Federal Public Service Commission FPSC CSS 2014 Exam Preparation Political Science Mcqs Posted by administrator on 15 January 2014, 1:02 am
Federal Public Service Commission FPSC CSS 2014 Exam Preparation Political Science Mcqs CSS 2014 2014 Exam Preparation Political Science Mcqs
(1) Who is called the “Intellectual ather o! rench "e#olution$ J.J ousseau
(2) %&'&" WI as conce*t +as introduced by: ousseau
() -arl .ar/ is no+n !or his theory o! : Meterialistic !nterpretation o" #istor$
(4) “.an by nature is a social and *olitical animal is the cornerstone cornerstone o! the *hiloso*hy o!: %ristotle
(5) he author o! the 3oo he a+s +as: Plato
() he center o! earnin to the %rees +as the city state o! : %t#ens
(6) +hich o! the thiners is a social contractualist$ contractualist$ &obbes
(7) “Princi*le o! 8tility as a !ormula +as the idea o! : Jerem$ 'ent#am
(9) .odern Political thouht beins +ith Mac#iavelli
(10) Plato +as a: !dealist
(11) “+o treatises on ci#il %o#ernment constitute the basic source o! Political thouht o! : (oc)e
(12) .ar/ and &nels *roduced the !amous boo ;ommon .ani!esto In: 1*4*
(1) “
ma ul Wasaya are the t+o boos on administration attributed to: +i,am ul Mul) -usi
(14) .ontes?uieu by birth beloned to: France
(15) l@%haAAali +as a *hiloso*her o! : 11t# centur$
(16) 3i@cameral leislature as most suited to: Federal States
(21) hya ul ulum is the +or o!: %l #a,ali
(22) Be is !amous !or his +or “.u?addameh: !bn /#uldun
(2) he 3olshe#i mo#ement in "ussia +as led by:
(10) Plato +as a: !dealist
(11) “+o treatises on ci#il %o#ernment constitute the basic source o! Political thouht o! : (oc)e
(12) .ar/ and &nels *roduced the !amous boo ;ommon .ani!esto In: 1*4*
(1) “ ma ul Wasaya are the t+o boos on administration attributed to: +i,am ul Mul) -usi
(14) .ontes?uieu by birth beloned to: France
(15) l@%haAAali +as a *hiloso*her o! : 11t# centur$
(16) 3i@cameral leislature as most suited to: Federal States
(21) hya ul ulum is the +or o!: %l #a,ali
(22) Be is !amous !or his +or “.u?addameh: !bn /#uldun
(2) he 3olshe#i mo#ement in "ussia +as led by:
(24) Be is no+n as the ma>or theorist o! bureaucracy: Max eber
(25) ;ultural "e#olution "e#olution in ;hina +as launched under the leadershi* o!: Mao d,edun
(2) ;ollecti#e res*onsibility is a !eature o!: Parliamentar$ Parliamentar$ "orm
(26) CecentraliAation is a !eature o!: Federal S$stem
(27) Cictatorshi* o! the Proletariat is one o! the conce*ts o!: /arl Marx
(29) he eneral Will is the *olitical conce*t o!: J. J. ousseau
(0) =e#iathan is +ritten by: -#omas &obbes
(1) “n essay concernin Buman 8nderstandin is +ritten by: Jo#n (oc)e (oc)e
(4) “Political
(5) hyaul@8lum +as the chie! +or o!: %l #a,ali
() ccordin to ristotle +hich is the bad o#ernment o! the rich: liarc#$
(6) ;onstitutional classiDed as riid and Ee/ible in a boo titled “
(7) “Wealth o! 'ations +as +ritten by 3
%dam Smit#
(40) Which o! these boos re*resents the scheme o! Platos Philoso*hy$ -#e epublic
(41) “.u?addamah +as the reat +or o!: !bn /#uldun
(4) “heory o! Ci#ine "iht o! -in +as *resented by -in James o! &nland in century: 13t#
(45) discourse on the oriin o! Ine?uality and the social contract +as *resented by: ousseau
(46) a+ is “the body o! Princi*les reconiAed and a**lied by the state in the administration o! >ustice is said by: Salmond
(47) he term Pro*aanda ac?uired deroatory sense: %"ter orld ar !
(49) he +ord “*olis means: % cit$ state
(50) In +hich century ustinian theory o!
