Liaison User Guide
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5
Overview..................................................................................................................................1 An Explanation of the Liaison Objects ....................................................................................2 A word about this manual........................................................................................................3 Contact information .................................................................................................................4 Schematic................................................................................................................................5
PREPARING FOR LIAISON ............................................................... 6
2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7
Liaison Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 6 Communications Considerations..................................................................................................... 9 Atlanta Athena Terminal Security.................................................................................................. 11 Atlanta PID Configurations ............................................................................................................. 12 Atlanta User File Maintenance....................................................................................................... 13 PC/PCM IMPACT ON SYSTEM PRINT....................................................................................... 14 Have a Look at the Website ........................................................................................................... 15
INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION ...................................................16
3.1 The Possible Sources ..................................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Installation – An easy step-by-step process ................................................................................ 16 3.3 Configuration .................................................................................................................................... 22 3.3.1 Starting the Liaison Commander ............................................................................22 3.3.2 First Time Running Liaison .....................................................................................22 3.3.4 Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 1 of 6 (Description).......................................24 3.3.5 Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 2 of 6 (Terminal Login).................................25 3.3.6 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 3 of 6 (Application)........................................26 3.3.7 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 4 of 6 (Colors) ...............................................28 3.3.8 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 5 of 6 (Communications)...............................29 Protocol Selection ..................................................................................................30 TCP/IP Configuration .............................................................................................31 X.25 Configuration .................................................................................................32 DialUp Configuration..............................................................................................33 PC/PCM Configuration Wizard ..............................................................................35 3.3.9 Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 6 of 6 ...............................................................45 3.4 Adding a Shortcut on the Windows Desktop ............................................................................... 46 3.5 SITA CUTE Installations ................................................................................................................. 47
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
OPERATION ....................................................................................... 51
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9
Invoking the Program ...................................................................................................................... 51 About the Commander.................................................................................................................... 54 Session Configuration Wizard ....................................................................................................... 55 The Emulation Screen..................................................................................................................... 56 Menu Contents................................................................................................................................. 57 The Tool Bar ..................................................................................................................................... 65 Split Screen ...................................................................................................................................... 66 The Status Bar ................................................................................................................................. 68 User Friendly GUI's (Graphical User Interface) .......................................................................... 69 4.9.1 DCS Boarding GUI .................................................................................................69 4.9.2 SDCS Check-In GUI ...............................................................................................70 4.9.3 World Tracer GUI....................................................................................................71 4.10 Closing Liaison................................................................................................................................. 72
USING PC/PCM..............................................................................73
5.1 Display of the PC/PCM Monitoring Tool (aka PC/PCM) ............................................................ 73 5.2 PC/PCM Menu ................................................................................................................................. 74 5.2.1 Device .....................................................................................................................74 5.2.2 View ........................................................................................................................76 5.2.3 Diagnostics .............................................................................................................78 5.2.4 Help.........................................................................................................................79 5.3 Device Type Window....................................................................................................................... 79 5.4 System Messages Window ............................................................................................................ 79 5.5 Diagnostics ....................................................................................................................................... 80 5.6 Troubleshooting PC/PCM............................................................................................................... 81
LIAISON SCRIPTS ............................................................................90
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4
Record Script.................................................................................................................................... 98 Playback Script .............................................................................................................................. 105 Liaison Script Assistant - Version 1.0.2...................................................................................... 109 Scripting Commands ..................................................................................................................... 112
APPENDICES ..................................................................................115
7.1 Appendix A - PC/PCM Configuration Wizard ............................................................................ 115 7.1.1 Message Printer....................................................................................................117 7.1.2 Ticket Printer.........................................................................................................120 7.1.3 Automated Ticketing and Boarding (ATB) ............................................................126 7.1.4 Boarding Pass Printer One/Two ...........................................................................133 7.1.5 Bag Tag Printer.....................................................................................................139 7.2 Appendix B - X.28 Asynchronous Configuration....................................................................... 144 7.3 Appendix C - Slow/No Response Analysis for TCP-IP Liaison .............................................. 148 7.4 Appendix D - EICON Cards and Cables .................................................................................... 149 7.5 Appendix E – Windows XP and Liaison ..................................................................................... 150 7.5.1 Liaison Installation in Windows XP Environment................................................ 150 7.5.2 Removing the Default File Sharing Option .......................................................... 151 7.5.3 Creating the SITA Share...................................................................................... 152 7.5.4 Importing the Base Liaison Registry Settings.......................................................156
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
1. Introduction
1.1 Overview THE OBJECT CONCEPT Liaison is a family of program objects that are combined to allow access to the SITA Airline Application Services (AAS) division mainframe applications from PC’s. The user interface can be either through various high-level Graphical User Interfaces (GUI) or through expert (native) mode terminal emulation. Communications objects for TCP/IP, X.25, and X.28 are available, as is the PC/PCM printer control object. An object exists for UTS emulation to the Atlanta IS hosts, and an object for 3270E emulation to the London IS hosts is new with version 5.1. These different objects flexibly combine in the client PC to create a product tailored to the specific needs of the user. Installing and managing the client workstation is also made easier using objects. A coded algorithm (Registration Key) is entered during the installation process, designating which objects are to be included, as indicated in the contract. The installer only needs to insert a few simple communication values to complete the process. The user now decides which objects are to be activated, simply by pointing to and clicking on an icon.
GRAPHICAL USER INTERFACE (GUI) The GUIs are presentation software designed to allow the user to easily determine what needs to be processed in the required order. For example, the check-in procedure occurs in a predictable sequence. As each step is completed, the program is intuitive enough to determine when that step is finished, and presents the next step automatically, without the agent having to know the mainframe entry. The principal idea is to remove much of the memorization of the host formats; thereby reducing the training time normally needed for agents.
ORIGIN/PROGRESSION OF LIAISON This family of products was originally developed in the 16-bit environment, able to run in the Windows 3.X operating system. However, as more PC’s converted to or were purchased with Win95/WinNT, incompatibilities were increasingly experienced since these newer workstations operate under 32-bit architecture. The old 16 bit applications will not run under Win98. This situation presented a challenge to convert the previous family of products to the 32-bit environment. Other challenges also arouse in the area of expanding emulation and communications environments. This challenge has been met with the complete conversion to 32-bit architecture, the addition of TCP/IP and X.25 communications objects, addition of the TN3270E terminal emulation object, and the addition/enhancement of GUI objects.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
KEY BENEFITS Some benefits of Liaison include: • Improved cost per workstation equates to reduced cost of ownership • Eliminates dependency on third party software vendors • 32-bit environment offers better memory management and more stability • Introduces dynamic PIDs for ATLIS connectivity • Rapid application development • GUI environment reduces training time • Simplified installation
1.2 An Explanation of the Liaison Objects As mentioned previously, Liaison is comprised of multiple objects. The following sections breakdown each object type:
The Commander The Emulator
GUI Modules
Printer Handling
Comms Options Terminal Emulation Objects
All sessions may be added, deleted, configured, and launched from this toolbar. It appears when the user starts the Liaison application from the Desktop Shortcut or from Start / Programs / Liaison Commonly referred to as "Expert Mode", this screen allows native transactions to be entered GUI (Graphical User Interface) screens provide a user-friendly environment. These programs prompt agents for the next transaction, layout information in picture form, and often anticipate the next command. Liaison offers several GUI options, such as Ticketing, World Tracer, and both Boarding and Checkin for DCS Sometimes referred to as "macros", several commands can be run sequentially by starting a script. They may contain anything from a single entry mask to dozens of mainframe entries without pausing. See Section 6 for additional information Printer security and dialogue are handled on a local basis using the PC/PCM object. The PC/PCM print-handling object may also be applied to applications requiring secured printing jobs, such as Departure Control or Ticketing, or may be used with standard parallel printers for system printing. This object offers the user the option of selecting the communications protocol to be employed when in dialogue with the host system in ATL. TCP/IP, X.25, and X.28 communications are available for use with Liaison. Note P1024C can not be used with Liaison The UTS emulation object allows connectivity to Atlanta hosts.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
1.3 A word about this manual This manual is included in hard copy form with the initial Liaison shipment to an airline. Should you desire more copies, a softcopy is always copied to the default install location during the install process. This default location is C:\PROGRAM FILES\SITA\LIAISON. The file is in both Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF versions; UserGuide.doc or UserGuide.pdf. You may download the PDF version from our Internet site HTTP://
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
1.4 Contact information For Liaison contract and pricing issues, please contact your SITA account manager or BDM. They will coordinate with the Atlanta Sales Support Team (SST). Also contact your account manager or BDM to place orders for all connections to the SITA network, be they TCP/IP (LANAS or ISNET), X.25 or X.28.
Liaison Support During Atlanta Business Hours 8:30 am. – 5:00 pm.
[email protected]
Passenger Services Help Desk
[email protected]
Additional Support specific to Liaison GUI Applications
EICON EICON Card & EICON X.25 Gateway Software
Sales EIS Julie Cody NYCBTXS 631-244-2509 x240
[email protected]
ATHENA TERMINAL SECURITY Initial setup of Airline Athena Terminal Security
[email protected] REQUIRED FOR X.25 X.28 TCP-IP Further requests for USERID/PASSWORDS Airline Terminal Security Administrator Airline HDQ
[email protected] ATLDPXS ZZ CONFIGS
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
1.5 Schematic The following page is a schematic of how a Liaison client connects to the mainframe host in Atlanta.
L ia is o n S c h e m a tic UT S 20 T e rm in a l E m u la t io n
P assenge r B o a rd in g
D e p a rt u r e C o n t ro l
T ic k e t in g
P C C lie n t G A B R IE L R es G U I
W o r ld T ra c e r
P C /P C M
T C P /IP C is c o R o u te r
X .2 8
X .2 5 E IC O N G a te w a y
L o c al P AD
X .2 5
X .2 5
S IT A N e tw o r k
X .2 5
TC P / I P
M a in fa r m e
R e n d e zv o u s
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2. Preparing for Liaison 2.1 Liaison Requirements PC’s Liaison will function properly on any 32 Bit Windows Operating system. There are specific settings for multiple Login Users when using Windows XP. Please refer to Appendix E – Windows XP for detailed instructions. For XP installations with only one Login there are no changes required as long as the Login user is either an ‘administrator’ or ‘power user’. It will be necessary to follow Microsoft’s requirements for minimum PC hardware requirements. Keep in mind that Microsoft has withdrawn support from Windows 95 and Windows 98. Liaison will continue to support users with those operating systems, but keep in mind that future versions of Liaison may preclude the use of the older nonsupported Windows versions. In addition, the Liaison software is delivered on CD-ROM, so at least one PC should have a CD-ROM drive. The other PCs should either have their own CD-ROM, or be able to access a shared CD-ROM. If the PC’s are to be networked, the necessary LAN components will also be required. Example: Network Interface Cards (NIC), cabling etc.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Printers The following printers have been homologated for use with Liaison
ATB Devices Dassault BPR 600/TPR 800 Documax A3300 Genicom ATB 1550xp IER ATB models 457,508,512,557, and 567 Sigma 7200 Dassault A640 Dassault Tahiti Unimark 4000 and Sprite Fujitsu 9811
Bag Tag Printers Genicom 201
Gate Readers
Document Printers
Dassault 320
OKI 180
IER 411 IER 423 IER 508
IER 607 IER 627A Unimark 2000
OKI 320 TI 810 TI 885
IER 512C ASIC Dassault Tahiti Unimark 6000
Certified Peripheral Firmware The following table contains Firmware Versions certified for Liaison Desktop., Muse, and Cute operations.
Liaison Desktop Firmware Device
Last Firmware Version
Dassault 640 Fujitsu 9811
DLD1.GAE1.01 DLD1.GAE1.01 Contact Fujitsu and specify SITA Liaison Desktop 98.044/10 98.944/10 98614 1.01 98614 1.01 98614 1.00 98614 1.00 92708 1.03 92708 1.03 92934 1.01 92934 1.01 930771 1.00 930771 1.00 929342 2.00 929342 2.00 90385 1.02 90385 1.02 90479 1.02 90479 1.02 96600/2.01 96600/2.01 91709 1.01 91709 1.01 Contact Unimark and specify SITA Liaison Desktop Contact Unimark and specify SITA Liaison Desktop Contact Unimark and specify SITA Liaison Desktop Contact Unimark and specify SITA Liaison Desktop
IER 411 IER 508 IER 508BP IER 517 IER 512C ASIC IER 512C AEA BP IER 512C AEA BT IER 557 STANDARD IER 557 TURBO IER 567 IER 627A Unimark 2000 Unimark 4000 Unimark 6000 Unimark Sprite
Certified Firmware Version
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
The following tables contain Firmware Versions certified for SITA Cute and Arinc Muse operations.
SITA CUTE Firmware IER Peripheral Device IER 512C NS IER 512B NS IER 512C ASIC IER 512B ASIC IER 508 IER 557 STANDARD IER 557 TURBO IER 567
Last Firmware Version 92708 1.03 92643 1.06 92915 1.01 92903 1.01 98615 1.00 90322 1.02 90479 1.02 Not yet certified
Certified Firmware Version 92708 1.03 92643 1.05 92915 1.01 92903 1.01 98615 1,00 90322 1.02 90479 1.02
ARINC MUSE Firmware IER Peripheral Device IER 512C ASIC IER 512B NS IER 508 IER 557 STANDARD IER 557 TURBO IER 567 IER 627A
Last Firmware Version 92901 3.10 92675 1.00 98602 1.00 90387 3.06 90437 3.06 Not yet certified 91703 1.05
Certified Firmware Version 92901 3.05 98602 1.00 98614 1.00 90387 3.03 90437 3.04 91703 1.04
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2.2 Communications Considerations Liaison has been developed to connect to the SITA IS host systems via the SITA network. It utilizes today's latest protocols, which allow secure, fast, and dynamic service. The SITA BDM or Account Manager can assist in ordering any type of circuit. The following is a listing of protocols available in the Liaison Communications library and an explanation of what must be in place before Liaison can be installed: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol TCP-IP is used over SITA's LANAS or ISNET connectivity. The airline subscriber must have processed a request for this service with SITA. This service includes a TCP/IP SITA installed CISCO router on site or at the local center to enable the connectivity. The airline must use registered IP addresses, which can be obtained though SITA. This is an asynchronous (dial-up) type of connectivity, available at most of SITA’s worldwide locations. Anyone can obtain the telephone access number, but two layers of security must be satisfied before access to the ATL host is permitted. The airline subscriber must apply to SITA network for a Network User ID (NUI) and Password through their Account Manager.
An existing NUI/Password may be utilized. Contact your Account Manager if you do not already have a NUI/Password. Both the NUI/Password and the access phone numbers for the SITA XPAD are the same for Liaison X.28 access and Sitatext X.28 access. Dial-up connections always use dynamic PIDs; static PIDs are not allowed over dialup. Any time dynamic PIDs are used, a master dynamic PID must be established. Advise the following information to Liaison
[email protected] They will contact SYS to request the master dynamic PID to be configured. • Default City Code • Default Office Number • Default Hard Copy PID • Country Code In addition, a modem connection must be provided for dial-up access. If you are planning multi-PC access via X.28 on a permanent basis, make sure your local SITA office has sufficient resources to support it. This connectivity is applied for through the local SITA representative (Account Manager or BDM), who provides dedicated circuits to the subscriber site. A gateway device is required to "manage" the sessions on site. For X.25 communications, this is accomplished via an Eicon communications gateway PC. Additional Eicon LAN client software is required on each Liaison workstation to communicate locally with the Eicon gateway. If only one workstation is required at a site, the communications gateway and client
PC can be combined in the same PC. In this case, the Eicon LAN client software is not required. Please refer to Appendix D. Eicon Cards and Cables.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR X.25 Communications Gateway The X.25 communications requirements are as follows: OS Eicon card: Eicon Gateway
Eicon Client
Windows NT,2000,or XP Refer to Appendix D. Eicon Cards and Cables. Your Local Account Manager should be able to advise you further.
