patho review True/False Indicate whether the the sentence or statement statement is true or false.
1. Eukaryotic cells are characterized by a lack of a distinct nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells have
intracellular compartments bordered by membranes and a well-defined nucleus. ____
2. Lipids and proteins are the maor components componen ts of the plasma membrane.
!. Lysosomes Lysosomes remain fully active by maintainin" an acid p# created by pumpin" hydro"en ions into
their interiors. ____
$. %he chief function of ribosomes is to provide sites for lipid synthesis.
&. 'f cells are deprived of communication from e(tracellular chemical messen"ers, most cells
e(perience apoptosis. ____
). *on-dividin" cells, such as myocardial fibers, are capable of hypertrophy, hypertrophy, but not hyperplasia.
+. ysplasia is a common type of normal cellular adaptation.
. #ypertrophy and hyperplasia rarely occur to"ether.
. *oise, illumination, and prolon"ed vibrations can cause cellular inury. inury.
____ 1/. 'rreversible dama"e to the myocardium can be detected by elevation in the contractile protein called
troponin, which is released from the myocardial muscle. ____ 11. 0hemical inuries initiate biochemical reactions that dama"e cell membrane by decreasin" the
permeability of the plasma membrane. ____ 12. "in" is the result of a "enetically controlled con trolled development pro"ram or built-in self-destructive
processes. ____ 1!. 0hromosome abnormalities are the leadin" cause of mental retardation and miscarria"es. ____ 1$. %he main function of natural killers cells is reco"nition and elimination of bacteria. ____ 1&. %he inflammatory response is the bodys first line of defense. ____ 1). *eutrophils are involved in activation of the adaptive immune system. ____ 1+. 3everal bacteria, such as Mycobacterium as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, tuberculosis, are resistant to killin" by "ranulocytes and
can survive inside macropha"es. ____ 1. 4esolution is best defined as the restoration of ori"inal structure and ph ysiolo"ic function. Multiple Choice Identify the letter of of the choice that best best completes the statement statement or answers the question. question.
____ 1. 5hich of the followin" best describes the cellular function of metabolic absorption6 a. 0ells can produce proteins. b. 0ells can secrete di"estive enzymes.
c. 0ells can take in and use nutrients. d. 0ells can synthesize fats. ____ 2/. 5hich component of the cell produces hydro"en pero(ide 7#2829 by usin" o(y"en to remove
____ 21.
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hydro"en atoms from specific substrates in an o(idative reaction6 a. Lysosomes b. :ero(isome c. 4ibosomes d. 8(yhydrosomes 5hich cell component is capable of cellular autodi"estion when it is released durin" cell inury6 a. 4ibosome b. ;ol"i comple( c. 3mooth endoplasmic reticulum d. Lysosomes 5hat is the seembrane channel proteins d. :hospholipid bilayer =sin" the fluid mosaic model, how is the cell capable of actively protectin" itself a"ainst inurious a"ents6 a. ?y closin" down the membrane transport channels to hormones and chemicals. b. ?y alterin" the number and patterns of receptors to bacteria, antibodies, and chemicals. c. ?y increasin" the number and sensitivity of lysosomes to destroy bacteria. d. ?y shiftin" the bilayer from hydrophobic to hydrophilic in response to antibodies. 'n cirrhosis, how does cholesterol alter the fluidity of the plasma membrane of erythrocytes6 a. 0holesterol decreases the membrane fluidity of the erythrocyte, which reduces its
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ability to carry o(y"en. b. 0holesterol decreases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which reduces its ability to carry hemo"lobin. c. 0holesterol increases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which allows bindin" of e(cess "lucose. d. 0holesterol increases the membrane fluidity of erythrocytes, which prolon"s it life span beyond 12/ days. 5hich form of cell communication is used to communicate within the cell itself and with other cells in direct physical contact6 a. :rotein channel 7"ap unction9 b. :lasma membrane-bound si"nalin" molecules 7involvin" receptors9 c. #ormone secretion such as neurotransmitters d. E(tracellular chemical messen"ers such as li"ands 5hich mode of chemical si"nalin" uses local chemical mediators that are :9. c. adenosine triphosphate 7%:9. d. "uanosine diphosphate 7;:9. 5hy is AosmolalityB preferred over AosmolarityB as the measurement of osmotic activity in the clinical assessment of individuals6 a. ?ecause plasma contains sodium and chloride, which influence the volume of solution b. ?ecause the volume affects perfusion more than the wei"ht of solutes c. ?ecause more of the wei"ht of plasma is influenced by solutes, such as protein and "lucose, rather than by water d. ?ecause osmotic activity depends on the concentration of solutes present in plasma, such as proteins and "lucose patient who has diarrhea receives a !C saline solution intravenously to replace the sodium and chloride lost in the stool. 5hat effect will this fluid replacement have on cells6 a. 0ells will become hydrated. b. 0ells will swell or burst. c. 0ells will shrink. d. 0ells will divide.
