EDEXCEL IGCSE chemistry revision checklist Section 1: Principles of chemistry a)
States of matter content
1.1 1.2 1.3
1.$ 1.$ 1.% 1.&
underst understand and the the arrange arrangement ment,, movemen movementt and energy energy of the the particle particles s in each of the three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas describe describe how how the interc interconve onversio rsion n of solids, solids, liquid liquids s and gases gases are achiev achieved ed and recall the names used for these interconversions describe describe the the change changes s in arrange arrangemen ment, t, movemen movementt and energ energy y of particl particles es during these interconversions
toms content
describe describe simpl simple e e"perime e"periments nts leadin leading g to the idea of of the small small si#e si#e of partic particles les and their movement including: i dilut dilution ion of colou coloured red soluti solution ons s ii diffu diffusio sion n e"pe e"perim rimen ents ts unde underst rstan and d the the terms terms atom atom and and molec molecule ule underst understand and the the differen differences ces betwe between en element elements, s, compoun compounds ds and mi"tur mi"tures es describe describe techn techniqu iques es for the the separat separation ion of of mi"tures, mi"tures, includ including ing simple simple distillation, distillation, fractional fractional distillation, distillation, filtration, crystallisation and paper chromatography
tomic structure content
recall recall that that atoms atoms consist consist of a cent central ral nucleu nucleus, s, compose composed d of protons protons and and neutrons, surrounded by electrons, orbiting in shells 1.( recall recall the relat relative ive mass mass and relative relative charge charge of a proton, proton, neut neutron ron and and electron 1.1 understand the terms atomic number number,, mass number, isotopes and relative atomic mass*r) 1.11 calculate the relative atomic mass of an element from the relative abundances of its isotopes 1.12 understand that the +eriodic able is an arrangement of elements in order of atomic number 1.13 deduce the electronic configurations of the first twenty elements from their positions in the +eriodic able 1.1! deduce the number of outer electrons in a main group element from its position in the +eriodic able
-ela -elati tive ve mole molecu cula larr and and form formul ula a mas masse ses s content
1.1$ calculate relative formula masses * Mr ) from relative atomic masses* Ar ) 1.1% understand the use of the term mole to represent the amount of substance 1.17 understand the term mole as the Avogadro numer o! "articles #atoms$ molecules$ !ormulae$ ions or electrons% in a sustance 1.1' carry out mole calculations using relative atomic mass * Ar ) and relative de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
formula mass*Mr ) 1.1( understand the term molar volume of a gas and use its values *2! dm 3 and 2!, cm 3) at room temperature and pressure *rtp) in calculations
hem hemic ical al for formu mula lae e and and chem chemic ical al equ equat atio ions ns content
1.2 write word equations and balanced chemical equations to represent the reactions studied in this specification 1.&1 use the state symols #s%$#l%$#g% and #a'% in chemical e'uations to re"resent solids$ li'uids$ gases and a'ueous solutions res"ectively 1.22 understand how the formulae of simple compounds can be obtained e"perimentally, including metal o"ides, water and salts containing water of crystallisation 1.&( calculate em"irical and molecular !ormulae !rom e)"erimental data 1.&* calculate reacting masses using e)"erimental data and chemical e'uations 1.2$ calculate percentage yield 1.2% carry out mole calculations using volumes and molar concentrations
/onic compounds content
1.2& describe the formation of ions by the gain or loss of electrons 1.2' understand o"idation as the loss of electrons and reduction as the gain of electrons 1.2( recall the charges of common ions in this specification 1.3 deduce the charge of an ion from the electronic configuration of the atom from which the ion is formed 1.31 e"plain, using dot and cross diagrams, the formation of ionic compounds by electron transfer, limited to combinations of elements from 0roups 1, 2, 3, and $, %, & 1.32 understand ionic bonding as a strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions 1.(( understand that ionic com"ounds have high melting and oiling "oints ecause o! strong electrostatic !orces et+een o""ositely charged ions 1.3! understand the relationship between ionic charge and the melting point and boiling point of an ionic compound 1.3$ describe an ionic crystal as a giant threedimensional lattice structure held together by the attraction between oppositely charged ions 1.3% draw a simple diagram to represent the positions of the ions in a crystal of sodium chloride
ovalent su substances content
1.3& describe the formation of a covalent bond by the sharing of a pair of electrons between two atoms 1.3' understand covalent bonding as a strong attraction between the bonding pair of electrons and the nuclei of the atoms involved in the bond 1.3( e"plain, using dot and cross diagrams, the formation of covalent compounds de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
