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Principio del formulario
Write an Essay There are many ways to write an essay. However, the standard essay form follows the same basic patterns as discussed in this 'how to'. Difficulty: Average Time Required: 30 minutes Here's How: 1. Sel Select ect the topi topic c of you yourr essay essay.. 2.
Choose Choo se the central central idea, or thesis, thesis, of your essay. essay. For example: example: Informat Information ion technolog technology y has revolutionized the way we work.
Outline Outli ne your essay essay into into introductor introductory, y, body and and summary summary paragra paragraphs. phs.
4. The introduc introductor tory y par paragr agraph aph begins begins wit with h an int intere eresti sting ng senten sentence. ce. For ex examp ample: le: Home workers have grown from 150,000 to over 12 million in the past 5 years thanks to the wonders of the computer. 5.
After this this first first sentence, sentence, add add your thesis thesis statem statement ent from from above. above.
Use one sentenc sentence e to introduce introduce every every body paragra paragraph ph to follow. follow. For example: example: The Internet Internet has made this possible by extending the office into the home.
Finish the introdu introductor ctory y paragraph paragraph with a short short summary summary or goal statement statement.. For example: example: Technological innovation has thus made the traditional workplace obsolete. obsolete.
8. In each of the body parag paragrap raphs hs (usually (usually two or three) three) the ideas ideas first first pr prese esente nted d in the introductory paragraph are developed. 9.
Develop your body Develop body paragraphs paragraphs by giving giving detailed detailed information information and examples. examples. For example example:: When the Internet was first introduced it was used primarily by scientists, now i t is common in every classroom.
10. Body paragra paragraphs phs should develop develop the central central idea and finish with a summ summary ary of that idea idea.. There should be at least two examples or facts in each body paragraph to support the central idea. 11. The summary paragraph paragraph summarizes your essay and is often a reverse reverse of the introductory paragrah.
12.. Begi 12 Begin n th the e su summ mmar ary y pa para ragr grah ah by qu quick ickly ly re rest stat ating ing th the e pr prin inci cipa pall id idea eas s of your your bo body dy paragraphs. For example: The Internet in the home, benefits and ease of use of modern computer systems... 13. The penultimate penultimate sentence sentence should restate restate your basic thesis of the essa essay. y. For example: We have now passed from the industrial revolution to the information revolution. 14. Your final statement can be a future prediction prediction based on what you have have shown in the essay. For example: The next step: The complete disappearance of the workplace. Tips: 1. Use Use st stro rong ng ve verb rbs s an and d av avoi oid d mo moda dals ls to st stat ate e yo your ur opinio opinion. n. It is better better to wr writ ite: e: Th The e workplace has evolved than The workplace seems to have evolved 2.
Do not apolog apologize ize for what what you you are saying. saying. An An essay is is about about your opinio opinion. n.
Do not translate translate from from your mother mother tongue. tongue. It will will quickly quickly get you into into trouble trouble