HON. RENATO C. CORONA VS UNITED HARBOR PILOTS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES G.R. No. 111953 December 12 199! F"c#$% Administrative Order No. 04-92 (PPA-AO No. 04-92) provides that all appointments to harbor pilot positions in all pilotage districts shall, henceorth, be onl! or a term o one !ear rom date o e"ectivit! s#b$ect to !earl! rene%al or cancellation b! the A#thorit! ater cond#ct o a rigid eval#ation o perormance. PPA &eneral 'anager ogelio a!an iss#ed PPA-AO PPA PPA-AO No. 04-92 %hose avo%ed polic! %as to instill e"ective discipline and thereb! a"ord better protection to the port #sers thro#gh the improvement o pilotage services. On A#g *2, *992, respondent, respondent, thro#gh +apt. Alberto +. +ompas, #estioned PP P PA-AO No. 04-92 beore the ept o ransportation and +omm#nication. On ecember 2, *992, the O/ce o the President (OP) iss#ed an order directing the PPA to hold abe!ance the implementation o the said administrative order. order. PPA co#ntered co#ntered that the said order %as iss#ed in the eercise o its administrative control and s#pervision over harbor pilots #nder 1ection , Article 3 o P.. 56. On 'ar 'arch *6, * *99 99 , the the OP, thro#gh thro#gh Assistant 7ec#tive 7ec#tive 1ecretar! 1ecretar! enato enato +orona, dismissed the appeal appeal and lited the restraining restraining order order iss#ed. 8e concl#ded that the said order applied to all harbor pilots and, or all intents and p#rposes, %as not an act o a!an, b#t o the PPA, %hich %as merel! implementing P.. 56, mandating it to control, reg#late and s#pervise pilotage and cond#ct o pilots in an! port district. espondents led a petition or certiorari, prohibition and in$#nction %ith pra!er or the iss#ance o a temporar! restraining order and damages beore the egional rial +o#rt. I$$&e% 'ON A(m)*)$#r"#)+e A(m)*)$#r" #)+e Or(er Or(er No.,-92 )$ co*$#)#)o*"/ co*$#)#)o *"/ He/(% NO
he +o#rt is convinced that PP PPA A No. 04-92 %as iss#ed in star: disregard disregard o respond respondents ents;; right right against against deprivatio deprivation n o propert! propert! %itho#t d#e process process la%. la%. he 1#pre 1#preme me +o#rt +o#rt said said that that in order order to all all %ithi %ithin n the the aegis aegis o the provisi provision, on, t%o cond condit itio ions ns m#st m#st conc conc#r #r,, name namel! l!,, that that ther there e is a depr depriv ivat atio ion n and and that that s#ch s#ch deprivation is done %itho#t proper observance o d#e process. Neither does that the pilots themselves %ere not cons#lted in an! %a! taint the validit! validit! o the administr administrative ative order order.. As general general r#le, notice notice and hearing, as the #ndam #ndament ental al re# re#ir ireme ement nt o proce proced# d#ral ral d#e d#e proce process ss,, are are essent essential ial onl! onl! %hen %hen administrative administrative bod! eercises eercises its #asi-$#dicial #asi-$#dicial #nction. #nction. 3n the perormance perormance o its eec# eec#tiv tive e or legisl legislati ative ve #nct #nction ions, s, s#ch s#ch as iss iss#i #ing ng r#les r#les and reg#l reg#lati ations ons,, an Administrative Administrative bod! needs to compl! %ith the re#irement re#irement o notice and hearing.
here is no disp#te that pilotage as a proession has ta:en on the nat#re o a propert! right. 3t is readil! apparent that the said administrative order #nd#l! restricts the right o harbo#r pilots to en$o! their proession beore their right o harbor pilots to en$o! their respective proession beore their comp#lsor! retirement.