Click OK to run the process. The outline and data points are shown on the screen as calculations proceed. Colour intensity changes for those points inside the outline that are used in the estimation process.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Gridded Seam Estimate The Gridded Seam Estimate functions calculate, display and report grades, volumes and tonnages for alluvial, seam, or tabular, flat lying deposits. You can also use them with thin, tabular, vein-like deposits. A gridded seam model (GSM) consists of layers of blocks with varying thickness but fixed X and Y dimensions. The blocks are arranged into a grid pattern. Together, the blocks in a layer describe the thickness (shape) and extent of a deposit such as a coal seam. Sometimes it is more appropriate to model only those layers that are ore zones. This is known as a sparse model. In a sparse model, only individual layers of interest are modelled. Sparse models are often used when modelling a multi-seam coal deposit where the layers between the seams, (over and interburden) are of less interest than the composition of the coal seams. For multi seam coal deposits it is common to build a series of gridded seam models which model each seam in detail. Each ply in the seam is represented as a different material type. The gridded seam models are then appended to create a sparse GSM that can be interrogated to provide information on grades, volumes and tonnages. Alternatively, the sparse GSM (or any gridded seam model) can be re-blocked into a standard 3D block model so that it can be passed to programs such as Whittle 4X for economic assessment of the deposit. While you can use a single data file, the input to this set of functions is generally from a polygonal model. You can create a polygonal model using the functions in Modelling | Polygonal Section Estim ate | Setup. Sometimes it is difficult to build a sensible polygonal model due to the way drilling has been conducted. This can happen with alluvial gold deposits and with coal deposits. In such cases you can use Dhole | Log | Intersections to code individual drillholes by material type. The coded data can then be passed to Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup and used instead of a polygonal model. The Gridded Seam functions are located in the Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate menu. These can be divided into:
The functions for preparing, modelling and displaying a gridded seam model.
Utilities for converting gridded seam models to 3D block models and vice-versa.
Functions for calculating grade estimates and strip ratios.
The Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup function separates the input data into individual material files one for each material code. You can then calculate grade estimates for each of these material files in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation. Gridded seam files can be converted to block model files and block model files can be converted to gridded seam files. If you want to use the Pit Optimisation functions with a gridded seam model, you will need to convert it to a 3D Block Model first. Once you have created the material files in Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup , you can calculate strip ratios and simple and general, grades, volumes and tonnages. When you use the Gridded Seam Estimate functions to build a GSM of a narrow vein, you will generally prepare the data (that represents the material that will be modelled) using the compositing functions in the Dhole menu. With narrow veins it is normal to only model one material - the ore. Hence there is only one material file required. This single material file is used as input to the Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation function. Depending on the orientation of the model, you may want to swap the RL and Easting fields or the RL and Northing fields. For example, if a vein is trending North/South, you would swap the Easting and RL coordinate fields. To use the Gridded Seam functions to ultimately create a block model, you must perform the first two steps in the procedure below. The sequence in which you use the functions is fixed.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Run Setup to create material files from a data file or polygonal model files. Alternatively, create the material files elsewhere in MICROMINE.
Run Gridded Seam Estimation to model each material file to estimate grades for blocks in the model.
Use Display to view the model.
To calculate estimates use Modelling | Model Report | Block Model Report or use the 3 Layer Grade Report or Model Report options under the Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate menu.
Use any of the other utilities to convert files to different structures.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Creating the material files in Gridded Seam Estimate Setup Overview Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup processes a single data file, or a series of data files from a polygonal model, and prepares their contents for use in the Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation function or in 3 Layer Grade Report or Model Report. Its primary tasks are to:
Separate records with the same material codes into files, one for each material you nominate. Generally the material codes will match the layers in the deposit.
Calculate the intersection thickness for each drillhole.
If there are more than ten material codes, you can run the function more than once. The operation of the Setup functions is shown in the following example. This example, uses a data file as input. In this case LITHOLOGY has been selected as the Material field. The thickness field represents the drill intersection for each material code in each drillhole. Only two output files are shown in the illustration; in practice there may be many more.
The output files are the material files that you specify in the Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation function. There are a number of ways to enter specific gravities for each material type. Which of these you use will depend on what information you have at hand. These are described later in this section. The Setup function composites individual intervals with the same material type in a drillhole. Up to five grade fields can be handled by this process. You can also assign a cut value to each grade field. The cut value will be substituted when the grade in a field exceeds it. Values above the cut value will be reduced to the cut value in the material files. It is possible for a grade field to be repeated with a different cut value. If you select Insert Missing and particular material types are missing in a drillhole, the function will insert records with a From/To interval of 0.00 into the material files to establish a complete geological record for each hole. The 0.00 interval is given an RL equal to the RL at the base of the material type that immediately precedes it. Do this if you want to model "pinch outs" correctly. When using this option (Insert Missing ) it is important to ensure that you specify the correct sequence (from top to bottom) for the different material files.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate With the exception of sparse GSMs, most gridded seam input is from a polygonal model. This must have associated outline files that contain outlines of all the materials in the deposit. The function takes the material codes in the outlines and assigns them to the records in the data files in the model. If the outlines have already been assigned, you can bypass this step by clearing the Assign first prompt in the Model Details dialog box. Unless the data represents the different materials in a sparse model all material in a set of material files should meet vertically. That is, there should be no gaps between successive materials. If you use a data file as input, the material codes must already be present in the file. The Process
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | Setup from the main menu.
If you are using a polygonal model as input, select Use Model and then click the Model Details button. Enter the polygonal model details in this dialog box. If you are using a data file as input, select Use data file and enter its name. If required, apply a filter to selectively process the records.
Enter the names of the other fields in the input file(s).
Enter the name of each of the grade fields for which you require estimates. If you need to remove excessively high values from the grade fields that will be written to the material files, you can enter cutoff values. Values in grade fields greater than those you enter will be reduced to the cutoff values.
If the input file has a thickness field and you enter its name, the material thickness will be written to that field when you run the function. If you do not make any entry in Thickness field, a field with the name THICK will be created in each of the material files. In either case these fields will contain the thickness of the material for each drillhole.
There are three ways of entering SGs in the records written to the output material files. Which of these you use will depend on the information you have at hand. For more information, refer to the Defining SG values for the output material files topic.
Select insert missing if your input data does not contain all material codes in each drillhole. Missing materials in a drillhole will then be written to the material files. They will be given a thickness of 0 and an RL which defines where, in the geological sequence, the material would be if it existed in that hole. This is necessary to ensure that pinchouts are modelled correctly. For more information, refer to the function of Insert Missing topic.
Click the Output Files button and enter the names of the material code and corresponding file that will be created by this function. Make sure you enter material the codes in sequence form the top to the bottom of the deposit. You can enter an SG at this point, depending on your output requirements.
Click OK to run the function. Each of the material files will be created.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Creating the gridded seam model Given the material files you created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup as input, Gridded Seam Estim ate | Interpolation uses the grade fields and an Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) algorithm to calculate up to five grades for each block. The approach is very similar to that used in the block estimation functions. When you run this function, it processes each material file and appends the results to the output file. The result is a series of records, one per block, for each material type. Each record contains the East, North and RL coordinates at the block centre, the block thickness, and the grade estimates. The block thickness - the thickness of the material layer at that point - is recorded in the THICK field for each material (unless you chose another name for the thickness field, in which case the thickness will be recorded in that field). You can also specify that a block index and material number are written to the output file. The material number is used to enable blocks to be sorted into columns as the initial output file is sorted by X, Y and material. You can also use Modelling | Index | 2D Block Index to index the blocks. You will need to do this if you intend converting the gridded seam model to a block model and have not created a 2D index. This is a fragment from a typical file.
The Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) algorithm uses points surrounding a block to arrive at the block estimate. To control the size of the area that will be searched for points, you must define the size and skew of a search shape. You must also enter the power that will be used in the IDW algorithm and the distance points will be "moved" from the block centre before they are used in the estimate for that block. The parameters you define for the search ellipse must suit the characteristics of the deposit and the block size you have defined. Modelling is performed using the same ellipse parameters for all the material files. If necessary, you can restrict the calculation to points lying within specified outlines. If you use outlines in this way, they must have been drawn in the same orientation as the data - usually this is in plan. Additional information The inverse distance algorithm used to build the gridded seam model is good for modelling the grade distribution and, if no other information is available, may do a good job of modelling material thickness and elevation. However, in many cases, it is better to build the gridded seam model from separate models for the grade, material thickness and material elevation. For example, where there is additional information on the structure of the material in the deposit and structural controls such as faults. In these cases you can obtain the best models by building DTMs of material thickness and elevation. To do this: 1.
Use Dhole | Interactive | Complex to model sectional strings which represent the top and bottom of the different material types.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate 2.
Use the string data as input to Strings | DTM | Create to make a DTM of the top of each material. You will also need a DTM of the base of the lowest material to be modelled.
Using the pairs of DTMs representing the top and bottom of each material as input to Strings | DTM | Seam Thickness, produce DTMs of the material thickness.
Use Strings | DTM | Generate Z Values to calculate Values for the material thickness and material Top in the Gridded Seam Model. This will overwrite existing thickness values but areas outside the modelled (DTM) area will retain the existing thicknesses. Note that you will require an extra field to store the values for material top.
Calculate the elevation of each material using Material top – 0.5(Material thickness).
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | Interpolation from the main menu.
Enter the names of the material files created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup. They must be listed in stratigraphic order from the top to the bottom of the deposit.
Click the Fields button and enter the names of the coordinate, SG and grade fields in the material files. If you make an entry in Min block value, it is used as a minimum. It will be written to blocks where the grade calculated from Grade field 1 is less.
Define the X and Y block dimensions and the block origin in horizontal space. For details on how to do this see Defining the block origin and dimensions .
For details on how to use outline restrictions to control which outlines and thus points will be used in the block estimates, see Controlling which outlines are used in the process.
To learn how to define the parameters of the search ellipse see Defining the search parameters.
When you run the function, block estimates will be calculated for each of the layers in the model. This is done layer by layer. You can display the blocks and a cross, value or nothing for each layer. Select Display blocks to display the block outlines and choose one of the options from the Display data list.
Enter the name of the output file and a name for a new field that will take the volume calculation for each block. This field is created when you run the function. You can also add up to five new fields to the output file. To do this, click the Add Fields button.
Click OK to run the function. The display window will open and you will see each layer in the model processed separately. As the program runs data points are shown on the screen as a cross and block location is also shown.
Write number of points When you select this option, a new field (POINTS) will be added to the file and the number of points used to calculate each estimate will be recorded in it. Write standard deviation When you select this option, a new field (STD_DEV) will be created in each file and the standard deviation of each estimate will be recorded in it. Write 2D index If you select this option, a 2D block index will be generated when you run the function. This index will be written to a new field in the output file. You must select this option if you want to convert the gridded seam model in to a 3D Block Model. For details see 2D Index. Create blank OBM This is used when you want to create an OBM file which contains all possible blocks in the model. No grades will be calculated. This is useful if data from several separate models is to be combined into
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate a large model. The data can all be referenced to a common block index and can then be merged using the block index as the key.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Displaying a gridded seam model The Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate | Display function displays the gridded seam model created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation. Because the display is two-dimensional, you must set its orientation. Choose from LOOKING WEST, LOOKING NORTH or PLAN. Once you have defined an orientation, you can enter the coordinate of the viewing plane. When you enter the display limits, you can also enter a tolerance to make sure you will only see one layer of blocks when you display the GSM. The tolerance will be added to and subtracted from the coordinate at the viewing plane. In the X and Y direction, where you know the block dimensions, enter a value slightly less than half the block size in each direction. Because of the varying block thicknesses in the RL dimension (or the dimension in which the block thickness changes), you will need to use your knowledge of the deposit to determine a suitable tolerance. Alternatively, filter on material type and display each material. You can display block centres, block outlines or both. Blocks can be hatched or filled with solid colour. The fill colour can be colour coded according to the contents of a field in the gridded seam model file. If you decide to hatch the blocks, you can also use one of the fields in gridded seam model file to control the hatching. You can display crosses at the block centres. These can be colour coded according to the values in a field in the gridded seam model file. Up to three labels, values from the GSM file, can be displayed in each block. One of two colour coding methods can be applied. The first is to apply the same colour set to all label fields. The second is to apply separate colour sets to each field. You can also adjust the size and orientation of the labels. The Process
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of a file created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation.
Click Display Limits, and then define the extent of the display. In addition to the coordinate field names and the min and max values for each, you should enter a tolerance. This is used when you "slice" the model to view the block characteristics. The tolerance defines the thickness of this slice. To avoid the slice including two layers of blocks, enter a tolerance that is slightly less than half the block dimension in the viewing direction. Use a filter on material type when you want to display blocks in the direction in which the block dimensions change.
Enter the name of the thickness field, choose the viewing direction (View) and then enter the coordinate of the viewing plane in the prompt that follows. This is the plane where the model will be sliced and displayed.
Select Display block centres if you want crosses to be displayed at the centre of each block. If you display block centres, you can also select a colour set and enter a field that will control how they are colour coded. This process is covered in Colour coding data using colour sets.
There are two ways to fill the blocks in the display, solid and hatched. These options are described further in The different block fill methods. Select NONE if you only want the blocks to appear as outlines.
You can display three values from fields in the block model file as labels in each block. A single colour set can be used for all three fields or you can apply a different colour set to each. See Displaying labels on the blocks.
To superimpose outlines on the block model display, select Display Outlines. Select an outline set, choose files from within that set, and then define which outlines will be displayed. For details see Displaying outlines.
Click OK to run the display.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Calculate Strip Ratio The Calculate Strip Ratio function calculates the ratio of waste volume to ore volume (stripping ratio) for each column of blocks in a gridded seam model. The gridded seam model file (GSM) must contain material and block index fields. Before you run the function, you must define material codes as either waste or ore. If materials present in the file are not defined in one of these categories, they will not be included in the calculation. You can use wildcards to simplify the process of defining material codes and to reduce the number of individual codes. This is a fragment of an output file created by this function.
In this case the stripping ratio is reported in the RATIO field. When code INF (infinity) appears in the ratio field, it indicates that there is no ore in that block, it is all waste. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | Calculate Strip Ratio from the main menu.
Enter the coordinate fields and the thickness, material and block index fields.
Enter up to five ore codes and five waste codes. If you have many waste codes, such as M1, M2, M3 and so on, use the star wildcard (M*) to select them all.
Enter the name of the output file and a name for the field where the stripping ratio will be recorded.
Click OK to run the function.
Check the results in the output file.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
3 Layer Grade Report The Gridded Seam Estimate | 3 Layer Grade Report function calculates grade estimates for a single material file, and a pre-strip and backfill file. It is included for compatibility with earlier versions of MICROMINE. You can calculate complete estimates for sets of up to ten material files in Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate | Model Report or, if you have a gridded seam model file (created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation), you can use Modelling | Model Report | Block Model Report. To use this function you need the material files generated by Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup. You also need one or more outline files in plan orientation to define mining areas. The outlines should not overlap or material will be included in the calculation twice. You can apply outline restrictions to control which outlines are used by the function. The function can operate in two modes, geological and mining. In mining mode you can enter factors to correct the various mining parameters, such as recovery, so the results will correspond closely with recovered volumes and grades. Such factors must be based on your knowledge of a deposit and the recovery methods employed. In geological mode, grade estimates are calculated without any factors being applied. Mining grade estimates are not reported in this mode. The mode of operation is recorded in the output file. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | 3 Layer Grade Report from the main menu.
Enter the names of the Wash, Pre-strip and Backfill material files. If required define filters to selectively process records.
Enter the names of the X and Y coordinates in the input files.
Enter the names of the thickness and grade fields in the input files.
Choose the mode of operation. If you set Mode to MINING, you can apply a series of factors that will modify the results of the calculation. For more information, refer to the Choosing the operating mode topic.
Choose the type of outlines you will use to control what is included in the calculation. These are the mining outlines. Enter the number of the first and last outlines you want to include in the process. If you are using polygonal model outlines you will need to enter the model identifier. If they are user defined outlines you will need to enter the user prefix.
Use the outline restrictions to control which outlines are used. For more information, refer to the Controlling which outlines are used in the process topic.
Enter the nominal drillhole spacing in the X and Y directions. Enter a distance, in grid units, in the Accuracy prompt. This is a sub blocking factor. For more information, refer to the Hole spacing parameters topic.
Enter the name of the output file.
10. Click OK to run the function. Check the results in the output file.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Gridded Seam Estimate - Model Report Gridded Seam Estimate | Model Report calculates grade estimates in a series of material files. To use this function you need material files generated in Gridded Seam Estimate | Setup. The function can calculate estimates for up to ten material files at one time. If you have more than ten material types you can run the function separately for each group of ten, and then append the results to the output file. The same applies to grades. That is, to calculate multiple grades, merge the thickness, volume, grade and metal results for the first grade field into a predefined file. This file must have fields for all grade and metal calculations. You can then merge grade and metal calculations from subsequent runs into this file. There are two methods of metal calculation: Volume * Grade and Grade * Tonnes. Volume * Grade is used when the metal in a material is measured in a volumetric measure. For example, in alluvial gold the metal is measured as mg/m 3 and alluvial tin is measured as kg/m 3. If, on the other hand, the grade fields are expressed in units per weight, the metal is calculated as Grade * Tonnes. For example, hard rock gold is normally assayed in ppm, with 1 ppm being equal to 1 gram per tonne. The SGs used in the calculation can be from one of two sources. That is, you can enter an SG for each material file or you can use values in an SG field in the material files. The mining areas are defined by one or more outlines (generally in one outline file). The outlines are normally in plan orientation. The function calculates grade, volume, tonnage and metal in each strip block. If the outlines are contained in more than one file, you can enter a start number and end number. You can control which outlines are used from each file by applying outline restrictions. The output file identifies each outline, each material type and provides area, volume, tonnes, grade and total metal for each material code.
If you have factor values for the recovery of any of the materials or the metal they contain, you can use Files | Fields | Calculate to apply corrections to the estimates in the output file. The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | Model Report from the main menu.
Enter the names of the material files you want to use in the calculation. If required, define filters to selectively process records.
Enter the names of the X and Y coordinates in the input files.
Enter the names of the thickness and grade fields in the input files. To use the SG values in the material files, enter the name of the SG field. Alternatively, enter an SG opposite each material file.
Choose the type of calculation that will be performed from Metal calc type.
Choose the type of outlines you will use to control what is included in the calculation. These are the mining outlines. Enter the number of the first and last outlines you want to include in the process. If you are using polygonal model outlines you will need to enter the model identifier. If they are user defined outlines you will need to enter the user prefix.
Use the outline restrictions to control which outlines are used. For details see Controlling which outlines are used in the process.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate 8.
Enter the nominal drillhole spacing in the X and Y directions. Enter a distance, in grid units, in the Accuracy prompt. This defines the zone of influence of each drillhole. For more information, refer to the Hole spacing parameters topic.
Enter the name of the output file.
10. Click OK to run the function. Check the results in the output file.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
Gridded Seam Model to 3D OBM You can use this function to convert a gridded seam model (GSM) into a block model for use with the Pit Optimisation functions. If the blocks in the block model output file are created from several blocks in the GSM input file the new grades will be calculated as weighted averages. They will also be allocated a material code that covers the major portion of the new block. Only those blocks containing some ore are written to the output file. To use this function successfully the input file must have a field containing 2D indexes and another containing material numbers. For these to be present you must select Write 2D Index and Material number when you run Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation. You can also use Index | 2D Block Index to index each block if you have already created the GSM file. The X and Y block size of the gridded seam model is also used for the 3D block model, however, you must specify the RL block dimension. The ideal RL block size depends on the nature of the deposit. Note that small block sizes can generate very large data files. You also need to specify the RL at the origin of the 3D block model. The Ore Factor field is only enabled if the GSM is a Sparse GSM. In the Sparse GSM only ore is modelled. When you convert a sparse GSM into a 3D Block Model, you must define the percentage of a block that is ore and the percentage that is waste. If you select Sparse GSM, you must enter the name of a control file that defines the characteristics of the materials above and below the materials in the sparse model. The control file has three fields Material, SG above and SG below. The values of the SG for the materials (which have not been modelled) above and below a particular modelled material are specified in these fields. When values are omitted, the SG is set to 0.0 unless there is a block in the block gridded seam file immediately above or below the material (in the GSM). The SGs above and below the material being modelled are required to correctly calculate the SG of blocks lying partly in a modelled material and partly in a non modelled material when they are composited into a 3D block. It is particularly important that the information in the Control file is correct when dealing with multiseam coal deposits (best modelled as sparse GSMs). Unless the waste materials above and below the seams are correctly modelled in the re-blocking process (GSM->3D OBM), programs such as Whittle 4D or Whittle 4X can mine excessive amounts of waste. Notes:
The program calculates the SG of a block in the 3D block model from the SGs of the various ores. In the case of a Sparse GSM, the associated waste SGs are also used. In addition, the SGs of both the ore and the waste are written to the output file. This is required by programs such as Whittle 4D and 4X because they need information on the SG of both ore and waste. These can not be reconstructed from the block SG.
Where a block is partly in air, the grade will be the grade of the ore portions of the block; its volume will be the volume of ore and waste in the block, and the SG will be the weighted SG for the ore (materials) and the waste (materials). Tonnes are calculated as block volume multiplied by block SG.
Calculation proceeds from the base of a stack of blocks to the top, hence the requirement that the blocks are indexed.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | GSM ->3D OBM from the main menu.
Enter the name of a GSM file created in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation .
Enter the names of the coordinate fields in the GSM file. The function uses the names of the Easting and Northing coordinate fields to identify the block dimension fields in the GSM file.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate It uses the RL field to control how grades and material codes are allocated from the gridded seam model to the 3D block model. 4.
Enter the names of the Thickness field, the 2D Index field and the Material number field. Note that the 2D Index and Material number fields will only be present if you have selected these options in Gridded Seam Estimate | Interpolation.
Enter the RL origin. See How to determine the elevation at the block model origin. The RL block dimension defines the height of the blocks in the block model.
Enter a Default SG. This will be used in instances where not all records have an SG or there is no SG field in the input file.
Enter a name for the output file.
Click OK to run the function.
You can display the block model in Modelling | 3D Block Estimate | Display or in Display | 3D Viewer. This Ore factor is similar to the Block factor field in Modelling | Model Report | Mining Block Grades. It records the portion (to an accuracy of 0.01) of the block that is ore. This data must be in the input file. The Ore Factor field is only enabled for Sparse GSMs. In the Sparse GSM only ore is modelled, therefore, when you convert it to a 3D block model, you must define the percentage of a block which is ore and the percentage which is non ore (waste). Enter a name for the Tonnage field that will take the calculated tonnage values in the output file. This parameter is optional, however, if you define it, you must also enter the SG field name and/or a default SG. You must add this field to the input file. The tonnage is calculated as Block volume * Block SG.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate
3D OBM to Gridded Seam Model The Modelling | Gridded Seam Estimate | 3D OBM -> GSM function converts a 3D block model into a gridded seam model (GSM). The 3D block model file used as input must have a material field (numbers or codes) and a field containing 2D block indices. If the block model does not contain 3D indexes, you can use Modelling | Index | 3D Block Index to generate them. The function uses the block index to sort the blocks in each layer of the block model into columns. The blocks in the 3D block model (constant East and North) are then reformatted. That is, those blocks in each vertical column that have the same material code, are formed into a single block. The X and Y dimensions of each block remain the same in the block and gridded seam models. The grade in each block in the gridded seam model is the average of the grade in each of the blocks from the 3D block model used to construct it.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Gridded Seam Estim ate | 3D OBM -> GSM from the main menu.
Enter the name of the block model file.
Enter the names of the coordinate fields in the block model file. Because the block dimension field names are derived from the coordinate fields, the function can find the block dimensions in the model.
Enter the name of the material and block index fields in the input file.
If there is a volume field in the input file enter its name.
Enter the name of the output file and a name for the thickness field that will be created when you run the function. The vertical height of the blocks in the gridded seam model will be written to the thickness field.
Resource Estimation – Gridded Seam Estimate 7.
Click OK to run the function.
The volume field The Volume field is used to handle partial blocks. If we multiply the block dimensions (in the 3D block model ) and then multiply them by the block factor the result will be volume of ore. This need not equal the block volume. When blocks with the same X, Y index and material number are composited, their volumes will be summed to give a volume of ore in the GSM block.
Index 2
3D OBM.......................................... 61
2D Block Estimate .......................... 1, 2, 4
to 3D OBM ...................................... 59
2D Block Index....................................22
Gridded seam model ....................... 59, 61
3D Block Estimate .................... 5, 9, 11, 12
Index .......................................... 21, 22
3D Block Estimate, IDW.......................... 8
Indicator Kriging ................................. 17
3D Block Index....................................21
Interpolation, 2D Block Estimate ...............2
Interpolation, Gridded Seam Estimate ...... 51
from Gridded Seam Model ...................59
Inverse Distance Weighting......................8
Gridded Seam Model ..........................61
3D OBM........................................59, 61
Kriging............................... 13, 15, 16, 19
Assign Outlines...............................12, 38
Model Report................................. 40, 57
Multiple Indicator Kriging....................... 19
Blank block model................................. 7
Blocks display, 3D Block Estimate ............. 7
Indicator Kriging............................... 17
Calculate Strip Ratio .............................55
Ordinary/Universal Kriging..................... 15
polygonal models ..............................35 Deleting.............................................35
Plans from sections.............................. 42 Polygonal model
Digitising, polygonal section estimate........36 Display 2D model ......................................... 4 3D block model.................................. 9 Display............................................ 4, 9 G Generate Outlines ................................44
Deleting ......................................... 35 Polygonal model............................. 33, 35 Polygonal Section Estimate32, 33, 36, 40, 42, 44, 45 R Rank Kriging ...................................... 16 S Setup, polygonal section estimate ........... 33
Grade fields ........................................45 Statistical, 3D Block Estimate ................. 11 Grade Tonnage Report ..........................40 Strip ratio.......................................... 55 Grades Within Outlines ..........................45 Sub-blocking ...................................... 23 Gridded Seam Estimate ....22, 47, 49, 51, 55, 56, 57, 61
Gridded seam model
Wireframe Grade Shells ........................ 31
MICROMINE Wireframing
Table Of Contents Creating solids from wireframes ................................................................................... 19 To create a solid, do the following:........................................................................... 19 Calculating wireframe volumes ..................................................................................... 20 Overview ........................................................................................................... 20 The Process ........................................................................................................ 20 Creating outlines from wireframes................................................................................. 21 Overview ........................................................................................................... 21 The Process ........................................................................................................ 21 Wireframe Boolean operations...................................................................................... 23 Wireframe A and B ................................................................................................. 23 Wireframe Type................................................................................................... 23 Wireframe Name.................................................................................................. 23 Output ................................................................................................................. 23 A IN B ............................................................................................................... 23 A OUT B ............................................................................................................ 23 B IN A ............................................................................................................... 23 B OUT A ............................................................................................................ 24 Intersection Strings ................................................................................................ 24 Assign Wireframes .................................................................................................... 25 Overview ........................................................................................................... 25 The Process ........................................................................................................ 25 Refining the Assign process when using a block model (Sub blocking).................................... 27 Grade Tonnage Report ............................................................................................... 28 Overview ........................................................................................................... 28 The Process ........................................................................................................ 29 Index ..................................................................................................................... 31
What is a wireframe? A wireframe is a triangulated surface composed of one or more facets. The surface can be open or closed. Wireframes have attributes. You can enter values in these attributes to define the wireframe characteristics and add information about the structures they represent. Typical attributes are name and colour. Other attributes such as ore grade or cost of mining a tonne of rock can also be used with different types of wireframe. In addition to attributes, you can also define metadata for each wireframe. Metadata is global information about the wireframe such as when it was created, who created it, and so on. Note: A wireframe is the smallest entity that can be processed in MICROMINE. That is, although a wireframe can be composed of several surfaces, all those surfaces will be processed as though they are a single entity. If you want to process surfaces separately, they must be different wireframes.
