zie ahmadi •
Jumat, 28 Oktober 2016
MARLIN TEST MARLIN ENGLISH TEST. Saat Saat ii, ii, !a"a# !a"a# !atu !atu re$uir re$uireme emet t ba%i ba%i &ara &ara &e"aut &e"aut !ebe"u !ebe"um m beker' beker'a(' a('oi oi &a)a &a)a !eba%i !eba%ia a &eru!a#aa &e"a*ara a!i% a)a"a# #aru! me'a"ai+Mar"i te!t. Miimum !-ore Mar"i te!t utuk Ma!ter )a #ie/ o//i-er bia!a*a a)"a# 0 &er !e-tio )a oera"" !-ore a)a"a# 80. 3a*ak &ara &e"aut kita *a% %a%a" beker'a )ika&a" karea ti)ak bi!a memeu#i miimum !-ore re$uiremet ter!ebut. Ata! )a!ar ii"a# !a*a me%um&u"ka berba%i !oa"4!oa" )a"am Mar"i te!t a%ar bi!a )i &e"a'ari, )i&a#ami )a atau )i#a&a"ka o"e# reka4reka &e"aut !e#i%%a )e%a )emikia &ara &e"aut ti)ak aka me%a"ami ke!u"ita utuk me*e"e!aika !oa"4!oa" Mar"i te!t )e%a #a!i" me"ebi#i !-ore miimum *a% )i&er!*aratka. 5ari aktu ke aktu Mar"i te!t me%a"ami &eruba#a(u&)ate !oa", amu &eruba#a ter!ebut ti)ak berbe)a 'au# )e%a !oa"4!oa" !ebe"um*a )a mo)e" !oa"*a !e"a"u be%itu4be%itu !a'a. Sebetu"*a a)a ra!a takut )a"am )iri !a*a utuk mem&ub"ika!ika kum&u"a !oa" 'aab Mar"i te!t te!t ii, ii, karea karea mu%ki mu%ki bi!a bi!a )ia% )ia%%a& %a& !eba%a !eba%aii &e"a% &e"a%%ar %ara a #ak -i&ta. -i&ta. Namu Namu )e%a )e%a me%u-a& +3i!mi""a#ira#mairra#im +3i!mi""a#ira#mairra#im )a iat baik !a*a beritika) mem&ub"ika!ika*a !am&ai a)a te%ura )ari &i#ak *a% mera!a keberata. 3a% 3a%i *a% a% baru baru &er &ertama ama ka"i ka"i aka aka me" me"akuk akuka a Mar" ar"i te!t, e!t, Sa* Sa*a !ar !araka aka utuk tuk me%u'u%i .mar"i!te!t!.-om )a )a kemu kemu)i )ia a &i"i &i"i# # +7ra +7ra-t -tii-e e a te!t te!t !e#i !e#i% %%a %a aka aka me%eta#ui "a%ka#4"a%ka# *a% #aru! )i"akuka !ebe"um me'a"ai te!t.
1. 2. ;. a. b. -. ). e. /. %. #. i. ?. @.
7ROSE5R. Sebe"um ma!uk ke te!t *a% !ebear*a kita ter"ebi# )a#u"u #aru! me%i!i )ata4)ata !eba%ai berikut9 #oo!e *our "a%ua%e, 7i"i# !e!uai atioa"it* kita *aitu +3AHASA IN5ONESIA IN5ONESIA :"ik +Start *our te!t )i !u)ut &o'ok kiri baa# moitor. 5etai"! +Eter *our )etai"!. I&ut )ata4)ata kita !e!uai ko"om *a% ter!e)ia *aitu atara "ai9
. Atau Atau !e!uai 'abata*a Job tit"e Lo-atio =e.%. Jakarta, I)oe!ia> Se"e!ai me%i!i )ata4)ata )iata!, k"ik +
A)a 2@ !oa" "i!tei% *a% #aru! )iker'aka, 3a-a ter"ebi# )a#u"u )e%a !ek!ama !oa"*a be!erta 'aaba &i"i#a %a)a *a% )i!e)iaka kemu)ia k"ik +Li!te, 5e%arka baik4baik )a &i"i# 'aaba !e!uai &e!a !uara *% kita )e%arka. Sa*a ti)ak bi!a ba*ak memba#a! !oa" +Li!tei% karea berbetuk !uara, )i!ii !a*a #a*a aka memberika -oto# !oa"*a !a'a.
Contoh gambar soal listening:
3. GRAMMAR A)a ;0 !oa" &i"i#a %a)a *% #aru! )iker'aka, )imaa !oa" %rammer ii terba%i )a"am bebera&a -#a&ter !oa" !eba%ai berikut9 a. HOOSE THE ORRET OR5 =THE ORRET OR5 IS IN +RE5 OLOR> 1. A fire broke out in the engine room 30 minute ago. 2. All cargo should be checked thoroughly before loading. 3. Avoid contact with any moving parts
4. #. $. ). ,.
All life!ac"ets on any ship must be of the same ma"e and type. All vessels are advised to "eep clear of this area. All entries entered into the %il &ecord 'oo" must be uptodate( accurate( truthful and in compliance with. All this e*uipment should be maintained according with the manufacturer+s instructions. Are you familiar with this type of e*uipment-
. Are you ready to sail10. Are there any in!ured crew members onboard11. Are you going to leave the port on /riday12. Are they checking the alarm system !ust now1;. Are a* &ortab"e /ire4eBti%ui!#er! aai"ab"eC 14. A"" e-e!!ar* e$ui&met a! !toe) i a a&&ro&riate "o-atio 1#. 'efore commencing loading all necessary preparations should be made in the port.
1$. 1). 1,. 1.
'e careful you don+t fall off the ladder. 'oth vessels were e*uipped with operational radars. Can you approach the vessel from the lee sideClosing doors will slow down the spread of flames.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 2#. 2$. 2).
