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Writing tools for teachers and students. A paragraph hamburger and hamburger essay show students the elements and structure of writing a persuasive essay. Can be adapted for other types of paragrap...
Analysis of William Shakespeare’s play ‘King Richard III’ (KRIII) and Al Pacino’s 199 doc!drama ‘"ooking for Richard’ ("#R) re$eals inheren% h!man $al!es &i%hin %he %e'%s remain remain !ni$er !ni$ersall sally y rele$an rele$an%% despi% despi%ee %heir %heir differ differing ing con%e' con%e'%!al %!al infl!e infl!ence ncess and a!dien a!diences ces Pacino’s "#R dra&s !pon a modern American con%e'% %o reshape %he poli%ical social and religio!s $al!es presen% in KRIII &hile in%rod!cing f!r%her $al!es rele$an% %o a modern American perspec%i$e Pacino %ake’s ad$an%age of KRIII’s adap%a*ili%y %o crea%e a more accessi*le form %o rela%e %o %his modern American perspec%i$e +he concern of %he desire for po&er is e$iden% in ei%her %e'% in rela%ion %o %heir respec%i$e con%e'%!al infl!ences KRIII e'plores an indi$id!al’s p!rs!i% of po&er %hro!gh a reflec%ion of %he $ie&s of a %heocen%ric ,li-a*e%han socie%y &hile "#R dra&s on modern poli%ical crises e%c. +he concern of %he desire for po&er is e$iden% in ei%her %e'% in rela%ion %o %heir respec%i$e con%e'%!al infl!ences KRIII e'plores a /achia$ellian desire for po&er and depic%s %his as a ca%alys% for social chaos and a do&nfall of ‘%he 0ice’ harac%erisa%ion of Richard as ‘%he 0ice’ an !nscr!p!lo!s r!%hless amoral fig!re &ho p!rs!es po&er relen%lessly ser$es as royalis% propaganda %o promo%e %he +!dor’s righ% %o %he %hrone Richard’s de%ermina%ion %o 2pro$e a $illain3 and %h!s his e$iden%ial 2fall in%o %he ro%%en mo!%h of dea%h3 !nder %he force of 4od reflec%s ,li-a*e%han pro$iden%ialism as his do&nfall carries %he ine$i%a*ili%y and &eigh% of his%orical fac% and di$ine re%ri*!%ion re%r i*!%ion Richard’s o$er%hro& o$er%hro& dea%h and %he fac% %ha% he m!s% s!rrender his po&er %o %he &orkings of di$ine 5!s%ice reflec% ,li-a*e%han socie%y’s %heocen%ric $ie& %ha% social order is sanc%ioned *y 4od Sym*olic descrip%ions of Richard as a ‘*loody and !s!rping *oar’ and a ‘fo!l’ ‘%oad’ highligh% his loss of h!man 6!ali%ies and emphasise his *es%ial primi%i$e l!s% for po&er +he rele$ance of %he concern of %he desire for po&er remains cons%an% in "#R Pacino crea%es a $is!al in%erpre%a%ion of Richard’s e$il $illaino!s na%!re %hro!gh %he !se of en%irely *lack cos%!m cos%!ming ing !nders% !nders%ood ood *y modern modern a!dien a!diences ces %o represe represen% n% &icked &ickednes ness s and %he !se of chiarosc!ro ligh%ing in a%%emp% %o allo& a modern American a!dience %o !nders%and %he $al!es of KRIII 7iffering from KRIII "#R presen%s %he desire for po&er %o *e par% of h!man cons%r!c% Pacino dra&s on modern democra%ic ideals and c!rren% poli%ical reali%ies %o parallel Richard’s si%!a%ion %o f!r%her promo%e %he rele$ance r ele$ance of KRIII %o a modern American a!dience onnec%ions *e%&een modern ‘Iran8on%ra’ affairs and %he scheming *e%&een Richard and !ckingham %hro!gho!% KRIII are made in "#R *y K,0I: SPA,; in a%%emp% %o make Shakesp Shakespeare eare more more con%e' con%e'%!a %!ally lly rele$an rele$an%% %o moder modern n Americ American an perspe perspec%i c%i$es $es and %o allo& allo& a!diences %o !nders%and %he na%!re of %he desire for po&er in KRIII +he idea of h!man na%!re is e'plored in KRIII and "#R in respec% %o %heir con%e'%!al infl!ences +hro!gho!% KRIII Shakespeare e'plores h!mani%y and in%rod!ces a po&erf!l decep%ion of &ha% i% means %o *e h!man Richard’s ini%ial asser%ions of himself as ‘!nfinished’ and ‘half made !p’ s!gges%s he sees himself as less %han h!man +his is f!r%hered %hro!gh sym*olic descrip%ions of Richard as a ‘*loody and !s!rping *oar’ and a ‘fo!l’ ‘%oad’ highligh% his loss of h!man 6!ali%ies and his primi%i$eness primi%i$eness +hese *ecome rec!rring mo%ifs &i%hin %he play and %hey ser$e %o raise %he 6!es%ion &he%her someone can *ecome so corr!p% &i%h e$il %ha% %hey cease %o *e h!man anymore KRIII is responsi$e %o e'is%en% %ension *e%&een ,li-a*e%han ,li-a*e%han socie%y’s socie%y’s shif% in pro$iden%i pro$iden%ialis% alis% $ie&poin%s $ie&poin%s %o %he emergence of h!manism h!manism and %he sec!lar e'plora%ion e'plora%ion of an indi$id!al’ indi$id!al’ss free &ill +his change in %ho!gh% %ho!gh% is e$iden% e$iden% in %he s%r!c%!re of KRIII as i% differs from Shakespeare’s %radi%ional %ragedy s%r!c%!re KRIII no% only addresses pro$iden%ialism *!% also h!manism %hro!gh Richard’s o$er%hro& and dea%h as
i% reflec%s *o%h ,li-a*e%han socie%y’s %heocen%ric $ie& %ha% social order is sanc%ioned *y 4od and %he h!manis% $ie& %ha% %here are ine$i%a*le e%ernal conse6!ences for h!man ac%ions