Book for Unit-01 (Computer Platforms for NQF and Computer Systems for QCF) of BTEC HND, Edexcel UK.
Its about fundamentals of computing that included in the HND programme.Full description
This document discussing types of Information System used in CIMBFull description
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Computer Systems Servicing-DLL
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Computer Hardware Servicing
Types of Types Computer Systems T.. Vinothraj T Lecturer in Computer Science Eastern University Sri Lanka
1. Classication base on operational principle
!nalo" Computer
$i"ital Computer
%ybri Computers
Classication base on operational principle
Analog Computer
!nalo" computers are the rst computers bein" evelope
!n analo" computer is a form of computer that uses continuous physical phenomena such as electrical' mechanical' or hyraulic (uantities to moel the problem bein" solve
!nalo" computers are use to process analo" ata. !nalo" ata is of continuous nature an )hich is not iscrete or separate.
!nalo" computers are )iely use for certain speciali*e en"ineerin" an scientic applications' for calculation an measurement of analo" (uantities.
The analo" computer has become obsolete type of computer these ays.
Classication base on operational principle
Digital Computer
! computer that performs calculations an lo"ical operations )ith (uantities represente as i"its' usually in the binary number system
Hybrid Computers
! combination of computers those are capable of inputtin" an outputtin" in both i"ital an analo" si"nals. ! hybri computer system setup o,ers a cost e,ective metho of performin" comple- simulations.
&. Classication base on Computer si*es an po)er
Computers can be "enerally classie by si*e an po)er as follo)s /thou"h there is consierable overlap0
ersonal computer
!n e-tremely fast computer that can perform hunres of millions of instructions per secon.
Very e-pensive
Employe for speciali*e applications that re(uire immense amounts of mathematical calculations
5or e-ample
)eather forecastin"
scientic simulations'
nuclear ener"y research
6ui ynamic calculations'
analysis of "eolo"ical ata
E-ample8 Titan The fastest supercomputer in the )orl is use to stuy alternative ener"y resources an climate chan"e simulations in a "lobal level.
! po)erful multi:user computer capable of supportin" many hunres or thousans of users simultaneously.
! very lar"e an e-pensive computer
;n some )ays' mainframes are more po)erful than supercomputers because they support more simultaneous pro"rams.
3ini computers like the mainframe computers are use by business or"ani*ation.
! multi:user computer capable of supportin" up to hunres of users simultaneously.
a misi*e computer
! )orkstation is like a personal computer' but it has a more po)erful microprocessor an' in "eneral' a hi"her:(uality monitor.
! po)erful' sin"le:user computer
Use for en"ineerin" applications /C!$@C!30' esktop publishin"' soft)are evelopment
The most common operatin" systems for )orkstations are UA;B an 2ino)s AT. )orkstations are typically linke to"ether to form a local:area net)ork' althou"h they can also be use as stan:alone systems.
! computer that has been optimi*e to provie services to other computers over a net)ork. Servers usually have po)erful processors' lots of memory an lar"e har rives. The ne-t type of computer can ll an entire room.
Embee system
!n embee system is a computer system )ith a eicate function )ithin a lar"er mechanical or electrical system' often )ith real:time computin" constraints.
;t is embee as part of a complete evice often incluin" har)are an mechanical parts. Embee systems control many evices in common use toay.
3icrocomputer@ersonal Computers
! small' sin"le:user computer base on a microprocessor
! small' relatively ine-pensive computer esi"ne for an iniviual user
Use for )or processin"' accountin"' esktop publishin"' an for runnin" spreasheet an atabase mana"ement applications.
ersonal Computer Types
Cs8 T)o basic 6avors of chassis esi"ns
$esktop moels an To)er moels
ersonal Computer Types
!lso calle notebooks
Laptops are portable computers that inte"rate the isplay' keyboar' a pointin" evice or trackball' processor' memory an har rive all in a battery: operate packa"e
ersonal Computer Types
Aetbook This is similar to a laptop' the only i,erence bein" that it is smaller in si*e' )hich makes it even more portable. ;t is also less e-pensive an performs the basic functions' but its internal parts are not as po)erful as a esktop or laptop.
ersonal Computer Types
Tablet computers
! tablet computer is a mobile' (uite thin evice' havin" a 6at surface. The evice can be easily hel in your han.
;t contains a touch screen )hich is operate usin" your n"ers in various )ays such as tappin"' ouble tappin"' s)ipin" an pinchin".
ersonal Computer Types
These are true multifunctional evices. Duite recently the mobile phone has evelope into )hat is no) calle a smartphone.
ersonal Computer Types
2earable Computer
The latest tren in computin" is )earable computers. Essentially' common computer applications /e:mail' atabase' multimeia' calenar@scheuler0 are inte"rate into )atches' cell phones' visors an even clothin".
+. Classication base on the urpose
!ccorin" to purpose' computers are either "eneral purpose or specic purpose.
General purpose computers are esi"ne to perform a ran"e of tasks. They have the ability to store numerous pro"rams' but lack in spee an eFciency.
Special purpose computers are esi"ne to hanle a specic problem or to perform a specic task. ! set of instructions is built into the machine.
often attache to sensors to measure an@or control the physical environment
E.".8 The processor use to control an !eroplane' missile
Types of Computers: Summary Digital compute rs
Purpose wise
Specia General l Purpos Purpos e Comput e ers
Analog computer s
Hybrid compute rs
Si!e " per#ormance wise
Micro Server Workstat Mini Main Super Comput Comput ion Compu rame Comput ers ers Compute ter er r