#emi-a"! mu!t be #a)"e) it# %reat -are. Don’t approach this area. ts prohibited Do not remove protective shields( guards( covers or any warning signs Don’t use any heating appliances in your cabin( it can be dangerous Does the Cook know how to use the fire blan"edDoes the ship have a bow thrusterDid you inform the master about the visitorsDo you have to have shore passes-
2,. rip trays should be placed under the hose couplings before bun"ering operations. 2. ry bul" cargo is unloaded by cranes. 30. angerous good should be stowed away from living *uarters. 31. nsure that the procedures in the ship security plan are followed 32. mergency services must be called immediately.
33. ach lifeboat should be launched and maneuvered in the water at last once every 3 months. 34. mergencies often occur at night. 3#. He did not attempt to ma"e a radio line call to inform us about this accident
3$. as the chief officer ta"en over the watch from the econd officer yet3). ow can I contact you -
3,. 3. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 4#. 4$. 4). 4,. 4. #0. #1. #2. #3. #4. ##. #$. #).
ow does the ship answer the helmHow did they manage to avoid the incidentow do you prevent unauthori5ed person from coming on boardow many gangs will be working in this shiftHow many copies of this document do you needHow many propellers has your vessel gotHow many crew are there on this vesselow many tugs were assisting in the berthingHow long did it ta"e them to pic" up the survivorsow long has the vessel been under repairow long have you known our 6asterow long have you been discharging containersHow long are you going to wor" at seaHow much time will it take you to complete this wor"ow often do you usually have emergency drills on boardHave you ever been to AustraliaHave you any passengers disembar"ing in this portHave you read the operating instructions yetHave you checked the first aid e*uipmentHas the cargo been delivered yet-
#,. #. $0. $1. $2. $3. $4. $#. $$. $). $,. $. )0.
need to find out the e7act dates of my ne7t shore leave. have been on this ship since April. have !ust tal"ed with the watch officer on the phone. have been wor"ing as an electrician for ) years. have been loo"ing for my "ey everywhere but can+t find it. am not under command at the moment. am loo"ing for the 'osun to as" for some white paint. ave you seen him+m finishing my contract at the end of 8anuary. am maneuvering with difficulty. 9eep clear of me. prefer coffee with mil". f you need medication you should ta"e it with you. f is necessary to abandon ship in cold climates you must put on e7tra clothing. t will ta"e you 1# minutes to get to the nearest ban" on foot.
)1. )2. )3. )4. )#. )$. )). ),.
have known the ch.eng for 10 years. will be thirty on 6onday. am afraid he+s busy at the moment( he is speaking on the phone( but( he won+t be long f the visibility is reduced we will proceed at slow speed f typhoid is found to be present the passengers will not be allowed to disembar". f they increased the ship+s speed( they would arrive at the port on time. Is the berth fitted with fendersIs there sufficient room for swinging around-
). 6ost oil supply occurs during routine cargo operations and bun"ering. ,0. 6y position has been obtained by celestial observation. ,1. ew navigation e*uipment will be installed on board of our ship by the end of this month. ,2. obody was injured after the fire in the accommodation. ,3. %ur last of call was ;enoa
,4. he gross tonnage is used to calculate harbor dues and pilotage. ,). >he loo"out is on his way to the bridge. ,,. >he survivors were rescued from the see by helicopter.
,. >he master is still talking to the agent at the moment. 0. >he hold was surveyed 2 hours ago. 1. >he ship is proceeding at speed of 1, "nots now. 2. >he investigators have been trying to find the cause of the accident since last night. 3. >he fire was discovered by the engineer who notices smo"e coming from the hatch 4. >he ship was ordered to alter course #. >he ship will be left for %dessa tomorrow $. >he ship will be placed to *uarantine for $10 days ). >he space was not entered until the fire service arrived ,. >he goods will be delivered in time . >he distress message was received at 1).00. 100.>he life boats have already been launched. 101.>he owners( flag state and control state were not informed about the accident within the re*uired period. 102.>he ship was chartered last year. 103.>he breathing apparatus is over there. 104.>he ship always arrives on schedule. 10#.>he storm warning was received at 100 hrs. 10$.>hree representatives of the oday the crews are going to carry out a launch of recovery e7ercise with the lifeboat. 10,.>here holds are designed to "eep cargo at the correct temperature.
10.>here were over #00 passengers on board during this voyage. 110.>his chapter includes instructions and information about all the lifesaving appliances on board. 111.>his vessel has called at 21 ports in the last 2 months. 112.>he pilotage is compulsory for all vessels that enter or leave the port. 113.>he Chief ngineer and 2nd %fficer are arriving here by plane. 114.>he 3rd officer on watch met us at the gangway. 11#.>he ship is leaving port in three day+s time. 11$.>he pump rate should be $0 cubic meters per hour. 11).>he lifting wor" was done under the supervision of the Chief ng. 11,.>he investigation showed that the fire was caused by the carelessness of the welder. 11.>he line throwing device is stored on the bridge. 120.>he operation will be carried out with a hoist. 121.>he turbocharger is out of operation. 122.>he he bul" carrier arrived in ingapore at 4 p.m. 124.>he collision between the tan"er and the fishing boat was live miles off the 'lac" ea coast. 12#.>he Chief officer was annoyed because the decision was made without informing him. 12$.>he ratings are busy scrubbing the dec" at the moment. 12).>hese records are maintained on board for at least a 12month period. 12,.>o ma"e drills more effective a scenario of the emergency shou ld be decidedbefore the drill. 12.?ater boils at 100 degrees Celsius. 130.?or" must not be carry out unless the necessary << is available for use. 131.?e have made an appointment with the surveyor for tomorrow. 132.?e reached to pilot station at $ p.m. 133.?e are repairing the main engine now. ?e may need some spare pats. 134.?e need to e7amine the release gear.
13#.?e have been waiting for a berth for 3 hours.
