.i! K" Relation of
+ari$'e Si
' *cannin! Mobility
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation
.i! 15" Time,avera!ed siFe distributions as measured by the *M<* . The liely mechanism for particle !rowth is the reintroduction of particle nuclei into the cylinder durin! EGR" The recirculatin! exhaust particles serve as sites for further condensation and accumulation leadin! to lar!er particles" ' si!nificant fraction of the measured siFe distribution appears lar!er than the 455 nm upper bound of the *M<* for the hi!hest EGR rates" This is si!nificant because these particles contain much of the exhaust particulate mass" The fre;uency plot in the fi!ure illustrates the disappearance of small particles and the !rowth of much lar!er particles" The diver!ence between the curves for particles 155 nm and particles =5,155 nm increases si!nificantly at &59 EGR and continues to increase" The fi!ure does appear to show that the smallest particles are contributin! to the !rowth of the lar!est ones" The increase in lar!er particles is less steep than the increase in particle mass in the fi!ure"
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation
.i! 11" .re;uency of occurrence of particle siFe classes" 9.9. NO6 re!u$i"n e--e$ "- EGR ,i(. 1/ shows the typical N?x reduction effect of EGR at the mid,speed ran!e of the test en!ine" $nder all load conditions) the amount of N?x decreases as the EGR rate increases" The !raph also shows that the N?x reduction curves with the 5 9 EGR point as the ori!in slope downward at different an!les accordin! to the loadO the hi!her the load) the steeper the an!le" 0n other words) the N?x reduction effect at the same EGR rate increases as the en!ine load becomes hi!her"
.i!"1%" Relationship between EGR rate and N?x 0t is !enerally nown that there are two reasons to reduce N?x by EGR" The first of them is the reduction of combustion temperature" The addition of exhaust !ases to the intae air increases the amount of combustion, accompanyin! !ases +mainly 7?%-) which in turn increases the heat capacity and lowers the combustion temperature" The second effect is the reduction of oxy!en concentration in the intae air) which restrains the !eneration of N?x" ,i(. 19 shows the N?x emission test results as a function of the concentration of oxy!en in
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation the intae airLEGR !as mixture" This !raph shows that the N?x reduction rate depends mostly on oxy!en concentration) and not on the en!ine load or EGR rate"
.i! 1&" Relationship between oxy!en concentration and N?x reduction ,i(.19 shows the results of N?x emission tests conducted while varyin! both the en!ine operatin! conditions and EGR rate) in which the test results shown in ,i(. 19 are mer!ed" 's in ,i(.19) almost all the data are on or in a sin!le curve) indicatin! that there is a stron! correlation between the oxy!en concentration and N?x reduction rate" The reason for this is thou!ht to be as followsI 0n ,i(.1/) the N?x reduction rate under a certain load is different from that under another load even when the EGR rate remains the same because the difference in load causes a difference in the amount of combustion,accompanyin! !ases and oxy!en concentration in EGR !as) which in turn chan!es the oxy!en concentration in the intae !as +mixture of intae air and EGR gas).
:. INTERNAL EGR /hen a fraction of the combustion products is still present in the cylinder at the moment that the exhaust valves close) the mixture at the be!innin! of the next en!ine cycle will consist of air and fuel) as well as combustion products" These products are called internal EGR +in contrast to external EGR) which means that exhaust !ases are recycled to the intae system) after which they mix with the air and fuel"- The fraction of internal EGR that is present in the cylinder at the be!innin! of the compression stroe is mainly dependent on the timin! of the intae and exhaust valves" The )a')e imin( of traditional en!ines) such as the 2iesel and ?tto en!ines) is such that the fraction of exhaust !ases +or residuals- at the start of the cycle is as small as possible" Traditional en!ines have Residual Gas .ractions +RG.- in the ran!e 4,14 mass9"
2. TECHNICAL ISSUES 2.1. C"mbu*i"n C"naminai"n Exhaust !as from any combustion process may have certain contaminants) includin! acid formin! compounds) unburned and partially burned hydrocarbons) air pollutants) and li;uid water" These contaminants can be successfully reintroduced into the combustion chamber but may lead) over time) to serious combustion de!radation and instability) and
