Dubai Municipality Department of Buildings & Housing
Building Code Regulations & Construction Specifications February 2004
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Index Sr
Administrative Resolu olution No. (1!" for ##1 endo ndorsing t$e %uilding code Regulations & 'onstruction Specifications Article (1 (1" Na Name of of t$ t$e Re Regula ulation Article (" Interpretation of t$e Regulation Article (3" 'omplementar Regulations Article ()" Definitions Art Articl icle (!" (!" *+o *+o Plan Planni ning ng ,imi ,imita tati tion onss Article ((-" inimum Pl Plot Ar Area Article (/ (/" 0eig$ts of of %u %uildings Art Articl icle (" (" ini inimu mum m Per Permi miss ssii2le 2le roo room m are areaa Arti Articl clee (9" (9" Pass Passen enge gers rs corr corrid idor orss in pu2 pu2li licc 2uil 2uildi ding ngss Article (1#" 'olonnades Article (11" Set 2ac4s Arti Articl clee (1" (1" natur natural al s4l s4lig ig$t $t open openin ings gs and and natur natural al vent ventil ilat atio ion n Article (13" 5penings Article (1)" '$ut $ute and ard Art Articl icle (1!" 1!" ,ig$ ,ig$tting6 ng6 mec$ mec$an anic ical al vent ventiilatio ation n and and cent centrral air air conditioning Arti Articl clee (1-" (1-" %alc %alcon onie iess and and roa road d pro7 pro7ec ecti tion onss Art Articl icle (1/ (1/"" Per Pergol golas trel rellis lis Article (1 (1" %as %aseement fl floor Article (1 (19" e e88a 88anine fl floor Article ( (#" *$e ro roof to top Article ( (1" St Staircases Arti Articl clee (" (" lec lectr tric icit it: :op oper erat ated ed lif lifts ts Article ( (3" Ramps Article ( ()" 'a 'ar pa par4ing Arti Articl clee (!" (!" *ec$n *ec$nic ical al re; re;ui uire reme ment ntss for for car car par4 par4in ing g areas areas Arti Articl clee ((-"" nv nvir iron onme ment ntal al re;u re;uir irem emen ents ts Arti Articl clee (/" (/" Re;ui Re;uire reme ments nts for for peop people le +it +it$ $ spec specia iall needs needs Art Articl icle (" "
3 ) ! / 9 1# 11 1 13 1) 1! 11/ 1 19 # 1 3 ) ! / 9 3# 31 3 33 3) 3!
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33/ 3 39 )# )1 ) )3 )) )! ))/ ) )9 !# !1 ! !3 !) !! !-
Arti Articl clee (3 (3"" Pet Petro roll dis dispe pens nsin ing g sta stati tion onss Article (39" Indu ndustrial 2uildings (+are are$ouse uses6 +or4s$ops6 factories6..etc." Arti Articl clee ()# ()#"" ,oad ,oadin ing g unlo unload adin ing g 2a 2ass Article () ()1" S+ S+imming po pools ols Article () ()" Plu Plum2ing +or4s Arti Articl clee ()3" ()3" 'ondi 'onditi tions ons appl applic ica2l a2lee to to plu plum2 m2in ing g +or4 +or4ss Art Articl icle ())" ())" Sani Sanita tarr +ar +are fit fitttings ings Arti Articl clee ()! ()!"" Sep Septi ticc tan tan4s 4s and and ces cessp spool ools sce cess sspi pits ts Art Articl icle ()()-"" Rai Rain+at n+ater er drai draina nage ge Art Articl icle ()/ ()/"" Dom Domes esttic +at +ater suppl uppl Art Articl icle () ()"" Dom Domes esttic +at +ater tan4s an4s Arti Articl clee ()9" ()9" Stor Storag agee of dom domes esti ticc coo4 coo4in ing g gas gas Art Articl icle (!#" (!#" Insu Insullati ation mat mater eria iall Arti Articl clee (!1" (!1" Re;u Re;uir irem ement entss for for gar2 gar2age age roo rooms ms and and cont contai aine ners rs Arti Articl clee (!" (!" Dime Dimens nsio ions ns of of gar2 gar2age age room roomss and and cont contai aine ners rs Arti Articl clee (!3 (!3"" Stru Struct ctur ural al re;u re;uir irem emen ents ts Article (! (!)" App Approve oved cod codees Arti Articl clee (!!" (!!" Desi Design gn and and exec execut utio ion n crit criter eria ia Arti Articl clee (!(!-"" 'onc 'oncre rete te 2loc 2loc4 4 str struc uctu ture ress Arti Articl clee (!/" (!/" Soi Soill test testss and and foun foundat datio ions ns (su (su2 2 stru struct ctur ures es"" ,ast page
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Building code regulations & construction Specifications
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Article (1" *$is regulation s$all Specifications?.
2e called >%uilding
'ode Regulations
Article (" @$enever an disputes arises in respect of t$e implementation of an of t$e articles of t$is regulation6 or in case of an am2iguit in specification or standard criteria6 t$e interpretation made 2 t$e competent aut$orit acting t$roug$ t$e %uildings Permits 'ommittee s$all 2e t$e finall approved interpretation of t$is am2iguous article or specification. Article (3" *$e follo+ing terms and conditions stipulated under t$ese Regulations s$all form an integral and complementar part of t$e tec$nical terms and conditions applica2le at t$e competent Department :
'onditions and tec$nical specifications for structural +or4s.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications for drainage +or4s.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications for road and car par4ing +or4s.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications stipulated under environmental protection legislation and occupational industrial safet.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications applica2le to firms of foodstuff 2usinesses.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications applica2le to $otel 2uildings and criteria for classification.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications for protection from fire $a8ards.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications for pu2lic $ealt$ and safet.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications stipulated under t$e legislation applica2le to land classification and uses.
'onditions and tec$nical specifications applica2le to $eat insulation as stipulated in t$e $eat resistance regulations.
An ot$er conditions or tec$nical specifications applica2le at t$e competent department. Article ()" Page ! of 93
In t$e implementation of provisions of t$is Regulation6 and unless t$e context indicates ot$er+ise6 t$e follo+ing +ords and expressions s$all $ave t$e meanings s$o+n against eac$ *$e mirate
*$e mirate of Du2ai
unicipalit of Du2ai
Director Beneral
Director Beneral of unicipalit
'ompetent Department
Department of %uildings and 0ousing
Department 'oncerned
*$e department from +$ic$ t$e 'ompetent Department see4s tec$nical advice on a certain topic.
Natural or corporate person in +$ose name t$e plot of land or 2uilding is registered +$et$er in $is its capacit as landlord or possessor or tenant t$e plot of land or 2uilding is registered +$et$er in $isits capacit as landlord or possessor or tenant.
%uildings Permits 'ommittee
*$e committee formed at t$e 'ompetent Department 2 a resolution from t$e Director Beneral in order to stud applications for procurement of construction permits and to ta4e appropriate decisions in connection t$ere+it$.
*$e ngineer
Natural or corporate person assigned to prepare t$e design or supervise t$e construction +or4s or 2ot$6 and licensed to practice t$e engineering consultations profession in t$e mirate in accordance +it$ enforcea2le legislation.
*$e 'ontractor
Natural or corporate person assigned to execute t$e construction +or4s in t$e mirates in accordance +it$ enforcea2le legislation.
*$e Inspector
*$e engineer or supervisor emploed 2 t$e 'ompetent Department.
ver person using +$eel c$air or crutc$es or
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is assisted in +al4ing +it$ artificial means6 including t$e paral8ed person6 t$e person +it$out lim2s6 t$e 2lind6 t$e deaf6 old and sic4 persons +$o are una2le to +al4 naturall.
'onstruction Permit
Permit issued 2 t$e 'ompetent Department in order to aut$ori8e construction +or4s to 2e executed on a specific plot of land in accordance +it$ approved dra+ings and specifications.
Special Approvals
Approval granted 2 parties empo+ered 2 la+ to aut$ori8e exemption from appling one or more of t$e Articles of t$is Regulation or from an ot$er legislation related to construction +or4s.
Plot of land.
An plot or area of land defined 2 t$e lengt$ of its sides6 its identification code reference6 location and allocated for construction as per an dra+ing or to+n planning land allocation or an ot$er means6 provided t$at la+ permits its use as one unit for construction purpose.
Plot 2oundar ,ine
%oundar line for a Plot.
Plot Area
*otal area of an Plot 2et+een its %oundar ,ines.
Plot Plan
Site plan or affection plan issued 2 t$e Department of Planning & Surveing at t$e unicipalit6 s$o+ing t$e plot 2oundaries6 dimensions6 area and neig$2ors.
Road or Street
Pu2lic or private road carriage +a allocated for ve$icle or pedestrian use or 2ot$6 as specified under t$e dra+ings annexed to t$e regulations for classification and functional use of lands in t$e mirate.
Access Approac$
An pu2lic or private road corridor t$at can 2e used as a secondar access on foot to an Plot t$at it leads to +it$out 2eing s$o+n as a Street or pu2lic Road in t$e mirateCs general
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structural laout. Road 'orridorCs ,ine
*$e official line t$at se s eparates 2e 2 et+een t$e Road and an Plot t$at is situated t$ereon. It is also called t$e end line to t$e road corridor.
Plot PlotCs Cs =ron =rontt ,ine ,ine
*$e *$e Plot PlotCs Cs 2oun 2oundar dar line line t$at t$at over overlo loo4s o4s t$e t$e Road or t$e Access Approac$ Road if t$e Plot does not overloo4 t$e road as s$o+n in t$e approved approved detailed detailed dra+ings dra+ings for classifica classification tion of land uses.
PlotCs Side ,ine
Plot PlotCs Cs Rear Rear ,ine ,ine
An PlotCs 2oundar line ot$er t$an t$e front or rear. Plot PlotCs Cs 2ounda 2oundar r line line oppos opposit itee its its =ron =rontt ,ine ,ine and as far as possi2le t$erefrom.
*$e longitudinal line t$at cuts t$e Street or Access Approac$ Road or Road approved 2 unicipalit.
Plot coverage
0ori8ontal ar area oc occupied 2 2 al all ma main an and annex 2uildings on t$e same Plot6 calculated from t$e external external surfaces of external external +alls or useful roofed 2alconies in t$e ground or upper floors6 +$ic$ever $ave more pro7ections. Non functional 2eautifing pro7ections less t$an 1.! feet feet s$all s$all not 2e includ included ed in calcul calculati ating ng t$e coverage.
%oundar @all or =ence
Artificial 2oundar +a +all co constructed fr from an approved approved materi material( al(s" s" in order order to surrou surround nd a Plot Plot of land6 land6 intende intended d eit$er eit$er for conceal concealing ing vie+ or for an ot$er accepta2le reason.
An neig$2oring Plot6 excluding Roads and passages.
'entral %usiness Area
Du2ai old area as defined on t$e map annexed to t$e %la+s for 'lassification of ,a+ful
=ol4loric %uildings
%uildings comprising fol4loric arc$itectural elements6 +$et$er situated inside t$e $istorical area6 area6 +it$ +it$ no demoli demolitio tion n or variat variation ion +or4s +or4s s$al s$alll 2e aut$o aut$ori ri8e 8ed d excep exceptt afte afterr o2ta o2tain inin ing g
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preliminar approval from t$e Department concerned. *$e %uilding
An construction to 2e erected at a fixed site on t$e ground or to 2e fixed on a 2uilding t$at $as a fixed site on t$e ground6 +$et$er t$e structure +as from roc46 concrete6 steel6 +ood6 or mud or an ot$er $er mate aterial used for cons constr truc ucti tion on purp purpos ose. e. *$is *$is s$al s$alll incl includ udee foun founda dattions6 ons6 +al +alls6 ls6 roofs oofs66 pro7 pro7ec ecti tion ons6 s6 2oundar +alls and ot$ers.
*emporar %uilding
An structure intended to 2e removed from its site site upon expir expir of t$e period specifie specified d for 2usiness or functional use for +$ic$ purpose t$e 2uilding +as constructed.
ain %uilding
%uilding used for t$e main or prime functional use of t$e Plot.
A 2u 2uilding or or st structure at attac$ed to to or or independent from t$e ain %uilding and used for purpos purposes es consid considere ered d to 2e seconda secondar r or complementar to t$e main functional use of t$e %uilding.
%uilding 0eig$t
ertical distance measured from t$e level of platform 4er2stone level of ad7acent road6 appro approve ved d as datu datum m for for calc calcul ulat atin ing g leve levell of ground floor tiles6 up to t$e $ig$est roof of t$e 2uilding. *$is s$all not include an s$ed on t$e roof top or stair case roof or roof of mec$anical e;uipment or services existing at t$e roof top level. In ot$e ot$err +ord +ords6 s6 it is t$e t$e vert vertic ical al dist distan ance ce calculated from finis$ed ground level up to t$e $ig$est point of t$e finis$ed roof level of t$e 2uilding.
%uilding xtension
xtension of t$e external +all of t$e 2uilding and t$e ground level situated on one or more sides of t$e 2uilding overloo4ing a pu2lic raod.
An pro7ection t$at extends outside t$e vertical external +all of t$e floor underneat$ suc$ part.
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'ommercial %uildings
%uildings in i n +$ + $ic$ co c ommercial 2u 2 usiness is is permitted to 2e conducted in accordance +it$ statutor classification of lands.
Aut$ori8ed =unctional
An us use of of a plot or or oc occupation of of a 2uilding aut$ori8ed in a certain area as per t$e statutor classification of t$e lands in t$e mirate.
ain ain =unc =uncti tion onal al
*$e *$e main main or prev prevai aili ling ng func functi tion onal al use6 use6 eit$ eit$er er existing or proposed or aut$ori8ed pursuant to special Approvals issued for an specific plot.
Secondar =unctional
Secondar fu functional us uses fo for t$ t$e sa same pl plot of of t$e t$e main main funct functio iona nall use6 use6 suc$ suc$ as serv servan ants ts ;ua ;uarters6 car par4ing spac pace6 and ot$er $er secondar functional uses.
'ommercial 'entre
A group of s$ops or areas used for commercial purposes and $ave a total commercial area of not less t$an 1# t$ousand s;uare feet t$at open to covere covered d air condit condition ioned ed $alls $alls or intern internal al passages. Also an s$ops or s$o+room of a comme commerc rcia iall excee exceedi ding ng 1# t$ous t$ousand and s;ua s;uare re meters and used for retail sale of commodities and are visited 2 large num2er of people.
0otel %uilding
0otel or motel or $otel apartments.
A 2uilding or independent part of a 2uilding compri comprisin sing g not less less t$an t$an ten 2edroo 2edrooms ms and providing accommodation and meals against monetar consideration. A 2at$room s$all 2e attac$ed to eac$ 2edroom.
0otel Apartments
A num2er6 not less t$an 6 of furnis$ed villas or apartments or studios6 to 2e rented to guests on 2asi 2asiss of dail dail or +ee4 +ee4l l or mont mont$l $l or earl rent.
it$er a 2uilding or a totall independent part of a 2uil 2uildi ding ng comp compri risi sing ng not not less less t$an t$an ten ten 2edrooms and providing accommodation and meals against a financial financial consideration6 consideration6 +it$ percentage common 2at$rooms.
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Broup S$aring Accommodation
A 2uilding used for accommodating a group of people +$o 2elong to one 2od (suc$ as a universit6 2oarding sc$ool6 $ospital6 compan6 Eetc." and comprising more t$an one room.
,a2our Accommodation
A 2uilding used for group accommodation for +or4ers of a compan or a firm6 for +$ic$ t$e services (toilets6 2at$rooms6 sin4s6 s$o+ers" s$all 2e common6 and it includes a 4itc$en6 common dining $all6 separate rooms for supervisors at t$e rate of one supervisorCs room for eac$ ()#" la2our.
Investment illas
A compound comprising a num2er of attac$ed or semi attac$ed villas6 +it$ common open space and common recreational areas. 5+ners$ip s$all not 2e split 2et+een more t$an one o+ner except if statutor set2ac4s s$all exist 2et+een t$em.
Private illa
Independent or semi attac$ed 2uilding allocated for accommodating one single famil in all its floors6 +it$ one entrance on t$e ground floor and an independent car par4ing space in addition to independent external open ards.
Ara2 Stle 0ouse
%uilding allocated for accommodating one single famil6 to 2e constructed on t$e full area of t$e Plot +it$out an set2ac4 on all side. All openings overloo4ing an internal ard of not less t$an (1! x 1!" s;uare feet and t$e $ouse includes one (4itc$en" space for preparation of meals and at least one 2at$room and one car par4ing space.
An space allocated for conducting a commercial 2usiness suc$ as displaing commodities for purpose of +$olesale or retail sale and $as a faFade not less t$an (3#" feet t$at overloo4s t$e road.
an space of not less t$an (1#" s;uare feet allocated for conducting a commercial 2usiness suc$ as displaing commodities for purpose of +$olesale or retail sale.
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Space allocated for office +or4 and $as an area of not less t$an (1##" s;uare feet.
Space allocated for accommodation or an ot$er purpose t$at re;uires people to sta eit$er on permanent or temporar 2asis and $as an area of not less 1## s;uare feet.
Space allocated for purpose of preparation of meals and 2everages and $as an area of not less t$an ()#" s;uare feet. 5ne 4itc$en onl s$all 2e permitted for eac$ one single accommodation unit.
Pantr (4itc$enette"
Space allocated for preparation of snac4s and s$all not serve in lieu of main 4itc$en in residential units.
Apartment (residential unit"
Part of a 2uilding allocated for accommodation purpose6 comprising one or more rooms and a lo22 $all and $as an area of not less t$an (1##" s;uare feet6 designed and e;uipped for accommodating one or more persons. It includes one space onl for preparing and coo4ing meals (4itc$en" and at least one 2at$room. It constitutes one independent leasing unit.
Part of a 2uilding allocated for accommodation purpose6 comprising onl one room designed for one or more persons and including space for preparing and coo4ing meals and one 2at$room. It constitutes one independent leasing unit.
Buard Room
5n room or unit or accommodation space situated on t$e same plot on +$ic$ t$e main 2uilding is constructed or situated inside t$e 2uilding and allocated for accommodating t$e 2uilding guard. Its area s$all not 2e less t$an (/#" s;uare feet.
Servants Huarters
5ne or more rooms ad7acent attac$ed to or separate from eac$ ot$er6 constructed on t$e same plot on +$ic$ t$e main 2uilding is
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situated and isare allocated for accommodating servantCs emploed 2 t$e main 2uildingCs occupants. Area of t$e room s$all not 2e less t$an /# s;uare feet. Store
'overed part of a 2uilding used as a storage area for material. Suc$ space ma 2e used for collecting and sorting material for purpose of s$ipping or storage +it$out introducing an c$ange in t$e c$emical or p$sical c$aracteristics of suc$ material.
5pen ard Store
%uilding or structure or portions t$ereof used or allocated for ve$icle par4ing or storage. It could 2e covered or uncovered.
Pro7ected cover t$at extends outside t$e external +all of an 2uilding or a cover supported 2 a column in order to protect an door or +indo+ or passage from rain or from solar effect.
Space inside t$e 2uilding +it$in +$ic$ t$e stairs are erected.
S$ed using non solid material comprising openings of not less t$an !#J of t$e total area. Normall used for arc$itectural 2eautification or for improving +eat$er conditions.
Bar2age Room
A room or space approved 2 t$e 'ompetent Aut$orit6 situated at t$e ground floor of t$e same 2uilding for use for interim collection of +aste material in preparation for transportation outside t$e 2uilding for disposing t$ereof. Suc$ room or space s$all 2e +it$in t$e 2oundaries of t$e 2uilding or t$e plot6 as per approval of t$e 'ompetent Department.
'overed or uncovered pro7ections outside t$e vertical +alls ad7acent t$ereto in t$e same 2uilding. Access t$ereto is provided from inside t$e 2uilding.
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5rnament lements
lements t$at are added to t$e 2uilding for purpose of 2eautification or for expressing a certain message or a sm2ol. *$ese elements are not permitted to 2e used for commercial or residential purpose or as temporar or permanent 2alconies.
,ig$ting and entilation 5penings
5penings +$ic$ provide natural lig$ting or ventilation or 2ot$6 for an part of t$e 2uilding. Suc$ lig$ting openings s$all 2e situated on t$e roof or an of t$e external +alls.
Secondar ('ross" entilation
*o 2e provided for t$e rooms +$ic$ $ave dept$ in excess of t$ree times its +idt$6 for purpose of providing ventilation and natural lig$ting for t$e inner parts of t$e rooms. *$is can 2e provided t$roug$ an opening or a c$ute of an area not less t$an (!J" of t$e room area and +idt$ of not less t$an ()" feet.
Inner ard
Space open s4 and surrounded 2 2uildings on t$ree or more sides and $as rooms of one or more residential or office units overloo4ing it.
Space open to s4 and surrounded 2 2uildings on t$ree or more sides. 5nl utilities +ould overloo4 it.
xternal ard (poc4et c$ute"
An inner c$ute or ard open to an Access Approac$ Road or Road and $aving its side t$at is parallel to t$e longitudinal centre line of t$e Access Road of a lengt$ of not less t$an (3#" feet.
Service Duct
'losed space inside +$ic$ exist t$e service pipes6 installations and inspection access openings.
Percentage 'overage
Percentage resulting from dividing t$e plot coverage area 2 t$e total area of t$e Plot.
0ori8ontal distance extending from an front or side or rear line of an Plot and t$e nearest +all or (used" pro7ection of t$e 2uilding constructed t$ereon.
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*otal =loor Area
*otal covered area in a %uilding or structure measured from t$e external sides of t$e 2uilding6 inclusive of 2alconies6 terraces and ot$er pro7ections as +ell as an ot$er covered space suc$ as car par4ing lots6 circulation corridors6 c$utes6 loading unloading 2as6 service floors6 s+imming pools and an ot$er structures on t$e Plot.
=loor Area Ratio
*$e outcome resulting from dividing t$e *otal =loor Area of t$e %uilding or a num2er of %uildings 2 t$e total Plot area. In ot$er +ords it is t$e percentage resulting from dividing t$e *otal floor Area less (area of par4ing lots6 access Roads6 loading unloading 2as6 'overed @a6 s+imming pools6 2asement floors allocated for par4ing and services6 mec$anical services floors6 roof service floors6 non:closed 2alconies and terraces" 2 t$e area of t$e Plot.
Area of Residential
*$e internal area of an residential unit including all parts t$at can 2e accessed from inside t$e unit and are used as residence for a num2er of persons.
Part of t$e %uilding situated in 2et+een t$e surface of an flooring and t$e surface of flooring rig$t a2ove it in t$e upper level.
%asement =loor (underground"
5ne of t$e floors in t$e %uilding6 part of it of a $eig$t not less t$an $alf its $eig$t s$all 2e underneat$ t$e road surveing level6 and $aving a ceiling $eig$t not $ig$er t$an (3.!" feet a2ove t$e road surveing level for all 2uildings and ().!" feet for private villas. *$e 2asement floor s$all 2e considered a ground floor in measuring $eig$t or floor area ratio if its ceiling level is in excess of t$at a2ove t$e approved road level for calculating t$e ground floor level as s$o+n in Article (/" of t$ese Regulations.
