Aboutt the Pride Hotel Abou Ahmedabad Ahmeda bad
The pride group of hotels exemplifies a luxurious brand of hospitality. With 2 business hotels, 2 resorts, 5 luxury hotels and Some more expansion plans in its repertoire, The Pride Group is all set to ace that art of offering opulent services.
Pride means business but business is not just about a rigid exchange. It’s about warm and enduring associations. The conference and banquet facilities of The Pride Group offer the magnificent space to spur your discussions, negotiations and gatherings.
The contemporary conference and banquet features such as catering services, technology and open air or enclosed corporate settings endow your events with the pomp and the efficiency that they deserve. Leave the worries about banqueting to us and fill the halls at The Pride Group of hotels with the beating of your heart. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Herald your arrival and prolong your departure. Make your event an unforgettable masterpiece of extravagance and splendour.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ACKN OWLEDGEMENT I like to take this opportunity to thanks the management of THE PRIDE group of hotels for giving me this chance to train in this
esteem esteemed ed estab establi lishm shmen ent, t, whic which h is the the best best of its kind kind in Guja Gujara rat. t. Besides being a proud member of The Pride in the process of my Industrial Training I received the true inside working of five star hotels and and the the func functio tioni ning ng of ever every y day day to day day runn runnin ing g of this this comp comple lex x organization.
I would like to thanks the staffs of The Pride Hotel, who through guidance and friendship opened my chapter in the science of Hotel Management, which are not taught in any classroom. Thus, imparting to me their knowledge of experience in this line.
Reg. No:-
DECLEARATION I hereb hereby y decla declare re that that their their proj projec ectt repor reportt submi submitt tted ed in part partial ial fulf fulfilm ilmen entt for for the the BHM BHM Prog Progra ram m to the the Maga Magadh dh Univ Univer ersit sity y is an original research work and by me under the guidance of the faculty guide and that the their or any part of it has not been previously submitted for degree/diploma of any universities/institute elsewhere.
Place: - Ahmedabad Date:-
Name:Reg. No.:-
SYNOPSIS Tourism industry is one of the most successfully immerged industries in the world. Before tourism was only confined to touring but now, many things come under tourism. Tourism plays the major factor in the economic development of the less backward region beside hotel industry is the backbone of tourism industry. The hotel industry is a part of of it. The The hotels hotels can can be classifi classified ed on a wide range from facilities, facilities, star categories and location etc. The project is based on the operational aspect of four star deluxe hotels. THE PRIDE HOTEL, Ahmedabad the main purpose of the project project is to study the operational operational aspect of THE PRIDE HOTEL. The objective is to study the modern trends that are used in the hotel industry and the information is taken from both primary and secondary sources. The limitation is that detail about operational aspect not the financial aspect of the hotel. THE PRIDE HOTEL a unit of Gujarat tourism development Co-
operation ltd. Judges Bungalow road Ahmedabad. It is 15 K.M. away from railway station and 30 K.M. from airport. The entire department is COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
well maintained and their hotel enjoys good business through but the the year. year. Housekeeping as the name signifies keeps the hotel neat and clean. House use Aw Away ay Fr From om Ho Home me’’. F and B They make the guest feel ‘Ho
Production department is responsible for preparing all the food items. The food prepared by the F and B service department. The front office department is associated with welcoming the guests.
They account for the maximum business in a hotel. The security department taken care of the over all discipline maintained in the hotel. The Engineering department is responsible for all the repair works. The account and finance department gives the report whether the hotel is running in profit and loss. Purchase department indents all the items from the vendors once the hotel is received. The stores keep the items purchased in proper place. The function of personal department is concerned with the managerial an operative functions. The kitchen stewarding ensures that the F and B production and F and B service depa depart rtm ment ent get get thei theirr cutl cutler erie iess and and uten utensi sill in item item.. The The sale saless and and marketing department increase the revenue indirectly through publicity and advertisement. During the study of various useful information or data’s, various problems problems faced by the various various departmen departments. ts. These problems problems were identified and their solutions are discussed to overcome the problems.
The study conducted enable to compile the project report, which could meet the objectives of study.
Project Design
Infrastructure of The Place Profile of The Hotel Operational Aspects Non Operational Operational Aspects Problems Problems & Solution
INTRODUCTION TOURISM INDUSTRY: - Tourism is related to tour, which has its origin from the Latin word “Tour” which means lane or wheel. Tourism is a short term movement of people, which is outside the place where the so called tourist tourist lives work and stay. It is an activity activity which results from the travel and stay of person or persons who are not the resident of that place. In their many corporate, business concerts, firms, industries are engaged in direct or indirect ways. So in conclusion we can say that everywhere you look every corner you turn. THE E PR PRID IDE E HOTE TEL’ L’ So the the tra training ing is undert ertaken in ‘TH
TOURIST:- tourist travel from one place to another with various intensions like religion, business exploration and pleasure and tourism dominates the whole world. Tourism plays the major factor in the economy and raises the standard of the living of the people. touris ism m has has gain gained ed IMPO IM PORT RTAN ANCE CE OF TO TOUR URIS ISM: M: - tour importance and the farthest growing industry of the world. The vital role role of touri tourism sm play playss in earni earning ng the the forei foreign gn excha exchang nge, e, prov provid idin ing g employments, yielding tax revenues and promoting industries in the COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
industrially backward regions. There are a member of motives behind the travel of people people from one place to another another like speeding speeding up the Learning cycle, cultural, exchange, gaining, pleasure, ethnic and heal the considerations, spiritual and religious factors sports etc. By tourism one can have a better knowledge of other country.
Its culture and different things
Temporary movement of people people Pleasure Activity Totality of the relationship relationship component Industry Multi-Segment
Tourism is a phenomenon of modern times. From a simple travel of yester year phenomenon today has become very complex activity uncompressing a wide range of relationship simply defined. Tourism does not exit in insulation; it has certain components with withou outt whic which h it can can not not oper operat ate. e. In orde orderr to unde unders rsta tand nd tour touris ism m systematically it is necessary to know the various components which together make tourism.
There are three basic components:
DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN INDIA: -The first step towards the development of tourism in India was brought forward way in 1945, in 1948, after the attainment f independence, the first step was constitution of an ad hoc tourist traffic committee in march 1958, a separate tourism department was created in the Ministry of transport at deal with all matters concerning tourism. In 1966, the Indian Tourism Developing Corporation (ITDC) was formed. India with its diversities and rashness provides an unlimited potential to the tourism in India to variety of language culture, food and hospitality of the Indian people fascinates the tourist from all over the world get understanding the diversity there is a fundamental sound of unity. Which welds people into racial mosaic is a unity. This is the legacy of India that is the proud of heritage of every Indian. Without tourism, hotel industry can’t survive and without hotel industry or accommodation, tourism can’t form. These are dependent of each other. We can say that if there is n hotel, there will be o tourism. Means “NO Hotel, No Tourism”.
ROLE OF HOTEL INDUSTRY IN TOURISM: Hotel industry is the backbone of tourism industry. It is the essential part of tourism. tourism. Hotel industry is closely linked with a industry industry that is respo respons nsibl iblee for for 80% 80% of forei foreign gn excha exchang ngee earn earnin ing g in touri tourism sm.. The The development of new hotel increases the moment of people goods and service to the undeveloped region in India and countries like India for the the risi rising ng volu volume me of tour touris istt in flow flow in the the hote hotell indu indust stry ry act act as accommodation for both domestic and foreign tourist. The The adve advert rt of indu indust stri rial al revol revolut utio ion n in Engl Englan and d broug brought ht idea ideass and and progress progress in the business business of inn keeping. keeping. The developmen developmentt of railways railways and skip made travelling made more prominent. In the promotion of tourism, if all the constituents if the Constituents the most important segment. Tourism to a great extent dependent on the tourist industry, hotel sector thus constituents if the tourist industry, hotel sector thus type of accommodation available. The industries are perhaps one of the oldest commercial endeavours in the world . The hotel industry is perhaps one of the oldest industries which traces back the 6th Century. The early day there was the “Inns” which was invented by husband and wife who provided halls for travellers to sleep which providing food and drink.
After industrial revolution travel become much more popular and people started demanding better facilities, as they were willing to pay. People started travelling travelling for purpose purpose of service service and leisure etc. So there was a need for much guidance and improved services. The hotels are an inn which is defined by British laws in place where a benefited fare less can received food and shelter and he is in a position to play or it is in a fit condition to be received. The The hot hotel prov provid idee the the custo ustom mer with ith a home ome away away fro from hom home atmosphere hotels are classified a basis of location, number of rooms, type of clientele, length of the guest stay, facilities that it offers.
A. Based on location: Down Town Hotel: - Mainly Mainly downto downtown wn hotels hotels are situated in the heart of the city. These types of hotels are tamed as business or commercial hotel also.
Suburban Hotels: - These hotels are situated away from the city. It can easily exceed from the city.
Resorts Hotels: - These are usually found in hilly areas or near research. The report are usually little from city.
Motels: - These are situated beside the highway, usually guests are motorist travellers.
Transit: - These are hotels situated at the airport of the particular particular city. The guest guest usually usually stays for around around 8 hours. hours. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Floatels: - Floatel are vessels which are converted into hotels which float in the water. It includes restaurant,
Swimming pool, Discotheque, Bar, Indoor game and other entertainment.
Transit: - In this of hotels, the guest usually stays less. Residential: - In this type of hotels, the guest stays for a month.
Semi Residential: - There is no certain periodic time for a guest staying in the one of hotel.
In these types of hotels, star categories are done by giving or offering the amenities to the guest. * * * *
50% to 55% amenities. *
* *
* *
55% to 60%
60% to 65%
65% to 70%
70% and above
-The hotels can be classified according to the no. of rooms. r ooms. They are Small
below 25 Rooms
25 to 100 Rooms
100 to 300 Rooms
Very large Above Above 300 Rooms Rooms
ACCORDING ACCORD ING TO TYPE OF PLAN The hotel can be classified according to the type of plan also: a lso: European Plan:
Bed Charges + Morning Tea
Continental Plan:
Bed Charges + Morning Tea + Continental
Breakfast. Bermuda Plan:
Bed Charges + Morning Tea + Breakfast +
AM B.fast
American Plan:
Bed Charges + Morning Tea + Breakfast + Lunch + Evening tea + Dinner.
Modi Modifi fied ed Amer Americ ican an Plan: Plan:
Bed Cha Charg rges es + Mor Morni ning ng Tea Tea + Brea Breakf kfas astt +
Lunch/Dinner + Evening tea.
ACCORDING ACCORD ING TO THE TYPE OF CUSTOMER The hotel can be classified by the type of customer. Family hotels, Group hotels, Commercial hotels.
This study is confirmed top the operational aspects and
systems and procedures followed by the different dept of the “ THE PRIDE HOTEL” on Judges Bungalow Road.
study the manpower requirement.
study the operational aspects on the hotel.
study the value and regulation followed by 3 star hotels.
know the working condition in the industry.
collect the informa information tion about the manag management. ement.
study the problem during the operation.
study and learn the problem faced by each department
and give the solution solution..
METHODOLOGY:: -This project is based on the primary and METHODOLOGY secondary data collected by me from the hotel during the 22th week training period from the staff member and through work experience.
METHODOLOGY: -This primary data required for this project has seen collected by me during my training period from the staff members and through work experience.
SECONDARY DATA: -The secondary data was collected from the brochures, packages, books, journals, and magazines and from advertisement by the hotel.
LIMITATIONS: Due to ignorance of staff regarding certain inquiries.
of the
staff members
could not
information informa tion required due to fear. Lack of support provided by the staff member of the hotel .
