LECTURERS: Mrs. Ledy Nurlely, M.pd
Arranged by ( Class 1-A, Third Group ) :
Siti Sofiyatul Janah (2223170034)
Alfi Hermawanti (2223170037)
Muhammad Rahman Ramadhan (2223170040)
Nurul Septiani (2223170043)
Yasinda Kania Afsari (2223170047)
First, thanks to Allah Almighty for the abundance of grace and the joy, some as the writer could finish the 'Basic English Grammar' paper assignment on time. May sholawat and greetings always be poured out to our prophet, Muhammad SAW, his family, and his friends until the end of the times.
This paper is written as a midterm test of Basic English Grammar. This paper is sure still far from perfect due to the insufficiency of skills that the writter have.
The writter wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude forthose who have guided in completing this paper, especially to :
Mrs. Ledy Nurlely, M.pd as the lecturer
Our parents who always support us
All of my friends that I can't address them one by one, that who helps me in the process of completing this paper.
End of the words, the witer realized that this paper is still far from being perfect. All of thecritics and suggestion is appreciated to make this paper better. May this paper can be useful for us. May all of us always be in Allah protection, Aamiin.
A. Background………
B. Problem formulation……….
A. Definition of Adjective…….
B. Kind of Adjective…….
Adjective Of Quality…….
Adjective Of Quantity…….
Adjective Of Numeral……
Interrogative Adjective……
A. Background
The simplest definition of an adjective is that is a word that describe or clarifies noun. Adjective describe nouns by giving some information about an object's size, shape, age, color, origin, material. When an item is defined by its purpose that words is usually not an adjective but its acts as one in that situation. Many adjective also end with –y, -ary, -ate, -ed, -ing, -able, -al, -an, -ful, -less, -some, -ent, -ile, -ife.
B. Problem formulation
Before we first discuss about Adjective (adjective). It's good we formulate the subject matter, among them:
1. To what extent do we understand the Adjective problem (adjective).
2. Adjective types.
A. Understanding Adjective (adjective)
Adjective is a word that is used to give properties to a thing or word that gives the power to limit in the use of the noun (NOUN).
B. Types of Adjectives (adjectives)
Type of Adjective there are 8 (Eight) kinds, namely:
Adjective of Quality
Adjective of Quantity (adjective sum)
Adjective of Numeral (adjective number)
Interrogative Adjective ( Kata sifat untuk bertanya )
Proper Adjective
Demonstrative Adjective
Distributive Adjective
Possesive Adjective
In this paper, we will try to discuss 4 (four) of the eight (8) Adjective divisions, which include from Adjective of Quality, Adjective of Quantity, Adjective of Numeral, and Interrogative Adjective.
a. Understanding adjective of quality
Adjective of quality is a word that is used to give properties of things to the state, such as;
- Beautiful: beautiful
- Stupid: stupid
- Strong; strong
- Nice: sweet
- Cool: cold
b. Places of Adjective
In review of the use of Adjective of quality sentences can be found in several places, including:
1. Adjective of quality in front of objects
2. Adjective of quality after to be (am, is, are)
3. Adjective of quality after the sufferer (object)
1. Adjective of quality in front of objects
Adjective of quality in front of an object is an adjective whose state occurs in front of the object.
Here are some examples of Adjective of quality sentences in front of things:
- He is a foolish boy (he is a stupid boy)
- The rose is beautiful flower (rose is a beautiful flower)
- Carolina is nice girl (Carolina is a sweet girl)
- The hot coffe is not drunk (hot coffee can not be drunk)
- The dead cat is buried (the dead cat is in the grave)
2. Adjective of quality sesudah tobe ( am, is, are )
Adjective of quality adalah sesudah to be ( am, is, are ) adalah kata sifat yang keadaan nya terjadi sesudah to be ( am, is, are ).
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh pemakaian kalimat Adjective of quality sesudah to be ( am, is, are ), yaitu :
– The man is cruel ( orang itu adalah kejam )
– The girl is beautiful ( gadis itu adalah cantik )
– The students is clever ( murid itu adalah pintar )
– The coffe is hot ( kopi itu adalah panas )
3. Adjective of quality sesudah penderita ( object )
Adjective of quality sesudah penderita ( object ) adalah kata sifat yang keadaan nya terjadi sesudah penderita ( object ).
Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh pemakaian kalimat Adjective of quality sesudah penderita ( object ), yaitu :
– I meat the dog dead ( aku bertemu anjing mati )
– We like the drink cool ( kami menyukai minuman dingin )
– They suppose me clever ( mereka menggangap aqku pandai )
a. Understanding adjective of quantity
Adjective of quantity is a word that gives the properties of an object to an amount, such as:
– Much : banyak
– Some : beberapa
– Enough : cukup
– Whole : seluruh
– Little : sedikit
– No : tidak ada sesuatu pun
– Any : jumlah sedikit
– All : semua
– Half : setengah
– Sufficien : cukup
b. Places of adjective of quantity
In review of the use of adjective of quantity sentence can be found in several places, among others:
1. Adjective of quantity in front of objects
2. Adjective of quantity after tobe (am, is, are)
3. Adjective of quantity after the sufferer (object)
1. Adjective of quantity in front of objects
Adjective of quantity in front of an object is an adjective whose number occurs in front of the object.
Here are some examples of the use of adjective of quantity sentence in front of objects such as:
– We ate some food ate the restaurant ( kami memakan beberapa makanan di restaurant )
– I have bought much coffe from the coffe shop ( aku telah membeli banyak kopi di took )
– She has a some book English in the hom her ( dia mempunyai beberapa buku bahasa inggris di rumah nya )
2. Adjective of quantity after to be (am, is, are)
Adjective of quantity as easy to be is an adjective whose number occurs after to be (am, is, are).
