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Zombie Sky
N.S. Rajaram Origins Of The Aryan Dravidian Divide "Aryan-Dravidian divide is a modern political creation with no scientific or historical spport." Science on Aryan and Dravidians !ven fifty years after independence it is nfortnate #t tre that $ndians contine to view themselves and their history throgh colonial glasses. The edcation system for the most part contines to #e #ased on the %acalayite model. This is especially so in s#jects li&e history which inclde long discredited theories li&e the Aryan invasion and the Aryan-Dravidian conflicts. 'hat is the trth( )ere is what science has to say. A recently p#lished stdy comparing the genetic composition of 'estern !rasian and $ndian poplations shows that the spposed Aryan invasion of $ndia *+++ to ,+++ years ago postlated #y historians in the nineteenth centry and still fond in many tet#oo&s is contradicted #y genetics. $n articles that appeared in the ritish jornal /rrent iology T.R. Disotell T. 0ivisild and their cowor&ers o#serve that the "spposed Aryan invasion of $ndia *+++ ,+++ years ago was mch less significant than is generally #elieved." A &ey mitochondrial DNA of the 'estern !rasian strain acconts for at most 1.2 percent in $ndian poplations as compared to 3+ percent in !rope. This rles ot a recent common origin as postlated #y the 4Aryan invasion4. Any split that occrred from a common poplation mst have ta&en place more than 1++++ years ago according to the stdy. This is in agreement with other genetic data showing that there were major migrations ot of Africa into Sotheast Asia at approimately the same time. $t is worth noting that according to a widely accepted theory hmans evolved in Africa and spread into other parts of the world #eginning a#ot 5+++++ years ago. This was dring the last $ce Age when mch of the Northern )emisphere was ninha#ita#le de to etreme cold. The 6ranas also record that dring an etended cold period people from all parts of the world soght shelter in $ndia in caves and roc& shelters. This goes to eplain the presence of ancient cave- and roc& art at places li&e him#et&a in /entral $ndia. )ere is something really interesting. The athors of the genetic stdy note that this 'est !rasian strain is not only insignificant #t also present in roghly the same proportions in North and Soth
$ndia. This means that there is no correlation #etween the langages of the poplation and their spposed !rasian origin. The 4Aryan invasion4 theory holds that ancestors of spea&ers of 4Aryan4 langages li&e )indi 6nja#i engali and others were !rasian invaders whereas spea&ers of 4Dravidian4 langages of Soth $ndia were the original inha#itants of $ndia. The genetic stdy contradicts this #y showing #oth to have the same insignificant proportion of the 'est !rasian DNA strain. So according to science there is no AryanDravidian divide. The recent decipherment of the $nds script shows that these findings are in agreement with findings from archaeology. 7ha and $ have read more than 2+++ )arappan seals and they show that the 8edic literatre already eisted #y *+++ /. The literary evidence of the Rigveda also contradicts any invasion from !rasia. Some recent attempts to place the Rigvedic land in Afghanistan are seriosly misgided. The Rigveda descri#es an esta#lished maritime society in which references to the ocean ships and navigation are very common. $t is not easy to see how sch a society cold florish in land-loc&ed Afghanistan. All in all #oth science and literatre shatter the notion of any Aryan invasion. $t is one of the a#errations of scholarship that #elongs to what %illi&an called 4pathological science4. 9et s net loo& at its history and politics. Aryans according themselves The first point to note is that the idea of Aryans and Dravidians as separate even mtally hostile people is of very recent origin. $t is a creation of !ropean scholars of the colonial era having no #asis in $ndian history or literatre. The Amara&osha the athoritative leicon of the Sans&rit langage :1th centry AD; defines Arya as maha&la &linarya sa#hya sajjana sadhavah. This means that an Arya is one who hails from a distingished family and condcts himself with decency and gentleness. According to the Rigveda the "children of Arya follow the light" meaning they see& enlightenment. $t has nothing to do with race langage or nationality. :Sans&rit has no word for race.; This fact - that the Aryan-Dravidian theory was of recent origin was noted #y Dr. Am#ed&ar also. As he wrote< "All the princes whether they #elonged to the so-called Aryan race or the so-called Dravidian race were Aryas. 'hether a tri#e or a family was racially Aryan or Dravidian was a =estion that never tro#led the people of $ndia ntil foreign scholars came in and #egan to draw the line."
