An Organizational Behavior: Ayala Land, Incorporated – Alveo Land Joseph Hadrian Salgado Melisha Xyrza Banawa Katrina Mae Zuluaga Czarina Michaela Simon Dennyse Samentha Orlido Rafael Alvaro Lagdameo John Paul Bernard Tocmo De La Salle University
In every company, there is certain and structure and culture that employees and managers live by; and through these elements, one could see a general or a bird’s eye-view of how they work individually and as a group. Knowing their culture and structure would help as a background of sorts in order to see more of the root and cause of their issues (current and future).Regarding their organizational issues, in terms of what motivates them, how power and leadership is used and their conflicts and how they would resolve it can be used as a way to see how the company’s employees and managers function together in order to achieve their organizational goal. The scope of this paper will be solely based on the inferences and responses of the interviewees Mr. Eric Quidato and Mr. Raymond Marquez from Alveo Land. The interview is the primary source of the paper, while other resources like the internet are only supplementary. The limitations are only within the observation and interpretation of the interviewers during the interview session with Joseph Salgado and Dennyse Orlido.
Company Profile Ayala Corporation is one of the oldest and biggest companies in the Philippines. Founded in 1834, the company grew gaining numerous arms, from financial services (BPI), telecommunications (Globe Telecom), electronics manufacturing services (Integrated MicroElectronics), water distribution (Manila Waters), business process outsourcing (LiveIt Investments) and various real estate investments and development within and outside (AG Holdings, Ltd.) the Philippines. The company has an average sale of $2.47B and 113 employees (Forbes, 2008). As mentioned, one of the arms of the Ayala Corporation is in the real estate investment and development. Ayala Land Incorporated is involved in property development of industrial, commercial, residential which also includes malls, hotels, and construction and property management services. The revenue of Ayala Land is composed mostly from the sales of industrial, residential and leases from malls and office spaces, which according to their news release recently on February 19 amounted to P11.74B (Ayala Land, 2014). According to EMIS-Emerging Market Information Systems (2014), their employees are roughly 1,298 in number. Established to cater to the needs of the urban achiever, a growing market then, Ayala Land created Community Innovations Incorporated (CII), a fully-owned subsidiary of the company. The company was created to provide living environments answering the specific needs of the target market. Starting it operations on March 1, 2002, it has since created various living accommodations and communities including well-known developments such as Verdana Homes, Two Serendra, The Columns, and many more. On July 23, 2008, the company changed its name to Alveo Land, Alveo meaning “to be well”, to better suit the qualities that the company stands for.
Organizational Structure vis-a-vis Organizational Culture
Brand Executive
Manager 1
Manager 2
Account Officer A
Account Officer B
Account Officer C
Account Officer D
Account Officer E
Figure 1. Illustration of Ayala Land, Inc. – Alveo Land organization structure
The organizational structure of Ayala Land, or Alveo in particular, is shown in the flowchart below. There is a brand manager, then subordinates of two managers and account managers and staff for each. In Alveo’s almost six years of existence, the group has developed an organizational culture that the manager and employee the group interviewed find pleasant. The workplace for one, though a little cold, is spacious and conducive to progress. The basic policies, rules and
regulations adopted by the Alveo group are those of the mother company Ayala Corporation, and include fair conditions such as 90 minutes of allowable tardiness per month followed by reprimands and chances to correct oneself before more serious disciplinary action is taken. It also allots time for standard breaks in the morning, noon and afternoon. How Alveo goes about their business is as follows: At the beginning of each year the employees are oriented on the company’s goals and performance standards, and how they may achieve it during the year. The management are open to employee suggestions about this and balance out their own perspectives with others’ to achieve goal acceptance. Though the employees are not totally autonomous, they are still given plenty of space to figure out how to do their job and are trusted to be competent— i.e. the managers strategize and the teams are trusted to execute. The employee mentioned that unlike other companies, there is no dead-set way to do things. Credit for this work is given when due and pay for such work is competitive compared to others in the same industry. Moreover, the manager mentioned that a new rewards program had been established, providing incentives to teams who had gone above performance standards per quarter. He said that not only does this improve performance and stop complacency, but also helps the management track the teams’ work. The employee particularly likes that the relationship between him and his superiors is very good; he mentioned that in other companies there are barriers between the management and staff, as if the management were unreachable. At Alveo, he says it is easy to talk to managers and supervisors to clear up ambiguity as well as resolve conflict. He stressed that resolution of conflict is important in this line of person-to-person, face-to-face work, and that it usually happens through confrontation or compromise fairly quickly.
In line with this, the manager mentioned that he would like to be followed not out of fear, but because the employees would sincerely like to contribute to this company’s goals. He believes in the benefits of a proper orientation, role definition and the constant dissemination of important information. Aside from that he mentioned that during employee training he stresses the importance of helping each other out, saying that it is no help to strive for one’s own advancement while neglecting the team’s goal and output. By practicing management by walking around, as well, he manages to stay in touch with these teams and ask them all how they’re doing. With regard to conflicts, he also said that they have to end fairly quickly and directly so that the groups can keep on working. Overall, Alveo seems like an organization that strives for creativity and excellence as one, putting the achievement of company goals ahead of unavoidable personal matters and conflicts. It is seen in the organizational structure that there is not an extensive hierarchy, which is more evident in the day to day workings of Alveo wherein there does not seem to be much separation between management and employee. Everyone talks to each other and works together. The organization seems to be intent on working as a close-knit team, which serves them well and contributes to such a fairly pleasant work experience.