____ !!. #ow is the transport of "lucose from the blood to the cell accomplished6 a. ?y active-mediated transport 7active transport9 b. ?y active diffusion c. ?y passive osmosis d. ?y passive-mediated transport 7facilitated diffusion9 ____ !$. 5hy is potassium able to diffuse easily in and out of cells6 a. ?ecause potassium has a "reater concentration in the intracellular fluid 7'0D9 b. ?ecause sodium has a "reater concentration in the e(tracellular fluid 7E0D9 c. ?ecause the restin" plasma membrane is more permeable to potassium d. ?ecause there is an e(cess of anions inside the cell ____ !&. 5hat causes the rapid chan"e in the restin" membrane potential that initiates an action potential6 a. :otassium "ates open and potassium rushes into the ce ll chan"in" the membrane
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potential from ne"ative to positive. b. 3odium "ates open and sodium rushes into the cell chan"in" the membrane potential from ne"ative to positive. c. 3odium "ates close allowin" potassium into the cell to chan"in" the membrane potential from positive to ne"ative. d. :otassium "ates close allowin" sodium into the cell to ch an"e the membrane potential from positive to ne"ative. 5hat is the action of platelet-derived "rowth factor6 't stimulates production of@ a. platelets. b. epidermal cells. c. connective tissue cells. d. fibroblast cells. 5hat is the role of cytokines in cell reproduction6 a. %hey provide "rowth factor for tissue "rowth and development. b. %hey block pro"ress of cell reproduction throu"h the cell cycle. c. %hey restrain cell "rowth and development. d. %hey provide nutrients for cell "rowth and development. 5hat does the fluid mosaic model e(plains6 a. #ow a cell membrane functions b. 5hy our bodies appear to be solid c. #ow tissue is differentiated d. #ow fluid moves between the intracellular and e(tracellular compartments 5hat is the name of the method of transport that uses transmembrane proteins with receptors that have a hi"h de"ree of specificity for the substance bein" transported6 a. ctive transport b. >ediated transport c. %ransmembranous transport d. :assive transport 5hat occurs durin" e(ocytosis6 a. >acromolecules can be secreted across eukaryotic c ell membranes. b. ll substances are secreted into the cellular matri(. c. *o repairs in the plasma membrane can take place. d. 3olute molecules flow freely into and out of the cell.