Eiconcard Connections for Windows NT, 2000 & XP is a server-based router that extends the WAN capabilities of Microsoft Windows NT, 2000 & XP. By taking advantage of the versatility of the Eiconcard, branch offices can meet their needs for Internet and Intranet access, routing and remote access. Eiconcard Connections for Windows NT, 2000 & XP includes drivers which enable Eiconcards to work in the Windows NT, 2000 & XP environment. Eicon LAN client 32 bit software is required for each workstation connecting via X.25. Note the 16 bit version of the Eicon LAN client will NOT work with Liaison.
Contacts Eicon components are available from EIS. Contact either your local EIS office, or Julie Cody, Equant New York, at
[email protected] or Telephone 631-244-2509 x240. Pricing must be obtained from EIS. X.25 communications gateway installation support is available from Eicon Technologies at WWW.Eicon.Com
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2.3 Atlanta Athena Terminal Security When a successful connection is made through the network to the DCP, Athena terminal security then provides another level of security. It allows passage through to an Atlanta host system from the DCP.
ESTABLISHING TERMINAL SECURITY Athena terminal security, i.e. the “ENTER USER ID/PASSWORD” prompt, must be applied for from
[email protected]. They establish a master administrator account for the airline. The master administrator then assigns User ID/Passwords for other airline personnel. Please do not send Athena terminal security requests to Liaison support. We are not authorized to perform or request terminal security configurations, and sending requests to us will only delay the process.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2.4 Atlanta PID Configurations When a successful connection is made through the network and Athena terminal security, an additional layer of security is provided in the PID configuration, or CONLNK file. They ensure the security and access level allowed for each PID.
MIGRATING EXISTING PIDS Moving from a P1024C to a X.25 or TCP/IP environment is a completely new environment away from the airline proprietary transports. This impacts the way in which PIDs are configured both in the host system and in SITA's communications management. This impact is not Liaison specific; any terminal emulation to Atlanta will be impacted in the same way. Traditionally (i.e. with the P1024C protocol), network routing is assigned to each PID from the concentrator level down to the RID/SID level. With a TCP/IP or X.25 connection, this all changes. A LANAS or ISNET connection uses IP addresses for both the individual workstation and the ATL host. An X.25 connection uses Destination Network Addresses (DNA’s) which are similar to a telephone number. While all existing PIDs may be used with Liaison, they must be reconfigured to accommodate this new environment. Contact SITA/ATLIS
[email protected] to have your PID numbers converted before installing Liaison. The COMS: ASCU command will not work on PIDs configured for X.25 or TCP/IP access. There is a new command COMS: TELCON that should be used instead. The format is the same except the word TELCON is substituted for ASCU, i.e.
Once the PID configurations have been adjusted, it is advisable to review each PID and verify whether or not it is configured as PC/PCM.This can be done by the command PDQ:D/(pid #), i.e. PDQ:D/12345. Look at the “Device Type” field. PPCM indicates it is a PC/PCM PID. A sample PDQ:D display follows. »pdq:d/44682 PDQ STATUS 09SEP/18:45 OFFC:PDK1 USER:XS DEVICE TYPE:PPCM PID H ALT PRI NBR EXP 44682 N 1 0 0 44682 N 2 0 0 44682 N 3 0 0 44682 N 4 0 0 ALL 0
Customers may change the “styp” field in the conlnk, but to change to or from PCPCM a corresponding changes must be made by
[email protected].
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
REQUESTING NEW PIDS New users should also contact
[email protected] to request PIDs. They will require some additional information, such as PID type (PC/PCM or CRT), TCP/IP address for TCP/IP connections, etc. See the Liaison Web site HTTP:// to download a Pid request form and detailed Pid information. Please do not send PID requests to Liaison support; we are not authorized to request PID configurations and sending requests to us only delays the process.
2.5 Atlanta User File Maintenance AGENT AND OFFICE FILES For static PIDs, related files, such as AGENT and OFFICE files, should not be impacted. For dynamic PIDs, an agent cannot sign in as user groups 11-16; 17 is the most powerful level allowed. Dynamic PID sign ins must be protected, i.e. must have an account number specified in the agent file.
ZZADDR FILE For PC/PCM PIDs, the ZZADDR records must be designated as "MSG" for printer traffic, and "CRT" for on-screen traffic. Note the MSG or CRT designation will not show in a UMDF display when initiated from a non-PC/PCM PID. The configuration on the host must match the configuration in PC/PCM. For example: 1. If the host ZZADDR record shows CRT (>UMDF/ZZADDR/xxx or ZZM:V/xxx), PC/PCM must have ‘Messages to CRT’ checked. ‘Message to CRT’ is the default setting in Liaison PCPCM Configuration Wizard. 2. If the host ZZADDR record shows MSG (>UMDF/ZZADDR/xxx or ZZM:V/xxx), PC/PCM must have ‘Message Printer’ checked, and the message printer must be properly configured. Failure to properly configure in this area will result in a message ‘PID suspension avoided’ each time a ZZ message is received. Note whether a ZZ address is configured for the CRT, the printer, or there is no ZZ address configured. It is recommended that you always check the ‘MESSAGES to CRT’ option.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2.6 PC/PCM IMPACT ON SYSTEM PRINT The configuration for system print handling is managed differently in the Liaison world. Traditionally, all forms of printing are generated from a terminal command, sent to the ATL host, and in response, the print job is sent to the printer PID associated with the terminal PID. All types of dialogue, such as acknowledgements or errors, are communicated from the printer back to the application in ATL. The printing is executed after several messages are relayed back and forth. PC/PCM still takes the print messages from the application in ATL, but all in one message to the PC. Once the entire message is received, the PC acknowledges, and the conversation between the PC and ATL is finished. At this point, the PC turns its attention to the printer device attached to it, whether it is for printing tickets, boarding cards, bag tags, or simple system printing. Acknowledgements, errors, end of job indicators, etc., are handled locally between the printer and the PC/PCM program. This greatly reduces the dependency on communications between the host application in ATL and the workstation/printer. With PC/PCM, all CRT and printer traffic is handled through the same PID. A separate PID number is no longer assigned to printers. It is important to note that the workstation PID number must be designated as a PC/PCM device to enable this feature. Printers may still be shared with PC/PCM. Also note that ZZ message traffic when sent to a PC/PCM PID can either be received by the CRT device (TYPE=CRT) or printed to the attached MSG printer (TYPE=MSG).
AN EXAMPLE If you had 5 workstations in an area sharing one ticket printer and one message printer, the workstation with the ticket printer and message printer attached would have a PC/PCM PID. The other workstation PIDs would be configured as standard CRT PIDs. The CONLNK ODVN and TKTP fields on the 4 workstations without printers would point to the PC/PCM PID number. The CONLNK of the workstation controlling the printers would have the ODVN and TKTP fields pointing to in itself. Liaison would only have PC/PCM configured on the workstation controlling the printers. PC/PCM would have at least two (2) boxes checked and configured, Message Printer and Ticket Printer. “Messages to CRT” could also be checked. An alternate to this example would be to configure all 5 PIDS as PCPCM PIDS. The four PC’s without a printer attached would select only ‘Messages to CRT’ in the PC/PCM configuration wizard.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
2.7 Have a Look at the Website There is plenty of useful information (including documents, like this one) from the Liaison Support Web Site. Included are details on the communications environment where Liaison operates. You may access by pointing your Internet Browser to HTTP:// and navigate to the Liaison link.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
3. Installation and Configuration 3.1 The Possible Sources Liaison may be installed using the following media: •
Compact Disc (CD)
Liaison Internet website: HTTP://
3.2 Installation – An easy step-by-step process Before you begin, know the following:
Liaison Registration Key Athena terminal security Static PIDs-PID numbers Dynamic PIDs IP addresses for Rendezvous servers X.28 X.25
The content of this key depends upon the applications you are working with, the communication protocols used, and the 2 character airline code. This key is provided by Atlanta with the CD on a 1 page printout. It is 34 characters separated into 5 subsections by dashes (-) User ID/Password Ensure they have been properly configured. Ensure the master dynamic PID has been setup Their order is important. The IP addresses for the production boxes are and NUI/password OSI NSAP. For PSA, it is 9001031. For PSB, it is 9001181. World Tracer connections currently always are routed through PSA, and thus would use 9001031. This may change in the future.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Please note that it is the AIRLINES responsibility to distribute new versions of Liaison within the airline. Further it is the AIRLINES responsibility to keep SITA advised as to the current number of licensed copies. Please notify the following people depending upon on your region.
SITA Sales Region/ACC Sales Manager NEU and ECEU Chris Leadbeater (LON) NAM and CALA Bil Ghuman (ATL) NACA & AUSPAC Gil Turner (SYD)
[email protected]
+44 (0)20 8476 4553
[email protected]
+1 770 850 4570
[email protected]
+61 4 2213 3321
EUROMED & MEACSA Jean-Marc Perreaux (PAR)
[email protected]
+33 (0) 1 46 41 43 99
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
INSTALLATION STEPS Please note this section explains Liaison installation into a non-CUTE/MUSE environment. If you are a CUTE/MUSE site administrator who is installing Liaison, please refer to SITA CUTE Installations Section 3.5 1. Please shut down all applications currently running on your desktop. This includes the Microsoft Office Shortcut toolbar. 2. Insert the Liaison CD. If Windows is configured to AutoRun CDs, setup will launch automatically when the CD is inserted. Otherwise locate and double click setup.exe on the root directory of the Liaison Installation CD. 3. The notes for the current release of Liaison are shown first.
If this is a new installation, just click Next to continue. If you are upgrading a previous version of Liaison, you may want to peruse the release notes before clicking Next to see if anything is of interest. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: PRESS ENTER.)
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
4. Carefully select the type of setup you need.
5. The setup process gives you an option to choose a Destination Folder. Click Next > in order to install to the default location (C:\Program Files\SITA\Liaison).
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
The Liaison files will then proceed to be copied to the specified location. You may get a message titled "Read Only File Detected" as shown below. If you do, please click Yes to overwrite the file. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT YES> AND ENTER)
6. The recommended procedure is to install a shortcut on your Windows desktop. The Icon will be written if you click yes on the following prompt.
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7. The next step will ask to restart your computer. Please select "Yes, I want to restart my computer now". (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT STATEMENT AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR) before clicking Finish
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3.3 Configuration 3.3.1 Starting the Liaison Commander Before the configuration process can begin, the Liaison commander must be started. From the Windows desktop, you can start Liaison in one of two ways. One is to click on the Start button, then highlight Programs to see the Liaison program group. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: WITH ALL PROGRAMS MINIMIZED, TAB TO HIGHLIGHT Start AND ENTER.) There will be at least four choices in this menu. Liaison is the one with the Globe icon The second way to start Liaison is to double click the Liaison shortcut on the desktop.
3.3.2 First Time Running Liaison If this is the first time you are running Liaison, two things will happen. First, you will see a window saying “It does not appear that you have used Liaison before on this computer. Do you wish to set it up now?” You must answer Yes to proceed. Second, you will be asked to enter the Liaison Registration Key. This is a five-part key, with each part separated by dashes. As you enter the key, you must press Tab where the dashes appear in the written key. When you are finished entering the Registration Key, click OK (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: PRESS ENTER.).
The key is included with the Liaison shipment, or with the email announcing the shipment. It will look similar to the following display. Each enabled option included is checked off and the registration key is at the bottom of the form.
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Starting the Configuration Process
After successfully starting Liaison, the Liaison Commander is displayed as shown below.
To add a new session or edit an existing session, click on the Settings button (the Session Configuration Wizard). (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: F1) To edit an existing session, you may also right click the session icon and select Configure. A list of 6 choices, described below, will be displayed. Each choice corresponds to a step in the Liaison configuration wizard, and access via this method may be used as a shortcut to the desired configuration item. Description
Terminal Login
PCPCM Wizard
Liaison configuration wizard step 1 of 6. Used as the initial step to create a new session, add a description for a session, or select an existing session to edit Liaison configuration wizard step 2 of 6. Most commonly used to enable and specify the Athena terminal security Userid/password entry. It can also be used to choose to automatically start this session when the Liaison commander is started, and to enter a unique registration key applicable for this session only. Liaison configuration wizard step 3 of 6. Used to specify if the session will be used only for expert mode or for both expert mode and GUI access. Another function is to enable the trace log function. A trace log is often required by Atlanta for debugging in case of problems Liaison configuration wizard step 4 of 6. The foreground and background colors are selectable for the session Liaison configuration wizard step 5 of 6. Options for the selection of communications protocol, static or dynamic PID access and enabling PC/PCM. The PC/PCM configuration will be started from this option the if PC/PCM option is selected for this session This option is a direct link to screen 1 of 5 of the PCPCM Wizard.
Note: A maximum of 11 sessions may be configured on the Commander.
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3.3.4 Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 1 of 6 (Description) After initiating the session configuration process, the Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 1 of 6 will appear as illustrated below.
New session name
Description If you want to edit an existing session, choose one from the list below Cancel Back Next Finish
Type in the name for first session. This name cannot be longer than eight characters. Make the name descriptive, i.e. if using the Checkin or Boarding GUIs, perhaps use CKI or Boarding. If using static PIDs, you may want to use the PID number as the session name If desired, you can type in a long description for the session name (up to 40 characters) for the session. This description will show as the cursor is positioned over the session icon on the commander If you wish to edit an existing session, instead of adding a new session, click the session name to edit. The selected session will be displayed in the New session name field. Click the Cancel button to exit this window with no changes The Back button is grayed out on step 1 of the Liaison configuration wizard because there is no previous step to which to return Click Next to continue on to step 2 of the Liaison configuration wizard Click Finish to exit the Liaison configuration wizard, saving any changes made (i.e. to the description).
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3.3.5 Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 2 of 6 (Terminal Login) The Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 2 of 6 can be displayed in one of two ways: • Click Next > when finished with Step 1 of the Liaison configuration wizard. • Right click the session, then click Configure / Terminal Login.
Automatic Login
Unattended Device
Session Registration
Automatically Start this Session… Cancel Back Next Finish
Select automatic login for automatic transmission of your Athena Terminal security USERID and PASSWORD. This is not encouraged for obvious security reasons. If your PID is defined as a UNAT or unattended device type check that as well. Liaison will periodically verify your connection. If there is no response to the UNAT transaction the re-transmission of your terminal security login will be attempted. This process will continue on a timed basis until the connection is reestablished. This unique re-connect feature is not enabled on non-unat sessions. Also keep in mind that only UNAT, limited Gabriel functions, and printing are allowed on UNAT pids. In certain circumstances more than one Liaison registration key is needed to allow access via Rendezvous to more than one Gabriel partition on the same Liaison installation. If this is the case select the check box and enter the registration key for the specific session you are installing. If not this session will use the default registration key specified when Liaison was first installed. See section 3.3.2 Click this button and the Liaison Commander will start this session when it initializes. Click the Cancel button to exit this window with no changes The Back button is grayed out on step 1 of the Liaison configuration wizard because there is no previous step to which to return Click Next to continue on to step 2 of the Liaison configuration wizard Click Finish to exit the Liaison configuration wizard, saving any changes made (i.e. to the description).
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3.3.6 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 3 of 6 (Application)
• •
Click Next > when finished with Step 2 of the Liaison configuration wizard. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT> AND ENTER.) Right click the session, then click Configure / Terminal Login.