Working with wireframe types A wireframe type is a name used to categorise a wireframe. All wireframes, no matter what the type, are the same - collections of triangles, attributes and metadata. Because you will require different wireframe attributes, according to the sort of feature they describe, wireframe types are a means of organising data. There are several pre-defined wireframe types. Together these will cover most of the natural features you will meet. Each wireframe type has attributes. However, should it be necessary, you can create your own wireframe types. Examples of predefined wireframe types are: Alteration
Lithology Boundary
Rock Model
Extrude *
Grade Shells
*Note: The Extrude type has special predefined attributes. Wireframe types are contained in a project. You can see the wireframe types in the current project by selecting Wireframe | Types from the Wireframe menu. At this point you can:
Create a new wireframe type and define its attributes.
Edit and add attributes in a wireframe type.
Rename a wireframe type.
Delete a wireframe type.
Selecting wireframes by type. Select one type of wireframe, and one or more wireframes of that type in functions that can be used to process wireframes.
Moving wireframe types between projects.
Working with wireframe sets Wireframe sets are a convenient way of grouping and dealing with multiple wireframes. They operate in the same way as other types of form sets in MICROMINE. Wireframe sets are extremely useful when you are using several wireframes in a process like Assign Wireframes. If it were not possible to group wireframes together in a set, you would be forced to process them singly and then somehow append the results. Because you can select wireframes by their attributes, you can control which wireframes in the set are included in a process. The attributes can be used with wildcards to further refine which wireframes will be processed in functions like Assign Wireframes and Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report.
Creating a wireframe set
Selecting wireframes by set, enables you to select multiple types of wireframe. For each wireframe type you can then select multiple wireframes by their attribute values and use partial strings and wildcards to do so.
To create a wireframe set The Select Wireframe prompts appear in functions used to process wireframes. 1.
Select the Set selection option.
Right-click (or press F4) in the name prompt .
In the Define Wireframe Set form, enter types, attributes and names for the wireframes that are to be defined as part of the set. You can left double-click (or press F3) to select types, attributes, and names from selection lists. To select multiple wireframes by attribute, enter partial strings and wildcards.
To use the types, attributes and names you have defined previously, click the Load button to load another wireframe set.
To save the types, attributes and names you have defined and re-use them in other functions click the Sets button to create a form set.
Select only wirefram es matching all conditions for type? Select this option when you only want to include wireframes if they match the conditions in all rows where that type is entered. In other words, if you enter ORE as the wireframe type in two rows of the table, the attributes of an ORE type wireframe must satisfy the conditions you set in both rows before it will be included in the set (logical AND). When this option is cleared, the wireframe attributes need only meet the condition set in one row for a given wireframe type (logical OR).
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents What is a wireframe? ................................................................................................... 1 Working with wireframe types ........................................................................................ 2 Working with wireframe sets.......................................................................................... 3 To create a wireframe set ............................................................................................. 3 Select only wireframes matching all conditions for type?.................................................. 3 Wireframe attributes (properties).................................................................................... 4 How wireframe coordinates are stored ............................................................................. 5 Local vertical exaggeration ....................................................................................... 5 Global vertical exaggeration ..................................................................................... 5 Moving wireframes between projects ............................................................................... 6 Using the wireframe editor ............................................................................................ 7 Editing strings and outlines ........................................................................................... 8 Using the Wireframe Editor toolbar.................................................................................. 9 Triangulation methods and validation.......................................................................... 9 String editing ...................................................................................................... 10 Validating wireframes................................................................................................. 11 The Optimising options in Validation ......................................................................... 11 Working with tie-lines ................................................................................................ 12 To load tie-lines ..................................................................................................... 12 To draw tie-lines .................................................................................................... 12 To save tie-lines..................................................................................................... 12 To save a set of tie-lines .......................................................................................... 12 To delete tie-lines................................................................................................... 12 Working with triangles................................................................................................ 14 Opening the ends of wireframes................................................................................. 14 Closing the ends of wireframes .................................................................................. 14 Removing unwanted triangles.................................................................................... 14 Wireframe from String (3D menu)................................................................................. 15 Overview ........................................................................................................... 15 The Process ........................................................................................................ 15 Wireframe from String ............................................................................................... 17 Overview ........................................................................................................... 17 The Process ........................................................................................................ 17
Wireframe attributes (properties) When you create a wireframe and save it, you will have to enter a name attribute. However, you can edit wireframe attributes at any time. To edit the properties of a wireframe you must first select it When you run a function that can be used to process one or more wireframes, you can specify the wireframe type and select a single wireframe of that type. More information... Having selected the wireframe, right-click in the Name prompt (F4) to display the Wireframe Properties dialog
Edit the Standard attributes as required.
Click the Metadata button to modify metadata attributes.
Click the User Defined Attributes button to modify user defined attributes.
Click the Forms button to save the properties as a form set that can be applied to other wireframe objects.
Finally, click OK to apply your changes.
How wireframe coordinates are stored Wireframes are always stored in terms of East, North and RL coordinates. The Z adjustments discussed in this topic are not applied to the coordinates used to store the wireframes. You can apply two types of vertical exaggeration to objects in the 3D Viewer:
Local vertical exaggeration Local vertical exaggeration is applied to individual objects you load into the 3D Viewer and Wireframing framing modules. You set this exaggeration for each object in the Adjust Z Values dialog boxes (present in the functions in the Load menu). The local vertical exaggeration is generally used to help display datasets in which the Z dimensions are unrelated. For example, you may want to display a grid file showing gold grades above topography. To position the grid above the topography you can use the Base value in the Adjust Z values dialog. You might also want to use a multiplier to exaggerate the differences between values and grades. When you save the wireframe, it will still be saved with the original coordinates. The Z adjustments are saved as additional information. Global vertical exaggeration The global vertical exaggeration is applied to the Z dimension of all objects you load into the 3D Viewer and Wireframing modules. You can set this value in Options | Vertical Exaggeration. It is particularly useful when you are working with objects such as outlines that will form wireframes with a very small Z range. This occurs when working with alluvial ore bodies and stratiform deposits such as coal. Without a global adjustment to the Z dimension, it is sometimes difficult to recognize that there are two outlines very close together. The global vertical exaggeration will not be applied when the wireframes are saved. That is, they will be saved with their actual coordinates. Note: It is better not to use objects with local Z adjustments when you are constructing a wireframe. When you form triangulation between objects, it will always be between actual coordinates. If you form triangulation between an object with a local Z adjustment and another object, you may get unexpected results.
Moving wireframes between projects When you install MICROMINE, several generic wireframe types will be installed in the template folder. Each time you create a new project these will be copied to the project folder. These generic wireframe types contain user-defined attributes that will be suitable for most applications. There is nothing to stop you preparing a wireframe type in one project and then copying it to another. The only thing you should be aware of is that you will overwrite the generic wireframe of that type. If you want a new wireframe type to automatically become a part of all future projects you create, copy it to the TEMPLATES folder under the MM folder. Files in this folder are automatically copied to the project folder when you create a new project.
Creating and editing wireframes
Using the wireframe editor Using the Wireframe Editor, wireframes can be created from:
Strings or Outlines (outlines include polygonal models).
Sections or Profiles.
Generally you will create the strings or outlines in other functions such as Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate. Once you load the strings or outlines into the Wireframe Editor you can edit them further. You cannot save the changes back to the original file, but you can save them to another file. The overall process is: 1.
Select 3D | W irefram ing from the main menu.
Load the strings or outlines from which you will create the wireframe(s) using the options under the Load menu. You can also load other supporting data to help you form the wireframes correctly, for example point values.
Select W irefram e | New to create a wireframe. This starts the Wireframe Editor.
Click the Build Wireframe button on the toolbar and triangulate between the strings or outlines.
Save the wireframe and set wireframe attributes.
In the most cases this is all you will need to do to create wireframes. However, there will be instances where triangulation will not form correctly. In these instances you will need to draw tielines to assist the triangulation algorithm. Sometimes you will also need to edit strings in the Wireframe Editor. A good example is when you need to close off orebodies by extending the shape of the wireframe mid-way between drillhole sections. A wide range of string editing functions are provided on the toolbar and via the right-click menu. Occasionally you will need to remove triangles and regenerate or open the end of a closed surface. Finally, to complete the process, you must validate the wireframes you have created. This involves visual validation and then running the wireframe validation process. In summary, there are four modes of operation in the Wireframe Editor:
Build Wireframes
Edit Tie-lines
Edit Strings
Edit Triangles
Build Wireframes is the primary mode. The others are secondary modes that support the process of wireframe building.
Creating and editing wireframes
Editing strings and outlines The functions (described below) for editing strings can also be applied to outlines. Unless otherwise stated, any references to strings apply equally to outlines. Before you can edit a string you must first select the string:
Click the Edit String button in the Wireframe Editor (or select W irefram es | Mode | Edit Strings from the menu) and click on the string you want to edit.
When you select Edit Strings or the Edit String button, the string editing buttons on the menu will be enabled, and string editing options will be available via the right-click menu. Functions provided on the toolbar (and under Mode on the right-click menu) operate on the points (nodes) in a string, or on the selected string as a whole:
Insert a point into a string.
Insert many points into a string.
Move points in a string.
Delete a point in a string.
Copy a string.
Move a string.
Scale a string.
Reverse the normal direction of a string.
Delete a string or string segment.
Close a broken string.
Pick partial string.
Split a string.
Join two or more strings together.
Save all strings or selected strings to file.
Creating and editing wireframes
Using the Wireframe Editor toolbar To enable the Wireframe Editor tools:
Load a wireframe object and select the Wireframe | Edit menu option.
Alternatively, load the strings or outlines from which you will create the wireframe and select W irefram e | New.
The tools on the 3D Viewer toolbar are augmented by a number of wireframe editing tools.
Note: The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, may determine what tool buttons are displayed. Depending on the object being edited, different editing modes can be enabled. The current mode determines which tools are enabled. Select the Build W ireframes tool to put the display into Build Wireframes mode. A number of triangulation options are then enabled on the toolbar (See Below). Forming triangulation between outlines and strings. Select the Edit Tie Lines tool to put the display into Tie Lines mode. For more information, refer to the Working with tie lines and Using tie lines to resolve inconsistent triangulation topics. Select the Edit Strings button to put the display into String Edit mode. Sometimes you will also need to edit strings in the Wireframe Editor. A good example is when you need to close off ore bodies by extending the shape of the wireframe mid-way between drillhole sections. A wide range of string editing functions are provided on the toolbar and via the right-click menu. Select the Edit Triangles tool to edit the triangles in a wireframe individually.
Click the Undo button (or Ctrl-Z) to undo the last edit performed on an object in the display. The Undo function records the edits made in the display window and will undo those edits in reverse order. Note: If you leave edit mode and then re-enter edit mode, any previous edits will be lost and you will not be able to undo them.
Triangulation m ethods and validation The following triangulation options are enabled when the display is in Edit - Build Wireframes mode. These options are also available under the W irefram e menu. Select the Equiangular triangulation tool to generate triangles which are equiangular in shape. Select the Minimum Surface Area triangulation tool to generate triangles which form a wireframe with a minimum surface area.
Creating and editing wireframes
Select the Proportional Length triangulation tool to generate triangles at a proportional distance along adjacent strings. Select the On-Fly Validate tool to validate the intersections of a single triangulation. Select the Save As Single Wireframe tool to save the currently selected triangulation as a single wireframe. String editing The following string editing tools are enabled when the display is in Edit Strings mode. Use the Pick String tool to select a string object in the display. Use the SHIFT or CTRL keys to select multiple strings. You can also select an object using the select button in the Object Manager pane. Use the Split String tool to split a closed string into two strings. Position the pointer over the point where the string will be split and click the mouse. You can also select the Mode | Split Strings option from the right-click menu. Select the Delete Points tool to delete points in the display. Position the pointer over the point you want to delete and click the mouse. When you delete points in a closed string, the two adjacent points will be rejoined. Select the Insert Points tool to add points individually to a string. Position the pointer over the segment where you want the new point and click the mouse. You can move the inserted point by dragging the mouse before releasing the button. To insert multiple points, use the right-click Insert Points menu option. Select the Move Points tool to position the cursor over the point you want to move. Hold the left mouse button down, drag the point to the new position, and release the mouse button. With a string selected in the display, you can also select the Move String option from the right-click menu.
Creating and editing wireframes
Validating wireframes Wireframes require two types of validation:
Visual validation checks that only you can perform.
Checks that the software performs when you create the triangulation.
You should validate wireframes before you can use them in other parts of MICROMINE or you will not get accurate results. It is probably a good idea to use the software to validate the triangulation as you create it, especially if the strings or outlines with which you are working do not form easily. The two main validation issues for closed surfaces such as orebodies are:
There should be no intersecting triangles within the wireframes.
All surfaces are closed.
For surfaces that are not closed, like faults, the main issue is that there are no intersecting triangles. To validate wireframes: 1.
Select Build Wireframes and create a wireframe or some triangulation.
Right-click and select Validate from the menu that appears. The Validate Wireframes dialog will appear.
If you are checking that the surface is closed, select Check Closure, and then click OK. If you do not need to check for closure, for example, when you have triangulated a fault, only self-intersection will be reported.
The triangulation will be checked, and a report displayed.
The following information can be displayed in a report:
Invalid connections - when these are found, the validation process will not be continued.
Intersecting triangles - these must be corrected. There can be no intersecting triangles in a valid wireframe.
The Optimising options in Validation Compress Points. When you select this option, the validation function will remove unused points from the wireframe database. Compress Triangles. When you select this option, the validation function will remove repeated triangles from the wireframe database.
Creating and editing wireframes
Working with tie-lines To load tie-lines 1.
Right-click while you are in tie line mode. Select Load from the right-click menu.
Enter the name for the file where the tie-lines are saved.
If required, enter a code in combination with wildcards to control which tie-lines will be loaded.
Click OK to load the tie-lines.
To draw tie-lines When you select the Tie-line button, you enter tie-line editing mode. In this mode you can add any number of tie-lines to the wireframes in the display. In the Wireframe Editor: 1.
Click the Edit Tie-lines button on the menu. Alternatively, select Wireframe | Mode | Edit Tie Lines from the Wireframe menu. The nodes on all the strings will appear.
Click over a node on one of the strings. It will be highlighted in the tie-line colour.
Move the cursor to the node on the next string, and then click again. The tie-line will appear between the two nodes.
To save tie-lines You can save tie-lines and re-use them later. When you do this, you should consider assigning a character code (of up to twenty characters). The code will be applied to all the tie-lines you save. If you then save more tie-lines in the same file (by appending), you can use this character code alone or combined with wildcards to limit which tie-lines will be reloaded. While you are not required to enter codes, they can be very useful when you want to deal with portions of a wireframe in isolation. The tie-line file is automatically created when you save. All tie-lines in the current view are saved. If you want to save groups of tie-lines with different codes you need to ensure that only the outlines you want to save with each code are in the current view. To save tie-lines: 1.
With tie-lines displayed on screen, right-click, and then select Save from the right-click menu.
Enter a name for the file in which the tie-lines will be saved. The file will be created by this function.
If required, enter a code. This will be assigned to all the tie-lines that are saved.
Click OK to save the file.
To save a set of tie-lines You can save a set of tie-lines in the same way as you would create any other form set in MICROMINE.
To delete tie-lines
Creating and editing wireframes 1.
Click the Tie-line button. Alternatively, select W irefram e | Mode | Edit Tie Lines from the Wireframing menu. The nodes on all of the strings will appear.
Right-click anywhere in the display and select Delete Ties from the right-click menu.
Position the cursor over a tie-line and left-click. The tie-line will be deleted. To continue deleting tie-lines, click on them. To draw a new tie-line, right-click again, and then select Add Ties.
Creating and editing wireframes
Working with triangles You can edit the triangles in a wireframe individually. This gives you the opportunity to delete individual triangles and reconstruct the surface. It is useful when you want to:
Correct the triangulation for a segment.
Remove unwanted triangles.
Open the ends of wireframes partially such as in bifurcation.
Opening the ends of wireframes To open a closed end: 1.
Ensure that you are in Edit Triangles mode (by clicking the Edit Triangles button) in the Wireframe Editor.
Select a triangle on the closed end the triangle will be highlighted.
Right-click and select Extend selection from the menu.
Right-click and select Delete from the menu.
Closing the ends of wireframes Wireframes must be closed surfaces before you can calculate volumes. You can set the validation function to check for closure. To close the end of a wireframe: 1.
Make sure you are in Build Wireframes mode (by clicking the Build Wireframes button) in the Wireframe Editor.
Select the string that will closed by this process.
Right-click and select Close End from the menu.
Rem oving unwanted triangles To select triangles: 1.
Move the cursor over the triangulated surface or solid and click the mouse to highlight a triangle. To select multiple triangles use the CTRL key with the mouse. Alternatively, right-click and select Select connected triangles or Select triangles created together from the menu.
To delete the selected triangle(s): 1.
Right-click and select Delete selected triangles from the menu.
Creating wireframes from strings
Wireframe from String (3D menu) Overview The Wireframe from String function converts one or more strings into a wireframe. You can use it to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The Wireframe from String function in the Load menu complements this function. With the exception of Adjust Z values, the prompts are the same. The difference is that it only displays a wireframe, it is not saved. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings. You can define:
The cross-sectional shape of the wireframe - its profile.
The dimensions of that shape.
The position of the wireframe with respect to the string.
If the input string file contains additional fields, you can use them to control the Width, Height, and X and Y offsets of the string segments. If you do this, the values you enter in the Width, Height, and X and Y offset prompts become defaults. That is, they will be substituted when values are missing from records in the input file. When you create a wireframe from a string, you must enter a name attribute. All the other attributes, including metadata, are optional. The Process 1.
Select 3D | W irefram e from String from the main menu.
In the Wireframe from string dialog, enter the name of the string file and the names of the fields in that file.
Select the shape of the wireframe profile.
Enter dimensions for the shape. If you select one of the trapezoids, enter a value for the narrower dimension in the Top or Bottom prompt (the prompt changes according to which of the trapezoid shapes you have chosen).
Enter X and Y offsets to control the position of the wireframes with respect to the strings.
The shape and dimensions of the wireframe profile appear in the panel in the centre of the dialog box. The position of the profile with respect to the string is also shown.
Creating wireframes from strings
(Optional) Click the Attributes button and enter any other attributes for the wireframe.
(Optional) Click the Metadata button to define a set of attributes that provide information about the data represented by the wireframe.
Click OK to run the function.
Creating wireframes from strings
Wireframe from String Overview The Wireframe from String function loads strings into the 3D Viewer and treats them as the paths for one or more extrusions. The parameters you enter in the Wireframe from String dialog form control the shapes, dimensions and positions of the extrusions with respect to the original strings. You can use this function to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The Wireframe from String function in the 3D menu complements this function. The difference is that this function only displays a wireframe. It does not save one. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings. You can define:
The cross-sectional shape of the wireframe - its profile.
The dimensions of that shape.
The position of the wireframe with respect to the string.
If the input string file contains additional fields, you can use them to control the Width, Height, and X and Y offsets of the string segments. If you do this, the values you enter in the Width, Height, and X and Y offset prompts become defaults. That is, they will be substituted when values are missing from records in the input file. When you create a wireframe from a string, you must enter a name attribute. All the other attributes, including metadata, are optional. The Process 1.
Select 3D | W irefram ing from the main menu.
Select Load | Wireframe from String.
In the Load Wireframe From String dialog, enter the name of the string file and the names of the fields in that file.
Select the shape of the wireframe profile.
Enter dimensions for the shape. If you select one of the trapezoids, enter a value for the narrower dimension in the Top or Bottom prompt (the prompt changes according to which of the trapezoid shapes you have chosen).
Enter X and Y offsets to control the position of the wireframes with respect to the strings.
Creating wireframes from strings The shape and dimensions of the wireframe profile appear in the panel in the centre of the dialog box. The position of the profile with respect to the string is also shown. 7.
To adjust the Z values when displaying the file, select the Adjust Z values option and click the More button to open the Adjust Z values dialog. The new values are used in the 3D Viewer only and do not update the file.
(Optional) To control the drawing style, transparency and edge smoothing, select Change appearance, click the adjacent More button, and make entries in the Appearance dialog.
Select the Close ends option to close the ends of the strings prior to creating the wireframe.
10. Click OK to run the function.
Creating solids from wireframes
Creating solids from wireframes DTM surfaces can be combined to create a wireframe solid using the 3D | Surface to Solid function. The process can be validated to check for closure and intersecting triangles. In MICROMINE, the term "wireframe" refers to a set of triangles with the nodes defined by a dataset of points with XYZ values. A surface is a special case, whereby a vertical line (one where the X and Y values are constant) will never intersect more than one triangle. A solid is a wireframe defining a closed shape - one that has a volume. To use this function a suitable pair of surfaces, or any single surface must exist. To ensure validity of the operation they should have been created using the DTM function, should have similar extents and should not intersect each other. No check is made that two surfaces intersect. To create a solid, do the following: 1.
Select the top surface.
Define the Z offset for the top surface (offset will be added to the Z value of all points in the triangulation).
Select the bottom surface (this may be the same as the top surface).
Define the Z offset for the bottom surface (offset will be added to the Z value of all points in the triangulation).
Define the type, name, code and colour of the wireframe to be generated by this function. Title text may also be assigned to the wireframe.
Run the function.
Optionally display a dialog summarising the validation of the wireframe generated (as per validation in 3D wireframing).
Caution: This can be a time-consuming process.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate
Calculating wireframe volumes Overview Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Volumescalculates and reports the volume of one or more wireframes. If the wireframes have an SG attribute, you can also use this function to calculate tonnages for each wireframe. The function requires a wireframe or a set of wireframes as input. When you calculate tonnage, the function will use the SG value stored as an attribute in each wireframe. If it is not present in any of the wireframes, the function will try to use the value you enter in Default SG. If you haven't entered a value there, it will substitute a value of 1.0. Wireframes Volumes creates a report file. This is a fragment of a report file produced by this function.
The Process
Select Modelling | Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Volumes from the main menu.
If you want to process a number of wireframes at one time, select Set and then enter the name of the set. To process an individual wireframe, enter the name of the wireframe type, and then enter the name of the wireframe you want to work with.
If you want to calculate tonnage and volumes, select Calculate Tonnage, and then enter the name of the SG attribute in the wireframe(s). If you enter a value in Default SG it will be used when a wireframe SG attribute does not contain a value.
Enter the name of the report file that will be created when you run this function.
Click OK to continue.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate
Creating outlines from wireframes Overview Outlines From Wireframestakes a wireframe and generates a series of outlines that trace its shape at a given set of intervals. You can use this function to create outlines from a single wireframe or you can specify a set and process some or all of the wireframes it contains. This function can produce sets of outlines using the GEOLOGY, MODEL, DESIGN or USER PREFIX outline files. When you create outlines for a polygonal model (MODEL) you can also create the parameter file (*.PAR) normally associated with this type of outline. If a set of outlines with the name you enter already exists, you can overwrite them or remove them entirely. The wireframe attributes that correspond to those that are used in outlines will be transferred as part of the process. The outlines will be drawn in the same plane as the orientation you set. How you define the location of the first outline, and the number of outlines and the spacing between them, depends on whether you want them to be regularly or irregularly spaced. For regularly spaced outlines you only need to enter these parameters in the dialog box. Irregularly spaced outlines require a control file similar to that used in Modelling | Polygonal Section Estimate | Setup.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Outlines from Wireframes from the main menu.
If you want to process a number of wireframes at one time, select Set and then enter the name of the set. To process an individual wireframe, enter the name of the wireframe type, and then enter the name of the wireframe you want to work with. For details see Selecting the wireframes that will be used in a function.
Choose the orientation for the outlines from the list.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate 4.
If you want the outlines to be created at regular intervals select Regular Spacing and then enter:
The coordinate of the first outline that will be drawn in Start section.
The spacing between outlines (sections) in Spacing.
The number of outlines (sections) that will be drawn in No. of sections.
If you want the outlines to be created at irregular intervals, clear Regular Spacing, and then enter the name of the control file that specifies where the outlines will be drawn, how many will be created, and the spacing between them. For more information on control files see Controlling what is included in a model with irregular sections. 5.
MODEL - enter the model identifier in the next prompt. Outline files with names in the form GEOLXnnn.OUT will be created. The X is the model identifier and the nnn is the number.
GEOLOGY - outline files with names in the form GEOLnnn.OUT will be created.
DESIGN - outline files with names in the form DESGNnnn.OUT will be created.
USER PREFIX - outline files with names in the form CCCCCnnn.OUT will be created. The CCCCC corresponds to the user prefix you enter.
Enter a Start number - The components of a polygonal model are allocated numbers between 1 and 999. This is the XXX portion of the model naming system: GEOL(A-Z)XXX. Enter the number (XXX) of the last component that will be used in the grade estimation. (This corresponds to the numeric component of the outline file.).
Before you run the function, specify a processing option:
Choose an outline file type from the following options:
Purge Outline files? Select this option to delete any existing outlines in the output file.
Overwrite existing outlines? This option is only enabled when the "Purge outline files" option is not selected. When you select this option, if an outline is found in the output file with the same name as the outline currently being generated, the existing outline is overwritten (this only applies to outlines that existed in the file before the process was run - not to outlines generated during the current run of the function).
When "Overwrite existing outlines" is not selected, if an outline is found in the output file with the same name as the outline currently being generated, a new (unique) outline name is assigned to the generated outline and the existing outline is preserved in the output file.
Similarly, if an outline is generated with the same name as an outline previously generated in the same run, a new (unique) outline name is again assigned to the generated outline. Note: This will occur even if "Overwrite existing outlines" is selected.
Generate m odel param eter file? Select this option to generate a parameter file when the MODEL output file type is selected.
Click OK to run the function. After a few moments, the outlines will be created. You can return to the 3D Viewer and see both the wireframes and the outlines created from them.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate
Wireframe Boolean operations Use the 3D | Wireframe Boolean menu option to perform (union, intersection, difference) set operations between two triangulated surfaces.
Wireframe A and B For each wireframe you want to perform a boolean operation on: Wireframe Type Select one of the wireframe types in the current project by double-clicking in the Wireframe Type input box. A wireframe type is a name used to categorise a wireframe. All wireframes, no matter what the type, are the same - collections of triangles, attributes and metadata. Because you will require different wireframe attributes, according to the sort of feature they describe, wireframe types are a means of organising data. Wireframe Nam e Having selected a wireframe type, double-click in the Wireframe name input box. Select the name of the wireframe you want to display.
Output Define what output files will be produced as a result of the set operation you specify and optionally specify a default output colour or colour set to be used to colour code each wireframe. Specify the set operations to be performed on the two surfaces. A IN B Select this option to output the part of the first surface which lies inside the second surface. A OUT B Select this option to output the part of the first surface which lies outside the second surface. B IN A Select this option to output the part of the second surface which lies inside the first surface. 23
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate B OUT A Select this option to output the part of the second surface which lies outside the first surface.
Intersection Strings Select the Intersection strings option to write the strings where the two surfaces intersect. Click the More box to define the attributes of the string file.
Assign Wireframes
Assign Wireframes Overview Using Modelling | Assign | Wireframes, you can write selected attributes from a wireframe to the points in a data file that intersect it. The function works by determining if points occur within the wireframe volumes. If so, it writes the wireframe attributes you have nominated to fields in the records for those points. You can apply this function widely in MICROMINE - anywhere you need to identify points inside a wireframe. Assign Wireframes has two input requirements:
A wireframe or a set of wireframes.
