MODELS OF REPHRASING PREPOSICIONES , TIEMPOS VERBALES VERBALES Y OTROS OTROS CONECTORES CONECTORES WHILE ↔ DURING While I was ! hli"a# i! L!"!, i$ %ai!e" a l$& D'%i!( )# hli"a#s i! L!"! i$ %ai!e" a l$& While Susan was having her dancing class, her mobile phone didn’t stop ringing. During… While we were rehearsing for the concert, the conductor fell o the podium. During…
AGO ↔ FOR She *a)e $ li+e he% $hi%$ee! #ea%s a(& She has ee! li+i!( he%e -% $hi%$ee! #ea%s& My father started professional driving ! years ago. My father… "oncord #rst $ew %& years ago. "oncord…
SINCE ↔ FOR I$.s a(es si!*e we )e$ $he S/%i!(e%s -% $he las$ 0)e& We ha+e!.$ )e$ $he S/%i!(e%s -% a(es& 't is ten years since ' last travelled by train. (he last )me… Maria hasn’t travelled abroad for years. 't is years… We started started wor*ing on this pro+ect four wee*s ago. We have…
PREFER S)e$hi!( 1 s)e"# TO s)e$hi!( 1 s)e"# Be2#.s Be2#.s /i!i! is $ha$ $he sil3 l'se 4$s e2e% $ha! $he *2! !e& Be2# /%e-e%s /%e-e%s $he sil3 l'se $ $he *2! !e&
nn thin*s le+andro San- sings beer than Mar* /wen. nn prefers… Many people thin* that Delibes wrote much beer than 0mbral. Many people prefer…
TO DO s)e$hi!( 5a!e wa!$e" $ " 3!i6!( $his a7e%!!, i!s$ea" - wa$*hi!( $he $ele+isi!& 5a!e /%e-e%%e" $ 3!i$ $his a7e%!! %a$he% $ha! wa$*h $he $ele+isi!&
Mar* wants to go +ogging tomorrow, tomorrow, rather than doing his homewor*. Mar* prefers… 1ill li*es to eat meat more than #sh. 1ill prefers…
DOING s)e$hi!( Mi*hael li3es (i!( '$, '$ he /%e-e%s s$a#i!( i! $he h'se& Mi*hael /%e-e%s s$a#i!( i! $he h'se %a$he% $ha! (i!( '$&
1enny li*es reading plays, but she prefers going to the theatre. 1enny prefers… ' don’t li*e travelling by train as much as $ying. ' prefer…
BOTH 8 AND 9$a!$8*): 5h! we!$ $ Wi!le"! las$ #ea%, a!" s "i" Pe$e%& B$h ;h! a!" Pe$e% we!$ $ Wi!le"! las$ #ea%& "lare visited the 2ri)sh Museum in the summer holidays along with her sister 3laine. 2oth… Michael bought a present from 4arrods for his father, and so did his brother 5eorge. 2oth…
NEITHER 8 NOR 9!i8!i: Cha%les "es!.$ li3e $ ea$ B%'ssels s/%'$s, a!" !% "es Ma%(a%e$& Nei$he% Cha%les !% Ma%(a%e$ li3e B%'ssels s/%'$s& 3dward didn’t li*e swimming lessons at school , and nor did his sister 'von. 6either … 3ileen cannot accept the colour that the room has been painted in, and nor does 1ennifer. 6either… "hristopher has never visited Spain, and nor has his wife Debra. 6either…
ON HEARING 1ON SEEING 1 AT THE SOUND 1 AT THE SIGHT ↔ WHEN 9al i%1 al +e% ↔ *'a!": O! hea%i!( - $he "ea$h - his %$he%, $he w)a! *lla/se"& Whe! $he w)a! hea%" - $he "ea$h - he% %$he%, she *lla/se"& t the sound of the bell, the #ght started. When… /n seeing the birthday ca*e that had been made for her, the girl became very emo)onal. When… t the sight of the fo7, tha hounds gave chase. When…
'e /'e"e! i% a";e0+a"s !, )ie!$%as >'e
(hey were such fat men that he bro*e every chair they sat on. (he men were... 4e was such a rude boy that his girlfriend soon le8 him. (he boy was…
BECAUSE8VERY @ AD5ECTIVE ↔ SO @ AD5ECTIVE 8 THAT I *'l"!.$ '# s$%awe%%ies e*a'se $he# we%e +e%# e/e!si+e $"a#& S$%awe%%ies we%e s e/e!si+e $"a# $ha$ I *'l"!.$ '# $he) 1a!#& ' got angry with the shop9assistant because he was very rude to me. (he shop9assistant was… ' couldn’t catch the bus because ' was too late. ' was…