Organizational Issues A. Motivation The result of a set of internal and external forces that allow an employee to choose the right course of action and behave appropriately is called work motivation (Newstrom, 2011). Newstrom (2011) states that in providing work motivation, it is a necessity to know and understand the needs of the employees, which is classified into two: primary and secondary
needs. Primary needs are the basic physical needs such as food, water, sleep and comfortable temperature and humidity. While secondary needs are the needs of the mind and spirit. For example, we have self-esteem, sense of duty, competitiveness, belongingness, and self-assertion. Now, these needs have been the basis of assessing how well the organization motivates its employees. Our group made use of Clayton Alderfer’s E-R-G Model to discover how efficient the organization is in allocating the primary and secondary needs to its employees. E stands for existence, R for relatedness, and G for growth needs. Existence is the combination of physiological and security needs; therefore, it is a primary need. Relatedness is the need for social acceptance, it is how employees are accepted and understood by their manager and coworkers. Lastly, growth needs is the employees’ desire for both self-esteem and selfactualization, which includes maximizing their abilities, skills, and talents. For this and the succeeding parts of the paper, we have interviewed Mr. Eric Quidato. He is the project manager of Alveo, an Ayala Land group of company. Also, we interviewed Mr. Raymond Marquez, one of Mr. Quidato’s subordinate, a team leader. According to Mr. Quidato, any concerns in the work environment are addressed by the management. They compensate any damages that occur as soon as possible. When it comes to pay, he stated that it is competitive in the real estate industry. In addition, the company also provides benefits such as grocery allowance, rice subsidy, car plan, and medical and dental allowance. When we asked him of his supervision style, he said that he gives his employees the freedom to strategize for their own teams. Each team has their corresponding account officer or team leader, which is under him, who handles the operations, concerns, and issues of the project given to them. He said that the only time his subordinates, the account officers, ask for his help is when they cannot handle the issue anymore.
Moreover, when his employees performed well, Mr. Quidato gives them proper recognition. He also mentioned that they, the upper management, conducted a meeting recently discussing about what other benefits can they provide aside from performance bonus, and the management came up with the “Brand Rewards Program” in support to the performance bonus. It is done quarterly with a grading system. The program’s purpose is to reward an employee who performed beyond the expected output per quarter. They rate an employee’s performance from 1 to 5, five being the highest, and employees having the grade of 1 and 2 are not rewarded. Lastly, he also mentioned that one of the greatest feelings he felt as a manager is when he sees his employees develop their potentials under his leadership, especially becoming a future leader, as he even said, “a mini me.” Now, when we asked Mr. Marquez about the work environment, he said it is great since the office has enough space, and he feels secured. Moreover, there is harmony among his coworkers. He also stated that the pay is competitive in the real estate industry. In addition, he also receives benefits. When it comes to Mr. Quidato’s supervision, Mr. Marquez said that he gives them autonomy and allows them to strategize on their own, but with proper guidance. He also mentioned that in every employee’s good performance, Mr. Quidato recognizes them, and praises them through e-mails. Lastly, he said that he is able to develop his potentials, especially becoming a leader, through his boss’s mentorship. Going back to Alderfer’s E-R-G model, it appears that the organization has provided a substantial amount of existence, relatedness, and growth needs. Providing competitive pays plus quality benefits has addressed the existence needs of its employees almost excessively. Furthermore, Mr. Quidato’s supervision style, which empowers his subordinates at work, gave them a feeling of acceptance by the upper management. In addition, as mentioned by Mr.
Marquez, there is harmony among co-workers. It only proves that the relatedness needs of employees at work are properly given. Now on the growth needs, Mr. Marquez as a subordinate was able to develop his potentials as a team leader by his senior’s guidance and supervision. By that, we may say that Mr. Marquez is able to experience self-actualization, which is the maximization of skills and abilities, and boost his self-esteem. Therefore, his desire for growth as an employee is well catered. Our group also studied how Organizational Behavior Modification (OB Mod) is practiced by the management. OB Mod is based on the law of effect, which states that a person’s behavior depends on its consequences (Newstrom, 2011). For instance, when the outcome of an employee’s behavior is a favorable consequence, such as a provision of praise, there is a high tendency for that employee to repeat the behavior. According to Newstrom (2011), we have four alternative consequences: Positive Reinforcement, which is the provision of a desirable consequence that encourages repetition of a behavior, Negative Reinforcement, when behavior is accompanied by removal of an undesirable behavior, Punishment, the administration of an undesirable consequence, and Extinction, which is the withholding of significant positive consequences that were previously provided for a favorable behavior. It is evident that the organization is practicing positive reinforcement since for every employee’s good performance the management recognizes it. For negative reinforcement, we asked Mr. Quidato on what course of action does he takes when he foresees an undesirable consequence of his employee’s action, and he answered us directly, saying, “I call their attention.” That statement was also confirmed by Mr. Marquez. Now, for the organization’s punishment, according to Mr. Quidato, the Human Resource Management (HR) takes care of it. To demonstrate, he gave us a situation. They have this company policy of considering a total of
ninety minutes for tardiness in a specific number of months. When an employee has exceeded ninety minutes, he or she will be reprimanded verbally, which serves as a warning. However, if that employee continued to be late again, he or she will be given a written notice. Until there will come to a point, when the same employee continues his or her insubordination, the management will suspend him or her without pay or dismissal. For extinction, it seems that the organization is not practicing it because the management is consistent with recognizing positive performance.