A file containing records with 3D coordinates and one or more fields to receive assigned attributes. This will often be a block model file but can be any data file. The wireframe attributes are assigned to this file.
Once you have assigned wireframe attributes to separate fields in the input data file, other functions can use the data file as input. You can filter on selected attributes to control which data is used by the function. If you are using a block model as input, you can decompose the blocks into sub block to improve the accuracy of the assign process.
When you run Assign Wireframes it creates a report file. This report is useful when you want to understand what has happened in the target file and to check that the process has been successful. The Process 1.
Select the Modelling | Assign | Wireframes menu option to open the Assign Wireframes dialog.
Assign Wireframes
If you want to assign a wireframe to a block model without subblocking, select Point Data as the input type.
If the target file in this process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. The blocks can be decomposed into ten sub-blocks in each (X,Y,RL) direction. To do this:
Select the Block Model input type.
Select the Sub-blocks or Block factor option and enter the corresponding parameters for the Subblocking method you have selected.
Enter the name of the data file that will be the target of the assign process. You must also enter the names of the coordinate fields in that file.
If you want to process a number of wireframes at one time, select Set and then enter the name of the set. To process an individual wireframe, enter the name of the wireframe type, and then enter the name of the wireframe you want to work with. For details see Selecting the wireframes that will be used in a function.
Define how the attributes will be assigned to the data file. For more information, refer to the Mapping the wireframe attributes to fields in the data file topics.
Select Clear target fields and Overwrite target field according to how you want to deal with values already in the target fields (in the file to which you will assign the wireframe attributes). For more information, refer to the Overwrite target field and Clear target field topic.
(Optional) Select the Delete records outside wireframes option to delete those records in the data file that fall outside the extent of the wireframe(s).
Enter the name of the Report file. For information about the report file generated by this function, refer to the Assign Wireframes Report file topic.
Click OK to run the function.
Assign Wireframes
Refining the Assign process when using a block model (Sub blocking) If the target file in this process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. The blocks can be decomposed into ten sub blocks in each direction. If you selected Sub-blocks as the Subblocking method (in the Assign Wireframes dialog):
Enter the number of blocks, in each direction, into which the block will be subdivided. The more sub-blocks there are, the more accurate the assignment will be - at the expense of processing speed.
If you selected Block factor as the Subblocking method (in the Assign Wireframes dialog): 1.
Enter the name of the Block Factor field. The portion of each block that falls within each wireframe volume will be written to this field.
Enter the number of blocks, in each direction, into which the block will be subdivided. The more sub-blocks there are, the more accurate the assignment will be - at the expense of processing speed.
If you select Clear block factor field, the nominated field will be cleared of all values before the function makes any assignments.
If you want to accumulate values in the Block factor field, for example, where a block or part of a block falls within more than one wireframe, select Accumulate block factors. When values in the block factor field exceed 1 it indicates the wireframes are overflowing in that block.
Depending on the size of the original blocks in the block model and the wireframes they intersect, you may want to assign attributes to blocks that are only partly within a wireframe. To do this, select Attributes assigned for partial blocks. A value will still be written to the block factor field.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate
Grade Tonnage Report Overview Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report calculates weighted grade estimates using grades for up to ten fields in a data file or wireframe attribute values. The function has two basic input requirements:
A wireframe or a set of wireframes.
A file containing records with one or more grade fields and 3D coordinates or a drillhole interval file that is part of a drillhole database (Collar and Survey files).
When you use an interval file as input, you can either specify a trace coordinate file or calculate the coordinates "on-the-fly". If you want to use a trace coordinate file, see Generating Downhole Coordinates for details. If you use an interval file and want to calculate the trace coordinates when you run the function, enter the name of a collar file and, optionally, a survey file. You must also enter the names of the required fields in these files.
There are three methods you can use to calculate estimates, simple averaging, factor weighting and length weighting. From – To weighting (length) can only be applied to drillhole data. Up to ten grades fields can be used in the estimation process. For each grade, there are two ways of passing each grade to the function. The first is to enter the name of a grade field in the input file. The function will use the grade values in this field when it calculates estimates. The second method is to obtain a value from one of the attributes in the wireframe(s). In both cases you can enter a default grade. If grade values are missing from some records in the interval file or from a wireframe, the default value will be substituted in the calculation for that record. If grade values are missing from some records in the input file or from a wireframe, and you do not specify a default, a value of 0.0 will be substituted in the calculation for that record. You can also direct the function to write an average of the grades in a field back to the wireframe attribute you have specified.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate Specific gravity values are treated in a similar way to grades. That is, you can direct the function to obtain them from one of two sources, an SG field in the interval file or the attribute in the wireframe. Once again you can specify a default which will be substituted where an SG is missing from a record in the input file or from the wireframe attribute. If SG values are missing from some records in the input file or from a wireframe, and you do not specify a default, a value of 1.0 will be substituted in the calculation for that record. You can choose the type of metal calculation from Tonnes x Grade and Volume x Grade. Tonnes x Grade is the default and will be the option most commonly used. It is used where grade is measured as weight per weight such as g/t or ppm. The Volume x Grade option is generally only used for alluvial deposits where the grade is measured as a weight per volume, for example, mg/m 3. If a project has been created for use with Imperial units, the prompts for SG are changed to prompts for tonnage value. When you run Polygonal Wireframe Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report it creates a report file. This file contains a series of records; one for each wireframe, a sub total for each wireframe type, and a grand total for all volumes. The report file fields include:
The wireframe type and name(s).
The SG, volume and tonnage for each wireframe.
The average grade for each of the grade fields in each wireframe.
The total metal (M_) for each grade field in each wireframe.
Where grade is measured in weight/volume, the grade per tonne will be reported. Where grade is measured in weight per weight, the grade per cubic metre will be reported. This is a fragment of a report file produced by this function.
The Process 1.
Select Modelling | Polygonal Wirefram e Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report from the main menu.
If you want to process a number of wireframes at one time, select Set and then enter the name of the set. To process an individual wireframe, enter the name of the wireframe type, and then enter the name of the wireframe you want to work with. For details see Selecting the wireframes that will be used in a function.
Decide on the source of input grades and 3D coordinates.
If you select 3D Points, you must enter the name of the input data file and its coordinate fields.
If you select Interval file, you must enter the name of the interval file. Click the Drillhole Setup button, and select Coordinate file or Collar file. If you select Coordinate file enter the names of the fields in that file. If you select Collar file, enter the names of the fields in it. If there is a Survey file, do the same.
Choose one of the calculation methods.
Click the SG Fields button and define where SG values will be obtained for the process.
Click the Grade Fields button and define which grades will be used in the process and where grade values will be obtained.
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate
Enter the name of the report file that will be created by this function.
Click OK to run the function. To view the report file, right-click with the cursor in the output file response.
Index A
Assign Wireframes ...............................25
Editing .............................................8
Strings...................................... 8, 15, 17
Boolean operations...............................23
Build Wireframe.................................... 7
to solid........................................... 19
Surface ............................................. 19
Surface to solid................................... 19
Outlines from wireframes ....................21
solids .............................................19
Tie-lines............................................ 12
wireframe set .................................... 3
Triangles ........................................... 14
Creating ........................................ 3, 19
Validate Wireframes............................. 11
Edit Tie-lines........................................ 7
Volume ............................................. 27
Edit Triangles.................................. 7, 14
Volume calculations ............................. 20
Edited strings....................................... 7
strings ............................................. 8
assign ............................................ 25
Editing ............................................... 8
generate from string.......................... 15
Wireframe .................................... 15, 25
Wireframe attributes ..............................4
wireframe from string.........................15
Wireframe Boolean operations ................ 23
Generate ...........................................15
Wireframe coordinates............................5
Grade Tonnage Report ..........................27
Wireframe editor ...................................7
Wireframe from String .......................... 17
Move ................................................. 6
Wireframe sets .....................................3
Wireframe tie-lines .............................. 12
Outlines From Wireframes......................21
Wireframe types....................................2
Wireframe validation ............................ 11
Polygonal Wireframe Estimate ............21, 27
Wireframe Volumes.............................. 20
Set .................................................... 3
Adjust Z values ..................................5
coordinate storage ..............................5
from surfaces ...................................19
default types in template folder ..............6
global Z value adjustments ...................5
Index moving to other projects ...................... 6
changes in ......................................5
types............................................... 2
Wireframes................................... 1, 5, 6
Z values
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents Underground mine design ............................................................................................. 1 Loading an underground design...................................................................................... 2 Extrude String............................................................................................................ 3 The Process .......................................................................................................... 3 Generate sections and openings ..................................................................................... 5 The Process .......................................................................................................... 5 The Mine Design toolbar ............................................................................................... 6 Ring Design ............................................................................................................... 8 Ring database ....................................................................................................... 8 Naming of objects .................................................................................................. 8 Selecting objects in the display.................................................................................. 8 Loading a ring design................................................................................................... 9 Adding a drive.......................................................................................................... 12 Drive String .......................................................................................................... 12 Drive Options ........................................................................................................ 12 Regenerating drive boundaries ..................................................................................... 14 Creating a ring ......................................................................................................... 15 Editing a ring ........................................................................................................... 16 Editing an existing ring boundary ............................................................................. 17 Exiting Ring Edit mode .......................................................................................... 17 Generating a drillhole fan............................................................................................ 18 Drillhole spacing algorithms......................................................................................... 19 Toe................................................................................................................... 19 Boundary ........................................................................................................... 19 Fixed ................................................................................................................ 19 Generating parallel drillholes........................................................................................ 20 Editing drillholes ....................................................................................................... 22 Deleting drillholes ................................................................................................ 22 Interactive charging and stemming ............................................................................... 23 To set up charging and stemming parameters............................................................. 23 Charging colour settings ........................................................................................ 23 Exiting Charging mode .......................................................................................... 23 Auto-calculating charging start points ............................................................................ 24
Table Of Contents Radius of influence ............................................................................................... 24 Minimum uncharged collar distance .......................................................................... 24 Copying a ring.......................................................................................................... 25 To copy a ring ..................................................................................................... 25 Replicating a ring along the drive .................................................................................. 26 To replicate a ring ................................................................................................ 26 Generating a wireframe and grades ............................................................................... 27 Generate wireframe ................................................................................................ 27 Thick value......................................................................................................... 27 Wireframe .......................................................................................................... 27 Generate tonnes and grades ..................................................................................... 28 Renumbering drillholes............................................................................................... 29 Shortening drillholes .................................................................................................. 29 Deleting objects........................................................................................................ 30 Deleting drillholes ................................................................................................ 30 Creating a plot ......................................................................................................... 31 The Ring Design toolbar.............................................................................................. 32 Pit Optimisation........................................................................................................ 34 MM to Whittle Proteus ................................................................................................ 35 Model Parameters ................................................................................................ 35 The Process ........................................................................................................ 35 Whittle Proteus to MM ................................................................................................ 37 The Process ........................................................................................................ 37 MM to MineMax Planner .............................................................................................. 38 The Process ........................................................................................................ 38 MineMax To MM........................................................................................................ 39 Pit Design ............................................................................................................... 40 Before beginning the Pit Design process .................................................................... 41 Loading a pit design .................................................................................................. 42 In Vizex ............................................................................................................. 42 Pit Design............................................................................................................. 42 Display Options...................................................................................................... 43 Digitising the base string ............................................................................................ 44 Adding roads to the pit ............................................................................................... 46 Creating a switchback ........................................................................................... 47
Table Of Contents Generating the walls of the pit ..................................................................................... 48 Pits with multiple bases ......................................................................................... 49 Draping an outline on a wireframe ................................................................................ 50 For example ....................................................................................................... 50 To drape the outline on a Wireframe:........................................................................ 50 Intersecting the pit with the surrounding topography ......................................................... 51 To move a point .................................................................................................. 51 To extend a string ................................................................................................ 51 Handling crossover strings .......................................................................................... 52 Stockpile Design ....................................................................................................... 52 The Mine Design toolbar ............................................................................................. 53 Pit Constraints.......................................................................................................... 55 The Process ........................................................................................................ 55 Divisions............................................................................................................ 55 Subdivisions ....................................................................................................... 55 Moving between levels .......................................................................................... 55 Blasthole Design ....................................................................................................... 57 Blasthole Setup...................................................................................................... 57 The Process ........................................................................................................ 57 Loading a blasthole design........................................................................................ 59 Creating a new blasthole file ..................................................................................... 59 The Process ........................................................................................................ 59 Blasthole tools ....................................................................................................... 60 Blast Displacement.................................................................................................... 62 Create new ore outline .......................................................................................... 62 Display displacement vectors .................................................................................. 63 Grade Control Setup tools ........................................................................................... 64 Setting up the Grade Control display......................................................................... 64 The Calculation Setup Process................................................................................. 64 Grade Control .......................................................................................................... 66 The Process ........................................................................................................ 66 Calculate grade tonnage within a mining boundary ............................................................ 67 Other applications ................................................................................................ 68 The Process ........................................................................................................ 68 Calculating grade tonnage above a cutoff........................................................................ 70
Table Of Contents The Process ........................................................................................................ 70
Underground Mine Design
Underground mine design In Vizex, the design of underground drives, rises and shafts, declines or inclines, can be undertaken at any gradient, measured by ratio, by angle, or by percentage. Use the Curve Properties tool to digitise curves quickly and easily at a radius suitable for the equipment being used at a particular mine. The radius, bearing, direction and gradient of the curve can be entered. A drive can be designed by creating the Centreline String and then creating the walls using one of several methods.
Use the Generate Sidewalls tool to generate a polygon enclosing the area within a specified distance of the selected string. A dialog is displayed which prompts for the distance for left and right walls. When you click OK, a polygon is formed by joining the left and right walls with two lines perpendicular to the centreline string.
Use the Underground Solid function to apply a profile to the centre line and "extrude" a decline design.
To aid visualisation, a wireframe can be generated from the design strings. Design wireframes can then be used to calculate volumes or for extracting sections which can be used as inputs to ring design, and during the creation of blast patterns. Once a solid has been created, polygon boolean and wireframe boolean functions can be used to further refine your designs and volume calculations.
Underground mine design
Loading an underground design To load an underground design: 1.
Select an option from the Mining | Underground menu to load or create a string file that defines a Centreline, Stope, or Panel. Alternatively, double-click on the Underground Design icon in the Form Sets pane or select the Display | Vizex | Underground Design menu option.
Enter the name of the file (or double-click in the file input box to select a file) containing your underground design strings. If required, define a filter to selectively control the records to be processed. To create a new underground string file, right-click in the file input box and select New from the right-click menu.
Enter the names of the Easting, Northing and RL fields in the file.
Enter the names of the string and join fields.
Choose a suitable line type.
To colour code the lines, enter the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the lines, they will be displayed in the default colour.
Underground Mine Design
Extrude String The Extrude String function converts one or more strings into a wireframe. You can use it to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings. You can define:
The cross-sectional shape of the wireframe - its profile.
The position of the wireframe with respect to the string.
The dimensions of the shape.
The Process In the Wireframe definition tab:
Specify a name attribute. When you create a wireframe from a string, you must enter a name attribute.
(Optional) Click the Attributes button and enter any other attributes for the strings.
(Optional) Click the Metadata button to define a set of attributes that provide information about the data represented by the wireframe.
Select the Close-ends option to close the ends of the selected string before the wireframe is created. The start and end point of the string will be connected by a new segment.
Select the Auto-load the created wireframe option to load the wireframe object into the display once it has been created.
Select the Only use selected strings option to create a wireframe using only those strings that are selected. If no strings are selected, this option will be disabled.
Use the settings in the Profile Shape tab to:
Underground mine design
Select the shape of the wireframe profile.
Enter dimensions for the shape. If you select one of the trapezoids, enter a value for the narrower dimension in the Top or Bottom prompt (the prompt changes according to which of the trapezoid shapes you have chosen).
Enter X and Y offsets to control the position of the wireframes with respect to the strings. The shape and dimensions of the wireframe profile appear in the panel in the centre of the dialog box. The position of the profile with respect to the string is also shown.
Click OK to run the function.
Underground Mine Design
Generate sections and openings The Generate Cross Section Openings function generates rectangular mine openings in section, from string files of horizontal workings. The output is a string file in which each string represents a mine opening, with definable spacing between openings. Input files may describe floor or back surveys or both, and you can define tolerances within which openings will be generated. Strings in the input file do not have to be closed, but the records must consecutively identify points around one side of an opening. An input file can describe workings on several levels, but the function works best if the workings are approximately the same height and width. If there are large differences (for example, you may have drives and large stope outlines), you should separate them into different files in order to generate the openings. You can then append the output files. A useful application is to digitise old mine workings and generate openings. You can then convert the files and append them to polygonal section outline files so the old workings appear on outline plots. The openings files can be used to generate separate plot files. The action of the function at each section location depends on the types of strings present in the input file. Back & floor If the input file contains strings that define both the floor and the back of openings, the function will generate a rectangular opening string if the points are within the nominal height plus or minus the z tolerance and within the nominal width plus or minus the x tolerance. Floor only If only floor strings are present, the function will generate a rectangular opening string if the points are within the nominal width plus or minus the x tolerance and within the z tolerance. The new points will be created at the nominal height, directly above the floor points. Back only If only back strings are present, the function will generate a rectangular opening string if the points are within the nominal width plus or minus the x tolerance and within the z tolerance. The new points will be created at the nominal height, below the back points. The Process 1.
Select Mining | Underground | Sections and Openings from the main menu.
Enter the name of the file containing your data. If required, define a filter to selectively control which records will be processed.
Enter the Easting, Northing and RL field names.
Enter the String field and/or Join field name and the Wildcode (if any).
Choose the type of input strings (BACK & FLOOR, FLOOR ONLY or BACK ONLY). See the overview (above), for more information.
Define parameters for the Openings.
Specify the Section parameters. Select LOOKING EAST or LOOKING NORTH to determine the section line. Provided the points in each case fall within the limits specified above, an opening will be created at the Start section Easting or Northing value, and then at the intervals specified by Section Spacing until the End section is reached.
Enter the Output File name.
Run the function.
Underground mine design
The Mine Design toolbar Use the Mine Design toolbar with the Edit Strings toolbar to edit your design strings and outlines. If the Mine Design toolbar is not displayed, select the View | Toolbars | Mine Design menu option. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Mine Design from the list of toolbar options.
Which buttons and tools are enabled will depend on the object currently selected in the display, or on the tool or mode that is currently active. The width of the application window, and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, may also determine which buttons are displayed. Click the Gradient Control tool to interactively set the elevation of new points when digitising a string. Click the Generate Sidewalls button to generate a polygon enclosing the area within a specified distance of the selected string. Click the Polygon Boolean Operations button, or click the drop-down menu to select from a list of boolean options that can be applied to two or more selected polygons. When you are digitising a new string and want to insert a point at the intersection of two other strings, click the Insert Intersection Point tool to extend the current string by snapping to the nearest string intersection. Click the Project String tool to project a pit string up or down based upon the Batter Height, Batter Slope, and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Click the Project to Elevation tool to project an outline up or down based upon a specified elevation. The base string of a pit, for example, might be projected onto a DTM of the surface.
Click the Project To Berm tool to project the pit outline in both a vertical and a horizontal direction, based upon the Berm Width, Batter Height, Batter Slope and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Depending on the number of intermediate contour strings you have defined, this tool will project up or down until it reaches a berm. To create the berm, an Expand String is performed.
Underground Mine Design
Click the Expand String tool to expand the current string in an inwards or outwards direction based upon the Expansion Distance you have defined in the String Editor tab of the Vizex options dialog. Note: In Pit Design mode, Berm Width and Expand settings in the Pit Design dialog are used to define how the pit outline will be projected.
Click the Weed String tool to make contour strings more manageable by reducing the number of points. Set the amount of point reduction by applying a weed tolerance value. The weed tolerance value can also be applied in the String Editor tab of the Options | Vizex dialog. Click the Extrude String button to convert one or more strings into a wireframe. You can use the Extrude String function to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings.
Underground - Ring Design
Ring Design MICROMINE Ring Design functionality provides for the interactive design, editing and display of underground blasthole layouts. Designs suitable for any stoping method can be generated, taking into account the characteristics of the area being excavated, and the physical limitations of drill rigs. Ring Design data is organised in a Ring database format which contains one or more drives which can be loaded in the same display layer. Wireframe models representing drives can be sliced at any orientation to produce strings that can be used in the hole design procedure. Ring database The Ring database is used to store:
Parameters and ring data associated with each drive. This will include drive points and references to wireframes used to model the drive.
Parameters and drillhole data associated with the rings on each drive
A suggested way of organising ring data, is to store each drive in a separate ring database. In this way, each drive can be added as a separate display layer during the design process. However, if your ring design comprises a large number of drives, you may prefer to store all the drives on the same level in one database. Nam ing of objects All objects in the Ring database are assigned a default name when they are added to the database. You can change the default names at the time you create new objects, or change them later by editing object properties. Selecting objects in the display How objects in the display are selected, will vary depending on whether or not the display is in Ring Design mode. If Ring Design mode is not enabled (and the ring design toolbar is not visible) and you select a ring design object in the display, then the Ring database object is selected as a whole. You cannot select individual objects such as drive or ring boundaries. If Ring Design mode is enabled, then the display objects defined as part of the Ring database can be selected individually, using either the Select tool or the tools on the Ring Design toolbar.
Underground - Ring Design
Loading a ring design To load a ring design: 1.
Select the Mining | Underground | Ring Design menu option. Alternatively, double-click on the Ring Design icon in the Form Sets pane, or select the Display | Vizex | Ring Design menu option.
In the Database tab of the Ring Design form, select an existing Ring database (or specify the name of a new one) in the Load Ring Design dialog. Right-clicking in the Database input box will invoke the following menu options:
Select database
Database Properties
Create New Database Select an option from the right-click menu. The Database Properties option provides a summary of the drives and rings in the current database.
In the Drive tab, specify the display characteristics of the drive outline. If you have chosen to display the drive name, click the More... button to define colour and font characteristics for the display name.
Underground - Ring Design
Here you can also define the start and end location and direction of the drive name text. Specifying the drive name location and direction Select the location for the drive name text at the start and/or the end of the drive string. Choose from: NONE - no text is displayed. AUTO - draws the text parallel to and over the drive string. CENTRE - centres the text above the start/end of the string. DIRECTION - this option allows you to enter an angle that defines the direction of the text displayed at the start/end of the drive string. 4.
In the Ring tab, specify the display characteristics of ring boundaries and drillholes.
Underground - Ring Design
If you want to display the ring name, select the Display name option to enable the display name colour and font selection boxes. As part of the drillhole display options, you can select a symbol for the pivot point, specify a line type, line width, and line colour for drillholes, and select a colour to differentiate between charged and uncharged drillhole sections. If you want to display ring boundaries, select the Display ring boundary option to enable line type, line width, and line colour response boxes. Note: Drive and ring display settings are global and apply to all objects of the same type. Click OK to load the ring design in Vizex. When the ring design object is selected (either in the Object Manager or in the display) the Edit button is enabled on the View toolbar.
Click the Edit button to put the display into Ring Design mode. To open the Ring Design toolbar, select the View | Toolbars | Ring Design menu option. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Ring Design from the list of available toolbars.
Underground - Ring Design
Adding a drive Click the Add Drive button to display the Add Drive dialog.
Drive String Use the Drive String tab to specify a string file and a corresponding wireframe that will be used to represent one or more drives in the Ring Design display.
The string file is the same as any other string file used in MICROMINE and will contain one or more strings. Each string in the nominated file is a reference line that defines the location and linear extent of a drive.
Drive Options Use the Drive Options tab to specify a drive name and a wireframe. Typically, wireframes will have been extruded using strings in the same file. The drive name can be changed later by viewing the properties of the drive.
Underground - Ring Design
To display other non-drive wireframes (for example, a wireframe representing an orebody) use the Load | Wireframe menu option. OK Finally, click OK to add the drive to the display. The drive parameters you have specified (including the data in the string file) are added to the Ring database, including a reference to the wireframe object, which is stored externally. Whenever you open a Ring database, the drives and rings it contains are displayed, together with the wireframes objects specified during the Add Drive process.
Underground - Ring Design
Regenerating drive boundaries Sometimes it may be necessary to adjust the drive wireframe during the design process. After updating the drive wireframe, it is necessary to remove the ring design from the display in order to re-load and refresh the Ring database. Once the ring design has been re-loaded with the updated drive wireframe, click the Regenerate Drive Boundary button to adjust the drive boundaries so that they conform to the new shape of the wireframe.
If no drive is selected and multiple drives exist, all drive boundaries will be updated. Otherwise, only the boundaries of the selected string(s) will be updated. Note: This tool will be disabled when the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode.
Underground - Ring Design
Creating a ring Before you create a ring you will need to select an existing drive in the display, or add a drive to the display. To create a ring on the currently selected drive: 1.
Click the Create Ring tool on the Ring Design toolbar.
When this mode is active an existing ring cannot be selected. The Create Ring function expects the user to define the location of the ring by digitising a point on the drive string. 2.
If the drive wireframe is obscuring your view of the drive string, you can turn off the display of the wireframe object (unselect the checkbox) in the Object Manager (Display pane).
Digitise a reference point for the new ring. An empty ring object is created and a wireframe slice (the drive boundary) is displayed on the drive string. The default ring name, dump angle and location are stored in the Ring database together with the coordinates and bearing of the ring location.
A Properties window is displayed to the left of the graphic display, If necessary, you can edit the default ring name, dump angle, and chainage. Chainage is the distance between the start of the drive and the point digitised as the ring location. (The start of the drive is determined by the direction of the string).
Note: A ring is empty until a ring boundary has been defined. For more information about defining a ring boundary, refer to the Editing a ring topic.
Underground - Ring Design
Editing a ring Click the Edit Ring button to put the display into Ring Design - Edit mode. When you click Edit Ring button, the String Edit toolbar is displayed and enabled. You can use these tools to edit the strings and outlines in your ring design display.
Once in edit mode, you can define a ring boundary, define parallel or fanned drillholes, renumber drillholes, setup for charging, and carry out charging calculations. To enable the edit buttons on the Ring Design toolbar, either an empty or a non-empty ring must be selected in the display. A ring is "empty" if no drillholes or ring boundary have been defined for it. Once Ring Design - Edit mode has been invoked, the orientation of the display is changed so that it is orthogonal to the selected ring plane, and the view is restricted to the selected ring on the current drive (looking towards the ring from the start of the drive).
Note: If the display is not orthogonal, then the edit tools on the ring design toolbar are disabled. To restore the view so that it is orthogonal to the ring plane, click the Set View Orthogonal to Ring Plane button on the toolbar.
The following buttons and tools are enabled on the toolbar: When you click the Define Ring Boundary tool, a restricted version of the String Editor is invoked. This restricted edit mode allows a single string to be created and edited. The string is automatically closed as a single regular polygon which completely encompasses the drive. Once you have created the string that represents the ring boundary, click the Define Ring Boundary button again to exit the restricted edit mode. You will be prompted to save the ring boundary you have created. Click 'Yes' to save the ring boundary to the Ring database and add it to the display. Note: If no ring boundary has been defined for the selected ring, then the Generate Drillhole Fan and Generate Drillholes tools will be disabled. The first time you edit a ring, you will need to zoom out in order to define the ring
Underground - Ring Design
boundary. Editing an existing ring boundary You can edit an existing ring boundary by clicking the Define Ring Boundary tool for a non-empty ring. The vertices of the ring boundary can then be selected and dragged to a new position, or you can select and delete the ring boundary. Click the Define Ring Boundary button again to exit the restricted edit mode. You will be prompted to save your changes (select 'No' to undo any changes). If you select 'Yes', then the changes you have made will be written to the Ring database. Click the Generate Drillhole Fan tool to create a "fan" of holes that all share the same origin (pivot point). Click the Generate Parallel Drillholes tool to create a group of parallel holes within an extent rectangle. Click the Renumber Drillholes button to renumber the holes. Optionally, specify the direction in which the holes will be renumbered. Click the Charging and stemming tool to interactively edit the charging and stemming for all drillholes in a ring. As an alternative to setting up charging and stemming parameters interactively, you can click the Calculate Charging button to apply an algorithm to calculate charging start points. Exiting Ring Edit m ode To exit Ring Design - Edit mode, click the Edit Ring button. You will be prompted to save any changes you have made to the drillholes.