(52) Who is the author o! “Politics in Paistan: he 'ature and Cirection o! ;hane$ /#aild ' Sa$eed
(54) %eore BF
(55) Plato is the author o!: epublic
(56) =Political
(57) =he city o! od is the +or o!: St. %uustine
(59) he ideas o! ristotle are more acce*table to the West than Platos because he *ro*aated: ule o" la
(0) Be is no+n as the !oundin !ather o! 8tilitarianism: Jerem$ 'ent#am
1) “n essay concernin Buman 8nderstandin is +ritten by: Jo#n (oc)e
(4) “Political
(5) hyaul@8lum +as the chie! +or o!: %l #a,ali
() ccordin to ristotle +hich is the bad o#ernment o! the rich: liarc#$
(6) ;onstitutional classiDed as riid and Ee/ible in a boo titled “
(7) “Wealth o! 'ations +as +ritten by %dam Smit#
(60) Which o! these boos re*resents the scheme o! Platos Philoso*hy$ 61) “.u?addamah +as the reat +or o!: !bn /#uldun 5
(6 “heory o! Ci#ine "iht o! -in +as *resented by -in James o! &nland in century: 13t#
(65) discourse on the oriin o! Ine?uality and the social contract +as *resented by: ousseau
(66) a+ is “the body o! Princi*les reconiAed and a**lied by the state in the administration o! >ustice is said by: Salmond
(67) he term Pro*aanda ac?uired deroatory sense: %"ter orld ar !
(69) he +ord “*olis means: % cit$ state
(70) In +hich century ustinian theory o!
(7) #oluntary union o! so#erein and inde*endent states is called: Federation
(74) uthor o! the boo =e#iathan is: -#omas &obbes
(75) “"econstruction o! "eliion houht in Islam is +ritten by: %llama !qbal
(7) he author o! the boo =
(76) “Justice is i#in e#eryone his due is said by: 6
(77) he dissolution o! -hila!at and the establishment o! =%rand 'ational ssembly in urey +as hihly a**reciated by: (72) uthor o! the boo =;a*ital is %llama !qbal
(79) uthor o! the 3oo =<*irit o! Islam is: S$ed %mir %li
(90) he conce*t o! =
(91) Which o! the *olitical *hiloso*hers +as more admitted by the merican oundin athers, and his thouhts on the im*ortance o! *ri#ate *ro*erty +ere reEected in the dra!tin and historical de#elo*ment o! the merican ;onstitutionF Jo#n (oc)e
(9) Who said “a+ is the command o! a determinate so#erein$ Jo#n %ustin
(94) “Gnly the +ill o! the so#erein can be the source o! la+F Who said it$ Jo#n &obbes
(95) hose +ho are acti#e aainst the #ery e/istence o! state are no+n as: %narc#ists
(9) he conce*t o! =
(96) In Platos Ideal
97) Which one is the =su*reme la+ o! the land in 8<$ Constitutional (a
(100) ascism as a theory oriinated in: !tal$
POL!C"L SCE#CE Solved MC$S Paper P(!-!C%( SC!E+CE solved MC7S paper 1- The main book which presents the Montesquieu’s philosophy: a) the Persian letters b) Prince c) The spirit of Law d) None of these 8
- !e"iathan is a book written by: a) #ousseau b) locke c) Hobbes d) None of these $- %l-&arabi translated the work of: a) %ristotle b) Plato c) Montequieu d) none of these 'not sure becaues &arabi followed the ideas of both( %ristotle and Plato( but he translated eactly which book( * couldn’t find)+howe"er( Plato seems more correct as i chose thas option in paper)+ Madinatulfadila is replica of #epublic not translation+ ,- %l-&arabi made e"erlastin contribution to: a) Political thought b) .ocioloy c) /istory d) none of these 0- %l-ha2ali was appointed in Ni2amia 3ollee as a professor of: a) Theology b) .ocioloy c) economics d) none of these 4- %sbiyah was the term used by: a) Turkish b) .panish c) Arabs d) none