by electron sharing for the following substances: hydrogen, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, water, methane, ammonia, o"ygen, nitrogen, carbon dio"ide, ethane, ethene 1.! recall that substances with simple molecular structures are gases or liquids, or solids with low melting points 1.!1 e"plain why substances with simple molecular structures have low melting points in terms of the relatively wea forces between the molecules 1.*& e)"lain the high melting "oints o! sustances +ith giant covalent structures in terms o! the reaking o! many strong covalent onds 1.*( dra+ sim"le diagrams re"resenting the "ositions o! the atoms in diamond and gra"hite 1.** e)"lain ho+ the uses o! diamond and gra"hite de"end on their structures$ limited to gra"hite as a luricant and diamond in cutting
4etallic crystals content
1.!$ describe a metal as a giant structure of positive ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electrons 1.*, e)"lain the malleaility and electrical conductivity o! a metal in terms o! its structure and onding
lectrolysis content
1.!& understand an electric current as a flow of electrons or ions 1.*- understand +hy covalent com"ounds do not conduct electricity 1.* understand +hy ionic com"ounds conduct electricity only +hen molten or in solution 1.$ describe simple e"periments to distinguish between electrolytes and non electrolytes 1.$1 recall that electrolysis involves the formation of new substances when ionic compounds conduct electricity 1.$2 describe simple e"periments for the electrolysis, using inert electrodes, of molten salts such as lead*//) bromide 1./( descrie sim"le e)"eriments !or the electrolysis$ using inert electrodes$ o! a'ueous solutions o! sodium chloride$ co""er#II% sul"hate and dilute sul"huric acid and "redict the "roducts 1.$! write ionic halfequations representing the reactions at the electrodes during electrolysis 1.// recall that one !araday re"resents one mole o! electrons 1./, calculate the amounts o! the "roducts o! the electrolysis o! molten salts and a'ueous solutions
de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
Section 2: Chemistry of the elements a)
he +eriodic able content
2.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.! 2.$
2.& &.-
unde underst rstan and d the the terms terms group group and and peri period od recall recall the posit positions ions of of metals metals and nonm nonmeta etals ls in the +eriodic +eriodic a able e"plain e"plain the the classifi classificati cation on of elemen elements ts as metals metals or or nonmet nonmetals als on the the basis basis of their electrical conductivity and the acidbase character of their o"ides underst understand and why why element elements s in the same same group group of the +eriod +eriodic ic able able have have similar chemical properties recall recall the noble noble gase gases s *0roup *0roup ) as a family family of inert inert gases gases and e"plain e"plain their their lac of reactivity in terms of their electronic configurations
he he 0ro 0roup up 1 ele eleme ment nts s 5 lith lithiu ium, m, sodi sodium um and and pot potas assi sium um content
describe describe the the reactio reactions ns of these these eleme elements nts with with water water and and underst understand and that that the reactions provide a basis for their recognition as a family of elements recall recall the the relativ relative e reactiv reactivitie ities s of the the eleme elements nts in in 0roup 0roup 1 e)"lain e)"lain the the relativ relative e reactivi reactivities ties o! o! the elemen elements ts in Grou" Grou" 1 in term terms s o! distance et+een the outer electrons and the nucleus
he he 0ro 0roup up & ele eleme ment nts s 5 ch chlori lorine ne,, bro bromi mine ne and and iodi iodine ne content
2.( recall the colours and physical states of of the elements at room temperature 2.1 mae predictions about the properties of other halogens in this group 2.11 understand the difference between hydrogen chloride gas and hydrochloric acid 2.12 e"plain, in terms of dissociation, why hydrogen chloride is acidic in water but not in methylben#ene 2.13 recall the relative reactivities of the elements in 0roup& 2.1! describe e"periments to show that a more reactive halogen will displace a less reactive halogen from a solution of one of its salts 2.1$ understand these displacement reactions as redo" reactions
6"ygen and o"ides content
2.1% recall the gases present in air and their appro"imate percentage by volume 2.1& describe how e"periments involving the reactions of elements such as copper, iron and phosphorus with air can be used to determine the percentage by volume of o"ygen in air 2.1' describe the laboratory preparation of o"ygen from hydrogen pero"ide 2.1( describe the reactions with o"ygen in air of magnesium, carbon and sulphur, and the acid base character of the o"ides produced 2.2 describe the laboratory preparation of carbon dio"ide from calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid 2.21 describe the formation of carbon dio"ide from the thermal decomposition of metal carbonates such as copper*//) carbonate de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