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Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 3 of 6
The Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 3 lists all available Liaison GUI applications. Items that are grayed out are not Which application available with your registration key. Please note that even would you like this if a GUI item is grayed out, you can still access the session to use? application via expert mode (provided your airline is configured for said access). After you choose an application, you will see any extra options that can be selected. For the UTS Terminal Emulation, you may elect to display an extra set of Special Options GABRIEL prompts. For the other applications, you may select to startup the session in "Form Mode" (GUI) or "Expert Mode". Check this option to enable the Liaison trace logging function. This option is very important if you are having Trace logging problems with printing. Atlanta will often need to see a trace log to resolve print problems. Once this option is enabled, a record of all printer and CRT traffic will be recorded in the pcpcm log file. Default location is C:\PROGRAM FILES\SITA\LIAISON\PCPCM\COMPUTER NAME. This file will contain traffic from the time the session is started until it is terminated. When sending a trace log file to Atlanta, please be sure the problem you are experiencing is reproduced during the session. Do not start the session again without recreating the problem, or your log file will be overwritten. The default value for this entry is 2. This should be increased; a value of 1400 is recommended. 1400K will fit File size limit on a diskette should you need to copy the file to a diskette (Kbytes) for transmission to Atlanta, plus this file size should be sufficient to capture any errors that may occur. Click the Cancel button to exit the Liaison Configuration Cancel Wizard without saving any changes made so far. Click the Back button to return to the Liaison Configuration Back Wizard Step 2 of 6, Terminal Login. Click the Next button to continue to the Liaison Next Configuration Wizard Step 4 of 6, Colors. Click the Finish button to exit Liaison configuration and Finish retain any modification made thus far.
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3.3.7 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 4 of 6 (Colors) The Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 4 of 6 can be displayed in one of two ways: • Click Next > when you are finished with Step 3. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT> AND ENTER • Right click the session, then click Configure / Colors •
This step of the Liaison Configuration Wizard allows you to choose which colors you prefer for the terminal emulation session. Reference the sample text at the bottom left of the screen to help choose your combination of background and foreground colors.
Background color Foreground color Sample Cancel Back Next Finish
Click on an item in the Background color list box to select that color as your background color on the terminal emulation screen. Click on an item in the Foreground color list box to select that color as your foreground color on the terminal emulation screen. This box shows a sample of the current color combination you have selected. Click the Cancel button to exit the Liaison Configuration Wizard without saving any changes. Click the Back button to return to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 3 of 6, Application. Click the Next button to continue to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6, Communications. Click the Finish button to finish your configuration and save all changes made during this configuration session.
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3.3.8 Liaison Configuration Wizard - Step 5 of 6 (Communications) The Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6 can be displayed in one of two ways: • •
Click Next > when you are finished with Step 4. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT> AND ENTER. Right click the session, then click Configure / Communications.
Number of seconds to wait before timing out
The default value of 30 seconds is normally sufficient. However, dialup connections may need to have this value increased to 60 or even 90.
During initial session configuration, this button will display as Advanced. When modifying a session, it will display as Communications. In either case, this is where the most important Advanced or portion of the Liaison configuration is done. This is where the Communications communications protocol is selected, PID types and numbers are specified, destination addresses are specified, and PC/PCM is configured. Click the Cancel button to exit the Liaison Configuration Wizard Cancel without saving any of the specified changes. Click the Back button to return to Step 4 of the Liaison Back Configuration Wizard, color selection. Click the Next button to continue to Step 6 of the Liaison Next Configuration Wizard, confirmation of your selections. Click the Finish button to exit the Liaison Configuration Wizard and Finish save all specified changes.
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Protocol Selection
After clicking the Advanced or Communications button, you will see a Protocol window and a list of protocol choices, as illustrated below:
Connection Name
This is the session name specified in the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 1 of 6. It cannot be changed at this point This is an important configuration item. Verify that your selection is correct. If using DialUp protocol, also reference Appendix D – X.28 Asynchronous Configuration. If you have an X.25 connection to the SITA network (ie: An Eicon Gateway), select X.25 here. If you have a TCP-IP connection to the SITA network (ie: a router is used to connect to LANAS,ISNET, or ICN connection), then select TCP-IP here. For static PIDS note that it is important that the selection here matched the PID type on the host. If they do not match, you may see something similar to (PSA:PDQ:IR displayed on your terminal screen every 45 seconds, making it very difficult to work. If you have any printers attached to this session, make sure to check the PC/PCM option. This will enable PC/PCM for the session, and will enable the PC/PCM configuration wizard during session configuration. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TO CHECK OR UNCHECK THE PC/PCM BOX, TAB TO PC/PCM AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR.) Note: Static PIDs must be properly configured for PC/PCM and dynamic require proper host and Rendezvous setup Click the OK button to continue to the configuration for the selected protocol. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT OK AND ENTER.) Click the Cancel button to cancel protocol configuration and return to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6, communications
After clicking OK when finished selecting a Protocol, the displays will vary, depending on which protocol was selected, and whether or not PC/PCM was selected. Please reference the section on your selected protocol. If PC/PCM was checked, also reference the section on PC/PCM.
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TCP/IP Configuration
If the TCP/IP protocol was selected, a window entitled "TCP/IP Properties" appears as illustrated below.
Rendezvous IP Addresses Reconnect delay (in seconds)
The production Rendezvous IP addresses are and
If the connection to the host is lost, Liaison will try to automatically reconnect. This value is the number of seconds to wait before attempting the reconnection. Some LAN’s are configured such that if the connection goes down, an alternate route will automatically be put into place. This usually takes effect after a set period. Therefore, if the LAN automatically reconnects after 20 seconds, a value of 20-30 should be entered in this field Select either Dynamic or Specific (Static). For the latter, you must supply the PID Type PID number in the space provided. Enter only the PID number, no P or anything. (For Infoconnect users, a P had to be specified before the number; this is not required in Liaison). Remember that Static PIDs must be properly configured for your airline, and require special configuration to support PC/PCM. If you chose ‘Enable Automatic Sign In’ Step 2 of the Liaison Configuration Wizard, the PID specified here must be able to use the specified sign-in Note: When configuring Dynamic PIDs, refer to Appendix D – X.28 Asynchronous Configuration Dynamic PID Properties. Click OK when you are finished with the TCP/IP Properties window. (KEYBOARD OK NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT OK AND ENTER.) Click Cancel to abort the TCP/IP configuration and return to the Liaison Cancel Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6.
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X.25 Configuration
If the X.25 configuration option was selected, the following window will display:
OSI NSAP Application
OK Cancel
The OSI NSAP varies depending on the system being accessed: PSA-9001031 or PSB-9001181. Airlines using only Worldtracer are routed through PSA. Enter the PSA value of 9001031. The default value of ATHENA should be used You must supply the PID number in the space provided. Enter only the PID number without prefix or suffix. (Note: Infoconnect users were required to insert a P before the number; this is not required in Liaison). Remember that if you are using PC/PCM, the PID must be properly configured to be able to support PC/PCM. If you chose ‘Enable Automatic Sign In’ Step 2 of the Liaison Configuration Wizard, the PID number specified here must be able to use the specified sign-in Click OK when finished entering values in this window to continue with the Liaison configuration Click Cancel to abort the X.25 configuration and return to Liaison Configuration Wizard step 5 of 6
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DialUp Configuration
If the DialUp protocol was selected, a window entitled “DialUp Properties” appears as illustrated below:
DialUp configuration is explained more completely in Appendix D, X.28 Asynchronous Configuration, but the most relevant points are highlighted below. Dial Number
Enter the telephone number of the local SITA XPAD. The number defaults to the Atlanta number, but a closer (and thus cheaper for access) number should be obtained from local SITA The Network NUI is obtained from the Airlines Account Manager.
Network NUI
Network Password PAD ID (DNA)
The NUI and Password are issued upon receipt of an X.28 request. The NUI will be 8 characters long. The first 4 characters are controlled by the Liaison registration key and will appear on this screen automatically. If they appear incorrectly on this screen, you must obtain a modified registration key from
[email protected] This value is obtained along with the NUI. It is used for security purposes. It will display as asterisks (*). The default value of 9001031,PDX28M is appropriate for users connecting to the PSA system. If connecting to PSB, change this value to 9001181,PDX28M
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After clicking OK to continue, the following screen will display:
Dynamic PID Properties are also explained more completely in Appendix D, X.28 Asynchronous Configuration. Some of the more relevant points are highlighted below:
Country Code City
Perform Inline CLR
The destination host is entered here. The default is X28PSA for the PSA system. (default) X28PSB for the PSB system X28DEV for the development system X28BAG for World Tracer X28FQT for Fare Quote X28OFL for PSB development system The 2 letter ISO country code of the location originating the session should be entered in this field The 3 letter IATA City code indicating the location of the session origination point should be entered in this field This is used to enable SDCS on dynamic PIDs. Clicking the Perform Inline CLR will enable the fields in the bottom portion of the window. These fields are completed in the same manner as the DCS DPID: transaction screen.
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PC/PCM Configuration Wizard
Generally, all printers connected to a PC for PC/PCM require standard null modem RS232 cabling. If the PC COM port is nine (9)pin, a standard 25 pin to 9 pin adapter may be used. PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 1 OF 5
After the protocol configuration windows, Liaison configuration will resume along the same path. If the PC/PCM box was checked in the protocol configuration, the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard will start. If the PC/PCM box was unchecked, the Liaison Configuration Wizard – Step 6 of 6 will display to allow confirmation of your selections. The PC/PCM configuration wizard is explained on the following pages.
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The items on the PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 1 OF 5 screen are explained below: Three digit IATA carrier code required with ATB and BTP devices
Update Data Warehouse •
Message Printer
Ticket Printer
Automated Ticketing/Boarding
Boarding Pass Printer One
Boarding Pass Printer Two
Bag Tag Printer
Boarding Gate Reader
Messages to CRT
Cancel Back Next Done
This option will only appear on CUTE/MUSE installations. This is the IATA standard 3 digit carrier code. This number can be obtained by central site personnel from the Bag/Acctng code field on an ACCM display. Check this option to enable updates to the OEC Data Warehouse. This option will appear grayed out if your registration key does not allow the Data Warehouse option. This option is no longer in production. Each of these items can be selected as an active device type by clicking on the check box next to the description. To start configuration check the options that apply to the printing environment you wish to employ using PC/PCM print management. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO DESIRED FIELD(S) AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR.)
When you have selected the printer type, click on the applicable printer icon (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB THEN SPACEBAR). The “Messages to CRT” field must match the host regarding whether ZZ messages are displayed on the screen or directed to a message printer. If Messages to CRT is not checked, Message Printer must be selected. If it is checked, the session would still need a printer for system prints. This could be either a printer attached to this PC, or a printer on another PC. In either case, the CONLNK ODVN field should point to the appropriate PID. Refer to Appendix A PC/PCM for a complete description of PC/PCM configuration
Click the Cancel button to quit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without saving any changes. You will return to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6, Communications. The Back button is grayed out on this screen. The Next button is grayed out on this screen. Click the Done button when all times have been configured. You will be returned to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6, Communications.
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PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 2 OF 5 In step 2 of the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard, the printer device manufacturer and model is selected. In our example, a standard parallel printer is used. This step is not applicable for CUTE sites; the CUTE Peripheral Manager handles it.
Manufacturer and Physical Device Type Selection
Printers Cancel Back Next Done
All manufacturers that have one or more approved printers for the device type will be listed in this box. Note for a Message Printer, any Standard Parallel printer on the Windows Hardware Compatability List SHOULD work. Check the Web Site to ensure the printer is compatible with your Microsoft Operating System. Printers not on the HCL can not be expected to work. Printers not compatible with NT can act very strange. For instance, the HP 720C is listed as not compatible on the HCL. At one site, local prints appeared to work well, but system prints would appear on the Windows printer queue, then just disappear. A setting on some printers (HP printers in particular) which has been know to cause problems is the spool settings Raw / EMF setting. Raw should be selected. EMF can cause system prints to misbehave; for example to print every other line. For each approved manufacturer, all approved devices will be listed in this box. Click Cancel to quit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without saving any changes. You will return to the Liaison Configuration Wizard step 5 of 6. Click the Back button to return to the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard step 1 of 6 Click the Next button to continue to PC/PCM Configuration Wizard step 3 of 6. The Done button is grayed out because you cannot skip steps in configuring a device.
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PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 3 OF 5 (PARALLEL) This step will show a different screen, depending the whether a serial or parallel device was selected. The screen for a parallel device is shown first.
Please Select A Parallel Printer
Back Next Done
Click on the down arrow on the right side of this box to see a list of all installed Windows printer drivers. Please note that a Liaison terminal emulation session does not have the ability to change the printer. If you wish to print to a different printer, you must change it through the PC/PCM configuration wizard. Also note that all Windows printers installed, including USB devices are selectable. Click the Cancel button to exit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without saving any changes. Both changes made in Liaison Configuration Wizard step 5 and in the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard will not be saved. You will return to the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5. Click the Back button to return to the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard Step 2 of 5. Click the Next button to continue to the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard Step 4 of 5. The Done button is grayed out at this point because you can not skip steps in configuring a device.
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PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 3 OF 5 (SERIAL) If a serial printer had been selected, selections for baud rate, etc. as seen in the following screen would display. Note, this screen will not appear for CUTE configurations, as the Peripheral Manager handles these configuration items.
Field definitions for the PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 3 OF 5 screen follow on the next page.
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Field definitions for the PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 3 OF 5 Default To Please select a serial port for this device
Serial Parameters Tab
Flow Control
Override STX/ETX Tab
Device Specific Tab Cancel Back Next Done
Select to use either DCS Values or Ticketing Values for printer controls or leave this field blank (default) for no print defaults. Select a serial port. Choose the port the printer is physically connected to. In this example, we are using a Boarding Pass Printer connected to COM2. The items on this tab (Baud Rate, Data Bits, Stop Bits, Parity, Flow Control) should be set to match the printer. Some printers have the ability to dump their configurations. In other printers, these settings are controlled by the dip switch settings. Refer to the printer manufactures manual to determine these values. When setting the flow control parameters on the printer, the choices work in pairs, i.e. DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, or XON/XOFF. So either none of these should be set to ON, or one (1) pair should be set to ON while all others are OFF. The PC/PCM configuration should always match the printer configuration. Therefore, if you make a change to the printer, PC/PCM must also be changed. The Start of Text (STX) and End of Text (ETX) values can be overridden. In some older equipment, the STX/ETX values were stored in the firmware and could not be changed. In this case, PC/PCM could be set to match the printer firmware. If nothing is entered, STX of 02 and ETX of 03 are used. Parameters that do not apply to all devices will appear on this tab. Some examples are “Ack all printer input” and “Send Escape Sequences”. Click Cancel to exit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without saving changes. All changes made in the Advanced Communications configuration will also not be retained. Click the Back button to return to PC/PCM Configuration Wizard Step 2. Click the Next button to proceed to Step 4. The Done button is grayed out because you must complete all steps in configuring a device.
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PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 4 OF 5 The next step defines the form size. The default setting for a message printer appears below. Change as needed, then click Next > (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT > AND ENTER.)
The form position settings normally need not be modified. Some situations require a serial message printer with no form feeds. Heavy volume message printers are often set up as follows in order to reduce the amount of paper used. • • • •
Set the Top Margin to 0 and the Lines per Page to 5. Use The Generic/Text Only Printer Driver (included with MS Windows). Set the “Paper Source” on the Generic/Text Only Driver set up to ‘Continuous-No Page Break. Do not click the ‘form feed after message option’
CHARACTER TRANSLATIONS TAB Carriage Return /Line Feed options Form Feed after message
If you have problems with either printing on the same line multiple times, or double spacing when the printer should singe space, adjust these settings. Leave this box unchecked to not form feed at the end of each message printed unless you are using a laser-jet or ink-jet printer.
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ATB devices use a different Step 4 as their print positions are controlled through PECTABs. Step 4 for these devices consists of PECTAB selection and a button that controls at what point CLF code translations occur (within the device or within the PC/PCM program). Parametric Table (Pectab) identifier for this device. Coordinate with the application to determine the proper Pectab. DCS allows customization of Pectabs. Ticketing Pectabs will be a standard Primary Input or format. The following are standard Ticketing Pectab formats. select the A1 ATB IATA 722C PTAB W/MAG - 1LN FOP-OPATB 155 primary A2 ATB IATA 722C PTAB W/MAG - 2LN FOP-OPATB 155 B1 B2 D1 Y1
Input Only Tran Code Length CLF Translation Point Cancel Back Next Done
155 155 96 57
Additionally input only, Pectabs can be specified in this line. These Pectabs will not automatically be transmitted to the printer when required. The transaction code length is usually 5. The translation point is usually PC/PCM. Sometimes the printer firmware is sophisticated and will do the Pectab translations, such as an IER 557/607 with CUTE firmware. Click Cancel to exit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without saving changes. All changes made in the Advanced Communications configuration will not be retained. Click the Back button to return to PC/PCM Configuration Wizard Step 3. Click the Next button to continue on to Step 5 of the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard. The Done button is grayed out because you cannot exit the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard without completing the configuration.