B. Leadership The process of influencing and supporting employees to achieve goals is called leadership (Newstrom, 2011). He, Newstrom (2011), stated that leadership can be accessed through Behavioral and Contingency approaches. For the behavioral approach, we classify leaders into two: Positive and Negative leadership. When the leader’s emphasis is on rewards, he or she is said to be a positive leader; however, if penalties, he or she is classified as a negative leader (Newstrom, 2011). Now, according to Mr. Quidato, he focuses on rewards. In addition, he said that he does not want to practice management through fear. He also shared an instance when he has experienced to work with an autocratic boss. He said that the experience of following his boss by fear does not made him feel that he wants to follow him because he is willing to be a contributor of the organization. As a result, Mr. Quidato is practicing Positive leadership, which Mr. Marquez has agreed with. Moreover, Mr. Quidato said that before he discusses an issue with his employees, he already has an idea in mind. Then he shares and asks his employees on how they feel about the idea. Similarly, he recognizes that his employees may also have an idea that might be different
from his. According to Mr. Quidato, there are also instances when his employees have better idea than his. By that, it is evident that Mr. Quidato is a Participative Leader. A participative leader decentralizes authority, and informs his or her employees about job related issues and encourages them to express their ideas and make suggestions (Newstrom, 2011). However, he said that he also checks that what his employees are suggesting is relevant to the issue. Our group also studied the organization’s contingency approaches to leadership. When we say contingency, there is an appropriate leadership style depending on the nature of the given situation (Newstrom, 2011). As our model, we made use of Robert House’s Path-Goal model. According to that model, the leader has two major roles: help the employee understand what needs to be done, which the goal is, and how to do it, the path (Newstrom, 2011). To know how path-goal model is practiced in the organization, we asked Mr. Quidato if he orients his employees with a goal. He said yes, but not everything because according to him, some information is only for the top management. However, Mr. Quidato said that if there is really a need for the employees to know the issue, he disseminates the information. To demonstrate, he has given a situation when a client has concerns on purchases in real estate, and they, the upper management, thought that it might also happen to other real estate projects or customers. As a result, the upper management, including Mr. Quidato, describes to their employees how to handle the situation. In addition, in the path goal model, there are four leadership styles: directive, supportive, achievement-oriented, and participative (Newstrom, 2011). First, a directive leader emphasizes on tasks assignments, standard performance, and work schedule. Second, a supportive leadership demonstrates concern for employees. Third, an achievement-oriented leader shows confidence to
an employee’s ability to accomplish challenging goals. Last, a participative leader seeks to use their suggestions before decisions are made. However, we must also consider two contingency factors: work environment and characteristics of employees (Newstrom, 2011). Newstrom (2011) states that in the work environment the manager identifies the employees task structure such knowing the level of authority to exert in a given task, while in the employee’s characteristics, we assess three variables: locus of control, willingness to accept the influence of others, and self-perceived task ability. Locus of Control is the belief of a manager whether an employee’s achievement is the result of his or her own effort or not, while self-perceived task ability refers to an employee’s confidence to his or her potentials (Newstrom, 2011). Now, according to Mr. Quidato, task assignments and work schedules are provided by the Human Resource Management. It includes the employee’s job description in order for them to know specifically what they must do. Moreover, he believes that his employee’s performance are the result of his or her own effort, but he also encourages helping among them in order to foster teamwork, because, for him, that is how most works should be done in the organization. Lastly, Mr. Quidato said that before his employees are influenced by him, they assess whether they will gain something from the task. Furthermore, Mr. Marquez agreed that before making a decision, Mr. Quidato seeks opinion and suggestions from them. They are also oriented with the goals. Similar to what Mr. Quidato has said, Mr. Marquez stated that in accepting the influence of his boss, it depends on what positive gains he will get. What we have deduced from the information given is that Mr. Quidato practices less directive approach since task assignments are provided by the Human Resource Management.
He has a moderate locus of control because he believes in his employees’ efforts but he requires them not to be too self-reliant. In addition, his employees are somehow unwilling to accept his influence because it depends on what their gain will be. As a result, Mr. Quidato, as a participative type of leader, is the most appropriate style for the organization’s work environment and employees’ characteristic. Therefore, there is no doubt why Mr. Marquez likes Mr. Quidato as a leader.
C. Conflict Generally, there is a good working relation within the organization, management to employee and employee to employee. The position of the members provides little to no barriers with regards to being approachable and communicating with one another. Employees can easily talk to their managers or supervisors without being intimidated, almost the same way as if it were the opposite. This allows the ease of solving conflict within the firm. Questions and concerns of the employees can be immediately addressed by the management. Likewise, if there are any problems regarding a certain project or employee, the management, the issue is dealt with straightaway. Although there is generally no major conflicts among its shareholders, the good relations among them let the people involve deal with the crisis head on, confronting those who need to be confronted rather than setting the issue aside and make it worse. Dealing with issues instantly is especially important when it concerns the clients of the firm, in which immediate decisions need to be made. The customers’ needs are a priority. They are attended to as much as they employees can. However, if the request is quite unreasonable or beyond their capabilities, they try to compromise in a way that it would still benefit both parties.
Although the situation made be the same, the manager deals with more issues than the employee, some visible to the employees and some not. Each aspect is dealt with by the manager, which would require a lot of areas to be addressed. Because of this, some concerns, such as relationship concerns among the employees, are handled by the supervisors. In cases wherein it may be too much for them to handle, the issue is passed on to the higher management until such is addressed by those who have power and ability to do so fixes it. Moreover, even if conflicts are a given in any organization, the manager claims that these things do not last. They are addressed immediately. Misunderstandings, such as how things are done, can easily come up, particularly among those with different backgrounds and experiences. However, people solve the problem and move past it. As it was emphasized during the interview, work is no personal matter. Whatever issues the company is dealing and has dealt with remains within the company and within the office. This is one of the key factors in maintaining their good relationships with one another.
Recommendation Based from the feedback Mr. Marquez and Mr. Quidato, we can see why Alveo as a company is achieving great success. The company focuses on the welfare of each employee and ensures that their employees are taken care of. In return, the employees of Alveo are zealous for success. When conflicts arise, they are solved quickly through the great leader-member relationship. As soon as there is a problem, they are faced head on in order for everyone to be conscious of certain problems in order for them to straighten out these problems. Although there are some conflicts that can’t be solved or avoided, the company always finds a way to move past it.
For us, a company wouldn’t have achieved this much success without a great foundation and structure. From the time they are employed, the goals of the company are already instilled in order for them to realize their role in the company. They’re also given the chance to grow and develop holistically since they are given freedom to share their ideas and apply the knowledge they have learned. As Mr Quidato said in the interview, he didn’t want to be a leader that was feared. With that being said, we can see that his subordinates weren’t afraid to ask for advice or help and it’s reflected in the sales of the company. When his subordinates achieve more than their quota, they’re acknowledged, but then when they fail to follow through, they are also reprimanded. Since the leader-member relationship is transparent, they form a relationship built on trust and tough love. With everything said, we believe that Alveo is an exceptional company to be a part.