The complete detail data was not possible due to thrower
period of training training.. Duee to th Du thee man ana age geme ment nt po poli lici cies es th they ey di did d no nott di disc sclo lose sed d
certain data to everyone. →
Staff taken trainees as a extra working hand to work in back
area are not interred in teachin teaching g them.
Judges Bungalow Road Off. S.G Road Ahmedabad PIN - 380054
[email protected]
Open House: - 24 Hours coffee shop for light shacks
Capta Ca ptains ins Ca Cabin bin (BA (BAR) R)::- Fa Faci cing ng Ba Bang ng to town wn,, serves Indian and foreign brands. (Casablanca Restaurants) COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Laundry service- 24hrs. Gift Shop. Car Rental. Doctor on call Video Game Parlour for Children. Beauty Parlour. Health Club. Magic Card. Credit Card Facilities (VISA, (VISA, Master, American Express)) Express Rejuvenation Centre Bank in the premises. The imp imperia eriall- Capa Capacity city 500 in the The Theatre atre Style Royal- Capacity 150 in the theatre style. Presidential- Room Capacity 30-40 Seats COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
24 Hours Room Service.
HISTORY hotel ” was established in 1994 with the Rs. 5 Crores. The “The pride hotel”
It is established by MR S.P JAIN. That time it has only 78rooms. Now it it has 164 164 Rooms. Rooms. The new block block which which have have suites suites and executive executive rooms, is made recently.
Front Office House Keeping F & B service F & B Production
The accommodation sector in a hotel is considered very important as it is concerned with the hotel rooms and the service of the guest to make their stay a pleasant and memorable one.
Front office is the nerve centre of a hotel and as such is an excellent place in which to gain a detailed understanding of how a modern lodging operates. A position in the front office in an ideal launching pad for future advancement in the hotel industry. Front office is responsible for the sale of the room through systematic method of reservation, assigning by registration to the costumers. This is also also term termed ed as ‘hou ‘house se of all all info inform rmat atio ion’ n’.. Fron Frontt offi office ce is also also resp respo onsib nsiblle for for gree greeti tin ng gues guestt, manag anagin ing g room roomss and and han handlin dling g complaints. Many members of the hotel staff wok behind the scenes and rarely if ever, have any personal contact with guests. In contrast the front office staffs perform its job before the public like actors on the stage. The front office in a hotel hold the prime importance in view of the basic nature of business business of a hotel i.e. to sell room revenues collected for the sale of the room is very high. A room is termed a “ sold for the day ” when a guest leaves for the rooms for the stay in the hotel. It has complementary role of image which is the first and last point of contact for every guest. If one loss at each component of a front office role one could have a better
Perceptions of this department, smaller hotels are satisfied to call it simple hotel reception.
Ther Theree is a dif differe ferent nt sec section tion in the the fron ront offic fficee which hich is cons consid ider ered ed less less than than one one to give give thei theirr best best resu result lt.. Fron Frontt offi office ce is responsible for management for a hotel. The front office is reception is placed in front of the main entrance where guest’s first communication with hotel takes place. p lace. The success of the hotel depends on the increased sale of the rooms and restaurant for which hotels requires well trained front officials. The personal personal should have a quick smile on their face and se polite with the guest. A smile brings has face and be polite with the guest. A smile brings us from mortar and brig to hospitality hospitality and friendship. friendship. Anybody ca sell rooms but front office sells hospitality. Room tariff i.e. rate charged per room is computerized of a revenue day which begins at noon at particular day and end at 1:00 has it means the hotel day is 12 noon to 12 noon of the next day. The next day in other words the rooms are tried for a revenue day which is between noon and noon. A room may be sold for a half a day as well for which special rates are applicable such rates are referred to a half day rates.
FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIDE HOTEL The front office of this hotel is situated in the ground floor and at front of the hotel. The front office is divided into fire sections according to the nature of functions. The work is carried out here in three shifts. The front office manager is the head of the department and sup and coordinates all activities done by the Front Office Staff. The telephone department is located just behind the Front Office so as to maintain good co-ordination among both departments, as they are interrelated.
Morning Shift: -
7:00 am – 3:00 pm
Afternoon Shift: -
3:00 pm – 10:00pm
Night Shift: -
10:00 pm – 7:00 am
RECEPTION OF HOTEL Front Office Manager
F.O. Supervisor
Night Auditor
The reservation section the front office is very important section because because here all the request request of the reservation reservation,, cancellation cancellation or amendment is reserved and processed. Guest rooms are hotels most perishable goods. A room not sold today is lost for ever. A room not sold in money not earned for the hotel. So, F.O. is responsible to receive and process the entire reservation reque request st becau because se 60-80 60-80% % of the the room room’s ’s sales sales take take plac placee thro throug ugh h reservation. This can be varying from hotel to hotel, which consist of following information:
Name of the prospective guest
Arrival, date and time.
Address of the guest
Time of arrival and departure
Reservation status
Billing instruction
Once a reservation reaches a hotel it must be accurately processed.
A brief description of a hotel computerized reservation system follows: -
START Formation of reservation enquiry Relating the inquiry to the rooms available Recording the details of reservation Confirming the reservation Maintain a record of all individual
Reser Re serva vati tion on is a ma majo jorr re reve venu nuee ea earn rnin ing g departmentt for a hotel. departmen
It is secon second d impo import rtan antt sub-d sub-dep epar artm tmen entt of the the fron frontt offi office ce in this this section. Reception is responsible for receiving guest with warmth and smil smile. e. The The way way in whic which h a rece recept ptio ioni nist st pres presen entt hims himsel elff or his his management to the prospective guest or outside world, and in which he claims of the people around, is an art based on experience and personal personal qualificatio qualification. n. Remember Remember that guest who frequent frequent or repent their visit to a particular hotel, the receptionist tries its best to serve them by sincerely and honestly. The reception section is responsible for regi regist stra rati tion on of the the gues guestt most hotel otelss insi insist stss on the the gues guestt registration himself in the GRL for a legal support.
In case of crew check in, at the time of regi re gist ster erin ing g th the e gu gues est, t, th the e cr crew ew ch chec eck k in sheet is also filled up. In case, of registering VIP guests, preregistering register ing is done. The
change procedure. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Discrepancy Discrepan cy report is also prepared by
and the
reception Arrivals
maintained for the accurate record. Red book is maintained for all the block listed guest and undesirable element.
Log Lo g boo ook k is mai ain ntain ined ed fo forr the imp mpor orta tant nt instructions and messages. All the staffs have to go through the log book before commencing the staff. First the receptionist asks the guest for what type of room; how many days of stay and for how many persons. Then the receptionist gives the registration card to the guest and asks for filling up the card. After filling the room no. Is assigned to the guest.
This section forms a vital part of the front office. This section is responsible for providing the guest, various information required by guest. The informatio information n includes includes the data regarding regarding the hotel faci facili litie tiess abou aboutt the the loca locali lity ty abou aboutt vari variou ouss recrea recreati tion onal al faci facili litie tiess proceeded proceeded in in the city etc. The inform information ation dictions dictions are responsi responsible ble for for maintaining alphabetical index racks. Handling of guests mail as well as insured letters, persons, messenger etc. Are taken by this section of the front office. Paging of the guest in the hotel is conducted by this sec section ion with with the the assi assist staance nce of bell bell desk desk//key handl andlin ing g is the the responsibility of the information section. The information section is work for guest as a guide. Some of the aids maintained at the information sections are as follows: Message Slips Where about slips City Guide Travel & Tour Guide Telephone directory Airline/Railway/Bus Airline/Ra ilway/Bus Time Tables Pamphlets
In my project hotel, there is a senior informationist and one junior informatio informationist nist for morning morning and one senior and one junior informationist for evening.
Lobby is an area furnished with seating arrangement
and is a meeting place whether resident or not, local immediately upon entry into the hotel building. The front office is attached to the lobby. It is first and last contact area. It is very attractive and good to look. The lobby is situated in the heart of all co-ordination between guest and hotel service. The lobby desk is managed by lobby manager who represents. GRE also carries under lobby staff. In my projected hotel, a young, smart man parted as G.R.E. is located the lobby to handle in house public relation relation with guests. He is responsible responsible for receiving receiving VIP’S VIP’S and attending to any co-ordination aspects regarding them.
CASH & BILLS: - Responsible for maintaining of the guest bills and the submissing submissing of the guest folio to the guest during their check out. Also responsible for foreign exchange. Cashier role is to post all guest charges and credits on the master bills so as to present the same, duly totalled for payment at the time of guest departure. A front office cashier is positioned beside the front office reception, most preferable in a cage in view of cash stored with him. Front office cashier post all guest folio’s accurately in time so that he/she gets enough time for getting the bills before departure of the guest. In my COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
projected projected hotel one one senior cashier cashier for morning morning and and evening evening and one junior cashier and small clerk for evening & morning.
BELL DESK: - Baggage handling of a guest during their stay and during their check out is taken care by the bell desk. Bell desk assist the the inf inform ormation tion sec section ion for for cond conduc ucti ting ng pagi paging ng.. This This sec section ion is resp respon onsi sibl blee for for the the sale sale of stat statio iona nary ry.. Post Postag age, e, Stam Stamps ps etc. etc. The The dist distri ribu buti tion on of news news pape paperr to the the gues guestt room roomss and and to the the vari variou ouss department of a hotel is handled by bell desk. Members of their team would have to be well groomed. Socially confident, physically strong, clear in communications as they are in constant contact with the guest. The bell desk carries out all “errands” of the guest as well as the departments. In my projected hotel there are 3 bell captains and 6 bell boys are there for handling the bell desk section. It is just side of main entrance in lobby. Various registers maintained at THE PRIDE HOTEL they are: -
Left luggage register C- form register Newspaper register Stationary register
TELEPH TEL EPHONE ONE AND TAL TALEX: EX: - This section of the front offi office ce mana manage gess the the telep telepho hone ne syste system m of the the hotel hotel.. This This secti section on is responsible for maintaining the individual mater bills of the guest. This section handles all incoming and outgoing local calls, trunk call etc. Both Both for gues guestt and and hote hotell arra arrang ngem emen ent. t. The The co-or o-ord dinat inatio ion n and and inte interr rrel elat atio ion n is poss possib ible le when when the the tele teleph phon onee is ther there. e. Tele Teleph phon onee exchange is normally located near the reception because of the very close relationship that used by the hotels, one in PBX .
Wake up call registe register r Log Book Complaint Comp laint Registe Register r Handling Hand ling Over register Staff calls register It is therefore, a paramount importance for all telephone operators to promptly promptly voice, the tone of which indicates indicates courtesy, courtesy, patience patience and cheerfulness.
- in the lobby, the travel counter is
situated. It is near the entrance. The presence of the travel counter is very helpful for the guest as also for tourist purpose of travel counter is that to arrange the tour for the guest. If a guest desires to travel immediately, he can contact at travel counter in charge will confirm the ticket for travel. The other functions are to confirm the tickets of the travel guests if a guest r foreigner had not confirmed the ticket, he will confirm. The next functions are to tell the time table about “Railways, Airways and Buses” to the guest. The travel counter gets the extra charge about the facilities because it is his own headache. The guest will pay for it and can get these facilities.
NIGHT AUDITOR: - the night auditor compresses and audit all revenue transactions and recognize the renew statement of all outlet with the front office.
FRONT OFFECE MANAGER To be the head of department the front office manager includes the lobby manager, the reception, the bell desk, etc. He also takes the full charge of the information’s and reservations desk.