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CUTE sites have an additional tab on Step 4, Logos. They also have a Boarding Gate Reader check box. This is illustrated below:
Airline or class logos to be printed on ATB devices are added here. Before adding a logo, the logo file(s) must have been manually copied to the appropriate location. It is suggested to copy the file to U:\al\userarea, where al specifies the 2-character airline code. Logos are not included on the Liaison distribution CD as they are unique to each airline. To add a logo, do the following: •
Click the Add button.
Browse to the location where the logos are stored. Highlight the logo you want to add and click Open.
Enter the logo ID. The logo ID should correspond to the Pectab location.These values should be given to the installer by SITA Atlanta.
Repeat steps 1-3 for each logo. After all logos have been added, click “Next”.
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PC/PCM CONFIGURATION WIZARD – STEP 5 OF 5 The final step is a review of the settings selected for the PC/PCM printer. Click Done if the settings are correct. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO DONE AND ENTER.) If multiple devices are to be configured, you may click the "Configure Another Device" button, which will take you back to Step 1 for another device.
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3.3.9 Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 6 of 6 You should now be in the Liaison Configuration Wizard at the sixth and final Step. Please review the options that you have chosen before clicking or highlighting Finish.
Click Finish to create a new button on your Liaison Commander toolbar. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT FINISH AND ENTER.)
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3.4 Adding a Shortcut on the Windows Desktop •
During the installation process, a query appears asking if a shortcut on the Windows desktop is desired.
If "Yes" is selected, an icon will appear in the desktop.
If "No" is selected, it is still possible to go back to the desktop and add this icon per normal Win95/WinNT procedures.
Note that during an upgrade, if “No” is selected, any existing icon will be removed from the desktop.
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3.5 SITA CUTE Installations Installation at CUTE-NT sites requires some administrative steps before and after the Liaison installation. They are outlined in brief below. Refer to the CUTE Policies and Procedures document for further information.
Prepare for installation
• • • • •
Install and configure Liaison:
• • • • •
Revert to original configuration
• •
Make the user a member of the administrator's group. In the system policy editor set the user policy to the default-admin policy. Remove the mandatory profile by renaming NTUSER.MAN to NTUSER.DAT. Log in to the server as the user and run the installation on the server. Install Liaison by running setup.exe from the Liaison CD, if the CD does not autorun. Add /m /ial, where al is the 2 letter airline code, as a command line parameter for the Liaison executable. Configure Liaison. Remove /m as a command line parameter for the Liaison executable. Test Thoroughly Reinstate the mandatory profile by renaming NTUSER.DAT to NTUSER.MAN. Set the user's policy to the default user's profile. Remove the administrator's group from the user's account.
The Liaison installation is explained step by step below: Follow the steps outlined above under “Prepare for installation” above. Login as the user. Please shut down all applications currently running on your Win95/WinNT desktop. This includes the Microsoft Office Shortcut toolbar. Locate setup.exe on the root directory of the Liaison Installation CD. If Win95/WinNT is configured to AutoRun CDs, setup will launch automatically. The notes for the current release of Liaison are shown first. If this is a new installation, click Next to continue. If you are upgrading a previous version of Liaison, you may want to peruse the release notes before clicking Next to see if anything is of interest. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: PRESS ENTER.) Click 2) CUTE Workstation option as shown on the following screen.
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CUTE Workstation Installation
Click Next after selecting CUTE/NT for a second screen with specific CUTE instructions:
After reviewing the instructions click Next
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The setup process gives you an option to choose a Destination Folder.
Simply click Next > in order to install to the default location, U:\(user)\te\5.1. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT> AND ENTER) Note this CUTE software is installed to the airlines directory on drive U, whereas the default location for a nonCUTE install is the C:\PROGRAM FILES\SITA\LIAISON directory.
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You may get a message titled "Read Only File Detected" as shown below. If you do, please click Yes to overwrite the file. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO HIGHLIGHT YES> AND ENTER)
• • • • •
Add /m /ial, where al is the 2 letter airline code, as a command line parameter for the Liaison executable. Configure Liaison as described in section 3.3 Configuration Test Liaison. Once everything is working properly, continue with the remaining steps. Remove /m as a command line parameter for the Liaison executable. Revert to original configuration, again referring to CUTE documentation for details:
Reinstate the mandatory profiles by renaming NTUSER.DAT to NTUSER.MAN. Set the user's policy to the default user's profile. Remove the administrator's group from the user's account. For server installation reference the ‘Group Management Tools’ document available on the Liaison Web Site HTTP:// It describes the methodology for server installs.
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4. Operation 4.1 Invoking the Program The easiest way to start Liaison is from the desktop shortcut. Simply double-click on the icon and the Liaison "splash-screen" is activated. This is a multi-media introduction, showing a globe surrounded by an expanding frame. Concurrently, a crescendo of string music plays in the background. This takes approximately 7-10 seconds, at which time the Liaison Commander appears. Liaison is now ready to start the sessions of choice. The splash screen can be deactivated/reactivated by right clicking on the Settings button on the Liaison Commander, then select "Configuration Toolbar".
Once the "Configure Toolbar" is selected, the following screen is displayed. The 'Show opening movie' can then be set or unset as desired.
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The Export Registry selection allows you to quickly export the Liaison Settings from the Windows Registry and save them to a file. This may be required by Liaison Technical Support in order to assist in debugging a reported error. Simply enter a filename and click ok. The resulting Registry file will be written to the installation directory. Tf\the Liaison settings are requested by Liaison Support follow this procedure and E-Mail the Registry file in a ZIP file attachment to
[email protected]
The ABOUT option from the settings menu displays not only the Liaison Version in operation, but pointers to the Registration modification tool and a pointer to the Windows system information folder. Note that the Liaison Workstation ID is displayed as well.
Click on the Registration Button and the Liaison registration ID may be modified. You may also input a unique Workstation ID instead of using the default NETBIOS computer name.
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The program may also be started from the Windows Start box in the lower left. Click the button once, and a menu appears; select "Programs". Next, highlight the "Liaison" folder, then highlight "Liaison" and click here. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: CTRL+ESC WILL DISPLAY THE START MENU. ARROW TO PROGRAMS AND ENTER, ARROW TO LIAISON AND ENTER, THEN ARROW TO LIAISON AND ENTER.)
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4.2 About the Commander The first thing displayed on the desktop after launching Liaison is the floating toolbar for session management called the Liaison Commander. An example is seen below:
Note: IF YOU WILL BE USING KEYBOARD NAVIGATION PRESS THE F1 KEY, ARROW TO 'CONFIGURE TOOL BAR…' AND ENTER. TAB TO 'DISPLAY FUNCTION KEYS', AND PRESS THE SPACE BAR TO CHECK THE BOX. • From this toolbar, you can click on the buttons (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: PRESS THE APPLICABLE FUNCTION KEY) that have been configured in order to run the Emulator, Boarding, Check-In, or Ticketing sessions. The buttons are configured using the Session Configuration Wizard. This wizard is always the left-most button on the toolbar. Except for the Session Configuration Wizard, all of the buttons are named by the user. In the buttons displayed by the Commander, only the session name (including spaces) will show up on the button. The session description is visible in a "ToolTip" fashion when the customer holds the mouse pointer over each button (from the description box in Step 1 of the Session Configuration Wizard). • The Commander remembers its last position, so the next time it is launched, it appears in the same position. However, the Commander will detect the video resolution and make any necessary adjustments so that it is always visible on screen. • The Commander will remain completely on the screen at all times and cannot slide off where it cannot be seen. "Docking" the toolbar in a manner similar to Microsoft's may be a future enhancement. • The toolbar itself is easily configurable with a right-mouse click on the Session Configuration Wizard button. Right-clicking this button (OR PRESS THE F1 KEY) presents the customer with at least the following options: • •
Configure a session – This launches the Session Configuration Wizard. This functionality is identical to left clicking on the Commander's "Settings" button. Configure the Commander itself. Available settings include: − Icon size − Toggle option for displaying Icon text − Toggle option for displaying function keys along with icon text − Toggle option for "Always on Top" − Toggle option for disabling opening movie (splash screen). − About… box listing the version of the Commander and a System Info button. This display shows the registration key entered during installation and the Workstation ID. − Exit or Close. When this option is chosen the Commander will ask "Are you sure you want to Exit" and list the number of open sessions. If the customer really does want to exit, then all of the open sessions are closed down.
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Deleting a Session The only way to remove customer-defined session buttons is to right-click on the desired Commander button (OR PRESSING THE APPROPRIATE FUNCTION KEY). This presents the customer with one of two sets of menus: one for opening, configuring, or deleting a session and another one for switching to the session or closing if that session was already running. Note: The only way to remove customer-defined session buttons is to right-click on the desired Commander button and choose Delete when the session is not open. Session Currently Open
Session Currently Closed
The “Configure” option in the first menu allows the customer to go directly to the desired Session Configuration Wizard screen without having to move through all six steps.
4.3 Session Configuration Wizard The Session Configuration Wizard appears when the customer left-clicks the left most button on the toolbar (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: PRESS THE F1 KEY). This is the tool customers employ when they wish to add or edit session parameters. For the sake of simplicity, a path is synonymous with a session. The Configuration Wizard allows users to specify all of the following parameters in an easy step-by-step progression: • • • • •
Session Name Network login and password Desired GUI front-end (if any) Color settings Communication parameters (protocols and PC/PCM settings)
The Commander has a Duplicate option so a customer does not need to go through six or seven wizard screens again to have two similar buttons with slightly different colors. Although the Wizard is smart enough to create a new session with most of the same parameters as the original, manually specifying the Communication Parameters is still required.
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4.4 The Emulation Screen When clicking on a terminal icon from the Commander (OR PRESSING THE APPLICABLE you are asking Liaison to provide an emulation screen. This environment is called "Expert Mode" or “Native Mode”, or the tool needed to emulate a CRT, VDU or terminal device. The entries are a coded mainframe host "language", one which relies on single formats transmitted to a SITA host with an expected response returning to the screen seconds after the initial entry. The operator using the emulator is expected to know these native host commands.
The default key to transmit commands in Expert Mode is the Scroll Lock key. If desired, this default may be change in the Options / Keyboard Mapping menu selection. The emulation screen is presented in standard Windows layout. It may be minimized, maximized, resized, and moved, according to this standard. When using the resizing, Liaison automatically adjusts the font size based on the window size. Also seen in the familiar Windows layout, is a Menu, Toolbar, and Status Bar. KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TO MOVE, RESIZE, MINIMIZE OR MAXIMIZE A SCREEN PRESS ALT+SPACEBAR WHEN THE SCREEN IS ACTIVE, ARROW TO THE DESIRED ACTION AND ENTER. A FOURHEADED ARROW SYMBOL APPEARS. USE THE ARROW KEYS TO MOVE THE SYMBOL. PRESS ENTER WHEN THE DESIRED SIZE OR PLACEMENT IS OBTAINED.
Below is an example of an active Liaison Terminal Emulation Screen.
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4.5 Menu Contents The emulator menu is broken into seven choices. In this menu and all sub-menus, a letter is underlined. This is the hot-key selection. In the main menus, you can select using a combination of the ALT key plus the underlined character. In the sub menus, simply type the underlined letter. Each of the following sections explains the purpose of each menu and details the sub-menu items. File management and session control menu
Disconnect Print Screen Snapshot Screen Capture Record Script Playback Script Edit Existing Script Explore Existing Files Script Assistant Exit
Terminate the current connection. Sends all characters on the emulator screen to the default printer. All contents on the screen are sent to a text file. Note this is a toggle click once to enable, click again to disable. Each host response is captured to a text file until this feature is disabled. This tool enables the user to capture all keyed in transactions until turned off. Useful for scripting a set sequence of entries to run automatically. Select a previously saved script to playback. Select a previously saved script to edit. Open the Windows Explorer to display all existing snapshot, capture, and script files. Launches the Script Assistant for custom routines. (See Appendix A for more information.) Close down this emulation session.
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Standard Windows Cut and Paste object-editing controls
Copy to the Windows Clipboard from the emulator. Places a Cut or Copied group of text/object according to the setting in Past Options. When selecting this menu choice, the following appears:
Paste Paste Options
View Options Macro Bar
Create Macro Bar
Offers options on allowing objects to appear above and below the emulator screen. Macro bars are floating windows of icons that you define. Each icon is programmed to do some type task that you choose. This way, you can automate many types of repetitive functions. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: NOT AT THIS TIME.) This selection creates a new window with no icons in it. The default name given to it is 'New' followed by a number. You then right-click on the window to see additional functions.
New Macro
Selecting this function creates a new icon in the window. By default, it is positioned at the bottom-right corner. You can move it by dragging it with the mouse. Rightclick on the icon to edit its properties. You will see a screen like this:
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Click the Change… button to change the icon's picture. Change the "Display Text" to show whatever you want the icon to be. The macro can be configured to run a single command, or an entire script file. Choose one, and input the appropriate text. You can delete the icon from the macro bar by selecting the Delete
Rename Macro Bar Lock Macro Bar Add Existing Bar
Recent Commands Tool Bar Status Bar Split Screen
button. Select this option to change the title that appears in the macro bar. Select this option to prevent the icons from being moved or edited.
This option is used to 'copy' macro bars from one terminal emulator to another. When you select this, you are presented with a list of all known macro bars. You can then select the one to be displayed with the current emulator. Retains a list of the last 20 transactions that can be accessed via View on the Toolbar that allows the user to click on the transaction and re-transmit the entry. Turns the Tool bar on (indicated with a check) or off. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO TOOLBAR AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR.) Turns the Status Bar on or off. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO STATUS BAR AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR.) Controls the Split Screen mode for Setup, Split, Shrink and Tile or Cascade view. For further details see Section 4.7 Split Screen.
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Hot Keys
Commonly used tools and host commands are incorporated into this menu. The standard Win95/WinNT application is invoked here, as shown here.
Using this item removes all characters from the emulator screen and returns
Clear Screen the cursor to the top/left (home) position Inserts a Start of Entry "8" prompt wherever the cursor is positioned on the SOE emulator screen. Character Generates the "IG" function in GABRIEL to ignore a PNR. Ignore Page Back Generates the "PB" function in GABRIEL to scroll back. Generates the "PN" function in GABRIEL to scroll forward. Page Next
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Various settings that impact the preferences of the emulator screen Select a font type from the listing and optionally choose a bold setting.
Choosing this option enables the assignment of a particular key combination to a specific key action, such as using the return key for transmitting. In the following example, select the Key Action from the left panel, then select the key from the Key Map you wish to use for that action. If a conflict exists, a warning message is displayed to the screen
Keyboard Mapping
It should be noted, in order to change key mapping that is already assigned, it has to be first deleted from the previous key. Then mapped to the key you want to use. There are four additional options available on the Key Mapper screen. Select and check boxes for any of the following keymap options. Transmit character under cursor – This option transmits the character under cursor. Uppercase Text – This option forces alpha characters a through z to All Caps. CR also does EOL – This option forces erase to end of current line with a carriage return. Invert Colon Key – This option inverts the Colon and Semi-colon keys. Semi-colon is available only with shift or caps lock key set.