13$.?e waited for the agent until # o+cloc" but he didn+t come. 13).?e were unable to leave &otterdam on 1# ov. 13,.?e have decided against renewing your contract. 13.?e e7pect to repair the pump in 2 hours. 140.?hat cargo does your ship carry141.What is her full maneuvering speed142.What precautions should be taken when loading cargo143.?hat steps should be taken if there is some spillage when loading144.?hat portable fire e7tinguishers do you have on this ship14#.What repairs do you want us to ma"e14$.What kings of firefighting appliances are there on board14).?hat port did your ship call at during this voyage14,.?hat "ing of assistance do they need14.?hat did you have for dinner yesterday1#0.?hat are you duties at sea1#1.?hat safety measures are carried out on vessels1#2.What signals are used in case of emergency-
1#3.?hat was the main cause of the collision last wee"1#4.?ho is lashing the deck cargo 1##.?ho prepares life boats for launching1#$.?ho is responsible for this 1#).Who discovered the person had fallen overboard1#,.Who @. and signed the oil samples1#.Who is responsible for the number and use of tugs during mooring-
1$0.?ho is responsible for the use of the communication in an emergency. 1$1.?ho was this certificate signed by1$2.Whose telephone numbers are listed in the document1$3.?hen will you pass through the
1,2.?hy is the 6aster not satisfied with our wor". 1,3.?ill you inspect the galley and storerooms-
1,4.?hich is the best e7tinguisher to put out an electrical fire1,#.ou loo" so pale- ?hat+s wrong with you1,$.ou are proceeding at dangerous speed. 1,).ou are heading forwards fishing nets. 1,,.ou must not leave your post but should contact the other person via radio.
1,.ou can close the holds after the heavy lifts have been loaded 10.ou are not to leave the ship without permission. 11.ou need chec" the mooring rope. Contoh gambar soal untu" soal ;rammar BChoose the correct wordB
;&A66A& <C>& C%% > >A>6> >A> C&' > <C>& D> 'E%? A& > C%&&C> >A>6>F 1. >he vessel has run aground 2. >he crewmen are ta"ing part in mooring operations. 3. >he crewman is demonstration how to use the fire7tinguisher 4. >he crewmen are strapping the casualty #. >he crew are donning their life !ac"ets $. >he crew are going to the muster station ). >he crewmen with breathing apparatus are going downstairs ,. >he fire fighter is entering the space . >wo crew members have recovered the lifeboat 10. >he coo" is coo"ing panca"es b.
oto# %ambar !oa" utuk !oa" DGrammar &i-tureD
c. ;&A66A& &A&&A; > ?%& 'E%? >% 6A9 C%&&C> >C D> ?%& A& > C%&&C> >CF 1. 5i) *ou i/orm about t#e i!itor! t#e Ma!terC 2. 5i) *ou re-eie a ork &ermit be/ore t#e eteri% e-"o!e !&a-e ;. 5i) *ou &ut ba-k *our too"! i t#e too" boBC ?. Ho "o% i"" t#e !#i& !ta* i 3ar-e"oaC @. Ho "o% i"" t#e re/itti% takeC 6. Ho ma* &eo&"e #e"&e) to eBti%ui!# t#e /ireC . Ho mu-# time )o *ou ee) to re&air t#e i-#C 8. He -om&"ete) t#e traii% -our!e t#ree mot#! a%o . Hae *ou i!&e-te) t#e moori% "ie! *etC 10. Ho "o% it i"" take *ou to %et t#ereC 11. It took u! a "o% time to -"ea t#e -ar%o #o") 12. I #ae 'u!t -#e-ke) t#e /ire4/i%#ti% e$ui&met 1;. 7rote-tie re!&irator* e$ui&met !#ou") be u!e) 1?. Re!&irator! )oFt &roi)e &rote-tio i oB*%e )e/i-iet atmo!ere! 1@. T#e e!!e" I ork o i! o") 16. T#e re!-ue o&eratio! ere -om&"ete) !u--e!!/u""*. 1. T#e e!!e" "oa)e) a -ar%o o/ !a timber *e!ter)a* 18. T#e tu% !eri-e i"" be re!ume) a/ter 8 #our! 1. T#e -ar%o a! )ama%e) b* ater. 20. T#e team be%a )oi% breat#i% a&&aratu! a) -#emi-a" !uit! 21. T#e u!e o/ mobi"e oe! i! &ro#ibite) 22. T#e !torm ari% a! re-eie) at 1.00 Hr! 2;. T#e Ma!ter i! re!&o!ib"e /or t#e emer%e-* &art* traii% 2?. T#e &a!!e%er! )i!embarke) /rom t#e e!!e" 2 #our! a%o 2@. T#ereF! &oor i!ibi"it* be-au!e o/ t#e /o% 26. T#i! !#ou") be -arrie) out b* traie) &er!o o"*
2. 28. 2. ;0. ;1. ;2. ;;. ;?. ;@. ;6. ;. ;8. ;. ?0. ?1. ?2. ?;. ??. ?@. ?6. ?. ?8. ?. @0. @1. @2. @;. @?. @@. @6. @. @8.
Taker i! a"teri% -our!e to !tarboar) Too"! #i-# are )e/e-tie mu!tFt be u!e) e ee) to -arr* out a "i/eboat )ri"" eBt eek ari% !i%! mu!t be )i!&"a*e) #o -a !&eak S&ai!# o boar)C #ere i! t#e !#i& re%i!tere)C #ere -a I %et &rote-tie %"oe!C #ere i"" t#e* ri% t#e &i"ot "a))erC #ere i! t#e oboar) oi" !&i"" remoa" e$ui&met !tore)C #at i"" *ou )o i/ *ou oti-e t#e !me"" o/ !mokeC #at )oor! mu!t be "o-ke) #e i &ortC #at )i) *ou #ae /or )ier *e!ter)a*C #at are t#e &ro-e)ure! i -a!e o/ /ireC #at e$ui&met !#ou") I u!e #e orki% a"o/tC #at -ar%o! are *ou "oa)i% i #o") o ?C #at are t#e a)ata%e! o/ t#i! !*!temC #at ari% oti-e! ere u!e) )uri% e")i%C #at /ire4/i%#ti% a&&"ia-e! )o *ou #ae oboar)C #at !#ou") *ou )o i/ *ou !ee a ma #a! /a""e oerboar)C #atF! t#e ame o/ t#at e!!e" oer t#ereC #e i"" *ou )e"ier t#e !#i& !u&&"ie!C #e i"" t#e* be &ermitte) to %o a!#oreC #e )i) *ou "au-# t#e "a!t "i/eboatC #e i"" t#e !#i& arrie i Lier&oo"C #e are *ou %oi% to -om&"ete bukeri%C #e )i) *ou "a!t #ae a !e-urit* re"ate) )ri""C #i-# /"i%#t i! boar)i% at %ate18C #i-# !i)e i"" t#e !#i& moorC #i-# )e/e-tie too"! are mu!t ot be u!e)C #* )i)Ft *ou i/orm t#e bri)%e about t#e a--i)etC ou mu!tFt !moke i t#e -ar%o #o"). ou ee) a "i-e!e to o&erate t#i! ma-#ie
Contoh gambar soal grammar B&earrange the wordB
. OA3LAR A)a !ekitar 1@ !oa" o-abu"ar* *a% #aru! )iker'aka, )imaa terba%i )a"am bebera&a -#a&ter !eba%ai berikut9 a. =O55 OR5> HOOSE THE O7TION THAT 5OES NOT 3ELONG TO THE GRO7. 1. S#out, WHISPER, S-ream, e"" 2.