To ensure smooth running of the department, the front office manager see that they are in proper up keep. He must also ensure that the duties of the staff are carried out efficiently. To ensure the smooth, efficient and proclaimed service is given to the guest by F/O Staff. The front office manager prepares duty renters, weekly off and sections the leaves of the staff. sta ff. The front office manager checks the functioning of various record intimation arrival list etc. At the time of expected group arrivals or VIP animals to interact the staff. The
corres rresp pondents
reser eserv vatio tions
inq inquires,
boo booking,
confirmation of booking, discounts given to the companies etc; inter departmental co-operation. The front office manager deals with the grievances of the staff as well as the guests. The front office manager is responsible for making decisions times of unusual events. The front office manager is responsible for updating the methods and technologies used in the front office as head and when there is a progress. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
FRONT OFFIVE SUPERVISOR: Check the statistical data based on room revenue and occupancy. Prepare the budget. Prepare monthly statistical with regard to complimentary room. Submits a monthly report to the Ministry of tourism. Ensure all the staff reports on time with proper grooming. Brief the staff to t o ensure maximum efficiency. Off Offerin ering g a pers person onal aliz ized ed serv servic icee to the the VIPs IPs and and to regu regula lar r customer. Check that proper room position is calculated and is sent to the reservation section. Check and sign the log boo and take follow up action. Check reservation for the day and arrivals for the day. Ensure no room keys are missing. Train the staff on existing or new policy and progressive paid down by th managemen management. t. Check whether the requests of a guest are deal properly.
Courtesy and promptly handle all reservations on phone, by mail mail and telex etc. Upda Update te the the rese reserv rvat atio ions ns rec record ord in orde orderr to have have upda update ted d and and inventory of room availability. To type out advance reservations slips and mending reservations rack and correspondence files. Carry out amendment and cancellation accurately. Keep availability “Status Chart” updated. Check reservation inquiry. Safe guard against people who make a reservation but do not arrive. Support to the F.O. management efforts to attain a full house.
FUNCTIONS OF RECEPTIONIST Be informed on daily status of rooms. Have
deta etailed
regar garding ing
arri rrival,
their eir
requirement and expected departure of the day. Check for VIPs reservations and issued VIPs amenities. Prepare all the records connected with pre-registration of VIPs old or aged people etc. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Handle group registration as per laid down procedure. To maintain satisfactory par stock of all stationary. To open out the guest folio without any delay or transfer it to the front office cashier. Maintain room rates absolutely current and update. Give all departure details to house keeping promptly. Prepare discrepancy report and ensure the proper distribution of guest rooms.
FUNCTION OF LOBBY STAFF:Maintain guest rack serial wise. Receive message for guest on telephone t elephone or personally. Handle guest mail/cells/telegrams. Handle guest package/registered/insured mail. Handle paging. Providing information to the guest. Through proper knowledge of facilities offered in the hotel. In my projected hotel there is a senior informationist and one junior inf informa ormati tion onis istt for mor mornin ning and and one one sen senior ior and and one one juni junior or informationist for evening staff. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
FUNCTIONS OF LOBBY STAFF: To prepare “lobby attendance control sheet”. To attend guest complaints. Handle guest languages on arrival and departure. To handle the postage, stamps, stationary and newspaper to the guest. To provide the medicine and doctor on emergency to the guest. Distribute the newspaper to the guest. Care about scanty baggage and left baggage. To prepare and check the room; discrepancy report.
FUNCTIONS OF BELL DESK: Handling the luggage at arrival a departure time. Running errands (small jobs). Sale of postage stamps, stationary etc. Distribution of morning news paper to the guest g uest room. In my project hotel there is a bell captain and three bell boys are there for handling the bell desk section. It is just near to the reception in that hotel. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
FUNCTIONS OF CASHIER: He is to receive payment from the guest in settlement of their bills and issue receipts. Posting the roughness into the individual skills. Looking after the deposited lockers. Operate the accounting machine and be responsible for all posting. Give changes to the customers, in cash foreign exchange except non- cash payment. Mending the records and reports specified by the management. Note telephone telephone meter reading reading in guest folio. Render account through case envelop of the end of the shifts.
INTRODUCTION In a resi reside dent ntia iall est establi ablish shm ment ent like like hote hotel, l, host hostel el etc etc, the the basi basicc requirement of the quests is accommodation. Accommodation means the facility needed for sleeping and living. Introduction to house keeping department is nothing but to introduce a majo majorr depa depart rtme ment nt of a hotel hotel,, whic which h deal dealss reall really y in runn runnin ing g whol wholee hospitality industry. It is highly labour intensive department. It creates an environment which gives the sense “ Home Away From Home ” for the guest who comes. This department runs with highest degree of efficiency. It’s true that it is non revenue producing department but having an important place in sale of each department of hotel. It is an extension of basic house keeping keeping multiplied multiplied into commercia commerciall proportion proportion.. Therefore Therefore just as we enjoy keeping a sparkling sparkling department department takes pride in keeping keeping the hotel clean and comfortable. House keeping means “To Keep the House” if we elaborate it, it means to keep the whole establishment physically physically well clean and tried to maintain maintain the aesthetic aesthetic purity purity of the department. It is not supervising that this traditional to extent to hotel as well as where the house keeping is in most cases. The concept of house COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
keeping is simplicity but one consider maintaining house a sever several al unde underr room room and and nume numero rous us publ public ic area. area. The The task task beco become mess gigantic. It takes a well organized approach and technical understanding to enable house keeping coping with the volume of work. It is a highly labour intensive department. It creates an environment which gives the sense “House Away From Home ” for the guest who comes.
IMPORTANCE OF HOUSE KEEPPING:House ouse keep keepin ing g means eans keep keepin ing g clea clean n not not onl only on self self but but one’ one’ss surroundings. Housekeeping is one of the world’s ancient and honoured occupations. Its has been exercised by every nation is every latitude. Since the time immemorial, yet cleanliness is still a catchword and slogan of today as one can be pleased in dirty surroundings, particularly in a hotel where people pay for a shorter time. Therefore cleanliness is must in a hotel. Although cleanliness entails a constant reputation day today and seems dull and boring. To some extent this is true obvious 11 of course do you wash yourself everyday. Do you you find find this this proc proces esss bori boring ng or refr refres eshi hing ng.. Dirt Dirty y body body,, dirt dirty y surroundings, and lazy mind all go together. They are scored s cored by all right thinking people. As both refreshes body, similarly cleanliness radiates cheer and provide a safe less to sit and work, no room is going to be sold unless its not perfectly perfectly clean. House keeping keeping creates creates an important important part in selling selling of COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
room checks the cleanness of both inner and outer surface and set the standard of cleanliness.
HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT OF THE PRIDE HOTEL Existing H.K. Dept of “The pride hotel” The main house keeping dept. Is on the first floor of the hotel. It is further divided into four parts. There are four supervisors, one of each part. All those four supervisors supervisors are headed by the supervisors supervisors of the hotel” hotel has a very house keeping department. The “The pride hotel”
effi effici cien entt staff staff the the hous housee keepi keeping ng depar departm tmen entt main mainta tain inss a good good cocoordination with other departments of the hotel.
SUB DEPARTMENTS OF HOUSE KEEPING DEPARTMENT DESK CONTROL ROOM: - this is the main communication cent centre re of the the hous housee keep keepin ing g depa depart rtme ment nt.. It is from from here here that that all all information is sent out and received concerning the department. It is the nerve centre co-ordination with F.O, Banquet etc.
The desk control room should have a desk and a chair with preferably, preferably, more than than one one telephone. telephone. It should should have have a large notice board to pin pin up staf stafff sche schedu dule le,, day day toda today y inst instrructi uction on or any any rel relevan evantt information etc. The desk control room is a point where all staff report for their duty and check out the duty end. It would normally adjoin the executive house keeper’s office.
LINEN ROOM: - this is the room where current linen is stored for issue and receipt. The room should be large airy free from heat and humidity. It should have adequate shelves easily accessible. To stock all linen, It should be secure and after no possibilities of pilferage. The linen room should have a counter across which is an exchange of linen linen take take plac place. e. The The room room shoul should d be prefe prefera rabl bly y adjo adjoin inin ing g by the the laundry so that the supply of linen to and from laundry is quick and smooth. Only authorized personnel working in the linen room should be permitted permitted to enter it.
this room stocks the uniform in current
use. It is possible that smaller hotels may choose combined the uniform room. A separate uniform readily depends upon the volume of uniform in circulations. The only difference between that the uniform room would gave adequate hanging facilities. As many uniforms are best maintained when hang.
This room stores the
stock of new linen cloth material for uniforms etc. The stock maintained should be enough to replenish the hotel once over. However, there stocks are only touched when. The current linen in circulated falls short due to damages or lost. The room should be cool and dry. It should be provided with shelves and racks to the store all linen and uniforms. Larger hotels have enough space for an independent uniform store in addition to a linen store.
LAUNDRY: - here it is important to know that holiday home is not running its own private laundry means it is not having its own laundry. This work is contracted out.
TAILOR TAI LORS S ROO ROOM: M: -This room is kept for the house tailors who attend to the stitching and mending work of linen and uniforms. If the house policy is to contact out all tailoring a mending. Works the tailor room could be avoided. The tailor works is also contracted out.
This This shou shoulld be a
smaller space away from through far. Secure, cool and dry with a cupboard to store all guests articles that are lost and may be claimed later.
FLOOR PANTRIES: - Each guest floor most has floor pantry to keep a supply of linen, guest supplies and cleaning supply for the cloths. It is the nerve ne rve centre for the floor. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
The floor pantry should have one complete set of linen for that a floor over and above what is in circulation in the room. The pantry should be away from guest view and situated at the service landing near the service elevators. It should have shelves and compose to stock all linen and supplies.
This will be a room to
store bulky such as vacuums cleaner, shampoo, machines, ladder for chandeliers or window cleaning etc. The room should be clean and dry. It should also be securely loved to avoid stealing or pilferage by other department .
Daily occupancy report is send by front office to house keeping desk and course the house keeping room standard report is also send by the house keeping department to the front office, so that standard of room could be arranged from vacant dirty to vacant clean.
A main mainten tenan ance ce struc structu ture re of room room is also also main mainta tain ined ed in hous housee keeping reports which change the standard of room from under maintenance to vacant clean. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
If there is any discrepancy between both departments e.g. if housekeeping report is showing a particular room occupied and fron frontt offi office ce showi showing ng that that room room chec checko kout. ut. It can can be clear cleared ed in between between the the relationsh relationship ip of of both the departm department. ent.
In case of VIP arrival, it is informed by front office department to house keeping in advance so that any special arrangement like flower arrangement could be done.
FOOD AND BEVERAGES: Food and beverages outlets come in public area. The cleaning of thes thesee public area reas is the resp esponsibil bility of house keep eeping department. If any function is going to be held that be is to be informed in advance by F & B department so that any special arrangement or through cleaning could be done. The supply of all cleaned linen on behalf of dirties like trills; table cloth, wiping cloths and napkin are exchanged by laundry a house keeping department.
ordination with personnel department for the recruitment of the staff, training, salary, administration, identity card etc. For the staff.
PURCHASE DEPARTMENT: -House keeping co-ordinates with engineering department for the maintenance of furniture, fixture COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
and plumbing system etc. Daily maintenance report of rooms is sent to the maintenance department at the end of every shift so that any maintenance if required could be completed. The house keeping department with its compliments of chamber mates, laundry mates, linen keeper, floor porter and part time cleaner, under the supervision of house keeper and her assistants.