Bround =loor
*$e first floor of t$e %uilding +$ic$6 for all 2uildings6 $as a flooring level a2ove t$e
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pavement level 2 not less t$an ($alf a foot" and not more t$an ()" feet from t$e level of t$e road edge6 and (!" feet for private residential villas. e88anine
Partial or full floor situated in 2et+een t$e ground and first floors (plan and elevation". Its functional use ma eit$er 2e complementar and 2elonging to t$e ground floor or independent functional use similar to tpical floor or ma 2e used for services.
*pical =loor
A floor similar to floor(s" a2ove or 2elo+ or 2ot$K and is normall situated a2ove t$e ground floor.
,ast*op =loor
*op floor in t$e %uilding as per maximum $eig$ts specified in t$e map annexed to t$e regulations for classification and functional use of lands in t$e mirate or as per Special approvals issued in t$is respect. It s$all 2e situated rig$t under t$e roof top.
Roof *op
Part of a full floor to 2e situated a2ove t$e ,ast =loor of t$e %uilding and to 2e normall used for accommodating lift mac$ine rooms6 staircases6 mec$anical and electrical room6 +ater tan4s6 some pergolas or s+imming pools6 gmnasiums and services associated t$ere+it$. It s$all $ave a set2ac4 of not less t$an (!" feet from t$e %uilding limits on t$e roof and an area of not less t$an (!#J" of t$e area of t$e ,ast =loor as per as per Article (#" of t$ese Regulations.
ec$anical Services =loors
=loor allocated full for accommodating mec$anical and electrical e;uipment re;uired for t$e %uilding. It s$all 2e designed in suc$ a +a as to matc$ t$e purpose of its use as per approval of t$e %uildings ,icensing 'ommittee. Neit$er part t$ereof s$all 2e permitted to 2e used for an ot$er purpose and s$all not 2e included in calculating t$e floor ratio.
=loor 0eig$t
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flooring level of t$e next floor. Net 0eig$t of a =loor
Net distance 2et+een t$e finis$ed floor level of its flooring and t$e 2ottom surface of its flooring and t$e 2ottom surface of its exposed ceiling.
=inis$ed =loor ,evel
,evel of t$e finis$ed floor at t$e centre line of all +all of an %uilding. In case of +alls alongside side pavements6 t$e =inis$ed =loor ,evel s$all 2e measured at t$e side pavements.
=loor ,evel
*$e $eig$t of t$e flooring of a specific floor a2ove t$e Road or Access Approac$ Road level as compared to t$e surveing datum in case of non existence of a Road or Access Approac$ Road.
Datum ,evel
,evel of t$e a2ove surface of t$e tile of t$e first step of t$e access entrance situated on t$e Plot 2oundaries. It s$all 2e (one" foot a2ove t$e level of t$e Road edge.
'ommercial Advertisement
An identification or description or dra+ing or an ot$er means to 2e fitted or erected or printed or +ritten or dra+n6 eit$er directl or indirectl6 or an %uilding or structure or Plot6 for purpose of dra+ing attention to an 2usiness or product or service or t$e li4e.
rticle !"#$ %on 'lanning (imitations
No %uilding s$all 2e permitted to 2e constructed on an Plot except if it +as consistent +it$ t$e map annexed to t$e %la+s for 'lassification for ,a+ful
@$ile in t$e course of preparation of designs and faFade arc$itecture for various 2uildings6 t$e Ara2 and Islamic cultural identit and local arc$itectural patterns s$all 2e ta4en into consideration6 particularl as regards 2uildings to 2e constructed in fol4loric areas.
rticle !)#$ Minimum area of 'lot
Page 1/ of 93
xcept for some areas and special cases su27ect to re;uirements and approval of t$e Department of Planning and surveing at t$e unicipalit6 t$e minimum area of a Plot suita2le for construction of a 2uilding s$all 2e as follo+s .
@it$ t$e central 2usiness area in Deira and %ur Du2ai (as per t$eir 2oundaries specified in t$e general laout of t$e cit"6 t$e minimum plot s$all $ave an area of (16#!#" s;uare feet.
@it$in t$e remaining areas in t$e mirate6 t$e minimum area s$all 2e (16-##" s;uare feet.
*$e minimum distance t$at forms t$e front elevation of t$e Plot t$at overloo4s a road or an access approac$ road s$all 2e (3#" feet.
In case of non regular plots +$ose areas are in excess of t$e minimum level referred to in t$e previous article6 in order for t$e construction permit to 2e issued6 t$e plot s$all 2e a2le to accommodate a s;uare s$aped area of (3# x 3#" s;uare feet capa2le of 2eing constructed t$ereupon. *$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee ma aut$ori8e construction on plots +$ic$ do not satisf t$e a2ove conditions stipulated in t$is Article in case of su2mission of arc$itectural designs suita2le for t$e stipulated functional use t$at are not inconsistent +it$ t$e general vie+.
rticle !,#$ Heig-ts of Buildings a+
*$e reference datum line for 2uildings s$all 2e determined at t$e $eig$t of one foot a2ove t$e edge of t$e road or roads +$ic$ t$e plot overloo4s. In case longitudinal slopes exist in t$e road6 t$e re;uired slope s$all 2e 2uilt in t$e ground floor leveling suc$ a +a as to ensure preservation of t$e re;uired datum level.
*$e level of t$e ground floor flooring tiles s$all not 2e in t$e excess of ()" feet a2ove t$e level of t$e road edge except for residential areas in +$ic$ suc$ level s$all not exceed (!" feet. In case t$e plot exists on one or t+o or more roads of different levels6 t$e ground floor level s$all not exceed (1.!" feet from t$e level of t$e $ig$ road edge or ()" feet from t$e level of t$e edge of t$e lo+ road for all 2uildings +$ic$ever s$all 2e $ig$est6 and (!" feet for residential villas a2ove t$e level of t$e road on +$ic$ t$eir main entrance is situated.
%uilding $eig$ts s$all 2e measured from t$e approved level of t$e pavement 4er2stone of t$e neig$2oring road in order to +or4 out t$e level of t$e ground floor flooring tiles as per item (2" $erein6 as per details of t$e dra+ing for 2uilding $eig$ts in t$e cit6 except for 2uildings s$all 2e su27ect to special decisions. In general terms6 t$e maximum $eig$t of 2uildings s$all 2e e;uivalent to t$e Page 1 of 93
num2er of floors as per t$e relevant areaCs pattern multiplied 2 (13" feet on t$e understanding t$at t$e $eig$t per floor is (13" feet. In case t$e $eig$t exceeds t$e maximum $eig$t6 t$e actual $eig$t s$all 2e ta4en into consideration +$en calculating set2ac4s. d.
0eig$t of 2oundar +alls6 fences and separation +alls of residential 2uildings (including plantation $edges" s$all not exceed (1#" feet. Suc$ 2oundar +alls6 fences and separation +alls s$all not 2e constructed outside t$e relevant plot 2oundaries.
*$e net internal $eig$t of eac$ floor measured form t$e flooring tile level up till its exposed 2ottom surface6 s$all 2e 1.
=or residential and office functional use inimum level (9" feet aximum level (1)" feet
'ommercial uses .1
S$ops and s$o+rooms -
Bround =loor inimum level (1#" feet. In case of additional $alf a me88anine floor6 it s$all 2e (" feet
aximum level (1)" feet. =ull me88anine inimum level (" feet and (-" inc$es. aximum level (1#" feet. 0alf me88anine inimum level (/" feet and (-" inc$es. aximum level (1#" feet. 'ommercial $alls and s$opping centres inimum level (1)" feet aximum level (#" feet
Industrial6 storage6 and +or4s$op functional uses inimum level (1)" feet aximum level (#" feet Page 19 of 93
0o+ever6 t$e a2ove referred maximum limit can 2e exceeded in case certain special industrial pro7ects re;uire t$at. ).
'overed car par4ing lots inimum level clear (" feet net measured underneat$ 2eams and suspended service pipes lines. aximum level (1#" feet
Sc$ools and nurseries inimum level (1#" feet. aximum level (1)" feet
os;ues inimum level (1" feet. aximum level As per design and area of mos;ue.
Speciali8ed %uildings As per special studies related t$ereto
In case of 2uildings of a certain nature or a certain arc$itectural design (suc$ as s$o+rooms6 ex$i2ition $alls6 movie $ouses6 sc$ools6 s$opping centres6 industrial facilities6..etc." a2ove $eig$ts (item e" ma 2e exceeded. In t$is respect6 standard specifications endorsed 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee and special re;uirements for eac$ functional use s$all appl. 'are s$ould 2e ta4en in coordinating $eig$ts of t$ese %uildings +it$ $eig$ts of neig$2oring %uildings.
=ollo+ing parts of %uildings t$at are allo+ed to exceed t$e $eig$t 1.
5rnamental elements in general 2eautification and fol4loric to+ers.
'$imnes and smo4e disposal ducts6 elevators c$utes6 staircases6 radio and television antennae6 cooling to+ers6 pergolas6 $elipads and parts of t$e roof parapet +alls.
%ill2oard to+ers6 provided t$at t$e s$all 2e consistent +it$ terms and conditions applica2le in t$is respect 2 t$e Department concerned.
In case of trusses and domes6 2ot$ t$e maximum 2uilding $eig$t and t$e maximum net internal $eig$t6 ma 2e exceeded in order to cope +it$ structural and 2eaut re;uirements. Page # of 93
In respect of cases listed in t$e a2ove Article6 as a re;uirement for aut$ori8ation of $eig$ts $ig$er t$an maximum6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e o2served 1.
No part of excess $eig$t of t$e %uildings +$ic$ +ere permitted to exceed maximum $eig$t s$all 2e used for residential or commercial purpose except for t$e 2ill2oard.
Revised $eig$t s$all not exceed t$e $eig$t re;uired for t$e function as decided 2 t$e %uildings Permit 'ommittee6 and t$at it s$all not cause under $a8ard to t$e civil aviation traffic or an damages to neig$2ors.
rticle !.#$ Minimum areas for rooms
=loor area or dimensions of an of t$e rooms of a %uilding s$all not 2e less t$an t$e follo+ing minimum levels Minimum le/el of Minimum le/el of floor area any side a+ S$op 1# s;uare ft. feet 5ffice 1## s;uare ft. feet b+ Residential room 1## s;uare ft. 9 feet c+ d+ Gitc$en )# s;uare ft. ! feet %at$room 3# s;uare ft. ! feet e+ *oilet 1! s;uare ft. 3 feet f+ 0o+ever6 in some of t$e service personnel rooms suc$ as t$e servantCs and guard rooms6 floor area ma 2e /# s;uare ft. and t$e minimum lengt$ of an side s$all 2e / feet. rticle !#$ Corridors a+
inimum net +idt$ of pu2lic traffic corridors in %uildings s$all 2e as follo+s 1.
Residential and 5ffice %uildings. 1.1
(-" feet for plots of area in excess of (6!##" s;uare feet.
(!" feet for plots of area less t$an (6!##" s;uare feet.
,a2our Accommodation %uildings. .1
(-" feet in case of rooms on 2ot$ sides of t$e corridor.
().!" feet in case of rooms situated onl on one side of t$e corridor.
'ommercial corridors passages (1#" feet Page 1 of 93
Inter:classroom passages in educational 2uildings (sc$ools6 institutes and universities". ).1
(1#" feet in case of corridors on +$ic$ classrooms open to 2ot$ sides of t$e corridor.
(" feet in case of corridors on +$ic$ classrooms open to one side of t$e corridor.
%uildings used for t$e pu2lic (ot$er t$an t$ose listed a2ove" s$all 2e as per t$e nature of use6 su27ect to a minimum of (" feet.
inimum +idt$ of internal corridors 2et+een rooms in residential flats and office s$all not 2e less t$an 3 feet.
Reducing +idt$ of corridors in 2uilding of smaller areas6 ma 2e aut$ori8ed6 provided t$at t$e plot configuration and dimensions +ould not allo+ provision of corridors as per a2ove re;uirements.
Gios4s ma 2e aut$ori8ed for posting in commercial passages6 in +$ic$ case6 corridors of not less t$an (!" feet s$all 2e provided on 2ot$ sides of t$e 4ios46 provided t$at suc$ 4ios4s s$all not 2e attac$ed or connected to eac$ ot$er for more t$an # feet and t$at t$e distance in 2et+een t$em s$all not 2e less t$an - feet.
inimum net $eig$t of corridors s$all not 2e less t$an 9.1
(" feet for residential6 office 2uildings and la2our accommodation.
(1#" feet for commercial 2uildings and educational institution corridors.
in 2uildings for speciali8ed purposes6 t$e minimum $eig$t of corridors s$all depend upon t$e functional use6 provided t$at it s$all not 2e less t$an (" feet.
rticle !*0#$ Colonnades
In case of 2uildings overloo4ing roads6 +$ic$ are permitted to $ave colonnades on t$e facades6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e o2served a+
Design of colonnades s$all 2e in accordance +it$ general stle6 s$ape and $eig$t6 as determined 2 t$e 'ompetent Department or in accordance +it$ t$e format designed for t$at purpose.
A 2eautifing pro7ection6 unused6 s$all 2e permitted inside t$e colonnades6 su27ect to t$e follo+ing conditions Page of 93
5rnamental elements s$all not exceed (1" ft and (-" inc$es and s$all 2e at a $eig$t of not less t$an (9" feet from t$e floor of t$e colonnade.
@indo+ sills6 +indo+ ends and piers of columns s$all not exceed (-" inc$es.
%ill2oards approved for installation in t$e area s$all 2e su27ect to regulations applica2le in suc$ respect in t$e mirate.
'olonnade openings s$all 2e coordinated in a consistent manner.
'olonnade s$all 2e prepared for pu2lic pedestrians. No o2stacles or 2loc4ing articles s$all 2e permitted to 2loc4 t$e clear passage. 'ontinuit of colonnades in connected 2uildings s$all 2e ta4en into consideration. *$eir levels s$all 2e studied in order to serve pu2lic traffic.
rticle !**#$ Setbac1s a+
%uilding set2ac4s s$all 2e defined in accordance +it$ Planning re;uirements and %la+s for 'lassification of ,a+ful
A set2ac4 s$all 2e measured starting from t$e plot 2oundar on t$e neig$2orsC side and from t$e centerline of t$e access approac$ road and neig$2oring roads.
xcept for all commercial 2uildings6 set2ac4s s$all appl effective from ground floor for all 2uildings.
In commercial 2uildings6 set2ac4 s$all appl effective from t$e first floor a2ove t$e commercial part and from t$e ground floor for t$e part 2eond t$e commercial dept$.
In case t$e full ground floor is allocated for commercial use6 set2ac4 s$all 2e (1#" feet in t$e ground floor on t$e side of t$e rear and side neig$2ors if suc$ neig$2oring plots are not permitted for commercial use.
Set2ac4 s$all 2e +aived on t$e side in +$ic$ set2ac4 is re;uired to 2e (!" feet or less t$an from t$e plot 2oundar line. Areas in +$ic$ to+n Planning determines t$e set2ac4 at (!" feet s$all 2e treated as exempted from t$e re;uirement.
Set2ac4 s$all 2e calculated on t$e assumption t$at t$e floor $eig$t is (1#" feet6 provided t$at t$e total $eig$t of t$e 2uilding effective from t$e pavement surface up to roof top6 s$all not exceed (num2er of floors x 13 feet". In case t$e overall $eig$t of t$e %uilding exceeds t$at6 t$e actual $eig$t s$all 2e used for calculating t$e re;uired set2ac4s.
Page 3 of 93
*$e level used for Services s$all not 2e included in +or4ing out t$e overall $eig$t for t$e purpose of calculating set2ac4s.
No construction +or4s s$all 2e permitted in set2ac4s6 except for electric transformers6 pergolas and uncovered car par4ing area.
xcept for pro7ections permitted under Article 1- $erein6 and as per *o+n Planning re;uirements6 no 2eautifing or used pro7ections s$all 2e permitted in set2ac4s.
In plots situated in 2usiness area6 external c$ute poc4et ma 2e provided on t$e side of t$e access approac$ road in lieu of t$e re;uired set2ac46 provided t$at it s$all $ave a dept$ t$at satisfies t$e re;uired set2ac4 and its lengt$ alongside t$e access approac$ passage s$all not 2e less t$an (3#" feet. Suc$ plots s$all 2e allo+ed to $ave no set2ac4 if no external opening s$all 2e provided for t$e rooms and offices.
aximum set2ac4 re;uired for an 2uilding s$all 2e (!" feet6 regardless of t$e overall $eig$t of t$e 2uilding.
inimum set2ac4 for all 2uildings6 regardless of t$eir $eig$t on t$e side of t$e EE.6 s$all not 2e less t$an (1#" feet.
Internal set2ac4s 2et+een an t+o main 2uildings +it$in one single plot s$all not 2e less t$an t$e total set2ac4s for t$e t+o 2uildings on t$e neig$2orsC sides6 except for industrial 2uildings in +$ic$ t$e set2ac4 s$all 2e (1#" feet and internal set2ac4 2et+een a main 2uilding and an annex inside one single plot6 s$all not 2e less t$an (1#" feet.
rticle !*2#$ atural lig-ting and /entilation openings a+
It s$all 2e treated as an opening for natural lig$ting for ventilation6 an portion of a +indo+ t$at can 2e opened or an door designed in suc$ a +a as to 4eep it open. In all cases6 t$e said opening s$all6 in its full area6 lead into t$e outside air. =or suc$ reason6 an opening connected to a piece of e;uipment (an air conditioning e;uipment" s$all not 2e considered a natural ventilation opening for t$e purpose of t$is Article.
=or all rooms6 $alls6 lo22ies6 corridors6 staircases6 4itc$ens6 2at$rooms in an 2uilding6 natural lig$ting and ventilation stipulated in t$e follo+ing Article6 as +ell as secondar ventilation6 s$all 2e provided. In case t$e roomCs lengt$ exceeds t$ree times its +idt$6 cross ventilation s$all 2e provided.
In case of a need for providing lig$ting and ventilation of an access entrance or corridor6 t$roug$ rooms ad7acent t$ereto6 its area s$all $ave to 2e added to t$e area Page ) of 93
of suc$ rooms +$en calculating t$e ;uantit of ventilation re;uirements. d.
Natural lig$ting and ventilation ma 2e replaced 2 artificial lig$ting and ventilation for toilets6 2at$rooms6 pantries of area less t$an minimum area for 4itc$ens6 corridors6 $alls and rooms some speciali8ed pro7ects t$at re;uire t$e alternative6 provided t$at t$e approval of t$e competent department s$all 2e o2tained and re;uirements for mec$anical lig$ting and ventilation s$all 2e fulfilled.
,ig$ting intensit in t$e various parts of a 2uilding s$all satisf t$e re;uirement stipulated in t$e approved standard specifications. Internal air in t$e 2uilding s$all6 in terms of ;uantit and ;ualit6 satisf t$e environment and pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements applica2le in t$e
Gitc$ens ma form part of t$e space of t$e living area6 provided t$at ventilation for t$e living area s$all 2e provided t$roug$ t$e part opposite t$e 4itc$en in accordance +it$ t$ese specifications6 and mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided for t$e 4itc$en as per conditions to 2e laid do+n 2 t$e competent department.
No lig$ting and ventilation openings overloo4ing neig$2ors s$all 2e permitted6 except after satisfing t$e re;uired set2ac4s in accordance +it$ Article (11" $erein.
rticle !*3#$ penings a+
@indo+s 1.
ac$ room6 residential or ot$er+ise6 and eac$ staircase c$ute or 4itc$en or $all or corridor6 s$all 2e provided +it$ an opening for lig$ting and ventilation of not less t$an an overall area of 1#J of t$e overall room6 !J of t$e service area (4itc$ens6 2at$rooms6 toilets6 stores6 staircases".
,ig$ting and ventilations openings6 in t$e same percentages stapled in t$e a2ove item6 m 2e cut in t$e roof6 provided t$at suc$ openings s$all lead directl into t$e external air and t$e part in +$ic$ suc$ openings s$all 2e cut6 s$all not 2e allocated for 2edrooms6 and a mec$anical opening device 2e fitted on suc$ openings at a level of 3 feet a2ove t$e floor.
*$e main staircase of t$e 2uilding s$all 2e provided +it$ lig$ting and ventilation openings n eac$ floor level effective from t$e first floor up+ards until t$e $ig$est level.
Natural lig$ting and ventilation openings of not less t$an !J of t$e floor area6 s$all 2e provided in t$e +are$ouses and +or4s$ops. @are$ouse gate door openings s$all form part of t$ese lig$ting and v entilation openings.
Doors Page ! of 93
*$e minimum door +idt$ s$all 2e as follo+s
%edrooms and offices 3 feet
Gitc$ens feet and inc$es
%at$rooms feet and ) inc$es
'ommercial outlets 3 feet and ) inc$es +it$in a s$o+ glass
@or4s$ops and +are$ouses 1# feet
Staircases 3 feet and ) inc$es
*$e follo+ing s$all 2e o2served +$en considering openings in 2uildings *$e minimum door +idt$ s$all 2e as follo+s 1.
Protection (suc$ as 2alustrade or parapet +alls or similar" s$all 2e provide in 2alconies6 terraces6 roofs and at points of different levels or $eig$ts in excess of 3 feet.
xternal doors in tpical floors s$all not open directl to t$e outside air or stair steps.
0eig$t of +indo+ sills s$all not 2e less t$an 3 feet6 except in case of existence of 2alconies or terraces outside suc$ +indo+s6 or if safet protection (2alustrades" of $eig$t not less t$an 3 feet s$all 2e provided.
*$e engineer s$all stud t$e $eig$t of t$e safet protection measures in order to matc$ t$e $eig$t of t$e +indo+s and 2alconies.
rticle !*4#$ C-utes and yards a+
Natural lig$ting and ventilation re;uirements for functional uses overloo4ing t$e c$ute6 s$all 2e as follo+s 1.
%at$rooms Area of t$e c$ute s$all not 2e less t$an 9 s;uare feet and its +idt$ s$all not 2e less t$an 3 feet. Re;uirement for natural lig$ting and ventilation ma 2e +aived in case an integral sstem for lig$ting and mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided as per approved specifications availa2le at t$e competent department. Natural lig$ting re;uirements ma 2e +aived if t$e necessar artificial lig$ting s$all 2e provided as per approved specifications applica2le at t$e competent department.
Page - of 93
'losed 4itc$ens Dimensions of t$e c$ute s$all not 2e less t$an 1# x 1# s;uare feet6 regardless of t$e 2uildingCs $eig$t6 provided t$at mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided as per approved specifications applica2le at t$e competent department if t$e 2uilding $eig$t exceeds a ground plus / tpical floors.
5pen 4itc$ens 5pen 4itc$ens occuping part of t$e space of t$e living area s$all 2e permitted +it$out t$e need of ventilation c$utes for suc$ 4itc$ens6 for all 2uilding $eig$ts6 provided t$at location of suc$ 4itc$ens s$all 2e opposite t$e main ventilation openings of suc$ living areas6 and mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided as per approved specifications applica2le at t$e competent department.
Pantr xcept for residential flats in +$ic$ suc$ categor of pantries s$all not 2e permitted6 t$e area of c$ute s$all not 2e less t$an 9 s;uare feet6 3 feet for t$e lengt$ of an of its sides6 and mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided as per approved specifications applica2le at t$e competent department.
Internal ard area ma differ according to room or office space +$ic$ overloo4ing to it as follo+s 1.
If all t$e rooms and office spaces too4 its lig$ting and ventilation for t$e same ard6 t$en t$e ard area s$ould not 2e less t$an t$e s;uare of $alf of t$e total 2uilding $eig$t from t$e floor of t$e first floor and +it$ minimum 1! feet lengt$ to one of its sides or ! s;uare feet area.
