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First Quarter Exam for Personal Development Course Grade 11
report of Quantitative method
__ 70
NAME: _______________________________ _________________ ______________________________ ________________ DATE: ___________ SECTION: ______________________________ ________________ ______________ SCHEDULE:_________________________ SCHEDULE:______ ___________________ A. MATCHING TYPE I. Instructions: The following scenarios presented in Column A correspondingly relates to the Four categories of Sanctions. Sanctions. Match the items from Column A which best corresponds to the process in column B. Write your answer on the space before the number. COLUMN A 1. Recognition of honors in a learning facility 2. Cheers from the Senior high department for the basketball team 3. A teacher claps her hand after the student’s successful report. 4. Medal of honor for outstanding conduct in the army 5. Being fired from work for being unprofessional 6. Gossip about not having a good relationship with workmates 7. Payment of fine for violating the strict diagonal parking style for vehicles 8. Promotion from sales attendant to being manager 9. Standing ovation from the judges for the brilliant musical play performance 10. Imprisonment for committing robbery
COLUMN B a. Formal Positive sanctions b. Formal Negative sanctions c. Informal Positive sanctions d. Informal Negative sanctions
II. Instructions: The following concepts presented in Column A correspondingly relates to the Six Theories That explains the existence of Deviants. Match Deviants. Match the items from Column A which best corresponds to the process in column B. Write your answer on the space before the number. COLUMN A COLUMN B 11. Humans often labeled as deviants often commit deviant acts e. Social Control 12. If an individual feels less attached to society, chances to become a Theory deviant is higher. f. Rational Choice 13. Caused by a lack in stronger social bonds within a society theory 14. Those who are considered powerless are named as deviants g. Differential 15. Deviance is a product of the role strain that an individual association theory experiences due to lack of resources. h. Labeling theory 16. Opposing groups whose access to power is unequal i. Conflict theory 17. Results from being labeled in the society j. Structural 18. Learned by an individual from those he or she associates with functionalist theory 19. Humans weigh the impact of following a norm 20. Deviant as a product of breakdown of social norms B. TRUE OR FALSE Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect. Place your answer on the space provided before each item. 2 pts each. ______________1. ______________1. Conformity is is the act of violating a social norm. ______________2. ______________2. There There are four categories categories of a norm: folkways, legends, legends, taboos taboos and law. ______________3. ______________3. The The value that Filipinos put on family is also a threat in democratic democratic governance. governance. ______________4. ______________4. Conflict Conflict theory theory argues that values exist to create create unity unity and at the the same time conflict conflict in order order to achieve harmony. ______________5. ______________5. Folkways are socially approved behaviors that have no moral underpinnings. underpinnings. ______________6. ______________6. Under Under the role interactionism theory , individuals construct their notion of the self through social interactions. ______________7. ______________7. Social Social identity identity is a person’s person’s notion of who he or she is in society. society. ______________8. ______________8. A State is State is a political entity that consists of four elements: territory, government, citizens and sovereignty. ______________9. ______________9. Max Weber highlighted highlighted the concept of governance or the execution execution of laws laws within a territory. territory. ______________10. ______________10. Public Administrati Administration on examines examines the various administrative administrative schemes schemes implemented implemented by government government officials.
A. ESSAY Illustrate correctly the “Model of a political system” according to David Easton. Enumerated below are the present issues of our country today. Explain the model through a practical Philippine scenario using the issues presented below. Choose only one. ERASURES ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Criteria: Neatness 10% Content 20% Total 30% Issues: Teenage Pregnancy Adolescent’s propensity for Gadgets Extrajudicial killings Philippine’s war against drugs Overpopulation in Urban Areas
If you are too lazy to plow, do n’t expect a harvest. Proverbs 20:4 GOD BLESS YOU!