HIERARCHY Executive House Keeper Assistant House keeper
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EXECUTIVE HOUSE KEEPER Directly reports to the area manager. Responsible for keys of the department. Completion of duty worker, ways sheet etc. Checking for cleanliness of officer. Engagement, dismissal and welfare of staff. Dealing with lost property. Keeping inventories and record of the equipments. Control and supervisions of the work of laundry and room. Checking for room occupancy list, checking of all maintenance.
Making a budget for the stock of line, guest supplies etc. Whenever required. Co-ordinates with other departments. Attends all the departments’ heads meeting. Daily brief the supervisor and other staff .
DUTIES AND RESPONSIBLITIES OF ASSISTANT HOUSEKEEPER Directly report to the executive house keeper. Take care of the cleaning schedules. Chec Ch ecks ks in inco com min ing g su supp pply ly of it item ems. s. Sto tore re in th thee li line nen n and uniform room and keeping stores.
My projected hotel “ The The pr pride ide ho hotel tel” ” has one assistant house keeper for each shift. He manages the resources given by the executive hous housee keep keeper er to achi achiev evee the the comm ommon obj objecti ectiv ve of clean leanllines inesss maintenance and attractiveness is a given shift. His accountability ends on the completion of his shift.
THE PRIDE HOTEL Cleaning of rooms. Cleaning of public areas. Removing the soiled linen and stationary to all other departments. Issu Is suin ing g un unif ifor orms ms,, li line nen n an and d st stat atio iona nary ry to al alll other department. Checks for lost and found in departure room. Co-ordinating with other department especially front
departure room. Preparing the room report. Maintaining the garden and pots in the hotel. Dealing with guest complaints and requests. Checking
luggage, guest and staff rooms. Co-or Coordin dinati ating ng wit with h eng engin inee eer r for any fau faults lts in public area and rooms. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
equipments an decoration and other relevant details of the department.
WEEKLY CLEANING PROCEDURE: Polishing Glassware Scrubbing of bathroom tiles Pest control Laundry at all curtains Scrubbing sheer curtains Cycling potted plants with nursery Sanitary control Carpet shampoo TYPES OF REGISTER AND FILESMAINTAINED BY THE HOUSE EEPING DEPARTMENT: -
MESSAGE REGISTER: - All the messages are taken and a record is kept in the messages registers. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
ROOM CHECK LIST: -A list is made of what all things should be checked while cleaning a room alone with room numbers. The person who clean the room will fill in the list of submits it to the supervisor.
ROOM LINEN CONTROL FORM: -This form is made in triplicate form requisition of linen, one copy sent to linen room, one to laundry and there is a copy book.
ROOM REPORT: - A report is made by house keeping at least 3 times a day to give the status of the room with the number of guests and same to the reception.
GUEST SUPPLY CONTROL REGISTER: - This register is maintained to keep control of guest suppliers kept in rooms. It helps in further budgeting. item which ich is STOR ST ORE E RE REQU QUIS ISITI ITION ON FO FORM RM:: - For any item required from the store, a store requisition form is to be filled up and should be given, to the authorized by executive house keepers.
MAINTENANCE ORDER: -A maintenance order is prepared to control and sent to engineers to rectify any fault in the great rooms or public areas.
F & B LINEN EXCHANGE: - This form is used for exchanging soiled linen for fresh linen by the room and beverage outlets. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
OTHER FORMS AND REGISTERS: Master Key’s register Linen room log book Uniform stock registers Guest suppliers log book Uniform laundry summary Log book Memo book Stationary supply registers
PAR STOCK: -Par Par stoc stock k is the the maxi maximu mum m line linen n and and unif unifor orm ms requ requir ired ed to need need the the dail daily y requ requir irem emen ents ts so as to ensu ensure re smoo smooth th operations.
IMPORTANCE: To make correct and efficient investment of capital To ensure proper supply at all times COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
To help in effective budgeting To help in effectiv effectivee inventory taking To bring about manageable control To pr prev even entt ov over er st stoc ock kin ing g an and d th ther ereb eby y av avoi oid d ch chan ance cess of spoilage during storage.
FIRST AID: -It is important for all house keeping personnel to know about first aid, as they could be the first ones in the spot to give immediate attention to guest and also employees.
LAUNDRY SERVICES: - The relationship between H/K is very significant for the smooth functioning at house keeping service. The impo import rtan ance ce of laund laundry ry is inev inevit itab able le as it proc process ess soil soiled ed line linen n and and uniforms and supplies house keeping with clean stocks on daily basis to maintain high standards of H/K personnel laundry to fully understand its importance and contribution.
Cleaning of a departure room . Cleaning of bathroom. Windows cleaning. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Cleaning of carpet and making bed etc. Cleaning of whole corridor like however all the corridor and clean it with a carpet brush. Cob Co b we webb bbin ing g in wh whol ole e co corr rrid idor or wi with th co cobw bweb eb stick.
QUALITIES OF H/K STAFF: Personal grooming Personal hygiene Honesty
INTRODUCTIN Food and beverages service department is that where we must consider how to organize the service of cooking food. Which is one part of the game? Many times it is not the food but the great show in the service which attracts and wins the guest to your side. Hence, prompt and courteous services should be the motto of the F & B service staff. Food and beverages services are also known as hospitality catering service. This is the second revenue earning department in the hotel. The The hotel hotel and and cater caterin ing g or hotel hotel and and food food servi service ce indu indust stry ry is now now becoming becoming widely known as the hospitality hospitality industry. industry. The industry industry is usually defined by its output of products, which satisfy demand for food drinks
manufacturing and retailing. Central to the industry is the need for operational personnel who are gene genera rall lly y divi divide ded d into into food food divi divisi sion on staf staff. f. The The oppo opport rtun unit itie iess for for advancement in food and beverage service are many position exist such as restaurant manager, banquet manager, station head establishment in which one finally decides to work is available in hotels and restaurants, cateri catering, ng, residen residentt cateri catering, ng, transp transport ort caterin catering g and outdoo outdoorr cateri catering, ng, banquet banquet manager, manager, station station head establishme establishment nt in which one finally finally decides to work is available in hotels and restaurants, catering, resident catering, transport catering and outdoor catering.
Once again it all depends on the individuals and on the type of catering in which one is more interested. Also there are more chances to see the world and travel around the countries of one’s choice by land. Sea or air, in such capacities as area or group manager, air steward, first steward, travelling on liners, public transport and soon. In this way a wealth of experience may be gathered by seeing the methods of food and and beve bevera rage ge serv servic icee in othe otherr coun countr trie ies. s. Mana Manage gem ment ent has has many many responsibilities. This includes the economics of menu casting portion control, wastage of food, customer staff relation, labour shortages and staff training. If good relation exists between management and staff, then problems should be pleasing to the customer. The food services staffs play an important part in the achievements of such good relations. Since they are in contact with the customer and with management, their conduct influence the running of the establishment and the atmosphere created for the customer. A part from sales of rooms, the hotel also sells other service like swimming pool, health club, banquet halls, food and restaurants and other services, outlets and the liquor in the bar.
TYPES OF FOOD AND BEVERAGES OPERATIONS: The industry provides million of meals per day in a variety of types of operations. Theses can be sent in the standard classification (SIS). The SIS attempts to describe the industry and it is widely used to classify officials statistics. However these are number of hospitality activities are described by SIS. Some of them are as follows: Catering service auxiliary to higher education COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Catering service auxiliary to schools Soup kitchens Social and residents homes Cate Ca teri ring ng se serv rvic icee au auxi xili liar ary y to ed educ ucat atio iona nall an and d vo voca cati tion onal al training not elsewhere specified.
SECTOR OF THE FOOD AND BEVERAGES SERVICE INDUSTRY: The standard industrial classification indicates that there are many types of food and beverage operations it also indicates that some operations are primarily concerned with discussion of food and drink for e.g.: restaurants and take always where as other operations it the provisions of food and drink is part of another business e.g.: welfare and industrial catering.
Hotels and other tourists accommodations: Purpose Purp ose::
accommodation Restaurants: -Including conventional, specialist, carriers, themed
and ethnic Popular Pop ular cate catering ring: - Including cafes, pizza huts, wimpy, grills
coffee shops, little chefs and steak houses. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Fast food: -E.g. -E.g. MC Donald’s, Burger King Purpose Purp ose:: -Prov Provis isio ion n of food food and and drin drink k in high highly ly spec specia iali lize zed d
environment characterized by high investment, high labour casts and vast customer through put. Take Ta ke aw away ay: - Indu Indulg lgin ing, g, ethn ethnic ic,, spud spuds, s, KFC, KFC, shakes shakes,, chip chips, s,
sandwich bars, kiosks. Purpose Purp ose::-Provisions of food and drink quickly. Retails stores:-Provisions of food and drink for people on large
scale, adjust to provision of retailing. Banqueting// conference/ exhibitions: Banqueting Purpose:- Provision of food and drink for people on large scale,
usually precooked. Leisure attraction: -E.g. Theme parks , galleries, theatres, airline
terminals Purpose Purp ose:: -Prov Provisi ision on of food food and and drin drink k for for peopl peoplee engag engaged ed in
another leisure pursuit. Motor way service stations: -Provisions of food together with
petrol services services for motor motor way travellers travellers often in isolated isolated locations. locations. Wel elfa fare: re: -Includ Including ing hospit hospitals, als, school schools, s, colleg colleges, es, universi universitie ties, s,
forces, priors and other welfare
Industria Indu striall cate catering ring:: -Eith Either er in hous housee opera perati tion onss or
provided provided by catering catering contractor contractor.. Provision Provision of food and drink for people people at work. work. Licensed Lice nsed tra trade: de: - Including public houses, urine bars, licensed
clubs and members club Purpose Purp ose:: - Provision of food and drink in environmental dominated
by licensing licensing requireme requirements. nts. →
Transport: -Including railways airline, marine.
Outdoor catering:- Provision of food and drink away from home.
Room service
Banquets Bar
Coffee shop
Asst. Manager Senior Captain
Asst. Banquet
Senior Captain
Asst. Manager Manager
Senior captain Captain
Senior Sales exe
Captain Captain
Senior Captain
Senior Steward Steward Steward Sommelier
Senior Steward
Senior Steward senior Steward
Steward Or Res. Hostess
Trainees Trainees
FOOD AND BEVERAGAGES PERSONNEL Food Fo od & Be Beve verrage ges s Ma Man nag ager er:: -The The food ood & bev bevera erage manager is either responsible for implementation of agreed policy or for contributing to the setting of catering policies, the food & beverage manager is responsible for: COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
He ensures that required profit margins are achieved for each food and beverages service areas in each financial period. Updating and compiling new wire lists according to availability of stock, current trends and customer needs. Compiling in liaison with the kitchen, menus for various food services areas and for special occasions. The purchasing of all materials materials food and drink Ensures that quality in relation to selling price. Employing and dismissing staff. Department training and promotions plus the maintenance of the highest professional standards. Holding regular meeting with section needs to ensure all areas are working efficiently and well co-ordinate Responsible to deputy general manager or general manager of hotel for the well moving of his food and beverages department.
respons responsibi ibilit lity y for the organi organizat zation ionss and admini administr strati ation on of particu particular lar food and beverage service area. It is the restaurant manager who sets the standard of service and is responsible for any staff training that may have to be carried out on or off the job. He/She make out duty roaster, holiday lists and hours on and off so that all the service area run COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
effi effici cien entl tly y and and smoo smooth thly ly.. He is resp respon onsi sibl blee to food food and and beverages beverages manager manager for his his work. work.