1@. 16. 1. 18. 1. 20. 21. 22. 2;.
JOIN, S&"it, 5ii)e, Se&arate Stair!, GATE, Ste&, La))er Har), om&"i-ate), EASY, 5i//i-u"t Ora%e!, PEAS, 3aaa!, Gra&e! Gro, Ri!e, REDUCE, I-rea!e A""o, Let, 7ermit, PROHIBIT
REJECT , A--e&t, A%ree, A&&roe 2?. BOARD , Get o//, 5i!embark, Leae 2@. Hu%e, TINY, Eormou!, 3i% 26. I!&e-t , #e-k, Te!t , IGNORE 2. Mi!t*, CLEAR , Ha*,
ARRANGED AS PER CATEGORY) Be!"#$ !%! ' &* % +e'&"% c$e-* (D/ &$# "$-* ' 0 "$ 12+%) ood !itchen utensils urniture rice" pasta knife" bowl armchair" table ood !itchen utensils urniture soup" beef stew tin opener" potato peeler wardrobe" sofa shape colour si#e s$uare" triangle green" blue large" wide shape colour si#e rectangular" round grey" purple huge" small e$uipment failure e$uipment repair blackout" overheating engine" pump welding" soldering e$uipment failure e$uipment repair leakage" burst generator" boiler replace" weld part of ship ship space ship characteristics deck" bulkhead storeroom" workshop draft" breadth part of ship type of ship cargo forecastle" superstructure reefer" tanker fertili#er" coal part of ship ship space ship characteristics funnel" hull cargo hold" wheelhouse deadweight" length overall fruit
grapes( peach fruit watermelon" pineapple part of body leg" head part of the body knee" shoulder personal protective clothing safety shoes" hard hat personal protective clothing gloves" goggles mooring terms bollard" breast line weather conditions hurricane" gale fire%fighting appliances hose" e&tinguisher relatives
cucumber( cabbage vegetable Carrot" potato type of injury cut" burn type of injury sprain" a break life%saving e$uipment
?ine( 6il" drink tea" coffee medication and treatment pills" injection medication ointment" antibiotics accidents
lifejacket" breathing apparatus life%saving e$uipment
e&plosion" grounding accidents
life raft" immersion suit anchoring terms windlass" chain locker navigational e$uipment echo sounder" radar weather conditions poor visibility" dense fog job
collision" fire cargo handling gear derrick" grab crane anchoring terms shackle" gypsy life%saving appliances thermal protective aid" lifebuoy place of work
uncle" nephew footwear slippers" boots mooring terms bollard" breast line tools
soldering iron( wrench cargo handling gear slings" tarpaulin galley e$uipment dishwasher" stove cargo grain" timber building warehouse" factory
lawyer" doctor clothing shirt" belt anchoring terms windlass" chain locker
bank" shop electrical items D'D player" television cargo handling gear derrick" grab crane
means of signaling
mooring appliances
hand flare( smo"e float cargo sheet iron" flour cargo e$uipment boom" hook damage to cargo wetting" crushing transport motorbike" train
fairlead( reel damage to cargo fermentation" soiling navigational e$uipment gyrocompass" course recorder cargo document (ate)s *eceipt" +ill of ,ading communication fa&" telephone
5. TIME AN5 NM3ERS A)a @ !oa" *a% #aru! )iker'aka. :area -uma @ !oa" 'ika !a"a# 2 !oa" !a'a, maka &oit *a% )i&ero"e# uma 60 =Ti)ak "u"u!>. Hati4#ati )a 'a%a !am&ai !a"a# )a"am me%er'aka !oa" +Time a) Number!ii. HOOSE HO TO SA THIS NM3ER =THE ORRET S7ELLING IS INSI5E 3RA:ET ITH RE5 OLOR> 1. La!t *ear t#e -om&a* #a) a market !#are o/ 34.56 =TEN POINT THREE PERCENT > 2. 378 O/ t#e !ea/arer! i m* -om&a* -ome /rom kraie =ONE QUARTER> ;. 946 o/ a"" ma'or &o""utio -"aim! io"e !#i&! #i-# are ot -arr*i% oi" -ar%oe! = FIFTY PERCENT> ?. T#e SART o&erate! o /re$ue-* ba) : GH; =NINE GIGAHERT<> @. e -a meet at 34 ./. tomorro a) )i!-u!! t#i! $ue!tio =TEN IN THE MORNING> 6. Ne -re 'oie) t#e e!!e" 0 )a*! be/ore !ai"i% to /ami"iarie t#em!e"e! it# t#e e!!e" =A COUPLE OF> . T#eir -om&a* #a! 3,044 em&"o*ee! =ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED > 8. T#e !ea make! u& =734 o/ t#e eart#! !ur/a-e =SEVEN TENTHS> . ou mu!t arrie at t#e air&ort at 4434 #r! =JUST AFTER MIDNIGHT> 10. Arou) =46 t#e or")! /"eet i! !ti"" -oate) it# T3T ba!e &ait !*!tem! = SEVENTY PERCENT> 11. It a! oti-e) t#at &a-ka%e umber 3>= #a) bee o&ee) =ONE SI? SEVEN> 12. T#e tota" umber o/ or")i)e re&orte) &irate atta-k! )ro&&e) to 0=> t#i! *ear =TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SI?> 1;. T#e -ar%o a! "oa)e) o Tue!)a* 03&$ A&ri" =TWENTY FIRST> 1?. Taker a--i)et! a--out /or o"* >6 o/ t#e tota" amout o/ oi" #i-# eter! t#e !ea = SI? PERCENT> 1@. E. 7RONNIATION A)a 10 !oa" &rou-iatio *a% #aru! )iker'aka, *aitu -oto#*a atara "ai9 HOOSE THE OR5 ITH A 5I< 1. 7#oe, 7#eomeo, 7#oto, POUND 2. POOR, 7our, Re!tore,
?. ar), 3ar%e, MATCH, Lar%e @. e"!iu!, i%ar, ARGO, e"ebrate, 6. ou"), NAIL, Ha"/, Ta"k . Li%#ti%, 3ri%#t, FITTING, 7i&e 8. CHARGE, ra-k, 3u-ket, La-k . CHRONOMETER, C/+e, D!&ce, C$ 10. G*m, Geera", GAME, A%e 11. 3e"o, Oer/"o, COW, T#ro 12. 5re!!, A!!e!!, Me!!ma, ACCESS 1;. PALLET, 3a"", Sma"", a"" 1?. 3at#room, Hea"t#, WEATHER, T#ru!ter 1@. BAG, Ri%, i%, Lo% 16.