Underground - Ring Design
Generating a drillhole fan To create a drillhole fan: 1.
Click the Generate Drillhole Fan tool.
Digitise a pivot point. The pivot point must be located within the drive boundary. For a drillhole fan, the pivot point for each drillhole remains constant, while the hole angle differs for each hole, based upon the specified angle range, toe spacing, and spacing algorithm.
Once the pivot point has been digitised, move and then drag the mouse in an arc to define the angle range the drillhole fan will cover. As you generate the drillhole fan you can also snap to an existing pivot point or drillhole.
When you release the mouse button, the Generate Fan dialog is displayed.
Enter the drill diameter, the toe spacing, and the spacing algorithm to be applied when generating the fan. The toe spacing is expressed in metres. After you have digitised a pivot point, its coordinates can be edited in a property window which is displayed to the left of the display window. The displayed coordinates represent an offset from the drive string. The pivot point is measured from the intersection point of the string that represents the drive and the ring plane (the drive "centre line"). Note: You cannot edit the position of the pivot point once drillholes have been generated. While you can make minor modifications to the position of the drillholes in the display, it is not recommended. For more information, refer to the Editing drillholes topic.
Underground - Ring Design The angle range and pivot point values are automatically calculated based upon the arc you have defined in the graphic display. 6.
Optionally, modify start and end angle values before generating the drillhole fan. Angles are measured in relation to the display, from the positive Y-axis in an anti-clockwise direction.
Select the Generate holes at start and end angles option to ensure that a drillhole will be generated at both the start angle and the end angle irrespective of the toe spacing. The toe spacing may be affected, depending on the spacing algorithm you apply.
Enter the parameters that describe the type and density of the explosives to be used for charging. Charge details can be included in a ring design report or plot.
Finally, click the OK button to generate the drillhole fan.
Tip: You are not restricted to creating one drillhole fan. You can create multiple fans, and, where appropriate, combine them with parallel drillholes. To ease the process, you can snap to an existing pivot point or drillhole.
Drillhole spacing algorithms When creating a drillhole fan, one of the following spacing algorithms can be selected: Toe Drillholes are spaced according to the toe spacing value defined in the Generate Drillhole Fan dialog. Boundary Drillholes are spaced (within the specified angle range) so that they are equi-distant. Fixed Drillholes are positioned at fixed positions, irrespective of any changes made to the angle range or the toe spacing values.
Underground - Ring Design
Generating parallel drillholes To create parallel drillholes, click and drag the mouse to create a rectangle that represents the area in which parallel holes will be generated. When you release the mouse button, the Generate Parallel Drillholes dialog is displayed: To create a drillhole fan: 1.
Click the Generate Parallel Drillholes tool.
Digitise an initial pivot point. The initial pivot point must be located within the drive boundary. For parallel drillholes, the pivot point is offset for each drillhole situated in parallel, at a specified hole angle.
Once an initial pivot point has been digitised, move and then drag the mouse to define the rectangular area the drillhole fan will cover. As you generate parallel drillholes you can also snap to an existing pivot point or drillhole.
When you release the mouse button, the Generate Parallel Holes dialog is displayed.
Enter the drill diameter, hole angle, and the toe spacing to be applied when generating parallel drillholes. The toe spacing is expressed in metres. After you have digitised a pivot point, its coordinates can be edited in a property window which is displayed to the left of the display window. The displayed coordinates represent an offset from the drive string. The pivot point is measured from the intersection point of the string that represents the drive and the ring plane (the drive "centre line"). Note: You cannot edit the position of the pivot point once drillholes have been generated. While you can make minor modifications to the position of the drillholes in the display, it is not recommended. For more information, refer to the Editing drillholes topic. The position of subsequent pivot points are automatically calculated based upon the hole spacing and the rectangle you have defined in the graphic display.
Underground - Ring Design 6.
Select the Generate holes at start and end angles option to ensure that a drillhole will be generated at both the start angle and the end angle irrespective of the hole spacing.
Enter the parameters that describe the type and density of the explosives to be used for charging. Charge details can be included in a ring design report or plot.
Finally, click the OK button to generate parallel drillholes.
Tip: You are not restricted to creating one set of parallel holes. You can generate parallel drillholes as many times as you like, and, where appropriate, combine them with fanned drillholes. To ease the process, you can snap to an existing pivot point or drillhole.
Underground - Ring Design
Editing drillholes When you click on a drillhole to select it, its properties are displayed in a read-only panel which shows the drill diameter, pivot point coordinates, hole angle, hole length, and charging information.
While you cannot edit these properties, you can use the mouse to modify the position of the drillhole in the display. When you drag a drillhole to a new position with the mouse, its length is adjusted so that it automatically snaps to the ring boundary and the position of the pivot point is automatically adjusted. You can also click on and drag the start point or end point to change the hole angle. Any changes made in the display are reflected in the properties dialog. Tip: In general, adjusting the position and angle of individual drillholes is not recommended. If you need to make a large number of modifications, it is easier to delete drillholes and reuse the Generate Drillhole functions. Deleting drillholes There are a number of ways in which drillholes can be deleted. To delete a single drillhole, select it with the mouse and press the Delete button (either on the Ring Design toolbar or on the keyboard).
To select and delete multiple drillholes, hold down the CTRL or the SHIFT key as you select them with the mouse and then press Delete. Alternatively, you can use the select tool to define an extent rectangle that encompasses the drillholes you want to delete before pressing the Delete button. To clear all drillholes for the current ring, press the Delete button when nothing is selected in the display. You will be asked to confirm the deletion. Note that the ring and drive boundaries will not be deleted.
Underground - Ring Design
Interactive charging and stemming The Charging and Stemming tool is enabled when a ring with drillholes is selected in the display, and the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode.
To set up charging and stemm ing parameters Click the Charging and Stemming tool and use the mouse to adjust the charged and uncharged (stemming) portions of each drillhole. Alternatively, you can use the Auto-calculate button to apply an algorithm to calculate initial charging start points for ALL drillholes before modifying them interactively. Caution: Any charging and stemming settings will need to be checked by the user and preferably verified by a mining engineer prior to the creation of a blasthole layout. When you click the Charging and Stemming tool and select a drillhole, a properties window is displayed to the left of the graphic display which shows the charging and stemming setup for the selected hole.
In the example shown above, drillhole 17 is the current hole. Red denotes charging and cyan denotes stemming. Charging colour settings Colour settings for charging and stemming are configured as part of your Ring Design properties. Double-click on the Ring Design icon in the Form Sets pane and then modify the colour settings in the Ring tab. Exiting Charging m ode When you exit Charging mode (by clicking the Charging and Stemming button again, or by clicking the Ring Edit button to exit Ring Design - Edit mode), you will be prompted to save your changes to the Ring database.
Underground - Ring Design
Auto-calculating charging start points As an alternative to setting up charging and stemming parameters interactively, you can click the Calculate Charging & Stemming button to apply an algorithm to calculate charging start points for ALL the drillholes in the current ring.
Note: Any settings you have applied interactively for individual drillholes will be lost. When you click on the Calculate Charging & Stemming button, the following dialog is displayed:
Radius of influence Specify a radial distance (from any point along the charged section of a drillhole) that represents the expected extent of fragmentation after blasting. Minimum uncharged collar distance A drillhole is rarely charged at, or in close proximity to, the drillhole collar. Specify a minimum uncharged collar distance at which to stem the drillhole.
Underground - Ring Design
Copying a ring The Copy Ring function allows the currently selected ring to be copied to a new location on any drive. Once in Copy mode, you can select a point on any drive (including the drive the source ring is located on) as the location for a new ring. If necessary, the location of the new ring can be modified later using the Edit Ring function. To copy a ring 1.
In the display, select the ring you want to copy. The Copy Ring button is enabled on the Ring Design toolbar.
The Copy function requires that you digitise a point on the underlying drive string, which may be obscured from view. You can turn off the display of the wireframe object (unselect the checkbox) in the Object Manager (Display pane).
Click the Copy Ring button and digitise a point that represents the location of the new ring on the chosen drive.
A copy of the ring is displayed and the copied ring becomes the current ring. The properties of the ring are displayed. If necessary, change the default ring name and the chainage.
While in Copy mode, you can digitise another point on the same (or another) drive string to copy the current ring again. When you are finished copying, click the Copy Ring tool to exit Copy mode.
Underground - Ring Design
Replicating a ring along the drive Along an individual drive, rings are often identical in terms of their ring boundary, drillhole pattern and charging setup. The Replicate Ring Along Drive function allows you to save on planning time by copying a ring along the drive multiple times. To replicate a ring 1.
In the display, select the ring you want to replicate. The Replicate Ring Along Drive button is enabled on the Ring Design toolbar.
Click the Replicate Ring Along Drive button. The Replicate Ring dialog is displayed.
Specify how many rings are to be replicated along the drive and the spacing (distance in metres) between them. Replicated rings can be created in the same direction as the selected ring, or in the opposite direction.
There may be occasions when you want to add "empty" rings at a regular spacing along the drive. In this case, make sure the Copy Ring Boundary option is not selected. A ring is empty unless a ring boundary has been defined for it.
The Copy Drillholes option will only be enabled when you have chosen to copy the ring boundary. In other words, you cannot copy drillholes independently of the ring boundary they belong to. In most cases you will want to replicate the selected ring boundary, drillhole pattern and charging setup. Both options should therefore be selected.
Finally, click OK to generate and display new rings along the drive and store them in the Ring database. All new rings are renamed and numbered incrementally based upon the name of the selected ring.
Underground - Ring Design
Generating a wireframe and grades Use this function to generate a wireframe which represents the area that will be blasted for the current ring. You also have the option of estimating tonnes and grades for the blasted area. When a ring is selected in the display, the Generate Wireframe and Grades button is enabled on the Ring Design toolbar.
Click this button to open the Generate Wireframe and grades dialog. There are two tabs:
Generate wireframe Use the Generate Wireframe tab to load a wireframe which represents the area that will be blasted for the current ring.
The name of the current ring and drive are displayed at the top of the tab. Thick value The height and the width of the ring boundary is used when generating a wireframe of the blasted area for the current ring. To estimate the depth of the blasted area, enter a Thick value which is an estimate of the extent of rock fragmentation at either side of the ring boundary. If a value of 4 metres is entered, for example, then we expect the rock to fragment 2 metres from either side of the ring boundary. Wireframe Before you can create a wireframe and save it, you will need to specify its type and enter the standard and (where appropriate) user-defined attributes for that type. To enter user-defined attributes, click the Attributes button. To enter Metadata, click the Metadata button.
Underground - Ring Design
Generate tonnes and grades Use the Generate Tonnes and Grades tab to estimate tonnes and grades for the blasted area represented by the wireframe.
To calculate tonnes and grades for the blasted area represented by the wireframe:
Select the Generate tonnes and grades option to enable the OBM file inputs. The function requires a block model (OBM) file containing tonnes and grades data.
Enter the name of the block model and the names of the East, North and RL fields within it.
Enter the name of an SG field and/or specify a default SG value. If SG values are missing from some of the records, you should enter a default value. This will be substituted when those records are processed.
Specify one or more fields whose values will be used in the calculation of grades.
Enter the name of the Report file where the tonnes and grades results will be written. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file exists, you can append a new set of calculations. When you run the process, the calculated tonnes and grades are also displayed in a results table.
Underground - Ring Design
Renumbering drillholes The first hole created will, by default, be numbered as hole number 1, with subsequent holes being incremented by 1 in an anti-clockwise direction. To change the default numbering and the direction in which holes are numbered, when the display is in Ring Edit mode, click on a hole in the display to select it and then click the Renumber Drillholes button. The selected hole then becomes hole number 1, and all subsequent holes in a clockwise direction are re-numbered based on the new start hole. Each time the Renumber Drillholes button is selected, the direction of the hole numbering is toggled between clockwise and anti-clockwise.
Shortening drillholes It may be necessary to apply under-drilling to certain holes. When the display is in Ring Design Edit mode and one or more holes are selected, click the Shorten Drillholes button:
Specify a distance by which the selected hole(s) will be shortened and click OK.
Underground - Ring Design
Deleting objects Clicking the Delete button on the Ring Design toolbar (or on the keyboard) deletes the currently selected object, whether it be a drive, a ring, or a drillhole. Deleting an object deletes all "sub-objects". If you delete a drive, all rings on that drive will be deleted. If you delete a ring, all drillholes on that ring will be deleted. Caution: When you use the Delete function, you will be prompted whether to continue with the delete operation. There is currently no undo facility. Deleting drillholes When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode, drillholes can be selected and deleted in a number of ways:
TO delete ALL drillholes in a ring, click the Delete button when no drillholes are selected.
To delete a single drillhole, click on it to select it, then click the Delete button.
To delete multiple drillholes, use the CTRL key with the mouse to select the drillholes you want to delete. Alternatively, drag the mouse to define a rectangle that encloses the drillholes you want to delete. Click the Delete button.
To delete drillholes in increasing drillhole order (based on the current clockwise or anticlockwise numbering direction):
Click on the drillhole you want to delete FROM.
Hold down the SHIFT key and click on the drillhole you want to delete TO. All drillholes that fall between the delete FROM And TO drillholes, including the FROM and TO drilholes, will be deleted when you click the Delete button.
Underground - Ring Design
Creating a plot Plotting works the same as for other Vizex display modes. However, a specific type of plot, designed specifically for a drill rig operator, is provided. To create a Ring plot: 1.
Click the Plot button when you are in Ring Design - Edit mode - or when you have a ring selected in the display.
The Generate Plot File dialog is displayed. Click OK. A Ring plot file is created.
Click the Plot Editor button and load the plot file you created in the previous step.
Click 'Yes' when prompted to import parameters. Note that a new layout definition MM RING is provided.
Click the OK button on the toolbar to generate the plot.
Note: The data contained in each frame of the plot layout is extracted from the Ring database and is stored in a temporary (.DAT) data file in the current project folder. These temporary files are given a __ringdesign prefix. You should not delete these temporary files. Temporary files associated with a Ring plot file are automatically deleted whenever you delete the Ring plot file.
Underground - Ring Design
The Ring Design toolbar When a Ring Design object has been loaded and is selected in the display, click the Edit button to open the Ring Design toolbar.
The following tools are provided:
Which buttons and tools are enabled will depend on the object currently selected in the display, or on the tool or mode that is currently active. The Define Ring Boundary tool, for example, will be disabled until you select a ring in the display and enter Ring Design - Edit mode (by clicking the Edit Ring button. See below). The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, will also determine what buttons are displayed. If the Ring Design toolbar is not displayed, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Ring Design from the list of toolbar options. Click the Add Drive button to specify a string file and a corresponding wireframe file that will be used to represent one or more drives in the Ring Design display. Each string in the nominated file will be treated as a separate drive. Typically, wireframes will have been extruded using the strings in the same file. It may be necessary to adjust the drive wireframe during the design process. To adjust the drive boundaries so that they conform to the new shape of the drive wireframe, click the Regenerate Drive Boundary button. Before you use the Create New Ring tool to create a new ring object, you will need to select an existing drive in the display, or add a drive to the display. Click the Edit Ring button to put the display into Ring Design - Edit mode. Once in edit mode, you can define a ring boundary, define parallel or fanned drillholes, renumber drillholes, setup for charging, and carry out charging calculations. The Copy Ring function allows the currently selected ring to be copied to a new location on any drive. Once in Copy mode, you can select a point on any drive (including the drive the source ring is located on) as the location for a new ring. Along an individual drive, rings are often identical in terms of their ring boundary, drillhole pattern and charging setup. The Replicate Ring Along Drive function allows you to save on planning time by copying a ring along the drive multiple times. Clicking the Delete button on the Ring Design toolbar, deletes the currently selected object, whether it be a drive, ring, or drillhole.
Underground - Ring Design
Use the Generate Wireframe function to Generate a wireframe which represents the area that will be blasted for the current ring. You also have the option of estimating tonnes and grades for the blasted area. When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode and you click the Define Ring Boundary tool, a restricted version of the String Editor is invoked. This restricted edit mode allows a single string to be created and edited. The string is automatically closed as a single regular polygon which completely encompasses the drive. Once you have created the string that represents the ring boundary, click the Define Ring Boundary button again to exit the restricted edit mode. You will be prompted to save the ring boundary you have created. Click OK to save the ring boundary to the Ring database and add it to the display. Note: If no ring boundary has been defined for the selected ring, then the Generate Drillhole Fan and Generate Parallel Drillholes tools will be disabled. The first time you edit a ring, you will need to zoom out in order to define the ring boundary.
When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode and a non-empty ring is selected, click the Generate Drillhole Fan tool to create a "fan" of holes that all share the same origin (pivot point). When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode and a non-empty ring is selected, click the Generate Parallel Drillholes tool to create a group of parallel holes within an extent rectangle. When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode, click the Renumber Drillholes button to renumber the holes. Optionally, specify the direction in which the holes will be renumbered. It may be necessary to apply under-drilling to certain holes. When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode and one or more holes are selected, click the Shorten Drillholes button to shorten the length of those holes by a specified distance. When the display is in Ring Design - Edit mode, click the Charging and Stemm ing tool to interactively set up and edit the charging and stemming for all drillholes in a ring. As an alternative to setting up charging and stemming parameters interactively, you can click the Calculate Charging button to apply an algorithm to calculate charging start points. Click the Set View Orthogonal button to change the orientation of the display so that it is orthogonal to the selected ring plane. This is particularly useful when you want to reset the display in Ring Design - Edit mode. When you edit a ring, the display must always be orthogonal. to the selected ring plane. Click the Ring Design Options button to display the options that can be applied to the ring design process.
Opencut – Pit Design
Pit Optimisation The Pit Optimisation functions convert MICROMINE ore body model files into the formats required by WHITTLE PROTEUS and MINEMAX pit optimisation programs. While the actual optimisation is performed outside MICROMINE, the Result files and Mining Sequence files generated by the WHITTLE and MINEMAX programs can be imported back into MICROMINE using the Whittle Proteus to MM and the MineMax to MM functions. These functions convert the optimised results files back into an ore body model file.
Using pit optimisation in the early stages of exploration Pit optimisation can be used, even in the early stages of exploration, to assess the likelihood that a prospect can be developed into an economic mine. A problem at this stage is there is very little grade information available to build proper block models. This can be overcome by creating a blank block model and then using the outline or wireframe assign processes to apply grades to the blocks in the model. While potentially very useful, this approach must be used with care. Problems can occur since the grades which are applied from the outlines or the block models are frequently generated using the Modelling | Polygonal Section Estim ate | Grade Tonnage Report or Modelling | Polygonal W irefram e Estimate | Grade Tonnage Report functions. Since these grade estimation processes use simple or simple weighted averages, it is possible for one large value to over-bias the grade estimate of an outline or a wireframe. When grades are biased in this way, the pit shells being derived by the optimisation process can be over extended and you will obtain a false estimate of the economic viability of the operation. This same bias can also occur with the block modelling functions. However, because the values can be distance weighted, it generally only occurs when a very few data points are used in the estimation process.
Determining which blocks in different domains overlap Do this using the Modelling | Index | 3D Block Index function and the File | Merge | MM function. Firstly, define a block index with a common origin for each domain. Base the block size on the block spacing in the domain with the large block sizes. Use the Merge function to merge the blocks from the domain with the large block size to the blocks in the other domain using the common block index as the key. No data is transferred in the merging process. Instead, you must define a merging value to record the domain overlap. If there are more than two domains, you must run this merging process multiple times to ensure that all blocks in all domains are cross-referenced.
Opencut – Pit Optimisation
MM to Whittle Proteus The MM to Whittle Proteus function can be used to output data for use in either single commodity or multiple commodity Whittle programs. Whittle Proteus functions allow more complex investigations of the economic potential of a deposit modelled in MICROMINE. All necessary information, including 3D block model and DTM parameters, must be supplied in the MM to Whittle Proteus dialog box. In addition to information on block GRADE, ROCK TYPE, SG MCAF and PCAF’s, the interface allows you to specify SG, MCAF and PCAF’s for waste blocks. Block factors can be used to describe the portions of a block that are ore, waste, internal air, or in another ore domain. Previous Whittle interfaces provided by MICROMINE allowed for the alteration of SG, MCAF and PCAF with depth. Using the MM to Whittle Proteus interface, the depth at which the new default values take effect can be variable and can be controlled by DTMs. The pit profile index allows information on the pit profiles (slope angles) to be defined in the MICROMINE OBM. The Ore parcels facility allows multiple ore parcels to be written to the Whittle model file. MICROMINE blocks that are combined together into one Whittle block are preserved as ore parcels. Model Parameters In addition to the polygonal model, section block model, and sec file that defines the topography, you need the following to use this function:
Default values for SG, Ore factor and Rock factor. The default values do not include values for ore and processing factors with the default SG as the default Ore and Mining factors are considered to be 1. This is the factor used for a typical block. Different default values for SG together with Ore and Mining factors can be defined to apply below selected RLs. Of the Ore or Rock factor fields are left blank then a value of 1 will be set for this factor.
The mining block size - the smallest size that can be differentiated during extraction.
Expected pit limits.
These parameters are optional:
Information on the mining cost and additional processing cost per tonne of rock. Since the Whittle optimisation software generates multiple pit shells each of which are optimal under different mining and economic scenarios, the costs are presented as ratio values relative to a typical block, rather than direct dollar values. The Whittle Proteus software allows you to define the values that will be used by the reference mining block.
Information on the type of Rock (ore) in each mining block. This must be a character string of 4 or less characters. Do not use the identifier Ore as this is used as the default Ore type.
The time taken by the Whittle software to create the model file, depends on the number of blocks. A large number can require several hours processing. For this reason, the OBM blocks should be reblocked to at least a minimum mining block; early runs should be done on multiples of a minimum mining block. Input requirements The Process 1.
Select Mining | Opencut | Pit Optim isation | MM to Whittle Proteus from the main menu.
Enter the name of the block model file and the names of the coordinate fields in that file.
Enter the name of the DTM file that defines the topography.
Enter the names of the various fields in the input block model file.
Opencut – Pit Design 5.
Enter values in the CAF defaults dialog. These will be used if you don't have fields in the block model file containing SG, PCAF and MCAF values for ore and waste or if values are missing in these fields. You can also enter further default values for blocks beneath given RLs or DTMs.
Enter the name of the field in the MICROMINE OBM that contains pit profile information.
Define whether of not you want to write ore parcels into the blocks in the Whittle model file. Ore parcels are used to preserve information, which could affect the economics of a block when the Whittle block is composed of multiple MICROMINE blocks. Once the Ore Parcels option is checked you can then define the way in which MICROMINE blocks will be combined to form a Whittle block.
The optimising volume defines the total volume for which optimising will be performed. Enter the coordinates at the lower corner of the volume in Min E, N and RL and the coordinates in the upper corner of the volume in Max E, N and RL. This volume will generally be larger than the volume of the MICROMINE Block model. The reason for this is that the MICROMINE model normally consists of ore only and it is necessary to allow for the pit slopes within the Optimising volume. As a rule of thumb the extra space you allow on all sides of the MICROMINE OBM should be equal to the depth of the block model. For example, if you had a MM block model with the following dimensions East 1500 – 1700, North 2300 – 2600, RL 300 – 550 make the optimising volume East 14750 – 17250, North 22750 – 26250, RL 300 – 500.
Enter the names of the output model, report and parameter files and choose the output file format from the list.
10. Click OK to run the function.
Opencut – Pit Optimisation
Whittle Proteus to MM This function convert the output from the Whittle pit optimisation program (a Results file or a Mining Sequence file) back into a MICROMINE 3D block model file. This model can then be used to define pit shells and to flag blocks in the 3D block model file which are in the "optimal pit". The Process 1.
Select Mining | Opencut | Pit Optim isation | W hittle Proteus to MM from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Parameter file
Enter a pit number. Whittle Proteus generates a series of nested pits that correspond to different product prices. Low numbers represent low product prices, high values represent high product prices. The number you enter here will import all pits, up to and including the response value, into a MICROMINE block model file. You can then select a pit using a filter.
Define what is to be imported, the Whittle Results and / or the Whittle Mining Sequence file. Enter the name of the Whittle RES file and the name of the Whittle MSQ file as necessary and define the format of these files Column or comma delimited). Note: If both the Results file and the Mining Sequence file are imported back into MICROMINE at the same time, then both sets of data will be written to the MICROMINE OBM file.
If the data is from Whittle 4D, check the 4D option.
Enter a name for the MICROMINE OBM file to be created.
Define whether or not a block index is to be written to the file together with its origin. The block index will be based on the size of the Whittle blocks.
Click OK to run the function. The output from Pit Optimisation is a MICROMINE block model file that contain the following fields.
Opencut – Pit Design
MM to MineMax Planner The Process 1.
Select Mining | Opencut | Pit Optim isation | MM to MineMax Planner from the main menu.
Enter the name of the block model file and the names of the coordinate fields in that file.
Enter the name of the DTM file that defines the topography.
Enter the names of the various fields in the input block model file.
Enter values in the CAF defaults dialog. These will be used if you don't have fields in the block model file containing SG, PCAF and MCAF values for ore and waste, or if values are missing in these fields. You can also enter further default values for blocks beneath given RLs or DTMs.
Enter the name of the field in the MICROMINE OBM that contains pit profile information.
Define whether of not you want to write ore parcels into the blocks in the MineMax model file. Ore parcels are used to preserve information, which could affect the economics of a block when the MineMax block is composed of multiple MICROMINE blocks. Once the Ore Parcels option is checked you can then define the way in which MICROMINE blocks will be combined to form a MineMax block.
The optimising volume defines the total volume for which optimising will be performed. Enter the coordinates at the lower corner of the volume in Min E, N and RL and the coordinates in the upper corner of the volume in Max E, N and RL. This volume will generally be larger than the volume of the MICROMINE Block model. The reason for this is that the MICROMINE model normally consists of ore only and it is necessary to allow for the pit slopes within the Optimising volume. As a rule of thumb the extra space you allow on all sides of the MICROMINE OBM should be equal to the depth of the block model. For example, if you had a MM block model with the following dimensions East 1500 – 1700, North 2300 – 2600, RL 300 – 550 make the optimising volume East 14750 – 17250, North 22750 – 26250, RL 300 – 500.
Enter the names of the output model, report and parameter files and choose the output file format from the list.
10. Click OK to run the function. Note: This function replaces the (version 9.1) MineMax option that was provided by the File | Export | OBM function.
Opencut – Pit Optimisation
MineMax To MM This function convert the output from the MineMax pit optimisation program (a Results file or a Mining Sequence file) back into a MICROMINE 3D block model file. This model can then be used to define pit shells and to flag blocks in the 3D block model file which are in the "optimal pit". Do the following: 1.
Select Mining | Opencut | Pit Optim isation | MineMax Planner / Scheduler to MM from the main menu.
Enter the name of the Parameter file.
Define what is to be imported. If importing from MineMAX Planner, specify the location of a Model parameter file and a Results file. Identify the format of these files as either Column or Comma Delimited. If importing from MineMax Scheduler, specify the location of a Backschedule file and its associated Configuration file.
Enter a Pit number. MineMax generates a series of nested pits that correspond to different product prices. Low numbers represent low product prices, high values represent high product prices. The number you enter here will import all pits, up to and including the response value, into a MICROMINE block model file. You can then select a pit using a filter.
