G.R. No. 179096 February 6, 2013
JOSEPH GOYANKO, GOYANKO, JR., as administrator of the Estate of Joseph Goyanko, Sr., Petitioner, vs. UN!E" #O#ONU! P$AN!ERS P$ AN!ERS %ANK, &ANGO A'ENUE A'ENUE %RAN#H, %R AN#H, Respondent.
Facts: n 199!, t"e t"e #ate $osep" $osep" Goyan%o, Goyan%o, &r. &r. invested invested ₱ 2,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 'it" P"i#ippin P"i#ippine e (sia )endin* nvestors, nvestors, nc. +P() +P(). . Goyan%o, Goyan%o, &r.-s &r.-s #e*itiate /ai#y, represented represented by $osep" Goyan%o, $r. +petitioner, t"e adinistrator o/ Goyan%o, &r.-s state, and "is i##e*itiate /ai#y presented con/#ictin* c#ais to P() /or t"e re#ease o/ t"e investent. Pendin* t"e investi*ation o/ t"e con/#ictin* c#ais, P() deposited t"e proceeds o/ t"e investent 'it" P on 4ctober 29, 1996 under t"e nae 5P"i# (sia: F +n rust For "e eirs o/ $osep" Goyan%o, &r.8 +(4N. 4n &epteber &epteber 27, 1997, t"e deposit under t"e (4N 'as ₱ 1,!09,31.76. 4n eceber eceber 11, 11, 1997, P P a##o'ed a##o'ed P() P() to 'it"dra' 'it"dra' t"e (ccount, #eavin* a ba#ance o/ on#y ₱ 9,31.76.
1,!00,000.00 1,!00,000.00 ₱
;"en P re/used t"e deand to restore t"e aount 'it"dra'n p#us #e*a# interest /ro eceber 11, 1997, t"e petitioner /i#ed a cop#aint be/ore t"e Re*iona# ria# ourt +R. n its ans'er to t"e cop#aint, P aditted, aon* ot"ers, t"e openin* openin* o/ t"e (4N (4N under t"e nae 5F +n rust rust For "e eirs eirs o/ $osep" $osep" Goyan%o, Goyan%o, &r.,8 +F R& R& and t"e 'it"dra'a# on eceber 11, 11, 1997. (/ter (/ter tria#, t"e R R disis disissed sed petit petitio ioner ner-s -s cop# cop#ai aint. nt. t did not not consi consider der t"e t"e 'ords 'ords 5F 5F R R&8 &8 su//icient to c"ar*e P 'it" %no'#ed*e o/ any trust re#ation bet'een P() and Goyan%o-s "eirs +R&. t conc#uded t"at P ere#y per/ored its duty as a depository ban% in a##o'in* P() to 'it"dra' /ro t"e (4N, as t"e contract o/ deposit 'as o//icia##y on#y bet'een P(), in its o'n capacity, and P. (**rieved, (**rieved, t"e petitioner appea#ed appea#ed "is case to t"e ourt o/ (ppea#s +(. +(. e/ore t"e (, t"e petitioner aintained t"at by openin* t"e (4N, P() estab#is"ed a trust by '"ic" it 'as t"e 5trustee8 and t"e R& are t"e 5trustors
press trust 'as created bet'een t"e R& and P(). For a trust to be estab#is"ed, t"e #a' re?uires, aon* ot"ers, a copetent trustor and trustee and a c#ear intention to create a trust, '"ic" 'ere absent in t"is case. @uotin* t"e R 'it" approva#, t"e ( noted t"at t"e contract o/ deposit 'as on#y bet'een P() in its o'n capacity capacity and P, P, and t"e 'ords 'ords 5F 5F R&8 R&8 'ere insu//ici insu//icient ent to estab#is estab#is" " t"e e>istence o/ a trust. "e ( conc#uded t"at as no trust e>isted, e>press#y or ip#ied#y, P is not #iab#e /or t"e aount 'it"dra'n.
ssue: ;"et"er or not P s"ou#d be "e#d #iab#e /or t"e aount 'it"dra'n because a trust a*reeent e>isted bet'een P() and P, in /avor o/ t"e R&, '"en P() opened t"e (4N 'it" PA e#d: No. ( trust, eit"er e>press or ip#ied, is t"e /iduciary re#ations"ip 5> > > bet'een one person "avin* an e?uitab#e o'ners"ip o/ property and anot"er person o'nin* t"e #e*a# tit#e to suc" property, t"e e?uitab#e o'ners"ip o/ t"e /orer entit#in* "i to t"e per/orance o/ certain duties and t"e e>ercise o/ certain po'ers by t"e #atter.8 >press or direct trusts are created by t"e direct and positive acts o/ t"e trustor or o/ t"e parties. No 'ritten 'ords are re?uired to create an e>press trust. "is is c#ear /ro (rtic#e 1BBB o/ t"e ivi# ode, but, t"e creation o/ an e>press trust ust be /ir#y s"o'n= it cannot be assued /ro #oose and va*ue dec#arations or circustances capab#e o/ ot"er interpretations. n RiCa# &urety D nsurance o. v. ( E329 P"i#. 79, 'e #aid do'n t"e re?uireents be/ore an e>press trust 'i## be reco*niCed: asica##y, t"ese e#eents inc#ude a copetent trustor and trustee, an ascertainab#e trustees, and su//icient#y certain bene/iciaries. >>> eac" o/ t"e above e#eents is re?uired to be estab#is"ed, and, i/ any one o/ t"e is issin*, it is /ata# to t"e trusts +sic. Furt"erore, t"ere ust be a present and cop#ete disposition o/ t"e trust property, not'it"standin* t"at t"e enoyent in t"e bene/iciary 'i## ta%e p#ace in t"e /uture. t is essentia#, t"at t"e purpose be an active one to prevent trust /ro bein* e>ecuted into a #e*a# estate or interest, and one t"at is not in
contravention o/ soe pro"ibition o/ statute or ru#e o/ pub#ic po#icy. "ere ust a#so be soe po'er o/ adinistration ot"er t"an a ere duty to per/or a contract a#t"ou*" t"e contract is /or a t"irdpress trust 'as created. First, '"i#e an ascertainab#e trust res and su//icient#y certain bene/iciaries ay e>ist, a copetent trustor and trustee do not. &econd, P, as trustee o/ t"e (4N, 'as never under any e?uitab#e duty to dea# 'it" or *iven any po'er o/ adinistration over it. 4n t"e contrary, it 'as P() t"at undertoo% t"e duty to "o#d t"e tit#e to t"e (4N /or t"e bene/it o/ t"e R&. "ird, P(), as t"e trustor, did not "ave t"e ri*"t to t"e bene/icia# enoyent o/ t"e (4N. Fina##y, t"e ters by '"ic" P is to adinister t"e (4N 'as not s"o'n 'it" reasonab#e certainty. ;"i#e 'e a*ree 'it" t"e petitioner t"at a trust-s bene/iciaries need not be particu#ar#y identi/ied /or a trust to e>ist, t"e intention to create an e>press trust ust /irst be /ir#y estab#is"ed, a#on* 'it" t"e ot"er e#eents #aid above= absent t"ese, no e>press trust e>ists