Word Formation: Negatives
For the FCE exam, there's nearly always at least one negatie in the wor! "ormation #a#er$ There are lots o" #re"ixes an! s%""ixes we &an %se to mae negaties$ ($ Negatie Negatie #re"ixes #re"ixes &an )e %se! with with no%ns, no%ns, er)s, er)s, a!*e&tie a!*e&tie an! a!er)s$ a!er)s$ For exam#le exam#le disa##roal, disa##roe, disa##roing, disa##roingly$ +$ s%ally im - p .im#atient/ )%t not always .%n#leasant/$ 0$ O"ten il - l .illegal/ )%t not always .%nliely/$ 1$ O"ten ir - r .irreg%lar/ )%t not always .%nres#onsie/$ 2$ s%ally -ful &hanges to -less .harm"%l3less/ )%t not always .en!less/$ 4$ I" yo% yo% &an't &an't rem remem) em)er, er, &hoose &hoose un 5 it's the most &ommon negatie #re"ix$
ina&&%rate %nex#e&te! %naware ina##ro#riate %n)eliea)le ine""i&ient in&a#a)le %nnown %na)le ine""e&tie ilir-
!isa##roe !islie !isagree !is)elie" !ishonest
mismis)ehae irreg%lar irres#onsi)le mis%n!erstan! irrational irreg%lar miss#ell mis%se
illegal illiterate illogi&al illegi)le
im#ro)a)le im#ossi)le im#olite im#er"e&t im#atient -less
&areless harmless hel#less en!less
6oo at in"ormation in the ta)le "or ( min%te an! try to remem)er the wor!s$Write the NE7ATI8E NE7ATI8E "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ 9e ery &are"%l: some wor!s hae !i""erent negatie "orms .e$g$ %n)eliea)le3!is)elie", %nliely3!islie, %na)le3!isa)le!/$ ($ The #oliti&ian #oliti&ian was a&&%se! o" )eing +$ ;is story was so
I tho%ght tho%ght he was &ra
0$ She looe! looe! at him in
when he tol! her the sho&ing sho&ing news$ .9E6IE8E/ .9E6IE8E/
1$ Many #eo#le #eo#le are
o" the !angers !angers o" mo)ile mo)ile #hones$ #hones$ .AW .AWARE/
2$ ;e's inite! inite! me to his #arty$ #arty$ It wo%l! wo%l! )e
to say no$ .=O6ITE/ .=O6ITE/
4$ Too Too many &hil!ren &hil!ren nowa!ays nowa!ays are growing growing %# >$ That's not what I sai!? @o%'e @o%'e $ My !og is &om#letely &om#letely B$ The me!i&ine me!i&ine was
$ I #romise #romise he won't won't )ite$ .;ARM/ .;ARM/
so he "aile! the Maths exam$ .ACCRAT .ACCRATE/
that #eo#le will eer lie on the moon$ .6IE6@/ .6IE6@/
(+$ ;e waite! (0$ It's
5 he !i!n't !i!n't re&oer$ re&oer$ .EFFECT/ .EFFECT/
($ ;is answers were ery (($ It's
"or the train$ .=AT .=ATIENT/ to smoe in #%)li& #la&es nowa!ays$ .6E7A6/
(1$ I wo%l! neer tea&h &hil!ren$ They always (2$ The shirt he's wearing is &om#letely (4$ ;is s#ee&h was
$ .9E;A8 .9E;A8E/ "or a *o) interiew$ .A==RO=RIAT .A==RO=RIATE/
$ I tho%ght he'! neer sto# taling$ .END/
Word Formation: Nouns with -ion
One o" the most &ommon ways to &hange a er) to a no%n is with 5ion .e$g$ a&t to a&tion/ an! 5ation .e$g$ o)sere to o)seration/$ Sometimes we also &hange the er) stem as well when we mae the no%n lie this .e$g$ ex#lain to ex#lanation/$ The ta)le )elow shows &ommon no%ns in whi&h the s#elling o" the stem also &hanges$ 6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or (5+ min%tes an! try to remem)er the wor!s$
a##li&ation #ermission sol%tion !es&ri#tion intention &om#etition !e&ision ex#lanation #ro!%&tion re#etition &ons%m#tion %ali"i&ation
a##ly #ermit sole !es&ri)e inten! &om#ete !e&i!e ex#lain #ro!%&e re#eat &oms%me %ali"y
a##li&a)le #ermissa)le %nsole! !es&ri#tie %ninten!e! &om#etitie !e&isie %nex#laine! #ro!%&tie re#etitie &ons%ma)le %ali"ie!