Enter a name for the MICROMINE OBM file to be created.
Click OK to run the function. The output from Pit Optimisation is a MICROMINE block model file that contain the following fields.
Note: This function replaces the (version 9.1) MineMax option that was provided by the File | Import | OBM function.
Opencut – Pit Design
Pit Design The Visual Explorer (Vizex) provides the tools necessary to be able to generate an open pit or a stockpile, complete with haul roads. The pit (or stockpile) can be generated from either the base upwards or from the crest downwards. You begin by digitising a base string in the display. To help you locate this correctly you can display ore strings, a block model, topographic contours, and pit optimisation output, in the background. Pit or stockpile walls are generated according to the parameters you define. There are comprehensive editing and road design facilities. You can create complex pits with multiple bases, variable RL bases, intersecting topography, push-backs and more. In addition to the pit constraints you define, you can import a constraints model that can be used to project varying slope angles and berm widths in different parts, and at different elevations, of the pit. For more information refer to the Assigning outlines to populate the constraints model and Pit Constraints topics. Pit Design is an iterative process. You can optimize your pit outline by using the tools on the Edit Strings and Mine Design toolbars:
New String
Smooth String
Weed String
Right-click New | Road
Opencut – Pit Design
Project to Berm
You can preview your pit outline, generate a wireframe, and load it into the 3D Viewer. At any stage you can use the Undo button to undo the last edit or revert back to a previous level in the design process. You can intervene at any stage or allow automatic features to perform part of the design using default values. However, the entire process can not be totally automated. Features such as initial road directions, switchbacks, passing bays, road intersections and changing road slopes, all require manual intervention. Before beginning the Pit Design process
You should be familiar with the Edit String functions and the tools provided on the Edit Strings toolbar.
You should have some knowledge of the Wireframing functions in MICROMINE.
You should have some idea of the existing surface topography, the nature and extent of the orebody, and the economic limits of the mine.
Set the display limits. The minimum and maximum coordinates should define an area larger than the largest pit that will be generated. In most cases the extents of the display will coincide with the boundaries of a block model or a pit optimisation string that defines the area of interest and what you want to mine.
Opencut – Pit Design
Loading a pit design While this topic refers to the design of a pit, the functionality described below applies equally to the design of a stockpile or a waste dump. How the walls of the pit or stockpile are projected, will depend on how the string expansion tools are applied. In Vizex To begin the Pit Design process, select Mining | Opencut | Pit Design. Alternatively, double-click on the Pit Design icon in the Form Sets pane, or select the Display | Vizex | Pit Design menu option. Before beginning the pit design process you should set the display Limits, or load another display object, for example an ore body block model, that defines your area of interest. After loading a block model, you may still need to edit the display limits. For example, to specify a starting RL for the block display.
Pit Design Use the Pit Design tab to specify the display settings and constraints to be used when generating an open pit or stockpile:
Enter the name of a Pit file (or double-click in the file input box to select a file) containing your pit outline data. A Pit file is the same as any other string file used in MICROMINE, but includes an additional Road field. To create a new pit file, right-click in the file input box and select New from the right-click menu. Define the default settings to be applied when you use the string editing tools to generate the slopes, batters and berms for sectors at various levels within a pit outline.
Enter the Batter Height or Bench Thickness. This is the vertical distance between a toe at the current level and the crest at the next RL.
Enter a Contour Interval. This is used to generate additional contour strings between successive toes and crests, for example, to denote benches. The Batter Height must be a multiple of the Contour Interval value.
Opencut – Pit Design 4.
Enter the Batter Slope. This is the default angle, measured from the horizontal, between successive toe and crest strings. The angle is measured in degrees to two decimal places and a maximum of 90.
Enter the default Berm Width. This is the horizontal distance between a toe and corresponding crest at the same RL.
Note: If a Constraints model is used, the Batter Slope and Berm Width values specified in that file will be used instead of the default values. 6.
Optionally select the Taper berms at road crossings option to taper the berm where it crosses a road. Enter a Length of taper value in grid units.
Select Expand (UP or DOWN, OUT or IN) settings to determine how the walls of the pit or waste dump will be projected using the Project String, Project To Berm and Expand String tools on the Editor Strings toolbar. Typically you will select the Expand UP and OUT options to generate a pit up and out from a digitised base string. For more information refer to the Generating a pit outline topic.
Optionally select Variable constraints? to import a Constraints Model that can be used to project varying slope angles and berm widths in different parts of the pit.
10. Click the More button to select a block model file that will be used to store constraints. Identify Easting, Northing and RL fields, and identify the fields that will be used to override the default Slope and Berm Width values entered in the Pit Design dialog. For more information refer to the Assigning Outlines to a Constraints Model topic or the Mining | Opencut | Pit Constraints section of the online help.
Display Options There are different modes for creating strings in Pit Design. Use the Display Options tab to set a suitable line colour, line type and line width for the types of string the pit outline is comprised of.
Opencut – Pit Design
Digitising the base string To begin the design process, you need to first digitise the base string. How the walls of the pit (or stockpile) are generated from the base string is determined by parameters and settings in the Pit Design tab of the Pit Design dialog. 1.
Before you begin, make sure the display limits are set so that the current RL is that of the base of the pit (or stockpile). Typically, an ore body model and/or a pit optimisation string will be displayed as a background layer, showing what you want to mine at the current level.
To switch to edit mode, make sure the file containing your pit outline data is selected in the Object Manager Display pane and click the Edit button on the View toolbar:
The tools you will use to generate a pit outline are provided on the Edit Strings toolbar:
and the Mine Design toolbar:
Click the New String tool and digitise points on the screen.
When you use the New String tool a Toe string is always created. Note: There are different modes for creating strings. Use the Right-click New String menu to select a (toe, crest, road, contour, other) string mode option. Keep adding points to define the string and close the string onto the first point. If you intend to use the Smoothing and Weeding tools to optimize the base string, then you should make the base string quite coarse.
Opencut – Pit Design
Tip: The integrity of the shape of the pit may be lost if you use the Smoothing and Weeding tools higher up. It is safer to insert points manually as you progress upwards from the base string. Use your common sense as you add more points. Certainly make the corners quite curved and include more points in the area of the road. Long continuous lines need less definition and therefore fewer points. Avoid sharp corners as this can lead to problems as the pit is expanded upwards.
Opencut – Pit Design
Adding roads to the pit After digitising and smoothing the base string, you can start a new road. 1.
To start a new road, right-click on a point on the base string and select the Road | Edit menu option from the right-click menu.
Note: The Road menu will not be available on the right-click menu unless you click on a point.
Enter road (Width, Gradient, Gradient Units, and Direction) properties. The width of the road should be at least as wide as the Berm Width. In practice it will be wider.
After defining Road properties using a saved form set, or using the Edit Properties dialog, the point you clicked on is shown as a red road point and the point nearest to the road point is moved, or a new point is inserted, to form a road entrance.
As you generate the walls of the pit, the road will be generated with it. Unless you are creating a switchback, try not to move the road around, as this can cause problems as you generate the pit higher up.
Opencut – Pit Design
Creating a switchback To change the direction of a road (create a switchback): 1.
Right-click on a road point at the location where you want the road to change direction. Move the road point out to define the extent of the turning area.
Manually edit the turning area by moving or inserting points in the toe string.
Click on the same road point and select None from the Road menu. This closes the current road.
Right-click on the point where you want to continue the road and navigate to the Road menu on the right-click menu. Select a saved form set which contains road properties with a different road direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise). Alternatively, select the Edit menu option to define new Road properties and specify a different road direction.
Opencut – Pit Design
Generating the walls of the pit Once you have created a base string and started a road, the next stage is to generate the walls. How the walls of the pit (or stockpile) are generated is determined by the default (Batter Height, Batter Slope, Berm Width, Contour Interval) parameters you set in the Pit Design dialog. Note: If a Constraints Model file is applied, settings in the constraints file will override default Batter Slope and Berm Width settings in the Pit Design dialog. The Pit Design dialog includes Expand settings which (together with the pit parameters) define the behaviour of the Expand String, Project String, and Project To Berm tools on the Mine Design toolbar: Click the Expand String tool to expand the current string in an inwards or outwards direction based upon the Expansion Distance you have defined in the Mine Design toolbar, or in the String Editor tab of the Vizex options dialog. Note: In Pit Design mode, Berm Width and Expand settings in the Pit Design dialog are used to define how the pit outline will be projected.
Click the Project String tool to project the pit outline up or down based upon the Batter Height, Batter Slope, and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Click the Project To Berm tool to project the pit outline in both a vertical and a horizontal direction, based upon the Berm Width, Batter Height, Batter Slope and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Depending on the number of intermediate contour strings you have defined, this tool will project up or down until it reaches a berm. To create the berm, an Expand String is performed. You can add successive crest, contour and toe strings individually using the Project String and Expand String tools, or you can use the Project To Berm tool.
If a problem is encountered, clicking the Undo button on the editor toolbar will undo each individual string. As you generate the walls of the pit (or stockpile), ie. expanding the walls of the pit upwards by a defined batter height, the background block display will change to show blocks for the level the pit has reached. If you select the Clip to Window option in the View | Display Limits dialog, you can also restrict the string display to the current level. If Clip To Window is selected, you can use the Next and Previous section tools on the View toolbar to step back and forth through the contours and blocks at each successive level. As the pit is expanded, additional points and segments may need to be inserted to provide proper control over the shape of the pit. If a part of the pit is too concave (the pit walls curve in) problems can arise as the pit is expanded and strings may cross over.
Opencut – Pit Design
Note: The slope should never be steeper than the slope defined as part of your pit constraints. In other words, you should always move out when moving points. Never move points in. Pits with multiple bases If the pit is to have multiple bases which coalesce as the pit extends upwards, start by designing a pit base for each of the bases and generate them up to the level at which they coalesce. It is important to ensure that the RL of the display is set correctly before each pit base is added. To digitise multiple bases which coalesce: 1.
Select the bases that coalesce. Hold down the SHIFT key as you select them. The points on the last string you select are highlighted as solid black squares. The points on the string(s) you selected previously are highlighted as clear or outline squares.
Note: You can only edit one string at a time. You can not edit a string when multiple strings are selected. All you can do is move or copy them. If you hold down the CTRL key and click on another string when only one string is selected, a JOIN STRING operation is performed. 2.
Use the Project String and Expand String tools to generate the walls of the pit from the selected strings.
When you reach the level(s) where the base strings coalesce, delete segments and then digitise new points and segments in order to join the base strings together.
Continue to generate the walls of the pit.
For more information, refer to the Edit Strings toolbar and Mine Design toolbar topics.
Opencut – Pit Design
Draping an outline on a wireframe As well as generating a wireframe from an outline, it is useful to be able to drape an outline onto a wireframe created from associated geo-technical or topological data. For example
When digitising a pit, you might want the batters to match with the slope of a coal seam and build the pit outline at the same inclination, rather than start from a flat base.
When digitising a waste dump or a stockpile, you might want to drape the base string over a DTM of the ground surface.
To drape the outline on a W ireframe: 1.
Use the Form Sets pane to load the wireframe(s) you want to drape.
Select the outline or string you want to drape over the wireframe.
Click the Drape On Wireframe tool on the Edit Strings toolbar:
The selected string is dropped vertically on the wireframe(s) currently displayed.
Points are inserted wherever a string crosses a triangle boundary.
Opencut – Pit Design
Intersecting the pit with the surrounding topography When intersecting the pit with topography it is a good idea to also display a set of contour strings as background. As with the display of blocks, use a filter to restrict the contours that are shown at each level. Where the pit starts to break through the topography use the right-click Delete Segment option to break the appropriate pit string. If necessary move the endpoints of the string to intersect with the corresponding topography contour. Then generate the next level and progress upwards. To m ove a point To move a point, simply click on the point and hold the mouse button down. The cursor will change to an open square surrounded by four arrowheads. Drag the point to its new position. To extend a string With the cursor on the string, right-click and select Extend from the right-click menu. The position of the cursor will determine at which end of the string the points are appended. Points will be appended to the nearest end. Note: When a pit string is open (does not close on itself) the expand tools will only operate from the selected point to the end point. If the selected point is not the first point on the string then further strings will only be generated on the defined portion. Refer to the Edit Strings topic in the Core reference, for more information about the functions and tools you can use when you are editing strings in the display.
Opencut – Pit Design
Handling crossover strings When you use the Project String, Expand String, and Project To Berm tools to generate the walls of the pit, occasionally strings may be crossed over due to defects or kinks in the string which cannot be immediately detected or resolved as the pit walls are generated. To resolve crossover strings you can use the Fix Crossover tool to automatically detect and resolve them.
Where there is an acute angle between consecutive segments on a selected string, the points on those segments are highlighted in pink. A cross-over will generally occur as a result of this defect when the next string is generated. To manually resolve crossover strings: 1.
Insert a point at the point where the strings crossover.
Delete the two extraneous points and resolve any defect in the current string.
Refer to the Edit Strings topic for more information about the functions and tools you can use when you are editing strings.
Stockpile Design The functions and tools used to design a pit can also be applied to the design of a stockpile or waste dump. How the walls of the pit or stockpile are projected will depend on how the string expansion tools on the Mine Design toolbar are used.
Opencut – Pit Design
The Mine Design toolbar Use the Mine Design toolbar with the Edit Strings toolbar to edit your design strings and outlines. If the Mine Design toolbar is not displayed, select the View | Toolbars | Mine Design menu option. Alternatively, right-click in an empty portion of the application menu bar and select Mine Design from the list of toolbar options.
Which buttons and tools are enabled will depend on the object currently selected in the display, or on the tool or mode that is currently active. The width of the application window, and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, may also determine which buttons are displayed. Click the Gradient Control tool to interactively set the elevation of new points when digitising a string. Click the Generate Sidewalls button to generate a polygon enclosing the area within a specified distance of the selected string. Click the Polygon Boolean Operations button, or click the drop-down menu to select from a list of boolean options that can be applied to two or more selected polygons. Click the Insert Intersection Point tool to
Click the Project String tool to project a pit string up or down based upon the Batter Height, Batter Slope, and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Click the Project to Elevation tool to project an outline up or down based upon a specified elevation. The base string of a pit, for example, might be projected onto a DTM of the surface.
Click the Project To Berm tool to project the pit outline in both a vertical and a horizontal direction, based upon the Berm Width, Batter Height, Batter Slope and Expand settings defined in the Pit Design dialog. Depending on the number of intermediate contour strings you have defined, this tool will project up or down until it reaches a berm. To create the berm, an Expand String is performed. Click the Expand String tool to expand the current string in an inwards or outwards direction based upon the Expansion Distance you have defined in the String Editor tab of the Vizex options dialog 53
Opencut – Pit Design
the String Editor tab of the Vizex options dialog. Note: In Pit Design mode, Berm Width and Expand settings in the Pit Design dialog are used to define how the pit outline will be projected.
Click the Weed String tool to make contour strings more manageable by reducing the number of points. Set the amount of point reduction by applying a weed tolerance value. The weed tolerance value can also be applied in the String Editor tab of the Options | Vizex dialog. Click the Extrude String button to convert one or more strings into a wireframe. You can use the Extrude String function to generate a wireframe from a series of strings that define underground features such as drives. The wireframes will be drawn along the paths defined by the strings.
Opencut – Pit Constraints
Pit Constraints The Mining | Opencut | Pit Constraints menu option allows you to interactively define slopes and bench widths for sectors at various levels within a pit outline. The resulting constraint file can be exported as an ASCII file for importing into the Pit Design function, where it will be used to project slope angles and bench widths in different parts of the pit. The Process 1.
Select Mining | Opencut | Pit Constraints from the main menu.
Enter the name of the constraint file to be created or modified.
Define the display limits and sector divisions and subdivisions. Divisions For X and Y, enter an integer value to determine how many sector divisions will be defined in the X and Y directions respectively. For example, if a coordinate range is 500 metres and you want 50 metre sections, the value entered should be 10. The X and Y division values do not have to be the same. The size you make the divisions will depend on the type of deposit and your knowledge of pit slope stability. Do not make them too small because they can be subdivided in the next step. Generally, values in the 50 to 100 metre range should be suitable if the geotechnical parameters are simple, with relatively few slope and lithology constraints. A value less than 25 metres should be used only in exceptional circumstances. Subdivisions For X and Y, enter an integer value to specify the number of subdivisions in each sector division in the X and Y directions respectively. The X and Y subdivision values do not have to be the same. Subdivisions allow finer control, and again will depend on the nature of the deposit and the geotechnical knowledge. Do not make the subdivisions any smaller than the resolution provided by geological interpretation as too many small sectors will slow pit generation. The minimum and maximum coordinates should define an area larger than the largest pit that will be generated. It is preferable that the values are integers, and coincide with the boundaries of block model files (if they are to be displayed as background). However, neither of these recommendations is mandatory.
(Optional) Select Blocks and click More... to specify background blocks to be displayed.
(Optional) Select Strings and click More... to specify background strings to be displayed.
Run the function to bring up the interactive graphic display.
Set the Low Z (RL) and High Z for the first level (Level 0). Set the Low Z value to be the lower RL and the High Z value to be the upper RL of the current level. This determines the thickness of the layer being edited.
Interactively set the desired slope and bench width values for each area, division and subdivision at this level.
Repeat steps 7 and 8 as you move between levels. Moving between levels As you complete the parameter settings for a level, click on Next in the menu bar to show the next level. Its Z values will be duplicated from the previous level and must be changed. For each successive level, the new Low Z should be set to the previous High Z. This gives a contiguous set of ‘slices’ as you move upwards. If you do leave any gaps, the Pit Design function will use default values.
Opencut – Blasthole Design You can move between levels at any time with the Prior and Next menu items. 10. Select Export from the menu bar and enter the name of the ASCII constraint file. You can then import it into the Pit Design function. 11. Close the window to exit and save the file. For more information, refer to the Working in the Pit Constraints display topic.
Opencut – Blasthole Design
Blasthole Design Blasthole Setup Use the Mining | Opencut | Blasthole Design | Blasthole Setup function to create a basic rectangular blast pattern. Hole spacing and an extent rectangle can be defined. Holes may be in a square or a diamond pattern, with a nominated azimuth and dip. They can also be restricted to an outline or a string, to create a non-rectangular blast pattern. The Process 1.
In the Blasthole Setup dialog, enter the Easting origin and the Northing origin of the blasthole pattern. This point represents the South-West corner of the pattern.
Enter the RL (elevation) of the holes that will be created.
Enter the clockwise rotation, from zero degrees, of the blasthole pattern.
Enter the dimensions of the blasthole pattern in an Easterly direction.
Enter the distance North from the origin, in which to calculate holes. This measured in the direction of the bearing.
(Optional) Select the Restrict to outline option and click the More button to create a nonrectangular blast pattern by restricting the holes to an outline or a string.
Define the spacing between holes in each direction. The Square pattern option determines whether the blasthole spacing is perpendicular or staggered.
Define the Hole azimuths and dips that will be applied to the blastholes.
Opencut – Blasthole Design The Hole azimuth is a bearing in degrees, measured from 0 for North and increasing clockwise. It will have no effect on a vertical hole (dip of - 90). The Hole dip; this is the angle the hole makes with the azimuth, in the range 0 (horizontal) to - 90 (vertical). If no values are specified, a default dip of -90 (vertical) and a default azimuth of zero are used. Note: The Create Blast Pattern process only saves the blastholes. It does not save the restrictions or the intervals set for the hole spacing. However, outlines or strings used to define a restriction and hole spacing settings can be saved if the blasthole display is saved as a view (right-click and select Save) and recalled using the Display | Vizex | Saved View menu option in Vizex. It is up to the user, however, to know which individual outlines or strings were used to define the restriction. 9.
Specify how a first hole number that will be incremented going north (the default) or (when the Number east? option is selected) going east.
10. Select the Write partial samples option to write a sample shorter than the Regular sample increment as the last sample in the file. When you clear it, the program only writes full length samples. 11. If you entered an Assay file name, you can specify whether the sampling intervals will be regular or irregular, and define the sample numbering. You can also add assay fields to the output file. More information... 12. Finally. click OK to run the function.
Opencut – Blasthole Design
Loading a blasthole design Using the Visual Explorer (Vizex), a blasthole file can be created from a basic rectangular blast pattern that you define using the Mining | Opencut | Blasthole Design | Blasthole Setup function. The blasthole design can then be displayed and edited in the Vizex display.
Creating a new blasthole file To create a new blasthole design, select the Mining | Opencut | Blasthole Design | New menu option. In this case, when you click OK a new file is created using the default fields set for the form (or where no defaults exist, using the default fields for a new file set under Options | Forms). The display is set to edit mode and the Blast Design toolbar is enabled. The Process 1.
Select Display | Vizex | Blasthole Design to load an existing blasthole design in Vizex. If you are already in Vizex, you can double-click on the Blasthole Design icon in the Form Sets pane, to load a blasthole file into the display.
In the Blasthole Design dialog, enter the name of a Blasthole file (or double-click in the file input box to select a file) containing your blast collar locations. A Blasthole file is the same as any other collar file used in MICROMINE.
To create a new blasthole file, right-click in the file input box and select New from the rightclick menu.
Enter the names of the Hole ID, Easting, Northing, RL and Depth fields. If applicable, enter the names of the Azimuth and Dip fields in the file.
Choose a suitable line type.
To colour code the lines used to depict the drillhole trace, enter the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the lines, they will be displayed in the default colour.
Specify whether hole names will be shown in the display. If hole names are shown, doubleclick on the Font icon to set the text font and double-click on the Position icon to specify how the labels will be positioned in relation to each collar.
Click OK to load the blasthole file into the display. The Edit button is enabled on the View toolbar.
Click the Edit button to open the Blasthole Editor toolbar and use the tools provided to define the extent (and optionally the restrictions) that will be applied to the blasthole pattern.
10. Click the Create Blast Pattern button to edit the extents of the blast pattern and set hole numbering and hole spacing parameters in the Blasthole Setup dialog.
Opencut – Blasthole Design
Blasthole tools When a Blasthole Pattern has been loaded and is selected in the display, click the Edit button to enable the Blast Design toolbar. If the Blast Design toolbar is not displayed, select the View | Toolbars | Blast Design menu option.
Which buttons and tools are enabled will depend on the object currently selected in the display, or on the tool or mode that is currently active. The width of the application window and the selections you have made when customising the toolbar, will also determine what buttons are displayed. The following tools are provided: Click the Define Boundary button to select the area in which you want to define a bench (or grid) of blast holes. The blast extent is then displayed in a Properties pane to the left of the display. The lower left corner of the extent rectangle, is the origin shown in the Blast Extent Properties pane. Click the Rotate button to attach the mouse cursor to a corner of the extent rectangle and rotate it in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. The centre connection point can then be used to resize the selected extent. When the mouse cursor is positioned anywhere within the extent, the extent rectangle can be dragged and relocated. The origin, size and position parameters in the Blast Extent Properties pane will be updated accordingly. Click the Blast Pattern Setup button to set the parameters that will be used when generating a new blast hole pattern using the extents and (optionally) the restrictions already defined in the display. Click the Display Properties button to specify a line type for the lines. To colour code the lines used to depict the drillhole trace, enter the name of the field that will control the colour coding and the number of the colour set. If you do not colour code the lines, they will be displayed in the default colour. Specify whether blasthole names will be shown in the display. If blast hole names are shown, double-click on the Font icon to set the text font and double-click on the Position icon to specify how the labels will be positioned in relation to each collar. Note: To view the properties of a blasthole, click the Query tool on the View toolbar to use the cursor to identify a hole in the display. Properties of the hole will be displayed in a dockable window to the left of the display.
Click the New Blasthole tool to use the mouse to add a new blasthole to the display. To delete blastholes, press the Delete key on the keyboard to delete all selected blastholes. If necessary, use the Undo button on the View toolbar to restore any blastholes that may have been deleted by mistake.
Click the Snapping button to toggle snapping mode on and off. Alternatively, you can toggle snapping on and off using the S key. To t il t ff i d h ld th SHIFT k d 60
Opencut – Blasthole Design
temporarily turn off snapping mode, hold the SHIFT key down as you digitise a point. Point, Line, and Grid snapping options can be selected.
Click the Depth Adjustm ent tool to use the mouse to adjust the depth of a blasthole up or down. As you drag the mouse to define a new depth, the dip and azimuth of the hole is preserved. To change the dip and azimuth of a blasthole, select the Query tool on the View toolbar and click on the blasthole in the display to display its azimuth, dip and depth properties in an editable Properties window.
Click the Select Restriction tool to restrict the extent of the Blast Hole pattern to an outline, or string, or both, currently selected in the display. When you depress the mouse, the Select Restriction tool detects the objects selected in the display and uses them to modify the blast hole extent. Note that the selection can only be made using a selection polygon. Individual blastholes cannot be selected. For a string or an outline not filled by a hatch pattern, click on the string or outline boundary to select it. For outlines filled with a hatch pattern, click anywhere within the outline to select it. To select a restriction, you can also drag the mouse, or use the Shift key with the mouse, to multi-select outlines and strings in the display. Click the Restrict button to crop the blasthole extent so that only those holes that fall within the restriction boundary are included. Click the Clear Restriction button to remove the restriction defined using the Select Restriction tool.
When you select one or more blastholes in the display, Hole Name and Depth values for the selected blasthole(s) are displayed in the two drop-down lists to the right of the Blasthole toolbar. While the same hole name can not be applied to multiple blastholes, a wildcard can be entered to modify the hole name prefix. A new depth value can also be entered and assigned to multiple holes. A list of the most recently edited (or added) holes and their depth are maintained in each list.
Opencut – Blasthole Design
Blast Displacement The Blast Displacement tool allows a blast design engineer or an ore control engineer to create a visual representation of an ore body prior to and after blasting. The information provided by the Blast Displacement tool can be used with drill pattern and shot orientation data to help minimise ore displacement and dilution during future blasting. The Blast Displacement tool requires the following data:
a string file which represents an ore body (based upon measurements made prior to blasting).
two point files which represent PRE and POST BLAST MARKERS.
Once the ore body string and the pre and post blast markers have been loaded into the display, the ore body string must be selected in order to enable the Edit Strings toolbar.
Click the Blast Displacement button to open the Blast Displacement dialog:
Specify the files that contain the pre and post blast point data. Each file must contain corresponding coordinate and marker ID fields. Create new ore outline If the Create new ore outline option is not selected, the existing ore body string is displaced based upon the data in the pre and post blast marker files.
Opencut – Blasthole Design
If the Create new ore outline option is selected, a new string (representing the displaced ore body) is generated and displayed alongside the original string.
Display displacement vectors Select the Display displacement vectors option to display vectors that show the displacement between pre and post blast markers (as shown in the example above).
Opencut – Grade Control
Grade Control Setup tools Setting up the Grade Control display To enable the tools on the Grade Control toolbar, the outlines used to assign grades must first be loaded (or created) in the Vizex display. Once outlines and other grade control data have been loaded, select the View | Toolbars | Grade Control menu option to open the Grade Control Editor toolbar.
The Grade Control Add (+++) and the Grade Control Subtract (---) tools can be used to specify whether data (within one or more selected outlines) will be included or excluded from the grade control calculation. If data is included, it can either be added to, or subtracted from, the calculation. A different (+++) (---) (xxx) hatching is applied to the selected outline(s) depending on the tool selected. Use the Grade Control Clear button to clear any add or subtract selections you have made in the outlines display. Use the Grade Control Calculate button to open the Grade Control Setup dialog. For more information, refer to "The Calculation Setup process" below. Use the Grade Control Refresh button to re-run the grade control calculation (typically after making changes in the display) without opening the Grade Control Setup dialog. The Calculation Setup Process The calculation parameters and output options provided in the Grade Control Setup dialog are similar to those provided by the Mining | Opencut | Grade Control function. In this case, however, display limits, outlines, and other data sources used for grade control will have already been specified in the display. In the Grade Control Setup dialog, do the following: 1.