<. REA5ING Rata4rata a)a 6 kata &i"i#a %a)a *a% #aru! )i i!ert )a"am !oa" rea)i% ii. 3erikut a)a"a# kum&u"a !oa" rea)i% *a% be!erta 'aaba*a9 S-OTAEO/S CO/STO
Spo&ta&eous comustio& ca& occur %e& pac$ed car)oes suc as coal, emp, copra a&d )rai& are carried especiall' i3 tese ae ee& loaded i& damp co&ditio&s. & te ce&tre o3 tese car)oes tere is er' little e&tilatio& to suppl' a cooli&) e5ect a&d te &atural eat )e&erated ca& rise to suc a de)ree tat it causes comustio& o3 te material. !ue to te restrictio& o3 ox')e& suppl', tis %ill 6ust smoulder 3or a co&siderale time u&til part o3 te car)o is remoed. Te& ' admitti&) additio&al air, te car)o could urst i&to 7ames. Sto%a)e o3 e&)i&e room stores is importa&t si&ce materials suc as clea&i&) ra)s, cotto& %aste, sa%dust ca& all cause spo&ta&eous comustio& especiall' i3 te' are stored &ext to te arious cemicals carried o& oard sips. LFE8SA(+ A--LACES
Li3eoats are te primar' mea&s o3 escape 3rom a essel i& distress, o%eer operatio&s i&oli&) te lo%eri&) o3 li3eoats are pote&tiall' a9ardous. Li3eoats must e lau&ced a&d exercised i& te %ater o&ce eer' tree mo&ts. 3 te essel is e:uipped %it 3ree 3all li3eoats, lau&ces are re:uired six mo&tl'. t is importa&t tomai&tai& te li3eoats 3alls a&d daits as per ma&u3acturer;s ma&ual. Release
s'stems must e properl' ad6usted, re)ularl' mai&tai&ed, correctl' operated a&d tested re)ularl'. Failure to do tis ca& lead to a mal3u&ctio& o3 te release e:uipme&tresulti&) i& te oat ei&) released prematurel' or alter&atiel' &ot ei&) released. Trai&i&) must e carried out to e&sure tat all cre%memers are 3amiliar %it te correct operatio& o3 tis t'pe o3 e:uipme&t. SEC/RT< LE(ELS
Te term =securit' leels= is used to :ua&ti3' te ris$ o3 a pote&tial securit' i&cide&t. Tere are # securit' leels> Leel 1 is co&sidered as &ormal %it mi&imum routi&e securit' measures i& place. Leel 2 is %ere a& i&creased ris$ o3 securit' i&cide&t exists. & tis case tere areadditio&al securit' measures ta$e& oer a&d aoe tose at leel 1. Leel # is te i)est leel a&d tis is %ere a securit' i&cide&t or treat a)ai&st a port, port 3acilit', or sip is proale or immi&e&t. &structio&s %ill &ormall' e )ie& ' tose respo&di&) to te i&cide&t a&d )e&erall' &ormal operatio&s %ill stop. 3 te securit' leel ca&)es te aster %ill e adised ' te essel;s 7a) Admi&istratio&, Compa&' Securit' O?cer o3 te port. & tur& te Sip Securit' O?cer %ill e&sure tat all cre% are made a%are o3 te leel alo&) %it teir duties. SEC/RT< Treats to te securit' o3 sips a&d cre%s are al%a's prese&t, %eter it e te3t, sto%a%a's, pirac', terrorism, om treats or dru) smu))li&). Te securit' o3 te sipis i& te i&terest o3 eer'o&e o& oard. Te sip as a securit' pla& %ic )ies te SSOassista&ce i& or)a&i9i&) e5ectie securit' a&d practical )uida&ce i& procedures a&d precautio&s. A Sip Securit' O?cer is appoi&ted o&oard a&d is respo&sile to te aster 3or all securit' issues a&d 3or co&ducti&) re)ular securit' trai&i&) o& oard 3or te cre%. Eer'o&e o& oard as a dut' to e&sure tat te essel is $ept as secure as possile a&d tat a&' suspicious actiities, perso&s or pac$a)es are reported immediatel' to te SSO. !A+ERO/S ATERALS A! +OO!S a&' materials used o& oard sips ae ealt a&d sa3et' implicatio&s 3or perso&&el a&dli&) tem. All da&)erous materials are o&l' to e used i& accorda&ce %it te ma&u3acturer;s i&structio&s. Cemicals must al%a's e a&dled %it )reat care a&d perso&al protectie e:uipme&t utili9ed. Tis e:uipme&t is to co&sist o3 e'e protectio&,ruer )loes a&d a& apro&. Care is to e ta$e& &ot to reate cemical apours. -roprietar' e'e %as li:uid is to e aailale as a @rst aid measure to remoe cemicals 3rom te e'es.