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Keyboard Mapping and Windows Registry
Function Keys
The keymapping is stored in the windows registry. To copy the keymap portion of the registry to other PCs, you can do the following: Save Keymap -Click Start / Run -Type regedit and hit
-Click on the + next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER to expand the key -Click on the + next to Software -Click on the + next to VB and VBA Program Settings -Click on the + next to Liaison 98 -Click on Keymap -Click Registry / Export Registry File -In the filename box, enter keymap -Select a network drive/path to store the file on -Click Save -Click Registry / Exit Load Keymap -On a different PC, click Start / Run -Type regedit and hit -Click Registry / Import Registry File -Select the network drive/path where you previously stored the file -In the filename box, enter keymap -Click Open. The file should load -Click Registry / Exit Using this feature enables programmable keys for the function key bank (F1-F12) on the top of the keyboard. An entry string is entered in the “Text to transmit” field beside the corresponding function key. The command is then placed on the emulator screen and is transmitted each time that key is pressed, (provided an "/X" follows). Note: The "X" must be capitalized.
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The Emulator Screen Size May be adjusted using this menu. Input number of rows per line in range between 12 and 40. Input number of columns per line in range between 40 and 132.
Screen Size
Option one allows paper conservation on prints. Check “Don’t print blank lines at end of page.” A 5 line message sent to 24 row screen will print only 5 lines.
Printing Options
Configured Printer in PCPCM.
Option two allows user to either send printout to either the default windows printer or the MSG The SCN format is used only for the Ticketing Application. Stock control Numbering formats are selectable as either DGJ (Standard Gabriel Ticketing) or DIK (USAS Ticketing Format)
SCN Format
A confirmation listing of session properties
A listing of all open Liaison sessions. Select the desired window from the list to switch between focus window.
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4.6 The Tool Bar When the View/Toolbar option is set on the emulator menu the following ICONS will be displayed. The following table describes their functions.
Print Screen
Establishes a connection, or removes communication from the Network Prints all characters displayed on the emulator screen
Screen Snapshot
Copy all characters displayed on the emulator screen into a file
Continuous Screen Capture
Saves all responses to a file when activated Record all keyboard inputs to a script file.
Record Script Playback Script Copy/Paste SOE Character
Runs a script file on the emulator Standard Windows Clipboard utility Places a Start-of-Entry prompt at the current cursor position. Shortcut to keyboard mapping window
Configure Keyboard
Session Properties Split Screen Setup Split screen Shrink screen Exit Liaison
Displays the session parameters/settings This screen is used to define up to four additional emulation screens Activates the split screen accessibility Use of this button suppresses the split screen(s) from view (shrinks). Closes the current session only; will not close other sessions
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4.7 Split Screen Split screen provides the ability to create multiple screens within the same session (PID Number) to view up to four additional functions (one primary screen and four "cloned" screens A, B, C and D). This allows the capability of toggling between multiple screens of information without losing the existing data. For example, you may display fares in one screen, availability in another, Timatic in another. To display a screen, simply click on any exposed part of the desired screen. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TOGGLE USING CTRL+TAB). Keep in mind the screens are linked together as a means to view data, not to confirm multiple records. If an availability request is in Screen A from MIA to ATL and a return availability is requested in Screen B, the Sell transaction takes place against the last requested availability. Responses are returned to the active screen. Toolbar functions for both the primary and cloned screens include: • Print • Screen Snapshot • Screen Capture • Record Script • Playback Script • Copy • Paste • Add SOE • Exit Toolbar functions for the primary screen only are: • Connect • Disconnect • Configure Keyboard Mapping • Display Session Properties • Split Screen Setup • Split Screen • Shrink Screen To activate the Split Screen function, Click on the Split Screen Setup button in the Toolbar.
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The response is a dialog box labeled Split screen setup. Click any or all of the desired screens (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: TAB TO DESIRED SCREEN AND PRESS THE SPACEBAR.). If you prefer the selected screens to be displayed when the session is opened, click the "Automatically show screens when session starts" box. Click OK.
To display the "cloned" screens without having to close and re-open the session, Click the Split screen button on the Toolbar.
The following example is the activation of screens "A" and "B". Screen "B" is the active screen as indicated by the highlighted title bar.
The screens can be removed from view by Clicking the Shrink screen button. Click the Split screen button to redisplay the emulation screens. (KEYBOARD NAVIGATION: SELECT VIEW (ALT+V), SELECT SPLIT SCREEN EITHER BY TABBING TO OR PRESSING THE LETTER 'P', THEN SELECT SHRINK FROM THE NEXT MENU.)
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4.8 The Status Bar
This indicator is a shortcut to an application menu. The application is also found on the emulator's menu bar. Clicking here displays the menu hierarchy, where navigation may commence. The session is either "CONNECTED" or "DISCONNECTED". Look here for the indicator. A text indicator for screen capture enabled (on) or disabled (off). This refers to the type of emulation this session is using. The system time. Again, this value is a PC default stored in Windows. The Row and Column Number (Row 2 and Column 1 in this example. This is a hook for sizing. Place the mouse pointer over this corner and drag back and forth, up or down, to size Liaison to the desired dimensions. Remember that the screen font is adjusted automatically.
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User Friendly GUI's (Graphical User Interface) Liaison is comprised of many different components. For expert and experienced users, the emulator may be used for native application entries. For those not quite familiar with the entire range of transactions, graphical components that represent these entries are available for the following ATLIS applications: • • •
SDCS Boarding SDCS Check-In WorldTracer
There are complete manuals written on each of these components, and act as a supplement to this document. Shown below are samples of each of the component introduction screens.
4.9.1 DCS Boarding GUI
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4.9.2 SDCS Check-In GUI
Please note the new menu item under options: Increase and Decrease screen size. This may be useful if running a monitor at higher resolutions.
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4.9.3 World Tracer GUI
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Closing Liaison Since Liaison has several components, the applications may be closed in several ways. It may be desirable, for example, to close a single component or session rather than the Commander. Because these options exist, this section is broken into three parts. The first and second parts explain the methods of closing individual sessions and the third the closing of all sessions.
FROM THE EMULATOR 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Use the exit icon from the tool bar then click once. From the Menu, click on File, and then click on "Exit". Click on the "X" box in the upper right corner of the window. Right click on the Commander icon for this session, then choose "Close". ALT-F4.
From the Menu, click on File, and then click on "Exit". Click on the GUI icon in the upper left, and then choose "Close". Click on the "X" box in the upper right corner of the window. Right click on the Commander Icon for this GUI, then choose "Close". ALT-F4
FROM THE COMMANDER (closes all Liaison components) 1. 2. 6. 6.
Right click on the "Settings" icon, then choose "Exit". Click on the globe icon in the upper left, and then choose "Close". Click on the "X" box in the upper right corner of the window. ALT-F4
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5. Using PC/PCM Every time a Liaison session configured for PC/PCM is connected, the PC/PCM icon appears in the "Windows" system tray (lower right of the "Windows" desktop). The display of the icon indicates Liaison has made its connection to the host over the selected protocol. It also indicates that the PC/PCM Monitoring Tool may be viewed. PCPCM does not load until the Agent is signed in.
5.1 Display of the PC/PCM Monitoring Tool (aka PC/PCM) The PC/PCM Monitoring Tool (or just PC/PCM, as we commonly refer to it) can be opened in several ways: • • •
By clicking the PC/PCM icon in the Windows system tray By using the key sequence defined in the configuration (P by default) By using to scroll through the currently running programs until PC/PCM is reached
A sample PC/PCM window is shown below:
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PC/PCM Menu The contents of the PC/PCM Menu are displayed below:
5.2.1 Device
Allows selection of one of the configured devices. Each device that has been configured through the PC/PCM configuration wizard will be listed in the device type box. When selecting a device, they are referred to by number. The first device listed in the device type box will be 1, the second will be 2, etc. Before you can view a device queue or reset a device, two things must happen: 1. You must turn Configuration mode on by selecting View /Configuration. 2. You must Select the device. A device may also be selected by clicking its bar in the Device Type window. This menu selection allows items on Queue for a particular device to be viewed. Configuration mode must be on, and the device must be selected before the queue can be viewed. This command allows you to see the Open messages waiting to be printed and previously printed (Closed) messages. With PC/PCM, messages are dequeued from the host PDQ to a local queue. Each device has room for 100 items on the local queue. When 100 items have been placed on queue, the queue items starting with #1 will be overwritten.
A sample device queue viewer screen is shown below:
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Each device queue screen element is explained below. Device # Device Type Name Exit Text window Delete This Item Delete All Items Queue Item
This number identifies the device and is the sequence number in which it was created This is the device type as specified in the PC/PCM configuration wizard window Clicking this button will exit the device queue viewer and return to the main PC/PCM window The text of the queue item will be displayed in the large text window Click this button to delete the selected item from the queue Clicking on this item will remove all messages from the queue The item number currently being displayed is shown here Click this button to go to the first item on queue
Click this button to go to the previous queue item Click this button to go to the next queue item Click this button to go to the last item on queue Status Reset
The status of the queue item is displayed here. Possible values are Closed for already printed, and Open for not yet printed Allows the selected device to be reset. A Device / Reset is often useful when the device is not functioning properly
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Status Bar Configuration
This is a toggle menu item that will hide/unhide a status bar at the bottom of the PCPCM window Configuration mode must be on before device configuration changes can be made or any of the queues can be viewed. Each time it is clicked, it toggles back and forth between on and off Errors PC/PCM can not recover from are stored in the Unrecoverable Error Queue. Each time an unrecoverable error is encountered, a message box is displayed stating “PID suspension avoided”, followed by more descriptive text is displayed. These errors are a result of an invalid configuration and should be corrected. The following screen illustrates the Unrecoverable Error Queue Viewer
Unrecoverable Error Queue Viewer
Stock Control Number (SCN) errors are stored in the SCN Error Queue and may be viewed via the SCN Error Queue Viewer. Below is a sample SCN
SCN Error Que Viewer
Error Queue.
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This is the PC/PCM header message. PSA indicates the message is for the PSA system. PDQ indicates it is destined for Physical {PSA/PDQ/PS/IR/01/MSG/E Device Queueing. MSG indicates it is being routed to the Message Printer (MSG) device This is the start of the actual message text. In this case it is a ZZ DVC-43399 1414 10JUL96 message routed to a message printer To delete an item, first click the item to highlight it. Then click the DELETE Delete button to delete the displayed message from the queue To obtain a hard copy of a queue item, first click the item to highlight it. Then click the SEND TO MSG DEVICE button to print SEND TO MSG DEVICE it on the message printer. Of course, the message printer could be the cause of the problem, in which case this button will not work. Click the Exit button to exit the Unrecoverable Error Queue Viewer EXIT and return to the PC/PCM main screen This is the actual DGJ transaction being sent to the Ticketing application to update the Stock Control Number (SCN). PC/PCM interprets the #SA within DGJS/0398… the text of the message sent back from the ATB device and converts it to a DGJ transaction to update the host or DIK: for Horizon Ticketing. To delete a queue item, first click the item to highlight it. The above display shows item 1 highlighted. Then click the Delete button to delete the item. The following window will display: DELETE
Click the OK button to proceed. To resend an item to the host, first click the item to highlight it. Then click the Retry key. The following window will display: RETRY
Click the OK button to proceed. To exit the SCN Error Queue Viewer, click the Exit button.
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5.2.3 Diagnostics
Message Store
Task Light Info
This command allows messages pertaining to the application to be saved. Data such as session settings and events, applications messages directed to devices, and system errors will be saved to the file C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison\PCPCM\SYSMSG.LOG. This log file should be included in data sent to Atlanta for debugging problems The task lights are the 8 lights to the right of a device type on the main PC/PCM screen, as illustrated below.
The Task Light Info command displays a list of the meaning of the task lights. The task lights will illuminate when the particular task has been completed. After selecting Task Light Info, the window shown to the right will be displayed.
The following table describes each task light. I Device is initialized. PC/PCM has loaded the specifications for your system 1 2 3 4 5 6 P
Receiving message from host. PC/PCM is in the process of receiving data from the host Pushing message onto queue. The system is storing the message in the device queue on the hard disk until the printer is ready. Responding to host. PC/PCM is telling the host that the message was received Scanning queue for message. PC/PCM continuously checks if a message has been sent to queue while it was busy with another task Sending message to printer. PC/PCM is sending a message to the printer Popping message off queue. The system has marked the item as closed in the device queue on the hard disk once it has been printed Polling Device. This bulb turns blue each time the device is polled
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5.2.4 Help About
This command displays a window showing what version of PC/PCM is currently installed. An example is shown below.
5.3 Device Type Window All devices configured through the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard will have a bar listed in the Device Type windows. Each device will also have the 8 task (status) lights associated with it shown in the bar. Three sample devices are shown below
5.4 System Messages Window Data such as session settings and events, applications messages directed to devices, and system errors will be displayed in this window. These messages may be saved via the Diagnostics / Message Store menu command. This information can be useful to Atlanta when trying to debug problems you are experiencing.
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5.5 Diagnostics This is a very helpful tool within PC/PCM to assist in evaluation of what is happening. In the top portion of the window, the selected devices diagnostic lights will be displayed. These lights tell the ready/ busy condition of the printer. Below is an example of the diagnostic lights when the system is inactive:
The diagnostic lights is a window listing various diagnostic messages. For instance, in the PC/PCM window shown here, the Diagnostics message portion of the window tell us the following:
Opening CRT CRT ready for output Queue Fail: Read Config Queue Initialized #2 PCPCM IC PS Rcv’d Queue PUSH Dev_2#1 Queue SCAN # CRT Message Displayed
PC/PCM is readying the CRT device for output The CRT was successful in opening and is ready for output This means the queue for the device did not exist. It will be automatically created by PC/PCM. The auto creation sometimes fails on an initial NT install because the “Persistent Storage Area” key was not created. See the trouble shooting section This means PC/PCM created the non-existent queue This indicates a message for this device was received from the host This indicates the message has been written to the PC/PCM queue on the hard disk. #1 indicates this is the first message received for this device during this session. PC/PCM found a message on the hard disk that needs to be displayed on the CRT The message has been displayed on the CRT
Note: the information from Diagnostics / Task Bar can be used to decipher the meaning of these messages.
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5.6 Troubleshooting PC/PCM {PSA/PDQ/RS/IR…} or similar message received on terminal screen
Unneccessary form feed on message printer
Dot Matrix Message Printer. The correct installation does not use the manufacturers Printer driver.