Specify the name of the input file containing grade values. This will typically be a drillhole interval file or a block model file. To obtain the most accurate grades and volumes, use a block model file. Since the blocks are subblocked, only those sub blocks that fall within the displayed outlines will be included in the calculations.
Specify the names of the Easting, Northing and RL coordinate fields in the input file.
Specify where the Thickness values used to calculate volumes in the selected outlines will be obtained from. There are three possible sources: Constant When you choose this option, you must enter a Thickness value. From File
Opencut – Grade Control When you choose this option for an interval file, the grade calculations will use Thickness values in the input file. If you want to use the thickness from a block model file, the _RL field should be used. The thickness is used to weight the grade. You can only change these thickness values by editing the input file. Z interval When you choose this option, the function will use the RL or Z attribute in each outline to calculate volumes. You must edit the RLs in the outlines to change these values. 4.
Specify where the SG values used to calculate tonnages in the selected outlines will be obtained from. There are three possible sources: Constant When you choose this option, you must enter an SG value with up to two decimal places. From File When you choose this option, the grade calculations will use SG values in the input file. You can only change these values by editing the input file. From Outline When you choose this option, the function will use the SG attribute in each outline to calculate tonnages. You must edit the SGs in the outlines to change those values.
The grade control calculation can be applied to a maximum of four fields in the source file. At least one Calculation field must be specified.
Enter the name of the Report file where the results will be written. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file exists, you can append a new set of calculations.
Finally, click the Calculate button to perform the calculation. When the calculation is complete, the results are written to the specified Report file and displayed in a separate window. The output file will contain the outline name, code and area of each outline plus the weighted average total for all selected outlines. Any outlines assigned with the Subtract tool will have a minus sign preceding the grade, volume and tonnage values in the output file. Outlines not included in the calculation (assigned using the Exclude tool) will not be shown.
Note: To create output in a form suitable for the Survey | Set Out Calcs function, refer to the Mining | Opencut | Grade Control topic.
Opencut – Grade Control
Grade Control The Mining | Opencut | Grade Control function is a mine planning tool. To use it, you build a display containing up to nine datasets including two outline sets. Once you have done this, you can calculate volumes and tonnes based on the grades of the material within existing geological or design outlines, or new outlines you create. By adjusting the shape of the outlines and re-calculating volumes and tonnages as part of an iterative process, you can develop a grade control plan. The primary orientation of the display will be plan. Grade control is normally only carried out in section when working underground. The function produces three outputs:
Grade, area, volumes and tonnages. These can be saved in a data file.
Outline information in a form suitable for the Survey | Set Out Calcs function. Using this output, you can calculate bearings and distances from known survey stations to the outline vertices.
You can add outlines to polygonal model and mine design files from the display. You can also delete outlines from models and mine designs and create new outlines.
The function stores the information from the input files and, in the display, checks if values are inside or outside selected outlines. You must re-run the function when you change the input. A further application of the Grade control function is the preparation of multiple display plots. The Process 1.
Define the display limits in terms of X, Y and Z coordinates.
Select the sources of data that you want to display.
Click the More buttons for the options you have selected and fill out the dialog boxes that appear. Note that for Stacked Sections and Trenches you can also display values, hatching and graphs.
Click OK to run the function. The data you have selected will be displayed.
The best way to use this function is to set up a grade control element, turn it off, and then set up the next display. When they are all set up correctly, turn on those that you require. Too many display elements are difficult to interpret, especially if colour files are used in each. If you are processing large block model files processing speed will increase if you exclude blocks not required for the calculation with a filter. For more information, click on the following topic links:
Sources of data for Grade Control
Coordinates and orientation in Grade Control
Calculation hierarchy in Grade Control
Working in the Grade Control display
Opencut – Grade Control
Calculate grade tonnage within a mining boundary Modelling | Model Report | Mining Block Grades calculates the grade tonnage estimations for a block model within a defined mining outline (or outlines). It generates a report file. You can only use block model files created using the functions in Modelling | 2D Block Estimate and 3D Block Estimate as input to this function. Any type of outlines can be used. By dividing the blocks in the 3D model into sub-blocks, you can improve the accuracy of the volume calculation. When you do this, the function determines the proportion of the block that falls within an outline and weights the calculation accordingly. That is, when a block crosses an outline, the function divides the block into sub-blocks and determines which of them fall inside the outline. It only uses sub-blocks inside the outline in the estimation process. The orientation of the outline file with respect to the block model file must be defined. That is, if the outlines were prepared in a PLAN view of the block model or the polygonal section on which the block model was based, you must set the orientation to PLAN. If a block falls into more than one outline, accumulate (select the Accumulate option) the values obtained for each block in the grade estimation to ensure the correct volumes are reported. You can also use Accumulate to ensure that outlines do not overlap when they should not. If outlines overlap, the block factor can be greater than 1. You must select (or create) a cutoff or colour set. These define the intervals for which grade estimates are reported. By defining outline restrictions you can further control which blocks will be used in the estimation process. If you specify more than one criteria, an outline only needs to satisfy one of them to be included in the calculation. If there is a field containing SG values in the input file, you can direct the function to use the values it finds there. If SG values are missing from some of the records, the function will substitute the default SG when these records are processed. If there isn't an SG field, and you don't specify a default value, 1.0 will be substituted for all records. An example of a report is shown in the illustration below. For each of the ranges defined in the cutoff file volume, tonnes, grades, cumulative totals and an ore to waste ratio, are calculated.
You can add a further character field to the output file and write a value to that field. When you run the function a number of times and append the results, you can differentiate each run by writing an identifier to the new character field. Operating Details When a mining outline covers part of a model where block values do not exist, the default SG will be used to report the tonnage of material inside the outline but outside the model boundary. In this case no grade will be reported and the material is included on the bottom of the list in the output file.
Opencut – Grade Control The undefined volume is calculated by multiplying the area inside the outline but outside the model boundary by the _Easting (if it is an Easting view) value of the last record in the block model file. If all the blocks have the same dimension in that direction, the volume will be correct. The _Northing value will be used if it is a Northing view and the _RL value will be used if it is a Plan view. The undefined material is always included as waste in the waste/ore ratio. If the blocks have different Z dimensions, you should calculate the average of the Z dimensions and add an extra line to the end of the file using this average. Other coordinate values should position this dummy block within the outline. Use values of zero in the grade variables. Other applications Model Report | Mining Block Grades is frequently used to calculate sub-blocks and block factors. The sub-blocks and the block factor values are written back to the input file (the block model). The block factor values are used by the Model Report | Block Model Report function. In this situation the values in the cut-off file do not really matter. In most cases you will apply constraints using a single outline file for each layer in the block model. For example, to constrain a block model and sub-block by flitch outlines in Plan view, you will generally use flitch outlines in separate files, one for each layer of blocks. With this approach, you would need to:
Apply a filter to the block model so only the blocks for the appropriate layer are passed to the Mining Block Grades function.
Only use the outline file for that particular level.
If you are sub-blocking (or reporting) multiple levels, use a macro. Sub-blocking 3D block Model using this process has largely been superseded by the Modelling | Assign | Wireframes function. This function will do the whole process in one pass. The Process
Select Modelling | Model Report | Mining Block Grades from the main menu.
Enter the name of the ore body model file in Input File and the names of the coordinate fields in that file. If required, use a filter to selectively process records.
Choose the orientation that defines the relationship between the block model file and the outlines you will use to restrict the estimation process.
Enter the name of the field for which you will calculate grade estimates (Estimate field).
Enter the name of the field where block factors will be written in Block factor field. The portion or each block inside the outline(s) will be written to this field.
You can use a Cutoff set or a Colour set to control the reporting intervals. The Colour set method has been retained for backward compatibility. Select Use Cutoff set if you want to use this method, and then enter a cutoff set number. If you need to create a cutoff set, double-click to select Default set, and then right-click to open the dialog box where you can create it.
Enter the name of the SG field, if it is present. Enter the default SG in the prompt with that name. The default SG will be used when there isn't an SG present in a record being processed. If there is no SG field in the input file, and you don't enter the default SG, a value of 1.0 will be used in the tonnage calculations.
By default, the blocks in the input file are divided into five sub-blocks in each direction. You can reduce or increase these values by entering values between 0 and 10. For more information, refer to the Using sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the calculation topic. If there is a possibility that blocks occur in more than one outline, select Accumulate. The block factors for those blocks will be accumulated.
Opencut – Grade Control 9.
Choose the type of outline file, and then enter the details for that type. DESIGN type outlines are often used here but there is no reason other types of outline cannot be used. Enter the numbers of the start and end outline files that will be used in the calculation. If you enter the same number in both Start and End prompts, only that outline will be used.
10. Use the outline restrictions to control which outlines will be used in each of the outline files. 11. Enter a name and choose a type (DATA) for the output file. This will contain the report. 12. If you want to add a field to the output file, you can enter the field name and the value that will be written in that field. For details see Appending a field to the output file. 13. Click OK to run the function and select either Overwrite or Append according to your requirements.
Opencut – Grade Control
Calculating grade tonnage above a cutoff The Model Report | Point Sample Grades function calculates and reports average grade estimates above and below given cutoff grades. It can do this for up to five fields in the input file. The function averages points inside a mining outline. No weighting is applied to any of the points used in the calculation. The input requires data with coordinates in the X and Y plane in which the calculation is being made and an associated outline file. The outlines restrict which values will be used in the calculation. You can also apply further restrictions to control which outlines will be used. If you specify more than one criteria, an outline only needs to satisfy one of them to be included in the calculation. Because the outline file has been created in a given orientation with respect to the input block model file, you must set the orientation to be the same in this function. For example, if you drew outlines while viewing the input data in PLAN, you must set Orientation to PLAN. The orientation you choose controls which of the coordinate fields are enabled. These are the fields that will be used to calculate area. Enter a value in the Thickness response. Normally this will be the block or bench height, or the section thickness. This value will be used with the coordinate values to calculate volume. You must enter a default SG. If there is a field containing SG values in the data file, you can direct the function to use the values it finds there. If SG values are missing from some of the records, the function will substitute the default SG when these records are processed. If there isn't an SG field, and you don't specify a default value, a value of 1.0 will be substituted for all records. The function produces a report containing the estimates above the cutoff grade and those below it. The following illustration shows a fragment of the sort of report you can create.
The Process
Select Modelling | Model Report | Point Sample Grades from the main menu.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, use a filter to selectively process records.
Enter the names of the coordinate fields in that file. Which of the Easting, Northing and RL fields is enabled, depends on your choice of orientation. For example, if you set Orientation to PLAN, the Easting and Northing field will be enabled.
Click the Estimate Fields button and enter the names of the fields for which you want to calculate cut-off block grades. Enter the cut-off value for each field in the column opposite.
Enter the name of the SG field, if it is present. Enter the default SG in the prompt with that name. The default SG will be used when there isn't an SG present in a record being processed. If there is no SG field in the input file, and you don't enter the default SG, a value of 1.0 will be used in the tonnage calculations.
Enter a value in the Thickness response. This defines the third dimension required to calculate volume. It will typically be a bench height or section thickness.
If you intend using outlines to restrict which blocks are used in the calculation, select Restrict to outlines and click the More button opposite.
Opencut – Grade Control 8.
Enter a name for the output file. If you want to add a character field to the output, enter the name of the field in the Extra character field response. To populate the field, enter a value in the Extra character value response.
If the report file already exists, you will be given the opportunity to overwrite or append to it.
Because you can append the output of this function to an existing file, you can run several calculations using different parameters. The Extra field can therefore be used to identify the differences between each calculation, especially if you need to use a filter in some subsequent process.
Note: You can only append reports in the output file if they are for the same estimate field.
Table Of Contents
Table Of Contents Surveying ................................................................................................................. 1 Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) ................................................................................. 2 Detailed Coordinate Calculations..................................................................................... 4 Overview ............................................................................................................. 4 The Process .......................................................................................................... 4 Set out calculations ..................................................................................................... 6 Overview ............................................................................................................. 6 The Process .......................................................................................................... 6 Calculating the Mean of Observations............................................................................... 7 Overview ............................................................................................................. 7 The Process .......................................................................................................... 7 Calculating top/bottom volumes ..................................................................................... 9 Top string only ...................................................................................................... 9 Top and bottom strings ......................................................................................... 10 Traverse Calculations ................................................................................................. 12 Reference Bearings............................................................................................... 13 Current Coordinates ............................................................................................. 13 No Closing Station................................................................................................ 13 Importing Survey Observations .................................................................................... 14 Overview ........................................................................................................... 14 The Process ........................................................................................................ 14 Preconditions To Importing Observations ........................................................................ 16 File Formats and Codes .............................................................................................. 17 Type 1 record...................................................................................................... 17 Type 2 record...................................................................................................... 17 Type 3 record...................................................................................................... 17 Type 4 record...................................................................................................... 18 Input format....................................................................................................... 18 Connecting the Survey Instrument ................................................................................ 19 Reformatting the Input............................................................................................... 20 Defining the Input Output Format ................................................................................. 21 Downloading Station Coordinates.................................................................................. 22 Field Reductions ....................................................................................................... 23
Table Of Contents The Process .......................................................................................................... 23 Calculating EDM Reductions......................................................................................... 24 Calculating Angle Rounds ............................................................................................ 24 Calculating Stadia Reductions ...................................................................................... 25 Calculating RDS Reductions ......................................................................................... 26 Vertical Angle...................................................................................................... 26 Calculating subtense bar reductions............................................................................... 27 Manual Calculations................................................................................................... 28 Angles.................................................................................................................... 29 Stadia .................................................................................................................... 30 RDS....................................................................................................................... 31 Subtense ................................................................................................................ 32 EDM ...................................................................................................................... 33 SAS ....................................................................................................................... 34 Generating Cross Sections........................................................................................... 35 Overview ........................................................................................................... 35 The Process ........................................................................................................ 35 Displaying Cross Sections............................................................................................ 36 Overview ........................................................................................................... 36 The Process ........................................................................................................ 36 Cross Section Display Tools ......................................................................................... 37 Goto ................................................................................................................. 37 Continuous......................................................................................................... 37 Previous ............................................................................................................ 37 Next ................................................................................................................. 37 Displaying Interactive Cross Sections ............................................................................. 38 Overview ........................................................................................................... 38 The Process ........................................................................................................ 38 Calculating Volumes from Cross Sections ........................................................................ 39 Overview ........................................................................................................... 39 The Process ........................................................................................................ 39 Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) .................................................................................... 40 Create............................................................................................................... 40 Create from Points ............................................................................................... 40 Volumes ............................................................................................................ 40
Table Of Contents Contours............................................................................................................ 40 Seam Thickness................................................................................................... 40 Generate Z Values................................................................................................ 40 Assign ............................................................................................................... 40 DTM->MM File..................................................................................................... 40 DTM->Faces File .................................................................................................. 40 Creating a DTM ........................................................................................................ 41 Overview ........................................................................................................... 41 The Process ........................................................................................................ 41 Creating a DTM from points in plane .............................................................................. 42 Using breaklines ....................................................................................................... 43 Using a constraint file ................................................................................................ 44 DTM Contouring........................................................................................................ 45 Contour smoothing.................................................................................................... 46 Contour file ............................................................................................................. 46 Calculating a DTM volume ........................................................................................... 47 Overview ........................................................................................................... 47 The Process ........................................................................................................ 47 Calculating seam thickness.......................................................................................... 48 Overview ........................................................................................................... 48 The Process ........................................................................................................ 48 Generating Z values from a DTM................................................................................... 49 Overview ........................................................................................................... 49 The Process ........................................................................................................ 49 DTM Assign ............................................................................................................. 50 Overview ........................................................................................................... 50 The Process ........................................................................................................ 50 DTM to MM file conversion........................................................................................... 51 Overview ........................................................................................................... 51 The Process ........................................................................................................ 51 DTM to FACES file ..................................................................................................... 52 Index ..................................................................................................................... 53
Surveying The functions provided with the Surveying module, can be used to import survey data and reduce it to data points and strings with 3D coordinates. You can acquire data using all the standard data collection methods, and can interface to virtually any data recorder. The Surveying functions can be used to:
Perform survey calculations such as missing line, pegging ties and meaning rounds of angles.
Reduce field observations from EDM, subtense bars or tape-and-compass.
Adjust traverses by Bowditch or Transit methods.
Reduce radial observations from known point coordinates.
Calculate coordinates of left and right offsets from a centre line for underground surveys. Surveying menu options:
Survey |
Import Obs
Survey |
Detail Coord Calcs
Survey |
Set Out Calcs
Survey |
Field Reductions
Survey |
Mean Obs
Survey |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
Survey |
Manual Calcs |
More advanced Surveying functions can be used to:
Extract cross-sections from strings.
Display cross-sectional areas and report cut and fill volumes between surfaces.
Calculate a volume from a file containing string information. Advanced Surveying menu options:
Strings |
Cross Sections |
Strings |
Cross Sections |
Strings |
Cross Sections |
Strings |
Cross Sections |
Survey |
Top/Bottom Volumes
Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) The DTM functions provided with the Survey module, use Delaunay triangulation to generate a set of lines connecting each point, in a data file, to its natural neighbours. A closed boundary can be used to restrict the triangulation. Features, such as the crest and toes of benches, can be identified as "breaklines". The function will maintain these breaklines and prevent a triangle from crossing a breakline. Once a triangulation has been created, you can:
Contour the Z values of the surface.
Calculate volumes between DTMs, or a DTM and up to two planes.
Calculate the Z values for a file containing points with known X and Y coordinates.
Report whether points in a file are above, below or outside a DTM. If the wireframe is a solid rather than a surface, you can choose whether to use top or bottom values when comparing Z values with values in the data file.
Calculate thickness from DTMs representing the top and bottom of a seam.
Use the DTM Create Plane function to create a wireframe from points in plane. A constraint file is defined which will clip the triangle edges. Z values in the constraint file are recalculated and these are included during the surface creation.
A constraint file can also be applied when using the DTM Create function. The DTM Create function allows the user to control the nominal plane in which the DTM is formed (i.e. Plan, East, North). If you are creating a DTM for a near vertical surface which overhangs, then the DTM is created in the East or North plane as appropriate (the plane with the maximum surface extent). This is very useful for contouring hanging and footwalls in mines, and fault zones. DTM Menu Options
Strings |
Strings |
Create Plane
Strings |
Strings |
Strings |
Seam Thickness
Strings |
Generate Z values
Strings |
Strings |
DTM --> MM File
Strings |
DTM --> Faces File
Detailed Coordinate Calculations Overview With this menu option you can calculate 3D coordinates from survey observations stored in a file, with the Northing, Easting and RL values being written to fields in the same file. There are two options for obtaining the bearing to each observed point:
From a single field containing the true bearing.
From fields containing the Reference Object (RO), name (ID), the observed direction to the point and the observed direction to the RO.
You can also choose one of two methods of reduction, depending on whether the file contains horizontal distances and height differences or slope distance, vertical angle, instrument height and target height. The file to be used must be a Survey type with fields for Northing, Easting and RL values. You also require a Station file (also a Survey type) containing the Station ID, Northing, Easting and RL for each instrument station and (if used) each RO. See the example of a typical input file (Easting, Northing and RL values will be inserted by the function):
The Process
Select Survey | Detail Coord Calcs from the main menu.
Enter the file name.
Choose the reduction type and angle units.
Choose the zero vertical parameter. Zenith means that 90 or 270 is horizontal; <90 or >270 is an elevation and >90 or <270 is a depression. Horizontal means that 0 is horizontal, positive values are elevations and negative values are depressions.
If you are using a reference object, select the RO check box. This is not required if the horizontal angles are true bearings.
Enter the required field names. Some fields will be disabled depending on your selections above depending on the reduction type chosen. If you specify an offset field, its values will be used to move the coordinates by the amount indicated in each point. (A positive value shifts the point to the right.)
Enter a new station name value if there is a new station identified in a field that is blank for all records except when an observation is made to a new fixed point. The station and its
Surveying coordinates will be written to the Station file. The most common use for this is in an open traverse, when the last observation is to the next setup station. You don’t need to enter the information manually into the Station file. 8.
Enter the station file name and fields.
Run the function to write the calculated fields to the survey file.
Set out calculations Overview This menu item calculates bearings and distances from one or more instrument stations to a set of coordinated points. The source data is read from a file and the results are written to fields in the same file. The source data must be in a file containing records with coordinates in Easting and Northing variables, instrument station(s) in a separate field and two other variables to hold the calculated bearings and distances.
You also need a Station file containing the coordinates of the stations. The Process To perform set out calculations on a file:
Select Survey | Set Out Calcs from the main menu.
Choose the Setout file type and enter its name.
Enter the data file field names in the remaining text boxes on the left side of the dialog box.
Enter the Station file name and its field names.
Choose the angle units.
Run the function to write the calculated fields to the file.
Calculating the Mean of Observations Overview This function uses an observation (source) file containing survey observations obtained from one or more traverses. It calculates the means of the observations and writes the results to an output file to be used as input to the Traverse function. The observation file must contain reduced data for height differences, horizontal angle and included angle. It must also have a Station field and a traverse number field. For each combination of station number and traverse number, the function averages all the non-blank traverse observations and writes a single field to the output file. Thus, several traverses can be included in the same input file provided each has a unique traverse number. See the example of a typical input file with the required fields. Note that the BS (back sight) and FS (fore sight) fields will be needed for the traverse input.
The Process 1.
Select Survey | Mean Obs from the main menu.
For the (input) file and the output file, choose the file type and select or enter the file name and field names.
Enter a report file name in the text box if you want to generate a report of the operation.
Enter the field names for the observation and output files.
Choose the angle units.
Run the function to generate the output file (and the report file if a name was entered).
You will now see a summary of the number of records that were used in the means calculation for each field. This information will also be written to the report file if one is used.
Calculating top/bottom volumes This function calculates a volume from a file containing string information and can be used for determining blast pattern volumes. One stringing field must define the strings. If a string is not closed, the function will join the start to the end for the calculation but will not change the file. Volume is calculated in one of two ways:
Specify a top and a bottom RL. Volume is calculated by multiplying the string area by the mean RL difference.
Specify top and bottom strings. Volume is calculated by multiplying the average of the two areas by the mean RL difference.
See the example of a typical file (the Join field is FNO):
The key steps involved in using the Top/Bottom Volumes function are as follows: 1.
Select Survey | Top Bottom Volumes from the main menu.
Choose the file type and enter its name.
Enter the required field names (East, North, RL and Join).
Enter the Top String value.
Enter the other field names, depending on which method you want to use (see below).
Choose the report file type and select or enter its name.
Run the function. The results will be written to the report file and a dialog box will ask if you want to display the file now.
Top string only In this case, you need to provide the bottom RL value. You can then either type in the RL field name to use the file average for the top string or enter a value for the top RL.
Top and bottom strings To use this method, enter the bottom string value and do one of the following:
Enter the RL field name to use the average of the file RL’s for both strings, or
Enter either the top or bottom RL value to use the value for that string and the file average for the other, or
Enter both top and bottom RL values. In that case, the RL field will be ignored.
Traverse Calculations This function adjusts traverse observations in three dimensions, using either the Transit or Bowditch method of coordinate adjustment. Heights are adjusted according to the distance between stations. You need an input (control) file containing the traverse information, as generated by the Mean Observations function. This can contain one or more traverses, and the Traverse function allows you to adjust one at a time. You also need a Station file containing details of the known starting and closing points. You can choose to write the adjustments back to the control file.
To adjust Traverse observations: 1.
Select Survey | Traverse from the main menu.
(Optional) Select the Calculate RLs check box to calculate reduced levels.
Choose the adjustment type. Bowditch is the usual choice unless angular measurement is more accurate than distance measurement.
Choose an option from the Angle units list box.
Enter the name of the Station file and the field name information.
Select the Write to station file? check box if you want to write adjusted station coordinates to the station file.
Enter the number of the traverse you want to adjust.
(Optional) enter the initial and closing RO names.
(Optional) Enter a name for the report file. A record of adjustments will be written to the file.
10. Choose the traverse file type and select or enter its name and field names. 11. Run the function.
A dialog box now shows the bearing misclose. If this is acceptable, click Yes to continue.
A dialog box shows the misclose in coordinates, RL, bearing and distance. You can click Yes to carry out the adjustment.
The function now calculates the adjustments and writes the new stations and their coordinates to the Control file (if that box was checked).
Reference Bearings If the coordinates of the initial and closing ROs are not in the Station file and/or you did not enter their names in the dialog box, the program will prompt you for initial and closing reference bearings. Current Coordinates If the station in the first record is not found in the Control file, you will be asked if you want to use the current coordinates. Key 'N' to abort the function so you can add the information to the file, or 'Y' to use the Northing, Easting and RL values found in the first record. If there are no values, 0.0 will be used for each. No Closing Station If the closing station is not found in the Control file, a message will tell you that the traverse will be calculated as Open (no adjustments). However, there will still be a full printout and coordinates will be added to the Control file.
Importing Survey Observations
Importing Survey Observations Overview This function imports observations from a data recorder, either directly from the recorder, or from an ASCII file previously downloaded from the recorder. Once you have setup the parameters for any particular instrument, it is easy to operate, but the initial setup can be complicated because most data recorders are themselves configurable. There are different types of records used. For example, one type may hold data such as a station ID and other reference information. Another type will contain data relating to a specific observation. How these are arranged varies with the type of instrument, and in most cases can also be configured by the user. The way in which records are differentiated is by the use of code fields, identifying text in specific columns. Sometimes several groups of columns are required to uniquely define each record type. The program calls each group of columns containing text that identifies a record a code field, and refers to the text in these columns as code values. Entries in the code fields determine the type of record, so the meaning of the rest of the record can be known. The program can then extract the relevant data from the input stream and place it in the correct fields in the output file. Numeric data often does not include a decimal point (for example, 354.67 may be represented as 35467) and must be divided by some factor to convert it to the correct units. The program lets you specify the factor for each numeric field. Some instruments require a request string in order to initiate data transfer. You can specify this if it is necessary. If the input file contains sufficient data, and Northing, Easting and RL fields are specified in the output file, the program will calculate these values and insert them into the output file. Because of the complexity of the import task, MICROMINE will setup your system free of charge. We recommend that you take advantage of this offer. The Process To import observations: 1.
If relevant, connect the instrument to a PC port with a serial cable. Omit this step if you are importing from an ASCII file already on the PC.
Select Survey | Import Obs from the main menu.
Choose the Import method and Angle units.
Choose the zero vertical parameter. Zenith means that 90 or 270 is horizontal; <90 or >270 is an elevation and >90 or <270 is a depression. Horizontal means that 0 is horizontal, positive values are elevations and negative values are depressions.
For a direct connection to an instrument, choose the various communications parameters , enter the request string and the output ASCII file name.
For a text file input, enter the input ASCII file name.
Enter the Station file name and click Station Fields to enter the field names.
(Optional) Enter the Code Definition information. There may be one, two or three of these, depending on the instrument.
(Optional) Select Reformat input? and click More to enter the information.
10. (Optional) Select Use record number? and click More to enter the information required if you are not using all records in the file.
Importing Survey Observations 11. (Optional) Select Download station coords? and click More to enter the information. This is only needed if the instrument contains a file holding fixed point coordinates, and this is not the station file. 12. Click Import Format and define the input format and field names. 13. Enter the output filename and information. 14. Run the function to generate the output file.
Importing Survey Observations
Preconditions To Importing Observations Before you can import observations, you must know:
The format of the data that you will be importing, as specified in the manual for the instrument.
If appropriate, the way in which the file has been configured - the record specification.
What sort of information to expect in each field of the records - the field specifications.
You will also need a Station file containing the names and locations of known survey (control) stations. A serial cable and knowledge of the communications parameters is required if you import directly from an instrument.
