12 Tips to Maintain Bike in Good condition and Good Health Who doesn’t want to keep their bikes new and healthy? It is a general tendency not to maintain or take care o yo!r bikes ater ew months"years o p!rchase# To keep yo!r bike in good condition$ there are ew simple things which yo! ha%e to do on reg!lar basis# In this post we are going to share 12 important bike maintenance tips that helps yo! and yo!r bike to smile or long time&
12 Tips to Maintain Bike in Good condition 1# 'eg!larly (heck Tyres
It is important to check yo!r bike tyres reg!larly ) * thoro!gh look at the condition o yo!r bike and the air press!re# Make s!re that the tyre air press!res are maintained at the le%els which are recommended by yo!r bike man!act!rer# +o check tyres or possible c!ts and scrapes that co!ld ca!se a !ndesirable things like tyre blowo!t# +o not orget to check yo!r tyre treads at least once in a week# *lso check or the wheel balance and alignment#
In order to check Tyre press!re$ yo! can !se *eoss +igital Tire ,ress!re Ga!ge which is act!ally a key chain that displays the gas press!re o the bike in a digital display -check pict!re.# /o! can b!y *eoss +igital Tire ,ress!re Ga!ge rom 0lipkart 0lipkart ,rod!ct ink *eoss +igital Tire ,ress!re Ga!ge *345 key chain Gas ,ress!re
2# (heck 6ngine 7il
6ngine oil plays a cr!cial role in smooth operation and maintenance o yo!r bike# 'eg!larly check the engine oil le%el and always maintain a correct le%el# (heck or any possible oil leakages# +!e to presence o carbon deposits$ the oil is going to thicken creating a drag in the mo%ement o engine internals# It is %ery important to !nderstand that r!nning yo!r bike on dirty oil wo!ld 8!st not increase the cons!mption o !el b!t also drastically red!ces the engine lie#
9# (lean *ir ilter The d!sty conditions in India co!ld clog !p the ilter in %ery less time ) make s!re to keep the air ilter clean# *lways change the air ilter at recommended inter%als$ also increase the cleaning re:!ency in partic!larly d!sty conditions#
;# (l!tch *d8!stment (l!tch is !sed to change the gears on reg!lar inter%als d!ring the ride and is %ery oten !sed# The cl!tch sho!ld be ad8!sted correctly and sho!ld ha%e the right amo!nt o ree play# +on’t tighten yo!r cl!tch too m!ch ) an o%er tightened cl!tch wo!ld ca!se it to slip witho!t yo!r notice and also leads to increase in !el cons!mption#
5# 6ngine 6ngine is the heart o yo!r bike )
sing choke helps in meeting the emission norms and also the !el eiciency re:!irements#
# Transmission se parain to wash the chain# >se a piece o cloth and a sot br!sh in order to remo%e the dirt which has gotten acc!m!lated in the chain# @e%er !se water or
cleaning the chains$ as that co!ld r!st the chain links# 7nce the dirt has been cleaned completely$ with the help o a br!sh and parain wipe the chain with a clean dry cloth# /o! can !se the !sed engine oil to l!bricate the chain links and the chain # *lso check i yo!r motorcycle’s chain has a ree play o aro!nd 2 to ; mm in general by testing it by mo%ing chain !p and down in a %ertical direction with the help o yo!r ingers# 'emember that yo!r bike’s chain sho!ld ha%e the proper tension and ree play o the rear wheel# *ny %ariation in the tension o chain wo!ld not power the rear wheel smoothly when the bike is motion# In the case$ i yo!r bike’s chain is loose$ the power deli%ery rom engine to wheel wo!ld not be optimal$ th!s res!lts in loss o power d!e to slippage# Getting the bike to mechanic or ser%ice center and getting the chain ad8!sted to man!act!rer’s speciications is the wise thing to do# @e%er try to o%er re% yo!r ',M going at high=speeds contin!o!sly$ as that co!ld damage bike’s engine# @e%er attempt to shit yo!r bike rom ith gear to irst gear %ery instantaneo!sly$ that co!ld potentially damage the piston rings o yo!r bike#
4# (leaning the s!race The 2 wheeler body s!race has to cleaned reg!larly in order to maintain the s!race inish# Beore yo! start cleaning the
motorcycle$ make s!re that the ignition switch !nit$ H#T# (oil and silencer are thoro!ghly co%ered !sing plastic sheets# *lso$ a%oid eAposing yo!r bike to direct s!nlight$ try to park yo!r bike near to shade$ re:!ent eApos!re to s!nlight wo!ld d!ll yo!r bike’s appearance#
/o! sho!ld always !se Micro0ibre cloth to clean yo!r bike# The Microibre cloth is pretty cheap and is a%ailable or less than 's 153 B!y Microibre ehicle Washing (loth rom 0lipkart#
C# Maintain Battery /o!r bike’s battery re:!ires periodical maintenance to ens!re a long and tro!ble ree lie# I re:!ired$ top=!p the battery with distilled water# 6Aamine or any leakage rom the battery# The bike sho!ld be clean as well as ree rom any sort o battery leakages# I the motorcycle is not !sed or long time$ yo! ha%e to ens!re the battery sho!ld be kept !lly charged#
D#Maintain Brakes *lways keep both the brakes holding the tyre properly spaced# Both in the case o brakes becoming too tight$ or too loose is %ery dangero!s# The Brakes are always recommended to be tightened as per the bike rider’s personal style and re:!irement# 'eplace the bike’s brake pads in the ront i screeching so!nd persists$ this co!ld also be beca!se o lack o oil#
13#(heck 0ork 7il 'emember to change yo!r bike’s ork oil$ or once in e%ery 12333 kilometres#
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Two wheeler maintenance checklist MAINTENANCE
You should have your tyres and brakes regularly checked by a qualified mechanic and have the vehicle professionally serviced in accordance with manufacturer directions or at least annually / every 5,000 Kilometers.