5- 6 The economics is the factor causin re"olutions( mo"ements or wars6 is the claim of: a) Mao b) 7arl Mar c) lenin d) none who produced eactly these words( * don’t know ( but this idea is more related to 7arl Mar+ 8- 9r+ *qbal raduated in the year of: a) 1885 b) 188 c) 1880 d) none - ;ean - %ccordin to which "iew( the law and libert are opposite to each other: a) !iberalism b) 3ommunism c) Individualism d) none 11- The term ?elite6 was first bean to use in: a) France and ermany b) @+7 and @+. c) @+. and @+.+.+# d) none word elite has french oriin+ 10
1- The constitution is not written and riid in: a) !onfedration b) &ederation c) @nitary state d) none in many unitary states constitution is written and need a different method of amendment than ordinary lawmakin+ 1$- % "oluntary union of so"erein and independent states is called: a) !onfedration b) &ederation c) @nitary state d) none 1,- #econstruction of #eliious Thouhts in *slam is written by: a) *bn-e-7haldun b) Allama I"bal c) .yed %mir %li d) none 10- %ccordin to %ristotle( tyranny is the per"erted form of: a) 9emocracy b) %ristocracy c) #onarchy d) none 14- 9espotism means: a) #ule of indi"idual based on law b) Rule of individual without law c) 9emocracy d) none 15- Mechia"elli was a: a) #epublican b) #onarchist 11
c) %ristocrate d) none 18- The reimes( like Na2i ermany( &ascist *taly and .o"eit @nion under .talin are eample of: a) %uthoritarian rule b) Totalitarian rule c) liberal democracy d) none 1- The distinction between the parliamentary and presedential political system depends upon the relationship between: a) legislature $ e%ecutive b) P+M A Presidnet c) P+M A his cabinet d) none >- Bho said( 6 !aw is the command of so"erein6C a) ;ean
c) Two 9) Three
@ inancial Po+ers o! the
d) 'il 4@ Islam +as declared as the
b) 192 c) 195 d) 7th amendment 5@
@ he Drst .uslim +ho became the President o! Indian 'ational ;onress +as: a8 'adruddin -a$$ab i
b) bdul -alam Aad c) air Bussain d) bul -alam e) none 6@ Which merican *resident +as shot dead due to #iolation o! con#ention o!
b8 ar"eild
c) JeKerson d) "oose#elt e) none 7) Pendleton ct +as introduced in 8< in !or the recruitmnet to o#ernment *osts throuh com*etiti#e e/aminationF a) 1905 b) 1901 c) 1775 d8 1**5
e) none 9@ Gn 15th 'o#ember 1666, a o! 1 states +as created in mericaF a) ederation b8 Con"ederation
c) 8nity d) ;ondomenium e) none 10@ he *resent constituition o! urey +as dra!ted byL a) amal tatur b8 rand +ational %ssembl$
c) 'ational ;Gnsultati#e ;ouncil d) none 11@ he 3olshe#ic "e#olution too *lace in 8<<" in: a) 1915 b8 1913
c) 1919
d) 1949 e) none 12@ he *residium o! the
b) c) 50 d) 100 e) none 14@ he Judicial committtee o! Pri#y council +as set u* by the ct o! a) 17 b8 1*55
c) 192 d) 191 e) none 15@ ery lord had a riht to #ote by *ro/y +hich +as abolished in: a) 177 b) 17 c) 1606 d8 1*:*
e) none 1@ he Pri#y council consists o! members: a) 0 15
b) 100 c) 0 d) none (membershi* is not D/ed, rae bet+een 00@0 ) 16@ he rench *resident is elected by: a8 Electoral collee
b) Cirect uni#ersal suKerae c) national assembly d) senate e) none 17@ "iht Bonourable is the title o!: a8 Members o" t#e Priv$ council
b) ;abinet .inisters c) Judes o! the courts d) 'one 19@ 8nder the 5th re*ublic, tenure o! rench *resident is years: a) b) 4 c8 6
d) 6 e) none 20@ merican is no+n as the hird ;hamberF a) President b8 Supreme Court
