Green Architecture

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Green ArchitectureDescripción completa

Green ArchitectureFull description

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Green ArchitectureFull description

African designers face unique challenges when approaching sustainable design principles. Sustainable design provides solutions to African built environment for future sustainability and global ecol...

African designers face unique challenges when approaching sustainable design principles. Sustainable design provides solutions to African built environment for future sustainability and glob…Full description

Sustainable Architecture for future,its importance and guidance to students of ArchitectureFull description

This is a follow up to "Green Architecture in Africa" and happens to have additions to the first research paper.Full description

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Few people realize how important it is to go green in order to create a future for our children. But, more importantly, how going green will save them money, in some cases a lot of money. Do…Full description

Few people realize how important it is to go green in order to create a future for our children. But, more importantly, how going green will save them money, in some cases a lot of money. Do…Full description

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