Write the &orre&t "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ Some o" the answers are irreg%lar ."rom the ta)le a)oe/, )%t there are other reg%lar no%ns in&l%!e! here$ Don't "orget to %se an 5s i" ne&essary$ ($ =lease sen! a #hotogra#h with yo%r C8 an! +$ @o% nee! to mae a 0$ ;er
"orm$ .A==6@/
to!ay$ .DECIDE/
o" the grammar was ery %n&lear$ .E=6AIN/
1$ We ha! a long
a)o%t o%r #ro)lems$ .DISCSS/
2$ St%!ents m%st hae their #arent's
to &ome on the tri#$ .=ERMIT/
4$ ;e is still in hos#ital, re&oering "rom his >$ I entere! a )owling $ My &hil!ren neer show B$ I &an't &ome %# with a ($ The
$ .COM=ETE/ "or anything I !o? .A==RECIATE/ to this #ro)lem$ .SO68E/
o" *%n "oo! has in&rease! oer the last + years$ .CONSME/
(($ @o% nee! a lot o"
"or this *o)$ .GA6IF@/
(+$ When I lie! a)roa!, I "o%n! the (0$ The
"rom my "amily ery !i""i&%lt$ .SE=ARATE/
o" the new "lats is nearly "inishe!$ .CONSTRCT/
(1$ We !on't want a
o" the iolen&e at last year's "oot)all mat&h$ .RE=EAT/
(2$ The #oli&e are &on!%&ting an (4$ I gae the #oli&e a (>$ It wasn't my ($ We are maing
into the m%r!er$ .IN8ESTI7ATE/ o" the thie"$ .DESCRI9E/
to o""en! yo%$ .INTEND/ "or the we!!ing$ .=RE=ARE/
(B$ I'e *%st ha! a ery interesting +$ @o% &an try o%r #ro!%&t "or "ree, with no
with yo%r sister$ .CON8ERSE/ to )%y it$ .O96I7E/
-ence suffix 6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or (5+ min%tes an! try to remem)er the wor!s$ Try to answer the %estions at the )ottom$ Noun (-ence
ei!en&e existen&e .in/!e#en!en&e !i""eren&e intelligen&e .!is/o)e!ien&e ex&ellen&e silen&e iolen&e inno&en&e o&&%rren&e .im/#atien&e
ei!ent existing .in/!e#en!ent !i""erent intelligent .!is/o)e!ient ex&ellent silent iolent inno&ent 5 .im/#atient
Noun (-ance
atten!an&e atten!ant .#erson/ assistan&e assistant .#erson/ .!is/a##earan&e !istan&e .%n/im#ortan&e a&&e#tan&e reass%ran&e .ir/relean&e .in/signi"i&an&e
5 to exist to !e#en! to !i""er 5 to .!is/o)ey to ex&el to silen&e to iolate 5 to o&&%r 5
to atten!
to assist
a##arent !istant .%n/im#ortant a&&e#ting reass%re! .ir/releant .in/signi"i&ant
to .!is/a##ear 5 5 a&&e#t to reass%re 5 to signi"y
Write the &orre&t "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ The answer &o%l! )e a no%n or an a!*e&tie$ Don't "orget to %se an 5s or a negatie #re"ix i" ne&essary$
($ n"ort%nately, a&&i!ents are a &ommon +$ It's !i""i&%lt to )eliee in the
along this roa!$ .OCCR/ o" aliens$ .EIST/
0$ The #oli&e are looing "or
o" the atta&$ .E8IDENT/
1$ She thins eeryone hates her an! nee!s 2$ S&ientist )eliee that the mysterio%s 4$ What's the )est #%nishment "or a
o" millions o" )ees is !%e to !isease$ .A==EAR/ teenagerH .O9E@/
>$ What he sai! was tr%e, )%t it was &om#letely $ (
"rom her "rien!s all the time$ .REASSRE/
is ne&essary to #ass this &o%rse$ .ATTEND/
B$ I'm the only #erson who )eliees in his ($ There are three sho#
$ Een the #oli&e thin he's g%ilty$ .INNOCENT/
oer there 5 yo% sho%l! as one o" them "or hel#$ .ASSIST/
(($ Some #eo#le thin that i" yo% en*oy yo%r *o), the salary is
, )%t I loe money?