If some of room and office space too4 its lig$ting and ventilation from t$e same ard and t$e ot$er room and offices space $ave opened to6 si44a6 ard6 or legal set2ac4 road6 t$en t$e ard area s$ould 2e not less t$an t$e s;uare of one t$ird of t$e 2uilding $eig$t and +it$ minimum 1# feet lengt$ to one of its sides and +it$ total area not less t$an 1## s;uare feet. 3. In case of one 4itc$en in eac$ floor or 4itc$ens from residential units or more6 or one room or rooms (maidCs rooms are excluded from a residential unit or more or official units $ave loo4ing to a road6 ard6 si44a or set2ac46 t$en t$e ard area s$ould not 2e less t$an t$e multiple of $alf t$e $eig$t and one t$ird of t$e same $eig$t of t$e floors +$ere t$ese rooms are located starting from t$e floor of t$e first floor of t$ese rooms and +it$ minimum area of (1# x 1!" feet. ). @$en t$e apartments +$ic$ $ave an area of more t$an 1-## s;uare feet6 t$e natural lig$ting and ventilation can 2e provided t$roug$ c$utes $aving a si8e of (1# x 1#" feet +it$ disregard to t$e 2uilding $eig$t6 mec$anical ventilation as per t$e specifications and conditions of t$e related departments to 2e provided if t$e 2uilding $eig$t exceeded more t$an BL/ of or from an ot$er c$utes +it$out effecting its dimentions. In Ara2 stle $ouse6 dimensions of t$e ard s$all not 2e less t$an 1! x 1! feet.
ac$ internal c$ute or ard6 regardless of eac$ area6 s$all 2e provided +it$ a Page / of 93
suita2le access at its ground level in order to permit and ensure cleaning and maintenance. Small c$utes of ) x - feet and less t$an t$at s$all 2e provided +it$ a mon4e ladder to 2e erected on one side for use in maintenance. e.
ac$ internal c$ute or ard s$all 2e provided +it$ rain+ater drainage facilities.
All internal c$utes and ards s$all 2e open to s4. In case of an roof or construction at $ig$ level t$ereon6 t$e follo+ing conditions and re;uirements s$all 2e o2served 1.
If t$e roof is transparent or semi transparent6 side openings leading to outside air s$all 2e provided and t$e total area of suc$ openings s$all not 2e less t$an t$e area of t$e ard or c$ute.
If t$e roof is not transparent6 side openings leading to outside air s$all 2e provided and t$e total are of suc$ openings s$all not 2e less t$an one and a $alf times t$e area of t$e ard or c$ute.
*$e roof ma extend to 2e more t$an t$e area of t$e c$ute or t$e ard6 provided t$e pro7ection distance s$all not exceed t$e opening existing on its sides.
Suc$ openings s$all 2e provided +it$ appropriate opening and closing mec$anisms.
rticle !*"#$ Mec-anical /entilation5 lig-ting and central air conditioning a+
In case it is not possi2le t$e natural ventilation and lig$tings in some 2uildings suc$ as movie $ouses6 $alls6 s$opping centres6 restaurants6 speciali8ed 2uildings and pu2lic and private 2uildings6 t$ese re;uirements ma 2e replaced +it$ artificial ventilation and lig$ting6 provided t$at t$e follo+ing s$all 2e o2served 1.
Suc$ 2uildings s$all 2e provided +it$ central air conditioning and electrical lig$ting in all parts of t$e 2uilding.
entilation and air conditioning s$all compl +it$ re;uirements and standard specifications applica2le at competent department.
*$e engineer s$all 2e responsi2le for t$e calculations for t$e lig$ting capacit6 air conditioning and mec$anical ventilation as per re;uirements and standard specifications applica2le at competent department. Details of suc$ calculations s$all 2e entered on t$e dra+ings and on t$e outside cover of t$e +or4s$op dra+ings.
Area and specifications of t$e c$utes on +$ic$ 4itc$ens +it$ mec$anical ventilation overloo4s6 s$all 2e in accordance +it$ contents of t$e a2ove Page of 93
Article t$at relates to t$e conditions for ventilation of functional uses t$at overloo4 t$e c$ute and t$e internal ard. !.
Specifications and conditions listed under t$e t$ermal insulation 2la+s approved 2 t$e competent department6 s$all 2e complied +it$ in t$e calculations of ventilation6 air conditioning and lig$ting.
rticle !*)#$ Balconies and road pro6ections a+
A 2alcon pro7ection s$all 2e permitted eit$er along t$e +$ole or part of t$e 2uilding faFade constructed on t$e plot t$at overloo4s a road6 su27ect to t$e follo+ing re;uirements 1.
*$e 2alcon +ill 2e on t$e first floor up+ards.
*$e minimum clear $eig$t of t$e 2alcon a2ove t$e finis$ed 4er2stone level s$all not 2e less t$an 1# feet.
*$e 2alcon s$all 2e at least (3" feet a+a from t$e next door neig$2orCs 2oundar line.
No 2alcon pro7ection s$all 2e allo+ed if it overloo4s an access road or a road of less t$an (#" feet +idt$ neit$er +ould it 2e allo+ed +it$in t$e minimum limits of c$utes6 ards and set2ac4s.
No structural pro7ection s$all 2e allo+ed outside t$e plot 2oundar limits6 eit$er in retaining +alls6 or footings6 su2:structures andor 2oundar +alls.
%alconies pro7ecting outside t$e 2oundar line of t$e plot6 ma 2e permitted to 2e closed in order to 2e annexed to t$e internal space6 su27ect to t$e follo+ing re;uirements 1.
Road +idt$ s$all not 2e less t$an (3#" feet.
Part to 2e closed or annexed to inner space s$all not exceed (!#J" of $e area of t$e facade.
Area of t$e rooms excluding t$e area of t$e 2alcon s$all not 2e less t$an t$e minimum permissi2le area of rooms.
No additional pro7ections s$all 2e permitted on t$e 2alcon part t$at +ould 2e closed or annexed to internal space6 e3xcept if t$e dimension of pro7ection permits t$at.
Pro7ection s$all 2e situated in t$e first floor up+ards.
Page 9 of 93
-. c.
=acade arc$itecture +ould 2e rendered distinguis$ed.
Pro7ection s$all 2e allo+ed on t$e 2uilding facade su27ect to t$e follo+ing 1.
(-" ft pro7ection if t$e road +idt$ is (-#" feet and a2ove.
(!" ft pro7ection if t$e road +idt$ is (!#" feet and a2ove.
()" ft pro7ection if t$e road +idt$ is ()#" feet and a2ove.
(3" ft pro7ection if t$e road +idt$ is (3#" feet and a2ove.
%eautifing unused pro7ection of (1" ft and (-" inc$es if t$e road +idt$ is (#" feet and a2ove.
%eautifing unused pro7ection of (1" ft if t$e road +idt$ is less t$an (#" feet.
%eautifing unused pro7ection of (3" ft for t$e providing support to roof top tent in case of residential villas.
%eautifing unused pro7ection of a maximum of (1" ft in set2ac4s of residential villas for t$e providing support to roof top tent in case of residential villas6 provided t$at t$ese s$all 2e $ig$er t$an t$e +indo+ sill level.
%eautifing unused pro7ection inside colonnades in accordance +it$ Article (" ft inside courtards and c$utes6 dimensions of +$ic$ exceed (1! x1!" feet.
1#. %eautifing unused pro7ection inside colonnades in accordance +it$ Article (1#" of t$ese regulations. rticle !*,#$ 'ergolas a+
Pergolas are permitted around 2uildings in t$e un2uilt areas in t$e plot and in set2ac4s. Percentage clear area t$erein s$all not 2e less t$an (!#J" of its total area. 0eig$t of t$e pergola s$all not exceed (1#" feet.
Pergolas are permitted for covering s+imming pools on t$e roof provided t$at t$eir set2ac4s s$all not 2e less t$an (!" feet from t$e 2uilding 2oundar line6 t$eir pro7ection s$all not exceed (!" feet from t$e 2oundar line of t$e s+imming pool and t$eir $eig$t s$all not exceed (1#" feet a2ove t$e s+imming pool level.
rticle !*.#$ Basement floor belo ground le/el
%asement floor s$all 2e su27ect to follo+ing re;uirements
Page 3# of 93
inimum $eig$t of t$e 2asementCs ceiling s$all not exceed (3" feet and (-" inc$es measured from t$e road surface in case of 2uildings and ()" feet and (-" inc$es in case of residential villas.
%asement s$all 2e connected 2 a staircase to t$e inside of t$e 2uilding6 and a secondar exit s$all 2e provided for emergenc.
Provide an opening for natural ventilation and lig$ting in t$e 2asement as per re;uirements outlined in Article (1)" and (1!" $erein.
%asement floor s$all not 2e used independentl from t$e main 2uilding.
%asement floor s$all not 2e used for residential of office or commercial purposes. Its uses s$all 2e limited to t$e follo+ing 1.
'ar par4ing and services for t$e 2uilding (electric room6 telep$one6 pumps and t$e li4e".
Services related to tenants (laundr room6 laundr drier6 s+imming pool6 SPA $ealt$ clu2 and services associated t$ere+it$6 c$ildrenCs pla area and gmnasium".
No pro7ections outside t$e plot 2oundaries s$all 2e allo+ed from 2asement or from its foundations.
@$en putting up retaining +alls to support excavations6 care s$all 2e ta4en not to use t$e neig$2oring plots except after o2taining t$e approval in +riting of 2ot$ t$e landlord and t$e competent department. Suc$ +all s$all not protrude outside t$e plot 2oundar into t$e road or t$e access road except after su2mission of t$eir proposed design for approval of department concerned and from ot$er aut$orities.
@$ile in t$e course of excavating6 concreting6 de+atering and casting piling +or4s for 2asement floor6 care s$all 2e ta4en to ensure all safet precautions 2e ta4en for t$e neig$2oring construction +or4s.
rticle !*#$ Me77anine floor a+
e88anine floor s$all 2e permitted for 1##J of t$e ground floor area in t$e plots in +$ic$ a me88anine floor is allo+ed as per %la+s for 'lassification of ,a+ful
e88anine floor s$all 2e permitted to 2e used independentl for t$e same purpose applica2le to t$e tpical floor in t$e same 2uilding (offices6 residential" or for accommodating 2uilding services6 in +$ic$ case t$ese functional uses s$all 2e treated exactl as tpical floors in terms of construction and Planning re;uirements. Page 31 of 93
e88anine floor s$all 2e permitted to 2e commerciall used in a (1##J" independent manner in case ground and me88anine are used as a s$opping centre6 in +$ic$ case spaces in 2ot$ s$all 2e interconnected toget$er and an electricit operated escalator s$all 2e installed or a glass paneled lift elevator ade;uate to accommodate not less t$an (1#" persons for eac$ lift elevator.
e88anine floor s$all 2e permitted to 2e used (1##J" independentl in case it is used as par4ing space for cars6 or as extension to t$e main function if t$e +$ole 2uilding is used for one common purpose.
No second me88anine s$all 2e permitted +it$in t$e ground floor space if t$e original me88anine floor $ad 2een detac$ed and independentl used.
No 2alconies or terraces or pro7ections s$all 2e permitted t$e me88anine floor.
rticle !20#$ %-e roof top a+
It s$all 2e permitted to add t$e roof top floor in all 2uildings except residential villas6 industrial 2uildings and la2our accommodation.
*$e roof top floor s$all 2e allocated for lift mac$ine room6 +ater tan4s6 pump room6 electrical room6 telep$one exc$ange room6 pergolas and s+imming pool. Bmnasium and associated services onl for serving t$e 2uilding tenants s$all also 2e allo+ed if t$e plot area exceeds 6!## s;uare feet. In all cases6 t$e construction areas s$all not exceed (1#J" of t$e total area of tpical floors6 su27ect to a maximum ceiling limit of (1#6###" s;uare feet and a set2ac4 of not less t$an (!" feet from t$e 2uilding 2oundar line. S+imming pool s$all 2e exempted from set2ac4 condition and s$all not 2e included in calculating t$e percentage construction.
'onstruction of a s+imming pool of t$e roof top +it$ pergolas s$all 2e permitted. It s$all not form part of t$e (1#J" stipulated in t$e a2ove su2:Article of t$is Article.
0eig$t (dept$ MM" of s+imming pool s$all not exceed (" feet from t$e surface level. 0eig$t of t$e gmnasium s$all not exce ed (1" feet.
,ift travel distance ma 2e extended to reac$ t$e roof top.
No structures s$all 2e erected a2ove t$e level of t$e roof top ceiling6 or a2ove t$e s+imming pool. ,ift e;uipment room6 staircase6 +ater tan4s6 air conditioning e;uipment and items listed under item (g"6 Article (/" $erein. In all cases location of suc$ e;uipment and tan4s s$all 2e determined on t$e roof. Page 3 of 93
Detailed +or4s$op dra+ing for t$e arc$itectural solutions of t$e facades6 in order to create ee sore to t$e vie+er6 s$all 2e su2mitted. g.
%ill2oards and large sign2oards s$all 2e permitted on t$e roof su27ect to re;uirements of t$e advertising 2la+s applica2le in t$e mirate.
Structures put up on t$e roof top s$all not 2e used for an commercial 2usiness +$atever its nature mig$t 2e. =unctional use s$all 2e limited to t$e 2uilding occupants.
rticle !2*#$ Staircases a+
ver 2uilding consisting of more t$an one floor6 and t$e area of its floor does not exceed (!6###" s;uare feet or (1!6###" s;uare feet for t$e +$ole 2uilding6 s$all $ave one main staircase as a minimum re;uirement. In case t$e area falls 2et+een (!6###" and (1#6###" s;uare feet for t$e single floor or 2et+een (1!6###" and (3#6###" s;uare feet for t$e +$ole 2uilding6 an additional staircase s$all 2e introduced for eac$ e;ual addition in t$e area.
Net +idt$ of t$e stairs s$all 2e estimated as per calculations of t$e exit +idt$. In all cases it s$all not 2e less t$an (3.!" feet in residential 2uildings and (!# feet in 2uildings for use 2 t$e pu2lic. *$e flig$t +idt$ s$all not 2e less t$an t$e +idt$ of t$e staircase itself.
*$e maximum num2er of stairs in one single flig$t s$all not exceed (1)" steps and t$e maximum $eig$t of eac$ step s$all 2e (/" inc$es and its dept$ (+idt$" s$all not 2e less t$an (11" inc$es. Dimensions of t$e staircase s$all 2e determined in accordance +it$ follo+ing e;uation Dou2le t$e $eig$t of t$e step L dept$ (+idt$" of eac$ step (" feet up to (" feet and (-" inc$es. 'ircular stairs and stairs of special design s$all 2e treated as exemption to t$at.
Steps s$all $ave e;ual $eig$t and +idt$.
*$e minimum net $eig$t (MMM" a2ove an step s$all 2e (" feet.
*$e main staircase in t$e residential6 commercial and pu2lic 2uildings s$all 2e made of fire resistant material (except for villas". Natural ventilation and lig$ting s$all 2e provided in an ade;uate manner in staircases t$roug$ +indo+s t$at open directl to t$e outside s4 or to t$e c$ute. Staircase for to+ers in excess of (1#" floors s$all 2e exempted from t$e re;uirement for natural ventilation and lig$ting6 provided t$at t$e mec$anical ventilation and artificial lig$ting s$all 2e provided as per t$e re;uirements of t$e safet and fire fig$ting regulations.
As safet 2arrier (2alustrade" s$all 2e provide on t$e free end of t$e stairs6 of a Page 33 of 93
$eig$t not less t$an (3" feet. @idt$ of 2alustrade openings s$all not 2e in excess of (!" inc$es. If t$e +idt$ of stairs is in excess of (/" feet6 an additional partition s$all 2e fitted in t$e middle (could 2e one or more additional partitions". $.
@$en selecting location of staircase6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e o2served 1.
as accessi2le from an point in t$e 2uilding. ,ocation s$all 2e as near as possi2le to t$e road or access approac$ road.
Distance 2et+een t$e door to t$e staircase and t$e fart$est point in t$e same floor s$all not exceed (9#" feet in normal 2uildings. =or suc$ purpose6 t$e distance s$all 2e measured along t$e actual pat$.
In case staircase situated rig$t next to t$e entrance door6 t$e distance 2et+een t$em s$all not 2e less t$an (3" feet in order to prevent persons from possi2le falling over.
In case staircase situated rig$t next to t$e entrance door6 t$e distance 2et+een t$em s$all not 2e less t$an (3" feet in order to prevent persons from possi2le falling over.
In case emergenc staircase6 follo+ing additional re;uirements s$all 2e fulfilled
A fire resistant +all to separate t$e staircase from t$e 2uilding. A self:closing smo4e sealed door rated up to one $our resistant in accordance +it$ safet and fire fig$ting specifications.
Ade;uate natural lig$ting and ventilation s$all 2e provided in t$e emergenc staircase. Natural ventilation openings of not less t$an ().!" s;uare feet area to 2e provided in eac$ floor.
mergenc escape exits in all 2uildings s$all 2e clearl la2eled in order to identif t$eir locations. *$e s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements
1. . 3. ). !.
aximum of (##" persons aximum of (3##" persons aximum of (!##" persons aximum of (/!#" persons aximum of (1###" persons
inimum No. of xits 3 )
inimum net stairs +idt$ 3 ft and - inc$es ) ft ! ft ! ft ! ft
*$e num2er of emergenc exit stairs in an one flig$t s$all not exceed (#" and s$all not 2e less t$an (3". 0eig$t of eac$ step s$all not exceed (" inc$es.
All safet and fire $a8ard prevention measures6 endorsed 2 t$e competent Page 3) of 93
department6 s$all 2e o2served in design of stairs of all categories. rticle !22#$ 8lectrically operated lifts 9 ele/ators a+
ulti store 2uildings s$all 2e provided +it$ electricall operated lifts su27ect to t$e follo+ing re;uirements 1.
%uildings in excess of t$ree floors in $eig$t s$all 2e provided +it$ lifts of ade;uate capacit as per standard tec$nical specifications. All safet and fire $a8ard prevention measures6 endorsed 2 t$e competent department6 s$all 2e complied +it$.
In pu2lic 2uildings6 lifts or electricit operated escalators ade;uate capacit s$all 2e provided6 su27ect to compliance +it$ safet and fire $a8ard prevention measures6 as endorsed 2 t$e competent department.
In s$opping centres of more t$an one store $eig$t6 electricall operated lifts +it$ glass panels6 of capacit not less t$an (1#" persons for eac$ lift6 or electricall operated escalators s$all 2e provided6 as per approved standard specifications and as approved 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee.
*$e num2er and capacit of lifts in a 2uilding s$all 2e proportional to t$e num2er and areas of t$e floor and $ori8ontal and vertical dimensions.
*$e location of lifts s$all 2e selected in suc$ a +a as to ma4e t$em easil accessi2le from an point in t$e 2uilding. *$e s$all 2e placed in exposed locations near to one of t$e staircases.
,ift e;uipment room +$ic$ +ill 2e erected on t$e roof of t$e 2uilding s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements
Room dimensions s$all 2e in accordance +it$ standard specifications of t$e lift manufacturing compan.
*$e room s$all 2e provided +it$ a good air conditioning sstem.
*$e room s$all 2e provided +it$ a loc4a2le door. All ot$er openings in t$e room s$all 2e loc4a2le.
All operation +ires and ca2les s$all 2e concealed and made from anti rust material.
All mova2le rolls and components s$all 2e provided +it$ a cover..
*$e lift +e s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements
Page 3! of 93
Dimensions of t$e lift +ell s$all 2e in accordance +it$ tec$nical specifications of t$e manufacturing compan of t$e selected lifts.
@ater proofing insulation s$all 2e used in order to treat parts exposed to +ater due to +ater lea4age.
,ifts s$all 2e provided +it$ 2ot$ an electrical loc4ing sstem and alarm sstem t$at goes off +$en t$e maximum capacit is exceeded. ,ifts s$all also 2e provided +it$ emergenc landing sstem. Ade;uate mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided6 in addition to an appropriate internal lig$ting. Re;uirements for lists6 as listed under environmental and vocational safet legislations6 applica2le in t$e mirate6 s$all 2e complied +it$.
Directional and +arning la2els s$all 2e fitted inside t$e lift for 2anning smo4ing +$ile inside t$e lift6 and s$o+ing total +eig$t permissi2le. Notice la2el s$all 2e fitted next to eac$ door +arning passengers against t$e use of lift in case of fire.
All lifts s$all 2e su27ect to periodical inspection in order to ensure t$eir suita2ilit for operation. *$e landlord s$all o2tain an annual certificate indicating degree of suita2ilit6 issued 2 a compan to 2e approved 2 department concerned.
rticle !23#$ Ramps 9 Slopes a+
Ramps ma 2e included in calculating exits re;uired for leaving t$e 2uilding in case of emergenc.
Slopes of ramps allocated for cars s$all not exceed (11#". *$e competent department ma c$ange t$e said maximum ratio to (1" s$all t$ere 2e 7ustifia2le grounds for t$at6 su27ect to t$e approval of t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee.
=looring of suc$ ramps s$all 2e of non polis$ed surface or provided +it$ anti slipper treatment. 'orners of columns and +alls ad7acent t$ereto s$all 2e covered +it$ protective ru22er angles. Ramps s$all 2e free from an pro7ections or o2stacles t$at ma o2struct safe movement or use t$ereof.
Ramp dimensions s$all compl +it$ re;uirements of Article (!" $erein in respect of internal roads and +idt$ of access entries and exits.
Ramps s$all 2e provided +it$ ade;uatel si8e mirrors t$at +ould allo+ 2ac4 vie+ing in s$arp turns and locations of c$ange directions and in areas +$ere t$ere is no ade;uate visi2ilit.
Net clear $eig$t a2ove an point on t$e ramp s$all not 2e less t$an (" feet6 to 2e measured in a vertical direction a2ove t$e ramp.
Natural or artificial lig$ting and natural or mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e Page 3- of 93
provided in accordance +it$ standard specifications for all parts of t$e ramp. All rain +ater drainage installations6 as necessar6 s$all 2e provided. rticle !24#$ Car par1ing areas a+
Areas allocated for car par4ing (covered or uncovered" s$all 2e provided +it$in t$e plot area on +$ic$ t$e 2uilding s$all 2e constructed.
*$e num2er6 dimensions6 specifications and design of par4ing slots s$all 2e in accordance +it$ standard specifications stipulated in Article (!" $erein.
No amendments s$all 2e introduced on t$e num2er6 dimensions6 specifications and design of car par4ing area as approved under t$e relevant 2uilding permit6 except after o2taining t$e approval of t$e competent department. %ot$ t$e contractor and t$e consultant engineer s$all 2e lia2le for incorporating an variations t$at $as not 2een approved in advance 2 t$e competent department even if suc$ variations +ere accepta2le 2ot$ tec$nicall and from engineering point of vie+. =urt$er6 t$e landlord s$all 2e lia2le for an variations incorporated after t$e date of issue of t$e relevant 2uilding permit6 s$all suc$ variation not 2e approved in advance 2 t$e competent department.