Here are some examples of adjective of quantity after to be (am, is, are), such as:
– The water is much in the drain ( air banyak did lam selokan
– Its speaking is much not to understood ( pembicaraan nya banyak tidak dapat di mengerti )
– Ther money is a little in pasifik bank ( uang mereka sedikit yang ada di bank pacific )
3. Adjective of quantity after the sufferer (object)
Adjective of quantity after the patient is an adjective whose number occurs after the sufferer (object).
Here are some examples of the use of the adjective of quantity sentence after the sufferer (object), such as:
– He gives much medicine to me ( dia memberi obat banyak kepada ku )
– I see the little tea remaind on the table ( aku melihat sedikit the tertinggal di atas meja )
– She cooks any food to our frinds ( dia memasak sedikit makanan untuk teman-teman kita )
a. Division of adjective of numeral
Adjective of numeral consists of:
1. Definite numeral ( bilangan pokok )
2. Undefenite numeral ( bilangan tak tetu )
1. Definite numeral
Definite numeral consists of:
– Cardinal number ( bilangan pokok )
–Ordinal number ( bilangan urutan )
– Multicative number ( bilangan perlipat gandaan )
-Cardinal number ( bilangan pokok )
– 0 : zero
– 1 : one
– 2 : two
– 3 : three
– 4 : fourt
– 5 : five
– 10 : ten
– 20 : twenty
– 100 : one hundred
– 1000 :one thousand
– 10000 : ten thousand
– 100000 : one hundred thousand
– 1000000 : one million
– 1 M : one billion
The following are some examples of adjective numeral sentences on cardinal numbers, such as:
– He has six daughter ( dia mempunyai enam anak perempuan )
– They have bought two books ( mereka telah membeli dua buku )
– I have three brother ( aku mempunyai tiga saudara laki-laki)
- Ordinal number ( bilangan bertingkat )
– 1st :first: pertama
– 2nd : Second : kedua
– 3rd : Third :ketiga
– 4th : FOURTH : keempat
– 5th : fifth : kelima
– 6th : SIXTH : keenam
– 7th : seventh : ketujuh
– 10th : TENTH : kesepuluh
– 11th : eleventh ; kesebelas
– 20th : twentieth : ke 20
– 21st : TWENTY-FIRST : ke 21
– 22nd : twenty-second : ke 22
– 24th : twenty-fourth : ke 24
– Etc. : dll.
Here are some examples of adjective numeral sentences in ordinal
– Tina is the sixth daughter of Mr. Amir ( Tina adalah anak ke enam dari tuan Amir)
– English is first lesson to day ( bahasa inggris adalah pelajaran pertama hari ini )
– Azizah is first love me ( Azizah adalah cinta pertamaku )
- Multicative number ( Bilangan perlipat gandaan )
-a pair : sepasang
-double : dobel
-ten fold : lipat sepuluh
-dozen : selusin
-gross ; dua belas lusin
The following are some examples of adjective numeral sentences in multicative number (multiplied number of multiples), such as:
- I had bought a pair of shoes in the shop ( saya telah membeli sepasang sepatu di toko )
- They have brought a dozen of drawing book ( mereka teleh membawa selusin buku gambar )
Interrogative adjective terdiri dari ;
– Interrogative adjective " WHAT "
– Interrogative adjective " WHOSE "
– Interrogative adjective " WHICH "
Interrogative adjective has a certain condition that its interrogative adjective must be in close proximity to the noun.
1. Interrogative adjective " WHAT "
Here are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences on "WHAT", such as:
– What lesson do you think very difficult? ( pelajaran apa yang kamu pikir sangat sulit? )
– What food do you very like? ( makanan apa yang sangat kamu suka? )
2. Interrogative adjective " WHOSE "
Here are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences in "WHOSE", such as:
– Whose book is that beside yours? ( buku siapa itu yang berada di samping mu? )
– Whose pen is that on the table? ( pena siapa itu yang berada diatas meja? )
3. Interrogative adjective " WHICH "
Here are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences in "WHICH", such as:
– which book is yours on the table? ( buku mana yang kamu punya di atas meja itu? )
– which magazine have you read yesterday? ( majalah mana yang telah kamu baca kemarin? )
– which girl is you sister? ( anak perempuan mana adik mu? )
From some of the above descriptions, we have discussed. then we take the following conclusions, namely as follows:
– Adjective adalah kata sipfat ,yang digunakan untuk memberi sifat pada suatu benda atau kata yang memberi kekuatan dan untuk membatasi pemakaian kata benda ( noun ).
– Adjective atau kata sifat yang pemakaian kalimat nya terdapat di beberapa tempat,sperti terdapat di depan kata benda ( NOUN ), sesudah to be ( am, is, are ), dan sesudah penderita (object )
– Interrogative adjective mempunyai syrat dalam pemakaian kalimat, yaitu interrogative adjective nya harus didekat kan langsung kepada kata benda.
In closing this paper, we also say thank you to all the colleagues who have helped in making this paper.
But in addition, there is still much to lose and far from the word perfection, but we all have done our best in making this paper. Therefore, we all really hope to all colleagues to give his criticism and suggestions, so that in making the next paper bias so better, as we expect.
There is no word we can say, other than gratitude for the motivation of our peers.
Dra. Mun. Fika, S. Warib, Sam. A Soesanto/Complete English grammar, Surabaya . Appollo.