UNCC Lesson Plan Template (Direct) Subject: ELA
Central Focus: Analyze the North Carolina Constitution
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Date submitted:
Date taught:
CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RI.5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA.Literacy.RI.5.3 Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. Daily Lesson Objective: The students will be able to independently analyze the main topic in multiple nonfiction texts. They will demonstrate this by creating a political banner and writing a justification for what they did. They will demonstrate demonstrate mastery by scoring a 10 out of 12 or higher on the rubric. 21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand(s)
creativity and innovation critical thinking media literacy productivity and accountability
analyze, create, explain, justify suffrage main idea campaign banner delegate editorial endorse ephemera pamphlet persuade petition platform proclamation
Prior Knowledge:
Description of Activities and Setting
Motivational Student Activity Conduct a class vote for a current political p olitical candidate with only boys voting. Tally votes, but do not reveal results. Conduct a girls' vote. Reveal the winner, based on the boys' vote. Add the girls' vote to the boys' vote. Discuss results. Did the vote change by adding the female vote? Chart or graph results.
1. Focus and Review Review
Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 – 2/15/2017 – TPALs TPALs + emailed to faculty
10 min
2. Statement of Objective for Student
“Today, you’re going to analyze multiple texts, find their main ideas, and explain how they’re related. related. You’re going to learn about women’s suffrage and create a political banner.” banner.”
2 min
20 min Analyze one or two short pieces using u sing the chart. Observe, reflect, question. 3. Teacher Input
Demonstrate how a person could take information from ea ch piece to create their own. Pass out a chart for each student to write on.
4. Guided Practice
Pass out a text to each table. Have them work on analyzing the piece as a group. Walk around and check in with each group as they work. Ask questions about what they are reading. Be sure to give feedback. Have each group present to the class what they worked on. Each student fills out a chart with each item so that they have the information.
5. Independent Practice
Students will take the information they have a create a political document for women’s suffrage. It can be a speech, letter, sign, sign, poem, etc. Have access to more documents documen ts if students want more examples to analyze.
40-45 min
Students will write a short piece describing why they chose to do the media they did, why they chose their content, and why they believe their document would be effective. The student’s document will be graded with the following rubric. A mastery score is 10/12 or higher.
6. Assessment Methods of all objectives/skills:
1 pt
2 pt
Type of document and professionalism
The type of document is logical, but the project is sloppy, messy, or full of distracting mistakes. little or no justification
The type of The type of document is document is logical, and the logical, and the project is project is clear of completed with mistakes. minimal mistakes.
Justification of media
Clear justification but lacks connection with texts.
Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 – 2/15/2017 – TPALs TPALs + emailed to faculty
3 pt
Justification is clear and connects with texts
7. Closure
Justification of content
little or no justification
Reasoning for effectiveness
Little or no reasoning
Clear justification but lacks connection with texts. Clear reasoning but lacks connection with texts
Justification is clear and connects to texts. Clear reasoning and makes connections with texts.
Have the class come together to present some o f their campaign documents. Summarize how the students were able to read multiple texts and analyze them so that they could create their own campaign document.
8. Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations
Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations
Materials/Technology: Reflection on lesson:
Draft revision shared with faculty: 2/15/2017 – 2/15/2017 – TPALs TPALs + emailed to faculty