____ $1. *eurotransmitters affect the postsynaptic membrane by bindin" to@ a. lipids. b. ribosomes. c. amphipathic lipids. d. receptors. ____ $2. =nder anaerobic conditions, the process of _____ provides ener"y for the cell. a. o(idative phosphorylation b. "lycolysis c. lactolysis d. passive transport ____ $!. %he cellular uptake of cholesterol depends on@ a. receptor-mediated e(ocytosis. b. antiport system. c. receptor-mediated endocytosis. d. passive transport. ____ $$. urin" which phase of the cell cycle is * synthesized6 a. ;1 b. 3 c. ;2 ____ $&. 5hich type of cell adaptation occurs when normal columnar ciliated epithelial cells of the bronchial
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linin" have been replaced by stratified setaplasia c. ysplasia d. naplasia urin" ischemia, what effect does the loss of adenosine triphosphate 7%:9 level have on cells6 a. 0ells shrink because of the influ( of calcium 70a9. b. 0ells shrink because of the influ( of potassium chloride 70l9. c. 0ells swell because of the influ( of sodium chloride 7*a0l9. d. 0ells swell because of the influ( of nitric o(ide 7*89. Dree radicals play a maor role in the initiation and pro"ression of which diseases6 a. 0ardiovascular diseases such as hypertension and ischemic heart d isease b. 4enal diseases such as acute tubular necrosis and "lomerulonephritis c. ;astrointestinal diseases such as peptic ulcer disease and 0rohn disease d. >uscular disease such as muscular dystrophy and fibromyal"ia 5hat is a conse
____ &/. 5hich or"ans are affected by lead consumption6 a. #eart and blood vessels b. >uscles and bones c. :ancreas and adrenal "lands d. *erves and blood-formin" or"ans ____ &1. #ow does lead poisonin" affect the nervous system6 a. 't interferes with the function of neurotransmitters. b. 't inhibits production of myelin around nerves. c. 't increases the restin" membrane potential. d. 't alters the transport of potassium into the nerves durin" synapse. ____ &2. 5hat, if any, is the difference between subdural hematoma and epidural hematoma6 a. %here is no difference. %hese terms may be used interchan"eably. b. subdural hematoma occurs above the dura, whereas an epidural hematoma
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occurs under the dura. c. subdural hematoma usually is formed from venous blood that collects slowly, whereas an epidural hematoma is formed from arterial blood that collects rapidly. d. subdural hematoma usually forms from bleedin" within the skull such as an aneurysm eruption, whereas an epidural hematoma occurs from trauma outside the skull such as a blunt force trauma. 5hat physiolo"ic chan"es occur durin" heat e(haustion6 a. #emoconcentration occurs because of the loss of salt and water. b. 0rampin" of voluntary muscles occurs as a result of salt loss. c. %hermore"ulation fails because of hi"h core temperature. d. 3ubcutaneous layers are dama"ed because of hi"h core temperatures. 5hat is the most common site of lipid accumulation6 a. 0oronary and other arteries b. idneys c. Liver d. 3ubcutaneous tissue 5hat mechanisms occur in the liver after lipid accu mulation in liver cells6 a. ccumulation of lipids obstruct the common bile duct preventin" flow of bile from the liver to the "allbladder b. 'ncreased synthesis of tri"lycerides from fatty acids and decreased synthesis of apoproteins. c. 'ncreased bindin" of lipids with apoproteins to form lipoproteins d. 'ncreased conversion of fatty acids to phospholipids 5hat causes hemoprotein accumulations6 a. E(cessive stora"e of iron, which is transferred from the cells to the bloodstream b. E(cessive stora"e of hemo"lobin, which is transferred from the bloodstream to the cells c. E(cessive stora"e of albumin, which is transferred from the cells to the bloodstream d. E(cessive stora"e of amino acids, which are transferred from the cells to the bloodstream
____ &+. #emosiderosis is a condition in which e(cess _____ is stored as hemosiderin in cells of many or"ans
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and tissues. a. hemo"lobin b. ferritin c. iron d. transferrin 5hat is the cause of free calcium in the cytosol that dama"es cell membranes by uncontrolled enzyme activation6 a. ctivation of endonuclease, which interferes with the bindin" of calcium to protein b. ctivation of phospholipases, which de"rade the proteins to which calcium normally binds c. n influ( of phosphate ions, which compete with calcium for bindin" to proteins d. epletion of %:, which normally pumps calcium from the cell 5hat or"ans are affected by the type of necrosis that results from hypo(ia caused by severe ischemia or caused by chemical inury6 a. Lun"s and pulmonary vessels b. ?rain and spinal cord c. idneys and heart d. >uscles and bones 5hat type of necrosis results from ischemia of neurons and "lial cells6 a. 0oa"ulative necrosis b. Li
____ )&. 4emoval of part of the liver leads to _____ of the remainin" liver cells. a. dysplasia b. metaplasia c. compensatory hyperplasia d. compensatory dysplasia ____ )). 5hat is the sin"le most common cause of cellular inury6 a. #ypo(ic inury b. 0hemical inury c. 'nfectious inury d. ;enetic inury ____ )+. 'n decompression sickness 7the bends9, bubbles of ___ __ form emboli. a. o(y"en b. nitro"en c. carbon dio(ide d. hydro"en ____ ). 5hat two types of hearin" loss are associated with noise6 a. coustic trauma and noise-induced b. #i"h-fre
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____ +2.
