Prof. dr. Franz Ruppert este psiholog, profesor de psihologie la Katholische Stiftungsfachhochschule din München şi psihoterapeut. Din 1994 lucrează cu constelaţii familiale şi organizaţiona…Full description
Earthing and bonding systemFull description
Shear walls and outriggers have been used so far to resist the seismic waves of earthquake and heavy winds actions. The complete failure of the structures that has occurred in the past due to catastrophic earthquake may be avoided with the use of she
fdvfgvFull description
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CHEMISTRYFull description
Descripción: API 575
fibre bonding and paper making
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Authorized licensed use limited to: MI2S - Universite Joseph Fourier. Downloaded on November 25,2010 at 09:37:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: MI2S - Universite Joseph Fourier. Downloaded on November 25,2010 at 09:37:32 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.