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cause and effect essay
cause and effect essay
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Garcia 1
Lawrence Garcia Roxanna Dewey English 101 3 November 2016 Why Yong Yong !eo"le #$ill #mo%e &igare$$es Des"i$e $he 'angers o( smo%ing being wi'ely %nown an' broa'cas$e') millions o( $eenagers) incl'ing mysel() s$ill ac*ire' $he habi$ (or reasons o($en "er$aining $o yo$h(l ignorance+ , "ic%e' " my (irs$ cigare$$e a$ $he age o( six$een 'ring a "ar$y a($er a (rien' o((ere' me one+ , acce"$e' $he o((er an' remember $hin%ing $o mysel() -, won.$ ge$ a''ic$e' $o $hese+/ #re enogh) $he criosi$y wol' $rn in$o a re"lsive) money was$ing a''ic$ion $ha$ $oo% over $hree years $o con*er+ he 21 'ay ex"erience "resen$e' an o""or$ni$y $o al$er or omi$ a ro$ine (or $he s"eci(ie' amon$ o( $ime+ , 'eci'e' $o remove smo%ing cigare$$es an' all o$her "ro'c$s con$aining nico$ine (rom my 'aily li(e+ ($er a (ew s$rggles 'ring $he ini$ial "hases) $he goal was l$ima$ely me$ a$ $he en'+ his raises $he *es$ion) why 'o "eo"le smo%e cigare$$es when $he harm(l e((ec$s are wi'ely %nown he mo$ives $ha$ lea' $o n'er age' $eens smo%ing are 'e $o criosi$y) "eer "ressre) easy access $o $he "ro'c$s) an' $he belie( $ha$ -$he $hrea$ o( ill heal$h or 'ea$h seems very (ar o((+/ Graves) 204 $ a yong age) i$ a""ears $ha$ many "eo"le 'o no$ "lace a lo$ o( em"hasis on $he im"or$ance o( $heir heal$h an' well5being+ eenagers believe $ha$ $hey are invincible an' 'o no$ believe $ha$ $he nega$ive si'e e((ec$s will a""ear n$il many many years have "asse') 'es"i$e $he (ac$ $ha$ i$ has been "roven $ha$ $he conse*ences $a%e e((ec$ shor$ly a($er s$ar$ing+ ,$ only $a%es a (ew
Garcia 2
cigare$$es $o become a''ic$e') an' brea%ing $he habi$ is ex$remely 'i((icl$ even when one claims) -, can *i$ whenever , wan$ $o+/ ccor'ing $o Graves) -ne $hir' o( yong "eo"le who $ry cigare$$es become a''ic$e' be(ore $he age o( 20+/ 124 he nega$ive conse*ences o( cigare$$e smo%ing have been s$resse' (or over (i($y years) ye$ many $eenagers s$ar$ " becase $hey $he y sim"ly 'is"lay in$eres$ in $rying $hem+ &riosi$y even$ally lea's many $eens $o a li(elong smo%ing habi$+ l$hogh smo%ing is (ar less "o"lar $han i$ was (i($y years ago) millions o( "eo"le in $he 7+#+ are s$ill smo%ers) some o( $hem ha""en $o be $eens an' yong a'l$s+ !eer "ressre seems $o be one o( $he main cl"ri$s $ha$ lea' $o n'er age' smo%ing+ Graves also s$a$es $ha$ -8or o$ o( (ive $eens smo%e $heir (irs$ cigare$$e wi$h (rien's) bro$hers or sis$ers) or o$her $eens+/ 204 9eing easily "ersa'e' a$ a yong age can lea' $o a li(e o( 'evas$a$ing heal$h+ l$hogh , 'i'n.$ begin smo%ing becase , $hogh$ i$ was -cool/) -co ol/) $here are many $eens $ha$ (alsely believe smo%ing will give $hem a "osi$ive image) when i$ 'oes $he exac$ o""osi$e+ -,n $he 7ni$e' #$a$es) a""roxima$ely 20: o( high school s$'en$s are smo%ers an' 3)600 yo$hs ages 1251;4 $a%e " cigare$$e smo%ing every 'ay+ 'a y+// Yong) Yong) Dobeni) an' Di(ran
ori$y o( 7+#+ s$a$es+ Des"i$e $he age res$ric$e' laws) many high school s$'en$s have (rien's $ha$ are ol' enogh $o "rchase $obacco (or $hem) $hs ma%ing $hese laws wi'ely ine((ec$ive+ ne e((ec$ive me$ho' o( lowering $he ra$e o( yong smo%ers is $o raise $axes on $obacco+ $en "ercen$ increase re'ces yo$h smo%ing by ;: an' overall consm"$ion by ?:) accor'ing $o $he &am"aign (or obacco 8ree @i's+ -#$a$e obacco obacco axes/4 8or$na$ely) $he nmber o( smo%ers has been 'eclining (or yearsA i$ is " $o ($re genera$ions $o reali
Garcia 3
he s$igma $ha$ is a$$ache' $o smo%ing has le' $o a large 'ecline in $he smo%ing "o"la$ion in recen$ years+ Bowever) 'es"i$e $he 'ecline in smo%ers an' con$less warnings $ha$ exis$ na$ionwi'e) new smo%ers emerge every 'ay an ' se$ $hemselves " (or a li(e o( heal$h com"lica$ions+ eens eens ms$ $hin% more cri$ically $o avoi' a li(e " lage' wi$h hos"i$al visi$s an' an early 'ea$h+ 7n(or$na$ely) as long as $he criosi$y o( ex"erimen$a$ion $ha$ comes wi$h yo$h(lness exis$s) $eens will con$ine $o ligh$ "+ ,( $here are "ro'c$s $ha$ are 'esire') "eo"le will ob$ain $hem a$ any cos$s) whe$her $hey $he y are mone$ary rela$e' or heal$h rela$e'+ !essimis$ically s"ea%ing) i$ seems $ha$ $he isse will never cease $o exis$ 'e $o "eer "ressre) $he easy eas y accessibili$y) accessibili$y) an' $he -rewar'/ one receives (rom smo%ing+ , learne' my lesson a($er con$less s$rggles wi$h 'e"en'ence) an' , ho"e o$her $eens an' yong a'l$s can learn as well $o "reven$ "rema$re 'ea$hs in a worl' where con$less carcinogens alrea'y rn ram"an$+
Wor%s &i$e'
Garcia 4
Graves) 9onnie+ C&ha"$er 2 Why Do !eo"le #mo%e+C Tobacco Use+ 12+ n+"+ &a"s$one !ress) 2000+ Health Source - Consumer Edition+ Web+ 10 Nov+ 2016+ Graves) 9onnie+ C&ha"$er 3 Why ,$s Bar' o #$o" #mo%ing nce Yo Yo #$ar$+C Tobacco Use+ 20+ n+"+ &a"s$one !ress) 2000+ Health Source - Consumer Edition+ Web+ 10 Nov+ 2016+ Yong) Yong) nglea &+) &hy%e Dobeni) D obeni) an' Fose"h Di(ran
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