Natural resources and Environmental Law case digest
Criminal Law 1
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Case Digest - Gatchalian vs. CIR GR 4542 BY CDD
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NPC v Provincial Treasurer of Benguet GR No 209303Full description
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GR NO. 163101 Benguet Corporation vs. DENR
FACTS Benguet Corporation (“Benguet”) and J.G. Realty and Mining (“J.G. Realty”) entered into a Royalty Agreement with Option to Purha!e (“RA"OP”)# wherein J.G. Realty wa! a$nowledged a! the owner o% %our mining laim! o&ered 'y Mineral Prodution haring Agreement (“MPA”) Appliation Appliation o. APA*+*,,,APA*+*,,,- ointly %iled %iled 'y J.G. Realty a! laimowner and Benguet a! operator. /he RA"OP# RA"OP# among among other!# pro&ide that “any di!pute! 0 0 0 'etween Benguet and 1J.G. Realty2 with with re%erene to anything what!oe&er pertaining pertaining to 1the RA"OP2 RA"OP2 0 0 0 !hall not 'e au!e o% any ation 0 0 0 in any ourt or admini!trati&e ageny 'ut !hall 0 0 0 'e re%erred to a Board o% Ar'itrator! on!i!ting on!i!ting o% three (3) mem'er!# one to 'e !eleted 'y Benguet# another to 'e !eleted 'y ' y 1J.G. Realty2 and the third to 'e !eleted 'y the a%orementioned two ar'itrator! !o appointed.” J.G. Realty !u'!e4uently in%ormed Benguet that it wa! terminating the RA"OP 'y rea!on o% Benguet5! %ailure to omply with it! o'ligation! thereunder. thereunder. J.G. Realty !ought the anellation o% the RA"OP# RA"OP# %iling %iling a petition %or thi! purpo!e with the Panel o% Ar'itrator! (“POA”) ha&ing territorial uri!dition o&er the mining mining area in&ol&ed. 6n it! 7ei!ion# the POA delared the RA"OP anelled. Benguet then %iled a notie o% appeal with the MAB. /he dei!ion wa! a%%irmed on appeal to the Mine! Adudiation Board (“MAB”). Benguet ontended that the i!!ue rai!ed r ai!ed 'y the J.G. Realty !hould ha&e 'een rai!ed %ir!t with the ar'itration 'e%ore POA too$ ogni8ane o% the a!e.
ISSE "O the ontro&er!y !hould ha&e %ir!t 'een !u'mitted to ar'itration 'e%ore the POA
!E"D 9:. e. ; o% RA <=> eluidate! the !ope o% ar'itration? etion ;. Persons and matters subject to arbitration. /wo /wo or more per!on! or partie! may !u'mit to the ar'itration o% one or more ar'itrator! any ontro&er!y e0i!ting 'etween them at the time o% the !u'mi!!ion and whih may 'e the !u'et o% an ation# or the partie! to any ontrat may in !uh ontrat agree to !ettle 'y ar'itration a ontro&er!y therea%ter ari!ing 'etween them. uh !u'mi!!ion or ontrat !hall 'e &alid# en%orea'le and irre&oa'le# !a&e upon !uh ground! a! e0i!t at law %or the re&oation o% any ontrat. 6n RA -;<@ or the Alternati&e 7i!pute Re!olution At o% ;,,# the Congre!! reiterated the e%%iay o% ar'itration a! an alternati&e mode o% di!pute re!olution 'y !tating in e. 3; thereo% that dome!ti ar'itration !hall !till 'e go&erned 'y RA <=>. Clearly# a ontratual !tipulation that re4uire! prior re!ort to &oluntary ar'itration 'e%ore the partie! an go diretly to ourt i! not illegal and i! in %at promoted 'y the tate.