Importing Survey Observations
File Formats and Codes This topic uses sample outputs from a Wild (GRE3) recorder to illustrate the sort of information you will need to enter when setting up Import Obs. As the device is user-configurable, your records may not be the same as those shown in the examples even if you use the same instrument. However, the principles apply to any data recorder and file configuration. There are four record types used in this example. Each has a 2-digit primary code starting in column 1 and a 4-digit record number starting in column 3. Type 1 record This has a primary code of 01 and no secondary code. It contains a two-digit surveyor ID number starting in column 10, a 4-digit job number staring in column 11 and a 6-digit date field starting in column 21. Example...
The next types all have a 2-digit secondary code starting in column 10. Type 2 record This has a primary code of 02 and a secondary code of 01. It contains a 2-digit station ID starting in column 16 and a 6-digit instrument height starting in column 20. Example...
Type 3 record This has a primary code of 02, and a secondary code of 02. It contains a 2-digit RO ID starting in column 16 and an 8-digit RO Horizontal angle starting in column 20. Example...
Importing Survey Observations
Type 4 record This has a primary code of 02 and a secondary code of 03. It contains a 6-digit target height starting in column 16. Example...
Input format Numeric data is in integer format, so you need to know the factor by which it should be divided to produce the correct result. For example, the instrument height mentioned above needs to divided by 1000 to give the value in metres. For each field you will need to enter the starting column number and the length. For example:
Importing Survey Observations
Connecting the Survey Instrument If you are importing directly from an instrument, you need to know the communications parameters (as specified in the instrument’s manual). If your instrument offers a choice of formats, use the fastest available speed (baud rate). The settings you need to know are:
Communications speed (baud rate).
Word length.
Handshaking, if specified.
The request string that initiates a download. Not all instruments have this.
The PC port to which the instrument is connected.
The parameters for these settings must be entered in the Import Obs dialog form.
Importing Survey Observations
Reformatting the Input You will need this option if any of the following apply to the input data:
Line endings are not signalled by the Carriage Return (CRLF) sequence.
There are characters in the input data that should be ignored.
Fields are not fixed length.
Type in an ASCII code in the Substitute CRLF for ASCII code text box if the line endings are indicated by a code other than CRLF.
Type in up to three ASCII code ranges that should be ignored.
If fields are not of fixed length, type in the ASCII delimiter code and the end position of each column to define the padding widths. Separate the widths by commas (irrespective of what the delimiter code is). For example: 10,20,28,38.
A data recorder stores its information in a particular format; usually as a set of records in which each record is a string of data ending in a Carriage Return/Line Feed (CRLF) sequence. Other endof-record characters may be used in some instruments, and the Import Observations function allows you to specify which applies if this is the case. If the data is not in fixed length fields, you can use the Reformat Input option to specify the maximum length for each field. The program will reformat the input by padding fields (if necessary) to the maximum length and remove the delimiters. In the rare case that the delimiter is not a comma, you can specify what it is.
Importing Survey Observations If a file contains data that should be ignored (such as ASCII characters used for drawing lines), the reformat input facility lets you specify ranges to omit. You need to be familiar with the format of the data being imported in order to decide if and how you should use this option. The following example shows part of an input file that uses comma delimiters and has columns of varying length because the instrument does not pad with leading zeros. Note that the third field changes from five to six characters in width when the value exceeds 99999.
Assuming that the values for fields 2 and 3 are likely to change in width, you might enter 4,12,20,22 in the pad delimiter box to allow for longer values. The reformatted records would then look like:
Defining the Input Output Format For each item, you need to enter the (output) file field name to be used, and the following information about the input file:
The value of code 1 and (if applicable) code 2 and code 3.
The column number in the file at which each data item starts.
The length of the item (number of characters/digits).
Measurement items also need a 'Divide by' factor, that will be applied to the value when it is transferred to the file in the program.
Importing Survey Observations
Downloading Station Coordinates Use this option if the data recorder contains a file of fixed point coordinates and these are not in the station file.
Select the Write to Station file if you want the Station and RO coordinates to be written to the project Fixed file.
Enter the required information for each field - the first three are mandatory.
Field Reductions
Field Reductions Using this menu item you can reduce four types of survey observations to a height difference, horizontal distance, or both, and calculate included angles. Although generally only one type of reduction will apply, the function can perform any of the reductions if the appropriate data is present in the source file. The output is written to fields in the source file. The source data must be in a file containing the appropriate records. Before calculation commences, check to ensure that all required fields are sufficiently defined. You can carry out the same calculations on keyboard-entered data with the Survey | Manual Calcs menu item. The types of calculations available are:
Electronic distance measuring - reduces a vertical angle and slope distance to a horizontal distance and height difference.
Angle rounds - calculates the included angle between two observed directions.
Stadia - reduces stadia observations to height differences and horizontal distances.
RDS - calculates height differences and horizontal distances from self-reducing tacheometry observations.
Subtense bar - similar to stadia observations using a horizontal bar with optional target height readings.
The Process This process overview lists the key steps involved in using the Field Reductions function. 1.
Select Survey | Field Reductions from the main menu.
Choose the file type and select or enter its name.
Choose the angle units and zero vertical options.
(Optional) Enter the name of the dH factor field in the text box. If you enter a value here, any dH (delta height) calculated will be multiplied by this value.
Select the check box for the appropriate method and click More to enter the required information. You can select more than one box if the file contains data for different methods.
Run the function to write the calculated fields into the file.
Field Reductions
Calculating EDM Reductions Electronic distance measuring reduces a vertical angle and slope distance to a horizontal distance and height difference. The file requires values in the instrument height, target height, vertical angle and slope distance fields. Calculated values will be placed in the delta height (dH) and horizontal distance fields.
Calculating Angle Rounds This function calculates the included angle from a backsight angle and a foresight angle.
Field Reductions
Calculating Stadia Reductions In this method, stadia observations are reduced to height differences and horizontal differences. The program checks the three wire readings for consistency and flags an error if the mean of the top and bottom wires differs from the middle wire by more than (0.002 + (top - bottom)/200). For example:
An error flag field is optional; if entered, a 1 will be written to the field in the case of an error.
Field Reductions
Calculating RDS Reductions This method calculates height differences and horizontal distances from self reducing tacheometry observations. The name RDS refers to a type of Wild tacheometer, but other instruments work in the same way. Two methods of reduction are available: Factor or Vertical Angle. Factor In this case the RDS readings comprise the following:
Top Wire (Distance Wire).
Middle Wire (Height Wire).
Bottom Wire (Zero Wire).
Factor (relating to the Height Wire).
The outputs are calculated as follows:
Horizontal distance = (Top - Bottom) x 100.
Height difference (dH) = (Middle - Bottom) x 100 x Factor + HI – Bottom.
Vertical Angle Instead of using a Factor, the vertical angle can be observed plus the staff reading at the centre of the graticule. Now the height difference is calculated from the vertical angle and graticule reading. The horizontal distance is calculated in the same way as for the Factor method. In this method, the Middle Wire reading is optional. If no Middle Wire observation is used, the vertical angle is adjusted by 17' 12" and the bottom wire used instead. Using a Middle Wire reading causes the program to find the difference between the true Middle Wire value and one calculated from:
Bottom + HorizontalDistance x tan(17' 12") If the difference exceeds (0.003 + HorizontalDistance/100000), an error is flagged. An error flag field is optional; if entered, a 1 will be written to the field in the case of an error.
Field Reductions
Calculating subtense bar reductions Subtense Bar surveying is essentially the same as stadia observations using a horizontal bar, with an optional Target Height reading. A record may contain one of the following combinations:
Left and right horizontal angles.
Foresight reading and either left or right horizontal angle. In this case, the included angle between the foresight and the left or right horizontal angle will be doubled and used to calculate a horizontal distance.
Manual Calculations
Manual Calculations If you have small one-off calculations to perform, you can enter the data via the keyboard using this function. Results are displayed on the screen and optionally written to a report file. Repetitive calculations or those involving a lot of data are best carried out from a file using one of the other functions. The various options allow you to calculate the following items.
Missing line , radiation and traverse.
Mean of a set of horizontal angles given two directions defining the angle.
Means a set of vertical angles and converts them to the Face Left equivalent.
Stadia checking and reduction.
RDS checking and reduction.
Horizontal distance from subtense readings.
Horizontal distance and height difference from a vertical angle and slope difference.
Coordinates of a point given the included angles between, and the horizontal distances to, two known points (side angle side calculation).
Manual Calculations
Angles This function accepts a list of horizontal angle pairs and calculates the included angle between each pair. It also displays the mean and range of the included angles. In addition, you can enter a list of vertical angles and the program will normalise them all to Face Left and display the mean and range. To use the Angles function: 1.
Select Survey | Manual Calcs | Angles from the main menu.
Choose the angle units.
Choose the zero vertical. Zenith means that 90 or 270 is horizontal; <90 or >270 is an elevation and >90 or <270 is a depression. Horizontal means that 0 is horizontal, positive values are elevations and negative values are depressions.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
Enter pairs of horizontal angles and/or a list of vertical angles and run the function.
Manual Calculations
Stadia This function checks and reduces stadia readings. You can nominate a station from a station file, or you can enter specific station data. Do the following to use the Stadia function: 1.
Select Survey | Manual Calcs | Stadia from the main menu.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
(Optional) Enter the station file name and field names.
Enter a station name if you want to use a station from the specified station file, or enter Easting, Northing and RL values.
Enter the values for instrument height, bearing, vertical angle and top, middle and bottom wires.
Run the function.
In the output, dH is the difference in ground height between the station and observed point. HD is the difference, in millimetres, between the mean of the top and bottom wire readings and the middle wire reading.
Manual Calculations
RDS This function checks and reduces RDS readings, using either the Vertical Angle or Factor method. To use the RDS function: 1.
Select Survey | Manual Calcs | RDS from the main menu.
Choose the angle units, zero vertical and method.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
(Optional) Enter the station file name and field names.
Enter a station name to use details from the station file, or enter Easting, Northing and RL values.
Enter the bearing and top, middle and bottom wire values.
Enter either the vertical angle or the factor, depending on which method you chose.
Run the function.
In the output, dH is the difference in ground height between the station and observed point. HD is the difference, in millimetres, between the mean of the top and bottom wire readings and the middle wire reading.
Manual Calculations
Subtense This function calculates the included angle and horizontal distance, given a bar length and two horizontal angles. To use the Subtense function:
Select Survey | Manual Calcs | Subtense from the main menu.
Choose the angle units.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
Enter the bar length and the two horizontal directions.
Run the function.
Manual Calculations
EDM This function reduces a vertical angle and slope distance to a horizontal distance and a height distance. To use the EDM function: 1.
Select Survey | Manual Calc | EDM from the main menu.
Choose the angle units and the zero vertical.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
Enter the vertical angle, slope distance, instrument height, target height and RL.
Run the function.
Manual Calculations
SAS This function (Side Angle Side) calculates the coordinates of a point, using two known stations, the included angle made at the unknown point and the horizontal distances. You can used named stations from a station file or enter coordinates. To use the SAS function:
Select Survey | Manual Calc | SAS from the main menu.
Choose the angle units.
(Optional) Enter a report file name.
(Optional) Enter the station file name and field names.
Enter station names to use details from the station file, or enter Easting, Northing and RL values. You can use one station from the file and one with specified coordinates.
Enter the directions and distances to the stations (A and B).
Run the function.
Cross Sections
Generating Cross Sections Overview The Cross Sections | Generate option must be used to generate specially formatted Section files that can be used as input to the other Cross Section functions. You can then:
Display Cross Section outlines.
Calculate Volumes between surfaces.
Interactively select section lines and display different surfaces.
The source file you specify must contain string data. If you are creating a number of section files for the same area, to be used later for volume calculations, ensure that you enter the same values for section spacing, start and end section. Section profiles will then correspond exactly. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Generate from the main menu.
Choose the input file type and select or type in its name.
Enter the Easting, Northing and RL field names.
Enter the name of the section (SEC) file to be generated.
Click Section Details and enter the required data:
Choose the section type. If you choose LOOKING EAST, for example, the function will generate lines of constant Easting, commencing with the coordinate entered in Start Section.
Type in the values for section spacing, start section name and end section name.
Enter the String and/or Join field name, and if applicable, type in the wildcode value.
Run the function.
Screen messages show the progress as the input file is read and the section file is generated.
Cross Sections
Displaying Cross Sections Overview This function displays the cross sections in a file created by the previous menu item. It can also display cross sectional areas. Depending on the choice of parameters, areas are calculated in one of three ways: Using the current surface only, the area is defined by joining the start and end points of the section. A single input file is used. Using the current surface and a previous surface involves two section files. The previous surface file is generally expected to extend beyond the limits of the current surface file, although the function will still operate if this is not the case, by extending lines from the first surface as described in the procedure. Using two surface files together with a top and/or bottom RL constrains the area calculations to the portions below the top and/or above the bottom RL. The ends can be extended as for the two surface situation. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Display from the main menu.
Enter the name of the current surface file (it must be a Section file) and choose the linetype.
Double click on Colour, then select a colour from the palette and click Select to apply that colour to the lines.
(Optional) If you are using a previous surface file, enter its name and choose a linetype and colour as above.
(Optional) Type in the start and ending section coordinates. If you do not enter values, the program will show each section in turn for the whole file.
(Optional) Enter the top and/or bottom RLs if you are using these values, and select a colour for each. These values are applicable only if you are using a previous surface file.
Click on Display Limits and enter the data. If you do not enter limits, the scale changes for each section displayed. Otherwise, each section display will be within the limits defined here. The grid space values set the distance between grid lines.
Click on Display area? to see the area and calculation results on the screen.
Double click on Colour in the fill area to set the colour. Double click on Hatch to set the hatch pattern. Remember that dense hatch patterns can take a long time to plot on pen plotters.
10. Double click on Colour in the Cut area to set the colour. Double click on Hatch to set the hatch pattern. 11. If you entered Top and Bottom RL, choose whether to extend to the Top or BOTTOM, or NONE (the default). 12. Select Plot U-frame? to send U-frame data to the plot file. 13. Run the function to display the sections.
Cross Sections
Cross Section Display Tools The following tools are available in the Cross Section Display: Goto This options lets you enter the coordinate of the next section you want to view. To use it: 1.
Select Actions | Goto from the display menu.
Enter the coordinate of the section you want to view.
Click OK to continue.
Continuous Use this option when you want to step through all sections in the input file automatically. The program displays each section for a few seconds and them draws the next section in the display. It starts from the current display and continues to the last section. To use this option: 1.
Select Actions | Continuous from the display menu.
Observe each section as it is displayed.
Previous Select this item to display the previous section. Next Select this item to display the next section.
Cross Sections
Displaying Interactive Cross Sections Overview This function accepts as input either one or two files containing string data that define a surface, and displays the strings in the first file. You can then use the mouse to define a section line and the program displays the cross section(s). The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Interactive from the main menu.
Choose the type and select or type in the name of the first file defining the surface.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names and optionally choose a colour for the cross section line by double clicking the Colour box then selecting the colour.
Enter the String and/or Join field names and type in the wildcode value if used.
(Optional) Enter the colour field name and enter the colour file.
(Optional) Select a default colour by double clicking on the box and choosing a colour.
Click on Display Limits and enter the values.
(Optional) Check the Display 2nd surface? box and enter the data as for the first surface. This surface will not appear in the plan display, but its cross section will be shown.
Run the function.
The surface 1 file will now be read in and displayed (usually as contours). Click and drag to define a cross section line, then click again to see the cross section displayed. If you used a second surface file, both cross sections will be shown, each in its own colour. The display shows the coordinates of the section line end points with bearing and distance of the line.
Cross Sections
Calculating Volumes from Cross Sections Overview This function calculates a volume from a section file, using the end area method. Area calculations are identical to those described for the Display function. If you use the same parameters in both functions, the Display function demonstrates how the volume is calculated. The formula used to calculate the volume between sections is:
V = L*(A1+A2+SQRT(A1*A2))/3 L is the distance between sections. A1 and A2 are the areas of the two sections respectively. The Process 1.
Select Strings | Cross Sections | Volum es from the main menu.
Enter the name of the current surface file (it must be a Section file) and choose the linetype.
(Optional) If you are using a previous surface file, enter its name.
(Optional) Type in the start and ending section coordinates. If you do not enter values, the program will show each section in turn for the whole file.
(Optional) Enter the top and/or bottom RLs if you are using these values. These values are applicable only if you are using a previous surface file.
Enter X min and Y max to restrict the calculation to these limits.
Enter the Left and Right closing slope values.
If you entered an RL, choose whether to extend to the TOP of BOTTOM or NONE.
Type in a name for the report file, if required, to contain the volumes for each section.
10. Type in a code value if you want this information written to a Code field for identification. 11. Run the function. The program now displays coordinates and cut and fill volumes for each section, followed by cumulative totals.
Setting Display Options When Calculating Volumes You can enter closing slope left and right values (between 0 and 90 degrees). These define how the current surface file is to be extrapolated to define an intersection point with the second section or top/bottom RL and is the slope of the extrapolated line in each case. If you leave the field blank, the line extends at the same angle as the first or last line segment of the section.
Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) Digital Terrain Modelling (DTM) generates a mathematical model from a random set of data points that have X, Y and Z values. It uses Delauney triangulation. This creates a mesh of triangles by drawing lines between data points. The triangles are as equiangular as possible and the original data points are connected so no triangle sides are intersected by other triangles. The triangulation network is unique. In other words, the same set of triangles will be generated regardless of how the data points are sorted (in the file). Once you have created a DTM, you can calculate the Z value for any point within the bounds of the model. This enables the surface to be contoured and a volume to be calculated between the surface and a plane (or between the surface and another surface). Other contouring methods generate a grid of points with the Z values of the grid nodes calculated from the surrounding data. This has the effect of the smoothing the data. Because DTMs use the actual points in the file to define the triangles, the original data is honoured. DTMs are most commonly associated with topographic data, with Z being elevation. This will allow pit or stockpile volumes to be calculated, or contour maps to be plotted. However the Z value can also be ore grades or seam thickness and, as a result, DTMs have widespread use. They are often useful in pit optimisation and ore body estimation. The Earthworks product, Viewpoint, includes a driver to load DTM files created in MICROMINE. This allows 3D visualisation of the surface model. The following DTM functions are available: Create Create generates a DTM from a file containing points with X, Y and Z coordinates. The output file is used by the other DTM functions. The DTM may be contoured, and the contours written to a string file, as part of the create process. Create from Points Using the Create from Points function, a constraint file is defined that will clip the triangle edges. Z values in the constraint file are recalculated and these are included during the surface creation. The following functions operate on an existing DTM file: Volumes Calculates volumes between two DTMs or between one DTM and a user defined horizontal plane. Contours Contours an existing DTM. Seam Thickness Uses two existing DTMs, which define the top and bottom of a seam, to generate a new DTM which has the seam thickness as the Z value. Generate Z Values Uses an existing DTM to calculate the Z values for data points that only have X and Y coordinates. Assign Determine whether points in a file are above, below or outside the limits of the created DTM. DTM->MM File Converts a DTM file to a string file. DTM->Faces File Converts a DTM file to a file that can be used by the Autocad™ Faces command.
Creating a DTM Overview Use Create to generate a digital terrain model (in Plan, West or North Plane) from any file containing points with X, Y and Z coordinates. Two types of output file can be created.
DTM file - A binary file that defines the surface model. This file is used by the other DTM functions and cannot be edited.
Contour file - A data file containing strings that define the contour lines.
You can define breaklines to control how the triangles are formed. They can be used to prevent triangles from crossing linear features, such as ridge lines. You can also define a boundary file to limit the area for which a DTM is created. Because DTMs honour the original data points, they provide a very accurate model when the data defines where the slope of the surface changes. A topographic survey which locates ridges and valleys will produce good results. When the data is random or sparse, and the terrain is rugged, then accuracy may be affected. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | Create.
Enter the name of the input file. If required, define a filter to selectively process the records.
Enter the name for the Z field.
Select the desired Output Type and enter an Output Name to write the model data to a file.
Click the Attributes button and set the desired attributes. The default DTM colour should be set at this time.
Click the Display Limits button to bring up a dialog that lets you define the display limits.
(Optional) Select a DTM Plane from either PLAN, WEST or NORTH. This is the plane against which the DTM will be projected during construction. The default is PLAN.
(Optional) Check Show triangles? if you want to see the DTM triangles on the display.
(Optional) Check Breaklines? and click the More button opposite to define a string which controls the position of the output triangle edges.
10. (Optional) Check Constraint file? and click the More button to enter details of a file that constrains the model. 11. Check Contours? and click the More button to enter details of contour generation. 12. Click OK to run the function.
Creating a DTM from points in plane Use the Strings | DTM | Create Plane function to create a wireframe from points in plane. A constraint file is defined which will clip the triangle edges. Z values in the constraint file are recalculated and these are included during the surface creation. To create a wireframe from points in plane:
Specify the number of points in the plane, as defined by the Points file. If only 1 point is available to define the centre and rotation of the plane, you must specify a dip and dip direction. For 2 points, specify a dip. Select 3 points to define centre of rotation, dip and dip direction from the points file. If defining a horizontal surface at that RL, select the RL option.
Select the file type (usually string) and select the name of the points file.
Define the dip and dip direction for one point, modelling the DTM top Z and then base Z.
For two points define the dip.
Click the Constraint File button to define a file that will constrain the area for which the triangulated surface is calculated.
Type in the output type and name.
Specify Code, Colour, and Title attributes.
Click OK to run the function.
Using breaklines Using the Breakline option, can prevent triangles from crossing selected strings defined in the input file. For example, triangles that intersect crest or toe lines in a pit will not be representing the actual surface properly. To ensure that this does not happen, all crest and toe strings can be defined as breaklines. To define breaklines in the DTM | Create dialog form: 1.
Select Breaklines and click the More button opposite.
Enter the names of the string fields in the input file.
The illustration below shows DTMs created from the same input file. In the example on the right triangles cannot form across the breaklines defined around the rim of the pit and the base of the pit (the breaklines are highlighted). A third breakline is shown defining the edge of the pit.
Using a constraint file If you are using a constraint file with the Grid | Clip menu option refer to the "Grid Clipping - Using a constraint file" topic. When you run DTM | Create a constraint file is created by default. This is hidden from the user. The purpose of the constraint file is to limit the area for which the DTM is created. Constraint files are rarely used. The strings in the constraint file must be convex. To use a constraint file in DTM | Create: 1.
Select Constraint file and click the More button opposite.
Enter the name of the file and the X and Y fields within it.
When DTM | Create runs it checks to see if Constraint file is selected. When this is the case it will use the constraint file you have defined. Otherwise it will create the constraint file by default.
DTM Contouring Contours are lines connecting points of equal Z value. When you create a DTM, a Z field is defined, and these values can now be contoured using the DTM | Contour function. The DTM is a triangular mesh with each vertex being a point in the data file that was used to create the DTM. Each vertex has an associated Z value and each triangle side defines a constant slope between two known points. So, if two vertices of the same triangle have Z values of 19m and 21m, then half way along the connecting side the Z value will be 20m. If a specific Z value “enters” a triangle by intersecting one of its sides, it must “leave” the triangle by one of the other two sides, thereby “entering” an adjacent triangle. A contour line is generated by tracking a specific Z value in this way.
The contouring function are accessible via Strings | DTM | Create and Strings | DTM | Contours. In the latter case you also need to enter the name of the DTM file to use, before completing the dialog prompts mentioned below. To complete the Contours dialog, do the following: 1.
Enter a Contour interval as a value in Z units, defining the spacing between contour lines.
Enter a Label interval you want to label contours with their Z value. The interval defines the number of contours between labels.
Enter the Contour minimum and maximum values to restrict the range of contours.
Use the slider bar to apply smoothing to the contours.
Enter a colour set number to control contour colours, and double-click Default colour to select a default colour.
Enter a Contour file name to generate an output file.
Contour smoothing If Smoothing is not applied, then the Z intercepts on the triangle sides will be connected by straight lines, often resulting in “jagged” contours. Use the slider bar to determine the degree of smoothing to be applied to the contour lines. Straight line contours will never cross, but there is no guarantee that smoothed contours will not cross.
Contour file Contours can be useful background information in other displays, such as String Edit and Vizex. This can be done by writing the contour lines to a data file. The Contour file is automatically created and has the fields X, Y, Z and JOIN. When displaying this in another function, define Z as the String field and JOIN as the Join field to ensure that the contours display correctly. Labels are not written to the Contour file.
Calculating a DTM volume Overview You can calculate the volume between an existing DTM and either a defined plane or another DTM. A boundary file can be used to limit the calculation area. When calculating the volume between two DTMs, an estimate of the calculation accuracy is calculated. The DTM files used by the Volumes function are created using the DTM | Create option, or the Build DTM tool when editing strings in Vizex. To obtain the best performance and accuracy when calculating a volume between 2 DTMs, set the more complex of the two surfaces as DTM File 1. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | Volumes.
Select the Volume definition and enter the names of the DTM file(s) and/or RL(s) required.
(Optional) Select a Boundary file to limit the calculation area.
Check Show triangle? to see a display of the volumes.
Enter the name of the Report file. This will contain the area and volume estimates.
Run the function.
Calculating seam thickness Overview Using two DTMs representing the top and bottom of a seam, you can generate a DTM in which the Z values represent the thickness. In addition you can generate a file that contains the thickness at each point. If you choose to generate contours, these will be displayed and may be written to a file. The Process
Select Strings | DTM | Seam Thickness.
Enter the names of the Top and Bottom DTM files.
(Optional) Check Boundary file? and click the More button to enter details of a boundary file to restrict the area.
Check Write grid to file? and enter the required grid spacing. The equally spaced grid points and Z values will be written to the Thickness file.
(Optionally) Check Contour thickness? and click the More button to enter details of contour generation, which will be based on the thickness values.
Check Show triangles? to display the results of the triangulation.
Enter a name for the DTM thickness file if you want to generate one.
Enter a name for the Thickness file . It will contain the coordinates from the input DTM files, with Z values as the thickness. It will also include the grid coordinates if you chose to include them in step 4.
Run the function.
Generating Z values from a DTM Overview With the Generate Z values option you can calculate the Z values for any points within the area of an existing DTM. This is a way of determining elevations for known collar locations. Your DTM file must exist and it must cover the X and Y range of the data points in the MM file. Points outside the DTM file range will not have Z values calculated. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | Generate Z values.
Enter the name of the input DTM and data files applying a filter if necessary.
Enter the name of the file.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Check the Overwrite existing Z values? box in order to replace the existing Z values. If the Overwrite check box is unchecked then it only overwrites when the existing Z value is blank.
Run the function.
DTM Assign Overview With Assign you can determine whether points in a data file are above, below or outside and existing DTM. As an example, you could determine which blocks from an OBM have been mined, by assigning the current pit DTM to the OBM file. Each point in the data file is projected onto the DTM. The Z value of the data point is compared to the Z value of the DTM. The value written to the Code field for that point depends on whether the point is above, below or outside the DTM. The Process
Select Strings | DTM | Assign.
Enter the name of the DTM file. If the wireframe is a solid rather than a surface, the Side of DTM prompt allows you to specify whether a TOP or BOTTOM value is to be used when comparing values with Z values in the data file.
Enter the name of the data file. Apply a filter if necessary.
Enter the X, Y and Z field names.
Enter the Code field name. Values indicating whether a point is above, below or outside the DTM will be written to this field.
If the target file in this process is a block model file, you can decompose the blocks into sub-blocks to improve the accuracy of the assignment process. The blocks can be decomposed into ten sub-blocks in each (X,Y,RL) direction. To do this:
Select the Subblocking method checkbox.
Select the Subbblocks or Block factor option and click the corresponding More... box.
If you selected the Block factor option, specify whether the block factor will be used to define the portion of each block that falls above or below the DTM.