RECEPTION HEAD WAITER: -This staff member is responsible for accepting booking and for keeping the dairy up to date. He/She will reser reserve ve and and allo alloca cate te these these reser reserva vati tion onss to part partic icul ular ar stati station ons, s, the the reception head waiters greets on arrival and takes them to the table and make them to sit. He is responsible to restaurant manager for his work.
HEAD WAITER: -This person has overall charges of the staff and is responsible for seeing that all the duties necessary for the preparation for the services are effectively carried our and nothing is forgotten. He is responsible to reception headwaiter during services and will possible take some orders if station waiter is busy.
-The station head waiter has overall
responsibility for a team serving a set number of tables, which could be anything from 4 to 8 pm from one side board the set of tables under the station head waiter control is called station. He is responsible to head waiter and reception head waiter for his work.
WAITER/SERVER:-He may do a little service of either vegetable or sauces and also offers rolls, places plates upon the tables and so on and helps to clean the table after each course. He is responsible to station waiter for his work.
TRAINEE/A TRAIN EE/APPR PPRENTIC ENTICE: E: -The trainee is he ‘learner’ having just joined the food service service staff and and possibly possibly wishing wishing to take take up services services as COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
a career. This person will keep side board well filled with equipment and may help to fetch up and carry items as required.
FLOOR SERVICES STAFF: -Floor service staff is responsible for the services of all meals and beverages throughout the day on each floor to the guests. If a full floor services were in operation the staff would consist of a head floor waiter with the appropriate number of floors waiters. The staff would normally work from a floor pantry or from central kitchen.
LOUNGE STAFF: - Lounge staff may deal with lounge service as specific duty only in a first class establishment as ‘centaur’. In this establishment lounge staffs are responsible for the service of morning coffee, afternoon teas, aperitifs and liquors before and after both lunch and dinner and any coffee/tea required re quired after meals.
WINE WAITER: -The waiter is responsible for the service of all alcoholic drink during the service of meals he must be a sales person. He should have a through knowledge of all drinks to be served of all best wine is going with a certain certain tired and of the licensing licensing laws in respect of all the particular establishment and area.
CASHIER: - The food and beverage cashier is responsible for the taking of the food and beverage operation. This may include making up bills from food and drink checks checks or alternating alternating in a cafeteria cafeteria for e.g. charging customer for their selection of items and a tray.
BANQUETIN BANQ UETING G STAFF: -In estab establi lishm shmen entt with with func functi tion on cate caterring ing fac facilit ilitie iess thes thesee woul would d nor normally ally be cert certaain numbe umberr of permanent permanent staff. staff. These would include one or two banqueting banqueting managers one or two assistant banqueting managers one or two head waiters with several waiters. All other banqueting staff required is normally engaged on a casual basis.
Restaurants: -This multi cuisine restaurant offers the delicacies of across the border as well as the spicy Indian authentic food. It is also covers set up facing AHMEDABAD view. The day brings up the whole restaurant fresh and fills it up with enthusiastic crowd. And as the desk amount the world it transforms into a copy romantic scene which undoubtedly is an ideal place for romantic candle light dinner. The ambience created is a perfect place for families to talk over the tables. To assist the guest to relish the cuisines, we have a brigade of professional professionally ly trained staff equipped equipped with serving serving their versatile versatile guest and their need. The clientele is business and leisure the menu is build up as a- la- carte and the outlet is divided into two stations. In the the rest restau aura rant nt,, side side boar board d with with equi equipp pped ed with with prop proper er cutl cutler ery, y, salamander, plate heater, wiped glasses rack, menu card, tables and chairs and all the serving equipments are present 20 member staff works in that restaurant, like this Restaura Restaurant nt manager manager -1 COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Senior captain
Restaurant hostess
Senior steward
Café Treat: - Café Treat is a high type of restaurant. The food is served in the evening. Beverages are also served. It is 120 covers set up restaurant. In the bar-be-que a stall tandoor counter is there. The guest can take the tandoori snacks with the beverages. One captain with two captains with 1 hostess and 6 stewards and 2 senior stewards serves the food to the guests in the open restaurant.
Casablanca: -
It’s a 80 cover set up facing Ahmedabad view
with astonishing music which keeps you live all the time. It only serves light light snack snackss and and some some alaala-ca cart rtee menu menu from from Indi Indian an,, Chin Chinese ese,, and and continental kitchen. The bar man of the bar posses of good knowledge of beverages and are well versed in presenting exotic and shooters to the guest. In that bar so many cock tails from different countries are served. There are more than150 cocktails are served.
Room Ro om Se Serv rvic ice: e: - One One more more sect sectio ion n of food food and and beve bevera rage gess department is the room service. This provides food to the guest in his room. The room is priced slightly more than that of the restaurant since the food is being served in the room. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Even though this is not a revenue earning department, it serves for the customer’s happiness. The room service is centralized. The room service cabin as situated very near to the kitchen which helps in taking the food as quickly as possible... then selling and K.O.T system followed. There are 2 rooms service captain, 2 order taker, 8 stewards and 2 cashier are responsible for serving the food in the rooms.
Banquet: - This is the most revenue caring outlet of food and beverage beverage department. department. About 40% of the revenue revenue comes from banquet banquet in this department. There are banquet halls in this hotel named Regency hall, dragon’s hall, VIP’s lounge, and two board rooms. The The banq banque uett hall hallss are are used used for for vari variou ouss purp purpos oses es like like conf confer eren ence ce,, seminars, reception; interview etc. The capacities of the whole banquet hall are in the range of 100 to 2000. The staffs here are very hard working to meet the challenges of the service.
Imper Im perial ial:: -
Add Add the the spun spunk k to your your busin usines esss or sign signif ific icaant
occasions with the state-of-the-art facilities at Imperial, a flawlessly designed venue that can play host to nearly 500-1000 guests. This hall – IMPERIAL 1 and IMPERIAL is divided into two breakaway halls – IMPERIAL 2. The The form former er can can cont contai ain n 225225-25 250 0 gues guests ts whil whilst st the the latt latter er can can
accommodate around 150-175 guests.
The Roy Royal: al:
- As the the nam name sugg sugges ests ts,, the the sett settiing is
magnificent regal one occupying 90-150 guests. Be a part of the royal realm realm as you you celeb celebra rate te happ happy y mome moment ntss or make make cruc crucial ial busin busines esss designs.
Presid Pre siden entia tial: l: -
Excl Exclus usiv ivit ity y is the the subs substa tanc ncee of this this venu venue. e.
Intended for events held by exclusive guests, with a capacity for 30-40 people, people, the Presidential is all about a bout experiencing exceptionality.
Chancery: - Listen a 100 times, ponder a thousands times. Speak once’. Elaborately designed for nearly 100 refined guests.
Majestic: - This venue exemplifies a rare splendour and grandeur occupying about 50-75 guests.
Senate: -
Located on the second floor neighbouring the Royal
hall. Designed to hold private parties and gathering, it can comfortably embrace 30-35 guests.
Boardroom: -
No other area could be more suitable suitable for a
classified meeting of board directors or any other imperative corporate meeting. The boardroom space allows a gathering of 15-20 executives.
Staff reports on duty. Captain briefs the staff on duty Mis-en-scene and Mis -en- place is done The staffs are ready for the guest after sufficient knowledge about the menu of the day.
After Restaurant Opens: -Staff greets the guest and load to the tables, services is started.
WORK FLOW ACTIVITIES IN THE BANQUETS: Rec eceeiv ivin ing g the orde derr on te tele lep phon onee th thro rou ugh fax, mail or personally. Function prospectus is filled up. Function sheet for next day is prepared. Copies it function sheet all circulated among various department, department, concerned. Mis-en-place for the service is set-up. Food is prepared accordingly. Buffet is served as per the procedures earlier agreed upon.
Received the order on the telephone. Take down all the details of food and room number. Prepare K.O.T. and send it to the kitchen. Take a continental tray and set it up and take the food. Taking the bills and get it signed it by the guest. Thee ch Th chec eck k or bi bill ll is ve veri rifi fied ed fo forr si sign gnat atur uree an and d en entr trie iess ar aree stored in the register.
Billing Procedure Followed: -Kitchen order ticket (K.O.T.) is raised for guests and non chargeable K.O.T’s (NC KOT) are raised for departmental heads.
K.O.T has four copies: Yellow to the kitchen. Red to the cashier. Pink is to the guest. White is retained in the K.O.T book for auditing purpose. purpose.
The The red red copie opiess are are send sendin ing g to the the cash cashie ierr and and for acc account ountss department. From red copies all the details are posted to the master bill of of the guest and paymen paymentt is receiv received ed afterwa afterwards. rds.
FILES & REGISTERS MAINTAINED: Kitchen order ticket (K.O.T): -K.O.T is made in quadric plicate, plicate, one copy to the guest, second to the cashier, third to the kitchen and fourth remains in the book for auditing purpose.
Long book : -Any information’s to be passed to another person in the next shift is entered in this book.
Linen Exchange Form: Form: -For the exchange of soiled linen, this form is filled up and sent to the house keeping department.
Material Requisition Form: Form: -This is used for requisition for various material, stationary, menu cards, etc.
Interdepa Inter departm rtment ental al Tran Transfer sfer Slip Slip:: -As a prove of transfer of items from one area to another area, this slip is filled up. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
DAILY WORK ROUTINE Cleaning of the restaurant area and back areas. Mis-en-place & Mis-en-scene is done. Settings side station. Bracing the jug etc (if required). Checking if any cutlery needs silver plating. Laying the covers. Attending Attendin g the guest complain complaints. ts. Taking the order of food and beverages. Services to the guest. Cleaning of soiled plates, cutlery ad crockery.
Every hotel has revenue producing areas namely room and resta restaur uran ant. t. The The form former er offe offers rs acco accomm mmod odat atio ions ns and later later food food and and beverages beverages for sales. The beverages beverages basically basically comes from the bar and food is prepared in kitchen is known as food production. The purpose of this department is to produce right quantity of food at the same time maintaining the high standard of quality of the hotel. To operate a trade kitchen efficiency. It is necessary for the whole system to operate in the plan a co-ordinate manner not only with in the kitchen staff but also with the service department. Food Food and and bev beverag eragee depa depart rtm ment ent cont contri ribu bute tess a majo majorr shap shapee to the the management is total revenue. The major functions of this department are beginning the preparation of food and beverages of various service outlets and for the guest in the room. The various section of the kitchen is Indian, Continental, Chinese, and Bakery etc.
HIERARCHY OF F & B PRODUCTION STAFF: Executive Chef Assistant Executive Chef
Relief Chef Staff Chef Guard Chef Pastry Chef Vegetable Chef Demi
Chef de parties
Trainees Commi-2
Roast Chef Restaurant Chef Sauce Chef Oriental Chef The production department of “The pride hotel” covers the large area area with with lots lots of space space betwe between en each each kitc kitche hen. n. These These are are diff differ eren entt department of kitchen: Indian kitchen Chinese kitchen COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Italian kitchen Oriental kitchen Staff kitchen Thai kitchen Bakery Main kitchen
In my project hotel, this is the hierarchy of F & B production department.
Kitchen Chef Ch ef De Pa Part rtie iess
Chef Ch ef De Pa Part rtie iess
Cnef Cn ef De Pa Part rtie iess
Bake Ba kery ry
Chef Ch ef
Chef De Parties Commis
Commis Trainees
1) Pantry: - It is attached to the main kitchen in the hotel. This section is responsible for various snacks, juice, ice-cream, coffee, tea, sandwiches, salads and other non-alcoholic beverages.