G.R. No. 1#6$%3& %' August %013 ASIAN COR(ORATION vs. S)ITO)O COR(ORATION
FACTS Petitioner %iled a omplaint 'e%ore the Con!trution 6ndu!try Ar'itration Commi!!ion (C6AC) again!t Re!pondent %or alleged lo!!e! and reim'ur!ement! amounting to D-M and attorneyE! %ee! o% PhP ;M to whih Re!pondent !et up a ounterlaim amounting to PhP F,M. An Ar'itral Ar'itral /ri'unal wa! wa! on!tituted and it rendered a Partial Award di!mi!!ing di!mi!!ing the laim! and ounterlaim! o% 'oth partie! %or 'eing time*'arred under ew 9or$ tate aw# the agreed go&erning law. Petitioner %iled a Petition %or Re&iew Re&iew 'e%ore the Court o% Appeal! under Rule 3 (Hir!t Petition) !ee$ing the re&er!al o% the Partial Award. "hile the Hir!t Petition wa! wa! pending# the Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal ordered 'oth partie! to !u'mit proo% o% o!t! and attorneyE! %ee! inurred due to the ar'itration proeeding!. Re!pondent omplied 'ut Petitioner did not and in!tead %iled an Oppo!ition again!t the laim! %or o!t! 'y Re!pondent. /he Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal did not at on the Oppo!ition 'eau!e it treated it a! a Motion %or Reon!ideration o% the Partial Award Award whih wa! a prohi'ited pleading under the C6AC Rule!. /he Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal rendered a Hinal Award Award granting attorneyE! %ee! in %a&or %or Re!pondent# rea!oning that Re!pondent wa! merely %ored to litigate to de%end it! intere!t. Aggrie&ed# Petitioner %iled 'e%ore the Court o% Appeal! Appeal! another Petition %or Re&iew under Rule 3 (eond Petition) a!!ailing# thi! time# time# the Hinal Award. Award. /he Court o% Appeal! di!mi!!ed the Hir!t Petition on the ground o% %orum !hopping 'ut ga&e due our!e to the eond Petition. 6n deiding the eond Petition# the the Court o% Appeal! Appeal! modi%ied the Hinal Award 'y deleting the attorneyE! %ee! awarded to Re!pondent. Petitioner %iled a petition %or ertiorari under Rule >@ to !et a!ide the denial o% the Hir!t Petition while Re!pondent %iled a !eparate petition %or ertiorari to a!!ail the modi%iation made in the eond eond Petition. /he a!e! were on!olidated 'e%ore the upreme Court.
ISSES 1. 2.
"O the di!mi!!al o% the Petition %or Re&iew o% a Partial Award o% the Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal on the ground o% %orum !hopping proper "O Court o% Appeal! an modi%y a %inal and non*appeala'le non*app eala'le award o% the Ar'itral /ri'unal
!E"D F. 9e!. 9e!. /he upreme upreme Court Court enumera enumerated ted three three way! way! 'y whih whih %orum %orum !hopping !hopping an 'e ommitted? (a) 'y %iling multiple a!e! with !ame au!e o% ation and prayer when neither o% the a!e! %iled ha! yet 'een terminatedI (') 'y %iling multiple a!e! with the !ame au!e o% ation and prayer when one a!e ha! already 'een %inally re!ol&edI and () 'y %iling multiple a!e! with the !ame au!e o% ation 'ut with di%%erent prayer! %or relie%.
/he %iling o% the Hir!t Petition 'e%ore the Court o% Appeal! and the Oppo!ition 'e%ore the Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal when 'oth were !till pending on!tituted on!tituted %orum !hopping under the %ir!t mode. /hi! i! true e&en i% one wa! not a ourt 'ut an ar'itral ar'itral tri'unal# !ine the Petitioner wa! a!$ing %or the !ame relie%**the rel ie%**the re&er!al o% the Partial Award. ;. 9e!. 9e!. /he upreme upreme Court Court ruled ruled that notwith!ta notwith!tanding nding a !tatem !tatement ent in the the law (:.O. (:.O. F,,<) F,,<) that the dei!ion o% the C6AC ar'itral tri'unal !hall 'e %inal and non*appeala'le# the !ame i! !till !u'et to udiial re&iew. Court! may ta$e ogni8ane o% the a!e when there i! a !howing o% (F) want o% uri!dition# (;) &iolation o% due proe!!# proe!!# (3) denial o% !u'!tantial u!tie# u!tie# or () erroneou! interpretation o% the law. law. /hi! i! !antioned 'oth 'y Rule 3 o% the Rule! o% Court Court and the C6AC Re&i!ed Rule! whih pro&ide that dei!ion! o% the C6AC ar'itral tri'unal! may 'e appealed to the Court o% Appeal! on 4ue!tion! o% %at# law or mi0ed 4ue!tion! o% %at and law. ine the Ar'itral /ri'unal /ri'unal made an erroneou! interpretation o% the law# the Court o% Appeal! wa! u!ti%ied in modi%ying modi%ying the Hinal Award. Award.