*$e competent department ma re;uest t$at a stud on traffic effects 2e conducted in case of pro7ects t$at ma su2stantiall affect t$e traffic circulation (suc$ as pro7ects t$at are executed pursuant to special approval6 speciali8ed pro7ects6 s$opping centres and large compounds complexes".
xistence of car par4ing lots in t$e vicinit of an plot s$all not exempt suc$ plot from satisfing t$e car par4ing re;uirements as specified in accordance +it$ provisions of t$ese regulations.
,ocations of car par4ing entrances and exits6 as re;uired 2 t$e competent department and as per *o+n Planning re;uirements6 s$all 2e complied +it$ in case suc$ locations are existent on *o+n Planning dra+ings.
'ar par4ing entrances and exits s$all not 2e situated on pedestrian passages6 nor on areas allocated for pu2lic par4ing or pu2lic 2enefit6 except if access entrance t$ereto from t$e road +as not possi2le or if tec$nical 7ustification grounds exist6 su27ect to t$e approval 2 t$e department concerned.
*$e maximum ceiling $eig$t for t$e 2asement6 as specified under t$ese regulations ma 2e permitted to 2e exceeded in case t$e 2asement and ground floors are allocated for car par4ing6 provided t$at t$e ground floor $eig$t s$all not exceed t$e maximum $eig$t specified $erein.
Dra+ings for road +or4s6 as attac$ed to t$e su2mission for procurement of a 2uilding permit6 s$all as a minimum include t$e follo+ing dra+ings Page 3/ of 93
Setting out plans indicating roads6 passages6 access approac$ roads6 pavements and neig$2ors surrounding t$e plot as +ell as surveing levels for access roads6 plot and neig$2orsC surveing levels6 datum levels6 car entrances and exits6 direction of traffic in t$e roads surrounding t$e plot6 an traffic directional 2oards or intersections6 or rod curves or o2stacles t$at ma affect t$e car entrance and exitsK also an street lig$ting poles.
'ar par4ing dra+ings for all floors.
*raffic conditions6 specifications6 directions and necessar means of control.
An ot$er details t$at ma 2e re;uired 2 t$e department concerned.
'alculations for car par4ing lots.
Studies on effects on traffic circulation densit.
If ramps cannot 2e used for access to all par4ing floors6 electricall operated lifts ma 2e used for lifting cars6 provided t$at prior approval of t$e department concerned s$all 2e o2tained and 2ot$ ground and first floors 2e allocated in full for car par4ing.
Natural and appropriate lig$ting and ventilation s$all 2e provided. S$all t$is 2e impossi2le6 an electrical lig$ting sstem and an efficient mec$anical ventilation sstem s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ standard specifications approved 2 t$e competent department.
*$e ends of access and exit ramps s$all 2e provided +it$ rain +ater drainage facilities. =loor drainage and proper slopes s$all 2e provided in flooring of par4ing floors.
In case it is found out after t$e 2uilding permit $as alread 2een issued6 t$at t$ere a conflict +it$ t$e neig$2orsC access entrances and exits6 or +it$ t$e traffic circulation or t$e surrounding roads6 t$e competent department s$all $ave t$e rig$t to re;uire relocation of t$e access entrance and exits in suc$ a +a as to conform +it$ t$e existing status ;uo +it$out an lia2ilit on t$e part of t$e unicipalit as a result of suc$ variation.
'ar par4ing flooring s$all 2e finis$ed +it$ an eas cleaning concrete laer.
Dra+ings to 2e su2mitted to t$e competent department s$o+ing met$od of protection of excavation +or4s6 for departmental approval in case excavation +or4s exist at t$e 2oundaries pf t$e plot on neig$2orsC side. Said dra+ings to 2e su2mitted to t$e department concerned in case excavation +or4s exist at t$e plot 2oundaries on t$e road and access road sides. Page 3 of 93
Dra+ings s$all 2e su2mitted for approval 2 t$e department concerned6 detailing t$e external pavements surrounding t$e plot6 and indicating dimensions6 datum surveing levels. *$e access approac$ road and passages surrounding t$e 2uilding s$all 2e properl finis$ed to $alf t$eir level6 up to t$e level t$at exceeds t$e road level 2 (-" inc$es. *iles to 2e used for pavements s$all 2e su27ect to t$e approval of t$e competent department.
rticle !2"#$ %ec-nical conditions to be fulfilled by car par1ing lots a+
*$e various floors allocated for car par4ing lots s$all 2e provided +it$ floor mar4ings. *raffic directions to 2e fitted in prominent locations in order to indicate t$e access entr and exit direction as +ell as t$e traffic circulation inside t$e par4ing area. irrors for 2ac4 vie+ing s$all also 2e fitted in t$e locations +$ere visi2ilit is not ade;uate.
'ar par4ing lots s$all 2e provided +it$ concrete 2loc4s to restrict furt$er for+ard movement of t$e +$eel 2eond t$e front 2order line of suc$ lots.
All corners of columns and +alls ad7acent to car par4ing lots s$all 2e covered +it$ protective ru22er angles to safeguard against possi2le accidental c$ipping during car movements. *$is s$all not 2e re;uired in case t$ese are pavements t$at prevent t$em from 2eing directl exposed to accidents during car movements.
,ocation and num2er of par4ing lots s$all 2e fixed as per dra+ings approved 2 t$e competent department. 1.
Residential 2uildings 1.1
Residential villas 5ne par4ing lot for eac$ residential villa or Ara2 stle $ouse.
Residential flats •
• •
5ne par4ing lot for eac$ flat of an area of (16-##" s;uare feet or less. *+o par4ing lots for eac$ flat of an area of more t$an (16-##" s;uare feet. 5ne par4ing lot for eac$ studio. 1. par4ing lots for eac$ flat in t$e areas of special to+n planning sstem.
5ffices 5ne par4ing lot for eac$ (/!#" s;uare feet of total office area.
Page 39 of 93
'ommercial use 3.1
5ne par4ing lot for eac$ (/!#" s;uare feet of total commercial area (sales outlets6 s$ops6 s$o+rooms6 Eetc.".
5ne par4ing lot for eac$ (!##" s;uare feet of total commercial area in s$opping centres or +$erever electricall operated escalators exist.
%uildings full used for s$opping centres or e;uivalent retail outlets and $ave an area in excess of (1#6###" s;uare feet. 'ar par4ing lots to 2e provided in front t$ereof of a percentage not less t$an (3#J" of total re;uired num2er of car par4ing lots. Alternativel6 t$is ma 2e replaced +it$ par4ing lots in t$e full ground floor area.
5ne par4ing lot for ever (!" $otel rooms.
5ne par4ing lot for ever (!##" s;uare feet of restaurant areas.
5ne par4ing lot for ever (!##" s;uare metres of t$e $alls and lo22ies.
5ne par4ing lot for ever t+o $otel suites.
5ne par4ing lot for ever (!##" s;uare feet of $otel offices and sales outlets s$ops.
5ne par4ing lot for ever $otel apartment of (16-##" s;uare feet area or less and t+o car par4ing lots for apartment in excess of (16-##" s;uare feet.
5ne par4ing lot for ever $otel room in case it includes an attac$ed 4itc$en or pantr.
Sc$ools and educational 2uildings -.1
5ne par4ing lot for ever classroom.
5ne par4ing lot for ever (!##" s;uare feet of administrative space.
5ne par4ing space for a sc$ool 2us for ever (3" classrooms.
5ld sc$ools existing prior to 199# +$ic$ $ave pu2lic external par4ing lots s$all 2e treated as exception to t$is regulation in case of an variation or expansion6 su27ect to stud of all aspects and o2taining t$e approval of t$e competent department. Page )# of 93
os;ues As per terms and conditions applica2le to mos;ues.
Brou Broup p acco accomm mmod odat atio ion n As per re;uirements of *o+n Planning.
ovie ovie $ous $ouses es and and t$ea t$eatre tre 2uildi 2uildings ngs 5ne par4ing lot for ever t$ree (3" seats.
1#. %all rooms6 pu2lic functions and marriage ceremon $alls As per re;uirements of *o+n Planning. 11. 11. Recr Recrea eati tion onal al func functi tion ons6 s6 accommodations
spec specia iali li8e 8ed d
purp purpos osee
2uil 2uildi ding ngss
and and
la2o la2our ur
As per t$e outcome of studies of eac$ individual pro7ect. e.
Plot Plotss situ situat ated ed at t$e t$e cent centra rall 2usin 2usines esss area area ( 5ld Du2 Du2ai ai cit cit"" as per per clas classi sifi fica cati tion on of usage usage map6 map6 s$all s$all 2e exempte exempted d from from t$e car par4in par4ing g re;uir re;uireme ements nts66 except except for follo+ing cases 1.
In case case of t$e incr increa ease se in num2er num2er of floor floorss 2eond 2eond t$e num2er num2er permi permiss ssi2 i2le le under t$e regulations applica2le to t$e relevant area6 pursuant to per an spec specia iall appro approval val66 car car par4i par4ing ng lots lots s$al s$alll 2e prov provid ided ed for for t$e t$e num2 num2er er of addi additi tion onal al floo floors rs in exce excess ss of t$os t$osee perm permit itte ted d as per per %uil %uildi ding ng 'ode 'ode Regulations6 su27ect to specifications applica2le to car par4ing lots in ot$er areas.
In case case of a commerc commercial ial centr centre6 e6 car par4i par4ing ng lots lots s$all s$all 2e provid provided ed onl onl for t$e t$e area of t$e s$opping centre in accordance +it$ terms and re;uirements of t$e par4ing lots of commercial centres.
In cas casee a plot plot of of lan land d is sit situa uate ted d in t+o t+o roa roads dsKK one one of t$e t$em m a main main roa road d and and t$e t$e ot$er is a 2ranc$6 entr to and exit from car par4ing lots s$all 2e situated onl on t$e 2ranc$ road or as specified 2 t$e competent department.
@$en @$en loca locati tion on of car car par4i par4ing ng entr entrie iess and exi exits ts are are 2eing 2eing dete determ rmin ined ed66 t$e fol follo lo+i +ing ng s$all 2e o2served 1.
*$at *$at separate separate indiv individu idual al entries entries and exits exits (ramp (ramps" s" 2e arrang arranged ed in order order to lead to eac$ eac$ of t$e t$e par4 par4in ing g leve levels ls.. *$e *$e comp compet etent ent depar departm tmen entt ma ma appr approv ovee Page )1 of 93
replacement +it$ electricall operated lifts in case tec$nical grounds 7ustif t$at.
,oca ,ocati tion on of car par4i par4ing ng entr entr or exit exit to 2e at least least (!#" (!#" feet feet apart apart from from t$e limit of t$e c$amfered angle of plot. 0o+ever6 t$e competent department ma reduce suc$ distance do+n to (3#" feet in case tec$nical grounds 7ustif t$at.
,ocat ocatiion of car car par par4ing 4ing entr entr or exi exit s$al s$alll 2e far a+a a+a from from traff affic intersections 2 an ade;uate distance to 2e approved 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee. In case of individual roads forming * 7unction6 location of car par4ing entr or exit s$all not 2e opposite suc$ intersection.
Not Not to const constit itut utee an an conf confli lict ct +it$ +it$ loca locati tion on of car car par4 par4in ing g entr entr of exit exit 2elonging to existing neig$2oring 2uildings.
,oca ,ocati tion on of car par4i par4ing ng entr entr or exit exit s$all s$all 2e select selected ed in suc$ suc$ a +a +a as to ensure non interference +it$ traffic in t$e roads surrounding t$e car par4ing lot. *$is can 2e reali8ed 2 positioning suc$ entries and exits as far as possi2le from t$e road intersections and $ig$+as.
*$e *$e mini minimu mum m +idt +idt$ $ of of car car par4i par4ing ng ent entr r and and int inter erna nall roa roads ds s$al s$alll 2e 2e 1.
(1#" (1#" feet feet in case case one +a +a tra traff ffic ic
(#" (#" fee feett in in case case of of t+o t+o +a +a tra traff ffic ic
In cas case of smal mall plot plotss or plot plotss +it +it$ exce except ptio iona nalll diff diffiicult cult tec$n ec$niical cal circumstances6 t$e competent department ma accept one (1#" feet passage for 2ot$ entr and exit of cars after providing traffic signals and traffic electronic control sstem and fulfilling all re;uirements of t$e competent department in coordination +it$ t$e department concerned.
*$e *$e mini minimu mum m dime dimens nsio ions ns for for lig lig$t $t dut dut car car par4 par4in ing g lots lots and and mini minimu mum m +idt$ +idt$ of of traffic passages in lig$t dut car par4ing lots6 s$all 2e 1.
In case case of car car par4ing par4ing lots lots situate situated d parallel parallel to t$e road road inimum car par4ing lot dimensions s$all 2e (. x # ft" and minimum road +idt$ s$all 2e (1#" feet.
In case case of car par4in par4ing g lots situa situated ted at ()! ()! degree" degree" angle angle to t$e road road directio direction n inimum car par4ing lot dimensions s$all 2e (. x 1.! ft" and minimum road +idt$ s$all 2e (1#.--" feet.
In case case of car par4in par4ing g lots situa situated ted at (-# (-# degree" degree" angle angle to t$e road road directio direction n Page ) of 93
inimum car par4ing lot dimensions s$all 2e (. x 19. ft" and minimum road +idt$ s$all 2e (1.3" feet. ).
In case case of car par4in par4ing g lots situa situated ted at (9# (9# degree" degree" angle angle to t$e road road directio direction n inimum car par4ing lot dimensions s$all 2e (1 x 1.! ft" and minimum road +idt$ s$all 2e (1" feet.
*$e competent department ma decrease t$e dept$ of car par4ing lots 2 not more t$an (1.3" feet in case of tec$nical force ma7eure t$at necessitate t$at6 provided t$at t$is s$all 2e approved 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee.
*$e mi minimum $e $eig$t fo for ca car pa par4ing lots s$ s$all 2e 2e ( (" fe feet an and ma maximum $eig$t s$all 2e (1#" feet except car par4ing lots +ere occuping part of a floor in +$ic$ anot$er activit is 2eing existent6 in +$ic$ case t$e floor $eig$t s$all 2e unified at t$e maximum $eig$t permissi2le for suc$ floor.
rticle !2)#$ 8n/ironmental re:uirement conditions a+
*$e various various environment environmental al effects effects (suc$ as atmosp$eri atmosp$ericc conditions6 conditions6 solar effects6 effects6 nature of ground6 neig$2ors6 noise pollution level6 environmental pollution and ot$er environmental effects" s$all 2e ta4en into consideration in designing various 2uildings. *$e same s$all also appl to t$e contents of t$e approved $eat insulation 2la+s.
*$e consulting engineer s$all o2tain t$e approval of t$e nvironmental Protection Department at t$e unicipalit for pro7ects t$at includes functional uses t$at ma cause6 directl directl or indirectl indirectl66 an environment environmental al pollution6 pollution6 +$atever its categor categor mig$t 2e. 0e s$all 2e lia2le for t$e implementation of all environmental protection re;uirements6 as approved 2 t$e competent department.
*$e 'omp 'ompet eten entt Depa Depart rtme ment nt s$al s$alll $ave $ave t$e t$e rig$t ig$t to re;ue e;uesst t$at t$at t$e t$e effe effect ct on environment 2e ta4en into consideration. *$is s$all include t$e rig$t to incorporate an amendment or cancel an construction permit in case it finds out t$at t$e 2uilding or its functional use imposes environmental $a8ards.
0eat 0eat ins insul ulat atio ion n and acou acoust stic ic soun sound d insul insulat atio ion n mater materia iall s$oul s$ould d 2e used used in roo roofs fs and and +alls in order to rationali8e t$e energ consumption and resist environmental deterioration in accordance +it$ tec$nical specifications relating to $eat insulation6 as approved 2 t$e competent department.
*$e *$e engi engine neer erin ing g cons consul ulta tant nt s$al s$alll stud stud t$e t$e dire direct ctio ion n of sola solarr effec effects ts and and ta4e ta4e advant advantage age of t$e arc$it arc$itect ectura urall elemen elements ts in order order to limit limit t$e negati negative ve effect effectss t$ereof. 0e s$ould also stud t$e directions of t$e prevailing +ind and endeavour to ta4e advantage t$ereof in favour of t$e 2uilding. Page )3 of 93
*$e engineering consultant s$all endeavour to select materials t$at does not adversel affect t$e environment and pu2lic $ealt$ or tarnis$ t$e general image of t$e cit suc$ as temporar structures6 +$et$er during t$eir use or even t$ereafter6 all as stipulated 2 t$e competent department.
*$e engineering consultant s$all endeavour to ta4e into consideration pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements6 2ot$ inside and outside t$e 2uilding6 in terms of stud of ventilation6 lig$ting6 sun ras and s$ades6 selection of material and paints and t$e li4e.
*$e engineering consultant s$all endeavour to use t$e approved pesticides for fig$ting insects6 including termites in t$e ground floor flooring and +$erever t$is mig$t 2e re;uired.
@$ile designs6 t$e engineering consultant s$all o2serve privac re;uirements of occupants of 2uildings. =ences and 2oundar +alls of appropriate $eig$ts and designs6 approved 2 t$e competent department6 s$all 2e put up in order to separate 2et+een t$e different plots.
*$e engineering consultant s$all o2serve t$e environmental preservation legislation applica2le in t$e mirate as regards ant$ing t$at $as to do +it$ recirculation +it$ drainage +ater6 disposing t$ereof6 control on degree of air pollution6 vocational $ealt$6 s+imming pools6 degree of safet of c$ildrenCs pla e;uipment availa2le in various 2uildings6 fig$ting noise pollutions and re;uirements of natural reserves.
No variation6 removal or demolition of 2uildings s$all 2e permitted nor cutting of an trees existing +it$in t$e plot 2oundaries except after o2taining t$e approval in +riting from t$e Department of Bardens and Par4s at t$e unicipalit.
*$e maximum noise level resulting from an mac$iner or e;uipments or +or4s s$all not exceed !! D2 during t$e period from /## A to ## P and not to exceed )! D2 during t$e period from ## P to /## A.
No variation6 removal or demolition of ancient anti;ue 2uildings and arc$itectural elements s$all 2e permitted. *$e department concerned s$ould 2e referred to prior to execution of an construction or demolition +or4s in suc$ 2uildings. Approval of t$e competent department s$all also 2e o2tained.
*$e engineering consultant s$all stop t$e execution +or4s and notif t$e unicipalit immediatel upon discover of an arc$eological sites or upon or upon an damage occurring to pu2lic utilit lines or services or roads or an $armful effect on t$e environment.
*$e engineering consultant s$all ensure fulfillment of re;uirements for limiting t$e $armful environmental effects t$roug$out t$e execution p$ases on site6 +it$ Page )) of 93
particular reference to t$e follo+ing 1.
'ompliance +it$ +or4ing $ours as defined 2 t$e competent aut$orities.
No +or4 s$all 2e allo+ed to proceed at t$e sites of +or4 after ## P. @or4 s$all not start 2efore -## A in t$e populated areas. *$e department concerned ma grant permits to operate outside suc$ $ours s$ould t$ere 2e reasons to +arrant t$at.
*a4e action as appropriate and as necessar in order to cur2 and restrict noise level produced 2 mac$iner and eart$ moving e;uipment operating at t$e site of +or4s in order to ensure operation +it$in permissi2le noise level.
*a4e action as appropriate and as necessar in order to limit emission of dust and de2ris 2 adopting follo+ing practices ).1
@atering dust +$en t$ere is a c$ance for dust to 2e scattered
'overing t$e areas of ve$icle movements using appropriate material or continuousl +atering it in order to prevent dust form fling.
Pro$i2iting directl dumping de2ris from $ig$ level +it$out using protective 2arriers.
*a4ing appropriate precautions during transportation and offloading of 2uilding material.
*a4e action6 as necessar and as appropriate6 in order to restrict smo4e and dust +$ic$ results from mac$iner and e;uipment used at t$e site of +or4s and ensure t$at permissi2le limits s$all not 2e exceeded.
*a4e action as necessarK at t$e site of +or4s in order maintain state of cleanliness and safet of environment6 neig$2oring 2uildings6 roads6 service installations6 pavements6 and plantation.
Deliver and storage of 2uilding material at t$e site of +or4s s$ould 2e in suc$ a +a as to matc$ t$e site area and maintain a nice overall image. Storage of c$emicals and petroleum products s$all 2e effected at restricted locations t$at s$ould 2e situated far from da:to:da traffic. Suc$ material s$all 2e under ongoing and regular control and its ;uantit s$all 2e limited to small ;uantities.
Appropriate measures s$all 2e ta4en and necessar programmes s$all 2e laid do+n in order to collect6 sort out and store +aste material and de2ris at t$e site of +or4sK and t$ereafter to 2e transported to dumps in order to prevent from excess +aste accumulating at t$e site or from pollution to t$e environment. Page )! of 93
=ollo+ing tec$nical specifications s$all 2e complied +it$ in respect of $eat insulation 1.
0eat conductivit factor (u" for surfaces and +alls s$all not exceed corresponding figures as listed under t$e $eat insulation regulations approved 2 t$e competent department.
Blass of various categories (regular6 dou2le6 reflective" s$all 2e used in all +indo+s depending on t$eir intended functional uses as stipulated under t$e $eat insulation regulations approved 2 t$e competent department.
*$e $eat insulations regulations approved 2 t$e competent department6 s$all 2e used for application and guidance6 in respect of all details of $eat insulation +or4s.
%uilding of $eig$ts in excess of (ground L first" and $aving large glass panels in t$e elevations s$all 2e provided +it$ e;uipment6 and arrangements for external cleaning of glass as per re;uirements stipulated 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee.
rticle !2,#$ Re:uirements of people it- special needs a+
In pu2lic 2uildings suc$ as 2a8aars6 s$opping centres 6 mos;ues6 t$eaters6 movie $ouses6 sports courts6 pu2lic par4s and government 2uildings visited 2 mem2ers of t$e pu2lic6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e provided as minimum re;uirements 1. Ramps at slope ratio of no more t$an (1" to (" at t$e pavements6 external staircase6 and points of c$ange of levels 2ot$ inside and outside t$e 2uildings. . 'ar par4ing lots for $andicapped at t$e rate of (1.3J" of total overall num2er car par4ing lots6 su27ect to a maximum limit of (1#" par4ing lots. =or purpose of calculating suc$ percentage6 t$e fraction s$all 2e treated as one space. Necessar guidance mar4s and la2els s$all 2e put. 3. 'ar par4ing lots to 2e as near as possi2le to lifts or main entrances. Distance s$all not exceed (19-" feet. Dimensions of car par4ing lots to 2e as per design parameters approved 2 and applica2le at t$e department. ). Provide ade;uate space for loading offloading at t$e main entrances as per design parameters approved for $andicapped people. !. Passage to 2e clear and free from o2stacles from t$e par4ing lots to limits or main entrance of 2uildings.
Page )- of 93
-. Provide special toilet for $andicapped people as per Article ())" $ereof and su27ect to design parameters approved 2 and applica2le at t$e competent department. Direction la2els to 2e fitted +$erever necessar. /. 5ne of t$e limits s$all $ave capacit6 dimensions and fixtures as per recogni8ed international standards for people +it$ special needs as per stipulations 2 t$e %uildings Permit 'ommittee. . 'orridors passages s$all $ave ade;uate +idt$ t$at suits people +it$ special needs as per recognised international standards. Access to all internal and external components s$all 2e provided +it$out an o2stacles t$at restrict movement. 9. In s$opping centers comprising more t$an one floor6 at least one lift designed to t$e recognised international standards for people +it$ special needs s$all 2e provided. lectricall operated escalators s$all not suffice for a replacement to t$is lift except if suc$ escalators +ere provided +it$ features necessar for people +it$ special needs. 1#. Safet and securit re;uirement to 2e provided for t$e various categories of people +it$ special needs. 2. In investment 2uildings of an overall area in excess of (!#6###" s;uare feet6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e provided. 1.