Lecturer "nd Sub%ect Specialist Political Science Mcqs '1) Bho is called the ?*ntellectual &ather of &rench #e"olutionC ;+; #ousseau ') INI#%! B*!! as concept was introduced by:#ousseau '$) 7arl Mar is known for his theory of :Meterialistic *nterpretation of history ',) ?Man by nature is a social and political animal6 is the cornerstone of the philosophy of:%ristotle '0) The author of the ) Plato was a:*dealist '11) ?Two treatises on ci"il o"ernment6 constitute the basic source of Political thouht of :!ocke '1) Mar and Inels produced the famous book’ 3ommon Manifesto’ *n:18,8 '1$) ? .iyasatnama6 and JMa=ma ul Basaya’ are the two books on administration attributed to:Ni2am ul Mulk Tusi '1,) Montesquieu by birth beloned to:&rance '10) %l-ha22ali was a philosopher of :11th century '14) .epration of Ithics and Politics was the principle notion in the philosophy of:Machia"elli '15) %
') /e is famous for his work ?Muqaddameh6:*bn 7huldun '$) The ) J!e"iathan’ is written by:Thomas /obbes '$1) ?%n essay concernin /uman @nderstandin6 is written by:;ohn !ocke '$,) ?Political .cience beins and ends with the state6 is said by:Professor arner '$0) Thyau’l-@lum was the chief work of:%l ha2ali '$4) %ccordin to %ristotle which is the bad o"ernment of the rich:Kliarchy '$5) 3onstitutional classified as riid and fleible in a book titled ?.tudies in /istory and ;urisprudence6 was written by:!ord ) Bhich of these books represents the scheme of Plato’s PhilosophyC The #epublic ',1) ?Muqaddamah6 was the reat work of:*bn 7huldun ',$) ?Theory of 9i"ine #iht of 7in6 was presented by 7in ;ames of Inland in century:15th ',0) % discourse on the oriin of *nequality and the social contract was presented by:#ousseau ',4) .o"ereinty is which one of the followin bases of the state:.piritual ',5) !aw is ?the body of Principles reconi2ed and applied by the state in the administration of =ustice6 is said by:.almon 18
',8) The term Propaanda acquired deroatory sense:%fter Borld Bar * ',) The word ?polis6 means:% city state '0>) *n which century %ustinian theory of .o"ereinty was refuted by PluralistsC>th '0) Bho is the author of ?Politics in Pakistan: The Nature and 9irection of 3hane6C7haild < .ayeed '0,) eore /+ .abine is the author of:% history of Political Theory '00) Plato is the author of:#epublic '05) JPolitical .cience beins and ends with the state’ is said by:Professor arner '08) JThe city of od’ is the work of:.t+ %uustine '0) The ideas of %ristotle are more acceptable to the Best than Plato’s because he propaated:#ule of law '4>) /e is known as the foundin father of @tilitarianism:;eremy
Mcqs O& Political Science From Past Papers i + The so"ereinty *slamic Political system belons to: a+ Ma=lis-e-.hura b+ 3aliph c+ Muslim population d+ None of these ii+ The founder of communism is: a+ Plato b+ 7arl Mar c+ Mao-Tse-T@N d+ None of these iii+ %llama *qbal was elected as a member of Pun=ab !eislati"e 3ouncil in: a+ 11 b+ 14 c+ 1$0 d+ None of these i"+ %ccordin to Plato the population of an ideal state should be: a+ 0>,> b+ 0>,>> c+ 0>>,> d+ None of these "+ Kpposite of pri"ate law is: a+ *nternational !aw b+ Public !aw c+ 3ommon !aw d+ None of these "i+ *N*T*%T*LI and #I3%!! methods oftenly used in: 20
a+ reat
c+ %llama *qbal d+ None of these ii+ The word ?9emocracy6 has been deri"ed from the lanuae: a+ reek b+ !atin c+ Inlish d+ None of these iii+ %bu Nasar &arabi died in the year: a+ 50> %+9 b+ 80> %+9 c+ 0> %+9 d+ None of these i"+ Baliud 9in %bdur #ahman famously known as: a+ *bne 7haldun b+ hi2ale c+ %l Marwardi d+ None of these "+ The book ?o"t+ and Politics in Pakistan6 is written by: a+ Muhtaq %hmad b+ 7halid bin .aeed c+ !arence airin d+ None of these "i+ The term PK!*T is oriinally applied to: a+ #oman 3ity .tates b+ reek 3ity .tates c+ @nited .tates of %merica d+ None of these "ii+ The famous book ?The .pirit of !aws6 written by Montesquieu was published in:
a+ 15$, %+9 b+ 150, %+9 c+ 158, %+9 d+ None of these "iii+ The reek philosopher %ristotle died in: a+ $ <+3 b+ $$ <+3 c+ $8, <+3 d+ None of these i+ The book ?.airul Malook6 was written by: a+ %l &arabi b+ %l Marwardi c+ %l hi2ali d+ None of these +
a+ 3apital /ill b+ Bhite /ouse c+ 1> 9ownin .treet d+ None of these i"+ The title of former emperor of #ussia was: a+ .ir b+ 32ar c+ !ord d+ 7in "+ The word J#IO’ stands for: a+ The Dueen b+ The 3rown c+ The 3ourt d+ The Parliament "i+ The constitutional history of &rance beins with the &rench #e"olution of: a+ 158> b+ 1584 c+ 158 d+ 18> "ii+ The %merican 9eclaration of *ndependence was proclaimed on: a+ , ;uly 155 b+ , ;uly 1554 c+ , ;uly 158$ d+ None of these "iii+ %ccordin to the constitution of &rance the Iecuti"e head of o"ernment is: a+ The Prime Minister b+ The President
c+ The Dueen d+ The 7in i+ The .o"iet @nion was dissol"ed in: a+ 18 b+ 1> c+ 11 d+ 1 + The first president of the &ifth #epublic was: a+ 3oty b+ eneral 9eaulle c+ 3hirac d+ None of these i+ The smallest administrati"e unit in 8 b+ 18>$ c+ 181 d+ 180 iii+ The quorum for hose of !ords is: a+ 0> b+ 1, c+ $ d+ 1 i"+ The ullotine or closure by compartment is a term used in the law makin procedure in: 25
a+ @.% b+ @7 c+ &rance d+ Turkey "+ The !enthiest written constitution of the world is: a+ "iii+ The founder father of the modern china is: a+ 3hian 7i .hek b+ 9er a Pin c+ Mao Tse Tun d+ !u /sun i+ The Kb=ecti"e #esolution was made a part of the 15$ constitution in: a+ 155 b+ 18> c+ 180 d+ 184 26
+ The .upreme ;udicial 3ouncil under the 15$ constitution consists of: a+ members b+ 1> members c+ 0 members d+ 5 members
Political Science For Lecturer ' Sub%ect Specialist Exams 27
i+ Tahafut al-falsifa '*ncoherence of Philosophers) is written by: a+ *bn e %rabi b+ *bn #ushd c+ %l-ha2ali d+ None of these ii+ % leal proceedin durin which an indi"idual’s riht to hold an office or o"ernmental pri"ilee is challened is called: a+ Brite certiorari b+ Brit of quo warranto c+ Brit of mandamus d+ None of these iii+ *bn 7haldun wrote his book( ?Muqaddimah6 in: a+ 1$51 b+ 1$55 c+ 1,> d+ None of these i"+ People’s structural and reliious identities will be primary source of conflict in the Post 3old Bar Borld: a+ &ukuyama b+
c+ %ristotle d+ None of these "ii+ % form of closure under which a bill is di"ided into compartments( roups of which must be completely deal with each day is called: a+ 7anroo closure b+ uillotine closure c+ .imple closure d+ None of these "iii+ *lm %l *qtisad was treatise written by: a+ %llama *qbal b+ %l Marwardi c+ Ni2am ul Mulk Tusi d+ None of these i+ The !on March bean the ascent of power of: a+ Mao edon b+ 3hian 7ai .hek c+ /o3hi Minch d+ None of these + %l &arabi was author of: a+ .iyasat Nameh b+ %l %kham %l .ultaniyaah c+ %l Madinat %l &adilah d+ None of these i+ The powers of the center "is a "is federatin units were increased throuh: a+ .enatorial 3ourtesy b+ Pocket Leto c+ 9octrine of *mplied Powers d+ None of these ii+ *n Pakistan the doctrine of necessity was in"oked by: 29
a+ ;ustice 3ornelius b+ ;ustine Munir c+ ;ustice /amood ur #ahman d+ None of these iii+ %rticle 08 'b) was in"oked to dissol"e National %ssembly of Pakistan: a+ &our Times b+ Three Times c+ Twice d+ None of these i"+ !e"iathan is book written by: a+ #ousseau b+ !ocke c+ /obbes d+ None of these "+ Prestroika means: a+ To speak openly and honestly b+ #estructurin c+ Borkers d+ None of these "i+ The %rt of Bar is written by: a+ Mao b+ Machia"elli c+ !enin d+ None of these "ii+ % necessary normal code for conductin the business of the state is called: a+ Krdinance b+ 3on"ention