rior to riding, perform a visual and operational check on your two wheeler. !his will reduce the chance of a breakdown while riding on the road.
Consider using this pre-riding checklist prior to strting !our "ourne!#
"s there enough fuel#
$re tyre pressures ok# %ook for punctures and damaged tyres
"s the throttle and clutch working properly#
"s steering smooth and the vehicle manoeuvrable#
"s the headlight, taillight, turn signals and horn all working#
"s the engine oil level correct#
"s the lubrication, slack and alignment of the chain correct#
&ave you tested both front and rear brakes#
$re mirrors ad'usted# !he tip of your shoulder should be seen in the lower edge of the mirror (do not ad'ust the mirrors while your vehicle is on its stand)
'se this (eekl! checklist to ensure !our )ehicle re*ins in good (orking order#
"s tyre tread depth adequate# !he wheels should be balanced and the alignment checked if the wear is uneven
&ave you checked for bulges, cracks, cuts and scrapes on your tyres, which could cause a blowout#
"s air pressure correct# *any blowouts are the result of low air pressure
$re there any loose spokes or cracks in the rim or either wheel#
&ave you inspected all controls# %ook for kinks or broken strands in cables
&ave you oiled the chain and checked for worn teeth#
&ave you looked for any loose or missing nuts, bolts and pins# +nsure you tighten or replace these as soon as they are noticed. "f you keep your bike clean it is easier to spot the missing parts
$re brakes working correctly# "f the wheel does not lock or if you hear a scraping sound when you are trying to stop, have the brakes checked
$re fluid levels correct# efill where necessary i.e. coolant, clutch fluid, brake fluid and engine oil
Check t!re pressure in ccordnce (ith *nu,cturer reco**endtions or t lest once *onth nd in the e)ent o, the ,ollo(ing#
*aking a long trip
-ignificant change in temperature
hen your vehicle has been left standing (out of use) for a period in ecess of two weeks
$n impact e.g. hitting a kerb or ob'ect
+nsure your tyres are replaced in accordance with local regulations, or manufacturer recommendations, whichever occurs first. uality tyres are recommended as these will often last longer than a cheaper, less reputable brand
*aintaining proper tyre pressure will help to increase fuel efficiency and safety
E.*ples o, Reco**endtions sections $n eample of the recommendations section from an accounting 1 finance case study report. 2ootnote Reco**endtions "mprove the average collection period for accounts receivable. 3o not etend credit to slow
ecommendations (to do list )
payers. educe credit terms. "mprove efforts to collect debts i.e. hire a debt collection agency. 4ffer discounts to early payers.
Note the 6grammatical parallelism7 of each bulleted item on the recommendations list the grammatical structure of each recommendation is the same. +ach recommendation begins with an imperative verb (instructional word) for eample, improve, do not, reduce. !he student could also have written reducing, improving, and offering. +cerpt from oodward8Kron, . (9::;) riting in ewcastle.
!his is a recommendations section from a marketing report Reco**endtions "t is recommended that
ecommendations (a to do list ). "n this section,
promote -lim
there is no grammatical parallelism in how the recommendations have been presented. !his detracts from the communal strength of the recommendations. %ook t the re)ised )ersion o, this reco**endtions section /elo(0
!he same recommendation section has been rewritten.>otice how much clearer and more powerful the recommendations are in this version of the section.
"t is recommended that
!he same recommendations are clearer to the reader and become much more powerful because the grammatical parallelism (the same grammar is used consistently) emphasises the recommendations. Culleting the points also makes the list of actions clearer.