Ramps s$all a slope ratio of no more t$at (1" to (1" at t$e pavements6 external staircases6 and points of c$ange of levels 2ot$ inside and outside t$e 2uilding.
5ne of t$e lifts and corridors passage in different floors and external circulation passages6 as +ell as passage in t$e car par4ing lots s$all $ave capacit6 dimensions and fixtures as per international standards recogni8ed for people +it$ special needs.
'ar par4ing lots for $andicapped at t$e rate of (1J" of total overall num2er of car par4ing lots6 su27ect to a maximum ceiling limit of (!" par4ing lots. =or purpose of calculating suc$ percentage6 t$e fraction s$all 2e treated as one space.
'ar par4ing lots s$all $ave ade;uate +idt$ t$at suits people +it$ special needs as per recognised international standards. 'ar par4ing lots to 2e as near as possi2le to lifts of main entrance of t$e 2uilding.
Provide directional arro+s6 signs and la2els +$erever necessar as per recogni8ed international standards.
Passage for people +it$ special needs to 2e clear and free from o2stacles as stimulated 2 recogni8ed international standards. Page )/ of 93
c. In $otels classified as (3" stars and a2ove6 t$e follo+ing services s$all 2e provided as a minimum for people +it$ special needs. 1. 5ne $otel room in t$e first floor if t$e num2er of $otel rooms and suites is less t$an (1##"6 and t+o $otel rooms if t$e num2er exceed (1##" . *$e said room s$all 2e in accordance +it$ international standards recognised for people +it$ special needs in terms of room dimension6 door6 clear area around t$e 2ed6 no less t$an (!" feet diameter for t$e manoeuvring area in t$e middle of t$e room6 automatic opening of t$e +indo+6 design of des4 ta2le6 +ardro2e6 lig$ting s+itc$es6 alarm 2ell6 and c$air. 3. Room to 2e provided +it$ 2at$room in accordance +it$ international standards recogni8ed for people +it$ special needs in terms of toilet seat6 2at$ tu26 sin46 clear area around eac$ of t$ose fittings6 ca2inets6 mirror6 categor of flooring6 dimensions and movement of doors6 location of elements complementar t$ereto in t$e 2at$room6 and location of support and assistance $andles. ). Room to $ave an emergenc exit leading directl outside t$e 2uilding or to a 2alcon. eans of safel and securit s$all 2e provided for various categories of people +it$ special needs in $otel. !. 5ne of t$e lefts to $ave specification t$at satisf t$e international standards recogni8ed for people +it$ special needs in terms of dimensions6 location and $eig$t of control 2oard6 period of door opening at eac$ stop and internal 2alustrade. -. 'ar par4ing lots for $andicapped at t$e rate of one out of ever (/!" car par4ing lots6 su27ect to a maximum ceiling limit of (!" par4ing lots. 'ar par4ing lots to 2e as near as possi2le to lifts or main entrance and s$all 2e provided +it$ signs and la2els as necessar. Dimensions of car par4ing lots to 2e as per international standards recognised for people +it$ special needs. /. Provide ade;uate space for loading offloading at t$e main entrances as per design parameters approved for $andicapped people. . Ramps to 2e provided at a slope ratio of no more t$at (1 1" at t$e pavements and external staircases and points of c$ange of levels 2ot$ +it$in and outside t$e 2uilding. Alarming and alerting signs and la2els s$all 2e provided. 9. Passage to 2e clear and free from o2stacles from t$e par4ing lots to lift or main entrance of t$e $otel. Passages to $ave ade;uate +idt$ in order to permit movement of people +it$ special needs as per approved standards. Access to all internal and external components s$all 2e possi2le t$roug$ all doors +it$out an restrictions or limitation.
Page ) of 93
d. Ramps and passages allocated for use 2 people +it$ special needs s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements. 1. Pavement ramps s$all 2e part of t$e pavement itself . In case of t+o successive ramps6 a straig$t levelled area s$ould separate t$em6 dimensions of +$ic$ s$all 2e in accordance +it$ standards approved 2 t$e competent department. 3. All ramps6 corridors6 passages and staircases s$all 2e provided +it$ alerting signs and la2els at t$e 2eginning and ending and at t$e points of arrival at car routes. ). Slope of ramp s$all not exceed (1 to 1". !. No car par4ing lots s$all 2e located in front or ramps. -. Ramps s$all 2e in t$e direction of movement of pedestrians on t$e pavements. /. *op surface of t$e ramp s$all 2e levelled and free from $otels t$at ma $inder movement. . In case $eig$t exceeds (1" foot and (" inc$es6 sides of t$e ramps s$all 2e provided +it$ solid 2alustrades. 9. Drainage man$oles and openings s$all not 2e situated on ramps and corridors allocated for people +it$ special needs. 1#. @idt$ of t$e ramp s$all not 2e less t$an ()" feet. 11. 'orridors and ramps s$all 2e provided +it$ sold 2arriers t$at prevent from falling over at points of c$ange of direction. 1. Ramp 2alustrades and staircases allocated for use 2 people +it$ special needs s$all extend for one foot 2eond t$e points of end and 2eginning or eac$ ramp and staircase and also round t$e corners. rticle !2.# $ ;tilities !electrical or1 poer telep-one domestic ater supply5 drainage5 building ser/ices "
*$e consulting engineer s$all contact t$e local services departments in t$e mirate in order to o2tain t$e re;uirements to 2e fulfilled 2 t$e 2uilding (electrical room6 and ot$er services". Also in order to identif location of t$e inlet and exit ducts prior to laing do+n designs in t$eir final form.
lectrical rooms in 2uilding s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements.
Page )9 of 93
Propose location and dimensions of t$e electrical room s$all 2e su27ect to approval 2 Du2ai lectricit and @ater Aut$orit.
eters room s$all $ave anti:fire (fire resistant" doors and s$all 2e provided +it$ ventilation openings. An extract fan s$all 2e fitted in one of its +alls.
Safet against fire $a8ards.
lectrical transformer room ma 2e situated in t$e set2ac4 space as suc$ transformer provides a pu2lic service to t$e 2uildings in t$e area.
Num2er of electricit and +ater meters for residential units s$all not exceed one eac$ for ever individual residential6 commercial or office unit as per approved dra+ing. No. additional meters s$all 2e aut$ori8ed in 2uilding6 residential villas6 gmnasium6 or +$en 2uildings are detac$ed6 except after o2taining t$e approval of t$e competent department. *$e same s$all appl in case of detac$ing t$e first floor from t$e ground floor in residential villas comprising t+o floors.
All 2uilding components s$all 2e provided +it$ electrical6 telep$one installations and television receiving arrangements. All ot$er service re;uirements suc$ as electrical rooms6 telep$one room6 internal and external installations s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ specifications and conditions applica2le at t$e competent local department in t$e mirate. Service components s$all not include telep$one and television receiving installations.
aterial and +or4mans$ip used for service utilities s$all 2e in accordance +it$ specifications approved and applica2le at t$e relevant services department.
Buidance sign2oard s$all 2e fitted in t$e prominent location near to t$e lifts in t$e 2uilding entrance. *$is s$all appl to all multi store 2uildings in +$ic$ t$e num2er of flats or offices exceeds (1#" flats or offices.
,ocations of sign2oards s$all 2e defined for all s$ops6 s$o+rooms and 2usiness activities. @idt$ of sign2oards s$all not 2e less t$an (3" feet. Design of sign2oards s$all 2e su27ect to relevant terms and conditions stipulated in t$e enforcea2le regulations.
No sign2oard or an +riting of commercial advertisement s$all 2e posted on a 2uilding or +it$in t$e 2oundaries s$all of a plot land except after o2taining a permit to t$is effect from t$e competent department.
@$en an e;uipment or services of +ater tan4s of television receiving dis$es are installed6 care s$all 2e ta4en in order to appl t$en necessar arc$itectural Page !# of 93
solutions t$at +ould conceal t$em and maintain a presenta2le overall image for t$e 2uilding. 7.
@$ile designing residential flats6 space s$all 2e or appropriate arrangements s$all 2e provided for $anging and dring laundr in suc$ a +a as to prevent exposure and tarnis$ing of t$e overall image of t$e 2uilding.
Arc$itectural solutions s$ould 2e introduced in t$e elevations facades in order to conceal t$e air conditioning e;uipment from pu2lic ee. *$e distance 2et+een an air conditioning unit and t$e neig$2ours 2oundar s$all not 2e less t$an (3" feet.
All terms and conditions listed under t$e approved $eat insulation regulations s$all 2e o2served +$ile in t$e course of preparing designs and studies and also in executions of different 2uildings.
rticle ! 2 # Re:uirements for protection from fire -a7ards .
All 2uildings s$ould satisf t$e fire safet6 fire alarm6 fire fig$ting as per regulations applica2le at t$e competent department.
*$e responsi2ilit for instillation and maintaining fire alarm and fire fig$ting e;uipment inside t$e 2uildings lies +it$ landlords. *$e tenant s$ale 2e responsi2le for removing o2stacles from t$e access to emergenc exits and for maintaining g t$e ire alarm and fire fig$ting e;uipment inside t$e part leased to $im. It is necessar to ensure servicea2ilit of suc$ e;uipment and t$at t$e are connected to t$e electrical soup all t$e time.
No 2arriers of o2stacles s$all 2e fitted direct on t$e external +indo+s of t$e elevations situated a2ove t$e ground floor6 unless t$e +ere eas to open.
Re;uirement for general safet of 2uildings6 as stipulated under t$e pu2lic safet6 $ealt$ and environmental protection as +ell as fire safet regulations applica2le in t$e mirate6 s$all 2e o2served.
*$e minimum num2er and dimensions of entrance and exit doors s$all 2e decided as per t$e num2er of floors6 total floor area6 functional use of t$e 2uilding and criteria approved 2 t$e competent department. Doors for staircases6 apartments and offices and all door furniture6 $inges6 $andles6 Eetc. s$all 2e fire resistant as per rates approved 2 t$e competent department. Door s$all also 2e smo4e proof and self closing.
All staircases s$all 2e provided +it$ normal and emergenc ventilation and lig$ting as per standard specifications approved 2 t$e competent department.
Page !1 of 93
All 2uildings s$all 2e provided +it$ directional arro+s6 la2els and self illuminating sign2oards in all corridors and internal passages +it$in t$e 2uilding and inner $alls in order to clearl point to directions of staircases6 lifts6 location of emergenc exists in t$e 2uilding.
All 2uildings $ig$er t$an # floors s$all 2e provided +it$ a $elicopter pad as per standard specifications approved 2 t$e complement department.
All passages leading to emergenc exits s$all 2e free from o2stacles at all times.
rticle ! 30 # additional anne
Additional annexes 2elonging to residential villas s$all 2e permitted provided t$at t$eir $eig$t s$all 2e limited to ground floor onl and +it$out set2ac4 from t$e plot 2oundar. Suc$ annexes s$all 2e used fro various functions suc$ as car par4ing6 servants ;uarters6 external 4itc$en and or ma7lis. =ollo+ing 2e o2served.
1. aximum $eig$t s$all not exceed (1)" feet on t$e neig$2ours side and (1!" feet on t$e road side passage sides. In case of some special functional users6 t$e maximum $eig$t ma 2e exceeded 2ut t$is is s$all 2e su27ect to approval 2 t$e competent department s$ould t$ere 2e tec$nical 7ustifications for t$at. . A set2ac4 of not less t$an (1#" feet 2et+een annexes and t$e main villa 2uilding. 3. Annexes configuration 2e in a from of a ro+ situated ad7acent to t$e 2oundar +all or an ade;uate set2ac4 2e allo+ed in order to provide natural lig$ting and ventilation to t$e elements t$at overloo4 t$e 2oundar or in order allo+ air conditioners to 2e fitted all as per final decision 2 t$e %uilding Permits 'ommittee. 2.
In case annexes are 2uilt +it$out a set2ac46 air conditioners s$all $ave to 2e split tpe t$at can 2e fitted inside.
A car par4ing area s$all 2e permitted ad7acent to t$e neig$2ours and t$e villa +it$ no set2ac4 on t$e road side.
=unctional use of annexes s$all 2e limited to providing services to t$e main 2uilding. *$e s$all not 2e used as a separate unit or for an independent commercial purpose. Roofs of suc$ annexes ma 2e used onl for +ater tan4s and air conditioning e;uipment and not for an ot$er use. No main staircases s$all 2e allo+ed for annexes ad7acent to neig$2ours.
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In case annexes are connected to t$e main 2uilding as one unit6 t$e stipulated set2ac4 re;uirements s$all appl starting form t$e external 2oundaries of t$e com2ined 2uilding.
Annexes ma 2e connected to t$e main 2uilding 2 a covered passage of a +idt$ not exceeding (1#" feet. 0eig$t of t$e passage s$all not exceed t$at of t$e annex.
Area of additional annexes s$all not exceed (-#J" of t$e area of main villa. Suc$ percentage ma 2e exceeded su27ect to approval 2 t$e competent department s$ould t$ere 2e tec$nical 7ustifications for t$at.
rticle ! 3* # (abour accommodation
,a2our accommodation compounds complexes s$all 2e allo+ed on plots allocated for suc$ purpose as per *o+n planning mat annexes to t$e regulations for classification and functional use of lands in t$e mirate and su27ect to follo+ing conditions. a.
Area allocated for eac$ person in t$e rooms t$at comprise t$e la2our accommodation s$all 2e (3#" s;uare feet. Num2er of toilets allocated to t$em s$all 2e at t$e rate of one toilet6 sin46 and s$o+er for eac$ ten persons. =or purpose of calculation6 t$e total num2er of persons s$all 2e +or4ed out on 2asis of round figure in eac$ room.
'onstruction s$all 2e permitted to extend up to t$e plot 2oundar +it$out an set2ac4 eit$er on t$e road or t$e passage unless ot$er+ise stated in t$e regulations for classification and functional use of lands in t$e mirate.
Num2er of floors and set2ac4s s$all 2e as per t$e dra+ing annexed of t$e regulations for classification and functional use of lands in t$e mirate. *$e inner set2ac4 2et+een 2uildings s$all not 2e less t$an (#" feet. *$e minimum area for t$e inner ard s$all 2e (# x #" s;uare feet.
*$e minimum percentage construction for t$e first p$ase of constructions s$all 2e ade;uate enoug$ to accommodate (!#J" of t$e total num2er of la2our as per documents relating to t$e plot allocation.
Doors of rooms s$all not open directl on t$e road or of t$e passage. ain entrance s$all 2e situated inside t$e plot.
=irst floor passages s$all 2e permitted to pro7ect 2 ().!" feet +it$in t$e set2ac4 2et+een 2uilding and outside set2ac4s. Suc$ passagfes s$all not 2e closed at t$e pro7ection.
Page !3 of 93
In case of use of metal ceilings or of an material ot$er t$an reinforced concrete6 t$e s$all 2e concealed 2 inner false ceilings and $eat insulation material as per specifications endorsed 2 t$e competent department.
Rooms +it$ separate (non consolidated" services ma 2e constructed for supervisors at t$e rate of one room for eac$ ()#" la2our.
5ne or more pantries for food preparation ma 2e providing. Dining $alls s$all 2e provided in num2ers matc$ing t$e num2er of la2our. 'apacit s$all 2e ade;uate to accommodated at least one t$ird of t$e total la2our at one time. Design and fixtures of 2ot$ t$e 4itc$en and dining $all s$all 2e as per pu2lic $ealt$ conditions stipulated under t$e pu2lic $ealt$ and vocational safet regulations applica2le in t$e mirate.
A gar2age room or an open collection point s$all 2e provided for gar2age containers +it$in t$e plot 2oundaries ad per terms and conditions of t$e gar2age rooms stipulated under t$ese regulations. Suc$ collection point s$all 2e situated in t$e front set2ac4 on t$e road side.
rticle ! 32 # Mos:ues
@$en designing mos;ues6 t$e follo+ing services s$all 2e provided as per t$e si8e of mos;ue6 location and under of +ors$ippers. OOOOOOOOO *a2le OOOOOO.
os;ues situated in t$e central 2usiness district s$all 2e exempted from t$e re;uirement for provision of a car par4ing space. *$e competent department ma ta4e a second loo4 into t$e num2er of par4ing space allocated for mos;ues in case of existing pu2lic par4ing spaces allocated for t$e mos;ue or in case of small plot allocated to t$e said mos;ue.
Num2er of +ors$ippers s$all 2e calculated on 2asis of (" s;uare meters for eac$ suc$ person. *$is s$all not include t$ose +$o pra outside t$e mos;ues space.
=ollo+ing re;uirements s$all 2e o2served in case or mos;ues. 1. Design6 execution and supervision s$all 2e ta4en up 2 uslims of good experience in Islamic arc$itecture and 2uilding construction. Director of t$e consultants office assigned to $andle suc$ pro7ect s$all $ave to 2e a uslim. *$e same s$all appl to engineers in c$arge of design and supervision of execution. . *$e mos;ues design s$all 2e prefera2l 2e rectangular in s$ape. *$e larger side s$all 2e opposite t$e praer nic$e 4i22le ( t$e point to+ards +$ic$ uslims turn t$eir faces in praer ". In is prefera2le not to an openings on t$e side t$at includes t$e sanctuar. It is also prefera2le not to Page !) of 93
$ave an columns in t$e mos;ues inner space in order to maintain consistenc of ro+s. 3. A li2rar and praing area for +omen ma 2e annexed to t$e mos;ue as +ell6 as a store and rooms for memori8ing and reciting. Huran. *$e num2er s$all 2e determined in order to matc$ t$e num2er of +ors$ippers in t$e mos;ue and t$e outcome of t$e stud conducted 2 t$e 'ommittee. Access entrances for gentlemen s$ould 2e separate from t$ose allocated for +omen. ). os;ues s$all generall including ards (ards open to s4 as part of t$e mos;ues". Space s$ould 2e allocated for fitting a +ater cooler and covered area for safe 4eeping of s$oes for +ors$ipping. !. *oilets and a2lution facilities s$ould prefera2l 2e detac$ed from t$e mos;ue 2uilding itself and s$ould $ave a separate access entrance. As per t$e Islamic doctrine6 suc$ facilities s$ould not 2e facing t$e praing nic$e (4i2la". *$e s$ould prefera2l 2e located in t$e sout$ east corner. @'s are to 2e of t$e original design6 except for one +$ic$ ma 2e of +estern design. -. A2lution facilit is a vital necessit for a mos;ue. /. An external 2oundar +all of a suita2le $eig$t s$ould prefera2l surround t$e mos;ue. 0alf t$e $eig$t s$ould 2e solid and t$e ot$er $alf s$ould 2e a see troug$ design. . No ornaments or paintings s$all 2e used if t$e are inconsistent +it$ Islamic doctrine. 9. %ot$ external and internal finis$ing material s$ale 2e appropriate for 2e prestigious nature of t$e mos;ue. 1#. Sign2oards s$all 2e erected in order to direct +ors$ippers to t$e various entrances6 identif directions of circulations and t$e mos;ues service facilities. e.
It is recommended t$at mos;ues situated near to pu2lic 2a8aars and in rural areas as +ell large central mos;ues and t$ose situated on express +as6 in pu2lic par4s and recitation areas6 2e provided +it$ a praing area for +omen6 minimum facilities for +omen s$ould 2e 1. @'s . Sin4s 3. A2lution facilit
(" Nos. (" Nos. (3" Nos.
Page !! of 93
Praing areas situated on express+a ma $ave onl $alf t$e num2ers s$o+n a2ove. f.
S$opping malls of areas in excess of 1##6### s;uare feet s$ould 2e provided +it$ praing area for men and anot$er one for +omen. inimum num2er of associated service facilities s$ould 2e provided for eac$.
Design and capacit of air conditioning sstem s$ould ta4e into consideration t$e maximum num2er of +ors$ippers6 volume6 space dimensions6 mos;ue configuration. ,ig$ting intensit and $omogeneit s$ould 2e ta4en into consideration +$en designing lig$ting fittings. Sound sstem and acoustic c$aracteristics s$ould 2e studied 2 speciali8ed parties.
Design and dimensions of mos;ue s$ould 2e in accordance +it$ approved standard dimensions applica2le at t$e competent department. os;ue design s$ould ta4e into consideration t$e re;uirements of t$e Islamic doctrine.
Design of mos;ue minarets s$ould 2e in accordance +it$ approved arc$itectural stle applica2le ate t$e competent department.
Approval of an ot$er aut$orit s$ould 2e o2tained as re;uired 2 t$e competent department +$et$er at t$e time of construction of a mos;ue or at t$e time of its renovation or variation or expansion.
*raffic circulation in and out of t$e mos;ue for 2ot$ male and female +ors$ippers s$ould 2e studied ta4ing into consideration full segregation and t$e ease of use of a2lution for 2ot$ sexes +it$out an interference.
rticle ! 33 # 'ublic -ealt- re:uirements for restaurants5 foodstuff and be/erage sales outlets
Design of restaurants6 foodstuff and 2everage sales outlets (restaurants6 coffee s$ops6 7uice serving outlets6 grocer s$ops6 farm and fruit slate outlets6 s+eet refres$ment6 four mills6 roasters6 fro8en and c$illed cold stores for foodstuff storage6 2a4eries and pastries6 retail supermar4ets6 sea food sales outlets and t$e li4e" s$ould 2e in accordance +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements as laid do+n 2 t$e department concerned. *$e compiling consultant s$ould refer to suc$ re;uirement +$en compiling t$e relevant specifications.
=is$ing material for flooring6 +alls6 ceilings for restaurants6 foodstuff and 2everage serving outlets s$ould 2e of smoot$ polis$ed gla8ed surface eas to clean6 non a2sor2ent of +ater6 fire resistant6 of lig$t colour6 non toxic and free of cra4es. =loors s$all $ave appropriate slopes (pitc$ do+n" in order to facilitate flo+ of +ater during cleaning. @all corners and corners 2et+een
Page !- of 93
+alls and floors s$ould 2e properl sealed in order to facilitate t$e cleaning process. c.
entilation and lig$ting s$ould 2e provided for all internal space in accordance +it$ t$ese regulators.
Roc4s6 electrical e;uipment +as$ 2asins6 stores6 c$imnes6 +or4ing 2enc$es s$all 2e provided. Also pest and rodent controls s$all 2e fitted on +indo+s6 doors and access entrances. All ot$er pu2lic $ealt$ re;uisites to 2e provided in accordance +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements as stipulated 2 t$e competent department.
Restaurants6 foodstuff and 2everage sales outlets s$all 2e provided +it$ t$e necessar pluming installations in conformit +it$ standard specifications for suc$ +or4s.