This is spported also #y the %ansmriti another ancient athority. $t tells s that Dravidians :in the geographic sense; are also Aryans who at one time had fallen from the Aryan fold when they stopped following certain 8edic practices and ritals. :'as this the reason that Sage Agastya went soth of the 8indhyas ta&ing 8edic &nowledge with him(; The %ansmriti has #een revised many times to reflect changes in society and practices. $n one particlar place it descri#es Arya Desha as< "The land #onded #y the montain of Reva :Narmada; the !astern Sea :ay of engal; and the 'estern Sea :Ara#ian Sea; is Arya Desha. This is the land where #lac&-s&inned deer roam freely." That is to say the %ansmriti identifies Arya Desha as none other than 6eninslar $ndia which incldes Dravidians. $t also tells s that the inha#itants of this contry are eemplary Aryans worthy of emlation #y all. 'hat this means is that the terms 4Arya4 and 4Aryadesha4 were assigned to people and their ha#itat depending on their condct and cltre - and not race or langage. This also means that the assignment cold change depending on whether the people had lapsed from their epected standards of #ehavior. So at the time when this passage in the %ansmriti was composed the people of 6eninslar $ndia were considered eemplary Aryans. And this was #ecase of their condct - not langage or race. 4Race science4< /olonial-missionary politics The notion of Aryan and Dravidian as separate races thogh a colonial !ropean imposition contines to inflence intellectal discorse in $ndia. This is nfortnate #ecase it rests on scientifically discredited #eliefs. 'riting as far #ac& as 5>*> Sir 7lian )ley one of the great natral scientists of the centry o#served< "$n !ngland and America the phrase 4Aryan race4 has =ite ceased to #e sed #y writers with scientific &nowledge thogh it appears occasionally in political and propagandist literatre. $n ?ermany the idea of the 4Aryan4 race received no more scientific spport than in !ngland. Nevertheless it fond a#le and very persistent literary advocates who made it appear very flattering to local vanity. $t therefore steadily spread fostered #y special conditions." )ley was referring of corse to the rise of Na@ism arond the notion of the Aryan race. $t shold ma&e one sspicios of the motives of the !nglish who while denoncing racial theories in !rope contined to classify their $ndian s#jects along racial lines. $t was simply a politically convenient tool in their 4divide
and rle4 strategy. They appealed to the vanity of one grop to ma&e them feel sperior to others :#t still inferior to the !nglish;. They &new well that it had no scientific #asis #t fond it a convenient tool for se in $ndia ritish were #y no means the only colonists to indlge in sch propaganda in the name of 4science4. This idea of dividing a con=ered people in the name of 4race science4 was a standard ploy of colonial officials and /hristian missionaries. %ch of the #loodletting in ethnic conflicts in Africa today is de to sch mischief. Spea&ing of the recent )t-Ttsi conflicts the Brench anthropologist 7ean-6ierre 9angellier wrote< "The idea that the )ts and the Ttsis were physically different was first aired in the 5C+s #y the ritish eplorer 7ohn Spe&eE The history of Rwanda Fli&e that of mch of AfricaG has #een distorted #y 6ere lancs F'hite BathersG missionaries academics and colonial administrators. They made the Ttsis ot to #e a sperior race which had con=ered the region and enslaved the )ts. E%issionaries taght the )ts that historical fallacy which was the reslt of racist !ropean concepts #eing applied to an African reality. At the end of the fifties the )ts sed that discorse to react against the Ttsis." Sond familiar( The Aryan-Dravidian conflicts are a car#on copy of the same racist divide convert and con=er policy. Bortnately that there is enogh indigenos scholarship in $ndia to fight and refte sch political charlatanism thogh it did scceed in dividing the people into mtally hostile camps. This was mainly de to the patronage etended to them #y the rling athorities - first the ritish and then the %arist dominated /ongress. etter sense is now #eginning to prevail. t to their eternal disgrace the 4Seclarist4 and %arist historians of $ndia contine to peddle this racist nonsense. They shall live in infamy. The #asic pro#lem with these race theories is that they are #ased not on any laws of natre #t man-made classifications that se eternally o#serva#le featres. As one scholar pt it< "The race concept has no scientific #asis. ?iven any two individals one can regard them as #elonging to the same race #y ta&ing their common genetic characteristics or on the contrary as #elonging to different races #y emphasi@ing the genetic characteristic in which they differ." As an illstration instead of choosing s&in- and eye color as defining parameters if one were to choose height and weight one wold end p with African Hls and Scandinavians as #elonging to the same race. Noting sch anomalies 9igi /avalliSfor@a widely regarded as the world4s foremost hman geneticist
