NE eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNod eNodeB eB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNod eNodeB eB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNod eNodeB eB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNod eNodeB eB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNode odeB eNodeB eNod eNodeB eB eNodeB eNode odeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
Para Parame mete terr Jio Jio Sett Settin ing g Actu Actual al Sett Sett Cate Catego gory ry prach-Con 3 3 PRACH prach-Fre ! " PRACH #eroCorrel $% $% PRACH rootSeue " 3%" PRACH high highS Speed peed FA&SE &SE FA&SE &SE PRAC RACH nu num'er(f n)) n!* RACH +i + i#e(fRA- n)) n%, RACH me me++ageSi !* !*'it !*'it RACH me++ me++ag ageP eP minu+ inu+i inf nfii "dB "dB RACH ACH po.erRam %d % dB %dB RACH pream'le/ n%" n$" RACH mac-Conte +f +f), +f!* RACH ma0HAR1 ) , RACH ra r a-Re+pon +f$" +f2 RACH prea pream' m'le le dBmdBm-$ $$" dBmdBm-4" 4" RACH RACH de deltaP5C d+$ d+" P5CCH n$P5CCH %" $) P5CCH nCS-AN " " P5CCH nRB-C1 % $ P5CCH ena'le*) FA&SE /R5E P5SCH hopping6ointerS hopping6ointerSu'Fr u'Fr interSu'Fr interSu'Fr P5SCH P5SCH n-SB $ $ P5SCH groupA++i " " P5SCH groupHopp/ opp/R R5E FA&SE P5SCH +euen uence FA&SE &SE FA&SE P5SCH cyclicShift " " P5SCH pu+ch-Hop $" $" ) P5SCH ac7Nac7S /R5E /R5E SRS duration $ $ SRS +r+-Band.i '. '.3 '.3 SRS +r+-Hoppin h'." h'." SRS p"-5E-P5 " " 5plin7 Control Common deltaPrea % % 5plin7 Control Common p"-N p"-Nom omiin -$$% -$$% -$$% 5pli plin7 Po. Cont ontrol rol Commo ommon n deltaF-P5 "dB "dB "dB 5plin7 Cont ontrol Common deltaF-P5 $dB $dB $dB 5plin7 Cont ontrol Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB "dB 5plin7 Cont ontrol Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB "dB 5plin7 Cont ontrol Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB "dB 5plin7 Cont ontrol Common p"-Nomina-," a-," -," 5plin7 Cont ontrol 8edicated alpha al", al", 5plin7 Control 8edicated del delta6 ta6CS- en" en" en" en" 5pli plin7 Po. Cont ontrol rol 8edi edicate cated d accumulati $ " 5plin7 Control 8edicated filterCoeffi fc) fc) fc) 5plin7 Cont ontrol 8edicated p"-5E-P5 " " 5plin7 Control 8edicated pSRS-(ff+ 2 2 5plin7 Control 8edicated d+ d+r-/ran+ n*) n*) SR nomP8SC " " P8SCH dl d l-Pathlo+ dB* dB* 6AC
eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
periodicPH +f$"" prohi'itPH +f!" ma0HAR1 n! ttiBundling " ci-Format .ide'and +imultane $ 1r0le9min -*) -R0&e96i 3 Sintra+ear 3$ /re+elect $ +ec 1Hy+t "dB 1off+et+-n dB" S-6ea+ure *$ filtercoeff fc) filtercoeff fc) trigger1ua r+rp reportnter %)"m+ r eportAmo , report(n& " ma0Report , time/o/rig ),"m+ a3-(ff+et ) hy+tere+i+ " /3") %"" m+ pollByte %! pollP85 $* t-PollRetra )!m+ ma0Ret0/ t3% t-Reorderi $""m+ t-Statu+Pr 2"m+ 'uc7etSi#e3""m+ prioriti+ed 7Bp+, pollByte !" pollP85 $* t-PollRetra )!m+ ma0Ret0/ t3% t-Reorderi $""m+ 'uc7etSi#e3""m+ priority ) prioriti+ed
+f$"" +f$"" n! $ .ide'and $ -*) 3 3$ $ %dB dB" *$ fc) fc) r+rp %)"m+ infinity " , %!*m+ * " %""m+ !" $* 3""m+ t3% )"m+ *!m+ !"m+ 7Bp+, !" $* 3""m+ t3% )"m+ !"m+ $ 7Bp+, )"m+ !+i#e !"m+ % 7Bp+, rf$%, one %""m+ %""m+ $"""m+
6AC 6AC 6AC 6AC C1 Report C1 Report Cell Selection : Re-+election Cell Selection : Re-+election Cell Selection : Re-+election Cell Selection : Re-+election Cell Selection : Re-+election Cell Selection : Re-+election Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er Hando9er 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC Paging Paging RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F
eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
/3$$ $"""m+ N3$$ n$ N3$" n$" ma0C8 $! profile"0" /rue profile"0" /rue dr0-Config relea+e dr0-nacti9i p+f$"" on8urationp+f$" dr0-Retran p+f$* pollByte nfinity pollP85 nfinity t-PollRetra )!m+ t-Reorderi 3!m+ t-Statu+Pr "m+ ma0Ret0/ t3%
3"""m+ n$ n$" ) /R5E /R5E Setup p+f$" p+f, p+f, nfinity nfinity )!m+ 3!m+ "m+ t3%
RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F >o&/E-RoHC >o&/E-RoHC >o&/E-RoHC >o&/E-C-8R? >o&/E-C-8R? >o&/E-C-8R? >o&/E-C-8R? SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC
NE eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