*$e minimum area of t$e 4itc$en and food preparation area in outlets listed under su2:Article (a" $erein s$all 2e Activit
inimum area of 4itc$en or preparation area
Restaurants 'afeterias
(3##" s;uare feet or ()#J" of t$e restaurant floor area +$ic$ever is grater (##" s;uare feet
'offee s$op
(1##" s;uare feet
=res$ 7uice sales outlet
(1##" s;uare feet
=ol4lore and lo+ cost (!#" s;uare feet s+eet outlets Preparation and serving of (!#" s;uare feet sea food meals %all rooms (!##" s;uare feet
In order to maintain a presenta2le image for 2uildings6 c$imnes for 2a4eries. Restaurants and roasters s$ale 2e fitted on t$e passage side or t$roug$ t$e 2uilding s$afts. '$imnes s$all rise for a $eig$t of not less t$an (-" feet and (" inc$es a2ove t$e roof level and s$ould 2e e;uipped +it$ environmental protection filtering 4it in order not to cause $a8ardous effects on t$e neig$2ours and or ruin t$e general image.
'old stores and free8ers s$all 2e provided +it$ a t$ermometer for ta4ing temperature readings. Suc$ t$ermometer s$all 2e fitted in suc$ a +a as to allo+ ta4ing readings from outside. Doors s$ould open 2ot$ from inside and outside. Page !/ of 93
e. Area of t$e outlet s$all not 2e less t$an t$e follo+ing Activit
inimum area
egeta2le and fruit sales outlets
(3##" s;uare feet
eat s$op
(1!#" s;uare feet
Refres$ment sales outlet
(1##" s;uare feet
=loor mills
(1##" s;uare feet
(!#" s;uare feet
Retails supermar4ets Brocer s$ops
(###" s;uare feet6 out of +$ic$ (!##" s;uare feet used as stores +are$ouse (1#" s;uare feet
(3##" s;uare feet
edical clinics
*+o rooms and reception lo22 of (13#" s;uare feet area for eac$ plus a toilet
rticle ! 34 # 8ducational buildings
*$e follo+ing conditions s$all from minimum re;uirements to 2e fulfilled in all categories of educational 2uildings. a.
Sc$ools 1.
Sc$ool 2uilding location s$all 2e situated in one of t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification of la+ful land uses.
Sc$ool 2uilding design s$all 2e in accordance +it$ approved international specifications and as per conditions applica2le at t$e inistr of ducation listed under t$ese regulations.
*oilets s$all 2e provided for students at t$e rate of one toilet and +as$2asin for eac$ classroom. @ater coolers s$all 2e distri2uted in various locations inside t$e different parts and +ings of sc$ool 2uilding and in s$aded of t$e open ards.
*oilets s$all 2e provided for teac$ers and staff at t$e rate of one toilet and +as$2asin for eac$ (1#" classrooms.
All parts of t$e sc$ool 2uilding s$all satisf pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements listed under pu2lic $ealt$ legislation as applica2le in t$e mirate.
Page ! of 93
Natural ventilation and lig$ting plus air conditioning s$all 2e provided in all parts of t$e sc$ool 2uilding as per approved standard specifications6 particularl for classrooms6 la2oratories and $alls.
Direction of lig$ting s$ould 2e selected so t$at in +ould 2e on t$e left side of students and not directl opposite t$e teac$ing 2oard.
Provide rac4s and ca2inets inside classrooms and la2oratories to suit t$e num2er of students. 'lassrooms to 2e provided +it$ appropriate curtains.
'lassrooms6 ards canteens and toilets for males and females to 2e segregated.
Sc$ool to include a li2rar of an area t$at matc$es t$e num2er of students.
Sc$ool to include rooms for management staff6 teac$ers6 administrators and supervisors. Room areas to matc$ t$e num2er of students enrolled at t$e sc$ool.
Sc$ool to include la2oratories6 computer rooms and activit areas +it$ si8es and num2ers to matc$ t$e num2ers of students enrolled at t$e relevant sc$ool. ,a2oratories s$all 2e situated as far as possi2le from t$e classrooms.
Sc$ool to include at least one canteen conforming +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ standards as determined 2 t$e pu2lic $ealt$ legislation applica2le in t$e mirate.
Sc$ool to include a $ealt$care clinic comprising at least one room for t$e sc$ool p$sician6 and anot$er one for t$e nurse. Attac$ed to suc$ room6 anot$er room for patients examination and a detac$ed toilet. Areas to conform +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ standards as determined 2 t$e pu2lic $ealt$ legislation applica2le in t$e mirate.
Provide a ard for t$e students of an area not less t$an dou2le t$e area allocated to classrooms. Also provide as mast for t$e flag. Part of suc$ ard s$ould 2e covered.
Sc$ool 2uilding to include sports courts as necessar in accordance +it$ terms and conditions applica2le at t$e inistr of ducation. Sc$ool 2uilding to include a $all for free activities (multi:purpose $all".
Page !9 of 93
All la2oratories to 2e provided +it$ po+erful ventilation in order to extract fumes or +it$ gas c$am2ers in order to 2e use for c$emical experiments.
'ars and 2uses s$all not 2e permitted access into t$e students ards. ntrance and exit of suc$ ve$icles s$ould 2e totall separate from t$e students circulation.
Provide car par4ing space as per Article (!" of t$is regulating. Also an area for par4ing of sc$ool 2uses +$ic$ area s$ould 2e proportional to t$e num2er of students. 'omplete segregation s$all 2e maintained 2et+een ve$icle traffic and sports courts6 ards and pedestrian circulation.
'rimary sc-ools ! infants sc-ools#
1. Primar sc$ool 2uilding location s$all 2e situated in one of t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification of la+ful land users. . Primar sc$ool 2uilding design s$all 2e in accordance +it$ approved international standard specifications and as per conditions applica2le at t$e inistr of ducation listed under t$ese regulations. 3. *oilets s$all 2e provided for c$ildren at t$e rate of one toilet and +as$2asin for eac$ classroom. Si8es of sanitar +are fittings s$all 2e suita2le for c$ildren in accordance +it$ approved intentional standard specifications. ). Natural ventilation and lig$ting plus air conditioning s$all 2e provided in all parts of t$e primar sc$ool 2uilding as per approved standard specifications. All +indo+s to 2e provided +it$ appropriate curtains. !. All parts of t$e primar sc$ool 2uilding s$all satisf pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements listed under pu2lic $ealt$ legislation as applica2le in t$e mirate.
-. re;uirement Provide a plaground of an area not less t$an dou2le t$e area allocated to classrooms. At least one t$ird of suc$ ard s$all 2e covered. Part of suc$ ard s$all 2e planted +it$ trees and flo+ers. *os and recreational facilities s$all 2e provided for c$ildren. Suc$ facilities s$all 2e maintained and inspected on regular 2asis.
Page -# of 93
/. *$e primar sc$ool s$all 2e provided +it$ at least one canteen. . *oilets s$all 2e provided for teac$ers and staff at t$e rate of c$ildrens and staff rate of one toilet and +as$2asin for eac$ (1#" classrooms. 9. 'ars and 2uses s$all not 2e permitted access into t$e c$ildrens ards. ntrance and exit of suc$ ve$icles s$ould 2e totall separate form t$e c$ildrens circulation. 1#. Provide car par4ing space as per Article (!" of t$is regulation. Also an area for par4ing or primar sc$ool 2uses +$ic$ area s$ould 2e proportional to t$e num2er of c$ildren 'omplete segregation s$all 2e maintained 2et+een ve$icle traffic and sports courts6 ard and pedestrian circulation. 11. Primar sc$ool 2uilding to include a $ealt$care clinic comprising at least on room and separate toilet. *$e clinic s$all 2e provided +it$ t$e important medical e;uipment and first aid 4its necessar for t$e c$ildren. Its area s$all satisf pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements listed under pu2lic $ealt$ legislation as applica2le in t$e mirate. 1. Primar sc$ool 2uilding to include rooms for management staff6 teac$ers6 administrators and supervisors. Room areas to matc$ t$e num2er of c$ildren enrolled at t$e primar sc$ool. 13. Primar sc$ool 2uilding s$all 2e used exclusivel for suc$ propose and s$all not include an ot$er educational p$ases. 'lassrooms s$all 2e situated onl at t$e ground floor level. *$is re;uirement ma 2e +aived in case of tec$nical reasons t$at t$e competent department. 1). 5ne of t$e primar sc$ool $alls s$all 2e allocated for free activities. 2.
urseries 9 =indergartens>
Nurser 2uilding location s$all 2e situated in one of t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification on la+ful land uses.
Nurser 2uilding design s$all 2e in accordance +it$ approved international standard specifications and as per conditions applica2le at t$e inistr of ducation listed under t$ese regulations.
Nurser 2uilding s$all satisf pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements listed under pu2lic $ealt$ legislation as applica2le in t$e mirate.
Page -1 of 93
Natural ventilation and lig$ting plus air conditioning s$all 2e provided in all parts of t$e nurser 2uilding as per approved standard specifications. All +indo+s to 2e provided +it$ appropriate curtains.
*oilet s$all 2e provided at t$e rate of one toilet for eart$ t+o c$ildren rooms.
Provide a large s$aded plaground Bround to 2e sand +it$ trees covering t$e area. Area to 2e ade;uate for t$e num2er of c$ildren enrolled.
Distance apart 2et+een 2eds in t$e nurser rooms s$all not 2e lees t$an 3 feet and ) inc$es.
Provide car par4ing space as per Article (!" of t$is regulation. Also an area for par4ing of nurser 2uses +$ic$ area s$ould 2e proportional to t$e num2er of c$ildren. 'omplete segregations s$all 2e maintained 2et+een ve$icle traffic and sports courts6 ards and pedestrian circulation.
Nurser s$all 2e located eit$er on t$e ground of first floor. It s$all include clear areas t$at can 2e used for c$ildrens p$sical activities. *$is re;uirement ma 2e +aived in case of tec$nical reasons t$at t$e complete department.
Nurser 2uilding to include a $ealt$care clinic to 2e provide +it$ t$e important medical e;uipment and first aid 4its necessar for t$e c$ildren.
rticle !3"# Healt-care buildings
*$e follo+ing re;uirements s$ould 2e satisfied as a minimum for o2taining a construction permit for eac$ categor of t$e follo+ing $ealt$care 2uildings. a.
0ospitals 1.
0ospital s$all 2e situated in t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification of la+ful land uses.
52taining t$e approval of t$e Department of 0ealt$ and edical Services is an essential re;uirement for procurement of a construction permit.
Design and execution of t$e $ospital s$all proceed in accordance +it$ internationall recogni8ed standards for $ospitals. Page - of 93
Areas of various elements and components6 t$eir inter relations$ip +it$ eac$ ot$er6 +idt$ of corridors6 doors6 electrical6 mec$anical and plum2ing installations re;uired and materials proposed to 2e use d s$all all 2e studies in suc$ a +a as to 2e consistent +it$ dimensions and specifications of medical e;uipment used.
Dra+ing for interior decoration and furnis$ings s$all 2e prepared s$o+ing details and categories of medical e;uipment use in t$e various $ospital departments.
Natural ventilation and lig$ting s$all 2e provided for patients rooms6 +aiting rooms6 offices and $alls. 6 mec$anical ventilation s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ approved international standard specification6 for areas t$at $ave inade;uate natural ventilation.
,ig$ting intensit (for natural or industrial" in all parts of t$e $ospital s$all 2e in accordance +it$ approved international standard specifications.
Rooms for in:patients s$all 2e situated as far as possi2le form roads and car par4ing lots. Partition +alls s$all 2e acousticall insulated in order to prevent +ound transmission form one room to anot$er.
*$e $ospital s$all 2e provided +it$ stand2 electrical generator.
'ar par4ing lots to 2e provided as per re;uirement of *o+n Planning +$ic$ +ere defined upon plot allocation.
Provide gar2age room and mec$anism for gar2age disposal according to studies to 2e conducted for suc$ purpose and su2se;uent to approval 2 t$e competent department. edical clinics practices 1.
edical clinics p$armacies s$all 2e situated in t$e areas in +$en suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification of la+ful land uses.
52taining t$e approval of t$e Department of 0ealt$ and edical Services is an essential re;uirement for procurement of a construction of interior decoration permit.
Area of t$e medical clinic practice s$all not 2e less t$an t+o rooms and a reception lo22. Area of eac$ room s$all not 2e lee t$an (13#" s;uare feet.
edical clinic practice s$all $ave at lest one toilet. Page -3 of 93
A separate room s$all 2e allocated for medical examination6 anot$er separate room for +aiting of males and a t$ird for females.
=looring material s$all 2e smoot$ and eas to +as$.
P$armacies 1.
Area of t$e p$armac s$all not 2e less t$an (3##" s;uare meters. ,ocation s$all 2e in an area in +$ic$ commercial applications are permitted.
'eiling level s$all not 2e less t$an 9 feet.
Distance 2et+een an ot$er existing p$armac and t$e ne+ one s$all not 2e less t$an ## mt. ,ocation s$all 2e on a main paved road.
=looring material s$all 2e smoot$ and eas to +as$.
'-ysical fitness gymnasiums5 massage and slimming centres
1. Appropriate pu2lic $ealt$ condition s$all 2e satisfied in terms of natural lig$ting and ventilation. . %uilding to 2e provided +it$ domestic +ater suppl6 +as$ 2asins6 toilets and s$o+ers (segregated for different sexes". Num2ers off to depend on t$e area of t$e 'enter. 3. Isolated space and small c$anging rooms to 2e allocated for c$anging segregated for different sexes as appropriate. ). A resting space a+a form air current s$all 2e allocated for ta4ing rest after leaving t$e steam rooms and sauna 2at$. !. Steam production e;uipment for steam room s$all 2e totall isolated independentl from t$e 2at$room. -. No +all:mounted p$sical exercise e;uipment s$all 2e permitted if t$e cause stresses to develop in t$e +alls. 5nl e;uipment t$at causes minor stress s$all e 2e allo+ed provide t$at met$od of fixing to t$at +all s$all 2e safe. /. Sports gmnasiums +$ic$ produce noises of vi2rations (suc$ as 4arate6 +eig$t lifting gmnasiums and t$e li4e" s$all 2e situated ate t$e ground or me88anine floor level. =looring and +alls s$all 2e acousticall insulated.
Page -) of 93
rticle !3)# !Hotel building ! -otels5 motels 5 -otel apartments "
0otel 2uilding6 in all t$eir categories6 s$all 2e situated in t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e approved detailed dra+ing for classification of la+ful land uses.
As per 2la+s No. (1" for 199 in connection +it$ licensing and classification of $otels6 motels and $otel apartments6 o2taining t$e approval of t$e Department of *ourism and 'ommercial ar4eting in an essential re;uirement for procurement of a construction permit for an $otel.
Prior to proceeding +it$ design of an $otel 2uilding $e 'onsultant ngineer s$all refer to 2la+s issued 2 t$e Department of *ourism and 'ommercial ar4eting in connection criteria applica2le to classification of $otels.
Provide car par4ing space as per Article (!" of t$ese regulations.
*$e num2er of rooms s$all not 2e less t$an (1#" in case of $otels and motels and (" apartments or villas or studios for $otel apartments.
Num2er of single $otel rooms s$all not 2e less t$an (!#J" of t$e total $otel rooms.
rticle !3,# %ec-nical conditions for -otel buildings
Reception counter6 store room for valua2les and store room for luggage s$all 2e provided in t$e ground floor.
A lo22 for reception or +aiting of lounge area of ade;uate area s$all 2e provided.
Dining $all of coffee s$op +it$ attac$ed food preparation pantr of 4itc$en s$all 2e provided for $otels and motels onl.
A small store to 2e provided in eac$ tpical floor for servicing rooms.
,ift to serve all 2edrooms in case t$e num2er of floors exceeds a ground plus t+o fools.
In t$e reception $all of $otels and motels6 one set of pu2lic toilets s$all 2e provided for males and anot$er one for females. *$ese are intended for serving t$e needs of guests ate t$e reception lo22 and +aiting area.
Page -! of 93
ac$ set of toilets s$all include +as$ 2asins6 +estern toilet +it$ toilet seat and cover and a 2idet or $ose +as$er. A door s$ould separate t$e +as$ 2asin from t$e toilet. ac$ toilet s$all 2e provided +it$ $ot and cold running +ater. In case t$e dining $all is located at t$e same level as t$e reception $all6 onl one set of toilets for males and anot$er one females ma suffice for serving 2ot$ $alls6 provided t$at eac$ set s$all include t+o +as$ 2asins6 t+o toilets and to+ 2idets or t+o $ose +as$ers. ac$ toilet s$ould 2e sepa rated from t$e ot$er and from t$e t+o +as$ 2asins. g.
In $otels t$e minimum lo22" s$all 2e. 1. Single room . Dou2le room 3. Room for 3 persons
net room area (excluding 2at$room and entrance (9/" s;uare feet (11" s;uare feet (1)#" s;uare feet.
ac$ 2edroom s$all $ave an attac$ed 2at$room. Suc$ 2at$room s$all include a s$o+er of 2at$ tu2 +it$ $andle and a s$o+er +estern stle toilet +it$ toilet seat and cover oriental stle $ose 2idet6 +as$ 2asin6 $ot and cold running +ater and soc4et for electricall operated s$aving ra8or fitted near to t$e mirror Num2er of 2at$rooms s$all not 2e less t$an follo+ing minimum percentages. 1. (!J" for rooms +it$ 2at$rooms attac$ed t$ereto. . (/!J" of rooms +it$ common 2at$rooms at t$e rate of at least one 2at$room for eac$ t+o rooms.
In t$e $otel apartments t$e minimum net area of 2edrooms (excluding 2at$room and entrance lo22" s$all 2e 1. %edroom . Studio
(13#" s;uare feet (13" s;uare feet.
In t$e $otel apartments and 2at$room s$ale 2e provided to include a s$o+er of 2at$ tu2 +it$ a $andle and s$o+er6 +estern stle toilet +it$ toilet seat and cover6 oriental stle $ose 2idet6 +as$ 2asin soc4et for electricall operated s$aving ra8or fitted to t$e mirror and $ot and cold running +estern +ater.
Ade;uate lig$ting s$ould 2e provided at t$e main entrance6 corridors6 staircases rooms and $alls.
Air conditioning s$ould 2e provided for all rooms. 0alls restaurants and entrance lo22ies.
Safet and securit measures s$all 2e provided as per terms and conditions applica2le at t$e competent department. Page -- of 93
Self illuminating directive 2oards s$all 2e fitted in all corridors. Staircases6 $alls6 entrances lo22ies6 pu2lic areas6 in order to direct t$e persons to t$e emergenc exits in case of =ire. No materials. 5r articles of o2stacles s$all 2e permitted to 2e put in suc$ a +a as to prevent persons from reac$ing emergenc exit doors.
=ire extinguis$ers s$all 2e fitted in a clearl visi2le6 eas accessi2le location. Directive sign2oard pointing t$ereto s$all 2e fitted. No materials of articles of o2stacles s$all 2e permitted to 2e put in suc$ a +a as to prevent from using suc$ extinguis$ers.
Sign2oardsla2els s$all 2e fitted 2e$ind eac$ guest door s$o+ing locations of staircases and a s4etc$ s$o+ing $o+ to reac$ t$em in order to ensure safe evacuating in case of fire $a8ard.
rticle !3.# 'etrol filling5 stations+
Petrol filling stations s$all 2e situated in t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use is allo+ed. Please refer to t$e mat annexed to t$e Q%la+s for classification of la+ful land uses in Du2ai mirate.
Plot allocated for petrol stations s$all not 2e permitted to 2e used for an ot$er uses expect for secondar functional uses suc$ as ve$icle servicing sales outlet for refres$ments and fast food ( ini art and t$e li4e" of not more t$an 16-## s;uare feet.
'ar par4ing space s$all 2e provided at t$e rate of one care par4ing space for /!# s;uare feet of t$e area of ini art and ot$er services t$at need suc$ space. Suc$ par4ing spaces s$all not create on o2stacle for traffic movement inside t$e petrol station.
'onstruction s$all 2e permitted rig$t up to t$e 2order line of t$e plot on t$e road and passage sides. A set2ac4 of 1# feet s$all 2e o2served on t$e neig$2oursC side(s".
Safet and securit measures as applica2le at t$e competent department6 s$all 2e ta4en for all structures.
0eig$t of sales outlet and annexes s$all not exceed 1) feet.
A maximum of t+o (" rooms s$all 2e permitted for use as la2our accommodation at all petrol stations situated +it$in t$e 2orders of t$e cit. A maximum of t$ree (3" rooms s$all 2e permitted for petrol stations situated outside t$e cit 2oundaries.
Page -/ of 93
Pu2lic toilets for men and +omen6 separate form t$ose allocated to t$e stations +or4ers s$all 2e provided for use 2 t$e pu2lic. ac$ set s$all comprise not less t$an t+o toilets one for men and t$e ot$er for +omen6 complete +it$ +as$ 2asins for eac$.
'ar +as$ing and car servicing facilit s$all 2e provided +it$ +ater suppl6 filtering and drainage installations. Suc$ facilities s$all include sand collection c$am2er6 oil trap and pumps for ensuring +ater filtration 2efore +ater reac$es t$e septic tan4s or t$e pu2lic drainage net+or4.
'onsultant ngineer s$all furnis$ a general site dra+ing for t$e petrol station indicating follo+ing. 1. Proposed approac$ access and exit to and from t$e petrol filling station. *$ese s$ould matc$ t$e average speed on t$e road on +$ic$ t$e station is situated and t$e radius of t$e entrance circle. . All existing road elements over a distance of !## meters 2efore and after t$e stations location suc$ as traffic sign2oards lig$ting poles6 trees6 inspection c$am2ers6 pump rooms6 and electrical su2:stations. 3. Direction of traffic6 num2er of road lanes and declared permissi2le speed on suc$ road.
rticle ! 3 # ?ndustrial structures ! are-ouses5 or1s-ops5 factories+ 8tc+
Industrial premises s$all 2e situated in t$e areas in +$ic$ suc$ functional use in allo+ed. Please refer to t$e map annexed to t$e Q%la+s for classification of la+ful land uses in Du2ai mirateQ.
xcept for plots t$at are su27ect to a specials legislative sc$eme6 construction s$all 2e permitted to proceed up to 2orders of t$e plot +it$out a set2ac4 on t$e road and passage sides. As for t$e neig$2oursC side(s"6 a set2ac4 of not less t$an (1#" ten feet s$all 2e compulsor.
An attac$ed services annex ma 2e constructed +it$out set2ac4 on t$e neig$2ours side provided t$at it s$all ta4e t$e configuration of a stripe and inner $eig$t t$ereof s$all not exceed (1#" feet.
@are$ouse and +or4s$op entrances s$ould into t$e loading offloading areas as stipulated under. Article ()#" of t$ese regulations. No doors s$all open directl on t$e roads and Page - of 93
passages6 except for emergenc exits. ntrance door +idt$ s$all not exceed (!" feet. e.
Natural ventilation and illumination s$all 2e provided at a percentage of not less t$an (!J" of t$e floor for an +are$ouse of +or4s$op of factor.
Net inner $eig$t for an +are$ouse of +or4s$op or factor s$all not 2e less t$an (1)" feet. aximum inner $eig$t s$all not exceed (#" feet except for functional uses t$at re;uire excessive $eig$ts.
@are$ouses or +or4s$ops or ot$er industrial facilities s$all 2e provided +it$ toilets as stipulated under Article ())" of t$ese Regulations.
