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5013v1 – Leadership Practice A.c. 1.1 Discuss the concept of managers as eective leaders
3se the Assessment Criteria 4AC5 as headings. he guidance notes will show if $ AC can be 6oined together
and A.c. 1.2 Discuss the the concept of leaders as eective managers. ‘According to the idea of transformational leadership an eective leader is a person who does the following: Creates an inspiring vision of the future. Motivates and inspires people to engage with that vision. Manages delivery of the vision. Coaches and builds a team, so that it is more 3se 7uotes to demonstrate eective at achieving the vision. your research. Leadership Leadership brings together the sills needed to do these 8y putting 7uotes in bo9es things.! they stand out as referenced wor. "eference: Mindtools #eb #eb $%&' https:(("*+&.htm • • • •
his compares compares to management management which is de-ned as: ‘. A set of processes that can eep a complicated system of people and technology running smoothly. smoothly. /mportant aspects of of management include planning, budgeting, organising, sta0ng, controlling and problem solving! "eference: CM/ Level 1 2athways 2athways worboo
/n my opinion leadership is about inspiration, empowerment and motivation whereas management is about policies, control and measurement. he table / have created created below illustrates the dierent roles of a leader and a manager: A leader . /nspires their team towards
3se tables to reduce wordcount and clarify the dierence between two concepts. /f you create your own table mae it clear it is your own wor
A manager .. #ocuses on the bottom line &
organisational goals /s focussed on providing e9cellent service ;stablishes strategy and involves(communicates the strategy to the team /s innovative and creative in their approach aes riss and is change orientated and
rites protocols and policies Measures outcomes and performance
;nsures everyone is accountable and manages their performance Controls processes and procedures
o illustrate eective leadership and management / have produced the following e9amples: ;9ample &: / wored with a leader who naturally inspired their team to perform. =e listened to the views of everyone in the he tas will show you if you team and we would produce team ob6ectives need to include e9amples. together. =e communicated the vision of the Label each e9ample so they organisation clearly and regularly at both team stand out to the assessor meetings and appraisals and we all new where we -t in the business. =e was dynamic, friendly and supportive and we all believed in him and wanted to follow his lead. he result was a highly eective team which met and e9ceeded e9pectations. ;9ample $: / wored with a manager who controlled their worforce eectively through set ob6ectives and regular measurement. hilst they didn!t display the warmth of the leader, they were eective in as much as the sta new what was e9pected of the them and achieved their targets. =owever, it was not so en6oyable woring for someone who micromanaged and sta tended to do what was e9pected of them out of fear as opposed to willingness. A.. 1.3 ! "valuate the #alance needed #et$een the demands of management and the demands of leadership /t is essential for leaders to be able to manage and managers to use leadership sills in order to maintain a balance. #or e9ample if a leader is given a free range there will be a high level of ris and lots of innovation and they may -nd themselves over spending on the budget or missing ey targets.
=ere are $ e9amples of how you can reference wor. Bne is within the sentence to bac up your views and the second is shown in graphic form so you don!t have to use up your wordcount by describing the theory
hereas if a manager does not lead the team can become demotivated and uninspired and stagnation in the organisation can occur. owers 2errin 4$%%>5 suggests that ‘although many people would lie to contribute more, the behaviour of their managers actively discourages them from doing so!.
?ohn Adair captures the essence of the balance between management and leadership in his wor on Action Centred leadership. his model demonstrates the balance re7uired between the tas, team and individuals. "eference: http:(( he following e9amples demonstrate the relationship between management and leadership. ;9ample &: A manager / wored with was a natural e9trovert and leader. =e was dynamic and inspiring and led the team to great achievements. =is leadership style included ris taing, creativity, innovation, enthusiasm, communication and empowerment. =e openly en6oyed leading others and had to reign himself in in order to ensure he was woring within the organisation!s policies and targets. he organisation he wored with was a -nancial institution based in the @%s so the need to measure, monitor and follow policies was a wellestablished culture. herefore he did not always have support or respect from the )irectors. /n order to redress this balance he would focus his attention on establishing ob6ectives and agreeing targets in line with the organisational goals, he would also measure performance against ob6ectives in team meetings and appraisals. =owever, he did -nd this discipline di0cult. henever you see the he advantages of his approach were: command verb ‘;valuate! you must give the advantages and =ighly motivated and dedicated worers disadvantages and a =igh levels of innovation within the team conclusion Butstanding achievement of change • • •
he disadvantages included: •
• •
"isy decisions caused organisational problems for the =" and -nance departments )ramatic change didn!t always -t with the culture of the organisation )issatisfaction from the )irectors about his performance
;9ample $: A manager / wored with was a natural introvert, theory in approach and a traditional leader. Dhe was very controlling in her approach and everything was ‘by the boo!. =er team was ruled by targets and tas lists and it
was a very sti
• •
Dafety as the department always ran in the same way and she new everything that happened Control over what the team did and when they did it so she could be sure targets would be met #or team members who lied order it was a good woring environment 8udgets and targets were met
he disadvantage of her approach was: •
• •
A stagnant environment which failed to respond to the e9ternal environment and change Dta ‘going through the motions! rather than thining for themselves and creating new ways of woring =igh turnover of sta who were creative and forward thining Loss of opportunity to get the best out of the sta
/n conclusion / -rmly believe there needs to be a balance between leadership and management and that this can be achieved by combining the best of both, however, / do appreciate the di0culties faced by people who are naturally predisposed to one or the other style. /n some instances it may be the development of sills and changing attitudes which will enable to person to develop both management F leadership styles. #or others it may mean there is a need to wor with others predisposed to the opposite style in order to maintain an overall balance. idemans! Leadership vs Management Dills in a 2ro6ect Life Cycle is an e9cellent e9ample of the balance and marriage of these two styles in order to achieve an e9cellent outcome. "eference: http:((
%A&' 1 ()*D)+,%1011 Always include the wordcount at the end of the section. /nformation on what is counted can be found on the )eveloping 3 website