References Ayala Corporation (2008). Ayala - Pioneering the Future. Retrieved March 23, 2014, from Ayala Land, Inc. (2014, February 19). Ayala Land earnings reach P11.74B in 2013 - Ayala Land, Inc. | Real Estate, House and Lot, Shopping Malls, Hotels and Resorts Philippines. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from Ayala Land, Inc. (2008). Emerging Market Information Service. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from Forbes (2013). Ayala Corp on the Forbes Asia's Fab 50 Companies List. Retrieved March 26, 2014, from Newstrom, J. W. (2011). Organizational behavior: Human behavior at work (13th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Appendix A Questionnaire
Organizational Structure 1. Do you just answer to just one boss/manager? 2. How would you characterize style of leading in your organization? 3. How do you evaluate performance?
Organizational Culture 1. What is it like to be an employee at this organization? (Family, Friend, Employee) 2. Does the organization allow you to take leaves for family matters? 3. How does the company share respond to difference in culture? 4. How do the employees face the competitive business environment? 5. How does your company reward any employee for the best performance?
Motivation A. Employee 1.
How do you see your working condition? Do you think you receive enough pay? Is the company’s policy and administration fair to you? How is your relation with your supervisor? How does he/she supervise you?
Does your good performance given proper recognition? How (if yes)? Do you think there’s a fair process of promotion? What/How is the promotion process? Does your stay
here in the company improved some of your on the job skills and abilities? What specific skill and abilities? How do you think so? 3.
Does your manager give you a reward of recognition when you did a job well done? How?
Does he/she encourage you to avoid an action that may lead to a negative result?
Do he/ she punish you when you did something undesirable? How?
Does your manager sometimes does not give you a proper recognition of a desirable performance and you tend not to repeat it?
B. Boss 1.
How do you see your employees working conditions? Do you think they have enough pay? Do you think the company’s policy and administration fair to them? How is your relation to them?
Do you give them proper recognition when they perform well? How (if yes)? Why (if no)? Do you think your employees improve some of their skill and abilities on the job? Why? How?
When an employee did a job well done, do you give him/her a reward of recognition? How?
When you anticipate a negative outcome of an action toward an activity, do you encourage your employee to avoid that action? How?
Do you punish your employees when they did something undesirable? How?
Do you sometimes withhold a praise or recognition from your employees when they did good job? Why?
Leadership A. Employee 1. Is your manager willing to share power with regards to decision making? 2. Is there a two-way communication between the employees and the manager? 3. Does the management or your boss take into account your contribution? 4. Is there regular communication and feedback between you as the employee with the managers? 5. Is your manager’s emphasis on rewards or penalties? 6. Are you very willing to follow your boss? 7. Does your manager orient you to the goal?
B. Boss 1. Do you as the manager, ive power to your employees when it comes to decision making? How? 2. As a manager, do you allot time in giving and receiving concerns and suggestions from your employees? How? 3. Are the employees given a chance to contribute with regards to idea and other inputs in the business? How? 4. Do you orient your employees to the goal? How?
Conflict A. Employee
1. Have you encountered conflicts with your boss? If yes, were you able to solve them and how? 2. Have you encountered conflicts with your co-workers? If yes, how were you able to solve it? 3. Are there misunderstandings among departments? If yes, how does it occur? 4. How do you respond to changes?
B. Boss 1. Have you encountered conflicts with your employees? If yes, were you able to solve them and how? 2. What are the usual causes of these conflicts? 3. How do you assure that your employees are honest and responsible? 4. How do you organize change? Are there conflicts that arise due to it?
Appendix B Transcript of Interview
Interviewee: Eric Quidato Place: Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Date: March 21, 2014 Interviewers: Joseph Hadrian J. Salgado Dennyse Samentha M. Orlido You happened to be your uncle sa mothers side ba o sa fathers side? J: Father side po Father side… Sige shoot! J: Ako po ba mauuna? D: Ikaw na hehe J: Kayo po ba… Ano ba? ano to recorded? Hahahah! *laughs* J: Sa tingin niyo ano yung working conditions ng employee niyo? Ah… medyo malamig nga lang dito yung temperature naka-jacket kami
*laughs* D: Oo nga po eh lahat naka-jacket Yung employee conditions include yung temperature ayun medyo malamig. Pero ok naman actually.. hmmm we started operations 5 years ago magsisix na and uhh we’re glad kasi yung management namin although workload, they’re doing their best para ma-address yung mga concerns whatever like right now, yung mga competitors all around diba. Talagang uso yung mga piratahan ng mga buwis. D: Oo nga po eh We’re talking of conpensation ganun yung mga salaries and everything ganun tsaka basic needs ng employees. We’re happy naman with the management. J: So talaga pong mabuti yung pay na binibigay ng management sa employees? Ok naman siya as in if yung term nila na competitive. J: Kamusta naman po yung mga policies niyo dito? Talaga bang.. Policies kasi are the same as the mother company yung whatever they practice same lang din sa amin although we’re subsidiary to the mother company. Kaya whatever they’re doing there, inaapply na namin dito sa policies namin. J: So basically ano yung compensation? Yun nga yung whatever they’re doing right now. J: Kayo po ba boss nagsusupervise kayo ng employees? Yea oo.. So right now we’re 86 dito sa Alveo group kasi I don’t know if your uncle has explained to you yung company namin kasi it’s a support group, which Ayala created primarily to support the