This is a PC/PCM header message being displayed on the screen instead of being intercepted by PC/PCM. This happens when the PID is configured for PC/PCM on the mainframe, but PC/PCM is not configured on the PC. Insure that the PC/PCM box is checked in the Liaison Configuration Wizard Step 5 of 6, Protocol configuration window. Check the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard. Select the Message Printer device type, and in step 4 of 5 select the Character Translation tab. Ensure the “Form Feed after Message” field is not selected. That should work, but if not, try the following: The printer may have a form length control, usually in the form of dip switch settings. This can be reduced to the lowest possible value. Refer to the printer manual for further details. Use the Generic / Text Only driver instead of the printer manufactures driver. Depending on the Windows version, it may have a form feed option. If it does, turn form feed off. 1. Install Generic / Text Only printer driver supplies with Windows OS 2. Modify Generic Text Only Driver to not form feed Click Start / Settings / Printer Right click Generic / Text Only Click Properties Click Device Settings tab Under Form to tray assignment, click Continuous - No page break Click OK 3. Configure in PC/PCM Start PC/PCM Configuration Wizard Right click session name from Liaison Commander Click Communications Navigate to PC/PCM configuration Wizard Step 1 Step 1 Message printer Step 2 Standard parallel Step 3 Please select a parallel printer driver:Generic / Text only Step 4 Form Position Top margin 0 Lines per page 5 Left margin 0 Columns per page 80 Character Translation CR = CR + LF check LF = LF + CR uncheck Form Feed after msg uncheck Step 5 Click Done Click Finish 4. Ensure session settings are OK Start session Click Options / Printing Don't print blank lines at end of page check MSG printer configured in PCPCM check
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General Printer troubleshooting procedures. LOOK AT THE PC/PCM DIAGNOSTICS WINDOW FOR THE DEVICE. See if this offers any helpful information as to what the problem may be. Are the diagnostic lights all green or a combination of green and red? RESET THE DEVICE (PHYSICAL): Turn the power off and back on. RESET THE DEVICE (PC/PCM): From the PC/PCM control window, click View/Configuration to turn polling off. Click the If the printer Device, click Device / Reset. Then click View/Configuration to turn won’t print polling back on. DELETE THE DEVICE QUEUE: From the PC/PCM control window, click View/Configuration to turn polling off. Click the device, and click Device / Queue. Click the Delete All Items button. Click View / Configuration Mode to turn polling back on. Note: before turning polling back on, it may be helpful to reset the device again. EXIT AND RE-ENTER THE SESSION. REBOOT THE PC. Is the printer plugged in? Is the printer cable connected? Is the printer cable connection secure on the PC end and the printer end? Check the Is the printer powered on? physical Is the printer on-line? Is the printer cable good? (try another, known to work, cable) Is the printer itself good? (try another, known to work, printer) Check that the PC/PCM configuration exactly matches the Determine the physical printer configuration. Make sure that only 1 condition of physical printer the following is set: DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, XON/XOFF or NONE. configuration Check the DPID (DCS) and/or CONLNK values. Carefully recheck the PC/PCM configuration. Check the web and/or Microsoft Tech Net for driver updates. WIN-all Acknowledgement from printer back to PC/PCM that message Same message has successfully printed is not completed properly. Check the prints over each following to resolve the problem. time Liaison is • Trans code length in error started. • Printer Cable Bad Nothing else will • Improper flow control settings print • STX-ETX setting in error
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Check the Web Site to ensure the printer is compatible with your Microsoft Operating System. Printers not on the HCL can not be expected to work. Printers not compatible with NT can act very strange. For instance, the HP 720C is listed as not compatible on the HCL. At one site, local prints appeared to work well, but system prints WIN NT would appear on the Windows printer queue, then just disappear. A setting on some printers (HP printers in particular) which has been know to cause problems is the spool settings Raw / EMF setting. Raw should be selected. EMF can cause system prints to misbehave, for example to print every other line. The MW (Message Wait) transaction in PC/PCM is GNPCM (GetNextPCM message). In version 5.0, the 1 key was programmed for MW. With version 5.1, this has been changed to Message Wait be more intelligent. When the 1 key sequence is used, Liaison will evaluate the PID type. If it is not a PC/PCM PID, Liaison will transmit a MW transaction. If it IS a PC/PCM PID, Liaison will transmit GNPCM. The problem is a Pectab has been sent manually from the host. It works for awhile, but then is lost or works intermittently. A possible cause is that one user (User1) logged onto the PC. The Pectab was sent from the host, and all is OK. Then User1 logs out, and User2 comes along later and logs in. User2 does not have the right PECTAB Pectab. This is because the Pectab was stored in c:\Program Updates don’t Files\Sita\Liaison\PCPCM\User1. When User2 logs in, PC/PCM is “stick” looking in c:\Progam Files\Sita\PCPCM\User2 (NOT User1). So it finds either no Pectab or the old Pectab. This is by design (for CUTE sites), so if you are a non-CUTE site and use different user logins, manually copy any Pectab updates to all user directories after the initial update from the host. PID recently After a mainframe configuration change to make a non-PC/PCM PID into a PC/PCM PID, the session must be closed and reopened configured as before the change will be effective. If problems persists verify with PC/PCM, but is [email protected] that the PID record in the still not working repository has been updated to PPCM device type as well.
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PID Suspension Avoided
Printer Display Error - Illogical Command PCPCM Device Error 2
Incorrect Field PCPCM Device Error 3 Printer Display Error Encoding Error Or PCPCM Device Error 5 No PECTAB PCPCM Device Error 6
A message box with a window titled “PID Suspension Avoided” usually indicates the PC/PCM configuration on the PC does not match the host configuration. Consider a system print (PT) transaction, with the ODVN in the CONLNK configured to the PC/PCM PID experiencing the “PID Suspension Avoided” message. The likely cause is the PC/PCM configuration on the PC does not have a Message Printer defined. Under WIN NT 4.0 PID Suspension avoided message may also indicate that the user is logged into Windows under a different ID/PASWORD than the installation or admin user. Verify that you have sufficient rights to write to C:\PROGRAM FILES\SITA\LIAISON\PCPCM\*.* /S Illogical Command on printer display. PC/PCM says “Awaiting device response”. Device reset clears and then everything works OK until you exit the session. Same thing occurs when session is restarted. This occurred when the IER had an older version of firmware. In this case it was V1.02 16/11/94 90322. PC/PCM sends a CT command on startup. This version of the firmware does not recognize the CT command. The airline should be able to select IER 457 in the PC/PCM configuration instead, as the IER457 doesn’t send the CT command. Another solution is to purchase the latest firmware. Other possible solutions to the “Illogical Command” error are as follows: Delete the PCPCM device queue. Delete all items in view/config by deleting all files with the .que extension found in the following folder: C:\PROGRAM FILES\SITA\LIAISON\PCPCM\(LOGIN Name)\Path-X\*.que Probable PECTAB programming error. Contact DCS Support.
Check the STOCKS configuration on the printer to turn magnetic stock on or off. Check that the stock is properly loaded. Try a different coupon and/or different box of coupons. It is possible the mag-stripe is bad. Is the printer configured for different types of stock in different bins? If so, is the right stock loaded in the right bin? The printer itself could be bad. Not likely, but conceivable. Resend the device PECTAB with the following Transaction PTAB:SEND/ATB/(PECTAB#)/(PID #) PXCRTI ERR-50 always means that the Master Dynamic PID Record has not been set up. The Master Record is what we use as the basis for creating the dynamic PIDs at signin time. Anytime a new Liaison customer comes on-line using dynamic PIDs, please notify either Helpdesk or Liaison support of the following values so that they may request SYS setup the Master Record. -Default City Code -Default Office -Default Hardcopy Printer PID for rejects and errors -Two character ISO country code
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Restricting Configuration To restrict users from making configuration changes the following Methods are available. Method 1. Command Line Parameter Add /L as a command line parameter. For example, to restrict access to configuration from the desktop icon, do the following: • Right click the Liaison desktop icon • Click Properties • In the Target box, add /L to the end So, instead of "C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison\Liaison.exe" you should have "C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison\Liaison.exe /L” Method 2. Password Protect • Right click the Settings Button • Click About • Type The following Screen will display:
Enter a new password and confirm the new password. All configuration changes will require a password after this step.
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Ticketing Specific Issues DUAL FUNCTION ATB
Note, when updating a functioning ATB printer to include a second function (i.e. boarding passes and tickets), during the PC/PCM configuration wizard step 3 of 5, do NOT select the default values for the new application. The baud rate, stop bits, parity, and flow control are already set to work with the printer. Selecting the default values for the new application will wipe out the existing, working configuration.
SCN UPDATES NOT WORKING 1. Check SendDGJ registry entry This entry controls if PC/PCM should convert the #SA field in the TICK PROK response from the Ticket printer to PC/PCM into a DGJ entry, and send the DGJ entry to the host. Values for the registry entry are as follows: 0 1 2
Detect if SCN updates need to be sent, send when necessary Always send SCN updates (DGJ) Never send SCN updates (DGJ)
This registry entry is found under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / VB and VBA Program Settings / Liaison 98 / Sitahost / PCPCM. 2. Check the CONLNK file. One time an invalid DEPT code was in the CONLNK, causing Airfare to respond with “THIS IS PROHIBITED” to each DGJ transaction. 3. The Ticketing agent must be at least Category 5 authority. 4. View the SCN error queue to see if it offers any clues. 5. Verify ticket stock has SCN encoded. This can be done by taking a dump of the mag stripe on the ticket. The procedure varies by printer, so please reference the printer technical manual from the vendor. 6. Check the SCN format (DGJ or DIK) setting. This is found in the emulator screen under option.
TI810 PRINTERS Some TI810 printers have a rotary switch for controlling the forms length. If this switch is set to PROG, then the margins must be entered in PC/PCM and “Send escape sequences” must be checked. If the switch is set to 3.5, there is no need to enter the margins in PC/PCM.
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Trace Log Files When problems cannot be resolved locally, Atlanta will often request to see a trace log file demonstrating the problem occurring. The steps below will guide you through creating the trace log file. 1. Right click a session and select Configure / Application. Note if the Configure option is grayed out, you must exit the session before configuration mode is allowed. 2. Check the trace option in lower left corner of the window. The default file size limit (Kbytes) is 2. Change this to 140. Then click Finish. Liaison is now set to run a trace log. 3. Start the Liaison session, recreate the problem, and then exit the session. The trace log is now created. It is located in C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison\pcpcm\computer name\pcpcm.log. Send this file to Atlanta. 4. The trace log facility should be turned off by following steps 1 and 2, but turning the trace option off instead of on.
Interpreting Trace Log Files ERR2 An error 2 indicates an illogical header. The host system may have an error in the Pectab header. ERR6x No Pectab. X designates missing Pectab type.
System Message (SYSMSG) Log Files Like the trace log file the System Message Log File is useful for diagnosing problems with Liaison PCPCM problems. The System Message Log file contains system generated messages. When problems cannot be resolved locally, Atlanta will often request to see a PCPCM SYSMSG log file. Follow the steps below in order to create a system log file. • • • • • •
Open the PCPCM control Window by clicking on the PCPCM Icon in the Windows Tool Bar. Click on the Diagnostics Tab which displays a drop down menu. Click on The Message Store button. The System Messages are written to the sysmsg.log file in C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison\pcpcm\computer name. Send this file to [email protected]
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WIN NT “PID Suspension Avoided” For an undetermined reason, a Liaison install into the Windows NT environment occasionally does not create the “PersistentStorageArea” registry key. This results in a PID Suspension Avoided message, or in CUTE or Arinc environments causes PCPCM to abort. To correct, follow the instructions outlined below: • • • • • • • • • • • •
Click Start / Run Type regedit in the text box labeled ‘Open’ and click OK Click the + next to HKEY_CURRENT_USER to expand the key Click the + next to Software to expand the key Click the + next to VB and VBA Program Settings Click the + next to Liaison 98 Click on Settings Check in the right hand window for the PersistentStorageArea key If it is not there, click Edit / New / String Value For New Value #1, type PersistentStorageArea and then hit enter Click Edit / Modify For Value data, type c:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison
The window should look similar to the following:
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Windows Registry Liaison configuration settings are stored in the Windows Registry. Occasionally customers may dsevelop a problem that is particularly difficult to resolve, and we will want to see the Liaison portion of your registry in Atlanta for evaluation. To export these settings so they can be sent to Atlanta, do the following:
From The Commander Tool Bar o Right Click Settings
Left Click Export Registry
• •
Enter the Filename per example Liaison The File Liaison.Reg will be created in C:\Program Files\SITA\Liaison or the installation folder you created. ZIP compress the file and attach the file to an E-Mail to [email protected]
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6. Liaison Scripts Hands on - How to SCREEN SNAPSHOT Use Screen Snapshot to record what is currently on your screen into a text file.
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For example, you have an availability display that you would like to copy and save. You could highlight the screen and copy, then paste it to a NotePad or Word document, or simply do a snapshot. While the display is on your screen, Click on the Screen Snapshot button.
You will be prompted to enter a file name. Enter the file name i.e. Screen Snapshot1 and click Open. This saves the screen image to your new filename (Screen Snapshot1).
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To view your snapshot, click on File, Explore Existing Files:
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Double click on the file to open it.
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Screen Capture
The screen snapshot is displayed in the text editor.
The same concept applies to Screen Capture except that the screen capture records all your inputs and outputs to a file until you stop the capture.
Click on the Screen Capture button and you will be prompted to name your file, i.e. Capture1
Click Open and the screen capture begins. Type your input. Your inputs and outputs are recorded.
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When you are finished, click the Screen Capture button
and a prompt will ask if you would like to view or print the file.
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• •
If you click No, the file will be saved in the Liaison Scripts folder for future viewing. If you click Yes, the file is displayed.
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The file contains all the inputs and outputs recorded during the screen capture. Use the scroll bar on the right to view the entire file.
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Record Script
The Record Script function allows you to record inputs, including control characters that can be played back over and over again. Click the Record Script button. Again you will be prompted to name your file.
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Name your file (RecordScript1), click Open and begin to type your inputs.
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When you are finished recording all your inputs, click the Record Script button again to discontinue recording.
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When you stop/discontinue recording, an information screen is displayed advising that you have finished recording and you may view your script using the editor of your choice.
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You can view the script by clicking on File from the menu bar, Explore Existing Files or to Edit the script, click on Edit Existing Script.
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Double click on the file you just recorded to view.
You may edit the script file.
The most common script commands are send characters to the host exactly as typedThere are screen function codes that can be used with the send command. These codes are recorded or can be edited into the script. For example, if you want to make sure your screen is clear before SEND sending the input, the codes /H/F can be used to send your cursor to home position, /H and erase to end of screen, /F. /X is the transmit code. See page 24. Example: send /H/Favatllon1dec/X look for the next host response. The * indicates any host response. You can use the find with a specified host response See example 3 on FIND page 25 sit idle for a specified number of seconds. e.g. wait 2 command stops WAIT the script for 2 seconds. This is helpful when responses are fast Designates line as a comment. # See Liaison Script Assistant for the script language and syntax.
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For this example, the script performs an availability AVATLLON1DEC, books a flight, creates a PNR, and prices the itinerary.
Edit the Record Script 1.txt Insert a comment line on line one of the script by typing the following. #This script creates a PNR and issues a ticket Add cursor home code and erase to end of screen code in the send line e.g. /H/F Change the default, if %err%>0 then beep, to Wait 2 so that the script will stop and wait for 2 seconds before sending the next message.
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Playback Script
Click the Playback Script button to playback or run any script you have previously recorded.
You will be prompted to select a script to playback. Double click on the script name or click Open. The script automatically executes.
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Playback script and record the output. If you want to record the output of the script that you are going to playback, first click the Capture button. Again, you will be prompted to name your output script file. Next, click the Playback Script
button and select the script
you want to playback by double clicking on the script name or clicking Open. The script automatically runs and the output is also recorded for analysis.
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Example 1 -- For loop: # Sample script to perform a 'da' twice using a for loop for x in 1 2 send da/X find * if %err%>0 then beep next x
Example 2 -- While loop: # Sample script to perform a 'da' twice using a while loop set x=1 while %x%<3 send da/X find * if %err%>0 then beep set x=%x%+1 loop
Example 3 -- If/Then Goto: # Sample script to logout if we are in Area B or Area C (otherwise we stay logged in). # If we are logged in to Area C then clear screen after we logout. send da/X # See if we are logged into Area B and wait 1 extra second to make sure # we received all of the output from 'da' wait 1 find B* if %err%>0 then goto checkAreaC # # The B* pattern was found so logout send so/X find * exit :checkAreaC # # See if we are logged into Area C send da/X find C* if %err%>0 then exit # # The C* pattern was found so logout and clear the screen send so/X /C
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Example 4 – Generate Text File from Screen Input of Flight List #Initialize File output flights.txt /R #Set Carrier Code and Option set x =xs set y =c :rof #send clear screen, then cfl:xs/c and transmit send /Ccfl:%x%//%y%/X #Await Response find * if %err%>0 then goto fin #Send the Output Lines from cfl transaction to flights.txt :nextpage for i in 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 set p=2 if "extract(%i%,2,1)"==" " then goto fin set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% next i if "extract(23,80,1)"!="+" then goto fin send /Cpn/X find * if %err%>0 then goto fin goto nextpage :fin beep beep exit
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Liaison Script Assistant - Version 1.0.2
Introduction The Script Assistant (SA) is a part of the Liaison suite of products. It is used to create and maintain scripts used by the Liaison Terminal Emulator. Scripts can be as simple as logging on or issuing a query command, or as complicated as issuing a series of transactions, determining a course of action, then issuing more transactions based on that determination. The SA is merely a guide to give you a quick command reference and syntax checking.