TOO @ AD5ECTIVE @ FOR s)e"# @ TOINFINITIVE O'% s$'"e!$s *'l"!.$ /ass $he $es$ e*a'se i$ was $ "i*'l$& The $es$ was $ "i*'l$ -% '% s$'"e!$s $ /ass& (he waves are too high, so we shouldn’t go into the sea. (he waves are too… (he situa)on was too embarrassing, so 4elen didn’t remain there. (he situa)on was too…
AD5ECTIVE @ ENOUGH @ TOINFINITIVE Ch%is0a! is $ sh%$ $ %ea*h $he )a!$el/ie*e& Ch%is0a! is !$ $all e!'(h $ %ea*h $he )a!$el/ie*e& (his wood is too wet to burn. (his wood is not… (he garage is too small to put three cars in. (he garage is not… 1eremy is too young to wal* all the way to the castle. 1eremy is not… Mary felt too immature to go out with a boy. Mary didn’t feel… nthony was too slow to enter for the race. nthony is not…
a: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! s';e$ L3, she is $he (i%l The (i%l *a)e -%) Bs!ia las$ )!$h& L3, $ha$ is8 L3, $ha$ is $he (i%l wh *a)e -%) Bs!ia las$ )!$h& (he boy’s name is Michael. 4e mows my neighbour’s grass ever wee*. Michael is… (he street crosses the par*. 't is the longest of the town. (he street…
: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! ;e$ 1 *)/le)e!$&
We +isi$e" $he l" la"# i! hs/i$al& She has se!$ 's a Ch%is$)as *a%"& The l" la"#8 The l" la"# we +isi$e" i! hs/i$al has se!$ 's a Ch%is$)as *a%"& We saw a dog running along the street. 't belongs to Margaret. (he dog… ' bought that cloc* at 4arrods last wee*. 't doesn’t wor* properly. (he cloc*…
*: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! ;e$ 1 *)/le)e!$ @ /%e/si*i?! & The $%ai! (es $ L!"!& M# -%ie!"s ha+e ;'s$ ($ ! i$& The $%ai!8 The $%ai! )# -%ie!"s ha+e ;'s$ ($ ! (es $ L!"!& Mary nn is the young girl. :eter bought a bunch of $owers for her. Mary nn… Mr nderson was the doctor. My grandfather used to send for him whenever he was ill. Mr nderson…
": El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! /sesi+ >'e -%)a /a%$e "el s';e$& M%s Ga%la!" is $he w)a!& He% h'sa!" %'!s a (%*e%# !ea% '% h'se& M%s Ga%la!"8 M%s Ga%la!" is $he w)a! whse h'sa!" %'!s a (%*e%# !ea% '% h'se& (he man has +ust moved to "oventry. 4is cat used to play in our garden. (he man… (he house has been pulled down. 'ts walls were damaged by a crane. (he house…
e: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! /sesi+ >'e -%)a /a%$e "el *)/le)e!$& The (i%l $'%!e" '$ $ e )# !ei(h'%.s "a'(h$e%& A!$h!# -'!" he% (l" !e*3la*e& The (i%l8 The (i%l whse (l" !e*3la*e A!$h!# -'!" $'%!e" '$ $ e )# !ei(h'%.s "a'(h$e%& (he boy has +ust started his holidays in Spain. ;ou too* his passport to the police. (he boy… (he dog has run away and cannot be found. (he wind turned his *ennel upside down last night. (he dog… NON-DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES
a: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! s';e$& M% 5h! Ma;% has $ ha+e a! ele*0!!e$ #ea%& He has ee! P%i)e Mi!is$e% -% si #ea%s& M% 5h!8 M% 5h! Ma;%, wh has ee! PM -% si #ea%s, has $ ha+e a! ele*0! !e$ #ea%& Damon 4ill was the world motor racing c hampion this year. 4e was runner up for Michael Schumacher last year. Damon… Me7ico city is now the most populous city in the world. 't used to be very
: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! ;e$ 1 *)/le)e!$& M%s Tha$*he% was $he /%e+i's B%i0sh P%i)e Mi!is$e%& The R'ssia!s *alle" he% $he I%! La"#& M%s8 M%s Tha$*he%, wh) $he R'ssia!s *alle" $he I%! La"#, was $he /%e+i's B%i0sh P%i)e Mi!is$e%& 'sabel :reysler was voted the most elegant woman in Spain by 4e llo maga-ine. 1ulio 'glesias divorced her years ago.
