This file contains my solution to Lab 5 of Network Simulation Experiments Manual book
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McGee Carpet and Trim installs carpets in commercial ofces. Andrea McGee has been very concerned with the amount o time it took to complete several recent jobs. Some o her workers workers are very very unreliable. unreliable. A list o activities and their optimistic optimistic completion time the most likely completion time and the pessimistic completion time !all in days" or a new contract are provided in a #iven table. $ollowin# are the activities that are re%uired to install the carpets in the ofces& •
Activity 1: Measure ofce room dimensions
Activity 2: 'stimate cost
Activity 3: Material re%uisition
Activity 4: (orkorce re%uisition
Activity 5: Special tool re%uisition
Activity 6: )nstallation
Activity 7: )nspection and customer acceptance
Activity * starts immediately ater Activity +. Activity , Activity - and Activity start concurrently ater Activity *. Activity / does not start until ater Activity , Activity - and Activity are completed. The carpet installation project is complete ater Activity 0 is completed. ) 1T 2 1ptimistic Time MT 2 Most 3ikely Time and 4T 2 4essimistic Time use a 4ro#ram 'valuation 5eview 'stimate !4'5T" to compute the statistical time or each activity as in the ollowin# table&
Activity +
Activity *
Activity ,
Activity -
Activity /
Activity 0
8ou 8ou must also also do the ollowin#& ollowin#& •
9etermine the e:pected completion time and the variance or each activity 9etermine the total project completion time and the critical path or the project
9etermine 'arly Start !'S" 'arly $inish !'$" 3ate Start !3S" and slack or each activity (hat is the probability that McGee Carpet and Trim will ;nish the project in -7 days or less<
9e;ne project management and the necessary re%uirements.
Analy=e implications o chan#es in project schedulin#.
'valuate application o project mana#ement techni%ues in terms o the ;rm>s business operational #oals and re%uirements.
Please submit your assignment in an APA-ormatte! "a"er# $ubmitting your assignment in APA ormat means% at a minimum% you &ill nee! t'e ollo&ing: •
Title "age: 5emember the runnin# head. The title should be in all capitals. Abstract: A summary o your paper not an introduction. ?e#in writin# in third@person voice. (o!y: The body o your paper be#ins on the pa#e ollowin# the title pa#e and abstract pa#e and must be double@spaced !be careul not to triple@ or %uadruple@space between para#raphs". The type ace should be +*@pt. Times 5oman or +*@pt. Courier in re#ular black type. 9o not use color bold type or italics e:cept as re%uired or A4A@level headin#s and reerences. The deliverable len#th o the body o your paper or this assi#nment is *, pa#es. )n@body academic citations to support your decisions and analysis are re%uired. A variety o academic sources is encoura#ed. )eerence "age: 5eerences that ali#n with your in@body academic sources are listed on the ;nal pa#e o your paper. The reerences must be in A4A ormat usin# appropriate spacin# han# indention italics and upper@ and lowercase usa#e as appropriate or the type o resource used. 5emember the 5eerence 4a#e is not a biblio#raphy but a urther listin# o the abbreviated in@body citations used in the paper. 'very reerenced item must have a correspondin# in@body citation.