A& Emer)e&c' -art' is selected 3rom te most suitale o?cers a&d rati&)s o& te sip. /suall' seeral emer)e&c' parties are 3ormed, suc as rid)e -art', E&)i&e Room -art', First Aid -art' a&d Fire8 Fi)ti&) -art'. Re)ular alarm testi&) must e used as a& opportu&it' 3or all o& oard to lear& to reco)&i9e te si)&al 3or actiati&) te emer)e&c' team. Tis is particularl' importa&t %ere co&3usio& ma' arise 3rom di5ere&t alarms. Suitale locatio&s are to e desi)&ated 3or te Emer)e&c' -arties to muster at. Te' must ae reaso&ale access to te upper dec$, te accommodatio& a&d maci&er' spaces. Te Emer)e&c' -art' is to muster at a locatio& %ere emer)e&c' e:uipme&t is readil' aailale. -ERSOAL -ROTECT(E E/-ET
-erso&al -rotectie E:uipme&t %ill &ot i& itsel3 pree&t a& accide&t ut %ill elp topree&t i&6ur'. A&' perso& %o ma' e re:uired to %ear or use protectie cloti&) or e:uipme&t is to e properl' trai&ed or i&structed i& its use a&d adised o3 a&' limitatio&s o3 its use. -rotectie cloti&) a&d e:uipme&t are to e issued to eac emplo'ee or $ept i& a& easil' accessile a&d clearl' mar$ed locatio&. A&' de3ects are to e reported immediatel'. ote tat items suc as scares, s%eata&ds, casual ead)ear, loose cloti&), @&)er ri&)s, &ec$laces a&d oter 6e%eller' ca& e extremel' a9ardous. Tese o6ects ca& )et cau)t i& moi&) maci&er', po%er tools or %e& %or$i&) %it ropes or li&es. 3 te &ecessar' --E is &ot aailale 3or use, %or$ must &ot e carried out or permitted. OL S-LL Hal3 o3 all ma6or pollutio& claims arise 3rom i&cide&ts o& sips tat are &ot carr'i&) oil car)oes spilla)es o3 u&$er oil a&d collisio& accou&t 3or oer o&e tird o3 te total &umer o3 pollutio& claims. All sips; perso&&el must e&sure tat all &ecessar' precautio&s are ta$e& a&d tat proper procedures are strictl' 3ollo%ed duri&) all oil tra&s3er operatio&s. A close %atc must e mai&tai&ed duri&) tese operatio&s to e&sure tat a&' escape o3 oil does &ot )o u&&oticed. All essels must carr' oil spill remoal e:uipme&t %ic i&cludes sore&ts, &o& spar$i&) a&d scoops, soels, a&d uc$ets, emulsi@ers 3or dec$ clea&i&), protectie cloti&), scupper plu)s, portale pumps %it oses, etc. Te e:uipme&t must e $ept i& a co&e&ie&t storeroom a&d must &ot e used 3or a&' oter purpose.
SAFE WELDING I/ e")i% or /"ame4-utti% are ee)e) i area! ot#er t#a i t#e ork!#o& *ou !#ou") re-eie Pe/!$ $- W-" . #ere -$+e !$& are re$uire) to &roi)e a)e$uate i""umiatio, t#e* !#ou") be -"am&e) or !e-ure) i &o!itio. A'e#$e e%$!$!-% !#ou") be &roi)e) #e e")i% i e-"o!e) !&a-e!. 3reat#i% a&&aratu! ma* be ee)e). e")i% e$ui&met !#ou") be i!&e-te) be/ore u!e to e!ure t#at it !& !% &e!ce+e c-%'!$!-% . A"" re&air! !#ou") be -arrie) out b* a -om&etet &er!o. 7rote-tie -"ot#i% i-"u)i% e")i% #e"met, or %o%%"e!, "eat#er e")i% %"oe!, "eat#er a&ro a) "o%4!"eee) boi"er !uit mu!t be or
b* t#e o&erator. T#e area o/ ork !#ou") be /ree o/ c-/+#&$!+e &-!'& , "i$ui)! or %a!e!. Suitab"e /ire eBti%ui!#er !#ou") be "e$ $ %' rea)* /or u!e )uri% t#e o&eratio. WORK ON ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS P!- $- ork io"i% maitea-e a) te!ti% o/ e"e-tri-a" -ir-uit!, a Pe/!$ $2-" i! to be -om&"ete). T#i! io"e! ork #ere t#ere i! a )a%er o/ !#o-k t#at -ou") re!u"t i !%1#* - 'e$. It !#ou") be remembere) t#at !u-# i'ur* -a be -au!e) at o"ta%e! a! "o a! 60. It a"!o io"e! ork o e"e-tri-a" -ir-uit! o/ a* o"ta%e #ere t#ere i! a ri!k o/ //+e -& bei% &re!et. T#i! i"" io"e a"" ork out!i)e t#e mai a--ommo)atio b"o-k a) ma-#ier* !&a-e! o e!!e"! -arr*i% )a%erou! -ar%oe!. are i! to be take $- !