Equipme Equi pments nts Use Used:d:-Blender, Blender, mixer, mixer, toaster toaster,, salama salamande nder, r, tutor hot cases, refrigerator, deep freezer, knives and peeler.
2) Continental: -Food from European countries is prepared in this section. It is situated in the main kitchen. The section is responsible for the continental food like pizza, burger, hotdog etc. This section prepares the continental food order for restaurant and room service.
Equipments Used: -Mixer, Refrigerator, Non- stick pans, fresh fries cutter, wooden spatulas, ladder, knives and peelers, slier.
3) Chinese: -The Chinese kitchen prepares all types of Chinese food. This kitchen was situated on the back side of the Indian and continental section, Chinese food includes noodles, Manchurians, fried rice, Chinese soups etc. This also the busiest section.
4) Indian: - The Indian kitchen prepares north Indian, south Indian and door dishes. All Indian foods and prepared in this section. The Indian kitchen has 3 chefs –de parties and commis, tandoori dishes
come comess from from the the tand tandoo oorr secti section on then then it is mixe mixed d with with Indian gravy and prepared dishes.
Equi Eq uipm pmen ents ts Us Used ed:: -Deep Deep fat fat frye fryer, r, Buff Buffal alo o Chop Choppe per, r, Spicer, Boiling pans, deep and shallow frying pans, ladder, wet grinder, mixer, refrigerator etc.
5) Tandoor: - This This section section is respons responsibl iblee to prepare prepare tandoor tandoorii dishes like chicken kabab, chicken tikka and Indian breads like Nan, roti and and paratha. paratha.
6) Bakery: -It is situated in the main kitchen but at the corner. Confectionary is also attached with bakery. This department is responsible for preparing cakes, pastries, chocolates; breads etc and and spec specia iall case casess orde orderr and and deco decora rati tion on are are also also done done by this this section. Oven, mould, mould, piping piping bags, bags, blender blender,, Equipments Used: -Oven, whiskies, mixer, wooden graduals, baking sheet etc.
7) Butchery: -This section is separately from the main kitchen. In this various cuts of key, lamb, chicken, pork and fish was done to supply for ala carte of the restaurant and banquets.
8) Cold & Fruit Section: - In this all the cold dishes are stores in the refrigerator, Fruit section also combined with this, fruit chat, fruit salad etc, are made in this section.
Flow of Activity: Whenever the guest orders for any dish the KO.T is prepared. It is prepared in triplicate. 1st copy for kitchen 2nd copy for steward 3rd copy remains in book for accounting. accounting.
When steward comes in the kitchen along with the guest order he is used sed to sho show or handed over the the K.O K.O.T. to the chef by announcing order loudly. After getting the K.O.T. the guest order is made in the kitchen and
place it over the pickup pickup counter counter where the food (fully prepares with garnish) is placed under the heat so that if the steward takes
more time. So collect it, the food remains hot.
The copy of K.O.T. is maintained sagely. By the help of this the food is prepared by the chef. Full hygienic practices should be followed while cooking.
1. Store Requisition Book: - This book is maintained to obtain raw material from the store. It has details like items, etc. This is made in duplicate: -
1st copy to store.
2nd copy is retained.
2. Daily Perishable Order Sheet: - In this all the records or purchase purchase of of perishabl perishablee commodi commodities ties are taken. taken.
3. K.O.T: -The steward gives the order placed by the guest in the kitchen order ticket. This is mad in triplicate one copy goes to kitch kitchen, en, 2nd copy copy to serv servic icee depa deparrtmen tmentt and and 3rd to acco accoun untt department. HOTEL” it is Main Kitchen: -In my projected hotel “THE PRIDE HOTEL”
the place where the bulk food items are produced and distributed to various gravies are:•
White gravy Yoghurt based for kofta.
Makhanii gravy tomato based used for chicken dishes. Makhan
Kadai gravy used for vegetable dishes.
Each secti ectio on in the the main kitc itchen was respo sponsib sible for the production production of items related related to that kitchen. kitchen. this main kitchen kitchen of THE PRIDE HOTEL is located on the ground floor of the hotel.
Thus Thus the the kitc kitche hens ns dire direct ctly ly conn connec ected ted with with room room servi service cess and and banquets. banquets. Dish Dish washing washing area is also near the kitchen kitchen itself.
Function of Executive Chef: He carries full responsibility about the kitchen Supervise the work in the kitchen Compile the menu and work over it Co-o Co -ord rdin inat atee wit ith h pu purc rcha hase se ma mana nage gerr fo forr pu purc rcha hase se of ra raw w materials Make a physical check on delivery of raw material Resp Re spon onsib sibili ility ty fo forr st staf affi fing ng in ki kitc tche hen n an and d co comp mpil ilee a du duty ty roaster Ensure proper hygienic method to be followed while cooking
Sous Chef: He assists the executive chef. Directly report to the executive chef. Responsibility Responsib ility for daily functioning functioning of the whole kitchen kitchen.. Responsibility Responsib ility for organizing the menu for the banquet. He ge gets ts all th thee ri righ ghts ts of ex ex-c -che heff and ta take kess a de deci cisi sion on in absence of ex-chef. Ensure that food is prepared at time for banquet when the order comes from any guest. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Chef De Parties: -For
different different sections sections a separate separate
chef is there. Pantry chef is responsible for the smooth working in part party y and and pre repa para rati tion on of all all item itemss pr prop oper erly ly.. In th thee same same way way Indian chef for Indian kitchen and soon and supervise the work of commis and trainees.
Commis: They assist the chef be parties. Do all the Mis-en-plac Mis-en-place. e. They are the people who do actual work in the kitchen.
Purchasing & Receiving Engineering & Maintena Maintenance nce Sales & Marketing Accounting Accounting & Financing Security COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Personnel Kitchen Stewarding
PURCHASING & RECEIVING The main function of this department is to purchase good quality of perishable perishable and non perishable perishable commoditi commodities. es. The purchase purchase manager manager has to personally venture into the market to final these respective supplies. He is the sale authority to sign contracts (both long term as well as short term contracts). contracts).
In THE PRIDE HOTEL the purchase of perishable as well as non perishable perishable commodity commodity sure done on contract contract bases. All the perishable perishable items are supplied by the suppliers regularly in the morning by their own vehicles. The purchase manager n authorized for signing the contracts. All All the the purc purcha hase se supe superv rvis isio ion n is assi assign gned ed the the duty duty to rece receiv ivee the the commodities sent by the suppliers. The purchase department of “THE si ttua uate uaated the back ba ck side of the the hote hotel ll.. The Th e PRIDE HO PRIDE HOTEL TEL” is sit situ ted at the bac ck side tel. The purchase purchase department department of the hotel works works from 8 am in the morning morn ing mornin g to 5 pm in the evening evening
Purchase Manager Purchase Supervisor Store keeper
Functions: Functions: 1) Food is received received and checked. 2) To invite tenders and evaluate them. 3) To make list of items to be purchased. 4) To send a purchase order to suppliers. 5)
Payment of Payment of labour and transport .
Purchase order: -Purchase order is placed by the buyer to the dealer
or seller i.e. by the hotel to the dealer. Purchase Specification: - The detail such as Quantity, size, weight etc.
To be mentioned the items put for order. Unit Pu Unit Purc rcha hase sed: d: -Stoc Stock k item item giv given to the the gues guestt are are purc purch h ased assed ed rcha hase d
generally complimentary items such as shaving kit, soaps, slippers, shampoos, moisturing cream etc. Daily Purchased: -This item is purchased daily. This includes fish.
Periodical Purchase: -Purchase made once in two months, six
months or more. The item purchases include the cane food, tin food. This is how to the purchasing department does their function. R ecei ec eiv vin ing g an and d Mai aint nten enan ance ce:: -The The m ain aiin resp respon onsi sibi bili ty the Rece Re ceiv ivin mai ma billity lit ity y o off the
depa depart rtm m ent en the hand handli ling ng of good goodss at the the time time of deli deliv v ery erry y and and rtme ment ntt is the live very chec checki king ng whet whethe herr the the quan quanti tity ty receiv received ed is in equi eq uili libri brium um with with the the equil uilib ibri rium quantity order. The prices stated on the delivery note are accordance with the price purchase order form.
Functions: Functions: 1) To make accurate record of items in the goods received book. 2) To check for the damage of food. 3) To check the perishable of food. 4) To check the perishable le items. the perishab 5) To check the quality and quantity of the item at the delivery time. Daily Dail y Rec ecei eiv vin ing g Rec ecor ord: d: -This is the record made daily for
purchasing purchasing being done four copies is made 1st copy for payment in account, 2nd copy for F & B control, 3rd copy to store, 4th copy remain in the book.
Main Mainten tenan ance cee of prod produc ucti tion on faci facili liti ties es is very very impo import rtan antt for for inte tena nanc nce production production control. Failure Failure of machines machines and equipments equipm entss may result in equipment equip ments loss of thousand of man power hours. And can even cause complete sheet down buy the de department. partment. Consequently productivity will come down. The production target will not be mate similarly the failure of the computer in an office may stop the entire operations. Therefore inventions of such break down is an indispensable functions in modern industry and so it is quite common in any organization to have professional to look after maintenance function.
Task of the Department: -
The main task is of maintenance is to ensure availability and reliability and and safety safety mach machin ines es of mini minimu mum m costs costs.. That That indic ind icat ated ed word indi in dica cate ted d the the word maintenance includes all the actions necessary for keeping the entire the electrical tools and equipment in order. Prev Preventin enting g Ma Mainten intenance ance:: -The frequency & sevelry of breakdown Preventing Maintenance:
can be minimized if preventive measure likes cleaning, oiling, leashing of the equipment is undertaken periodically. Corrective Maintenance: -It occurs only when breakdown occurs the
help help of outsi ou tside dee speci special alist ist of repai rep airi ring ng may becom becomee necess necessar ary y and and outs tsid ide repa re pair irin ing g may avai av aila labil bilit ity y of the the equip equipme ment ntss depen depends ds upon upon the the effi effici cienc ency y of the the avail ailab abil ilit maintenance activity carried out. Proper maintenance and provision of COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
hotels service have a significant affect on the attitude of our guest towards hotel therefore the chief engineer his staff to maintain the profit level for the hotel. It is the responsibili respon sibility ty of the department depart ment responsibil respo nsibility ity department within the budget given to him by the general manager. In THE PRIDE HOTEL, engineering and maintenance department is just near near to the house ho use keepin k eeping g departme dep artment. nt. house keeping departm ent.
HIERARCHY: Chief Engineer Engineering Engineerin g Supervisor Technicians Helper
Electricians Electricians
STAFF ORGANIZATIONS: Chieff Engi Chie Engine neer er:: -Chie Chieff engi engine neer er is the the head head of the the engi engine neer erin ing g
department. He has to control his staff and assign them the job. If the job becomes becomes more difficult difficult for the techni ques. He has to select proper the techniques. techniques. an appropriate for new machines and plan. He has no check over the items that are to be replaced properly. Eng Enginee ineering ring Superv ervisors: isors: Superv rviso isors rs work workss is to super supervi vise se the the Engineer ing Sup Supervis ors: -Supe
technicians and get the work done efficiently. Technicinues: -They perform the work of repairs services Technicinues: se rvices fixtures etc. services COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
SALES AND MARKET MARKETING ING Sales and marketing department is a very essential department for any establishment as it helps to create an impact for increasing revenue through policing and advertising. Now aa days it is a crystal optimum advertising advertising give an crystal clean fact that optimum incredible increase for the sales of any particular project. It is this department that brings name and fame to the establishment. The sales and marketing department improves the sale of hotel through sales technique which improves gas contact and keep track of prospective clients. It is the department who designs the market strategy to increase the hotel hotel sales sales this this depart departmen mentt is respon responsibl siblee for buildi building ng the extern external al image of the hotel and it service in the outside world. It so-ordinates with other department such as front office, house keeping, and F & B etc.