2.22 recall the properties of carbon dio"ide, limited to its solubility and density 2.23 e"plain the use of carbon dio"ide in carbonating drins and in fire e"tinguishers, in terms of its solubility and density 2.2! recall the reactions of carbon dio"ide and sulphur dio"ide with water to produce acidic solutions 2.2$ recall that sulphur dio"ide and nitrogen o"ides are pollutant gases which contribute to acid rain, and describe the problems caused by acid rain
7ydrogen and water content
2.2% describe the reactions of dilute hydrochloric and dilute sulphuric acids with magnesium, aluminium, #inc and iron 2.2& describe the combustion of hydrogen 2.2' describe the use of anhydrous copper*//) sulfate in the chemical test for water 2.2( describe a physical test to show whether water is pure
-eactivity series content
2.3 recall that metals can be arranged in a reactivity series based on the reactions of the metals and their compounds: potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, #inc, iron, copper, silver and gold 2.31 describe how reactions with water and dilute acids can be used to deduce the following order of reactivity: potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, #inc, iron, and copper 2.32 deduce the position of a metal within the reactivity series using displacement reactions between metals and their o"ides, and between metals and their salts in aqueous solutions 2.33 understand o"idation and reduction as the addition and removal of o"ygen respectively 2.3! understand the terms: redo", o"idi#ing agent and reducing agent 2.3$ recall the conditions under which iron rusts 2.3% describe how the rusting of iron may be prevented by grease, oil, paint, plastic and galvanising 2.3& understand the sacrificial protection of iron in terms of the reactivity series
ests for ions and gases content
2.3' describe simple tests for the cations
2.3( describe simple tests for the anions:
2.! describe simple tests for the gases hydrogen, hydrogen, o"ygen, carbon dio"ide de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
ammonia, chlorine
Section 3: Organic chemistry a)
/ntroduction content
3.! 3.$
recall recall that that alanes alanes have the general general formula formula n72n82 n72n82 draw displaye displayed d formula formulae e for alan alanes es with with up to to five carbon carbon atoms atoms in in a molecule, and name the straightchain isomers recall recall the produ products cts of the the comple complete te and and incomple incomplete te combusti combustion on of alan alanes es recall recall the reac reaction tion of of methane methane with with bromine bromine to to form bromo bromometh methane ane in the the presence of 9 light
lenes content
3.% 3.&
e"plain e"plain the the terms homolo homologou gous s series, series, hydrocarb hydrocarbon, on, saturat saturated, ed, unsatu unsaturate rated, d, general formula and isomerism
3.2 3.3
recall recall that that alenes alenes have the general general formula formula n72n n72n draw displaye displayed d formula formulae e for alen alenes es with with up to to four four carbon carbon atoms atoms in a molecule, and name the straightchain isomers describe describe the the additi addition on reactio reaction n of alene alenes s with bromin bromine, e, includ including ing the decolourising of bromine water as a test for alenes
thanol content
(. descrie the manu!acture o! ethanol y "assing ethane and steam over a "hos"horic acid catalyst at a tem"erature o! aout (00C and a o! aout ,0270 atm (.10 descrie the manu!acture o! ethanol y the !ermentation o! sugars$ !or e)am"le glucose$ at a tem"erature o! aout (0C (.11 evaluate the !actors relevant to the choice o! method used in the manu!acture o! ethanol$ !or e)am"le the relative availaility o! sugar cane and crude oil (.1& descrie the dehydration o! ethanol to ethene$ using aluminium o)ide
de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
Section 4: Physical chemistry a)
cids, alalis and salts content
!.1 !.2 !.3 !.! !.! !.$
describe describe the the use of of the indicat indicators ors litmus, litmus, pheno phenolpht lphthale halein in and methy methyll orange orange to distinguish between acidic and alaline solutions underst understand and how how the p7 p7 scale, scale, from from 51!, 51!, can be be used used to classif classify y solution solutions s as strongly acidic, wealy acidic, neutral, wealy alaline or strongly alaline describe describe the the use of univer universal sal indicat indicator or to measur measure e the appro appro"ima "imate te p7 value value of a solution defin define e acid acids s as sou source rces s of hyd hydrog rogen en ion ions, s, 7 8, and alalis as sources of hydro"ide ions, 67 predict predict the produ products cts of reacti reactions ons betwee between n dilute dilute hydroch hydrochloric loric,, nitric and and sulfuric acids; and metals, metal o"ides and metal carbonates *e"cluding the reactions between nitric acid and metals) recall recall the gene general ral rules rules for predi predictin cting g the solub solubility ility of of salts salts in water: water: i ii iii iii iv v
!.& !.& !.' !.'