o#served that sch eternal featres simply indicate changes de to adaptation to the environment. )e points ot that the rest of the genetic ma&ep of the hman family hardly differs at all. There are similar misconceptions a#ot Aryan and Dravidan langages. The idea that different langages of a 4family4 #ranched off from a single root langage - sometimes called a proto-langage - can #e traced to the story of the Tower of a#el fond in the i#le. i#lical #eliefs li&e the creation of the world on Octo#er 2* ,++, / have had great inflence on the interpretation of $ndian history and cltre #y nineteenth centry !ropeans. The great %a %ller himself admitted this i#lical #elief was the reason why he sed 51++ / as the date of the Aryan invasion. '.'. )nter another well-&nown $ndologist from the same period was even more candid when he wrote< "... scholarship is warmed with the holy flame of /hristian @eal." To ta&e an eample %rray !menea a prominent Dravidianist wrote as recently as 5>1,< "At some time in the second millennim / pro#a#ly comparatively early in the millennim a #and or #ands of spea&ers of an $ndo-!ropean langage later to #e called Sans&rit entered $ndia over the northwest passes. This is or lingistic doctrine which has #een held now for more than a centry and a half. There seems to #e no reason to distrst the argments for it in spite of the traditional )ind ignorance of any sch invasion." This is a statement #ased on faith that has no place in science. /ltral differences /ltrally the differences that we find #etween North and Soth $ndian temples can #e attri#ted to the historical eperience of the last few centries. The $slamic onslaght destroyed centers of learning in North $ndia. Al#erni who accompanied %ahmd of ?ha@ni on his campaigns in $ndia wrote< "%ahmd tterly rined the prosperity of the contry and performed there wonderfl eploits #y which the )inds #ecame li&e atoms of dst scattered in all directions. ... Their scattered remains cherish of corse the most inveterate aversion of all the %slims. This is the reason too why )ind sciences have retired far away from those parts of the contry con=ered #y s and have fled to places which or hand cannot yet reach." A historical fact worth noting that the last great school of $ndian mathematics florished in far away 0erala in the 5,-51th centry where %adhava and his stdents wor&ed on pro#lems of /alcls and
$nfinite Series more than two centries #efore Newton and ?regory. $ndia #efore the coming of $slam had many great centers of learning. Taila Nalanda 8i&ramashila Sarnath and many more sed to attract stdents from all over the world. Bollowing the esta#lishment of the Delhi Sltanate for the net si hndred years not a center of learning worth the name was esta#lished. :$ leave ot $slamic theological centers.; $t was only in the nineteenth centry that niversities #egan to reappear. As a reslt the inflence of $slam has #een mch greater in the North than the Soth. This reslted in a loss of tradition and s&ills which had to #e more or less re-ac=ired #eginning in the 5Cth centry. The main inflence in the north has #een of the %oghl !mpire while in the soth it has #een that of the 8ijayanagar !mpire and its sccessors li&e the &ingdoms of %ysore Travancore and Tanjavr. $t wold #e a serios error to project this #ac& into early history - something li&e projecting #ac& the 6ortgese inflence on ?oa into the remote past. At the same time the differences shold not #e eaggerated. Bor instance in 0ashmir priests are recrited from 0arnata&a while temples in Nepal have priests from 0erala. The very fact that Sha&aracharya esta#lished centers in all corners of $ndia shows that he was not considered an otsider #y North $ndians even in those days. All this #rings s #ac& to politics as the main contri#tor to the Aryan-Dravidian divide inclding lingistics. The originator of the Dravidian langage theory was ishop /aldwell the athor of the highly inflential /omparative ?rammar of Dravidian 9angages :5C1 5C31;. )e placed Dravidian langages in what he called the Scythian 9angage Bamily. 'hen another lingist :?over; critici@ed /aldwell for his nsond theories a#ot the Scythian family and Dravidian langages it drew the following response< "$t wold have #een well if %r. ?over had made himself sre of perfectly apprehending Dr. /aldwell4s Scythic theory #efore regarding its reftation ... as not only of considera#le moment from a philological point of view #t of vast moral and political importance." y 4moral and political4 he o#viosly meant /hristian missionary and ritish colonial interests. To the disgrace of $ndian edcation athorities and seclarist scholars this is still the version of history taght in $ndian schools. References
The 6olitics of )istory #y N.S. Rajaram :5>>1; New Delhi< 8oice of $ndia. 4The 8edic Dravidians4 in A )ind 8iew of the 'orld #y N.S. Rajaram :5>>C; New Delhi< 8oice of $ndia.