Parameter Jio Setting Actual Sett Category prach-Con 3 3 PRACH #eroCorrel $% $% PRACH highSpeed FA&SE FA&SE PRACH me++ageSi !*'it !*'it RACH po.erRam %dB %dB RACH nCS-AN " " P5CCH hopping6ointerSu'Fr interSu'Fr P5SCH n-SB $ $ P5SCH groupA++i " " P5SCH +euence FA&SE FA&SE P5SCH cyclicShift " " P5SCH ac7Nac7S /R5E /R5E SRS duration $ $ SRS +r+-Band.i '.3 '.3 SRS +r+-Hoppin h'." h'." SRS p"-5E-P5 " " 5plin7 Control Common deltaPrea % % 5plin7 Control Common p"-Nomin -$$% -$$% 5plin7 Control Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB 5plin7 Control Common deltaF-P5 $dB $dB 5plin7 Control Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB 5plin7 Control Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB 5plin7 Control Common deltaF-P5 "dB "dB 5plin7 Control Common p"-Nomina-," -," 5plin7 Control 8edicated alpha al", al", 5plin7 Control 8edicated delta6CS- en" en" 5plin7 Control 8edicated filterCoeffi fc) fc) 5plin7 Control 8edicated p"-5E-P5 " " 5plin7 Control 8edicated pSRS-(ff+ 2 2 5plin7 Control 8edicated d+r-/ran+ n*) n*) SR nomP8SC " " P8SCH dl-Pathlo+ dB* dB* 6AC periodicPH +f$"" +f$"" 6AC ma0HAR1 n! n! 6AC ci-Format .ide'and .ide'and C1 Report +imultane $ $ C1 Report 1r0le9min -*) -*) Cell Selection : Re-+election -R0&e96i 3 3 Cell Selection : Re-+election Sintra+ear 3$ 3$ Cell Selection : Re-+election /re+elect $ +ec $ Cell Selection : Re-+election 1off+et+-n dB" dB" Cell Selection : Re-+election S-6ea+ure *$ *$ Hando9er filtercoeff fc) fc) Hando9er filtercoeff fc) fc) Hando9er trigger1ua r+rp r+rp Hando9er reportnter %)"m+ %)"m+ Hando9er report(n& " " Hando9er ma0Report , , Hando9er hy+tere+i+ " " Hando9er
eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
/3") %"" m+ pollP85 $* ma0Ret0/ t3% prioriti+ed 7Bp+, pollByte !" pollP85 $* ma0Ret0/ t3% prioriti+ed
%""m+ $* t3% 7Bp+, !" $* t3% 7Bp+, 7Bp+, rf$%, one %""m+ n$ n$" /R5E /R5E nfinity nfinity )!m+ 3!m+ "m+ t3%
Hando9er 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC Paging Paging RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F RRC Connection E+t= and R&F >o&/E-RoHC >o&/E-RoHC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC SRB $:% - R&C-A6;6AC
NE eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB eNodeB
Parameter Jio Setting prach-Fre ! rootSeue " num'er(f n)) +i#e(fRA- n)) me++ageP minu+infi pream'le/ n%" mac-Conte +f), ma0HAR1 ) ra-Re+pon +f$" pream'le dBm-$$" deltaP5C d+$ n$P5CCH %" nRB-C1 % ena'le*) FA&SE groupHopp/R5E pu+ch-Hop $" accumulati $ prohi'itPH +f!" ttiBundling " 1Hy+t "dB r eportAmo , time/o/rig ),"m+ a3-(ff+et ) pollByte %! t-PollRetra )!m+ t-Reorderi $""m+ t-Statu+Pr 2"m+ 'uc7etSi#e3""m+ t-PollRetra )!m+ t-Reorderi $""m+ 'uc7etSi#e3""m+ priority ) t-Reorderi )!m+ +n-Field&e $"+i#e 'uc7etSi#e3""m+ priority ! /3"$ %"""m+ /3$" %"""m+ /3$$ $"""m+ ma0C8 $! dr0-Config relea+e dr0-nacti9i p+f$"" on8urationp+f$" dr0-Retran p+f$*
Actual Sett Category " PRACH 3%" PRACH n!* RACH n%, RACH "dB RACH n$" RACH +f!* RACH , RACH +f2 RACH dBm-4" RACH d+" P5CCH $) P5CCH $ P5CCH /R5E P5SCH FA&SE P5SCH ) P5SCH " 5plin7 Control 8edicated +f$"" 6AC $ 6AC %dB Cell Selection : Re-+election infinity Hando9er %!*m+ Hando9er * Hando9er !" 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 3""m+ 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC )"m+ 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC *!m+ 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC !"m+ 8RB-1C,;4 - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC 3""m+ 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC )"m+ 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC !"m+ 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC $ 8RB-1C! - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC )"m+ 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC !+i#e 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC !"m+ 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC % 8RB-1C$ - R&C-A6; P8CP; 6AC %""m+ RRC Connection E+t= and R&F $"""m+ RRC Connection E+t= and R&F 3"""m+ RRC Connection E+t= and R&F ) >o&/E-RoHC Setup >o&/E-C-8R? p+f$" >o&/E-C-8R? p+f, >o&/E-C-8R? p+f, >o&/E-C-8R?