Greek New Testament Manuscripts

Manuscritos Griegos del Nuevo Testamento...
Author:  urfuj

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Oh yeah baby! Makes sure you read the introduction. The winner? The NIV eclectic Greek text. The Loser? The Majority Text. Do not confuse either the Byzantine/Majority Text or the Textus Receptus f...

This work is the result of identifying a need for a common sense grammar that minimizes elements that are debatable within the larger New Testament Greek community. The basic concept of “ke…Descripción completa

Descripción: new testament studies

New Testament Survey – Undergrad level. This survey briefly covers the highlights of each book of the New Testament.

Greek Lexicon for students of New Testament. Classified words, useful tips to memorize vocabulary.Full description

Most decorations of all medieval manuscripts are often in two or three primary colours, in which red and blue are the dominant colours for initials, decorations and illuminations. In most…Full description

Most decorations of all medieval manuscripts are often in two or three primary colours, in which red and blue are the dominant colours for initials, decorations and illuminations. In most analys...

(((J. a. Herbert Illuminated ManuscriptsDescripción completa

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There are over 20 spiritual gifts mentioned in the NT. Some of them are largely misunderstood. Get the biblical meaning of 26 spiritual gifts and enhance your spiritual potential. CHARISMA…Full description

Descripción: New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures - Rendered from the Original Language by the New World Bible Translation Committee - A.D. 1950 Until the release of the NWT, Jehovah's Wit...

Descripción: Explores reasons why it's reasonable to believe that the New Testament is a trustworthy historical document. Addresses common criticisms as well as presents five historical tests and explores how t...