all all com commo mon n sod sodiu ium, m, pota potass ssiu ium m and and ammo ammoni nium um salt salts s are are solu solubl ble e all nitrates are soluble comm common on chlo chlori ride des s are are solu solubl ble, e, e"ce e"cept pt silv silver er chlo chlori ride de common common sulfa sulfates tes are solub soluble, le, e"cep e"ceptt those those of bariu barium m and and calci calcium um common common carbo carbona nate tes s are insol insolub uble, le, e"cep e"ceptt those those of sodiu sodium, m, pota potassi ssium um and ammonium descr describe ibe how how to prep prepare are solu solubl ble e salts salts from from acids acids describe describe how how to prepa prepare re insolu insoluble ble salts salts using using precipi precipitati tation on reactio reactions ns describe describe how how to prepa prepare re insolu insoluble ble salts salts using using precipi precipitati tation on reactio reactions ns
nergetics content
!.1 recall that chemical reactions in which heat energy is given out are described as e"othermic and those in which heat energy is taen in are endothermic !.11 describe simple calorimetry e"periments for reactions, such as combustion, displacement, dissolving and neutralisation in which heat energy changes can be calculated from measured temperature changes *.1& calculate molar enthal"y change !rom heat energy change !.13 understand the use of < H to represent molar enthalpy change for e"othermic and endothermic reactions !.1! represent e"othermic and endothermic reactions on a simple energy level diagram !.1$ recall that the breaing of bonds is endothermic and that the maing of bonds is e"othermic *.1, use average ond energies to calculate the enthal"y change during a sim"le chemical reaction
-ates of reaction content
!.1& describe e"periments to investigate the effects of changes in surface area of a solid, concentration of solutions, temperature and the use of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
!.1' describe the effects of changes in surface area of a solid, concentration of solutions, pressure of gases, temperature and the use of a catalyst on the rate of a reaction !.1( understand the term =activation energy> and represent it on a reaction profile !.2 e"plain the effects of changes in surface area of a solid, concentration of solutions, pressure of gases and temperature on the rate of a reaction in terms of particle collision theory !.21 understand that a catalyst speeds up a reaction by providing an alternative path way with lower activation energy
quilibria content
!.22 recall that some reactions are reversible and are indicated by the symbol ⇌ in equations !.23 describe reversible reactions such as the dehydration of hydrated copper*//)sulfate and the effect of heat on ammonium chloride !.2! understand the concept of dynamic equilibrium !.2$ predict the effects of changing the pressure and temperature on the equilibrium position in reversible reactions
de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
Section 5: Chemistry in society a)
"traction and uses of metals content
$.1 $.2
$.3 $.! $.$
e"plain e"plain how how the methods methods of e"tra e"tractio ction n of the metals metals in this this section section are are related to their positions in the reactivity series describe describe and and e"plai e"plain n the e"trac e"traction tion of of aluminiu aluminium m from purifie purified d aluminiu aluminium m o"ide by electrolysis, including i. the use of molten molten cryolite cryolite as a solvent solvent and to decre decrease ase the required required operating temperature ii. the need to replace the positive electrodes iii. the cost of the electricity electricit y as a ma?or factor write write ionic ionic halfequ halfequatio ations ns for the the reactio reactions ns at the the electrod electrodes es in alumi aluminium nium e"traction describe describe and and e"plai e"plain n the main main reactio reactions ns involved involved in in the e"tra e"tractio ction n of iron iron from iron ore *haematite), using coe, limestone and air in a blast furnace e"plain e"plain the the uses uses of alumi aluminium nium and and iron, iron, in terms of their their prope propertie rties s