&-$e t#e e$ui&met at !our-e #ereer &o!!ib"e a) $- --2 t#e Lo-k4out(Ta%4out &ro-e)ure!. MEDIA 5uri% !eriou! i-i)et! ma* $ee-%e c& ma* be ma)e to t#e !#i&. T#e Ma!ter mu!t ce* -a""er be/ore &a!!i% o a* !'e%$!* t#e i/ormatio. U%#$-!;e' ce& mu!t be re/erre) to t#e om&a* /or i/ormatio. Te /e'! i &arti-u"ar i"" &er!i!t i tr*i% to obtai a! mu-# i/ormatio a! &o!!ib"e. O"* t#e Ma!ter mu!t !&eak to t#em. I/ormatio &a!!e) mu!t o"* be t#e miimum e-e!!ar* a) i! to be /a-tua". I/ormatio, #i-# i! /ou) to be/!&e'!%, -a be er* )ama%i% to t#e maa%emet o/ t#e i-i)et. T#e Ma!ter mu!t e!ure t#at o ot#er O//i-er or -rema !&eak! to t#e me)ia. At o time mu!t a*oe c-//e%$ -% t#e -au!e o/ t#e i-i)et. ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY A e-"o!e) !&a-e i-"u)e! tak! /or -ar%o, ba""a!t, /ue", /re!# ater, -o//er)am! et-. Hoeer a* e-"o!e) !&a-e i! to be -o!i)ere) a! )a%erou! i/ t#at !&a-e #a! bee -"o!e) /or a eBte)e) &erio) 2!$-#$ %* e%$!$!-% .Su-# !&a-e! ma* be -*e% 'e!c!e%$ or be /i""e) it# toBi- /ume! /rom -ar%oe!, /ue" or ee &ait a) -#emi-a"!. A i!&e-tio b* Ma!ter a) #ie/ e%ieer i! to be -arrie) out i or)er to i)eti/* a"" !&a-e! #i-# $-# c" - e# #&e or a* ot#er rea!o ma* be -o!i)ere) )a%erou!. T#e!e !&a-e! are to be -"ear"* marke) 2!$ -!$e 2%!%& , !tati% t#at e-"o!e) !&a-e etr* &ro-e)ure! mu!t be /o""oe). No &er!o mu!t eter % e%c-&e' &ce , u"e!! a &ermit #a! bee i!!ue) b* a !eior o//i-er a) a"" &re-autio! #ae bee take a"o% it# a)e$uat e !a/et* e$ui&met a) e&-%%e -% &$%'+* i -a!e o/ emer%e-*. KEEPING WATCH AT THE GANGWAY A"" i!itor! mu!t be a!ke) to !#o !'e%$!!c$!-%. 5etai"! i"" t#e be etere) ito t#e i!itor!F "o%book a) a &a!! i!!ue). Ra)om -#e-ki% o/ &er!o! a) t#eir +e-%!%& i! to be -arrie) out a! &er t#e !e-urit* &"a a) t#e !e-urit* "ee" i /or-e. 7er!oa" -#e-k! -a be a!!i!te) b* t#e u!e o/ a %'e' /e$ 'e$ec$- . 5uri% a -#e-k a* ea&o! or a*t#i% t#at -ou") be -o!i)ere) a!&!c!-#& or "ook! uu!ua" !#ou") be treate) a! a !e-urit* a"ert. I/ i )oubt
re$ue!t t#e a)i-e o/ t#e O//i-er o/ t#e at-# or t#e S#i& Se-urit* O//i-er. I/ t#e &er!o re/u!e! to a""o #i! ba%! &!c!-#& t#e t#e* a) t#eir ba%%a%e mu!t ot be a""oe) o boar). I/ a i!itor re/u!e! to !#o #i! i)eti/i-atio or i/ *ou !u!&e-t t#e i)eti/i-atio )o-umet to be &e *ou !#ou") -ota-t t#e O//i-er o/ t#e at-# or t#e SSO. RISK ASSESSMENT Ri!k A!!e!!met i! a re"atie"* !im&"e ta!k a) i! a -are/u" eBamiatio o/ -$e%$! ;'& )uri% oboar) a-tiitie!. 5uri% t#i! eBamiatio, &re-autio! a"rea)* i &"a-e -a be i)eti/ie) a) )e-i!io! ma)e a! to #et#er ''!$!-% ec#$!-%& /* +e e#!e'. T#e aim i! to &reet at "ea!t /!%!/!;e $e c%ce& - cc!'e%$& - !%c!'e%$& .A!!e!!met! e e#!e'/or a"" -riti-a" o&eratio! o boar). A o&eratio #i-# ma* be -o!i)ere) a! DroutieD it# miima" ri!k i orma" -o)itio! ma* &re!et a #i%#er ri!k #ere -o)itio! -#a%e, /or eBam&"e +' 2e$e - /c!%e* !#e. 5a* to )a* o&eratio! e $- +e !%c#'e' a! e"" a! a"" ot#er -riti-a" o&eratio! i-"u)i% uu!ua" or i/re$uet ta!k!. STOWAWAYS Stoaa*! are u!ua""* )e!&erate &eo&"e tr*i% to /"ee t#eir -outr* '#e $-!$!c #%e&$ - 2 . T#e* #i)e oboar) a) -a -reate ma* &rob"em! but i/ )i!-oere) t#e* !#ou") be $e$e' 2!$ e&-%+e e&ec$ %' -o!i)eratio.Stoaa*! c% +-' !% a* -outr* but are &rea"et i e!t A/ri-a, etra" Ameri-a a) i &"a-e! #ere t#ere ma* be &o"iti-a" &rob"em!. To a!!i!t -#e-ki% /or !toaa*! cec"!&$ i! to be u!e) /or routie a) /ia" i!&e-tio. T#e -#e-k"i!t -otai! a"" !&a-e! #ere a !toaa* c-#' -&&!+* !'e. re! are ur%e) $- c* -#$ $-# &ece& - #ar)4to4rea-# &o!itio! o t#e !#i&. FIRE PREVENTION Near"* a"" /ire! #i-# #ae #a&&ee) o boar) !#i&! -ou") #ae bee -!'e'.