Sales and Marketing Technique: •
Hotel pr Hotel produ oducts cts lik likee food food and and beverage, beve be verag rage, e, accommodation accom ac commo modat dation ion etc products are marketed.
Large parties are organized during festival period.
Various meetings are organized to discuss and plan sales to promotion technique.
To attract various companies and tourist, discounts are given in the off season and in festival season.
Parties are organized and the regular guests are invited invited. invited..
Many advertising boards are provided on the Shimla kalka highway highway to attract tourist coming from Delhi Chandigarh etc.
They a They lso o ha hav ve re rese serv rva a tion ti on coun unte terr in bus an and d ra rail ilw w ay also alls so have av rvat atio ion n co ilwa way y stations. This sale This saless and and ma mark rket etin ing g offi office ce is si situ tuat ated ed at ne near ar to th thee general manager of that department.
ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE The accounts department in many hotels of prime important as the management requires manage man agemen mentt req requir uires es information inform inf ormati ation on whi which ch will will indicate indica ind icate te weather weathe wea therr each each eac h depar departm tmen entt is oper op erat atin ing g effec eff ecti tive vely ly helps to pred predet eter ermi mine ne budg budget et opera erati ting ng effe ef fect ctiv ivel ely y helps normally agreed by the management. Accoun Accountin ting g usually usually with with record recording ing,, summar sum marizi izing ng and reporti repo rting ng summa mariz rizing ing report rep ortin ing g the transaction of the organization. The department keeps track of all the transaction of the hotel. This department is located near the sales and marketing office.
HIERARCHY: Account Manager Purchase Receiving Store Keeper Keeper
F & B Controller Controller
General Supervisor Supervisor
Financial Cashier Cashier
SYSTEM AND PROCEDURES: PROCEDURES: Guest folios: - Guest folio is a master mill in which all the cash and credit transaction recorded for each resident guest. All credit bills from various outlets such as restaurants, bar, laundry and telephone etc are received centrally as the cashier desk. These bill received from various outlets are then parted through NCK or normally into guest folio.
Sal ale es Reco cord tro ol ffor or Roomss:: -Room Room corrd rd Contr fo
sales sal ess sale sa les
control is a reconciliation of the business transactions by the front offi office ce with with recor records ds of the the room room sales sales main mainta tain ined ed by the the accou acc ount nts acco ac coun unts tss department during the day. The sale of rooms in a hotel is generally with the help of following documents:
Advance booking card.
Current booking card.
Guest registration card.
Guest arrival sheet.
Cash handling register and clearance card.
Sales Record and Control of Food: -Control food is maintained on the basis of cheques. When kitchen issues the final produce of service, the kitchen clerk simultaneously makes a list of the item supplied from the K.O.T. It is then entered in the kitchen summery sheet. After this, the K.O.T. is put in the control box, which will be cleared by the F & B control prepares three copy of the , one goes to guest and other two the F & B control department and third one remains in the bill boo with the restaurant sales summary s ummary is prepared.
Food & Beverage Control: -The control system covers the control on the sale of the food & beverage in the hotel. Its main aim is to offer to the guest various services from department like kitchen, restaurant, bar etc. They type of control used varies from establishment. The profit in the business depends on the management of the particular department.
Functio Function n of Control Department: Departmen Function Departmentt::
Calculation of daily food cost for the hotel including the hotel operated cafeteria and executive meal.
Checkss th Check thee sa sale, summa mary ry sh shee eets tss an and d ch check eckss fr from om vario rious us salle, e, sum summ summary ary sheet fro m va outlets.
Checks Chec ks wa wast stag ages es in re rece ceiv ivin ing g st stor oree an and d ki kitc tche hen n da dail ily y ba barr inventory.
To co coll llec ectt and go th thro rou u gh and fiile the rty rt y roug ugh illee all th the diirty ir ty receiving for all food and beverage item.
SECURITY Security is primarily a protective service. It plays an important role in hote hotell orga organi niza zati tion ons. s. Most Most cons conspi picu cuou ousl sly y enga engage ged d in the the gene genera rall pic cuo uous usly ly protective protective access aac ccess control,, building building security security,, cargo cargo protectio prot ection, n, inspectio insp ection n cess control protection, protec tion, inspection inspecti on and enforcement of company rules, investigation of criminal activities.
HIERERCHAY: HIERERCHAY: Chief Executive Officer Security Security Supervisor Supervisor Security Security Guard
Door Man
In my projected hotel, THE PRIDE HOTEL, the security department is located at the back entrance of staff entrance. There are one chief security officer and three security supervisor, two door men and eight security guard.
Purpose & Role:
Protection against criminals, attacks on or against company property, property, equipment equipment etc. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Provides Provides emergency services.
Investigation Investigation the pass of the visitors.
All as an advisor to senior management on all security relates matters.
Duties & Responsibility of Door Men:
Door men is the first person to greet guest
Helps the guest while opening the door
Holds umbrella if weather is bad
Responsible for cleanliness and good order to entrance door Responsible
Check baggage baggage before vehicle has left
Avoids allowing big unwanted person in the hotel
Checks the cashier clearance and keeps it for control
Announc Announces es for car number by public adducing system Announces
System & procedures:
Ch Chec ecks kss th thee gue uest st pa pass ss of em empl ploy oyer err who wis ishe hess to go ou outt Che heck cks emp ploye lo yer before stipulated time.
Attendance of employees is taken by the security as soon as they start. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Keys of certain departments are handed over to the security.
Log book is maintained. ed. is maintain
Investigation maintained. ined. Investigation report is mainta
Visitor passes are issued.
The security at THE PRIDE HOTEL offers a great amount of safety to the guest as well as saves the hotel loss due to pilferage. This time office guard checks all the employees physically before they leave the the hote ho l. All All thei theirr belo be ngin are chec hecked ked & o nly nlly w hen heen n he is hottel tel el. bellong lon ong gings ings are onl on when wh convinced that the employees has not taken anything from the hotel. Thus he let him go. There is a metal indicator at the door of the staff gate which goes a “Beep” whenever a person carrying metal enters or goes goes out out of of the the
PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT Personnel administration may be defined as the field of management which which has to do with with planni planning, ng, organi organizin zing, g, direct directing ing,& ,& contro controlli lling ng various operative functions of processing, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labour force, such that the : Obje Object ctiv ives es for for whic which h the the estab establi lish shme ment nt are are econ econom omic ical ally ly and and effectively. Objectives of the commodity are daily considered and served. se rved. According to the definition “personnel administration as concerned with with the the mana manager geria ial and oper operat ativ ivee func functi tion onss with with the the view view to nage geri rial all and attaini atta ining ng organi org anizat zation ional al goals goals econom eco nomica ically lly and effectively effect effectivel ively y and attaining organizational economically meeting the individual & social goods. This department is the link between between the th e employee emp loyeee and the the manageme man agement. nt. the employe management. managem ent.
Typist Assistant Personnel Manager Manager Supervisors
Job Des Descri criptio ption n of Person sonnel nell Man Manage ager: r: Descrip cription tion of Per Perso Personne nnel Manag Manager: er:
To formulate personnel police for the organization
Recruitment and selections of staff for various jobs. Recruitment
Planning for vacancies. Planning vacancies.
Maintain Maintaining ing records. Maintaining
Leave granting.
Negotiating with the trade unions. Negotiating
Payment of staff salary.
Appraisal Appraisal and welfare scheme.
Appointment Procedure:
A letter of appointment is sent to the applicant as soon as the job is confirmed. confirm ed. confirmed.
Document of all relevant data pretending to the candidate is filled. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Employee about the Empl Employ oyee ee on arrival arri arriva vall is briefed brie br iefe fed d abou ab outt th the e job job to be be performed.
Induction is done by the training development.
Appraisal Procedure:Procedure:-It covers the administration of: Personnel Reco Personnel Records: rds: Recor ds: -In terms of age, date of joining, length of
service qualifications, skill, etc. Personnel Rela Personnel Relations tions:: - Negotiating Negotiating with trade trade union. union. Personnel Resea Personnel Research: rch: -Work Wo g out out deta de tail ils s for fo tu over,, in the the Workin rking det etai ails ls forr turn turrn rn over
different job position. Stability trainin Stability training g and developm development: ent: -Identifying training needs and job
development area, detailing up procedures for internal promotions. Attendance Attendan ce Register Regi ster Maintaine tained d at this Plac Place: e: -All staff reporting Regis ter is Main
for duty enters there signatures in this register.
KITCHEN STEWARDING Kitchen is an area where lot of activity is done and so it gets easily dirty. For this purpose to clean the kitchen every day. How and when to maintain the hygienic condition, kitchen stewarding is entrusted with this responsibility of maintenance of kitchen. It is the responsibility of the kitchen stewarding captain to see that the cutlery, Crockery of the restaurant, room service and banquets are washed and wiped or they are for washing.
HIERARCHAY: Supervisor Utility Worker
Dish Washer
Rec ecor ord d k eepi ee ping ng and d main inte tena nanc ncee of cu cutl tler ery, y, cr croc ock k ery, er y,, keep ke epin ing g an ocke kery ry, chinawa chinaware re etc. chinaware
Direct issuing equipment to various departments.
Stock taking of equipment circulationss & operation operations. s. equipment in circulation
Upkeep and maintenance of kitchen and all equipments there in.
Running of cafeteria.
Ensure proper garbage disposal.
Maintenance of par stock. Maintenance
Forms used:
Issue register
Breakage report
Files & Register Maintained:
Bar check list.
Banquet log book.
Bar mise-en-place check list.
Function prospectus. prospectus.
Duty roaster file.
Management Information System: COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
All the formats like log book, function prospectus K.O.T. helps as management system.
Guest check
Daily summary sheet.
Room service control sheet
Guest comment card.
PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS:Draf Drafti ting ng the the train trainin ing g perio period d cert certai ain n prob proble lems ms were were notif notifie ied d in the the various departments in “THE PRIDE HOTEL” Ahmedabad some suggestions are also re recommended commended to solve the problem.
FRONT OFFICE: Problem 1: -There is a very small luggage room for bell desk which
creates problem at the time o f group checking and in delay flights. Solution: -There should more space provided to bell desk section so
that they can handle luggage properly. Problem 2: -Very less space in lobby. There is very less space in lobby
for sitting and standing sofas are also few. Solution: Solu tion: -lobby can be increased, there is some place outside the
lobby, it can be converted into the lobby. More sofas should be placed in the lobby area. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Problem 3: -Shorted of bell boys during peak hours.
There is only one boy per shift at the bell. In the peak hours, if that bell boys goes to the room then the counter is left with no staff. Solution: -At least 2 more bell boys should be appointed at the bell
desk. The bell desk staff should be increased during peak season (May & June).
Problem 4: -Shortage of computer in front office.
There are only one computer at the front office and only one computer for the guest for surfing. Solution: -One more computer should be placed in the front office.
Two more computers should be placed at the internet section for the guest. Problem 5: -Sometimes unprofessional staff is part to work, as they
are unable to work, as they unable to handle some situations due to this problem problem guest guest does does not get satisfied satisfied,, for which they pay. pay. Solution: -It must be sure that at no point of time the desk is in hands
of juniors, as the senior staff st aff must accompany them at all the shift.