.IM=ORTANCE/ (+$ I'm ex&ite! )e&a%se I'e *%st got a letter o" (0$ Cats are extremely (1$ @o% nee! a lot o"
"rom Cam)ri!ge niersity? .ACCE=T/
animals$ They !on't really nee! #eo#le$ .DE=END/ i" yo% want to wor with &hil!ren$ .=ATIENT/
6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or (5+ min%tes an! try to remem)er the wor!s$ Try to answer the %estions at the )ottom$
Noun .!is/)elie" a &hoi&e a !e"ense a !eath a gi"t a loss a marriage #ra&ti&e #retense #roo" sa"ety a sight a s#ee&h a s%&&ess a tho%ght
Verb .!is/)eliee &hoose !e"en! !ie gie lose marry #ra&tise #reten! .!is/#roe sae see s#ea s%&&ee! thin
Adjective .%n/)eliea)le &hosen !e"ensie !ea!3!ea!ly 5 lost .%n/marrie! #ra&tising 5 .%n/#roen .%n/sa"e %nseen .%n/s#oen .%n/s%&&ess"%l tho%ght"%l3less
Adverb .%n/)eliea)ly 5 !e"ensiely !ea!ly 5 5 5 5 5 5 sa"ely 5 5 .%n/s%&&ess"%lly tho%ght"%lly3lessly
Write the &orre&t "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ ($ The "lowers are
#oisono%s 5 !on't eat them? .DIE/
+$ @o% hae no 0$ Their
5 yo% m%st !o it$ .C;OOSE/ was a ery ha##y one$ .MARR@/
1$ @o% nee! to !o some more 2$ We !on't hae any 4$ She's really
o" this grammar$ .=RACTISE/ that he &ommitte! the &rime$ .=RO8E/
a)o%t her new hair&%t$.DEFEND/
>$ The &om#any ma!e a $ I stare! at him in
on their new #ro!%&t$ .6OSE/ $ .9E6IE8E/
B$ @o%r #arents really &are a)o%t yo%r ($ The #oliti&ian's (($ We trie! to ee# %# the
$ .SA8E/
really ma!e me thin a)o%t the iss%es$ .S=EA/ that eerything was O$ .=RETEND/
(+$ I nee! to get a
"or my #arents' we!!ing anniersary$ .7I8E/
(0$ I'm really sorry$ @o% were (1$ ;e lost his
in yo%r *o) a##li&ation$ .SCCEED/
in the a&&i!ent .SEE/
(2$ ;e's really sel"ish an!
$ .T;IN/
Most a!*e&ties whi&h en! in 5"%l mae the negatie with 5less$ 9%t, not all$ Note also that we &an mae a!er)s "rom these a!*e&ties with 5"%lly or 5lessly$ For exam#le, &are full! an! &arelessl!$ This is a list o" ey wor!s whi&h might a##ear in the FCE exam$ 6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or (5+ min%tes an! try to remem)er the wor!s$ Try to answer the %estions at the )ottom$ "he words in this table all use -ful and -less to ma#e the adjectives$ Noun
&are harm hel# ho#e #ain #ower %se tho%ght taste
&are harm hel# ho#e #ain #ower %se thin taste
&are"%l3&areless harm"%l3harmless .%n/hel#"%l3hel#less ho#e"%l3ho#eless #ain"%l3#ainless #ower"%l3#owerless %se"%l3%seless tho%ght"%l3tho%ghtless taste"%l3tasteless
"he adjectives in this table ta#e -ful or -less% but not both$ Noun
&o%nt en! home #ea&e #lay #ri&e s%&&ess tr%th worth
&o%nt en! 5 5 #lay #ri&e s%&&ee! 5 worth
&o%ntless3&o%nta)le en!less homeless #ea&e"%l #lay"%l #ri&eless .%n/s%&&ess"%l .%n/tr%th"%l3.%n/tr%e worthless
FCE WORD FORMATIONS Write the &orre&t a!*e&tie or a!er) "or ea&h o" these %estions$ @o% will nee! to %se -ful&-less or -full!&lessl!$ Some answers will also nee! un-$ ($ What a loely #resent? That was ery +$ ;e !ries really 0$ ;e's tol! me
o" yo%$ .T;IN/
5 one !ay he's going to hae an a&&i!ent$ .CARE/ times a)o%t how goo! he is at "oot)all$ .CONT/
1$ 9e&a%se o" his )a! interiew, he was
in his *o) a##li&ation$ .SCCEED/
2$ JI !i!n't eat yo%r &ho&olate,J she sai!