branch. Right now yung Ayala branch muna yung kina-cater naming pero later on there would be a possibility that we will catering other developers also kung sakaling ano pero right now it’s the Ayala branch that we’re focusing on whatever their needs dun sa documentations, typing and everything, while they’re selling yung projects, we provide them. J: Ah so parang ginawa po ito ng Ayala? Yes oo. It’s the BPO of Ayala to support the Branch Head. Right now, we have yung 5 branch ng ano.. ng Ayala. Yung Ayala Land Premier, which is this group, which is yung high-end projects ng Ayala then yung Alveo, our group and then yung Avida. Avida is the mass housing and then there’s Amaia and then Bellavita. When we were created 5 years ago, tatlo lang yun so Amaia & Bellavita emerged so yun yung naging ano niya so yung 5 branch na yon ah right now it just recently.. ano madami kami dito before eh so ang natira dito is yung Alveo group and Avida group. We’re supporing the Avida then yung ALP naman yung Ayala Land Premier they transferred recently sa stock exchange. So they’re nearer talaga dun sa Ayala Land Premier and yung Amaia and Bellavita nasa Alabang naman. So that’s our role sa organization. So they made the BPO to support. J: Pano po kayo magsupervise ng employees niyo? Yung ano kasi kami ano kaming dalawa ni Boss Louie, we have this parang ano eh uhh common style although kanya-kanya kasing management styles yan. Kami uhhh as much as possible yung less hmm kumbaga over the shoulder yung mga supervisors namin. We give them yung.. freedom to.. yung kumbaga diskarte the way they want to have their teams kasi ngayon right now halimbawa for Alveo, we have 5 teams. I handle 3. My colleague there, assistant manager, kasama ko she handles 2. So yung 5 teams na yon, each has its own accounting officer naman, project officer. So yung nangyayari doon is they handle everything, whatever concerns and issues will come up on the project they are handling and then kung hindi na talaga nila kaya, that’s the time na they come to us. So yung work is basically done by the team and then yung planning stages, mga whatever needs to be done, strategies, process J: Halimbawa yung emploees niyo po merong mga good performance, binibigyan niyo po ba ng proper recognition? Yeah oo actually just the other day.. Friday ba ay hindi Monday yata we had a general meeting with the general managers and it was discussed na aside from the benefits they are receiving, kasi sa company naming we have this performance bonus that’s offered in the company and in the Ayala Management group. It’s not actually an automatic thing, but in support of that thing nag-create pa yung management namin na what you call brand new arts program so rewards program, wherein they perform kasi quarterly ito, per particular quarter na nag-above sila sa
what is expected from you, there’s a specific reward. Graded yon’ mga 1-2-3-4-5. When you got a grade of 3, this is your reward. When you got 4 o 5 or 1 and 2. So quarterly yon and that’s a good thing kasi that will not only motivate the people to perform, but also management will be able to track how they are performing. Di sila yung parang they’ll come here in the morning and then they’ll leave in the afternoon.. D: … parang walang alam yung management … wala lang nangyari ganun. J: So parang magiging contented sila? Oo hindi sila yung magiging complacent so they’ll be able to perform talaga. Yung kasi yung ano e tsaka they’re other companies who are practicing also to perform as yung BPOs if you will ask them if they do provide rewards program. J: Kayo po ba diba may parang pre-activity po kayo diba tas nakikita ko parang may negative outcome sa action parang sinasabihan niyo po ba yung employees niyo na i-avoid yung action na yon? Well yeah, we call their attention depending on the gravity of the situation. There are times na yung to.. just to get the attention of the person, talk to him separately, just call him ganun or there might be a time naman na hindi na-cover so nai____ yung supervisor, which is yung account officer will say na I was the one who reported the issue I can tell kung sino yung _____. Or sometimes, there’s a need talaga to call them all and discuss the matter. Yun yung ano e kasi at the end of the day, work lang naman talaga tayo eh, trabaho lang naman to e so walang personalan. Tsaka ako ayoko ng ganun eh kasi we’re a team here so ang gusto namin dito parang family lang J: Napupunish niyo din po yung employees niyo? Dito kasi ano eh may meron din silang kumbaga hanggarin halimbawa tardiness, there’s a certain limit na ok you can be tardy for ilang times pero not all the time. Halimbawa.. 90 minutes yata yun if I remembered correctly tapos 90 minutes within a specific month they shouldn’t be late for more than 90 minutes. So pagka-ganun once na surpass mo na yun, then we’ll call your attention tapos naka-kapit na kami. J: Tapos ano po yung mga disciplinary actions niyo?
Ah it depends. Normal uhhh yung verbal reprimanded tapos yung verbal warning tapos yung pangalawa kung ganun pa rin, meron nang written notice and then depending on the offense minsan aabot pa dun sa isususpend ka dati or meron namang ibang offense na talagang out ka na or dismissal. J: Meron na po bang cases na may nangyaring ganyan? Marami na po ba? Meron na eh mga halimbawa technical issue. Ahhh one time there was a one incident na nakarating sa akin and I made the report on it and hmm dahil the management think it would be a techincal issue outright then dinismiss and there was a project ongoing J: Pag may tech issue ba ano ano yun? Uhh lying, tapos watching company in provision mga ganun naman sa inyo ko shinashare yun.. yung mga ganung instances or something that will really compromise J: Tapos kayo po pag naglelead po kayo ng mga rituals ano po mas important, yung rewards o yung penalties?
Ahhh mas gusto ko yung sa rewards e kesa penalties kasi I ano e I… wouldn’t like to that point na I would have to apply penalties. Personally, I would rather encourage them to rewards rather than encouraging them to penalties. I don’t want to practice yung punishment to them. Kasi ano e, I have experienced that before na sa previous bosses ko before yun parang you follow them because you feel them and it’s not you don’t want to follow them to be a contribution to this organization. I was treated like a ___ dun sa academy. I don’t want them to experience that. J: Kayo po ba pag nagdedecision making, sa sarili niyo lang po ba o humihingi po kayo ng inputs or nagdidiscussion? Before ano.. before a meeting halimbawa we’re gonna discuss an issue, we have ideas in mind na already before we come into the meeting and we share and then we check. We ask them na how do you feel about this. Even though the high ranks or the next in line, I still ask them. I recognize na they own have their own ideas na might be different from mine and sometimes lalo na yung mga iba mas creative pa. Life is a system issue. I ask them even if I have my own opinions, I ask them what do you think. Collaborative talaga yung ano namin.