____ +!.
cell6 a. ?ecause plasma proteins enter the cell b. ?ecause the %:ase-driven pump is stron"er durin" hypo(ia c. ?ecause sodium chloride enters the cell d. ?ecause there is an influ( of "lucose throu"h the inured cell membranes 5hat is the e(planation for why cancer increases as one a"es and the number of autoantibodies increases with a"e6 a. ?ecause the "enetic pro"ram for a"in" is encoded in the brain and controlled by hormonal a"ents b. ?ecause free radicals of o(y"en that result from o(idative cellular metabolism cause abnormal cell "rowth c. ?ecause the immune function declines with a"e d. ?ecause of the result of * dama"e and inefficiency of cellular repair Dor which disease has the chromosomal location *8% been identified6 a. #untin"ton disease b. #emophilia c. 3ickle cell disease d. 0ystic fibrosis 5hat datum from an amniocentesis indicates a neural tube defect6 a. n increase in chorionic protein b. n increase in alpha-fetoprotein c. n increase in amnionic protein d. n increase in embryonic protein Dor which women would an amniocentesis be recommended6
a. b. c. d.
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Dor all pre"nant women Dor pre"nant women who have a family history of certain "enetic disorders Dor pre"nant women who are over $/ years of a"e Dor pre"nant women who had a late menarche 5hat is the term for an error in which homolo"ous chromosomes fail to separate durin" meiosis or mitosis6 a. neuploidy b. *ondisunction c. :olyploidy d. %ranslocation 'nsertin" bone marrow cells into an individual who produces abnormal erythrocytes is an e(ample of what therapy6 a. 3omatic cell therapy b. ;erm cell therapy c. ;enetic en"ineerin" therapy d. 4ecombinant * therapy 5hat is the most clinically useful techni
a. b. c. d. ____ 2.
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0ri du chat syndrome uchenne muscular dystrophy 7>9 :olycystic kidney own syndrome boy, years of a"e, is admitted to the pediatric ward with hemophilia . #e inherited this condition throu"h a ___________ trait. a. se(-linked dominant b. se(-influenced c. se(-linked d. se(-linked recessive 5hat is a purpose of the inflammatory process6 a. %o provide specific responses toward anti"ens b. %o lyse cell membranes of microor"anisms c. %o prevent infection of the inured tissue d. %o create immunity a"ainst subse
____ +. 5hat process causes heat and redness that occur durin" the inflammatory process6 a. Iasodilation b. :latelet a""re"ation c. 'ncreased capillary permeability d. Endothelial cell contraction ____ . 5hich component of the plasma protein system ta"s patho"enic microor"anisms for destruction by
neutrophils and macropha"es6 a. 0omplement cascade b. 0lottin" system c. inin system d. 'mmune system ____ . 5hat is an outcome of the complement cascade6 a. ctivates the clottin" cascade b. :revents the spread of infection to adacent tissues
c. 'nactivates chemical mediators such as histamine d. ttacks bacterial cell membranes ____ /. 5hat is function of the complement cascade called opsonization6 a. 't is the ta""in" of patho"enic microor"anisms for destruction by neutrophils and
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macropha"es. b. 't is the processin" of patho"enic microor"anisms so that activated lymphocytes can be created for ac
____ ). 5here is tumor necrosis factor alpha 7%*D α9 secreted6 a. Drom virally infected cells b. Drom bacterial infected cells c. Drom macropha"es d. Drom mast cells ____ +. 5hat occurs durin" the process of repair after tissue dama"e6 a. estroyed tissue is replaced by non-functionin" scar tissue.