!#ou") be !toe) !e-ure"* a) -orre-t"*. #e *ou ork it i! e-e!!ar* to #ae !u//i-iet "i%#ti%. A"" a""e*a*!, e!-a&e route! a) e/ee%c* e!$& mu!t ot be ob!tru-te). I/ t#ere are !ome "eaki% &i&e! or /itti%! a* "eaka%e !#ou") be tra-e) a) !to&&e). A* !&i""! mu!t be ce%e' # !//e'!$e* . Oi" !oake) ra%! a) ot#er /"ammab"e materia"! are &otetia""* #aar)ou! a) mu!t be )i!&o!e) o/ i /ire&roo/ re-e&ta-"e!. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES A*oe o boar) #o )i!-oer! a emer%e-* mu!t /ir!t a-tiate $e %ee&$ / &2!$c. He mu!t e!ure t#at t#e 5e-k O//i-er o )ut* i! i/orme) it#out )e"a* & $- $e %$#e %' -c$!-% t#e emer%e-*, a) t#e &ro-ee) to #i! Emer%e-* Statio. I t#e -a!e o/ a mior /ire, a/ter t#e a"arm #a! bee rai!e), a attem&t !#ou") be ma)e to ta-k"e it it# mior /ire a&&"ia-e!. I -a!e - /-e &e!-#& !e , )oor! !#ou") be !#ut a) t#e area !e-ure) be/ore ea-uati% it. A"" a"arm !i%a"! are !#o -% $e M#&$e L!&$ . It i! e&&e%$!t#at a"" -re member! are aare o/ t#e meai% o/ t#e ariou! a"arm !i%a"! i u!e o boar). I a"" -a!e!, !i%a"! are to be ba-ke) u& it# i/ormatio o t#e !#i&F! #+!c ''e&& &*&$e/ , #ere /itte). CONFINED SPACES #e eteri% -o/ie) !&a-e!, t#e atmo!ere ma* be )a%erou! to #ea"t# or ee /ata". It ma* be )e/i-iet i oB*%e a) ma* -otai //+e - $-!c #/e a&or!. A -om&etet &er!o !#ou") /"e % &&e&&/e%$ - t#e !&a-e a) a re!&o!ib"e o//i-er !#ou") be )e!i%ate) to take -#ar%e o/ t#e &"ae) o&eratio. It i! ita""* im&ortat to i)eti/* t#e &otetia" #aar)!. T#e !&a-e mu!t be &re&are) a) !e-ure) /or etr* a) t#e atmo!ere i!i)e !#ou") be $e&$e'. No !our-e! o/ i%itio !#ou") be take ito t#e !&a-e. I a"" -a!e!, e&c#e %' e&c!$$!-% e#!/e%$ !#ou") be &o!itioe) rea)* /or u!e at t#e etra-e to t#e !&a-e. A !*!tem o/ -ommui-atio &-#' +e ee' %' $e&$e' to e!ure t#at a* &er!o eteri% t#e !&a-e c% "ee !% c-%$c$ 2!$ t#e &er!o !tatioe) at t#e etra-e. MOBILE PHONES AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT T#ere i! a !tro% &o!!ibi"it* o/ &!+-' eec$-%!c& /#%c$!-%!% be-au!e o/ iter/ere-e -au!e) b* t#e u!e o/ mobi"e te"eoe!. T#i! -a be &otetia""* er* )a%erou!. Se%&!$!e e#!/e%$ !u-# a! /ire a"arm a) %a! )ete-tio !*!tem! are &arti-u"ar"* &roe to !%$eee%ce /rom ot#er e"e-troi- e$ui&met.Ma!ter! are re$uire) to i)eti/* t#e -riti-a" area! o t#e e!!e" a) e!ure a !i% i! &o!te) re%ar)i% e&$!c$!-%& -% $e #&e - -$+e -%e& )uri% -riti-a" &erio)!. Area! #ere re!tri-tio! ma* be e-e!!ar* i-"u)e9 t#e ai%atio bri)%e a) t#e e%ie -otro" room '#!% /%e#e!% a) t#e -ar%o -otro" room )uri% c- -e$!-%& i t#e i-iit* o/ t#e !teeri% %ear. SEC/RT< O OAR! -ractical measures must e ta$e& to reduce securit' ris$s. e3ore e&teri&) ports, asters must remi&d teir cre% aout teir o%&
perso&al securit' ot o& oard a&d o& sore. Eer' cre%ma& must e&sure tat isBer cai& is $ept loc$ed. "e& i& port, a )ood )a&)%a' a&d dec$ %atc must e mai&tai&ed. Access to te sip must e limitedo&e poi&t %e&eer possile. Rope ladders, i&cludi&) pilot ladders are &ot to e le3t oer8side. Re)ular cec$s all rou&d te sip are to e made %it atte&tio& to te o58sore side as %ell as te sore8side. "atcme& must carr' torces a&d must $eep i& radio co&tact %it te o?cer8o38te8%atc. "OR+ ALOFT Special precautio&s sould e ta$e& %e& %or$i&) alo3t. "ere possile, sta)i&) or a ladder sould e used a&d secured @rml'. A sa3et' ar&ess a&d li3eli&e must e used. 3 possile a sa3et' &et sould e ri))ed. Tools sould e carried up i& secure co&tai&ers or elts speciall' desi)&ed 3or carr'i&) tools to pree&t tem 3alli&) a&d causi&) i&6ur' to a&'o&e. Te area elo% te %or$ site sould e roped o5%it %ar&i&) si)&s stati&) tat people are %or$i&) alo3t. Care sould also e ta$e& %e& %or$i&) alo3t tat tools are placed securel' to pree&t tem droppi&) o& a&'o&e. Ha9ards sould e ide&ti@ed, suc as te sip %istle, radars, a&te&&ae, %ic sould all e isolated %ile alo3t a&d =!o &ot operate= si)&s sould e placed o& tem. +ARA+E !S-OSAL /&der A&&ex ( o3 te AR-OL Co&e&tio&, )ara)e i&cludes all $i&ds o3 3ood a&d domestic a&d operatio&al %aste )e&erated duri&) &ormal operatio& o3 te essel. A +ara)e a&a)eme&t -la& is oli)ator' o& oard te sip. Tis pla& is adapted to meet a&' sip8speci@c re:uireme&ts. Eac &e% memer o3 te cre% must receie 3ull i&structio& a&d trai&i&) i& te ma&a)eme&t o3 sipDs )ara)e a&d %aste. Tis is to i&clude collectio&, separatio&, processi&), stora)e a&d disposal. Te +ara)e a&a)eme&t -la& is reie%ed re)ularl' to e&sure tat it remai&s e5ectie. Te +ara)e !isposal Record must i&clude i&3ormatio& %it re)ard to %e& )ara)e is discar)ed i&to te sea, To receptio& 3acilities asore or to a&oter sip, %e& )ara)e is i&ci&erated a&d a&'accide&tal or exceptio&al discar)e o3 )ara)e.
5i&o!ka o"e# ie A#ma)i )i 08.0
:irimka Ii "eat Emai"3"o%T#i!3erba%i ke Titter3erba%i ke
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