J: Tas yun decision po ikaw po yung final decision o based sa consensus? Ahhh it depends on the situation. Sometimes I have to make my decision based din naman sa whatever dun sa outcome I got from them sometimes kung sound naman yung idea nila then why not? J: Ah so talagang nagbibigay din kayo ng considerations? Oo. Lalo na yung issues na may tingin ko e forte nila I just supervise them. I support them kasi ayokong magincorps dun sa tingin ko e.. yun and I check also if what they’re saying is ok J: Di ba rin ba mahirap yun kung lahat na lang marunong, yung parang may group thing? Yeah that can be a dangerous thing also yung pataasan kayo, everyone wants to have kumbaga pieace ng ano ng decision na yun. Well it depends dun sa ano e sa overall na nagdrive ng decision making if they recognize naman na you’re there to have a unified remedy on certain situations then it would be counted. Pero if ahh they find you na parang indecisive ka, it cannot be. If you cannot decide on yourself, then that’s dangerous kasi they’ll be able to sway kung ano but if they recognize na you’re there as an authority, you want them to feel part of the group na their ideas are valuable sa situation then that would work. J: So sir sometimes pag meeting niyo sometimes naeexert yung authority niyo? Oo pagka pagka merong ano pag merong halimbawang which is very rare naman yung mga uhh halimbawa hindi masettle dahil nadeadlock. Sometimes forced ka na to make a decision then wala so you have to make a move J: Tapos sir halimbawa may binigay sa inyo na activity, inoorient niyo po ba yung employees niyo sa goal niyo? Depends on the activity kasi there are activites that are for the eyes only of the management tapos there are activities naman na that they can be involved immediately dun sa ibang party. If the management says ok to disseminate this info to them already, then they do it. J: Dito po sa organization niyo po, inoorient niyo po ba sila?
Yes oo, if it’s an issue na that needs to be known by all, na halimbawa na there’s this certain na client whos making an issue about his or her purchase and we think na this has happened also with the other projects, we just disseminate the thing, how we handle it, what’s the remedy of the situation, we disseminate those things not only to the group even sa entire group na we think na it would also affect them. J: Tapos sir yung mga ways po on how you achieve those goals, sinasabi niyo rin po ba sa kanila kung paano? Oo, yeah kasi lalo na kapag planning, one thing that I have learned from my mentors. Sabi nila na if you’re goona set up the planning, he wants you to sit down and you tell them already whats the plan, the agenda, why are you calling the meeting. There are times talaga na kelangan ko na ipaalam sa kanila. There are rare instances lang naman na secret sa kanila yung meeting kasi ano naman e uhhh even though at first sinabi mo na, you can evaluate him like you can confront the persons who know what’s going to happen and eventually they would be able to settle it naman. J: So sir sa mga nahandle niyo sir, ano focus niyo clear assignments ba, schedules or parang concerned ka sa well-being nila? Ah what you’re saying is na halimbawa if you’re concern is what their tasks will be? J: Mhmm Ganon. There were times kasi na we have had several transition periods, yung mga realignments na people were asking kung what will be their next assignment so what HR does is to address it immediately yung mga they were provided with whatever yung job descriptions nila ganun and they would work on it para people will know what they are doing specifically, what the management is, depende sa performance nila. J: What if sir depende sa focus, more on discussion ba kayo? Hmmm.. Yea kasi this time we’re settling what we call as score cards. We have this key result areas na they need to do so which are evaluated on a quarterly basis so they have their goals there, know how many let’s say contracts. How many contracts are prepared for each day ganon tapos how many accounts they have to process tapos up to that point na yung discussion so they have a clear objective of what they’re supposed to do, what is expected of them.
J: So sir sa mga nahandle-an niyo, sa tingin mo ba yung mga efforts nila galing sa kanila yung parang nagpapatulong sila sa ibang tao? Uhhh what you mean ba is what they are giving us is effort nila? J: Effort nila Yeah oo. Dito naman kasi sa ano if you’re saying is kung nagpapatulong ba sila sa ano, ako I encourage them yung ganon na tulungan even if I’m teaching dun sa bench na we have kasi this training program na they’re trained for several months and then after that, they’ll be hired what they want kaya lang there’s this what we call academy. Kumbaga magaaral muna sila tapos pag nagkaseatworks yan and everything, mga activities kahit individual activity yun, I tell them na help one another kung nakikita mo yung katabi mo na she doesn’t know what to do you help her out kasi paglabas nun dun sa academy, from the bench program, hindi naman yung buong 8 hours naka-ganyan ka lang. It’s not school anymore. Hindi naman cheating yung nagtatanong ka lang o kung ano yung kunwari ano yung gagawin. So you help each other out, at the end of the day it’s a team effort nga sabi ko nga so even if it’s an individual activity that they’ll have to do within the lessons, during the training, tulungan kayo. So if sabi ko sa kanila, 15 kasi sila, 15 persons per batch eh so I need to see 15 answers from your batch, 15 lessons na ifoforward niyo sa akin pag merong isa jan na medyo wala, kelangan niyong tulungan. J: So sir sa tingin niyo, willing naman sila mag-accept ng influence? Ahh tingin ko naman, ineevaluate din nila and all kasi syempre kumbaga free will naman e may freedom naman sila to choose to accept it or not. They’re evaluating it also e if you instruct them to do something, tinitignan nila, iniisip nila if it’s going to.. what’s.. what are they going to get from out of parang ganun, what’s in it for me parang ganun. Yun yung iniisip nila eh kaya as managers, we also have to think na ano nga ba what’s in it for them nga ba halimbawa kung pinagawa ko sa kanila yung certain thing, ano nga ba yung makukuha nila dun. J: Pero most of the time naman, pumapayag sila dun? Or bihira lang? They don’t have a choice. HAHAHA. Hindi ano I ano.. there are times na I show them the consequences for not doing this or that sometimes naman alam na nila na pag di nila ginawa yun, yun yung mangyayari sa kanila, right now ang alam nila basically affected pag hindi nila ginawa yung certain thing is yung ma-affect yung score card nila. Ngayon alam na nila, nung una medyo kasi syempre this is something new to them. New yung company, and then new yung
score card parang what’s this pero now they know na so naka-ano na saknila yun pagka nakita nila yung certain issues parang automatic na rin sa kanila na o I have to do this. J: Ikaw naman sir may tiwala ka po ba sa mga potentials nila? Oo ang galing! Among the groups here sa Alveo kasi most of them, marami sa kanila may potential talaga not only the potential of doing what you want them to do and the ability to do it with the skill but also the potential to give eager results. Kasi there is one part of the leader na you have to depend someone will be like you someday or better than you. J: So naging fruitful yung mga abilities nila? Oo. Some of these people, they join the company as a halimbawa uhhh _____ tapos ngayon they’re now leaders. Ako I joined the company, 1994… D: 19 years ako J: Di pako buhay nun ah … oo 19 years ago I didn’t get manager outright walang wala talaga D: Sikap talaga eh Oo from the bottom talaga. Well I.. ano yun e blessing from God. J: Praise God. D: So organizational structure naman po, do you just.. diba po sabi niyo po yung boss niyo po is yung uncle niyo so siya lang po ba yung rinereportan niyo o meron pa pong ibang other bosses na pinagrereportan? Siya yung immediate boss ko.