, hi!ing the em#ty wra##er$ .TRE/
4$ It's
$ Englan! will neer win the Worl! C%# "oot)all again$ .;O=E/
>$ My )est "rien! is a ri&h,
lawyer$ .=OWER/
$ @o% m%st remem)er to re&harge yo%r #hone$ Witho%t its )atteries, it's B$ Cigarettes are
$ .SE/
to yo%r health$ .;ARM/
($ The sales assistant was really
an! r%!e$ .;E6=/
(($ A new5)orn )a)y is &om#letely
$ .;E6=/
(+$ JDon't worry 5 this in*e&tion will )e &om#letely (0$ Thiees )roe into the m%se%m an! stole a (1$ She's really ri&h, )%t her &lothes are always ery
$ .=AIN/ #ainting )y 8an 7ogh$ .=RICE/ an! elegant$ .TASTE/
(2$ I )o%ght some shares in the &om#any 2 years ago, )%t %n"ort%nately now they are
.WORT;/ (4$ ;is s#ee&h went on
$ I tho%ght he'! neer sto# taling$ .END/
The wor! "ormation #art o" the FCE %se o" English exam o"ten tests a!*e&ties s%&h as 'short', 'wi!e', '!ar' an! their no%ns an! er)s$ ;ere is a list o" some o" the more &ommon a!*e&ties an! their "orms$
6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or (5+ min%tes an! try to remem)er the wor!s$ Adjective
!ee# high 5 wi!e long short large low tight loose strong wea !ar )right
!e#th height weight wi!th length shortage .K not eno%gh/ shortness .K not tall/ enlargement 5 tightness looseness strength weaness !arness !ar )rightness
!ee#en heighten weigh wi!en lengthen shorten enlarge lower tighten loosen strengthen weaen
!aren )righten
Write the &orre&t "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ ($ Normally I #re"er tall men, )%t my h%s)an!'s +$ The news re#ort &oere! the e&onomi& &risis in 0$ A healthy !iet will 1$ I" they
$ .DEE=/
yo%r li"e ex#e&tan&y$ .6ON7/
this roa!, there wo%l! )e "ewer a&&i!ents$ .WIDE/
2$ I thin I'll
this #hotogra#h$ .6AR7E/
4$ The air#ort has
se&%rity at #ass#ort &ontrol$ .TI7;T/
>$ I !o yoga to
my )a&$ .STRON7/
$ There is a water
nearly eery s%mmer in the so%th o" Englan!$ .S;ORT/
B$ The moment I le"t wor I ($ When I (($ The
isn't a #ro)lem$ .S;ORT/
my tie an! starte! to relax$ .6OOSE/
mysel", I "o%n! o%t I'! lost (g? .WEI7;T/ o" my &om#%ter s&reen gies me a hea!a&he$ .9RI7;T/
(+$ I'm a"rai! o"
so I &o%l!n't lie on the (th "loor$ .;I7;/
(0$ The lights went o%t an! the room was #l%nge! into (1$ I'm a"rai! o" the
so I slee# with the lights on$ .DAREN/
(2$ The goernment are going to (4$ ;is long illness has
$ .DAR/
the legal !rining age to ($ .6OW/ him$ .WEA/
6oo at the in"ormation in the ta)le "or ( min%te an! try to remem)er the wor!s$ Try to answer the %estions at the )ottom$
enlarge ena)le entr%st enrage ens%re en!anger
wi!en lengthen !ee#en shorten tighten )righten !aren weaen strengthen
teleise a!ise organise s#e&ialise #rioritise &riminalise a#ologise
)ea%ti"y &lari"y s#e&i"y i!enti"y terri"y #%ri"y
Write the &orre&t "orm o" the wor! in )ra&ets to &om#lete these senten&es$ 9e ery &are"%l 5 these are er)s$ So, "or exam#le, i" the wor! is DEE=, the er) &o%l! )e deepen , deepens, deepening or deepened $ ($ I "in! it !i""i&%lt to
my wor$ .=RIORIT@/
+$ I'm st%!ying me!i&ine$ I want to
in geneti&s$ .S=ECIA6/
0$ This #hotogra#h is too small$ Can yo%
it "or meH .6AR7E/
1$ I !i!n't %n!erstan! what yo% *%st sai!$ Co%l! yo%
itH .C6EAR/
2$ My ele&troni& !i&tionary
me to listen to the #ron%n&iation o" new wor!s$ .A96E/
4$ ;e loes inse&ts$ ;e &an
oer 2 !i""erent ty#es o" )eetle$.IDENTIT@/
>$ There are a lot o" a&&i!ents on this roa! 5 the &o%n&il sho%l! $ The time we s#ent a#art only B$ @o% !i!n't
my loe "or him$ .STRON7/
what "lao%r yo% wante!, so I got yo% &ho&olate$ .S=ECIFIC/
($ ;is s#ee&h was too long$ ;e sho%l! hae (($ ;e always thins he's right$ ;e neer (+$ I thin the goernment sho%l!
(2$ The "ilm JThe RingJ
it$ .S;ORT/ "or his mistaes$ .A=O6O7@/
al&ohol$ .CRIMINA6/
(0$ Than yo% "or the "lowers$ They really (1$ The )%rglar
it$ .WIDT;/
%# the room$ .9RI7;T/
that no one was in the ho%se )e"ore he )roe in$ .SRE/ me$ I &o%l!n't slee# "or !ays$ .TERROR/
(4$ The goernment's #lans "or the hos#itals will
tho%san!s o" lies$ .DAN7ER/