Problem 1: -Laundry problem and the linens don’t reach on
time laundry problem in the hotel is a big issue for heavy linens. The cleaning is done from outside & it doesn’t reach on time. Solution: -There are some places behind the linen room where the
hotel hotel can can estab establi lish sh a heavy heavy and and mode modern rn mach machin inee of clean cleanin ing g and and pressing. pressing. The laundry contractor should be good and chase who can give the linen on time. Problem 2: -Less space & ventilations in the linen and uniform rooms
not enough space is there for storing of uniform and linens and also sufficient light & ventilations is absent, which often gives out bed smell. Solution: -It should be more spacious in terms of cupboards size. More
ventilation should be given in uniform and linens room. Less of staf stafff bath bathrroom oom and and no prop proper er cleani eanin ng of Prob Pr oblem lem3: 3: -Less bathrooms. bathrooms. There is only 2 staff staff bathroo bathroom m and cleaning cleaning is also not done done properly. properly. So So bad smell comes out. Solution: -Some spaces are there near flower room. One more staff
bathroom bathroom can be made over there. Proper Proper & appropriat appropriatee cleaning cleaning should be done in every 3 hrs. Problem 4: -Wrong usage of flowers & no proper lighting. In the
flower room, the staff use the flower very badly proper care of flowers is also not done properly. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Solution: -Maximum use of flower should be done. Some light
can be put and proper care should be done. Problem 5: -Room amenities stocked in party are at times used by the
staff in rest room. Solution: -The person in charged should be instructed not to do such
practices. practices.
F & B SERVICE: Problem 1: -Less staff in bar as well as in banquet.
Implementation of staff is required so that the proper functions of bar and as well as banquet is done properly less staff makes the work tougher. Solution: - More staff is required to operate the bar and banquet. At
least the member who are doing the bar operations can be relaxed and do the usual job easier. Move steward can be given to the banquet department. Problem 2: -Delay of service in the rooms. Guest frequency complains
regarding delay of service in the rooms. Only one steward is appointed at each floor.
Solution: Solu tion: -One more stewards should be appointed at each
floor. In peak season, more stewards should appoint for the room services. Problem 3: -Only one services elevator and hat works so slow, there is
only only one one servi service ce elev elevat ator orss for for room room servi service ce perso personn nnel el.. Once Once the the elevator goes to a floor it takes a long time to come down and till then the steward has to wait. Solution: Solu tion: -Out of the kitchen some space is there till roof, so if
possible possible one more elevator elevator can be constructed constructed.. It can be repaired. repaired. So that problem won’t come for the F & B service department. Problem 4: -Less space in the restaurant as it combined with the coffee
shop. There is less space in the restaurant and it is so congested because it is a 120 1 20 covers restaurants and coffee shop is also attached. Solution: -Some space is there near bar so the coffee shop can be
shifted there. It is 90 cover restaurants, that blank area of coffee shop can be used and can make it 12 cover restaurants. Problem 5: -Less number of room service trolleys. Solutions: -It is noticed that there is storage of room services trolleys
which delays in room services at the peak time.
Problem 1: -Less space in Indian kitchen. There is very less
space in Indian kitchen and the hot range is also close that there is no place for movem movement. ent. Solution: Solu tion: -Kitchen area should be extended and other spaces areas
should be taken into use. Hear Chinese kitchen some small area is there, if possible pantry cab be shifted there and pantry area can be used. Pro rob ble lem m 2: -Less Less vent ventil ilat atio ion n in the the kitc kitche hen. n. Ther Theree is no prop proper er
ventilation in the kitchen. Ventilation pipe works so slowly. Many times it doesn’t works. Solution: -Proper ventilation system should be installed in the kitchen
in orde orderr to main mainta tain in good good work workin ing g condi conditi tion on and and envir environ onme ment nt.. If possible possible the ventilation ventilation pipe should should be changed changed otherwise it should be repaired. Problem 3: -A distribution of the staff is uneven in the morning and
night shift. Due to which guest face problem. Solution: -A great care should be taken in order to have sufficient shift
in every shift. Problem 4: -Issuing from stores not done properly wastage dispose
untidy. Solution: -The stores should be indulged to supply items timely unless
inconvenience in production may accrued. Wastage should be disposed in times so that the kitchen does not have unhealthy environment. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
ENGINEERING&MAINT ENGINEERIN G&MAINTENANC ENANCE E DEPARTMEN DEPARTMENT: T: Problem 1: -In engineering and maintenance department staffs is not
well shield in their work. Due to which guests on hotel should face a lot of problems. Solution: -The best solution of this problem is that the well shield staff
should be recruited for the smoother functioning of the engineering & maintenance department. Pro rob ble lem m 2: -The The freq freque uenc ncy y of fault ault in lifts ifts are are too too much uch and and
sometimes both the lifts of back area are out o order and so F & B services, production, house keeping have to use guest lifts at that time. Solution: -The lifts should check once a week and if difficulty occurs it
should be repaired as soon as possible. Problem 3: -The temperature of the walk in refrigerator keeps on
fluctuating, thus causing the spoilage of the food items kept inside. Solution: -Periodic daily checks of the walk in should be done and
prevent prevent servicing servicing to be done according according to the schedule schedule by the engineering department.
PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT: Problem 1: -Less space. Office is very congested. Solution: -Area should be large enough for the easy working to staff. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
STORES: Pro rob ble lem m 1: - They They shou should ld have have adeq adequa uate te rack rackss to stor storee the the raw raw
materials. Solution: -Rack should be provided to the store department security. Problem 2: - In the hotel there should have store for the storage of
perishable perishable goods. Due to this there is a lot of chance chance of getting getting perishable perishable items items spoiled. spoiled. Solu So lutio tion: n: -The The solut solutio ion n of this this probl problem em is prop proper er stora storage ge faci facili lity ty
should be proceeded. Problem 3: -The main store is down stairs to the kitchen which create
the problem to the F & B staff carry out the goods from the main store kitchen. Due to which sometimes is delay in guest order. Solution: -The store should be either shifted near the kitchen or an
elevator should be installed.
KITCHEN STEWARDING: Problem 1: -Walk INS is cleared only once in fortnight, which leaves
it mercy till then. Problem 2: -The ventilation duets above the burner and not maintained
or cleared regularly which results is not observed properly. Solution: -Walk INS to be cleanse once a week for better cleanness.
The night shift staff should clean it once in a week. COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
SECURITY: Problem 1: -The security personnel sue not thoroughly checks all the
staff are going out after his work which leads to pilferage. Solution: -The security personnel should check each and every staff
going out. Problem 2: - There is less no of security staff due to which here are
some cases of skipping of luggage or as well as hotel amenities. Solution: -Some more security staff must be recruited for avoid the
shipping of the guard luggage or as well as hotel amenities.
ACCOUNTS & FINANCE: Problem 1: -Lack of staff, due to which creates the problems to the
hotel staff. Solution: -Sufficient staff should be provided. Problem 2: - Not maintain the records records properly properly the departmen departmentt due to
which does not able to compare the previous year sills with present year. Solution: -The records should be properly maintained & every work
should be done in proper time.
Problem 1: -This department is not co-ordinating with other
departments due to which the hotel should not lead in better position. Solu So lutio tion: n: -Sales Sales & Market Marketing ing depart departmen mentt should should co-ord co-ordina inate te with with
other department to make the sales promotions. That will lead to a hotel in a better position & maximum revenue can be earned. Problem 2: -The sales & Marketing executives are not punctual and
responsible about work. Solution: -The sales and marketing departed should be punctual and
responsible about the work.
CONCLUSION Hotels are moulded in such a way so that they are capable of taki ta king ng ca care re of th thee nu nume mero rous us de desi sire ress an and d re requ quir irem emen entt of th thee people.
accom ac commo modat dation ion an and d bo boar ardin ding g are hi high ghly ly pe peris risha hable ble.. Ha Hand ndlin ling g this would require special kind of managerial techniques will have to applied. This Th is pr proj oject ect is ba based sed on th thee stu study dy con conduc ducted ted,, th thee op opera eratio tiona nall aspects of all departments of the hotel. The accommodation in a hotel deals with four major departments of the hotel which are directly connected with the rooms and guest in the hotel. The project contains all the aspects of working of “THE “THE PRIDE HOTEL” and gives an overview on the functions system and procedures followed in the hotel.
Following Points: Purpose and role perform performed ed by each department System and procedures followed COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
Organization Organiza tion structure of each hotel Forms and Format used Co-ordination Co-ordina tion of each department with others
THIS PROJECT IS: Front Office: -This department is responsible for the sale of rooms & gets the revenue from the rooms. Thus the front office is to reserve, receive, register & assign the room for the guest.
House keeping: -This department is responsible for the cleanliness maintenance and aesthetic upkeep of the hotel. hote l. To make room appealing to the guest is the task of house keeping which has to ensure the basic human needs of comfort and security.
Food & Beverages: -This includes Food & Beverages production and service both. The food & beverages department is the art of the hotel without this no hotel can more to success. It is very important department in the hotel. This department main job is to purchase the raw food materials and prepare the final products in the kitchen. There prepared prepared food is passed from the kitchen kitchen to the guest table or guest room.
PERSONAL DEPARTMENT: -This This depa depart rtme ment nt is so important for the management and worker and also handles all the problems problems of the staff.
Sales & Marketing: -It is the department who decide the market strategies to increase the hotel sales. It is also responsible for building the external image of the hotel and its service in the outside world. This department mainly deals with getting customer and booing for the hotel and thus earns money. And efficient sales force can shoot up the profit of the hotel.
Engineering & Maintenance: - This department deals with fixing maintaining of all the fixed assets of the hotel and ensures proper working of all equipments.
Accoun Acc ounts: ts: -The The acco accoun unti ting ng usual usually ly is conc concer erne ned d with with recor recordi ding ng summarizing & reporting the transaction of the organization.
Security: -This is the department that takes care of safety of the hotel, ensur ensures es secur securit ity y of the the hotel hotel;; prov provid idee safe safe guar guard d agai agains nstt fire fire and and accidents and deals with theft and suspicious characters.
The other Sectors are: Kitchen Stewardin Stewarding g Purchase Store COMPILED BY: AMIT KUMAR
F & B Controls Receiving The pace with today’s world moving urges well tourism and its development. People are frequently moving out of their house for business. Tourism is not a single industry but aggregate and cult cu ltu ural ral exch xchanges nges and is an exce excell lleent instr tru umen entt for the promotion of national integration & international understanding, frie friend ndsh ship ip and and pe peac ace. e. Hote Hotell indu indust stry ry is back backbo bone ne of tour touris ism m industry “No Hotels, No Tourism” Tourism”.. This project gives us a chance of studying the department and to bring a report of the same which increase our knowledge on each dep de partm artmen entt to a gre reat at exte extent nt.. Th Thee stu studio dio so based sed in un unde derr assumption for a model “Five star deluxe hotel ” Finally to conclude the study of this project was worthwhile as lot of kn know owle ledg dgee was gain gained ed dur urin ing g th thee cour course se of coll collec ecti ting ng & analyzing the data compiling this project report.
BIBLIOGRAPHY Front Office Manual
Sudhir Andrews
Hotel House Keeping
Sudhir Andrews
Hotel Economics
P.M. Mathews
Prospective of of In Indian To Tourism -
Pushpinder S. S.Gil
Tourism Marketing
S.M. Jha
Tourism Management
G.S. Batra & A.S. Chawla
R.K. Malhotra
(A Global Prospective) Encyclopaedia Encyclopaed ia of Hotel Management & Tourism Hotelier & Caterier