'sabel… 3stella used to be the seat of the =ings of 6avarra. ;ou have to cross it if you go from >ogro?o to San Sebas)@n. 3stella…
*: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! he$ 1 *)/le)e!$ @ /%e/si*i?!& Ma"!!a has ;'s$ ee! a )he%& A!$!i Ba!"e%as has ee! a*0!( wi$h he% i! $he 4l) Evita& Ma"!!a8 Ma"!!a, wh) A!$!i Ba!"e%as has ee! a*0!( wi$h i! $he 4l) E+i$a, has ;'s$ ee! a )$he%& Miguel 'ndur@in won the gold medal in tlanta. ABB& wasn’t a good year for him. Miguel 'ndur@in… 2ordeau7 is very well9*nown for its #ne wines. ;ou’ll go through it in your way to :aris. 2ordeau7…
": El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! /sesi+ >'e -%)a /a%$e "el s';e$& M!$se%%a$ Caall will e /e%-%)i!( i! $he R#al O/e%a H'se& He% a%ias a%e le(e!"a%#& M!$se%%a$8 M!$se%%a$ Caall, whse a%ias a%e le(e!"a%#, will e /e%-%)i!( i! $he R#al O/e%a H'se& 1ulio 'glesias used to be a goal*eeper for Ceal Madrid. 4is e79wife is now married to a n e79 minister. 1ulio… (he Cubi*’s cube was invented in 4ungary. 'ts solu)on is very dicult for most people. (he Cubi*’s…
e: El %ela0+ s's0$'#e!" a '! /sesi+ >'e -%)a /a%$e "el *)/le)e!$& 5h! S'%$ees is a )a! '!i>'e i! )$% s/%$& N$ )a!# /e/le %e)e)e% his *ha)/i!shi/s $h i! *a%s a!" ! i3es& 5h!8 5h! S'%$ees, whse *ha)/i!shi/s $h i! *a%s a!" ! i3es !$ )a!# /e/le %e)e)e%, is a )a! '!i>'e i! )$% s/%$& "armen Sevilla will go on presen)ng the E (elecupFnG. Many people don’t understand her strange Esense of languageG. "armen… 2uc*ingham :alace is open to the public. ;ou can en+oy its valuable pain)ngs. 2uc*ingham …
MODAL IDIOMS WOULD RATHER I /%e-e% $ %es$ -% a while e-%e (i!( a*3 $ w%3& I." %a$he% %es$ -% a while e-%e (i!( a*3 $ w%3& (hey thin* that they are not going to buy a Holvo, they are going to buy a Se at instead. (hey’d rather… (hey li*e to drin* whis*y instead of beer. (hey’d rather…
HAD BETTER The %a" is +e%# "a!(e%'s, we sh'l" "%i+e "'%i!( $he "a#&
We." e2e% "%i+e "'%i!( $he "a#, e*a'se $he %a" is +e%# "a!(e%'s& 3verybody is loo*ing at them, they should calm down or go home. (hey’d… 't’s free-ing outside, you should stay at home. ;ou’d bee
PASSIVE VOICE FRASES EN ACTIVA CON OB5ETO DIRECTO SOLAMENTE M# /a%e!$s /ai" -% all $he /%ese!$s& All $he /%ese!$s we%e /ai" # )# /a%e!$s& lile boy opened the cage. (he cage… Someone has stolen the money. (he money…
FRASES EN ACTIVA CON OB5ETO INDIRECTO SOLAMENTE The# $a'(h$ $he s$'"e!$s i! ! 0)e& The s$'"e!$s we%e $a'(h$ i! ! 0)e& Someone accused him, but he was not there at the moment. 4e… (hey too* the in+ured people to the nearest hospital. (he in+ured…
FRASES EN ACTIVA CON OB5ETO DIRECTO Y OB5ETO INDIRECTO S)e"# le!$ Pe$e% $he M!e# -% $he *a%& Pe$e% was le!$ $he )!e# -% $he *a%& The )!e# -% $he *a% was le!$ $ Pe$e%& (hey showed us the new house yesterday.
Someone has brought these boo*s to Mrs White.