D: Siya po talaga? Oo. Kasi our structure is so we have our group already here as president then we have general manager also tapos down the line we have branch executives, we have 5 brances pero 4 lang yung branch executive so far, so Branch Executive 1-2-3-4. So yung uncle niya is branch executive. So under ng branch executive. Halimbawa eto yung branch executive ALP, Alveo, Avida and Amaia & Bellevita. Ok so under these BEs meron silang managers. For ALP they have 2 right now na managers, for Alveo 2 also and then for Avida medyo malaki kasi yung kanilang project so they have 3, for Amaia and Bellevita we have 3 ren so ayun siya. Tapos under managers NGR 1 and so on and so on they have yung account officers na, project officers and depending na on how many like on ALP 3 yata sila if I’m not mistaken, in Alveo we have 5, 3 sa akin then kay Weng 2. So ganun. So for Alveo we are 6 right now. D: Yung iba natanong na so sa culture naman po, are there anything po na parang masasabi niyo na ginagawa niyo po everyday na like pagpasok meet the person ganyan? Hmmm ako personally you’re asking me no? Yeah meron akong kumbaga ritual as a manager. When I come in, I turn on the laptop ko and then I go around. Actually aside from my doctor advising me to do this, I also got this from my mentors. You don’t sit lang as a manager, you walk around. Sa 8 hours kung ivivideo mo ako we have many cameras here. You’ll find several moments within the 8 hour period na I’m not here. I’m walking around. Trying to see what they are doing. Just ano talking to them. Asking them how they are doing. Mga ganun-ganun lang sometimes tatayo lang ako jan. It’s my way of reaching out to them tsaka titignan nila ako how I am doing. Ayoko naman yung parang malayo yung relationship namin. D: So kapag may conflicts po na nangyayari, nagaarise di ba hindi naman po natin maiiwasan yan, as a project manager, how do you handle this? Kung ano siya relationship problems, I let the supervisor or the project officer handle it tignan muna nila so pag there is something na they cannot handle, dun na nila ililipat sa susunod or sa next in line. FYI na lang ako kung nasettle na ba yan. J: May mga conflicts din po ba with the department? Hmmm di naman mawawala yun e pero di naglalast. Sa department, minsan mga misunderstandings lang in the process pero if I were to engage it, we’re already beyond siguro nung una nung bago pa kami nung first year pa lang siguro kami, there were miscommunications or misunderstandings how something should be done kasi we came from ano
e.. most of us came from various groups na when we were hired, were taken out of halimbawa I was taken out of ALP. I used to be an employee of Ayala in ALP. So they took this out from ALP, they made this BPO, they hired us. So yung mga.. some of the majorty dati talaga puro, puro e came from this tree branch so we have our own process on how we do things halimbawa preparation of contracts, how we do it medyo may kaibahan dati. First year namin meron ganoong struggles, which later on, we were able to ano naman to settle, nagkaroon ng mga remedies so I think we are beyond na e. Nandun na kami sa point na when we have issues, madali na sa amin isettle yung operational issues. We only have to sit down and agree on something and ok na. J: So sir may problema kayo, kino-confront niyo talaga yung problem? As in yung dinidiscuss niyo talaga siya? Oo kasi there’s no way of going around it lalo na if we’re dealing with clients kasi high-profile yung iba e so these people won’t wait for an answer and it won’t wait for long so we really have to address our issues. We have to talk to them if there’s an urgent client yesterday, she already threatened to file a case. Papunta na siya sa local government kahapon to file a case so I told them na to get the attention of my account officers and get resource strategies. So yun it got settles and hopefully this morning nabigay na yung whatever she’s asking so yun yung kelangan mga ganung bagay although may mga issues naman na pwedeng kumbaga priotization na lang. J: Hindi naman po kayo nagcocompromise? Well I’m saying that you have to look for a win-win situation. If it’s a standard thing that she’s asking, ok lang naman pero if it’s something we don’t practice or yeah then we have to make a compromise. So here’s what we’re going to do. Here’s how we’re gonna help you, but we cannot do this, we have other options. Kasi at the end of the day, you cannot do everything, you cannot please them if they’re asking is somehow bordering or it’s too much. J: Pero ano po yung patrato nila sayo? Ah lalo na dun sa mga Ayala Land Premier and Alveo accounts talagang medyo pag hindi nila nagustuhan yung ganyan, you’ll see it na lang eventually na nakabroadcast na yung pangalan mo tapos biglan ieemail ka na. I was able to talk to Erika ganyan ganyan. What you have to do is parang through the years na din e good prioritizing. D: Wala na e nasagot na yung iba. Hanap na muna tayo
J: Sige po yan na lang po sir thank you po. If you have other questions wala namang problema yun
-End of Interview-
Appendix C Transcript of Interview
Interviewee: Raymond Marquez Place: Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City Date: March 21, 2014 Interviewers: Joseph Hadrian Salgado Dennyse Samentha Orlido Once umm when we do our job na ok they parang he.. he ano naman he recognize ano yung ano ginagawa mo.. but for the penalty wala naman D: Wala naman? J: Wala kayong konting magandang performance na narecognize? Ah meron narerecognize naman so kunwari emails o we can inform staff na good job ganyan ganyan. Narerecognize yung mga performance ng each of the employee. For the penalty wala naman uhh syempre kunwari may nurse lang J: So diba parang meron kayong group making? Yes yes J: Ano siya? Di ba siya yung decision making sine-centralize mo siya or yung nagbigay ka ng inputs Part of decision making.. hmmm. Syempre ahh sinisync niya muna yung mga pay tsaka yung mga team members so ayun or ano umm decision kung ano ano.. per management so ayun