Functional Description
Lines of code are displayed here.
Current line information is displayed here. You can edit it manually,
- or -
use these helper functions.
The current command syntax is displayed here.
A description of the current command is displayed here, some with examples.
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When SA is first started there is no file loaded. The mode is set to allow you to begin entering a new script. You can simply start typing commands, and when you press enter, your line will be added the script and SA will be ready for your next line of input. Instead of typing your lines manually, you can also build your script from a list of all possible commands. Start by choosing a command from the drop-down box. All possible command choices are in the drop-down box beside "Insert this command". Once you've located the command you want, select the "Insert this command" button to insert this command into the current line. Any changes you make are not applied until you select the "Apply" button. Only then is the top display updated to reflect your changes. All possible function choices are in the drop-down box beside "Insert this function". All possible operator choices are in the drop-down box beside "Insert this operator". All possible variable choices are in the drop-down box beside "Insert this variable". This box not only holds the system defined variables, but also any variables you define with the "set" command. The "Syntax" line will be updated with the correct information whenever SA can determine which command is being used for the current line. The box underneath the syntax will also be updated with a brief description of the command you are using; offering help and some examples. The "Move Up" button will move the current line up in the script. The "Move Down" button will move the current line down in the script. The "Increase Indent" button will insert a tab at the beginning of the line. The "Decrease Indent" button will remove a tab at the beginning of the line. These only affect appearance, as it is often visually helpful to indent code within a loop, for example. The "Comment Line" box is used to denote whether the current line is simply a comment or not. You can change a line to a comment line by simply clicking this box and applying your change. You can also remove a comment from a line by clicking this box and applying your change. "Insert a line" inserts a new, blank line in front of the current line. You can then edit this line to your liking. "Delete a line" removes the current line from the script. You cannot remove the last line. It must always be there and be blank.
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SA Menus SA includes the standard File/Open/Save/Save As/Close menus that are common to Window's applications. The "Help/Legend" menu will give you a display similar to this one.
The message in the "syntax" field will be color coded so you can quickly tell which parameters are required or optional.
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The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Scripting Commands
Note: The '/' has special meaning in this script language. It denotes special features and options as noted below. In particular, notice the 'send' command; If you want to send a '/', you need to specify '//'. Command Purpose Syntax Produce a beep sound on the PC speaker. beep beep Execute another script, a great way to create call call script2.txt subroutines. The script must be in the 'scripts' subdirectory where you installed Liaison Stop executing the script at this point. exit exit Get characters from emulator screen. extract extract (StartRow,StartCol,Length) Look for a pattern in the next host response. find find PSA (find * finds anything) Iterate the loop for each item on the command line for for x in 1 2 3 loops 3 times Branch to a specified label that begins with a colon(:). goto goto mylabel if Conditional control for any expression between if then. if %err%>0 then beep Gets the next record from a file and stores it in a input filename varname input variable. The "/R" option resets the file to beginning. input filename /R loop Go back to the most recent while command. loop next Go back to the most recent for command. next x (the for variable is required) Appends data from a variable to a file. The "/R" option output output filename varname resets the file to the beginning. output filename /R Moves the cursor to the desired screen position. position position row,col Prints data to the printer. print print string Send characters to the host. The characters will be sent exactly as typed. Use the following send codes to generate additional functions. /C clears the screen /A erase to end of line /X transmits the rest of the command line /F erase to end of screen // treats the slash as a literal character /Q delete character /H cursor home /L delete line /D end of screen /Y insert line /R cursor return /W insert character /P cursor up /G beginning of line /O cursor down /N end of line /B backtab /V duplicate line /S SOE character /Z lock keyboard /I cursor left /U unlock keyboard /T cursor right /K backspace set substr
Specify the value of script variable. Returns a portion of a string.
wait while :
Sits idle for a specified number of seconds. Iterate the loop as long as the condition is true. Designates a line as a label, thus allowing goto branching. Designates a line as a comment.
set x=1 substr (SourceString,StartPos,Length) wait 1 while %x%<3 : mylabel # Script created 3-NOV-1997
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The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Example 1 -- For loop: # Sample script to perform a 'da' twice using a for loop. Note that in the following example only 1 space is allowed between the “in” and “1 2”. It may cause unexplained syntax errors within the loop. for x in 1 2 send da/X find * if %err%>0 then beep next x Example 2 -- While loop: # Sample script to perform a 'da' twice using a while loop set x=1 while %x%<3 send da/X find * if %err%>0 then beep set x=%x%+1 loop Example 3 -- If/Then Goto: # Sample script to logout if we are in Area B or Area C (otherwise we stay logged in). # If we are logged in to Area C then clear screen after we logout. send da/X # # See if we are logged into Area B and wait 1 extra second to make sure # we received all of the output from 'da' wait 1 find B* if %err%>0 then goto checkAreaC # # The B* pattern was found so logout send so/X find * exit :checkAreaC # # See if we are logged into Area C send da/X find C* if %err%>0 then exit # # The C* pattern was found so logout and clear the screen send so/X /C
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Example 4 –Check Flight List:Output to Text File
#initialize file output flights.txt /R #declaration de variables pour la date set x =xs set y =c :rof #send clear screen, then cfl:xs/c and transmit send /Ccfl:%x%//%y%/X #attendre reponse find * if %err%>0 then goto fin #Decode Text to Output File flights.txt :nextpage for i in 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 set p=2 if "extract(%i%,2,1)"==" " then goto fin set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% set p=%p%+9 set rec ="extract(%i%,%p%,6)" if "extract(%i%,%p%,6)"!=" " then output flights.txt %rec% next I #Test for Another Page of Output from CFL Transcation ( 23 Lines 80 Character ) if "extract(23,80,1)"!="+" then goto fin send /Cpn/X find * if %err%>0 then goto fin goto nextpage :fin beep beep
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7. Appendices 7.1
Appendix A - PC/PCM Configuration Wizard
A Word about PC/PCM PC/PCM, an acronym for Personal Computer / Print Control Manager, is secured print dialogue performed locally on the PC workstation. Unlike past environments, a single PID handles all the host print messages as well as normal terminal mode for up to eight possible logical devices, and no longer requires a separate PID for each print device. The data is held in a local queue, resident on the PC, until the printer acknowledges it is online. Only then will PC/PCM send the stream on to the printer device. If printing occurs successfully, the item is removed from queue. Installing a PC/PCM Device Flag the PC/PCM setting during protocol definition in Step 5 of the Liaison Session Configuration Wizard.
This will prompt the PC/PCM as seen below
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From the previous layout, simply place the mouse pointer over the desired device icon, and Click. Each icon will produce a slightly different selection since the device types vary. For this reason, the wizard process is presented for each device type. The settings may also be changed anytime the Commander is active on the desktop and the session is closed. Simply right click on the session you want to work with. Then highlight "Configure", and "PCPCM Wizard". This will place you into Step 1 of 5 of the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard, ready to work with the PC/PCM Wizard.
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7.1.1 Message Printer After double clicking on the message printer icon, Step 2 of 5 is displayed. The information at the top confirms the session name and the device selected. The lower left box indicates available printer vendors. Highlight the correct manufacturer. The specific model number will appear in the lower right box. Again, highlight the match to the device you want to configure. Note: the "standard parallel" selection is further defined in Step 3 by selecting a specific print driver.
Click Next > after you are sure about the selection.
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Step 3, selection of the default printer, is presented next. Click on the selection box arrow to receive all available print drivers. Highlight the print driver you require as the default for Liaison. Once selected, it will appear in the box. Click on Next > to move on to the next step.
Step 4 allows for definition of both Form Position and Character Translation on Carriage Return and Line Feed. This is because some printers handle these settings differently; some default to these settings, others are configurable through there DIP switch settings. When completed, click on the tab labeled "Character Translation”.
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The combination of Carriage Return/Form Feed messages from the host with printer default settings may cause undesired effects with the way a printer feeds and prints. These settings may be controlled as seen below. Place a check next to the option needed for your specific environment. Liaison defaults to the top setting, "CR=CR+LF". It is recommended that this setting remains in the default position if CR/LF conditions are unknown. Click on Next > when completed. The final step is Step 5, and is a summary of the settings selected in the previous steps. Verify the parameters in the white box, then click on "Configure Another Device" if PC/PCM needs to be used for another printer or device, or, click on Done if the PC/PCM wizard is no longer needed.
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7.1.2 Ticket Printer Device two accommodates configuration for non-intelligent and TAT (non-ATB) ticket printing devices. From Step 1 in the PC/PCM Configuration Wizard, Click on the ticket printer icon to launch the wizard into further steps. Note: PC/PCM for Ticket printing is not available for dynamic PIDs. Step 2 is presented as follows:
Highlight the printer manufacturer in the left box. For each manufacturer, accepted model numbers appear in the right box. Highlight the applicable model number, and Click Next > for additional configuration. Contact your Ticketing support coordinator for more specific information regarding your ticket printers.
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For ticket printer devices, several options are presented. The first option in Step 3 defines the serial port to which the printer is attached.
Click on the arrow "pull-down" list, and highlight the applicable port. Next, click on the "pull-down" lists for Serial Parameters. IN all cases you must match the serial settings found on the printer. All possible settings are seen below in the examples for each parameter:
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Select the next tab labeled "Override STX/ETX". This parameter determines the start and end print characters found in the print data stream. The default settings are 2 and 3 respectively. Generally, this setting should remain in the default mode, however, if the printer must accept other characters, this may be changed. It is highly recommended that this remain in the default position unless changed by an engineer to avoid anomalies.
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The final tab is labeled "Device Specific". By checking the box labeled "ACK all printer input", PC/PCM will send an ASCII 06 command, the coded request for acknowledgements from the printer.
This means for each message between PC/PCM and the printer, an acknowledgment from the printer is expected. Default is left OFF, or unchecked. Note: For the TI810 printer, an additional option is offered, ESC sequences should default to the checked ON position. Click Next > when ALL settings are determined.
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Step 4 allows the definition of form, or paper type. For ticket printers, the default positions are all zero because print position is dictated by the host print message. Unless a special local situation arises, it is recommended that the default values remain in place as incorrect settings here will cause print anomalies.
Step 4 also defines special character translation for Carriage Return and Line Feed, as well as the option to Form Feed after each message. Place a check in the appropriate option if desired. Again, some of these commands are sent from the host, and printer types will vary, so these settings are dependent on these conditions. Click Next > when selections are completed.
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Step 5 is a summary of all selections. The values seen here are just an example, but demonstrates all the setting types. Click on Done , or "Configure Another Device" to save all these settings and continue with using Liaison. Notice the scroll bar for continuation of settings.
Please note that SITA Ticketing maintains a Ticketing Equipment Manual with recommended settings for all approved ticketing printers. If you do not receive a copy prior to cutover please contact SITA Ticketing or download the Equipment Manual from the Liaison Web Site HTTP://
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7.1.3 Automated Ticketing and Boarding (ATB) Primarily for ATB printers and Boarding Gate Readers, this type of device has the means to print, read, and possibly write magnetic stripe data on "ATB2" type documents. This may be tickets and/or boarding cards. The data encoded on the stripe is determined by the host application producing the document based on PECTABs (Parametric Tables). Both the print and mag-stripe data must conform to IATA Resolution 722c. PC/PCM is able to pass this data stream to and from the ATB device according to the following configuration settings.
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Select Automated Ticketing/Boarding by clicking on the icon in Step 1. The next image will be Step 2 as follows:
As with other device types, highlight the desired manufacturer to display the available model numbers in the box on the right side. Highlight the applicable model number for configuration and click Next > for Step 3.
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For these devices, several options are presented. The first option in Step 3 defines the serial port to which the printer is attached. Click on the arrow "pull-down" list, and highlight the applicable port.
Next, click on the "pull-down" lists for Serial Parameters. The values displayed default to the suggested manufacturer's settings, but changes may be made to tailor each environment.All possible settings are seen below in the examples for each parameter.
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Select the next tab labeled "Override STX/ETX". This parameter determines the start and end print characters found in the print data stream. The default settings are 2 and 3 respectively. Generally, this setting should remain in the default mode, however, if the printer must accept other characters, this may be changed. It is highly recommended that this remain in the default position unless changed by an engineer to avoid anomalies.
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The final tab in Step 3 is labeled "Device Specific". By checking the box labeled "ACK all printer input", PC/PCM will send an ASCII 06 command, the coded request for acknowledgements from the printer. This means for each message between PC/PCM and the printer, an acknowledgment from the printer is expected. Default is left OFF, or unchecked.
Click Next > for Step 4.
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Step 4 defines which PECTABs are used to encode, print, and read on the ATB2 type document and mag stripe. The primary PECTAB is the format sent from the host for ALL mag stripe encoding and printing, and most reading. The secondary, or "Input Only" fields, allow for reading other PECTAB formats. Select the PECTAB by clicking on the arrow drop-down menus: The Pectabs specified here must match the Pectabs specified in the DPID or CONLNK on the host.
This example shows six choices for the primary PECTAB format. The same choices are also presented when clicking on the "Input Only" boxes. These values represent the most common codes, and other PECTABs may be typed in manually. Be sure the value selected exists on the host application. The next value to be determined is Transaction Code Length, or "Tran Code Length". This number represents the length of the device prefix code, and almost all devices approved by SITA default to "5". However, some devices are not flexible on this setting, and the value can vary from 0-5. When changing from the default value of "5", be sure you have received the correct setting from the device manual. Here is what the dropdown menu looks like:
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The last setting in Step 4 determines where CLF translation takes place. CLF codes are PECTAB numeric field identifiers converted into 4-alpha identifiers used to easier recognize the field content. For example, PECTAB field 04 may contain the Passenger Name. The CLF code would be "NAME". Earlier devices are not capable of making this translation, as they do not possess the processing power to do so. In this case, PC/PCM receives the numeric field code and performs the translation. Later devices are able to send the CLF code. In this case, select "Device". PC/PCM must be flagged to perform this function, or ignore it. Select the radio button that applies.
After this selection is made, Step 4 is complete. Click Next > for the final step. Step 5 is a review of the previous selections:
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7.1.4 Boarding Pass Printer One/Two PC/PCM can run two concurrent Boarding Pass Printers. There are two icons in Step 1. The wizard for each is identical, only the settings will differentiate one from the other (such as COM port, device type, etc.). The logical device is used for printing only, and if mag-stripe encoding is required, the Automated Ticketing/Boarding (ATB) logical device should be selected instead. Click on the Boarding Pass icon, like the one above, to enter the wizard.
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After clicking on the Boarding Pass Printer One or Two icon, Step 2 of 5 is displayed.
The information at the top confirms the session name and the device selected. The lower left box indicates available printer vendors. Highlight the correct manufacturer. The specific model number appears in the lower right box. Again, highlight the match to the device you want to configure. Click Next > after you are sure about the selection.
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The first selection in Step 3 defines the serial port to which the printer is attached. Click on the arrow "pull-down" list, and highlight the applicable port.
Next, click on the pull-down lists for Serial Parameters. The values seen default to the suggested manufacturer's settings, but changes may be made to tailor each environment. All possible settings are seen below in the examples for each parameter:
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Select the next tab labeled "Override STX/ETX". This parameter determines the start and end print characters found in the print data stream. The default settings are 2 and 3 respectively. Generally, this setting should remain in the default mode, however, if the printer must accept other characters, this may be changed. It is highly recommended that this remain in the default position unless changed by an engineer to avoid anomalies.
The final tab in Step 3 is labeled "Device Specific". By checking the box labeled "ACK all printer input", PC/PCM will send an ASCII 06 command, the coded request for acknowledgements from the printer. This means for each message between PC/PCM and the printer, an acknowledgment from the printer is expected. Default is left OFF, or unchecked.
Click Next > for Step 4.
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Step 4 allows the definition of form, or paper type. For boarding pass printers, the default positions are all zero because print position is dictated by the host print message. Unless a special local situation arises, it is recommended that the default values remain in place as incorrect settings here will cause print anomalies.