REPORTING PASSIVES IMPERSONALES Pe/le sa# /li0*ia!s ea%! a l$ - )!e#& I$ is sai" $ha$ /li0*ia!s ea%! a !$ - )!e#&
1ournalists have reported that Conaldo will leave 2arcelona I" soon. 't has been reported… 3verybody thin*s that 1ames did very well in his driving test. 't is thought…
PERSONALES Pe/le $hi!3 $ha$ Ma%a"!a has (i+e! '/ "%'(s& Ma%a"!a is $h'(h$ $ ha+e (i+e! '/ "%'(s&
:eople e7pect that Mr Smith will become the president of the company. Mr Smith…
:eople thin* that 1ohn is "atherine’s father. 1ohn…
OTROS MODELOS DE PASIVA Nee" @ i!( Nee" @ i!4!i0+ /asi+ The )a*hi!e !ee"s ili!(& The )a*hi!e !ee"s $ e ile"&
My suit needs cleaning. (hese doors need pain)ng. Don’t you thin* your room needs )dyingJ
Ha+e 1 Ge$ *a'sa0+e S';& @ ha+e 1(e$ 9 0e)/ a"e*'a": @ *)/le)e!$ @ /a%0*i/i "e /asa" We $l" $he law#e% $ *%%e*$ $he will& We ha" $he will *%%e*$e"&
(here will be a person who does your homewor*. ;ou will have… 4e swept your *itchen. ;ou… 6obody’s going to do this for you. ;ou are not…
GERUND AND INFINITIVE VERBOS SEGUIDOS DE GERUNDIO A!"%ew (a+e '/ s)3i!( las$ 5a!'a%#& A!"%ew s$//e" s)3i!( las$ 5a!'a%#& My sister has been wor*ing here for the years. My sister… :eter is sure that he posted the leer at the beginning of the wind. :eter remembers…
USED TO DO SOMETHING 11 BE 1 GET USED TO DO SOMETHING She "es!.$ w%3 he%e !w, she w%3e" he%e s)e #ea%s a(& She 'se" $ w%3 he%e, '$ she "es!.$ !w& My brother doesn’t mind hard wor*, you’ll never see him lying on the sofa doing nothing. My brother is… ' hate my new 3nglish teacher, but '’ll li*e him eventually. ' hate my…
Al$h'(h $he 4l) was $ l!(, e+e%#"# %e)ai!e" 0ll $he e!"& Des/i$e $he le!($h - $he 4l), e+e%#"# %e)ai!e" 0ll $he e!"& lthough the pain)ng was e7pensive, we recommended its purchase. 'n spite of…
PROPSITOS 9FOR ↔ SO THAT: I ha+e '(h$ $his w" -% $he *a%/e!$e%s $ 'il" $he (a%a(e& I ha+e '(h$ $his w" s $ha$ $he *a%/e!$e%s *a! 'il" $he (a%a(e& (here were a lot of maga-ines for the children to read while they waited. (here were a lot of maga-ines… Ior a machine to wor* properly, you have to have it serviced from )me to )me . ;ou have to have machines serviced from )me to )me… (a*e these tools home with you to repair the garage door. (a*e these tools home…
E(he grape crop this year has been more produc)ve than the year beforeG, Simon said to 1anet. Simon told... EMy holidays this year have been even more boring than yoursG, 1ulia said to Mar)n. 1ulia told…
CONDICIONALES J& 5h! we!$ $ $he *!*e%$& He )e$ ! 5+i& I-8 I- 5h! ha"!.$ (!e $ $he *!*e%$, he w'l"!.$ ha+e )e$ ! 5+i& Martha didn’t accept the oer. She didn’t get the +ob. 'f… (he boy was careless. 4e bro*e all his toys. 'f…
J& Wha$ a /i$# I "i"!.$ wa$*h $he (a)e& I wish8 I wish I ha" wa$*he" $he (a)e& '’m sorry ' couldn’t spend the evening with you. 'f only… What a shame ' didn’t send her a birthday card. ' wish… '’m upset because my friend hasn’t come. ' wish…
J& I." li3e $ s$a# he%e all )%!i!( '$ I *a!.$& I- !l#8
I- !l# I *'l" s$a# he%e all )%!i!(& '’d li*e to be two years older. ' wish… '’d li*e to be able to spea* 5erman. 'f only…
J& I- #' "!.$ /%ess $he ell, $he "% w!.$ /e!& U!less8 U!less #' /%ess $he ell, $he "% w!.$ /e!& 'f you don’t put the baeries in the radio, it won’t wor*. 0nless… (hose plants will die if you don’t water them. 0nless…