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation shorter component life" *uch effects need to be fully understood and documented) and appropriate improvements made to the combustion process to protect the customers investment and maintain true lon!,term emissions compliance" This activity would be a ey element of any ma#or en!ine manufacturers development process" 2./. C"nr"' Sy*em Sabi'iy 7ontrol systems for modern en!ines have been developed over two decades and involve inte!rated strate!ies to ad#ust airLfuel ratio) i!nition timin!) and air flow rates to maintain emissions control at varyin! loads) speeds) and fuel conditions" These systems are at the heart of successful en!ine operation today and are vital to satisfactory lon! term operation" 'ddin! EGR into the combustion process introduces further complexity that must be carefully inte!rated into the entire en!ine control system approach for successful operation over a wide ran!e of conditions" .or instance) if fuel ;uality chan!es over time) the airLfuel ratio) i!nition timin!) air system rates) and the EGR rate must be ad#usted accordin!ly to eep the combustion system stable and emissions in compliance" ?n the other hand) if the en!ines load chan!es rapidly from part load to full load and bac to part load) the EGR system dynamics must be included in the overall control strate!y response to mae sure the en!ine operates smoothly durin! this transition" 2.9. Maeria'* an! Durabi'iy EGR systems may decrease lon!,term life of the components affected) includin! the EGR coolers and control valves) the pistons and cylinder heads) exhaust manifolds and sensors) as well as the post en!ine catalyst" ?peratin! a few hundred hours per year may not lead to any si!nificant materials de!radation in the overall lifespan of an en!ine" 6owever) continuous duty applications at @455 hours per year may cause near term emissions noncompliance and lon!er term materials breadown) shorter component life) and even unexpected) catastrophic en!ine failures" To minimiFe or eliminate the potentially ne!ative impacts of EGR on en!ine components) compatible components and desi!ns must be used that often re;uire thousands of hours of lab and field test operation for validation" 'lthou!h both expensive and time consumin!) such efforts are a necessary part of provin! any new combustion desi!n includin! EGR systems" Therefore) ma#or en!ine manufacturers worldwide need to plan for and execute these tests in order to develop the materials needed for successful EGR applications" 2.:. Liui! Dr"&"u
2urin! exhaust !as recirculation) the !asses must be cooled with an external cooler before bein! reintroduced into the cool inlet manifold of an en!ine" The coolin! process for the EGR may result in li;uids bein! formed in the return lines) dependin! on temperatures and local humidity) much as li;uids are formed in the tailpipe of an automobile at certain conditions" This li;uid dropout could be a continuous stream that needs to be carefully understood and mana!ed with the needs of the local environment in mind" /hile there may be ways to reintroduce this li;uid into the combustion process) doin! so may create further problems with combustion and lead to other emissions complications and instability" 's such) mana!in! li;uid dropout needs careful study and development in an inte!rated development pro!ram"
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation >. E,,ECTS O, EGR ON ENGINE +ARTS The physical conditions of various vital en!ine parts which are directly exposed to combustion in,cylinder liner are shown in .i!ures"
.i!"18 7arbon deposits on cylinder head 1- with EGR) %- without EGR
.i!"14 7arbon deposits on in#ector tip 1- with EGR) %- without EGR
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation
.i!"1= 7arbon deposits on piston crown 1- with EGR) %- without EGR 0t can be clearly seen that carbon deposits on the various parts of the en!ine operated with EGR system is si!nificantly more than that of en!ine operated without EGR" The hi!her carbon deposits in the EGR system seem to be because of hi!her soot formation" ?. =EAR O, +ISTON RINGS
The piston rin!s are one of the most important components in the en!ine) which are essential for operation of the en!ine"
The possible reason of this may be the lower temperature of the combustion chamber of the en!ine usin! EGR" 6owever) the wear rate of second and third compression rin! and oil rin! is comparatively hi!her for en!ine usin! EGR" The possible reason for this may be presence of hi!her amount of soot and wear debris in the lubricatin! oil of the en!ine usin! EGR"
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Exhaust Gas Recirculation @" CONCLUSION Thus) as seen that usin! Exhaust Gas Recirculation Techni;ue in en!ines) the emissions are vary much controlled due to lesser amounts of N?x enterin! the atmosphere" Thus the emission levels to be maintained are attained by the en!ines" 's seen) Exhaust Gas Recirculation is a very simple method" 0t has proven to be very useful and it is bein! modified further to attain better standards" This method is very reliable in terms of fuel consumption and hi!hly reliable" Thus EGR is the most effective method for reducin! the nitrous oxide emissions from the en!ine exhaust" Many of the four wheeler manufacturers used this techni;ue lie .ord 7ompany) enF Motors etc to improve the en!ine performance and reduce the amount of pollutants in the exhaust of the en!ine"
.Re-eren$e* 1. 2eepa '!arwal ) *hrawan Humar *in!h ) 'vinash Humar '!arwalI Effect of Exhaust Gas Recirculation +EGR- on performance) emissions) deposits and durability of a constant speed compression i!nition en!ine+%5112. 6arilal *" *orathia ) 2r"
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