Step 4 also defines special character translation for Carriage Return and Line Feed, as well as the option to Form Feed after each message. Place a check in the appropriate option if desired. Again, some of these commands are sent from the host, and printer types will vary, so these settings are dependent on these conditions.
Click Next > to proceed to Step 5.
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Step 5 is a summary of the values selected throughout the Wizard.
Check the values carefully before clicking on Done .
[Notice the presence of a scroll bar, indicating more information to be seen.]
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7.1.5 Bag Tag Printer Bag Tag printers also make use of PECTABs to determine the format. They are serial devices only capable of printing, not yet using mag-stripe or bar-code read technology. To enter the Wizard, single click on the Bag Tag icon.
After clicking on Bag Tag Printer icon, Step 2 of 5 is displayed.
The information in the top right confirms the session name and the device selected. The lower left box indicates available printer vendors. Highlight the correct manufacturer. The specific model number will appear in the lower right box. Again, highlight the match to the device you want to configure.
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The first selection in Step 3 defines the serial port to which the printer is attached.
Click on the arrow "pull-down" list, and highlight the applicable port. Next, click on the pull-down lists for Serial Parameters. The values default to the suggested manufacturer's settings, but changes may be made to tailor each environment. All possible settings are seen below in the examples for each parameter:
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Select the next tab, labeled "Override STX/ETX". This parameter determines the start and end print characters found in the print data stream. The default settings are 2 and 3 respectively. Generally, this setting should remain in the default mode, however, if the printer must accept other characters, this may be changed. It is highly recommended that this remain in the default position unless changed by an engineer to avoid anomalies.
The final tab in Step 3 is labeled "Device Specific". By checking the box labeled "ACK all printer input", PC/PCM will send an ASCII 06 command, the coded request for acknowledgements from the printer. This means for each message between PC/PCM and the printer, an acknowledgment from the printer is expected. Default is left OFF, or unchecked. Click Next > for Step 4. Step 4 defines the PECTAB and Transaction Code Length. Unlike the ATB device, there is only one PECTAB to define since printing is all that is performed. Click on the drag-down menu and highlight the numeric PECTAB format desired.
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The next value to be determined is Transaction Code Length, or "Tran Code Length". This number represents the length of the device prefix code, and almost all devices approved by SITA default to "5". However, some devices are not flexible on this setting, and the value can vary from "0-5". When changing from the default value of "5", be sure you have received the correct setting from the device manual. Below is an example of the drop-down menu :
Step 4 is completed when the "Tran Code Length" is defined. Click on Next > for Step 5. Step 5 is a summary of the values selected throughout the Wizard. Check the values carefully before clicking on Done .
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Messages to CRT and File Clicking on either icon presents identical wizards since PC/PCM messages are presented in a raw text form. The wizards for CRT messages and text to file only require one screen for configuration. Therefore, Step 4 is the only screen that is presented:
Above is an example of Step 4 for “Messages to CRT”. The form position and Character translations are normally set to “0” and/or blank. In this example the screen is set for 24 lines by 79 (or 80) columns, the same size as a normal UTS emulator screen.
Above is an example of Step 4 for “Messages to File.” Form Position and Character Translation default to “0” and blank. These values should remain as default.
Click Next > to move on to Step 5 which reviews the settings. Click Done if the values are correct.
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7.2 Appendix B - X.28 Asynchronous Configuration A Word about X.28 Liaison has the ability to connect and communicate to the host systems in ATL via asynchronous means, or "dial-up". The protocol standard used is called X.28. A local telephone number is provided by SITA to dial into a Packet Assembler / Dis-Assembler (PAD), which is the direct entry point into the SITA network.
The PAD qualifies the incoming request by verifying the account information (NUI/Network Password) issued to the caller by SITA. After passing the account verification level, SITA network searches for the Destination Network Address (DNA) and, when found, connects into the host systems. Other layers of security must then be satisfied, such as User ID/Password and host Sign-In. This completes the process of connecting, and normal host transactions may now commence. Special note should be taken when considering host User Group, or the amount of functionality allowed. Since X.28 connectivity utilizes Dynamic PIDs, there is a limitation to User Group 17 and higher. This is an intentional security feature, designed to inhibit functionality over the easy access dial-up provides. Dynamic PIDs also have several other limitations. A permanent ZZ address may not be established for dynamic PIDs. With dynamic PIDs, the PID changes each time you connect. Since a ZZ address is tied to a specific PID, you cannot assign a ZZ address to a dynamic PID. Also, Ticketing cannot be used on dynamic PIDs. Both these limitations may be overcome at some point, so contact Atlanta for a status update. Asynchronous modems provide the means for communication from a PC. There are literally hundreds of manufacturers offering several models each in the market today. Most conform to conventional standards, such as Hayes. There will be some, however, which do not completely comply. Anomalies will occur during the dialing/handshake process in such cases. When this happens, it is advisable to consult the user manual from the modem manufacturer for a recommended initialization string. In some remote cases, connectivity may not be achieved at all. Be sure your modem is Hayes compatible to avoid these problems. X.28 dialup is often confused with dialup TCP-IP. X.28 dialup uses a standard PC modem. Dialup IP uses a router.
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Configuration for X.28 From Step 5 in the Liaison Configuration Wizard, the "Protocol" selection box appears. Be sure this has been highlighted for "DialUp" for X.28 to be defined.
Click on OK to continue. The next box to appear will be "Dial Up Properties". The settings in the upper portion of the box define the interaction between the PC, modem, and telephone line. The lower portions are values the SITA network requires to satisfy account information and security levels. Where the drop-down arrows are seen, values may be chosen
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Dial Up Properties Field Descriptions Dial Number Port Baud Rate Data Bits Parity Stop Bits Modem 1 Modem 2 Interval Time Out Dial Type PAD Prompt
Network NUI
Network Password PAD ID (DNA)
This is the telephone number of the local PAD. If a dialing prefix is needed, type this in first, followed by a comma (,) or a "W" for a pause, needed for the second dial tone Select the COM port the PC uses to connect itself to the modem This is the speed of line transmission (Bits Per Second). Be sure not to exceed the speed rating for the modem Select between 7 and 8. This setting depends on the modem (SITA ATL default is 8). Generally, this setting depends on the modem. Use "E" for Even, "O" for Odd, and "N" for None. (SITA ATL default is N) Always leave in the default value of "1". However, it may be set to either "1.5" or "2", if required. (SITA ATL default is 1) The modem initialization string, using Hayes standard dialogue. The default value is "ATV1E1". Some modems require a second initialization string, separate from the first. This field may also be used to enable such Hayes features like "speaker on". A minimum character string of "AT" must appear in this field. Number of seconds between modem initialization steps. Must be a whole number, not a decimal or fraction If a connection has not been established within this number of seconds, the session is terminated and must be re-initiated. Recommended length is between 20-40 seconds For rotary telephone service, select "Pulse". For touch-tone service, select "Tone" A character string sent to the PAD when it answers a call. This is a means of telling the PAD to respond. DO NOT change the values The Network NUI value is obtained from SITA once an X.28 account is established. Based upon your geographic location the Network NUI and Password may be obtained from your SITA Account Manager. The NUI and Password are issued upon receipt of an X.28 request. The NUI will be 8 characters long. The first 4 characters are controlled by the Liaison registration key and will appear on this screen automatically. If they appear incorrectly on this screen, you must obtain a modified registration key from Liaison [email protected] Also obtained from SITA with the NUI. Strictly used for security match This is the Destination Network Address for ATLIS. Note the default (9001031,PDX28M) is for PSA connections. For PSB access it should read 9001181,PDX28M
Click on OK when all values have been entered. The wizard will present the next and final parameters for X.28 in a box labeled "Dynamic PID Properties". This information is packaged into the X.28 packet header. Then delivers CONLNK elements to the host system for dynamic PID definition.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Following are explanations for each input field The host code is placed here. The default is "X28DEV", which is the test system in ATL. For production access, change to either "X28PSA" or Destination "X28PSB", depending on which mainframe the target host resides. Presently, these are the only access host codes. Message Characteristics Character always leave this field in the default value MCC of "M". Determines origin country for the terminal session. Use a valid two-letter ISO Country country code. This a mandatory field. Code IATA Number Optional; enter an eight-digit IATA number if this location is a travel agency. TLX Address Optional; input the Teletype/Type B address associated with this location. Determines origin city for the terminal session. Use a valid three-letter IATA City City code. This is a mandatory field. Primary Airline Code is extracted from the registration key, and cannot be changed in this step. This must be your Airline Code or your agent sign-in will PALC not be accepted. Secondary Airline Code; also extracted from the registration key, and cannot SALC be changed. Version Version: For information purposes only. Editing is not possible for this field. Defines the dimensions of the emulator display. The default is 24 lines by 80 Screen Size columns, which is standard. Unless host requirements are different, it is recommended to use the default. Department Use for AIRFARE definition only. Click on OK when finished, the wizard will return to Step 5. This concludes the X.28 configuration.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Appendix C - Slow/No Response Analysis for TCP-IP Liaison
1st step in Isolation process has Local Airline IT assessing problem by performing the following tests. Verify that FTP file transfers are not active while Slow/No Response situation is occurring. Ping Response to Rendezvous Server from Local Airline indicates good network Status. No response indicates problem with Airline, SITA Network, or Rendezvous. Run TRACRT and include results in report. Ping from SITA/Local should isolate problem in Airline or SITA Network Normal .Z transaction response from DCP indicates connection to ATL DCP. Slow response to .Z indicates problem between Airline and DCP Normal DA transaction response indicates connection through to PSA Host A consistent good response to DA transaction may indicate that a particular transaction has slow response based on high volume transaction. Slow response to DA transaction but .Z and Ping are OK indicates Compool or similar problem with Host.
Please Note that FTP File Transfers will degrade Network Response Times. Always check for active FTP Transfers before beginning Analysis Procedure
2nd step requires Local SITA IT to examine Local Airline IT’s responses to Ping’s and transactions and perform isolation analysis as follows.
Airline IT replies with test results to Local SITA IT
Ping Response to Rendezvous Server from Local SITA IT indicates good SITA network status. If Local Airline IT reports no Ping from Rendezvous server problem is indicated in Airline Network. No Ping response from Rendezvous server indicates problem in SITA Network or Rendezvous Normal .Z transaction response from DCP indicates connection to ATL DCP.
Normal DA transaction response indicates connection through to PSA Host A consistent good response to DA transaction may indicate that a particular transaction has slow response based on high usage. Slow response to DA transaction but .Z and Ping are OK indicates Compool problem or similar problem with Host. Local SITA IT reports findings to Airline IT, Network, and SITA HelpDesk
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Appendix D - EICON Cards and Cables
Please note that the following values are from Eicon Networks Web Pages and as such are subject to change. The values are intended as a guide for selecting the proper Card and Cable for X.25 installations. Please consult with your local SITA Account Manager for detailed ordering information. These are Cards specifically recommended for X.25 connections using Liaison
Interface Cards Eicon Part Number
Bus Type
Serial Max. Serial Interfaces Line Speed
Eicon Cable Required DCE or DTE Eicon Part Number
EiconCard C20 310-198
ISA 8-bit PnP
64 Kbps
V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-007 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-022
EiconCard C21 310-150
ISA 8-bit PnP
64 Kbps
V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-007 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-022
EiconCard C90 310-774
PCI 16-bit PnP
64 Kbps
V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-007
EiconCard C91 310-176
PCI 16-bit PnP
EiconCard S50 300-138
ISA 8-bit
V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-022 or V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable (Gender Changed) 300-048 V.24
64 Kbps
V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-007 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-022 or V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable (Gender Changed) 300-048
512 Kbps
V.24 DCE Method 1 HIS/ V.24 DCE Cable 300-026 V.24 DCE Method 2 HSI/V.24 Converter 300-046 Plus Standard V.24 Cable 300-046 300-007 V.24 DTE HIS V.24 DCE Cable300-026 plus HSI Null Modem Conversion Cable 300-033
EiconCard S51 310-117
ISA 8-bit
512 Kbps
V.24 DCE Method 1 HIS/ V.24 DCE Cable 300-026 V.24 DCE Method 2 HSI/V.24 Converter 300-046 Plus Standard V.24 Cable 300-046 300-007 V.24 DTE HIS V.24 DCE Cable300-026 plus HSI Null Modem Conversion Cable 300-033
EiconCard S52 310-200
ISA 8-bit
2 x HSI
512 Kbps
V.24 DCE Method 1 HIS/ V.24 DCE Cable 300-026 V.24 DCE Method 2 HSI/V.24 Converter 300-046 Plus Standard V.24 Cable 300-046 300-007 V.24 DTE HIS V.24 DCE Cable300-026 plus HSI Null Modem Conversion Cable 300-033
EiconCard S90 310-146
PCI 32-bit
2.048Mbps V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-077 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-078
EiconCard S91 310-205
PCI 32-bit
2.048Mbps V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-077 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-078
EiconCard S94 310-208
PCI 32-bit
2 x VHSI
2.048Mbps V.24 DCE (V24 Modem Cable) 300-077 V.24 DTE (V24 Null Modem Cable) 300-078
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
7.5 Appendix E – Windows XP and Liaison 7.5.1
Liaison Installation in Windows XP Environment
Windows XP offers Liaison many opportunities for sharing Personal Computers by several Agents. A few simple steps will allow the Administrator to install Liaison for all login users. Each individual user will be able to customize their Liaison settings and Desktop as required or the Administrator will be able to use methods within Liaison and Windows to restrict configuration changes without the proper password. • • • •
First Install Liaison as usual to “C:\Program Files\Sita\Liaison” or any other folder. Create an Icon on the desktop in response to the install query. Run Liaison as Administrator and add the Registration Key. Add any common sessions such as Printer Pids which will control a message printer.
From the Liaison Commander • Right Click Settings • Left Click Export Registry
Select a Registry name and Click OK. I use the file name Base for example.
The Registry settings are then copied to the Liaison file folder in a file called Base.Reg That file may be used by any new Login User prior to running Liaison for the first time.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
7.5.2 Removing the Default File Sharing Option Default Windows XP file share settings must be modified to allow for select shares among Liaison users. The following method changes the default ‘simple file sharing’ properties. From the Control Panel select ‘Folder Options’
Select the View Tab and scroll to the bottom.
Uncheck ‘Use simple file sharing’ and Click OK. You may now use custom XP file sharing. The next section describes how to create the ‘SITA’ share for Liaison users.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
7.5.3 Creating the SITA Share All login users must have access to the folders containing the Liaison executables and the log file folders used by Liaison. Using XP standards you must create a share name and set permissions for all users as seen below. Use Windows Explorer and navigate to C:\Program Files\SITA
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Right Click on the Sita folder and select Sharing and Security
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
The ‘Sita Properties’ window appears as follows. Make modifications as shown.
You must then create a share for the SITA directory and all sub-folder including Liaison. Select ‘Share This Folder’, add the ‘Share name’ and any Comments as per example:
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Click the ‘Security’ TAB Scroll to and select ‘Users’ Adjust the Permissions for users as seen below allowing for all but Full Control.
Click ‘Apply’ and then Click ‘OK’. These settings allow for the many trace and log files created at program initialization, as well as PCPCM queue file message delivery to the PCPCM file folder.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
7.5.4 Importing the Base Liaison Registry Settings All XP Administrator functions are now complete. As each User logs into Windows XP a Liaison Shortcut ICON will appear on the Desktop. Before running Liaison for the first time as the new user, use Windows explorer and navigate to the Liaison folder where the ‘Base’ registry file is located.
Double Click on the ‘Base.Reg’ file, click ‘Yes’ in response to the Registry Editor query and the Liaison settings will be written to the Current Users registry.
Liaison will now be available for that Login user. Repeat the Registry function for all subsequent Login Liaison Users.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.
Liaison User’s Guide ©Copyright 1998-2004 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
The information contained herein is property of SITA. Legal action will be taken against any infringement.