Practica de una app con appinventorDescripción completa
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Descripción: Partitura para piano del bolero hola soledad
88yuzu99, archandaDescripción completa
LineamientosDescripción completa
Mexico with an increasing fascination of Soft drinks among the people is having the highest consumption of carbonated soft-drinks per capita in the world. But this also lead to health proble…Descripción completa
hola buen diaDescripción completa
Danza del solDescripción completa
holaFull description
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7. Which of the following statements is not a benefit of Windows Store for Business? Select the correct answer. A. Creat Create e your your own own priv privat ate e store store with with your your cor corpo porat rate e LB LB apps apps and and cura curated ted free free apps.
B. Centr Central ally ly ac! ac!uir uire" e" man manage age and distr distribu ibute te Win Window dows s Stor Store e apps apps in in your your organi#ation.
$ana $anage ge app app depl deploy oyme ment nts s for for home home user users s
&nte &ntegr grat ate e wit with h e'i e'ist stin ing g too tools ls li(e li(e Syst System em Cent Center er
). *or how long can an organi#ation running System Center Configuration $anager defer updates through Current Branch for Business? Select the correct answer. A. + months
,- months
,) months
) months
/ months
,0. When creating a thin image for Windows ,0" which of the following components can be included with that image? Select three answers. A. Line of of bu business ap applications
Windows features
*re!ue !uently updat dated framew mewor(s r(s
Common framewor(s
Common pr productivity ap apps
Windows updates
,,. Which forms of biometric support are supported in Windows 1ello? Select three answers. A. &ris pattern detection
2ape of nec( s(in cell sampling
*ingerprint sensors
Brain 3electroencephalogram4 and heart 3electrocardiogram4 pattern match
*ace recognition with infrared technology
Bac( of hand vein pattern recognition
5. Which of the following features supports iris scanning as of the Windows ,0 2ovember update? Select the correct answer. A. $%$ support for B6%
ser 'perience nhancements
Windows Store for Business
Windows pdate for Business
nhancements to $icrosoft 8assport
nhancements to 9elemetry Control
nhancements to A#ure A% ;oin
,<. %uring which phase of the upgrade process does Windows ,0 install drives and migrate apps? Select the correct answer. A. Win=
*irst boot to new S
Second boot to new S
Which of the following features is not supported in Windows ,0 $obile? Select
the correct answer. A. Windows Store for Business
$obile %evice $anagement
Continuum for 8hone
% touchscreens
A#ure Active %irectory
,). A.
What is 29 a problem with passwords? Select the correct answer. 8eople recycle the same passwords
8eople use the same ones on multiple sites
2o proof of possession
8eople write them down
8asswords re!uire a certificate authority 3CA4 infrastructure
,+. 1ow do changes in the Windows ,0 deployment process wor( on systems with low amounts of dis( space? Select the correct answer. A. 9ypically saves />) :B of space through optimi#ed compression
$uch easier to deploy with &mage' switch
Supports devices with low dis( space 3,/ :B@- :B4
-0. Which of the following item is 29 a value proposition statement for Windows ,0? Select the correct answer.
$odern &nfrastructure for your data
-,. Which of the following components are part of the %evice :uard solution? Select the correct answer. A. Core $odule 8rotection 3C$84
'tendible 8rogressive %amage Control
Configurable Code &ntegrity 3C&4
Certificate>enforced Logon Chec(ing 3CLC4
-<. &n Windows ,0" which of the following features can replace passwords to help protect against modern threats? Select the correct answer. A. Secure Boot