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UCI CEE 171 Lab Report
Abstract In process industries, all processes involve the reduction of size of materials are needed. By doing so, it increase the reactivity of solids, permits separation of unwanted ingredients by mechanical methods methods and reduces the bulk of fibrous materials for easier handling. They are four methods commonly used in size reduction machines that are compression, impact, attrition or rubbing, and cutting.
Introduction In this experiment, Hammer mills are used to crush, cut or broken solids into smaller pieces. The products from this type t ype of this grinder are usually reduced to powder form. Hammer mills contain a highspeed motor turning inside a cylindrical casing. !eed dropped into the top of the casing is broken and falls out through a bottom opening. The solids are broken by sets of swing hammers pinned to a rotor disk. The capacity and power re"uirement of a hammer mill vary greatly with the nature of the feed and cannot be estimated with the confidence from theoretical considerations. considerations.
Objectives The aim of the experiment is to study the operation of hammer mills and to calculate the percentage production of crushing nuts.
Materials/Apparatus • • •
Hammer mills Beaker #round nuts
Procedure $. %&& %&& grams grams of grou ground nd nuts nuts are are weigh weighed ed.. %. The mass mass of beaker beaker use use to collec collectt the produc products ts was recor recorded. ded. '. The hammer hammer mill and and perforated perforated metal metal screens screens was was cleaned cleaned before doing doing the (. ). *. .
process. The groun ground d nuts were were poured poured into into the grind grinding ing chambe chamber. r. The The power power gene generat rator or was was turne turned d on. on. +fter +fter two two minute minutes, s, the the produ product ct was was collec collected. ted. Before weighing the products, products, all the crushed crushed nuts left inside inside the grinding chamber
was collected as well. -. The The prod produc uctt was was weig weighe hed. d. . +ll the readings readings are recorded recorded in a table. table.
Results /ass of nut before the experiment0 %&&.&& grams
Size of metal screen
Weigt of bea!er "final#
(%-.'- g
(*.-% g
)&$.-- g
'%-.-- g
'%-.- g
'(.%* g
.)& g
$($.&( g
$)(.*% g
Weigt of bea!er "initial# Mass of nuts
Mass production of nuts by using dierent types of metal screen 250
Medium Large
Mass of ground nuts 100
0 Initial
$alculation 1ercentage production production of ground nuts by using different types of metal screen0 A% Smal Smalll scr scree een n
Wei ght of produc product t × 10 0 Weight of original nuts 99.50 g 200.00 g
× 100= 49.75
&% Mediu edium m scre screen en
Wei ght of produc product t × 10 0 Weight of original nuts 141.04 g 200.00 g
× 10 0 =70.52
$% Larg Large e scr scree een n
Wei ght of produc product t × 10 0 Weight of original nuts 154.62 g 200.00 g
× 10 0=77.31
'iscussion The small metal screen has the least mass production where as the large metal screen has the highest mass production between between the three of the metal screens. This may be due to the size of the nuts after being grinded by the hammer mills. The bigger the size of particles, the higher the mass of particles. 2hen large metal screen was used, it reduced the size of the nuts but not into fine powder. 2hen the smaller metal screen was used, it reduced the size of the nuts into powder. !rom the graph, the percentage of production by using small metal screen is the lowest but the product is the fine product. The percentage of production by using large metal screen is the highest but the product is not really fine or not in powder form compared to the product by using small metal screen.
$onclusion The operation of hammer mills was studied and the percentage production of crushing by using different types of metal screens was obtained. It is recommended that by using different types screen size, shaft speed or hammer configuration can alter the size of the product that we wanted.
References 1.
3nit 4peration %, 5/T%&' by +zmi /ahmood and /ohamad 6izar Hassan, /odule '