It's a worksheet to revise the contents of Unit 2 (1º ESO)
They are worksheets for my students of year 8 to revise the use of the simple past (regular verbs) and vocabulary of this unit:landscape places and places in town.Descripción completa
It's a worksheet for my students of grade 7 to revise unit 1
It's a worksheet for my students of year 8 to revise vocabulary related to appearance and the past simple of be and regular verbsDescripción completa
Descripción: It's a worksheet to revise the use of countable and uncountable nouns; how to express ability and possibility, obligation and prohibition, how to order at a restaurant
Descripción: Vocabularies
Repaso inglés 1º eso con soluciónDescripción completa
Descripción: Repaso 1º eso inglés sin solución
Repaso inglés 1º eso con solución
It's a worksheet to revise vocabulary (reporting verbs, entertainment) and grammar (reported speech)
Amanda ThomasFull description
Amanda ThomasFull description
Extra Practice 1 - Real English 3 - unit 7Descripción completa
Extra ptractice What's Up 1Descrição completa
Grammar Exercises Who is Who are, very, so, verb beDescripción completa
Circle eight types of food in the puzzle. f g m k v p i k b h a p r s p i a m l a m b n r k r v e l s h r m u s h r o o m s b t c s m k l l e o d r o f m s e w p e a s p f v k b c a k t m s c a b b a g o r t v l m k j
i c l n a c c u s g l h s i e a f l b l l d o f f w i e e s h r h
h w o k p r
h k m
Which of the words are vegetables? ..........................................................................................................
Choose the correct answers to show you understand the words in bold. 1. You can can hav havee
Complete the dialogue with the words below. main course dessert side dish grilled pork starter mashed
!re you ready to order" sir?
Yes. #o begin with" $%d li&e a 1.'''''''' .
(ur 2.'''''''' vegetables are very good.
()" $%ll have the*.
!nd for your 3.'''''''' ? (ur roast chic&en is very popular.
$ don%t li&e chic&en. $%ll have the roast 4.'''''''' instead.
+o you want a 5.'''''''' with that?
Yes" $%d li&e so*e ,.'''''''' potatoes" please.
() then" $%ll leave the *enu here. You You *ay want to order
'''''''' later. Man:
$ will. $ always have so*ething sweet after *y *eal.
Grammar 4
Loo at the pictures and complete the sentences with the words below. !se too … " or (not) … enough. big oily spicy cold noisy wide
1. #he bed is '''''''' . 2. #he street is '''''''' . 3. #he food is '''''''' . 4. #he freeer is '''''''' . 5. #he crowded roo* is '''''''' . ,. #he chips are '''''''' .
!se the information to complete the sentences with the ad$ecti%es below and too … " … enough or not … enough. loud far away small cooked hot low
1. $ can%t drin& the coffee. $t%s cold. #he coffee is '''''''''''' . 2. he can%t sleep. he can hear the *usic ne0t door. #he *usic is '''''''''''' . 3. he%s a sie 3. #he dress is a sie 34. #he dress is '''''''''''' . 4. e didn%t eat the stea&. $t was raw inside. #he stea& was '''''''''''' . 5. #hey cli*bed over the wall. #he wall was '''''''''''' . ,. #hey can%t see the actors on stage. #hey are sitting in the bac& row. #hey are '''''''''''' .