Percentage area for construction of +are$ouses s$all not 2e less t$an (3#J" of t$e plot area. =or +or4s$ops6 construction sites6 transport companies site suc$ percentage s$all 2e (1#J" and for industrial facilities (3!J" unless ot$er+ise sated under t$e decision of allocation of plot of if t$ere relevant functional use re;uires ot$er+ise.
e88anine level6 eit$er on t$e full area of part t$ereof6 s$all 2e permitted inside +are $ouses6 +or4s$ops and industrial facilities6 provided t$at it s$all $ave a functional use t$at in interconnected +it$ t$at of t$e ground floor and its access entrance s$all 2e from t$e ground floor itself. No independent access entrance s$all 2e provided for me88anine floors.
0eig$ts of ground and me88anine floors s$all 2e accordance +it$ Article (/" of t$ese Regulations in respect of commercial functional use.
%ranc$ officers for serving t$e industrial 2usiness to 2e conducted on t$e plot6 s$all 2e permitted6 provided t$at area of suc$ offices s$all not exceed (1#J" of t$e construction area. Suc$ percentages ma 2e increased in case t$e nature of functional use re;uires t$at6 as determined space for suc$ offices s$all 2e provided at t$e rate of one car par4ing space for eac$ (/!#" s;uare feet of t$e area.
Percentage construction6 2uilding $eig$ts6 area of offices for large industrial facilities and functional uses of special nature s$all 2e determined in accordance +it$ t$e nature of use and *o+n Planning re;uirement stipulated upon allocation of plot. Page -9 of 93
nvironmental protection re;uirements stipulated under Article (-" $erein6 s$all appl in case of functional uses +$ic$ include stronger or use material $a8ardous to t$e environment.
0eig$t of +indo+ still of ground floor +indo+s loo4ing on roads of passages s$all not 2e less t$an (-" feet in case construction extends up to t$e 2order limit of t$e plot +it$out an set2ac4.
No trading 2usiness and no s$o+rooms s$all 2e permitted in industrial 2uildings.
xcept for plots +$ic$ are su27ect to a special legislation sc$eme6 2oundar +alls of (-" feet $eig$t s$all 2e put up around t$e 2order line of t$e plot on sides. Suc$ 2oundar +all s$all 2e painted in a colour t$at does not constitute an ee sore or tarnis$ t$e general image. ain entrance gate in t$e 2oundar +all s$all $ave a +idt$ not less t$an (1)" feet. *$e competent department ma aut$ori8e special arc$itectural design for t$e front 2oundar +alls.
Internal set2ac4 2et+een 2uilding or structures s$all not 2e less t$an (1#" feet.
rticle !40#+ (oading and offloading areas+
a. ,oading and offloading 2as s$all 2e provided in ever industrial facilit and commercial centre. inimum areas t$ereof s$all 2e as follo+s. 1.
(!" ft +ide x (#" ft dept$ for onl one +are$ouse or +or4s$op.
(#" ft +ide x (3#" ft dept$ for t+o +are$ouses of +or4s$op.
(3#" ft +ide x (3#" ft dept$ for t$ere or more +are$ouses or +or4s$ops.
2. Articles ()" and (!" in respect of entrance access and exit to and from car par4ing lots s$all appl to t$e ,oading and offloading 2as. c. ,oading and offloading 2a s$all 2e eit$er to s4 or covered. In case it is covered t$e minimum entrance and ceiling $eig$t s$all not 2e less t$an (1)" ft.
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rticle !4*# Simming pools
a. No s+imming pools s$all 2e 2uilt except after o2taining a construction permit from t$e competent department. 2. Provisions of environment protection control applica2le in t$e mirate s$all 2e full o2servation as regards construction and operation of s+imming pools6 +it$ particular reference to o2taining t$e preliminar approval of t$e Department of nvironmental 'ontrol at t$e unicipalit as a condition for licensing of s+imming pool. *$e competent department ma exempt s+imming pools. I residential 2uildings from some of t$ese conditions. c. Su27ect to an ot$er conditions or re;uirements stipulated under t$e environment protection and pu2lic $ealt$ legislations6 t$e s+imming pools s$all $ave to satisf all safet and pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements +it$ particular reference to t$e follo+ing. 1.
Sstem for filtering and sterili8ations of +ater.
Appling cleaning and sterili8ation.
5t$er control measure for safet and pu2lic $ealt$ to 2e ta4en during t$e design p$ase and at t$e time of operation.
d. S+imming pools s$all 2e provided +it$ ladder stairs as per follo+ing condition 1.
A ladder s$all 2e provided as a necessar if dept$ more t$an (" feet.
Provide at least (1" ladder for ever (1##" feet of t$e total perip$er of t$e pool.
S+imming pool ladder s$all 2e corrosion resistant6 and s$all 2e provided +it$ non:slipper stepping surfaces +it$ at least ()" inc$es clearance from t$e +all.
In case of providing recessed steps in t$e +all t$e surface t$ereof s$all 2e non:slipper6 +it$ self disc$arge. inimum +idt$ of step s$all 2e (-" inc$es and minimum $eig$t of step s$all 2e (1" foot and (" inc$es.
S+imming pool s$all 2e provided +it$ a side 2alustrade t$at extends around t$e +ater surface on 2ot$ sides of t$e ladder of t$e recessed +all steps.
S+imming pools +it$ steps onl ma 2e permitted in case t$e dept$ is s$allo+ and does not exceed (3" feet and ()" inc$es. Page /1 of 93
e. S+imming pools s$all 2e provided +it$ s$o+ers and fool 2at$s at t$e rate of (1" for eac$ (" feet of t$e pool perip$er6 su27ect to a minimum of (1" eac$. Pools s$all 2e provided +it$ toilets and c$anging rooms in suc$ +a as to matc$ t$e pool perip$er. f. Diving to+ers and 2oards s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements. 1. A clear $ead $eig$t a2ove t$e diving 2oard. 5f a least (1-" feet for $ead movement. .
Diving 2oards s$all 2e full covered 2 anti slipper material.
inimum +ater dept$ underneat$ a diving 2oard fitted at (3.3" feet of less a2ove +ater surface s$all 2e at lest (." feet. Dept$ of +ater underneat$ s$all increases at t$e rate of (1" foot for eac$ (3.3" feet of $eig$t or an part t$ereof.
A $ori8ontal spacing at least (1#" feet s$all separate 2et+een t$e diving 2oards and 2et+een an diving 2oard and t$e side +all of t$e pool.
g. S+imming pools s$all 2e provided +it$ ade;uate lig$ting 2ot$ a2ove and underneat$ t$e +ater surface in suc$ a +a as to provide ade;uate lig$ting for t$e overall area of t$e pool including t$e 2ottom +it$out causing a reflections of glare or electrical s$oc4s or 2odil in7uries. $. ver electrical circuit s$all 2e provided +it$ eart$ lea4age circuit 2rea4er. i.
S+imming pools s$all 2e surrounded on all sides 2 non slipper surfaces +it$ (1 to )#" ramp slope directing +ater a+a from t$e pool. Suc$ surfaces s$all 2e provided +it$ +ater drainage facilities.
Sign2oards s$o+ing +ater dept$ s$all 2e fitted +$et$er on surface edge or on t$e pool +all at t$e maximum and minimum dept$ and at t$e point of c$ange of slope.
4. S+imming pools s$all 2e provided +it$ drainage net+or46 strainers6 and filters for impurities6 clearing6 and rescue and safet e;uipment in accordance +it$ approved environmental protection conditions. l.
A $ig$ level c$air s$all 2e fitted for t$e life guard and appropriate place s$all 2e arranged for directive sign2oards for t$e pool users.
rticle !42# 'lumbing or1s
Page / of 93
a. No plum2ing +or4s s$all proceed on side except after o2taining a construction permit from t$e competent department. 2.
aterial selected in t$e deign for plum2ing +or4s s$all conform +it$ standard specification s land do+n 2 t$e competent department.
rticle !43# %erms and conditions of plumbing or1s+
*$e follo+ing documents and dra+ings s$all 2e su2mitted as minimum plum2ing +or4s re;uirements +$en appling for constriction permit. 1.
Receipt for pament of drainage connection fees in case a pu2lic net+or4 exists and t$e =.I.'. document s$o+ing t$e connection location on suc$ net+or4.
Dra+ing s$o+ing specification6 terms and conditions applica2le to drainage as per instructions of t$e competent department6 dul signed 2 t$e 'onsultant ngineer.
Setting out plan indicating t$e pu2lic drainage lines ( if an passing t$roug$ t$e area in t$e vicinit of t$e relevant plot and t$e external drainage lines6 inspection c$am2ers +it$in t$e plot 2oundaries6 final inspection c$am2er6 =I'. ,ocation6 pu2lic drainage lines and t$eir levels septic tan4 and a2sorption $ole in case of non existence of a pu2lic drainage net+or4.
Page /3 of 93
Plum2ing and domestic +ater suppl dra+ings for all floors of t$e 2uilding.
An ot$er documents or details t$at ma 2e re;uired 2 t$e competent department
Surface of t$e sanitar +are fittings suc$ as toilets6 urinals6 +as$ 2asins6 s$all 2e of t$e ga8ed tpe6 easil +as$a2le6 and non a2sor2ent. Suc$ fittings s$all 2e designed in suc$ +a as to prevent settlement of residuals t$roug$ a valve protected against vapori8ation and drness of its +ater. *oilet flus$ing 2oxes and urinals s$ould $ave an effective design capa2le of flus$ing of all +aste material and $eav dut and dura2le enoug$ to ta4e t$e operation load in case of pu2lic places.
In to+er 2uilding of less t$an (#" store $eig$t6 drainage connecting of t$e ground floor s$all 2e $oo4ed up separatel and directl to 2e inspection c$am2er. It s$all not 2e $oo4ed up to t$e same vertical ducts t$at 2elong to t$e $ig$er floors.
In to+er 2uildings of more t$an (#" store $eig$t drainage connection of 2ot$ t$e ground and first floors s$all 2e $oo4ed up separatel and directl to t$e inspection c$am2er. *$e s$all not 2e $oo4ed up to t$e same vertical ducts t$at 2elong to t$e $ig$er floors.
Internal drainage sstem of 2uildings s$all 2e provided +it$ ventilating pipes as appropriate. Si8e of suc$ pipes s$all 2e ade;uate enoug$ for t$e application.
Drainage +ater of 2ides s$all not 2e $oo4ed up t$e drainage pipe leading to t$e floor drainage or t$e regular drainage risers. *$e s$all 2e $oo4ed up directl to t$e +or4ing (MM" Ducts or to t$e inspection c$am2ers t$roug$ a deep +ater valve.
@or4ing and regular drainage pipes 2uried under ground s$all 2e made up of ro2ust material. *$e diameters and pitc$ do+n slopes s$all 2e in accordance +it$ specifications to 2e issued 2 t$e competent department. Pipe connections s$all 2e air tig$t free from an lea4age or an o2stacle inside t$e pipes. Pipe material s$all 2e capa2le of ta4ing a minimum pressure of 1# feet Page /) of 93
of +ater. Suc$ pipes s$all 2e spread around in suc$ a +a as to suit t$e prevailing conditions and loading on t$e soil and as per t$e relevant pipe manufacturer. $.
An inspection c$am2er s$all 2e fitted at eac$ point +$ere t$e direction of drainage pipes s$all c$ange or at +$ic$ t$e degree of slope s$all c$ange or at connection point 2et+een a 2ranc$ and a main line. Distance 2et+een t+o successive inspection $oles s$all not exceed (!#" feet. Inspection c$am2ers s$all 2e competent department.
No inspection $oles s$all 2e dug inside roofed 2uilding except in c$utes6 corridors6 service rooms6 car s$eds and ade;uatel ventilated corridors. Suc$ $oles s$all 2e of t$e dr tpe. Drainage pipes +$ic$ extend underneat$ flooring and inside +alls s$all 2e protected from an external +or4s or against settlement of floors. Suc$ installations s$all 2e provided +it$ inspection service doors at distances not exceeding ()" feet.
All inspection $oles s$all 2e dug +it$in t$e 2oundaries of t$e plot. During ma4ing t$e design and selecting locations of inspection $oles6 care s$ould 2e ta4en to select t$e appropriate location of t$e last inspection c$am2er in terms of easiness of connection to t$e pu2lic drainage net+or4 and fulfilment of re;uirement of t$e department concerned.
All 2asement levels s$all 2e provided +it$ appropriate means and +as for drainage and filtration of +ater suc$ as sand separation rooms6 pumps6 grease traps6Eetc. In case grease traps are not re;uired in t$e current proposed design arrangements s$all 2e made in order to allo+ fitting t$em +$enever re;uired.
Drainage pipes and ducts s$all not pass t$roug$ columns6 2eams6 foundations and electrical rooms except if t$e competent department permits t$at in +$ic$ case pipes s$all pass t$roug$ pre:arranged openings to 2e s$aped in advance prior to pouring concrete. Pipes s$all also 2e provided +it$ t$e necessar flexi2le 7oints.
In case a large ;uantit of grease is disc$arged into t$e pu2lic net+or4 form restaurants or 4itc$ens and li4e a grease and oil valve of design approved 2 t$e department concerned s$all 2e fitted.
'ommercial and industrial +aste s$all not 2e drained into t$e pu2lic drainage net+or4 except +it$ t$e appropriate. Suc$ approval facilities for preliminar processing of suc$ +aste s$all $ave 2een provided. 0eater +ater at temperature exceeding (3/" degrees. 'elsius s$all not 2e drained into t$e pu2lic drainage net+or4 except after cooling it.
Page /! of 93
rticle !44# 'lumbing utilities
=ollo+ing are t$e minimum plum2ing utilities to 2e provided in 2uilding6 su27ect to a percentage of (/!J" of toilets in pu2lic 2uilding to 2e of t$e oriental toilet design. *+
Residential units ac$ residential unit in a 2uilding s$all 2e provided +it$ t$e necessar plum2ing utilities suc$ as 2at$rooms6 toilets and 4itc$en. At least one 2at$room s$all not $ave access t$roug$ an residential room.
Studio apartments ac$ studio apartment in t$e 2uilding s$all 2e provided +it$ t$e necessar plum2ing utilities suc$ as 2at$rooms6 toilets and space for preparing meals.
5ffices6 s$ops and s$o+rooms. 3.1
5ne attac$ed toilet s$all 2e provided for eac$ office or one toilet for eac$ (6###" s;uare feet of t$e open space offices in case of common toilets. 3.
S-ops and s-orooms+
At least one toilet s$all 2e provided for t$e commercial space of an area from ( 1 to 36###" s;uare feet and t+o toilets ( one for gents and one for ladies" for a commercial are from (36###1" to (1#6###" s;uare feet. =or an area in excess of t$at6 an additional toilet for gents and an additional toilet6 for ladies s$all 2e added for eac$ additional (1#6###" s;uare feet. ).
Commercial centers and public recreational buildings .
).1 At least (3" Nos. gents toilets and (" Nos. ladies s$all 2e provided for an commercial or recreational area for (1" to (1#6###" s;uare feet in area. =or an area in excess of t$at6 one additional gents toilet and one additional toilet for ladies s$all 2e added for eac$ additional (!6###" s;uare feet. *oilets for ladies s$all 2e e;ual to $alf t$e num2er of gentsC toilets.
Page /- of 93
At least one additional gents toilet and ladies toilet for people +it$ special needs s$all 2e provided in case t$e commercial or recreational area exceeds (#6###" s;uare feet.
(abour accommodation+
!.1. Plum2ing utilities s$ale provided in accordance +it$ Article (31" of t$ese Regulations. !.. *oilets s$all 2e separated form +as$ 2asins and foot 2at$ in case of consolidated services. -.
urseries and sc-ools+
Plum2ing utilities s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ Article (3)" of t$ese Regulations. /.
@are-ouses and or1s-op .
5ne toilet and one +as$ 2asin to 2e provided for eac$ +are$ouse of +or4s$op. In case of consolidated services6 one toilet and one +as$ 2asin s$all 2e provided for eac$ (!6###" s;uare feet t$e first ten t$ousand s;uare feet of t$e total area of t$e 2uilding6 t$ereafter one toilet and one +as$ 2asin for eac$ (1!6###" s;uare feet t$at follo+ings t$e first ten t$ousand. @as$ 2asins s$all 2e fitted outside o f toilets. . Hotels -otel restaurants and motels . Plum2ing utilities s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ Article (3/" of t$ese Regulations. + Mos:ues+
Plum2ing utilities s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ Article (3" of t$ese Regulations. 1#.
t-er speciali7es buildings
Plum2ing utilities s$all 2e provided in accordance +it$ approved intentional specification and dimensions.
rticle !4"# Septic tan1s and absorption -oles+
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In case of non:existence of a pu2lic drainage net+or4 in t$e +$ere a 2uilding in proposed to 2e constructed 2uilding s$all 2e provided 2 septic tan4 or drainage as per follo+ing provisions. a.
All suc$ tan4s s$all 2e situated +it$in t$e plot 2oundaries.
*o 2e accessi2le from t$e road or passage and far from t$e main 2uilding and t$e neig$2ours. asil accessi2le for cleaning evacuations and maintenance. ,ocations s$all 2e su27ect to approval 2 t$e competent department. Suc$ tan4s s$ould 2e capa2le of 2eing connected in future +it$ t$e pu2lic drainage net+or4.
Suc$ tan4s s$all 2e made of reinforced concrete in order to ta4e t$e load of ve$icle traffic if necessar.
*an4s s$all $ave an opening of ade;uate si8e +it$ a $eav dut loc4a2le cover.
Suc$ tan4s s$all $ave not rise a2ove t$e finis$ed ground level of t$e site in +$ic$ it is situated.
Suc$ tan4s s$all $ave ade;uate capacit. 'apacit s$all 2e calculated on 2asis of dail personal consumptions as per standard ta2les.
*an4s to 2e situated as a distance not less t$an (3" feet and ()" inc$es from near 2 2uildings and 2oundar +alls if suc$ tan4s +ere ma4e of non penetrating reinforced concrete.6 and (1#" feet in case of 2loc4 +or4. Dept$ t$ereof s$all not 2e less t$an (!" feet from t$e level of 2ottom surface of t$e pipe connected to t$e $ole inlet.
In t$e areas of $ig$ level underground +ater or +$ere t$e rate of +ater a2sorption in t$e soil is not ade;uate6 tan4s for collection of drainage +ater s$all 2e used for collection and t$ereafter transportations to points 2e determined 2 t$e department concerned.
Design of septic tan4 and a2sorption $ole s$all 2e in accordance +it$ approved standard specification. Septic tan4 s$all 2e provided +it$ ventilation pipe as per re;uirements of t$e competent department. All t$e tan4 openings s$all 2e covered in suc$ a +a as to prevent insects from entering.
xcept for residential 2uildings6 grease and oil traps s$all 2e provided for 4itc$ens and meal preparations pantries.
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rticle !4)# Drainage of rain ater
Appropriate means of collection and disposal of rain+ater s$all 2e adopted in suc$ a +a as to prevent from lea4 into t$e 2uilding.
=inis$ing of an exposed roof of an 2uilding s$all allo+ for a slope of not less t$an (1 to !#" and not more t$an (1 to /#" in order for +ater to flo+ eit$er to+ards a suita2le collection gutter or an exit t$at leads to drainage pipe or appropriate +aterspout.
Rain +ater collection ducts6 exits a drainage pipes s$all 2e given a pitc$ do+n a slope of not less t$an (1 to 9#" and to 2e made of ro2ust material6 complete +it$ +ater proof 7oints of ade;uate si8es and fitted in a safe and relia2le manner.
Rain+ater s$all not 2e drainage into t$e drainage pipes or septic tan4s or a2sorption $oles or into neig$2oursC premises. Suc$ rain+ater s$all 2e drained on t$e surface directl into t$e road or t$e passage. In co:ordination +it$ t$e department concerned6 rain+ater ma 2e drained directl into t$e pu2lic rain+ater net+or4 or into t$e a2sorption $oles.
Residual +aste +ater s$all not 2e drained into t$e rain+ater drainage net+or4 +$atever t$e reasons mig$t 2e.
rticle !4,# Domestic ater supply
Specification of material used6 design of net+or4 and +or4mans$ip of all domestic +ater suppl installation6 s$all conform +it$ specification laid do+n 2 Du2ai lectricit and @ater Aut$orit.
ac$ 2uilding or premises s$all 2e connected to t$e pu2lic domestic +ater suppl net+or46 unless an ot$er alterative +ater suppl6 source dul approved 2 t$e competent department6 s$all $ave 2een adopted.
rticle !4.# Domestic ater tan1s
Domestic +ater tan4s s$all 2e manufactured of material t$at does not rust nor corrode. Suc$ material s$all not adversel affect t$e nature or c$emical c$aracteristics of +ater and s$all not cause an c$ange in t$e colour or taste or odour of +ater. *$e s$all not 2e affected 2 eit$er temperature or $umidit. Suc$ material s$all not penetrate lig$ting and s$all not cause an $armful effect on t$e $uman $ealt$.
Page /9 of 93
Domestic +ater suppl tan4s s$all 2e provided +it$ loc4a2le inspection openings of ade;uate si8e of cleaning. *$e s$all 2e of t$e dou2le seal tpe speciall designed for tan4s. Dimensions of suc$ openings s$all 2e ade;uate enoug$ in order to allo+ a person to gain access into t$e tan4 for clearing. 5penings s$all 2e located a+a from t$e direct da to da movements and sources of contaminations. Inspection opening s$all 2e positioned $ig$er t$an t$e floor level.
Design of tan4 s$all ta4e into consideration t$at t$e tan4 2e free from s$arp corners t$at ma accumulate dirt or micro2es or prevent from periodical cleaning.
*an4s s$all 2e provided +it$ openings for incoming +ater suppl and for draining of cleaning +ater. Also openings for ventilation. Suc$ openings s$all 2e of ade;uate si8e t$at matc$es si8e of t$e tan4. Distri2ution openings to 2e positioned at a $eig$t not lees t$an .) inc$es from t$e level of t$e 2ottom of t$e tan4 and t$e cleaning +ater drainage openings at t$e 2ottom of t$e tan4. 5penings for filling t$e tan4 and ventilations opening s$all 2e positioned at t$e top part of t$e tan4. Suc$ openings s$all 2e provided +it$ values in order to control t$e flo+ from and into t$e tan4. entilation pipe s$all 2e designed in suc$ a +a as to prevent entr of an material or inspects t$at ma contaminate t$e tan4. All suc$ openings and connections t$ereto s$all 2e manufactured of anti rust material +it$out $aving an $a8ardous effect on $uman $ealt$.
@ater suppl tan4s s$all 2e positioned in a clean area for from an source of contamination. *$e s$all 2e elevated on supports up to a $eig$t of not less t$an inc$es from t$e floor level. *$e tan4 s$all 2e fitted in suc$ a +a as not to $armful affect t$e roofing coatings of t$e roof. In is prefera2le to install t$e tan4 in a s$aded area. It s$ould not cause an ee soar not prevent free movement on t$e roof.
@ater tan4 s$all 2e cleaned at least once ever six mont$s. aterial used for cleaning s$all not include toxic material or an material $armful to pu2lic $ealt$. 'leaning process s$all conform +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ re;uirements.
,ocations of +ater tan4s s$all 2e c$osen as far possi2le from drainage net+or4 lines6 inspection c$am2er6 septic tan4s and a2sorption $oles. In all cases drainage pipe line s$all not 2e permitted to run a2ove or next to domestic +ater tan4s in case suc$ tan4s are fitted underground.
'apacit of domestic +ater suppl tan4s 2e calculated on 2asis of actual demand of t$e 2uilding occupants and as stipulated 2 t$e competent department.