rude oil content
$.% $.&
recall recall that that crude crude oil oil is is a mi"ture mi"ture of hydroca hydrocarbon rbons s describe describe how how the indus industrial trial proce process ss of fractio fractional nal distill distillatio ation n separate separates s crude crude oil into fractions $.' recall recall the names names and and uses uses of the the main fracti fractions ons obtain obtained ed from from crude crude oil: refinery gases, gasoline, erosene, diesel, fuel oil and bitumen $.( describe describe the the trend trend in boiling boiling poin pointt and viscos viscosity ity of the the main fract fractions ions $.1 recall that in complete combustion of fuels may produce carbon mono"ide and e"plain that carbon mono"ide is poisonous because it reduces the capacity of the blood to carry o"ygen $.11 recall that, in car engines, the temperature reached is high enough to allow nitrogen and o"ygen from air to react, forming nitrogen o"ides $.12 recall that fractional distillation of crude oil produces more longchain hydrocarbons than can be used directly and fewer shortchain hydrocarbons than required $.13 describe how longchain alanes are converted to alenes and shorterchain alanes by catalytic cracing, using silica or alumina as the catalyst and a temperature in the range of %5&@
Synthetic polymers content
$.1! recall that an addition polymer is formed by ?oining up many small molecules called monomers $.1$ draw the repeat unit of addition polymers, including poly*ethene), poly*propene) and poly*chloroethene) $.1% deduce the structure of a monomer from the repeat unit of an addition polymer /.17 recall that nylon is a condensation "olymer /.1- understand that the !ormation o! a condensation "olymer is accom"anied y the release o! a small molecule such as +ater or hydrogen chloride de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist
/.1 recall the ty"es o! monomers used in the manu!acture o! nylon /.&0 dra+ the structure o! nylon in lock diagram !ormat
he he man manuf ufac actu ture re of some some impo import rtan antt che chemi mica cals ls content
$.21 recall that nitrogen from air, and hydrogen from natural gas or the cracing of hydrocarbons, are used in the manufacture of ammonia $.22 describe the manufacture of ammonia by the 7aber process, including the essential conditions: i a temperature of about !$@ ii. a pres pressu sure re of abou aboutt 2 2 atmos atmosph phere eres s iii. iii. an iron iron cata cataly lyst st $.23 understand how the cooling of the reaction mi"ture liquefies the ammonia produced and allows the unused hydrogen and nitrogen to be recirculated $.2! recall the use of ammonia in the manufacture of nitric acid and fertilisers /.&/ recall the ra+ materials used in the manu!acture o! sul"huric acid /.&, descrie the manu!acture o! sul"huric acid y the contact "rocess$ including the essential conditions3 i. a tem tem"e "era ratu ture re o! aou aoutt */0 */0 C ii. a "res "ressu sure re o! aout aout & atmo atmos" s"her heres es iii. iii. a vanad vanadium ium#4% #4% o)i o)ide de cata cataly lyst st /.&7 recall the use o! sul"huric acid in the manu!acture o! detergents$ !ertili5ers and "aints /.&- descrie the manu!acture o! sodium hydro)ide and chlorine y the electrolysis o! concentrated sodium chloride solution #rine% in a dia"hragm cell /.& +rite ionic hal!6e'uations !or the reactions at the electrodes in the dia"hragm cell /.(0 recall im"ortant uses o! sodium hydro)ide$ including the manu!acture o! leach$ "a"er and soa" and o! chlorine$ including sterilising +ater su""lies and in the manu!acture o! leach and hydrochloric acid
de"cel /0S chemistry 2( revision checlist