J: So nagbibigay kayo ng mga inputs? Open naman sila for suggestions, comments or ano.. J: Ah talaga? Di nila sinasarili parang meron kayong say? Syempre umm pinaguusapan nila, binabalanse nila J: Tapos diba inoorient kayo sa goals ng company? Yes J: Yung parang every term diba inoorient kayo? Yes hmm kasi every year meron kaming KRA… so meron kaming sineset-up na goal for this year na we have to meet ganun so yun J: Tapos yung sinasabi nilang pano niyo gagawin yung goals, pano niyo ma-attain yung goals? Yes hmm yung goals naman is hmmm basta syermpre diba eto yung goals so yung process ng procedures kung pano mameet yung goals J: Ah so pag mga ____ service may discussions kayo jan? Minsan kasama rin kayo sa mga discussions for the goals? Oo. For the goals kasi hmm before we set our goals for.. for this coming year so eto yung mga goals natin so tinatanong natin so first eto yung imemeet natin kung kaya ba natin kasi performance ng individual magrereflect sa performance ng boss. J: Tas ano siya kuya? Meron siyang talagang naniniwala siya sa mga effort yung mga trabaho tingin niya talagang sarili niyang effort? Hmmm Yes hmmm kasi dito naman parang culture dito parang you have to.. hinahayaan ka magperform so hindi yung parang other companies kasi na dapat eto gagawin mo, eto yung
susundin mo ganun diba so here usually is you have to do better. If you have inquiries or questions you can ___ with the org culture or goals ummm parang binibigyan ka nila ng time to.. aralin yung morning. J: Culture parin dito is dito may autonomy kayo? Parang independent? Hmm Di rin competence nagtatrabaho sila J: Tapos ano yung pagaccept ng influence ng employees mo? Oo syempre yung inuutusan ka J: Yung parang ano influence on the job. Yung pinapagawa mo Ah kunwari yung “Sir tapos kana” ganun? … Depende ako kasi… So influence ahhh depende syempre na-adopt ko yung influence so syempre kung ano yung practice nila na-apply ko na din J: May sarili.. sa tingin mo parang yun nga sa performance mo, sa potentials mo nadedevelop? Syempre J: Mataas ba yung.. Oo, syempre. Para magshine ka. Ganun naman dapat J: Ano yung working condition niyo dito? Working Condition… Hmmm D: Environment?
Yung environment ok naman. Ok naman yung sa area, we have enough spaces. Sa 4 corners ok naman. J: Yung sa pay niyo ok naman? When it comes to pay hmm pano ba competitive other than siguro other than same sa industry ng real estate development compared to others competitors hindi siya competitive based sa net income pero hindi mo rin kasi macocompare sa position ko kasi protracted industry iba yung.. D: Magkaiba sila Oo pero if we have the same industry, competitive naman when it comes to benefits ganun. J: Ano ba yung compensation niyo when it comes to salary? Compensation yung benefits, competitive siya uhh ano pa ba pwede sa compensation? Kasi yun nga protracted industry ako pero di ako sure sa other industry competitor kung ganun din yung kinocompare nila J: Napirate ka ba? Hindi. Nagresign ako from Queens Job tapos nagtraining ako sa Singapore tapos.. hmm pero kung icocompare ko naman sa previous job ko, parang when it comes to compensation mas ok pero when it comes to benefits parang.. yung previous. Meron kasing inoofer na benefits na ok yung benefits. J: Kamusta naman yung working relationship mo sa supervisor? Uhh we’re in a good relationship. Ok naman yung working relationship namin ni Sir Eric, SirLouie kasi narerecognize nila yung umm yung efforts ko. Sa staff same time ginagawa naman nila yung sinasabi ko. Tsaka ok yung relationship dito with the staff and management kasi dito easily mong makakausap mo yung senior management, management committee ganun unlike sa ibang company na may parang barrier between the management tsaka staff yung lang.. yun lang yung nagustuhan ko dito kasi sa other companies like sa banking industry pagkamataas na officer parang may barrier na ganun tapos siya ganun tapos dito nakakausap mo supervisor mo, manager mo.
J: So talagang walang ano… D: Wala talaga J: Hindi intimidating Hmmm Hindi intimidating kasi pwede kami pumunta kina sir Louie kung may questions kami, pwede kami magtanong J: So halimbawa may positive performance na narecognize, halimbawa may gagawin kayo tapos may na-anticipate silang problemang pwede maging ano pwede kayo inencourage na wag gawin yung action na yun.. Syempre as much as possible syempre if alanganin ka sa decision mo you have to see the boss tanungin mo kung ok ba yung ganito transitions lang tsaka dito more on resolution if meron kang problems na na-encounter or address solutions kahit under sa work as much as possible resolutions. J: Siguro pag may problem or conflict kinoconfront niyo siya? Talagang nagdidiscuss kayo? Inaalam niyo talaga? Oo usually ganun J: Hindi niyo naman iniiwasan? Hindi naman kasi ano front service kami so we have to deal with the buyers, customers so hindi siya pwede isettle ng matagal kasi pagnagtagal siya lalong lalala. Syempre for example pag may complaints yung mga customers pag iniwan mo yan lalala lang yan. J: Napunish ka na ba? May ginawa ka na ba tapos napunish ka? So far hindi naman J: Hindi pa? Hindi ka pa yung nalalate o ganun?
Ah *laughs* nalalate pero.. D: Wala pang major hehehe Pero wala naman sa disciplinary action hindi pa naman dumadating dun D: So kuya, ano naman masasabi mo sa organizational culture niyo? Like parang sa umaga meron ba kayong parang ritual? Ah ritual.. wala naman D: Parang wala naman like hindi kayo nagchi-chitchat ganyan? Coffee? Syempre prior before office hours syempre dapat nakapagbreakfast kana. Siguro pag may libreng oras sige pero still it continues you to work. D: Given naman po yung ano yung meron kayong adequate time for lunch, breaks ganyan? Reasonable naman po yung time? Yung time naman is standard siya with others. May breaks for the morning, lunch 1 hour ganyan, meron din sa afternoon same with other companies. J: Ah sige kuya nakaexperience ka ng conflict among members or misunderstandings? Wala naman D: Ok na J: Yun na po -End of Interview-