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*$e Inspector s$all $ave access to an part of t$e 2uilding in order to conduct inspection on +ater suppl tan4s in order to ensure compliance +it$ pu2lic $ealt$ conditions and tec$nical specifications.
rticle !4# Storage of domestic coo1ing gas cylinders
*$e follo+ing minimum re;uirement conditions s$all 2e fulfilled 2 t$e space used for storage of domestic coo4ing gas clinders. a.
Storage or safe 4eeping of domestic coo4ing gas clinders s$all 2e limited to covered spaces +it$ ade;uate ventilation. Suc$ space s$all 2e c$osen outside t$e 4itc$en or t$e residential ;uarters.
Storage space for coo4ing gas clinders in case of pu2ic 2uildings s$all 2e ade;uatel ventilated and easil accessi2le in order to replace empt clinders. Suc$ space s$all 2e capa2le of 2eing isolated in order to flig$t fire s$ould t$ere 2e an $a8ard.
All coo4ing gas piping installations s$all 2e erected n accordance +it$ specifications approved 2 t$e competent department.
In case a central store for coo4ing gas clinders is situated in a 2uilding6 t$e landlord s$all conduct an annual inspection to all gas pipes and connections leading to residential units in order to ensure t$at suc$ installations are safe and sound and are free from an lea4age.
All coo4ing gas stores s$all 2e provided +it$ fire fig$ting and fire alarm sstems in accordance +it$ specifications and conditions lain do+n 2 t$e competent department. =ire fig$ting e;uipment s$all 2e maintained on regular 2asis.
Inflamma2le material suc$ as ve$icle tres6 card2oard and paper s$all not 2e stored along +it$ coo4ing gas clinders.
rticle !"0# ?nsulation material
@ater proofing and $eat resistant material s$all 2e su27ect to t$e follo+ing conditions a.
%at$room6 toilets and 4itc$en flooring s$all 2e provided +it$ insulation material.
@ater proofing and $eat resistant s$all 2e fitted on t$e roof top in order to protect it from +ater lea4 and solar effects.
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Insulation laers s$all 2e put around t$e 2uilding su2:structures up to (1" foot $eig$t a2ove nature ground level.
All categories of metals t$at can 2ecome rust s$all 2e protected 2 insulation and paint. *$e s$all 2e maintained on regular 2asis6 +it$ particular reference to drainage and +ater suppl pipes.
*erms and conditions listed user t$e approved $eat insulation regulations issued 2 t$e competent s$all 2e complied +it$ in t$e design6 execution and calculation of 2uildings t$ermal and electrical engineering +or4s. *$ese s$all include (ceilings +alls6 +indo+s6 doors6 2uilding orientation6 landscaping and plantations6 electrical lig$ting mec$anical ventilation6 air conditioning6..etc".
rticle !"*# %erms and conditions of garbage 9 aste collections rooms
%uildings6 residential complexes6 industrial6 educational6 $ealt$care6 recreational6 and touristic premises s$all 2e provided +it$ gar2age collection room situated +it$ t$e 2orders of t$e relevant plot and inside t$e 2oundar +all. A room in t$e ground floor or same 2uilding ma 2e allocated for suc$ purpose and 2e used for collecting gar2age prior to disposal t$ereof outside t$e 2uilding.
Bar2age room s$all satisf t$e follo+ing re;uirements 1. ,ocation s$all eit$er 2e near to t$e road or t$e passage in t$e a2sence of a road in order to facilitate process of removal of gar2age and its transportations to 2e gar2age collection ve$icles. . Dimensions of t$e entrance s$all 2e ade;uate to permit t$e eas entr and exit of gar2age containers. ntrances s$all 2e provided +it$ ramps +it$ ramps of appropriate slope for suc$ purpose. 3. Dimensions and area of rooms and gar2age collection points s$all 2e as stipulated in Article (!" of t$ese Regulations. ). =looring and full $eig$t of grange rooms s$all covered +it$ ceramic tiles in order to facilitate cleaning. !. *o 2e provided +it$ +ater directs from t$e +ater suppl net+or4 or form t$e $ig$ level tan4. -. *o 2e connected to t$e drainage pipes of t$e 2uilding. /. *o $ave ade;uate lig$ting and 2e provided +it$ an efficient ventilation sstem. Page of 93
. All +indo+s to 2e air tig$t and protected 2 a metal mes$ +ire screen in order to prevent insects and rodents from getting into t$e room. 9. 'ollection room door s$all 2e made of anti rust metal (aluminium" and s$all 2e provided +it$ ventilation louvers or an mec$anical ventilation. Doors s$all open outside. 1#. Bar2age container collection room s$all 2e situated in t$e ground floor. Its finis$ed floor level s$all not 2e lo+er t$an t$e datum surveing line. Room entrance s$all 2e directl loo4ing s$all 2e covered +it$ +as$a2le ceramic tiles and s$all 2e provided +it$ +ater suppl point. c.
*$e 2uilding s$all 2e provided +it$ a gar2age c$ute in case t$e 2uilding $eig$t exceeds t$ree floors a2ove t$e ground floor and 2uilding area exceeds 6!## s;uare feet. e88anine floor s$all not 2e included as a floor in case its functional use is interconnected +it$ ground floor.
In case of plots of less area t$an (!6###" s;uare feet6 t$e gar2age c$ute ma 2e replaced +it$ s$all gar2age collections rooms of si8e ) x - s;uare feet in eac$ floor in additions to main gar2age rooms in t$e ground floor. @idt$ of door entrance of suc$ small rooms s$all not 2e less t$an 3 feet. Suc$ door s$all 2e open outside and s$all 2e provided +it$ automatic door closer. ec$anical ventilations s$all 2e provided for t$ese rooms. No ventilation louvers s$all 2e permitted.
Diameter of t$e gar2age c$ute for collecting gar2age from floors to 'ollation s$all not 2e less t$an (" feet. A small c$am2er of (3 ft x 3 ft" area s$all 2e included in eac$ floor in order to provided access to t$e gar2age c$ute. @idt$ of entrance door to suc$ room s$all not 2e less feet and inc$es. Its door s$all open outside. An automatic door closing mec$anism s$all 2e fitted.
In case of 2uildings +$ere t$e gar2age c$ute is not a re;uirement6 if t$e floor area exceeds (1#6###" s;uare feet6 small rooms of ()ft x -ft" area s$all 2e provided in ever floor for collection of garages. @idt$ of suc$ door s$all not 2e less t$an (3" feet and s$all open outside. An automatic door closing mec$anism s$all 2e fitted. Room s$all 2e provided +it$ mec$anical ventilation. No ventilation door louvers s$all 2e permitted.
Bar2age c$ute ma 2e replaced +it$ service lift to 2e fitted in a location isolated form main passenger lifts. Small collection rooms of an area e;ual to t$e lifts area s$all 2e provided in eac$ floor. *$e lift s$all 2e located close to t$e main gar2age collection room of t$e 2uilding.
*$e 2uilding landlord or $is aut$ori8ed representative s$all 2e responsi2le for t$e overall state of cleanliness 2ot$ +it$in t$e 2uilding and in t$e external Page 3 of 93
areas t$at surround it up o t$e 2oundaries of t$e pu2lic road. Also for transportation and deliver of gar2age containers from t$e gar2age room to t$e nearest road at t$e times specified for t$at plus returning suc$ containers 2ac4 to t$e gar2age rooms after evacuation. i.
Regular compactors s$all not suffice in lieu of t$e num2er of containers or t$e area of t$e gar2age collection room.
If t$e location of t$e c$ute is far from t$e roads surrounding t$e plot6 t$e gar2age collection room s$all 2e located near to t$e road or t$e passage in case of non existence of a road.
Active c$emical +aste material6 toxic material or li;uids and or an ot$er $a8ardous material s$all not 2e put inside t$e gar2age containers.
In order to contri2ute to t$e environmental protection efforts6 gar2age s$ould 2e recalculated. =or suc$ purpose6 gar2age containers s$all 2e classified ad per t$e categor of gar2age (paper6 glass+are6.. etc.".
rticle !"2# Dimensions of garbage collections rooms
In t$e 2uildings of less area t$an 6### s;uare feet6 a gar2age room of ()ft x -ft " s$all 2e re;uired onl in t$e ground floor. Suc$ room s$all 2e provided +it$ mec$anical ventilation. @idt$ of t$e room door s$all not 2e less t$an 3 feet. An automatic door closing mec$anism s$all 2e fitted.
In t$e 2uilding or more area t$an 6### s;uare feet6 gar2age rooms s$all 2e provided as per follo+ing details. 1.
Rooms t$at accommodates one container of 1.1 cu2ic mt capacit.
Room t$at accommodates one container of .! cu2ic mt capacit or t+o containers of 1.1 cu2ic mt capacit eac$
Room t$at accommodates to+ containers of .! cu2ic mt capacit eac$
Room t$at accommodates t$ree containers of .! cu2ic mt capacit eac$
Room t$at accommodates four containers of .! cu2ic mt capacit eac$
Page ) of 93
ore t$an 16### 4g of gar2age
Num2er of gar2age collection rooms s$all 2e determined 2 studing eac$ case Alternativel t$e same a2ove rates s$all appl to $alf t$e ;uantit in excess of 16### 4gs.
Huantit of gar2age s$all 2e calculated in accordance +it$ follo+ing rates 1. Residential use at t$e rate of 1 4g for eac$ 16### s;uare feet of t$e foundation area. . 'ommercial use6 at t$e rate of 1 4g for eac$ 16### s;uare feet of t$e functional area. 3. 5ffice use6 at t$e rate of ! 4g for eac$ 16### s;uare feet of t$e functional area. ). 0otels6 at t$e rate of 3 4g for eac$ room6 ! 4gs for eac$ suite. *$e remaining elements s$all depend on t$e tpe of 2usiness activit.
In order to determine t$e area of gar2age collection rooms6 t$e follo+ing dimensions s$all 2e endorsed 1. Bar2age collection rooms s$all accommodate all t$e re;uired containers as per t$eir standard si8e as follo+s. 1.1
Dimension of .! cu2ic meter container s$all 2e ().1/ feet x ).)- feet" or (1 cm x 13-"
Dimension of .! cu2ic meter container s$all 2e ().- feet x -./# feet" or (1) cm x #)"
. A clearance of (1" foot s$all 2e left 2et+een t$e containers and t$e +alls of t$e gar2age room. 3. A clearance of (1" foot s$all 2e left in 2et+een containers on all sides. ). A clearance of (" feet s$all 2e left 2et+een t$e container and t$e front facade of t$e room in +$ic$ t$e door t$at leads to t$e gar2age room is situated. !. @idt$ of t$e inner passage of t$e gar2age room s$all not 2e less t$an ()" feet.
Page ! of 93
@idt$ of t$e gar2age room door s$all 2e ade;uate enoug$ to allo+ t$e eas entr and exit of container. Suc$ +idt$ s$all not 2e less t$an a minimum of (-" feet.
0eig$t of t$e gar2age room s$all not 2e less t$an (" feet as a minimum.
Dimensions and door of t$e gar2age s$all depend on t$e met$od of movement of containers inside it and accessi2ilit to all containers for moving t$em to+ards t$e door.
In $otels and speciali8ed premises6 a $draulic compressor ma 2e provided after special stud s$all $ave 2een su2mitted and t$e department concerned s$all $ave 2een o2tained provided t$at its si8e s$all not 2e less t$an re;uired.
In educational institution 2uilding6 a collections complex for gar2age containers s$all 2e provided. Its space s$all 2e ade;uate for t+o containers of .! cu2ic meters6 one to 2e allocated for papers and t$e ot$er for ot$er +aste material.
In $ealt$care institution 2uildings a collection complex for gar2age containers s$all 2e provided. Its space s$all 2e ade;uate for to+ containers or .! cu2ic meters in additional to container necessar for patient rooms6 offices and administrative areas. 'apacit to 2e calculated on 2asis of 1 4g for eac$ 16### s;uare ft of t$e net area.
In la2our accommodation 2uildings. A collection complex ade;uate enoug$ to accommodate t$e re;uired gar2age containers. It space s$all 2e ade;uate for one containers of .! cu2ic metres for eac$ 1#6### s;uare ft of t$e total 2uilding area su27ect to a minimum of one container.
In industrial 2uilding (+are$ouses or lig$t dut +or4s$ops" a collection complex not less t$an (1#ft x 1#ft" +it$ +as$a2le floor tiles and +ater suppl outlet for +as$ing. Space s$all 2e ade;uate enoug$ to accommodate t$e re;uired gar2age container at t$e rate of one container of .! cu2ic meters for eac$ #6### s;uare ft of t$e total 2uilding area. In $eav industrial 2uilding6 speciali8ed industries6 sports clu2s6 gar2age rooms and categor and num2er of gar2age rooms s$all 2e determined according to relevant studies to 2e proved 2 t$e competent department
In residential villas6 t$e follo+ing s$all 2e ta4en into consideration 1. In compound comprising investment villas6 consolidated gar2age rooms s$all 2e provided as per specifications outlined in Article (!1" $erein and t$e follo+ing ta2le.
Page - of 93
No. of villas
'ontainer capacit
No. of containers
1 1#
.! cu2ic mt
11 #
.! cu2ic mt
1 : 3#
.! cu2ic mt
31 : )#
.! cu2ic mt
. In case t$e num2er of villas in one compound exceeds )# villas6 1 No. container of .! cu2ic mt s$all 2e provided for eac$ ten. A stud for t$e gar2age collection procedure including transportation to a collection area provided +it$ compacting containers ma 2e su2mitted for su2mitted for approval 2 t$e department concerned. 3. In case increase in t$e num2er of containers in one compound a2ove t$e num2er stipulated in t$is Article6 t$e num2er of gar2age collection rooms s$all 2e increased to more t$an one room. n.
'ategor and capacit of containers in industrial areas la2our accommodation areas and in some speciali8ed pro7ects ma 2e replaced +it$ ot$er categories as approved 2 t$e department concerns.
rticle !"3# Structural conditions .
a. Structural design of t$e 2uildings s$all 2e done 2 a ;ualified structural engineer licensed to practice t$e profession and approved 2 t$e competent department. 2. Re;uirements to ensure efficienc and relia2ilit of 2uildings. %uilding and all t$eir components and +ell as material used t$erein6 t$ereof in s$all $ave to satisf t$e minimum safet standards and long life tune assurance against follo+ing factors 1. *$e most dangerous stresses and loads or com2inations t$ereof in respect of effects on t$e 2uilding including com2inations of stresses and loads t$at cause serial and successive collapsing. . An ot$er effects including corrosion of steel +$ic$ t$e 2uilding ma 2e su27ected to. Page / of 93
rticle !"4# ppro/ed Codes+
%uildings and structures s$all 2e designed in accordance +it$ standard codes applica2le in ngland and listed $ereunder6 or ot$er codes approved 2 t$e competent department or an updates t$ereof satisf t$e re;uirements of t$is Regulation. a.
(oad codes
Dead and live loads affecting 2uildings. %ritis$ standard (%S" code N#. -3996 part one QBeneralQ 199-6 su27ect to follo+ing exceptions.
,ive load on me88anine floor s$all not 2e less t$an (! GNs;uare mt" in commercial and industrial 2uildings.
,ive load s$all not 2e less t$an 3.! GN s;uare mt in car par4ing 2uildings and car par4ing levels in ot$er 2uildings.
,ive load in design of flat sla2s sand post tensioning slaps s$all not 2e less t$an 3 GN s;uare mt in all 2uildings t$at ma 2e exposed to live load less t$an suc$ figure. @all loads s$all also 2e added to t$e live loads.
@ind effect 9 loads
%ritis$ standard (%S" code No. -3996 part t+o QBeneralQ 199!6 or %ritis$ standard (%S" code No. 36 '$apter =ive6 part t+o6 19/. In s$ould 2e noted t$at design +ind speed in Du2ai in )! mt second. 3+
(i/e loads on roofs
%ritis$ standard code No. %S -3996 part t$ree6 19. Dnamic effects and concentration of loads resulting from air:conditioning e;uipment +ater tan4s sand collection6 landing of $elicopters s$all all 2e ta4en into consideration. )
8art-:ua1e loads
).1 American <%' %uilding 'ode6 '$apter sixteen6 divisions from III to 6 199/6 ta4ing into consideration follo+ing factors in calculating t$e $ori8ontal forces e;uivalent to effects of eart$;ua4es. ). Soil factor to 2e sleeted on 2asis of (Se" factor for coastal areas6 areas in +$ic$ t$e underground +ater level is $ig$ sand soil. Page of 93
c+ Design codes
1. =oundations su2:structures %S ##) 199/. . Reinforced concrete structures of pre:stressed concrete or regular concrete. %S N#. (11#" .1 %S 11#6 part one 199/
. %S 11# part6 3 19! 3.
Steel structures
%S ))9 Part. *o+ 19-9 or %S !9!# 3.1 3. 3.3 3.) ).
%S !9!# part 16 19! %S !9!# part 6 19! %S !9!# part )6 19 %S !9!# part !6 19/
'omplex steel structures %ritis$ standard 'P 11/6 part 1 19-!
'oncrete 2loc4 structures %ritis$ standard !-6 part one6 19/ 19!6 as read +it$ part t$ree of same code for 19! plus local orders issued 2 unicipalit in respect of concrete 2loc4s.
Aluminum structures %ritis$ standards 'ode 'P 1 19-9
*im2er structures %S !- part 19-9 and %S !- part 3 19!
c. 5t$er design codes
Page 9 of 93
Structural designs ma 2e prepared 2 referring to 2uilding codes ot$er t$an %ritis$ codes6 provided t$at approval of competent department s$all $ave 2een o2tained.
rticle !""# Design and e
In order to prevent serial successive collapsing of all 2uilding of ! or more floors (inclusive of 2asements" t$e follo+ing s$all 2e ta4en into consideration 1.
ain and sensitive elements in t$e structural s$all 2e designed in order to ta4e an exceptional external force of 3) Gilo Ne+ton s;uare mt acting alternativel on all sides of suc$ element6 in addition to ot$er loads to +$ic$ suc$ element is exposed.
All structural elements s$all 2e designed in order to allo+ containing an collapsing immediatel +$en it ta4es place6 +it$in /# s;uare mt or 1!J of t$e floor area +$ic$ever is less for t$e relevant floor6 t$e one rig$t a2ove it and t$e rig$t 2elo+ it".
Re;uirements under item ( a " in t$is Article ma 2e fulfilled for five floor 2uildings or $ig$er6 at t$e time of construction after tal4ind into consideration t$e code regulations in connection +it$ tie 2eams inside t$e 2uilding or misuse of t$e 2uilding or in case of accidents6 and after compling +it$ t$e follo+ing. 1.
%S 11#6 clause ... part 1 199/ and clause - part 19! for concrete structures and per:stressed concrete.
%S !9!#6 clause .).!.36 part 1 199# steel structures.
%S !-6 clause 3/ 6 part 1 19!.
'ompliance +it$ a2ove clauses reduces t$e structures a2ilit to collapse.
rticle eart-:ua1e design
=or purpose of reali8ing re;uirements listed under su2:article (a" of t$is Article6 design of 2uildings of ! or more floor $eig$ts s$all ta4e into consideration eart$;ua4e stresses as stipulated under Article .1 d. d+
Design for anti -ori7ontal force
In case of design for $ori8ontal force6 design s$ould 2e 2ases on a larger force stress t$an t$e eart$;ua4e force6 +ind effect6 $ori8ontal force defined under Page 9# of 93
article (.).1.3." or %ritis$ standard specifications 11#6 part 1 199/ 6 0o+ever specifications of reinforcement steel s$ould conform +it$ re;uirements for eart$;ua4e stresses.
rticle !")# Concrete bloc1 structures
@alls s$all 2e constructed of regular concrete 2loc4s put toget$er in ro+s using cement mortal. Specifications of 2loc4s s$all satisf re;uirements stipulated under t$e legislation and circulars passed 2 unicipalit. ,ig$t +eig$t $allo+ 2loc4s s$all not 2e used in case of 2earing tpe +alls. 0o+ever6 +$en suc$ 2loc4s are used for laer of plaster or +ater proof paint. %loc4 +or4 s$all compl +it$ %ritis$ standard specification %S !-6 part 1 19/19!. ,oading capacit of t$e 2loc4 +or4 used for 2earing tpe +alls s$all matc$ t$e t$ic4ness of suc$ +alls as follo+s. 1.
@$en solid 2loc4s are used for +all 2earing tpe6 loading2earing capacit s$all not 2e less t$an 9 Ne+tonmm for all different +all t$ic4nesses.
@$en $ollo+ 2loc4s are used for +all 2earing tpe (for 2uilding $eig$ts not exceeding t+o floors" loading 2earing capacit s$all not 2e less t$an - Ne+tonmm and +all t$ic4ness s$all not 2e less t$an inc$es.
@all 2earing tpe to - inc$ or less t$ic4ness s$all not 2e constructed except 2 t$e use of solid 2loc4s.
%loc4+or4 of less t$an - inc$ t$ic4ness s$all not 2e used for single +all 2earing tpe. 0o+ever6 it ma 2e used of dou2le +alls toget$er +it$ tie elements in 2et+een. %earing capacit referred to a2ove6 represent t$e average figure for 2earing capacit for 1# 2loc4s to 2e selected in accordance +it$ %S -#/36 part .
Cement mortar 'ement mortal used in construction of +alls s$ale 2e e;uivalent in strengt$ to at least 11- (Portland cement6 limestone6 fine sand" as proportions of dr material 2 volume or as per proportions stipulated under %ritis$ Standard Specification %S !- part 1 19/ 19! for mortar classified as grade 36 +$ile ensuring conformit 2et+een t$e cement mortar6 2loc4s and location.
Bloc1or1 tie elements .
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%S 1)36 19/ for specifications of metal tie elements used in t$e dou2 le +alls6 unless suc$ +all are exposed to severe environmental conditions6 in +$ic$ case stainless steel s$all 2e used as per %S !-6 part 3 (19!". d+
@all bearing type
@all 2earing 2loc4+or4 s$all 2e securel tied at 2ot$ ends 2 a lateral support +all or 2 a concrete column. Suc$ supports s$all $ave ade;uate measurements in order to provide support to t$e full $eig$t of t$e 2earing tpe +all. e.
Deep cutting or c$opping in t$e 2loc4+or4 s$all not exceed one t$ird of t$e +all t$ic4ness. 0ori8ontal c$opping of +alls s$all not e xceed one sixt$ of t$e +all. 'are s$all 2e ta4en in order to ensure t$at suc$ cutting c$opping s$all not affect t$e +all 2alance.
rticle ! ", # Soil and foundation tests
=ollo+ing s$all 2e ta4en into consideration +$ile designating foundations (except for one floor $eig$t 2uildings". a.
'onducting soil investigation tests at t$e site of +or4s 2 a soil investigation la2orator licensed to operate in t$e mirate of Du2ai. =ollo+ing tec$nical aspects s$all 2e studied.
'ategor and c$aracteristics of t$e relevant soil.
ngineering recommendations as regards 2earing capacit of t$e soil and anticipated settlement.
,evel6 c$aracteristics and ingredients of underground +ater.
ffect of soil and underground +ater on t$e extent of steel corrosion and rust.
ffect of tide on 2alancing of su2:structures and foundations.
Re;uirements for propping supporting of excavations sides.
Recommendations as regards tpe of foundations.
,ocation of test $oles s$all 2e defined on t$e site map. Axes s$all also 2e defined in accordance +it$ unicipalit datum surveing levels.
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