Enter the values you want written to the code field for each of the possible assignments.
Run the function.
DTM to MM file conversion Overview With DTM->MM you can convert a DTM file into a standard data file. One application is to run the this process on a DTM created from a drillhole collar file. The Output file can now be used by the Cross Section Generate function, so that accurate ground levels can be drawn when displaying drillhole cross sections. The output file contains strings made from the triangular mesh defined by the DTM. Each string draws as many triangle sides as possible, but does not necessarily form complete triangles. The Process 1.
Select Strings | DTM | DTM->MM.
Enter the name of the input DTM file.
Enter the name of the Output file.
Define the X, Y, Z and String field names.
Run the function.
DTM to FACES file With DTM -> FACES you can create a polygon mesh (or polyface mesh) file. This file type can be used by Autocad™. The file generated is a list of command line inputs. The first line is the Autocad™ command PFACE used to generate a polyface mesh. The next group of lines describe the vertices of the triangles in X, Y, Z coordinates. Each entry has a vertex number. After the vertices have been defined the triangles are defined. The vertices are selected by their number and blank lines separate each triangle definition. With your DTM files converted you can now apply any Autocad functions to the DTM. You may wish to produce solid looking prints representing your DTM. Do the following to convert a DTM file to a Faces file:
Select Strings | DTM | DTM -> Faces file.
Enter the names of the DTM and output file.
Run the function.
Index A
FACES file.......................................... 52
Assign ...............................................50
Factor (RDS reductions)........................ 26
Field Reductions
an overview..................................... 23
angle rounds ................................... 24
Calculating Volumes .............................39
EDM reductions ................................ 24
Constraint file
RDS reductions ................................ 26
Using for DTMs .................................44
stadia reductions .............................. 25
Constraint file .....................................44
subtense bar reductions ..................... 27
Contour file ........................................46
Field Reductions.............. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
Z values ......................................... 49
Creating ............................................41
Generating......................................... 49
Cross Sections.................35, 36, 37, 38, 39
Import Obs
Detail Coord Calcs
download station coords ..................... 22
an overview ...................................... 4
file formats and codes........................ 17
Detail Coord Calcs ................................. 4
input output format ........................... 21
Download station coords........................22
instrument connection........................ 19
preconditions................................... 16
Calculating volumes ...........................47
reformatting the Input ....................... 20
Create from points.............................42
Import Obs ............... 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22
MM file............................................51
Manual calcs
to FACES file ....................................52
an overview..................................... 28
DTM.........................40, 41, 42, 47, 51, 52
Manual calcs ...................................... 28
DTM Assign ........................................50
Manuals calcs ..................................... 28
DTM Contours ................................45, 46
Mean Obs
DTM, breaklines...................................43
DTM, Constraint file..............................44
Mean Obs ............................................7
MM file
FACES file from DTM ........................................52
DTM .............................................. 51 MM file.............................................. 51
RDS............................................... 31
Seam Thickness...................................48
SAS ............................................... 34
Set Out Calcs
Stadia ............................................ 30
an overview ...................................... 6
Subtense ........................................ 32
Set Out Calcs ....................................... 6
Survey Manual calcs.... 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
DTM Contours...................................46 Smoothing .........................................46
Thickness, Seam ................................. 48 Top/Bottom volumes
station coordinates...............................22
calculating ........................................9
Station file .........................................16
the process .......................................9
Subtense bar reductions ........................27
Top/Bottom volumes ..............................9
an overview ...................................... 1
overview......................................... 12
Field Reductions................................23
Traverse............................................ 12
Import Obs ......................................14
Manual calcs ....................................28
Vertical angle (RDS reductions) .............. 26
Mean Obs ......................................... 7
Set Out Calcs .................................... 6
DTM .............................................. 47
Top/Bottom volumes ........................... 9
Volume ............................................. 47
traverse ..........................................12
Volumes.........................................9, 39
Survey ........................ 6, 7, 12, 14, 23, 28
Survey Manual calcs
Z values
Angles ............................................29
Generate ........................................ 49
Z values............................................ 49
Table Of Contents Plotting................................................................................................................ 3 Plot Editor & Quick Plot ......................................................................................... 4 Creating a simple plot ............................................................................................. 5 Creating a plot ...................................................................................................... 6 Modify a predefined layout or create a new layout..................................................... 6 Specifying the master plot frame .......................................................................... 6 Defining a title ................................................................................................. 6 Adding frames to a predefined layout..................................................................... 6 Creating a Section+Plan plot..................................................................................... 7 Types of plot frame ................................................................................................ 8 Plot Parameters................................................................................................... 10 Setting up preview options..................................................................................... 11 Editing the plot while in Preview mode ...................................................................... 12 Defining size factors ............................................................................................. 13 Defining a grid .................................................................................................... 14 Using Substitutions............................................................................................... 16 Importing form sets.............................................................................................. 17 Plot Options........................................................................................................ 18 Index................................................................................................................ 19
Plotting The Plotting module extends the Quick Plot functionality provided by the Core module. The Plot Editor is a very powerful tool that allows you to generate hard copy and customize the appearance of plots created in any MICROMINE graphical display. It includes comprehensive facilities for previewing the output on screen, and for printing outlines to a plotter or a disk file. With the Plot Editor you can do such things as:
Define sheet size, scale, grid type and spacing, rotation, label and symbol size factors, title blocks and legends.
Include multiple plot frames on a single sheet. Layouts can be defined that specify what frames will appear on a plot, their positions, and their characteristics. A number of predefined plot layouts are provided by the application.
Save the contents of frames as form sets for later editing and reloading.
Include picture, grid and graticule frames on a plot.
Output to Print Manager®, directly to a plotter, or to PRN, DXF or PGL files. Plotting menu options: Plot |
Plot Editor
Plot |
Plot |
Plot Editor & Quick Plot The MICROMINE application provides two plotting functions. Quick Plot
Provided as part of the Core module, Quick Plot is a simplified version of the Plot Editor. Quick Plot is designed to produce preliminary plots in the field. While it may not have all the features provided by the Plot Editor, it is still a powerful plotting tool. Quick Plot is limited to:
TEXT, COMPLEX, LEGEND and SYMBOL title definition frames.
Five other frames that can only have frame types of SYMBOL, NONE and LEGEND.
Plot Editor
The following Plot Editor features are not available in Quick Plot:
SECTION+PLAN plot style.
STATISTICAL plot style.
Comprehensive Preview Options.
The Statistical and Transform grid options.
The ability to edit labels in the plot preview window.
The Plot Editor allows you to customize the appearance of plots generated by other MICROMINE functions. It includes comprehensive facilities for previewing the output on screen and for printing outlines to a plotter or a disk file. With the Plot Editor you can do such things as:
Combine multiple frames on a single sheet of paper.
Save the contents of frames as form sets for later editing and reloading.
Include picture, grid and graticule frames on a plot.
The Plot Editor setup process can be quite involved. However, if you use the predefined layouts supplied with the application, the process of setting up plots can be greatly simplified.
Creating a simple plot With the Plot Editor and Quick Plot you can define exactly how you want to plot your data. Once you have set up all the parameters for your company or project, and saved them in forms, there is often little you need to do to alter them. For most plotting, you will then only have to change one or two parameters. The following steps describe how to create a simple plot. It is assumed that you are using a standard layout and that you will not include multiple plots on the same sheet of paper. To setup the Plot Editor or Quick Plot: 1.
Make sure the plotter and printer are set up in Options | Plot.
Select Plot | Plot Editor or Plot | Quick Plot from the main menu.
Select the file you want to plot. This is a file that was generated in one of the other functions, like Simple Display. Note that filters are not available.
You are then asked if you want to import the parameters for use with this plot.
When you select No, the parameters currently shown in the Plot Editor are used.
When you select Yes, and you have used this file in the Plot Editor before, the last used parameters associated with the file are used. If you have not yet used the file in the Plot Editor, the original parameters are imported.
If at any stage you want to use the original parameters, that were entered when the plot file was created, click LOAD at the top of the screen. Whichever parameters you use, the original parameters are always shown in the bottom two rows on the Plot Editor screen. The parameters you have chosen to use are shown in the two rows above it.
Select the plot paper size. Double-click the paper size box to show a list of all available paper sizes.
Select a predefined layout.
Select the text that is to appear in the Title.
Define the scale of the plot.
Define the grid.
10. To draw the plot on the screen, select PREVIEW from the list of Output Options and then define Preview Options (Plot Editor only). Or if you want to plot directly to paper, set Output to HARDCOPY. 11. Make sure the plot Style is set to Scaled. This is normally selected automatically depending on the function you used to create the plot (the other option is a statistical plot, which is a graphical representation of statistical data, for example a linear regression). 12. Ensure the Changed By Scale prompt is set to Min/Max, and all other fields are empty. When using a statistical plot, scaling is irrelevant and the option will be disabled. 13. Click OK and the plot data will be sent to the plotter or drawn on the screen, as it would appear on the plotter. After you have set all these up, you can preview the plot on the screen, exactly as it will be printed. You can then make changes in the preview editor before printing a hardcopy.
Creating a plot Plot layouts are defined in the Layout Definition dialog. There are three ways of working with layouts. You can:
Use a predefined layout without modification. Do this by selecting a layout (double-click or press F3 in the Layout field) in the Plot Editor or Quick Plot dialog.
Modify a predefined layout. Frames can be added without changing the layout permanently.
Create and save an entirely new layout, either from scratch, or by modifying one of the predefined layouts and saving it as a form set.
Modify a predefined layout or create a new layout Click the Layout Definition button in the main Plot Editor (or Quick Plot) dialog to display the Layout Definition dialog. Settings in the Layout Definition dialog, define the plot area, the master plot frame, and the frames that make up the title. You can also specify other frames to include in the plot layout. Specifying the master plot frame In the PLOT row, you can alter the location and rotation of the master plot frame. Defining a title Use the TITLE row to define the frames that appears in the title box on the plot. To define a new title: 1.
Enter the Parameter set to be used for the title. To create a new one, press F4 and complete the Title Frame layout dialog box.
Select the coordinates in which to express the position of the title.
Enter the position of the title within the master plot. If you want to position the title anywhere in the plot area, use coordinates of USER, mm or GRID. You must then enter the location of the bottom left and top right corners. When you use any other coordinates, the title frame is only movable in the master plot frame. In that case enter the width and height in the TRx and TRy fields.
To rotate the title within the frame, enter the number of degrees.
Select a colour and line type in which to draw the title frame. Note that the size of the thickness for options THICK, THIN and MEDIUM depends on the paper size you use.
Adding frames to a predefined layout To use the Layout Definition dialog you need to know how to position frames on the paper. For more information, click on the following topic links:
Defining the type and location of a frame
Coordinates in plot layouts
Defining the content of a frame
Importing and exporting form sets
Creating a Section+Plan plot Using this function you can plot a section and the corresponding plan view of that section in the master plot frame. This type of plot has a special style, called SECTION+PLAN. You must choose this style before you can create this type of plot. Note: To use this function you must first create a section plot file and a plan plot file.
You can annotate the plan view so it is clear which drillholes in the plan plot are shown in the section plot. You can also display lines at the section coordinate and the extent of the data corridor defined by the Window towards and Window away parameters. All the parameters available when you set the Style to SCALED are also available in this plot style. The Process
Do the following: 1.
Select Plot | Plot Editor from the main menu.
Enter the name of the section file in the Plot file response.
Set Style to SECTION+PLAN. The Drillhole Plan button will be enabled.
Click the Drillhole Plan button and define parameters to control how the Plan plot will be displayed.
Select Grid and click the More button opposite. Define the appearance of the grid that will be displayed in the plan view.
Select Section and click the More button opposite. Define the labels and lines that show the portion of the plan view that is displayed in the section view.
Return to the Plot Editor form and continue entering parameters.
When you have finished entering parameters, click OK to preview the plot.
Types of plot frame To work with plots it is important to understand the concept of frames. All plots are made up of frames, which contain the actual data that will appear on the plot. Each frame contains a part of a plot. All the frames that make up a plot are contained in the Plot Area. The following are types of frames: Type of Frame
In Quick Plot
Master Plot
This is the primary plot that will appear on the paper. It contains the plot data you created in another function and must always be present (though it can be empty).
A Title frame is made up of several other frames. The other frames contain the parts of the title.
To include any text on the plot you must include it in a Text frame. This can be used for putting notes or other text information on the plot. Any number of data sets from a text file can be included.
Legend frames contain the legends that explain the symbols, colours and hatches used on the plot.
Data extracted from a file can be shown in a tabular form on the plot by using the Table frame.
Several additional plots can be shown on the same sheet of paper. Each extra plot must be defined in a separate Plot frame.
Picture Frames can contain raster images of many types. Useful for diverse tasks such as overlaying aerial photography through to positioning the company logo on a plot.
Frames that can display a grid related to the grid in another plot frame. These are useful when you need to display a local and a map grid such as AMG on a plot.
Using a graticule frame you can display a graticule on a plot. Generally this will be used to display latitudes and longitudes along with a local grid.
Use these frames to combine text, symbols and line work to create elaborate presentations such as company logos. The contents of Complex frames are derived from a text file, which uses a simple compositeframe language to describe the information.
A symbol frame can contain any symbol or character in a True Type font installed in Windows. One of the easiest ways to add a North pointer to a plot is to use a symbol frame.
Empty frames contain no data and can be used to place an outline around other frames.
Plot Parameters All the entries you make in the Plot Editor and Quick Plot dialogs are called plot parameters. They define the content and appearance of a plot. Both the Plot Editor and Quick Plot have many levels and in most of them you can create form sets. When you create a form set it saves the contents of all parameters in a dialog and in any of the dialogs accessible from it (that are beneath it in the hierarchy of functions). When you want to re-use parameters saved in a form for a new plot, you can apply them by selecting the form set. In time you can create a comprehensive suite of plot set-ups saved as form sets. You can control most aspects of the plot by entering parameters in forms. Note that some options are controlled in Options | Plot. Original plot parameters
When you create a plot file, you don’t need to define any parameters, except for the name of the plot file. However, you may wish to create and save a set of standard parameters that describe key features of a common type of plot. Such parameters include the plot’s X and Y scales, paper size, rotation, grid line spacing and so on. You do this by clicking the Edit Defaults button when creating the plot file. You can also save these as a form for use in other plots, by activating the Forms button in the Plotfile Defaults dialog. These parameters become the original parameters for that plot and they are saved as part of the plot file. Any variations on this standard set of values can be made in the Plot Editor for specific plots. Loading and saving parameters
When loading a file in the Plot Editor, or Quick Plot, you have a choice of which set of parameters you want to use:
The original parameters that were set up when the plot file was created. The original plot parameters are created on the Plotfile Defaults dialog. You can access this by clicking the Edit Defaults button when creating a plot file.
The most recently used parameters associated with the file. The parameters that you last used with the file are automatically associated with the plot file when you close the Plot Editor or Quick Plot, run Plot Preview or plot the file.
The current parameters.
No matter which parameters are loaded, you can always modify them. Note: When creating a statistical plot, the stats form set is automatically loaded. This contains the basic parameters for a standard statistical plot. The current non-statistical parameters are saved to a temporary file when you use this option and will be reloaded on exit.
Setting up preview options A preview allows you to see the plot on the screen before sending it to the plotter. Adjustments made in the preview dialog box will only be applied to the preview screen display and will not affect the hard copy of the plot. You can choose to view specific components and exclude others. For example, you may only want to view the plot data (without title, gridlines, etc.), view the legend, or view another specific frame. Turning off various parts of the plot speeds up the drawing process and decreases the complexity of the plot. You can also increase or decrease the size of labels and symbols. Once in the Preview screen, powerful editing tools are available to manipulate the frames and labels. To control how Preview will display your plot data on the screen: 1.
Select Preview from the Output list on the Plot Editor screen and click the Preview Options button.
Choose whether to display the entire page or only the plot. Viewing the entire page in the preview window is useful when positioning a plot on the page. Plot area shows the whole plot in the preview window.
Choose whether to display all frames or select individual frames to display. If the Display all option is selected, frames, labels, line work and grid lines will all be displayed when you execute the Plot Editor. If the Display all option is not selected, you can choose which elements will be displayed and, in the case of labels, how they will appear. Select the appropriate box to include them in the preview. Labels have an additional option called BOX. Select this option if you want to replace the label text with a small rectangle. This can speed up the display considerably.
If you want to display labels or symbols at a different size, type in a scale factor. Enter factors in the size factor prompts to increase or decrease the size of the components in the display. The default value is 1.0. To decrease the size of one of these components, enter a value greater than 0.0 and less than 1.0. To increase its size, enter a value greater than 1.0. These size factors will only apply to the preview.
Click Close.
Selecting Preview from the list of Output options on the main Plot Editor screen works differently from pressing the Preview button available on many dialogs.
Selecting Preview as Output displays the complete plot area and gives you access to all editing facilities via a menu at the top.
Pressing the Preview button shows the frame on which you are currently working. No editing is allowed, and a limited set of functions are available by right-clicking. You can also right-click to exit Preview.
Editing the plot while in Preview mode When you preview a plot, editing options are available which allow you to manipulate frames and labels in the plot area. Using the Plot Preview you can:
Show the complete plot on the screen just as it will appear on paper.
Enlarge any part of the plot area on the screen for a detailed inspection.
Add new labels and edit, move or delete existing labels.
Move the various frames that make up the plot within the plot area.
Only the plot features selected in the Preview Options dialog box will be shown. If you find that parts of the plot do not appear, return to the preview dialog box and check that the necessary parameters are set correctly. Notes:
The changes you make using the Preview Edit options will be reflected in the parameters of the plot.
When you are viewing the whole plot, only the master plot can be edited. When the screen pointer is in a frame other than the master frame, the editing options on the menu line are disabled. To edit any other plots that have been included in the plot area you must Zoom in on those plot frames.
You cannot edit the contents of Text, Title, Table, Legend or Complex frames in the Plot Preview window. However, you can reposition them.
Use the mouse to move around the plot. If you do not have a mouse, you can use the Tab key to move the screen pointer from frame to frame, or use Shift+Tab to move the pointer in the reverse direction.
For information about the menus available from the menu bar in the Plot Preview window, refer to the Plot Preview Menus topic.
Defining size factors Click the Size Factors button in the Plot Editor dialog, to open the Size factors dialog box. By entering multipliers in the prompts that appear you can control the size of labels, symbols, and text on the plot. Plot label factor
Enter the multiplier to be used to size all the plot labels. You can downsize them by entering a decimal number less than 1. For example, 0.5 will halve their size. To increase the size, enter a number greater than 1. Grid label factor
Enter the multiplier to be used to size all the grid labels. They can be made smaller by entering a decimal number less than 1. For example, 0.5 will halve their size. To increase the size, enter a number greater than 1. Symbol size factor
Enter the multiplier to be used to size all the symbols. They can be made smaller by entering a decimal number less than 1. For example, 0.5 will halve their size. To increase the size, enter a number greater than 1. Notes/Legend frame text
Enter the multiplier to be used to size the text in the Notes-A, Notes-B and Legend frames. Text can be made smaller by entering a decimal number less than 1. For example, 0.5 will halve their size. To increase the size, enter a number greater than 1. Title/Client frame text
Enter the multiplier to be used to size the text in the Title and Client frames. Text can be made smaller by entering a decimal number less than 1. For example, 0.5 will halve their size. To increase the size, enter a number greater than 1.
Defining a grid The Grid dialog box enables you to define the appearance of the grid on the master plot. You can control most grid parameters including the type of gridlines you want to display (for instance full lines or just crosses at the x and y intersections), their colour, the spacing between the lines, the thickness of the lines, and the grid labels and their style. With an Inset grid you can show grid labels in a margin between the edges of the plot and the paper. The advantage of drawing the labels in between two borders is that they will not obscure the detail of the plot. Another advantage becomes apparent when you rotate the plot at an angle that is not a multiple of 90 degrees. Under these circumstances the X and Y grid labels in a conventional plot might well overwrite each other. When you use an Inset grid this will not occur. You can also force the X and Y coordinates through a particular coordinate on the plot. This is especially useful for cross sections. For example, a grid with a 20m spacing will, by default, run through 100m, 120m and 140m. To have the grid pass through 90m, 110m and 130m enter those values in the Force Through fields.
The Process
To include a grid on the plot, do the following:
Select the Grid? option in the Plot Editor dialog and click the More button. Select a Type of grid from the list.
Choose the type of grid then click the More button to define Grid Parameter Sizes.
If you want to show a margin around the plot, select Inset. The plot area will be reduced and a margin shown around it, with the grid labels drawn between the outer border and the plot border.
For transform sections select the gridlines to display. Transform sections have arbitrary X values, but it is often useful to display the true E and N grid values as well as, or instead of, the X gridlines.
Optionally enter the X or Y coordinates through which you want to force the gridlines.
Double-click Colour and select a colour in which to draw gridlines. Then double-click Label colour and select a colour for the labels. To ensure that labels are always drawn in the same colour as gridlines, select the Null colour (indicated by X) for Labels.
Plotting 7.
Type in the distance between gridlines and between ticks. Specify it in grid units (as defined in the Grid Parameters dialog box). Grid spacing must be a multiple of tick spacing.
When the origin gridlines pass through the plot, you can enter a label for the positive and negative sides of the gridlines. If no annotation is defined for the negative label, any negative grid values will have the same label as positive values.
When one of the origin grid lines passes through the plot, select the annotation that is to appear along the 0 grid line.
10. Type in the number of decimal places to appear in the grid labels. 11. Optionally select the Reverse label box to print labels upside down. This is mostly used during plot rotations, where labels appear upside down. With this option they can be righted. 12. Click Close. Controlling the plotting order
There will be cases, especially if you use a full grid, when the grid obscures some of the detail in a plot. If you want to ensure that the grid is plotted before the remaining content of the plot, select Plot first.
Using Substitutions Substitutions enable you to easily change data on a plot that is specific to that plot or series of plots, including section numbers in the title, or dates, sheet numbers, reference numbers and so on. This is a convenient way to keep all text changes to the plot in a single place – the substitutions table. You can also use substitutions with macros. Before the application outputs a plot, it looks at the Data Sets specified for the frames in the plot. If a character of a text entry in a Data Set is the @ , the application reads the text that follows and then looks for a matching value in the Substitutions table. If it finds a match, the corresponding entry in the Substitution column is output to the plot. If the substitution is not found, the variable name (@variablename) is output to the plot. To define a substitution, the variable name prefixed with the @ symbol must be entered in a Data Set in one of the plot text files or the composite-frame file. The same variable name must also be entered in the Substitution table. You can also concatenate variable names with the ‘.’ (period) character. For example, @one.@two becomes 12 when one = 1 and two = 2. You can save a substitution table as a form set in the normal way. There are two types of substitution parameters:
See also: Using substitutions with macros
Importing form sets Use the Import button on the Layout Definition dialog, to import all forms sets that you previously saved (to the plotsets.pls file) using the Export form sets option. For forms that already exist you will be given the option to overwrite or ignore them. Do the following: 1.
From the File menu open the project where you want to import the forms.
In the Plot Editor dialog, click the Layout Definition button. Click the Import button.
If a form exists in the current project with the same number as a form you are importing, a dialog appears giving you the option to overwrite the existing form. Once you have selected an option for each duplicate form, importing starts. Available options are: Overwrite
Select this to overwrite the form whose number is displayed. If more duplicates exist you will be asked for each one. Overwrite All
Select this to overwrite all duplicate forms. The message will not be shown again. Skip
Indicates not to copy the specified form. If more duplicates exist you will be asked for each one. Skip All
Indicates not to copy any duplicate sets. If more duplicates are encountered, they will be skipped without asking. Note that this only refers to duplicates; forms that do not have duplicate numbers are still copied. Notes:
You can use the Import and Export functions to quickly move all your Layout forms between projects or machines.
To import/export individual forms, or export to a different folder, click the Forms button and then select Import/Export.
Aborting the import process
Plot Options Before you output your file to a plotter, check that communications parameters and display settings are setup for your requirements. To set up Plot options
Select Options | Plot from the main menu.
Choose between using the Print Manager or sending plots directly to a port. If the printer or plotter you intend to use for hardcopy plots does not support HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) or if you specifically want to use a Windows device driver to control your output, select the Use Print Manager check box.
Select a plotter from the list.
HP 7585 Use this for most plotters supporting HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language), that can plot on A1 or A0 size paper. This includes the HP Draftmaster and DesignJet plotters (and compatibles). The plotter origin is in the centre of the paper. Note: if you have an HP Design Jet, make sure the Termination string includes the command ‘PG;’.
HP 7475A Hewlett Packard A3 size plotters and compatibles. This should also be used for any HPGL plotters with the origin at the bottom left of the paper. Typically these are A3 plotters from Hewlett Packard and Roland and new models from Calcomp. This setting is also used when outputting a HPGL file which is to be embedded in another application such as Microsoft Word and for any plotter that only supports HPGL/2.
HP 7580A Hewlett Packard A1 size paper.
HP DRAFTPRO Hewlett Packard DraftPro plotters (or any plotter with restricted hard clip limits). Most modern plotters recognize HPGL (Hewlett Packard Graphics Language) commands and therefore emulate one of the available options. Your plotter manual will list the plotters it can emulate.
Click the Pen Map button to open a form in which you map how display colours in the application are translated to plotter pens (colour).
Click Close.
Once the Plot options are setup correctly, further modification will not normally be required. Note that even if you do not use Windows Print manager, you still have to complete the Pen Map if you intend to send your plot output to a DXF or PGL file.
Plot Utilities When working with multiple plot files, various utilities are available which allow you to append plot files or plot several plot files consecutively.
Appending plot files
Batch plotting
Index E
introduction ................................ 4, 6
Environment .................................... 11
layout - designing............................. 3
layout - importing .......................... 10
Form sets........................................ 10
Layout Definition dialog ..................... 3
Frame types ......................................4
layouts .......................................... 3
overview ................................. 1, 4, 6
plot parameters ............................... 6
Grid frame
plot parameters - original................... 6
preview options ............................... 6
inset .............................................8
Section+Plan plot ............................. 3
origin gridlines.................................8
simple plot ................................. 2, 8
Grid frame ........................................8
substitutions ................................. 10
substitutions - overview................... 10
Import layout form sets............................. 10
Plot Editor............... 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10 Plot environment
Import/Export .................................. 10 Inset grid example.........................................8
default settings.............................. 11 Plot environment .............................. 11 Plot layouts
selecting ........................................8
editing........................................... 3
Inset grid..........................................8
modifying....................................... 3
Plot layouts ....................................... 3
Label size..........................................8
Plot parameters
original .......................................... 6
designing .......................................3
overview ........................................ 6
importing ..................................... 10
Plot parameters.................................. 6
Plot Utilities..................................... 11
Preview mode
for plots .........................................3
editing........................................... 7
Layouts ............................................3
Preview mode ................................ 6, 7
Preview options.................................. 6
Options .......................................6, 11
default settings.............................. 11
Plot Editor
Printer............................................ 11
advanced features ............................3
Quick Editor
general principles .............................4
simple plot ..................................... 2
grid appearance ...............................8
Quick Editor....................................... 2
Index Quick Plot
Quick Plot and Plot Editor...................... 1
advanced features ............................3
Frames ..........................................4
Section+Plan plot
grid appearance ...............................8
Drillhole Plan setup........................... 3
Layout Definition dialog .....................3
Section+Plan plot................................ 3
overview ........................................1
Simple plot.................................... 2, 3
plot parameters ...............................6
Size factors ....................................... 8
plot parameters - original ...................6
Substitutions ................................... 10
simple plot......................................8
Symbol size....................................... 8
size factors .....................................8
substitutions ................................. 10
Text size........................................... 8
Quick Plot ...................... 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10
Quick Plot and Plot Editor
Utilities........................................... 11