b. 4e"eneration occurs in which ori"inal tissue is replaced. c. 4esolution occurs when tissue is re"enerated. d. estroyed tissue is replaced by epithelialization. ____ . %he _____ system is a plasma protein system that forms a fibrinous network at an inflamed site to
____ .
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____ 1/2.
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prevent spread of infection to adacent tissues and keep microor"anisms and forei"n bodies at the site of "reatest inflammatory activity. a. complement b. coa"ulation c. kinin d. fibrinolysis 'n the clottin" cascade, the intrinsic and the e(trinsic pathways conver"e at@ a. factor G''. b. #a"eman factor. c. factor G. d. factor I. 5hen histamine binds the histamine 2 7#29 receptor, inflammation is@ a. inhibited. b. activated. c. accelerated. d. not chan"ed. Dreany neonates have a transient depressed inflammatory response because@ a. their circulatory system is too immature to ade
Match the structure with its function. (Answers A through D may be used more than once.
a. b. c. d.
:assive-mediated transport ctive-mediated transport 8smosis iffusion
____ 1/&. >ovement of water ____ 1/). :rotein carrier ____ 1/+. Dacilitated diffusion
Match the terms with the corresponding e!amples. "erms may be used more than once. a. :hysiolo"ic atrophy b. :atholo"ic atrophy c. :hysiolo"ic hypertrophy d. :atholo"ic hypertrophy e. 0ompensatory hyperplasia ____ 1/. 0han"es in "onads as hormonal stimulation decreases ____ 1/. Liver re"eneration ____ 11/. 'ncreases in the size of the uterus and breasts durin" pre"nancy ____ 111. %hymus "land chan"es durin" childhood ____ 112. 0auses myocardial enlar"ement as a result of dilated cardiac c hambers
Match the genetic terms with the corresponding diseases. ("erms can be used more than once. a. utosomal dominant b. utosomal recessive c. G-linked dominant d. G-linked recessive ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
11!. 11$. 11&. 11). 11+. 11. 11.
uchenne muscular dystrophy 0ystic fibrosis #emophilia 3ickle cell disease #untin"ton disease chondroplasia :henylketonuria 7:=9 Match the disease with its chromosomal abnormality. a. own 3yndrome b. Dra"ile G syndrome c. linefelter syndrome d. %urner syndrome e. 0ri du chat
____ ____ ____ ____
12/. 121. 122. 12!.
Ky"ote has one chromosome with the normal complement of "enes and one with a missin" "ene n additional chromosome oinin" the normal homolo"ous pair 3in"le G chromosome with no homolo"ous G or chromosome %wo G chromosomes and one chromosome
Match each step of phagocytosis with its function. a. 8psonization b. En"ulfment c. :ha"osome d. Dusion e. estruction >icroor"anisms are in"ested >icroor"anisms are killed and di"ested Enhance reco"nition and adherence of bacteria by pha"ocytes Lysosomal "ranules enter the pha"ocyte ____ 12. 'ntracellular pha"ocytic vacuole is formed ____ ____ ____ ____
12$. 12&. 12). 12+.
Match the biochemical barriers with its function. ("erms can be used more than once. a. 3ecrete antibacterial and antifun"al fatty acids and lactic acid b. ttack cell walls of "ram positive bacteria ____ 12. %ears ____ 1!/. 3ebaceous "lands ____ 1!1. :erspiration ____ 1!2. 3aliva
patho review Answer Section TRUE/FALSE
1. 2. !. $. &. ). +. . . 1/. 11. 12. 1!. 1$. 1&. 1). 1+. 1.
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